#virgo szn
astroeleanor · 5 months
😴💤YOUR 12H SIGN: How You Fall Asleep and What Puts You To Sleep 😴💤
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Why is the 12H connected to sleep?
The 12th house is associated with the subconscious mind, places of confinement or isolation, and activities that involve withdrawal from the external world.
When we fall asleep, our conscious mind becomes dormant, allowing the subconscious to take over. This state enables our hidden emotions, thoughts, and dreams to surface as we enter the oneiric realm.
During sleep, our minds process and integrate experiences from waking life. This process requires isolation, withdrawal, and relaxation, resonating with the themes of the 12th house. Additionally, our dreams often serve as a pathway for unresolved issues, hidden fears, and repressed thoughts to manifest. Dreams act as a space where we confront these hidden aspects of ourselves, symbolically connected to the themes represented by the 12th house.
Knowing this information, you can tap into your 12th house sign to improve the quality of your sleep and to gain greater insight as far as what activities make you doze off.
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- Unwinding and releasing energy with physical exercise, such as going for a walk, working out, running, or doing yoga earlier in the day. (Mars rulership and its connection to physical activity)
- Stretching before bed. (Engaging in exercise before bedtime can be counterproductive; therefore, stretching can be a great alternative)
- Doing controlled breathing exercises like box breathing or diaphragmatic breathing. (harnessing Mars energy to unwind)
- Practicing grounding exercises or engaging in a grounding guided meditation before sleep. (Can balance the restlessness of the fire element)
- Creating a cozy and comfortable sleeping environment, investing in high-quality bed sheets like silk or velvet, using scented candles, drinking herbal tea, and using essential oils with calming scents. (Indulging in comfort, Venus rulership emphasizes sensory experiences)
- Watching ASMR videos that engage the senses.
- Listening to a guided sensory meditation that encourages focusing on each sense individually (feeling the softness of the sheets, the taste of the herbal tea, the smell of the scented candles, etc.)
- Having a predictable bedtime and nighttime routine. (Taps into Taurus’ need for stability)
- Receiving a massage, eating a tasty home-cooked meal, lighting scented candles before bedtime. (Stimulation of the five senses)
- Journaling or reading before bed. (Mercury rulership + Air sign, can help empty your mind before falling asleep)
- Listening to a podcast or watching YouTube videos to fall asleep. (Mercury rulership, these activities stimulate and relax the mind, they can help quiet intrusive thoughts as you fall asleep)
- Engaging in breathwork before bed or progressive muscle relaxation to calm the body and mind. (Gemini’s rulership over the lungs and the mind)
- Taking a warm bath or shower before bed. (Using the water element to soothe yourself)
- Listening to frequencies or soothing music to create a gentle atmosphere. (Cancer is connected to creativity, creation, and birth - hence its link to music and art.)
- Cuddling to promote relaxation. (Moon rulership, connected to comfort and emotional nurturing)
- Listening to soothing music or watching a movie as you fall asleep. (Art and performances fall under the domain of Leo)
- Painting, writing, playing an instrument before bed. (Sun rulership, these activities promote self-expression and help channel creative energy into relaxation)
- Practicing grounding exercises or engaging in a grounding guided meditation before sleep. (Can balance the restlessness of the fire element)
- Creating a regal sleep sanctuary by incorporating luxurious elements in your bedroom, such as rich textures, comfortable bedding, soft lighting. (Sun and Leo govern royalty and kings)
- Journaling or reading before bed. (Mercury rulership, can help empty your mind before falling asleep)
- Listening to a podcast, meditating, or watching YouTube videos to fall asleep. (Mercury rulership, these activities stimulate and relax the mind, they can help quiet intrusive thoughts as you fall asleep)
- Engaging in activities that anchor you to the earth element, such as grounding meditations, yoga, deep breathing exercises.
- Tidying up your room before falling asleep. Organize your bedroom, declutter, and keep a clean sleeping space. The less clutter or mess in your room, the better. (Virgo promotes order and cleanliness)
- Listening to music or frequencies before and as you fall asleep. (Venus rulership, the planet of beauty and art governs music)
- Beautifying your sleeping environment with candles, silk sheets, soft colors, beautiful decor. (Venus rulership, connection to beauty)
- Indulging in a relaxing skincare routine. (Venus and Libra’s rulership over the skin)
- Reading poetry, a romance novel, watching a romantic movie, aromatherapy with calming scents like rose. (Highlights Venus’ connection to love, relationships and its rulership over roses)
- Watching crime documentaries as you fall asleep. (Scorpio is connected to investigation, crime, and horror)
- Taking a warm bath or shower before bed. (Using the water element to soothe yourself)
- Journaling to promote emotional release before you fall asleep. (Scorpio rules emotional transformation and release, engaging in these kinds of activities can be helpful to clear your mind before you fall asleep)
- Engaging in progressive muscle relaxation to unwind. (tapping into Mars’ rulership over physical activity, which targets the muscles)
- Creating a private sleeping environment with dark curtains, locking your door, etc. (Leaning into Scorpio’s need for privacy and secrecy)
- Listening to a podcast, watching educational videos, documentaries, studying, or reading inspirational books before falling asleep. (Sagittarius' link to knowledge and wisdom can mean that you can improve your sleep quality by engaging in activities that expand your mind’s horizon before going to bed)
- Practicing grounding exercises or engaging in a grounding guided meditation before sleep. (Can balance the restlessness of the fire element)
- Having a structured bedtime routine that promotes a relaxing sleeping environment. (Saturn rulership, promotes order)
- Engaging in activities that anchor you to the earth element, such as grounding meditations, yoga, deep breathing exercises.
- Indulging in a relaxing skincare routine. (Saturn’s rulership over the skin)
- Journaling, reading before bed, listening to a podcast, meditating, or watching YouTube videos to fall asleep. (Air sign, these activities stimulate and relax the mind, they can help quiet intrusive thoughts as you fall asleep)
- Having a structured bedtime routine that promotes a relaxing sleeping environment. (Saturn rulership, promotes order)
- Indulging in a relaxing skincare routine. (Saturn’s rulership over the skin)
- Listening to gentle sounds, calming frequencies. (Tapping into Pisces sensitive nature)
- Reading a fantasy novel or watching a fantasy movie. (The activities lean into Pisces rulership of the ethereal and otherworldly)
- Taking a warm bath or shower before bed. (Using the water element to soothe yourself)
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Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Your curiosity & engagement mean the world to me. I hope you not only found it enjoyable but also enriching for your astrological knowledge. Your support & interest inspire me to continue sharing insights & information with you. I appreciate you immensely.
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jellzbellz125 · 8 months
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My Birthday tomorrow 09/07😮‍💨
$Jellyfromjersey 😂😂😂
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thevirgodoll · 8 months
being in ur 20s the week of ur birthday brings around its childlike, euphoric excitement and confusing, earthshattering grief for what has happened and for what is yet to come. life is beginning but life is also ending. life hasn't fully been lived, but i feel like i've lived a thousand lives. idk the prettiest sexiest most beautiful girls will always cry and endure a cycle of rebirth on their birthday szn
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mslunababy · 8 months
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💋eat it up
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bonitabillions · 8 months
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#virgoszn is year round
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velvetspacequeen · 7 months
Birthday ghoul vibes ✨🖤🔥
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midwestfairyprincess · 7 months
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moni-monai · 8 months
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HBD to meeee 🤞🏽
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astrobaeza · 7 months
ASTROLOGY HOT TAKE #1: Leos are what Virgos wish they were, but Virgos emulate what Leos wish they were
Virgo's critical, perfectionist attitude and outlook on life is because they wish they naturally shone the way Leos do. They feel like they need to be perfect in order to be seen and loved. But the gag is -- Leo's wish they were as detail-oriented as Virgos are. If Leos shine because of their warmth and dedication, Virgos shine because of their perfectionism.
It's also why you see a lot of Virgo celebrities -- they may or may not shine naturally, but they are willing to perfect their craft and put in the work to do so. Their work speaks for themselves (Beyoncé, Kaytranada, Damson Idris, Zendaya).
What do you think astrobaes?
follow to change your life 🌟
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eyevisualcreations · 8 months
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Aye mayne, Say mayne 🗣️ …
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sugiieop · 8 months
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∿ 조이 ꕥ @yunjidoll ∿
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astroeleanor · 7 months
ੈ✨‧₊VIRGO Rising: A MAJOR Glow Up Awaits You!ੈ✨‧₊
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Virgo Risings, you are gonna have a MAJOR glow up from Oct 9th until Nov 8th. Venus in Virgo will bless your first house of physical appearance, personality & first impressions. Use this time to reinvent yourself.
Your physical appearance and the way you express your personality will be under the influence of Venus, the planet associated with beauty and charm. This means that you have a golden opportunity to reinvent yourself in a way that resonates with your beauty archetype.
During this period, you may find yourself more inclined to pay attention to your physical appearance. Whether it's a new hairstyle, a wardrobe makeover, or a revamped skincare routine, this is the time to pamper yourself and invest in self-care. By enhancing your physical appearance, you'll not only feel more confident but also leave a lasting and positive impression on those you encounter.
Furthermore, your personality and first impressions will shine brightly during this Venus in Virgo transit. You'll exude an aura of warmth, grace, and charm, making it easier for you to connect with others on a deeper level. It's a wonderful time to work on improving your social skills and making new connections, both personally and professionally.
It’s worth mentioning that Venus (1H) will oppose Saturn (7H) from Oct 9th until Oct 15th. This alignment presents a balancing period between indulgence and responsibility. It can create tension in relationships, prompt self-evaluation, and introduce obstacles to transformation. However, it also encourages patience, persistence, and building strong foundations for your intimate connections. Embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth and balance.
Consider taking some time for self-reflection during this period as well. Use this opportunity to delve into your core values, beliefs, and desires. Are there aspects of your personality that you wish to change or strengthen? Are there personal goals you've been yearning to pursue but haven't had the chance to? Now is the perfect moment to set intentions and take steps toward personal growth and self-improvement.
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notastranger · 4 months
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the signs as slashers - Virgo ♍️
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urloveangel · 2 years
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thementalshawty · 8 months
So here’s some of the next suggestions the first topic was submitted by @alaezasmystery235 . I heard you if it wins then I shall do it! My birthday is Tomorrow so I won’t do it then but the 14th I shall maybe have it done by, yeah be a dear and show your Virgo Mistress some love, I’m turning 27 & fabulous!!! Send me gifts if ya love me 🎁!!!
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theworldisyonces · 8 months
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