stagkingswife · 1 year
When working with multiple entities, how do you distinguish who may be interacting with you? Similarly, when vetting, how can you tell you’re not accidentally interacting with more than one spirit at a time?
Everyone has their own approaches to this, in my opinion this is where treating your spirits like folks and developing relationships with them is the answer! If you're communicating with more than person, even if they're strangers to you, even if you're only communicating via text and don't have distinguishing markers like usernames, you learn to tell them apart as you get to know them. One person may type out every word while the other uses abbreviation, one may be snarky while the other is warm, they may use different idioms. With incorporeal entities it's very much the same! As you vet an entity you'll get to know them and recognize their particular "voice" - maybe you experience them a certain way with your extra-sensory perceptions, maybe certain cards or runes always show up when you communicate via divination, maybe you develop a solid system of communicating via signs and omens. This is one of the benefits of approaching vetting as a long, slow process, rather than a one and done process. Each entity is unique and will communicate in their own way and you will get to know their styles. If you're in the process of getting to know one entity and another enters the chat this approach works with two at a time just as well as it does with one at a time. It may be a little harder and take a little more work, a little more note taking, and a little more critical thinking but all of the same skills and tools can apply!
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queerqwertyto · 1 month
Can you help me spread and donate so that I can get my family out of Gaza after I lost 2 of my brothers? I want to treat my nephew and his wife and continue my education. My full story is in the gofundme link. Please help us. Everyone needs help in Gaza. I used to live in Khan Yunis and now in Rafah we live in a tent without The lowest necessities of life, the prices are astronomical, and there is no source of income, since everything has destroyed our house and everything, we need your help. https://www.gofundme.com/f/assist-my-family-in-getting-out-gaza-2024
Your account, as far as I could scroll, had its first post on Oct 1st, so it's unlikely you're using the current bout attention for scams, but every post before 2024 and sometime after has links subtitled in Arabic, which I do not understand. I am putting this answer out because I want others to see if you are actually in need. I don't doubt you, but you must understand why I don't trust strange accounts online. Either way, hopefully all goes well for you as a person, no matter the reason for the ask: even scammers need to eat
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xerxeswitch · 6 months
Hi Carmen! I really appreciate you getting back to my last message. Do you mind if I ask, how are you doing btw with *Nora* these days? I was also wondering too~ what does "vetting process" mean? I know nothing about witch craft, let alone the terminology involved. Hm, maybe I should just pm you next time...I have so many curious questions lol, but only of course, if I have your permission. I do not wish to appear intrusive in any way. Anyways, take care and hope to hear back from you :)
You're not being intrusive at all. I will happily answer these questions. Witchcraft is such a big umbrella with many things under it on what classifies witchcraft. It's way too broad to define what witchcraft is other than this simplified answer -- and pay in mind, this is what I define witchcraft: A secular practice used in occult and religious groups to set the intention with magic involving rituals and spells. The definition for some may be slightly different, because everyone's path is so...well, different. I am still studying on its history and customs myself. ---------------- So far, Nora seems to be doing okay. Though, she is still a little standoffish for the most part. On the other hand, she's also trying to test me. She sometimes eagerly ask me if there's any enemies in mind for her to feed off of -- in which I can't say; as I also find it strange to request. I don't have any enemies nor do I really like to make them at all. At the same time, she doesn't really intuitively strike me as a parasitic/bad spirit/entity either. Her haunt is still very quiet. The vetting process will always take time in really deciphering the entity by their entirety, so I am still studying her energy and meditating on it. And speaking about the question with vetting... ... Vetting is the process of discerning and studying the entity/spirit over time. It's basically to make sure the entity/spirit fits to what you find helpful/useful to whatever intent you have, or just to hang out with. This is to ensure you are not inviting a trickster or a malevolent entity/spirit. Some conjurors also check specific capabilities and willingness to help out with certain intentions and properties for their work like healing/revenge magick/prosperity, etc. It's like introducing yourself to a new roommate and you slowly see them and their dirty laundry. This is never a one time thing, this process can take a very long time. The longer, the better. Some new red or green flags can appear over time even if your intuition is already giving you a heads-start. Avoid over-simplification as possible. Don't rely on the appearances of a spirit/entity alone either. Ask as many questions as you see fit. -"Who are you?" -"Why do you agree to be here?" -"What are your intentions?" -"What kind of entity/spirit are you?" -"What should I know about you as a person?" (Yes, they can lie but the truth always come out eventually during the vetting process. Or you can do a spell that reduces this intention) You may also use these techniques for these questions: -Using pendulums asking questions. -Meditating with the vessel in your hands and connect with the energy. (If there's no vessel, just ward and ask the entity/spirit to step in) -Tarot cards -EVP device if you have one (probably the most optional one here) --- Red flags that I find in the vetting process: -Pushing against your boundaries -Just bad energy you feel emitting from them -Constantly hungry for your attention -Trying to pressure you to make vows very early on -Saying things to you that you want to hear/too good to be true -Trying to make you co-dependent on them -They contradict themselves down the line
... But each vetting experience is different and they always turn out to be something I never expected. -- Hope all of this helps! And thank you again.
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eaglesnick · 5 months
“Withholding information is the essence of tyranny. Control of the flow of information is the tool of the dictatorship.” ― Bruce Coville
The statutory guidance document, "The Civil Service Code" states that as a civil servant you are:
 "...appointed on merit on the basis of fair and open competition and are expected to carry out your role with dedication and a commitment to the Civil Service and its core values: integrity, honesty, objectivity and impartiality."  (The Civil Service Code: GOVUK: 16/03/2015)
Under the expanded heading “Objectivity" the code states:
“You must:
provide information and advice, including advice to ministers, on the basis of the evidence, and accurately present the options and facts
take decisions on the merits of the case
take due account of expert and professional advice."
Not so this Tory government with its right wing, anti-democratic agenda.
The Financial Times reported in 2022 that civil servants were to be protected from views and opinions from anyone who did not agree with government policy.
”UK civil servants have been ordered to trawl through the social media accounts of guest speakers at one government ministry, including going back up to five years to see if they have ever criticised government policy, as part of a new vetting process. The new Cabinet Office rules cover the vetting of outsiders coming into the department to take part in “learning and development” events and urge managers to carefully check the backgrounds of such guests.”  (Financial Times: 14/08/22)
So much for "Objectivity"   How can civil servants "take due account of expert and professional advice" or “present options and facts"  if they are not allowed to be exposed to those who have a different view to the government? 
One year on, and we find that 15 government departments are now actively  monitoring  the social media activity of anyone likely to influence civil servants and government policy.
“Under the guidelines issued in each department, including the departments of health, culture, media and sport, and environment, food and rural affairs, officials are advised to check experts’ Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn accounts. They are also told to conduct Google searches on those individuals, using specific terms such as “criticism of government or prime minister”. (Guardian: 18/11/23)
Needles to say the hypocritical Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, announced with much heralding of the event that he was appointing a “free speech" tsar to tackle the phenomenon of cancel culture.
“Sunak To Appoint Free Speech Tsar To Tackle Cancel Culture” (richieallen.co.uk: 16/01/23)
But opposition to cancel culture is strictly limited. Apparently “free speech” is not to be allowed within the civil service. Here it is government policy that civil servants be shielded from ANYONE who has criticised the government or who holds a contrary view to perceived Tory wisdom.  While others might be condemned (usually correctly) for censoring alternative views to their own this is not a principle encouraged among those who run the country. For them there is only one view, one set of believes that matter, those of their Tory masters.
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bamababygirl7 · 2 years
PSA for the people who still haven’t gotten this through their head…
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mochibdsm · 7 months
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cultml · 1 year
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stagkingswife · 1 year
hey stag. how do you go about learning spirits/unknown deity's names?
I’m going to link you to my post on Vetting Unrecorded Entities, because everything really comes back to that method for me. In my experience you learn a spirit’s name by getting to know them and asking for it. If an entity has a set name, and not all of them do, it may take awhile before they give you a Name, but you may get a title, an epithet, or a “you may call me…” as you develop your relationship with them. Sometimes they might let you decide what you call them, because they aren’t fussed about it. And sometimes those names will change as you get to know them, you might go from a “you may call me…” to a name that the entity was more guarded about but is now comfortable giving you. Or you may give them one name as you start out, and then eventually find that it no longer really fits, so you work out a new name.
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bighermie · 2 years
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ascle · 6 months
Un p’tit mardi dans la vie d’une calico!
Just another Tuesday in a calico’s life!
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beemovieerotica · 8 months
Hey... so there now appear to be AI-generated science articles on .org websites that are giving biologically incorrect "facts" on basic, for-children topics
The title is "Are There Freshwater Octopus Species?" which should be an incredibly straightforward thing to answer: No.
The article starts out decent:
"Despite their many fascinating features, there is no evidence to suggest that octopuses can survive in freshwater environments."
Cool. Okay. Next section.
"While most people associate octopuses with the ocean, there are some species that can survive in freshwater environments."
Wait. What?
"Freshwater octopuses belong to the genus Amphioctopus, which includes several species that are found in brackish water and estuaries. These cephalopods have adapted to life in freshwater environments and have been observed in rivers, streams, and even hydrothermal vents."
One species of freshwater octopus is Amphioctopus aegina...Another species, Amphioctopus marginatus...
THESE GUYS LIVE IN THE OCEAN. [Scrolls 2 more sections]
Freshwater octopuses are still a topic of debate among scientists. While some researchers claim that they do exist, others argue that there is not enough literature to support their existence.
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not "i ship these characters" or "i want them to bond platonically" but a secret 3rd thing (I want them to be forced to interact by the Narrative bc they would HATE that)
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mochibdsm · 9 months
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mimorugk · 2 months
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the council will decide your fate (being kissed passionately)
(we had a chat about Vet!Halsin, who walks around with little birds under his hair and can carry a mastiff like it's nothing)
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immaculatasknight · 7 months
An experienced eye
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musingmollusk · 1 year
I live in a duplex above my parents. Every single time I feed my own cat, my parent's cat magically appears at my door and mews pitifully. I just can't handle it. She's like some kind of little dickensian urchin looking longingly into a bakery window, hoping the baker will take pity on her and throw her a few crumbs.
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