#virgil burrows
h-worksrambles · 1 year
Cannot get over what a top tier design Virgil has in Burrows.
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Nikko really looked at the concept of succubi and femme-fatale demons luring mortals into selling their souls and said:
“Let’s do that. But make the demon a dilf in a classy suit”.
And I could not be more thankful.
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palettefeline · 7 months
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He's so silly.
Virgil from Burrows.
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theorangerangers · 2 years
Sometimes I like to think about how my head cannons and ships would go together and honestly what would Virgil even say when he realized his son, Troy, is grieving the death of the robot he was hooking up with
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Roman: You know, we should really go out more. Maybe to a garden or something!
Virgil: I’d rather burrow underneath the flowers then be seen by other people.
Roman: That’d just make you the garden, and you’d be the most beautiful garden I’d ever seen then 
Virgil, highly flustered: You know what I meant
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thedryswan · 2 months
"Oh god." Virgil groaned, rolling onto his front and shoving his head under the pillow.
Conrad laughed softly and picked the pillow up by the corner, "You okay?"
"Nghhh.. I fell in love with a morning person. How the hell did that happen?"
"I'll go make some coffee." Conrad smiled, bending down to kiss Virgil's shoulder, dropping the pillow back over his head. "Well, maybe not straight away." he finished, as Virgil pulled the covers up and burrowed under them.
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kloppinthekop · 3 months
Hi Amy!🥰
🍄🦋🪲 - for the ask game
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🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Okay, the latest thing that popped into my head for Domitrent is that… surprisingly Domi is often quite shy in the bedroom? Or maybe “shy” isn’t the right word but… coquettish, perhaps. Like, he knows what he wants and he is going to get what he wants, but sometimes he’ll play it off like he’s just waiting for Trent to dictate the play (so to speak). A lot of bashful glances, maybe hiding his face in Trent’s neck—or even outside of the bedroom, burrowing his face into Trent’s hoodie when they are sitting on the couch or whatever. I think it would be his way of getting more affection, especially out of someone more stoic like Trent. If he acts all shy and almost a little submissive, it forces Trent to take on a more dominant role, and therefore Domi will get more love and affection than if he took control the whole time.
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately 
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how I very often get obsessed about a certain thing—whether it’s a ship, or a music artist or album, or a particular painting, etc.—but when it comes to people I find it very hard to connect on a deep level? Like it’s weird because I can connect so very deeply to an idea I have about some stranger, some random footballer whom I will never ever meet, and like I’ll twist my brain in circles trying to delve into their perceived psyche or horoscope and such… but then there’s some kind of disconnect with IRL humans. I think maybe it’s because I’m afraid to let other people know too much about me, so it makes it harder to then learn things about them too. I am very not good at being vulnerable, because it is very scary. I’m trying to be better about it and like actually chat more freely with people, but I am 100% not a natural at it!
(Also I think I’ve been trying to work this out in fic form lately, this theme of not being able to communicate one’s inner feelings, especially in my most recent chapter of Dream Come True…)
Anyways, sorry to get all heavy/psychosocial on main lol 🤷🏻‍♀️
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
“Some time between all the talking and the touching, Jarell thinks he’s only gone and fallen in love with the man. Was it inevitable? Maybe. Ill-advised? Quite possibly. But more and more often Jarell finds himself staring at Virgil, wondering what it would be like to have his hands on him in another situation, to be talked through something more than just team tactics and positions on the field…”
Wheeeee- thanks Meb! 💕🫶
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i-am-bitterly-jittery · 7 months
On Death's Doorstep (pt 38/?)
[<<First],,,,[<Prev],[Next>] [ODD Masterlist]
Word count: 1421
Rating: teen
Pairings: Karrot Kings, background Anxceit
Warnings: kidnapping, villainy
Thomas woke with a sudden jolt.  
He was staring at a plain, cream-colored ceiling. Memories of how he’d gotten here flooded his brain and he shut his eyes in a vain attempt to deny reality. Kidnapped twice in the span of twenty-four hours.  
After a moment, it occurred to him that he was incredibly comfortable. He opened his eyes again and sat up.  
He wasn’t restrained in any way. He was lying on top of a bed made up with a brown comforter and soft pillows. He was still wearing most of his clothes, but someone had removed his shoes. He was in a bedroom that looked like its primary function was of that of a home-office, but whoever’s office it was had moved out in a hurry; the desk had various filers and cork boards, but all were empty; there were some discolored rectangles on the wall where some frames had hung for quite some time before someone took it down; and there were several completely empty shelves on the walls. His and Nico’s suitcases were stacked neatly against the wall, and their shoes were placed to the sides.  
Two very strange, but very different, kidnappings.  
Thomas would have looked around more, but his attention was caught by the other two figures on the bed. There was Nico, which was a relief, but also… 
“Patton!” Thomas exclaimed, a little too loudly.  
Nico startled awake, but Patton simply stretched out like a cat.  
“Hi, pop pop,” Patton whispered, rubbing his eyes sleepily. “Janus said I could sleep in here with you if I promised not to wake you.” 
“You didn’t wake me, kiddo,” Thomas assured him, pulling his grandson into his lap. A strange feeling passed through him as he did — a sharp pang of relief and a slow wave of sadness, neither of which were his own. “We’ve missed you so much.” 
Nico took in their surroundings quickly before sitting up and joining the two in a hug.  
“Who’s Janus?” He asked cautiously after a moment.  
A wave of affection washed over Thomas, and he began to wonder… 
“Janus drinks coffee because they’re an adult!” Patton declared confidently and, ultimately, unhelpfully.  
“Do you know where we are, kiddo?” Thomas tried, putting Janus, the coffee-drinking adult, off to the side for the time being.  
“Um this is Janus’s floor,” Patton explained, still unhelpfully. “I don’t have sleepovers here.” 
“Where’s your daddy, Pat?” Nico asked. That was a good question; if they could talk to Virgil, he would be much more helpful in answering questions.  
But the slow waves of sadness turned into a sudden tsunami that took Thomas’s breath away and caused tears to spring to his eyes.  
“Daddy’s gone,” Patton explained quietly, burrowing further into Thomas’s shirt.  
Thomas and Nico shared a look. There was a lot to unpack here, but clearly, they would need someone other than a five-year-old to do it.  
“Do you know where Janus is, Pat?” Thomas asked gently. He had no idea who Janus was — other than that they were an adult, apparently — but someone had to be around taking care of his grandson, and they would know what happened to Virgil. Probably. 
One of Patton’s small hands uncurled from Thomas’s shirt and silently pointed at the door. Thomas and Nico exchanged another look.  
“Do you feel safe here, Patton?” Nico asked tentatively, he had just been kidnapped, after all.  
“Yes.” This time Patton left the safety of Thomas’s shirt to look Nico in the eye as he answered. Thomas felt a pulse of conviction.  
(The random sensations were definitely something he would need to examine later.) 
Thomas stood from the bed, taking Patton with him and allowing the kid to settle in his arms. He was heavier than he was the last time Thomas held him; Thomas squeezed him tightly and thanked whatever god was out there that Patton was okay, even… even if Virgil maybe wasn’t.  
Nico took the lead, walking up to the door and putting his ear to it. After a moment, he looked to Thomas, shrugged, and then turned the knob.  
The door opened into a hall. At one end of the hall was another door, but at the other end it opened into what looked like a living room. No one was in the living room, but as Thomas and Nico peered around a corner, they found a kitchen, occupied by two people.  
One was seated on a barstool, drinking tea, and looking only vaguely uninterested in them when he noticed that they were up and about. The other one was somewhat aggressively washing dishes in the sink and muttering to themself quietly. It was dark outside.  
“Our guests are awake,” the tea-drinker informed the dish-washer casually.  
There was a small clatter as dishes were dropped into the water of the sink and the person turned around sharply. Thomas gasped and Nico stiffened next to him because that was the person who had been impersonating their Uber driver. This was the person who kidnapped them.  
After a tense moment where it became clear that no one wanted to be the first one to speak, Thomas said the first thing that popped into his mind.  
“I take it one of you is Janus,” he said, hitching Patton a little bit higher on his hip.  
Their Uber driver grimaced. “That would be me,” they said. When they saw the looks on Thomas and Nico’s faces they hurried to add “I’m sorry about kidnapping you, but we weren’t sure how else to get you here.” 
“You could’ve asked,” Nico rolled his eyes. Thomas and Nico would have definitely been suspicious of a stranger, but if that stranger had called Patton by name... maybe they would have taken a leap of faith. 
“You were being monitored,” the man, still nameless, informed them. He seemed, at most, to be unsympathetic to Thomas and Nico’s situation or their feelings about said situation. “You have played your part, yes, but they haven’t achieved all of their goals yet. There would have been no way for us to contact you without alerting them.” 
“Logan,” Janus hissed in warning.  
“Cryptic, thanks,” Thomas snarked. Patton’s hand tightened around Thomas’s shirt in response to Thomas’s mood. “Before we address any of that, can you just answer one thing in plain English: where is our son?” 
Janus grimaced again looking guilty and hesitant, but Logan had no such issues.  
“When you were kidnapped yesterday evening,” he explained. “You were being used as bait to draw Virgil out of hiding. They have succeeded in capturing Virgil, but you may still have potential to help them get their hands on Patton, so while they let you go, they cannot afford to lose track of you — which, unfortunately for them, they have.” 
“Who is ‘they’?” Nico demanded, stepping closer to Thomas and effectively placing himself between Logan and Patton. “And who are you? Stop being so fucking vague!” 
“Bad word,” Patton muttered into Thomas’s neck.  
“Ah, I am Doctor Frankenstein.” 
“And I’m Serpentine,” Janus added apologetically. “And ‘they’ are the Metahuman Affairs Agency — or at least we think they are.” 
Supervillains. They were in the home of supervillains. Their grandson was living with two supervillains, and Virgil had left him here to try to save them!  
Thomas almost wished he could go back ten minutes ago to when it was just him, Nico, and Patton, safe in the limbo of the unknown. Ignorance was, apparently, bliss.  
“Janus, can I have a juice box?” Patton asked, uncaring of the uneasy atmosphere in the room and squirming slightly in Thomas’s arms.  
“It’s late, kiddo,” Janus answered apologetically. “You can have water.” 
Thomas watched Janus putter around the kitchen filling a water bottle with a strange sense of loss. There was a whole year of Patton’s life that he knew nothing about, and even before that, he’d barely been allowed to see his grandson at all.  
He was practically a stranger in this child’s life. These supervillains knew Patton better than he did.  
“We’ll get him back” Janus said as they handed Patton the water bottle, startling Thomas from his thoughts. “Virgil,” they clarified awkwardly. “I have the beginnings of a plan.” 
This time Logan answered, sounding the most emotionally invested he had throughout their entire encounter. “He’s one of us now, and we take care of our own.” 
“That includes you now too,” Janus added with a conviction that left no room for argument.  
Yeah, Thomas thought to himself. This might as well happen.  
I know that Thomas has made the distinction between real Thomas and C!Thomas, but writing C!Thomas is still uncomfortably close to rpf for me, I don’t know why I put myself through the torture of two C!Thomas chapters in a row 🙃
My grandma broke her hip last week (she’s doing alright, just got transferred to a rehab facility today) and my grandpa can’t drive anymore so I’ve been driving to and from the hospital. I’m so tired, human interaction is so draining 😴
ODD taglist:
@royalty-of-all-things-snuggly @pixelated-pineapple @arsonic-knight @misunderstood-shadowling @lost-in-thought-20 @remy-the-lemon-berry @jinxcrafter @apinkline2715 @gothfoxx @donutsarepartybagels @xoaningout @meganmoneky14 @lunatatic
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sleepyvirgilprompts · 2 years
Whenever Virgil is really upset, he locks and soundproofs his room, puts on his skeleton onesie, and burrows under several blankets. He lets himself cry for a while, and then when he’s done, he takes a nap. When he wakes up, he almost always feels better, or at least more capable of dealing with whatever is wrong.
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calethelettuce · 8 months
SaSi Prinxiety Week 3/7: Console Conundrums
Prompt: Arcade
Tags: @prinxietyweek
Synopsis: Roman and Virgil head to the newly built arcade in The Imagination on a date. Unbeknownst to them, Remus paid the area a little visit. The two set off to clean up (but not really) Forbidden Creativity's mess (and maybe see if they can play a game of Pacman together after).
Characters: Remus, Roman, Virgil
Relationships: Romantic Prinxiety
TW: Swearing, Remus existing
Virgil’s usual routine of sleeping until 3PM was interrupted by an awfully obnoxious knock at his door. He ignored it the first time, burrowing farther into his blanket fortress. As the annoying noise continued, this time faster and much louder, he heard someone call to him from outside.
“Virgil! My dark and stormy knight, it’s time to wake up!”
Virgil groaned. It was only 11! Far too early. “Screw off, Princey! Come back in four hours!”
“No sir! You, my lovely emo, have been requested!”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Whoever it is can wait!”
He heard footsteps while he and Roman stood there, yelling at each other through the door. He heard Roman mutter an apology to someone, before he continued, saying, “As your boyfriend, I am requesting access by knocking, however asserting my authority by coming in anyway!”
Virgil put a pillow over his head and screamed into a second one as Roman pulled open the door.
“Go away already!”
Roman sat down at the foot of Virgil’s bed, crossing his legs. “Too much extra work.”
“What the hell do you want, Princey?” Virgil eventually picked up his head, putting the pillow back into his spot as he partially sat up, hair even messier than normal. “You’re kinda interrupting me.”
Roman beamed at him, cupping the purple-clad side’s cheek with a hand. “You’re adorable when you’re mad at me.” He teased, winking, “But I’m here to invite you to something!”
Virgil gave him the most annoyed expression he could muster at the time. “Gee, wonderful. I’ll do it later.” He flopped back down, throwing a blanket over his head.
Roman laughed at the action, moving closer. “Come on, Virge, please?”
Virgil kicked him in the side.
“Ow! What the heck?!”
Virgil stifled a giggle. “Deserved.”
“Yes, but OW!”
Virgil was not happy to be awake. Roman led him down the sidewalk of their neighborhood in The Imagination, the prince talking excitedly about a new project he had just finished.
“I think you’ll like it! It has that one game where you have to cross the street!”
Virgil gave him a look. “It’s literally called Crossy Road, genius. Even Logan, who probably has never even touched a mobile game, knows that.”
“Whatever, it’s still there!”
“Yeah, but do you have DDR?”
“Of course I do! Patton and Janus requested it!”
“Project Diva?”
Roman paused. “Is that the Miku game?”
“No shit.”
“Uh…” he paused, snapping his fingers. A small spark emitted from his fingers. “Yes! It is most definitely there!”
"I'm gonna pretend like I didn't just watch you summon it." Virgil shoved his hands in his pockets, walking next to Roman. "I'm gonna kick your ass at Pacman though."
"I didn't take you for a gaming type," Roman mentioned, placing an arm around Virgil's shoulders, "I thought you were more of a .. well-"
"Someone who doesn't do much?" Virgil finished his sentence for him. "Yeah, I know. I like horror games the most."
"It matches your dark and dreary soul!"
As the sides talked, they neared the small, retro-style building. A large, neon sign out front read "Pixel Palace". Virgil wasn't surprised at the name.
"Something doesn't look right." Roman jogged over to the door, inspecting it. "Somebody was here."
Virgil peered in through the windows and curtains, squinting and trying to see as best he could. He certainly could sense something in there, but what? "Didn't you have the doors locked?" he questioned, tapping at the glass, "Who could have gotten in?"
Virgil turned to face the Prince. "So you're telling me that you didn't lock the doors?"
"It's an arcade! I shouldn't need to lock the doors! The only person I wouldn't trust is-" Roman stopped, thinking. "Remus."
Virgil raised his eyebrows. "Let's go in and get that idiot out of here then."
Roman pulled open the door, shouting, "I swear to god, Remus, if you're in here without permission I'm gonna fight you and win!"
A loud, annoying cackle came from the corner near a large claw machine.
Shattered glass and broken wires littered the entrance. The shards crunched under their shoes as they entered.
“I’m gonna kill him- REMUS!”
Virgil pulled his hood up, splitting up from Roman as he walked the opposite way. He wandered through the rows of broken arcade cabinets, noticing only one machine still working: The Project Diva Future Tone machine. He silently celebrated, opting to sit by it and watch the loading screen. He got bored within a few seconds and headed to the back wall to view the claw machines.
Most of them looked intact enough to use, he decided.
There were only a couple of them, most filled with random plushies, though one caught his eye. It was full of plushies of the sides themselves, even including Janus and Remus. He raised an eyebrow, heading toward it. This one was left untouched, the glass shiny a fingerprint-less.
“Weird.” He summoned a quarter, slotting it into the machine. The timer lit up, signaling the start. He played that machine for a while, trying to grab the biggest plushie (which happened to be a Roman plushie, though that didn’t surprise him much). He could hear the twins bickering behind him, but he kept feeding quarters into the machine as he kept going.
$6.25 later, he managed to get a good grab with the claw, picking up plushie Roman by the torso. The claw dropped the plush into the receiver tunnel. Virgil reached down as pulled the plushie up, admiring the seam work and the little details on the outfit. He hugged it to his chest, turned around, and went to find Roman.
By the sound of the shouting match and the evil cackling from Remus, he assumed they were by the prize counter.
“I banned you last week, you trashy fiend!”
“I do what I want to, Pissy!” Remus tossed his morningstar into the air. It got stuck in the ceiling, sending debris into the atmosphere.
Roman held back an annoyed scream. “Please just leave. Virgil and I-“
“Virgey’s here too?!” Remus’ smiled widened. “Oh this gonna be so much more fun!”
Oh shit. Virgil hopped up onto the top of a machine, deciding to stay up there for a while. He observed the twins quietly from his perch, sitting cross-legged on the metal platform. He cradled the plush in his arms.
“You go near him and I’ll kick your butt.”
Remus faked a hurt look. “Do you promise?”
“Shut up, you clown!”
“Awh, thanks!” Remus checked his watch, and by watch that meant the badly outlined sharpie watch he had drawn on himself out of pure boredom earlier. “Mm, actually I have to go and bother Jan-Jan!” He dropped a bomb into the middle of the floor, sinking out. “BYEEEEE!”
And The Duke was gone, the only evidence he was there being the unarmed bomb and the wreckage of the arcade.
Roman groaned, pulling the morningstar out of the ceiling. “Virgil, dear, you can come out now!” He wiped the debris out of his eyes as he made the weapon disappear.
Virgil stayed put up on his arcade pedestal, playing on his phone. It had just so happened that he was texting Patton at the time.
V: I'm bored
Popstar: hi bored, I'm dad! 😃
V: nice
Popstar: I thought you and Roman were doing something?
V: busy yelling at Remus
Popstar: I told those two to stop fighting :(
Popstar: Oh! Before I forget, I wanted to try out this brownie recipe later!
V: ill help later ig if roman ever decides to let me go back to my house
V: oh shit gtg see ya later
"Are you okay up there?" Roman peered up at him from the floor. "How did you even get that high?"
"Fight or flight reflexes." Virgil shrugged, petting the top of his plushie's head.
Roman noticed the plush, and his face turned a bright red. "Say, where did you get that, Scaramore?"
"Claw machine in the corner." The emo gestured to the corner, where the large metal box stood. "It was the biggest one in there. Spent a fuckton of money on it."
"Oh! I can help with that!" Roman summoned a 10 dollar bill. "Here!"
Virgil leaned down to grab it from him, not realizing how close he really was to the edge of his little platform. "oH SHI-"
And he fell right off the console.
He shrieked as he toppled towards the ground. Luckily for him (and his bones), Roman was standing right under him and caught him almost right away. The prince side stumbled back a little at the sudden weight change, carrying the purple-clad side bridal style.
"Woah there, Hot Topic! You almost just took a tumble!"
Virgil let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. "I'm clumsy as fuck, dude."
"Oh, that's okay!" Roman kissed Virgil on the forehead and handed him the money the emo nearly died to get. "I love you anyway."
"I uh... Appreciate the catch. Thanks I guess." Virgil's eyeshadow turned a deep purple. He noticed his plushie was missing. "Hey, where'd your plushie doppelganger go?"
Roman looked around, noticing the plushie by his feet. "Oh! Your plush companion is down here!"
"Oh, cool. Can you put me down?"
Virgil glared up at him. "Really? Are you, the mighty prince Roman, getting jealous over a plushie?"
"No!" The prince avoided Virgil's gaze.
"Liar." He smirked up at Roman. "You just want my attention, don't you?"
Roman scoffed. "Not true!" he paused for a moment. "..okay maybe."
"You're such a suck up, Princey." Virgil kissed him on the cheek.
"I know that!"
"Stop lying to yourself, you're going to summon Janus on accident. " Virgil watched as Roman faked a look of betrayal. "Actually though can you put me down-"
"Oh! Yes, I can." Roman gently set Virgil down onto his feet. "There you go, Gerard Gay."
"Awesome." Virgil picked up his plush, gesturing for the real Roman to follow him. "Here, let's go back to that claw machine. If you're gonna get that jealous over a plushie, I'll just go win you one."
Roman followed behind him. "I'm going to win this plushie all by myself!" he decided, putting his hands on his hips.
"You do you, hon." Virgil slotted the bill into the machine, the play token amount on the little LED screen lighting up. "I want to see if I can get another plushie, actually. Specifically Janus' because I want to dropkick it down a flight of stairs."
Roman held back a snicker at that statement. "I'll go after you, then."
It only took two turns this time for Virgil to be able to grab a small Janus plushie. He took it out of the prize receiver, holding it by the end of the cape. "It's cuter than our Janus."
Roman fully laughed at that one. "Don't let him hear you say that!"
"Or else what? He's gonna self care me to death?" Virgil rolled his eyes playfully and set Plush Janus next to Plush Roman. "Your turn, Princey."
Roman rolled up his sleeves, striding over to the claw machine. "Watch me do this in one go!" he boasted proudly, readying the console.
Quick note here, it did not take him one try.
A few minutes (and an extra 10 bucks) later, Roman held up his prize in triumph. "I did it!"
Virgil smiled at him as he looked up from his phone. "Good for you."
Roman held up Plushie Virgil next to him. "Look, now there's two emos!"
Virgil rolled his eyes. "You're hilarious."
"I've been taking lessons from Patton!"
The princely side walked over to another machine: a broken Pacman machine. With a wave of his hand, the console renewed itself and was playable. He turned back to Virgil with a smirk. "Who's going first?"
Virgil smirked back and cracked his knuckles. "Oh honey, you're going down."
What the heck this took me freaking ages-
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Oh hey what if you wrote anaroceit with one of them(extra love if its janus) having a bad day and so they cuddle and take a nap together?
Fit For Kings
Janus is stressed out and overwhelmed by a discussion that quickly devolves into arguing, Roman sets about helping him - and Virgil too - out in the most extravagant and perfect way possible.
| Ao3 |
Warnings: one or two suggestive comments (if there's anything i should add please lmk)
Pairings: Anaroceit
Word count: 1596
Notes: Thank youuu for the prompt!! This was really fun to write and really got me back into the spirit I think, if anyone else wants to send me fluff prompts (or... any prompts at all) please hmu :D
I really hope this is good! haha, enjoy!
If they were just going to ignore him, Janus thought, then there wasn’t much point in him being there.
So he left, sank out back to his room without a word, flung his capelet and bowler hat unceremoniously onto a chair and snapped his fingers. His outfit, while so familiar, had become too hot, too itchy and almost outright unbearable as the conversation had gone on. It changed into a far too large black and purple sweater he had stolen from Virgil at some point and looser, more comfortable trousers too. He’d crawled helplessly onto his bed and wrapped himself tight in a blanket he had stolen from Roman’s room because he was - as Remus described him - a thieving little goblin and rocked gently back and forth in his little ball. 
It was okay, it would be fine. It wasn’t like this was a super important issue that could hurt Thomas’ mental health even more if it wasn’t sorted right. It wasn’t like Patton and Logan kept advocating against him because despite his ‘acceptance’ they still thought he couldn’t suggest anything helpful. 
So they were arguing with Roman who - while he was on his side and Janus was eternally grateful for that - didn’t exactly know the ins and outs of the situation, it not really being his department. And Virgil had already been having a bad anxiety day and left earlier in the discussion because arguing with Patton got so repetitive and frustrating and - well Janus wasn’t even sure how he himself had lasted so long.
And not to mention Remus had been there, which wasn’t… the most helpful, with the circumstances. He’d been riling up both Patton and Roman, and freaking Virgil out as he did so and honestly no wonder Virgil left when he did. Janus wanted to summon him, since everyone else was probably still arguing, but… he couldn’t deny that he felt a little bad about doing so when Virgil wasn’t faring well himself.
Maybe… less of a summoning, more of a gentle tug? Just to… let Virgil know he could come if he wanted to? But if he didn’t want to come, would he feel guilty and come anyway? But-
Whatever, he’d probably summon Virgil anyway if he started overthinking it too much. He sighed, closing his eyes and gently tugging on the mental string that kept them all connected as sides, whispering Virgil’s name down the bond before closing his eyes and burrowing into the blanket that he kept himself wrapped in. 
“Jan?” Virgil’s voice said, his head immediately popped up from the blanket to find Virgil standing next to his bed, “You okay? You called…”
Janus shrugged, reaching a hand out of his blanket cocoon for Virgil, who took it only to be pulled closer onto the bed. He yelped in surprise, before sitting up properly and moving closer until Janus could wrap the blanket around him too. 
For a moment, Virgil just wrapped his arms around Janus and nuzzled his face into his shoulder. Janus smiled, finally relaxing a little as he buried his nose in Virgil’s hair. Soft and fluffy as it always was. 
“Where’s Ro?” Virgil murmured. 
“Totally not still stuck with the others,” Janus whispered back, feeling as though he would break something fragile if he spoke any louder. He felt Virgil frown against his shoulder and pulled the blanket tighter around them both.
“Did it get too much for you too?” Virgil asked.
“No,” Janus said, “That’s why I’m still up there.”
Virgil chuckled and Janus thought that a win as the corner of his own lips tugged itself up into a small smile without him trying. 
“Is this his blanket?” Virgil asked after another moment of tense but comfortable silence. 
“What? No- definitely not - I’m no thief,” Janus denied reflexively. Telling the truth was always so much harder when he was overwhelmed. 
“And I suppose you’re no liar either?” Virgil asked with a small giggle, before gently tugging at the hoodie he was wearing, “Because this is definitely my hoodie.”
“You must be mistaken, Virgil,” Janus said, pressing a kiss to the top of his head, “Because this is my hoodie, always has been.”
“Of course of course,” Virgil rolled his eyes, “That totally explains why you give it back to me after it’s been washed and then steal it again, every single time.”
“It- it stops smelling like you when it gets washed.” Janus said, cheeks flaming, he didn’t realise Virgil had noticed!
“It’s ok,” Virgil said, smirking and squeezing him a little tighter for a moment, “I know you’re a little schemer, I think it’s cute.”
“Shut it,” Janus huffed, “I’m not cute.”
“But you still called me because you were sad and wanted cuddles?” Virgil said, “and you built a nest on your bed of stuff you stole from us?”
“Only comfy things,” Janus protested, as if that would help. Virgil snorted. 
“You’re not denying the rest though?”
“I deny everything.” Janus said, pressing his scaled cheek to Virgil’s hair. 
“D’you think Roman will come join us when he wins the argument?”
“What makes you so sure he’ll win?” Janus asked.
“Cause he’s Roman?” Virgil said as though it was obvious, “and he’s arguing your point, which was right, by the way, sorry I wasn’t more helpful, but he’ll win.”
“I’m glad you’re so confident in me, Virgil,” Said Roman, coming in through the door that very second, “And you’ll both be glad to know that I did, in fact, win the argument.”
“Hurrah,” Virgil said, raising a fist, Janus breathed a quiet side of relief, so they’d been able to avoid the mental health bullet in the end, “Join us?”
Roman grinned, not moving closer, “I would love to, dearest Stormcloud, but I have a better idea.”
“What could be better than cuddles in a blanket nest?”
“How about,” Roman said with a grin, “A luxury castle break for three?”
“Benifits of moving from this very comfortable cocoon being?” Janus asked, “C’mon Ro, advertise.”
Laughing, Roman walked over and sat down just a little ways away from them, “Onsite sauna, a banquet for just the three of us with anything you could possibly want, the comfiest beds, fit for kings, grand clothes, a guarantee than no-one will bother us until we choose to come back-”
Roman wiggled his eyebrows and Virgil found out that he was just out of punching range from their blanket cocoon.
“You had me at sauna,” Janus huffed, reluctantly peeling himself away from Virgil’s side, “Can I bring this blanket?”
“I certainly have enough blankets there-”
“I’m aware, I totally don’t want this one specifically.” Janus huffed, holding onto it a little tighter. Virgil chuckled and pressed a kiss to his cheek before scooting over to whisper something to Roman, who’s eyebrows shot up before he went bright red and ducked his head with a smile on his face. 
“Sorry, sorry, you can keep that blanket,” Roman said, clearly trying not to laugh, “Promise, now, c’mon, we’ve got a palace waiting for us!”
“I can’t walk,” Janus said, flopping back onto the bed, “Whatever will we do?”
“Well I suppose the only solution would be to take Virgil and leave you here by yourself-” Roman said, putting a finger to his chin as though he was pondering the issue. Virgil rolled his eyes and scooped Janus off of the bed, tossing him over his shoulder as though he were nothing more than a sack of potatoes. 
“Ah- hey!” Janus yelped as Roman picked up the blanket that had been left on the bed and gently draped it over him. Virgil laughed and patted his back gently. 
“This is what you get for trying to be slick.” Virgil said, before nodding to Roman, “Will you do the honours, my Prince?”
Despite the blush that once again overtook Roman’s face at the nickname, he stepped forward and put both hands on Virgil’s other arm, sinking the three of them out to the imagination together.
Virgil put Janus down once they’d sank out, and Roman gently ushered them through the massive palace gateway. 
They’d gone to the sauna, taken a dip in the bath that looked more like a pool to Janus, with beautifully fancy tiled floors and modled golden faucets and so much bubblebath, afterwards they’d gone to the banquet hall to dine on a feast fit for kings. Janus almost forgot the upset from before, as Roman hand fed him chunks of some bread that tasted perfect - still soft and warm - and Virgil giggled as he drank soup straight from the bowl. He couldn’t help but think about how Roman had done such a brilliant job of distracting them and providing relaxation for all three of them, himself included. 
Something he definitely wouldn’t lie about was the way it made him want to kiss both his partners silly and he did just that the moment Roman brought them up to what may have been the most elegantly decorated bedroom he had ever seen. When they had later collapsed onto the fluffiest, most comfortable bed Janus had ever had the pleasure of lying in, both of his partners around him, cuddling each other tightly and Roman’s blanket from back in Janus’ room covering them along with heavy duvets that seemed to radiate the most comfortable warmth…
As he closed his eyes, Janus found he had forgotten entirely about the issue from before. Now as he drifted off to sleep alongside the sounds of their breathing, he felt nothing but safe and warm and happy as can be.
Tags: @full-of-roman-angst-trash @reptilianrapscallion420 @your-local-random-dino @cutebisexualmess @glacierruler @roseianxiety @bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti (if anyone wants to be added, let me know!)
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tastic-in-its-finest · 7 months
Strike Midnight
For the @tss-october-ghostwriters event, the prompts transformation, full moon, midnight, ancient, and a little bit of magic were used :)
Warnings and tags: Minor violence, tw blood, mentions of murdering/killing, and animal attacks
Summary: To improve an imperfect world, he does what needs to be done. Roman, a human, hunts the feral and out of control monsters in his path while sparing the misunderstood, along with his twin brother Remus.
However, it's hard to hunt a werewolf when it turns out to be your own brother.
Written by: @tastic-in-its-finest, for my lovely Giftee @edupunkn00b
He searched every corner and crevice yet couldn’t find it. Roman checked almost every burrow, climbing many trees of the dark and deep thicket of the forest to survey the area. He knew he wasn’t trying as hard as he should. He wasn’t desperate enough to cannonball into a lake just yet. Yet the ancient bracelet he was trying to find seemed unreachable.
He was given instructions by Janus, a snake deity, of which surrounding area to look, and bribing them with the sweet ‘rewards’ to come with it.
He could try to enjoy the rewards, if not for him, then for his brother Remus. He didn’t hate the Janus, harboring only a slight dislike for him since he’d met him, but they bonded over theater and a love for drama. And he wasn’t about to let his brother down, who was enthralled with any ideas Janus had in mind, even if they were clueless of their prize.
He took a short break to wait for the impending sunset, in the middle of a semi-open clearing with rocks nearby, he could mentally hear Janus scolding him. Where is he meant to find this anyway? Janus didn’t tell them too many specifics to find the bracelet; like a key hidden under a rock.
Well, what did he have to lose?
Looking under one, two, three stones, and the fourth, much larger and stuck in the ground. He pulled harder, and harder, before it popped out and he almost decked his beautiful face. It isn’t stuck to mud however, a shiny silver pendant, or bracelet somehow found itself lost. The bastard who stole and threw it away knew where to hide it. It was the exact description he needed.
“Eureka,” he whispered, drying the wet and dirt, wearing the ancient bracelet, golden, fabulous, the smell of metal grazing his wrist, quite charming, preparing to speak with Remus about his discovery.
A hesitant twig broke close, near one of the large bushes. Roman felt eyes prying the back of his head. He wanted to think Remus was attempting to scare him, poorly, but Remus knew better.
The handle of his sword proved a sturdy grip, seethed in his lightweight holster for now, he waited.
“Show yourself!” He yelled, as he swung his sharp sword out and a fast figure tripped him down, standing unfazed in front of him dark and stormy. A sharp face he found all too familiar these days.
“You.” He pointed his sword, finding the means to pull himself up while looking at the unimpressed emo nightmare, V, short for vampire, held an black spider web umbrella one-handed, big enough to cover him completely.
“You’re too easy sometimes… princey,” Roman glared, remaining serious, yet slightly relaxing the tip of his sword towards the vampire's turtleneck.
“What sort of a nickname is that?”
The pale emo grinned, “If you don’t want to be called a prince, don’t act or dress like one,” the vampire gestured towards his favorite red sash over his hunting clothes.
“Should I call you a dark and stormy knight then, cause that’s exactly what you are,” with layers upon layers of black and gray clothing in the hot grueling sun.
“Real original of you.”
“It’s the only thing I can call you, unless you give me a name.”
“In your dreams.”
His name was not V, but he was called Virgil. Stuck in an open area, one of his many obstacles, he ran into him, all of his stamina diminished, the sun already tiring him. The extremely skilled and dangerous monster hunter, his sword resting near his side, ready to strike him at any moment, “What’s your play vampire?”
“Why does it matter to you?”
"My brother will be here any minute. I'd hate for him to kill you before I do,” he playfully tapped him, but Virgil internally wondered if he was being serious or not.
"Lower your sword, then we can talk," Virgil tried to put the most nonchalant voice imaginable, he cringed when he croaked the words out. The hunter listened.
"...Have you been stalking me?"
Virgil couldn’t help but laugh, “Don’t flatter yourself, you’re not the only reason I’m out here,” he stepped forward, looking distantly behind Roman. The side dense area of trees were difficult to traverse by, more difficult with an umbrella no less, however, he could make a run for it, only, a sharp and cold blade tapped and pressed the tip of his bicep before he could move forward.
He blinked rapidly, “You want to do this now?”
“We don’t have a truce at the moment,” The hunter flashed a cocky grin, stance in the ready. He was testing him, always, but Virgil never wanted to believe he couldn’t be. Didn’t think he noticed the wooden stake slotted near his sword holster. Make sure he never touches it.
“Cocky, princey,” Virgil looked into the deadly rays of the sun, the dark umbrella his only protection, assessing his situation. He put his hood up.
From what he could gather, it was a pure coincidence they met again. But Roman was ready to defeat him this time, defend his honor and beat his brother to the kill.
He took the first swing, missing by an inch, another, another, and another, the monster ducked, shielding the blow meant to strike his face as his back sizzled from a lack of protection. The vampire hissed, scratching Roman’s cheek, burning and painful.
Backing away, Roman got stunned by such a violent reaction, furthermore, V remained in defense. Taking a chance, he kept stepping forward, swinging fast, failing to kick his chest, and swiping his legs from under him with a katana. The fiend stumbled into the grass. He tried stomping to the side of his pale face yet rolling out from under him, swiping at Roman’s spine, getting a hard grip on his hands, flipping him onto his back as his hood fell off.
Groaning in pain, pushing himself up, the monster tried kicking him to the ground while he was vulnerable. Roman ducked, slashing the torn Umbrella. Hissing, cowering and retreating from the sun, Roman rushes forward and trying to pin him to the tree, his head hit it too hard, knocking him out cold.
Roman leaned on the tree, catching his breath, the vampire lucky enough to be left in the shade of the leaves. Seething his sword, somehow without a trace of vampire blood, in his holster, fitting the wooden stake in his hand.
Standing over V, blissfully unaware of what could be a stake about to be driven in his heart, turned Roman’s stomach. He gripped the stake, he could do it, rid the world of one more evil. Yet he blanks trying to search for an evil deed V committed. He isn’t feral. This wasn’t honorable, it felt so wrong. He would have hated to be murdered this way.
The stake is slit in its rightful place, along with neatly folding the umbrella. Leaving after his slight distraction.
Remus is having the time of his life. Swinging upside down on trees, squeezing his bum into every burrow, and cannonballing into a lake to find an eensie weensie ancient trinket bracelet thing and the magic to neutralize the strengths of those who weld it. He was given sort of clear instructions by his close friend Janus, an idea of the whereabouts, and the sweet long morningstar to come with it.
Like any good friend, he lamented on a large stone, reeking of wet dog, cuddling his stick and staring at his reflection in the water, throwing small stones that emerged in the water at himself. It was going to be hard to earn his trust back, after what he did. One bracelet and he can have his weapon back instead of using a sad and sharp stick to murder monsters when he needs to, and of course, Janus’ unconditional love that he cherished more than anything. If only he could see how hard he is trying now.
Echoing through the thicket, a low whistle drew his attention, a call to warn him of his twin's return, in case Remus tried stabbing him.
“Back so late?”
“I have what we need, let's go,” Roman’s shoulders were unusually tense, Remus didn’t question it. Pulling out a large map to guide them out of the unfamiliar area.
“Want to make time for hunting feral werewolves or Rougaros?”
“Well, if only he thought about that on a night other than a full moon,”
“Boo, you’re such a bore. We can do both.”
Roman gasped, feigning annoyance. They crowd the map. Only a few paces north to reach Umbra, a magical spirited place, reachable by oak trees where Janus resided most of his time. The journey was easy however long it was, hopefully they could get back to do some proper werewolf hunting.
The confusing fuzziness began to emb. The bark was rough on his pounding head and scarred back, the tingling burn on the side of his face slowly reconstructing the skin, remembering how he ran away and the umbrella broke.
The hunter is nowhere in sight, he waited, and nothing came of it.
Virgil huffed, moving the umbrella folded neatly in his lap, flexing the panel, a large obnoxious ripe in the fold, great.
Moving along, he couldn’t believe the hunter let him go with only a mild headache. It could have been much worse. Dying wasn’t too far of an option. Probably sparring him out of pity, he wouldn’t doubt it. Virgil just wanted to leave the clearing.
His boot clinks, glaring down, a round metal bracelet under his foot. He reaches down, probably something the prince owned. He tries it for himself, a sudden wash of drowsiness and fatigue traveled from his arm, a scary amount of relaxation as he couldn’t see sharper or hear farther, he yanked it away shrieking.
He’d rather not touch it ever again, but maybe he really wanted to get back at the hunter, maybe repay him for not killing him, as pathetic as it sounds. He pocketed the bracelet and avoided touching it as he squeezed through the bushes, following an obvious trail left by its rightful owner.
The sunset started, yet the sky wasn’t fully darkened. Remus’ watch going off and being silenced immediately to watchfully and carefully listen to any howls from werewolves, ready to use his long stake for one they both heard close by. Whilst his brother preoccupied himself, Roman read the map, not surprised if they’ve been walking in circles for the past hour.
“Do you know where we’re going?” Remus took a peek over his shoulder.
“Of course,” he sighed, “We have a long way to go,” Remus held a manic grin, mussing, “Not too far, we can run there.”
“Too risky,” folding the map in his pocket, preparing to traverse first through the tight narrow trees, sticks stabbing his torso, through the rough patch then another path, passed the building, and arriving at the tree, Roman imagined it all going perfectly, hating chopping through the bark. A high pitched whistle turned his attention.
Remus froze, a finger over his lip. Roman stops moving, confused. While it might have been funny to see Roman become frazzled and get attacked by whatever growled in his ear, Janus would chastise him, and Roman would never forgive him. Roman looks petrified, a hand easing down, reaching for his sword.
Remus turns his head around, a black threatening wolf stalks behind them, big, with human eyes, a werewolf, staring at Remus through the trees, a far enough distance where they can run, the closeness of the trees restricting their movements, they decide to run.
Roman is ahead, breaking and hurting his arms as he hurls himself out of the forest.
Remus can’t breathe, he feels the warm breath and slobber on his legs, fighting, fight to get out, he jumps getting yanked by his leg, a sharp and tight bite on his ankle, he kicks its snout shouting, shielding his face, the long jaw chewing on his tough leather jacket, with no weapon but a stupid stick.
“Roman!” He punches, punching as hard as he can until Roman finally stabs it’s head. The wolf whimpered and cried, scattering away into the darkness.
“Are you ok?” Roman kneels down.
“Where were you?!”
“You watch me get mauled by a wolf and ask me if I’M OK?!” Roman didn’t know how to respond.
“… Are you?” It quieted, Remus never got so frustrated before, it felt off.
“Sorry. I’m fine, check for bites,” Remus prompts his arm, rolling up the sleeve, Roman finds nothing but a tear in his jacket.
“All good, but your leg…” ominously, his boot is torn, notably a sliver of skin, Remus shrugs, pulling off his boot, no need to roll his socks, exposing a long nasty fresh bite on his ankle.
His heart sunk. Was— was he about to turn? No, no, they had until midnight, reach the Umbra and Janus will cure him before he feels anything.
Remus pushes his boot back on, unable to walk properly, letting Roman support his body with his arm on the path.
“Stay calm. You’re going to be fine, I promise,” it was beginning to turn dark.
Doubt seeped in.
“How much longer?”
“Just a bit, past the building, near the tree.”
Remus starts laughing, “Imagine me turning and ripping into your face, blood everywhere, then both of us wouldn’t make it with Janus’ stupid pendent.”
“Don’t think like that,” Remus was silenced for a moment, giving Roman time to check his wrist for the bracelet. All the rest is bare skin.
He lost it.
“… I don’t have the pendent anymore.”
Remus starts to laugh hysterically, Roman jostles him, “Hey, it doesn’t mean anything. Who cares about the pendent, we need to get you someplace safe.”
He hurries his pace, and Remus goes uncharacteristically quiet.
Numb, unconsciously going from zero to hundred, to hearing every chirp, creak, snap, Roman’s booming echoing voice and his own, to utter nothing. His ankle hot flashes every now and again, aching, throbbing, and in need of rest. Remus should have suggested Roman cut off his ankle in favor of ridding him from turning into.. a werewolf, slowly starting to accept that to be his reality, and how unsafe Roman would be once he does.
He needed to get away from him, away, run, limp as fast as he could.
Remus gently loosens his grip then pulls away from Roman, “Remus! What are you doing?”
He couldn’t let Roman get hurt, or bitten.
Roman holds him in a tight embrace, Remus scratches his face instead, straying away from the path running and half limping, going through a narrow path to lose his trace.
Roman covers his bleeding cheek, regaining his focus and chasing after Remus, weaving through the deep forest, his footsteps getting further away, lost to the wind of the woods. He continued forward. Sighting the large building in the distance, reaching the gate and the entrance to the abandoned boarding school from the map, left slightly ajar, pushing through and closing behind him, an air of death and a bone chilling cold, as if something invisible watched him, the place abandoned for years.
The caved in roof glowed the full moon's light on Remus, curled into himself stomach growling, he is a physical ball collapsed in the room, barely holding himself together. Roman slowly whistles, and kneels, rubbing a comforting circle on his back. Remus looked up to him, his eyes more navelly green and sharp, but he smiled a toothy sharp grin upon seeing him, contracting in pain again, shriveling.
He shushes, calms him down, doesn't let his emotions get to him. They can prevent this from happening.
The door creaks open. He can hear Remus’ breath hitch, the animalistic panic in his eyes, no, he rubs more circles and stares at a surprised and concerned figure, in all black and gray, a broken umbrella in his hands.
He’s going to kill that vampire.
He rushes as fast as he can to not disturb Remus any further, “V, what are you doing here!?”
“I-I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt,” V backed into the loud door cowering, the bracelet held in his hand snatched from him, “You had this?” Roman couldn’t believe it.
“Leave now,” Roman couldn’t stress enough how in much in danger he was there.
“I wanted to-“
Roman grabbed his neck scruff, pulling out his stake, “Go, I mean it or I will make you!” V’s eyes widened, about to protest or argue.
A large crack interrupted the room, turning around, Remus’ hand was covered in fur, nails sharpening into claws, ears pointing and morphing, screaming in agony, Roman couldn’t look away. Roman lets go, stepping closer, V holds his shoulder, preventing him as his clothes ripped and his back arched of brown fur, except for a silver streak.
(Wolf?) Remus growled, he couldn’t recognize him, and he was stalking towards them as if they were a fresh meal.
Wolf Remus snarls and bites the air, they dodge out of the way. Roman held the handle of his sword, but he didn’t feel the urge to pull it out, even with a hungry, feral, and vicious wolf lunging at him, he used his fists, barely able to miss Remus from biting him, scratching him instead. He’s too large, it’s too easy to let him overpower. He couldn’t hurt him, but he needed to defend himself, he took out the stake… he couldn’t do it.
V pushed Remus from attacking Roman again, but dazing him for a bit, “Look, I know that’s your twin, but you are going to need to wake up right now or he is going to have to live with the fact that he murdered his own brother!!” V yelled, bringing all of his attention to him, toying with Remus, giving Roman time to readjust his focus.
Virgil jumps out of the way of Remus’ lunge on the opposite side of the room, letting one of the twins think over his options, to which they barely had any left. He had no inkling of what to do, other than distract Remus until morning, his stamina during the night was exponentially better, yet he could tell he was already losing his focus and Roman would be bit, skilled hunter or not.
At that moment, he remembered the numbness and tingling feeling of the bracelet, making him more powerless than he’d remembered in a long time. It seemed him and the hunter had a similar idea.
“V pin him down!!” Roman waved the bracelet in the air, along with gaining the wolf’s attention. Virgil sprints towards the doorway, gripping his abandoned umbrella, jumping on the wolf's back and blinding him with its leftover remnants. He wiggles and snarls trying to throw him off, a hand on his snout, torso, lightly stepping on his leg and balancing himself.
Roman rushed over, pinning the furry pastern, sliding on the jewelry, holding it in place until it took effect. His escaping efforts faded into slow breathing, enough Virgil removed his blindfold and respectfully removed his strong hands and feet from pinning him, almost lulled to peaceful sleep. It took a long time but then he stopped moving into a slumber.
V and Roman shared a deep breath of relief as they waited until morning.
During the night, Virgil and Princey were careful to make a makeshift bed for the werewolf, they debated keeping watch, neither were too comfortable with watching the others sleep and letting the other watch over them, collectively deciding to stay up most of the night.
Virgil zipped up his jacket, needing to leave early to avoid the sun and any prolonged interact with the twins bound to end in despair, seeing the Prince succumbed to sleep either way, he tiptoed to the door.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Prince stared at him, somewhat close to the exit, standing up.
He sighed, “I have to leave before the sun rises, since someone ruined my umbrella,” the hunter blushed in embarrassment, “I apologize for that.”
V couldn’t stop thinking, if he didn’t intrude, he never would have caused such a butterfly effect.
“Look, I feel like a major jerk. Here,” Roman thought he must have been glaring. V rummaged through his pocket, he pulled out a lavender paper colored roll, “What’s this?”
“Wolfsbane bandages, it’ll heal your wounds and his so.. yeah,” V awkwardly walked to open the door.
“V, or, whatever your name is, thank you. Don’t let me catch you,” they shared a smile, the dark of the night beginning to lighten.
“Yeah,” he mumbled.
He probably was going to regret this.
“My name… is Virgil,” he noticed the hunter's eyes widen before softening again, mentally assessing the name and accepting it.
“See you around.. Virgil.”
He gave a military salute, “See you Princey.”
He closed the door behind him.
The next day in Umbra
Remus felt completely fine, a sore throat and a headache, along with a few bruises cooled by the bandages the hot and mysterious vampire they’ve been hunting for months, given to Roman while he was out cold, were his only issues.
“You can’t move in your state darling. I know it’s going to be impossible. You’re the best couch potato I know, why don’t you stay for a few days?” Janus tried convincing him to remain hostage in Umbra, surprisingly Roman agreed.
The calm and alluring waves of Umbra smoothened his muscles, the hot chamomile tea mixed with potion infusion Janus brewed eased his ribs, and Roman checked on him every now and then while he laid on bed rest. Roman didn’t talk much about what Remus did as a werewolf, his memory went blank, he barely remembered that he had even gone inside the boarding school without one of Roman’s passing comments. But he knew did remember Roman happy to see him awake.
His eyes blared open, blinking ever so slightly to a ruined ceiling laying on the floor. Remus was running, his ankle throbbed, he found a gate, then…
“Remus?” Remus was running away from Roman, he was about to turn into a werewolf.
He hummed in response, the blankets enfolded with his naked body were ragged but warm.
“How are you feeling?” he tilted his head.
Remus grinned, “I’ve never been better.”
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h-worksrambles · 1 year
I think one of the reasons Burrows is so engaging to me is that there’s an emotional core amidst all the drama and horror that really speaks to me. Content warning for discussions of suicide as well as spoilers below.
We meet Grey on the day he’s about to take his own life. He’s down on his luck. Racked with guilt over sabotaging his relationships with both his ex-fiancée and his lover (both of whom are his best friends). He’s no longer in touch with his family. He still blames himself for the death of his childhood friend. And he’s made other, extremely costly mistakes that we’re still only being drip fed at this point in the narrative. At this point…he’s just tired. Trapped. Completely at a loss.
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And it’s at this point that he’s ensnared into Virgil’s game. He meets four other men and forms a kinship with them as they all feel oddly familiar, only for him to get ripped away from them too. But what really resonated with me was the reveal about who these four are. According to the rules of Virgil’s game, they are what’s known as Constants. People who are all doomed to die. And Grey is sent to a point in each of their lives shortly before it happens. At this point it’s unclear if they will die by their own hand, or because of something else. But one way or another, someone, somewhere has decided that their time is up. And yet, for all these men are suffering, Mark’s twisted response to grief, Gabe’s ostracism in his community, Ken’s sense of displacement and inability to connect to people, Hiro’s struggles with his gender identity in an unfamiliar land…
…Their pain is treated like a game. Both by Virgil, and the other entities we’ve only seen glimpses of at this point in the narrative. A higher power has arbitrarily written off these men as a lost cause. Their mortality treated as having no meaning other than entertainment.
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But then the game starts. Grey has slowly started to bond with each of the four Constants. And in each route, someone from Grey’s past is brought into the mix. For all Grey thought of himself as worthless or a burden, he clearly isn’t. Not to Simone, or Etienne, or Jean. They all go looking for him. They only get trapped by Virgil because Grey touched their lives enough that they wouldn’t leave him behind.
Do I think these stories are going to be clear cut? No. At the end of the day this is a horror game. Mark is a deeply messed up individual and it’s made clear that the burgeoning romantic relationship between him and Grey is pretty toxic. But even when Simone helps him extricate from that, Grey still wants to help Mark. He refuses to leave him to die. Hiro opening up to Grey about his past is a powerful moment, but it’s not going to stop Hiro’s workaholic nature driving him to disaster. And that’s not even getting to the walking mess of violence, fear and anger that is Ken. But still, Grey remains determined not just to help them, but to help himself. To go back home. To go back to the very life he was originally going to leave behind for good. Even when literal eldritch horrors (who happen to look like handsome rabbit men) have declared their existence as meaningless.
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I think that’s one of my favourite things about Burrows. Beyond the stellar presentation. Beyond the mystery. Beyond the jumpscares. Beyond the gore. Beyond the crazy supernatural shenanigans. Beyond the sexy animal men and…overwhelming horniness. Burrows is the story about one unlucky possum. But it’s also about his journey to connect with other lost souls, rebuild himself from rock bottom and take his life back.
I dunno, I think that’s pretty damn powerful.
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palettefeline · 6 months
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Virgil once again, from Burrows.
This time in a more serious, less silly setting.
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theorangerangers · 2 years
Personally I think virgil was a power ranger who was defeated and remade into psycho red. I mean during Spd we had aliens living on earth so it wouldn't surprise Me if troys mom who would be earth human passing in this AU ran away from her planet after virgil original self was killed in the late 90s(remember astronema said she used raw materials from beings she killed and thus remade into the psychos) and fled to earth. Possibly marrying a earthling after a while and raising troy with said earthling.
.....now I'm imaging the other psychos finding out about megaforce red connection to their leader....karone definitely found out first and told psycho red after having a talk with troys mom.....I can see virgil going all wtf 😆 🤣
Atleast this would mean troy gets to call Andros 'great uncle andros" lmao imagine virgil reaction to that. His son calling his former arch enemy his great uncle....which implies andros is virgils uncle......lmao considering astronema was responsible for five of the psychos it makes sense.
Oh God i can see nokrea/psycho pink trying to help by suggesting random father son bonding stuff like bowling or golf!
What’s even more interesting to me is the fact that the writers say that the house Troy lives in is not the home of his parents but rather his uncle. Which leads to the funniest possible scenario of one of the other psycho rangers being aware that Troy exists and choosing not to tell Virgil and just raising Troy themselves.
I don’t think this is the case but it’s definitely possible which is really funny.
I think the uncle who he lives with his maternal uncle who like his mother is a human passing alien and for some reason they have elected to not inform Troy about this thinking that he’s just gonna turn out to be like a regular human except Troy has all those visions and he doesn’t realize it’s just alien puberty kicking in.
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greywake · 1 year
I went with "underwater" and "carefully". I blame @gumnut-logic 😁
AO3 link if anyone prefers
A Little Curiosity is a Dangerous Thing
“Virgil, dear, have you seen Turbo?”
He blinked in surprise at his grandmother’s question, “No, actually.”
Sally nodded, a worried frown tugging at her brows, “She’s never missed dinner before…”
He rose from his piano stool and strode over to his father’s desk, activating the holo display and inputting the command to locate the transponder on the kitten’s collar. A steady blink of blue indicated that she was near one of the beaches on the southern side of the island.
“I’ll go and get her, Grandma. Don’t worry. She’s probably climbed a tree and got stuck.”
“Be careful, dear.”
Virgil smiled and nodded acknowledgement of the family matriarch’s command before heading out of the house. He paused to grab a length of climbing rope just in case the bundle of mischief had got herself into a particularly awkward position.
Walking briskly along the trail in deference to the westering sun, he hummed to himself as he slung the rope over his shoulder and stuck his hands in his pockets. That kitten… she had certainly kept life on Tracy island interesting in the month since he’d found her hiding in an engine compartment in Thunderbird Two. She had adopted him almost immediately, happily spent time with Grandma, Kayo, and Brains, tolerated Scott and Alan, and apparently delighted in torturing Gordon. John apparently required study and was currently on probation pending her approval.
Rounding the bend in the path, he double-checked his phone for her location and hurried forward, eyes scanning the trees ahead for signs of a small black kitten in a tree. He frowned, concern growing as he could see no evidence of the animal. The sun would disappear below the horizon in a bit under an hour and finding Turbo in the dark would be next to impossible.
With time against him, he called for help, “John, have you got a minute?”
The image of his space-bound brother appeared hovering over his phone screen, “How can I help?”
Virgil grimaced, “Turbo’s missing. Her transponder’s pinging at this location but I can’t find her anywhere and I’m losing light.”
John nodded and trained Thunderbird Five's powerful sensors on the island.
"Virgil, she's not in a tree. She's below you."
He bit back an expletive. "The sea cave?"
His brother nodded, concern writ plain on his blue-tinted face, "And the tide is already more than halfway in."
“Better move fast then.” He cut the connection and hurried down the steep path to the currently submerged beach. He paused a little way above the high tide mark, tore off his boots and socks, then secured the rope he'd thought to bring around a convenient rock. He looped the other end around his own waist to act as an anchor against the current and took the first step into the water.
Damn, it was cold! Not like the reef-protected waters of the lagoon, sun-warmed and crystal clear. This was the ocean and she didn't care about being warm enough for an evening swim.
Gritting his teeth against the water temperature, Virgil waded, hip-deep, into the mouth of the cave. It wasn't a particularly big one, but it burrowed pretty deep into the bluff and he just hoped that Turbo hadn't climbed in further than he could go.
Wishing that he had his shoulder-mounted torch with him, he stuck his penlight in his mouth to free up his hands as the water reached his waist. The little circle of light played around the stone walls of the cave as he moved deeper in, working to keep his balance against the regular push-pull of the tide. One particularly large wave nearly knocked him off his feet as it surged past and a moment later there was a distressed squeal up ahead.
Fumbling the torch from his mouth, he shone it in the direction of the sound and caught the flash of Turbo’s eyes reflecting the light back around ten metres ahead of him. He couldn’t help but smile as he spotted her, especially when she meowed at the sight of him.
Trying to take advantage of the forward push of the water, Virgil surged forwards, closing the distance until he could reach the kitten.
She was soaked to the skin, making her seem even smaller than usual, shivering, and had managed to perch herself on a tiny ledge which was alarmingly close to being submerged by the incoming tide.
Virgil reached out to her, talking gently to try and soothe her distress and persuade her to let him pick her up. He need not have worried.
As soon as his hand was in range, the bedraggled kitten leapt at him and clawed her way over his sleeve to reach her preferred perch on his shoulder.
He winced at the needles sticking into his skin through the wet flannel but was more than happy to follow the imperious command mewed into his ear. If that wasn’t an instruction to get out he didn’t know what was.
Returning the penlight to his mouth, he hauled on the rope to help bring them both through the now chest-high water and back to the entrance. It was exhausting work, fighting against the tide and the cold, but it was nothing he couldn’t manage when it meant saving both himself and the sodden kitten on his shoulder.
Back out of the cave and onto solid land, Virgil swiftly untied the rope from its anchor point, grabbed his boots, and jogged barefoot back to the villa with Turbo complaining with every bounce.
Seeing the lights of the house, with Grandma silhouetted in the open doorway brought a smile to his face.
A smile that grew even broader when he reached her and she bundled Turbo into a warm towel.
“You, go clean up while I give this little one a nice bath to warm her up after her ordeal.”
The kitten chirped and stared adoringly up at the family matriarch before turning back to Virgil and blinking at him slowly.
He grinned as he headed up to his rooms to shower.
That cat was trouble but he couldn’t ever regret the day that she decided to adopt him.
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mangopossum · 7 months
So I'm finally caught up (mostly) on the newest update of Burrows, and the newest side story brings some pretty heavy revelations about Grey and co's past. But also, some very interesting insights!
Namely, that Grey's childhood friend group and the game's route characters seem to be direct foils of each other. Or rather, foil may be a bit premature, but at the very least they seem to be intentional parallels of each other.
Sam and Gabe's passivity and struggles with bullying from their so called friends. Etienne and Ken's themes of struggling with accepting their sexuality, and their violent/criminal proclivities. Charles and Mark's dysfunctional relationships with their siblings (to say the least) and themes of child sexual abuse. Jules and Hiro's gender queerness and feelings of being trapped. Mr. Isringhausen and Virgil's roles as instigators of the plot. Maybe that has to do with why Grey seemed to feel such nostalgic familiarity with the Burrows gang in the Golden Place?
Oddly enough, that leaves Simone and Grey, who to my mind don't seem particularly thematically related. I suppose she does dive in headfirst in search of Grey in Mark's route, as opposed to Grey being forced into whatever purgatorial simulation Virgil's got cooked up, but then, so does Jules. Maybe things will become clearer in that respect as the plot progresses.
Speaking of plot, what's up with. Everything! With the overarching themes of death, the afterlife, redemption/salvation, and at least two psychopomps from different cultures (Baron Samedi from Haitian and Louisiana Vodou and The Todd (Der Tod?–Death–the grim reaper)) playing plot significant roles and seemingly communicating with Virgil, the implication seems to be that Grey and the gang are pieces in a game that the psychopomps are playing, and the board is purgatory. Then there's whatever's going on with Grey's grandmother and what seems to be something to do with Irish folklore and/or some kind of Tolkeinesque high fantasy that manifests in Grey's dreams. It's unclear if he's aware of that and is choosing not to acknowledge it, or if it's only on a subconscious level.
Also! What's up with the "side characters" in each route! In Echo, their equivalents all served as foils or barometers to Chase and the route characters. Here, they do the same, but also appear to have deeper significance and involvement in the plot, which is frankly concerning because are they personally in danger from Virgil???
And this doesn't even address the apparent time travel and how all the routes seem to follow different genres' rules! So yeah, I'm VERY interested in seeing where this VN goes! If y'all take anything away from this VN, it should be this: never trust a rabbit! All herbivores hold Mischief in their hearts, but rabbits, like vegans, are uniquely fundamentally evil and destructive! (Jackalopes are an exception for they are carnivorous and therefore my plants are safe from them UωU)
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