#ugh jace being actually human ?
hamliet · 2 years
Thoughts on daemon choking rhaenyra?
My thoughts on Luke literally, and Aemond and Daemon's characters are basically this:
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I'm not opposed to Daemon acting like a jerk because he's a Byronic hero. He's the most Byronic hero George has written in ASOIAF. It's the most Romantic (literary) archetype in existence.
Doth no one know what a rogue is anymore? -me, being a drama queen
He's mad, bad, and dangerous to know, like the trope's namesake. He's also a sentimental wounded bad boy idealist. I mean look at what the man has named each of his children. His daughters are after his father and his mother in law (the book directly says it). His sons are both after his brothers, including the one who died extremely young. He's even got a hidden wife at one point and mad women in the attic!
So in principle, I'm not opposed. What makes me be like... hm. Is the proliferation of major writing issues that make me take back a lot of my early optimism, lol. In other words, I have no faith that scene was in there to do anything thematic or character-building. Instead, it seems like it's just there for drama.
Removing all agency from the characters is really like. Ugh. The problem in Game of Thrones, writers, wasn't just that they were sexist or that people did bad things. The first couple seasons were so powerful precisely because of choices. Even the choices made with the absolute best of intentions--see Ned trying to spare Cersei's kids and Catelyn desperate to save her daughters--had major consequences that couldn't always be foreseen. Good people making choices out of love isn't always rewarded. That's gritty and realistic, but that doesn't inherently mean the choices are always wrong, and it doesn't mean that they're right either.
Alicent misunderstanding Viserys instead of like, actually poisoning him? Lame. Aemond losing control of Vhagar? Lame. It's hard to care about characters when they're just subject to the whims of the world around them. That's not really a Romantic message. Yeah, Alicent hearing what she wants to hear, sure, Aemond underestimating a dragon, sure, except that's just not the human heart against itself. It's not ASOIAF thematically. "Whoops" isn't a compelling plot twist.
Again, a lot of these things could work theoretically without being "whoops." Much like the choking, I'm not, in principle, opposed. The problem is context. I just don't like how the show's simplifying the characters, so I don't have faith that they intended a message about overestimating how in control you are of the consequences of your actions. Given all their other creative decisions, it seems more a ploy to not alienate the audience, but the irony is it's having the opposite effect.
I'm someone who really likes Aemond's character in the book, and Alicent's. They're complex and fascinating just like Daemon and Rhaenyra are. They don't need to be whitewashed.
I'm very concerned that by whitewashing these characters they might remove other aspects of the coming seasons. But since GRRM said there'd be four seasons, I have some hope. If they erase Sara Snow because of Jace and Baela, or Alys Rivers and her kid with Aemond, like they erased Laena and Rhaenyra's relationship, I will be throwing hands.
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need-a-new-hobby · 4 years
dead man’s party
s1 e03
‘how can shadowhunters be better than what you call mundanes?’ well, the leather jackets and badass tattoos for one thing.
‘kay, clary kinda does have a right to be salty right now, but i gotta defend izzy. she left simon in the van to protect him. bringing a mundane into a fight would have been worse. but alec’s response to her salt is so funny
‘there is some truth to the idea that human beings should have a modicum of common sense.’ this is so in character with him, but seriously he could have a little compassion for the guy abducted by vamps
i don’t like clary’s salt anymore. i dunno how to explain it but she’s very hyper. (see ‘oh but there’s like this magic cup i hid on the planet bongo)
‘i can’t turn into what you are overnight’ the first correct thing she’s said all day, well all night really, but who cares? in this universe it’s day for like 5 minutes
alec just wants the mundanes out of his institute right now. ‘what are you, her spokesman now?’. i don’t envy his position, all he wants to do is just report back to the clave so they’re safe from scrutiny. he still hasn’t reported any of this.
RAPHAEL!!!! sorry, i get very excited but s1 raphael doesn’t live up to expectations (possibly cause he dead)
‘kay, i know clary wants to find simon asap but she can’t run into things head-first without a plan (which she keeps doing throughout the show). and if anyone really needs to know why i prefer alec, it’s cause he’s so level-headed, though to be fair, it’s not his best friend that’s been kidnapped.
‘right, seelies have their charms apparently.’ cue jace’s stupid grin. ‘izzy can tell you about them, she’s got a thing.’
raphael has had simon for 10 minutes and he’s already 100% done with him. ‘i really hate fidgeting.’ what would raphael look like with squirrels?
‘kay first point, did simon just throw a knife perfectly right into raphael’s chest? second, has this kid not watched vampire movies?
aight, camille is super creepy but her lines are gold. ‘how sweet. you’re bleeding.’ WHO COMES UP WITH THIS STUFF?!?
‘typical mundane failure of imagination’ hahaha, s1 alec is so salty. where’s magnus, alec needs to light up?
izzy’s so done with her brother being miserable and i love it.
oooh, alec got in trouble with jace.
‘kay, this episode kinda sets the tone for the rest of the season, especially with clace. i mean most of this season is just alec and izzy doing their jobs and jace ‘being there’ for clary. literally every 10 minutes, clary pulls jace from her job to talk about how miserable her life is becoming. whiny clary is boring and annoying
wooah. ‘are you so desperate to get laid that you’d risk killing us?’ yikes, alec, even i know that was a low blow.
‘beloved servant? who puts that on a headstone?’ - yeah, clary wouldn’t know anything about serving others. 
‘don’t touch that, you don’t know how to use it’. haha, that sounds like something i’d say to my brother if he tried to use the electric whisk. 
‘what, like in pandemonium, when i killed that demon?’ technically you held a sword and freaked out when jace shoved the demon into it.
first thing i noticed was alec’s dialogue is super clipped. i replayed the scene a couple times and you can kinda tell that alec’s really resigned to helping clary, probably because he knows it’s only gonna get them into trouble.
okay, jace training clary is giving me pain. its so cliched ugh
also is using a sword really that complicated?
‘could i even do this without you?’ jesus clary, you’re just waving a glowing sword and if she’s friends with simon, chances are she’s watched star wars. personally, i played with mock swords all the time as a kid. it ain’t that hard. but that might just be me.
‘alec doesn’t like anybody’. for the record, that’s true. i’m not sure where, but in the books, cc kinda mentions that alec doesn’t really like people, they just annoy him until they don’t, which is what happened with clary and jace (although personally, idk why she doesn’t annoy him anymore). the cutest thing though is that magnus never annoyed him. so technically, he likes magnus, ‘cept he hasn’t met magnus, yet...
‘why would he help me?’ who’s gonna tell her?
‘there’s no human bond that compares to what alec and i have.’ clary proceeds to compare that bond to her and simon. though, technically in the books, they become parabatai, but that whole plot-line is non-existent in the tv show since simon never becomes a shadowhunter.
simon apologising for trying to murder raphael is really funny
haha, subtlety is not alec’s best asset. no-one would doubt the acting head of the institute if he didn’t look so damn shifty. also, why not just grab the arrows and start runing them literally anywhere else?
hold on, clary can see jace even though he’s using a glamour but not the vampires?
noooo, simon, not camille ugh. watching camille and simon is painful.
again, alec with the unsubtlety. for someone so used to being responsible for jace’s misdemeanours, you’d think he’d be able to lie better. also for someone who’s meant to be like family, no-one seems to really care about hodge’s punishment rune literally scorching him. alec kinda just looks like the guy deserves it (which he does.) 
omg, now he’s antagonising jace and alec’s relationship? bold move. also hodge slapping alec’s neck sounds so painful. like you can literally hear the slaps. but also, i feel like hodge does poke at a very central aspect of alec’s relationship with jace. alec’s always been responsible for his siblings and i can’t blame him if he’s frustrated by it. jace and izzy constantly get to do whatever they want, damn the consequences. except the consequences always seem to damn him, not the others.
how is it that jace can ride a motorbike, but can’t drive a car? i’d assume motorcycles are harder to ride than a van?
again, the soundtrack is flawless and ruelle is a goddess; the song for when they’re on the flying bike is invincible by ruelle
hahah, alec’s little ‘okay’ is slaying me. ‘great job izzy. you have fairy dust on your dress. and i hate being the distraction.’ cue dreamy sighing at grumpy lightwood.
also i love when emeraude toubia’s voice has that accent but the way she says frigging with the accent, chills.
they keep cutting to simon and camille making out, and i don’t wike it. it is gross and creepy. also her neck is bleeding and i’m very unhappy as to where this is going.
i have to admit, it’s surprising how well clary takes to the runes considering jace is literally burning her skin. although, at a certain point, if the heat is high enough, it just feels numb, or cold even. anyway, just to point out that in the books clary doesn’t get any runes until the city of glass. guess that’s impractical for the tv show.
surprise surprise, clary’s ‘not your typical girl’ and doesn’t see the romance in vampires. although it’s not really vampires as much as robert pattinson and i was always a jacob gal. i haven’t really watched all the movies though so don’t @ me, i don’t know enough. on top of that, it’s hard not to see clary as a sort of bella swan. having to deal with a love triangle between a childhood friend and a tall blond stranger and being practically useless in battle, even after she becomes a vamp. nope, no similarity whatsoever.
oh noooo, jace has never been in love. reeally heart-wrenching huh. and it’s not like clary has either. in the books, jace is like her first boyfriend, other than simon but we don’t talk about the disaster that is climon here. call me cynical but falling in love isn’t really that big a deal anyway. a lot of the time it’s just sexual attraction and i really don’t see the fuss. i dunno how to phrase it but clary feeling pity for a loveless jace is kinda icky. 
haha, he doesn’t understand friendship? what’s alec, a distant cousin? cue her comparison of having a parabatai and having a best friend (see ‘there’s no human bond that compares to what alec and i have.’) and besides, you don’t know you’ll die for each other until you actually do. alec would actually die for jace and you see it multiple times throughout the show and vice versa. 
i’m assuming the seraph blade works a lot like a normal sword in which case, again, i think he’s exaggerating the trick bits of it. but again, i grew up playing with pretend swords so....
i love how izzy talks about alec’s feelings while they’re trying to find vampires to distract. a lot of people tend to see this as a complete flip of normal priorities, but casual banter during what would normally be a very stressful situation is really important for me, personally. you finally get to see how izzy, alec and jace have grown up in situations like this, where they don’t know if they’re gonna make it to the next day. and yet they’re talking about their feelings. aaah im overanalysing again. sorry.
again with the banter! i love it. ‘whoever said the pen was mightier than the sword was an idiot.’ ‘when you’re right, you’re right.’ i love one pair of lightwood siblings
izzy looks way too excited to be killing vampires
also kudos to whoever came up with the idea of a whip as a bracelet
alec looks so happy with his arrows. aaaaaaaaaa!
okay, i love how clary kicks that vamp in the balls, but why doesn’t she just stab him? and why doesn’t she have her blade out yet? jace has to literally remind her, ‘hey you have a glowy sword in your back pocket’. this matchstick irritates me so much.
my archer boy has returned. am i the only one who thinks he was tempted to just shoot through clary? maybe it’s just me. also, you have to commend how alec thinks on his feet. i mean who’d have thought to nail an arrow through the wall to kill that vamp.
‘i killed him.’ ‘he was already dead.’ THAT’S STILL MURDER JACE! that’s what i don’t like about the shadow hunters, and it’s not just jace too. they all think that downworlders are somehow lesser beings because of their blood, but im guessing that most of them didn’t ask to be vamps or werewolves or warlocks and most shadowhunters (i.e. jace) were brought up to believe that blood somehow makes you a lesser being. that’s what i hate about shadow hunter society. but clary? she just falls into the same beliefs despite her father figure being a werewolf and her best friend being a vampire. she’s introduced to this world of angels and demons, she sees the discrimination that occurs and is silent about it, until simon becomes a vamp. reason #14 as to why i dislike clary
im sorry, but i laughed so hard when clary said, ‘thanks, but it’s not about me.’ for the record, alec had to save her from that vampire and the second one had already been punched to the floor by jace. also my tol bean is just standing in the back, waiting for this shitstorm of a mission to be over.
simon keeps punching the wrong people man. stop messing with raphael. also i love how raphael keeps thinking of the long game. camille is going to endanger the whole clan with the way she keeps breaking the accords and antagonising the clave. for non-book stans, raphael doesn’t particularly care about...well, anyone. except his clan. he cares about his own vampires, protects them like they’re his family and that’s only part of the reason why i love raph. the other reason is that his annoyance with other people is really funny for me.
i know the scene of the 3.5 shadowhunters walking in sync is meant to be like this cool badass scene, but i can’t help laughing at how they’re all dressed in black and izzy’s in this hot pink mini dress. we stan one queen.
watching climon is physically painful for me. i hate unreciprocated love.
watching jace and alec fight is physically painful for me. i hate family conflict
izzy just walks away, which is such a youngest sibling thing to do.
‘i’m older than you jace. i’m not in your shadow.’ aaaaaaaaaa my baby, noooo
‘if you really feel that way about her, why’d you help us tonight?’ JACE, YOU ACTUAL MORON. now that that’s out of my system, he is such a moron. first of all, if that mission went south, that would all have been on alec. this episode actually had me start disliking jace. in his race to help clary, he’s undervaluing the role alec plays in saving their asses. sure, alec’s not the strongest, or the fastest, or the fiercest. but when the clave comes down to rip them a new one, jace can’t save them. shadowhunters, just like police officers, have to follow the law. they have to think objectively and so far, alec’s the only one who’s been doing that. jace can fight vampires and demons all day, but he can’t fight the clave.
well, that episode was a hot mess. numero 4 coming up soon.
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ralfstrashcan · 4 years
thoughts on the older sh generation (maryse, robert, luke, jocelyn, valentine, jia, imogen, etc)
In short: They all suck hahaha. Kidding!! (Or am I???)
Maryse. For this I wanna differentiate between Good!Maryse and Bad!Maryse. I have a lot of appreciation for Bad!Maryse because she’s a greatly balanced character, calculating, cunning, a true opportunist and dipping into emotional abuse/manipulation (though I honestly don’t think she does it intentionally).I very begrudgingly tolerate Good!Maryse. I don’t hate her redeemed state per se, but I roll my eyes whenever she’s on screen and it has everything to do with her ‘redemption’ that happened in one second and off-screen. I’m all for a character seeing the error of their ways and becoming the best version of themselves but you have to work for that and the show didn’t. Instead of showing her struggle, of showing the hardships a redemption brings, two steps forward and one step back, the glacially slow improvement of the relationship between Maryse and all the people she wronged (her children and especially Magnus) the show opted for instant forgiveness and family feels from everyone involved. And it pisses me off so much. So everytime goody two-heels Maryse makes an appearance, declares her love for Magnus and has the audacity to lead him to the altar (when this was clearly Cat’s place!!) I’m reminded of the disappointingly cheap 'character development’ we got and rage XD
Robert. What is there to say about Robert except that he’s disappointingly wasted potential in human shape? He was surprisingly supportive of Malec after 1x12, he wanted to ‘talk Maryse around’ and instead of exploring this potential of him being the supportive and less racist parent, the one with an actual cordial relationship with Izzy and exploring the family drama that ensues when he cheats, the show pushed him aside and made him a weak-spined tool that’s good for nothing. So yeah, Robert can get lost since he’s a waste of everyone’s time.
Luke. Oh yeah, my man Luke. I have a lot of fondness for Luke because he’s the cool dad friend and a cool cop. But boy does he lack common sense sometimes haha. It’s infuriating. Always sticking his fingers into weird substances instead of, idk, using his werewolf senses. He used his pack as a personal army to defend his interests (aka supporting the shadowhunters) and it’s why they cancelled him (and rightly so). He pointlessly wanted to get framed for Heidi’s massacre and gives shit advice (Maia: How do I tell people what to do when I can’t get my own life to make sense? - Luke: You’ll figure that part out.). But he’s the dad. I love his energy and the way he emotionally supports Clary and Simon and Jace and kicks ass (whenever the plot allows it, lol).
Jocelyn. Wait, did I say Robert is a waste of everyone’s time? I take it back. Jocelyn is the real waste of everyone’s time. She’s so annoying. Never gives any relevant information, is self-righteous to a degree that makes me sick, and freakin unteachable. The only good thing she ever did was leave the Circle and love Clary. But apart form that she’s constantly getting on my nerves with her pathos. Ngl I cheered when she died. *Lorenzo voice* Goodbye and good riddance.
Valentine. He’s pretty good at influencing and manipulating people, considering the fact that the only thing he has to offer is fanatism, home-cooked spaghetti and emotional abuse. I mean, why does anyone follow him? He’s supposed to be so charismatic but… I have yet to see something that convinces me. Don’t get me wrong, I love Alan van Sprang’s acting but the actions of the characters and how people react to him don’t line up at all. Anyway, as a character Valentine makes a decent villain. He’s brute force instead of refined elegance but we can’t all be Asmodeus, right?
Jia. Ugh, honestly I don’t know. I did like her up to the end of 3A because I felt she was stern but just. After that I was not so sure anymore. For example that deal she tried to strike with Iris? Shady as shit. And to this day I’m not entirely sure she didn’t know about Aldertree’s little undownworldering-downworlders-program. She does make a good politician though, I guess. I like her vibe but I’m not sure about her morality.
Imogen. *sigh* Talk about a character who could have SO EASILY EVADED HER DEMISE. Honestly. First aid first, then fire message sending. It’s not that hard. I just… smh. You get no sympathy from me, Imogen. Apart form that she’s a hypocritical hardass, pretends to care about justice but really just cares about favoritism. And her “It’s the Herondale in you” spiel is so ridiculous XD XD I mean, points for comedy?! The only thing that really works in her favor is that she’s the only character who actually looked better after a haircut. (Underhill weeps in the background. Speaking of which!)
Underhill. He’s a nice fella. Finally someone who appreciates the work Alec does as Head of the Institute. Even though he was occasionally misused as a plot device (to bait cheating angst in 3x06, to appear anti-Magnus in 3x15) there was always an acceptable explanation for his behavior so I didn’t have to resort to hating him. He really started growing on me when I included him as a background character in a few of my fics. He’s a gentleman and a true friend and I adore him.
Hodge. I’m kinda fond of Hodge even though he turns out to be a traitor. Tbh I never really got why he did that? He didn’t strike me as super anti-Downworlder so the only explanation I see is revenge on the Clave and I mean, supporting genocide just to get personal revenge? Talk about a shit morality. And how could he betray the Lightwood kids like that? He helped raise them, dammit. Can I just pretend there’s an alternate timeline where he didn’t betray them and is the cool uncle friend? Thanks.
Aldertree. Lovely as a character, despicable as a person. He’s so sleek and slimy that it’s a delight to see him act and even more delightful to see him be put in his place by Alec
Lydia. She’s not strictly part of the older sh generation but a) I headcanon her to be a few years older than Alec, what with her position as Clave Envoy and already having been married so that has to be enough because b) how could I pass up this opportunity to proclaim my love for her?? She’s a wonderful character, steadfast in spite of her less than ideal situation and her ensuing resignation. She still tries to be just and good and fight for what is right. I’m forever robbed that she just disappeared, never to be seen again during S2.
Did I forget anyone??
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The Bodyguard - Chapter 7
Summary: Magnus is a dancing popstar sensation whose popularity continues to climb. Alec, an ex-Secret Service agent, is hired on as a professional bodyguard in charge of Mr. Bane’s personal security by insistence of Magnus’ manager. Despite their initial differences, Magnus finds himself falling for Alec the more time they spend getting to know each other and relies on him for more than physical security as his safety gets threatened. Loosely based on the 1992 film The Bodyguard.
Rating: M
Genre: AU, Everyone is Human AU, Celebrity!Magnus, Bodyguard!Alec, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Friendship, Romance, Eventual Smut, Mutual Pining
Author: holdyourbreathuntilyouseelight
A/N:You all are so kind and lovely - thank you so much for sticking with me and this story! I adore each of you and appreciate your support more than I can say. We are almost at the 'official' Malec, my friends! Hang in there! 
Click here to read on AO3.
Previous chapters on tumblr: Prologue // Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 // Chapter 6
Alec thought it was strange that, for all the anxious texts he got overnight from both of his siblings, they weren't so responsive once he got back to them.
He knew they lived busy lives, like any young adult trying to make it in the world, but he tried not to feel slighted that they weren't as eager to talk to him now that the drama had passed.
He probably wouldn't have noticed so much, if he wasn't holed up alone in his room trying to entertain himself. He didn't want to invade Magnus' time with Catarina, as he knew, if anyone, she would be the one he opened up to about his trauma the night before. They hadn't seen each other since before the tour started, and Alec knew himself how tough being away from family could be.
Still, crappy hotel TV could only amuse him for so long.
A rapid knock sounded on the door and Alec heaved himself out of his bed to go tell off yet another member of Magnus' team.
"I think that's for you." Magnus called from his spot on the couch, him and Cat having relocated to the main living space.
Alec's face screwed up in confusion. Who the hell would be asking for him specifically? And how would Magnus know?
Shaking his head, figuring he wouldn't know until he answered, he opened the door.
His jaw dropped at the sight before him.
"Surprise!" Izzy squealed, throwing her arms around his neck.
He squeezed her back on reflex, barely registering the motion as he stared in shock at the two people before him.
"Hey, man. Nice perks you get these days, huh?" Jace teased, pulling him into a hug once Izzy released him.
"What… how… what are you guys doing here?" Alec finally managed to ask, releasing Jace to look back and forth between them for answers.
"The 'how' would be my doing." Magnus' teasing voice came, and the siblings all turned to look at him as he made his way over to the trio. "After chatting with your sister so much lately, and the fact that we had a planned few days off between dates, I figured you could use some family time. And I had to meet the famous Isabelle."
Izzy went over and hugged him just as tightly as she had hugged her brother. "It's amazing to meet you, Magnus. Thank you for doing this."
"My pleasure." he promised, moving to greet Jace.
Alec was shaking his head in disbelief. "Magnus. You didn't have to do this."
Magnus moved to his side. "Alexander, I rarely do things I don't want to do." he said, patting his chest affectionately while smiling up at him.
Alec couldn't help but return it warmly, his heart swelling in appreciation and a little something else.
"And they're only here for 24 hours… so let's go make them count, shall we?" Magnus headed back towards the living area. "Cat? You coming?"
Jace turned to Alec and mouthed 'Alexander?'.
Alec pointedly ignored him.
Magnus took the group to an intimate restaurant with an extensive bar where they all shared a booth.
They ordered drinks and appetizers to share and fell into easy conversation.
Magnus and Izzy were chatting animatedly about the outfit she was sporting, to no one's surprise. Catarina excused herself to the ladies' room after the food was cleared away, so Jace took the distractions as an opportunity to turn to Alec, a sly smirk forming on his face.
"Don't start." Alec said before he could even open his mouth, and Jace laughed.
"Don't start what, Alexander?" Jace teased.
Alec rolled his eyes. "Trust me, I tried to convince him otherwise, but the argument got old. The more I corrected him, the more he did it, so I finally gave up."
"Fair enough. How did your talk about last night go?"
"Well, we really didn't delve into too much. Ended up doing other stuff."
"Other stuff?" Jace said, eyebrows in his hairline, and Alec glanced at Magnus and Izzy, who were entirely unaware there was anyone else at the table.
"Not that. Get your mind out of the gutter. We just watched ridiculous YouTube videos and talked about lighter stuff." Alec explained.
Jace let his eyes flicker over to Magnus before settling back on his brother. "So, are you planning on telling him you're in love with him?"
"Jace!" Alec hissed, kicking him under the table, eyes wild as he checked to make sure the other two hadn't overheard even though they were speaking quietly and the other two were very clearly invested in discussion about Izzy's accessories.
"What? It's a valid question. I'm your best friend and brother, Alec. I know you. I see the way you look at him."
"Look, it's not… Just, drop it, please?"
Before Jace could argue, Catarina returned to the table.
She took a long drink from her glass and grimaced. "Ugh. Anyone else's drink weak as hell?"
"Now, Catarina, we don't want to get sloppy this early in the night, do we?" Magnus said, finally pulling himself out of his conversation with Izzy.
"Speak for yourself." she replied with a grin.
He chuckled. "Our drunken adventures are always something to remember… or not remember."
"I'm up for hearing about the ones you do remember." Jace interjected, taking a swig of his beer.
"I second that." Izzy said.
"Don't you two go getting ideas." Alec groaned. "I am too old to be your chaperone anymore."
"You literally get paid to be a chaperone for a living!" Jace teased.
"Touché." he grumbled in return. "Does that mean you two will finally pay me for my services?"
"Not if it means I have to give you up. I'm not very good at sharing." Magnus said, locking eyes with Alec as he smirked slyly.
Alec chewed his tongue, trying to contain the smile threatening to cover his face. He didn't want to give Magnus the satisfaction of seeing his amusement.
"I'm sure there's enough of me to go around."
"Oh I don't doubt it. You certainly appear sizeable to me."
Alec rubbed his forehead. "Magnus…"
"Don't worry, Alec. I'm used to him." Catarina said supportively, patting his hand.
"Well these two aren't." Alec said, jerking his head to indicate his siblings.
Magnus laughed. "I'll admit – I'm an acquired taste."
"Alec seems to like the taste of you just fine." Izzy piped up with a devilish grin, and Alec nearly slammed his head on the table.
"You should've known getting the two of them together would be dangerous." Jace added helpfully.
"But oh so much fun for us." Magnus teased, clinking his glass with Izzy's as Alec silently begged the floor to swallow him whole.
Magnus managed to convince Catarina to go dance with him by the stereo system, despite no one else getting up or there being an actual designated dance floor. It was an attest to Magnus' power of persuasion that she followed his lead and danced alongside him.
Alec was happy to see him enjoying himself with his best friend, but the immediate mischievous look in his sister's big eyes made him regret their departure.
"So Alec…"
Alec sighed. "Not you too, Iz."
She raised an eyebrow at him. "I should be automatically given a pass to tease when you kept it under wraps that you had feelings for him. I asked you before if you did and you said no!"
"No, you asked me if there was anything going on and I said no, because there wasn't. Isn't." he corrected quickly.
"But you want there to be?" Jace prodded.
"I… Look, he's my client. No matter what I feel, I can't go there. Plus he's a famous celebrity – I doubt he wants to slum it with me."
"No, I mean it. He can have anybody he wants. People throw themselves at his feet on a regular basis. He has much better options, trust me. We may be becoming friends but he's not going to see me that way."
Izzy reached across the table to squeeze his hand. "Alec, I think he already does. He talks to me about you all the time, and I don't think it's just because you're common ground between us. You don't see the way he looks at you when you're not paying attention."
"You're seeing things."
Before the pair of siblings could continue trying to convince his denial away, the other two came back over.
Magnus slid into the seat next to Alec. "I just ordered a double round of shots, so get ready. Time to make some new memories."
"What happened to not wanting to get sloppy?" Jace asked amusedly.
"I have to catch the red eye tonight and I don't want to be anywhere near sober for that. I hate flying. I wish I could teleport." Catarina said.
"Our flight isn't until morning but I'm good with sleeping a hangover off on the plane." Izzy said, accepting the shot glass from the tray as the server came around.
"Alec, don't be shy." Magnus said, passing him one when he didn't immediately reach for the drink.
Alec took it from him and knocked back the liquid in one gulp. It didn't burn like he expected it to – it was actually quite smooth.
"I love a man who swallows." Magnus flirted without missing a beat.
Alec flushed, wishing it was warmer in the restaurant so he could blame it on that, while Magnus laughed and rubbed his back comfortingly.
"I'd say I'm only teasing, but, to be fair, it was a true statement. But I do promise I'm not trying to embarrass you." Magnus told him quietly.
Alec unconsciously leaned into his touch, and Magnus left his hand rubbing circles at the bottom of his spine.
"If it wasn't you, it'd be Izzy. I'm fine." he promised.
"Good. Are you having a good time?" Magnus asked while the others got lost in their own conversation about terrible flight stories.
"Definitely. What about you? After everything last night—"
Magnus put a hand up to stop him. "It's just what I need. A positive distraction. The timing couldn't have been more perfect. I had planned this with Izzy weeks ago, knowing this would be a proper day off after the benefit was done, but I hadn't had any clue then that last night would turn out the way it did."
"And you kept your plans from me all that time?"
Magnus smiled smugly, obviously pleased with himself for his power of secret keeping. "Well, I figured I owed you. About time I did something for you."
"Magnus, you do not owe me for doing my job. I'm only doing what I was hired to do." Alec reminded him.
"You know you've gone above and beyond for me, especially the last few days alone. I know I put up a fuss at first, but I do feel much safer knowing I have you."
Alec smiled, reaching over to squeeze Magnus' hand. "I was so reluctant to take this job in the beginning but now, well, there's nowhere I'd rather be."
Magnus' brilliant returning smile made his stomach flip.
Magnus looked away for a moment to grab another two shots off the table, and he passed one to Alec.
"To overcoming adversities?" Alec prompted, holding his glass out.
Magnus clinked his against it. "To us." he corrected before tossing it back.
Alec could barely contain a smile as he followed suit and swallowed the drink in full.
Magnus' eyes scanned the room and widened in excitement.
"Alexander. Fancy a game of pool?"
Alec glanced at his siblings but they were engrossed in Catarina's retelling of ridiculous horror stories from the ER, so he felt they wouldn't be missed.
"Let's do it."
Magnus led the way, passing Alec a pool cue then racking up the balls in the center of the table.
"Do you want to break?"
Alec chalked up the end of his cue.
"Nah, you go ahead."
Magnus clacked the balls together with a good level of strength, sending them apart in various directions.
He lined up his cue and knocked two solids into holes before getting one just shy of a corner pocket. He nodded to Alec to indicate it was his turn.
Alec stepped up to the table and proceeded to pocket four balls in succession without batting an eye.
Magnus' jaw dropped. "Alec, are you hustling me?"
Alec grinned, shrugging innocently.
Jace walked by at that point, heading to the bar for a refill, and snickered at the incredulous look on Magnus' face.
"I see Alec failed to mention he used to make money playing pool."
"Oddly, yes." Magnus said, shooting daggers at Alec while he laughed and lined up another shot.
Jace chuckled. "A way of making extra cash in college. He's always been good at angles and precision. He probably never told you he's a national champion at archery. Started in boarding school. Got first in every competition then took it further until he was winning trophies left and right."
"Okay, Jace, that's enough of a history lesson." Alec told him.
Jace grinned at him. "Gotta share my brotherly pride with anyone who will listen."
Alec shoved him playfully on his way, grinning at him in return, before turning back to their game.
Magnus sunk two more balls during his turn and grumbled when he missed the third.
"You're good, you know. Not as good as me but…" Alec said teasingly, knowing full well how competitive Magnus was.
Sure enough, he took the bait immediately.
"If you're so talented, why don't you come over here and show me how it's done?" Magnus asked, fire in his eyes.
Alec swallowed and came around to his side of the table. He was competitive too—he wasn't going to back down from a direct challenge.
"Line up your shot. Try to think ahead of what exact path you want the ball to follow, keeping in mind that where the second set of balls hit together should be equal in strength to if you were hitting it with your cue alone." Alec told him, his voice huskier than he planned.
Magnus seemed to notice, if the darkening of his eyes was any indicator.
Alec moved behind him, draping his body over his in order to mirror Magnus' position. He placed a hand on Magnus' hip and his other arm slid to cover his up to his wrist. He adjusted the angle of his arm slightly, slipping back to change the cue's position, and pressed his front flat against Magnus' back in order to see his line of sight to the best of his ability.
"Now. Not too hard. You want to pull back but pour your strength into the jab at the end, not the full motion." Alec instructed, breath hitting the back of his ear as he whispered. He imitated the motion, always stopping right before the cue made contact, and it forced him to press even closer to see the stretched position through.
Magnus shivered in his hold, and Alec tried not to feel triumphant.
He finally moved Magnus' cue with him, cracking the ball against the stick with measured strength and it bounced off one and then another, both rolling into their designated holes.
"Perfect." Alec murmured, finally releasing him and stepping back.
Magnus turned to look at him, licking his lips. "You're a good teacher."
Alec noted his voice was lower too.
His eyes watched Magnus' tongue's movement, wishing it was his own getting to explore the softness.
"We should… we should get back to the others." Alec finally said, knowing if they didn't get themselves around witnesses soon, he was going to do something stupid like pin Magnus to the table and kiss the breath from his mouth.
"Good idea." Magnus said, his playful gaze indicating he knew exactly where Alec's mind went.
Alec followed him back to the table, hoping his indecent thoughts were at least hidden from their company.
The rest of the night went well, ending much later than Alec had originally anticipated.
He was definitely the soberest of the four as they walked through downtown LA. Catarina had to leave earlier than the rest to catch her flight, and all of them had been sad to see her go.
Naturally, Magnus was the drunkest even when Catarina was in the running, so Alec had his arm around his waist to keep him walking in as straight of a line as an attached duo could move.
"Alexander, will you carry me like you did the other night? I'm so tired." Magnus whined.
Alec pointedly ignored his siblings' gazes as he scooped Magnus up bridal-style without a word.
Magnus immediately clung to him, snuggling into his chest. "You smell so good."
Alec could hear Jace and Izzy giggling to themselves a few paces back, and he knew from many years of experience that it was at his expense. He wasn't helping dispute their delusions about Magnus' feelings for him by having the drunk man in his arms in such a traditionally romantic way.
"Boys, I have an idea. Rather than waste money on an extra room when we get back to the hotel… you two have a double bedroom in your suite, right? There's no reason we can't all take advantage of the beautiful suite you have."
"But Iz, how would we divide up the beds? All three of us can't fit in one." Jace asked in painfully fake curiosity, and if Magnus wasn't super drunk, Alec knew he would've been able to read the extremely poor acting on his brother's part for pretending like that thought had just occurred to him.
"Well, I figure you and I can share… and Alec and Magnus! After all, the closer Alec is to Magnus, the better. For safety." Izzy said mischievously.
Alec glared at her over his shoulder.
"Sounds perfect to me." Magnus mumbled. "I like sleeping in your arms."
Alec felt his skin redden for the second time that night, and he tried not to panic at how Magnus would know that. Was the reason he was instinctively searching for Magnus in bed that morning because they somehow ended up spooning? Did his heart rule his body when he was sleeping?
He was grateful that Magnus spoke softly enough that the other two hadn't overheard that last bit.
Once they got to the hotel, Alec shifted Magnus in his arms to hit the elevator button.
"Is he asleep?" Jace asked amusedly.
Alec looked down and saw that Magnus' eyes were closed and his chest was rising and falling in even breaths.
A tender smile slipped out without him meaning to.
"So it seems. He's never this quiet otherwise."
Izzy was smiling knowingly at him when he looked up, and he rolled his eyes at her in response. He was not going to bite at her teasing for her satisfaction.
They got back to their hotel suite and separated so Jace and Izzy could grab their luggage from the living room and Alec could place Magnus on the bed.
He came back out to make sure the other two didn't need anything further.
"Smart – taking the bigger bed. You might need that extra space." Izzy teased, ruffling Alec's hair before slipping into the bedroom that usually would be Alec's. "Jace, I know I signed up for this, but you better have cut your toenails this time!"
"Hey! You better keep your kicks to yourself or you're sleeping on the floor!" Jace argued back.
He chanced a glance at Alec and then moved to close the door until it was just about shut.
"Hey. If this is too much, I can sleep on the couch and you can share with Izzy."
Alec forced a smile. "Thanks, Jace. It's all right. We're just going to sleep."
"All right. You know where I am if you change your mind." Jace said, clapping him on the shoulder before heading into his assigned room.
Alec slipped into the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. Seeing Magnus' makeup wipes, he sighed and gathered what he needed before returning to his now-shared room with Magnus.
Magnus was still sleeping, hugging a pillow to his chest now, and Alec felt bad waking him. But he knew that Magnus would regret not taking his makeup off in the morning.
He nudged Magnus gently, pulling the pillow away, and Magnus grumbled.
"I'm sleepy." he pouted.
"I know. But I need to get your makeup off. Can you just tilt your face up for me? Please?"
Magnus acquiesced, blinking up at him, eyebrows furrowing. Alec got to work wiping away the colours, Magnus closing his eyes so he could take off his eyeliner and shadow. Thankfully, it only took a couple minutes and then he was clean.
"I know you're tired, but do you want to go to the bathroom or anything before sleeping?"
"Mm… maybe."
Alec chuckled. "All right. Come on. Let's go."
He guided Magnus to the bathroom, arm wound around his waist, and left him to do his thing. The bathroom was en-suite so if Magnus needed him, all he had to do was shout.
Alec undressed until he was in just his boxers and a t-shirt and he jumped in surprise when he turned around to find Magnus standing there staring at him.
"You're so hot."
Alec's usual porcelain skin flushed a bright red once again, and he cursed his reactive blood vessels.
"Uh, are-are you ready for bed?"
"Mm, yeah. Just gotta change."
"Okay, should I—"
Before he could finish his sentence, Magnus had started unbuttoning his pants and kicked them off his legs. He tried to undo his dress shirt but the buttons were too numerous and complicated for his uncoordinated fingers so Alec crossed the room to help him.
Magnus' eyes never left Alec's deft fingers as they unlooped the buttons from their fabric prisons.
Once unbuttoned, Alec pushed the fabric off of his shoulders and let it drop to the floor.
He had to swallow. Magnus was currently wearing very little clothing and was standing very close to him.
Magnus reached up to stroke a hand down Alec's chest, watching its movement. "Thank you for your help, Alexander."
Alec nodded, not trusting himself to speak. He took Magnus' wandering hand and led him to bed, helping him climb under the covers on his side before moving to his own and climbing in.
Magnus immediately scooted over and cuddled up to his side, tucking his head into Alec's shoulder and throwing a leg over Alec's thigh to slip between his.
"Uh, what are you… is this comfortable for you?" Alec asked instead.
Magnus sighed happily, nuzzling his cheek against Alec's pec. "Very. This okay?"
"Uh, yeah, yes. All good."
Alec felt Magnus' smile against his skin, and his hand automatically moved to stroke through his hair. He expected to be met with a lot of product but it was actually quite soft and flitted through his fingers easily.
Magnus fell back to sleep quickly, but Alec lay awake, wondering if he wasn't wrong to hope his siblings were right about the two of them. Because one thing was for sure—Alec was falling hard and fast for Magnus Bane.
* * * * *
Continue to Chapter 8
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Bambi-eyed Beauty And The Beast
This is for @clockwork-baroness for being a literal ray of sunshine! Love you Val, 😘. And beta read by @my-archerboy. Jess, you're an Angel. I swear, Raziel's got nothing on you. So, here it is. Also, every feedback is highly welcome and appreciated.
“Ugh, why did I say yes to this trip again? Wait, I didn’t. Why? Oh that’s right, because no one bothered to ask me!” Alec was talking out loud, to no human in particular.
Yes, hiding away from his family and friends was not the bravest move, or probably even the right one, but as Izzy liked to say, ‘Heavy is the head that wears the crown’, or in his case, ‘a thorn crown of crippling anxiety, and panic attacks, and fear of social interactions’.
But this weekend, well this weekend had been his personal serving of torture, straight from hell. Last week his parents told him that he and his three siblings would be joining them at the office retreat for their firm. And there had been no room for arguments. Also, his parents wanted him to ‘network’ as much as he could, so that he could lay the groundwork for once he became a lawyer, inevitably in their opinion. He’s the eldest, it made sense to them that he will join their firm when he grew up, and his personal choices didn’t matter.
Also, he was mostly sure Mr. Branwell’s daughter Lydia wanted to go out with him. She kept on smiling at him, and blushing whenever he talked to her, and she even asked if he wanted to go see the fountain with her. THE fountain! In the LOVERS' Quarry! 
 So, that’s why he was at the barn. Animals didn’t ask questions about his life, or his grades, or the fact that he’s so gay it’s painful to watch. Animals would just be there for you, in their way, with cuddles, and licks and every game of fetch you might want to play with them. April Ludgate was right, animals should be rewarded for not being people.
And cows, cows were THE best animal out there in Alec’s humble opinion. They’re moos were adorable, and they were always jabbering, and it’s like they’re just looking at you with so much love with their big eyes! Alec could melt every time they looked at him. 
And Jace, Jace didn’t like cows!
“Who doesn’t like you guys?! That is pure madness!” Alec was petting his favourite cow out of all of the ones at the barn, a white cow with a black patch of fur around her throat, named Madzie. “You guys give so much to us, and all you want in return is a little love, why is that so hard for people to understand? You know, if he wasn’t my brother, I would’ve unfriended him.”
Alec continued his rambling to the oblivious animal. “You know, when I grow up; I want to be a veterinarian. I want to spend as much time as I can with you guys. I want to help you guys get better if you get sick, and I want to show people that you guys have so much more love to give than they give you credit for.”
“But that probably won’t happen,'' he sighed. “See, my parents want me to be a lawyer, like them, so I can join ‘The Family Business’” he air quoted, and then continued petting the animal who now simply stared at him with big eyes.
“And I want to say no, I want to follow my heart. But one of us has to listen to them. Izzy wants to be a forensic scientist, and I’m pretty sure they would rather be disbarred from being lawyers than tell people that their daughter works with cadavers, even though she is the most intelligent person I know and being a forensic scientist is so cool. Jace wants to be a police officer, and according to my parents, adopted or not, no child of theirs is getting a job as low as a public servant, even though the police do so much amazing work. And Max, well Max wants to be an artist. He wants to go to the Brooklyn Academy of Arts and be a comic artist. I’m pretty sure they’re gonna faint when he tells them that.”
“So that’s why I have to be a lawyer, and join their firm, and manage it one day, so that my siblings can follow their dreams. They deserve it, you know. I’m sure I can manage being a lawyer; it’s them I’m worried about. Izzy and Jace, they have so much passion, they should follow their dreams. And Max- Max deserves the whole world.” Madzie mooed at that, making Alec smile.
“You’re right, I’m not worried about that, I know I’ll get my parents off their backs if I become a lawyer. I’m worried about Lydia, well, actually, I’m worried about how to tell my parents that I don’t like Lydia, or any other girls for that matter. I’m gay! Oh God, they will disown me! And then who will look after Jace, Izzy and Max? And I can’t tell them about this, they try, but it’s not like they are gay too, and no matter how much you try, supporting something and going through it are two different things. And I have never met anyone else like me, I mean I watched them on TV and on the internet, but that was it.”
Alec remembered the first time he saw Ellen coming out, he cried the entire time, and Izzy and Jace just sat with him, Max didn’t quite understand what was going on, but he hugged Alec tight and told him he loved him. Alec had never been more proud to call them siblings as he had been in that moment. 
He remembered suddenly, and looked at Madzie, excitement shining through his hazel eyes, “Did you know my great-aunt Anna was gay? You know, I read about her secretly. She was badass!” Alec’s eyes shone with reverence and awe.
“She was this amazing woman who identified as non-binary, even so many years ago. And she wore these awesome suits! I don’t know much. I just know that she fell in love with this woman, Ariadne Bridgestock.” Alec then stopped talking, because he knew the end of the story, and it was heartbreaking.
“What happened next?”
Alec turned his head around so fast, it’s a miracle he didn’t get whiplash. In his defence, he was pretty sure that he was alone in the cow shed, so unless the animals started speaking in English, there was someone else with him there. And, he was ready to face the intruder with the martial arts training his parents insisted on. But then he saw his face and...
Alec.exe stopped working.
The stranger had the most beautiful eyes Alec had ever seen, warm chocolate brown irises with specks of gold, amber and black sprinkled in it, and those beautiful eyes were framed by gold eyeliner, perfectly winged at the end, with purple eyeshadow, and gold glitter shining along his cheekbones. And wow, his cheekbones! And his outfit! Alec had seen Izzy wear many outrageous outfits, much to his parents’ chagrin, and she wore them with the same charisma she did any other task with, but Alec was sure not even Izzy could pull this outfit off. Black leather pants that looked like someone painted them on, a dark purple silk shirt, with a periwinkle velvet vest, and there were so many necklaces! How could someone wear so much stuff and carry them so amaz...wait was that A PURPLE STREAK IN HIS HAIR?!
“Holy shit you’re beautiful!” Damn it, he did not just say those words out loud! Stupid brain! Great, now he seemed like an idiot.
“Why thank you Darling! I’m very flattered.”
He didn’t think it was weird! Oh, that’s a relief! Wait, what was he doing here again?
“What happened to Anna and Ariadne?”
Alec tried. He really tried. He tried to ask what that amazing glittery boy was doing here.
But all he could manage was, “Wha-?”
“Your great-aunt Anna. You said she fell in love with Ariadne. What happened to them?”
Finally, Alec got his brain back on track. “Wait, who are you? And, and um what exactly are you doing here?”
To his credit the stranger looked a little embarrassed. He waved his hand around and, oh wow he was wearing so many rings, his hands looked so beautiful!
“I’m so sorry” the stranger smiled sheepishly, “I’m Magnus, Magnus Bane. My friend Raphael’s parents own this farm. I’m just visiting for the weekend, and you are?”
“Lightwood.  Alexander. Alexander Lightwood. Alec. Just Alec is fine. I’m gonna stop rambling.” Alec was sure he was red by now, because of embarrassment or blush, he wasn’t sure.
The stranger, no wait, Magnus, just smiled fondly and his eyes sparkled. “Well Alexander, now that we know each other, mind sharing with me what happened in Anna and Ariadne’s story?”
“Oh, it was really sad. They wanted to spend their life together, but Ariadne’s parents married her off with the son of their family friend, Charles Fairchild, and he then took her to his home in France. Anna lived alone, until the day she died. She was only 56.”
“That’s really sad. I hope she was happy in her last days.” Magnus looked forlorn. Alec reciprocated his feelings, after all, Anna was brave enough to pursue her true self, and Alec didn’t have that bravery, which made him appreciate her even more.
The large clock in the clock tower opposite to the barn announced the time loudly, startling both of them; apparently it was time for dinner. Alec found that he didn’t want to leave Magnus’ company just yet.
Which was great because what Magnus said next sent butterflies fluttering in Alec’s stomach.
“You’re wrong you know. You should listen to your heart and go for it. Something tells me you’ll be a good vet. And, by the way, you did meet me, so now you’ve met someone like yourself. Well at least partially, seeing as I’m bi. See you around Alexander.” Magnus sent him a glittery wink and left leaving Alec gaping on the spot, red from head to toe.
Maybe this weekend trip wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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cartooness · 5 years
Sum Masonder Stuff part 82 or something lol
Okay, so. Lavender Grey and Mason Adalbert are both huge dorks. They are. And they're in love and it's beautiful. So, here are some dialogues I've made up for them haha.
Lav, jokingly,- You look like a cheeto.
Mason- Well at least I'm flaming hot then!
Lav, staring at Mason, admiring him with so much love- You're gorgeous. <3
Lav, red as a strawberry,- O///////O thanks.
*proceeds to hold him tight under the blankets*
Lav- I love all of you <3
Mason- You do??? :')
Lav- Of course I do! I love you here *pecks his forehead* and here *pecks his cheek* and here *this goes on for a while lmao*
••Like almost an hour later••
Lav, very smitten,- Does that answer your question?
Mason, malfunctioning due to the amount of love,- Yeah. My turn.
Lav- Heh.
Mason- *does the exact same thing*
Lav- Button?
Mason- Lovely?
Lav- >///< sorry I just. Love my pet name so much.
Mason- Well it's true! You ARE lovely! *hugs her and kisses the corner of her mouth*
Lav- Aww, thanks n///n
Lav- Button. I'm cold. Are you?
Mason- Yeah, kinda.
Lav- Wait I'll get us a blanket. *uses magic to levitate a blanket towards them*
Mason- Also my heart is cold. Can you warm it up owo??
Lav- *adjusts blankey, then snuggles up close to him.* Of course. <3
Mason- Can I kiss you please?
Lav- Okay.
Mason- *kisses her hands*
Lav- Ò/////Ó *SPUTTER*
Mason- ÒwÓ
Lav- Hmph. My turn. *holds his face and kisses him rather passionately*
Mason, a few minutes later,- Ò////Ó
Lav- ÒwÓ
Mason- Lav is like a basket.
Travis- Explain.
Mason- She holds me.
Lav- *is carrying him bridal style* uwu
Mason- !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Decan- She's been like this for an hour. I'm scared. Do you think you know what happened?
Mason- ...catnip.....
Decan- Wha?
Mason- *sigh* Okay so, Jace invited Lav and I to the animal shelter he works at and she was playing with all the cats, which was absolutely ADORABLE, and SOMEHOW, SHE FOUND CATNIP, SNIFFED IT, AND NOW SHE'S HIGH OR SOMETHING!!! Is it because she has cat like qualities????
Decan- She. Got high. Off of catnip??
Lav, delirious,- HELL YEAH I DID!!! *goes back to the floor*
Decan- I'll carry her to her room. *sigh*
((This was so stupid fhdhgsfhah))
Mason- Your eyes sparkle like the ocean~♡
Lav- My eyes are brown?
Mason- Your eyes sparkle like the Hudson River?
Lav- Button, can we cuddle please?
Mason- Of course!
*cuddle each other*
Lav- *snuggles up real close*
You're such a wonderful human being, you know that? You're so compassionate about others, even when you've had a rocky past, you listen to others and what they have to say, and you're never angry like, ever. It's really rare to find people like that.
Mason-.... well, I'd say you're not so bad yourself. First of all, you're like. The most powerful human to ever exist, and that's really saying something, and from what I've been told, you escaped from your childhood hell and actually made it here, and by the luck of the all mighty universe, found a family to call your own. And the trauma? You have a super strong support system AND you're a natural born fighter.  Not to mention, you are like, SO smart about so many different things. It's amazing. And you're so, so sweet and passionate about so many people and things you love and care about. Falling in love with you was the best thing that's ever happened to me. *realizes what he just said*
Lav- *blushing like crazy* you... fell in love.... with me?
Mason- Yes! I have! I've fallen and I can't get up! You're, just, so smart, so passionate, so strong, not to mention you're absolutely GORGEOUS in every sense of the word, how could I not fall in love with you! I love you! So much!
... I love you too. Jesus, I am so in love with you I literally can't put it into words. You are such a wonderful, kind, handsome, absolutely adorable human being, all around the absolute love of my life. *holds his face*
Lav- And I think I want to kiss you until I can't feel my face anymore. You?
Mason *blushing* - Yes please.
And then they’re hardcore making out, and by that I mean they're in a mad lip lock while hands are entangled in hair and/or holding the others face. This goes on for a while lmao.
~~About like 7 minutes later~~
Lav- *breathless and very lovestruck*
Mason- *Also very breathless and very lovestruck*  So... my love, how'd I do?
Lav- Well, darling, I think you've really outdone yourself~
And then they’re snuggled up into each other, once again, enjoying the moment. <3 ((they're so cute ahhhhh))
Ok so, I like to think Mason would definitely have yearning sessions with Kyle because they would. So this was right before lav and mason got like, together together.
Kyle- You ever just have the need to like. Cuddle up with someone. And hold them close.
Mason, in a proper yearning mood,- Ugh, YES. Don't judge please, but you know Lavender?
Kyle- Yeah. We see each other every day, and she made me pride pins. That was really kind of her.
Mason- .... I would love to hold her tight and just. Snuggle up with her all day. Yeah, that sounds wonderful.... -///-
Kyle- OOOH! YOU LIKE HER!!!! ~~~
Mason- Heh!? Wha.... maybe!!! I don't have to tell you!!! *hiding his face*
Kyle- My dude, it's okay! I mean, she's nice and stuff, you guys are already giod friends, so it's not like there'd be any major problems I guess.
Mason- Well, yeah, but I just don't know if she likes me back! Like, as more than a friend!! I dunno. I'm going to her place tomorrow on Friday, and maybe I'll tell her then. Better to rip the band aid off now when it's fresh or whatever.
Kyle- Ah, ok. Tell me how it goes!! But for now, let's finish Mr. Caps homework.
Mason- Yeah, let's do that.
Ok now here's one with Lavender and her friend Tracy ; )
Lav- Cloudy?
Tracy- Yeah?
L- I like Mason. A lot.
T- Oh, please! You guys are so CUTE! You're always with one another, always enjoying company, and I'm pretty sure those platonic relationship cuddles are flustering you now. Do you get all shy and stuff when you're around him now?
Lav- Wha- yeah? But it used to not be that way!! Hmph. Damn his cute face and his laughter. And his caring touch. And his beautiful smile. He probably tastes sweet as well...
Tracy- >:3 You're head over heels for him!!!!!
T- But what if he does??
Lav- ... but what if he does? *hopeful*
And then they kissed the next day XD
So me and my lovely mutual @ghostly-business came up with these uwu
Did you know Lav's favorite way to hold Mason is by straddling him and snuggling into his chest while holding each other taught? Also he strokes her hair and face as well ((Note- on this blog straddling is never s*xual)) And they're on her bed, with a warm blankey, enjoying the moment :'') They nap/sleep together all the time. For reals. Mason has been in her room more times than he can count lol. They are so cute and fluffy and in love it makes me so soff Lav wears flavored lip balm all the time (like me, currently wearing the flavor strawberry sprinkle :p) , so she likes to kiss him and she'll be all like "What flavor is it? OwO" and he'll either actually guess or be like "Hmmm, I dunno, I need to taste it again ;)" cause he's flirty like that sometimes and they're favorite flavor is root beer. Or he decides to purposely guess something very wrong to mess with her, and guesses things that are inedible like “toothpaste” and they both giggle about it YES. HE WOULD.
"Pft, not even CLOSE to blueberry, Button."
 "I know, I know."
Have you seen Cloudy with a chance of meatballs???
You know that scene where flint and same like, puffed their cheeks up and kissed each other? Big masonder vibes right there :OOOOOOOOOOOOO :D !! I also rly love the jello scrunchie tooo aH
 Honestly they are like, a version of masonder. Exactly, The embodiment of masonder. YES. Also Mason would totally go to like. A peach farm and pick a bunch for lav cause she loves peaches. Mason, one day, on the phone, "Hey lav meet me at my place I have a surprise byeee" Imagine them. Sharing a peach tho, like, they just take a big bite of it at the same time and then give each other the biggest smiles. Y E S.
 I’m. Somft
And she's all like "Ah, nothing beats a near over ripe peach!" Mason, "I think your smile begs to differ" Lav-😶😶😶
 Mason- And you're definitely way sweeter than they'll ever be <33 *pecks her lips*
 I just had a wonderful idea. Lav and Mason, on a fruit farm date, And they have so much fun. There's a bunch of kids there as well, and it's so cute seeing them help the babies reach stuff. Or taking pictures for other families. Yessss love that.
 Imagine they find this weird looking fruit and give it a name like “Fred” or something like that and take a bunch of photos/selfie of said fruit. Y E S. THEY WOULD. I'M LOVE. Mason- LOVELY OMG LOOK AT THIS STRAWBERRY
 Lav- :OOO It looks like a Fred! They name it after Scooby doo’s Fred Jones because it looks similar to him. Like it’s just vaguely Freddy like. And then it's the evening, they have like 2 baskets of various apples and peaches and stuff, and they're sitting under a big tree, Lav's head on his shoulder, and Lav's all like "Mason, I'm going to feed you a strawberry, okay?" "Okay. Ah-" and then she catches his mouth in a kiss and starts passionately kissing him. He's kissing her back as well, and after a minute or two, they depart and he holds her in his lap. The sun is going down, so they head to Mason's house, and they put away all the fruit they didn't already eat, and now they're in his room. Mason lays on his bed, Lav right after. Then they get real close and snuggle into each other. "I love you." "I love you too." And then they drift to sleep.
OK BUT I had this new idea abt the whacky strawberry thing - what if, instead of Fred Jones, the strawberry looked vaguely like Lewis. They call it “Lewis Pepperberry” and the second they show Lewis he’s just:  ಠ_ಠ. Lewis Pepperberry has a very special place in the fridge.
 Oooh! Yay! Lav put a spell on it so it'll never rot.
I’m thinkin the green leaves of the strawberry could be the 2 little tufts of hair on the back of head (hopefully you know what I’m talking abt lol -) Must never let the Pepperberry rot.
 Oh Vivi and Arthur would absolutely LOVE the Pepperberry, they would never let Lewis live it down. They would pepper it in (hehe) to their conversations from time to time and Lewis would always be caught off guard by it. Mystery would find it kinda ridiculous but support it anyways (and maybe put into some of their conversations as well sometimes)
Vivi, after kissing Lewis,- Mm, sweet as a pepper berry~♡
Lewis- Ò////Ò Vivi, darling, Please....
 Oh did I ever tell you lav is strong enough to bridal style carry Mason and she loves to scoop him up and shower his face and jaw with kisses?
“Sometimes our relationship is built by being silly and Lav holding me bridal style and smooching me” - Mason
 Also yes, masonder in a nutshell. Infinite smooches and holding. Along with being huge dorks. Omg.  You know how when moms kiss their newborn babies and they make those little noises while they kiss them 50 times on the same spot of their cheek? This makes little sense, but Lav and Mason kiss each other like that. They like, chose a spot and rapid fire kiss it like 50 times and it makes this little like, noise, IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN LMAOO. I literally can't explain it omg. But they smooch All. The. Time. And Mason is a surprisingly good kisser lol. Lav is almost there XD.
 I think you may be talking about a raspberry (not the fruit, the informal def is: a sound made with the tongue and lips in order to express derision or contempt. It’s like a pbbth sound I think how you’d describe it? I might be wrong so correct me if I am lol) KINDA. Like, it sounds like you're calling for like. A cat. This makes no sense I'm so sorry. It’s alright XD
But they do blow little raspberries on like the neck and stuff to get a laugh out of each other. Awwww.
The night of their wedding. They go to their room it's literally DRENCHED in pillows and blankets and sheets. There's a note from everyone that says "do what you want :p" They build the best pillow fort ever and be cute and cuddle and snuggle. They also try for a baby but that's another story lol
XD I love that tho pillow forts are most certainly their thing. They do it every Friday night and watch a sappy movie too with their favorite beverage. 
I LOVE YOU, YES They're watching Frozen and Lav is belting all the songs as Mason awkwardly dances, he sings along as well. Big cuddle time, Lav is probably laying in or on Mason’s lap, or against his side with her arms wrapped around him and his hand stroking her hair. Yes :'') They always sing along during musicals on Friday night’s it’s a rule that must NEVER be broken. Y E S. (Unless they’re in a theater, that’s the only exception tho) Of course uwu
 :OOO THEY SING BROADWAY TOGETHER. YES. BROADWAY MUSICALS THAT IS. THEY KNOW THE BE MORE CHILL AND MEAN GIRLS MUSICAL BY HEART. Those also happen to be the only musicals I know all the songs of haha. Mason definitely brushes her hair. Lavender has very voluminous hair and it's long and pretty and so much fun to play and style it. He'll blow dry it and brush it for her 100% And then he'll hold her and sleep with her :') I’m listening to a song in Singin in The Rain and I heard the PERFECT masonder quote that I think fits them really well: *it’s raining pretty hard outside* Lav - “Be careful, it’s raining a little harder than usual tonight.”
Mason - “Really? From where I stand the sun is shining all over the place ~”
And then Mason gives a sweet peck to her lips (it’s not the EXACT quote from the movie bc I altered it so it isn’t as specific and could be applied anywhere, but it still followed what was said)
 Awwwwwwwww I love it!!
 I don't deserve my own ocs mgsmgysltsltlstlstlslts
 XD They’re too good for this world. Exactly. They have so, so SO much love for each other.
😍😍😍😍😍 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Constant masonder mood.
And that's what we came up with XD
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Party Frocks and Naughty Knocks
Summary: You had this condition called Multiple Sclerosis which half of the school knew about. This often resulted in you feeling like an outcast. That was until your best friend invites you to a party where you meet someone who knew nothing about you.
Pairing: Jace Wayland x Reader
Warning: Medical condtion and the obvious swearing that accompanies my work.
Word count: 2,883
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It was a typical Friday morning. Also known as the main day in the week that all the students spent wishing the clock hands to move faster. Including you.
Everyone knew you as the girl in the back of the library reading quietly to herself. Only half the time you weren’t reading. You often used that as an excuse to get away from it all.
It’s not like you didn’t enjoy being at school. Learning was the one thing that actually made school bearable and meaningful. It was the stupid things like ‘socialising’ at lunch that killed you off.
Being a well known long term carrier of Multiple Sclerosis by the whole school, you’d often find yourself running off to your ‘safe haven.’ As a lot of the school pupils and teachers included knew about your condition, a lot of them would bug you constantly. Always interrupting you to ask if you were okay.
It was nice to know that they cared. Of course it was. But it came to that point when you stopped being known as Y/F/N the high achieving student, and became that girl with MS.
Since finding out yourself, you hadn’t ever let it define who you were. Or even stop you from doing the things that you wanted to do. Regardless of what anyone thought, you were handling it very well. You’d take your meds, you’d go to school, you’d even try and see some of your friends outside of school too.
You were a big believer in ‘everything happens for a reason.’ You we’re just waiting for your reason to show.
“Can I ask you a question?” A familiar voice filled your ears in first period. The voice belonged to a red headed girl that you had grown to love like a sister. She’d often get in the way of everyone’s ‘caring questions.’
“If the questions is ‘have I done my homework and would I lend you it’, then no. But shoot.” Clary was different from all the other students here. She held herself well in a fight, and excelled in both academic and physical subjects.
“You’re so funny,” she half laughed, half stared at you willing for you to spontaneous combust at any given moment. “Well... I am having a party tonight,”
“Uh, I hate this already”
“C’mon, you never know you might meet someone.” Clary was always trying to set you up with a strapping young lad. Obviously you refused, thinking that everyone would immediately only pity date you. Everyone at school knew your business.
“Y/L/N and Fray! If you were quiet you may actually learn the importance of quantum mechanics.” Mrs Mitchell also known as your least favourite teacher. Always blowing up over the smallest of things.
Instead of instantly silencing and turning to the front, like you had done. Clary continued to ignore her lesson despot her warning. “Fray!”
“Quantum mechanics explains the behaviour of matter and their interactions with energy. This typically takes place on a similar scale of both atoms and subatomic particles.” As usual, Clary is the smartest and most underestimated person in the room. Well apart from yourself of course.
Mrs Mitchell’s mouth immediately dropped when she understood everything that left the red head’s lips. In fact, the exact definition that she used was the line that Mrs Mitchell had prepared to try and humiliate her for not paying attention. “Shall I continue?”
Clary wasn’t exactly that bad girl of the school. Don’t get you wrong, she got sent to the office plenty of times, only it was for her smart mouth running away from her. Normally on purpose, but that’s besides the point. Associating with Clary Fray, often landed you in hot water too.
Somehow you didn’t mind. It was nice to be something other than the sick girl.
The bell rang before Mrs Mitchell could even think up a good enough comeback to the daring young girl. “So party tonight?”
You sighed as you lifted the strap of your bag that had been resting by the side of your chair. “But what would I even wear? Who would I even talk to? How long is that party planning on lasting till? H-“
As you tried to ask yet another question, a single finger rested on your lips. “Shh, so many questions and yet none of them matter because I didn’t hear a no.” You tried to open your mouth again to speak but she just pressed her finger further onto your face.
Sauntering up the driveway of your best friend’s home, you felt slightly over dressed. And by over dressed, you meant that you had more than just your underwear on which is what most of the girls were currently wearing.
There were empty cups lying everywhere, on every surface including the counters, sofas and floor. If the dog stayed still long enough, you were sure that there would have been a cup resting on his head too.
It was hard to pick out your friend in the crowd of drunks. Most of them you knew from your school. Some in your year group, some not from your year group. Then there were some faces that you wouldn’t know even if they told you their life story.
There were a few whispers going around you. Some of what you were able to pick up on were those of people who knew you and your reputation. “Shouldn’t she be at home if she is sick?” “What is she doing at a party?”
Things like this, are the reasons behind why you pretend to be studying in the library as much as humanly possible. About eleven pairs of eyes burned into every inch of your body. It was as if they had never seen a human being before.
Thank god for that. A delicate set of arms wrapped around your stomach. You’d recognise that particular perfume anywhere. “You made it!” You’d never thought you would be this happy to see a drunk Clary in your life. “I’m so happy you made it. Simon said you weren’t going to come.”
Simon Lewis was Clary’s best friend and now boyfriend. The three of you together were pretty much inseparable. Them two more than you which is understandable. Which also made you feel like a third wheel here and there.
Simon patted your shoulder and handed you a non alcoholic drink. “Saw your car out front B, before you go all ape on me for assuming you weren’t drinking tonight.” Not the one to stay long a these events whenever you were actually invited to one.
“Cheers four eyes.” B was the nickname he gave you, meaning baby. As in the baby of the group because you were a little bit younger than the pair of them. Four eyes was yours for him, pretty self explanatory.
“Oh Y/N!” You knew this excited version of Clary. This was the ‘I’m about to set you up with someone’ Clary. The one that you always feared. “I have someone here that you should totally meet.”
Before you could even place your drink down under Simon the bodyguard’s watchful eye, your hand had been snatched and you were being dragged through the cluster of human bodies. Not the mention the horrible smell that radiated off of them.
She continued to pull you through the party goers, that was until you collided into the body of someone that Clary obviously hadn’t intended. Almost instantly from the contact into his chest. Your red drink poured out of your cup and coated his white shirt.
The pair of you completely and utterly shocked as to the events that had unfolded in front of you. “I’m so sorry. My friend here,” you pull Clary over to the boy who you now owe money to for his dry cleaning bill. “Get’s a little carried away. Don’t you Clary?”
Too drunk to even register what you said. She remained silent, apart from a few moans as she wanted you to wrap up whatever was going on so she could introduce you to her mystery man.
“Y/N come on.” She moaned slightly tugging your hand for another round of human battering ram.
“Later. Right now I’m busy.” You say to her. She lets out a large ‘ugh’ like a child who is disappointed for not getting her own way. “I’ll come find you in a little while. Go find Simon.”
The mention of Simon’s name brought a smile to her lips. The next thing you knew she was skipping down the now cleared path, falling straight into her boyfriend’s arms.
“Like I said I’m really sorry for your shirt. I’ll pay you the money to get it cleaned.” You rambled trying to justify the actions that weren’t even yours.
The mystery boy laughed, quite attractively as he was amused at your fumble for words. “It’s alright. I hated this shirt anyway. You actually did me a favour.” The boy stopped dabbing his shirt with a napkin and extended a hand out to you. “By the way I’m Jace Wayland.”
Accepting his kindness and the fact he seemed to not hold any discontent to the whole drink debacle. “Y/F/N, nice to meet you Jace.”
“Hey um, do you wanna go outside? It’s a little loud and crowded in here. Plus, I think I saw a swing out of the porch.” You smiled, relieved to be leaving the party that you had only just arrived to.
You’d spent most of the party outside talking to him about his personal life. Who he was, what he did, how he knew about the party. Those kinds of questions.
“Well, I am in the protection business. I keep people safe. I heard about the party from a mate of mine, he knows ugh your friend.”
He got to know you too of course. He asked you why you weren’t drinking after he discovered the drink wasn’t wine which he originally believed, but Ribena. The one thing you held back was your condition.
“So do you not drink at all or just tonight?” Jace questioned his attention fell to your empty cup.
“I don’t typically get invited to things like this that often. The only reason I showed up was because the crazy red head who caused me to lose half my drink, is my best friend. I had no choice but to at least show my face. No matter how brief that may be.” You explain a little more than you needed to.
Jace became sort of nervous after a while, like he wanted to ask you something, but couldn’t bring himself to ask it. “So um, I was wondering whether I-”
“Y/N, I need to talk to you. There is someone here I want you to meet.” Clary stormed out of the house, screaming those words that interrupted Jace’s attempt. Those words caused Jace’s smile to fade till it was non-existent.
“Can I just apologise for my friend, she has no boundaries.” By this time, Clary had managed to appear more drunk than before you came out of the party.
“You better do as she says. I don’t think she will take another brush off.” You didn’t want to leave. More than anything you wanted to stay with him a little longer.
Clary’s hand had already wrapped around your bicep, practically dragging you to the door. Only Jace didn’t follow when he got to his feet, he trudged down the steps of the porch, and made his way towards the road. He made the decision to leave the party and you behind him.
After all, you were the only reason he stayed as long as he did .
You turned to your friend, “couldn’t you see that I was talking to someone?” Drunk Clary just shrugged and continued with her quest to find you a man. “Clary?”
“What! You need to meet him, like right now!” She cried as she tried to reason with you. “He is really cute. Exactly you’re type as well, quite moody and melancholy at the same time.”
Submitting to her insistence, you allowed her to pull you back into the party. All that remained of Jace’s presence was the napkin stained with your drink, resting on the surface of the swing.
Once you were inside you were greeted by Simon with a tale dark haired male. “Y/N, this is Alec Lightwood.” Simon said, pointing to the fairly attractive man. Attractive or not, he wasn’t your type.
From just the few minutes that you had been standing there, he had checked his phone more times that you could count. You’d tried to start a conversation with him, but his attention was clearly elsewhere.
Simon noticed that his behaviour was starting to get to you, but he bit his tongue. Not exactly wanting to get on the wrong side of his girlfriend. But that wasn’t just it. The way he was acting around this young man, gave the impression as if he knew him too.
“So, are you going to make the effort to talk to me?” You questioned, although he didn’t respond. All you received was a ‘mmm?’ confused mumble. His eyes not lifting from his little screen.
You turned to your friend who was watching you converse with this person she knew. “Clary, I think I’m gonna go home.” As much as you knew this wasn’t going to make Clary happy. The whole drunk matchmaker plan, isn’t working for you.
“What? Why? This is all going so we-”
“No Clary it really isn’t.” You interrupt, which did make you feel bad. “You interfered when you didn’t need to. I was more than happy talking with Jace, but you pulled me away.”
Her face fell. If it wasn’t for the fact that she had gotten in the way more than once, then you’d feel worse than you did and probably apologise for your words. “He was absolutely amazing. Finally I could talk to someone who I actually liked. Someone who was sweet and considerate to me when we talked.”
“I’m sorry Y/N. I didn’t know you liked him.”
“That’s because you didn’t ask.” You talked over her as if she were a wack-a-mole arcade game. Every time she spoke, you dominated her. Something you never did with her before.
Just as you were about to open your mouth, a voice interrupted you. “I wouldn’t exactly say ‘absolutely amazing.’” His voice made you jump. As you turned around you saw him standing there with his arms crossed. His tattooed naked biceps were huge. “Although, I do like it when you say it.”
You were definitely shocked. “You came back? Why?” The minute he stepped away from you and you him. You had accepted that it would be the last time that you saw him. No matter how much you wished it to not be true.
Slowly he edged towards you, step by step, little by little. Until he was so close to you that you could feel his breath on your neck. “Well, I left something behind.”
“Well I’m not surprised you left in a hurry. What was it, maybe I can help you find it?”
He let out a little tut what you hadn’t understood where he was going with this. It was quite sad to be honest. To watch you fumble for words. “You! I left you behind.”
“Me?” Clary and Simon pretty much slapped their foreheads at your incapability to understand an obvious attempt to hit on you..
“Yes you.” His hand moved to cup your cheek. An act that never happened to you. It was a level of intimacy that you had only witnessed on the big screen. “Did I hear you right? Do you like me?”
You knew it was better to just admit it than try to hide it. “Yes.” Your head dropped, you couldn’t bring yourself to look him in the eye at that point.
The next event that enfolded happened so fast, it was a good thing you had witnesses to prove that it happened. Jace tilted your head back so that you were looking at him. Then his lips jumped onto yours, kissing them until they were red and plump.
It was safe to say that this was your first kiss.
“Jace I have to tell you something.” You whisper against his lips as you pull apart from what has to be said was the best thing to come out of this whole debacle. “I have a condition called Multiple Sclerosis.”
At first he didn’t know how to process it. Whether he should be shocked, sad or play it cool. “I’m sor-”
“Honestly Jace it’s okay.” Your heart thumped in your chest. “I get it if your feelings may have changed.” He didn’t answer verbally. He just shook his head and pulled you in for a second kiss.
“No condition can change the way that I feel.” Landing a quick peck on your nose. “Can I tell you something? You trusted me with a secret, it is only right if I repay the favour.” He said as he allowed the words to sink in. He let his head rest close to your ear so that the next words that left his mouth could only be heard by you. “I’m a Shadowhunter.”
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vorthosjay · 6 years
Let’s Talk About Glimpse the Far Side of the Sun
Magic Story is back today with a Glimpse the Far Side of the Sun, and man is this another excellent (and vindicating) story!
As always, more after the keep reading line.
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Azor, the Lawbringer by Ryan Pancoast
Angrath rolled his shoulders, bull head tipping side to side with a pop. "You just want to get to the top of the anthill and congratulate yourself on the view."
I really like Angrath’s attitude in all of this. He’s very Black-Red without being evil.
“Kaldheim," Angrath said forcefully. "Another plane. Do you understand what I mean, now?"
Alison already confirmed that this is not Angrath’s home plane. It just happens to be a plane nearby. But it’s still important! In A Whole Lotta Woad I mentioned there is lot of ‘Viking World’ art popping up lately, and the offhand mention of a random minor plane like Kaldheim seems important. Since we already had Chandra’s home/origins plane in Kaladesh, outside of her adopted plane of Regatha, Kaldheim is important to Chandra in that it’s where she fought Ramaz in DotP 2014. Ramaz being a planeswalker working for Nicol Bolas who led Chandra to the Dragon Scroll and ultimately Zendikar.
"Fourteen years," Angrath growled. For a moment Huatli was moved. She was about to express her condolences, but was interrupted by Angrath's addendum: "They'd drink the blood of your emperor with glee, idiot."
FOURTEEN YEARS. No wonder he’s so angry. And wrathful.
Imagine having your daughters grow up without you, trapped and helpless to get back to them. Return is in sight, and nothing will stand in his way.
Huatli pointed at the structure in front of them. It was covered in vines and weathered with time, and the door in front had been jumbled ajar. "There's a legend that says the bat of the East met Aclazotz . . ."
So wait, is Aclazotz an actual demon? Becuase the art book implied it was just a place where the bat-god temple is. I’m so confused...
Nearly all tales spring from truth, and Huatli reasoned quickly that the legend of the Bat of the East began with this very real vampire centuries before.
I suggested this very thing in Rivals of Ixalan: Lore and Flavor. Which makes the last bit more confusing. Is Elenda the bat-god of night?
The vampire bared her teeth. "I left the Church with the knowledge of the ritual to take on my burden, and they used that to become invaders?"
Huatli glared. "What were they meant to do with your gift?"
"They were meant to learn humility."
Huatli's jaw fell open. The Legion of Dusk? Humble?
"They were meant to search for salvation for us all," Elenda continued. "I see I must teach them what they forgot."
Elenda straightened, and a great shadow fell across her face. She stepped forward, past Huatli and Angrath, and vanished into a dark slice in the air.
A few cool things here. First, it’s nice to see the progenitor of vampires on Ixalan having a different view than the conquistadors. It gives the hope of a resolution that does not involve conquest.
Also, Elenda has some cool powers outside of the norm for Vampires. Shadow teleportation? Awesome.
(Gold scales. Sandstone. Heat. Rough sand on his lips and in his eyes and in his throat. Broken, doomed friends. He was trying to break into a dragon's mind. Sense what the dragon's plan was, stop him from doing harm, and for a brief moment, he had done it, he saw the goal, the endgame—)
Jace saw Bolas’ Endgame? If he really does get back all his memories this block, we might finally see it!
(Ugin was unfurling himself inside a great cavern. "Good fortune, Jace Beleren," he said in farewell, curling his immense silvery tail around himself.)
Jace blinked. Ugin. That name came to him easily, but the texture of this memory was strange. He felt for the conversation in his mind and thumbed around its edges, inspecting its sides with the same care he had when Alhammarret had meddled with his memory years before. Never trust your memory around anything older than yourself. Jace grimaced to realize he never would have thought to investigate if he hadn't remembered learning that the hard way.
There. A hair trigger. A line waiting to be tripped, a clever bit of obfuscating mental magic that the spirit dragon must have implanted without him noticing. The spell left behind was a simple command. If someone were to try and read my mind and find this encounter with Ugin, the memory would be shrouded, and I would be compelled to instantly planeswalk away. To here. To Ixalan.
Jace became worried. Why did Ugin need to hide my memory of him? Why command me to come here, of all places? Was I meant to be a lure?
VINDICATION! I suggested this waaaaay back in Ixalan: A First Look seven months ago, and it’s been my go-to answer for why Jace went to Ixalan ever since. TBF, Wil got there first, stupid queue.
Okay, so why did Ugin send Jace to Ixalan? Well, that moment Jace remembers? That’s not quite how we saw it back in Revelation at the Eye, but the implication is that this is from that scene (both the unfurling and saying good fortune happen then). So this is when Ugin planted the trigger, even before the Gatewatch killed the Eldrazi Titans. What did Jace learn in this meeting that Ugin didn’t want shared? I’ve speculated before it was the mere fact that Ugin was alive. He doesn’t want Bolas to know and come back after him before he’s ready.
I really love the call back to Jace’s Origin Story in this story. The way this weaves together threads that have been laid over the last three years is very rewarding.
I’m glad my image of Ugin being a cunning dragon himself, someone who COULD rival Bolas, has panned out. Ugin prepared in advance for Jace revealing him by accident.
It also means that Ugin was aware of Ixalan, and that he either wanted Jace to discover something there, or wanted to imprison Jace to keep him from screwing up Ugin’s plans. But if Ugin knows of Ixalan, and knows it would trap Jace, did he once work with Azor? In The Mysteries of Ixalan I had posited that ‘the winged beast’ being Azor wouldn’t rule out Ugin’s involvement.
Think about it. You’re Ugin. Bolas nearly kills you, and you wake up to a former pawn of Bolas that saved you, and reveals Bolas has undone your greatest work. You head to Zendikar, and Jace comes upon you in the Eye. In his mind, you find another being who helped release the Eldrazi, and whose path has crossed Bolas’s more than once. What do you do, humanely? You plant a trigger to erase yourself from Jace’s mind in case he runs into Bolas again, and if he’s trouble, you squirrel him away on a plane he can’t leave.
. . . And what did I find in the golden dragon's mind before he erased my own?
I really hope we find out by the end of the block.
Vraska stretched out her hamstrings, holding on to a golden pillar for support.
Every third word when describing Orazca is ‘gold’. Between that, the gold veins, and the golden elders, there’s something up there. Maybe an inherent feature of the plane?
Jace pulled a wave of illusion over the two of them. It came easily now, somehow even more so than before he had come to Ixalan.
(Another memory: hours and hours spent memorizing text and technique, his teenage self staying up late in bed with a lamp to study by. The hum of a mage ring outside. Millard's Procedure. Circumstantial Manipulations. Tricien's Law. Over and over until the names, techniques, and executions of psychic maneuvers came as easily as breathing.)
The implication here is that the sudden additional years of experience Jace can draw upon, plus the formal training he had in the time he forgot, has made Jace a vastly more powerful mage.
In the span of a moment, Jace was surprised at himself, and then realized his earnestness of late, of Ixalan, was not manufactured, nor was his mindfulness something he could only access in a state of amnesia. That was who he had always been. He had just forgotten.
I’m very glad we’ll be seeing more of Ixalan Jace.
(A memory: his mother, arriving home from a day at work, dressed in her healer's smock, looking out the open window at a storm in the distance with a cup of coffee nestled in her hands and a little smile on her tired face. He heard fat raindrops rattling the tin roof. The air smelled like wet concrete and home.)
Jace’s coffee obsession, explained. It reminded him of his mother, in its own way.
"Well, your best is incredible," Vraska said, turning toward the central tower and approaching a large gate on what appeared to be its back side.
Liliana never told Jace he was incredible.
Liliana would have scoffed. She would have made a dismissive joke, rolled her eyes, and called him a show-off. She would not bother to talk to him for days. She would consume the body of a demon with a crocodile's jaws and laugh over the sound of its flesh tearing off. She would do all sorts of things, but she would never call him incredible.
Oh sweetie. I’m so glad Jace is realizing just how toxic that bullshit was.
"It's a maze," Vraska said at the same time as Jace. They glanced at each other briefly, awkwardly.
Vraska gestured toward Jace. "Have at it," she said. "You're the maze guy."
Of course Jace is the Maze guy. My gripe about Azor being behind Ixalan was that it meant Jace was solving another freaking puzzle by Azor.
Was Azor a sphinx? he asked Vraska in her mind with hushed terror.
I’m so glad they don’t know. It works better because it doesn’t retcon anything, just confirms that no one on Ravnica really knew.
He is so much like Alhammarret, Jace thought, his chest tightening with the ache of memory. He stowed his fear. He was not ruled by a sphinx. Not anymore.
I love the Alhammarret comparison, and that the art direction on Azor being a human headed sphinx like Alhammarret wasn’t a coincidence.
I guess we now see how Jace will react to Azor! He’s not a fan.
"You will refer to her as Captain," Jace said in a measured tone.
The sphinx growled and looked past Vraska at Jace. "And what does that make you?"
"I am Jace Beleren, the Living Guildpact," he said with confidence.
The sphinx's wings flinched. "The fail-safe?!"
"The pirate."
Okay, who can’t love this scene? Standing up to an oldwalker, someone who  abuses the powers you yourself hold, I love it.
Azor’s flinch is interesting. His shock that the Living Guildpact there makes it clear this was no where in his plans, ever. Remember: Azor has no way of knowing what went down on Ravnica. I’m very excited to see how this relationship evolves.
Jace’s response is equally great.
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Five Times Maryse Lightwood Realized She Was Wrong, Plus the One Time She Admitted It
Read on AO3
Thank you to @s-erendipitiness for Beta’ing
Maryse Lightwood wasn’t afraid to admit that she was a traditional woman. And she cared too much about what people thought, it was true. But the Shadow World was a traditional place as well, and years of climbing through the ranks had made her hard and relentless, forced her to be strong, even when she felt the world was crumbling around her. She had made her mistakes when she was younger, tarnished a perfect image by believing in the wrong man, in the wrong cause, and she had spent the rest of her life trying to make up for it, trying to prove that she wasn’t a rebel, that she could be a leader, and a soldier, that she could follow orders.
People still whispered about her, she knew that too. She knew that with all her power, her money, her work, that people still expected her to fail. She knew that she had to be perfect, to play the role of the perfect mother, with the perfect family, with the perfect job, the perfect husband, the perfect life. So, naturally, she could be forgiven for her anger and surprise, at the sight of Magnus Bane barreling through the door, as she watched Alec step off the altar, and ruin every chance of keeping the family out of judgmental whispers for the rest of eternity.
It wasn’t that Alec had been lying to her her entire life. It wasn’t that he had taken up everybody’s time, in the middle of war, just to out himself to the entire Clave in one fell swoop. It wasn’t that he was gay. That much she was sure of. It was that she still had her prejudices, as much as she tried to deny it, and Alec had tarnished their reputation by falling in love with Magnus Bane. A warlock. A Downworlder. There was no way they would ever recover. And Maryse was sure that Alec had no idea what he had done. That Magnus would chew him up and spit him out, without so much as a second thought in under a week, when he inevitably grew bored of his most recent plaything. That Alec had forever marred his chances of becoming the Head of the Institute, that he would lose everything he worked for, because he fell for a warlock notorious for his long list of lovers.
Maryse Lightwood loved her son; she just wasn’t good at showing it. And her anger came in explosive bursts that burned everything in its path, and so she did the one thing she knew how to do and retreated. She stopped interacting with him, stopped talking to him, stopped listening to him, stopped herself from even glancing in his direction for fear that she would snap.
She hadn’t realized what that had done to Alec.
Not until he had come to her and told her that the only way to fix what was broken was to suck it up and go to Magnus’ apartment. That she was going to have to start having to come to terms with the fact that Magnus Bane wasn’t going to go away.
So here she was, trying to understand. Trying to convince herself that this was going to be horrible, that she was justified in hating Magnus Bane, for what he had done to her son. For what he was, some rich beyond measure Downworld lothario. Some high and mighty warlock that got off on charging exorbitant prices for favors. Some liar who paraded around pretending he was more powerful than he actually was. And yet, here she was walking in to Magnus Bane’s apartment, for the first time in her entire life. Hand wrapped around the neck of a bottle of liquor so tightly she thought for the briefest of seconds that she might break it if she didn’t let go.
Magnus and Alec were standing together as if they were magnets, pulling each other close. And Maryse could feel her heart beating rapidly in her chest, her stomach twisting as if she had eaten something bad. And it made it worse, to see the pleasant smile on Magnus’ face. The perfect mask of friendly host, with a respectful amount of apprehension.
“Mother,” Alec said, and if she hadn’t raised him her entire life, she wouldn’t have been able to recognize the warning stitched in his voice.
“I heard you like to drink,” Maryse said, almost shoving the bottle into Magnus’ hand. And a part of her died inside as she realized that was not what she should have said. She fought to keep a blush at bay as she watched Alec’s face contort to the highest level of judgement.
“Welcome, Maryse,” Magnus released a breath, turning his attention quickly to Max, where he stood by his mother’s side. “Max, this is your night,” Magnus said kindly, gesturing further into his apartment, to the crowd of Shadowhunters, to the live music, to the ice sculpture that sat in the middle of the living room.
“You do have exotic tastes, don’t you?” Maryse said, a twinge of bitterness and malice behind her words. She couldn’t exactly pinpoint what it was that made her so mad about it, something just seemed…off.
“Oh, the Spanish theme is in honor of you and your husband.”
Oh, that was it.
“Really, how so?” The words forced themselves past the bile in her throat.
“Alec told me that Robert proposed to you in Barcelona, I wanted to celebrate a joyous memory. Especially since he couldn’t be here,” And surely, Magnus had to be teasing. Had to be rubbing it in. Some superior warlock knowledge had told him that her marriage was falling apart. He wanted to show her how much of a hypocrite she was for getting mad at Alec for ruining his wedding, while her husband had never been faithful to her.
“How sweet that Alec feels comfortable sharing our personal family stories with you. Especially considering your…” she looked between the two of them. “Disparate backgrounds.” She ignored the confused and alarmed stare Alec gave her.
Magnus, to his credit, smiled diplomatically. “How ‘bout a drink? Sangria for the lady, Roy Rogers for the guest of honor.” Maryse could only manage a curt nod before Magnus turned on his heel, and sauntered gracefully to the open bar.
There was a silence between the three Lightwoods, until Magnus was far enough away that Alec was no longer in fear of him overhearing his conversation. “Mother,” he said, his tone questioning and disappointed.
“I’m sorry, Alec. I’m trying my best,” she postured.
“Disparate backgrounds? That’s your best?”
“Well, what do you want me to do, Alec? Grovel?”
“How about treat him like a human being, instead of a ‘dirty warlock,’” he put air-quotes around the last words, frowning as the words left his mouth.
“I didn-“ Maryse clamped her mouth shut, and smoothed out her dress as Magnus returned, handing drinks off to Max and Maryse. She couldn’t help but notice he was standing almost a foot apart from Alec. “Thank you, Magnus,” she said, the words felt foreign on her tongue. She bent over slightly, to look down at her son. “Max, why don’t you and I go say hello to some of the dignitaries, thank them for coming to support your Rune Ceremony?”
“Do I have to?” Max grumbled.
“Being a Shadowhunter isn’t all about hunting demons,” Alec chuckled. “Sometimes you have to talk to stuffy old, boring people. It comes with the territory,” He ruffled Max’s hair. “It’s better to get it over with sooner rather than later,”
“Ugh, fine,” Max pouted, and started walking towards the closest Shadowhunter he could find, Maryse close behind.
After three minutes of idle chit-chat with some Shadowhunter she had long forgotten the name of, Maryse’s eyes fell back to where Magnus and Alec were standing, almost pressed against each other. There was a lazy grin on Alec’s face, that grew wider as Magnus smoothed his hands against Alec’s chest, straightening out the wrinkles in his suit, messing with his pocket square.
“Magnus,” Alec said, his hand coming to rest over Magnus’, his other patting Magnus’ cheek gently. “Stop worrying.”
And then there had been an hour or so of work conversations with people she had seen every day of her life, casual handshakes and longer than necessary conversations with close friends and coworkers as she hovered over Max. It was about an hour later that Alec and Magnus walked out onto the balcony, whispering conspiratorially, even as they walked so far apart, they could fit two people between them. Maryse tasted something sour on her tongue.
“Hello, Max,” Magnus smiled, coming to stand in front of Alec’s brother, while Alec moved to stand at his mother’s side. “Are you enjoying yourself so far?”
“Yeah,” Max nodded. “Thank you, this is really cool.”
“What do you say, Max?” Alec asked, taking a step forward to rest a hand on his shoulder. “Is it time for presents?”
“Well, I for one, certainly hope so,” Magnus replied, kneeling down and sticking out his hands. “I’ve been carrying this around all night and I was starting to get tired of holding it.”
“I don’t see anything,” Max retorted.
“That’s because you’re not looking hard enough,” Magnus snapped his fingers, magic sparking to life in his hands, as he conjured the present he and Alec had picked out. Maryse heard Alec’s soft chuckle, and she looked up at him.
For a moment time seemed to slow, she could see every movement, as Alec looked between his brother and his…boyfriend. The soft smile that crept up his lips as he watched the interaction. So proud and full of love. And so…happy. Maryse wasn’t sure when she had last seen that gleam in Alec’s eye. The one he had now as he looked between the two of them. There was a spark of recognition, that burst into life and died within seconds of each other, as Max asked to see Magnus’ warlock mark. As Alec warned Max and grew protective of Magnus. As Max asked Magnus, who had just made himself vulnerable in front of people he barely knew, how much of him was a demon. As Alec glared at her, as Max told Jace he wasn’t his brother, as every good thing the night had been built on came tumbling down like a house of cards. Built on something so fragile, that the slightest touch would send it all flying.
And then Jace had attacked her, and Alec had tried to kill himself. And by the end of the night, after the arguing, after the lost spell book, after tearful apologies, and revealed secrets, any thoughts she had about Magnus Bane were long forgotten. As Alec hugged her, as Alec tried to get her to stay, to keep her away from Robert, to show that he loved her, that he supported her, that he was there for her, she denied him at every turn. It wasn’t fair, she realized, it wasn’t fair to see Alec treating her this way, when she had been so horrible to him lately. When she had stopped talking to him, when she had turned her back on him. When she had tried to convince herself that his relationship was going to fail, just so she could sleep at night. And that night, as she pulled the covers over her body, hugging herself in the darkness, with tears drying on her cheeks, she decided that maybe, just maybe, it was time to start trying to understand.
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Chosen ch. 1  ch. 2   ch. 3
Blessed ch. 4
Decided to change the name, as I’m going to switch to other characters POV in a few chapters. 
Nick Jakoby x OC
Words Count- 2,000
No warnings. She’s still doing the best she can for this silly boi to get his head out of his butt.
Jacinda checks the front window; still no vehicle. Is he working? Is his SUV further up his driveway? Grabbing her phone she texts Lu-
                                                                            I've gone full blown stalker
Lu's fast reply-
it's not stalking it's research
Her sister is being supportive, but she doesn't need encouragement, she needs someone to tell her to get over him.
                                                  Checking his front lawn every few minutes is                                                    not research. I think Mom was too                                                                      'encouraging' when he was over and made                                                        things weird.
Or he's a cop and works 
odd hours like being off on
Saturday and working Sunday
                                                                  The fact that you're logical doesn't                                                                     mean you're right.
Wait a couple days then find
 a reason to talk to him
Jacinda resists the urge to throw her phone. Nick was a huge help the day before. He had accepted the invitation to eat with them after working so hard. His smile for Darius had been genuine, he was comfortable with the baby...but he had not shown interest in her. As much as she stared at him, she never made eye contact. And he had more or less bolted as soon as the truck was unloaded. Jace spoke her thoughts aloud, hoping she would stop acting like a child.
"He's a cop, he helps people. That's what he does." For the moment she resolves to ignore the fact that the orc she's been imagining for months is living next door. Also the possibility that he's not into her whatsoever.
He could still smell her. Nick is at a roadside stand. He doesn't know what he's looking at. But he would recognize her scent in a crowd of thousands without trying.
She laughed at my jokes This did not build up his hopes. Instead, it frustrates him. He can't stop reminding himself that she liked him. He actually needs a few things for this week. But he turns abruptly and stomps to his truck. Call him ridiculous, but he keeps pondering if she was disappointed he wasn't home today. She didn't think of you, she has no reason too.
From her job to her looks, she lives & belongs more to human society than Clan. She wouldn't date a Pure orc. Regardless of being Unblooded. Nick drives aimlessly, wasting time and gas until the sun is slanting down towards the horizon. If only he could talk with someone, but he was on his own. Nick despairs ever earning Ward's friendship. He learned to be cautious, every time he thought he was building a relationship he found he was terribly mistaken. Her father treated him with real respect and asked him to keep an eye on her. But he's a father trying to take care of his daughter. Nick is aware that not every city is as segregated as LA. Not every city is as racially divided as LA. But no matter the city, or how Orcs are treated; Orcs remain the same. Where ever Nick goes, he is on the outside.
Nick pulls his truck into the driveway behind the SUV. He gets out and stands for a moment; regarding the back of her house. He could say he didn't know how to fix one of the meals her mother gave him.
No, he would wait a day or two.
Be cautious. he reminds himself. If he doesn't hear from her in a couple of days, he'll know how she feels about him.
          Wednesday trash day. Nick rolls his garbage to the end of the driveway. The trash collectors are turning on the street. He needs to leave if he's going to be at work on time. But her garbage isn't out. He assumed she must not be interested in seeing him again. After all, there was no sign of her since Saturday.
Why did it have to be a desperate move in his mind to be a good neighbor? He's just taking her trash cans to the road. He remembers her father, Joe asking him to keep an eye on her for him. At the time, Nick nodded, but Joe held his hand out and asked again. Nick understood Joe wanted Nick to make a promise, so he shook the other man's hand and said,
"Don't worry, I'll take care of her." Sighing, Nick walks across the yard to find her trash can.
"Where is Mommy's black wedge, honey?" Darius sucks on his pudgy hand while Jace holds two of the exact same shoe but in very different colors in her arms. She takes a few steps from her bed and realizes she is wearing said black wedge already.
Ugh. My first day going into Elf Town and I can't dress myself. Her first two days had been in the regular LA Office. It had gone decently, all things considered. Today she would be meeting with clients. Elf clients so she needs to dress to the nines. Jacinda hears the loud truck outside but she takes a moment for its purpose to register,
"Fuck the trash!" Jace runs as best as she is able in her wedges and skirt. She careens out the back door and reminds herself that she doesn't want her child's first word to be fuck. She needs to find a replacement.
"Where are the fucking cans?" She shouts to the empty backyard. The trash collection truck is at the end of her driveway. She spins to look, and there it is! The mechanical arm lifting the can up and emptying the can. As the machine sets the can down Jace rushes to the front of her house. Hope making her heart pound. Had Nick?!
His Police SUV is driving away from his house. In the opposite direction of the trash truck. She's sure he put her trash can by the road. Walking back around, her heart drops a little as it occurs to her this is the helpful thing a cop would do.
"Fuck. No, Damnit. Shucksiegoshdarnit? Ugghhh, fuck!" By the time she gets from the daycare to her firms ElfTown office she makes up her mind that whether Nick is into her or not, she is way too into him to not pursue him.
        This is her fourth Wednesday in the house and yet again, her trash can isn't out. Nick had gotten Thursday evening dinner at her place the last few weeks because she insisted on a thank you. She also said she is glad to have a friend. Nick is certain it won't be long before other people come into her life, so he decides to take advantage while he could. She asked if he could help her with some of the heavy labor needed to fix up her lawn. They set the date for this Saturday, so Thursday dinner and Saturday all day with her and Darius. Nick trains his gaze at the ground to hide the fact that he's grinning like a fool as he walks towards her back yard.
"C'mon, c'mon. Look. LOOK! Ah, yes, there. Nope, not out." Jacinda stands in a spot where she hopes she isn't visible. However, she could see out the front window. She is dressed and ready to leave for the day. But she's waiting for Nick to come around the house for her trash cans. She notices that he hesitates.
Shit. He's sick of doing it. Oh! Wait! He is walking over, looking at the ground. She imagines he is berating her for not figuring out that trash day is the same fucking day every week. She'll have to find another excuse for talking to him, but today she is taking action. Her timing is perfect, coming out the back as he comes into view. She hopes her smile looks normal and not freakishly happy to see him.
They banter back and forth, she loves his sense of humor. She walks with him as he pushes the trash to the end of the driveway. Before he can walk away she does it. She suggests they go out to eat tomorrow night, rather than staying in. His ears twitch in shock, but he agrees! She's grateful for the trash truck covering her scent and the sound of her racing heart. She walks very deliberately to the house, otherwise, she might start skipping.
Nick needs to see if Jace could do dinner on another night of the week. The schedule is changing and he'll be working Thursday evening for a couple of weeks. Maybe it is safe to suggest they make this a regular thing. On Thursday afternoon she cancels. Little Dary is sick with a fever, she thinks he is teething, according to her text. Nick can read between the lines, she realizes going out to eat is too much like a date and doesn't know how else to let him down nicely. As he drives to the call for assistance, he wishes he could talk to Ward about this.
Not that Nick hadn't tried to be more than the guy in Ward's car. But Ward shuts him down fast, every time. Other rookies were well on their way to being respected and accepted by the other street cops. But Nick is still hazed by everyone, and Ward never looks or speaks to him unless it's necessary. Or if he is correcting Nick. Nick called him Daryl once, and the glare he got in return said everything Nick needed to know. Everyone calls him Jacoby, and no one calls him Officer. 
He and Ward arrive on the scene, a couple of high teens that don't know how to calm down. Nick sighs heavily and gets out of the SUV. He'll grab some takeout on the way home.
She came early for Dary at daycare because of his fever. He's miserable, poor chubby boy. He looks like a pure orc; no hair at all, sweet yellow eyes, pointy ears and beautiful blue-green markings that resemble Jace's family. His nose slits are drippy, and he is drooling excessively. He is so hot to the touch! Jacinda calls her mother and gets some instructions. After that she texts Nick. Later she'll see if Nick is okay with picking up take out for them. She doesn't have a moment to feel bad for the missed date, Darius is such a handful that afternoon. She figures she & Nick would be back on track by next week. Finally, she gets Dary comfortable resting on her chest with his favorite lovey, and they both dozed off.
When she wakes up it is late enough Nick should have been over by now. Panic grabs her immediately-
What if something happened to him at work?!
She texts him.
Nick is just placing the leftovers from his takeout dinner in the fridge when his phone flashes.
Where are you?
Confused, Nick replies-
                                                                 At my house, you said Dary                                                                     is sick with a fever.
As soon as he hits send, Nicks' heart starts to pound. What if Dary is sick but she meant for him to come over for dinner still? Unfortunately, since he's a prick he made an assumption...and now he's eaten and she...she is calling him!
Fucking idiot! He takes a breath and answers.
"I meant to text you and ask you to pick something up, I'm so sorry Nick. He's usually so happy, but he's so miserable, -" Dary starting to fuss in the background. Within seconds, Dary is screeching in a way Nick has not heard before. The phone hangs up, whether Jace means to or not. Nick thinks for a moment, then he grabs the leftovers from the fridge and heads over.
He is still beating himself up hours later when he climbs into bed. She called him a good friend while she downed the leftovers and he held Dary. Hardly. He's so sure she is going to ditch him, he practically abandons her. They would never be more than friends, but he could at least be a good friend.
Shit, Jakoby, you're the asshat in this! You spend all this time wishing for friendship and it happens, what do you do?
He makes up his mind to stop assuming Jacinda is like everyone else. When she does start dating someone she would expect him to be a good friend and be happy for her. So Nick would do that. He rolls over and tries to sleep.
@eebbapanda1 @mbaku-babygirl @jaihardy
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snarktheater · 6 years
Shadowhunters — Episode 2x15
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There’s no real reason for me to open this post with this particular gif. It's entirely gratuitous. But I've gotta keep my spirits up somehow, and this seemed like a good way to do it.
See, there are two main plotlines in this episode (as usual), and they revolve around Simon and Sebastian. So my interest levels are altogether rather low. Hence the need for some sexy Matthew Daddario to cheer me up. The episode isn't even particularly bad, by the way—spoiler, I guess. It's mostly just that I have a hard time feeling anything for Simon beyond "oh, no, Simon's on screen". Especially now that we're ramping up the love triangle again.
Anyway. Let's talk about Simon, actually. His deal is…brooding at the Hunter's Moon because of what happened at the Seelie Court, getting drunk, refusing to take Clary's calls, you know, all the things you do in healthy relationships.
Quinn shows up, and…remember Quinn? Probably not, especially since I didn't even know he had a name until now. Quinn's the guy who defected from Raphael's vampire clan to pledge fealty to Simon as the Daylighter. And apparently, that involves buying Simon a drink.
"Plasma?" "The hard stuff."
Is he trying to get Simon drunk? Well, even now with the hindsight of everything that happens in the episode, I'm not sure if he's malevolent or just a douchebag who thinks getting blacked-out drunk is a good idea. Either way, I don't particularly like him, so as you can guess, his interactions with Simon mostly leave me wanting to fast forward over them.
Quinn then brings Simon to a "bleeder den", where mundanes who happen to know about vampires can let themselves be bitten.
"Isn't this against the Accords?" "It's kind of a grey area."
Okay, well, the Accords are shitty and Shadowhunters are doing a crap job protecting humans, that's nothing new. Better question, though: don't you feel even a little bad at using literal addicts to your own advantage? I mean, we spent a good chunk of the season highlighting the terrible effects that vampire venom addiction had on Isabelle, and I lost track of whether Simon knows about that, but he should still show some empathy towards those "willing" donors.
Ha, Simon showing empathy. And then what? No, instead he starts feeding on a girl. She has a name, I think it's Heidi, but it doesn't matter since the next time we see her, she's dead.
And I mean, the show's so obviously trying to hint at Simon being her killer that it's an obvious red herring. Seriously. Next time Simon shows up, he's covered in blood. Don't worry, he cleans it up at super speed so he can be pissy at Clary over what happened at the Seelie Court.
"You don't mean ['I love you'] the way I mean it! You never have. Ever since we were kids, I've been in love with you."
"It's [Clary's feelings for Jace] nothing like you and me." "But it's enough."
And, like…I don't know. I can't feel any sympathy for that. I mean, I understand jealousy, but I can't sympathize with it. The point is this: Clary has feelings for two people, and sure, they may not be the same kind of feelings, but she still chose Simon. And she hasn't given any indication that she's regretting that choice, or considering to cheat on him with Jace, or anything like that.
I mean, even if we admit the premise that "Seelie magic is always true" (something Isabelle tells Clary earlier in the episode), all it says is Clary desires Jace the most. Which, considering she's dating Simon and not Jace, isn't that automatically true? You can't really desire what you already have.
Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled that Clary and Simon are on the way to breaking up, but I feel like Simon's self-righteous attitude is just completely undeserved. He's rejecting her because 1) she has feelings for another guy and 2) she "doesn't love him the way he loves her", which doesn't really mean anything? Nobody feels things the exact same way. And, again, she chose him, so clearly she decided he was more important.
Ugh. I can't believe I'm arguing fairy logic and relationships with this show now. Let's jus move on to the next scene, with Simon trashing his shirt while trying to remember what happened at the den (you thought I was exaggerating about blacked-out drunk?). Luke shows up, because he heard about the girl's death and how it's obviously the work of a vampire, and he wanted Simon to help him investigate. Oh, and comfort him about the Clary thing, too.
"What's going on between you two, I'm always here for you. You're the closest thing to a son that I've got."
Aw. That'd be adorable if I cared about Simon!
But just then, Luke's partner Ollie calls to tell Luke that they found Simon's prints on Heidi, which Simon overhears because vampire hearing, and he runs away. As you do.
So Simon's on the run, and Luke tells Clary about the whole thing, including the possibility that Simon might have killed someone. To her credit, she's in denial, but that kind of makes it worse because Luke has to say this:
"Demon blood…it changes a person."
And…like, you know how Downworlders are usually a big allegory for oppression? Yeah, when Downworlders themselves go "yeah, we really are dangerous and out of control", it kind of makes it sound like that oppression is justified. Especially coming from Luke, who's been on the more reasonable end of things. So could you…maybe…not?
Anyway. He's going to find Simon and…I don't know, either arrest him or cover up, it's not clear yet. Clary insists to come along, which Luke eventually caves to, but the real question is: isn't investigating this kind of her job anyway as a Shadowhunter? Is Clary even working officially as a Shadowhunter?
Meanwhile, Simon asks Raphael for help finding Quinn and for shelter. Raphael, being a good guy, naturally agrees and—nah, I'm just fucking with you. Raphael will only help Simon in exchange for the secret to being a Daylighter. Because he's terrible. Lest you forget.
So Simon's out on his own, and he decides to retrace his steps from the previous night and hopefully figure out what happened. Which immediately gets him caught by Ollie, because…no duh, cops keep an eye on the scene of a crime. Who'd have thought?
But wait, it gets stupider. See, while she's talking to Simon (who immediately confessed) in her car, Ollie lets it slip that Heidi's bite mark is on her feet. And…like, Simon is grossed out by feet, so he totally never would have done that! Because people never do things that would normally gross them out when they're inebriated, right?
Well, the logic's sound enough for Simon, at least, who breaks out of Ollie's car, because I guess potentially being a murderer is horrible, but actually revealing the Shadow World to a policewoman is just a-okay!
He goes back to the den again, and lo and behold, Quinn's here, biting some other girl on the feet, which totally proves he's the murderer. Well, that and he confesses on the spot.
"It was an accident. Accidents happen, don't worry about it."
Simon threatens to turn him in, which leads to Quinn trying to kill him, because that's how deep his devotion to Simon was. No big loss, right?
I should mention that Clary and Luke track Simon down to the den, and Raphael's also on the case and reaches the den on his own. I should, because it's an attempt at generating tension, and it falls exceptionally flat when Simon…kills Quinn by himself just before the other three enter the den. Congratulations, one of your main characters and two of your main supporting cast were utterly useless.
Well, actually, Luke and Raphael do one more thing, which is hypnotize Ollie into forgetting the whole thing ever happened. So once again, Clary's stuck alone in being more or less useless. Oh, she does get a moment of wrap-up where Simon visits her at the Institute and angsts all over her, but says he'll remain friends with her but just needs time to heal. So…even that scene was all about Simon. You know, for a supposed protagonist who narrates the show's opening, Clary's shoved in the background pretty regularly.
Speaking of which, the episode's other plotline is the one that actually matters, as you might have gathered. And it opens with Sebastian being creepy on purpose some more, down to and including ironing his own hand.
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Does this serve a point? We already saw him hold his hand on an open flame, and also, you know, he's holding someone captive. I think the latter qualifies as a better proof that he's a bad guy. We don't need this shit, you guys.
The actual plot, by the way, is that Alec is organizing the transfer of Valentine to the Gard in Idris. I don't know why he wasn't sent straight there when he was first captured, by the way, but okay, good. He's dealing with Magnus's angst over the memories of his past that were triggered when he was tortured as Valentine a few episodes ago, and…I'll skip straight to the resolution of that, because it's what matters the least.
Basically, the memory in question is of Magnus's mom, who (seemingly) killed herself in shame over her son being a warlock. Since the only proof we have of that is Magnus's human dad's word, and that she died from being stabbed in the heart, I have some doubts, but okay. The bad (worse?) part of the memory is that said human dad yelled at Magnus about it, and Magnus lashed out with magic, killing him.
Magnus feels bad, because even at that age, he was in control of his magic and should have known better, and he feels like a monster undeserving of Alec's love. The solution is…kind of obvious.
"There's nothing ugly about you."
Wow. So profound. Also I should remind everyone that this is happening because Alec sanctioned torture of Magnus. Unwittingly, sure, but the fact that Magnus basically has to ask for Alec's acceptance as a consequence of that is a little bit jarring. To say the least.
Meanwhile on the actual plot side of things, Isabelle's tasked with organizing security for Valentine's transfer. The Magnus thing is basically just a delay since he's the only warlock with clearance to open a Portal for something this high-profile. And the show's going to use that delay, fear not.
I'll skip over the scene of Jace removing Valentine's Circle rune. The show says it's because the new wards in Idris won't let him through if he has the rune, but honestly, that scene is nothing but Jace rehashing all the ways Valentine fucked him up emotionally, and then inflicting violence on Valentine (because removing a rune is painful, not because he's actually beating him up, but it's still violence). It's just utterly pointless.
What does matter is that Aline shows up in the meantime. Yeah, Aline is in the show now. Turns out, she heard that her cousin (you know, Sebastian) had resurfaced in New York after going MIA for a while, and she came to check up on him. Cue our Sebastian going back home to his prisoner, who, in a completely unsurprising twist, is the real Sebastian Verlac.
"Tell me [everything about her] or she dies!"
Well, I'll give it to our fake Sebastian: at least he knows how to come up with a decent threat that he can actually carry out.
So Aline and not-Sebastian (and yes, I still need to figure out how to call him) spend the evening together, and he somehow manages to trick her into thinking she's really her cousin. I mean, she does express some suspicions, but overall, it works. However, twist of all twists, the real Sebastian manages to break free from his bonds and escape Sebastian's apartment! Ooh, how tense, I wonder if he'll manage to alert anyone!
Yeah, don't get excited. He reaches the Institute just as Aline is saying goodbye to Isabelle after fake-Sebastian convinced her to go check up on their aunt Elodie, the woman who was taking care of real-Sebastian. And just before real-Sebastian reaches them, fake-Sebastian stabs him in the back. See, his landlord saw his apartment door open, and called him because he thought there was a break-in, so he was already hunting for real-Sebastian, and because dramatic timing rules all, he found him at the very last moment.
What about Valentine's transfer, you may ask? Well, yeah, actually, that wasn't really relevant to the plot of the episode, was it? It just comes back up at the very end of the episode, so you already know it's going to be our cliffhanger. And indeed, just before Valentine walks into Magnus's Portal, another Shadowhunter (Duncan Armstrong, who had been previously seen criticizing Alec's leadership) grabs him, and they never show up on the other side of the Portal.
And then, surprise! We find out that fake-Sebastian is the one who orchestrated that by threatening Duncan's family. He kills Duncan immediately, because \~evil\~, and greets Valentine by revealing who he really is.
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And a "hello, Father" for good measure, if there were people in the audience who hadn't understood who he was yet.
And that's the end of the episode. The Simon stuff is trash, but I actually want to talk more about the dual Sebastian plot line. Because it should have been a tense plot, but it's so by-the-numbers that I doubt it would surprise anyone. However, it could easily have been salvaged, and I'm going to propose a version of events that would probably have worked much better (maybe even for people who read the books).
See, the issue here is twofold. One, we the audience already know that Jonathan Morgenstern is impersonating Sebastian, that he's evil, and that he has him captive. Two, we see Sebastian get his way in literally everything he does, so seeing real-Sebastian escape, when we're still halfway through this story arc, isn't really a tense moment. We know Sebastian won't be outed. So that shouldn't be the stakes here, because it makes the conclusion (fake-Sebastian killing real-Sebastian) the safe, predictable decision, and makes real-Sebastian being alive completely irrelevant.
So I propose this instead: everything unfolds as it does up until this episode, without the scenes of fake-Sebastian being obviously evil and creepy by gratuitously burning himself and also having a captive that we know about. Then, in this episode, someone (say, Aline) finds real-Sebastian captive. In his own (supposed) home or elsewhere, it doesn't matter. But real-Sebastian doesn't know that someone's impersonating him; maybe he's only seen Jonathan in his burned appearance we saw at the end of the episode. Based on something Jonathan says next episode, that form is actually stronger, so it would even make sense for him to use it.
Sebastian is rescued, but he's too weak to give too many details (and crucially, reveal he's been captive for a long time while a fake was going around). Aline investigates his capture, and finds Jonathan, still in his burned form, probably trying to get to real-Sebastian and make him disappear before he can spill too much information. Have all the action you want, Jonathan vanishes in the midst of it, having seemingly given up. Real-Sebastian, importantly, must be out of sight during all of this.
So cut to Aline going to check on her cousin, and he acts a little weird and maybe doesn't even know she's his cousin, but oh well, he's still pretty shaken up, so she dismisses it. Of course, it's actually fake-Sebastian again, but the characters don't know that, and we the audience don't either. Well, you can guess it is, but it's left uncertain enough. Maybe Aline found something that hinted at a long captivity, but fake-Sebastian denies being captive for more than a day, comes up with a theory that there may have been other captives, and she takes it at face value and leaves.
That creates mystery, and more importantly, some desperately-needed tension in the form of uncertainty—not for the characters, but for us, the audience. You can even keep the end of the episode intact, except Jonathan doesn't reveal to Valentine that he's in disguise as Sebastian yet. It doubles as a red herring, since now it looks like Jonathan was at the Insitute to (successfully) interfere with Valentine's transfer to Idris, rather than his actual goal of replacing Sebastian.
You can then reveal that real-Sebastian is dead…whenever the show will actually reveal it to the characters (I assume it will eventually). And now we, the audience, share the impact of that twist with the characters.
Of course, there are practical issues with this. In particular, it means having Will Tudor in the burned make-up (and having to make a different voice for Jonathan Morgenstern). And I realize it's easy to make a fix-fic after the fact to improve on a story that already exists. But…well, this was such an easy fix, and one that should have been obvious. Don't give the audience more information than the characters, and then treat the issue like a mystery. It's simple.
Anyway, that's all I have to say for this episode. Hope you enjoyed at least my little writing exercise, because I sure did, and that's pretty much the only thing I actually enjoyed about doing this review.
5 notes · View notes
ralfstrashcan · 5 years
3x20 Reaction / Commentary
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I wonder why, considering it wasn't hard at all. They barely had a plan and even had time to include some personal drama in their fight. Wtf. The only thing I can imagine why no one ever managed to kidnap her before is because no one wanted to have a hostage as irritating as the seelie queen.
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Hahahahahaha hilarious. Also, lol, no I'm choosing not to think of the implications because they are TOO DISTURBING, YOU HEAR ME @intezaarlily XD XD XD
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I mean, compelling argument. And very fitting since we learned from that Lilith Debacle that the Shadowhunters' go to solution for everything and anything is torture. But what I find way more interesting is that we finally get a good look at the side of the seelie queen's crown.
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's pretty.
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There's so much to unpack in this scene. Which I'm gonna do, in excruciating detail. In a relationship analysis post thingy, not here, because time and space reasons. Just know that this scene is absolutely amazing, their facial expressions and gestures, and of course the pretzel. Dammit, so amazing. Can't wait to fawn over it all.
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I'm with Meliorn on this one. Just because Lanaia committed a violation of the Accords (yes, on behalf of the seelie queen but the shadowhunters have no way of knowing that and I guess Meliorn wasn't stupid enough to tell them that) doesn't mean Clary can violate the Accords back and go unpunished. That's not how a legal system works. It's clear that with this whole operation the shadowhunters valued Clary's life over that of however may seelie guards' it would have taken to keep Jace's cover and get Clary back. I bet you Alec is aware of that and that's why he has that pinched look on his face the whole time. And while he argues pro shadowhunter side with that injection about Lanaia and he tries to placate Meliorn, he noticable doesn't try to justify Jace's actions at all, and whenever Jace does, Alec closes his eyes as if he's thinking “Dude don't you realize that's not an argument.”
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And then he just wants to leave???? Hahaha creep
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HAHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOD COMEDIC GOLD. The way he delivers that line I can't!!! The way he says “naturrrrrr” hahaha delicious.
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Uh if that's the smartest move? Who knows what kind of kinky shit Meliorn will demand in return?? I mean, just look at his smirk. Also, in case this doesn't get addressed again this is such a ficlet waiting to be written lol.
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The way Alec immediately starts almost-crying when someone mentions Magnus pulls on my heartstrings. Fragile darling boy.
I mean, I'm pretty sure Alec carrying the ring around in his pocket was for meta reasons so he could give it to Maryse in their only scene together, but dammmnnn the in universe implications. Ouch.
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I'm really going to miss this XD
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“My” door??? My ass.
“Alec and I are no longer.”
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lsjfkasdjflksdjfsdjflskdjf I CAN'T HAHAHHAAH HIS FACE
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Hahahahha please Lorenzo stop, I feel like I shouldn't be laughing so much XD Isn't this episode supposed to be Super Dramatic? I'm actually having the time of my life so far XD
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Okay and now I'm back to rage because wtf!!!! So Magnus is aware that Lorenzo's jurisdiction is limited and tiny, why didn't he remember that literally anytime before this, for example in 3x10?? Just imagine it, if Magnus had done that fancy ritual thingy he wouldn't have even needed to trade his magic away. Oh right, problem identified. There wouldn't have been some Prime Drama if he'd behaved like a sensible person. Ugh.
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The way Lorenzo's face falls upon hearing Asmodeus is priceless. But, uh, important question, how the hell does he know Asmodeus's face? Or does he identify him by his powers? Then again he failed identifying Asmodeus's power signature before already (3x02) so uuhhhh I need answers.
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Magnus Bane, finally enjoying the Draco Malfoy Way Of Life. I mean, that's not really rebutting Lorenzo's claim. The opposite, in fact. Also wtf does Lorenzo have for nerves to say that to Asmodeus's face???
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So this is not common warlock practice. Thanks for clarifying. Also, look at Asmodeus's smug face when Magnus references Edom hahaha #ProudDad
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THE SASS HAHAHA (btw for a moment I was worried he'd turnd him into a plastic lizard until it moved haha)
Also this means, the person Magnus trashes later in the loft with the whips, as seen in the promo, is Asmodeus?? Because he learns of his deal with Alec?? Or tbh, I've been entertaining the thought that it's Alec ahahaha
Also, Asmodues saying “When they hear about what?” has the same energy as Loki saying “I'm listening” in Avengers 1.
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Yeah I still have questions about that. But sure, whatever. Then again, if Jordan is so long-fingered he could start a career as pickpocket. Sounds like a stable income job to me.
See, the problem here is that this isn't fixing any of Maia's problems. Apart from the fact that currently she has no problems to fix as far as I'm concerned (the dead pack won't be miraculously resurrected if she becomes human) her issues with her family aren't due to her being a werewolf. She's adjusted to her life as a werewolf and if you ask me, she's grown to love it and she doesn't want to go back. Hell, she wanted to become alpha. She's working on building her own pack now. Someone who hates being a werewolf wouldn't do that. Very obviously, his line of reasoning makes sense for Jordan because he can't forgive himself for turning and abandoning Maia, which he views as ruining her life. So by reversing it he could finally start to atone for what he did. Perfectly ic, but very frustrating because as I pointed out, this won't benefit Maia in any way, it'll just create drama between the two of them. (And frankly, while I moderately care about both of them, I'd rather have Malec on my screen. Sue me.)
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Uh-huh, so some werewolf praetor spy with binoculars saw that Jordan stole the vial from the Institute but Izzy and Simon, who were literally in the same room didn't. No questions, your honor. Also ngl, since I knew this scene from the sneak peek already and couldn't care less about Luke's stupid Praetor plotline I skipped this scene XD #sorry not sorry
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I know a lot of people were relieved Clary didn't make out with Jonathan and I'm honestly so surprised why people would assume in the first place there was any risk for that. Despite the Evil Rune taking hold she's still aware of her feelings, for example her love for Jace etc. So why would she suddenly be into incest?
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Hehehehe the likelyhood of Asmodeus getting trashed in that loft is growing XD (Also please appreciate how I'm keeping my salt about Maryse's “I love you” under wraps, I'm amazed at my self restraint.)
I mean, I was really surprised by a character actually taking action, trying their hand at communication like this. I am impressed. The thing that I slightly dislike is that it's Maryse. She didn't have all the info about the deal Alec made with Asmodeus and a) Izzy had and I really, really expected her to do something about that instead of just letting Alec wreck his life and, to a good part, Magnus's as well, and b) if even Maryse, without even knowing for sure that Magnus's magic returned after Alec broke up with him, could put two and two together, why the hell didn't Magnus??
I can half buy that with his issues and insecurites striking harder than ever, amplyfied by the severe grief of his magic loss, he'd fall for Alec's lies because to him Alec loving him the way he did was too good to be true anyway, and their relationship wasn't long enough for Magnus to really get used to the idea that he gets to keep this. It's obvious in the way he always keeps his eyes closed after they kiss, this moment of disbelieve that this is actually real. So Alec breaking up with him wouldn't be an unreastic thing, it would be reality finally catching up with them, it'd be the universe rightening itself.
But, I only half buy it. Because even if Magnus had doubts about himself and his worth, how the hell could he revisit all those memories in 3x19 where Alec was dropping wedding vows left and right, and not realize that something about Alec was off there. Anyway, dwelling on this is pointless because what's done is done, but it's a very weak explanation and very convenient, story telling wise.
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Hahahha love me some common sense. Maia has tons of it. Makes her so likable.
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Listen, I like Jordan, but I can't even feel any sympathy in the face of all this stupidity. Just take the frakkin vial yourself, idiot. Humans don't die from silver poisoning. And it's clear that you're struggling with your werewolf-dom to hell and back. This would literally solve all of their problems wtf. But God forbid anyone ever act reasonable on this show. Goddammit.
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Hahahha so rude. *Loki Voice* WHO PUT HIM THERE??? Another missing scene ficlet dying to be written XD Also, does Lorenzo still have his consciousness or was his mind reduced to that of a lizard? Will it be restored when he's transformed back? Is that even possible or was that transformation irreversible? Will he remember his time as a lizard? Or is Lorenzo as we know and love to hate him gone forever? So many questions.
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Bitch you didn't, you had to be TOLD
I find it amazing that Asmodues tries to argue with Magnus even though his evil plan was uncovered. He really doesn't get it, does he? That Magnus likes his life and doesn't want to be in Edom?
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I am reeling. What a frikkin powermove, disposing of him like that, and with his own invention no less. Talk about a dead ass capable character who could trash everyone in his way. Honestly I'm still processing. This is so radical wtf. So I'm never gonna get another scene with Asmodeus?? Please I wanted more of them!! I am so helplessly in love with their dynamic. 5 bucks say he was supposed to come back in S4 I WAS SO DEPRIVED OH GOD!!!!!
Edit: Yeah, this was actually supposed to be a setup for a Dark!Magnus plotline, with Asmodeus playing a big role in S4. They changed that and cut this short, here's the article I got this from. We were so robbed. I can't.
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“Hurry, away from this Shadowhunter Nonsense. Honestly, that they can never solve their shit issues in their own fugly ass Institute but have to do it on our beautifully groomed frontyard. The disrespect.”
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Also that fighting is awesome and all (Alec as a tactical advantage, Jace “betraying” his position as a ploy, color me impressed) but doesn't Clary have to stab Jonathan for it to work?? Or is it enough if one of the bondmates is stabbed with the sword?? And since Fake Glorious is super instable etc. and will likely be destroyed in the process they shouldn't take any chances and make sure it really works the first time around.
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I get that this is supposed to be dramatic but sorry, I don't buy for one second that 3 Months Shadowhunter Newby Clary manages to get one over Izzy who's been literally trained since birth (yeah that was a quote from Arthur because I'm total Merlin Trash) and she's their best fighter ever and could beat Jace and Alec at the same time with the flick of a wrist while blindfolded. Please. Oh my god. Maybe because she always fights with her whip she's not too used to a sword. Then again she also uses a staff and she still was trained since birth so no, I'm still not buying it.
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Hahahahah nice one, Simon.
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“That's my plan, you can bet on it, bet on it, bet on it....”
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why I mean, this was a conscious choice on producers' part, right. So I'm demanding an explanation. What's the point of this weirdly edited grunt?
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Hm, they don't fold too nicely. But all in all, pretty solid wing work.
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?????? This makes no sense since, prior to this half season, he wasn't tethered to Clary. Wtf. For all intents and purposes, Jonathan should be dropping dead to the ground since he was using Clary's life force to be alive, remember, he was literally killed to death before. Only their bond was keeping him alive. This makes no sense whatsoever. But anyway, that was a pretty impressive departure.
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Yeah, how about you get the f outta there now, Simon.
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H-e-a-l-i-n-g  r-u-n-e. Honestly. Wtf.
Also, Izzy pushing Simon to the ground was a little stupid, he could have vampire-run out of the explosion's perimeter easily. If he had a few brain cells. Okay, problem identified, I take everything back, Izzy made the right call.
And I guess Alec's just chilling over there on the forrest ground. He deserves that break, man.
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Just force it down Jordan's throat omg. If he still dies, whatever, good for him, he got what he wanted. If not then he can maybe start facing his Maia-shaped issues in a constructive way.
Maia giving it to Luke makes no sense. How the f does he want to “get rid of it” wtf. If I were Maia I'd just pour it in the river or idk, burry it somewhere. Lock it in a safe, throw away the key. Or better yet, keep an eye on it. But sure, Luke who just learned the Praetor are full of shit is gonna give it to them?? I mean, the thought must have crossed his mind that maybe they didn't heal Jordan as a punishment for failing that Heidi mission? Since apparently it's common werewolf knowledge that the Praetor is able to cure a silver poisoning? Jordan wouldn't have said that if they didn't have a cure for it, right? If Luke honestly gives them that vial, he'll be dead to me. I fully expect him to try and blackmail the Praetor with it or something, but if he doesn't istg.
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You're on thin effing ice, man.
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Aahhhhh yeah how very convenient. Also rude, they stole Jonathan's home :C Also technically she shouldn't be able to do that because it's demon travel and she no longer has a connection to demon blood.
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Yeah and they also steamrolled whatever room was there before they parked that big ass apartment there. Congrats.
“You barely got your licence to drive a car, much less whatever that was.”
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Hell yeah logic!! But lol I genuinely don't think Jace or Simon thought of that when they were unhelpfully patting her back.
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.........? How is Simon there then? This isn't even sarcasm, I genuinely don't get it.
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This was cute and all, but she didn't actually activate her iratze wtf. Or wash off her blood.
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Dude wtf Maia
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I mean come on, this is so obvious to top off their drama.
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Yep, I called it. Seriously, you don't leave a person on the brink of death alone for literally this reason. And before you tell me she was just getting some food to lighten the mood from her way back from the bridge, there was still tons of daylight then and this is at least several hours later. I am sorry, but I feel zero sympathy.
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1) Where do those surviving werewolves besides Bat come from? 2) What does mundane police have to say about this public cremation? 3) I remember this shot of Maia walking away from the fire from the 3B Trailer. So rude.
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0 bucks say he caught them making out, honestly this was so obvious.
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This rang deep. Really great moment. I can't really put it into words, but this had such an impact. A real warrior feel to it. Amazing.
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“No obviously we don't but c'mon, work with me here.”
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I can't possibly put into words the love I'm feeling for one (1) extra warlock.
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He finally got it. My poor murderous incest baby. Too bad this means Clary lost her only bargaining chip.
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I love how he delivers this line. It's his goodbye because there's no making it out of there alive, and the last thing of importance he has to say is a love confession to Clary. Very nice delivery.
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ahahahahah okay this was a nice echoing of Jace's other love confession, but all I could focus on was how frakkin red Clary's hand is hahaha
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I love everything about this, okay. I love how Alec just gives in because he couldn't stand to be apart from Magnus for one more second. I love how this is reminiscent of their first kiss at Alec's fail wedding. (Btw can you believe we're gonna start and end Malec with a kiss at a wedding and a wedding kiss? The poetry.) I love the backdrop, the absolute destruction. Love Izzy in her rightful place in the first row since she's the Captain of the MS Malec.
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I really appreciate that they bothered with an explanation why Magnus needs to go to Edom at all, but, uh, if memory serves right he closed a rift to Edom in 2x19 and it was no big deal. I'd buy that this rift is larger or more powerful because it was created by the Morgenstern Sword but just because I can find an explanation that this task is harder than one Magnus already accomplished onscreen with relative ease doesn't mean it's not the Show’s duty to deliver an explanation of its own accord instead of letting fans pick through their worldbuilding and figuring out something that makes sense. A simple “You closed rifts before, from Earth.” - “This rift is too large” would have been enough. Is that too much to ask.
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When he lifted his hand in that slow deliberate move I was SO SURE HE'D BE WEARING THE LIGHWOOD RING HAHAHA
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Btw there's a description in those rings, I can't really tell, but the one on the right looks like a loopy A upside down so I'm guessing one has “Alexander” and the other “Magnus” on the inside????
Edit: Both rings say “Aku cinta kamu” and I am DEAD
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Hahahaha Alec wanted to win the proposal but this round goes to Magnus. But tbh he totally cheated XD XD XD
Ngl, the ring catching on Magnus's knuckle for a moment reminded me of the wedding of Kate and William ahahahaa I'm trash XD
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Can you believe Malec got cheated out of their first engaged kiss by some rude ass explosion? Unfair.
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I find myself genuinely confused by this. Why does Alec even entertain the thought of not going with Magnus? It seems so illogical that they'd seperate now. Later reason kicked in, and yeah, Edom probably isn't the best place for a shadowhunter but this is exactly it: Alec's instinct should have been to go with Magnus and I wish they'd taken the time to address this in any way, to give Alec the chance to express his wish to go with Magnus.
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But then he jokes about runaway grooms anyway because he thinks he’ll never see Alec again and he wants Alec to remember him joking & smiling & happy *cries* I’M SAD. why did I bring that up.
Thanks, @intezaarlily for making tHIS EVEN WORSE WTF
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OH MY GOD I CAN'T I'M LAUGHING SO HARD THIS IS SO RIDICULOUS HAHAHAHA Magnus REALLY should have pulled the portal down on himself and not flown into it like a flying fish jumping out of the water wtf hahaha. Then again this is proof he can totally do the superman flight and it is CANON that he did that at some point. He had a whole annoying phase where he'd just fly around like a super hero. Cat was so done with it. Ragnor refused to be around him at all. Good times.
Anyway, another thing I need an explanation for is why it'll be so hard for Magnus to return to Earth. In 3x10 that posed No Problem, meaning one of two things. Either a) Asmodeus sent him back or b) he could easily travel back because he used that pentagram thingy. Honestly, the fact that Jonathan just as easily returns to Earth after his failed attempt on Lilith's life lets me favor b), which begs the question why Magnus used a regular portal instead of the pentagram thingy now. But even if a) is the case then that means Greater Demons apparently have no problem removing people from Edom and then I wonder if Magnus will have to beg Azazel or something to return him home lol, like a little kiddie asking for a lift. Or maybe, since he channelled his epic Edom!Power, maybe he can send himself back?? In any case I want some solid explanation on that.
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Alec just collapsing made so much sense okay. I could feel the emptiness in my own chest, having gained and lost everything in a few short minutes, I can't even imagine how crushed Alec must be feeling.
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Magnus's magic closing the rift is so epic in an incredibly emotional and intimate sense. Seeing his magic, part of him, when he's so far beyond all of their reach. It's incredible, it's touching and powerful and so so fragile. I'm amazed.
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I can't believe they did this. I can't believe they put the literally last shot of this in the 3B Trailer. The audacity.
Okay but really important question, who's gonna feed Lorenzo now??? (God only one week left I am dead.)
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zephyr-fantasy · 7 years
Oh J*lec shippers, why do you do the things you do? 
In principle, I’m not actively against many pairings within fandom in general. I’m a multishipper --always have been-- and so although I usually have one main pairing for my favorite characters, sometimes I see the possibility of those characters being shipped with others. 
That being said, shipping that changes an already established LGB+ character sexuality is a no go (so, yeah, I’m against Cl*lec) and then I’ll never be a fan of pairings that have a direct power imbalance -- the first example that comes to mind for that would be mentor/student types. I’m sure there are other types, but these are two examples I have off the top of my head. 
So yeah, I’m not against J*lec in principle -- I mean Alec and Jace obviously have an amazing bond and I totally get why some people want to explore that in different ways. I’ve read some decent, unproblematic, J*lec -- hell, I’ve daydreamed up J*lec storylines before. I’m not just using lip service when I say I get why people want to explore their relationship. 
What I am against is twofold -- 1) J*lec shippers that ONLY ship Alec and Jace with each other and are really aggressive about it, to the point of insulting the other characters that Jace and Alec are involved with. While it wouldn’t surprise me that there are one or two J*lec shippers that are nasty about Clary usually the majority are really offensive about how they treat and/or talk about Magnus. To the point where they are being racist -- and really, are these specific “fans” into J*lec because they think the Parabatai bond is oh so great or because they hate the idea of their white favorite with a PoC? 
And -- 2) which --surprise!-- also has to do with Magnus: I really, really, dislike the fanfics that basically use Magnus as a stepping stone to J*lec happening. The whole “Alec becomes interested in Magnus, Jace realizes he’s jealous and why, Alec drops Magnus like a hot potato because Jace finally started to pay the right type of attention to him.” -- ugh!
Not only does that make Alec seem really shallow and mean to the point of ugliness, but Magnus is not there to be the bridge that creates J*lec -- he’s his own character with his own feelings that deserve respect. 
Especially with the fanfics that are written within TV!canon and Magnus’ feelings have already been established as deep and true; then it gets really ugly in disregarding him, my gods. It’s literally canon that Magnus’ closed himself off emotionally for over a hundred years because of Camille, only to start to feel things for Alec. To just stomp all over that for a pairing where within canon Jace doesn’t return Alec’s feelings -- and to do it deliberately within a fanfic -- it’s appalling. 
AUs can be different. Either ones that are in canon and Alec and Magnus haven’t met and/or just don’t have feelings for each other or ones that are all!human or what have you -- they don’t have to involve Magnus into Alec’s love life at all. So the ones that do but then have it end up being J*lec at the end anyways? Totally ridiculous. 
It almost makes me want to write a fanfic where Alec is totally in love with Jace, meets Magnus and goes all starry-eyed, Jace realizes he has feelings for Alec, Alec finds out about said feelings, BUT THEN -- Alec decides to stay with Magnus because he’s already started to move on. I mean, I won’t --I struggle with writing stuff I’m actually enthusiastic for, thanks-- but … almost. 
This has been brought to you by the influx of J*lec on Ao3 here lately -- seriously, was there a fan week or something? I don’t follow any hardcore J*lec shippers on Tumblr, so ...
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lovepeaceandarrows · 7 years
Fake Dating & Stealing Cookies
Jace Wayland/Herondale imagine
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Summary: Jace and you never got along well. When there’s a new mission, they need the two of you to pretend to be dating, and move into an apartment together. Now you only need to try not to kill each other. Followed by ‘The Date & The Confession’.
A/N: I saw Dom’s scene in Modern Family, which was amazing, and I just had to write something for Jace. Also, this is probably a long shot, but I’m going to Amsterdam next weekend. I’ve only been there once, just for one day, and I didn’t really do anything besides shopping to be honest, so if anyone knows something to do, feel free to let me know. From sightseeing to shops, to places to eat/drink something, anything is welcome. Thank you, and I hope you’ll like this :)
Prompts: “Is that supposed to cheer me up?” – “I would rather be violently stabbed to death.” – “Can you stop distracting me?”
“I’m sorry, you want us to do what?” You asked Alec, raising your eyebrows. Looking sideways towards Jace, you could tell he wasn’t a big fan of the plan either.
“Well, I’m sorry, but you are the only two available for this mission.” he explained why you two were the lucky chosen ones.
“Why can’t you and Izzy do it?” Jace asked him.
“Izzy is my sister.” Jace just raised one of his eyebrows at him, not getting why that was a problem.
“I’m not pretending to date my sister, Jace.” he argued. “Where you even listening when I told you what you were supposed to do?”
“I was listening to some parts of it.”
Alec let out a sigh.
“He wants us to pretend to be a couple in order to keep tabs on some dodgy Downworlders who will be our neighbors.” you said in a bored tone.
“What she said.” Alec looked at Jace, nodding towards you.
“Come on, Y/N, it can’t be that bad.” Izzy said when she saw the expression on your face. She had come to your room as soon as she had heard you would be leaving the next day for a mission, figuring you didn’t like it at all.
“You don’t have to spend who knows how long with the guy in a tiny apartment, pretending to be dating. I’m pretty sure he hates me, Iz.” You pouted a bit as you let out a sigh. You and Jace were known for not getting along that well.
“He doesn’t hate you.” she reassured you. “He just isn’t used to being beaten in close combat training.” She smiled.
You raised your eyebrows in doubt. “Still, this is not going to be a fun mission.”
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I made you some cookies.” She smiled as she offered you a box filled with her home made cookies.
You eyed the box. “Is that supposed to cheer me up?”
Izzy’s mouth opened in protest, slightly offended no one thought she could cook. “My cooking is not that bad!”
“No, you’re right.” you said as you opened the box of cookies, sniffing the smell of slightly burned cookies, and something else that definitely wasn’t supposed to be in there. “If I really do get tired of Jace, I could always poison him with your cookies.” You smiled smugly.
She narrowed her eyes at you, but managed to still smile, grabbing a pillow from your comforter next to her. “Shut up.” She threw the pillow at you, making you actually laugh.
“That is not my color.” Jace was looking down at his neck, where you were covering up one of his more noticeable runes with your liquid foundation.
“Shut up. It’s the only one I have.” You turned towards your other side, where you had displayed some of your make up, taking a brush and some translucent powder to make sure the foundation would stay on for the rest of the day.
“What about those little ones?” He was looking at some more make up you had brought.
You looked at your left to see what he was talking about. “That’s eye shadow, so unless you want to look like an alien, I would suggest you keep still so I can use this one.”
When you had applied the powder, you stepped away to see if you had missed a spot somewhere.
“Seeing something you like?”
“Not in the slightest.”
You took one of the boxes out of the car as you were standing in front of the building you would be calling your home for an indefinite time.
“Here we go.” You let out a sigh, as you started walking up the stars towards your apartment, number 5a, right next to the couple of supposedly rogue werewolves at 5b.
You had just placed the first box next to the door as you took the keys to your new home out of your back pocket. You had some problems opening your door, when you heard the door of the apartment next to yours open, revealing a quite handsome twenty something man. He eyed you struggling with your own door, when he made his way towards you.
“It helps when you push it,” he aided, pushing right above the keyhole, “right about here.” He added, just as the lock clicked open.
“Thank you.” You smiled warmly at your new neighbor. You turned around to look at your new apartment, “I, uhm, I would love to invite you in,” you pointed at your new home, “but I’m afraid there’s not much in there yet.”
“That’s all right, I needed to be somewhere else anyway.” He smiled politely back at you. “I’m Wilson by the way.” You could hear footsteps on the stairs, knowing it was Jace.
“Y/N. Nice meeting you.”
“Honey,” you saw Jace looking weirdly at you, until he noticed you weren’t alone, “meet our neighbor, Wilson. Wilson, this is Jace.” You introduced the two to each other.
“Nice to meet you man.” Jace put down his own box and smiled at your new neighbor.
“Likewise.” He smiled back. “Listen, I’m really sorry, but I do have to go, I’ll see you two around?”
“Welcome to the building.” He smiled at you, before turning around and making his way towards the stairways.
“Quick,” you whispered to Jace, “lift me up and carry me over the threshold.”
His eyebrows knitted together. “What?”
“Do it or you’ll regret it.” You grumbled.
You let out a shriek when he actually did pick you up, making Wilson turning his head, looking at the two of you just has he carried you over the threshold. You leaned your head back and let out a giggle. You really deserved an Oscar for this performance.
“Ow!” you let out when Jace dropped you only seconds later.
“Whoops.” He mumbled unapologetically. You narrowed your eyes at him and quickly jumped back up, making your way to get the rest of your stuff.
“Care to explain why we had to put up that little show?” he asked before you could disappear through the door.
You turned back around to answer his question. “Humans want what they can’t have.” You said smugly.
“Oh, so you must really want me then.” He retorted with a smirk.
“Ha.” You snorted. “You’re forgetting I’m a Shadowhunter.”
He tilted his head a bit to the side. “That’s still half human.”
“You really overestimate my human side, honey.” You winked before closing the door behind you.
Later that day, you bumped into Wilson again, inviting Jace and you over for drinks. You found out his supposedly other half was actually his half-sister, who moved in with him after she had broken up with her boyfriend about a month before.
A week later, Izzy came over to your place to talk and go over the things you had found out.
“Iz, you should see this guy.” You bit your under lip, smiling.
Izzy rolled her eyes. “If you tell me one more time about his dreamy eyes, I’m out of here.” She threatened, but you knew she didn’t mean it.
“Too bad he might be the bad guy.” You let out a sigh.
“Well, from the things you told me, and from what me and Alec have found out, I actually think he might be innocent.”
“Can you stop distracting me?” You glared at Jace, who was training across the room.
He turned his head to look at you and smirked. “Oh, so you think I’m distracting, huh?”
You rolled your eyes. “No, I’m saying the sounds you’re making are distracting.”
His smile grew even wider. “So my moans and grunts are distracting?”
You let out a sigh. “Ugh, you’re terrible. Just, put on a shirt.” Luckily for you, he actually did manage to listen to you for once. Putting his shirt over his head, he made his way over to you. You had just placed the lady finger biscuits for your tiramisu on the kitchen counter, when he tried to snatch some. You quickly smacked his hand away from the cookies.
“Don’t touch that, that’s not for you.” You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Oh, what happened to ‘whatever is mine is yours’, honey?”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, shut up. If my plan actually works, we both get to go home and you get to annoy some other poor soul.” You forced a smile on your face.
He just smiled. “You mean distract other people with my awesomeness.” He raised his eyebrows. He quickly took some cookies, successfully this time, and pushed them all inside his mouth, which made for a funny view.
“I said not to touch that!” You said angrily, but couldn’t help but smile when he grinned widely, with his mouth still full with the cookies.
“Idiot.” You silently said while smiling, shaking your head.
You knocked on the door, having timed exactly 45 minutes since Wilson had come home, and 15 minutes since Rachel had left.
“Hi.” Wilson smiled when he greeted you at his door.
“Hi.” You smiled back. You held out the glasses of tiramisu you had made earlier in one hand, and a bottle of alcohol in the other. “I brought you something to thank you for the hospitality. Is Rachel home?” You glanced past him in their apartment, already knowing she wasn’t there.
“No, you just missed her. You want to come in though?”
“Gladly. Thank you.”
An hour later, the two of you had downed the bottle you had brought with you as a gift by yourself. You were cautious not to drink too much, as the plan depended on getting Wilson drunk, and not you. When Wilson went to open another bottle, you quickly poured your glass in a nearby plant pot.
“So, what’s the deal between you and Jace?” He asked when he was out of view.
“Well, you know that annoying but attractive guy from 2b?” You said when he came back in view, making him nod in response. “That was Jace where I lived before.”
“Really?” he sounded surprised. “But you seem like such a great couple. I mean, not to sound like a stalker, but the walls are pretty thin, and sometimes we,” he coughed, “we can hear the two of you.” You knew it was just the alcohol in him talking, because he was being pretty straight forward, but that only meant your plan was working.
At first, you furrowed your brows, because you had no idea what he could be talking about, until you remembered you practiced your combat skills, and as Jace was the only one available to practice with, you both trained together, which resulted in some grunts, and, admittedly, some moans as well.
“Oh, uhm, well, yeah, but the physical aspect isn’t everything in a relationship, right? I mean, it’s great, but sometimes you want someone who matches you in every aspect.” He was silent for a moment, while he was staring in your eyes, lost in thought.
“So I was wondering,” he spoke after some time had passed, “if you categorize every one like the guy from 2a, how would you categorize me?”
“Easy.” You answered quickly. “The cute, handsome and helpful guy next door. What about me?” You honestly wanted to know.
He seemed to think about it. “The adorable, sexy girl next door whom I really like.” You stared at him. Did he really think that way about you?
You inched closer towards him, wanting him to make a move, but he seemed frozen on the couch. When he realized what you were doing, he started moving closer as well.
Your plan had succeeded, and you got to kiss a handsome man.
“Hello Rachel.” You said from your dark spot in the alleyway when she walked past you.
She looked at you and narrowed her eyes at you when she noticed your runes. “Shadowhunter.” She spat out.
“Shadowhunters, actually.” Jace appeared from the other side of the alley way.
“Now, want to tell us what you're planning with Valentine?” You tilted your head slightly to the side, keeping your gaze on her. “And I do mean the person, not the holiday.”
“I’m not going to tell anything to a Shadowhunter.” She said the last word like it was the most disgusting thing there was. “I would rather be violently stabbed to death.”
“Oh Rachel, honey,” you drawled, slowly walking closer towards her, “don’t say that unless you actually mean it.” You pulled a dagger from somewhere, still inching closer towards her. “You know, your brother has told me a lot already.” You said, smirking.
She narrowed her eyes at you. “What did you do to him?”
“Who knew what amazing sex could achieve, huh?” You taunted with a smile. “Twice.” You emphasized by holding up two fingers.
You didn’t notice the way Jace looked at you when you told her that.
“You leave my brother out of this and I’ll tell you everything.”
You both walked towards the Institute to tell the others what you had found out about what the werewolves were planning. You hadn’t said anything during the way over, until Jace broke the silence when the two of you rounded the last corner. “You didn’t actually had sex with that guy, right?” he asked quietly.
You turned your head to look at him. “No!” You let out, pausing for a moment and thinking about why he would want to know that. “He passed out from the alcohol when we were at third base.” You said smirking, winking at Jace.
“You can’t be serious!” he almost yelled and stopped walking. You stopped walking as well, and turned back to look at him.
“What?” you asked, raising your eyebrow. “He was hot.” You waggled your eyebrows a bit.
He frowned while his mouth opened just a little bit. “Why do you even care?” You tilted your head a bit sideways, not getting why he was reacting like that.
He started walking again. “I don’t.”
You just stood there for a couple of seconds, trying to figure out what his problem was, before you followed him back to the Institute.
A couple of days had passed since you had moved back into the Institute. Strangely enough, you had missed the cozy feeling of having your own home and independency, even if you did have to share it with Jace. You made your way towards the training room, where you heard some grunts.
“Want to train together?” you asked Jace, hoping you could beat his ass again, and also missing the times you had been training together during the mission.
After five minutes in, you had both been giving some good hits, but neither one of you was ready to give up.
“Hey, be honest with me.” You suddenly asked.
“Yeah, that’s not really your color.” He smirked.
You rolled your eyes before trying to get him to fall down. “You think it would be weird if I asked Wilson on a date?”
“What?” he lowered his defense, just for a couple of seconds, giving you time to knock him down to the floor.
You smiled while you pinned him down. “Got you.”
He seemed to have found some sudden strength to want to beat you anyway, because before you knew it, you let out a shriek, making you be the one pinned down to the floor, and him on top of you.
“So you like to be on top, huh?” you said smugly, raising an eyebrow. He just let out a sigh, making him loosen his defense once again. You quickly shot up, your lips touching his, and for a brief second, he didn’t react. Until he did, with a passion.
You quickly turned back around, making him be the one pinned down to the floor again.
“Ha, I win.” You smiled.
He narrowed his eyes at you again. “Damn it, Y/N, you can’t just do that.” He quickly stood back up, making room between the two of you.
You just raised an eyebrow and crossed your arms over each other.
“You can’t say such things, and then do something like that, when I —.”
“When you what?”
“When I like you!” he burst out. It stayed silent for a moment like that, until Jace interrupted the moment by closing his eyes and sighing. “I really don’t know why, but I miss the time we spend together. It was one of the best times I ever had.” He added the last part silently.
You lightly bit your lower lip, trying not to grin. “I miss it too.”
“And now you have feelings for — wait, you do?”
You couldn’t help but actually grin when you saw the surprised look on his face. “Of course I do. As annoying as you can be, you’re also actually fun to hang around with.”
His smile even got wider when he realized the meaning of your words. “So you like me too.”
You shrugged. “I did like kissing you.” You retorted, smirking.
He smiled and moved slowly towards you. “I think we can arrange something.” He said right before his lips touched yours softly.
“I think I will like this arrangement.” You silently said against his lips.
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jennathearcher · 7 years
Thoughts on season two, episode eleven of Shadowhunters:
- I actually got so excited when the theme song started, I missed this show SO MUCH.
- Clary and Simon need to stop being an adorable couple cause I’m starting to like them together and NOOOOOOOOO
- Does Jace just have a penchant for walking up when Clary and Simon are being romantic?
- Tbh I thought Azazel was Sebastian in disguise at first lol
- Poor Izzy holy shit??? As much as I hated the yin fen plotline with her this was great, seeing her ultimately making the choice to kick the habit
- Magnus and Alec being all couple-y and cute aaaaaaaah~
- I always praise the hell out of Kat’s acting, and this episode is no exception, but everyone was really really good here??? Special kudos to Dom and Emeraude especially like DAMN
- Molly is super cute??? I love that her mentioning her girlfriend was just a casual thing, even if I feel like her character is gonna be up to something nefarious
- Maia seems to be back to herself again, bless :3
- Simon’s phone convo with Maureen though, I detect foreshadowing~
- The effect of Azazel messing with everyone’s heads reminded me of Logan, whenever Charles had a seizure and it affected every mutant in the world
- Clary glaring at Jace when she knows he’s lying to her UGH MARRIED
- Edit: I didn’t even realize this until after I watched the episode, I thought that AZAZEL had possessed Magnus for some reason but I later made the connection that Magnus and Valentine have SWITCHED BODIES???? OH JESUS WHAT THE FUCK SHOW
- Annnnnnnnd I saved the best for last:
- He’s British, wasn’t expecting that XD
- But he’s so adorable and I wonder how many people who haven’t read the books are gonna fall in love with him before THE BIG REVEAL
- HIS LITTLE AWKWARD GRIN???? Like “this is how normal everyday humans Shadowhunters do, right???”
- I really hope whatever he gave Izzy isn’t an even stronger drug
- I also really hope they’re not setting up a potential romance between Sebastian and Izzy because NO
- I love it I love everything about it I’m so glad this show is back
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notanythcng · 7 years
three little words | clary && izzy
aka the one where clary quizzing izzy on her notes with taylor swift playing in the background has an unexpected outcome. @crimsonrubies
Isabelle knocked on Clary's door, worried but also determined to help. Her backpack was filled with her big notebook ( filled with all her notes and things to remember ) , a bottle of liquor saved for special occasions, snacks and drawing pencils.
clary "coming!" calls clary, walking down the hallway a little quicker than she usually would. a little spring in her step at the thought of seeing isabelle, despite all of the things that had been piled upon her today. opening the door with a smile, wide so isabelle could come in. "hey."
Isabelle smiled, leaning in and instantly kissing Clary on the lips. She had wanted to for far too long and both of them needed such a gesture after the bomb drop. Pulling away, she wrapped her arms around her shoulder and hugged warmly. "Hey, everything alright? Sorry that I took too long but there was a huge queue in the shop. Got some snacks."
clary lets out a breath of relief the moment before isabelle's lips touch hers; as if it's a final act of reassurance. isabelle still wants to be with her despite the severity of the admission she's just made. "everything is a lot better now that you're here." her arms around isabelle's waist. "you're an angel. come in."
Isabelle smiled at Clary's words and walked in, getting her backpack off her back. Tonight was not for discussing the stressing matter if Clary did not want to - tonight was for fun, relaxation, ​distraction​. Isabelle Lightwood was determined to make Clary forget about her newly found sibling. The thought itself sickened her, that Valentine was connected to such a pure and undeserving of injustice creature such as the sun-kissed girl ( and quite frankly, was Valentine really a human being worthy of having a daughter that was such a contrasting opposite? Such a beam of light and support, contradicting with all of his actions and morals. ). Isabelle wondered if Jace knew. "Okay so, I say we put on some music, open the liquor, get those jellies rolling and start quizzing. We have a lot of material to go through: first category - the brain and nervous system."
clary god, she's really starting to love isabelle. and it should terrify her - should threaten her to the very core and want to build walls around her heart for just a little longer - but it doesn't. it was just as simon said had said 'some people processed by being around those that they love, and some people processed by being alone'. and clary fairchild was definitely the former, and isabelle lightwood definitely fit into that category. she closes the door behind her girlfriend and watches her movements. slowly starting to walk to the living room couch. "The brain and the nervous system it is. I'll get the glasses." she smiles as she walks by and into the kitchen, reminding her of the first night she ever spent with isabelle. it's with that thought in mind that she grabs two glasses from the cupboard and moves to put them on the living room table. "so - we have a very extensive musical choice."
Isabelle still couldn't quite explain how it all began. It was like that bar had sparked a flame that was too wild to tame now. Isabelle remembered laying eyes on Clary Fairchild and instantly being mesmerized by her beauty - and unlike popular opinion, a smart girl like Izzy valued the brain more than the face. And then she recalled perceiving her words as works of art instead of letters and syllables. Colors, sculptures, paintings created only by Clary's voice - that had sealed the deal ( that's how she knew she was falling ). "Oh? What do we have in store?"
clary sets the glasses down on the table, smiling at izzy playfully as she moves to the speakers in the loft. "luke and my mom are collectors." she turns to flip through the various options on the rack, stacked up high. "david bowie? the cure? the kinks? taylor swift? i think we even have the rolling stones somewhere." her smile grows wider as she thinks of all the time spent acquiring these CDs. "and before you ask - magnus and i loved taylor swift when we lived here."
Isabelle gasped, smirking. "Put my queen Taylor Swift on right this very instant!" she opened her backpack, taking the quiz cards and her notebook out together with the snacks. "Okay, so we're doing the extreme version - you should name a nerve and I should point it on this skeleton right nere," she waved towards her book, revealing a scheme from her textbook. "Go," she smiled, biting her lips almost too seductively. How natural was it being domestic with Clary.
clary grins, moving to put her most recent album on. letting it sound through the otherwise empty loft and moving to take her seat on the couch, watching isabelle take everything out. she really was prepared. "not only do you love taylor swift, you come prepared." her 'i love you', her declaration, begs to slip out again. she doesn't let it. she takes the textbook into her lap, letting her focus remain on isabelle's lip as she bites it. they are dating - it's her privilege. "the optic nerve." otherwise known as that which assisted sight. and even though she barely understands a word of this - she feels okay. she feels good.
Isabelle smiles while shaking her head. "Going easy on me, huh?" she responds, while opening the bottle of liquor, not even bothering to lift the skeleton. "Here," she points to her eyes, literally, explaining quite swiftly. "The second nerve of the sixteen in total cranial nerves - the one responsible for providing us with sights. What a blessing isn't it? I get to see beautiful red and green streaks of pure perfection." she flirts subtly, smirking at Clary.
clary "i wanted to start with something simple." she responds, sitting back and waiting for izzy to pour a glass of the liquor, which she honestly needs, impressed by izzy's blatant knowledge of what she studied. although not surprised. her gaze is drawn to her eyes as she answers. "and i get to see your beautiful brown eyes and actually try to draw you. not that i could do you justice." she flirts back. "what about the subcostal nerve?"
Isabelle "Found along the lower border of the... ugh," she forgot which rib, so she skipped it. "Fuck I forgot. It was one of the lower ribs, I'm sure." she bit her bottom lip while thinking how amusing it all was - she would've flamed up try to remember, but with Clary, it was all easier, way more enjoyable nad less stressing. "You know, my head pounds from nerves. I read about them the entire day." she stated, quirking a brow up. "What about the heart? Or any other organ, I want to practice organs,"
clary "here -" clary leans over, moving her finger over the rib in which the nerve resided. the textbook still in her lap as she leans over the space between them to gesture to the correct answer, place her fingers over it over isabelle's shirt. remaining there for a moment before leaning back on her haunches, sitting back comfortably again. "Other organs. Okay." She skips a few pages in the textbook and finds the appropriate one. "What is the heart comprised of?"
Isabelle smiled, definitely liking Clary's touch. "Of course, the twelfth rib." A selfish part of her wanted her hand to stay there, but she couldn't have everything, right? While thinking of her answer, Isabelle stretched on the couch and positioned her head on Clary's shoulder, closing her eyes. "The heart has four ventricles, connected with the aorta and the superior vena cava mainly, followed by other veins like the inferior vena cava and the pulmonary one. Pumps in the right and left upper ventricles and pumps out from the right and left bottom ones." she offered clary a smile, fingers running through her own hands. Isabelle pressed her head against Clary's chest, trying to hear her heartbeat - and if one hour ago it was racing as a frightened prey hiding from a predator now it was even, relaxed and calm. "The organ that keeps us alive." she tilted her head up, grinning at Clary and losing herself in her eyes.
clary while listening to isabelle's answer, and checking for any inconsistencies and inaccuracies in her answer ( of course, none were to be found ), she finds herself accomodating isabelle's new position. shifting so her girlfriend could be more comfortable, her red hair meeting izzy's at her shoulder. looking down at her as she transfers her gaze from the book. "that's - perfect." she surmises, as izzy's answer concludes. "is it the heart or the brain that falls in love?" it's a nod in the direction of what she'll reveal in the future.
Isabelle Unnatural to the way it's supposed to work - her heart skips a beat. Regular beats and steady pumps cease to exist for one singular moment before returning to the zero and rising up to one hundred again. A simple question yet meaning millions of words, poems and stories - how deep down the pit of love she was. Isabelle's eyes pointed up to meet Clary's green hues, teeth finding comfort with her own bottom lip. "Both." there was no scientific or academic terminology for love - chemicals, maybe, but the feeling itself? No. Feelings were the only part that despite the terms, explanations, and theories Isabelle refused to learn as dry information. "Both, simultaneously."
clary she's uncertain what the nature of isabelle's answer is going to be, apart from radiating with her usual intelligence. her confidence, all due to how talented she was in her field. ( if isabelle can hear her heart beat from her resting place on her chest - she can hear it speed up. ) "both." she repeats, a lilt in her voice to indicate she was both impressed and intrigued by the answer.
Isabelle shivered as Clary spoke, chills running down her spine. ​She didn't say it.​ A gentle smile formed on her lips and her nose got buried deeper in Clary's curls. "What do you think?"
clary one hand slow starts to abandon izzy's textbook to move to her waist. to just above where she knows her hip bones reside. humming softly at the question posed to her. "i'd like to think that they both fall in love. at the same time - just - in different ways. the brain tells you how you're feeling and the body physically reacts."
Isabelle "Great minds think alike," she said, pulling Clary's face down with her hands and brushing her lips over hers just barely, teasing and flirting.
clary "well if this proves anything, it's that you're going to ace your exams," her lips hovering over isabelle's. barely a peck. "do you want to kiss me, iz?" she flirts, brushing her lips barely over isabelle's.
Isabelle pulled away, smirking. "Perhaps I do, perhaps I don't." How badly did it hurt, to say it? To ​admit​? It was all due the fact that she had said ​it​ to only one human being different than her parents, siblings or best friends - she was inexperienced. But you train to be a surgeon, Isabelle. Rip it off like a bandage, no shivers, no second doubts; and in this moment - her heart started talking. "I guess the heart falls in love first after all," barely a whisper, dark chocolates glued to green emeralds. "I love you."
clary simply grazes her lips once more over isabelle's, not a kiss - but a way of progression towards a kiss. a way forward. and damn it - she was going to follow isabelle lightwood forward. ( it could be mildly frightening - how much she would do for the girl on the couch with her. follow her blindly into the dark with no hesitation. ) and then something happens that she didn't expect - not now at least. isabelle says it. says those three little, cherised words to her as eye contact is maintained. her reaction seems to come in stages - first the brain. endorphins, confusion, love, lust, joy, nervousness. all rolled into one. and then - her physical reaction comes. her heart speeds up. and then it speaks up - carefully interwoven with the brain's reaction. they work together. to construct a coherant - "i love you too." simon was right - when it feels right, it is. no matter how long you've known each other.
Isabelle couldn't quite at first believe that the words slipped her lips - ever since the night had begun, she never anticipated such events. But there it was, happening and already passing their backs, words only left an echo in the air. But it felt right; God, it felt right. "Yes... I love you." she repeated as like she was a child learning words and then leaned in for the kiss that sealed the deal; tender lips touching pink pastel ones, fingers intertwining themselves in orange locks and eyes closing only to imagine what true bliss was called - and this was it.
clary granted, this was not how she had invisioned the first time she would tell isabelle she loves her. she would've had to control herself for a little longer, to surpress the desire to say it. until she eventually did. but as she listens to the words fall from izzy's lips, and she thinks she deserves to have something truly pute in her, she realises she wouldn't have had it any other way. so damned be caution, and damned be waiting. damned by slow, and steady. she loves isabelle lightwood, and she isn't going to be damned for it. enjoying the kiss that affectionately seals the deal - bonds their words. bonds them. it feels good to love.
Isabelle just stared at Clary's emerald hues. The sealing has been done and nothing could stop it now - the truth was out and Isabelle was glad she had spilled those three little word that were so hard to fall off her lips ( not for the words themselves but for their meaning as a whole ). She rested her head on Clary's shoulder, graspin on her waist and just staying there, calmly listening to the tunes Taylor Swift sang and Clary's relaxed breaths ( though rapidly beating heart ).
clary so they were in love. officially expressed and not veiled; unspoken in subtleties. and although it had happened a little sooner than she had initially expected - although izzy was already the keeper of at least one of her major milestones - it wasn't something she regretted. simon was right - regardless of the amount of time they had known each other. i love you, iz. she could say it a thousand times over. 
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