evilwriter37 · 5 years
The return of my cursed sister eating more raw pasta.
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ashleybenlove · 5 years
While we're sending each other asks, I have to question: Where did Zoidberg come from on your sims game? I leave tumblr for a bit, come back, and bam, alien child thing living with the OT6. I love it.
Fishlegs kept getting abducted by aliens, and in The Sims 4, there’s like a 25 percent chance of pregnancy for male Sims when that happens, and on his fourth abduction (he’s been abducted a total of FIVE (5) times!), I discovered he was pregnant. 
So... the aliens gave Fishlegs a daughter. 
And this happened like... in the same week as when Island Living EP dropped so I was like, WELL, I guess the OT6′s island vacation is now gonna have them with a baby! 
Like, I could have sent her to alien home world when she was still an infant but I eventually was like, NAAAH, that’s their baby. 
And I’ve since aged her up to toddler and now child. Eventually, she’ll be a teen! (When I choose to age her up!) 
I guess she has some of Fishlegs’ DNA? Because arguably she looks a little like him in her human form. Hair and eyes especially. (She’s blonde with green eyes.)
Like, I wanted an alien pregnancy in my game but, I was kinda hoping for Hiccup but HEY, why not Fishlegs. He doesn’t get nearly enough attention in general. 
Maybe Hiccup will get an alien pregnancy at some point and Zoidberg will get a sibling! 
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whumpapedia · 5 years
Not sure if the Gone series by Michael Grant is in the whumpapedia yet, but those books are so full of whump. There's pretty much any kind of pain and suffering you can think of, some terrifying illnesses, some intense comfort, and basically every character gets whumped. It's some really good stuff.
I added an entry for the series, but we could use more details if you ever feel like putting together a list of characters and their whump :)
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octopuscato · 5 years
ultimatefandomtrash61 replied to your post: I think now I get it. This person thinks that...
Sometimes I honestly just use the trigger warnings to find what I want to read, so it is nice to get specifics. But I also kind of agree with evilwriter37 on this, though I’m not about to start hating all fics that have “creator chose to not use archive warnings”. I just see how it could be annoying missing out on a fic that might’ve actually been fine to read.
True, I use the tags to find fics for me as well. And I’m sure I am missing out on some fics because a lot of the times I don’t feel up to reading that kind of surprise content myself, so I pass on ‘choose not to warn’ fics. But I have no hard feelings about it because it’s a free fic by an author who wrote and presented it the way they wanted, and there are tons of other free fics I can read.
In the end, there is no way of tagging that will enable everyone to read everything they might possibly be able to read while at the same time giving the authors the control over their fic they want. This is the best compromise we’re going to get, and we always have to keep in mind that Ao3′s tagging system is way way more detailed and reader-friendly (especially with the option to exclude tags) than anything we’ve ever had in fandom or have outside of it.
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raina16 · 5 years
ultimatefandomtrash61 reblogged your post:Re-watched that last scene and now I’m crying....
@raina16 I was thinking about commenting on that in another post, but really, I hate getting into all that stuff and the...
Hi Unfortunately for some reason I can't see everything you wrote, I can just see the bit that comes up on the dashboard. Never sure why that happens sometimes.
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kittyinhighheels · 6 years
This is for the 50 questions you've never been asked. 4, 5, 6, 24, 28, 32, 33, 35, 44, and 46.
4. How old do you think you’ll be when you get married?
Hopefully 25
5. Do you know a hoarder?
My entire family has that problem tbh
6. Can you do a split?
Hahahahahahaha. No.
24. Do you spell the color as grey or gray?
28. Have you ever had Indian food?
32. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
I have no idea tbh
33. If you have a nickname, what is it?
Celly or Slut
35. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs?
Rural area
44. What’s the last compliment you got?
“You look like a kitten”
46. What flavor tea do you enjoy?
I hate tea
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kingofthewilderwest · 6 years
I saw on one of your responses to an ask that you have some Wheel of Time ships, and since I absolutely love The Wheel of Time, I was wondering what your ships for that are.
Eyyyy, a fellow Wheel of Time lover! Awesome! [enthusiastic high five] Sure, let’s talk ships!
There are two romantic relationships that I quite enjoy in the series. 
The first is Siuan Sanche and Gareth Bryne. Those two got me to squeal and that’s a very rare event for me! It’s one of those pairs that I wouldn’t have immediately thought would match, perhaps given as Siuan was the Amyrlin Seat, but the story did a beautiful job of leading Siuan and Gareth together ever-so-slowly-and-sneakily. By the time it was clear that the two were interested in one another, I was quite on board with the development, and found myself rooting them to hook up. The story did not disappoint.
I also find great entertainment between Mat and Tuon. There are thousands and thousands of pages in this series. I will never forget how Mat accidentally stumbled into a mess by saying “She’s my wife,” “She’s my wife,” “She’s my bloody wife” three times, unknowingly evoking Seanchan tradition. How the two meet or even develop isn’t always the healthiest relationship I’ve seen in fiction, because let’s be real there are some rough moments (as with most relationships in WOT tbh), but it’s always interesting to read, often entertaining, and it shows quite a bit of well-directed characterization on both their ends. They learn good things through this. For instance, I like that Mat does turn to dedication to Tuon, with an intent to get to know her, please her, and make their relationship work out. He was a flirt to any beautiful woman he met before Tuon, but Tuon’s presence in his life made him quit flirting, and she became so appealing as a person to him that her presence shifted his aesthetic preference for what he found attractive physically in people.
It’s potentially not a coincide that Siuan is one of my favorite characters, I always had positive vibes towards Bryne, and Matrim is undoubtedly my all time favorite character from start-to-end in the series.
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beth-is-rainpaint · 6 years
ultimatefandomtrash61 replied to your post: Okay but what I’m trying to figure out is, why did...
It’s in the future, but that doesn’t mean it’s not real. That was an actual person that she was saving, whereas if she tried to save someone in the Framework it wouldn’t matter because they weren’t real. Where she is is real even though it’s not her time.
That makes sense. I know she helped the guy because nobody else would and because she’s a biochemist and a good person. I just...I guess it felt a tiny bit like a plot device to separate her from everybody else and get her with the creepy blue dude. For all she knew, the guy she tried to save was a bad guy. Idk. I need to watch it again when I’m less tired and more articulate. I really appreciate the response, though! :)
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strangershaka-blog · 6 years
Tell me a story about yourself, and tv show and movie recommendations.
Story time: One Saturday night I was home alone aside from my mom and bro. I was on the phone talking to my friend. The house was quiet since it was midnight. Then all the way from my room I heard a noise coming from the other side of the house; it sounded like a window was being opened. Have you ever been in a life or death situations or a close call? My body reacted to it like I was. My friend was freaking out. I told her to be quiet so I could listen. My heart was pounding so loud it was in my ears but I was fueled on pure adrenaline.I didn’t have anything I could use as a weapon. I quietly crept around my room looking in my closet, under my bed, trying not to panic. Then I found a mini can of pepper spray I was given as a joke. I snuck out of my bedroom into the dark and in the direction the noises were coming from. Long story short, I had it facing myself and accidentally sprayed my own eyes. It was a miracle I didn’t scream but since I thought it was an intruder, I muffled myself and stayed in survival mode. Then I went for a big ass knife bc the window being opened was right next to the kitchen. Literally had the thought if I was going to die or be shot I was going to get in a couple stabs first. Lmao well, turned out, I was this close to stabbing my own bro. The asshole forgot his key and was trying to sneak back into the house.Tv show: If you’re a fan of Marvel or superheroes, Runaways and Agents of Shield. If you like feel good comedies, Fresh Off the Boat, Brooklyn 99, Blackish. How to Get Away with Murder is a great drama.
Movie: If you’re a fan of thrillers or horrors, Get Out, Cabin in the Woods, Lake Mungo. If you’re a sci fi fan, Gattaca, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (it’s good even as a stand alone), Mad Max: Fury Road, District 9.
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evilwriter37 · 5 years
What I have to live with.
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ashleybenlove · 5 years
Ashley, don’t send the twins after me, but I’m terrible and forgot to say happy birthday to you on Saturday! Oh gods, and Thor almighty, forgive me. If I could send gifs over asks I’d give you a smiling Toothless. Happy Birthday!
Bold of you to make a statement about ‘the twins’ when you yourself are one-half of a ‘the twins’ lol. Also, no worries, Lisa! Thank you very much! 💖 A smiling Toothless is very lovely! 
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spnshortstories · 7 years
I remember taking a survey a while back about doing commissions, and I was wondering if that's still something any willing authors are going to be doing for this project.
Yes- it’s active right now on a by-request basis. If somebody would like to claim a commission, then they’ll send in an email to say so, and things are sorted out from there. If an author’s commission is claimed, I’ll contact them to get them on board and whatnot.
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lifblogs · 4 years
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Supernatural was there for me when my dad was no longer living with us because he and my mom were going to get divorced. Supernatural was there for me while trying to conquer my depression. Supernatural was there for me through countless traumas and days of crying and hurting and not wanting to be here. Supernatural was there for me when I got my C-PTSD diagnosis, my BPD diagnosis, and my anorexia and ARFID diagnoses. Supernatural was there for me during the brutal pain of untreated MCAS. Supernatural was there for me during multiple losses. Supernatural was there for me when I lost my house, my cat, my baby, my ability to go to college. It was there for me during hospital stays, during times where I felt so sick I wished I was dead, during long nights where I couldn’t sleep. It’s followed me from house to apartment to apartment, to college, to hospitals, to my best friend’s house that feels like home. It’s been there through graduation, and starting new relationships, and learning about myself and my gender/sexuality, through slowly learning to love and trust again, through laughter, and fun times, and bursts of creativity and working on new skills. Through a tough job, a bus ride with a stranger who helped me get home for Christmas and ended up being my boyfriend, meeting new and wonderful online friends like @felix-the-white-wolf, @flightoftheseraph, @teamfreewillbettertogether, @chiisana-sukima, @sammysstupidshirts... Supernatural, fifteen years seems like such a long time to live and breathe on TV, and touch millions of lives. And fifteen years feels far too short for something that’s connected us, that made us feel seen and validated and understood, that made us realize it’s okay to be who we are. Supernatural, you’re part of who I am. Sometimes things are hard between us, like best friends who are having a little fight. But that doesn’t stop us from being best friends. Supernatural’s been there through the good and the bad, and now it’s time for one last ride. Carry on.
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justgotawesome · 7 years
ultimatefandomtrash61 replied to your post “avataviking replied to your post “Made a lot of gifs for September...”
I won't explain it to you, but there thankfully is an explanation.
I feel like the best marketing they could do is to just release nothing but really random images that we have no idea what to do with. Right? Like that would be hilarious.
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floralmotif · 7 years
I see that you reblog a lot about scriptwriting and was just curious to know if you have a script of your own in the works. I also was curious if you've delved into creative writing, and if so to what extent? I always enjoy your analyses and they're bery on point, so if it's worth anything I think you could have a future in creative writing.
Hiya! Thanks for the ask, and the confidence!
I took a few screenwriting classes in college and really enjoy it. I tried to teach about some of it when I worked as a film teacher but I could only fit so much with the rest of the curriculum. 
I’ve written a lot in general over the years. My current writing projects are mostly rewriting scripts I’ve already written for further submission to agents. I used to go more for film, but I’ve been leaning towards tv for a while now. The job is more consistent if you can land a writers room job. I have a bunch of specs of various types that I’m working on to build a sort of portfolio. Some are based off of already existing “spec viable” shows, some are originals, and I have one pilot I’d like to actually produce someday. Some friends and I also want to try and make a short webseries but it’s moving really slowly. I just got the first draft of the plot outline made a few days ago.
I have sold 2 film screenplays for not much. 2/many that I had written and both pretty much entirely through luck/connections. I’m still thrilled they sold, but the studio had them rewritten for several reasons and I haven’t really heard of anything come from them since. They’ve probably been left to sit for now. That happens a lot. Various people up the chain of studios try and rewrite scripts for many reasons. It sucks, but it’s one of the hurdles film screenwriters face now-a-days if they want credit for their screenplays. I didn’t really have the mindset to fight very hard at the time. I’ve learned though.
I’ve done some freelance writing work with a few small video games. I’ve also done comic book writing on my own time on a few occasions, but while I can draw ok, I’m not good enough to draw out the whole thing, so I just have random comic book scripts and occasional panels floating around my office. I might do something with a couple of them eventually. I was working with a friend on finishing a comic she wanted to make, but she kind of gave up for now.
In regards to novels: I love reading and anyone who can write them I give huge props to, but I’m not very good with prose or longer form works. Scripts are highly rules driven, restrictive, shorter form works. I’m just more used to how they work. I’ve thought about writing a novel someday, but the most prose I’ve written in a single work recently was a fanfiction I still haven’t finished and some script treatments.
Anyway, that’s pretty much my creative writing history, heh. I’ve also written simple short scripts for like training videos and stuff like that but it wasn’t the main part of the job. I’m sort of a workaholic so I try to keep myself busy.
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