#type 6
annemarieyeretzian · 4 months
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Imogen – Type 6(w5): The Guardian
Sixes are hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. They foresee problems and foster cooperation, but can also become anxious, defensive, and evasive. They can be cautious and indecisive, but also defiant, reactive, and rebellious. They typically have problems with self-doubt and suspicion. Sixes are the most loyal to their family and friends. They will hang on to relationships of all kinds far longer than most other types. Sixes are also loyal to beliefs, ideas, and systems – even to the belief that all authorities should be questioned or defied. Enneagram 6w5s are very loyal people who value clarity and honesty. They love to be surrounded by good people, and they appreciate having supportive and trusting relationships that can be their safe space.
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mistype360 · 1 month
mbti/enneagram typing for @sevilemar
istp 5w6 sp/so 584
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enneagram: 5w6 sp/so 584
i notice that in most answers about your activities, you almost seem to view them as a "skill" that you collect, rather than something that you do solely for the enjoyment. you're also pretty aware of how these things help you, particularly in the future or in daily life.
for that reason, you likely have a 5 somewhere in your tritype. 5's like to "collect knowledge/information," which seems to match with your intent of collecting "skills." this is also why many 5's main desire is to be "competent" in the world, because they believe it will help them in the future or in life, as you describe.
this is also what differentiates you from a type 3. an enneagram 3 would try to be more "competent" in order to succeed by societal standards, but i don't see you as the type of person to want to climb that ladder. for instance, you say that you find yourself analyzing people bc it helps you with your wants (make life easier, don't hurt you), which seems to me that you don't really care about success, you do it for yourself (5w6 - somewhat focused on security). while it isn't the sole reason, this is why you have a higher valuation on sp than on so or even sx.
you also repeat a couple times that you find yourself pretty interested in self improvement. i don't think this is EXCLUSIVE to type 5's (which would be ironic- since there are people from each type that are interested in enneagram and self improvement), but again, i think your intentions speak a lot more to why you are a type 5.
as for your wing, it seems to me that you have a so6. in questions about leadership and work, you say that you don't like doing things harmful because you don't agree with the intentions to maximize profit. you also say that your leadership style is personal, and you like to get to know the people. plus, you say that you find yourself valuing efficiency in more social/professional settings. i think this description by haiki.es about social 6's puts it well:
"They tend to orient themselves toward duty and doing the right thing. They can be quite efficient and responsible."
your tritype seemed balanced with each type, so it was hard to point out what exact fixes you had. somewhere in there though, i see you might have an 8w7, as i notice with some of your descriptions on anger as well as your emphasize on having new experiences. the 7 is especially present, although i can't repeat it in your tritype (although this makes sense, as your are very thinking prominent). your 4 wasn't too big, but it was more seen than having a 3 or a 2 :p
(link for anyone who needs help understanding cognitive functions!! + feel free to ask if confused)
for your mbti, you say that you learn from past, live in present, and are pretty much comfortable with future because it's "unpredictable."
this suggests that you have balanced sensory/intuitive functions, meaning they are placed in your aux/tert placements. the part about being comfortable with the future for the reason that it's unpredictable AND being pretty much comfortable with the past + present suggests to me that you are pretty balanced between si and se, so you are very sensory based.
something that solidified for me why you have ti is when you say that when you learn, you "put everything into [your] own categories and systems," and then "integrate it into what [you] already know." this is pretty much the defintion of ti.
the part about feeling stifled with set times/lists and liking structure, but not TOO much suggests that you have a lot of ti. also about how you disagree with rules, and might even break them if they don't align with your beliefs, means maybe even a slight more ti than you have si.
conclusion: ISTP
you are def very sensory based in general, so your si is mostly equal to your se. for that reason, since you have such a strong ti, i'd go with typing you as an ISTP (ti-se-ni-fe), which is the most likely. this also pretty much fits the vibe of your questoinnaire/answers!
if i type you by a crazier method, i'd say you are an ISTJ (ti-si-ne-fe) by a less commonly accepted/known way to structure mbti functions, since i think that you have higher si than ne. this is an unusual typing, since many think that two functions can't be back-to-back extroverted or introverted. also, this isn't the same as 99% ISTJ descriptions you find online, but i'll link some abt this specific type if it helps:
debate/analysis on this istj
most comprehensive blog on this structure i've ever seen
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blueopinions49 · 1 year
Understanding Type 6
An intro to enneagram 6 
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Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games) ISTP 6w5 sx/sp 
Core Desire- They desire to feel supported and feeling safe emotionally. 
Vice (Fear)- A sense of insecurity of others and a general mistrust from others. 
Fixation (Cowardice)- They have a tendency to be passive to action and expect others to take action instead of themselves.
6w5 (The Guardian)- With the w5 this type 6 will be more introverted and focused on data and information. They deal with their fear through what they acknowledge as “logical” and “factual”.  Will focus on the “wrongness” of the outside world not trusting what others might say. They have a need to look for what's right and truthful. They have are natural  skeptics over structures of any kind. Will either abide by this structures or fully rebel against them. Can be seen as more relatable than the other head types. Tendency to be socially introverted.
6w7 (The Companion)- Unlike the 6w5 who focuses their anxiety and fear into themselves the 6w7 externalizes this through fun and exploration. They will be more outgoing and social than the 6w5. They hide their sense of paranoia unlike the 6w5.  While the 6w5 hides in paranoia and only trust themselves the 6w7 does the complete opposite and try to calm down their paranoia and fear through eternal work and connecting with others.  Will be more assertive than the 6w5. 
Triads- Head (5-6-7)
They don't want move to far from the margins of society and due to them being an attachment type they will use others as reference for their fear and anxiety. 
Harmonic Triad- Reactive (4-6-8)
They tend to react emotionally to things when the things they view as right are challenged I any capacity. 
Hornevian Triad- Super Ego (1-2-6)
Will try and create community due to the believe of power in groups. 
Object Relations- Attachment (3-6-9)
They have a need to create a sense of community and groups in order to support themselves and others to find a support. Due to them being attachment types+Super ego types they will have a strong sense of camaraderie 
Social (so)- The social six will look for external structures to follow and be a part of. This subtype will tie themselves to any form of guideline in order to find stability. they can either be on the passive rule following end or the other extreme where they reveal in the need for a cause they believe in. Due to their need to follow the rules of the select group they chose they can ignore their emotional side. They can look like 1s or 3s due to their dutifulness and high level of responsibility. 
Ex- Sokka (ATLA) ESTJ 6w7 so/sp , Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil) ISFP 6w7 so/sp and Rei Ayanami (NGE) ISTJ 6w5 so/sp 
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Self-Preservation (sp)- The self preservation type 6 will look for community in orders unlike the social 6 who looks for it in systems the sp 6 will look for it in interpersonal relationships. They can be seen as warm, kind and friendly.  Due to this they tend to ignore their anger and repress in order to create this connections and groups. They deal with their fear through being cautious. They are the most anxious and fearful than the other two subtypes. Possibly will look like a E1 or E2. 
Ex-Bonnie Bennet (TVD) INFJ 6w5 sp/so , Wirt (OTGW) INFP 6w5 sp/so and  Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan) ISTJ 6w5 sp/sx 
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Sexual (sx)- As the counter type of 6 this subtypes deny the idea or structures and social group they will be more introverted. However they are still both an attachment type and interpersonal subtype meaning that they still crave the partnership of this type. They hide their fear through strength and acts of bravery. However in the fore front of their mind they care about creating a connection with someone. Unlike the other sixes who care about due process this six will ignore them and go forward. They can look like E8s due to their relentless pursuit. 
Ex- Amicia de Rune (A plague Tale) ISFJ 6w7 sx/so, Joel Miller (TLOU) ISTJ 6w5 sx/sp and Killua (HunterXHunter) INTP 6w5 sx/sp 
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Moves (Positive and Negative)
Moves to 3
Positive-  They no longer have much fear In them and will chase after the goals they have set without any fear 
Negative- Constantly lying and avoids things due to being busy and neglects their goals. 
Moves to 9
Positive- No longer obsessed with their fear they become more relaxed and in tune with others 
Negative- Turns to numbness and ignores reality. 
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phlve · 1 year
Subtype Trait Structures: sp6
The identification with the aggressor and introjection of an internal persecutor, to defend themselves from external threats, entail the development of a superego that constantly feeds the feeling of guilt. This self blame is a way of controlling the world: “If it is my fault, I can do something about it.” Then, they look for punishment, as masterfully portrayed in Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment, all with the hope of placating this uncontrollable self-persecution.
Unconscious behaviors sometimes lead them to “turning themselves in” to get the punishment through which they, uselessly, hope they will be forgiven and “rescued.” This neurotic mechanism leads them to search for the love of one of their parents (usually the father) through the admission of fault and inadequacy, with the goal of forgiveness. Therefore, the conservation E6 sees attaining love and appreciation through their own merits and personal value as impossible.
Seeing themselves as constantly at fault, they also feel persecuted: they project their internal persecution externally. It is a form of paranoid thinking which incurs the following: other people are always ready to catch your faults, attack you, and criticize you, and if they do not, it is only because it is convenient for them to hide their intentions at the moment to ensure they punch down the line.
Given that they demand from themselves more and more, they can’t handle that it is other people that are accusing them and they continuously oscillate between victim and accuser.
The conservation E6 has the competitive desire to take the place of the authority which tends to cause controversy. They always believe they know how things should be done while submitting to their superiors at the same time. At the same time, they love and hate the authority that they mystify.
It is hard for them to take on responsibility in negative situations (failures, conflicts, etc.) out of fear of being vulnerable and the other taking advantage of them. They accuse with the purpose of defending themselves and ensuring that others don’t accuse them.
They obsessively search to confirm what they are and what they do. The dominant fear is of failing and doing wrong; and it is so dominating that it blocks action or expression, and is as if they lacked an internal method to determine the validity of a personal choice. Prior to action, a long and troubling process leads them to ruminate with a rigidity that turns into pure inaction. The fear of judgment compromises doing, with inhibition leading them to known or comfortable goals.
In the work environment, they choose to do things they are sure of. They avoid changes in the workplace for fear of not being able to deal with them, of lacking the ability or knowledge; they do not propose things but rather hope that others do for them.
They do not like to improvise, they prefer to prepare before new situations, out of fear of ridicule. The moment of confrontation with the other is very stressful. The feeling is always that they are not ready enough. They need continual confirmation, by the people they trust in, that they are doing the right thing. When this confirmation does not come to them, they mentally review, typical of an insecure person, what they have said or done.
Indecision and Doubt
Their thoughts are centered on subjective content, to defend themselves from what they do not perceive clearly. But, they do not recognize having departed from absolutely subjective premises. Their primary goal is to demonstrate (especially to themselves) that their idea is valid. A “cogito, ergo cogito” complicates things to such a point that their thought eventually remains in the hands of doubt.
Doubt is connected with self-invalidation and ambivalence. They constantly devalue themselves but at the same time have a great self-concept. They feel persecuted (in extreme cases can lead to a paranoid schizophrenia). They even doubt what they doubt. They are suspicious of others and suffer from chronic uncertainty about which action to take.
They love and hate the paternal figure that represents authority. They desire to please and attack. They go through phases of contact and withdrawal: the desire for a relationship and for fusion is as strong as the fear that they will completely become vulnerable. They have not built the ability to establish clear boundaries, and they move with extreme ambivalence between their desire to satisfy their own needs and fear of losing the relationship with the other.
Due to this fear, while the E9 has given up on maintaining the difference between the self and the other therefore solving the conflict, the E6 invaded by the threat constituted by the other, withdraws to protect the self, inhibiting any kind of decision and, therefore, any action, whether it be at an interpersonal level with an external other, or at an intrapsychic level with a self understood as the essential set of emotions and needs of the other.
The issue of control is basic in childhood and adolescence both among their school peers and their loved ones. The message received is: “The world is dangerous; you are weak and influenceable and, therefore, we are the ones who will guide you because we know what is adequate for you.”
Between the psychological types described by Jung, the conservation E6 corresponds to the reflective introvert. The introvert, locked in themselves, stays clear of too much contact with external reality. This introvert is characterized by the primacy of thought: the ideas that they have of other people affect their relationships, without them realizing the distance that they are introducing into them. They have a negative relationship with the other, which comes from the indifference to rejection. Thought tends to disarm the adversary. The other is always a little neglected or surrounded by measures of caution they defend themselves from external demands with.
The conservation E6 fears that emotional manifestations of the other will overcome them. They prefer reading to overt social contact, are introspective, schedule their activities, and control their impulses and feelings.
Lack of Trust
The first psychosocial structure that the child learns, according to Erickson, is trust. With milk, the child incorporates their mother and nutrition. The derived wellness makes the surrounding objective world acceptable: this is the base upon which we base our mental world.
“I am what I get,” the kid could claim, in the sense that they trust themselves and others by the quantity and quality of the security of what they’ve received. The conservation E6 has been unable to incorporate the feeling of wellness connected to the relationship with a nutrition-bringing mother, and as a consequence, they have not been able to build this trust on security. This lack has made them insecure and fearful.
The conservation E6 was an over-protected child who did not feel accepted in their own true needs, which came with a recognition of their own less positive qualities.
If the child does not get help in their efforts of individuation to be who they are, or is pushed toward a definition of themselves that satisfies the representation of their parent over their true nature, there are two possibilities: submitting or rebelling. Or the two reactions together, which is what usually happens.
At first, the child rebels, but over time, they end up accommodating themselves to the demands and needs of their parents to avoid rejection and the withdrawal of affection, to not fall flat with disapproval, and in practice, loneliness.
In their ambivalence, the conservation E6 cannot live serenely with adaptation nor rebelliousness: both polarities are unsatisfactory for them and they live in an irreconcilable dilemma between freedom and obligation.
When they have to choose between what they are, between their project, put out ahead by their own efforts, and others’ projects, which is presented with guarantees of maximum support, the conservation E6 accepts the easiest solution: other’s proposals.
They give up a super important need in this way: realizing their own efforts. At the root of this, they feel a very strong hostility that, unable to manifest it, comes back against themselves in the form of blame. To be accepted, they activate adequate behaviors, like obedience, goodness, and solidarity. These are hard to attain if they are countered with other needs, like a natural selfishness or the need to be oneself, even with that aspect’s own accompanying miseries.
They “eliminate” unacceptable impulses that, in spite of everything, they struggle to carry out. The fear that they can overcome this self-censoring is what we call “anxiety.” In other words, the E6 puts their mind to a self-idealization whose dominant traits are perfection, and feelings of omnipotence and omniscience. In this manner, they make the illusion that they’ve outgrown self-hatred and conquered others’ approval. That they have overcome the base conflict between their need for self-realization and others’ needs.
In Karen Horney’s description of neuroses, we can see this E6 in the conciliatory personality, whose style of conflict resolution is resignation, particularly in tending to renouncing with submission. The neurotic “resignation” restricted the field of action connected with their own desires.
They can renounce all ambition for success, in that it implies effort and, additionally, the danger of being imprisoned by others’ expectations and responsibilities. They prefer to cultivate intense imaginative activity and fear their elevated ideal of themselves, while they delay the necessary action to make things reality. They tend to be convinced of chasing what they want, which they don’t really know much about. They lose the orientation of action because they do not have contact with desire, nor with its implied emotional aspects. This leads the conservation E6 to a detachment leading them to occasional inertia in the plane of action.
The submissive resignation causes extreme neurotic worry about conflict and punishment. The mechanism of projection is evident through the way they invest others into co-action and hostility instead of recognizing their difficulty to be “free” and themselves.
The conservation E6 is one type who can fall victim to inertia, paralyzed in all aspects of their life. To drain the anxiety at the root, they feed a spooky omnipotent world that does not reveal an authentic position of independence. And with submission they do not take action but rather maintain an ultimate defense stemming from their internal world.
Selfishness and Stinginess
The conservation E6 houses the “crazy” idea that material and emotional resources are scarce and that they can always lack basic things, with a threat toward their own survival. From this erroneous perception, they derive their worried, and “selfish,” attitude with only some material things and emotional relationships.
This selfishness is manifested in an attitude of always putting themselves before others, out of a reaction of fear that they will never be up to the challenge faced. In general, this fear is not conscious, and when it is, they become very ashamed of it and see it as something that should not happen.
The way of thinking in conservation E6 is always oriented to the past or the future. It is essential to the need for security to predict anything that could happen and to be in a situation to face difficulties, and directly proportional to the distrust in their capacity to do so.
Thinking about the past, in itself, is essential to the maintenance of control over possible errors committed through the feeling of guilt, with the goal of corrective action and finding safety. The feeling of guilt is, additionally, a defense mechanism against pain, from which they cannot be abandoned.
Feeling comes after thought, which conditions it. As Hegel claims: “If emotions are not coherent with thought, that is bad for emotions.” They control, above all, the emotions that could cause conflicts with people significant to them. It is hard that they allow themselves a moment to not think about anything, unless they get validation that it is ok. When this happens, this “not thinking or doing” is very pleasant for them.
Their thoughts are seemingly logical, but only on a superficial level; in their deepest core, they are undefined and cloudy. This allows them to not define themselves to other people, a strategy which maintains their absence of deep commitment, and avoids confrontation and conflict. In reality, emotions controlled like this come back strongly and dysfunctionally when thought no longer allows a solution to problems.
The conservation E6 is very inhibited, in both instinctual impulses and aggression. Their hesitant character is a vacillation between their impulses and an equally intense fearful inhibition that stemmed from a fear of the father or, more widely, authority figures, and has led to a strong superego.
They tend to have the personality, which can last a lifetime, of a “good kid”: someone who ensures they live according to ethics and others expectations, with an ingratiating attitude, often smiling.
Very different from the schizoid E5, who is a true loner, this character’s timid nature is more like a type of stepping aside out of fear of annoying someone or out of insecurity, but truly yearns for closeness, and satisfies their need for emotional support with a few close relationships.
It is always a laborious process for the conservation E6 to make a decision, or even move: due to their fear of change, it is easier for them to lengthen a situation than to keep moving forward and confront a new challenge. This deliberate slowness, together with the tendency to create a fog to obscure the clarity of things, make them less agile. Like the “fool” in fairy tales who, for fear of making their own decisions, is often manipulated.
This type is much more of a dreamer than a doer, substituting reality with fantasy. A certain inefficiency is the other side of their inclination toward their internal life and noble ideals.
The inhibition of emotional expression makes them a hypersensitive and fantasizing character, blocking them from action and instinctual spontaneity.
For a strategy oriented toward controlling commitment, dreaming of fusion with another is more functional than a tangible relationship, which would bring confrontation.
Without a Right
The conservation E6 has always felt like a stowaway: someone who got on board without a ticket: in their family, in love, at work. They are the disinherited heir, the wife abandoned at the altar, the laid off worker. It is as if the shadow of these possibilities never abandoned them, ever present.
The conservation E6 is always alert, looking for signs and indicators of hidden meanings (opposite of the E3 who wants to have everything under control). They reflect too much!
They also like instructions. As dutiful distrusters, they resolve conflicts trusting in logic. While the E7 uses intellect as a strategy, the E6 shows a fanatic loyalty to reason. To feel confident, they adopt the strategy of searching for problems: they must have them in order to solve them.
Source: PDB Wiki
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starlight-bread-blog · 6 months
I have no fucking idea what my enneagram is. At first I was SURE I was a 3w4, then a 1w2, then a 3w2, then a 6w7, then a 1w2 again, and now I'm like a 4w3?? The fuck? At first e4 was one of the types I related to the least. What is happening.
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Taylor Swift Songs as Enneagram Personality Types
The Enneagram is a personality test that classifies your personality in one of nine categories, each with different traits. Most of Taylor Swift's songs fall into two of the personality types: type 4 (the individualist) and type 9 (the peacemaker). The songs on these lists are mostly in album order - however, there are a few added onto the ends of a few of the lists that took me a little longer to place that come out of order.
The reformer tends to be rational. This person is idealistic and principled - they live by their values. They are purposeful and self-controlled, and tend to be perfectionists. The songs I classified as Type 1's are songs that focus on the ideals in relationships and life. They're songs where Taylor has a purpose, and some of them tend to have more rational thoughts behind them.
Tim McGraw
Mary's Song (Oh My My My)
We Were Happy
Don't You
Last Kiss
I Almost Do
The Last Time
I Wish You Would
How You Get The Girl
End Game
The Archer
The 1
This Is Me Trying
The Lakes
It's Time To Go
Dear Reader
The helper is a caring person who genuinely cares about other people. They tend to be interpersonal and generous. These people are people-pleasing, and can be possessive. The songs I classified as Type 2's are ones where she clearly shows caring for other people, sometimes to the extent of people-pleasing. She tends to be possessive in some of these songs, too.
Teardrops On My Guitar
Tied Together with a Smile
Stay Beautiful
Hey Stephen
Jump Then Fall
That's When
Sparks Fly
Stay Stay Stay
Begin Again
Welcome to New York
Wildest Dreams
It's Nice to Have a Friend
You're On Your Own, Kid
Sweeter Than Fiction
Sad Beautiful Tragic
Soon You'll Get Better
Safe & Sound
The achiever is a success-oriented, pragmatic, and hard working person. This person is very driven and adaptive, and is very image-conscious. The songs classified under this category show how conscious Taylor is of her own image. They're the songs where she's trying to show herself in a positive light. These are the songs where she shows herself as a hard worker and just how successful she is, without caring about those who try to bring her down.
A Place in This World
The Other Side of the Door
Speak Now
Long Live
I Bet You Think About Me
Shake It Off
Call It What You Want
I Think He Knows
Gold Rush
Midnight Rain
Today Was a Fairytale
I Heart ?
You All Over Me
The individualist tends to be withdrawn and sensitive. This person is self-absorbed and dramatic, and tends to be temperamental. This person is very expressive. These songs are dramatic and temperamental, the ones where Taylor is bolder about herself - she is in the right in all of these songs, even when she isn't.
Picture to Burn
A Perfectly Good Heart
You Belong With Me
The Way I Loved You
Forever & Always (Piano Version)
Come In With The Rain
Mr. Perfectly Fine
Better Than Revenge
Holy Ground
Girl At Home
Blank Space
I Did Something Bad
Look What You Made Me Do
The Man
Death by a Thousand Cuts
The Last Great American Dynasty
Illicit Affairs
No Body, No Crime
Cowboy Like Me
Vigilante Shit
High Infidelity
All Too Well
All Too Well (10 Minute Version)
My Tears Ricochet
The investigator is intense and cerebral - they tend to think more with their brains than with their hearts. They are perceptive and innovative, but tend to be secretive and isolated. The songs classified as Type 5's are the ones where Taylor finds herself isolated and alone. A lot of these songs tend to be very intelligently written.
The Outside
White Horse
The Story of Us
Nothing New
I Know Places
Getaway Car
I Forgot That You Existed
'Tis the Damn Season
Tolerate It
Coney Island
Would've, Could've, Should've
Beautiful Ghosts
Eyes Open
The loyalist is committed and security-oriented. They tend to be anxious and suspicious of those around them. They are responsible and engaging. Taylor tends to be anxious and suspicious in a lot of the songs I classified as Type 6's. They're the songs where she's seeking security and comfort, but may not always be receiving it. Things are going wrong in many of these songs.
Cold As You
Tell Me Why
Bye Bye Baby
If This Was a Movie
I Knew You Were Trouble
The Lucky One
The Moment I Knew
Forever Winter
New Romantics
Don't Blame Me
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
False God
I Don't Wanna Live Forever
The Very First Night
The enthusiast is spontaneous and fun-loving. They are busy and versatile, but they tend to be a bit distractible and scattered. These songs have a lot of energy and are fun. These are the dance songs, the ones that make you want to move. This is the smallest list of the nine personality types. While a lot of Taylor Swift songs could fall under this personality type, most of them tend to fall under another type better, hence why this list is so small.
I'm Only Me When I'm With You
Forever & Always
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
Message in a Bottle
All You Had to Do Was Stay
Paper Rings
London Boy
Lavender Haze
The challenger is a powerful and self-confident person. This person tends to be dominating - you're always aware of their presence when they walk in the room. They are decisive and willful, and oftentimes tend to be confrontational. The songs under this category tend to be confrontational and angry. Many are songs where she is feeling confident in herself. These songs tend to have a lot of energy, but aren't as happy and energetic as Type 7 songs.
Should've Said No
You're Not Sorry
Dear John
State of Grace
Better Man
Out of the Woods
Bad Blood
...Ready For It?
Dancing with Our Hands Tied
Cruel Summer
Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince
You Need to Calm Down
Mad Woman
Champagne Problems
Long Story Short
The peacemaker is easygoing and self-effacing. They are receptive and really good listeners. They are agreeable and complacent, and they tend to avoid conflict as much as possible. The songs in this category are ones where Taylor is easygoing, calm, and agreeable. She tends to be open to listening to the other person's point of view in these songs, as well.
Our Song
Love Story
The Best Day
Today Was a Fairytale
Back to December
Never Grow Up
Everything Has Changed
Come Back... Be Here
This Love
You Are In Love
So It Goes...
King of My Heart
New Year's Day
Cornelia Street
Invisible String
Right Where You Left Me
Snow on the Beach
Sweet Nothing
The Great War
Bigger Than The Whole Sky
Hits Different
Christmas Tree Farm
Beautiful Eyes
Curious what your Enneagram personality type is? Take the quiz here. Afterwards, see if you agree about the songs I picked matching your personality!
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Misuse of the 6 typing in Modern Enneagram
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Welcome to my series about Type 6. The center of Perceptions. The virtues of Courage and Loyalty. The loss of Holy Faith. The vices of Envy and Doubt. The Reactive, Attachment Head Type. In this multi-post series we will delve into what all of this means.
Too often in modern enneagram, Type 6 is not treated like a distinctive point on the symbol with its own identity. It is treated like the dumping box for everyone we find annoying, argumentative and unpredictable, and can't be bothered properly analyzing.
Lots of 8s get put into the 6 category, especially since the nonsense idea of "counterphobic 6" [x] emerged. People have told me I'm a 6 many times before, and the irony is that they could be right... however, nobody who has typed me at 6 has had logical reasoning behind their stance. I have more reasons to explain why I'm a 6 than anyone who has said that I'm a 6 core.
The modern enneagram community doesn't respect or understand type 6 as a real archetype. These people who typed me as 6 because I argued with them were basically in a math exam, getting the right answer by fluke after doing all the wrong working. This has probably happened to countless other people reading this post... typing people as 6 because they dare to be opinionated is extremely common malpractice in every enneagram community.
In Type 6s, "Doubt" runs much deeper than disagreeing with what someone says. Showing basic critical thinking skills and asking questions is the fastest way to get yourself typed as 6 in modern enneagram groups, which is dumb dumb dumb. In truth, any enneatype can doubt what people say and even argue chronically. Argumentativeness is a trait too vague and too diverse in how it presents itself, to assign to any one type.
Please read my post about how Counterphobic 6 is not a real enneagram type category. If someone calls themselves a "counterphobic 6" or tells you you are a "counterphobic 6", you can be assured they don't know what they are talking about and move along.
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reksonline · 2 years
Persona 6
The Persona series, being a nerdy psychology game that draws comparisons to astrological signs, tarot cards, & even 7 Deadly Sins has given me an idea where the game can go in Persona 6 (or even 7)
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With each game having about 7 or 8 palaces you travel to, and with each game exploring each “type” of darkness that dwells in people….
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An Enneagram inspired Persona game would be fascinating & would fit right into the series, which each of the 9 types having a palace…
As an Enneagram 6 (Persona 6 *wink wink*) the Type 6 Palace would be a Palace of FEAR & this is some dark shit I can get behind…
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My Type 6 Persona would be Anima from Final Fantasy. Lol!
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Please add your type 6 songs <3 love you thank you
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goblinsofdiscord · 14 hours
😮‍💨 Guided Meditation for Enneagram Types 3, 6, 9 + Social Types to Neutralize Social Anxiety 😌
This will also be helpful if you have 3, 6 or 9 as a wing or fix, or if you have social anxiety around being judged or embarrassed.
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demotypeidentifier · 3 months
Since the Tuesday Manefestation, there may or may not be Type 6 demos now.
We aren't exactly sure what their nature is, but I prefer to call them Type 4.5's or Type 4B's. Something intentional is clearly going on but it's not like how a player would do it.
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defnotmadie · 5 months
a friend made me take an enneagram test my highest was six followed closely by two and one how intriguing indeed…
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mistype360 · 2 months
mbti/enneagram typing for @ten-of-imps
isfp 6w7
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enneagram: 6w7
your tritype definitely contains 6w7. straight off the bat, the first answer you provide tells me a lot about your relationships with others. you value having a sense of security, and especially don't like being abandoned by others.
on a lesser related note, it seems very reminiscent of an enneagram 9 or 3 (which i'm not entirely surprised about, as 3-6-9 is a common triad + integration/disintegration path). the idea of abandonment combined with an attachment to "liking" or "humoring" those around you scream of enneagram 3 and 9, either in your triad or simply further supporting your 6 core.
you then go onto talk about desiring "more" in life, and having "nicer" experiences, which is why i gave you a 7 wing over 5.
the next answer you provide has a more positive outlook on the world, meaning there is a part of your tritype that relies in the harmonic triad (2-7-9).
imo this sense of optimism is still a 6w7. you explain that change is good, but uncertainty is not, which suggests that there is still an aspect where you struggle with the future. after all, the Duran/Catalan fixation for enneagram 6 is "certainty." it's also a common misconception that 6's are entirely scaredy cats, but more often than not when they take action "they can seem quite confident."
At the same time, 7's prefer "actively avoiding negativity," and 6's are still prone to denying fear. As Naranjo puts it in Character and Neurosis, "The counter-phobic denial of fear is no different in essence from the covering up of anger through excessive gentleness and control, the covering up of selfishness through excessive yielding, and other forms of compensation manifested throughout the range of characters, particularly in some of the sub-ennea-types."
this optimism/comfort may even suggest integration into enneagram 9 (again, part of the harmonic triad).
another minor reason why your wing was 7 instead of 5 is how you rationalized your emotions, particularly within the last answer. your descriptions of shame being something "we learn to feel" and relating it back to the world seem very true to the way an enneagram 7 would try to reason the emotion.
you like "researching things that sounds off or brings me fear."🧍need i say more?
you explain that your life is "deeply and depressingly based in sensory culture" and dreams are often unattainable in society. however, it seems like you are more disappointed in the value/impact it holds rather than sensory culture itself.
when people see objects, you want them to see meaning behind them. in this case, it's not necessarily ne/ni, as you USE these sensory experiences (se) to express your own meaning (fi).
for example, your last answer on experiencing emotions rang loud of fi-se, with the almost "poetic" descriptions. connecting these real world experiences to your own emotions seems very, very much isfp (fi-se).
Minor Details/Speculation
the tone of your answers lean both melancholic and sanguine
slight enneagram 3 in tritype: "Get to be someone I adore. Be someone who is adored."
4 wing for enneagram 3 fix (authenticity): "I ope to be seen as a person, without prejudices, without any roles I have to take up, to act as."
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blueopinions49 · 1 year
[HP] Ron Weasly ESFP 6w7 sp/sx
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Zodiac: Pisces (March 1,1980)
ESFP (Se-Fi-Te-Ni)
Dominant and Auxiliary functions (Se-Fi)
Se (Extroverted Sensing)
Oh boy to say the least about Ron in the movies is that he was done dirty sadly all of his functions and developments of his character. In the movies Ron’s Se is shown through his learning “In the moment” making him come off as obtuse or straight up incompetent sometimes. However Book Ron’s Se is genuinely interesting, in the books Rons understanding of every environment and its components makes him a sort of teacher to Harry and Hermione. Due to him leaving his whole life in the Wizarding world. He is understanding of everywhere environment when it comes to the systems around make him easy to adapt to new changes that come by and help his friends. Eventually incorporating physical combat to his dueling making him highly adaptable to switch between spell casting and straight up punches. 
Fi (Introverted Feeling)
When it comes to Ron’s fi in both version of the book and movies I would argue they are around the same. They both hold their own emotional state in their hand and tend to hold their values very close to him. However in the books his Fi seems to be more mature and developed. He doesn't seem to be as irrationally immature as in the movies. 
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Tertiary and Inferior functions (Te-Ni)
Te (Extroverted Thinking) 
To put it simply Ron’s te in the movies doesn't exist until deathly hallows pt 1 he seems to have trouble recognize efficient and effective methods to get from point A to point B. In deathly hallows his Te just appears and he seems to try to understand Dumbledores quest for the horocruxes more. He questions Harrys lack of logical process and methods when it comes to finding them. While in the books Ron seems to already have a good handle of understanding efficiency and finding logical ways to solve problems. In book 1 when the trio fall into the devil snare trap Ron brings Hermione (who was going to Ne in stress) back to her sense with Se-Te. Asking her if she was a witch or not and why would she need sticks to make fire when she has a wand. And throughout the books we see his fast, practical and efficient way of dealing with things quickly. 
Ni (Introverted Intuition) 
Both book and movie Ron show little Ni both have a bit of trouble understanding longevity in some cases. Unlike Harry he seems to prefer a more logical treatment of things rather than trust himself and his hunches of people. 
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Enneagram: 6w7 sp/sx 
I was originally gonna type movie Ron as a social six however after reading bit it seems that social 6 doesnt suit Ron at all. Social sixes crave authority and order and seem to fall behind those very easily. They are responsible, intelectual and dutiful. And well none of those suit Ron so I think sp 6 might be a bit more accurate. These sixes tend to gather friends quickly and have a tendency to over doubt themselves. As for Book Ron I think 3w2 so/sx is pretty clear. Very different motivations in the book and movie. 
Side note: sorry for the copious amount of comparison between book and movie Ron in the movie he is basically a walking punchline, so it’s kinda hard trying analyzing him too much without falling short on material.
Next Hermione Granger
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phlve · 1 year
Subtype Trait Structures: sx6
Doubtful and Insecure
Doubting is the preferred entertainment of this subtype. “To be or not to be” is Hamlet's dilemma, but E6 is not limited to doubting only on the existential plane. His doubtful thought expands everywhere: “To go or not to go? To speak or not to speak? To eat or not to eat? Now or later? Here or there?” And while waiting for an illumination that allows you to make the choice without running the risk of making mistakes, the person to whom you should speak is gone, the spaghetti is gone, and space and time take their course autonomously.
The interesting thing is that individuals of this character believe in their doubts. They think that to doubt is necessary to carry out a fair and effective action. Doubting is the fearful person's way of stopping time, with the illusion that “inaction will limit the damage.” Which? That's secondary: the damage is anywhere.
The sexual subtype does not tolerate much doubt, does not want to be in contact with the anxiety, frustration, and helplessness that come from inaction. So, when he can't take it anymore, he impulsively makes a decision: go, speak, risk your life (trying not to lose control). He remains with the doubt but at least discharges the accumulated tension. And then, like a good schizoid, he adopts an absolute position and represses one of the polarities of doubt; he assumes an aggressive and arrogant attitude to convince himself and others that this decision is the only thing that can be done.
Doubtful thinking is connected to insecurity, which he tries to hide for fear that if they see it, they will take advantage of him.
In their attempt to hide their fear, the counterphobic E6 may venture into reckless, even dangerous, actions. The myth of him is the hero who, “without blemish and without fear,” goes into danger. And he also defies danger.
However, his adventuring is always controlled: his ability to quickly perceive dangerous areas and the possibilities of finding a way out helps him. He knows how to calculate risk margins very well.
He can be reckless when he comes across people who are having a hard time and need protection. The contrast with the weak instills in him a kind of courage that leads him to face really dangerous situations. Other times recklessness is a solitary experience, such as speeding or failing to follow safety rules.
The deep motivation is to maintain the image of a strong person who does not give in to fear. Sensing the risk, he increases the inner excitement that feeds the idea of being strong.
“In the early 1990s there were quite a few neo-Nazi attacks in Germany. One afternoon I saw a bald boy attacking a Turkish woman in the heart of the city. With high adrenaline and without measuring the situation I ran towards them, I grabbed the man from behind, pulling him with all my strength and verbally reprimanding him. The surprised boy let go of the woman and I lived a moment of glory: the victorious defender of the defenseless... Until I turned around and saw a few more shaved heads a short distance away. The fright paralyzed me for a few moments until realizing that there were many people around me, I took a step towards the neo-Nazis, shouting that I was not afraid of them, that the others present were going to help us. I caused such a scandal that the group preferred to withdraw. Only then did I panic and I was left shaking, while simultaneously basking in the satisfaction of having won another fair fight.” (M.)
It is a constant attitude, as if in the challenge he found the energy that allows him to face difficult situations, tests that can confirm that he is capable. Also in the professional field his successes are based on the challenge. Being a “reactive” character, he achieves goals thanks to his willingness to prove that he can do it or that he is worth it. The challenge helps him combat his low self-esteem, thus preventing a correct analysis of his possibilities.
It is quite a common experience for counterphobic E6s to have no real sense of time, as if they don't want to be bound by restrictions or can't stand limits to their actions or desires. Meeting a deadline at the last minute increases the level of anxiety and this allows you to overcome your hesitant and cowardly inertia, thus managing to act.
“On the first day of secondary school, the Literature teacher said in an authoritative and threatening tone that surely half the class would have dropped out before the middle of the year “because the classical high school is not suitable for ignorant and low-level people like most of you.” I remember the rage, the fear of being inadequate, and immediately the phrase that came up inside me: “We'll see which one wins!” It was that energy that allowed me to continue to the end of a tough school.” (G.)
The challenge can be dialectical and elaborate, in a desire to devalue the other by using his repressed rage and his competitive attitude.
Mistrust and control are inseparable: everything should go according to plan because there is no trust in the flow of life. Neither is there trust in the other, nor in his capacity, nor in his intentions, to accompany him on the path.
This feeling is especially intense with people whose proposals are perceived by the sexual E6 as part of a manipulative strategy, or emotional people with another range of interests, or who hold power and, of course, are perceived as possible exploiters. But he sees everything through the filter of mistrust. And follow the labyrinth of obsessive thoughts, bordering on the paranoid, trying to decipher reality to decide the action. And when the ghost of mistrust takes power, definitively and without restraint, the counterphobic launches, accusingly, on the attack.
We have already discussed the state of anxiety typical of every Six character. An anxiety linked to the primary anguish of being destroyed and annihilated. The force, passion of this subtype, seeks to calm this anguish, and anxiety is the only accessible emotional state. Direct contact with fear, which anxiety hides, would be uncontrollable and would destroy the narcissistic image of a strong person that sustains the psychic structure of the counterphobic. And the same, contact with pain or sadness, expressions of an annihilating fragility.
The paranoid attitude of people with this character is linked to their favorite defense mechanism: projection. The parts of himself considered intolerable and ego-dystonic are attributed to the other, in the firm belief that he is dangerous. He mentally repeats each of his gestures and looks, and attributes to them meanings consistent with the basic presupposition: he is an enemy and he is conspiring against him.
Thought is disconnected from reality, and fantasy is no longer just something possible but a confirmed reality (obviously verified only at the level of your thought). The state of confusion between reality and thoughts is such that he believes in them as if they were “facts,” concrete data, and proven truths. The perception of being attacked becomes a reality from which it is necessary to defend oneself. The counterphobic, then, is always on the alert.
Waiting is wasting precious time during which something irreparable may happen. So trigger a defensive attack: “eliminate the enemy before he eliminates me.”
According to Claudio Naranjo, the sexual E6 has learned to defend himself against paranoid fantasies through intimidation. Aggression and fear create a vicious circle.
“After much thought, he expressed a categorical judgment about others, labeling them as people I should take care of and keep at a certain distance, looking at them from afar. This detachment created distrust and suspicion, to the point that at one time I seemed to hear others while they were talking about me.” (B)
Because of his deep distrust of others, it is difficult for him to believe in human kindness and sincerity. No one is good and trustworthy until proven otherwise. And he expresses this certainty with irony and sarcasm, with acid criticism.
Friends don't give each other enough, partners are constantly judged, colleagues don't measure up professionally, and bosses don't deserve their jobs. He finds it hard to believe that the other's feelings are authentic: he expresses them as part of a manipulative strategy with hidden intentions, which he will try to expose.
Since deep down the sexual E6 does not expect anything positive from relationships or love, he takes refuge in cynicism, which gives him the strength to overcome the prospect of living with such coldness, by preventing him from feeling the sadness that it implies.
“‘Believe in good feelings, in the expression of joy, always ready in enthusiasm, in the good faith of others.’ I was ready to snark sarcastically when I saw those feelings. With cynicism I confirmed the idea that there was nothing good in the world.” (B.)
In addition to being useful to defend against emotions, cynicism is also the mask of imperturbability that hides your difficulty in surrendering to feelings and relationships. Not to mention his belief that someone who is possessed by sentimentality is unintelligent or psychically unstable.
“Cynicism has “saved” my life several times, but the bitter taste it left in my mouth convinced me that it's best to abandon it in favor of a little sweetness. It's always been self-defense anyway: it makes them lose interest in hurting you.” (C.)
The counterphobic E6 does not realize that cynicism puts a distance in relationships, and also between what he feels and what he thinks, that makes him an unattractive person. Nobody likes to hug a pretentious block of ice.
“Friends, and even some partners, told me that I was cynical. I did not understand the meaning, but it deeply hurt me that they thought that of me. It seemed to me that I was a person who knew how to see the reality behind the lies, while the others were blind maudlins.”
Defensive Accuser
We have already talked about accusation as a cognitive distortion of the sexual E6, with which he attributes to the other parts of himself that he cannot sustain (aggressiveness and guilt). To protect himself from the alleged threats, he closes his space or with an armor that intimidates and shields him from too intense feelings.
He is very sensitive to invasion (physical or psychological) of his territory, like E5. The difference is that the E5 withdraws into his inner strength, the counterphobic hardens his body so that the muscles form a wall, and he defends himself by accusing and holding the other responsible for his own limits.
Faced with the conflict that he senses (and that he himself generates by making an enemy of someone emotionally important, to whom he has attributed a kind of authority), the sexual E6 reacts by automatically accusing a priori, without dialogue. The first thing he feels is the accusation of the other, an attack or some kind of offense that he does not question, that he does not compare with reality. The feeling of not being recognized prevails, that he is being partially evaluated and that the best parts of him remain in the shadows because the other does not want to see them. It is an injustice!
This character is aggressive and angry, but in intimate relationships he expresses his anger with great difficulty. It is easier to hear him yell and threaten in non-significant relationships, where he feels he is at risk of retaliation or rejection. Many counterphobic E6s say they are bellicose and rebellious at a social level, situations in which they feel supported by an ideal that justifies their opposition behavior.
Many say they have experienced a great ambivalence between behavior at home and abroad. At home, subject to the persecutor; in social relationships, persecutors who need to be seen as strong and determined. Much of the anger discharges in the competition (intellectual or sports). In intimate relationships, anger and resentment turn into an aggressive attitude, abrupt gestures, and ironic words. The look is usually threatening and the eyes take on a forceful shape: round and bulging, which attack. The way of walking is fast and well rooted, although the stiff neck and shoulders betray the intention to control fear, ambushed in bravado.
“I am aggressive only in the dialectic phase, if I feel a threat to my personal integrity. I have never fought with anyone (for fear of losing, but especially of hurting...). My real aggressiveness was in the posture and in the look, which carried a sign: “Attention! I bite.” But inside I knew, and I know very well, that it was to protect my weakness.” (C.)
Aggressiveness is a way of being that you are often unaware of because it is not a precise mood but background music.
“I was very surprised when they told me I was aggressive. Inside me I was much more in touch with worry and shyness.” (G.)
The typical counterphobic E6’s outburst of rage is a “reactive” gesture, responding to the other's anger, disgrace, or accusation. But it can also be a reply to someone who does not think like him, since it is unacceptable for him not to be right. Then the dialogue becomes hard; the tone, high; the other's words must be cut off. There is no time to lose because everything becomes dangerous and the opponent should not be given the option to go on the attack.
“It took me a long time to realize my habit of interrupting someone who was speaking to me. In my house everyone talks interrupting; each dialogue is a war between people who never feel heard, who are never sure of having a recognized place. I understood that for me, interrupting or raising the tone hides a cry: ‘I also exist!’” (G.)
Being a coward is his Achilles heel, the most infamous experience. The aggressive tone and appearance serve to hide, from himself and from the world, that, in fact, we are dealing with a great “cagón” (shithead).
In intimate relationships, they sign a tacit non-aggression pact. When the Sexual E6 decides to accept the other in his intimacy, he is very loyal; sometimes of a blind and inexplicable loyalty.
On the other hand, he secretly “demands” a loyalty that is not so clear to the other. The speech, below, becomes: “I accept you (apparently) as you are, I don't attack you, and you don't attack me, you leave me alone, you let me go to my ball, and you don't discover my weak points. You don't question me.”
It is an acceptance in appearance, since when he discovers that the other is not as faithful as he supposed, he ends the relationship without feeling much, as if it were the breaking of an agreement in a negotiation, with an objective, cold, and rational attitude. This behavior is very similar to that of an E8, but this one has an experience of possession of the other, while what the E6 wants is a non-threat pact.
In short, the sexual E6, after his supposed autonomy, hides from a tendency to merge with the other, from whom he hopes not to be mistreated, as happened to him as a child, and who also shares his ideas. Intellectual harmony becomes a unit of measure for the level of friendship and love, and a pact of loyalty. It is almost impossible to think of a love story that does not include appreciation of the other's ideas; as if eroticism were more connected with intellectual enthusiasm than with the pleasure of the body.
In the relationship with authority, intellectual affinity is fundamental in deciding to what extent to obey and follow a leader. It shifts to the person with authority the need for a guide to indicate which path to follow and help them make sense of events. It must be an authority that, through ideals, conveys a justification for continuing to live. The loving and warm relationship that the father and mother lacked is replaced by collaboration, loyalty to a common project, intellectual passion, and the sublimation of ideals. The sexual E6 is constantly looking for a “father.” The superior authority becomes a myth, while claiming from subordinates the same adherence, the same rigid ethical coherence.
“I had deeply rooted ideas, with convictions that prevented me from seeing the nuances and that kept me rigid, unable to reach an understanding, without any possibility of changing concepts. They reinforced my idea of always being right, of loyalty to the given word and of honesty in intentions. With these principles I thought I would strengthen myself, because leaning on them I seemed to know where I was going and what I wanted to laugh at myself and at others. Putting them into practice, he seemed to have the appearance of a serious, responsible, competent person.” (B.)
Critical and Authoritarian
All people with an E6 character are hypercritical. In the contraphobic it is a very evident characteristic, which demonstrates his narcissistic desire to be the best, the one who should be approved in his own right, the one who has all the qualities to carry out a task or occupy a certain position.
“What could be easier and more beautiful than accusing others of a defeat? Destroying the other provokes in me a great feeling of power.” (C.)
But this narcissistic self-image does not allow him to expose himself, as for example happens with an E1 character, because the fear of being punished (castrated) prevails as soon as he opposes and adopts an explicit superior attitude. Therefore, he cultivates this conviction within himself, expressing it with criticism, sometimes in a hidden way, creating alliances and analyzing where the other is wrong.
In the case of occupying a position of authority, ambivalence causes criticism to manifest itself in the inability to trust others and to allow each one to act according to their own way. Authoritarian control is even more evident when collaborating with someone “unintelligent” (who is motivated by emotion and not by thought): “incapable.” The sexual E6 is so convinced that he knows how to do everything that he fails to have confidence in the path or in the creativity of others.
“I have had a hard time cultivating patience with my students. Whenever I saw that something was wrong or that there was no clear thought behind it, I began to feel bad; physical intolerance. I felt compelled to intervene as if I had to save a child from a fire. I projected onto the other my experience of not being able to make a mistake, the catastrophic vision of the effects of an error.” (G.)
When he criticizes, the counterphobic easily becomes a persecutor, intimidating those around him with uncontested, stony criticism, and a vehement tone. Thus he combats the unbearable feeling of impotence.
We want to emphasize here the oppositional character of the sexual E6. His rebellion is impregnated with fear of punishment, unlike the E8, who enjoys his desire to do what he wants and does not care about the feelings of the other and what he does, he does not allow himself to be limited and is ready for anything. In his rebellion, the counterphobic continues to feel anxiety, although he may enjoy not respecting either his prosecutor or the rules. He even finds great satisfaction in the transgression, but he will continue to watch carefully what the other's reactions may be. He will oscillate between the pride of his strong image and the fear of having committed something irreparable that will lead to rejection.
Theirs is a rebellion linked to the ideal of the hero: one who challenges the world for a just cause, willing to lose his life to save others.
Observant and Inhibited
The sexual E6 explores the world cautiously. Although it is the most active of the subtypes, it limits itself, circumscribes the field of curiosity and prefers to move in already explored terrain. He is capable of dreaming of great trips to the ends of the world, but he is satisfied with having glimpsed them; then he comes back satisfied that he had stuck his head out, and frustrated that he hadn't involved his whole body.
“Observe to confirm what I think, observe as control of the situation, always alert, observe to assess the convenience of being in a place or with someone.” (B.)
It is almost impossible to believe that the counterphobic is shy, but it is something that he has lived with since his childhood, and that for many represents hell. It's like having an infectious disease with fear that everyone will find out. Obviously, being shy clashes with the heroic and strong image you want to give to the world. Despite your efforts to hide it, shyness is always there like a devouring monster.
“At the age of twenty-six I had to present my first paper before a congress. She was obviously happy and wouldn't have backed down even with an earthquake. Ten minutes before I went up to the box, my neck, chest, and arms were covered in red spots. He was terribly embarrassed that they would see each other. Since then, I have had this kind of reaction every time I had to expose myself in public. I learned to dress so that those parts of the body would not be seen. Two years later, on a similar occasion, exhausted, I spoke to the director of the school where she worked as a teacher and he told me: “Don't worry, it's just the narcissistic need to be perfect.” The arrow had hit the target: the symptom disappeared.” (G.)
Shyness is connected with the deep feeling of inadequacy, with the constant fear of being ridiculous. The humiliation experienced during childhood and the lack of basic trust left an insecurity installed in the body. Like a soldier who appears alone in the enemy camp, he tries to be invisible so that they don't kill him.
This experience is similar to that of an E3, with the profound difference that a Vanity character bids to be seen, in his desire for a relationship with the other, while the E6 prefers to be “left alone,” taking away value to relational need.
Afraid of Tenderness
The counterphobic instinctively seeks sexual intimacy, as if the intensity of these encounters were enough to satisfy their need for human contact. He has no difficulty in surrendering to the sexual act, which he tries to differentiate from the emotional. Always distinguish in relationships what is only sexual and does not imply love. In a kind of double life; in the face of a discreet, shy, almost straight and normative behavior, he is a collector of experiences: he seeks to feel something deeper, again and again, impulsively, whenever the opportunity arises, without success.
“Atrocious situations followed one another: from the way I gave my virginity to a stranger I never wanted to hear from again (for me it was a procedure that had to be done sooner rather than later, stripped of tenderness), to the sexual encounters, so many as possible, in search of orgasm, to which it was difficult, and sometimes impossible, to surrender.” (R.)
He does not want the other to realize that he likes or desires him, because that would be putting himself in his hands, allowing him to do what he wants with him. The tenderness can be a space of no control and he does not allow himself to take off his armor. Just as he has not been able to rest peacefully in mom's arms, he cannot give himself over to loving effusions either.
“If I liked a man, I preferred to show that he did not interest me at all. It was better to give up than to endure the shame and the risk of being ridiculed. I always imagined this thought in the other: ‘But who does he think he is to believe that I could like him!’” (G.)
This experience has to do with the lack of references, or criteria. The sexual E6 has not had a model. Or, in which there was, he does not trust and, therefore, has moved away from him. But there is no confidence in his own signals either, because he grew up doubting them, with messages of the type: “you don't know,” “they won't love you,” “they will cheat on you,” “they will tease you”; and fundamentally, because he doubted the reality he was observing;
“Could that be true? Really? Wouldn't I be wrong thinking what I thought?”
So, in an uncomfortable situation, she tries to take the pulse of the environment, quickly see what the others do, if they accept or reject her, as a test before making her own decision. But she is left evaluating all the factors without making any decision. In this wait he can endure very difficult situations. It might seem like an adaptation; actually it is an anesthesia; inside himself he knows perfectly well that he does not want what is happening, but it is impossible for him to move until the “certainty” arrives. At the same time he measures his strength by enduring hardships, psychic and physical weights, to later feel satisfied that he has not fallen.
“Putting up with an uncomfortable situation is staying “waiting” for the other to see that I'm right, that I'm right... and to do what I think is necessary. If I don't receive a signal, I tend to repeat it several times, as if to listen to myself and stay calm so that what I'm saying is clear.” (R.)
He likes to look triumphant. It is a victory over oneself: over that “oneself” that, deep down, knows that it is injured in its integrity. And under the pressure of needing a constant demonstration or reliable proof of what he is capable of; that is, that he is able to get out without harm, without pain, whether physical or emotional.
It is not enough for him to prove something to himself introspectively, in silence. For it to acquire validity, for it to be real to itself, the sexual E6 needs to show it, say it out loud, explain the battle…
This results in bragging, that fearless attitude that hides the inner insecurity for which you need to explain yourself over and over again, checking that there is no criticism, that there is acceptance. And there is also, deep down, a need to justify oneself.
Of course, he only needs to share it with those closest to him, with those who will not question him, who will accept his bravado and agree with him, which will validate him and allow him to feel moral superiority.
This is a trait that most sexual E6 recognize. By “honest” they mean that they do not tolerate any hypocrisy, falsehood, or deception. Even telling a lie is impossible. The honesty that he seeks ensures that he who fights for himself and for others is also correct, consistent and, therefore, worthy part of his ideal of a hero without blemish and without fear, justice and the rescue of the oppressed. And it is a way of going against the enemies: the exploiters, the powerful and those who abuse power, even people who have money because how can you have money if you are honest?
The ambition of the sexual E6 is camouflaged as idealism, by the pretense of wanting success or power at the service of justice and honesty. The idealization of himself as righteous justifies his desire to be recognized as the best, or perhaps the only one, in competition with others, whom he likes to look at as fools or people who are not up to the task (whatever they are).
Obviously, fear does not allow us to live this competition openly and visibly, which it condemns as immoral or selfish. So in this field, too, the counterphobic E6 will advance with one accusing finger and the other timid hand. He will continue to feel that a persecutor is going to come and punish him for being competitive and castrate him for being ambitious. There remains a feeling of frustration and rage against those who do not allow him (according to him) to raise his head, and also of guilt for wanting to raise it so much.
Source: PDB Wiki
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dark-wackademia · 11 months
Can anyone help point me in the direction to best understand these test results for free?
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I’m working with it to better help me structure my characters but i would like to understand myself more to see my shortcomings and areas in which i excel. My main characters share in some aspects of self but specific and totally different parts I’d like to better be able to articulate.
If it also helps, I’m an INTJ - A.
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