#varian rta x reader
umeqii · 7 days
What r your headcanons for dating Varian? 😋
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also for the sake of my hyperfixation; i'm yur older sister in this story ;33
also tw some mentions of death ☆
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fandom ; rapunzel tangled the series
character ; varian
reader ; gn
creator ; umeqii
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okay, varian is the sweetest ever ^_^
ym would have met after his villain arc, and probably through rapunzel (ofc she's the mc)
you and raps met when she was on her adventure trip thingy for the black rocks
by the time something went wild bc whenever the rocks are involved, something always goes wrong, you guys definitely got very close!
and you guys frfr clicked into older sister and younger sibling
speaking of older sister (lmao this is where the best character and person ever comes in)
you have an older sister mari 😙🙀😋😘
okay so long story short, mariya's only a few years older than you, so she's 17-18
she took you in bc idk ur parents left you or smth and you went to an orphanage and got adopted by mariya
well she didn't take you in, her older sister rosalyne did :3
but rosalynes dead now xoxo
so that's when mari stepped in to fulfill her older sister's dream of eternity and bringing peace between people !!
you were 12 when rosalyne died; when you first met mari, she seemed really intimidating and angry (like younger shinobu, so that's why i added her as the photo :3)
rosalyne however, was very gentle and kind and she saw the best in everyone (like rapunzel !)
the reason why she wanted her eternity was because of how her husband died and he said she was pretty like his eternal love for her or smth idrk i'm literally dying of laughter rn writing this sorry
but idrk how rosalyne died, she probs js tripped on a knife and it stabbed her or sum but she's dead for the sake of the plot ☠️☠️
but yeah, mari stepped in and basically mimicked everything about rosalyne and kept her anger to herself (shinobu kinnie guys xx)
anyways, back to varian
once you were back to rapunzel's palace so you could meet all of her friends, varian saw you
he wasn't the type of boy who believes in love at first sight; but let me tell you somethin' !!
since he was the royal engineer, one of his inventions went kinda wrong and he was walking around to greet rapunzel with black smoke on his face, but not on his eyes thanks to his goggles, and messy ass hair ://
he was originally gonna find more mechanics to use but he heard raps' voice so he went to go see her
and then he saw you
oh my golly goshers
you were smiling at rapunzel so sweetly and your eyes were so beautifully detailed??
were everyone's eyes like that?
this was the first time he ever stared at someone so much, not even when he had a puppy crush on cassandra
and the way the golden hour's light shone on one half of your face, it made you look angelic !
and when you opened your closed eyed smile, the light was obsorbed by the swirls of your iris (idk wtf an iris is i js saw it once in a book i thibk)
and then raps n you saw varian just standing there like he witnessed two people having the devils tango 😨😨
you ended up giggling slightly due to his current state and you brought your hand out, whilst introducing yourself, for a handshake
"hi there! i'm y/n!!" AND BROOO THE WAY YOU LOOKED AT HIM >
you looked at him so purely
he was down bad lowkey
"o-oh!! h-h-hi varian, i'm y-y/n..NO WAIT, I-i'm varian, nice to meet you y/n."
i got 2nd hand embarrassment for writing that much stutters goddamn .
he thought he was cringey and just ruined all changed to talk to you
but you thought it was cute and dorky
and you have a thing for dorks
anyways, you guys got close after talking about alchemy ig idrk my head hurts like crazy
and when he frfr realised he was inlove with you was when he was trying to sleep, and he looked out of a window and saw a pretty flower
"hm. y/n would like that."
then he clocked it
why tf was he thinking about you 😭😭??
i mean who wouldn't :33
then he was just all like "oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh" as he stuffed his face into his pillow
oh and you knew you liked him from the first time ym met, bc dorks r cute idk
you asked him out though after about 6 months of being best friends
it don't matter if you get scared of rejection, your amazing older sister threatened that if you didn't ask him out, you wouldn't live with her anymore !!
(common mari W)
and yeah, you just said it randomly when he was working on a potion or whatever it's called
"hey y/n, this is an example on why you shouldn't put too much of this substance in-"
"i'm inlove with you, varian."
and cue the explosion because he infact did put too much of the substance inside his potion.
"oh crap, my bad."
"but if you don't like me in that way, please just forget this whole conversation happened."
BUT HE DID?!?×??!?!
and yeah, since you guys are 14-16, you just hugged him and he spun you around as he kissed your cheek with a red face >3<!!
he's always so sweet and precious with you!!
dare i say rapunzel n mari made a bet to see who would ask the other out first
"ha. pay up, blondie."
rapunzel was rooting for varian and as already discussed, mari voted for yeewwww :333
varian however loved how enthusiastic yu were and how excited you were when talking about yur silly little interests >_<!!
whether yur a girl, guy, nb, or all of them, you fr taught varian skincare types of things to help with his eyebags
varian’s love language wld defo be acts of service and words of affirmation, so expect alot of that!1!
you would definitely hug and praiss him alot for his inventions, and even dating, he would always get stiff and flustered whenever any of this happened ^_^!!!
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oneshlut · 7 months
AHHHHH, YOU WRITE FOR VARIAN??? It's so hard to find anyone who does that- could you possibly write hcs for dating him?
A/N: EEEEK!!! yesyes, varian's one of my favs to write for!!!! i may have a thing for dorks,, ty SOSO much for the request, this was so much fun to write for! (for my followers, or just any1 else.. KEEP REQUESTING VARIAN)
Explosive Heartbeat (Varian x Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: General dating/relationship headcanons for Varian
As friends, you're kinda like nerd buddies! Varian would rant to you on and on when you visited him in his lab. After a bit, Ruddiger seemed to grow affectionate towards you, so you kept visiting. You'd help him with his experiments sometimes, but you'd mainly hang out with Ruddiger, reading a book somewhere. The two of you grew close! And.. Varian found himself hoping you'd visit more and more.
As partners? Well, Varian doesn't change much, but he definitely becomes a lot more awkward. He tries at romantic advances, but.. they don't turn out well. While dating him, expect lots of dorky, unsuccessful flirting attempts.
He tries for you, though! Varian doesn't know much about romance, other than how to artificially create it. Which he.. hasn't figured out how to do yet. At least he has a natural source, now. He finds himself relating to a lot more.. lovey-dovey things, that he'd normally never understand. In a way, you opened his eyes to love. All of these emotions, suddenly exploding inside of him--all because of you. Sweet, huh?
Varian often finds himself distracted when you visit. He hardly gets any work done because you're there.. which is partly his fault, for looking at you every 20 seconds. He's grown a love-hate relationship to you visiting. Mainly "love", though.
After you leave, he immediately groans, thinking of all the things he did wrong around you. You can find him ranting to Ruddiger afterwards, mainly complaining about the way you made him feel. Not the way you made him feel, but rather the way you made him act. He feels a fool around you.. and wonders why you even love him back.
Ruddiger isn't gonna stand for that bullcrap. This little rat rascal bites Varian to snap him out of it. Once he gets over his self-concious arc, Varian finds himself smitten. Sometimes he becomes a blushing mess just thinking about you. Now he's tripping over his own feet, (with as awkward as he is), and Ruddiger feels as if he's made him even worse.
About the failed flirtings. They're hysterical. But, talking about some things that actually land in your relationship, are nicknames. For him, you range from Var, nerd, V, to some of the more romantic ones, like "hun". He seems to get flustered at that one. As for romantic nicknames for you? He.. well, he tries. In turn, Varian also uses hun or honey, seeing as they're the most comfortable, but he doesn't use them often. Either calls you by your initial (if it works), or just some inside joke like "geek" or "smart-alec"
Surprisingly, or maybe not, Varian's an absolute sucker for PDA. Him, being the dork he is, will explain to you the physical benefits on the human mind to hugs and physical affection--and when you actually hug him, he'll freeze. He's grown used to your touch, though, and finds himself hugging back most of time time, if you don't startle him. If anything, he loves to hold your hand. If he's opened up enough, he'll let you hold his hand without his gloves.. may not happen often, though. But yes, anywhere you're going, Varian's holding your hand. No way around it.
Sometimes you'd fall asleep at his lab, most likely with a book in your hand, and it's the most adorable thing he's seen. Theres an 89% chance that Ruddiger's there, snuggled up next to you. Varian makes sure to wake you up before it gets late.. on your busy days. If he knows you have nothing to do in the morning.. he'll leave you be to sleep till morning. He knows you need the rest, and you looked too cute peaceful to wake up now. (This situation can go for Varian aswell, especially if he spends nights awake working on experimenting)
As for dates, you two would have many home-dates, but if you're going anywhere, you're going to the library! Despite the location being extremely tame, he still feels nervous asking you out. Corona's libraries were always quiet and peaceful, and the best place for Varian to nerd out to you about any chemistry books that they happened to have. Either this, or a field somewhere out in Old Corona. Exploring dates were fun aswell, where one of you would take a backpack and just wander around the forests, chatting about any little thing that comes to your mind. If nowhere else--Monty's sweet shop, if it's a special day of sorts, like the Day of Hearts.
Oh, how could I forget? The Day of Hearts was always a holiday that Varian would pass over, seeing as he had more important things to do than indulge himself in romance with.. himself only. So when you reminded him about it, he almost spit out his hot cocoa. And if he was being completely honest, he most definitely forgot about it. Feels slightly ashamed, but now excited for the holiday! Excited to spend it with you, mainly.. And of course, you sign the journal together. Varian's still a nervous wreck, so his signature was a bit more shaky than he'd like it to be. It was the thought that counted.. right? If you stumble into Rapunzel and Eugene at the festival, expect lots of adoring coo-ing from Rapunzel and relentless teasing from Eugene. He's still as dorky and sarcastic as ever when confronted with the teasing, but the fit of flushed red on his face gave away everything you needed to know.
But Rapunzel's right. The two of you are extremely cute together, you even look like you were made for each other! The simple thought of that makes Varian want to faint, but he'll come to terms with it eventually. Just know that romance is definitely not his strong suit, but he managed to not draw you away, so he's gotta be doing something. Otherwise, Varian stays his loveable, dorky, sarcastic self. But now, with just a little bit more of hand holding.
And you did sign the Day of Hearts journal together, so if that doesn't give you a telltale sign of where your relationship is going, I don't know what will.
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kokonut3953 · 2 months
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Big Announcement!!!!
You read the title! Big announcement! I’m writing a Varian x Reader fic as we speak and the first 4 parts are out! I hope you like it! Please search for kokonut3953 on wattpad to find the story! This is my first full fic! Please enjoy!
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readbyred · 1 year
i've been looking for someone who writes for Tangled the Series for a while and i'm oh so glad that i found your blog! so...if you're still up to write for Varian...i don't know if you know who Nilou from Genshin is, esentially she's a dancer (i think persian style dancing specifically) so...may i request some headcanons for Varian with a fem!reader who's like Nilou, a really delicate and elegant dancer who's also a sweetheart off-stage? sorry if this request it's a bit too specific though
I’m glad you like my blog! To be fair, i have no idea about anything genshin related, but this is what we have Google for
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As soon as he sees you perform he gets a tiny puppy crush on you
He notes how elegantly you move and how deliberate all your movements are
Still, he’s not head over hills for you just yet, not until he properly meets you
Because imo it’s kind of clear that he catches feelings for people that are just nice to him
Like, if you are decent and polite he will think you are the one
And you are a total sweetheart
Ngl he will be overwhelming the first few times you meet but he has good intentions
After he grows on you (it’s not hard, he’s kind and cute, just very… intense in his feelings) the path to a relationship is not a log one
You’re the gentle, sweet soul he needs
Makes you so many gifts that could help you with your art (not that you need to improve it, but if you want to try something new he’s all in)
Constant jokes that Ruddiger likes you more (he does)
Brings you snacks after practice
Every time you show your skills in front of people, he reiterated to everyone that you are his girlfriend his awesome super talented girlfriend
When he gets too intense about something you help get him to think clearly
This goes to every type of fem!reader tbh but he definitely calls you M’lady
It’s a threat or a promise, you choose
If you ever agreed to be his assistant in lab or during science shows he’s be ELATED
You work well in the setting too, since you are so agile and careful
And even if people don’t take kindly to his inventions, you’re always there to provide comfort and support
You just care for each other so damn much is so sweet
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continentalblue · 2 years
Varian x reader that sews? Like, they just use him as a dress form and he is not mad no matter how many pins he gets poked with. Like, he just suffers in silence cause they look cute when focused and he doesnt wanna break that
Blue's note: feel free to request Tangled headcanons through my askbox! They can be character or ship hc, I don't really care. I won't do adult/nonadult ships, nsfw, or ships between family. I also won't write for Varian and the Seven Kingdoms due to my unfamiliarity with it.
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⚗️ No matter how many times you poke him with a needle, Varian never complains. How could he? Your face looks so adorable when it's scrunched up in concentration. He loves the way your eyes light up when a stitch comes out the way you want it to, and the way your face falls when a stitch falls apart.
⚗️ He appreciates it when you stitch up his gloves. They were a gift from his mom and therefore very important to him. For you, someone he loves, to stich up his gloves means the world to him.
⚗️ He'll suffer the occasional needle prick, but only if there's no blood. If there is, you have a half-finished piece of clothing and an unconscious Varian in your arms.
⚗️ He likes listening to the random sewing terms you pepper in. Does he know what they mean? Oh, not really, but it's nice to hear your voice call out something it is knowledgeable in
⚗️ He very quickly learns the best position to hold his arms in to avoid interfering with your work
⚗️ Overall, it's a bonding experience he actually likes. He adores how gentle you are with the needle, and how you give him a little victory kiss when you finish :')
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ducky-died-inside · 2 years
Hello there, Ducky! I hope you’re doing well. May I suggest Varian with a Gender Neutral s/o who is a pirate? Like idk how to expand ahh like just a funky pirate s/o that sings him sea shanties and brings gifts from far away places? Much obliged, stay safe!! Feel free to delete this req if you’d like
The Wellerman: Varian x GN Pirate Reader
Summary: Headcanons for if you were a pirate and Varian's s/o
Genre: mostly fluff with a bit of angst
Notes: I love sea shanties so yes. Also I'm just doing headcanons for this bc I tried writing a fic but my motivation and inspiration dried up. Reader is 21 and Varian is 20.
Warnings: bit of blood and small stab wound, cursing
He absolutely LOVES your voice, no matter what you think about it
He will beg you to sing any songs you learned from sailing or other pirates
His favorite is the Wellerman (this is my favorite and I'm definitely projecting shhhh)
"Please, Y/N! You like singing it, I like hearing it, it all works out!
"Fine, but this is the last time today."
There once was a ship that put to sea...
You steal little things that remind you of him while on your travels
It's mostly rare chemicals and shit that he mentions in passing
You remember everything he needs
He never once gives you any lists of stuff, but you come home with a big ass bag full of stuff for him every time
"Y/N, this is too much."
"Nonsense! You said you needed all this shit so I got it for you!"
"...did you pay for any of it?"
"...maybe, maybe not. You can't prove anything!"
"Babes, you know I love it when you get me alchemy stuff, but can you at least try to pay for it?"
"...with money I've stolen or..."
"Oh my god. You're impossible."
"You know you love me!"
The first thing you ever bought with your own money was new alchemy beakers for him
You also find little things for Rapunzel to bribe her into letting you date Varian
Eugene and Lance tell you stories about their thieving days and you take notes on what got them caught
You eventually win Ruddiger and Max over using stolen apples
Varian demands you come back every time you get injured so he can take care of you, and while he wouldn't know if you didn't, it goves you an excuse to come back to visit
"Babes, I get that it's dangerous on the high seas, but how the fuck do you get so injured? It's almost like you do it on purpose..."
"Well, you're not really wrong there..."
"Whaaaaat? It gives me an excuse to come back and see your handsome face."
"And while I love seeing you, there has to be a different way."
"This is nothing. This stab wound is practically nothing compared to what I've had to deal with before. Besides..."
"Let me guess, I should see the other guy? Also, that isn't comforting or surprising in the slightest and I can't decide which is worse."
"Ding ding ding! I'll be fine! 'Tis but a scratch."
"Not just a scratch. Your shirt is covered in dried blood."
"Most of it isn't mine..."
Cassandra joined your crew at one point while on her travels
You noticed her name was familiar from Varian's stories about her, but didn't question it
Cassandra's a common enough name, right? She wasn't the same one who kidnapped your partner and almost killed him?
To be fair, you almost had the first time you guys met
He had seen your sword and wanted to get a closer look
He had barely put a finger on it before you had shoved him against the wall and put it against his neck.
He was down bad immediately.
"No one touches my fucking sword except me or the people who get it in the gut. Got it?"
"L-loud and clear."
"Alright. Can I buy you a drink? That got a little out of hand there."
"That would be nice."
She caught you writing a letter to Varian one time and you guys found out how you know about her
"Whoa, what's that?"
"Believe it or not, Cassandra, but it's a letter. For someone really important to me."
"Oh do tell. Who is so special that they've got the mighty Captain Y/N blushing like a small child?"
"First, I'm blushing like a Captain. Second, if you really need to know, his name is Varian."
"Oh my god, wait. Varian?"
"Kinda short, black hair with a blue stripe in the bangs, raccoon with him all the time, absolutely loves alchemy?"
"Wait, do you know him?!"
"Know him? I almost killed that little shit!"
"Wait a minute, YOU'RE THAT CASSANDRA?!"
"He said something about a kidnapping some years back. Said you were a great friend until you got corrupted and then un-corrupted."
"Huh. Would've expected a worse report from him."
That's all for now! I'll add more if I think of them!
Taglist: @ask-qiqi @kxgaminerin @nocturne-the-raven
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turtleedovee · 3 years
ahh i just wrote a fanfic and posted it on ao3!! please give it a read. it’s a tangled the series fanfic i hope you enjoy!!
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kiwisfics · 4 years
Varian x Reader - Cassandra’s Revenge
Request: @technolilly - Hi! I'm currently dying cause I'm in love with Varian and I need some angst, have you seen Cassandra's revenge? If so *SPOILER AFTER THIS MARK DONT READ IF YOU HAVENT SEEN IT* How about she uses reader as a motive for Varian to tell her the incantation instead? And she hurts reader until Varian says it? Then angsty confession with Cassandra mocking it?
A/N: For clarification, I actually love Cass; she's a great character, villain or not; but I'm an avid whumper, so I may have taken this prompt and uh... Ran.
All the whump aside, there’s a happy ending. (The ending is also a little rushed, sorry)
I cut this off sooner than I was going to, but I figured if anything, I’d make a part two with recovering fluff (and maybe some nightmare angst)
Warnings: ooc Cass, torture, violence, blood, threats, broken bones, drugging, humiliation (minor, but the ask mentioned Cass mocking a confession and I took liberties), guys this is really dark you gave me permission to pretty much torture reader and torture is my writing forte
The tip of one of the multitude of black rocks dug into the soft skin of your neck, one wrong move away from digging in and causing pain, or something far worse. 
"Let her go, Cassandra!" There was raw fear in his voice- he couldn't lose you; and his voice broke as he said her name. 
Varian looked a smidge worse for wear. His right eye was bruising over and a shallow cut marred his left cheek, but it could've been worse. You were almost grateful she'd turned to you as a bartering chip, rather than hurting him until he caved. 
(He wouldn't, for the record. Not for his own sake. He was holding onto the trust Rapunzel had given him with an iron grip and no amount of pain would shake that, you were certain. He'd be well and truly too far gone before any part of that incantation left his lips for his own sake. Maybe Cassandra knew that; that would explain why she'd turned her attention onto you.)
If you were in any position to fight back, you were certain you would've wiped her smug grin right off of her face, or at least tried to. But you weren't in that position, and the panic in Varian's tone was making your own panic more profound—he knew her, you'd never met this woman, and if Varian was worried, then what did that mean for you?
You swallowed, which was more than enough for the rock to break skin, leaving a thin trial of blood to drip down your skin and pool against your collarbone. 
Varian dared to take a step in your direction, but a wall of rocks exploded from the ground inches in front of him and, what honestly seemed to perturb him more, Cassandra placed a hand below your chin. The rock against your flesh receded enough for her to force your head forward. Your eyes met Varian's and you forced yourself to hide the fear in your expression. 
"I'd stay back if her safety's your priority," Varian's jaw clenched, you could see it from across the room, along with the way he chewed on the inside of his cheek, weighing his options, "I'll let her go, once I have that incantation." 
"Don't give her-!"
"Quiet!" The rock's proximity to your neck returned, and your mouth snapped shut as Cassandra's grip tightened painfully, "What do you say, Varian? I'd say that's more than a fair trade."
He rose his hands, not that he could be perceived as any kind of threat with his bag tossed into a far corner of the room. Without his alchemy, all he had was his words, and you doubted she had any intention of listening to them, "Cass, just let her go, she doesn't have anything to do with this!"
He rounded the rocks as he spoke, chancing another step forward before he stopped of his own volition before Cassandra could block him once again.
"She didn't have anything to do with this, until she became important to you." Cassandra turned your head to the side, eyeing your face before she laughed, "Where'd you even meet her? Did she fall into your lab?"
Honestly, not far from what had actually happened, but now was far from the time for recalling your meeting. 
"Just think about what you're doing. This isn't the road you want to go down, I know." He took yet another step, and rocks emerged from the ground again. 
This time, the rocks weren't the jagged weapons that you'd grown used to seeing, they resembled hands, "You know?" The hands wrapped around both his wrists and then melted back into the ground, bringing Varian to his knees. "No, Varian, you lost your nerve, I won't."
You knew enough about Varian's past. His guilt was palpable the moment he was reminded of what he'd done and he did his best to make up for everything he'd been responsible for. You didn't fault him for seeing himself in Cassandra, even if you were in the middle of this. To be fair, even if he did make a run for his bag, there was no guarantee anything in it would be more than an inconvenience to her with her control over the rocks.
"I want that incantation, Varian." She released your jaw, leaving burning fingerprints in her wake that would undoubtedly turn to bruises before a new day broke. 
She moved toward Varian, and for a moment you were sure that he was going to get the worst of this experience. But she crouched down in front of him, making a show of turning her arm to a weapon, "Do you really want to know what I'll do to her to get it?"
His eyes snapped in between you and Cassandra, and you gave a resolute shake of your head, steeling your expression to avoid giving him any more of a reason to tell her the incantation. Both you and Varian were holding out on the hope that Rapunzel would be here soon, and that this could all turn into fuel for future nightmares, until then, he just needed to keep that incantation to himself. 
You bit back any cry of pain that attempted to escape you, biting into your cheeks hard enough to draw blood and, as you clenched your eyes tightly, the taste of blood flooded your mouth. 
For now though, Cassandra stood, and you braced yourself for what was to come.
The rock against your neck suddenly shot forward, cutting deep into the side of your neck - anything vital was missed, but that was certainly the point; you couldn't be a bartering chip if you were dead, could you?
"Cassandra, Wait!" Varian struggled against his confines as she approached, doing nothing but rubbing his wrists raw. He wasn't getting loose, even he knew that. 
"One last chance, Varian," the blade on her arm pressed against your cheek in a grisly promise, as the weapon against your neck receded completely, "what's the incantation?"
"Don't do this! Don't hurt her!" 
The blinding pain that ignited on your face made clear that she hadn't appreciated that answer. 
You cried out, your hands - trapped against your sides by her rocks - pulling against their own confines in a desperate attempt to still your bleeding as well as defend yourself as a blow against your stomach made you keel over. 
"Cassandra, stop!" Varian's voice dropped an octave or two, making clear that his previous worry was turning to anger, "Let her go!" 
She snickered and the rocks holding you steady crawled higher, reaching just below your chest before they tightened around your midsection, resulting in an audible snap seconds before you started to scream. 
You could hear Varian screaming something, but your ears were ringing in response to the pain in your torso. The radiating burning in your ribs was enough to distract you from the fact that she'd grabbed your face again, maneuvering it so Varian could see the way your eyes glossed over from agony. 
Your breaths came out in shallow gasps and the pain didn't stop, but, eventually, the far away look in your eyes faded as you returned to the moment. 
God, where was Rapunzel?
Cassandra released your face once again, and her attention turned to Varian's discarded bag, not that either of you noticed. 
"You're going to be okay, (Name)," he was crying, and, all your pain aside, that made you hate her more than anything, "you're going to be okay!" 
You were sure that you were crying yourself, but you could hardly focus on anything other than the pain. You wished that the cuts were deep enough to knock you out, at this point. It would be much easier to deal with unconsciousness than to deal with the pain. 
Through the pain, you were still able to meet his eyes and hiss out, "Don't tell her."
She returned, a vial in her hand. 
You eyed the vial cautiously, but her grip on it kept the label hidden. You had no idea what Varian deemed necessary to carry in his bag, and, faced with finding out, you decided that you'd much rather remain ignorant. 
"I'm sure there will be plenty left to get me that incantation," she lifted the vial between two fingers, revealing the label: truth serum. You were going to yell at Varian for this later, no doubt, both for deciding to start labeling his vials now, and for carrying that around, "but first," she grabbed your jaw, and forced your mouth open. 
You briefly wondered what she got out of this; why she didn't just give the serum to Varian and get this over with, but you recognized the opportunity the instant the glass rested against your lips. 
If she was going to prioritize tormenting you over getting the incantation that she so desired, then, by all means, you'd use that to your advantage. 
Before she could see it coming, you forced your head forward and grabbed the vial between your teeth, tilting your head back and swallowing the entirity of the bottle. 
Cassandra growled, snatching the bottle back—you let go soon enough to avoid chipping any teeth—but she was a second too late, and you couldn't help flashing a grin, even through the pain you were in, "Whoops."
Rage flashed in her expression, but it melted back into self-satisfaction in a moment, "You shouldn't have done that." 
The threat of pain didn't miss you, but you remained unperturbed. Well, as unperturbed as you could be with the pain that coursed through your body with every shallow breath you took. 
She paced in front of you, and you could tell that, despite the facade, she was growing uncertain, "What's the incantation?"
You started to laugh, but you were immediately interrupted by a blinding pain, "I don't know." 
She knew that, but she had to ask. She rolled her eyes, "Aren't you proud of yourself? Well, (Name)," you didn't like hearing your name came from her mouth, particularly when you knew she'd only learned it from Varian's panicked yelling, "wouldn't you rather Varian be the one in your position? He's the one that got you into this mess after all." 
"No," the answer came without a thought, as it would have without the truth serum. You cocked a brow, maybe she expected the answer to be yes, and that it would hurt Varian, but you would rather take this pain ten-times over, rather than have to watch Varian be hurt. 
He probably felt the same, which, honestly, made you feel guilty, even if you couldn't do anything about your current predicament. 
Even if Cassandra had expected your answer to be yes, her expression perked up, "Really? And why would that be?"
Oh, crap.  
You bit back your answer, well aware that it wasn't something that you wanted to admit, but you had downed an entire vial of truth serum, "Because-because I," you bit down on the insides of your cheeks, but there was no stopping your answer, "Because I love him." 
Varian's gritted teeth and furrowed brow instantly relaxed in an expression of surprise at your answer, his mouth dropping open, and brows raising, 
If you hadn't been in such an awful situation, you would have admired how adorable he looked in the moment, but Cassandra's laugh shattered the moment, and he returned to anger. 
"Awe, isn't that cute!" She had the gall to pinch your cheek, and you jerked your head away without thinking, resulting in a massive spike of pain in your ribs. "She loves you, Varian!"
The sickly sweet tone lead into more pain as she intentionally pressed her thumb into the deep cut on your cheek. 
She opened her mouth, likely to continue mocking you, but a familiar voice interrupted before she could. 
"Cass!" Instantly Cassandra's face fell and she swung around. 
Rapunzel's appearance earned a sigh of relief from you, and the rocks pinning you in place receded into the ground as the two fought. 
You hit the ground, hard, causing the pain in your ribs to grow exponentially worse. You curled into a ball and pressed your arms against your torso, careful not to apply too much pressure.
"(Name)!" Varian's restraints must have broken as well, because you looked up soon enough to see him hit his knees from a run and slide the last few inches to your side, "(Name), are you alright?" 
You groaned before the truth serum forced a answer from your lips, "No. I think something's broken."
"Right, yeah, stupid question," his hand rested against your cheek softly, cautiously, as if he'd hurt you. Even with the cut burning, you tilted your face into his hand, "I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry. If it wasn't for me, this never- never would've happened." His voice cracked as he spoke, and you quickly forced yourself to sit up.
"Hey, hey," you rested your own hands against his cheeks, "this wasn't your fault, you didn't do this." You winced as you shifted onto your knees, "I'll be fine, Var." 
Your assurances didn't stop the quiet sobs that began to rock his body, and tears filled your own eyes in response, "If you hadn't met me, then-" 
"Varian, I'd rather go through this pain a hundred times over than to have never met you." 
He wiped his eyes with his sleeve and gave you a shaky, tear-filled smile, "I love you too." 
For half a second, you were sure your expression matched the one he had made when you'd admitted your feelings, but your shock melted into a grin, "Good, you not feeling the same would've been the worst part of this whole experience."
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umeqii · 3 months
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───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) 
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ᯓ★ ; hello !
my name is mari :33
i am from britain ! [ i speak punjabi , arabic and english <3 ]
i use she/her pronouns !! - isfp-t / capricorn [25TH DEC]
i have bpd , npd , maladaptive daydreaming , aspd and i am hypersexual [ all are diagnosed  ◕`ε´◕ ]
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( *`ω´)ゞ
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most of my highest / kinnie list >_0. :
daki , shinobu kocho - demon slayer
nicole - class of 09
asa mitaka , makima , kobeni , power - chainsaw man
teruko okura , kyoka izumi , ranpo edogawa - bungō stray dogs
natsuki - doki doki literature club
ame / kangel - needy streamer overload
mizuki akiyama , ena shinonome , honami mochizuki , nene kusanagi - project sekai
chiaki nanami , miu iruma - danganronpa
asuka - avangelion
eula , fischl , diona , raiden ei - genshin impact
nana osaki - nana
varian , cassandra - rta
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bungō stray dogs
genshin impact
sally face
doki doki literature club
project sekai
class of '09
rapunzel's tangled adventures || HYPERFIXATION GOES WILD ://
toilet bound hanako kun
i will NOT write smut ´ᯅ` !!
i will take requests !!
i MIGHT do ocs x canon ·ᴗ·
^^ that depends on the amount of description the creator of the oc gives me :))
i redid my introduction because i thought i made it look weird ‪っ ̫ -˘
i MIGHT write silly blogs about my views on things aswell (examples, my bpd, npd, etc (^ε^)-☆!!)
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oneshlut · 4 months
I loved your hcs for Varian so much! 😍 Could you possibly write some fluffy headcanons got him having a crush and how'd he confess? Tysm for bringing me back to the TTS fandom 🙇‍♀️
A/N: OOH YESYES!!! im so glad you enjoyed my var hcs!! honestly one of my fav nerds to write forr, these already sound so fluffy to write! tooth-rotting, even.. oh, and good to have you back in the fandom !
Angel (Varian x Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: General fluffy crushing and confession headcanons for Varian
Extra Info: haha hello dolly reference at the end because im obsessed
In Corona, love at first sight isn't necessarily common. Sure, Rapunzel and Eugene got together in the maximum of a week, but Rapunzel was threatening him at first sight. And when it comes to Varian, you're gonna have to know him for a while until real feelings start to develop. Not just puppy love.
Normally, the two of you would hang out.. maybe two days a week. If you're coming over to his place, you'll probably just spend the day chatting while Varian works on whatever new invention he's workshopping at the moment. Sometimes he'll let you help. Sometimes. Otherwise, at your place the two of you will usually.. uh. Well, leave. There's a forest right outside your house, which leads straight to a breathtaking view of all of Corona. Varian never cared for "pretty views", but.. if you did, he did as well. That same forest has equally great places for cloud watching, but when you didn't feel like being calm all the time, you and Varian would explore the depths of the forest, discovering new things. When he wanted to, Ruddiger would tag along.
The first "sorta" hint of feelings "somewhat" developing was Varian inviting you to hang out more often. Two days a week turned into three. Then four. Maybe five, if your schedule allowed it. Even then, he still couldn't get enough. On days when you wouldn't be able to see each other, hr would send letters to you to check up on you. Still keeping in mind to not come off as clingy.. despite how truly clingy he was. Of course, Varian still viewed you as a friend--a best friend. How oblivious.
Speaking of which, Varian is extremely oblivious to his own emotions. Ruddiger would be the first to know that he was crushing before Varian himself knew. Whenever he mentioned you as a "friend", Ruddiger would subtly roll his eyes. Especially when Varian would talk about you to him. Ruddiger knew better by the look in his eyes when he practically ranted about you, but Varian didn't.
The way he finds out that he has a crush on you is actually a bit cute. It was Rapunzel's and Eugene's anniversary, so they had a celebratory ball with most of the town invited. Varian had asked you to join him so you could meet people like Lance and Cassandra, since you hadn't really properly met them yet. That was a shocker. It wasn't a fancy celebration, almost like a birthday party, but it was enough to send butterflies to your stomach when he invited you.
There was a sort of "climax" in the party, where Eugene and Rapunzel danced together in the middle of the ballroom. Almost like something out of a fairytale. At the time, you and Varian were on opposite sides due to the group of people shuffling back to give the couple room to dance. You were talking to different people at the time, causing you two to be further apart than usual. Further than Varian wanted at this time.
Varian watched the couple dance around the marble-like floor, sighing at the scene. It was cute, and the idea that the two found eachother and stuck together in the end was.. nice. The idea of a soulmate.. it was sweet.
And for "some" reason, Varian found himself thinking about you. You and him on the dancefloor, instead of the couple that his eyes were glued on. Breaking away from the trance that was the rhythmic dancing, he switched his focus to the back of the room, channeling in on the sight of you. Embarrassingly, heat rose to his face. Varian looked away before you got the chance to notice his longing stare.
The thought of his feelings troubled him. Not in the way that he didn't want to like you--more so in the way that he knew that he would mess up even more infront of you now that he had the knowledge of his feelings. Maybe this was just another Cassandra crush. Maybe it'll just pass over time. After all, there is no way you'd even like him back. Is what he thought.
He was absolutely right. Now more than ever, he was extremely clumsy around you. When he saw you, he tripped over his feet. When he caught a glance from you in the middle of an experiment.. the experiment would blow up. Sometimes he would stumble over his words, saying things he didn't mean to say. He was so obvious, it was adorable. You could probably pick up on his feelings before he even confessed. Varian, as oblivious as he is, still thinks he's being super secretive about everything. He's not.
Like with Cassandra, Varian will constantly offer to help you with certain chores or just personal tasks. His love language is probably "Acts of Service", which is partly why he'll do anything and everything for you. Oh--and by the way, he was wrong. This crush did not pass over with time like Cassandra.
After about 2 months, he finally gets the courage to tell you. He knew he would just keep making a fool out of himself in front of you if he didn't. Over letter, he asked you to meet him out in the forest that the two of you always hung out in. Ruddiger had insisted to come along with him, as some sort of "hype-man". Reluctantly, Varian let him follow him out the door.
It wasn't hard for you to find him. It was your normal spot: a clearing in the trees that let the sun shine on the forest floor. When you saw him.. a rose color flushed to your cheeks. The sight was beautiful, Varian sitting on the forest floor, (not noticing you), with the glimmering light from the sun that made him look like an angel. Swallowing down your butterflies, you took a seat next to him in the soft grass.
Only then did Varian notice you, mumbling an awkward 'hello'. After a bit of comfortable silence, sounds of nature surrounding you two, Ruddiger slightly bit Varian's hand: a signal for him to get on with it. The raccoon quickly fled the scene with a 'shoo' hand signal from Varian.
You watched as he took out a flower from his opposite hand, surprised you hadn't noticed it before. He must've had it for a while--you didn't see him pick it up earlier. It was a sunflower, fitting for the area in the forest. You were glad now for the somewhat-blinding sun, it hid your blush fairly well.
If Varian's heart could stop beating, it definitely did now. He was already nervous about the very idea about telling you how he felt, but seeing you in the sunlight.. how breathtaking you looked.. it was almost too much for him to handle. So he decided to keep his confession short and sweet. If he talked for longer than 20 seconds he was sure to pass out.
"I.. I like you. Mo-More than I should.. a-and ifyoudon'tlikemebackthat'sfinejustpleasedon'thateme--and this is for you-!"
After rushing his confession, he quickly gave the sunflower to you before immediately looking away. You couldn't feel more flattered. And.. you felt suddenly bold.
Tapping him on his shoulder, he reluctantly turned to you to see your reaction.
And, with a sudden kiss, Varian was frozen. Not frozen enough to be cold--his face was actually extremely warm.
Realizing what had just happened, he fell to the forest floor on his back, laying down with his hands on his face. He couldn't be more embarrassed. He was supposed to be the confident one, not you. But thinking about it more, he minded it less. At the time, he just felt embarrassed for himself. And the situation. He wasn't dreaming, was he? Cracking open his hands to peek at your grinning, teasing, and.. blushing face, Varian now knew this was reality.
"Maybe give me a warning next time, will you..?"
His voice shook, but still chuckled through the humility.
Ruddiger perked up from behind a tree, chirping in happiness from the success. Varian sat up suddenly, laughing as the raccoon jumped into his lap.
You watched as he pet Ruddiger calmly, before meeting your gaze a moment later.
It only took that very moment to be loved a whole life long.
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kokonut3953 · 1 month
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I lied about waiting to write it.
Part 1 is out. Check out my wattpad at Kokonut3953. 👍
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readbyred · 1 year
might I please request some headcanons for Varian falling for a reader who’s a witch? (like from toh) but it’s not the usual enemies/rivals-to-lovers, cuz they’re actually super interested in each other’s abilities like ‘ohmygosh how did you just do that and teach it to me now’ and bond over it? please, and thank you
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There is no way to describe how enamoured with you he is
Like after you two met he would just get a notepad and a pen, asking you TONS of questions
You’d think this was a bit but then he would actually start writing down your responses
Legit would go like ‘Hmm, interesting’ like you were a new kind of rock he had grown in his lab or sth
Your enthusiasm about his hobby/occupation kind of surprises him actually
To be fair not a lot of people take interest in his tinkering
Most think it’s either boring or they don’t want to be in any close proximity to his inventions
Fair enough, considering how many of them had blown up in his face or caused serious property damage
Still, it is a bit sad that you might be the first one with genuine interest in his craft
Speaking of which, he would definitely try to include your magic in his alchemy
All in all his whole ‘it’s not magic, ppl!’ thing isn’t a testimony to how much he hates all things outside of science’s reach, he just wants others to label his potions and inventions correctly
But now he has you so if you want to enchant his machinery he’ll be thrilled
He loves to gaze at you just spell casting and brewing magical concoctions, he always notes how well acquainted you are with your wand and spell book (and how it’s kinda attractive to him-)
Everyone is so happy that you two got together
But also sliiiiightly terrified
Like, two golden retriever people just so excited and fascinated with all things academic and technical, both magic and science related, is nice in theory
But when Eugene sees that shared look of yours, he will start running because things will go up in flames sooner or later
Varian tried out magic at one point but uh
Also, lots of flames (it’s not that he’s not capable of doing things right, but he is way too eager to learn and way too distracted by how attractive you are when you talk about magic to him; so perhaps he will learn spells one day, but that day has yet to come)
Overall, your relationship is literally iconic and everyone envies you because you love each other so much
It’s so wholesome
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readbyred · 1 year
okay so you said tangled the series right?? Just something with Varian please
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feeling inspired today so - date ideas! At first his idea of a romantic time well spent together was following you around when you did your chores. Preferably also helping you out because we all know that this guy is all about acts of favour and gift giving. If YOU didn’t want to follow him around, well, worry not. He was more than happy to invite you over to his lab and OH NO DONT TOUCH THAT OR IT MIGHT E…xplode… yeah. He has enough “happy accidents” on his own and turns out leaving you to roam free while he was too focused to even hold a conversation was a bad idea. But! With some bad advice from Eugene and only slightly better from Lance this boy was set to prove he can give you a real date. His go to became a picnic. Ending in a perfect sunset it proved to be certainly one of his more memorable ideas. Ruddiger stealing your food and Varian trailing off to give you detailed descriptions of his crafts only added to the charm. Walks around town fell out of favour after some time due to how much of a… polarising figure he became. Some people just couldn’t mind their business and let you be. Sometimes you would also go exploring the local forests. Varian never was that big of a fan, but it provided variety. And if you want to play explorer for a bit who is he to complain (he finds it attractive when you lead the way and act like a fearless adventurer). In the wnd, it doesn’t matter where you two choose to spend your time. As long as you have each other
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readbyred · 1 year
Varian x fem reader? Specifically reader helping varian out in the lab?
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Hope you got your workplace safety protocols memorised, because he sure will make you need them. At this point entering the lab is a safety hazard on its own. To be fair, it’s not because he is a bad alchemist. But his disregard for safety mixed with his obvious crush on you… a perfect combination for an accident to happen. He can’t help it! You just look so perfect, especially when you are focused. Not to mention the butterflies he feels when he reminds himself that you are choosing to spend your time with him, helping him. It feels unreal in the best sense imaginable!
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kokonut3953 · 23 days
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continentalblue · 2 years
Varian with a s/o that has wings? Like bird wings
Blue's note: feel free to request Tangled headcanons through my askbox! They can be character or ship hc, I don't really care. I won't do adult/nonadult ships, nsfw, or ships between family. I also won't write for Varian and the Seven Kingdoms due to my unfamiliarity with it.
Additional Blue's Note: I technically don't even need the little Blue's Note anymore but I've had it for so long that it's practically tradition to add it. Also, sorry that this is so short. I couldn't really think of anything
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⚗️ Varian is fascinated by your wings. How can they lift you off the ground??? He integrates them into his love confession to you.
"So uhm . . . my heart flies away when I look at you. Do you want to go out with me?"
"That's really corny, Varian. I . . . I'd love to go out with you."
⚗️ He loves it when you wrap your wings around him. They're so soft and fluffy and make him feel safe.
⚗️ Varian loves helping you groom your wings. Y'all have little dates where he brushes your wings gently
⚗️ With your permission, he runs tests on your wings to see what they're made up of. Of course, Varian being Varian, a few mishaps end up occurring
⚗️ He would love it if you could take him flying
"I feel like a bird!!"
"Then it's a good thing you're dating someone with bird wings, isn't it?"
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