#veer pro tips
aurischolar · 6 months
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moca once again solidifying her position as my favourite afterglow member
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banapsha · 2 months
Plotting like a Pro: The Only Guide You Need to Outline Your Next Novel
So, you've got this brilliant idea for a novel swirling around in your big monster brain, but you're not quite sure how to wrangle it into shape. *read this next line dramatically* Fear not, soldier, for I am here to guide you through the tumultuous journey of outlining your masterpiece. *you can stop now* But do get ready to dive into the wild world of outlining – where chaos meets creativity, and brainy think-think meets handy write-write.
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What Exactly is an Outline?
An outline is basically like the blueprint for your novel – it's your roadmap to success, your guiding light through the abyss (too much?) It breaks down the events of your story in sequential order, ensuring that you stay on track and don't accidentally veer off into the land of plot holes and confusion. Think of it as your comic relief best friend (minus the comic relief), always there to keep you in check as you navigate the treacherous waters of writing. 
What Does an Outline Look Like?
Now, technically speaking, there are rules for outlining. But hey, as long as whatever you decide to do works for you, you need no rules. Some fancy folks swear by fancy formats like the skeletal outline or the flashlight outline (let me know if you need details on said fancy formats), but honestly, as long as it works for you, you do you, boo-bear (that’s definitely not my thing). Whether you prefer bullet points, numbers, or hieroglyphics (AKA code), the format doesn't matter as long as it's easy for you to understand. After all, the point is to simplify the process, not complicate it further.
Benefits of Outlining:
Oh boy, where do I even begin with this one? Let me count the ways outlining will change your writing game (maybe even your life. Okay, that was too much.): (TIP: read the headings dramatically for a better experience)
It’s Your Beakon Through the Murky Waters: Ever feel like you're navigating through a dense fog with no compass in sight? Fear not, my friend, because outlining is exactly that for when you enter the said forest to write your book; your guiding light. It's like having a trusty co-pilot by your side, whispering sweet plot pointers in your ear as you navigate the treacherous waters of storytelling. No more aimless wandering – with outlining, you'll always know which way to steer your literary ship.
Plot Holes? Not on My Watch: Say goodbye to those pesky plot holes that seem to pop up out of nowhere like weeds in a garden. Outlining is like a preemptive strike against narrative inconsistencies, ensuring that your story is as tight as corsets from start to finish. With each plot point neatly mapped out, you can rest easy knowing that your readers won't be left scratching their heads wondering what the heck just happened.
It Helps You Defy the Abyss: Picture this: your story is like a runaway train hurtling down the tracks at breakneck speed. Without proper guidance, it's all too easy for it to veer off course and crash and burn in a fiery wreck (That would be an awesome scene but not what we’re looking for.) Outlining is like the conductor that keeps that train chugging along on the right track. No detours, no distractions – just a straight shot to narrative greatness.
Crafting a Killer Climax: Ah, the climax – the moment we've all been waiting for. With outlining in your team, crafting a jaw-dropping climax is as easy as pie. No more floundering around trying to figure out how to tie up loose ends – your outline has already done the heavy lifting for you. So go ahead, crank up the tension, unleash those plot twists, and watch as your readers' jaws hit the floor.
Also, Adios, Writer's Block: Writer's block – the nemesis of every living writer. But not anymore, because outlining is like a magical antidote that banishes writer's block to the furthest corners of the earth. With each plot point neatly laid out before you, there's no room for procrastination or self-doubt. So grab that pen, flex those creative muscles, and get ready to slay the blank page like never before.
Less Revision, More Celebration: Let's face it – nobody likes revising their work. It's like trying to untangle a knot of Christmas lights – frustrating, time-consuming, and guaranteed to give you a headache. But with outlining, you can kiss those revision woes goodbye. By nailing down your story's structure from the get-go, you'll save yourself countless hours of agony down the line. So go ahead, pat yourself on the back – you've earned it, champ.
Stuck While Outlining?
Feeling like you're trapped in a maze with no way out? (Lucky for you, you're not Newt. Get it?) Don't sweat it, my friend. Because Mama’s about to drop some bombs! 
Work Backwards Like a Boss: Ever heard the phrase "it's easier to navigate a maze when you see the finish line"? Well, tiny, it's time to put that theory to work. When you find yourself stuck in the tangled web of outlining, start with the climax – the grand finale, the pièce de résistance. Then, work backward, asking yourself how the f*ck you got there in the first place. It's like retracing your steps through a labyrinth, armed with the knowledge of where you're headed. Suddenly, those tangled plot threads start to unravel, and you're on your way to outlining glory.
Outlining Ain't Easy, But Neither is Writing: Let's be real for a minute – outlining is hard. Like, really hard. But here's the thing: so is writing. You're basically creating something out of nothing, conjuring entire worlds and characters out of thin air (or neurons). But when you tackle outlining head-on, you're tackling that frustration right at the source. Instead of letting it simmer beneath the surface throughout the entire writing process, you're ripping it off like a band-aid and getting it out of the way upfront. Sure, it might be tough, but trust me – it's a heck of a lot easier than dealing with it later down the line.
Don't Skip Outlining, You'll Regret It: Now, I get it – outlining can be a pain in the @$$. It's tempting to skip this step altogether and dive headfirst into the writing process. But trust me when I say this: if you’re new and want to make your life easier in the long run, outlining is non-negotiable. Think of it like laying the foundation for a house – sure, it takes time and effort, but without it, your literary masterpiece is destined to crumble (with all the people still inside). So don't shoot yourself in the foot by skipping outlining just because it's difficult. (You shoot your foot now, something is gonna come bite you in your backside later.)
Does Outlining Ruin the Creative Process?
Ah, the age-old question. Does outlining zap all the creativity out of writing? Short answer: absolutely not. In fact, outlining is like flexing your creative muscles on steroids (or any other choice of d*ug). It's your chance to invent an entire world, complete with characters, conflicts, and plot twists in like a jiffy! Think of it as storytelling in shorthand – compact, efficient, and oh-so-satisfying. Outlining isn't the enemy of creativity – it's the ultimate wingman. It's like playing god in your own little literary universe, and let me tell you, it's a heck of a rush. 
Forget what you've heard about outlining being dry and boring – it's anything but. (This is your GOD era) Trust me, there's nothing more satisfying than seeing your world completely mapped out in full.
Embrace it, harness it, and watch as your dream narrative becomes a reality.
With an Outline, You Know What's Coming Next...But Does That Lessen the Excitement?
With an outline in hand, you're always in the know about what's coming next. But that doesn't take away from the thrill of writing the novel. Honestly, it's quite the opposite for me. I find myself even more excited to dive into my story because I have a roadmap of where it's headed. Knowing the next scene waiting to unfold keeps me on the edge of my seat, eager to see how it all plays out (I like to know that I am heading towards that one gut-wrenching bit that will make my audiences wish I was dead. It's really fun; sometimes waiting for deaths and stuff.) Plus, there's no room for boredom when you're constantly propelled forward by the anticipation of what's to come. Unless, of course, you've outlined a snooze-fest of a story – but let's be real, who wants to write that?
What if I Need to Deviate from My Outline?
Ah, the age-old dilemma of sticking to the script versus going off-book. Here's the deal – your book, your choice. The outline you wrote is not carved in stone. It's more like a rough sketch, a guideline to keep you on track.
So what if you hit a snag and need to deviate from your outline? It happens to the best of us. Sometimes while writing you realize that you have something more interesting than what you’ve written in your outline. Do it. We’re all not perfect.
Now, a common gripe among writers is when their characters seem to have a mind of their own and they veer off script. But let's get one thing straight – your characters are as fictional as a unicorn riding a rainbow. They don't have any authority; you do. 
So when you say your character "decided" to go rogue, what you really mean is that your outline didn't quite sync up with their psyche. 
The solution? Plan your characters alongside your outline, ensuring they're in harmony with the plot. Build characters that fit snugly into your story's framework, and vice versa. 
How Long Should My Outline Be?
F*ck, I  don't know, ah, your outline should be as long as it needs to be. *nailed it* 
Some writers prefer short, concise outlines that just cover the basics, while others go full-on novel mode with lengthy tomes that leave no stone unturned. There's no right or wrong answer here, folks – it's all about what works best for you.
Some Famous Authors Don't Outline, Why Should I?
Well, here's the deal – you're the captain of your own writing ship, and nobody's forcing you to walk on the wooden plank. 
Sure, there are legendary authors out there who craft masterpieces without ever touching an outline. But unless you're a seasoned pro, it might be wise to outline before beginning to stay away from C.H.A.O.S. (not me foreshadowing my next book) (Follow me on Instagram for updates!)
Remember the writers you are comparing yourself to have likely got years of experience under their belts, while you might still be finding your Nemo.
Let's say that outlining just isn't you. Maybe you thrive on spontaneity and the thrill of discovery. Or perhaps you're still figuring out your writing groove. That's cool – we're all on our own journey. 
But do not forget: for every famous author who shuns outlines, there are plenty more who swear by them like a sailor (get it? Coz a sailer swears a lot). So instead of trying to walk in someone else's boots, lace up your own and run on that race track like no one has ever baby.
It's your story – so tell it your way.
Do I Have to Outline?
Nyet. (And Da)
See, in the wild world of writing, there are two main camps: the planners and the pantsters. Think of them as the yin and yang of the literary universe.
Now, there's no denying that there are some writers out there who can weave an epic novel out of thin air with the grace of a ninja. But let's keep it real – those folks are like The Avengers of our world. Sure, they exist, but they're definitely the exception, not the rule.
For us mere mortals, outlining is like a trusty lifeboat in the stormy seas of storytelling. It's the secret sauce that turns a plate of pasta into a plate of pasta; if you catch my drift.
If you're finding yourself drowning in a sea of plot twists and character arcs, maybe it's time to give outlining a whirl. If you're one of the lucky few who can thrive without a roadmap, more power to ya (you nasty little b*tch. Yes, I am jealous of you!) 
Just remember – if you ever find yourself shipwrecked on the shores of writer's block, the outline lifeboat is always there to rescue you. There's no shame in admitting you need a little help along the way.
How to Outline:
Step #0: Brain Dump: You're struck by a lightning bolt of inspiration, and suddenly, your brain is buzzing with a million ideas. What do you do? Simple – grab a pen and paper, or your laptop (or your phone, you lazy @$$) and unleash the chaos onto the page. Let it all out – every random thought, half-baked concept, and outlandish idea. It's like a creative free-for-all, with no rules and no judgment. It doesn’t have to make sense, that’s the whole point. This messy brain dump is your starting point, your raw material to mold into something magical. 
Step #1: Making Sense of the Madness: Now that you've got a heaping pile of ideas to work with, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get down to business. Think of this step as your personal pitch meeting with yourself. You've got a mess of concepts, characters, and themes swirling around in your head – now it's time to wrangle them into submission. Start by sketching out the basics – the premise, the characters, the vibe, the themes, the subplots – all of it. Keep it loose, keep it flexible, and above all, keep it open to change. Play around with different ideas and see what sticks. Once you've got some ideas that make sense and that you're happy with, it's time to move on to the next step and bring your story to life. Buckle up, Buttercup. 
Step #2: The Rough Sketch: This is where the real magic happens– where you take that messy somewhat sensible pile of ideas and start sculpting them into the masterpiece they are going to be. First things first, dig deep into the heart of your story. What are the main conflicts your characters are going to face? What obstacles will they encounter along the way? This is your chance to map out the twists and turns that will keep your readers on the edge of their seats. Now, break it down into four key areas: Who, What, How, and Why. Who are your characters? What drives them, what haunts them, what makes them tick? What's the basic premise of your story – the very thing that'll hook your audience in 30 seconds flat? How will your characters go on both internal and external journeys, and what will they learn along the way? And most importantly, why are you passionate about this story's theme? What do you want to shout from the rooftops, and what big ideas do you want to explore through your character's journey? At its core, the rough sketch is all about finding the story in the mess. It's about distilling your ideas down to their purest essence and uncovering the beating heart of your narrative. So don't be afraid to explore and experiment. Dream big, think outside the box, and create something truly extraordinary.
Step #3: The Outline: Now, after what seems like decades of work, it's time to take that rough sketch of yours and start turning it into something truly spectacular. I usually use the Three-Act Structure. This bad boy is like the backbone of storytelling – it's what keeps the narrative strong and sturdy. If you have any other story structures you swear by, use one of those. Basically, you’re grabbing a story structure that you believe suits your rough sketch and breaking down your sketch into the key story beats of your structure. For the Three-Act Structure, it is usually like this: Act One: the setup, where you introduce your characters and set the stage for the adventure to come. Act Two: the confrontation, where the action heats up and your characters face their biggest challenges head-on. And Act Three: the resolution, where everything comes together in a satisfying conclusion. You can choose to go as in-depth here as you want. (Maybe write like a 20,000-word outline, I don't care.) Now, if you’re not a big fan of writing a 20,000-word outline, the bullet-point outline is here to save your day. It's like the shorthand version of outlining – short, sweet, and to the point. This outline gives you a sense of your character arcs, internal conflicts, and transformative journeys, all without bogging you down with unnecessary details. The beauty of it all? You get to choose your own adventure. If you're happy with your bullet-point outline and ready to dive into drafting, go for it. But if you're itching to go deeper, to explore every nook and cranny of your story, then by all means, keep doing more. The important thing is that you feel confident in your outline, knowing that it's the solid foundation upon which your masterpiece will be built.
Tips and Extras: (some juicy details)
Brainstorming the Centerpieces:
If your story is a jigsaw puzzle, the key scenes are the biggest, boldest pieces. These are the moments that make your heart race, that keep your readers glued to the page, and that make your story truly unforgettable. So start with laying out those major scenes or events. Think big – we're talking key turning points, epic locations, and jaw-dropping plot twists. Don't worry about the order or details just yet – this is about getting those main parts out of your head and onto the page.
What if you don't have all the pieces yet? Well, kitty-kitty, this is a quick, flexible way to brainstorm the centerpieces of your story. Don't stress about getting everything perfect on the first try – just let the ideas flow and see where they take you. 
Getting Specific:
Now that we've mapped out the key scenes, it's time to add some meat to these bones. Think of this step as adding color to a black-and-white photo – it's the step where your story starts to come alive. For each scene, jot down a sentence or a short paragraph that captures the essence of what's happening. No need to stress about getting every little detail perfect – just focus on what's being communicated in the scene, the location, and the characters involved.
As you add these high-level details, think about how each scene fits into the bigger picture of your story. How does it move the plot forward? What themes or motifs are being explored? And most importantly, how does it connect with the scenes that come before and after it? This is when you start weaving together the threads of your narrative, creating a tapestry that's rich with meaning and emotion.
Remember, there are no rules for how much detail to add – do what works best for you. Some scenes may only need a few words to capture their essence, while others may require a bit more fleshing out. Trust your instincts and let your creativity guide you. After all, this is your story – own it, embrace it, and let it shine.
Connecting the Dots:
Now that we've fleshed out those key scenes with high-level details, it's time to step back and take a bird's-eye view of your narrative landscape. This is where you can make connections between themes and concepts that you might otherwise miss if you dove straight into writing.
Grab your outline and give it a thorough re-read. Look for scenes that feel out of place, transitions that need a little extra love, or characters who make a sudden appearance without a proper introduction. These are the hiccups that can disrupt the flow of your story and leave your readers scratching their heads. Highlight these areas and make a note of any plot points or scenes that need to be moved around to get the sequence just right.
Think of this step like conducting an orchestra – every element needs to be in perfect harmony for the performance to truly shine. So don't be afraid to make some tweaks, to shift things around, to fine-tune your narrative until it sings. Listen to the rhythm of your story – it knows where it wants to go, you just have to follow its lead.
Unlocking New Ideas:
While it's true that imagery and videos won't make it into your novel, they can be incredibly powerful tools for sparking creativity and bringing your story to life. Think of it like adding fuel to the fire of your imagination – it's a surefire way to kick-start new ideas and breathe fresh life into your narrative.
Get experimental! Dive into Google Images, Pinterest, or anywhere you find a photo that might fit. Start saving images or movie clips that resonate with your scenes. Whether it's a striking landscape, a compelling character portrait, or a mood-setting photograph, let your imagination run wild and see where it takes you.
If you're the type of writer who loves to create mood boards, now's the perfect time to put those skills to good use. Take a look at your existing mood boards and see if any images could help evoke the feeling you're trying to capture in your scenes. Whether it's the warm glow of a sunset or the eerie silence of a deserted street, let these images serve as inspiration as you continue to shape your story.
The Importance of Feedback:
With any creative endeavor, whether it's writing a novel or painting a masterpiece, feedback is key. It's like having a fresh pair of eyes on your work – offering insights and perspectives that you might have missed on your own. So if you’re still not sure about the first version of your outline, it's time to seek out that invaluable feedback.
When asking for feedback, be specific about what you're looking for. Are you seeking input on the sequence of events? Plot points that need fine-tuning? Character development that feels a bit flat? Whatever it may be, make sure to communicate your needs clearly so that your reviewers can provide targeted feedback.
The important part is that you need to stay open to suggestions and improvements. It can be tough to hear criticism of your work but try not to take it personally. Remember, the goal here is to make your story the best it can be, and sometimes that means making tough decisions and embracing constructive criticism.
The Moment of Truth:
Now it's time to dive headfirst into the exhilarating world of drafting. This is where your story begins to unfold before your very eyes. Your outline and your drafts are perfect companions. They're like the dynamic duo of storytelling, working together in perfect harmony to guide you through the creative process. 
As you begin sketching out the details in your draft, remember to trust the process and let your creativity flow. Embrace the freedom of expression that comes with drafting – after all, this is your chance to bring your story to life in all its vivid detail. So don't hold back – let your imagination run wild and see where it takes you.
Comrades, now armed with the knowledge of outlining, you're ready for war. So go forth, brave souls, and let your imagination run wild as you craft worlds, weave characters, and spin tales that will captivate hearts and minds.
Remember, outlining is not just a tool – it's your secret weapon, your trusty guide through the wilderness of creativity. And if/when you find yourself lost in the midst of your writing, grappling with plot twists and character arcs, just remember these wise words originally said by yours truly: you've got this. 
Happy outlining, and may your pens never run dry!
(If all this helped you, please support me too; in the name of camaraderie. Follow me on Instagram by clicking here.
Comment what else you want to know?
And if you wish to buy my book click here!
That's all, see you later, soldier. 🫡)
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vespersposts · 1 year
what are your favorite types of perfumes? Also, what sample sets would you recommend for people just getting into perfume?
Hi, how nice to have a question from you! (your posts keep me a lot of company, they're kind of my daily gazette).
This post is loooong, you'be been warned!
How nice to be able to talk about fragrance. So, I start by telling you that in my opinion the main thing to figure out is what kind of perfume you like. Is there a memory, a flower an experience that has stuck with you because of a smell? In contrast, what are the smells/fumes that you hate? From there you go to figure out among the families which one is your favorite among: Citrus, Floral, Fougère, Chypre, Woody, Oriental, and Musky.
I'll give you a few examples of well-known commercial fragrances for each family so you can smell them in the perfumery or pharmacy
🍋 Citrus- zests of all kinds of citrus fruits Light blue- Dolce and Gabbana, Roger & Gallet -Cedrat Eau Fraiche, Acqua di Parma- Bergamot 💐 Floral: classical flower scents (mostly white flowers) Chloe, Nomade- Chloe, Miss Dior-Dior, Flora-Gucci 🌿 Fougère: woody, usually masculine (but in my opinion gender difference is a concept not applicable to fragrances, I use masculine or unisex perfumes almost every day). Acqua di Giò- Armani, Y- Ysl ✨ Chypre: classic, 'ladylike' , enveloping Sì- Armani, Jean Paul Gautier- Scandal, Narciso Rodriguez- Narciso 🌲 Woody: warm, woody base, usually the ones that are sold as 'cool boys' perfumes. Hero-Burberry, One Million- Paco Rabanne, bleu-Chanel, Sauvage-Dior ⛩ Oriental: spice and all things nice. The one gentleman- Dolce and Gabbana, Coromandel-Chanel. ☁ Musky : musk, leather, anything that blends with your natural scent. Idole- Lancome, Narciso Rodriguez- for him, Armani- Sì passione.
-> I suggest you ask for free samples or spray on the scent you like best and wait the whole day, so you evaluate how it changes on you and how long it lasts. I also recommend you look at this site, and if there is a note that you particularly like you can see what scents contain it and go to give it a try. A pro tip is to smell coffe grains to reset the nose between a fragrance and another (usually there are coffee beans near the shelves at stores), or just take some fresh air.
Coming to me, I use a mix of commercial perfumes but mainly niche perfumes thanks to a loved one who introduced me to them.
Actually, I am fond of musky, ambery, oriental and 'second skin' fragrances. I don't particularly like florals because on my skin they veer toward extreme sweetness and it bothers me. I usually use fragrances with few elements, I love minimalism in daytime but I am a night-time maximalist.
🎀 My favorite perfume, the one I probably use 99 times out of 100, all day long is "Mirabilis" by 'Artisan Parfumeur': musk and incense, earth and spirit. Wonderful, my Aomine Daiki of perfumes.
🎀 Another 'second skin' that I love is "Le Musc & La Peau 4.1"- Pierre Guillaume. Clean but not soapy, really well balanced.
🎀 The third perfume I use during daylight hours is Prada Amber Pour Homme. As you can see, no matter how it's categorized, it has a very fresh opening but then it has this warm, enveloping note of amber and saffron that makes me love it.
🌝 In the group of more impactful perfumes, those for the evening or a date out, I would say my favorite brand is Tom Ford.
I love "Black Orchid" because although it is a 'heavy' scent it remains elegant , and I also love "Beau de Jour" because it smells like lavender and has that vintage feel (some would tell you it smells like grandma's closet), or Noir Anthracite (vinyl, metallic, seductive ).
Belle D'Opium -YSL is another very playful fragrance, always getting compliments when i wear it.
🌒 The last strand I love are those "dissonant" fragrances, i.e., those that remind you of an experience and are not pleasant the first time you wear them, but as soon as they do drydown, you like them.
Mine are: Aura Mugler, a combination of rhubarb and green notes that makes you feel like a woodland deity, very tart and sassy, almost annoying.
Dent de Lait- Serge Lutens: metallic and milky, it is a perfume that evokes childhood, an ode to melancholy.
Equinox Bloom Penhaligon's : This tastes like a thaw, like spring. A child on the train told me I smelled like morning snow, I think that's a very good explanation.
😽Last but not least, the fragrances I love most on a man are scents that change to something disgusting on my skin, so I hope I have someone to gift them to sooner or later.
Egoiste platinum- Chanel : yes, please. this scent screams sensuality, kind dom vibes, and is perfect on anyone at any age.
Hindu Kush- Mancera: this is…mystical. unexpected, complex, warm and spiritual at the same time, hypnotic (my best friend wreaks havoc and ruin when he wears this, the scent is always a nice catchline).
Of course all the men's fragrances I wear I also love them on a potential partner…. What could be sexier than sharing the same fragrance?
Sorry for being pedantic and long-winded, I will open a tumblr page just for fragrances (joking).
Thank you for letting me talk about something I love, let me know if I was helpful and let me know when you find it which group of frangrances you like best. From your vibes i'd say warm spices with hit of floral, but only time will tell!
A super strong hug! V.
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cyringedigimediaseo · 2 years
Best online entertainment promoting tips to continue in 2022
With more than 3 billion dynamic clients via web-based entertainment, virtual entertainment advertising is certainly perhaps the best channel for business to lay out an internet-based presence, secure quality traffic and eventually drive deals.
Today, it sounds pretty unavoidable to be via online entertainment, right?
Furthermore, did you have any idea that online entertainment has an overall infiltration pace of 49%?
Indeed, this implies that almost around 50% of the total populace is there via online entertainment! Furthermore, on the off chance that you know how to use web-based entertainment stages right, there can be no greater chance for showcasing out there.
Need a few hints for virtual entertainment showcasing to help your traffic and make your life simpler? Peruse on to investigate how to make the best of virtual entertainment!
Hints for online entertainment showcasing
Online entertainment promoting can either be a dynamic stalwart that cements marking, creates quality leads, and drives deals or, it very well may be a hotshot frustration. The critical lies in knowing how to make, do, and dissect the general arrangement decisively.
With legitimate preparation, organizations can without a doubt reach and surpass the result that made them generally energetic about virtual entertainment in any case.
Luckily, we have a bit-by-bit plan spread out for you. Go through these 15 idiot proof tips to pro your virtual entertainment advertising effort!
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Recognize your objectives and crowd
It's wise to constantly begin with objective setting before straightforwardly leaping to arranging, and web-based entertainment promoting's the same. Thus, you ought to apply the SMART objective setting way to deal with make the system for a solid web-based entertainment promoting effort.
When you put forth your virtual entertainment objectives, continue on to settle on who your ideal interest group will be. Your message will not be convincing except if it's particularly intended for your interest group.
Plus, fostering a reasonable purchaser persona shows you the bearing to take the substance that will no doubt draw in and interest your interest group.
Take advantage of robotization instruments
Envision having a profile on twelve distinct stages and posting physically on each something like three times each day. Startling, isn't that so? Plus, all your time will be consumed in distributing the presents with zero immaterial efficiency.
If by some stroke of good luck there were somebody, we could dump this tedious work on! All things considered, express welcome to online entertainment apparatuses your knight in sparkling protective layer.
You can utilize apparatuses like HubSpot to auto-present your reports on the entirety of your social records and afterward assess the outcomes with their investigation.
The general purpose of utilizing such devices is to prepare time and make timetable posts on the substance schedule.
With these apparatuses, you can plan your pins, posts, and tweets with important hashtags and online entertainment makes reference to all month long, across the board go. Furthermore, presto, you just saved yourself an adequate opportunity to be more useful and focus on the general virtual entertainment methodology.
Treat every stage exceptionally
Individuals frequently utilize similar messages on every web-based entertainment stage.
In any case, this is how they veer off-track. To ace your web-based entertainment game, you need to treat every stage remarkably and think about its separate functionalities and highlights.
To construct an unwavering fanbase, you should plan and think of an imaginative procedure for every stage exclusively. Remember the adherent socioeconomics and make content that requests to them the most.
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Utilize emojis
There is an explanation we have emojis. Emojis or emoticons work well for the motivation behind conveying feelings pretty.
Be that as it may, appropriate utilization of feelings is fundamental to convey the ideal tone and the right opinion behind the message. Trust me; it is in a real sense as simple as adding a 😃. Plus, the emojis get the peruses more excited about your substance. In this way, the following time you compose, go ahead and drop in your #1 emojis in the subtitle.
Be available to pay for social promoting
Individuals frequently consider online entertainment to be unadulterated natural action; nonetheless, one ought to be available to attempting a paid showcasing channel. You might utilize paid advertisements on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social stages.
Obviously, paid advertisements remain imperfect. However, don't be terrified of paying for better web-based entertainment reach or snaps. Obviously, I don't propose you hop in with a truly extravagant spending plan. Begin gradually, check whether you are obtaining the normal outcomes, and afterward continue on in like manner. What's more, who knows, it could transform into a wise venture!
Validness is Key
Be Authentic, don't simply Fake it. This might sound self-evident; nonetheless, credibility is very nearly transforming into one more popular expression in the social world.
Being genuine will separate you and your image in this very cutthroat market. Since accept me, today, the supporters are drawn to what's genuine, and they can track down imagine content instantly.
Share quality visual substances
Do you use visual substance while advancing blog entries on your virtual entertainment stages? All things considered; quality visuals are an unquestionable requirement to extend your online entertainment commitment.
Why? Basic since individuals find visuals seriously captivating and are in this manner more leaned to share visual substance. In addition, visuals offer more worth and assist with creating more traffic, further developed deals, and lead you to the top. Hence, utilizing visuals ought to be one of the fundamental elements for your virtual entertainment showcasing methodology.
Center around connections
It's no secret that the existence of web-based entertainment is individuals like you and me.
Hence, our substance should offer worth to our ideal interest group to construct genuine connections. Your substance ought to urge your networks to interface and draw in with you. Keep in mind, everything revolves around them and not you.
Thus, pay attention to and answer to what they need to say via web-based entertainment! Draw in, and you'll change over your adherents into brand diplomats!
Hold back nothing
Quite possibly the most unmistakable errors business frequently make is that they continually plan to get a lead or change from online entertainment. In any case, you really want to comprehend that individual are looking over their web-based entertainment takes care of for amusement and not accepting or giving their email.
Thus, you should zero in on additional commitment. Begin with diversion pictures and recordings connected with your specialty and lift those presents on contact your designated crowd.
Furthermore, you'll be shocked to perceive how long you'll have areas of strength for a base and devotees who are sitting tight for you to post. Presently, that is an ideal opportunity to sagaciously discuss business and convert them.
Establish enduring connections
Keep in mind, our emphasis ought to be on making enduring impressions with unique substance as opposed to being lost in short lived patterns and shoptalk. Your image's voice ought to be genuine, steady, and mirror the association and culture for which it talks.
Obviously, it doesn't mean you can't evaluate new things. In any case, simply be aware of the almost negligible difference between meeting your devotees at their level and endeavoring excessively difficult to "be cool."
Dial back on the hashtags
Hashtags are awesome to coordinate all your web-based entertainment posts. Click on a particular hashtag, and all the pertinent substance becomes noticeable. Additionally, hashtags are identifiers of your image and assist you with beginning discussions and drawing in with your devotees.
In any case, there's something else!
The more hashtags you use, the more difficult it is to find commitment you get. How?
All things considered, utilizing an excessive number of hashtags can make individuals irritated and might in fact drop your commitment rate. To stay away from this, utilization 2 or 3 designated hashtags per post and make a point to utilize just high-volume important hashtags you can without much of a stretch find utilizing on the web hashtag generator devices.
Work with deals to grasp your purchaser's process
Similarly, as with any promoting, the critical lie in understanding what your listeners might be thinking. Subsequently, advertisers ought to work intimately with the outreach group to find out about the purchaser's excursion and different variables influencing direction. When the online entertainment advertiser comprehends this excursion, they should make content that suitably fits this interaction.
Embrace your mix-ups
People are inclined to commit errors, and the quick moving universe of online entertainment is no special case. Accordingly, rather than being oblivious to our errors, we should figure out how to acknowledge and apologize for something similar. Being virtual entertainment advertisers, we must work on them and at times educate our supporters concerning them. They'll appreciate the way that you chipped away at your missteps to give them further developed administrations.
Be "social"
A definitive key to expert virtual entertainment is to be "social." Irrespective of the number of posts you distribute via web-based entertainment, you should develop your commitment by dropping input, retweeting, following, and some way or another interfacing with your interest group.
Furthermore, accept me, you will see an extreme distinction in your snap rates in your future posts.
Profound jump into online entertainment examination
Investigation assists you with understanding where your listeners might be coming from and sorting out what produces more traffic. Along these lines, you should utilize online entertainment information really to speed up execution.
Assess the investigation, focus on the details like adherent increment, site visits, number of posts, shares, likes, clicks, impressions, and so forth.
HubSpot social apparatuses assist you with monitoring your online entertainment investigation. Utilize these outcomes to rethink your technique, whenever required, and make arrangements for what's in store.
Wrapping Up
A functioning online entertainment promotion system is an imperative part of your general showcasing effort.
Be that as it may, recall, there is no proper arrangement to prevail in virtual entertainment promoting. Thus, you ought to continually attempt new tips and deceives to make progress for your brands.
Furthermore, to hold yourself back from falling behind, you should constantly remain refreshed with the new patterns and know about the bearing online entertainment is going!
Break down the consequences of your web-based entertainment promoting endeavors and utilize online entertainment.
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paulbeal · 3 months
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🥾 Great Gable Walk: Updated and Republished on the Website
🏞 Last year, my friends and I decided to tackle a Great Gable walk, starting from Honister Slate Mine, on the B5289 Honister Pass road between Rosthwaite and Buttermere in the Lake District. We had four Wainwrights in our sights: Grey Knotts, Brandreth, Green Gable, and Great Gable – not that we're hardcore Wainwright Baggers or anything!
🚗 After parking, we hopped out of our cars and were immediately greeted by the daunting sight of the steep path leading up to Grey Knotts. A quick look around confirmed I wasn't the only one thinking, "What have we gotten ourselves into?" accompanied by a few mumbled expletives from the group. But, ever determined (or maybe just too stubborn to back down), we started the climb.
🌄 Slow and steady, we made our way up, reaching the summit of Grey Knotts and ticking off our first Wainwright. Next, we headed south-west towards Brandreth, our boots squelching through the boggy bits. Pro tip: sticking close to the fence line helps with not getting lost!
🏔 Our journey then took us south across the grassy expanses, down into Gillercomb Head and back up again to Green Gable, the third Wainwright. After a brief dip into Windy Gap, we faced the rocky ascent to Great Gable. Reaching the summit, we took our time exploring, especially around Westmorland Cairn and White Napes, taking in the incredible views down to Wast Water.
⛰ The descent from Great Gable was a bit of a nerve-wracker, carefully picking our way down the north-west slopes, through rocky terrain and slippery sliding scree. We then veered east, passing under the imposing Gable Crag, and headed north, below Greengable Crag, along Moses’ Trod and across the fells.
🌳 Wrapping up, the path eased up, leading us past Fleetwith and down a stone track by Bell Crags, back to where we started at Honister Slate Mine. Though it was challenging, our Great Gable walk was definitely a memorable experience, filled with a mix of laughter, a few grumbles, and of course, the usual sense of achievement.
📸 For more details about the walk and to see some of my photos, have a look at the website.
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journeyempires1 · 11 months
Explore Andaman Islands like a Pro with This Travel Guide
 1. Introduction to the Andaman Islands
The Andaman Islands are a group of picturesque islands known for their untouched natural beauty and rich marine life. With pristine white sandy beaches, turquoise waters, and lush green forests, the islands offer a perfect getaway for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts alike. From historical landmarks to thrilling water sports, the Andaman Islands have something for everyone.
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2. Best Time to Visit
The Andaman Islands can be visited throughout the year, but the best time to visit is between October and May when the weather is pleasant and ideal for outdoor activities. The monsoon season from June to September brings heavy rainfall and rough seas, making it less favorable for tourists.
3. How to Reach the Andaman Islands
To reach the Andaman Islands, you can take a direct flight from major cities in India like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, or Chennai to the Veer Savarkar International Airport in Port Blair, the capital city of the Andaman Islands. There are also regular passenger ship services available from Chennai, Kolkata, and Vishakhapatnam to Port Blair.
4. Top Attractions in the Andaman Islands
Cellular Jail
Cellular Jail, also known as Kala Pani, is a historical landmark that holds great significance in India's freedom struggle. Built during British colonial rule, it served as a prison for freedom fighters. A visit to this infamous jail offers a glimpse into India's past and is a reminder of the sacrifices made by those who fought for independence.
Radhanagar Beach
Regarded as one of Asia's best beaches, Radhanagar Beach is a must-visit destination in the Andaman Islands. With its golden sand, clear blue waters, and breathtaking sunsets, this beach offers a perfect setting for relaxation and rejuvenation. Take a leisurely stroll along the shore or simply bask in the beauty of nature.
Ross Island
Ross Island is a serene paradise that was once the administrative headquarters of the British in the Andaman Islands. Today, it stands as a ghostly reminder of the colonial era, with ruins and remnants of old buildings scattered across the island. Explore the historical landmarks, including the Chief Commissioner's House and the British Club, while immersing yourself in the island's natural beauty.
Baratang Island and Limestone Caves
Baratang Island is known for its natural wonders, particularly the limestone caves. Embark on a thrilling boat ride through dense mangrove forests to reach these mesmerizing caves. Inside, you will witness stunning stalactite and stalagmite formations, creating a surreal environment. It's a unique experience that nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers shouldn't miss.
Neil Island
Neil Island, also known as the "vegetable bowl" of the Andaman Islands, is a tranquil paradise offering a serene escape from the bustling city life. The island is famous for its beautiful beaches, such as Bharatpur Beach and Sitapur Beach, where you can relax, swim, and soak up the sun. Enjoy the laid-back atmosphere and immerse yourself in the local culture of the island.
Embark on an unforgettable voyage with Journey Empires, the best travel agency in Andaman Islands. Immerse yourself in the beauty of these pristine archipelago gems as you traverse azure waters and discover the secrets of this tropical paradise. With a team of dedicated experts, Journey Empires ensures a seamless and personalized experience, tailor-made to your desires. Explore the stunning coral reefs, indulge in thrilling water sports, and bask in the golden sunsets of secluded beaches. Let Journey Empires, the best travel agency in the Andaman Islands, be your guide, curating an extraordinary adventure that will leave you with cherished memories for a lifetime.
Practical Tips for Travelers
Entry Permits and Permissions
Non-Indian nationals require a Restricted Area Permit (RAP) to visit certain islands in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. These permits can be obtained upon arrival at the Port Blair airport or seaport. Indian nationals do not require a permit to visit most islands.
Safety and Health Precautions
While the Andaman Islands are generally safe for tourists, it's always wise to take precautions. Be aware of your surroundings, avoid isolated areas at night, and follow any safety instructions provided by authorities. Stay hydrated, apply sunscreen, and carry insect repellent to protect yourself from sunburn and mosquito bites.
Currency and Communication
The official currency of the Andaman Islands is the Indian Rupee (INR). ATMs are available in major towns, but it's advisable to carry sufficient cash, especially if you plan to visit remote areas. Mobile networks and internet connectivity are generally reliable in Port Blair and other main islands.
Transportation within the Islands
To explore the Andaman Islands, you can hire taxis, auto-rickshaws, or motorcycles. Public buses are available for travel between different towns. For island hopping, ferries and speedboats are the primary means of transportation. Book tickets in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons, to secure your preferred timings.
Respect for Local Culture and Environment
The Andaman Islands are home to indigenous communities, and it's important to respect their culture and traditions. Seek permission before taking photographs of locals or their homes. Additionally, help preserve the fragile ecosystem by refraining from littering and engaging in responsible tourism practices.
The Andaman Islands offer a tropical paradise filled with natural wonders, adventure activities, and cultural experiences. Whether you're a nature lover, history enthusiast, or adventure seeker, this archipelago has something to offer everyone. So pack your bags, embrace the beauty of the Andaman Islands, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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The Bronx NY Home Of The Savages The Zoo Shirt
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My favorite white tee is the The Bronx NY Home Of The Savages The Zoo Shirt . I will get this Hanes x Karla crew because I like my tees to have weight, especially if they are white. I love it so much that I have it in both the cropped and tank versions! White tees can veer unflattering, but this one retains a good structure. There’s nothing better than the feel of a super worn-in t-shirt, and Mother’s Rowdy tee masters that vintage feel, without ever having been worn before. Plus, it has just the right amount of slouch you want from an oversized silhouette. Even if you didn’t live through the ’90s baby tee era, you can appreciate the perfect cut of Gil Rodriguez’s modern adaptation: the fine-ribbed knit, with cap sleeves, is designed just long enough to tuck into jeans (high-waist pants forever!). Pro tip: Buy a few at a time so you don’t have to be too precious about every wear. I love all the Buck Mason basics. These tees are so soft and fit perfectly for any occasion you need a perfect white top.The Bronx NY Home Of The Savages The Zoo Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Women's
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Long Sleeved
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Unisex Sweatshirt
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Unisex Hoodie
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Classic Men's My wardrobe weak spot is a shirt that is comfy enough to lie on the The Bronx NY Home Of The Savages The Zoo Shirt . I will get this couch in, but also acceptable to wear during work Zoom meetings. Did I ever realize I’d have this extremely niche need? Nope, but here we are! Enter A.P.C.’s Marina short-sleeve shirt. It’s made of 100% cotton, which makes it perfect for lazy lounging. The added collar makes me look like I have my act together. Which I don’t, by the way. Christian Cowan is better known for his red carpet creations and viral runway moments than wardrobe essentials. His unisex, white t-shirt challenges that assumption. Perfect in thickness and cut, the shirt is ideal for any occasion. The subtle crystal “C” detail injects just enough glamour into this basic. Marc Jacobs’s Heaven Logo Baby Tee is the closest I have to a white T-shirt, and it also happens to be one of my favorites. I love the blue ringer detailing and faded screen print that adds a pop of color to any outfit without clashing with any additional prints I might throw in. You Can See More Product: https://newshirtonline.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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luxuryshirt · 2 years
The Munsters Halloween shirt
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My favorite white tee is the The Munsters Halloween shirt . but in fact I love this Hanes x Karla crew because I like my tees to have weight, especially if they are white. I love it so much that I have it in both the cropped and tank versions! White tees can veer unflattering, but this one retains a good structure. There’s nothing better than the feel of a super worn-in t-shirt, and Mother’s Rowdy tee masters that vintage feel, without ever having been worn before. Plus, it has just the right amount of slouch you want from an oversized silhouette. Even if you didn’t live through the ’90s baby tee era, you can appreciate the perfect cut of Gil Rodriguez’s modern adaptation: the fine-ribbed knit, with cap sleeves, is designed just long enough to tuck into jeans (high-waist pants forever!). Pro tip: Buy a few at a time so you don’t have to be too precious about every wear. I love all the Buck Mason basics. These tees are so soft and fit perfectly for any occasion you need a perfect white top.The Munsters Halloween shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirtMy wardrobe weak spot is a shirt that is comfy enough to lie on the The Munsters Halloween shirt . but in fact I love this couch in, but also acceptable to wear during work Zoom meetings. Did I ever realize I’d have this extremely niche need? Nope, but here we are! Enter A.P.C.’s Marina short-sleeve shirt. It’s made of 100% cotton, which makes it perfect for lazy lounging. Read the full article
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Everything You Need To Know About Condo Remodeling
There are many benefits to condo living, such as the added security of living in a close community of neighbors, the use of amenities, and far less maintenance than single-family homes.
When it comes to condo renovations, however, there are more rules and regulations to adhere to than with a single-family home. So before embarking on condo renovations, it's essential to do your homework. Here are some of the most important factors to consider when planning a condo renovation.
Understand your HOA rules
The first place to start is to gain a clear understanding of what items within your condominium are considered yours, and which are considered to be common property under the rules of the HOA (Homeowner's Association). 
As Darren Robertson from Northern Virginia Home Pro states, “When buying a condo, you become legally bound to follow the rules set out by the HOA's Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions. It's imperative to familiarize yourself with these rules to ensure that the conditions are ones that you are comfortable living by and complying with.”
Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs) typically go into great detail when it comes to defining which property elements are solely the condominium owner's and which are considered common property. Once you are familiar with which property elements are yours to do as you please, it can help inform your decision on whether to renovate. 
For example, suppose you want to replace your unit's windows and get your heart set on a particular design, only to discover that any replacements must match the exterior aesthetic of the other windows in the complex? Even though windows are quite possibly your responsibility to maintain, there may still be rules in place that prevent you from veering away from the current design. 
Depending on how strict your HOA's rules are, there may be too many restrictions to warrant any large-scale renovation ideas, so it's imperative to check these first. 
Get everything in writing
Because failing to adhere to your HOA's CC&Rs can result in penalties and fines, it's essential that you get all approvals in writing before commencing work. Verbal go-aheads likely won't suffice if the board deems that you have pushed ahead with renovations without the proper approval. 
Schedule carefully 
Your HOA's CC&Rs should also outline the days and hours you are allowed to carry out renovations, which you must stick to. In addition, there may be restrictions on when you can bring construction materials into the building, particularly regarding the use of elevators and the availability of parking for contractors. 
Ultimately, the HOA is responsible for ensuring that a comfortable standard of living is maintained for all residents, so it is strongly advised to adhere to these rules diligently to avoid disagreement or penalty. 
When scheduling renovations in line with HOA regulations, it's also worth noting that you will likely need to exercise patience. For example, some boards may only meet once a month, so approvals for plans and renovation revisions may take longer than is ideal. Be sure to consider this when liaising with contractors. 
Ask for advice
Because condo modeling is a more complex process, it can help to ask for advice from those in the know. It may help to chat with any neighbors in the complex who have renovated their condo - ask for tips and advice, as well as contractor recommendations. Contractors whose work can be vouched for is invaluable as it is, but if they are already familiar with carrying out remodeling works in your building, all the better. 
That said, always carry out your own due diligence regarding the rules and what the common elements are. 
Work with a third party
If possible, consider working with a designer or tradesperson who can oversee the project. Not only will this make the project run more smoothly, but it will also help avoid materials turning up at random times, stacked outside, and generally causing chaos. Given the challenges of carrying out a renovation in a condominium complex, it pays to have the project carefully coordinated by one third-party contractor. 
Lowering your lighting
Many condominiums have cement ceilings, meaning that you won't be able to make any changes that require drilling into them. 
This can make moving fixtures tricky, but there is a solution. Many condo remodels incorporate dropped ceilings to allow for new components to be installed. Adding dropped ceiling panels will enable you to add or move recessed lighting fixtures and make other changes, such as installing a new hood fan. 
Final thoughts
Condo renovations can be stressful and complicated, so it really does pay to be as organized as possible, both in advance and throughout the project. First and foremost, know your HOA rules, get advice, plan and plan some more, exercise patience, and, if at all possible, arrange to stay somewhere else while the work is being done.
Guest Contributor: Jennifer Seene
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thebibliosphere · 3 years
So I'm currently unemployed because I got fired for taking too much sick leave (it was legally sketchy blah blah blah but in the end I just can't work and take care of myself and investigate my mystery health problems at the same time). So I've been spending more time writing!
I really admire your writing and loved Hunger Pangs. I'm looking forward to the poly elements developing and I'm wondering if you have any advice for writing about poly. I've made one of my projects a snarky take on "write what you know" ... Apparently what I know is southern gothic meets Pacific northwest gothic, chronic illness pandemic surrealism, and falling back-asswards into threesomes.
I know this is a very open-ended question and I don't expect an answer, I'm just curious about it if you have the energy. As a writer, trying to write honestly / realistically about polyamory/enm, I'm curious if you have any thoughts on what's different about portraying monogamy or nonmonogamy in books, romance or erotica or otherwise.
I'm trying to read examples but it's hard to find examples that fit the niche I'm looking at. Excuse me if this question is nonsense, it's the cluster headaches.
I'm sorry to hear you've been dealing with all that and solidarity on the cluster headaches. But I'm glad you're finding an outlet through writing! And I hope you're happy with an open-ended ramble in response because oh boy, there's a lot I could talk about and I could probably do a better job of answering this sort of thing with more specific questions, but let's see where we end up.
There's definitely a big difference between writing polyamory/ENM (ethical non-monogamy) and what people often expect from monogamous love stories.
Just even from a purely sales and marketing standpoint, the moment you write anything polyamorous (or even just straight up LGBTQIA+ without the ENM) you're going to get considered closer to being erotica/obscene than hetero romances. It's an unfair bias, but it's one that exists in our society. But also the Amazon algorithm and their shitty, shitty human censors. Especially the ones that work the weekends. (Talking to you, Carlos 🖕.)
So not only do you start out hyper-aware that you're writing something that is highly stigmatized or fetishized (at least I'm hyper-aware) but that you are also writing for a niche market that is starving for positive content because the content that exists is either limited, not what they want, or is problematic in some fashion i.e. highly stigmatized or fetishy. And even then, the wants, desires, and expectations of the community you're writing for are complex and wildly varied and hard to fit into an easy formula.
When writing monogamous love stories, there is a set expectation that’s really hard to fuck up once you know it. X person meets Y. Attraction happens, followed by some sort of minor conflict/resolution. Other plot may happen. A greater catalyst involving personal growth for both parties (hopefully) happens. Follow the equation to its ultimate resolution and achieve Happily Ever After. 
But writing ENM is... a lot more difficult, if only because of the pure scope of possibilities. You could try to follow the same equation and shove three (or more) people into it, but it rarely works well. Usually because if you’re doing it right, you won’t have enough room in a single character arc to allow for enough growth, and if ENM requires anything in abundance, it’s room to grow.
And this post is huge so I’m going to put the rest under a cut :)
There's also a common refrain in certain online polyam/ENM circles that triads and throuples are overrepresented in media and they may be right to some extent. Personally, I believe the issue isn't that triads and throuples are overrepresented, but that there is such minuscule positive rep of ethical non-monogamy in general, that the few tiny instances we have of triads in media make it seem like it's "everywhere" when in actuality, it's still quite rare and the media we do have often veers into Unicorn Hunter fetish porn. Which is its own problematic thing. And just to be clear, I’m not including this part to dissuade you from writing "falling back-asswards into threesomes." If anything, I need more of it and would hook it directly into my brain if I could. I'm just throwing it out there into the void in the hope that someone will take the thought and run with it, lol.
I’d love to see more polyfidelitous rep in fiction, just as much as I’d like to see more relationship anarchy too. More diversity in fiction is always good.
Another thing that differs in writing ENM romance vs conventional monogamy is the feeling like you need to justify yourself. There's a lot of pressure to be as healthy and non-problematic as possible because you are being held to a higher standard of criticism. Both from people from without the ENM communities, and from the people within. Granted, some people don't give a shit and just want to read some fantastic porn (valid) but there are those who will cheerfully read Fifty Shades of Bullshit and call it "spicy" and "romantic," then turn around and call the most tooth-rottingly-sweet-fluff about a queer platonic polycule heresy. That's just the way the world works.
(Pro-tip for author life in general: never read your own reviews; that way madness lies. I glimpsed one the other day that tagged Hunger Pangs as “ethical cheating” and just about had an aneurism.)
And while that feeling of needing to justify yourself comes from a valid place of being excluded from the table of socially accepted norms, it can also be to the detriment of both the story and the subject matter at hand. I've seen some authors bend so far over backward to avoid being problematic in their portrayal of ENM, they end up being problematic for entirely different reasons. Usually because they give such a skewed, rose-tinted perspective of how things work, it ends up coming off as well... a bit culty and obnoxious tbh.
“Look how enlightened we are, freed from the trappings of monogamy and jealousy! We’re all so honest and perfect and happy!”
Yeah, uhu, sure Jan. Except here’s the thing, not all jealousy is bad. How you act on it can be, but jealousy itself is an important tool in the junk drawer that is the range of human emotion. It can clue us in to when we’re feeling sad or neglected, which in turn means we should figure out why we’re feeling those things. Sometimes it’s because brains are just like that and anxiety is a thing. Other times it’s because our needs are actually being neglected and we are in an unhealthy situation we need to remedy. You gotta put the work in to figure it out. Which is the same as any style of relationship, whether it’s mono, polyam or whatever flavor of ENM you subscribe to* And sometimes you just gotta be messy, because that’s how humans are. Being afraid to show that mess makes it a dishonest portrayal, and it also robs you of some great cannon fodder for character development.
Which brings me in a roundabout way to my current pet peeve in how certain writers take monogamous ideals and apply them to ENM, sometimes without even realizing it. The “Find the Right Person and Settle Down” trope.
Often, in this case, ENM or polyamory is treated as a phase. Something you mature out of with age or until you meet “The One(tm).” This is, of course, an attempt to follow the mono style formula expected in most romances. And while it might appeal to many readers, it’s uh, actually quite insulting. 
To give an example, I am currently seeing this a lot in the Witcher fandom. 
Fanon Netflix!Jaskier is everyone's favorite ethical slut until he meets Geralt then woops, wouldn’t you know, he just needed to find The One(tm). Suddenly, all his other sexual and romantic exploits or attractions mean nothing to him. Let's watch as he throws away a core aspect of his personality in favor of a man. 
Yeah... that sure showed those societal norms... 
If I were being generous, I’d say it’s a poor attempt at showing New Relationship Euphoria and how wrapped up people can become in new relationships. But honestly, it’s monogamous bias eking its way in to validate how special and unique the relationship is. Because sometimes people really can’t think of any other way to show how important and valid a relationship is without defining it in terms of exclusivity. Which is a fundamental misunderstanding of how ENM works for a lot of people and invalidates a lot of loving, serious and long-term relationships.
This is not to say that some polyam/poly-leaning people can't be happy in monogamous relationships! I am! (I consider myself ambiamorous. I'm happy with either monogamy or polyamory, it really just depends on the relationship(s) I’m in.) But I also don't regard my relationship with a mono partner as "settling down" or "growing up." It's just a choice I made to be with a person I love, and it's a valid one. Just like choosing to never close yourself off to multiple relationships is valid. And I wish more people realized that, or rather, I wish the people writing these things knew that :P
Anyway, I think I’ve rambled enough. I hope this collection of incoherent thoughts actually makes some sense and might be useful. 
*A good resource book that doesn't pull any punches in this regard is Polysecure by Jessica Fern. It's a wonderfully insightful read that explores the messier side of consensual non-monogamy, especially with how it can be affected by trauma or inter-relationship conflicts. But it also shows how to take better steps toward healthy, ethical non-monogamy (a far better job than More Than Two**) and conflict resolution, making it a valuable resource both for someone who is a part of this relationship style***, but also for writers on the outside looking in who might have a very simple or misguided idea of what conflict within polyam/ENM relationships might look like, vs traditional monogamous ones.
** The author of More Than Two has been accused of multiple accounts of abuse within the polyamorous community, with many of his coauthors having spoken out about the gaslighting and emotional and psychological damage they experienced while in a relationship with him. A lot of their stories are documented here: https://www.itrippedonthepolystair.com/ (warning: it is not light material and deals with issues of abuse, gaslighting, and a whole other plethora of Yikes.) While some people still find More Than Two helpful reading, there are now, thankfully, much, much better resources out there.
*** Some people consider polyam/ENM to be part of their identity or orientation, while others view it as a relationship style.It largely depends on the individual. 
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mellowyandere · 3 years
One Hell of a Logical Ruse Part 1
Reader: F
Characters: Aizawa Shouta (Eraserhead) 
Summary: Shouta loves a good game of cat and mouse, unfortunately for you the game’s a little rigged. This is somewhat of an experiment to try and write a smut scene from the male POV. Disclaimer I am not a man so uh yeah lmao. 
Based off the pre-established fic You’re Ours to Protect. 
Length: 4.5K
Warnings: non-con, yandere themes, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, praise kink
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Aizawa Shouta was a rational man. He did his best to adhere to logic, and to never waste time with unnecessary action. And yet despite this, he absolutely loved watching you try to escape. You were pretty clever, even without him “accidentally” forgetting to lock the second story window that just so happened to be above some forgivingly soft shrubbery. 
You probably would have figured some way out on your own, but something feral inside him didn’t want to wait around for you to act. Normally it was his ever-loud husband Hizashi that fell flat when it came to the notion of patience, but today he would relent to his own selfish desires. 
Toshinori would have been utterly distressed had he been aware of the sleepy pros scheme. The number one was a man of swift action, seemingly never thinking twice before charging fist first into danger. He would not be happy Shouta was playing with you like this, but Toshinori and Hizashi wouldn’t be made aware of his little game with you. After all they had no idea he set this up, so they might genuinely try to punish you. He’d keep it quiet once he caught you and pretend it’s your little secret. Maybe you’d even be a little grateful if you believed he was saving your skin.
He rationalized his behavior by telling himself you seemed so bored, truly this was the perfect way to stimulate your mind and body. So when he heard the telltale sound of a body landing in bushes on the back side of the house he simply started a timer for 20 minutes to give you a bit of a head start. 
Was it cruel to get your hopes up like this? Perhaps, but he’d make sure to fuck you senseless to alleviate the disappointment. After all, if you were a good girl you’d have settled into your life with them already. But you really did enjoy testing them, which brought out the side of him that wanted to put you in your place. 
Giving himself a once over he made sure he had everything he would need for your inevitable return home. Well, now that you were basically quirkiness, all he needed was his capture weapon just in case you put up a struggle. He hadn’t decided yet if he was going to fuck you when he caught you, or if he was going to haul your cute ass home first. 
Thinking about plowing into you with adrenaline still pumping through his veins from the hunt had some blood rushing below his belt. Well he could always just do both.
The shrill ringing of his phones alarm brought him back from his wandering thoughts. With a sadistic grin stretching wide across his face he headed for the front door.
Three weeks. Three fucking weeks trapped inside that house with three insane men. Sure they might not beat you or starve you, but the constant belittling, undermining and infantilizing was about to drive you to insanity yourself. You almost jumped for joy when you noticed an unlocked window on the second floor in Hizashi’s and Shouta’s room. The blond man had a bad habit of using too much cologne, and his dark-haired counterpart was always having to air out the room when the radio star went overboard. 
Eraserhead was normally very diligent about ensuring the window was sealed tight, but last night Toshinori had come home in a flurry of smoke and blood, sending his blond junior into hysterics. It was nothing serious, unfortunately, but Shouta had been the one to calm Hizashi and tend to the number ones injuries. Amidst all the ruckus he had left the window unlocked. 
You knew Shouta would soon realize his mistake and lock the window down tight, leaving you with a small time frame to enact your grand escape. It wasn't ideal, but the best you had been able to do was wait for both blonds to leave, trapping you in the house with Shouta. Normally he let you be during the day, opting to nap and grade what appeared to be homework. Hopefully today would seem like just another day, and he wouldn’t think to check on you until dinner approached. 
You found yourself perched on the window sill, ready to take flight. All you had were the clothes on your back, not wanting to make any suspicious noises that would tip you off. On the count of three you braced yourself and pushed off from the ledge, landing on the bushes below with a thud. 
Fuck, that was a bit louder than you had anticipated. Ignoring your growing anxiety, you made quick work of escaping the clutches of the now flattened bush and took off into the woods on the back half of the house. 
Your heart was hammering like mad in your chest as you sprinted as fast as you could. It was hardly fair that it was your first time outside in three weeks and you couldn’t even slow down to take it all in. Thankfully it was spring, meaning you wouldn’t have to worry about the cold. All you needed to do was find someone to get this stupid quirk canceling collar off and then you could safely recede into the background, making sure the three pros never found you again. 
Easier said than done when one of those pros was All Might, and the other two were just as formidable, but you’d be damned if you didn’t try. You did your best to not leave a trail behind, but knew once Shouta figured out you were gone he’d have no trouble tracing your tracks. It was the unfortunately shitty reality you were dealing with. 
Were you really going to be able to escape? Even now as you ran as fast as you could it felt like a fruitless endeavor. There were too many variables that had to line up perfectly in order for you to pull this off, and as you ran directionless through the woods no viable solutions were coming to you. Hell, even now your lungs were burning from exertion, legs begging you to stop. 
But if there was one thing that you were it was stubborn. Stubborn to a fault sometimes, and so you pushed onwards. After what felt like an eternity of non-stop running you slowed to a walk. The forest seemed never ending, taunting you with its sprawling army of trees and shrubbery. You decided to be more mindful of the tracks you were leaving, veering off course in a way that would hopefully go undetected. 
Now no longer running you simply kept your steps quiet and ears alert in case Shouta had already discovered your absence. He was good at his work, but even he had limitations. 
Shouta had to give credit where credit was due, you were better at this than he thought you’d be. If you were his student he’d be proud, but you were his prey so he was a bit annoyed. At first your tracks had been sloppy, easy to follow and incredibly straight forward. At some point though you had changed your approach, footsteps almost vanishing as you adopted a new tactic. 
He found himself crouching low, inspecting leaves to see which you had accidentally broken. There were no more snapped limbs as you carefully maneuvered through the woods. If he wasn’t a pro at hunting people down you probably would have been able to evade him, but this was his livelihood. 
Ever so carefully he followed your almost invisible trail. He had you beat in endurance so you’d have to settle somewhere eventually, and without food and water you were at a distinct disadvantage. Everything was lining up in his favor as he intended, even if you were making this a little harder than expected. 
The anticipation of catching a glimpse of you, of watching you realize he was there and taking off, made his heart beat faster. The longer you evaded him, the more time he had to come up with a fun punishment for you. 
The sun had been directly overhead at the beginning of your escape, and was now kissing the horizon. Oranges and reds were thrown about the woods as the creatures of the night began to wake from their slumber. You listened to see if you could hear the chirping of frogs to find a water source but no luck. 
There was no doubt in your mind that Shouta was 110% aware of your absence by now and was probably hot on your trail. You were zigzagging a bit, trying your best to not disturb the forest floor while making it harder to track you. Dammit this was the fucking worst, it had to have been at least 6 hours in these woods, and without any food or water you were famished. 
And yet despite wandering about for 6 fucking hours you had yet to see anything besides the woods. Maybe you should just give up, sit down and accept defeat and whatever punishment you had awaiting you. You couldn’t help but shiver a bit at the fear of what that would entail. 
As dusk quickly turned dark you debated on whether or not you were going to rest for the night. Visibility would be lower, giving you a slight edge, but Eraserhead was a night owl meaning you were entering his domain of peak performance. There was also no guessing if he was the only one looking for you. All Might could move faster than you could even comprehend and Present Mic was fine-tuned when it came to noise location. 
Sighing in annoyance as your wayward thoughts shot holes through your confidence you decided to find somewhere to try and lay down for a bit. If all three were out hunting you down they could take turns and overlap the time so you never got to rest. As busy as they should be with hero work they always seemed to find too much time to hover around you. 
Spotting some dense shrubbery, you crossed your fingers that any creepy crawlies would keep to themselves and carefully began to conceal yourself. Perhaps one of them would pass by and you could gain some intel. If you were lucky they’d write this area off after not finding you and search elsewhere. 
Settling as comfortably as one could in a bush you closed your eyes and did your best to focus on the sounds around you. The melodic chirping of crickets was the most overwhelming of all the sounds. Skittering of small forest animals echoing around as well. Your mind began to desensitize to those sounds, the lack of adrenaline that pushed you along at the start of all this causing it to dip into unconsciousness. 
That was until you heard the distinct snap of a branch. Eyes flying open you were on high alert as you kept still. You tried to hear if there would be any follow up sounds, knowing something of a decent size had to have broken the branch. If it had been a deer they would have simply kept moving, which made you all the more anxious. 
“No more tracks kitten, I know you’re here somewhere. This little game dragged on a lot longer than I had anticipated so it seems there won’t be any way to hide this from Zashi and Toshinori.” 
You wanted to scream. Even though you had tried your best it simply wasn’t enough against Eraserhead. 
“If you come out kitten I’ll give you one last shot to run. Those bushes over there look like a mighty fine hiding spot for someone of your size.” His voice was pointed directly towards you.
FUCK. You couldn’t tell if he was bluffing or not at this point but he knew you were here, might as well come out with some dignity before he dragged you out kicking and screaming. 
The bush rustled loudly as you forced your way out. You were tired, famished and most of all so frustrated you wanted to cry. You didn’t even need to look at him to know he had a condescending smirk plastered to his face. 
“There’s my pretty kitty, did you have fun outside?”
Shouta knew just what to say to strike a nerve, but you held your tongue. “One last shot to run. You said so yourself. Ditch the capture weapon and catch me like a man, I mean unless you don’t think you can. I’m already quirkiness which is your gimmick on a regular day, so really you're just beating on someone while they're already down.” You looked up now, glaring at him as his smile grew in amusement. 
“I’m going to have to be a lot more physical without it you know, I’ll have no choice but you manhandle you.”
“I’d rather take my chances.” You knew even without his capture weapon you didn’t stand much of a chance of escape. Your only goal now was to try and see how much he was willing to handicap himself. 
“Gonna give me a head start or are you going to just run as soon as I do?”
At this Shouta had to keep himself from snarking back at you. He had already given you a head start, but if he told you this was all set up you’d probably lose the will to fight on. “Five minutes. I’ll give you five minutes to run as far as you can and then I’ll come after you,” he said while pulling out his phone. 
“What about Toshinori and Hizashi?” 
“At the house. I told them I’d handle this, Toshinori will be coming to get us though once I tell him game over. We’re pretty deep in the woods and I don’t feel like walking back for six hours.”
You nodded at his words. So it was just the two of you then. Your combat skills were nothing to write home about, but maybe if you fought dirty you could gain the upper hand. 
“Alright, tell me when.”
“Oh, I already started it. You have 4 minutes and 17 seconds.”
Fucking asshole. You took off sprinting, running as fast as you could, only opting to slow to a jog once you thought you were out of earshot. You wanted him to believe you’d be trying your damndest to put distance between the two of you. But you knew you’d never outrun him. Instead you were going to continue jogging for a bit, counting down the seconds in your head so you didn’t lose track your timer. 
Once your remaining time was up you were going to lay low and try to ambush him. He wouldn’t be paying as close attention to your trail since he knew he could easily catch up. 
After the remaining 4 minutes had passed you found a decent sized tree to hide behind and worked on slowing down your breathing. It felt like your heart was going to chisel its way straight through your bones, your limbs trembling with anxiety. It wasn’t often you were hunted back when you were an anti-hero. Not many people knew who you were which made it incredibly easy to be looked over. 
Scooping up handfuls of dirt you waited. You heard him before you saw him. He wasn’t bothering to take it slow, seemingly eager to get it over with. He ran right past you, noticing you a second too late as dirt and debris were chucked straight into his face. 
He yelled out in surprise, hands reaching out to grab you but you jumped out of reach. True to his word his capture weapon was nowhere in sight. Screaming in anger you lunged at him, nails attempting to claw his face but his own larger hands were working on wiping off your dirt assault, effectively blocking you.  
He stumbled back a bit, unprepared for your hostility, before steadying himself and turning the tables back on you. In one swift motion his fist collided with your gut, forcing the air from your lungs. Your arms came down to protect where he had hit as you wheezed pathetically. Seconds later his larger frame came crashing into you, easily knocking you to the ground. 
You cried out in pain, head hitting the ground a bit too hard as stars danced behind your eyes.
“Not very smart of you Y/N, I mean it beats trying to outrun me, but really? Dirt? It’s like you want me to punish you or something.”
Placing a hand on the back of your head he pushed you down while his other arm pulled the lower half of your body flush against him. You could feel his erection pressing up against your ass.
You were a snarling sobbing mess at this point. All your emotions crashing down at once as you thrashed below Shouta.
“Easy now easy, calm down kitten. You did really good, better than I thought you were going to. If you calm down I might be willing to reduce your punishment, but you have to stop throwing a fit first.”
Despite his words Shouta was enjoying almost every second of your thrashing. The only thing he didn’t enjoy was knowing how disappointed you were right now. Anyone would be after coming so far. Now was his chance to make it up to you before giving Toshinori the go ahead. 
As your struggles subsided the only movement from your body was from your gentle sobs. Shouta for his part was slowly grinding his hard cock against your ass as he softly shushed you. 
“I know you’re disappointed kitten but I’ll make you feel better. If you’re a good girl for me I’ll be willing to look past that little dirt tactic. You’re such a smart girl though, you really did catch me by surprise.”
Leaning down he began to whisper into your ear, removing the hand from your head and bringing it down to your clothed pussy. 
“You always were resourceful, it’s one of the things I fell in love with about you. If only you were a hero, but then again if you were I wouldn’t have had the fun of hunting you down.”
You felt your stomach drop at his words. All three of them enjoyed reminiscing about how they first saw you and all their subsequent actions that lead to your imprisonment. The effort they had put into bringing you “home”. It was beyond disturbing. 
“Please Shouta, not here. Can we, can we just go home first?”
“Maybe if I had found you 4 hours ago, but right now you’re treading on very thin ice. Be a good girl for me and I’ll make sure Hizashi and Toshinori don’t punish you too harshly when we get back.”
His large hand was pawing at your clothed sex, black hair draping over your own face as his body curled around you. He slowly rutted against you, excited huffs of air ghosting across the side of your face. You could practically feel his heart vibrating against your back he was so worked up. 
He gently rubbed his stubble against the side of your face, composure slipping a bit. While Shouta absolutely loved how feisty you could be, nothing compared to when you submitted to him. He craved the feeling of your tired body giving in to his ministrations, but he needed more. 
His hand quickly slipped between your pants and underwear, index finger eagerly aiming for your folds. He couldn’t care less that you were sweaty and dirty from the hunt. Right now all he could think about was the softness of your exposed flesh, and much to his delight, the slight wetness to your outer lips. 
“Seems like someone likes being caught more than they let on hmm kitten?”
He couldn't help but taunt you a bit, loving the way you sniffled and whimpered beneath him. You knew when to behave yourself, when to be good for him. Arousal was flooding his veins. The way it felt to rub himself against your perfect ass, even through layers of clothes, had his mind blanking out. 
Your core was warm, even without him dipping a finger inside. Gently he began to delve deeper, gathering up your arousal to spread around. Your pants were starting to bother him a bit, retracting his hands he made quick work of not only your bottoms, but his as well. You remained still for him, opting to sulk like a child as he prepared to ravish you. 
You were too cute like this, and with the lower half of your body on full display he couldn't help but groan in delight. Bringing a hand down he slapped your ass hard, mesmerized by the way your flesh gave way. You yelped in surprise, body rutting forward. His cock twitched as he palmed your sore flesh, cooing softly in apology. You glared back at him, pretty little face set in a pout.
As much as he wanted to slap your ass until you cried for him to stop he restrained himself. Although this was a punishment, he had set you up. He would go easy on you, not forgetting his promise to himself to help you forget the frustration you were feeling right now. 
Whenever you got angry you opted to stop talking, instead waiting for a moment of weakness to strike or quietly accept your fate. Judging by your defeated expression he could safely assume the latter 
Folding himself over you he brought his hand back down to your pussy, thumb working slow circles on your clit while he middle finger delved deeper. Your entrance was a bit tight, but with gentle persistence he worked his way inside. 
Your velvety inner walls clamped down on him. He couldn’t help but rut his aching cock against your bare ass as his mind drifted to the feeling of you clamping down on his arousal instead. Your whines of protest only further spurring on his overwhelming need to be inside you. 
Adding a second finger he began to pump into you with a bit more urgency. Your slick was quickly coating his hand as he hit all the spots he knew would work you up to your orgasm. Groaning in delight he brought his lips to your exposed neck, sucking and nipping at your soft flesh. 
He loved when he could tell you were getting close. Your warm walls would clamp down on him, breathy mewls and moans escaping your soft lips. You were rocking back into him, uncaring of the fact that you were grinding against him as you chased your release. In these moments you abandoned your resolve to fight against him, and he happily took advantage of that. After all, if your body knew what you wanted, surely your mind would catch up one day.
Your moans were more audible now, hands grasping at the forest floor. Your back was arched into him, desperate to use him. So close, you were so close he knew it, and right before you could finish he pulled his hand away. He laughed as you huffed in frustration. 
“Shouta pl-please.” Fuck, he loved it when you begged. It didn’t happen often with how stubborn you were but when it did he knew he had to comply. 
Instead of verbally responding he opted to do what he wanted to all night long. Lining up the tip of his cock to your entrance he groaned at the heat radiating off you. Pumping his hand along his length a couple times to lube himself up with your excess fluid he pushed the tip in. You stilled beneath him, and in one swift movement he fully sheathed himself. 
His mind went blank as you cried out in pleasure, wet walls convulsing around him as your orgasm tore through you. He held still, opting to gently pet you while cooing softly down at you. Before he met you, even with Hizashi, he had never been very vocal during sex. But now he couldn’t stop himself from babbling a bit, praising you for being such a good girl. 
As your body stilled in his arms he continued to plant kisses along your delicate neck. Your soft sniffles made his heart clench a bit, how was it possible for you to be so damn cute? 
“Alright kitten now it’s my turn. No pulling anything stupid, I won’t take long.”
This whole hunt had been one giant tease, working him up in a way he normally wouldn’t allow himself. Pulling out he groaned at the feeling of his cock sliding against you. Moving his hands he grabbed your waist, eyes transfixed on where you were joined. Your back was arched as you braced yourself on your elbows, presenting yourself to him. 
His mind clouded over, blood opting to drag his attention elsewhere. He began to push back in, desperate to feel you surrounding him. Setting a tempo he pulled about halfway out before slamming back in, loving the way your body moved as you bounced off him. 
His hands dug into your supple flesh, possibly leaving bruises. He could feel the oncoming of his own orgasm, the muscles in his lower abdomen pulsating. He was panting, heart racing in his rib cage as his eyes rolled back into his head. He didn’t have the patience to edge himself today, he needed this, needed you.
He loved hearing the way your breath was forced from your lungs when he fully sheathed himself inside you. He knew he was overstimulating you a bit, but the part of him that needed to find his own release didn’t pay that fact much mind. All he could think about was the way it felt to be one with you, lost inside your soft warmth.  
After only a couple more minutes of relentlessly pounding into you he couldn’t hold it back any longer. A wave like sensation rushed through his body as his hips stuttered. He folded over you, wrapping his arms around you as he felt his hot cum rush through his cock and fill your body. The emotions rushing through him as he released into you, the woman he loved, were indescribable.
It didn’t take long for his muscles to relax, euphoria swept away by the need to take a nap washing over him. You had long since stopped crying, remaining motionless beneath him. He wondered what was going through your mind as he held you flush against him.
“Sho-Shouta.” So meek, so quiet. His heart fluttered a bit. “Can we go home now... I want to take a shower.”
Chuckling softly he pulled himself out, groaning a bit at the feeling of overstimulation as your warm walls dragged against him. Leaning away he smiled as his cum leaked out your pussy. 
“Yes kitten we can go home. I’ll make sure to clean you up.”
You groaned in protest, hating when they insisted on washing you. He knew you liked your privacy but Hizashi and Toshinori were still going to want to punish you. He’d keep close by to keep them from being too harsh. 
Pulling up his pants he fished his phone out of his pocket, rolling his eyes at the sheer quantity of missed calls from the two aforementioned. Poor little kitten, it didn’t look like you’d be getting off easy. 
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aurischolar · 1 year
when i realized that "you can wear whatever clothes you like" isn't limited to things like wearing leggings as pants, crop tops, or low-cut tops, i became so much more at home in my baggy t-shirts and sweatpants.
you don't have to be a style icon if that isn't your thing. you can just wear clothes that make you feel like you, even if people will call you lazy or sloppy for it.
it really amazes me that it took me so many years to apply the logic of "you can choose your own clothing and it doesn't matter what other people think of it" to plain, comfortable clothes. but i'm very grateful that i got there in the end.
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sin-of-jess · 3 years
Good you do a fem!reader x Shoto Todoroki? Can’t rlly decide wether he should be Top,Bottom or switch so do anything to your hearts content lol
I wen't with a more soft!swich style work, cause I just headcanon that hes a switch who's into the soft and intense type of sex lol
I actually got halfway into a story for this when I realized I veered too far away from the core point of him being a switch, so there's gonna be another Todoroki smut I post later today!
Also as always all characters are aged up to at least 21!
In hindsight, the pair should have realized what their friends had planned when every single one of them canceled the very last second possible. Todoroki was the first and only one to show up, and almost immediately after he wrote in the group chat that he had arrived so I could let him in my apartment the others wrote back half-assed excuses. You'd think pro-heroes could plan a little better.
So now the two of us were sitting on my love-seat covered in blankets with popcorn and a bag of sweets Shoto had brought for everyone on the table in front of us. The movie we chose had been all over the media due to the cast, but the two of us lost interest in it pretty quickly. We had chosen to turn the lights off and bring the couch and table closer to the tv to help set the mood for the movie, but now I was mostly using the situation to peek over at the handsome man beside me.
The movie was supposed to be a suspenseful horror, but besides the occasional jump scare, it was hardly something to even scare kids. I did my best to be discreet when I used a few of the jump scares to remove the small space separating us. When I turn to glance at the man again I notice he's staring at me, the both of us looking back at the movie when our eyes meet. After the fourth time it happened our eyes stayed locked and I couldn't help but let out a giggle, "This movie really sucks."
He softly laughs back, "It does." My eyes drop to his lips and back, blushing when I realized I had done it. I didn't want to make things awkward but that worry left me when he leaned forward and softly pressed his lips to mine. The fire between us blew up fast, and it felt like a blur when I was suddenly straddling his lap. I had my fingers laced through his hair at the nape, our kissing sloppy as he tenderly held onto my hips.
He pulls my shirt up a little, "Is it okay if I..." He trails off, his cheeks red as he nervously looks away. It was cute to see such a big-shot hero act so meek in the middle of such a heavy makeout session. I lean back to lift my shirt over my head, his eyes widening when he realizes there was nothing under my oversized shirt. I grab his head and bring his lips back to mine, goosebumps following along his fingertips as he grazes my sides.
I encourage him to let his hands wander around my upper body, Shoto gaining more confidence once I guide him to my chest. I sigh in pleasure as his hands ghost my nipples, the slight contact enough to make them harden. I push my hips down to grind into him, my courage raising when I feel the erection in his jeans.
The next few minutes clothes come off, Shoto awkwardly trying to pull his pants off while I kiss along his neck. When his cock sprung out I pushed it between my folds, rubbing the ever-growing moisture along his shaft as he once again brought his lips to mine. I gently bite his lip and pull away a touch, our foreheads staying together as I grab him and slowly guide him inside me. The both of us let out a soft moan, Shoto physically shivering as I bottom out. Neither of us moves at first, the intimacy of the moment seems to hit the both of us as I adjust myself on his cock.
When I finally lift my hips and drop down again I keep the slow pace, relishing in how incredibly it felt having him so deep inside me. Every time I bottomed out I moaned, and I quickly grab the back of his neck to balance myself as I started a steady pace.
After a few minutes, he starts to grip my hips, encouraging me to go faster; something I intentionally didn't do. He was letting out nearly silent moans, his eyes traveling around my body as I continue to bounce on him. I didn't expect him to suddenly grip my shoulders and turn us, my back now on the love-seat and his body over mine, his cock never leaving my body.
He changes the pace now that he's in control, his pace hard and fast as he starts to slam into me. The pleasure intensified tenfold and all I can do is grip the seat with one hand and the arm perched beside my head with my other. My moans turn into wails of pleasure, and the way he's pistoning into me has an orgasm rushing my way.
"Ah~ Shoto I'm close..." I moan out to him.
He nods his head, his brow furrowing as he adjusts his body so that his shoulder is against the seat, his now free arm going between us and fumbles a moment to find my clit. I arch my back when his fingers slide across it, and it only took a few moments of him rubbing my clit and thrusting into me for me to tip over the edge. My eyes roll into the back of my head and my mouth drops open, a silent scream in my throat as my orgasm flows through my body like hot lava.
He wraps his arms around my body, pulling me close to him as his thrusts go even harder. Again his forehead is on mine, his hair shadowed over his eyes as he finally stills. He's inside as deep as he could, strained moans puffing from his lips as he cums.
Our breath is ragged as we lay there in the high of sex. The reality of it all came rushing back to Todoroki, him suddenly sitting up causing his now flaccid cock to slide out of me. For a moment he's staring down at me, watching as the cum slowly slips out of me. "Shit..." He suddenly mumbles as he stumbles off the seat and through to the bathroom. I hear water running for a short moment before he comes back out, a washcloth that's wet on one side in his hand.
I shyly watch as he first uses the wet side to wipe along my pussy before using the other side to dry me off as best he could. There wasn't a lot of cum and the man was able to properly clean me up. From our peripheral we both see the jump scare on tv, the two of us jolting just a little before we burst into almost awkward laughter.
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a-detraque-barista · 5 years
Our Haunted House
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Title: Our Haunted House
Rating: M
Word Count: 5.4k
Genre: yandere, horror, smut
Warnings: cursing, yandere behaviors, mention of blood, tentacle fucking, buckets of cum, biting, marking, possessiveness, unprotected sex
Summary: On your first trip back to the Halloween Fest you ran into a quiet but attractive man. Once you get separated from your friends he can’t keep himself from touching you.
A/N: HAPPY SPOOKS DAY EVERYONE!!!! A perfect rainy day (not for trick or treaters) for Halloween and to stay home and have a  Halloween Movie Marathon while eating candy and other junk food. Anyway, this is my very first smut and I hope you all like it. I also entered this in @bang-tan-bitches​ writing challenge, Monster Mash. So go check out all the other amazing stories posted in the challenge and show them some love and now on with tentacley Jimin  💜 💜 💜
    The music box played alone on the stage. It reminded you of carnival music but there was a dark undertone to it. You were only twelve and your father decided to bring you to the annual Halloween Fest. You never got scared when someone jumped out in front of you. For some reason, you have never felt fear. Nothing ever frightened you like other people. 
Your mother had voiced her concerns on more than one occasion. Calling you a freak, a monster, even going as far as a demon. She doesn’t speak to you anymore. Ignoring your existence and spending her time drinking wine and watching trash television. 
The stage you sat a few rows away from had gone completely dark before a clown was in the spotlight. His makeup was done terribly. His lips were painted black which was peeling and the white paint on his face was cracking. As he smiled widely you could clearly see black smudges on his yellow teeth.
“Hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls!! I am your host for this evening! And tonight I welcome you to The Clowning. I did not come up with the name by the way,” he spat as he spoke with a fake speech impediment. “And now I present to you, Stabby the Prankster.”
Your father’s eyebrow raised, just as many other parents at the name. Then a clown wearing all red and black popped out from behind the curtain. A laugh similar to Woody the Woodpecker reached your ears. And just as his name entailed, he had knives in both hands. His makeup was just as terrible as the first. Instead, his eyes had red circles and his cheeks had red spots on top of the cracking white paint. 
He jumped down from the stage and in front of the first row viewers. His bulging eyes looked from left to right before lunging straight ahead and swiftly slit the young boy’s throat.
Screaming followed as people began to rush towards the exit. Your father picked you up and began to run with you tightly in his arms. Pushing his way through, he got to just outside the door before stopping dead in his tracks. Everyone around the two of you gasped as they saw the dagger sticking out of his back. 
Your father looked down at you and smiled weakly before dropping to his knees and before he could fall forward onto you, a family friend hoisted you onto her hip. She ran with you as you looked back to your now-dead father lying on the floor. 
The clown that had thrown the knife had made his way to your dad’s body and locked gazes with you. His smile was gone and he was no longer slashing townspeople one by one. He seemed as if he was worried about something.
The clown that had claimed to be the host grabbed Stabby by the neck and threw him back into the auditorium before disappearing behind the doors himself. 
“It’s going to be okay sweetie. They can’t hurt you. There’s nothing you have to worry about,” the woman carrying you said softly as you began to cry. Your father was the only one that cared about you. And you were old enough to know that.
It’s been around a decade since then. You moved out of your mother’s house into your own. You finally had your own space. Your mother didn’t talk to you much after what happened. Only a few words every couple of weeks.
As you grew older, nobody realized your dad was one of the victims. Which led you to make friends. Your best friends were Jennie and Mark, they even wanted to be your roommates. You may not live alone but you still consider this your own space, compared to your mom’s house. 
You laid in your bed as you played on your phone. It was already four in the morning, but you couldn’t sleep. Nothing worked. Listening to classical music, drinking some of Jennie’s chamomile tea, tossing and turning. Now you stared at your white ceiling thinking of other ways to fall asleep. 
Halloween is coming up and you had to think of ways to decorate the house. No wonder why you can’t sleep, your mind always wanders off. Still, you think about all the decorations you have in storage in the attic and think of new ones you could buy. 
As you zone out you see something in the corner of your eye. Quickly looking to the side, you see nothing but your closed closet door and look back up at the ceiling to see swirling patterns begin to slither across. They were navy blue mixed with graphite grey. They were like vines twisting and curling around each other. Your eyebrows furrowed as the vine-like tendrils became bigger like they were getting closer. You feel the smooth tip of the reaching blue vine graze your nose. You attempt to sink further into the bed but as you run out of space the tendril still follows and moves to the side to comfortingly caress the side of your face. It was gentle and you could feel your eyelids becoming heavier. 
Trying to fight it, you struggle to keep your eyes open. Even attempting to hit it away with your hand but another tendril grabbed your wrist, with the utmost care. It laid your hand back down softly as if it didn’t want to cause you any pain, even a little. 
Your eyes were closed by the time the most soothing voice you’ve ever heard say, “You have all the power over me.”
Mark jumping onto your bed while Jennie made an alarm go off on her phone was what woke you up. Mark began to shake you violently as he laughed, “It’s one in the afternoon, lazy ass. Get up.”
You weren’t able to say anything until he finished shaking you. Even then you didn’t say anything and just groaned. Mark and Jennie both started to jump on the bed and stopped abruptly to hear what you had to say.
“Fuck you,” you swiped your leg into theirs to make them fall. Jennie landed on her back on the bed and Mark landed on the floor. 
“So mean,” Mark grumbled from the floor. You sat up and leaned on your elbow to give him a blank look when he popped his head up. 
“So annoying.”
Mark laid back down on the floor to sulk while Jennie turned to you, “Wanna go to the Halloween Fest with us? I know you never go but it’ll be fun.” 
You got up and walked to your bathroom connected to your room, closing the door behind you. You never told them about your father being one of the victims during what they called, Hallow’s Eve Massacre. You had always thought it was a dull name. Created by none other than the group of moms that have nothing better to do than to drink overcomplicated coffee that was too expensive for their small sizes and get into other people’s business like it’s their own.
Standing at the sink you thought about the pros and cons of going. Pros. Delicious seasonal foods, haunted houses, everything scary you love, and getting out of the house with your two best friends.
Cons. Paranoia, especially of clowns and stages, people you don’t like to even be within a ten-mile radius, and going outside.
You supposed the pros outweigh the cons. Who knows, it could be fun.
You regret your decision the moment you walked through the admission stands. Looking around you saw many clowns. Or were they your former classmates? It was hard to tell. None of these-
“Ow!” Landing on your ass you ended up dropping your coffee.
“I’m so sorry! Are you alright?” The man who bumped into you kneeled down to make sure you were okay. You felt like you've seen his face before but couldn't really pinpoint where you've seen him.
"Yeah-yeah. I'm fine," you felt him begin to pull you up by your arms to stand up directly in front of him. “Are you okay? I mean I ran into you-”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Good,” you stood there awkwardly and watched as his hand soothingly rubbed your forearms. It felt comforting. His hands were warm and it seeped through your jacket and into your skin. 
“Jennie, I think we’re interrupting something,” Mark joked as he leaned into Jennie’s side like he was whispering to her but spoke in a normal, almost loud voice.
Your face gained a red hue as you stepped away from the man who tried to look into your very soul, “Sorry again. I’ll try to pay more attention.” You stared at the ground and began to quickly walk away from the man.
“Please don’t. I’d love to run into you again sometime,” he called out before turning the other way and continued his path to wherever he was going. You kept walking with Jennie and Mark until you arrived at the part of the fairgrounds where they had all the rides. 
First, you rode the Twirling Tangerines, inside the large oranges there was a wheel you could all turn. Then, you rode the Spider, where you sat in a cart-like box that spun as the arms lifted you up and down.
You were on your way to the haunted house when you turned to Mark, “I think I just saw-” Noticing he’s not with you, you look around the crowd to try and spot him. “Jennie, where’d Mark go?”
She turned to you and looked around as well, “How the hell could we lose him?” She took out her phone from her pocket and clicked on his contact to call him. He didn’t answer.
“We’ll have to split up and look for him,” you shrugged as you headed toward back the way you came and Jennie veering left from the way you were going.
It took almost half an hour before you get a call from Jennie, telling you she found him. She failed to mention the man that Mark had crossed paths with on his adventure. 
You met them at one of the tents where they had a rigged game for people to play as stuffed animals hung from the top. You may or may not have stopped at the apple cider stand on your way to the game tent.
“Woooooow. You didn’t get us any?” Mark was obviously hurt but you didn’t really care. “You shouldn’t have wandered off like you did cause then we’d both have apple cider right now,” you took a sip of your hot drink while looking at him.
Your eyes shift to the man who you had bumped into earlier. You began to cough up the warm beverage that was trying to intrude into your lungs from your sharp intake of breath. Coughing into your sleeve, you tried to breathe again before asking, “What are you doing here?”
“Mark ran into me while I was heading toward the Baker’s Street and he was looking somewhere else,” his smile was so big it made his eyes turned into crescent moons. It almost made you want to smile. He walked closer to you before reaching out his hand to you, “My name’s Jimin. What’s yours?”
You stood there wide-eyed and shocked before snapping out of it and taking his hand. Maybe a bit too eagerly, “Y/n.” You took your hand back and turned to Mark and Jennie, “Ready for the haunted house?”
Mark groaned and Jennie gave an unconvincing “yeah” as she kind of curled into herself. You lead the way and never turned to look if Jimin had ended up following you or went ventured off somewhere else. 
You didn’t really know what to do with guys. Keeping to yourself you never really talked to people. Especially guys so it was kind of new and weird for you to speak with such an attractive guy that wasn’t a close friend like Mark. 
Walking up to the house you showed the wristband you got at the admissions booth to allow you to go in. 
"I'm sorry sir. If you don't have a wristband then I can't let you in," the woman at the entrance practically spat the person she was talking to.
You turned around to see her speaking to Jimin and felt kind of annoyed by how she spoke to him. She didn’t really have any reason to be so rude, that you knew of. “He did have one, I saw it on his wrist a few minutes ago,” you don't know why you were vouching for this guy. You just felt like it, you guessed.
The lady reluctantly nodded him through with a sneer. He smiled politely towards her before joining your group into the dark foyer.
As a dressed up ghoul jumped out in front of you and Jimin, you did nothing but stare blankly at the man while Mark yelped and Jennie gasped. How Jimin ended up next to you, you didn't know. 
Jimin noticed how the jump scare didn't frighten you. He found it intriguing, in fact. You didn’t even bat an eyelid. 
“Where’s Mark?” Jimin’s head snapped to you as you looked around for your not-so-bright friend once again. Jimin began to look around with you.
“You must be fucking kidding me,” Jennie sighed before saying, “I’ll go look for him so he doesn’t make any weird friends in here.”
Leaving you and Jimin alone, you kept walking through the hallways and up the staircase. Many people attempted to scare you but none of them succeeded. And Jimin tried not to laugh at your reaction to their attempts. It’s not that he was making fun of you. He was just amused how much effort the actors put into being frightening and all they get is your eyebrow raised at most. 
You felt Jimin take your hand gently and slowly tighten his grip into a comfortable hold, “I’m scared.” 
Immediately, you could tell he wasn’t scared at all. He just wanted a reason to hold your hand like he was smooth. But you didn’t really have the heart to take your hand away. And you didn’t really want to. You felt him come closer to you bit by bit until your shoulders were rubbing against each other.
“You wouldn’t mind if I held you would you?” Jimin broke the eerie silence that sat between you two.
“Why do you want to?” you found the question odd but weren’t completely opposed to it. You weren’t a hoe but he just made you feel comfortable. 
“Cause I want to get closer to you.”
“But you’re already close to me,” you smiled. “I suppose.”
He reciprocated your smile and let go of your hand to wrap around your shoulders. He tugged you closer so you were tucked into his side. The warmth from his body kept you from shivering because of the freezing temperatures inside the building. 
Seeing a door crack open not far down the hallway, you expected someone to jump out of the room. Getting close enough to look into the bedroom, no one jumped out. Jimin noticed your interest in the room and peeked inside with you. The only thing in the room was a wardrobe, a desk, a king-sized bed, and a mirror hanging in front of the desk. All were caked with dust. 
“Must be an extra room they decided not to use,” you concluded before you took a glance at Jimin, only to meet his eyes. You quickly looked away and awkwardly scanned the room.
All you heard were his footsteps before feeling his grip your arm to turn you towards him, “Keep your eyes on me.” 
Your cheeks felt like the sun had been shining on them for hours. And as he demanded, you kept your eyes on him. The thumb on the hand that rested on the side of your face came up to slightly pull down your bottom lip.
“You wouldn’t mind, right?” he said quietly then bit his lip while looking at yours.
Shaking your head gently, Jimin kissed you without a second thought. It was rough and hungry. He didn’t hold back for a second. Licking your lips, practically begging for access. You parted your lips slightly and that’s all he needed to slip his tongue into your mouth. No inch was left untouched. He started to walk forward making you walk back until the back of your knees hit the bed. 
After falling back on the bed, Jimin practically ripped off his thick black hoodie, showing the loose white shirt beneath. It was thin and the neckline hung well below his collarbones. The hoodie landed somewhere by the door as he got down on the floor on his knees. He gently took hold of the waistband on your pants before pulling them down slowly. As they pooled around your ankles, he came back up to start peppering kisses along your inner thighs. 
“I’m sorry baby girl, I would take my time with you but I can’t wait anymore,” his voice was thick with arousal as he tore off your shoes, socks, and pants. “I need to have you.”
Jimin ripped your panties from your waist and fell to the floor in shreds, “I’ll get you new ones.” 
Trailing more kisses down your thighs he got closer and closer to your core. His fingers began to skim over your folds and dip between them to land right on your clit. Rubbing small circles around it, his soft lips were at the apex of your thigh. 
He was so gentle with you, you weren’t sure how to feel. Adored, impatient, excited. Personally, you were never the vanilla type.
    Jimin was so close to your core, so close. But he pulled away at the last second. You whined, at which Jimin laughed at, as he pulled his shirt off from over his head. Tossing his shirt away he climbed back up your body.
    “There’s something I need to show you,” Jimin’s eyes were dark with excitement as he hovered over you.
    Your puzzled look was all he needed to continue to show what he meant. He was groaning as his head hung and his expression made it seem like he was in pain. You didn’t understand what was happening until you saw the tendrils coming out from his back. They were cobalt blue. Two were thinner than the other two. They grew and grew towards the ceiling but stopped just short of it. Once they were straight, as if they were stretching, they curled back down towards you and Jimin. They floated in the air and you stared at them. You weren’t appalled. No, you were...curious. You would’ve never thought he was anything other than human. 
    It’s not like you believed in aliens and werewolves it’s just you the type of person that thought, maybe they do exist, maybe they don’t. It looks like they do.
    “Are you gonna fuck me with those or not?” you said half-joking.
    “You’re not disgusted? Horrified?” Jimin could not believe what he was hearing. You wanted him to fuck you with his tentacles. You wanted him.
    “No, why would I be? I’m surprised and I have some questions but those can wait till later. Don’t you think?” you answered honestly and looked Jimin in the eyes while you said it. And after you said it, the tendrils behind Jimin visibly relaxed. 
    Jimin’s eyes lit up for only a second before he attacks your neck with his pillowy lips. One of the smaller tentacles reaches down between your legs causing you to get surprised and you try to close them. Jimin sucks on your neck harder as he held your legs open with his right hand, “It’s okay, jagi. I’ll make you feel good.”
    As Jimin nibbles on a particularly sensitive spot, you moaned. He almost came right then and there. Your voice was already music to his ears. But your moans? Absolutely heavenly. He tried his best to keep his body from shaking from the numerous shivers. Part of him couldn’t even believe that this was happening. He was touching you, breathing in your scent, pleasuring you. It was his dreams coming true and he was intoxicated with everything you.
    The tentacle between your legs began to rub your clit faster than what Jimin did. More moans started to escape you and your head tilted back into the pillows. Jimin was still making his way all-around your neck, making sure he was marking your neck thoroughly. 
You felt the other small tendril circling your entrance. Becoming coated with your arousal. It slowly began to enter, inch by inch. It was about the same thickness as your trusty vibrator at home so you stretched to its girth with ease. Its smooth texture slipped past your walls effortlessly. 
Jimin was starting to groan the deeper the tendril went. His breath became heavy as he nuzzled his face into your neck, “Jagi~ you’re so tight around him. I can’t wait until my cock is inside your hot cunt. Can I, jagiya?”
“Yes, please. I want you to fuck me,” you said brokenly in between moans.
Jimin sat up and quickly unbuttoned his pants and took them off swiftly. The two larger tentacles reached down to you and took off your coat and shirt. You arched from the building pressure in your abdomen just in time for them to take your bra off. 
The tentacle fucking you took up a hastened pace. It was starting to go deeper and deeper with every thrust. The knot in your lower stomach grew tauter. Jimin kissed you feverishly and swallowed your moans as you got closer to the peak. The very last thrust of the tendril made you come the hardest you’ve ever came before. You felt the tendril in your stomach as it spurted. As did every other tentacle and even Jimin’s cock was spewing out cum.
Jimin’s moan was getting you excited again. It was deep and guttural. You were panting as you felt full of his cum and felt more cum on your chest and stomach. 
“I didn’t know all of them had cum,” you chuckled as you regained your breath. 
Jimin laughs with you, “Now you know how I felt the first time I jerked off.”
His statement made you laugh harder as both of you came down from your highs. The appendage slowly began to pull out of your cum-filled cunt. You whimpered from the sensitivity. Jimin’s cum flowed out of your entrance before Jimin plugged you up with the tip of his cock.
Feeling the head, you realized just how big Jimin was. Being too distracted to notice earlier. Jimin could tell your realization by your expression.
“What’s the matter, jagi? Never had anyone this big before?” Jimin knows he was being a tease. Even though he doesn’t want to even think about the others who’ve touched you. Only he can touch you like this. He’s the only one who can pleasure you.
You knew what he was doing. He was getting smug. But you didn’t really have the patience to play games with him.
“Who knows.”
Jimin’s smirk fell as yours grew. Jimin stared into your eyes as he slammed his entire length into you in one thrust.
“You know I’ve stuffed you full. I don’t think there’s even any room for one of my tentacles. I can feel how I’m stretching you,” Jimin wasn’t going to let you win this one. 
He wrapped his arms around your waist to bring you with him as he sat back on his heels. Your chest heaved from his massive girth inside you. One small tendril wrapped around your wrists and held them above your head, the other small one began to circle at your puckered hole while a larger one spread your right cheek to give it room. And lastly, the last, larger tentacle curled around one of your breasts. 
Jimin slowly pulled out his thick cock before slamming back into your hot cunt. His moans mixed with yours as his pace became faster. Soon he was slamming in and out of you at a bruising pace. The appendage at your tight hole caught some of yours and Jimin’s combined cum and lubed you up. 
At first, it only dipped in its tip. After a few thrusts, it started to go further. Still taking on a slow pace, it steadily enlarged your hole. 
Jimin’s right arm let go of your waist to support himself above you as he leaned forward. He was still pistoning in and out of you with no intention of slowing down. Hair stuck to his forehead as did yours. Moans left you uncontrollably as both of your holes were being fucked and your tit was being gripped.
You felt the pressure on your breast vanish before feeling the said tendril slither up your neck. You hear Jimin breathe out a laugh as he saw his appendage shyly touch you.
“I think he wants to know if you could suck him,” Jimin smirked, knowing that’s exactly what it wanted. 
Opening your mouth, the tendril appeared to become a light blue as it took the invitation. You felt the tentacle practically purr from the wetness and warmth from your mouth. It thrusted into you languidly. Not going very deep so it wouldn’t hurt you. 
“Look at you. Being a slut for me. All your holes are filled with parts of me.”
His thrusts were becoming sloppy. And the tendril in your mouth was going down into your throat until you were gagging with every plunge. Your ass was so stretched out you knew that there was going to be a gap now. Maybe not a large one but there will be one. And Jimin was still pounding your swollen cunt with his massive girth. 
The tendril around your wrists let go to reach down to rub your clit in quick, small circles. You’re loud, almost screaming moans were muffled by the deep throating appendage.
You could feel you were getting so close to your release. You felt the familiar knot in your stomach building. By Jimin’s groans growing louder and his sloppy pace, you tell he was close too. 
He opened his eyes to see your body being completely surrounded by him. He let his arm fall around your waist again but he laid his head between your tits and put the rest of his energy into the last few hard pumps and stilled as he felt your walls flutter around him. 
Your eyes rolled into your skull and Jimin squeezed his eyes closed tightly. Your walls milked Jimin’s cock as it pulsed and shot cum inside you. You felt all the tentacles pulse out cum into your throat, ass, and onto your clit and mound. 
Reaching up to Jimin’s hair, you carded your fingers through the strands. Both of you were trying to calm your breathing down. Jimin was still coming but the tendril down your throat pulled out so you could breathe more easily. 
Jimin began to kiss your sternum after he came down from his high. You glanced down and back up, only to glance down again to notice a visible bulge in your stomach, that's still growing. 
"How much cum do you have?!" you exclaimed as you watched it grow bit by bit. 
"Don't pretend you don't like it," Jimin's smug attitude was still there as he knew he was right by your silence.
Jimin reluctantly pulled out of you and he didn’t mind how much cum was pouring out of your cunt. He knew there were going to be many more times like this. And that’s when he’ll worry about keeping you plugged up but for now, he just wanted to fall asleep next to you.
He pulled your exhausted body back up to the pillows with using the help from his now sky blue tentacles before they slowly retracted back into the slits in his back. 
“We should probably go, Mark and Jennie might be worried about us,” trying to sit up Jimin pulled you back down.
“No need to be in a hurry, jagi. You’re too exhausted to go out looking for him-them right?” Jimin brushed the hair from your forehead so he could see your eyes more clearly.
“Yeah, you’re right. Let’s just hope none of the employees find us,” you huffed out a laugh as you snuggled further into the covers. 
Jimin wrapped his arms around you and entangled his legs with yours. He wasn’t able to even doze off until you were sound asleep. He tried not to think about what just happened so he wouldn’t become hard and wake you up. He needed the whole night to transform this place back to the original with how worn out he is.
“Goodnight jagi. Tomorrow you’ll start your new life here with me. In our own haunted house.”
You woke up to Jimin hugging you tightly beneath the warm blanket that you had dirtied just a few hours ago. Your muscles didn’t want to make any effort to move so you had to lay there until you had the energy to get up and get dressed. Stretching out your legs a bit you felt a crack somewhere in your spine. You’re puzzled about how that would affect your back but you don’t worry about it. Nuzzling back into Jimin’s neck, you finally remembered Jennie and Mark being in the house with you. They must have gone home without you given how long it’s been.
They were adults, no reason to really worry about them. You tucked the blanket over your shoulder to hide from the cold draft. Jimin felt you moving around so he got impossibly closer to you and pulled the blanket up to his neck so it covered most of your head.
You groaned and tilted your head up causing your chin to rest on his chest making your lips pout. He cracked an eye open to see what you were doing. Seeing your sleepy, pouty face made him let out a breathy chuckle.
Jimin leaned down to kiss your forehead, “Did you sleep well?” He continued his kisses all over your face, moving down to reach your nose.
“Mm-hm,” your eyes were still closed when you thought about what it was. “Do you know what time it is?”
“No,” he kept smothering your face in kisses.
“I have to go home soon.”
“No? I kinda do. I need clean clothes, I need a shower, and I need to check up on Jennie and Mark,” you began to untangle yourself from Jimin’s arms and legs only to have him roll you over to lay on you. “Jimin~ I have to get up,” laughing you tried to roll back over Jimin had you completely pinned. 
“You’re not going anywhere,” he said quietly into your ear before he kissed right below your lobe. “My marks are fading already, stay still.”
You huffed as he darkened the already almost purple hickeys on your neck, “After this, you have to get off me so I can go home.” 
“But you can’t go home. You live here now, with me,” he pushed himself up with his forearms on the mattress. His eyes were stone. But they were warm as they bore into yours. “You’re not leaving me.”
“That doesn’t make any sense,” you whispered as you maintained eye contact. “How can either of us live here when it’s just a stage for townspeople to dress up and scare people?”
“It seems, you haven’t noticed the change in the room,” Jimin smirked as his eyes left yours to scan the room, causing you to follow his actions. 
The room was no longer a dirty beige with dust-covered furniture. It’s the same exact room except, it was gray. Everything in the room was gray beside you two. The window that had light from the fair shining through was completely blacked out. And the mirror above the desk was completely shattered. Little to no pieces remained in the frame. 
“Besides, your friends tried to find us but they kind of got trapped,” He laid back down next to you and rested his head on his hand. “So there’s no need to worry about them, sweetheart.”
You pushed his arm off and swung your legs onto the floor but you felt the familiar wetness from one of Jimin’s tentacles wrap around your abdomen. It made you sit back down and pulled you back to Jimin.
“It’s true that you have all the power over me. However, that doesn’t mean I’ll let you go.”
Your heart undoubtedly fluttered.
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o-wise-corvid · 3 years
Chapter 3, incoming. Okay I promised y’all action and here it is. Hope y’all enjoy. Cody’s Kids are about to test their mettle and see if they’re ready for active duty. We shall see. 🤔
Warnings: violence/ broken bones/some blood/nothing fatal/ almost though
People who were wanting more: @captainrexisboo @clonetrooperrights @koskareevesismyqueen @gospelofme @jgvfhl @ct-27-fives @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life
Chapter 3: Combatant Eliminated
“Don’t try to win this by yourself. We’re strongest together. Remember.” Gaia smoothed Shriek’s hair back and helped him pull on his headgear. It wasn’t like wearing a full helmet like Papa’s, but it protected the forehead and back of the skull, cheek guards offering cushions to the face in case of a fall.
“Rend is top heavy,” Rex offered, cracking his neck to the side. “His balance is bad.” He shared a grin with Gaia. They had trained with Rend back during the short time that it had just been the three of them and the memories of the young man’s brutality were hard to forget.
“Wear him out. Make him work for his air.” Soren accepted a hearty backslap from Rex, and the boys laughed.
Rend had broken one of Rex’s ribs on his first day in the training yard and hit Gaia so hard across the face that she’d nearly lost consciousness. It had been Soren who had gotten in behind the muscle wall, looped his lanky arms around Rend’s neck and choked him to his knees. Even Soren had walked away with a bruised spine, a fractured shoulder and a bleeding due to being repeatedly slammed against the wall.
“We can’t use the Force, right?”
Shriek was the reliant on the Force of them all and his strength was unparalleled. He could lift all the others, and Cody, without having to gesture so much as a finger.
“No, we can’t. But we-“ Gaia said confidently as she walked around to each black suit of armor and stamped a bright yellow Imperial Seal on the chest plate- “are Sunshine Squad.”
“Sunshine? That sounds...” Kali made a face that indicated primness.” The others snorted and giggled, eyeing the bright symbol that was so stark against the black.
“Yellow is Cody’s color.”
Everyone fell silent. They each turned to Gaia with shameful expressions, Soren and Rex pressing a hand to their chests. “We should wear it with honor. Don’t you think?”
“Yes sir.”
Gaia blushed fiercely and the seriousness of the moment dissipated in a flash. Rex grabbed her shoulder, pressing his forehead to hers in a gesture Cody often used as one of affection and encouragement.
“You got this, vod.”
Gaia gripped him behind his neck, pressing her forehead harder against his. “We’ve got this.”
They walked out of the prep room together, Rex’s twin shock batons swinging on his hips and Gaia’s stun pike slung easily over her shoulder. Shriek carried one baton and Kali carried two short ones. Soren carried the most unique version of the weapon; he’d grafted retractable batons onto his gauntlets.
Rend and his squad, named after himself, were waiting at the other end of a mock canyon. The expanse of space that spanned the arena was rocky and full of cavernous rock formations. This was widely considered the most difficult setting in the arena and only the most skilled combatants were even allowed access to it. Rend Squad trained on it every week.
“Uneven terrain,” Shriek muttered, checking the grips of his gauntlets one last time. “Easy to lose footing.”
“Rend likes to use power moves, devastating blows with that mallet of his. Be a shame if somebody led him to some loose gravel and he couldn’t get the traction for something like that.” Kali ground her teeth together the further into the statement she went. “No one makes one of us bleed without paying the price,” she finished darkly.
“No heroics on our account,” Soren soothed, touching the Twi’Lek’s shoulder. “Using the Force will disqualify you, vod’ika... we need you out there.”
Kali sighed but nodded, closing her eyes for a moment. She showed her lack of rest, but Gaia knew how even a tired Kali could be lethal. Anger seemed to energize the girl, which Cody tried to frequently discourage, but Kali didn’t always listen.
A harsh bark of laughter echoed across the field. “Look at them! They even named themselves Sunshine Squad! How precious.”
Gaia tightened her grip on the staff, feeling the cold thump of anger in her stomach. She immediately pushed it away. She couldn’t afford to have emotions out on the field right now. She needed a cool head, not just for herself. Four others depended on her to be the logical one. The one who could make a split second decision that could decide the sway of a fight.
“Oh, so stoic! The captain’s got you all whipped. Cant even unleash your tongues else he might not feed you.”
Rex snorted. “The galaxy’s finest actors. Shame we’re waisted on the Empire,” he muttered. The others made soft, amused noises, refusing to raise noise that Rend might be able to perceive.
“When you’re sufficiently able,” a voice chimed from everywhere, Cody’s signature snarl that he used when in mixed company, “begin.”
Rend surged into motion like he’d been stung. The teenager pounded his way through the valley that ate up most of the arena’s center. His team followed, a knot of black against the leeched grayish brown of the sandy soil.
A hum filled the air as the five powered up their stun batons. They sank into crouched, legs braced, weapons brandished. Gaia side-checked Soren and Rex. They would move together, just like they’d rehearsed. “The joints,” she reminded. She heard Soren growl a little under his breath, saw the shine of sweat on his cheek. On the other side, Rex’s gloved squeaked as he adjusted his grip.
And then Rend was upon them.
Gaia took two quick steps forward and swung her staff. Rend blocked it easily, but then went down as Rex and Soren darted by, each scoring a hit to the unprotected backs of his knees. Kali and Shriek followed them, Kali’s hand darting under Rend’s arm to deliver a shock right to his armpit. Shriek kneed him in the face, the sound of breaking cartilage swallowed by Rend’s enraged yell.
Gaia side-stepped a half-blind, flailing swipe from Rend’s mallet, wound up and let fly a swing that caught Rend directly on the jaw. She groaned when he fell forward, unconscious but still gripping his mallet in his hand. “Players” weren’t considered out of the game until they either dropped their weapon or were disarmed. Disarming an unconscious opponent wasn’t allowed.
She turned, thrumming her legs into a churning sprint. The others had reached the rest of Rend’s team and the fight was on. Rend was the muscle of the team but being assaulted by so many combatants proved far too much for his weight-bound fighting style. Alone, he might’ve taken Gaia, but she wasn’t alone.
Soren danced in and out of the reach of a tall, slender human, who looked to be creating her fifteenth year. She twirled and flicked a baton that was almost as long as Gaia’s entire staff, the incredible reach of the thing keeping Soren from getting close enough to stun her. Her control of the thing was remarkable and she wore a fierce, almost animalistic grin.
Gaia stepped into a spin, circled her staff around and brought the stunning “blade” down hard on the woman’s elongated, but thin baton. There was a crackling snap and the low hum that had followed the baton’s motions died.
“Combatant eliminated.”
The voice was artificial, leaning itself to a feminine quality. Sterility aside, Gaia couldn’t contain a low, triumphant laugh. “Bit off a little much there, didn’t you, Kreia?”
“Karking nerf herders,” she snapped back bitterly, arms falling to her sides as Soren and Gaia hurried to help the others.
“I got Shriek,” Soren said, veering away to where the smaller boy was dueling his opponent like a mad man, his baton a purplish blue blur as he blocked, parried and struck.
Gaia glanced at Kali, who slid under the arm of a huge boy easily thrice her size. She drove her knee up into his elbow, breaking the arm, and causing the boy to release his baton.
“Combatant eliminated.”
Gaia heard her give a shout of joy.
Rex was directly ahead of her, scrambling over a small rock outcropping, using the terrain to keep the remaining member of Rend. Gai recognized the youngest member of the squad, Coris, by his double batons and by the constant twirling madness that he he created with them. Rex was easily his match, but one of his arms was slower, possibly he’d been shocked on that side. His good arm was working in a frenzy to block Coris’ blows and Gaia could see the sweat fly off the Zabrak’s face as he tried to trip up his opponent.
She put on speed, building up for a downward power strike that would send Coris to his knees. He turned at exactly the wrong moment. One arm arced backward in a stab, keeping Rex at bay, while the other swept outward, catching Gaia in the shoulder. The blow knocked her sideways, the bone jittering shock of the baton causing her muscles to seize up and clench violently.
Gaia slammed hard into a rocky formation, the air leaving her lungs. She was a powerful warrior, capable of taking down opponents twice her size, but she was still only eleven. She coughed, tasting copper on her tongue where she’d bit her own lip. The weight of her staff in her hand reminded her that she was still in the game and her head snapped up just as Coris bore down on her.
Her arm jerked around, sweeping at his knees, but Coris was not Rend. He jumped the strike and laughed. “Stupid little kid.”
“I know you are,” someone that Gaia couldn’t see all but bellowed, “but what am I?”
Coris’ face twisted into annoyance but then froze in a grimace as a baton-wielding arm looped around his shoulders and touched the tip of the weapon to the underside of Coris’ jaw. The young man’s lithe frame went rigid for a moment, then the arm retracted. Coris swayed, his batons slipped from his fingers and he fell flat on his face.
Rex stood panting, looking as if he might collapse, one arm bent protectively around to cradle the other. His batons hung on his belt. “You okay?”
Gaia nodded, using her staff to help her stand. “You?”
“Might be broken. I dunno.”
Shriek and Soren stood a hundred or so yards away, Kali near them. They were all looking back in the direction they’d come from. Gaia and Rex followed their gaze. Rend was stirring, pulling himself up to his knees.
“We gave him everything we had and he still didn’t go down,” Rex said softly so only Gaia would hear. “What’s the plan?”
Gaia tested her shoulder, rolling the arm. She’d have a bruise but she could still move it. “Get him in the caves. We can’t handle another all out attack like that, you especially. Confuse him. If we can hit him with a bunch of sneak attacks, just beat him down one by one, we can end this. See if we can really mess that nose of his up.”
Rex nodded once and the two set off. The others fell in around them, Soren touching his brother’s good arm worriedly. Kali glanced anxiously at the blood drying on Gaia’s chin, but didn’t say anything. Her anger coiled in the Force, begging to be set free.
“I’m okay,” Gaia assured her almost sternly. “Focus.”
Kali huffed, frowning darkly. “I know,” she snapped but then added more gently, “...I know.”
Rend lurched to his feet and whirled, eyes wild amongst a blood splattered face. He took in the unconscious forms of his teammates with an annoyed snort. Gaia wasn’t sure but she thought she heard him mutter, “Useless.”
“You’ve already lost,” she called to him. “Lay down your hammer and call it a day, Rend. You’ve already made squad. Nothing for you to prove. Gaining another qualified strike team for the Empire helps us all.”
Rend sneered at them. “You don’t make squad until until every one of my team isn’t holding a weapon.”
Soren and Rex sighed together.
“Guess we’ll have to do this the hard way after all.” Shriek cracked his knuckles.
The inhuman noise of rage that ripped out of Rend’s mouth was nothing short of deafening. A wave of energy rolled with the scream, slamming into the five children without warning. Gaia was sent flying, her staff ripped from her fingers. She heard a blaring klaxon sound in the area followed by four overlapping “Combatant eliminated” alerts.
She flipped head over heels and landed on her belly, losing her wind for the second time in five minutes. Someone clipped by her and there was a pained yell as they landed. It sounded like Shriek. Through blurry eyes, Gaia spotted Rend stomping his way toward her, his mallet held firmly in both hands.
He’s going to kill me, whispered in her mind, a tendril of panic curling cold and hard into her gut. She tried to push herself up, but pain, sharp and hot sang through her body; something was broken even behind all that armor.
Rend stopped in front of her, hooked a toe under Gaia’s shoulder and flipped her over. “No kid takes my field,” he said, blood and spit flying from his mouth.
“Drop it Rend.”
Cody’s voice ushered a wave of relief over Gaia that was so strong that she nearly lost consciousness right then. She tilted her head back a little and saw him, all glossy black and yellow, a blaster rifle aimed threateningly at Rend. “You disqualified yourself by using the Force. You lost your own field and handed the children the win.”
Rend turned toward Cody, fist balling up as he moved. Many things happened at once in that moment. Cody suddenly staggered, his armor buckling and contorting as Rend began to slowly squeeze his fist shut. His rifle fired and missed. Kali and Shriek screamed together.
Time seemed to freeze as Gaia’s injured body hurled itself into action, her legs and arms clawing at the ground. She tackled Rend’s middle from behind, feeling Soren and Rex collide one after the other, Soren above and Rex below. Another blaster bolt screamed through the arena and then another. Rend jerked as one made contact, a strangled cry leaving him.
Gaia felt the bigger boy land on top of her, felt Soren and Rex immediately yank him off as the crackling pain in her chest exploded like a silent bomb. She groaned, an arm flying over her chest protectively. Rex was on his knees beside her, a hand covering her forehead, keeping her on her back.
“B-Captain. She’s got a broken rib, maybe a punctured lung.”
Other hands touched her, one on her ankle, another on her shoulder. The pain ebbed and dulled. Cody’s face bobbed into vision over her, well, his helmeted face. It was good he didn’t take it off now she thought in a quick burst of clarity; he might not be able to hide his feelings after all that had just happened.
“We’ve got to get her to Medbay.” Kali squeezed Gaia’s hand.
“I’m going to sedate you, Cadet. Just hold still.” Cody’s fingers trembled a little as he turned her head to the side and injected the sedative, the soft hiss of the depressor promising relief with a gentle whisper.
She felt the prick of the needle in her neck and the pain disappeared. Gaia’s entire body seemed to unwind, growing warm and heavy. It felt good, to just lie there and not have a care in the world. Everyone she loved was there... This was nice. In fact, Gaia felt so good that she thought she just might sleep. Yes. Sleep would be... be nice...
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Your Flustered Date
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Day Three of Three! Happy Valentines Day!
I’m stepping out of my box for this one because I know a couple of my followers like him and have asked if I would ever write for Denki Kaminari. This is a little present from me to you for showing your support as my blog begins to grow and new ideas take root. It feels really wild that we have almost a full year since the pandemic started. I started writing MHA smut out of boredom because of COVID and the people that have started following have been nothing but kind, sweet, and supportive. Thank you so much from the bottom of this little gremlin’s heart ❤️
Denki Kaminari (20′s) x Fem!Reader 
Content: teasing, oral (giving), blowjob, fem dom, consensual bondage, cowgirl, collar, scratching, praise kink
(I do not write minor characters. Any character who isn’t canonically an adult in the original source material is aged up. I  do not write smut featuring minors.)
Denki appeared red-faced and panting when he clambered into the restaurant. He found you sitting at the table, already eating. He rushed over and practically groveled at your feet. 
“Ah-ha-ha, I’m so sorry, babe! There was a bank robbery and I was the closest pro-hero in the area, and I am so sorry!” Denki even went so far as to bow so low to press his forehead to the floor. 
Heat rushed to your cheeks. You could feel the stares of the other patrons looking in your direction. 
“Denki, please get up, you’re causing a scene,” you said. 
Denki got off the floor immediately. He sat across from you and ordered some simple food and added another glass of wine to the bill. Your pro-hero boyfriend spent the rest of the evening begging for forgiveness. Your only response was: “I’m sure you’ll make it up to me later at home.” 
It was Valentine’s Day after all. Being late to a Valentine’s Day dinner was a cardinal sin, even if your boyfriend was out there saving the world. The toe of your shoe grazed up his leg as you watched him eat. Denki froze on the spot while you dragged your foot up and down his leg. You should’ve known better not to do that in public. Not when it easily turned Denki’s face into a tomato. Nevertheless, you smirked into your wine glass. 
“Is everything alright over here?” Asked the waiter. 
“Y-Yes! Everything’s good!” Denki said excitedly. A little too enthusiastic, but you hoped that the waiter didn’t notice. 
You already finished by the time Denki reached half-way through his meal. You pulled your foot away so he could eat in peace. You held off on the wine. You wanted to have a clear head for tonight. Eventually, dinner had to come to an end and your little heart fluttered like a hummingbird in your chest at the thought of what you had planned for Denki. He paid for the meal like a true gentleman and lead you by the hand to the car. 
You sat in the passenger seat, turned slightly toward Denki who drove. You reached across the gear shift, splayed your fingers across his thighs, and leaned a little more forward. Denki shifted in his seat but didn’t object. Soon, your hands were messing with the button of his pants. 
“Woah, hey, babe! What are you doing?” Denki raised his voice in the small car. 
“Just shut up and enjoy. Don’t forget how to drive,” you said. 
You revealed his cock and wrapped your lips around him. You bobbed your head up and down his length. The flaccidness before changed quickly by the warmth of your mouth and the skill of your tongue teasing the blunt head reaching into your throat. The car swerved to the left before Denki corrected himself. From this angle, you couldn’t see what his face looked like, but you were sure that he was giving his fellow drivers a curious sight. Denki kept one hand on the steering wheel and the other on top of your head, coaxing you to move faster. 
You moaned with Denki’s cock stuffed in your mouth. What you couldn’t fit inside, you hand pumped him. 
“Shit, you’re gonna make me come before we reach the house,” said Denki. 
That’s the idea. 
You sucked harder and faster than before, really working Denki into a frenzy. You felt his body tense up. His movement were restricted due to the seatbelt and not wanting to crash the car. But...you could tell how bad he wanted to buck his hips into your face as you dragged your tongue all over him. 
Denki had driven the car about three-quarters of the way home when he started panting. You choked yourself on his dick, giving Denki long, sultry sucks. In a fit, Denki pushed your head down to his crotch. Hot cum gushed down your throat. Denki’s whole body was shaking with effort not to veer the car into a ditch. You managed to swallow almost all of it and wiped the rest off with a few tissues. After causing all that trouble, you fixed Denki’s clothes to make the rest of the ride home comfortable and less awkward. 
Once you made it to the bedroom, you threw Denki onto the bed and fiercely made out with him. You tugged at his clothes in the same way he did with you. You pulled Denki’s hands towards the bed frame. You ripped open the bedside table drawer and picked out a pair of steel handcuffs. Kissing Denki again on the mouth, you clasped both wrists of his with cuffs, letting the chain wind behind a frame. 
“How’s it feel, babe? To be all tied up? Do you want more?” You asked. 
“God yes,” Denki sighed. 
“Yes what?” 
“God yes, mistress,” said Denki. 
“Good boy.” 
You reached into the drawer again and found a black leather collar. You snapped it around Denki’s neck, giving it gentle tug. 
“What’s our safe word, love boy?”
“Dynamite,” Denki answered. 
You straddled his stomach and ran your hands up his body from neck to his belly button. Your nails scratched his soft skin, littered with sensitive battle scars. You nuzzled his neck, breathing in his scent. Contrary to popular belief, Denki didn’t smell like he bathed in Axe body spray, though he did smell like cologne and little bit of sweat. You felt his cock slowly rise to your call and press against your lower back. 
“Please,” Denki whined. 
You ran your nails along his sides. You ground yourself on his cock without inserting it. You kept it up until you saw goosebumps etching into Denki’s skin. He squirmed and writhed beneath you, his toned stomach moving underneath your clit. You felt your cunt grow wet with anticipation. But you weren’t quite done yet. 
“Did you enjoy getting that blowjob in the car, lover boy?” You smirked. 
“Y-Yes, mistress.” 
“You’ve got a lot of stamina if you’re ready to go again.” You reached behind you and started stroking Denki’s cock. 
He bucked his hips as best he could. You thumbed the tip of him. 
“Thank you, mistress,” said Denki. 
“Do you want to be inside me?” 
“Yes, please!” He begged. 
“You know what you gotta say,” you said. 
“Please, mistress, put my cock inside you beautiful cunny.” 
“Good boy.”
You pushed off your knees and climbed down. The blunt head of his cock slowly entered you. You impaled yourself on Denki’s cock until he was fully seated inside your warmth. 
“Tell me how it feels,” you ordered. 
“It feels so good, ma’am.” 
“I’m going to make you feel even better,” you cooed and pulled on the leather collar. 
Skin slapped against skin as your wet, warm walls slid on Denki’s cock. His knuckles turned white as bones holding the bed frame. He gasped for air as you pulled on the collar ensnared around his neck, not enough to hurt him but just enough to make him pant like a dog in heat. A lusty haze glazed over his golden eyes. Denki watched you bounce on his cock, watched his pre-cum leak of your sweet cunt. He watched your thighs jiggle as you impaled yourself on him over and over. 
“You’re s-so beautiful,” Denki moaned. 
You road him faster while he sang your praises. 
“Come inside me, oh god, come inside me right now!” You moaned as you tilted your head back and let your hair fan around your shoulders in a wild dance of strands. 
Denki’s face scrunched up; you thought it made him look cute. His head fell back onto the pillows. He rocked up into you. You squeezed around his cock until he could not longer take anymore. It took no more goading for Denki cum inside of you and let it spill out. You followed shortly behind. In your spasms, your nails clawed his chest, leaving red trails over his lean form. When you finally came down from your high, you pulled yourself completely off of him. You freed Denki’s wrists. 
“You were so good for me, Denki. So good.” You kissed him on the cheek. 
You showered and put fresh blankets on the bed together. Once snuggled against him in bed, you nuzzled into his chest. Denki wrapped one arm around your waist with the other carefully played with the ends of your hair. 
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