#utah again
naralanis · 9 months
I'm in Utah (again)
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It's very hot and there are many Germans walking past me so fast
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elbowreveal · 1 year
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sleepy morning
.click for quality/don’t repost to other sites.
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problemcore · 2 years
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andy-clutterbuck · 7 months
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vardasvapors · 4 days
a black-tailed jackrabbit looks like it would kill you on sight if you called it a ‘bunny’
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loud-whistling-yes · 2 years
Philza is a blatant bleach knock-off who fucked a samsung smart fridge and his wife is the goddess of death who once possessed him, got drunk and tried to find a beach with a murder of crows flying after her. Wilbur fucked a salmon and gave birth to a fox. The ravine was named fucking Pogtopia. Pog. Topia. Technoblade was Peer Pressured into executing Tubbo via firework explosions. There's a non-zero chance a few people on the SMP still think Tubbo was pregnant during the Manburg arc. Quackity gave birth to El Rapids. I cannot stress this enough Quackity gave birth to a piece of land. Schlatt has a heart attack and fucking dies. The anthem is a parody of Hallelujah. Dry Water's full name is Smokey-Corn-on-The-Cob Waterville-Dry-Hands-Desert. The withers on November 16th were named Subscribe to Technoblade. cc!George slept through the elections. Tommy kept crying over the god-awfulest pictures of Tubbo in exile. YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SUCK IT GREEN BOYYYYYYY. Tommy doesn't even read his script half the time. Pretty sure Philza hacked his way into the smp. The community house has crafting table floors because of that one fucking joke. You heart little penis. The billboards. The penis on Pandora's Vault. The Prime Path was made for farming twitch primes. Pretty fucking sure that Jack Manifold lost his last life on Doomsday because of an argument over some card game with Technoblade. Connor is in a fucking sonic onesie. Satan is Dream's younger sister. L'manburg started only because Dream didn't want them to sell drugs. This all happens in a world where everyone is a blocky rectangle that is Minecraft. This story is only as serious and heart-wrenchingly emotional as you want it to be.
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brian4rmthe6 · 2 months
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Gravedigger Mountain 🏔️ ⚰️
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listenheresweaty · 10 months
Ok uh here goes
Can I get revivedbur headcanons for a reader who was very hurt by his betrayal? Like all rev wants to do is be nice to reader and love them but they want nothing to do with him?
-roses 🥀
ohhh boy my first ask
first off i wanna say that i absolutely love this idea. perfect angst fodder mmm
im not that great at writing angst. when im not sure what to write i add a lot of insignificant details until i get motivation. so hopefully this is satisfying :) If not, i'll try to come up with some more concise headcanons for wilbur trying to regain the reader's affections.
First off, I'd like to point out that Wilbur right after revival and Wilbur a couple days after revival (especially after the events of hitting on 16) are quite different
When he's freshly revived, Wilbur is ecstatic. He's alive, rejuvenated, and ready to cause mayhem in every conceivable corner of the server.
Ever the ambitious man, his first concerns are with gaining power--- or, rather, interfering with power. He wants to become relevant, involved in the incessant, political push-and-pull of mankind that has interested him since a young age.
Eventually, though, the adrenaline wears off and he starts thinking about the people in his life. Tommy, who he had immediately recruited for his expeditions to Las Nevadas. Phil and Technoblade, who he visited gladly. And you. You're there, just a short 5 minute walk from Technoblade's house.
Wilbur's sitting at the table with Phil, making small talk about the weather or something when you walk in, throwing open the door with a huff and brushing the snow out of your hair. You look a mess, hair wet and plastered to your cheeks and your nose red and sniffling.
God, how he's missed you.
You freeze when you see him, your voice dying in your throat.
Wilbur smiles oh so sweetly, opening his mouth to speak.
Phil accidentally interrupts him, standing up and explaining the situation to you--- yes, the rumors were true. Yes, Dream is on his necromancer arc. No, he's not Ghostbur.
Wilbur tries his best to speak with you, but it's hard with Phil and Techno there. And for some reason you won't speak to him directly, asking all questions about him to Phil, such as "When was he revived? Was it really dream who revived him?"
When you do address him, your answers are clipped, polite but distant.
He figures it's just because it's awkward with Phil around.
But even when he manages to catch you alone, you try to push him away, glaring at him before stalking off with your jaw clenched and your face hidden from his view.
That doesn't deter him for long: Quackity had brushed him off with an eye roll and a dismissive wave of the hand, and yet their rivalry is still underlined by a vague sense of respect and friendliness. (keyword: vague). So, he'll just act the same as he does with Quackity!
But as soon as he starts pestering you too, popping up in your house to nick a few items and smirk at you, the look in your eyes stops him dead in his tracks.
"Get out of my house, Soot!" Your tone of voice catches him off guard. There isn't a trace of amusement or playful exasperation. Your annoyance is so profound it borders on disgust.
All the lighthearted mischievousness that had been previously dancing in his rib cage is extinguished in a heartbeat. His smirk fades, and he stands in silence.
"Didn't you fucking hear me? Get out!"
"Darling, I-I.. " He laughs nervously. "I was just joking, you can have your stuff back---"
"I don't care if you steal, leave or burn them. I want you out of my house."
"But--... I don't--"
"---And don't call me darling."
"I don't understand."
"What? What don't you understand?"
"I didn't.. I just want to talk." He raises his hands in surrender, exhaling slowly. "I just wanted to talk."
"I don't want to talk." You say, quiet and composed once more. "You aren't welcome here. Just--- get out. Please."
He wanted to stay and argue, but something about the way you were looking at him was almost more suffocating than Limbo. He turned tail and nearly bolted out of there.
He doesn't visit you for a while after that. It's even worse if you had been attached to Ghostbur--- because of course you were attached to Ghostbur.
And after hitting on 16? When he goes on his apology arc?
If people don't accept your apology, Phil had said, you need to let them go.
And so Wilbur does the same thing with you as he did with Tommy: avoiding you like the plague in fear of having to inevitably let you go.
He still spends his time thinking about you, of course. Whenever you two accidentally end up in the same area, he stands to the side, glancing at you from the corner of his eye.
The only way he's going to end up talking to you is if Eret sets it up, not revealing it to either of you until you're face to face.
You've calmed down since your last encounter with Wilbur. Although your opinions haven't changed, you willingly sit down to talk with him.
He, too, is less insistent with his apology. "Listen, I-I.. I know this won't fix things. I don't expect them to."
Wilbur pauses, and you raise an eyebrow for him to continue.
"But you-- you mean a lot to me." He says, wincing at the immediate scoff from you. "You do. You mean the world to me."
"Months. Months you lied to me, in Pogtopia. Months we all spent slaving away to get L'Manburg back-- and I did it all for you! I fought for that country because you loved it like life itself. You watched us fight for it, you let us bleed and sweat and shed tears for it, all while knowing all our efforts would be in vain because you'd be blowing it to pieces regardless. And then you up and left! You left us all, left us to pick up your pieces and drag your body to be buried. "
" ______." Wilbur said your name, quietly.
"-- And you proposed to me! The day beforewe were about to fight to get back L'Manburg, you got down on one knee and proposed.--"
"______." Wilbur repeated.
"You promised we'd have a life after the war. You looked me in the eyes and promised me this, knowing damn well what would happen the next day."
Wilbur doesn't say anything. His shoulders sag, deflating.
You sigh too. "And then you're revived. Months go by, I don't hear a word from you--- not that I was asking to--- and now you're apologizing."
Wilbur falls silent. "I'm selfish."
You purse your lips and move to speak, but he cuts you off.
"I'm not saying that to provoke pity or fish for compliments or serve an excuse. I'm just stating the fact. I am, at heart, a selfish person. I-- that's why I proposed to you that day. I-I knew it would hurt. I thought it would.. keep you closer, wanting to avoid you leaving me. Even though I was the one leaving." He exhales, running a hand through his hair.
The brutal honesty has you dumbfounded, searching for any traces of trickery or manipulation-- but not finding any. He seems genuine. Incredibly self-depreciating, but genuine.
"..And that's the reason I haven't apologized to you until now." Wilbur continues, seeing that you weren't going to speak. "I didn't.. I couldn't bear to hear a formal rejection."
You don't know what to do, having exhausted yourself with your outburst earlier. So you just nod in understanding.
"I-I'm going to be honest. I really, really don't want to let you go. But I've promised myself that that's what I'll do if you don't accept my apology. If you want me to leave you alone, say the word. You won't have to see me again. But if there's anything I can do, anything to earn a second chance for myself--- I'll do it." He rambles on. "I don't need you to love me. I want you to--- I really want you too-- but I don't need you to. I just don't want you to hate me."
You chew on your bottom lip thoughtfully. "I don't hate you."
He looks relieved, hope lighting up his features.
"...But I don't know if I'll accept your apology."
His face falls.
"I know I don't accept it right now. And I think that's understandable. I want to accept it sometime in the future, Wilbur, I just.. I need time."
Wilbur nods, mouth twitching as he works up the nerve to speak. "Would you.. prefer if I stayed away, during that time?"
"I don't want you to outright avoid me." You admit. "If we happen to end up in the same place together, I´ll talk to you. But I think some distance would be helpful."
"Yeah." He manages, clearing his throat. "Yeah, I'll... I can wait."
Wilbur looks back up at you. "I'll wait for you." He promises.
and then he leaves for utah
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transphilza · 2 years
i have decided that my interpretation of c!wilbur’s ominous foreshadowing after the “Bust” stream is that he was suicidal and increasingly planning on committing suicide as his character heavily alludes to (because i believe that negating the suicidal overtones of cwilbur during this portion of his story by saying that he was always only ever planning on going back to utah: # 1 just lessens the impact of everything that happens in this arc, because he wouldve already decided to live thus making all those conversations and apologies forcing him to confront the realities of his own life and death wayyy less meaningful, but most importantly # 2 makes it impossible to provide adequate closure for his character’s deepest struggles because they wouldve never been re-addressed) — BUT that when he finally decided to go through with sending friend to ghostbur thus making the evident conclusion that ghostbur did not deserve to suffer eternally (and by extension and implication, himself, too) he changes his mind and chooses Life :) aka Utah <3
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yugiohz · 2 months
do i have any oomfs at [canadian uni] do you want me to teach german to you let's ignore the syllabus and draw deku and bakugo fighting instead
this plce looks like the netherlands heeelppppppp (i could go fishing)
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loudlyunladylike · 2 years
c!niki survived the nuke in her coolass secret city btw, it's full of flowers and smells like freshly baked bread,,, if you even care
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joltning · 6 months
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there is a guy. who does not not show up in a show. and I am making it everyone elsesproblem
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yungt03 · 3 months
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I’m like Kentrell you gotta man up you done had all these kids
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blissfali · 1 year
lmantrio caught fireflies at night idc they put them in jars each and at the end of the night when the moon was highest in the sky they would count how many they each counted and whoever had the most got to sleep in the Good Sleeping Bag and the other two basically slept in the grass. mostly it would just be ctubbo and ctommy while cwil watched but at somepoint they had to stop cause all the smoke in the air from tnt and fire was making it hard to see the bugs
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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Sirius XM | 2017
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infizero · 2 years
just hit me that wilbur considered QUACKITY the person he needed to apologize to the most (outside of tommy) okkkkkkkkkkk bye im gonna have the ocean swallow me whole
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