#vash x sister!reader
whirlwindimagines · 1 year
Hey! <3 it's me again, the anon who requested the scenary of Wolfwood sister x Vash. Thank you sooooo much for taking my request, it made my day! <3
I'm writing again to request you for another scenario if it's not too much trouble 👉🏻👈🏻 and instead of being something romantic, it would be more like a family reunion.
The scenario would be with Vash reuniting with his sister (that would mean that instead of just Vash and Knives, in this scenario it would be Vash, Knives and reader, that means, they're triplets) who he believed to be dead since the Big Fall. How would he react upon finding her and realizing that the little girl he protected and cared for when he was a child was now a full grown woman who knew how to fight and shoot and that all kind of stuff?
I also thought that this scenario would be set in chapter 9 when Vash wakes up on "Home".
I hope all of this makes enough sense 👉🏻👈🏻😔 again, thank you so much for taking my "Wolfwood sister x Vash" request! I loved it! Hope you day is going well! See ya! 💕✨
I’m glad you enjoyed your previous request! I had fun writing it, and I had fun writing this one as well lol this one got away from me, I just kept adding to it and adding to it. Might make a part two with Nai if anyone's interested :) Also spoilers I guess? Also, i'm sorry but the twins with a sister screams the song Hey Brother by Avicii
‘Oh if the sky comes falling down’ 
Vash x Sister!Reader 
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You are pacing, you have been for a while now after all this time you thought you’d be a little braver. But it's like you’re that little girl again, scared and always crying and needing to run to your big brothers at the slightest inconvenience.
But it’s been decades now, and you haven’t had the privilege of doing that since before the fall. You remember it like it was yesterday, Rem, the escape pod, and then the desert. You were separated from Nai and Vash at that point. Waking up in the desert alone, everything on fire, you just ran unsure of what to do and where to go. 
You were more like Nai in the regard you didn’t need much to survive, so you wandered everywhere and anywhere with no real purpose, no goals only memories…
You were hiding, sometimes the ship seemed so cold. You didn’t want Nai and Vash to see you crying, it was pathetic! And not even for a good reason, wiping your eyes and sighing you feel all cried out. Someone calls your name, Vash you realize. Wiping your eyes harshly, you stand taking in deep breaths, before answering. 
Vash comes flying around the corner his face lighting up when he sees you, but then he frowns looking at your face. You try to smile but it’s a little watery. “Are you okay?” You nod not trusting your voice, Vash sighs and grabs you by the arm to pull you along.
You start to protest, but you close your mouth at the sound of a piano playing. Your face lights up as Vash pulls you into the room where Nai is playing, he was the best at piano out of the three of you. 
Pulling from Vash’s grip, you move forward to join Nai. He makes room for you on the bench but rolls his eyes at Vash as he pushes you into himself to make room for the three of you. You laugh then, content to sit between them and listen to them both play. 
Nai nudges you, and with some encouragement from Vash, you join in. The piano was not meant for three people to play at once, so it was more of a mess of notes as the three of you stumble over each other's hands. You feel much better now, and don’t notice the look Vash and Nai share over your head. 
You are pulled from the memory when a gentle hand rest on your shoulder, and turning to see Luidas smiling face. “He’s awake.” You thank her, watching her walk away, once she’s out of sight you sigh leaning against the wall and sliding down it to sit.
It was still surreal being here on this mostly operating SEED ship, staying here you could pretend the fall never happened, that you grew up here safe and happy. But you didn’t and you happened upon this ship by pure accident. 
Your luck it seemed had finally run out; you don’t know how many weeks you’d been going for at this point when you collapsed out in the dunes. When you came to you all you could feel was panic because there was no way you were on a SEED ship, you looked the same you were still grown you had all your things it just wasn’t possible. 
Luida knew what you were the instant she met you, it was odd and, in a way, comforting for someone to know your secret. She showed you then some old photographs, and well you simply couldn’t believe it, “That’s Vash.” You said voice slightly awed; she sat down next to you watching you with a soft smile. “Your y/n, he’s mentioned you before, well he thought you were…” she trails off, not having to say it because you thought the same of them. Nai isn’t in any of the photos, and you are simply not brave enough to ask. 
You stand now shaking your head, living in the past wasn’t an option right now. Vash was alive and here right on the other side of that door all you had to do was walk towards it. With a deep breath, you enter he’s sitting up on the bed messing with his arm. He doesn’t say anything, he probably thinks you are one of his friends that you came with. The group you’ve been avoiding for the most part. 
He looks different, older you’re sure you do too. You don’t know what to say, “Vash?” His name you cringe at your watery tone, not expecting to already be crying. He looks up surprised, your eyes meet and his jaw drops. You jump when he stands suddenly, he takes a step forward, stops, and says your name. 
You sob then, moving forward and throwing your arms around him, you’re just crying because you can’t believe it. He’s here, he’s alive and you don’t have to be alone anymore. Your big brother standing right before you, the tears just kept coming. You had made a vow to yourself that you'd no longer be weak and that you wouldn't cry all the time. But none of that mattered, besides you think this was a pretty good reason to cry.
Vash is too stunned to move because it’s you, his baby sister, alive you look different, your older that’s obvious but it’s in your face less alive, less joyful like you haven’t smiled in a long time. He doesn't understand how you are here, on this ship. Home. He wants to ask and needs to know what you’ve been doing all this time. Where have you been? How have you survived? You were the youngest, but you were in Nai's words closer to perfect than he was.
But Vash doesnt ask, he can't even speak, instead, he wraps his arms around you and cries. 
He pushes you back gently to look at your face, “your alive.” It’s the only thing he can say, “so are you.” You choke out, and you look away scared to ask but you have to know. “What about Nai?” You feel him tense, “it’s complicated.” He whispers, leading you over to the bed so the two of you can sit side by side.
You're confused, but let him continue. Vash begins to tell you what he’s been doing all this time, you doubt he’s telling you the whole truth and probably doesn’t want to share the gory details. You let out a ‘huff’ you’re sure no matter how long you’ve been alive he’ll always treat you like a baby sister. But you don’t interrupt, then he begins telling you about Nai. 
Eyes wide you simply can’t believe it, you are not naive you’ve heard strange rumors, hell you’ve seen some strange things as well. But all this death and destruction… was Nai really capable of that? You want to deny it, but you know Vash isn’t lying he would never lie to you. You sigh leaning your head on his shoulder, “well I’m here now, will figure it out together.” 
“Together?” Vash asks with a small voice, you smile “yeah, oh you’re not getting rid of me any time soon. We’re a family, and we have to stick together.” You say it’s a little childish, but you think you deserve to think a little childishly right now. You feel Vash begin to pull away, but you grab his arm not letting him get too far.
“It’s too dangerous, it’s best if you stay here.” You roll your eyes, and you give him a look. “Seriously? So, you think I’ve been holed up in a cave all these years? I’ve been out there surviving all these years by myself!” Your tone is bitter and he flinches, you soften. It’s not his fault, everything had been so chaotic after the fall, “please don’t treat me like a kid, I’m not that little girl anymore.” And you mean if you were not able to be her anymore, not since the fall. 
Vash looks at you really looks at you, and he knows your right. He sighs, “I don’t think I’d be able to stop you anyway.” He says with a laugh, you smile. Right now, everything was perfect, and while your family would never be complete not truly, it still hurt to think of Rem, and thinking of Nai was also painful. But for right, you’d hold on to this happiness and wouldn’t let go.
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vash x wolfwood!reader
vash just fawning over wolfwood’s sister, like he’d be staring without him even noticing.
when she notices she’s like “what’re you staring at?” immediately looks away.
she seems mean on the outside; but is very kind and sweet once you get to know her.
also Nicholas and her bicker a lot
if possible can u write this please
A/N: The sister????? The potential for Vash and Wolfy to be… IN-LAWS???!?!?!! Or even more interesting AN ANGSTY TRIANGLE??? OH I AM SO DOWN
I also finished Black Lagoon Recently, so this prompt was very appropriate! How serendipitous. This character totes took heavy inspo from Eda.
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So Called Nun
In Vash's opinion, there were only two things in this world that seemed to throw Nicholas D. Wolfwood off his game. Drinking too fast, and seeing those from his past. The latter was definitely true when one night Nicholas was definitely on edge.
"You good, Wolfwood? You've almost drunk that whole bottle and it's not even midnight yet." Vash asked, worried about his friend.
"Don't worry about it, Needle Noggin." Wolfwood grumbled before downing another shot of Jack, the smack of the whiskey causing him to slightly totter in his chair.
Suddenly, the clatter of the saloon doors slamming open caused the patrons to fall silent. Normally, someone slamming into the saloon in attempts to assert dominance you get a simple eye roll. The bar stayed silent at the venue of a young woman… in a nun's garb?
A pair of gaudy sunglasses sat atop her covered head, and her eyes were hazed over with the memories of intentional murder. To the trained nose, she reeked of death and decay, as if those she'd killed clung to her robes in a meager attempt to drag her to hell as they seeked retribution. That's how she looked to Wolfwood who nearly fell out of his chair at the sight of her.
To Vash however, she was truly a beautiful angel! A woman of the cloth who clearly sought out those who needed the grace of God! The shades were a wonderful accent to her eyes that were intensely full of passion!
The woman immediately stomped over to Wolfwood, kicking a chair out of the way to sit down on. She snatched Nicholas' bottle of Jack before plopping down on the chair, kicking her legs up into the table in front of her.
Her boots were anything but elegant. Once sleek combat boots were now cracked and ragged leather, one of which wasn't even tied.
"Nico, Nico, Nico, it's been so long!" She gave him a toast with the bottle before downing a good amount of the remaining portion.
"And what the fuck do you want, dear Sister?"
"Is that how you treat family after not coming home for nearly 6 years? Livio would be so upset." The woman shrugged. She glanced over to the red coated man who was making the most wide eyed love struck face at him. She swore she could see drool in the corner of his mouth.
"And what are you looking at, ya damn Needle Noggin? Take a fuckin picture." She scowled at him. Vash immediately turned his head away from her, looking at the ground.
"Hey, leave my buddy alone. He's basically harmless." Wolfwood rolled his eyes at her, "besides, he's into rough treatment." His fingers tapped Impatiently on the table.
"Ah, I see how it is." A sneaky sneer came over her face. She got up from the chair, standing over Vash, gently taking his chin to guide it to look up at her.
"I'm sorry, little puppy, what was your name again?" Her voice turned smoother.
"V-Vash the Stampede, Miss!" He tensed up at her hand moving to cup his face.
"How adorable. Your wanted posters don't do you justice, really." She brushed her thumb against the beauty mark on his cheek, "Maybe God's blessing can be upon you tonight, Puppy." She teased him.
Wolfwood on the other hand, had swatted the shot glass away so as not to break it in his hand. He flexed his hand to keep it from locking up.
"Did you have a reason you were here, Sis?" He tried to keep the growl out of his voice. It didn't work.
"Ah, yes. About that." Her voice gained an air of intensity as she abandoned teasing the stampede, and walked around to stand in front of Nicholas, "Chapel and Livio are headed home, but not after they terrorize the whole town, and kick everyone but our family out. I can't do anything about it, since I have some obligations that are a little more… binding." She glanced away, dodging her reason for not assisting,
"My point is, I can't help them, but I know you two can. Please make sure everyone is okay, and don't get yourself killed? They've been bugging me about getting you to come home anyways." She chuckled halfheartedly. Wolfwood took a deep breath, and sat forward in his chair.
"Alright. I'll make a beeline that way first thing in the morning. If you clean up early, you can always join us." He looked up to his sister.
"That's a nice thought, but I don't think that'll be possible, big brother." She shook her head. Her voice was softer than before, as if she was peeking out from behind the shield she'd put up.
"Ah, don't go all soft on me now, don't worry, big bro will handle everything!" He gave a hollow smile that would put Vash's to shame as he put his arm up and flexed.
"I'm sure you've got this. Well, I better head out, Nico-ni. I'll buy drinks next time." She smiled, with almost a bittersweet smile as she ruffled his hair. She snatched the bottle of Jack off of the table, and made her way out of the bar, "Consider this collateral!" She laughed maniacally.
"What a woman." Vash practically had little hearts floating around his head.
"Yeah, what an idiot." Wolfwood frowned, now boozeless, and his buzz gone. He leaned back in his chair and stared at the ceiling, processing his sister's words.
Livio. How long had it been?
He needed a cigarette.
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greetingfromthedead · 3 months
Vash's Moving Castle (Vash x Reader)
Plot: A strange building made up of old spaceship parts, moving around on two legs across the wasteland of the desert, it hisses and creaks and fills the heart of many with fear... That castle is home to the magnificent tech wizard Vash, infamous for both his gunmanship and for being a womanizer—or so the rumor goes in your city. You're the eldest child of a gunsmith and as such don't expect much from your future. However, your simple life takes a turn for the exciting when you're ensnared in a disturbing situation, and the mysterious tech wizard appears to rescue you.
Pairing: Vash x mostly GN Reader, occasional she/her pronouns, the use of "girl" etc from quotes directly from the movie. I tried making it completely GN, but my flu ridden brain short circuited on some very specific parts so I gave up.
Raiting: Everyone
Tags: Howl's Moving Castle style AU, no use of "y/n", Vash is a tech wizard, I have both brainrot and the flu, idk what else to put here, Howl is cute, Vash is cute, I tried my best.
Word count: 3.7k
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Author's Note: Got the idea yesterday, yall seemed interested and the flu ridden brainrot I had to endure all day today was simply debilitating so I wrote a little something. I hope you like it, not sure if I will continue or not even though I have quite a few HC-s for this little AU situation.
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The 6th city, May, is decorated more than usual. After all, May Day has arrived. Even though it is still early in the afternoon, the streets are bustling with people. The aroma of baked goods reaches your nose through your open window, and it makes you think about your sister, Meryl, who is working at the very popular doughnut shop on the other side of the city. She must be very busy today with the rush of customers coming in for their celebratory pastries. For you, it's a free day. Today, your little weapon's repair shop, which you inherited from your father, is closed. You decide to take advantage of the downtime and visit your sister, whom you haven't seen in a long time.
You put aside the little handgun you have been tinkering with and stand to close the window. Your little shop is situated quite high, and the workshop has the perfect view to look out over the roofs of all the other houses. Your eyes glance over the familiar sight—the scrappy buildingd made out of old spaceship parts and in the distance, you see the wide open desert. But today it is slightly different. You heard the commotion this morning when the people first noticed the addition to the landscape. With fearful and hushed voices, they talked about the monstrocity looming on the horizon and the kind of calamity it might bring.
"It is Vash's Moving Castle!" The people on the streets whispered and pointed. "Do you think the horrible Typhoon has come to lay waste to our city?"
You knew very well the rumors about the gunslinger and tech wizard named Vash the Stampede. He is said to be a ruthless demon specializing in murder and wide-scale destruction. Apparently, he kills without mercy—men, women, and children alike. He has wiped whole towns from the face of the planet, and his infamous castle is created with the sole purpose of being a weapon of mass destruction.
As you pull the window closed, you look at the mass of metal outside of town. Calling it a castle is a gross overstatement. You can't imagine how such a heap of scrap gets to be called anything so magnificent. It consists of layers upon layers of old spaceship parts, jutting out at odd angles and covered in rust and wires, its massive turrets and spires reaching towards the sky. It has two large legs underneath it, much like a tomas, that the building uses to move across the desert. This is not the first time Vash's fortress has passed by May City, and you think the excitement is unwarranted. Sure, the gunslinger has a reputation, but nothing catastrophic has happened so far. You can't help but wonder why everyone gets so worked up every time the castle passes by; he would surely go to the bank or somewhere else where he can get easy money. You are just a small shop owner; as long as you don't get in his way, it seems unlikely he would take any interest in you. He might be a womanizer, but he only has eyes for pretty girls.
You get quickly ready and close the shop. The streets are decorated with colorful ribbons, and you hear cheers coming from all over town as the annual parade begins. You have chosen a truly awful moment to try and make your way across the city, but you are determined to see Meryl. As you push through the crowded streets, you catch glimpses of the parade. People are showing off their inventions and talents. You see giant hydraulic pants marching down the street. Exo-suits and new kinds of weaponry. On other streets, you see entertainers dancing and singing in colorful costumes. Some are juggling fire, and others are performing daring acrobatics. This world truly is a marvel.
You make it to the gondolas and squeeze into one with some other people. It takes you over the winding roads, and you see the flags and market stalls lining the streets. The smell of freshly cooked food wafts up to you as you take in the sights and sounds of the bustling marketplace. May is filled with all kinds of people; for days, the sandsteamers have brought in travelers from all over, and it shows. The whole city is alive with excitement and energy.
You get off your ride on the slightly calmer side of the town, and you know the familiar route you need to take to get to the doughnut shop. The quiet side streets are nearly empty; just a few people mingle on the sidewalks. You try to avoid them as much as possible and turn to an even smaller ally as a group of drunkards head your way. You hold your breath and hope they don't notice you, looking nervously over your shoulder as you hurry along.
"Hey, it looks like a little mouse lost its way," you suddenly hear, and as you look back ahead, you see you nearly ran into a man who has just come around the corner. He is grinning mischievously, blocking your path. He is a lot taller than you, and you can see his rifle slung across his back. Surely he is a bounty hunter; you see them a lot, and with all the people flowing into town, you would think they have their hands full.
"Oh, no. I'm not lost," you say, shaking your head and recoiling a bit, leaning away from the man.
"This little mouse looks thirsty. We should take her for a cup of tea." The man continues like he didn't hear you at all. You try sidestepping him, but as you do, a second man appears from behind him. He is just as large with a big mustache, and he looks at you curiously as he leans closer, blocking your way further.
"No thanks. My sister's expecting me." You avoid looking directly at them, instead trying to think of a way to escape. They make you very uncomfortable.
"She's pretty cute for a mouse." You try to keep your cool and find a way to politely excuse yourself from the situation, but the mustashed man is leaning even closer, his face level with yours.
"How old are you anyway? You live around here?" The first guy leans toward you too. Neither of them sounds menacing, but they fill you with dread.
"Leave me alone!" you say with as much bravery as you can muster, taking a step backwards.
"You see? Your mustache scares all the girls," the first man nudges his comrade.
"So? I think she's even cuter when she's scared." the other replies, not taking his eyes off you.
"There you are, sweetheart." A different, smooth male voice speaks up behind you, capturing the gaze of the bountyhunters before you. "Sorry, I'm late. I was looking everywhere for you."
He speaks close to your left ear, and a hand gently rests on your right shoulder. It's not a voice you recognize, and his touch makes you stiffen up. Your body had been ready to run for your life, but now you find yourself sandwitched between two unknowns. Yet something about the man behind you is comforting, or maybe it's just that you see the upset glint in the eyes of the men before you.
"Hey! Hey! We're busy here!" The man you had run into first speaks and looks like he is puffing himself up to look more menacing. His companion, too, straightens his back, ready for a violent confrontation.
"Are you really? It looked to me like the two of you were just leaving." The calm voice beside you speaks with a hint of amusement. You feel him shift slightly, but you don't turn your eyes away from the bounty hunters in front of you. You see their gazes move over the man, their eyes widening at something where his left arm would be, and you see them freeze up and then nudge each other. They look very uncomfortable.
"This is not worth it," one of them whispers nervously to the other.
"Yeah, we better get going," the other answers with a whisper, and they start to shuffle away from you, back into the alley they had come from. As they get further away, their step hastens until they take off running. You watch them disappear into the darkness, wondering what caused them to have such a reaction.
"Don't hold it against them," the soft voice next to you says, and you finally turn to look at him. He is a tall young man with a soft smile on his lips. You see his pretty blue eyes behind orange tinted round glasses, and his blonde hair is about shoulder length. A tight golden hoop hangs from his left ear. He is truly very handsome, and his expression is warm and inviting. He wears a pillowy white blouse that flows down to his slender waist. A pendant hangs from his neck, and a red coat covers his shoulders, but his arms are not in the sleeves.
"They aren't actually all that bad," he says, continuing his thought from before, and his eyes capture your gaze again. "Where to? I'll be your escort this evening."
"Oh, I'm, um, just going to the doughnut shop." You pull back a little from his closeness, but feel his hand firmly on your shoulder.
"Don't get alarmed, but I'm being followed," he says, leaning closer to you. His hand moves from your shoulder and instead hooks around your arm. "Act normal."
You avert your eyes, but he ignores your awkwardness completely and starts walking along the street with your arm intertwined with his, like it's totally normal. Your body is still stiff, a slight fear lingering in the back of your mind, yet this is exciliating in a way you never expected. You find yourself surprisingly comfortable in his presence, despite the fact that he is a total stranger. His pace is somewhat brisk, but you can easily keep up. The unknown of who could be following him is a bit frightening, and you find yourself pressing into his upper arm for reassurance.
As you walk past some dark and narrow alleys, you start to suddenly hear commotion.
"There he is! Go! Hurry!" You hear shouting, and it sends a shiver up your spine. Yet the man beside you keeps the same pace and, for the moment, seems unbothered.
"Sorry. It looks like you're involved," he says calmly as you try to glance into the alleys where the commotion stems from. You see a mob of gunslingers squeeze themselves hurriedly into the narrow gap between the buildings and start to rush towards you. It is frightening to you, and you grab a tighter hold of the man's arm. Your right hand grasps his shirt, your heart pounds in fear as your body stiffens. More voices start to echo from up ahead, and a few people stumble onto your street.
"This way!" he whispers insistently, and the man pulls you into a side alley, his pace getting faster as he leads you away from the gathering crowd. You struggle to keep up with him so you have to start running, your mind racing with questions, but you hold onto him tightly, and you feel certain that everything will be alright. He keeps going faster and faster, and you can see the main street ahead, but suddenly your view gets blocked by more armed men appearing to block our path. You feel a surge of panic rising in your chest, and the reassuring hand sliters out from your weakened cluth as you have trouble holding on while you run.
"Come on!" The mystery man's voice is soft and insistent, with a hint of amusement as you feel his arm wrap around your waist, both of you running straight towards the angry looking mob. You see that some of them have drawn their guns and have them pointed straight at you, but the thundering footsteps behind you tell you that they are unlikely to shoot here in this narrow alley to avoid hitting anybody else. Your confidence in getting out of here wavers, but suddenly you are tightly pulled against the man's side, and his other hand takes yours. It feels cold and hard; you catch a glimpse of blue, but you are too distracted by the fact that your feet are no longer on the cobbled street. You rush through the air, seemingly kept up by the mysterious blonde.
Instinctively, you curl up, looking around for an explanation. The coat that covered his shoulders before hangs over his left arm, and from his back protrubes a pair of giant feathery wings. You've never seen anything like this. Is this a new invention? Has he come here to present his masterpiece to the masses during the parade? Who is this man? He has to be a brilliant inventor. Your mind is captivated by him; you want to understand his mysterious contraption, and your gaze moves along him, down his left arm, and you see it's not a real arm at all; it is made out of strange blue metal, the hand holding yours is made out of the same material. The forearm is mostly covered by his coat, but you're sure that everything from at least his elbow down is a prosthesis; the rest is hidden by the flowy sleeve. You feel his fingers move so organically that you're sure this must be lost technology. What a strange man! You've never seen anything like this.
"Now, straighten your legs and hold on tight," you hear the man say gently, and you follow his command. You relax your legs and grab tightly onto him. His strong arm around you presses you into his side, and you wrap your legs with one of his to make sure you cannot slip away from his grasp and plummet to your death.
You are still mesmerized by his wings, how large they are as they stretch out behind him, allowing him to fly effortlessly through the air. You feel a rush of adrenaline as you soar higher. The streets beneath you look so small; people are just specs moving around. You let out a gasp of amazement, and it makes the strange man chuckle. He flies you both over some rooftops, and you see the familiar doughnut shop come into view.
"You're a natural." You hear him praise you, but to you, it makes little sense; all you do is hold onto him for dear life. But you can't deny the exhilarating rush of flying through the sky. You have never felt so free. The wind whips through your hair as you soar above the city. You feel like you could touch the clouds. You relax a little bit in his grasp, hearing his feathers rustle in the wind as they allow you to glide through the air. To your surprise, very few people pay any attention to you. Most of them are too focused on the parade passing by. The ones who did notice you stared in awe, not believing their eyes or perhaps mistaking you for a worm.
You get closer and closer to the familiar shop, and you realize he is aiming for the second floor balcony. He lands gracefully on the bannister and gently guides you onto the floor, like you weigh nothing at all. His hand holds onto yours for a little longer as he bows closer.
"I'll make sure to draw them off, but wait a bit before you head back outside." His voice is low and gentle, with a soft smile dancing on his lips and in the glimmer of his eyes.
"Okay," you say, still stunned by what had just happened. Your fingers gently grip his as he straightens up and pulls his hand from you. His wings fold down behind his back and disappear before he takes his coat and drapes it over his shoulders.
"That's my girl," he says with a low and husky voice, a hint of pride in it. He smiles brightly and takes a step back, making you gasp as he falls into nothingness. You rush to peek over the railing, only to find that he has disappeared into the crowd with no hint of anyone noticing him at all, so he must be alright. You breathe a sigh of relief, grateful that he is safe.
You linger on the balcony for a little while longer. It all seems too incredible to be true—almost magical. Never would you have thought something like this could happen to you; you are so used to your dull life of being the eldest, but then again, that's what it means to be a responsible and reliable older sibling. Or perhaps you have caught some nasty disease and are just imagining all this during a fever dream. Either way, you enjoyed this. The realization prods you in the side as you remember that you didn't even ask the gentleman's name. Perhaps you will get lucky and see him introducing his invention at a parade in the future. Or perhaps this encounter will just remain a peculiar memory in the back of your mind.
You turn to enter the hallway and see a wide-eyed young woman staring back at you. She is frozen, like she has seen a ghost, and she looks at you with a hint of mistrust.
"Hello," you say, trying to strike up a conversation. "I'm here to see Meryl; she's my little sister. I'm sorry to have just barged in to the staff's quarters. Could you tell her I'm here? I'm in no rush; I'll wait till she has time."
She still stares at you and seems too frozen to say anything, only giving you a stiff nod and heading downstairs, where you hear a lot of commotion. You turn back to look out the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of the man again, but he's nowhere to be seen. The sweet smell of doughnuts and jam fills your nose as you patiently wait for your sister.
You fall deep into thought, only to be awoken by some loud running footsteps heading your way and Meryl's voice calling out your name. She rushes to you and grabs your hands, so you turn to face her.
"Meryl!" you say with slight apprehension as you see the surprise in her face.
"What's going on? Someone just told me you flew down into our balcony!" She says it with disbelief. It takes you a moment to process her words before responding.
"So that did happen. That wasn't a dream," you say with a mix of confusion and sadness. You hear a different voice speak to Meryl as you turn your gaze out the window again, not registering what they talk about. You relive everything that has happened to you within the last half hour in your head, trying to commit every detail to memory. Meryl looks at you with concern as you look away so apathetically and then drags you with her to the backrooms of the kitchen to sit down with you on some boxes in the storage room. She presses you until you open up and tell her everything about your track here and the strange man who saved you.
"Wow! He must have been an inventor then!" Meryl exclaims as you finish your story with how he disappeared into the crowd.
"But he was so kind to me. He rescued me, Meryl."
"Of course he did! He was trying to seduce you! You are so lucky! If that inventor was Vash, he would have done much worse right then and there! He is an awful womanizer!"
"No, he wouldn't. Vash only does that to beautiful girls."
"Ah, don't give me that! You need to be more careful! It's dangerous out there! Even the infamous Millions Knives is back on the prowl." She looks at the side of your face and leans closer. "Are you listening?"
But you are so consumed by your thoughts, you barely realize what she is saying. Your gaze had been fixed by a giant tub of custard.
"Huh?" You finally turn to face your sister again.
"Argh!" Meryl lets out a disgruntled sigh. You see it from her face that she's about to start lecturing you, but a young man informing her about a new batch of dougnuts being done saves you from it.
"Okay! I'll be right there!" She turns a touch more cheerfully toward the cook.
"Alright! I better get going then. I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay." You stand up, ready to leave, to both avoid getting Meryl into trouble and getting an earful from her about the horrible danger that is lurking outside the city walls.
Meryl sees through you immediately but chooses not to lecture you this time on that topic. She leads you to the backdoor, where a man is carrying bags of flour.
"Now," Meryl comes close to you again. "Do you really want to spend the rest of your life in that gunshop?"
"The shop was just so important to father, and I'm the eldest! I don't mind." You try to keep your tone cheerful as you look into her concerned face. But deep down, you know her words stir something up.
"I'm not asking what father would have wanted. I want to know what you want," she continues insistently.
"Well," you start to answer, not sure about what to say, but the man who carried in the flour comes back to say goodbye to Meryl, and your sister turns to him to wave goodbye. You take the opportunity to start to walk away and say, "I better get going."
"It's your life! Do something for yourself for once, will you?" she says, hoping that you will finally prioritize your own happiness.
"Bye, Meryl!" you say over your shoulder with a slight smile as you head home. Your head is still filled with a million thoughts, and Meryl only added to them. Yet you are glad she seems happy with her new life after she left your family's gunshop. You can't help but wonder if you'll ever find the same peace and contentment. But it matters little; you're the eldest, and you have a duty.
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seijorhi · 4 months
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Etched in Red: Rust (Part One)
Event Masterlist
Vash the Stampede x female reader
Part Two
w.c 1.4k
tw: yandere themes, canon-typical violence and death, kidnapping
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There’s an old earth saying about the best way to boil a frog.
If the water’s already boiling and you drop the frog right in, it hops right out. The key, or so the story says, is to start with tepid water, then turn the heat up slowly, little by little. The poor frog, relaxed by the warming water, won’t make a fuss when the temperature starts to rise, won’t leap from the water.
Blind to the danger, that frog will sit calm and placid, letting itself steadily be boiled alive. 
Has the water always been this warm?
You stare, empty eyed at the wreckage of the homestead before you. The broken bodies Wolfwood’s diligently dragging off god knows where to perform whatever rites he thinks are necessary. Smoke and the scent of gunpowder and blood linger in the air you breathe, you can taste it on your tongue.
But it’s white noise in the background. You keep thinking of the man you saw.
Well, maybe ‘man’ isn’t the right word. Half his face was cybernetic, his body twisted and warped into a weapon that mercilessly ripped through that family. You don’t doubt his humanity because of his body, you doubt it because there was nothing in his eyes. Not anger or rage, not glee or regret. 
He was nothing but a tool, mindless to all but his master’s whims.
“I’m sorry.”
The words wash over you, but the blond’s touch is warm, solid as he pulls you into his chest, rests his cheek against the crown of your head and holds you, his own cybernetic arm rubbing soothingly at your back.
Why he’s apologising, you’re not entirely sure. For not getting there in time to stop it? Because it happened at all?
This isn’t his fault. 
Either way, you let your arms curl loosely around his waist and bury yourself in him, eyes welling up with tears you’re sick of shedding. “I have to get her back, Vash,” you mumble.
For weeks now, you’ve imagined it. All the terrible fates that might’ve met your sister at the hands of Knives Millions. Dead. Locked in some dungeon somewhere, rotting away. Tortured. Ripped apart. Forced into servitude, humiliated, broken, beaten–
Your stomach clenches, threatening to upheave.
Experimented on. 
“I need her back.”
The broad palm stroking along your spine falters, and Vash pulls back enough to meet your watery gaze. Behind his glasses, pools of impossible blue shine with concern, a flicker of something else – guilt, maybe? – bleeding through, even as he paints a small, thin smile across his face, “Hey, you promised me you weren’t gonna think like that anymore. Your sister… he won’t hurt her.”
“Stop saying that!”
Snapping at him won’t solve anything, you can’t help it though. Whatever this spiral is that you’re caught in, it has its claws in you, dragging you down into a pit of hysteria. Your breath comes quick, choppy, and all of a sudden you can’t bear his hands on you – you shove at him, stumbling back with a shuddering gasp.
“He hates us, Vash! He hates humans. I watched him kill our parents, he cut them to pieces, like they were nothing, less than dirt, and for what? Why?! And that– that thing!” you gesture wildly in the direction the gunman disappeared off to. “Do you think whoever he was, he signed up for that? Is that the best I can hope for? That if my sister hasn’t already been eviscerated, maybe he’ll lay her down on a table, slice away at her until nothing’s left but metal and blind obedience to a madman, until she’s just another tool for him to–”
You don’t get to finish the thought, Vash quick to close the distance between you, seizing your violently trembling hands in his, holding them up between you. “He won’t,” he vows. “I need you to believe me, Nai isn’t hurting her. He wouldn’t.”
But you’re too far gone for soft platitudes. You shake your head, only half aware that you’re moving at all, “You don’t know that, you can’t–” your voice cracks, another sob threatening to burst. 
You hate that you’re doing this here, now; crying for your stolen sister on the site of another bloody, brutal massacre. The only mercy in this is that Wolfwood’s still off dealing with the bodies. Vash bearing witness is bad enough, you don’t think you can handle anyone else seeing you this brittle.
With a wounded noise, he lets one of your hands slip from his to brush at your tears with a gentleness that steals your breath. “Don’t cry, angel. I promise you, she’s not being hurt. Nai won’t let anything happen to her.”
A promise.
Vash promised weeks ago, earnesty dripping from every word, that he’d help you find and free your sister. At the time, you could’ve kissed him, bowed at his feet, given him anything in your power to give. No else was offering. No one else cared about some stupid girl from a nowhere town, kidnapped by a vicious egomaniac bent on eradicating humanity. 
(You swore to yourself, too, that you wouldn’t hold it against him that he called that monster brother).
You trusted him then, the weight of that promise settling into your soul like a brand. Vash would help bring her home, he promised.
Vash, cradling your tear-stained cheek, peers down at you with that same striking intensity, like he’s willing you to believe they’re not throw-away words to comfort you, he means them. Your sister hasn’t been harmed. She won’t be.
Which makes you wonder, a cold thread of unease slithering down your spine, how he can promise something like that. 
“… Vash, how could you possibly know that for sure?” you whisper, the sound carrying in the too quiet stillness of the homestead.
The hand you squeeze isn’t made of flesh, blood and bone – you barely notice, searching Vash’s face in turn, praying to yourself that just this once, his words are empty.
The soft, pink flush that paints his cheeks quickly turns those hopes to ash and dust.
And perhaps he senses that too, because the moment you try to step back, put a little distance between you so you can breathe, that grip of his becomes iron. 
Vash wets his lips and swallows, a shallow bobbing of his throat, “Whatever you’re thinking, it’s not. I’d never–” he breaks off with a strangled sounding huff, his fingers flexing around your wrist. He’s always been bright, excitable. Sunshine on a summer’s day.
Now he just looks manic. Eyes too bright, too wide. A jitteriness that sets you on edge. 
“The plan was to get her out, like I promised. It’d be quicker if it was just me, I didn’t want– I couldn’t risk anything happening to you if I brought you with me. It’d kill me. Kill me. But Nai, he– she’s important to him, I think. He needs her.” Vash frowns, “I swear I was gonna bring her back to you like I promised, that’s the only reason I went, and I would’ve, you know I would’ve if I thought for a moment she was in any danger, but…”
“You saw her?”
With those sad, puppy-dog eyes fixed on you, he nods. 
Something painful wrenches in your chest at the admission, and with a sharp tug to your wrist, Vash is there, his forehead pressed against yours, murmuring near frantic reassurances – excuses – as though there won’t be bruises left in his wake.
He saw her.
Vash was there, he saw her and he left her. 
Bitterness cleaves at you. Betrayal. Heartbreak. Agony.
You’re a fool. 
“Let go of me.” Your voice is robotic, a cold contrast to the roaring mess of emotions in your head.
If Vash hears you, he gives no indication. There’s not enough air in the room, every inch of it tainted by Vash clutching you closer, holding you tighter. Like he senses that if he loosens his grip, even for a second, you’ll disappear altogether. 
“Let go of me… Vash, let me go! LET ME GO!”
You’re shrieking, pushing and shoving at him, beating your fists against his chest, and Vash looks halfway to distraught as, for a split second, his eyes flicker to focus on something just behind you. “I’m sorry, angel. I’ll make it up to you.”
The sudden, blinding burst of pain at the back of your skull comes out of nowhere. Drops you cold to the ground, and as the darkness swallows you up whole, you hear him speak again, that broken, mournful tone that tears at your heartstrings. 
“I’m sorry.”
Close your eyes, little frog. Drift off. The water’s nice and toasty.
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novasintheroom · 7 months
A matter of time
♡ Pairing - Vash x Reader
♡ Word count - 0.8k
♡ Warnings - f!reader
♡ Description: A short drabble based on the November 2023 prompt list from @creativepromptsforwriting. Day 1: Crisp air.
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“What’s this one?”
                “A bluebell.”
                “Hm. And that one?”
                “Bleeding hearts. I forget their real name, though.”
                You reached out and ran a finger gently on the heart-shaped petals. “They’re lovely. All of them.”
                Vash felt a smile spread on his face. He was having fun watching you discover flora. The wonder in your eyes, that spark of a human loving nature long lost to the stars. He just wished he remembered all the plant names. If you asked about those purple flowers over there, he’d have to make something up. He’d do it, though, just to keep your wonder going, to see your lips map out the names.
                “Do they all smell the same?” You ask, leaning forward from your seat to sniff at the bluebells, then the bleeding hearts. “They smell the same to me.”
Vash nodded, stretching out on his stomach to feel the grass more fully, just like when he was a kid. Home had that comforting way about it. Still, he felt the prickle of Luida and Brad’s gaze on you two near the entryway. He could barely hear their voices over the din of the vents turning on to create the crisp air in the greendome.
                “Vash,” Luida called, “could you come here a moment?”
                He knew it was coming. “Yeah,” he called back. He got up, wiping his pants and shirt of the blades of grass clinging to them. He left you alone to wonder at the sight of flowers.
                Brad gave him a look when he came near. “So, do we need to get your girlfriend her own room, or do you two plan on sharin’?”
                Vash’s ears went bright red. “Huh?”
                Luida slapped Brad’s shoulder and glared. “Not how to ask, Brad!” Brad only shrugged, and Luida sighed. “We were just wondering…well, you’ve never brought anyone Home before, and we just wanted to know…?”
                He should’ve seen this coming too, but honestly, he hadn’t thought about it. All he was concerned about at the time was getting you out of the hellish sandstorm that had appeared while travelling. Home just happened to be the closest shelter. Luida and Brad must be starved of gossip if they’re asking him this. Clearing his throat and looking over his shoulder, Vash made sure you weren’t listening in. “We’re not dating,” he said quietly, “we’re just friends.”
                Luida has that older sister instinct in her, though. With a glint in her eye, she said, “But you like her, don’t you?”
                He reached up and scratched at his neck. How did it get so hot in here? He tried to dodge. “What does it matter?”
                Brad ‘hmphed’ and crossed his arms. “So that’s a yes.”
                Luida let out a tiny squeal. She may be getting older, but she managed a few hops. “Oh, I’m so happy for you Vash! It’s about time you brought someone Home!”
                They were acting like parents. “Woah, didn’t you hear me? We’re not dating!”
                “But you will be,” Brad predicted. “The way you two act? Only a matter of time.”
                Sputtering, Vash shook his head and backed away. “The way we act?”
Brad held up a hand and ticked off his fingers. “In the last twenty-four hours, you two have rarely left each other’s side, danced together, fallen asleep on each other’s shoulders, and held hands.” His smile was smug. “Only a matter of time, kid.”
“Are you stalking me?” Vash asked, his voice going pitchy with embarrassment. “You guys are weird. I’m leaving.” He turned and headed back to where you were sitting.
                Luida called out, “Dinner will be served in an hour!”
                Vash waved a hand in acknowledgement and laid back down by your side. You glanced over to him, fiddling with some forget-me-nots hiding under the leaves. “What did they want?” You leaned in closer. “Why’re you all red?”
                He sighed and shook his head. “Nothing. They’re…it’s nothing.”
                Your brows rose, but you shrugged and went back to admiring the flowers. He allowed himself a few seconds to stare, to follow the line of your nose to the curve of your lips, then back to your eyes. Lovely, he thought. Just as lovely as the flowers. Vash turned over to his back and looked up at the sky through the glass dome. It was clear, as always. He wondered if he’d ever see real clouds. Perhaps one day, when Luida’s work was completed.
Then, he felt your head on his stomach and looked down. You settled yourself on your back, then turned to look at him and gave him a dazzling smile. His stomach turned into crickets hopping all over his insides. All he could do was smile back, and start playing with your hair.
                Only a matter of time, Brad’s words echoed in Vash’s head. Deep down, he only hoped he was right.
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drunkenlionwrites · 9 months
Prince!Vash x Knight reader. The beginning. (Royal AU)
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Warnings: none, sfw, fem! reader
Imagine being a middle child growing up in a minor noble family. With an older brother, who you admire deeply and trying to repeat everything after him: taking a liking to swordsmanship, fighting and being a wild child of a family.
Having been accepted the way you are and doted upon by your mother and father, but still being reminded of your future duties and a role in society, you’ll have to accept. Trying to indulge in your hobbies and spar with your brother’s teacher and the soldiers who served your family while you still can.
That is, until your younger sister is born – and oh god, to your and your parents’ happiness she’s a complete opposite of you. An angelic child with sweet disposition and zero interest in something that’s not suitable for a young lady. This makes you love your sister more and more as she grows up. Not that you wouldn’t love her without your little ulterior reason.
That’s when your family cuts you a slack now that they have your sister to marry off (happily, as your both parents hope) to another family and strengthen your family’s position in the tumultuous life of the nobility intrigues.
Since that you’ve been invested in your skills much more at the young age of 12, honing your swordsmanship and now being able to even disarm your brother time after time to his amusement.
Women being knighted or at least serving in the army is not unheard of, but not a common affair, still being frowned upon by some people. No less lethal in most cases, so your parents just hope that your desires change as you age, even though your already calloused hands and sting built say otherwise.
You’ve never thought deeply about what you’re going to apply your skills to, still possessing the child’s naivete and just enjoying your childhood.
That is, until you’re old enough to attend a court with your parents at a social gathering, when turning fourteen. Seeing the Queen and two princes, though not as inspired of the event as your younger sister that’s pouting at you and your parents that she’s to stay home till she’s grown up to be able to.
Seeing the Queen emerging down the stairs to take a seat at her throne, accompanied by her two sons – crown prince Nai and his younger brother prince Vash, you’re still interested to take a good look at the royals, also chanting the words you need to say after being officially presented at the court the first time, mentally bringing up the correct way of bowing in front of them.
Seeing the dignified walk and impeccable posture of Nai, who looks the age of your brother, you later dart your eyes to his younger brother following his family sheepishly with an uneasy smile on his face. ‘It’s also his first time.’ Your father informed you before coming to the palace. So you take relief in fact that you’re not the only one feeling the unease at this gathering.
That’s when you see the young prince stumbling down, being supported by his older brother, who’s been bearing a slightly condescending smile the whole time, followed by barely audible murmurs, and suppressed smiles of all the observants.
Seeing the blush and an awkward laugh from the boy, something clicks inside of you, and you think to yourself: “That’s it. That’s what I want to protect.”
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Heeey I'm returning back to writing and want to start with more headcanons of my silly little Royal AU. Sorry these headcanons are more reader-centric but I'm cooking a multichapter fic in the AU and just have a lot going on in my head. Want to share the "how it all started" so it is more from a reader's perspective this time.
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anyasathenaeum · 1 year
Hi! How are you? If it's alright with you, may I request a one-shot (or hcs, if you are more of comfortable) Vash x reader (female, if that's okay) where she is Meryl's sister and she is a total sweetheart who always helps Vash?
A/N: Hi Anon! Thanks for your request - I do try to keep the reader gender-neutral, just for inclusivity reasons :) Here are some headcanons for you!
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You being Meryl's sibling can go one of two ways - either you're the older sibling, or you're the baby sibling.
If you're the older sibling, you're the one keeping Meryl's hotheaded self from getting herself into worse trouble than she already does, while if you're the baby, well, let's just say trouble happens even MORE
While Meryl can be more emotional and impulsive in her actions, you're known as the more caring and gentle of the two.
Vash meets you shortly after Meryl and Roberto find him outside Jenorah Rock, when you end up in the same town as your sibling purely by coincidence
"Meryl!" You'd exclaim as you noogie your sister affectionately, embarrassing her in front of Vash and Roberto and a handful of townspeople
Your nature would definitely catch Vash's eye and he'd find himself talking to you more than he expected
He definitely sees how you and Meryl are related, though, as you share the same temper and despite Meryl being the more openly-emotional/impulsive one, you have your moments too
There was a moment when Vash interrupted you and Meryl as you squabbled and you both turned to yell "The adults are talking!" at the same second
Vash just burst into laughter at that - you and Meryl were siblings, alright
Vash also sees you taking care of everybody in the group, always ensuring everybody is hydrated, fed, and well-rested as best as possible without a second thought
You also don't hesitate to sacrifice or give away anything you have that somebody else needs more than you do
Vash sees that and has even been on the receiving end of your kindness more than from anybody else in his life, and it melts his heart
"Oh, Vash, are you hungry? Here, have some of my food, I'm not that hungry!"
"Vash, that looks heavy, here, let me help you!"
"Can't sleep, Vash? Me, neither. Are you cold? You can take my sleeping bag and add it to yours if you want extra layers, I'll probably stay awake for a while longer."
Vash seriously hasn't met anybody as giving or as caring as you and to say you have a special place in his heart is an understatement
Vash does end up falling for you somewhere along the line without really realizing it
Meryl ends up being the one to make him realize it out when she says something along the lines of "Can you stop oogling my sibling? I know you're in love with them but seriously, you're making me nauseous."
The blush on Vash's face after Meryl said that matched the colour of his jacket and he spluttered in a futile attempt to argue or dismiss Meryl's statement, but one look from Meryl shut him up real quick
Meryl loves you dearly and sees that Vash makes you happy, but for some reason, you're both blind idiots
Time for ultimate wingwoman Meryl to shine
Locking the two of you in closets by "accident", having you two share rooms on your travels, you name it, Meryl's orchestrating it, even roping in Wolfwood and Roberto into her schemes to get you and Vash together
Meryl eventually sits down with you, maybe after a particularly difficult emotional moment and just talks with you
"I see how happy Vash makes you, (Y/N). I know you're in love with him. You should give this a chance."
When you and Vash finally come to your senses, Meryl is the first to exclaim in relief, "FINALLY!"
Meryl is your and Vash's #1 supporter and always will be, and you know Meryl's gonna hang the "she got you and Vash together" thing over you until you die
Taglist: @mossygalaxy, @ryuukami4, @spacioussoul, @iceoblivious
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triplesilverstar · 6 months
A day spent in bed, too bad traveling might be delayed
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Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
Pairing: Vash X F!Reader
CW: P in V sex, plant heat, rutting, fever, accidental voyeurism, multiple orgasms, multiple creampies, breeding kink, grinding, aphrodisiac saliva, Vash has little control
Word count: Roughly 3.7K words
A/N: Part 24 of the series. You and Vash had stopped for the night. In the morning after you made breakfast and he didn’t slip from the room you went to check on him. Only for both of you to be entangled in one another as Vash goes through some plant things. 
I had a lot of fun with this one. I won’t lie. 
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The two of you had been lucky again, having happened upon another small abandoned settlement with a few full water tanks left behind. Nothing that you could shower or anything with, but you could cook and spend a few days recovering. At least that was the plan you and Vash had agreed on the night before. 
You’d left him in bed when you’d woken up, a brief kiss pressed to his forehead and a mutter from him before he rolled over and snuggled up closer to the pillow you’d been using moments before. A snort from your lips and you headed to the kitchen to see if you could make something from the canned foods you’d found in the settlement. 
Meal cooked and sipping from your water canteen you’re surprised Vash didn’t appear at the smell of the canned meat cooking. You had also been surprised to find one of those which meant you didn’t need to dig into your dried meat rations. Cooking apparatus turned off, you return to the bedroom you’d been occupying. 
A low whine reaching your ears as you stood in the doorway, and you find your steps hastening to his side. Vash is curled even more into the bed sheets and the pillow gripped so hard you’re surprised it hasn’t ripped, his knuckles white. From what you can see of his skin, his normally pale complexion is almost crimson and covered in a sheen of sweat. Placing a hand against his forehead you hear him moan, his skin is burning up beneath your palm. 
“Sunshine, are you feeling ok!?” This is new territory. The only time you’ve seen Vash even sort of sick before was because of his own weakness, choosing to drink too much and being hung over. 
When he doesn’t answer you, you move to get up planning to grab your canteen and a cloth to soak in water. Except you don’t get very far before his flesh hand is pulling you into the bed with him and pinning your body beneath his. You feel your eyes pop open as he presses his body as close as possible to yours and you feel his hard cock pressing against your body as his hips roll. His face pressing into your neck, the sound of a deep inhale ringing in your ear. 
“Mayfly!” You feel your heart beating against your ribs, you hadn’t expected his voice to have dropped an octave. Or gone so deep. “Somethings wrong” his body keeps moving against yours, a motion you very much recognize as seeking friction for his lower half. 
“Sunshine, I think you’re horny. But that doesn’t explain how much warmer you are.” Now that you’re under him and feeling the gyrations of his hips, the grip on your arm has relaxed enough for you to place both of your hands against his head pulling his face from where it’s nuzzling your neck. 
His hands are pushing your clothes up, revealing more of your skin for him to press against “I don’t feel sick. I just feel a need ” as you look in his eyes you can see his pupils are blown wide, and you can see the pattern of his plant markings clear in his eyes, the ones on his body slowly coming to life, painting his skin in a soft glow.
“A need for what Vash?” Running your thumbs along the lines directly beneath his eyes, your voice low as you watch him blink slowly. The last time his markings were so visible he’d been talking to one of his sisters, and spent some time passed out in your lap afterwards. A moment you’ll never forget, seeing as you’d kissed him afterwards and made an admission that had changed both of your lives and your relationship with one another.  
“I don’t know” his voice is desperate and his hips are pressing harder against yours, back starting to bow and pulling his head from your hands so he can press his face against your neck again. “Help me Mayfly!” It’s almost a desperate cry from him and you place your hands in his hair carding your fingers through the sweaty locks. 
Swallowing you think back on some of your adventures before coming to Noman’s Land and offer a possible temporary solution. “I think you need to have sex Vash. But I’m not sur-” you had been about to finish with how you thought it was a bad idea in his current state. Except he cut you off and shoved his mouth against yours, tongue working to keep your lips parted. 
As the wet muscle sweeps into your own mouth you moan at the taste, a hint of something sweet in his saliva. Something you’ve never tasted before and feel yourself grow wet so fast you think someone turned a faucet on between your legs. You can feel your lungs starting to burn from the lack of oxygen as Vash drags out the kiss, his tongue pressing against every corner of your mouth. 
You’re both panting when he pulls away, his eyes closed. “Please Mayfly. I” you watch his adams apple bob as he swallows, his plant markings dimming ever so slightly “I think you’re right.” His voice is so desperate, a part of you worried you might regret this later. 
Nodding and running your hands down along his back to reach the hem of his soaked nightwear “Ok Sunshine. Let's see if that helps.” In a flurry of movement both of you are stripped naked, and you take the time to notice the glowing lines covering the rest of his body. The lines of that pattern broken by the scars that adorn his skin, but he looks ethereal in this moment. Something you aren’t sure you deserve, but in this moment as much as you want to soak in how beautiful he looks, the concern for how he feels overrides those thoughts. 
Reaching down you wrap a hand around his cock, and he somehow feels even thicker then he normally would when hard. A few ridges you weren’t sure you felt before under your grasp as you lined him up with your lower lips, sliding the tip around to gather some of the fluid freely pouring out of you. Impatient as you line yourself up Vash takes action, pushing himself into you to the base and you gasp body pressing up against his. 
His eyes catch yours, hands rubbing along your shoulders and pushing you to the mattress, keeping his body above yours but his cock seated deeply inside you. Watching him swallow again and noticing a bead of sweat running down his face, you realize he’s trying to hold back. To give you time to adjust “I love you Mayfly” it’s all he says, feeling the fluttering of your walls slow before setting a brutal pace pounding into your core.
Unable to answer him as your head arches back into the pillow the sensation is almost too much right away, hands grabbing the sheets under you. 
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Unaware, elsewhere on the planet, another independent is freezing in place feeling like he’s not in his own skin and his body going rigid. Sweat lining his brow, something he’s never felt before. 
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With the pace Vash is setting it doesn’t take long before he’s reaching his peak, a final hard slam, and you could swear you feel part of his cock move as he empties himself in your core. Watching as the plant markings fade and you both catch your breath you finally answer him “I love you too Vash.” 
A soft smile on his face as you grin back at him, a hand reaching out to cup his cheek and he turns bright red. Realizing he’s still inside you. And hard. “I don’t feel as bad now. But I don’t think this is over Mayfly.” 
Smirking your wrap your legs around him, making him squeak in embarrassment and you laugh at his reaction. “I might have a theory why” you chortle out through your laughter. “I think you might be in whatever version of mating season plants have” at the words mating season you made finger quotes and watch him roll his eyes at you. 
“I don’t think independent plants have a mating season. If we did I think I would have felt this before now don’t ya think?” He’s leaning back and resting on his forearms above you, and you grin looking up at him. 
“Maybe you didn’t have a mate to send you into it before?” A snort and another roll of his eyes while you laugh under him. Running your hands along his arms and feeling the muscles under your hands shift and flex. 
“Except you aren’t a plant Mayfly. That doesn’t make sense.” While the two of you are speaking you notice one of his eyes seems to be lighting up with his plant markings again. 
“Maybe it’s the emotions, and not the biology baby.” Letting your voice grow softer as you talk to one another “not to sound needy. But have you felt the way you do about me, about anyone before?” 
Watching as his eyes close, and it makes your heart shudder from the length of time waiting for him to answer. A single bead of sweat forming and trailing down his face before he swallows. Opening his eyes, both lit from within as his plant markings are fully visible once more. “No.” 
Head dropping so his mouth is pressed against yours, tongue forcing your mouth open and plunging into it. A whimper from your throat at his sudden onslaught, his body pressing into yours and his hands gripping your hips pulling you both upwards. When he breaks for air you pant, feeling him starting to fuck up into you. “I need to cum.” His voice is desperate, hips moving quickly and setting a brutal pace, all you can do is hold on. Legs still wrapped around his waist and arms now around his neck, panting against the side of Vash’s head which is pointed down to where you’re joined. 
If you weren’t being pounded into like he’s trying to break you, you might have enjoyed this more, knowing he’s holding you upwards with the muscles of his arms while making you see stars. A low whine building in your throat, pressing your mouth against his ear “Vash” it’s all you can manage feeling your eyes slam shut when he hits deeper than before. 
Grunting as he keeps slamming your hips down onto his, still chasing his own high lost in whatever sensation has taken over his senses. Feeling him shift his head as he slams you down a final time, twitching violently inside of you as he cums for a second time. His eyes set on where you’re joined “you look so good stuffed on my cock.” 
Taking a deep breath unable to answer him while you try to catch your breath, eyes barely open. “You haven’t cum yet.” A hint of sadness in his tone, mournful almost at the statement. 
Smiling against the side of his head a short chortle “no.” Opening your eyes you see his skin is still flush but his markings are gone once more. “How are you feeling?” 
“Terrible, I don’t like feeling like I’m using you” gasping as he starts to move once more, keeping you up in his arms but shimmying towards the edge of the bed, and stepping off with far more grace then you’d be able to manage if it was you. 
“I’d ask how you’re still hard, but I’m starting to think I’m right about what’s going on.” Back pressed against the wall and your legs still wrapped around his hip, using one arm to hold you while his free hand reaches down between your bodies. 
“I think you are too. Do you want me too ah?” You nod, feeling his fingers starting to work your clit. “And to be clear, I’ve never felt the way I do about you about anyone else.” 
Still in control of himself as your hands move along the side of his head he lets you tilt his face, happy to close the distance. You can taste the same sweetness on his tongue as earlier, core clenching around him and earning a soft moan from him. After the poundings you’ve taken it doesn’t take long for him to pull your release from you, feeling your body spasms around him. 
Moaning into his mouth, your hands sliding down the side of his face and settling onto his shoulders. Leaning back so your head is pressed against the wall, taking long slow deep breaths. “You really are my Sunshine.” It’s a soft admission as you watch him, the way the corner of his mouth softly upticks as his hand rubs up and down your side. 
“I’m not sure how I feel about this.” Watching his brow furrow and then his eyes popping open, mouth agape. “Not us!” The panic is clear on his face. “I mean, I just used you. I’m still inside you.” His agitation at the situation is growing, as you grow more serious grabbing his face between your hands so he can’t look away.
“Hey, it’s ok! Vash, I mean it.” Watching his eyes blink quickly, coming back into focus. “Something triggered this, and I’ll help you through it. Whatever you need.” Pushing yourself from the wall so you can press your lips to his forehead, eyes clenched shut. 
“I don’t want to hurt you” voice somber as his other hand joins the first sliding along your sides. “I can feel this mating thing starting to burn like an itch at the back of my head again.” His voice is taunt, like a sting that’s been pulled far too tight and you smile against his skin. 
“You won’t hurt me. I trust you, and I know you” opening your eyes, the glow from his markings beginning to grow once more. “We’ll get through this, whatever it is together.” Pushing his head back to run your lips across his sensually, feeling him whimper as he opens his mouth to let you lead this time. Sliding your tongue along the upper row of his teeth, tip tracing the points of them. 
A light hum as you pull away looking into his eyes, even with the plant markings his adoration for you is clear. “Yea. Together.” This round all you can do is hold on, hands on his shoulders and panting, screaming his name and how good he feels inside you while he fucks you up against the wall, more focused on staying deep inside of you this time. 
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A low growl ripping from his throat as he stalks towards the lab, even wrapped in his robe he feels hot in his own skin. Stepping inside, the smell making him nauseous, the figure at the monitor in front of him turning.
A discerning eye taking in his appearance “You seem, unwell Knives.” At the words Knives freezes, feeling another blaze of heat across his skin, eyes going blurry for a moment, a vision of a sweaty body in front of him. Surrounding him. Squeezing him. His plant markings blazing to life before fading just as quickly. 
“It seems doctor, my brother has inadvertently created a connection between us.” A deep breath, and another flash, this time the face of the other’s body clear, eyes taunt shut and apparently screaming a name he can’t hear. 
“Vash, initiated the connection? Why would he make the connection out of the blue? Perhaps a side effect of him learning to control his gate?” Grabbing a portable console to scan Knives who snorts. 
“Doubtful doctor. It seems my brother is currently indulging in some human companionship, as I keep receiving flashes from his side of the connection.” Another flash while the doctor scans him, looking over his vitals. 
“Regardless, this is proof that the two of you can forge a connection. A positive step forward in the plan.” A nod as the two continue to discuss, Knives calling for Zazie to go find his brother and see how many humans his brother is passing his seed too. 
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At this point you aren’t even sure how many rounds the two of you have had, just that once the two of you came to the realization no one could hear either of you any attempts to keep your voices down went out the proverbial window. 
So had keeping it to the bedroom, the chance to indulge in some places that you normally wouldn’t have had the opportunity to have sex in being taken. From him pressing into you from behind up against a counter, to having you pinned under him near the front door. Sure no one else was around, but the thought of him slamming into you when someone could open the door to see his ass clenching while you were both screaming in ecstasy? Well that fantasy was crossed off the list of things you both wanted to do. 
Both of your bodies are drenched in sweat, right now he has you on the kitchen table hips to the edge and your legs pressed into your chest held in place by both of his. Your own hands are gripping the edge of the table near your butt keeping your body from sliding away from his body. “I’m so close Vash.”  
“You feel so tight, so warm.” In this position even if he’s not fully in control of himself both of you are enjoying it. As he thrusts into you, you feel stuffed beyond imagining like he’s hitting every nerve inside of you. So deep inside that every thrust has him hitting your cervix “I see my cock moving in you like this. I wanna fill you up.” 
“Fuck” you hiss, watching him tilt his head so he’s focused on the skin between your pussy and abdomen biting your lip. Tilting your head and watching yourself, seeing the small bump form when he’s pressing his full length into you, hitting your clit and rolling his hips before pulling out only to slam back inside again. 
Removing one of his hands from your legs, which you grab panting, as he slides it over the area pressing down as he slams into you. “Do you feel that? That’s me inside you Mayfly, I wonder if I'll be able to feel when I fill you up this time.” Fuck, his words are making you squirm along with everything else he’s doing. “Fuck, keep tight like that.” 
Panting and feeling his hand press farther down and you clench as hard as you can around him. “Vash!” Adjusting his hand so he can press circles into your clit, slamming as hard as he can into you. 
“That’s it, cum with me. I’m gonna fill you up, put a plant inside of you.” That does you in, screaming as loud as you can, static taking over your senses as you slump back against the table, hold loosening on your leg. Vaguely aware of Vash emptying himself inside you, letting you leg drop and slumping over your form. 
Slowly moving so your hands are tangled in his soaked hair, aware both of you are drenched in sweat skin finally cooling. Catching your breaths and feeling his chest pressing against yours. “So, put a plant in me?” You laugh, feeling his face flush or at least the parts of his face you can feel. 
“Can we not talk about me saying that?” His voice is laced with embarrassment trying to hide against your skin. He shifts and you hear a hum from him “I think, this is finally done.” Feeling him pull away from you and you shiver, feeling his cum starting to seep from between your abused legs. 
“Nah, I wanna talk about it.” The look he sends you as you struggle to push yourself up makes you laugh even more. “Let’s be honest, I don’t think we need to worry about you having knocked me up. We’ve had a lot of sex and nothing comes of it.” 
Running a hand through his hair, and glancing at the window, noticing the twin suns starting to set “did we have sex all day?” Hissing as you finally push yourself to a sitting position, and sliding your legs to the floor. And the rest of you almost following, if it wasn’t for Vash turning around and grabbing you. 
“Yea, we had sex all day if my legs giving out is anything to go by.” Wrapping both of your arms around him, to try and keep yourself stable. 
“Shit, are you ok? I didn’t hurt you did I?” The panic on his face making him look rather cute for someone who just spent the day fucking your brains out. 
“Legs are just sore. I’m fine. How are you doing Sunshine?” His concern is endearing and you just smile looking up at him. “I told you, we’d get through it together.” 
A snort from him “I’m fine, just tired.” Reaching one of his hands up to cup the side of your face. “I love you.” 
“I love you, too. Let’s hope whatever this thing was doesn’t happen too often. I think I need a few days to recover.” Feeling him press his lips to your forehead, slowly pulling you up into his arms, and wrapping your arms around his neck. Both of you laughing as he takes you back to the bedroom, missing the worm looking in through the window. 
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Upon the scouts return Zazie was left cackling, and it didn’t take them long to find Knives. “Well you might find it interesting to know, your brother was not trying to impregnate an entire village.” Skipping along as they made the statement much to Knives annoyance. 
“That is a relief” Knives himself feels as though a line of fire is still burning inside him, but it is slowly starting to fade. 
“Instead, he was busy with a single woman. Stayed with her the whole time .” That has Knives turning, face drawn in a sneer at the sentient worm. “And it just so happens, it was his companion for the past few years. The bounty hunter called the Ghost Sniper, I guess she got a different kind of reward in the end” laughing as they left a scowling Knives behind as the worms that made up their body dispersed. 
Leaving his sanctuary Knives found Conrad in short order, a few hours later a wanted poster released for the Ghost Sniper for aiding and abetting a known criminal. While the doctor found himself wondering if perhaps there was more to the story, since in his long life he’d never heard or seen of a plant going through such a thing.
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meguwumibear · 1 year
Give Us Each Day
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pairing: wolfwood x reader word count: 1,300
This is just a short little drabble I wrote because I literally cannot stop thinking about Nicholas D. Wolfwood and wanted to explore his character a bit. Ignore the pacing and any errors/typos lol I don’t think there are any spoilers about anything in this, but i do briefly touch on Wolfwood’s past and his connection to the Eye of Michael. 
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The thing about people is they aren’t capable of change.
Wolfwood has seen enough of No Man’s Land and its citizens to understand this. It’s a dog eat dog, big fish eat little fish world out there. Humans are lost causes. Especially adults. They sin and they sin and they sin.
Maybe children are exempt from this. Maybe not. He tries not to think too hard about his own childhood, about what he did and did not have.
He did not have parents. Or, rather, he had no relationship with them. He understands that for him to have been born, one of the planet’s many deadbeat duds must have knocked someone up. Jesus himself was half flesh and blood on Mary’s side. No one can escape a mother’s womb. So, yeah, okay, someone conceived and gave birth to him, but that’s about all his parents are to him. A sperm donor and an incubator. Nothing more.
What he did have was siblings. Lots of them. Brothers and sisters from December and neighboring towns. He was the eldest of all the children at the orphanage. He did what he could to look out for the others, sleeping in their beds with them when they had nightmares, teaching them how to whistle, kissing their fucking booboos. For a while, Wolfwood thinks that he was born to be a brother. And maybe he was. Maybe on a different planet, in a different universe, the ships don’t crash and a brother is all he ever has to be.
On this planet though, he becomes something else entirely. An orphan. A priest. A punisher.
Wolfwood is only human after all, despite everything, including all the fucking drugs the doctor pumped him full of. He forgets sometimes just how young he really is. So many of his formative years passed him in an instance. He just grew and grew and grew into the monster man he is today.
A man made monster. A monster made man. Or are those two things one and the same?
He gets confused sometimes. Can’t understand the difference. Perhaps a monster is a type of man or a man a type of monster. They’re related somehow. They must be. He knows this because he is both. Or at least both of those two creatures live symbiotically inside him.
That’s why the Eye of Michael sends him on these types of missions; that’s why they sent him on this mission: he is a monstrosity and a mortal. The best person for this particular job. To guide and protect Knives’ precious baby brother until Vash is ripe for the taking. Knives says they call his brother Vash the Humanoid Typhoon, but to Wolfwood he’s just an ignorant lamb inching closer to slaughter.
The Eye may call him the Punisher, but this job makes him feel more like a shepherd.
He hasn’t found the Typhoon yet. There are too many leads to follow. Towns are filled with unfounded rumors and listless gossip. No one seems to know what Vash even looks like. Some people think he’s twelve feet tall. Other people think he has a mohawk.
Wolfwood knows this all to be false because he knows exactly what Vash looks like. He’s seen him—or rather he’s seen his monozygotic twin. Vash will look exactly like Knives in another man’s clothes. He’s been preparing himself for the sight.
With no end to this wild goose chase in sight, Wolfwood stops at a saloon. The townsfolk here seem to think that Vash passed through two nights ago, but the place is in too good of shape for that to be true. Good shape in No Man’s Land is relative of course, but there’s no way a typhoon hit this city. All the buildings are still standing, crooked and cracked from the dry desert air.
He’s a heavy weight. He thinks it has something to do with the drug they shoot him up with. It helps his cells heal or regenerate or some shit. It takes more liquor than it should to get him drunk which means blacking out is a luxury he can’t afford. He’s five beers deep before he finally starts to feel a little buzzed.
Days he’s more man than monster, he plays a little game with himself. He finds someone who looks like they could be his mother or father and makes up a story about their lives after they abandoned him. He imagines they get rich selling water. He imagines they lost everything in a drought. He wonders if it was worth it. He supposes life’s always easier with one less mouth to feed.
Tonight he feels a bit more monster than man. The hunt is starting to get to him. He’s down to his last cigarette and if he doesn’t find Vash soon Knives will inevitably send him on a job he’ll hate more than this one. The waiting makes him feel itchy. Or maybe that’s just the nicotine withdraw.
“Need a light?”
He hasn’t lit the cigarette yet. Just has it tucked between his lips. He’s been chewing on the tip of it a bit—a bad habit he developed once he started smoking, but hey it kept him away from his fingernails.
“Please,” he says. He’s got his own lighter tucked away in his jacket pocket. It’s unclear to him which part of him makes him lie. Could be the man, could be the monster. In his experience, they both get quite lonely.
You strike up a match and hold it out for him. He leans in, cups a hand around the flame and inhales. The acrid taste of something burned and bitter fills his lungs. This has always felt right to him. The burning. Fire is just as cleansing as water.
“You a drifter?”
“What gave me away?” he asks.
You smile as you grab his empty bottles. “You’re a priest, right? Town priest skipped out ages ago. Said the land was forsaken and that nothing holy could grow here. Interesting last words considering he was the one doing the all forsaking. There’s holiness here. In the sand and sky and people.”
Wolfwood slides the cigarette out from between his lips and exhales a bit of smoke.
“What gave me away,” he asks again, flicking soot onto the table.
You shoot him a look, eyebrows raised. “Who else would carry around a cross like that?”
He hums. “Didn’t see a church on my way in.”
You’re smiling again. “You’re sitting in it. After the father skipped out it was converted to this saloon. People can take communion any time now. Not just during Sunday prayer.”
Someone at the back of the bar calls your name, yells something to you about doing your job, so you finish clearing away his table with a roll of your eyes.
A few minutes later, you bring him a beer that he didn’t ask for and certainly isn’t going to pay for.
“You devout? You looking for me to say some kind of prayer?”
You shake your head and laugh. “Oh no, I’m not a believer. Just doing my job. Gotta keep my patrons happy. Drink up.”
He wraps his hand around the bottle. It’s warm. Condensation has gathered on it’s slick surface. He swipes at it with a thumb. “I think I’ve had my fair share of alcohol. Was thinking of graduating to something headier.”
“Oh,” you say, resting your elbows against the table. “And just what were you thinking of graduating to?”
Wolfwood feels the smirk form on his face, wide and toothy and dangerous. You’re a distraction from his mission, but he can’t ignore the yearnings of the man and monster inside of him. Right now their desires align. Right now they’re hungry. Right now they want.
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tomatoswup · 1 year
Hello !! Can i have some fluff for tristamp!vash please 👉👈 (i'm sorry if i made some grammatical mistakes, english is not my first language :'))
Reader is ww's little sister, and she admires her brother so much that she would copy his cool characteristics, but deep down her personality is more shy, introverted, pure and innocent (as a result of hanging around with vash). One day ww asked his sister to go and confess to vash already (bcs ww can't take it anymore to see both vash and his sister just so sickeningly oblivious about eachother's feelings). So the reader went to confess to vash trying to be cool like her brother and all but failed miserably and return to her original personality (which leaves her stuttering, fidgeting, etc.)
I just realized it's so long- (I'm sorry 😔) feel free to pass this req :D and please keep yourself safe and healthy despite your busy schedule ^^
A/N: Thank you for the request anon🫶🫶 This came out alot more longer than i thought,, also sorry for the late response I was multitasking with some work I was doing for school :/ i hope i did the request right -wheeze- Sorry for making you wait D: Enjoy🌱
warnings/tags: vash x reader, little sister!reader and big brother! Wolfwood,,, fluff, 2 am writing bc i need to fix my sleep schedule asap💪💪,, trigun coded chaotic confession from reader,,
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Wolfwood liked to consider himself to be an observer, in more ways than one. Being a "priest" on the side, observation was one of the key things he did to keep both you and him alive in these treacherous deserts of No Man's Land but sometimes.
Oh just sometimes, it felt like a curse. And maybe it felt like that because he had watched on as his baby sister slowly fell in love with a moralistic idiot...Eh like a quarter of an idiot really.
"Ow ow ow..." Vash winced in pain as you tightened the bandages on his arm. After a nasty bounty hunter encounter, the group of you guys had decided to take a moments break from the road and crash at this small town that hadn't been too far from where you guys had been. And since having been given a med-kit by a kind family you had run into a while back, you took it upon yourself to patch everyone up with a stern eye, one that Wolfwood often shot at people.
In reality, it was the worst stern eye that Wolfwood couldn't help but want to stifle his laugh.
"Oh shut it, always getting hurt." You scoffed at the sorry-smiling blonde, cleaning the small gash on his right cheek "You act like you can’t die Vash, we're not all immortal..." He let out another small squeak of pain as you accidentally pressed down a little too hard on the wound "You need to take care of yourself a little more."
"Sorry about that.. I’ll try to be careful next time.." Vash sweat-dropped, trying to stop shying away from the cloth of alcohol you held up to him.
From above, Wolfwood dug into the pockets of his jacket, rummaging for another loose lollipop as he watched from the top compartment of the car in silence to not disturb the pair of you.
What? He was there first! Talking about ruining his evening nap..He put the newly found lollipop into his mouth and continued to watch on.
"Hey..." Vash muttered as you swiped your finger across his cheek, making sure the bandage held up.
With a jolt, you quickly looked up when you felt the warmth of another hand cover your own. "Are you okay?" Vash asked softly as he gave you a concerned glint. Shit, you hadn't noticed you were slightly trembling.
Maybe that encounter ruffled your feathers a bit too much...Were you okay?
"I-" You choked out, feeling that odd churning sensation in your chest that you've only really come to realize you would get only around him. And it made you mentally blow a fuse.
W-What do you say!?!
It took a moments thought before you regained your composure at the sudden touch "I'm..I’m fine Vash.” You reassured him, playfully using your freehand to fix the glasses that had been falling off his nose “Don’t worry about me.”
'Are you kidding me?' Wolfwood thought in exasperation. 2 months, these small little talks and touches have been going on for 2 months now. Two months of him enclosed in a car as the both of you passively flirted with each other.
Yes, passive. Little bits here and there and suddenly you wear his jacket sometimes?
He can't handle the both of you anymore, it felt like he was drinking a overly sugary soda.
At least put a name to it!
Spotting Roberto making his way back to the car from not too far away, an idea struck up in Wolfwood's mind. Something to end the suffering, and something to perhaps help his little sister out.
"HEY ROBERTO!" Wolfwood lazily called out, jump scaring both Vash and you into standing like mercenaries ready for war. Looking up, you couldn't help but frown to see your brother mischievously waving down at the two of you.
"TAKE NEEDLE NOGGIN WITH YOU TO FIND SOME OF THE CAR PARTS! Let his ass do something..." He muttered the last part under his breath as Vash sighed, ultimately being pulled from the back of his jacket by Roberto who continued to walk down the road.
Was that a "Can we leave" from Roberto or was it just you?
"I'LL BE BACK!" You heard the spiky blonde shout out to you, and well, you couldn't help but laugh out and wave.
"Now that he's gone..." Wolfwood pressed down on the lollipop with his teeth until a small crack emitted, starting to chew on the poor candy "Seriously? Why don't you just tell him you like him already?"
Stuffing the med-kit back into your bag, you brushed him off "Nic I don't like him.."
Your brother let out a large, rugged laugh "Are you kidding me? For just being friends you two spend an awful long time alone together."
You felt the heat rise up to your face and god did you hope that it was because of the sun.
"Sorry but I'm gettin' tired of seeing the two of you pin for each-"
Wolfwood was interrupted by your muttering, making him hop off the roof of the car for a closer listen "Wanna say that one more time?"
"I can't..." You muttered as you slapped your hands on your cheeks, shooting your older brother a worried, red look "What if he says no?"
You were worried if the love-struck idiot said no?
Have you really not seen how he would stare at you?
Wolfwood couldn't help but tilt his head in disbelief, the stick of his lollipop hanging off the edge of his mouth "Did you really- You try acting like me but you can't confess a little crush? What happened to that?"
You couldn't help but let out a tired exhale, he did have a point after all. As much as you did try to act like him, all brave and careless, you weren't him. Most honestly, the opposite and Vash had come to prove it too many times that you could count.
And maybe you were a bit too mean while you were putting bandages on him..
You covered your mouth, shyly looking away from your brothers' gaze.
Those times he had comforted you whenever you couldn't sleep, or when you were hurt-
"Oh spare me the shyness!" Wolfwood put a hand on his waist, putting his weight to one leg "Shit, if you don't tell him then I'd might as well-"
"NO!" You gasped out in horror at the idea. "No?"
Picking your bag off the floor, you massaged the bridge of your nose "I'll....Shit I'll do it."
Eh, Wolfwood bet two lollipops and a cup of sand that you were really gonna do it. But anything to end this suffering he's witnessed for god knows how long.
"Well, I'm just sayin' you should do it already. Its been way past due anyways..." He flickered his eyes back to you as he roughly ruffled the top of your head, making you whine in annoyance "Ouch Nic stop-"
"Just tell me when you do it. I'll kick his ass if he tries anything weird-"
And that's how you found yourself outside the small town's saloon. Having asked Meryl where Roberto had dragged Vash, she pointed you to the right direction yet it was one you were a bit hesitant to follow.
Did you ever expect yourself to go into a saloon alone?
Hell no, you didn't even really find yourself talking to people in places like that. The last few times you've actually visited a saloon were only really just you sitting in a corner with Meryl or trying your best to sit away from people, watching as you ate your little plate of food but...
Would it really look weird if you strolled right in?
"It's alright..." You egged yourself on quietly "You can do it..Maybe if I just stroll in like Nic it'll be easy..."
I don't think you've seen how Wolfwood himself has entered bars...yikes..
With only a seconds hesitation, you pushed your legs forward and through the wooden double doors of the saloon, striding right into the loud bustling energy filled room.
Okay maybe you should’ve waited a bit more-
Yelling, laughing and god knows what those words were thrown in the air as the severe smell of sweat reached your nose, making you instinctively scrunch your face in disgust. Ew.
"Excuse me miss!" A waitress yelped out, making you take a quick step back nearly avoiding a bad collision with the poor girl serving drinks. Busy day it seemed, but you were here for other things.
Let's see, where could the two of them be- The sudden shout of your name made you do a double take around the room until the flash of red met your eyes and before you realized it, you saw Vash's waving hand of blue shine under the lights.
Well that was easier than you thought!
A wide smile on his face, his eyes practically sparkled as you pushed past several bar-goers and to his table. "Aren't I glad to see you!" Taking the seat next to him, you looked around the room once again "Wasn't Roberto suppose to..." You trailed off, turning and seeing the bummed out look on Vash's face.
"Well, we were gonna get the parts, but he saw the sign outside-"
Ohhh, the "if you bring two people they'll give you 50% off" poster...Made a lot more sense to be honest.
"And well, I guess you know what happened from there..." He sighed, resting his head on his hand, closing his eyes dramatically before batting them up at you "Now why are you here? I know you're not a big fan of these kinds of places."
So it did look weird!
Oh god...Your face began to feel a bit more hotter than usual as you unconsciously started playing around with a loose thread on your pants "Oh um...W-Well I came to tell you..." You nervously laughed out as Vash obliviously smiled at you, waiting for your response.
What if he said no?
With that singular thought, that singular worry that ran through your head once again, you choked. Nope, you couldn't do this.
You felt your heart beat against the walls of your chest alongside the loud environment and it felt...overwhelming. You should’ve done this another time.
The wooden chair scratched across the floor behind you as you shot up from your seat, making Vash jump a little "Actually Vash, I actually wanted to show you something I learned!” You fake laughed, taking a few steps back "But I just think it's bad timing maybe if I could just go outside to think about it-" Fumbling over your words, you hadn't completely taken in your surroundings when suddenly, you felt your back bump into one of the servers.
And with a scream, the server flew backwards and straight into the nearby table, flipping everything onto the...Very burly men sitting around it.
"HEY!" One of them hollered at you as you threw your hands up in surrender, the bar shushing down as the rest of the men began to spit out threats like venom.
"Woah woah woah! Hey guys, can't we all calm down and just chat? Haha? Maybe my friend here could show you a few tricks she just learned!" Vash intervened, putting a hand on your shoulder as he pulled you back behind him, putting his own body infront of you. Sweat starting to run on his forehead, he gave you one last nervous smile, teeth baring out “Right?”
Definitely not.
As if everything froze, the saloon had gone as silent as a library after Vash's remark.
Ohhh you fucked up...
Big time.
It was until the sudden shout of "Bar Fight!" had run through the room that you snapped out of your daze, realizing someone move faster than you had.
Vash took the opportunity to quickly turn and tackle you down to the ground just in time to dodge various glass bottles that had been heading your way.
"Gotcha!" Vash breathed out, pushing a wooden table down so that the both of you could take cover from the mess that was amping up at every second. The screams, yells and things breaking had made you put your hand over your mouth and listen in horror at the mess you had just created because of your last minute attempt to run away.
"Vash I'm so sorry oh my god.." You cried out from beside him as he gave you a nervous laugh "It's really no problem- GYAH!" He screamed, throwing himself forwards whilst pulling you along to avoid the body of a heavy-weight bounty hunter that had almost been thrown into you guys.
"LIKE I WAS SAYING, THERES NOT REALLY ANY PROBLEM! WE BOTH KNOW THIS IS THE KIND OF TROUBLE I ALWAYS FALL IN!" He yelped as you hurridly crawled to the next table for cover, Vash following behind.
"WHAT DID YOU REALLY WANNA SAY? AT THE TABLE?!" He loudly asked as you snapped your red face to him.
Can't escape it now can you?
“I LIKE YOU!” You blurted out over the noise, catching him off guard "But! But uh! Not like the regular kinda like ya know!? More like a like-like? More like you make my stomach flutter and-" You continued to jumble your thoughts out as they zipped through your mind at the speed of light.
Fight or flight? HELL FLIGHT!
Pulling yourself up from the floor and onto your feet, you looked back down at Vash without thinking “IT'S OKAY IF YOU DON'T-"
By the end of the day, everything worked out! Uh...Kinda.
"Ow ow ow..." You groaned, trying to lean away from Vash as he wiped the dirt off from the bump on your forehead.
"Hey don't lean away from me~"
This felt familiar didn’t it?
Well, besides getting hit with a metal serving pan square in the head, the both of you were able to get out of that hell hole without any other big injuries besides from your dignity.
And you made a big note to yourself currently sitting on the saloon steps, to never go into a saloon again.
Of course you had to make such a mess whilst just trying to confess your love to someone, it just had to be your luck! Maybe that was what Wolfwood was rubbing off on you!
You tried your best to avoid Vash's peering eyes as the tips of his fingers caressed your forehead, causing goosebumps to run up your shoulders "I never gave you an answer did I?" He pondered. And before you knew it, you felt a quick sting of pressure on your forehead and right on the bump, both hands of his gentle with holding the sides of your cheeks.
"V-Vash!?" You gaped out as he backed away, the blush on his face mimicking your own as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand "You really had a man's heart pumping with what you said back there! It might have not been as pretty with, uh ya know..” He wiped the bump on your forehead with his thumb “But I’ll always say yes, even if you confessed to me in the deserts or in space..”
You stifled your laugh “Oh really?”
The sun had begun to set orange and yellow, illuminating the back of Vash’s body and thinking about it, you hadn't regret all those feelings, or this chaotic moment with him.
It felt like a mental photo that you had taken as those bright blue eyes shined adoringly at you as you couldn't help but break out into giggles.
“You beat me to it though…” He chuckled as he got up and offered his hand down to you. "How does breakfast sound? Maybe I could..confess my love to you in donuts?”
“Well don’t mind if I do~”
Breakfast sounded perfect.
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writing-fanics · 1 year
• [ Trigun Fanfic Ideas ] •
[seen trigun 1998/movie/trigun stampede (soon)]
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: Vash : 🍩
[I can write pregnancy/smut (maybe poorly written)/ anything really]
Rem Mayfly : Vash x F!Reader
[summary: Y/n finds out she’s pregnant with Vash’s child, and starts planning out baby names]
Last One : Vash x F!Reader
[summary: Vash ate the last doughnut just as Y/n’s pregnancy cravings kicked in. Causing an emotional break down]
Prized Customer : Vash x GN!Reader
[summary: Business is slow no one is coming in, too try Y/n’s delicious baked goods. Until Vash the Stampede enters. Let’s just saw they were sold out of doughnuts for the rest of the day]
Meryl’s Sister : Vash x F!Reader
[summary: y/n decides to visit her older sister, Meryl. Which is when she meets Vash]
[Headcannon: Vash taking care of you while you’re injured]
[Headcannon: You taking care of Vash while he’s injured]
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Wolfwood ✝️
[ Will add some once anything comes to mind but request are open for both characters ]
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whirlwindimagines · 1 year
Hi how are you? I hope youre ok. i love youre blog and wanted to ask if you could write nightmare comfort because i have them like every night and they end in really bad panic attacks i just need comfort 🥲
With wolfwood and vash and if you want to million knives
you dont have to.
have a nice day <3
btw sorry for my bad englisch 😅
Hi! I’m doing well, just trying to get through the week lol I’m sorry for your nightmares! That’s no fun, I hope this is nice and comforting. And I low key been wanting to write for Million Knives because he’s usually my type lol pretty, psycho, mass murderer ya know the usual type! I'm not kidding I'm a Dabi apologist; don't think I won't turn into a Knives’ one. Man, I really do be exposing myself on this blog. Also, this is my first time writing for Knives so apologies, also of course his part was the longest. 
'Sweet dreams are made of this'
Vash, Nichalous D Wolfwood, and Million Knives (separate) comforting you after a nightmare.
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You awoke with a silent scream, for a second you didn't recognize where you were your heart still racing. Then it was slowly coming back to you, looking around you noticed you were in a hotel room, that’s right the group had stopped at the little motel for the night. You glanced over beside you, and let out a sigh of relief.
And Vash was right there, sound asleep, his back facing you. Placing a hand over your heart, you were glad you didn't wake him God knew he needed his sleep, the man was usually a light sleeper, but he admitted one night that when he slept in a bed with you, he was more content. It was sweet and definitely didn't make your heart race. 
You lay back down, everything is fine, you are safe, Vash is safe and you are sure the others are fine in their own rooms. Okay back to bed, you don't know how long you lay there staring up at the ceiling. With a sigh you turn towards Vash, you don't really want to wake him for such a silly reason.
Reaching your hand out slowly you grip the back of his shirt between his shoulder blades. You call his name; your heart skips a beat as he stirs. “What is it?” he says with a yawn, your voice catching in your throat embarrassed. “Nothing sorry just go back to sleep.” You say quickly, dropping your hand. “Hey wait.” he shuffles around to face you; he looks tired but his gaze is focused on you. You blush, “I had a nightmare.” You admitted shyly, Vash reaches out a hand and rest it against your cheek. “Come here.” you don't need to be told twice, you moved forward wrapping your arms around Vash as his own arms settle around you. You could hear his heartbeat from where your head lay on his chest, slow, steady, safe. 
Vash ran his fingers through your hair, and you were glad he wasn’t asking any questions you didn’t want to talk about it anyway. Feeling safe and protected, you relaxed even more into his hold. You knew sleep would come much easier now, you smiled when you felt Vash press a gentle kiss to the top of your head. Everything would be fine now.
“Fuck!” You awoke sharply, your hands going to your head. You forced yourself to breathe, the night air was cool against your skin and it felt good. You settled back on your back looking up at the stars.
You were shaking, placing your hands on your face you tried to control your breathing. You sigh your probably not going to get any more sleep. Placing your hands at your side you watch the sky, glancing over at your companion you are surprised to see Wolfwood awake and watching the stars. 
“You good?” His voice startles you, at first you are speechless, but he turns to look at you with a raised brow. You sigh, “it’s stupid, just go back to sleep.” You say your tone was dismissive, it was silly. The nightmares were annoying at this point. “Sorry I woke you.” Turning on your side in the sleeping bag, you force your eyes close. 
Wolfwood scoffs at you, hearing him shuffle around a bit. “You didn’t wake me, get up.” He shoves your shoulder; you roll your eyes sitting up and turning to him. Your face flushed he’s way too close, and you lean back a bit. “Seriously Nico it was nothing.” You don’t want to talk about this, you watch him light a smoke. He passes you one, and with a sigh you take it. He offers you a light, but you don’t take it just holding the unlit cigarette between your fingers.
The two of sitting in silence, honestly you're glad for this. He doesn’t ask you any questions, “thanks.” You whisper, too shy to look at him. He chuckles, “for what?” your gaze softens as you look at him, you rest your arms over your knees and let out a light laugh.
“For being here.” You smirk, when he looks away stubbing out the cigarette in the sand. You watch the tips of his ears turn red; Nicholas was always nervous when you went soft on him. But you loved making him blush, he flustered you so much it was only fair to return the favor.
Scooting closer to the man, you lean your head on his shoulder. Sitting right beside him now, Wolfwood doesn’t say anything. He also doesn’t look at you as he lifts an arm to wrap around your shoulders to bring you to his side. You close your eyes smiling contently, there is no place you’d rather be. 
Million Knives:
The screaming you realize is your own voice, you slap your hands over your mouth to cut the sound your heart racing it feels like it's going to burst from your chest. The silence in your room is loud, only your rapid heartbeat and harsh breaths fill the space. Fuck you briefly wonder if you woke anyone up, you hope not… some of the others had quite the temper. 
With a sigh, you force yourself out of the bed, and out of your room it's too suffocating. With no real destination in mind, you let your hand trail on the wall as you walk down the pristine hallway. As you continue to walk that’s when you hear the first sounds of a piano. The song is familiar of course, and you know who is playing. 
You wonder if you should continue, interrupting Knives could be a death sentence for some. But the thought of going back to bed, to sleep, makes your stomach twist painfully. So, you continue trying not to think too hard when you step into the grand room. The music is louder here of course, now that you’ve reached its source. 
Standing there watching, you’re sure he already knows you are there. But you don't speak out of turn, “What.” his voice is curt, but not angry you take it as a sign to continue. “I had a nightmare, and I heard you playing.” you found being honest, and blunt with Knives’ was easier. He hated when people skirt around their words, you’re a little embarrassed about what you admitted to, but your heart skips a beat when he gestures you over with a wave of his hand. 
Approaching carefully, you stand off to the side he removes his hood your blood runs cold when he looks at you with a sly grin, “A nightmare?” he coos it at you mockingly, this was a bad idea you should have turned around, the moment you heard the keys of the piano. You nod, watching as he pats the bench, you know he's telling you to sit not asking. 
You do, trying not to show any emotion, you couldn't ever get a read on him, A part of you knew you should be afraid, and maybe the rational side of you was, but right now? You were tired. He looks at you expecting an answer, “Yes, I get them often.” you meet his gaze shyly, and he lets out a ‘hum’ turning back to the keys and resting his hands on them not playing. “You humans fear so easily, even in sleep you can't escape it.” 
Your hands clench in your lap, Knives begin to play now a softer melody one you haven't heard, you look at him in surprise but his face gives nothing away. The tune is comforting, and you can feel it lulling you to sleep. “Go ahead sleep, nothing will harm you here.” Not thinking of the consequences, you lean your head on Knives shoulder, he continues playing as the song lulls you to sleep.
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yurinaa-world · 1 year
look who's back!
I was thinking about Vash and Knives meeting the reader who is from another world, is a magical girl like miraculous, sailor moon,Magic Madoka, The owl house or Sakura Cardcaptor's
Where the reader fell into that deserted world and doesn't know what to do, but when he goes to a city he lives helping people, she can create small portions of water, she can make some plants appear in the middle of the desert.
He knows you when he sees you playing with the children in a snow fight, and you managed to create a small portion of snow to play with, leaving the place very refreshed
He is going to get another plant, one of his sisters, and ends up destroying everything, and you with a magical girl who values ​​justice try to comfort him.
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Characters: Vash and Knives x Female Reader
Synopsis: Knives and Vash with magical girl reader
Warnings: fluff
Notes: Precure will always has a special place in my heart (✿◕‿◕✿)
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𝒱𝒶𝓈𝒽 "𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐻𝓊𝓂𝒶𝓃𝑜𝒾𝒹 𝒯𝓎𝓅𝒽𝑜𝑜𝓃"
The giggles of the children as they are throwing and playing in the snow, you can't help but smile at them since you came to this town, helping the people with growing plants and making potions for them, and now using your sown potions to have a little fun and feel refreshed in the dying heat of no man's land.
You smiled as you watched the children play in the fresh powder that was being created into snowballs. Vash, come and play with us please," a boy yelled at a blonde man named Vash in a crimson jacket and yellow glasses, scratching the back of his head with his metal arm in shock before smiling "sure." He smiled yay! and the boy's face beamed excitedly with a big smile.
The boy looked at you and said, "Then, Miss (Name), could you play with us as well, please?" "Yeah, Miss (Name), please play with us too!" the other kids yelled. You felt warmth from the boy's bright eyes, happiness in your chest as the child asked you, joy in seeing their happy expressions, and the way they looked up at you with an excited filled face. "I would love to," you said and gave a small smile to the children.
Before you and Vash got hit in the face with balls of snow by the children, which made you both laugh out loud, you looked over at Vash, who laughed along with you before all of the children teamed up and started to throw way more snow balls at you, making you both run away before Vash face planted on the snow covered ground.
"Mr. Vash!" you stopped to see if he was alright, going down on your knee and asking, "Are you alright?" You get cut off by many snowballs thrown at you and Vash. "We got them,"  they shouted happily, jumping high, "I'm fine,"  Vash called out, trying to get himself up and get the snow off his body.
You helped him up and brushed the snow off him, "Miss (Name) and Vash, Sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" one of the children shouted loudly, causing you to turn quickly to the sound of the kids laughing.
Vash looked at you with a small smile, "I'm sorry if they made you uncomfortable, there kids and they don't know any better." You shook and turned to look back at him as a sympathetic smile formed on your lips, "It's fine, there kids." He nodded.
"How about round two, Miss (Name), Vash? We will beat you again for sure!" Another one said with confidence, "Yes, let's go." You smiled, "What about you, Mr. Vash?" and added, "Sure, miss (Name), but just call me Vash." He was smiling at you.
"Vash you call me (Name)!"
𝒩𝒶𝒾 “𝑀𝒾𝓁𝓁𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈 𝒦𝓃𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓈”
You hear harsh but sad notes being played on the piano; it's oblivious. Knives was the one playing it, and by listening to him, you can tell he wasn't in the best of moods today. It would be foolish for anyone to go near him when he's in a terrible mood, and you might just be one, slowly walking towards where the music was coming.
The way Knives played, no matter what song he played, it always sounded beautiful to you. Finding the sight of him playing, he already knew you were there; he didn't stop playing. You tried to be quiet to not disturb him too much. You walk over and stand beside the piano, waiting for him to finish.
Once finished, his eyes went straight to you; his eyes looked like daggers, and if it were anyone else, they would drop to their knees in fear; his eyes were filled with pure hate, but his face was blank as always: "Nai." You softly spoke his name, "Why are you here?" He scoffed, I'm worried about you; you've been in such a bad mood; did something happen?" You asked, "I don't need you pitying me." He snarled.
"I'm not pitying you, Nai; I care about you." You insisted, and knives hand reaches out to grab your collar, pulling you closer to his face and looking you straight in the eyes, but you didn't waver against him. "I'm here because I care about you," you repeated, and he released your collar, his hands falling to his sides, before moving over a bit slowly and telling you to sit down next to him.
It was a bit shocking that he did that in the mood he was in. You thought he was going to tell you to go back and leave him be. "What are you waiting for? Move before I change my mind," he threatened. You quickly moved, taking your place sitting next to him. You're both silent. "Those humans... they killed my sister," Knives said in a dark tone, breaking the silence.
You listen to him, his voice getting angrier and angrier before you take his hands and intertwine them with yours to comfort him without using words. You felt his hands tighten around your own even without showing it. He's glad to have you by his side; even if his words are cruel, you never give up on him, and he can't deny himself any more of your care any longer; he yearns for it.
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if you liked this, consider tipping me on ko-fi! it'd mean a lot!
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muffin-artz3 · 1 year
KNIVES X READER Imagine part 2
A Grain of Sand
Slow burn, reader is ex-earth solider, enemies to lovers.
Part 1 Part 3
Months have passed after Knives had killed the Plant from Earth. What a disappointment. He could have used her knowledge to prevent Earth from ever coming into contact with his planet while working together to create a paradise for them. Maybe even convince Vash to finally leave the humans. But no. She was also a human-lover. Killing her had been a mercy. Her human pet, who'd 'swore vengeance', never even caused a stir after that day.
He is lost in thought when the Human's image pops into his head. He lets out a snort, wondering why he even let their memory re-surface. You were all bark and no bite. Worthless, lying human. You never cared. He wanders around his airship, alone, strategizing the next steps for his 'war'. The Human was just another small grain of sand in the vast desert of No Man's Land, and what little impression they had given him was almost completely faded.
He makes it to the roof, looking out over the edge of the airship and staring down at the human city in the far-off horizon-- the parasite city--- lights burning bright in the darkness of the night. Another reminder of the life they were slowly siphoning from his dependent sisters. It was only a matter of time. Their memory too, would fade from this world.
He turns his cold gaze from the view, heading back inside, when his mind is bombarded with static so loud it makes him curl into himself. Almost brings him to his knees.
Images and laughter, the kind from a fond memory, filter bit by bit through his mind. None of them coherent and none of them familiar feeling, like the thoughts he would occasionally get from his sisters, encased in their glass prisons. But the voice... it was familiar. It was HER voice. The traitor. The Plant he killed months ago. But that was impossible. He had felt it when she died.
The images started to shift and piece themselves together, the way a radio settles into the right station. The dead independent Plant murmurs something softly, "as--ong---- to-ge--ther-----right--?" Its meaning seemingly lost to time and space when a different voice comes through. Knives’ head snaps up.
"For her,"
Miles below on the peak of a sand dune in the moonlight, a figure can be seen hoisting a type of large missile launcher, aiming straight at the airship. Pressurized air escapes the back of the mechanism, metal parts lock into place, while in front a ball begins to form. Light flows like a stream towards it's center. At first, it’s a trickle, then rapidly comes together like a burst dam, absorbing the moonlight of the 5 moons.  A silence settles over the desert. The stary night sky and the city leagues away, are submerged in true oblivion for a heartbeat. Even the lights on the airship dim. And then the tension shatters.
Knives only had enough time to stand when the light beam made impact with the right engines of the airship and streaks across its port. It leaves him unsteady, but he makes it to the side of impact and sees the melting line raked across his ship. He looks up, trying to find the source in the sea of sand and dim blue light. It takes him a moment, and then his keen eyes see it. Sees you. Next, he's met with heat and debris that send him flying into the railing on the opposite side of the ship.
You watch the thin line of light domino effect, with explosion after explosion. The air ship swerves and dips in the night sky. With smoke and embers following behind. Its descent is slow and fast at the same time. You let out a disappointed huff. It was too much to hope that the whole thing would just explode into pieces, as it manages a crash landing. But even from where you stand, the damage to the airship is immense and will take time and effort to fix.
You finally let the Ion laser prototype fall from your shaking hands. Its unstable power melting away at the internal core. It had already left your palms with blisters through your seared special ops unit gloves. You take off the gloves and toss them into the metal heap that is catching fire. Watching as the flames eat away the embroidery on the gloves. "PLANT Enforcer - Unit A2-6  CALL NAME: Courier"
You glance back at the airship and wonder if Knives had missed you. While Knives, standing upon his burning ship is facing your direction. If you had seen his expression, you would understand that he would never forget you.
And Vash in the city at the horizon, snaps his eyes open as Knives' scream of frustration echoes in his ears.
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peachsayshi · 5 months
wip tag game
rules: post the names of all the files in ur wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send u an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have wips!
thank you so much for tagging me by beloved @moshimochis 💋💋 my wips are listed under the cut! also I too have a ridiculous wip list so I hope you all ready lol
the way you claim me (pt. 2) - dad sukuna series; it's a bit angsty and is a flashback of past and present; main plot is sukuna contemplating how he swore he would never kiss you, to not being able to stop
the way you want me (pt. 2) - this is the next part of my au mini series with roommate choso; the reader decides she's done wallowing over a break up and asks choso to join her for a night out (may or may not include some dirty dancing *wink wink*)
playboy geto x inexperienced reader (pt. 4) - tensions arise between the pair after their first fight; angst to fluff; oozing soft and warm romance.
older brother's bff geto x reader (pt. 4) - a follow up to this; close proximity; tension; a confession that lingers
a desperate kiss (ex husband nanami x reader pt. 7) - nanami and the reader are supposed to "talk" about the circumstances of their relationship but instead the pair are busy kissing each other.
entangle (pt. 4) - surprise, surprise! this is was one of my oldest mini series (and a favorite) it's smutty smutty smutty. and I had an idea where they all show off to each other on how they enjoy making you c*m.
lost in you, with you - husband nanami x reader; rough sex; he desperately needs the stress relief
kiss of lies, and your blue eyes - royal au scenario; prince gojo lives a double life and falls in love with a tavern girl. inspired by this post.
blessings - domestic scenario; hurt/comfort; husband nanami comes home after a rough day at work and snaps at his young daughter.
cold (hunter choso x reader) - another royal au; inspired by this post; choso can't keep his eyes off the pretty princess he saved but she's afraid of the lone hunter who lives in the woods.
heat (choso x reader) - choso with a breeding kink. so smutty. so hot. inspired by this.
cherry (gojo x reader x geto) - you're shoko's younger sister staying with her best friends for the summer.
brutally soft (sukuna x reader) - non curse au; single dad biker sukuna and artist reader; she teaches art classes to his son yuji and sukuna finds himself joining the adult classes just to get closer.
non jjk:
embers (vash x reader) - you and vash seek refuge in an abandoned building; but freezing temperatures require him to get closer than you expect.
I'm tagging (no pressure to do this) and whoever else wants to join can hop on! @suget @nyxronomicon @solomons-poison @shotorus @suguwu @kentoangel @strawberrystepmom @starlitheaven @oreo-creampie
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major bracket contestants
a whopping 64! see all the teams, the contestants, and the fandoms below. i likely won't be including who's in the teams in the polls due to character limits, but the fandoms will be there. if you want to suggest better team names, my askbox is open!
team greek mythology (greek mythology) consists of odysseus, io, and orpheus
team percy jackson (riordanverse) consists of percy jackson, nico di angelo, luke castellan, apollo/lester papadopoulos, and also the rest of the cast!
gabriel (ultrakill)
orel puppington (moral orel)
teams tma and apotheosis banded together to form: team be not afraid (the magnus archives and just roll with it: apotheosis) consists of jonathan sims, martin blackwood, peter sqloint, thanatos, rumi, and exandroth
quasimodo (the hunchback of notre dame)
volo (pokemon)
anders (dragon age)
team mechanisms (the mechanisms) consists of galahad and drumbot brian
team awakening (fire emblem: awakening) consists of robin and lucina
akito sohma (fruits basket)
jack kennedy (dayshift at freddy's)
kristen applebees (dimension 20: fantasy high)
team cookie run (cookie run: kingdom) consists of white lily cookie and pastry cookie
chosen one (animator-vs-animation 2-5)
the entire cast of midnight mass (midnight mass)
team charlie pc (jrwi: riptide and jrwi: fated) consists of gillion tidestrider and br'aad vengolor
matthias helvar (six of crows)
team genshin (genshin impact) consists of la signora, scaramouche, and kaeya
stanford pines, catra, and adora, banded together to form: team lets go lesbians (gravity falls and she-ra: princesses of power) consists of stanford pines, catra, and adora
zagreus (hades game)
team tgcf (heaven official's blessing/ti guan ci fu) consists of xie lian, qi rong, and he xuan. yikes
team real life (real life) consists of me, you, submitter, and submitter's dad
scp-096 (scp foundation)
team three houses (fire emblem: three houses) consists of all the characters especially byleth!
team free will (supernatural) consists of sam winchester, dean winchester, and castiel
seven brothers (obey me! one master to rule them all)
salem (RWBY)
beverly toegold (not another d&d podcast (NADDPOD))
raven (new teen titans)
team warrior cats (warriors) consists of hollyleaf, lionblaze, jayfeather, ivypool, dovewing, goosefeather, leafpool, shadowsight, and also the rest of the cats!
team steven universe (steven universe) consists of steven universe, pearl, and the corrupted gems
sister carpenter (the silt verses)
team botw (breath of the wild) consists of link and zelda
lloyd garmadon (ninjago)
all of the boiling isles especially hunter (the owl house)
jack harkness (doctor who/torchwood)
team we know the devil (we know the devil) consists of neptune, venus, and jupiter
the hollow knight (hollow knight)
hyness (kirby: star allies)
edward and alphonse elric (fullmetal alchemist)
casey jones jr (rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles)
the outsider (dishonored)
five pebbles (rain world)
town of hatchetfield (hatchetfield) consists of literally everyone!
the holy quintet (puella magi madoka magica) consists of homura akemi, madoka kamane, sayaka miki, kyouko sakura, and tomoe mami
yuna (final fantasy x)
arthur lester (malevolent)
aziraphale and crowley (good omens)
marble hornets cast (marble hornets) specifically jay, tim, alex, and brian
team critical (critical role) consists of kashaw “kash” vesh and vax’ildan
norman minecraft (ghost and pals)
team trigun and team traumageddon banded together to form: four gays in a trenchcoat (trigun and bungou stray dogs) consists of vash the stampede, nicholas wolfwood, chuuya nakahara, and atsushi nakajima but then they joined hands with yoo joonghyuk and kim dokja to form: six gays in a trenchcoat (trigun and bungou stray dogs and omniscient reader's viewpoint) consists of vash the stampede, nicholas wolfwood, chuuya nakahara, atsushi nakajima, yoo joonghyuk, and kim dokja
kfc dreemurrs (undertale and deltarune) consists of kris, frisk, and chara dreemurr
team princess (princess tutu) consists of ahiru and fakir
vector (yugioh)
nicolo di genova (the old guard)
team bible (the bible) consists of jesus christ himself and the devil aka satan aka lucifer!
niko (oneshot)
team mistborn (mistborn) consists of vin and sazed
MYSTERY CONTESTANT (mystery fandom) consists of many mystery people
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