#uuughh <3333
kangyeosaang · 1 year
new changsub talk show lettsssgoooo
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antagonizedjordan · 4 years
Uuughh the new winter zukka art has me melting 😭 one could say I'm warm as long as I can look at some of your art 🥺😍
Thank you, Anon!!!!! <33333 I’m so freaking glad it hit you in those feels!!! You are so damn sweet for dropping by and sharing this art love <3333 So much gratitude!!!!!!! (And happy winter Zukka vibes!)
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sleepydogge · 7 years
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I made the thing! As you can see it’s called Crystal Gem AU including characters from Sherlock, Supernatural, Hobbit aaand one character from Steven Universe (Mystery Girl but as a little girl).
Starting from the left:
> Sam (Supernatural) as Aventurine- He has his gem on the left side of his chest. I thought it will be very deep and all this stuff but now I think it’s kind of lame. Also he has fabulous hair. 
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> Dean (Supernatural) as Chrysoprase- His gem should be on the left arm but I’m fucked up, sorry. And I kind of fucked up his colors. (Uuughh I just can’t draw Dean. Jensen is too perfect for my weird and very unprofesional art. Whatever.) But I changed his design which is good. I still need to work on him.
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> Castiel (Supernatural) as Tanzanite- I’m really happy about his design! His gem is on his chest… And this all I can say about him right now. But I’m very proud of his design AND colors.
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> Gabriel (Supernatural) as Amber- I made him freaking smol :3333! His design is very simple and I’m very happy about it. I kind of made his eyes look weird but I swear I’ll fix that.
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> John (Sherlock) as Zircon- Okay, I had no idea what to do with his clothes design so I just… draw some kind of belts??? I don’t know but when I colored this it looked like some sort of soldier uniform so I think it looks okay (not really). Also I can’t draw John (damit, I can’t draw a lot of characters. Mabey it’s because of his hair.). His gem is also on on the left side of his chest because I just couldn’t figure out where to place it.
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> Sherlock (Sherlock) as Morion- Yeap, his design is just cool. I thought to make him some kind of blue gem but it just seemed boring. His gem is uder his locks, on his forehead (Get it? Couse John is the Heart and Sherlock is the Mind XD)
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> Thorin (Hobbit) as Azurite- This character was very fun to draw. His gem is placed on the back of his neck (somewhere between Lapis gem and Holly Bue Agate)
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> Bilbo (Hobbit) as Unakite- Again, I just can’t draw Martin Freeman but somehow Bilbo was easier to draw than John. His gem is on his thigh so you can’t see it because it’s under the coat (For safety).
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> AAAANNDDDD finally the Mystery Girl (her actual name is unconfirmed but I’ll call her Sheena). In this AU she is just a little girl who’s meet bunch of werid (gay) clods from the space and she became friends with them.
I know that gems has only femel forms but it’s just an AU so it dosen’t matter. But just imagine: Pearl going on the meeting with her girlfriend to meet her family AND BAm! Gems from Rose’s Rebellion! (It’s just an idea, I might change it a bit later.)(Or mabey I’ll made them Homeworld’s Gems who’s just ran off the Homeworld when Revolution have started? I don’t know yet)
*sorry for my bad English*     *please click for better quality*
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