suomalaiset-shitposts · 9 months
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Suomalainen on velho ja ruotsalainen on viikinki
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cinnamonstroll · 2 years
Kmag for you 👀
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He's a DILC - Dad Id like to cuddle 🥰
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demi-eurovision · 1 year
(This is an edit of a previous post I made, including some of the suggestions from tags and reblogs. What a wonderful collab! Special cred to @tarhaorvokki for the last verse.)
We should write some music featuring only beginner level Finnish learned from a few units of Duolingo, yes?
Tervetuloa! Onnea!
Tämä on suomenkielinen laulu
No, oletko sinä valmis?
Suomalainen on velho
Saamelainen on shamaani
Pieni pupu on sininen
Ruotsalainen on viikinki
Jere on todella komea
Bojan ja Jere ovat naimisissa
Paljon onnea! Hyviä ystäviä
Kiltti koira ja tuhma kissa
Millainen vihreä sinulla on?
Niinku cha cha cha me tanssimme
Käärijä-vihreä on aina kaunis
Yhdessä, suomeksi laulamme
Haluatko mämmiä?
En, haluan Käärijä
Suomi on pohjoinen maa
Minä puhun hyvää suomea
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Me after learning some Finnish on Duolingo:
*Holds up my cat*
Tämä on tuhma viikinki!
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guanomole · 2 months
Pitäiskö ostaa koriste flintlock pistooli? Löysin alle 40€ maksavii. Olis kyl sellanen komia kirjahyllys.
Voisin toisaalta ripustaa sen seinälle mun viikinki miekan kanssa.
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cyberakasaka · 1 year
Hi, loves! I’m doing a list of cute finnish words, I’ve got:
pupu (my favourite forever and ever)
Which words would you add? :-) i love undulaatti but i don’t know if it’s cute or fun mmmmmMMMM (i’m also learning finnish on duolingo so yeah these are all from the app, so i’d love to include some that aren’t there!)
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mehilaiselokuva · 1 year
Finnish Duolingo course unit 3
Undulaatti Parakeet Kissa Cat Koira Dog Poni Pony Nimi Name Viikinki Viking Ystävä Friend Shamaani Shaman Venäjä Russia Norja Norway Maa Country Yksi One Onko (sinulla/minulla/hänellä) Do (you/I/he/she) have… (Minulla/Sinulla/Hänellä) on… (I/you/he/she/they) have… Millainen … on …? What kind of … is …? Tuhma Naughty Kiltti Good Kaunis Beautiful Kylmä Cold Sininen Blue Valkoinen White Ruotsalainen Swedish Tanskalainen Danish Saamelainen Sámi
The name for unit 3 was "Discuss your pets, talk about places". We did touch on 4 animals in the "jump here?" recap (which i collect these words from). The "places" discussed were all countries. I see there are a lot of adjectives here too, so I think the title is a bit misleading? Not too much tho, we love adjectives. The three grammar points are great (I put them in bold) and I definitely think that they are appropriate to teach this early on. I'll give unit 3 a solid 9/10, just because it's a lot more diverse in content compared to 1 and 2.
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marmolita · 1 year
Tagged for a bunch of tag games by @tulakhord !
(1) shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks
I don't use Spotify so instead I went for the "most played" list in the app I used and I'm skipping the ones that are only repeat played by my kids and not me. This list is kind of heavily influenced by me listening to the theme songs for a couple fics I wrote on repeat 🥲
New World - L'arc~en~Ciel
First Time - Lifehouse
Paris - The Chainsmokers
When I'm Up - Great Big Sea
TEXAS - Haloo Helsinki! ft JVG
Hide and Seek - Kodaline
Between the Raindrops - Lifehouse ft Natasha Bedingfield
Hanging By A Moment - Lifehouse
Walk On The Moon - Great Big Sea
dears - Gackt
(2) a questionnaire!
Tea, coffee, or soda? Water, tbh, but of these options tea.
Dogs or cats? Dogs 100%
Can you play any instrument? Violin and piano decently well (haven't practiced violin in a long time but I was concertmaster of my college orchestra; piano I quit in 11th grade but I'm decent at it). I can play the recorder a bit, and given a little while to refresh my memory of alto clef I could get by on a viola.
What's your sun sign? Virgo, though I never pay attention to it
First song lyrics that pops into your head? Brand new Lamborghini, fuck a cop car / with the pistol on my hip like I'm a cop [they were playing this at the gym yesterday lol]
Do you have any tattoos? Nope!
Favorite place you've travelled? Gosh this is a hard one! I'm gonna have to go with the UK I think, which feels like a cop out because I have been to many countries and places so picking one that speaks my language and has a similar culture seems silly, but I have been there twice and enjoyed it thoroughly both times.
What's the last movie you've watched? Uhhhhh I don't remember?
What languages do you speak? Fluently, only English. At one point I knew enough Japanese to reasonably get me and my husband around Japan for two weeks, but I have since forgotten most of it. I've been doing Spanish on Duolingo for two years but I would classify myself as a beginner still since I never actually try to talk to anyone.
Do you have any hobbies? Yes? I mean, depends what you consider a hobby, but: writing fanfic, reading, playing piano, jigsaw puzzles, going to parks, going to museums, shopping, and lately I've picked knitting back up and dabbled in embroidery.
You can hang out with one fictional character for an hour, who do you choose? 🤔 Trying to balance here between people I'm obsessed with and people it would actually be fun to hang out with. I think I'm gonna go with Sarah from Sarah and Duck.
Compliment yourself: I'm doing a pretty decent job raising my kids I think!
(3) ao3 first lines tagline
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway (spoiler alert: rules are made to be broken…)
From newest to oldest...
"And how's my frock coming along?"
"Ah, yes, Tim, come in."
The Magnus Institute's library gets a decent amount of use by academics.
"They want us to do a Valentine's Day special. What do you think we should do? Chocolate?"
It's all a panicked blur: pushing Sasha to run for help, trying to escape to Jon's office only to find it full of worms attacking him, jumping out of the way and landing painfully in a pile of fire extinguishers.
He wakes in the middle of the night breathing hard, covered in sweat, but not from fear.
The door creaked open with its usual unpleasant squeak, drawing Jon's attention irritably away from the files he was paging through.
"You have two hours to get me an answer on what that thing is," Elizabeth says.
They lose the game, which maybe makes it even worse.
"Suomalainen on velho ja ruotsalainen on viikinki."
Tagging though ofc with no pressure to do this: @notthequiettype @ivorydice @footnotesandendings @shoujocowboy @helens-squid and/or anyone else who wants to do it!
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hellhammerdeath · 6 months
Kissa on söpö ja viikinki.
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anirobot · 3 years
Jone Matilainen's "Road to Valhalla" photo exhibition brings views to Viking culture. 
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teemujuhani · 7 years
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Inktober days 4, 5 and 6.
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love-and-socialism · 4 years
Adventures in Finnish language;
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craigcounsell · 4 years
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ben gamel | mil vs pit | 08.31.20
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decadent-hag · 3 years
The Finnish word for viking is "viikinki" and I like that.
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zippu1-draws · 4 years
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A few Ville Viikinki sketches.
Should I have the comissions in euros or dollars?
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thosedaysthatwill · 4 years
For my next AU, this sentence from today’s lesson:
Suomalainen on velho ja ruotsalainen on viikinki. 
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