#tyler’s nail colors???
galpinlvr · 11 months
ahhhhh chapter eight of chemical reactions is now up!
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
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in love till the end of time!
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satuguro · 1 year
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⠀⠀ ⠀ཾ ༚ 20/20 VISION
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lalala! ethan landry x okokok! reader
#SYNOPSIS— based off of see you again by tyler the creater & kali uchis; you have no gag reflex, ethan tells a sex joke, and ethan takes a leap of faith.
#CONTAINS— best friends to lovers, mutual pining, jealousy, emetophobia, fluff
#AUTHORSNOTE— i've been wanting to write fluff lately so.. here you go xx
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your unofficial designated spot in the carpenter sisters' apartment was their armchair in their living room.
you had a list of reasons why; one, it meant more space. you could stretch your legs, not worry about feeling someone's feet near your legs, and you could have your own blanket. all somewhat selfish reasons, but you loved your space. two, it had the perfect angle towards the t.v. that gave you the best spot in the living room to watch it without worrying about discomfort.
which was why you would've been mildly perturbed that someone was standing between you and the t.v. the only difference was that it wasn't just someone; it was someone who rambled too often, who had no sense of personal space while also being hyper aware of it, and who was a flurry of random facts (which wouldn't help him at all, unless someone held a gun to his head and told him to name and point at every country’s capital in the world).
"i've done it," ethan announced to you, his signature toothy smile seemingly more victorious as he looked down at where you were snuggled up on the couch. his well manicured nails (he asked you to do them once, and who were you to deny your best friend?) held his laptop, the screen facing his chest.
"aren't you supposed to be studying?" you asked him with a small tilt of your head, glancing at where the rest of the group was. finals week was beating everyone up, and you could briefly see mindy and chad chugging a redbull at the same time while tara timed them, before you turned back to your best friend.
"i gave up."
"you need to study."
"you gave up, too!" ethan looked down at the huge blanket that you hogged for yourself, not even thinking twice before he was climbing in next to you.
"ow— ethan!" you groaned, feeling him step on your leg.
"'scuse me!" ethan forced himself under the blanket you were snuggled under, making you share your beloved armchair with him before he sighed contentedly. "this is comfortable! maybe i should share this seat with you more often!" he said with a bright grin, making you sigh reluctantly. "i mean if you don't want to then it's fine too!" ethan added hurriedly with wide eyes.
"i was just saying that i wouldn't mind sharing with you because usually you sit alone— which i know you prefer, you've told me so many times and i get it! i really do! but i wouldn't mind sitting with you to keep you company because i really like being with you— around you. your presence. yeah, that." ethan rambled, finishing his string of words with a sheepish smile, cheeks flaring a bit red. "i'm sorry for rambling." he added quietly.
your usually tired eyes softened at that. he had always been insecure of how much he talked, you knew that better than anyone. "i've told you before, e, i don't mind. i like listening to you," you hummed, a downturned smile on your lips. "i like your presence too. and i guess i don't mind sharing my seat with you."
ethan's cheeks flared red at your casual words. you had a way of speaking so calmly, as though all your words were chosen well. in a way, he was a bit jealous.
"you had something to tell me, yeah?" you asked him softly, bringing him back on track.
"oh, right!" ethan showed you his laptop, setting it up on your legs. it was a notion list, color coordinated and everything, with an entire list of shows and movies you remember only briefly mentioning to him. "i made this list—"
"just now? instead of studying?"
"yes! so basically, it has a section where we can rate it after we watch it, and it's all organized by what we want to watch the most and what we need to finish!" ethan scrolled down the list, practically buzzing with excitement (and the cold brew he drank earlier).
"see? i know that i have a whole essay to do but i can do it later—" ethan said, waving it off with his hand. "because i know you said you would do it but i got impatient and did it instead! and look—" he showed you the wide variety of colors for every row. "they're color coordinated! and here's how i think the rating system should go—"
you had watched ethan talk the entire time he rambled, your usually tired and indifferent eyes softening when you listened to him speak. he talked fast— too fast for some people, but you liked that about him—but the way he rambled showed how passionate he was about different topics, because ethan only rambled when he cared.
it showed how much he appreciated what he was talking about. and ever time his cadence picked up and his words became jumbled and he began interrupting himself, you could see how ethan's brown eyes would shine with excitement. you could see how he began incorporating his hands to his words, how his lips tilted up when he talked.
you were so engrossed in ethan's explanation of the movie and t.v. show list that you failed to notice your friends staring at you from the dining table.
"they are disgustingly cute," tara said with a sigh.
"and disgustingly oblivious," mindy grumbled, clicking her pen over and over. "with how smart the both of them are, i'm surprised they haven't picked up on the clues." she turned to chad, who was sulking after losing the redbull chugging competition against her. "have you asked ethan about it yet? you're our in on this, chad!"
chad groaned as mindy nudged him with her shoulder. "i did. he didn't even respond. it's crazy how he can avoid conversations, you know."
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you didn't like parties. not as much as your friends did— you were usually the designated driver or the friend that was always sober enough to take care of their friends, which you didn't mind. it was the socializing part that you minded.
you socialized okay, but you often just ended up listening to other people rather than talking. listening was more your style, but you were only a little awkward when it came to talking to complete (and possibly intoxicated) strangers at parties. you stuck with your group of friends and very rarely strayed away.
but ethan was the designated sober friend this time around, so maybe that would change.
three loud knocks to your dorm room made you go and open it, coming eye to eye with ethan. "you're walking me there?" you asked with a knowing smile, making the boy nod eagerly.
"yup! chad's walking with tara and mindy's going with anika, so that leaves you and me." ethan grinned at you teasingly. "why, you're getting tired of me already?"
"no," you hummed, closing your dorm room behind you as the both of you began to walk down the hall. "you're really not drinking tonight, huh?"
"nope!" ethan replied, popping the 'p'. "after i threw up all over sam that one time we drank at the apartment, and then i threw up on you right after, i told myself that i'd hold back on it."
you wrinkled your nose at the memory. "how responsible of you."
"i know, right?" ethan said with a proud smile. "but because i threw up on you that time, i give you full permission to throw up on me this time."
"i'm not gonna be that drunk."
that was a lie.
to say that your friends were shocked to see you become a more extraverted person after drinking would be an understatement. they were used to you observing the group and contributing to conversations with sarcastic comments, dry humor, and dark jokes that are often made much too soon. so to see you take a shot with tara and squeal happily with her (true friend solidarity; she was as drunk as you were) was completely out of the ordinary.
"i'm gonna go find chad!" tara yelled over the music, making you nod happily and watch her leave. adrenaline and excitement began to thrum through your body stronger, and your first thought was to share it with your favorite person. you began to walk around, searching for ethan, before you bumped into a chest.
"oh, shit! i'm so sorry," the guy laughed, making you send him an apologetic smile.
"it's okay!" you said, taking in his black hair and his brown eyes (that only reminded you of ethan). "i'm y/n!"
the guy smiled at you, offering his hand out. "jaden!" he seemed to be as intoxicated as you were, his steps wobbling slightly as you shook his hand. "do you, uh, wanna dance?"
"hey, where's y/n?" ethan asked tara as she passed him, making her look back towards the drinks table.
"she should just be around where the drinks are.." tara's voice trailed off when her eyes landed on you not too far away. your arms were around a guy's neck— was that jaden from her philosophy lecture? —as you swayed with him to the music. you seemed to be having a good time, the alcohol making you lighthearted as you sang with whatever song was playing through the speakers. "there she is!"
when ethan saw you, his heart fell. you looked so beautiful under the multicolored lights, your hair perfectly styled and your clothes fitting you perfectly as you danced with someone who wasn't him. your smile— your genuine one, ethan noted with his chest aching, the one that made your eyes crinkle and your smile lopsided —was pointed towards someone who wasn't him.
jealousy brewed in his chest along with the heartache, ethan's jaw clenching as he stared at you and the random guy. but he didn't step in. he didn't pull you away and declare his feelings for you, because at the end of the night, you were happy. content as you danced with someone who wasn't ethan at all.
chad came up next to tara, his arm over her shoulders as he steadied her. "hey man, where's y/n?" he asked, still fairly sober than everyone as he had only taken one shot.
"she's doing fine," ethan said, his voice monotone as he continued staring at you. it was unfair how beautiful you looked while you unknowingly broke his heart with every laugh and every flirtatious smile you sent towards your dance partner.
"what?" chad looked in the direction ethan was staring, his face falling when he saw you and jaden. easily connecting the dots, he looked at ethan empathetically. "fuck. dude, i'm sorry."
"it's okay, really," ethan said with a tight lipped smile. but he couldn't keep his eyes off of you and him, the fact that you looked so happy pulling at his chest because he wanted you to be happy with him. he wanted you to look at him the way you looked at that random stranger.
and finally, as you did a twirl into jaden’s arms, you made eye contact with ethan. oblivious to the way his jaw clenched and his eyes lost the spark they usually had, you gently pulled yourself out of jaden's arms. your steps were wobbly, and you nearly crashed into ethan's chest when you finally walked up to him. ethan's arms went to steady you easily.
"ethan, i feel like throwing up," you murmured, and ethan nodded in understanding, worry taking over his jealousy.
"okay, let's get you to the bathroom, okay?" ethan said softly, pulling you close to him as he guided you to the bathroom. he knocked on the door, thankful no one responded, before he opened it for you. he locked the door behind the both of you as you made a beeline for the toilet, grabbing the side of it as you readied yourself to throw up.
but nothing came out.
“go on!” ethan encouraged you, motioning to the toilet. but instead, you looked up at him warily.
“do i have to?”
“yes?” ethan gaped at you, motioning to the toilet again. “just go ahead! nothing to fear!”
“i don’t want to.”
“c’mon, y/n, why not?” ethan whined, making you groan as you stopped yourself from throwing up yet again.
“i have emetophobia, asshole,” you muttered, gently pushing his arm. “fear of throwing up? and,” you messily pushed some of your hair away from your face. “i have no gag reflex.”
“what the hell?” ethan crinkled his nose, blushing furiously as he looked at you in shock. you were honest, sure but never this honest. “i could’ve gone my whole life without knowing that.”
“are you sure?”
“what?” ethan said quickly, eyes wider than ever as he stared at you as you snorted in amusement. “you’re kidding.”
“maybe?” he swallowed thickly, shutting his eyes and pinching his nose bridge. “oh god, you definitely have to throw up now.”
“watch this.” you took two of your fingers and stuffed them all the way to the back of your throat, smiling triumphantly as you showed ethan your lack of a gag reflex.
ethan could only watch in horror and exasperation. “y/n, i didn’t need proof. i already believed you.” he took some squares of toilet paper before offering it to you.
“i told you so,” you hummed, pulling your saliva covered finger out of your mouth and wiping them on the toilet paper. there was a beat of silence before ethan coughed, his cheeks and ears still burning red.
“can i make a joke?”
“of course you can.”
“it’s a, uh,” ethan cleared his throat, avoiding your intent gaze, “sex joke.”
“even better.” you situated yourself next to the toilet, still very much feeling like you were gonna hurl at any given moment.
ethan sat next to you, clearing his throat again. “i know one way we can test your gag reflex,” he stated, almost ashamed at his own joke.
you chuckled at that, the horrible joke making a you sway a bit with laughter before the sudden motion sickness got to you. without another word, you threw up into the toilet. all thanks to ethan’s horrible sex joke.
he immediately reached over to move some of your hair. you continued retching into the toilet, his hand rubbing soothing circles on your back. "i hate drinking," you grumbled as you laid your forehead on your arm, eyes watery from throwing up. immediately as you got the words out, you threw up again.
"i know, i know.. but i know you're gonna end up drinking again," ethan teased softly, making your back heave as you managed a laugh, only for it to be interrupted by you throwing up again. "it's okay, let it all out." he couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped his lips. “i can’t believe a sex joke made you throw up.”
and you almost laughed again if you didn’t throw up even more.
the sound of the party died into the background as ethan sat next to you on the ground. your head was laying on your arm, which was on the toilet seat. you were still intoxicated, and the world was still spinning, but you could see the obvious turmoil on ethan's face. you poked his arm. "what's wrong?"
"what?" ethan said, snapping out of his daze to send you a tight lipped smile. "nothing's wrong."
"i'm not!"
"i know you better than that, e," you murmured, half lidded eyes staring at him. you had thrown up most of your alcohol, and while you were still inebriated, you felt a lot more clear headed than earlier. “what's wrong?"
ethan looked at you, eyes flashing with hurt as he pictured you again dancing with someone else. "do you really want to know?" he asked you, and you nodded. even while drunk, you opted to listen.
"you looked beautiful when you were dancing," ethan began, managing a soft smile, "i don't think i've ever seen you like that. it's not a bad thing or a good thing, but it's a new thing, y'know?" he sighed. "you dance really well, i'm surprised you haven't told me," a genuine smile appeared on his face when he heard you laugh quietly. "and your laugh.. i swear i would listen to it over whatever horrible music is playing right now."
ethan looked at you, taking in your obviously roughed up and intoxicated form. but somehow, even with slightly messy hair and most of your make-up rubbed off and with your breath smelling only a little bit like puke, you still looked beautiful. it was enough to make someone who talked as much as him to go quiet in awe.
"but when you laughed, and when you smiled,” ethan said slowly, taking in heavy breaths with every word. fear thrummed through his body, mingling with the nervousness as he twiddled with his fingers anxiously. to continue on would be to admit everything. to admit how he felt, the thoughts he had been having about you, everything. and to admit it to you would be to risk losing a friendship and one of the most important people in his life.
“.. you weren’t smiling or laughing at me. and i hated that.”
confusion spread over your face before realization hit your eyes. “oh.” and oh, it suddenly all made sense. why ethan was so bothered, why you were so willing to listen to one person speak for forever as long as it was them, why even as you danced with another, something was off because he wasn’t ethan. he wasn’t your best friend.
“you don’t have to say anything,” ethan mumbled, completely misinterpreting your realization for rejection. his eyes watered slightly as he avoided your gaze. “it’s been going on for a while now, and i get it if you don’t feel the same! i really do, it’s just,” he sighed shakily, “i don’t want to lose you—”
“i was completely willing to just shut up about how i felt as long as that meant i could still have you in my life, y/n,” ethan said, looking into your eyes earnestly. “and i thought i could keep it under wraps but i have to tell you at least once because—”
“i love you.”
“what?” ethan blinked, making you smile, your head still resting on your arm.
“i love you, ethan.”
a toothy smile spread over his face at that, his shoulders relaxing as he searched your face for any doubt. “are you— are you sure?”
“i wouldn’t say it if i wasn’t,” you murmured softly as you raised your head, making ethan laugh in relief.
“holy shit— i love you too.” ethan said, leaning forward, only for you to stop him.
“e, i might throw up on you if you kiss me.”
“do you think i care?”
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phas3d · 5 months
Ideal Type || Slytherin Boys
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note :: just what i think, but they could honestly be with anyone
members :: mattheo riddle, theodore nott, lorenzo berkshire
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Mattheo Riddle
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Sharp eyes that could kill him, eye color doesn’t matter to him
Likes people with more meat on them
Goes crazy if he sees you wearing thigh highs or tight underwear so that you have a little bit of a muffin top, he loves that stuff
Loves dark hair, all of his celebrity crushes are brunettes or have black hair
Likes the y2k style and clean girl, he doesn’t know it’s called that but he likes it lmao
Loves long hair but will make an exception for a short black bob
Low rise jeans are his favorite thing ever
Pretty nails are also a pro in his eyes, shows that you’re hygienic - likes longer nails
Plump lips are a major plus
Likes outfits that show skin in some way, so crop tops, dresses, etc
Slightly toxic, which is perfect for him since he’s ultra toxic 😍
He’s not willing to change his lifestyle just for a girl, so he needs someone who’s down to party and do the bad stuff he does
Loves confidence, wouldn’t date a girl who’s insecure
People with the wonyongism mindset are literally his dream type, makes him weak in the knees
If you yell back at him or call him out on his shit, oml he’s already planning your wedding
Loves to annoy you just to get a reaction, smth about you being angry draws him in
He likes social people who get along with others easily
A little bit cocky, but if you laugh at his jokes he instantly finds you more attractive
Dedicated and driven people, like not failing classes, having internships, having a job, all of that is so attractive to him
If you listen to: Kali Uchis, Tyler the Creator, Ariana Grande, Travis Scott, The Neighborhood, The Smiths, The Weeknd, BlackPink, Aespa, Beyoncé, you get so many extra points
Theodore Nott
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Likes shorter people, which is easy for him since he’s 6’0 (183 cm)
Has a thing for people that are flatter, likes rectangle body types
Long hair is his ideal type but loves curly short hairstyles
Gets flustered when he sees you with your hair up, something about it is so appealing to him
Long lashes and falsies are so pretty in his eyes, loves it
Ballet-core, old-money, and minimalist are what styles he likes best on someone
Lovessss skirts and headbands
Likes people with glasses, but specifically people who wear contacts in public but glasses at home
People with the resting sad face are so beautiful to him
Likes introverts or shy people, he likes knowing that you’re a homebody so he doesn’t have to worry about cheating
Nerds omg They’re his secret weakness
He loves book smart-street dumb people, it’s a sense of comfort knowing that you’re not involved in his life style
He’s a fuckboy who smokes and drinks, so you become a safe space for him
Quiet and soft voices are one of his biggest weaknesses
Elegance is also something he needs in a partner, someone who’s aware of their words and their actions
When someone covers their mouth when they laugh - So attractive to him
Caring and nurturing people make him want to cry, please comfort this man
If you listen to: Lana Del Rey, Billie Eilish, Mitski, SZA, Her, Adele, Yerin Baek, Matt Maltese, Radiohead, you get an extra point
Lorenzo Berkshire
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Downtown girl, athletic wear, coquette, and other cutesy yet comfortable styles are his idea type
Really loves when someone can dress up in a nice ass outfit and then show up the next day in just a hoodie and bagggyyyy pants
Doesn’t really like tight clothes on his s/o, likes baggy or flowy clothes
Doesn’t care for body type, has dated people on the bigger size and people that were super thin
Loves any facial markings - moles, acne scars, freckles, but esp ance scars
Loves curly and wavy hair, doesn’t care for hair color but does prefer light colors like brown and blonde
Likes girls that look kinda intimidating because of how pretty they are, but are secretly a softie (basically him)
For example, people with a resting bitch face but the second they see something cute they light up
Being shorter than him is fine, but if he’s dead honest he’s always wanted to date a girl taller than him (185 cm+)
Bubbly people make him fall so hard
People who are happy almost 24/7 and a little bit stupid and naive is what he loves
Doesn’t care about intelligence much, but doesn’t like people who are failing school
When you’re oblivious to flirting??? Omg he’s done
Wants to feel needed, so you being slightly air headed helps him a lot
Smiling makes him attracted to someone instantly, so constantly smiling and laughing makes him feel the same way
Loves people with a tad bit of sass to them, like eye rolls and stuff
Playful people who agree to do dumb shit with him suits his ideal lifestyle
Someone’s who funny, cause if I’m fr this man is not that funny. He def gets with someone who’s funny
He def had way too many crushes on manic pixie dream girls, so he kinda likes the chase
Likes people who are so free spirited that it’s hard to tie to them
If you listen to: Wave2Earth, Kpop, Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Beabadoobee, Sarah Kinsley, Faye Webster, it’s an extra plus for him
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lee1504 · 2 months
short sbg head canons
likes when it rains (not drizzle, but not storming either)
usually wakes up early because/if not of the phantom realm, but stays in bed until late morning/afternoon
either paints his nails all black or random neon/bright colors (pink on thumb, green on index, red on middle, etc)
likes it if someone's shorter than them, but if they're taller he calls them bigfoot (<- towards people he doesn't know much)
he has a wall full of notes and post-its with lyrics from songs he likes
has a secret 'language' with aiden (aiden's idea obviously) where they use numbers instead of letters while texting each other (not the whole group tho)
if she buys something she always gets a buy 1 get 1 free or 2 for 1 so tyler can have the same thing too
prefers calling over texting (unless she's busy)
the type of person to buy 2 of the same shirts so that he can wear either for multiple days while waiting for the other to become clean
if really emotional or sad he brushes his knuckles against someone else's/his friend's for comfort (he's not touchy-feely tho)
usually always makes/has home-cooked meals but if he doesn't have time he toasts bread and makes tea
likes the sound of type writer keys being pressed
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Xavier Thorpe x fem!reader Hey! Can you do a story where reader gets hurt during the fight in the last episode and Xavier freaks out and helps her feel better? Thank you! I love all your stories, they’re so good!!!
Who’s the idiot who accidently deleted all the asks/requests thinking I was on another side-blog that I wanted to clean up and re-purpose? It’s me. Hi. I’m the idiot. It’s me. I wish I had saved them somewhere, but I didn’t for Xavier… Please send requests for him so I can keep writing!! Also, for some reason I ignore, this post has not been showing anywhere so I took it down and reposted
Request: Can I get Wednesday’s sister getting attacked by the hyde and Xavier being at the hospital when she wakes up?
keep sending requests for Xavier
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It all happened so quickly.
You and Enid had been running to get to Wednesday with Thing when you heard a grunt as Enid fell to the ground with a strange crack. You assumed she was hurt, but something else was happening. She was turning.
Her body was twisting in a sickly way as she was turning, her clothing ripping as she grew in size and shape and fur now coating her usual smooth and soft skin. You had never seen a werewolf turn before. You’ve always wondered how small people like Enid could turn into these beasts. It was fascinating.
Farther away in the woods, Wednesday found herself face to face with Tyler. They exchanged a few words until, just like Enid, his body transformed.
Once her transformation completed, the now werewolf girl howled into the night and began running to where you assumed was Wednesday. You and Thing followed after her, your much shorter legs — or fingers — carrying you slower.
You halted when you saw the hyde, seeing it for the first time. He was massive and visually terrifying as he fought with a ferocious Enid. You looked around for your sister, but the raven haired girl was nowhere in sight. She must have gotten away and gone to the school, Thing was explaining to you. That’s where the final battle with Crackwood will happen.
Suddenly, you felt sharp claws in your calf and were dragged down as you screamed in pain and terror.
The hyde got you. You clawed at the ground to anchor yourself, soil getting under your nails as you tried to resist the monster’s grasp but he was so much stronger and bigger than you that your fight was already lost. You were going to be the next victim — the next death.
Thing tried to help you, but he was just…a hand.
You kept screaming and fighting, tears formed at the corner of your eyes as the pain in your calf was intensifying. You’ve felt pain before, but never on this level. This felt like your whole calf had been butchered.
Your screams of distress were heard and a growl echoed, followed by Enid jumping on Tyler and clawing him with all her anger. He had hurt you, he had hurt her friend.
The two creatures moved the fight, and Thing hurried to your side. You sat to check your injury, the fabric of your pants slashed and soaked with blood. There were three deep gashes along your right calf. Blood was spilling rapidly and beginning to make you feel lightheaded.
Thing was telling you to hold on, to stay awake, but your eyes were too heavy and consciousness slipped away.
When you opened your eyes, you were in a room too bright for your sensitive eyes. You squeezed your eyes shut and moaned in complaint, cursing the fluorescent lights above you. You blinked a few times, adjusting to the harsh lighting, then started making out the white walls and the heart monitor that was beeping loudly every three seconds. By the window, there was a table with some dying flowers — pink tulips — and a matching pink card. They must be from Enid. The color palette matched her too well. There was also a small black cat plush that was likely from your sister, Wednesday.
At the foot of your bed was a boy in a dark gray hoodie asleep in a small and uncomfortable looking chair.
‘’Xavier?’’ you croaked out with difficulty, your throat and mouth dry.
You hadn’t seen him since the day he got arrested. No one had been allowed to visit him in the Jericho police office. You had tried to sneak in, but one of the officers caught you and escorted you out.
‘’Xavier,’’ you repeated, a little louder this time. It came out more like a squeak, but it was enough to make him stir and frown, slowly waking up.
Your name slipped from his lips and his eyes filled with tears when he saw you were awake. There were dark circles under his tired eyes and his hair were thrown into a messy half up, making you wonder how long he’s been sitting there for.
‘’Hi.’’ You reached out to him with your hand, only to wince at the small movement, feeling a throbbing pain in your calf and up your leg.
‘’Don’t move. I’ll come closer.’’ Xavier stood, rushing over to you and clasping your fingers with clammy hands.
He should alert the nurses that you were awake, but he’ll do that in five minutes.
‘’You’ve been unconscious for a few days due to all the blood you lost. You…you almost died—’’ His voice faltered, the thought of losing you making his heart ache.
Back in the woods when the hyde had attacked you, you thought that it would be it too. You thought that you would die and never see Xavier again. Never get to touch him or hug him or kiss him again. But he was here, standing before you and holding your hand in his.
‘’Enid told me what happened in the woods.’’ His eyes shifted to your blanket covered feet, your calf more precisely. ’’I’m sorry I wasn’t there.’’
You shook your head, refusing to take his apologies. ‘’You were fighting your own fight, Xavier. Besides, there were handcuffs and chains on your wrists and feet. How could you have been with me?’’
He looked down and laughed softly, knowing you were right. What could he had done from the inside of his cell?
‘’What happened to Tyler? Did they kill him? And Enid? I’ve got to thank her for saving me. What about Wedn—’’
It was Xavier’s turn to shake his head, shushing you. ‘’Later.’’ One of his hands let go of yours and tucked your hair behind your ear. ‘’I’ll tell you everything later. You need to rest…and I really gotta alert a nurse before one of them comes in and see I didn’t tell them you were awake.’’
He kissed your forehead before going, promising to be quick, but you grabbed his wrist as he was leaving. ‘’Not yet. I want to stay alone with you a little longer.’’ You looked into his green eyes and played your cards, knowing how to make him fold to your requests.
Xavier sighed, soft for you and unable to say ‘no’ to that face. ‘’Alright… Five more minutes.’’
Xavier Thorpe taglist: @sofiaadler @partyfly @hoodforcalum @thelilacmourning @ellessecretobsession @su-alteza-emia @achoo—uu @not-leaprvt @xaviersgf @peterparkerdilf @roadworkaheadisurehopeitdoes @dragon-chica @coldtacozinepanda @wrldofsage @eddiemunsonsluvrrr @capriaura @officialsaturn @babyfiva @maevaomizzolo @kelloggs-world @whosljt @ajpanda181 @belovedrey @emerycrt @elizabitchsshit @heaven-hiding @lilithlikestoread @est-liber @moonisu @dessxoxsworld @parker-nite @bellblake121890 @vesperazhier @kaldurahms-lover @beeebo234 @nephilimsss @mayuphoenix @sweetheartlizzie07 @watermelon-18 @snixx2088 @555stargirl555 @robinscardigan @chumchum19 @lilttblog @aphex2winn @heizenka @mystargirl-interlude @hwrtsiren @wrldofsage @babygirljay20 @wildflowerlyss @strangersomeone @openfandoms @charlottelaffin @iheartmaddyperez @starless-starkov @ali-r3n
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mikgreo · 7 days
try to forget her.
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sypnosis. rin knows you’re far from reach. he didnt mean what he said, he knows he never will. hes slowly spiraling into madness. fully aware you may never come back. What will happen after he comes back from Blue Lock?
pairings. itoshi rin x fem! reader
content. angst, swearing, casual sae hating, au! before blue lock project but he later on goes into it, intrusive thoughts, mentions of self harm, depression, mentally ill rin, starvation, coping mechanisms, basically really mentally ill rin. unstable relationship, mentions of underage sex. dunno what else
wc. 2.7k
a/n. sadly very ooc.. not proof read. heavily inspired by tyler the creators snippet *try to forget her* i saw an edit and immediately thought i should do some type of angst fic with it. PART 2 IS CONFIRMED!!!
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itoshi rin, a man full of disgust towards anything and everybody. many thought of him as self absorbed, selfish, a man with a distinctively huge ego. many admired him only his looks, some because of his brother, some not at all.
but if there was one thing everyone know about itoshi rin, it was that he was a hell of a striker. many acknowledged his skill at the sport, he led his team to victory, but was it really for the team, or for him?
it was no secret that rin had a brother, more successful and skilled. nobody had ever known why there was such tension between them, no one bothered to ask why.
rin hated being compared to the man he hated the most, he wondered if it was hate, admiration, jealousy maybe? he never really mentioned it. not that he had anyone to mention it to.
Rin did not set differences aside, he wanted to do everything his brother accomplished, but better.
Rin wanted to be completely better than Itoshi Sae. he wanted to have his own title in the soccer world. he wanted to be admired for being Itoshi Rin, not Sae.
He thought, “whatever i have that he doesn’t, will be one step closer to getting to my goal.” he desperately tried to obtain every skill he could to stand out.
Rin wasn’t exactly worse than Sae.. but he wasn’t any better. one could say there was just a tiny 10% that separated them, only in skill.
Rin was attractive. he had a good body, good voice, good grades. he was every girls dream man. his personality didn’t stop any woman from being head over heels for him, but it would always change once they saw his brother, only being blinded by the richness and success, rather than looks.
one could argue they were equal in everything but soccer.
it had come to the point where Rin couldn’t figure out what he was missing. until you showed up one day.
there was an exchange student, not only exchange, but foreign. you were from (country) and it just so happened to be the one Rin had always dreamed of going to.
when he set his glowing teal eyes on you, he was mesmerized. you didn’t look like the average japanese girl, or obviously an average tourist.
your beauty was something he couldn’t comprehend.
your hair looked so silky. your skin so smooth yet had the faintest texture. your outfit was carefully picked out, obviously not having a school uniform yet. your makeup so beautifully done, not being too packed with it, just enough to make him acknowledge it.
your lips were plump and glossy, your cheeks were flushed and shiny, all red from the embarrassment.
your lashes so long, not as long as his he thought, but long enough. your eye color wasn’t anything special but he just felt like it was. your eyebrows so perfectly shaped, but natural.
he looked further down, to your body. he could care less but he had to take in the amount of beauty you carried..
your legs looked so perfectly long and smooth, you were obviously shorter than him, just right. your arms rested by your sides so perfectly as well. your cutely done nails, how your hands had no scars, obviously belonging to a woman who’s taken care of herself.
he listened as you spoke, your voice had no roughness, no cracks no nervous vibrations. it was smooth and quiet. calm.
you were sat next to him, what a coincidence. the teacher put you there temporarily next to rin because he was the top student, we could help you catch up.
Rin introduced himself to you, catching you looking at his lips as he spoke, he remained nonchalant and just did as he was told.
you had told him you weren’t very fluent in japanese, but knew the basics, you could understand japanese, just not speak. your father was japanese, from the kanto region, and had gone to america for work, meeting your mother.
he taught you many things and helped you improve your japanese.
a couple months passed, you had asked him to meet you on the stairs before the top floor.
thats where you had confessed to him, he could never forget what you said.
“itoshi-kun..i am very sorry if i butcher this but.. ive been meaning to tell you for a very long time, about how i feel. so if you will let me, may i share this with you?”
rin chuckled at the hesitation and nervousness in your voice, knowing you didnt have to be so fancy with honorifics or anything, or call him by his last name.
“Yeah sure, go ahead.” he smiled at you slightly.
“Ever since you and I got closer, Ive felt a weird feeling inside my chest. everytime i heard a girl talk about you my heart would sink. i started caring more about your whereabouts and opinions. i found myself being worried about you, and caring about what you thought. i would get up in the morning excited to see you, trying my best to look pretty for you. i tried to go to all your games and support you even if you wouldnt see me, even if i would blend in with other girls. i was glad i got to sit next to you, i am grateful for it now. because it led me to become closer to you, and not anyone else. Itoshi Rin, i like like you. i love you. and i want to be together, as a couple. i understand if you dont feel the same way bu-”
“y/n.. i love you too.”
you two went on to have the best memories together, you had told rin a 9 months into your relationship that you were a virgin. you two ended up having sex. you went out together, he met your parents, he didnt feel comfortable about his family so he left it at that. you understood.
you two were in love.
you guys went on to date for 2 years, but whenever rin turned 16 things started to get weird.
you and him were always fighting. he would ignore you at times, sometimes hours, sometimes days.
you were understanding of his soccer career, not that it was much of a career, yet you never told him.
you just wanted him to be there for you, with you.
the start of november, you decided to confront rin about it.
“Why do you always fucking ignore me for that shitty ass sport?! all you do is make fake promises and go on and say how youre sorry and youll do better but do the same thing but just worse. im not asking for alot itoshi but for the love of god please act like you fucking love me again.”
rin was on his last straw, he didnt know why he was so mad, maybe it was because by the day his brother was getting better and more popular, he was determined to be better than him, even if it meant ignoring you, and setting you aside.
“Look y/n, i dont fucking know why you care so goddamn much. mind your own fuckin’ business and find something to do. all you do is complain, i need space okay?! Im not sorry to say this, and im gonna dumb it down for ya, your annoying, wasting my time, and i just need you to leave me the fuck alone alright? stop fuckin’ running yer mouth and be good at somethin’ for once. fuckin’ bitch. all you use your damn mouth for is to complain, go get a job or sumthin’ i dunno. wish you never fucking came to japan.”
you never said anything and walked out of his house.
2 days later you had sent him a message sending him farewell and you loved and hoped he would grow on his journey as a soccer player.
ever since that day, no matter how much rin tried to find your whereabouts, he always failed.
he felt miserable. he wanted you back.
how could he? he said so many things to you, he meant them at the time, but it wasnt his fault. he didn’t mean to bottle everything up. he wouldve talked to you about it, maturely.
he blamed it on his brother, like he always did.
he thought it was some kind of bad luck spell Sae had given him.
Rin suffered in silence.
he missed you he missed your touch, the way you would look at him and hold him, how you would whisper cute things in his ear while you cuddled.
he missed how he would open every door for you, he made you bento boxes, he missed your home made chocolate. he missed how he would spot you in the bleachers at his soccer game, he would pretend to not see you out of embarrassment.
he dreaded sitting in the same seat he sat in whenever you met, seeing you sit next to some other random dude.
how could he just forget about you? when you’re there everyday at school. he hated seeing you look miserable, alone.
he knew you still werent that good with the language, so you were unable to make friends, let alone girl ones. they all hated you for your relationship with rin.
he was worried. he wish he could have you in his arms and tell you everything was going to be okay.
he felt extreme guilt as the days went by, remembering how you have your own family problems, your own health problems.
how did he just leave without a fight? how did he accept you two were done and went on with his day.
he remembered about all the memories. how you two had sexual relations, despite being dumb teenagers. you didnt do it more than 3 times, but he still thought of it as special.
he missed how you cradled him in your arms, rubbed his cheeks, gave him massages after practice or games.
he missed you playing with his hair. your kisses. your soft warmth of your body. everything.
he wish he chased you, fought hard to keep you, beg for you.
but he didn’t.
thats when the thoughts started happening.
rin would find himself on the edge of his bed thinking about how your life would be with another man.
he sat on the floor of his bathroom and sobbed, knowing there was a zero chance in hell you would forgive him for anything.
he hated himself. he hated what he was, who he was.
it got so bad rin started praying night. he prayed for you, about you, for both of you. he begged and sobbed to the man he believed was up in heaven somewhere judging him for his actions. the man he believed put him in this situation to suffer.
he would never harm himself, he knew that. but he fought his intrusive thoughts. he didn’t want to make any cuts on his arms, he always thought they were unnecessary.
instead, he unconsciously starved himself.
rin couldnt eat, he couldnt sleep.
he couldn’t take care of himself or his room, he was a mess.
he wanted to disappear, he wanted to just pretend he never came into this world. he hated his mother for birthing him, he hated his brother even more.
he couldn’t think anymore, he layed on his bed. staring at the inanimate objects around his room.
he missed you, he thought about you.
about your mother, and father whom he met.
about your siblings and pets.
he missed who he was.
he tried to forget those things
“try to forget her.” he said to himself as he woke up for yet another day of school.
rin liked to think he could telepathically, someway, talk to you when he really tried.
“i just hope you saved my number,” he thought, “Call me when you can.”
he knew you had blocked him, but had you really? what if you missed him too. what if you couldn’t forgive him, but you could miss him.
he thought surely you missed your long talks at night on the phone, cuddling with him, having lunch together.
was it all a blur to you? did your people not care for relationships?
Rin went out on walks sometimes, to help cope, to help him forget, to ease his mind. he stared at the ponds, the fish, the trees. the sky, the clouds. he wondered what the plants felt like, being all alone, unable to move or speak. how they felt whenever a dog would urinate on them, or how a tree felt when a couple carved their initials on it.
did they need to scream? cry? laugh?
he went into a state of derealization at one point, for about 2 days, he thought he wasn’t here.
he was just a ghost, you were a dream, his brother wasnt his brother, he was just a sad dead person with free time. alot of it.
he hated being here.
Rin repeated the same cycle everyday.
wake up, shower, eat breakfast, brush teeth get ready for school.
see you in class, sitting alone, sometimes with a random person you had assigned seats with.
go up to the rooftop for lunch, seeing you at the stairs as he went up, trying his best to not acknowledge you.
go to soccer practice
walk the path to your house, then to his.
check the mail. go inside his house.
take off his clothes, take a shower, lay in bed, and eventually, after some tears, fall asleep.
Rin felt lost, he lost his will to try.
he continued exceeded at sports and school.
that he never worsened in, he was always top 1 and remained that way.
that was until his teacher asked him to help you again, since you were failing.
“I understand if you two have broken up, it is none of my business really. But if you could set your arguments aside and focus on her academic work, that would be amazing. She’s really struggling again, Itoshi-kun. If you are unable to please let me know.”
Rin had a selfish feeling, he was glad to know that you were also struggling like him over the breakup.
he let his ego get to him, sometimes the thought that it might just be your family crossed his mind. but he always settled on that it was the fact that you two broke up.
rin planned to talk to you about class, of course it being just an excuse.
he decided he was gonna do it the following day, november 20th, 2018.
unfortunately, you weren’t at school that day.
he thought nothing of it, he was just gonna ask you tomorrow. same plan same everything.
he was gonna confess his feelings of regret, and guilt. he was going to own up to missing you.
rin went home that day, devastated, but a slight excitement for tomorrow.
he was happy, that tomorrow might be the day that everything goes back to normal.
he checked the mail.
he had received a letter, something claiming that he had been chosen to go into some stupid Blue lock project. saying the meeting is in september 4th.
he ignored it.. but it interested him. he was gonna go, he thought why not?
you hadnt gone to school all week.
rin asked his teacher if he knew why you hadn’t attended school, claiming he just needed to talk to you about tutoring you.
“Oh, y/n-san? she’s gone to america, to visit her grandmother, she should be back september 4th.”
september 4th? thats the day he had to go to that meeting. that tuesday he would be gone and you would be back.
he began to worry, what was he gonna do?
the day of came. he decided to go to the soccer program, figuring he would just see you the next day.
“is this the right place? it looks all weird. i wonder what bullshit they’ll say.” he scoffed, looking at the letters address slightly looking up, matching it to the building number.
they had told him they wouldn’t be allowed to go back home, they would stare at this Blue Lock, until they fought to find the best striker in japan.
Rin was angry. Angry at himself, angry at this strangers.
part of him lured him to do it. he wanted to become better. he wanted to be the best.
but what about you?
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ive never written angst before i hope i did good for my first time..😭
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foreverisntenough · 2 months
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Summary: While you daydreamed about his face an ocean apart, he had no idea what yours was about to do to him. With a twist of fate and the heat of summer, a new relationship would completely ransack his heart - Everyday heavy with the thought of one another, neither of you were going to let the unexpected love of your life go. You were going to be his, you were his, and you were going to stay his.
Warnings: This series will contain fluff, suggestion, smut (unprotected sex,) mentions of pregnancy, love bombing, occasionally sad, kind of angsty, alcohol consumption - not sure what else really… if i miss anything please lmk!
Note: I hope you like it! There will definitely be more parts (don’t know how many just yet though.)
Chapter 29 - ‘You’re Mine’
You rang in the new year at George’s house with a bonfire. You couldn’t really do anything grander because Liverpool had a game the next day which was fine by you. You stood in the back garden as a bunch of boys fumbled around trying to light fireworks in time for the clock to strike. It was disastrous so you kept your Trent away from it all. Your hands hung around his waist. His one hand caressed your neck, his thumb moving over your skin, the other brushed across your flushed cheek.
“Somehow, I think you’ll look even more beautiful next year.” Trent cooed looking longingly into your eyes. You blushed hearing his words. You squeezed him a little tighter. Your nails dug into his jumper.
“You think?” You cooed back, nuzzling your cold nose into his neck. You hid your face between his hoodie and warm skin. The smell of cedar embers circulating.
“You manage to every day… think a whole new year on you will just be…wow. The most beautiful girl in the world.” He whispered into your hair. You pulled away as you heard a spark fizzle. You looked at his face dimly lit from the fires flames. He was stunning. You picked your hand up off his waist and rubbed your thumb over his high cheekbone as the first firework successfully went off. The illumination scattering across the night sky. Both his hands came to cup your cheeks. He pressed a heavy kiss against your plump lips. He pulled away with a cheeky grin. The colors from the fireworks washed over his face. The contours and highlights of it turning blue and green. He looked beautiful like that.
“Happy New Year.” You giggled before you pulled him into another kiss.
“Happy New Year, baby. I love you.” He smiled, speaking close as his lips ghosted over yours.
“Think this will be our year.” You beamed as a red light cast over your face now. He pressed another soft kiss on your lips. He began to litter your entire face with them. You couldn’t not giggle. He loved hearing your hiccuped sounds interspersed with the thunderous fireworks, shouts of friends, a muffled speaker, and the crackle of the fire. He pulled you in closer to him, your body flush against his.
“I think so too.” He whispered with his lips moving to your ear. The warmth of his breath making you shiver. He worked kisses down your jaw, over your cheek, to your lips before he gave you a goofy smile smacking an incredibly wet messy kiss on your lips hearing another boom! go off.
“Okay! Okay! I want to watch them, T. Stop!” You fell into more giggles shoving your hands flat against his chest. His hands pulled your body even closer as you attempted to move away, twisting your head away from him. Squirming to avoid another kiss.
“Gimme a kiss first. C’mon, pretty girl. Just one then you can watch.” He begged, pouting his lips at you. His eyes pooled into the deep brown puppy dog eyes he knew would have you in the palm of his hands immediately.
“No fair.” You gave him a mirror of his pout back before giving him a sweet peck. He chuckled under his breath a little knowing very well the capability and effect of his gaze and so the new year began just like that.
“It’s fucking freezing. I hate the rainnn.” You complained. You sat in the stands at Anfield with Tyler and George as the minutes of Trent’s match ticked by.
“And yet you moved to Liverpool? To England?” George cackled laughing at how ridiculous you sounded.
“You’re absolutely insane.” Tyler echoed with a similar laugh. They couldn’t help but make fun of you complaining about the rain but you were cold and you couldn’t help it. They were just being annoying.
“No, I’m just in love with him.” You tried to defend your move ignoring them as your eyes followed Trent running down the pitch striking a particularly good shot on target. You groaned watching the goalie tip it over the bar.
“Booooo” Tyler pinched at you ignoring the play and focusing on teasing you about how obsessed you were with his brother. You sat leaning forward resting with your elbows on your knees.
“Oh my days. You’re actually embarrassing for him.” George smirked watching you as your eyes filled with love hearts glued to Trent. You remained steadfast in your plan to ignore them mocking you so you just kept your gaze on the pitch and the very pretty sweaty boy in a red jersey until the ninety plus minutes ran out. You moved inside to the much much warmer box to wait for him like you always do. You watched the rain continue to pour down into the emptying stadium. It made you a little sad for some reason like in that moment you felt alone despite the box being filled with family and friends. You stared a little longer before a pair of cold hands wrapping around your waist made you jump.
“Shit! You scared me, baby” you yelped giggling relieved to see it was Trent behind you. You couldn’t suppress the laugh your heart was beating too fast.
“You expecting someone else?” He joked, squeezing you a little tighter, peppering some kisses onto your neck. You hummed not feeling so alone anymore. The two of you in your own world for the moment looking at the rain splatter against the seats outside.
“We’re still going to yours?” George came over, his hand gripping Trent’s shoulder. Trent nodded with a hum.
“Ready?” You gave Trent the same response: a nod with a hum. You walked hand in hand to the car park. You listened to Trent babble about the game and you just watched his animated face move. He was excited about the win, you couldn’t blame him.
“Proud of you” you cooed quietly holding his hand in his lap while he drove you home.
“Yeah?” He asked earnestly.
“Everytime.” You said before leaning over the center console in the car to peck his cheek. When you pulled up to a traffic light he looked at you with a cheeky smile. “What?” You giggled.
“Real one please.” He rolled his bottom lip and threw doe eyes in your direction. You leaned over again and his hand came to caress your cheek. His lips melted into yours. He tasted like honey. The sound of the rain on the hood of the car was the perfect soundtrack. You felt contentment run through your veins until it clotted when the car behind yours honked, the green light filling the car as you opened your eyes.
After their game, a gaggle of boys funneled into your house. The noise reverberated through the whole structure. It kind of depended on the night but more often than not you would just let them wreak havoc; it was loud, messy, it could be gross, just boys being boys, you don’t know, you just let them be. Ironically it felt like after a win they were even more chaotic. Tonight was no different. It was always Trent, his brothers, George, Curtis and then a revolving door of any other friends or teammates that decided to come. You were more than welcome but the essence of the night was always a very ‘lads on tour’ vibe. Opting to avoid all that for the evening, you popped upstairs as you had promised your sister you’d give her a call. She could hear the ruckus from downstairs and asked if you were okay with a laugh. After you assured her it was a bunch of millionaire little boys playing, you spoke with her for a while until she had to go. You hung up and still could still hear the tv playing something but couldn’t quite make it out, which made it that much more annoying. You tried to lay in your bed but you felt really needy for some reason. Like you had been left alone for weeks. You missed Trent. There was an innate feeling of clinginess, a longing just to be close to him pumping through your nervous system, like his proximity would be the only thing able to calm it. You pouted and tried to distract yourself but it did nothing to ease the sensation, nothing worked. You still missed him. You sent Trent a text asking where he was. Yes, you could freely go and look around your house but you were being lazy and didn’t feel like aimlessly following the shouting boys. He quickly told you where he was with a cheeky ‘come see me 😉’ at the end and so you did. You jogged down the stairs in a pair of black leggings and a little white tank top making your way to the room. Your tits freely bouncing, you probably could’ve changed or at least thrown on a bra. Anyways, you could feel a warmness fill your chest as you heard his voice specifically isolated coming from down the hall. Thankfully Trent was sitting far back in the room close to the door so you snuck in quietly. The room was dark except for the massive screen emitting blue light. He didn’t see you come in until you collapsed on top of him. He grunted feeling your body weight suddenly, his face wincing at the abruptness. Not a single person in the room turned round. He adjusted quickly and a grin pulled across his face.
“Hello you.” He cooed, pressing a kiss to your lips as you smiled up to him. Wrapping your arms around his strong body softened into a lounger. You squeezed him tight as you nestled into him. “Coming to bother me?” He giggled some watching you lazily kiss his chest. You nodded a ‘no’ and his laugh continued. “Oh alright. Just felt like coming to lay completely on top of me. Hmm?” He whispered to you. You smirked, continuously kissing over his shirt.
“I thought you liked me on top of you.” You deviously looked up at him with a flirty grin. He laughed to himself shaking his head.
“I do.” He whispered again. His big hands coming to palm your ass. He gripped it and pulled you up his body that way. “C’mere. Gimme a big kiss.” You bit your lip feeling his hands on you. This is what you came downstairs for. You nodded before you pressed your lips into his. You both giggled like you were in year 7 sneaking the kiss.
“Ms.America, how are we?” You heard a voice in the dark room from over closer to the screen. One head turned, it was Curtis. He looked at you while the others stayed slouched in their seats. Your giggles and the sound of a kiss were a dead give away you had come into the room. You hide your face in Trent’s neck.
“Good” you muffled out. No one really cared and you were fine with that. All the boys were distracted by a video game being played.
“Trenski, you’re supposed to play next, can you focus with Y/N in the room?” Tyler looked back at Trent a while later. Trent looked down at you then back at him and smirked
“Probably not but I’ll give it a go.” He responded, picking up a game controller. You shivered on top of him. You were cold in your little tank top. As he began the game he couldn’t have both hands on you anymore to provide any warmth so you slipped off him to go get a blanket quietly but you were halted abruptly half way there.
“No… absolutely not, put it back.” George yelped out as you walked over to a basket with throw blankets.
“Excuse me?” You giggled looking at him genuinely shocked.
“No, because last time…” he started talking
“It was one time!” Trent interrupted him yelling from the back of the room. His eyes didn’t move from their focus on the game but he was conscious of the conversation unfolding. What Trent and George were referring to was a time a few people came over after a night out. You were drunk, everyone was, but you particularly. You fumbled into the cinema room and everyone gradually started falling asleep as a shitty movie play. You did not. You were eager and adamant about having sex. Trent finally caved in a moment of weakness under the influence of too many drinks and your touch. You hid under a blanket and moved slow and quiet biting back moans, gasping silently. In your mind the act was subtle. George felt otherwise he was nearby and didn’t love that, he loved you both, but this… this was too far. About 15 minutes in he finally snapped and groaned out a ‘please fucking stop’ eliciting laughter from you and Trent stopping your movements immediately. You all moved on but George evidently was not taking any chances with you, Trent, and a blanket in the cinema room anymore.
“One time too many, thank you…” he croaked out sinking back into his seat. You held your hands up in innocence and returned to Trent with a sad face dramatizing how cold you were.
“C’mere” Trent cooed as you got closer to him. He pulled off his jumper and handed it to you, helping you put it on. It was exactly what you needed. It was warm, it smelt like him, it was just the perfect type of oversized. You cuddled back into him while he continued on with his game. You got a little bored to be honest and found yourself mindlessly kissing his neck. Trent tipped his head to one side to give you more room at first enjoying the feeling of your lips on him and the action shifted something inside of you. You wanted him now. Your kisses became more intimate and intentional. Sucking on him, your tongue brushing over bruising skin. He regretted giving you the space almost immediately. He got sidetracked for a moment and made a mistake in the game.
“Trent if you fuck up again… oh my days!” George yelled back at him.
“Bro… I will drag Y/N out of this room right now.” Marcel threatened him. Trent yessed them and shook his head before one of his massive hands came and squished your cheeks together pushing your lips out. He held your face with one hand.
“Enoughhhhh” he dragged the word out and threw a serious glare at you quickly. You giggled a little which made him smile but you knew he was serious. You probably could sway him but you didn’t want to ruffle any feathers with George and Marcel so you stopped and got comfortable again on his chest. It was getting late and you kept dozing in and out of sleep on his chest, awoken every so often by the boys shouting at each other or the screen. He held you close to him as you slid your hand under his shirt and dragged your nails gently over his abs. He purred a little at the sensation and kissed your hair. It was all fairly innocent but the neediness you felt early was persistent as it came storming back.
“Wouldn’t it be nice if I could just keep your cock warm inside me right now?” You whispered out of the blue into Trent’s ear. His eyes widened. His breath hitched. Your teeth nibbling and pulling on his earlobe.
“Oh my goddd” he groaned but equally as quiet back to you feeling his cock start to harden. It resulted in him making another mistake in the video game.
“Trent! Fuck brother… you’re off.” George yelled at him again not putting up with his inability to focus right now and so Trent was done with the game for the moment to your delight, his hands fell back on you.
“Would you want to be inside my pussy right now?” You cooed hushed and sensually against his ear again. Your lips pressing light kisses on him raising the hairs on the back of his neck.
“Jesus, baby” he groaned again. Trent’s cock had gone completely hard underneath you and you felt it twitch with each of your last words. He usually had control in sexual situations so in scenarios like this when you temporarily had the upper hand you were going to exploit it. It would probably bite you in the ass later but that didn’t stop you, in fact it only spurred you on.
“I'm so wet, T. You could just slip right in.” You moaned, licking the shell of his ear pushing your hips into him. That was the final straw from him.
“Alright…” he grunted. “You gotta get up. Go away.” He shook his head, rattled by how turned on he was and the amount of restraint he was having to practice in the boy filled room. He needed you away from him while everyone was still over. He picked your body off his fairly harshly and you squirmed in his arms.
“Nooo, please” you whined with a faux pout. He started to laugh thinking of how he was going to get back at you for what you just did and the hard on you were leaving him with.
“Get away from me… go sit over there.” He shooed you over to go sit on a couch with Marcel
“Nah, don’t want your clingy ass.” Marcel quipped overhearing the last bit of Trent’s sentence seeing him gesture towards where he was sitting. He was kidding and you knew that but you furrowed your brows anyway at him and sat in spite of his comment putting your feet up and proceeding to push him with them. He shook his head with a smile ignoring you.
“Baby…. Are you mad at me?” You asked in a suggestive tone. Your finger ran over the thin silver chain on his neck. “If you want, we could go to our room and talk.” When all the boys left your house gradually you knew you were in for it and you were begging for your punishment to start. You watched Trent’s eyes darken at the suggestion, knowing exactly what his plan was the second you entered the bedroom.
“Yeah, beautiful. Need to talk to you.” He mused as he grabbed your waist and pushed you in front of him as you both walked upstairs. You nodded chewing on your lip. You looked so innocent, so pretty, so desperate and he couldn’t wait to destroy you. When you finally got back to your room you played dumb and asked him some questions before you coyly slid your hand over the bulge in his sweatpants acting as if it was an accident your hand ended up there. He let you manipulate him. You pulled his sweats and boxers down a little and let his incredibly hard cock spring out. You looked at him with faux innocence before you lowered yourself down onto your knees in front of him. You took his cock’s full length in your mouth instantaneously. Trent was lost in the sensation of your lips and tongue as he gripped some of your hair forcing you to take more of him. The feeling of your warm throat had him reeling. He felt so fucking good, you felt so fucking good. Your hands gingerly massaged his balls. You hummed seeing the pleasure on his face, the flush coming over him. The vibration felt so good on him he needed to keep his hands on your head to steady himself. He suddenly stopped you and pulled his cock from your mouth when he thought he was getting close. A string of saliva stuck to you and his cock.
“Baby.. you didn’t…” you whimpered a little out of breath.
“I know I want to somewhere else, need to get you pregnant. Hmm?” your heart skipped at his words but also his handsome, disheveled look when he picked you up off the ground and threw you on the bed, you gasped. His hands busied themselves taking off his clothes and then yours. Your clothes were left discarded on the bedroom floor fast. He dimmed the lights of the room leaving only the natural lighting from outside to shower the space before he walked back over to you. You spread your legs cheekily and scooted backwards giving him a good view of you as he crawled towards you. His eyes were fixed on your glistening pussy. The tips of his fingers gently but eagerly ran through your folds letting your slick coat his fingers.
“Oh my god, baby, you're already soaked f’me. Do you need me to touch you?" You nodded, not able to play your game anymore. His fingers on your pussy wiped everything else from your brain but the thought of him. He groaned seeing you squirm as he began to swirl circles around your clit. The smirk on his face let you know immediately you were probably in trouble. “Can’t wait to fill you up until you're pregnant." You felt your high fast approaching as his fingers worked mercilessly against your sensitive bud. It was just when you felt yourself about to tip over the edge that Trent removed his fingers depriving you of what no doubt would’ve been a very very good orgasm. You were frustrated, horny, naked, and pretty all for him. You couldn’t stop your hips from trying to grind back down onto his hands now gripping the inside of your thighs.
“T… please, come on, baby, I need you so badly." You whined as he stuck his fingers abruptly into your entrance. You gasped out. His thick fingers curled to hit the right spot inside of you only he knew. You were leaking all over his hand, unable to coherent thoughts. You tried to reach for his cock frantically just wanting to feel Trent. Wishing he would stuff you full but he wouldn’t let you even get close. As another high came rushing towards its climax you felt his finger slip right out and not return. “Please… I’m sorry. Please please fuck me.” He popped his drenched fingers in his mouth and his cock throbbed at the addicting taste of your pussy. That was enough to stop the teasing he now needed you just as bad.
“Gonna be a good girl now? Hmm? I’ll give you what you want, okay?” He teased with a smug look as you desperately nodded before he rolled your body over. You shifted on the bed pushing you face down into the mattress with your ass up for him. You spread your thighs a little for him to see your dripping pussy. He laughed a little at your distress and desire. He pumped his cock a few times before dragging the tip through your wet folds nudging your clit. His big hands massaging and squeezing the soft skin of your ass. You moaned and squirmed at the sensation before he started to slide his cock inside of you.
"Holy shit...fuuck baby, you feel so goddamn good. Squeezing me so tight" he hissed as his fingers dug into your plump ass as he gave you inch after inch. When you finally took all of him he began slow. Each thrust of his hit deeper and more powerful than the next as his pace began to pick up. The thickness of his cock hitting every part of you you were craving. You were moaning senselessly. He pulled your body up back to his by your neck. His hands sliding to massage your tits as they bounced only causing you to arch your back more. “Look so fucking beautiful f’me like this. Gonna make a mess f’me?” He could feel your pussy tighten with his words. You felt yourself gush all over his cock. All the teasing building up to this moment becoming too much to manage holding anything in. He watched his cock slide seamlessly in and out of you covered in your slick. He was so fucking addicted to you, to this feeling, this sight. This was all he ever wanted. He kept hammering into your g spot repeatedly with his cock as you cried out for a long time until your stomach began to tighten again. Suddenly your pussy spasmed. His pace only quickening.
“You feel so fucking good, baby. Fuck. Fuck. Please cum inside me” you begged desperately, grinding back against him causing him to swear under his breath. His thrusts began to get sloppy. He groaned your name out before he emptied into you. God, it felt so good and so hot. His pulsating cock inside you stilling with his cum filling you up made you both almost dizzy. He pulled out and you rolled over feeling totally spent but Trent had other plans. He looked down seeing your pussy leaking his cum and it made his brain short circuit. He climbed over you with fire in his eyes. He pushed your legs over his shoulders as he slid his cock and his cum back inside you.
“This pussy was made for me. Fucking perfect.” He grunted slowly building up his pace back until he was fucking you senselessly again the noises in the bedroom were so lewd. The sound of your pussy squelching with his cum and your own slick. Your brain turned to mush. His hand slid down to your throbbing clit. He moved in perfect tight circles that had your mouth agape trying not to drool but it was so difficult to do much of anything. You just let him have his way with you. Trent’s big hand moved off your clit to come and squish your cheeks with force like he did earlier in the cinema. Your eyes widened and then shut closed as he thrusted particularly deep.
“Oh fuck! Right there, T. Please fuck I’m so close!” You yelped out. You were close to crying he made you feel so good. You wanted to be fucked like this for the rest of your life. Suddenly your orgasm rocked you. You felt your body tremble and almost give out. You were seeing white. Your eyes rolled back, you thought you might pass out from it.
“You look so fucking hot right now. I love seeing you like this. All for me. All mine.” His cock twitched inside you aching to release. He slammed his lips against yours falling into a messy messy makeout. “Fuck, You’re so hot when you cum for me, baby. Be a good girl and take it f’me. Got me so fucking horny earlier need to fuck you just like this.” He moaned into your mouth when he couldn’t hold on anymore. His cum started to fill you up again. He could feel his cock’s length pulsating inside of you as you both reached your highs. You clung to him desperately.Trent continued to thrust into you keeping the pleasure flowing through your over sensitive, spent body beneath him.
“I love you so much, baby. I’m all yours. Holy shit” you said muffled when you buried your face in his neck. You both shut your eyes, panting, sweating, as he stilled inside your pussy. He grabbed your chin and pulled you off his neck and to him for a passionate kiss. He nibbled on your lip lazily before he let go. “T…” you whined, reaching up to caress his sweaty cheek. You were quiet for a little both absolutely exhausted but Trent broke it after a good amount of time with a hearty laugh.
“I love you so fucking much. You’re amazing, beautiful.” Pressing another kiss to your lips before rolling off to the side of you. He pulled your limp body back into his. He peppered kisses onto your hair. You cuddled up to him so comfortable, so full, so tired.
“Sleep” you muttered out, only able to manage one word. Your eyes were heavy. Your minimal vocabulary had his laughter filling your quiet bedroom. The hot air and his heart beat lulling you to sleep before he kissed you gently good night.
Joke or not, Marcel was right the other night. You were feeling so clingy to him. You clung to Trent doing everything he did lately. Something was just different about the way you felt towards him. Liverpool had made it out of the group stages of the champions league so they continued on with their European quest and that meant more traveling for Trent. A disastrous feeling took over for you knowing he’d be away for days at a time again.
“They don’t need you, I do.” You whined sitting on the floor of your wardrobe while watching Trent pack for an away game trying to help but really just folding and refolding items to elongate the process. You weren’t serious well.. maybe you were a little.
“Wow… don’t think I’m an important player in the squad?” he feigned being hurt by your words.
“Stop!” You cried out. “That’s not what I meant and you know it. I just meant I need you, baby.” You got up off the floor and placed the shirt you were folding on the counter before wrapping your arms around him, squeezing tight. You rolled your lip and looked up at him.
“Are you okay baby?” Trent asked, looking down at you sympathetically. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t notice the changes in your behavior lately, particularly your attachment to him. “You’ve been…” he paused. He wasn’t sure how to phrase this. You looked up at him inquisitively doe eyed. “I don’t know, I’m not against it or anything… I’ve just noticed you’ve been really needy lately.” Your face dropped causing his face to drop instantaneously.
“Needy…?” you felt like you were going to cry. It was one thing for you to know you felt needy but for Trent to call you that was another. You felt so hurt and honestly a bit annoyed. You could feel your heart pounding as he said a word you wished you’d never hear from him.
“Like clingy or… fuck! Oh my days.” He groaned frustrated with himself. “I don’t mean it like that.” He panicked trying to rectify the situation but managed to only make it worse.
“I actually feel sick.” You quivered out, getting your hands off him immediately and stepping away quicker somehow. You could see fear wash over him in slow motion. Normally, you could take something like this in stride and have a bit more perspective to understand that he didn’t mean it in a negative way and to his defense something in your behavior had changed but right now this comment was wounding. You felt nauseous. You’d been feeling sick a lot lately but you just put it down to a common cold going around. That feeling came over you intensely right now suddenly though. You walked out of the room abruptly. Trent took a step to follow you but knew it would probably make it worse so he waited a few minutes.
“Baby…” he cooed when he finally came to find you. You sat on the ledge of your bathtub. Your face looking drained. “I’m so sorry. You know I didn’t mean it that way. My words got all tangled up. You’re not needy. And if you ever were I’d love every second of it. I love to be needed by you, beautiful. Hmm?”
“I know.” You murmured out so quiet he could barely hear you. You couldn’t pick your head up to look him in the eyes. You didn’t feel strong enough so he did it for you. His hand gently picked your head up with his finger under your chin.
“What’s been going on? Just let me in” he cooed as his other hand stroked up and down your side. You were quiet for a moment.
“I’ve been feeling really shitty. I don’t know, emotionally and physically. Everything feels a mess. I find myself missing you even when you’re right in front of me. I don’t know what’s going on. I’m sorry.” You started to cry and he gave you that soft smile that was comforting and compassionate.
“Hey… you’re okay. Nothings wrong.” He spoke gently as his thumb brushed back and forth over your jaw. “I’m here for you. I’ll take care of you, baby. Just have to tell me what I can do.” He tried so hard to be helpful but to be honest you didn’t know what he could do to help. You went to bed in a comfortable silence. Maybe not as comfortable as it had ever been but it wasn’t awkward. Trent was just being particularly careful around you. Despite it all, he pulled you into his arms tucked under the blankets and you dozed off together for the night.
Unfortunately, when you woke up the next morning you felt worse than you had in the last two weeks. You slinked off the bed and snuck to the bathroom early in the dark room. You only turned one bathroom light on after you had closed the door not wanting to wake Trent. You got sick again and again. You sat on the bathroom floor next to the toilet for what felt like ages. The only way you were going to feel clean again was a shower. You peeled off your clothes and stood under the warm water. You had to brace yourself up against the shower wall because you felt so lightheaded. You started to cry against your will overwhelmed. You felt silly and weak but that only made you cry more. You tried to reign in your gasping breath when the bathroom door opened slowly.
“Baby…” Trent called out sleepily and hesitantly. “You alright?” He walked further into the room and looked at you through the glass of the shower. There really wasn’t a way you were going to hide how upset you were. It was blatantly all over your face and written in your body language. He gave you sad smile and pulled his shirt over his head. He stopped before he took off his boxers. “Can I come in?” You nodded trying not to lock eyes to trigger any more tears. He got in the shower and wrapped you in a tight embrace. You were so close together there was barely any room for you to even speak but you managed.
“I don’t know what’s wrong.” You croaked out between shaky breathes. He only squeezed you tighter silently. Moments like this where you didn’t have to be having sex to feel intimate we’re so important to the foundation of your relationship with him.
“I got you, alright? I’m here.” He whispered. You moved through the motions of the shower slow and your routine after even slower. He engulfed you with a towel drying you off and messily rubbed it over your hair like you were a little kid. You just looked at him and he giggled at his own childish action. He picked you up and your legs wrapped around his waist, your head dropping to rest on his shoulder. He plopped you back onto the bed before another whisper that he’d be right back. He came back with a clean t-shirt of his and pulled it over your head. You tucked back into the bed and cuddled up under the covers again before he pressed a kiss to your forehead. He was quiet as he moved around the bedroom getting ready for his day gathering his stuff. Despite feeling so sick you felt incredibly taken care of. You could hear him on the phone when he went back into the wardrobe.
“Do you mind checking in on her? I’m worried and I have to get going soon… yeah… I don’t know, not sure… okay, I’ll do that… alright, thank you…love you mum.”
You had known he was talking to Dianne immediately. You hated that you were worrying him. He came out, dropped his bag by the door and then came over to sit on the edge of the bed next to your frame.
“I don’t like leaving you like this” he cooed, stroking his hand over your face. You gave him a fake smile he didn’t appreciate so he shook his head disapproving. “Will you just call me, baby?” You gave him a quiet yeah that he’d just have to settle for. “You’re gonna watch the game with Marce and that?” You gave him another quiet yeah verbatim. “Alright, I love you so much. I’ll be back soon, yeah?” You felt tears start to build up. So you shut your eyes. His lips came and pressed onto your temple and stayed there for a minute. He mumbled with his lips over your skin saying ‘I love you’ again and again until he pulled away with a silly ‘mwah’ noise. As he was making his way to the door you finally spoke with some volume.
“T…” you managed to quiver out so he turned around instantaneously. He walked back over to you and you reached your hand up to cup his warm cheek. He placed his much larger hand over top of your smaller one. “Have a good match. You’ll do great.” You cooed as he pressed a kiss to your wrist. Mouthing a ‘thank you’ silently to you. “Come back with a win, please, baby.” He laughed some with a genuine toothy grin so you smiled softly back as he got up again.
As expected later on in the day while Trent would’ve been landing with the team, Dianne asked if you had wanted to go to shops with her. To be honest, you didn’t feel like it but you knew not going would cause more of a concern so you went. She kindly picked you up and you drove into the small shopping area in your town.
“Feeling okay hun?” She cooed while walking next to you. You looked over at her and smiled not wanting to lie so you gave her a blanket answer.
“Fine, body’s just been off. There must be a cold going round or something.” You spoke as your eyes scanned a shelf trying not to look back at her. She looked at you sympathetically before putting her hand on your shoulder.
“I haven’t heard anything about one going around.” She smiled at you knowing you were holding back in typical mum fashion. “I’m not going to call and report back, you can tell me” squeezing your shoulder almost letting out a laugh. You relaxed and let out a sigh.
“I could say I stubbed my toe and he’d fly home or something ridiculous .” You giggled looking back at her with a knowing face because Trent would do shit like that for you and she knew it too.
“He just cares, sweetie. What’s going on…” you kept walking down the aisle and she followed close behind. So you finally caved and began to explain your symptoms.
“I just feel really nauseous. Everything is making me sick. I’m exhausted no matter how much I sleep. I’m so fatigued…” you kept rambling. You broke down everything you’d been feeling for the past few weeks.
“Hmm..” she rolled her bottom lip and raised her eyebrows. Her face said it all and you just about fainted. You panicked and felt your legs start to give out so you grabbed onto a display you were stood by subtly.
“It’s nothing!” You cut her off before she could say anything else. “Have you seen these?” You asked, picking something frivolous up at random. Swiftly changing the conversation topic. She smiled at you and let you deviate. You could tell the reminder of your day with her that she was monitoring your movements. When she dropped you off back home later in the evening you bolted upstairs. You immediately ran to your bathroom getting sick again. You sat on the floor and began to cry. The moment had come… between the lingering sickness and other symptoms, Dianne’s intrigue about them, you knew you had to check, all the signs were there and you had been oblivious. The thing was, you were absolutely terrified of both possibilities. You had bought a few boxes of pregnancy tests a while ago to have on hand if you got to a point like this but actually pulling them out of the cupboard felt excruciatingly difficult. You didn’t want to face the heartbreak of a negative without Trent to comfort you but the thought that you may genuinely be with child also scared the shit out of you too. You mustered up some courage and grabbed a test and took it. You propped yourself up against the bathroom wall just mindlessly staring blank around the room with a million possibilities racing through your mind. You set a timer on your phone and placed both that and the test out of sight. When the alarm went off you felt your heart stop and you hesitantly approached it, picking it up with shaky hands. There it was, the infamous blue cross indicating… ‘pregnant.’ You went into shock for a moment. You felt paralyzed. Holy shit…You started crying uncontrollably but when you managed to settle down a little. You remained panicked but conscious so you tried two more tests just in case. You sat, waited… ‘pregnant’, cried and then sat, waited… ‘pregnant’, cried. You felt your legs almost give out your back pressed against the bathroom wall when you stared down at three positive tests. You slid down the wall sitting yourself on the floor. Your emotions were in overdrive. You couldn’t think you were feeling so many things at once you couldn’t decide what to do. One very real thought in your head that seemed to be at the forefront was what the hell was Trent going to say. You were having to see it be so real and tangible in front of you, god the fact that there was a growing human inside you and you began questioning if you were even ready for this. As much as you and Trent wanted this, pushed for this, loved the idea of starting a family… was this going to scare him? What if he ever left you. You would be alone with a baby that constantly would remind you of him. You wouldn’t know what to do. You began to cry more and more, shaking until you heard your phone ring. It was a FaceTime from Trent… you were fucked. Firstly, there was no way in hell you were telling him this news over a FaceTime so you were going to have to lie to him which you never did but also it was evidently clear in your face that you had been balling your eyes out. You scrambled to try to get yourself to look somewhat. It rang and rang until you knew it was getting close to going to voicemail so you gathered yourself best you could and answered.
“Hey beautiful girl…” he paused and his cheery disposition fell immediately upon seeing you. “Baby, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” He looked so concerned.
“Hi, baby… yeah just feeling a little off or down I don’t know. Just need to lay down before I go over to watch with Marce.” You said it and all of sudden your stomach dropped. Holy shit, you had to face Trent’s brothers and friends knowing you were pregnant.
“Oh, baby. I am so sorry. Anything I can do from here? I feel terrible I can’t be with you right now. Just want to hold you. I promise I’ll be home soon. I love you so so much.” He babled so fast. He was so worried.
“It’s okay, I appreciate it. Just miss you a lot, pretty boy.” You tried your best to smile. When Trent smiled back seeing yours your heart warmed and one of your hands slid to caress over your stomach. You wanted to tell him. You wanted him here so bad. God, you loved him and you needed him now. “Good luck tonight, baby.” You said pushing your lips out for a virtual kiss with a ‘mwah’ sound.
“Okay, baby. Just take care of yourself for me, okay? Need to keep my perfect girl happy. I always do but tonight playing especially for you. Love you so so so so much. Cannot wait to get back to you. Expect the biggest kiss ever the second I step through that door.” You giggled hearing how cute he was and your mood was starting to lift a little. “Talk to you after the game, baby.” You blew you a kiss and you both ended the call.
A few hours later you found yourself sitting on a couch with Tyler, Marcel, George, two friends of Tyler’s, and one of Marcel’s. Jesus, this felt like a lot of people to be keeping a secret from. You would’ve stayed home but Tyler, Marcel, and George are the type that would’ve driven over to your house and physically gotten you to come be with them so here you were. You watched the game and the anxiety you had about the match itself paired with the fact that mere hours ago you just found out you were fucking pregnant! You were practically shaking.
“You good? You’re not being annoying, awfully quiet.” George joked lightheartedly. He stuck his leg out and reached over to tap at yours. He gave you a more genuine look of interest to let you know despite the joke, he cared.
“Yeah, yeah. Just tired and a little nervous about the match.” You spoke quietly. You sat the whole game just kind of silent only speaking when they talked directly to you. You were on your phone and trying to message your OBGYN to get an appointment asap. It was hard to pay attention but the game entered the second half and Liverpool got a free kick outside the box. It was in really comfortable range for Trent. Your hands gripped a throw pillow squeezing it tight as you watched him take it. It was in real time but it felt like slow motion. It was a beautiful goal scored by an even more beautiful boy. All the boys you were with erupted yelling, high fiving, just celebrating. The best part about the goal aside from it helping to lead Liverpool to victory was his celebration. He ran over to a camera near the corner flag flashing a big smile and made a heart with his hands, blew a kiss and pointed directly into it mouthing a ‘for you, baby’ your heart just melted. You wanted to cry. He had no idea what he was coming home to but he was already making you feel better. He was so adorable. You were chuffed with how cute he was until all the boys in the room turned to look at you and started razzing you with ‘oooOooOo’s and childish comments about ‘sitting in a tree’ all sorts of nonsense.
Even from afar Trent had made you feel better. When you drove home that night and finally settled in he called and you had a mushy conversation exchanging I love yous and can’t wait to see yous, telling him how proud you were of him, that you loved the celebration. When he said he would be back tomorrow morning it triggered a wave of anxiety to come rushing back. You ended your nighttime call with him and started to get ready for bed. You really started to overthink. How were you going to tell Trent when you saw him tomorrow? You could barely sleep trying to plan.
You settled in on his side of the bed that night. You just wanted to get close to him in some facet, his pillows, his scent. In a funny way, Trent’s life wasn’t really even his anymore. You were a rain storm that drenched his whole life all at once and he totally saturated yours. You completely infatuated him from day one in New York and you were besotted before you had even met. You besieged his senses and changed his very being. He turned your life upside down. Every time Trent’s eyes locked with yours and your with his, you both knew that what you had was a bond and love that would last a lifetime. He was yours, you were his, and now you just had to tell him that you were about to have something that would be both of yours together, securing and cementing your connection that much more. You set an alarm clock to get up early tomorrow to prepare for no doubt a day that would change your relationship forever.
Thank you for continuing reading! Please like, comment, or message what you think of the chapter / series … 🤍
Final part 🥺 - Chapter 30 xx
Don’t worry, the sequel ‘Ours’ will be out soon!
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pumpkin-cake · 2 years
Midnight Rain
(part one of ??)
~part two~
tyler galpin x gn!reader
summary - you meet a boy working at a coffee shop, and he doesn’t seem to particularly care that you’re an outcast
tw - cursing
no spoilers for WEDNESDAY, but in future parts there will be
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Your own school bag seemed like a huge iron weight as you pulled yourself into Weathervane, the small local cafe in Jericho. Tired eyes squinted as you adjusted to the light inside the room, and you rubbed your eyes to help. It was a dreary day outside, and the aesthetic of the pleasant coffee shop was very…loud. Not that it necessarily bothered you! You were just used to dark rooms, considering Nevermore wasn’t exactly the most colorful place.
You approached the counter, glancing at the words scrawled on the chalkboard behind the worker, who gave you a nod of acknowledgement as he worked on the coffee of a nearby customer. Maybe you would get something different today. A cold brew? Nah, it was windy out. You wanted something warm. Cozy. To match the aesthetic of the shop. Maybe it would actually give you motivation to do your schoolwork. Eventually the boy called out the name of the person who ordered the coffee, handed it to them and walked over to where you were.
“Hey there, what can I get for you today?” He asked, getting his hand ready to input your order on the register thing.
“Um…can I have a medium hot latte?” You slowly asked, not having much time to prepare your order.
“Yeah! What flavor?”
Shit, you forgot that part. Shit shit, what one? Your eyes darted to the chalkboard with panic, almost forgetting that your life didn’t depend on how quick you chose vanilla, caramel, matcha, chai or mocha. The awkward silence felt so loud as the barista awaited your answer.
“I personally like the caramel lattes.” He suddenly said, coughing awkwardly when he saw your look of slight confusion. “I mean- if you were having trouble deciding. Obviously pick whatever you’d like.”
“No no, caramel sounds great, thank you.” You quickly said, relieved that he gave you something to work with instead.
“Great great, would you like whip cream on that?”
“Yes please!”
“Alright, got it. Anything else for you today?”
“Hmm…what sort of scones do you have?” You asked, eyes glancing to the glass case displaying delicious looking pastries.
“Scones? We just have blueberry and chocolate.”
“I’d love a chocolate scone. Toasted, please.” You smiled warmly.
“Toasted chocolate scone…” he mumbled and put it in, and you watched the numbers quickly add together. “Got it! Anything else for you today?”
“No, that’s all!”
“Alright! Your total is gonna be-”
“Excuse me!”
A loud, obnoxious sounding voice interrupted the barista, and the same person he gave the previous coffee to walked up to the counter. The woman held the cup in her hand, her hip jutted out sassily to the side.
“I’m sorry, ma’am, let me finish taking this person’s order and I’ll be right with you.” He flashed a nervous smile, like he already knew how this interaction was going to go down.
“This was supposed to be iced.” She said bluntly, ignoring what the barista literally just said. “I need a refund and a new drink.” She held out the cup, a sneer on her face as she stared at the boy.
He looked like he wanted to argue or just tell her to screw off, but he took the cup anyway and then paused.
“Ma’am, this cup is empty.” He stated, eyebrows furrowing.
“So?” She scoffed.
“Wh…there probably wasn’t something wrong with it if you still drank it all.” He said, visibly confused.
“Listen, the customer is always right, so just make me another drink. Free of charge, of course.” She snapped, admiring her nails.
His jaw seemed to clench, but he tossed the cup into the trash.
“I’ll get right on that after I finish helping this customer.”
“This…weirdo can wait a couple minutes. I’d like my drink now please.”
You knew you shouldn’t have worn your uniform out in Jericho. You’d just been in such a rush. Although, this woman was being quite rude to both the barista and now you. She hadn’t even said please. You wanted your damn drink so you could work on your homework.
“Excuse me,” you interrupted. “I was here first. He said he was going to finish helping me, so you are going to sit your ass down in a seat and wait patiently after you so rudely demanded he just stop whatever he was doing and make you a drink.”
The woman’s eyes were like saucers as she stared at you, like she was astonished at the audacity you possessed to even talk to her.
“Besides,” you added, turning fully so your body was facing her. “I’m a weirdo, right? You have no clue what I can do, miss. So either sit down or leave.”
Her face turned stark white, clutching at her purse in shock. She fumbled for words, but nothing coherent came out as she scurried out of Weathervane.
You turned back to the barista, who seemed almost impressed.
“Thanks.” He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “She comes in all the time. Orders the same thing every single time and comes back insisting she ordered something else.”
“That has to be annoying.” You shook your head in disapproval of the woman, getting out your wallet. “Anyway, what’s my total?”
“Oh! Right.” He glanced at the register screen and back to you, reciting how much you owed. You swiped your card, typed in your PIN, and let it go through.
“Alright, your order will be out soon.” He said with a kind smile, grabbing a cup. “For here or to go?”
“Gotcha! I’ll have it out to you.” He said with a nod, starting to make your order. As he did so, you fished a 5 dollar bill out of your pocket, dropping it in the tip jar. The boy seemed nice, and he definitely didn’t seem to deserve some random woman demanding things of him and the staff all the time. You found a comfortable booth near a window and unpacked your things, sighing. School had never really come easy to you. It sucked having so much to do and not feeling like there was an easy way to do it. You tried tutoring, but all the teachers seemed to get frustrated with you.
You knocked out your best subjects first. Might as well get them out of the way as soon as you could so you could start the subjects actually giving you trouble. And once you did…it definitely was not fun.
All the characters on the paper seemed to scatter, you could hardly even focus. You could read the instructions and could read your notes, but it just felt like fuzz in your head. Why couldn’t you understand? You felt stupid sitting there staring at the work, pencil still in your hand. You almost felt like crying. You could feel your throat tighten and the tears well.
You were pulled out of your own head by the soft ‘clunk’ of a coffee cup on a plate being placed on the table, along with a plate of two chocolate scones. There stood the barista of course.
“Oh- um- sorry.” You quickly wiped your eyes and held up the plate with scones. “I only asked for one.”
“I know.” He said, eyebrows knitting in concern, probably at the sight of you visibly upset. “On the house. As thanks for driving off that woman.” He offered a small smile.
“Oh.” You breathed out, tears threatening to spill out again from the kindness given to you by someone who really didn’t have to show any. “Thank you so much.”
“It’s nothing, really.” He shrugged, his eyes darting to the paper in front of you. “Trouble with school?”
“Oh- this? Just some assignments and stuff I need to be doing. Feel like I’ve just been staring at the instructions for ten minutes.” You admitted, taking a bite of the warm scone.
“I might be able to help. I get decent grades.” He shrugged. “May I?” He gestured to the seat across from you, earning a playful scoff from you.
“Don’t you have to work?”
He looked over to the counter, and then to the glass door.
“I don’t see any customers.” He hummed.
Well, who were you to deny help when offered?
“Go ahead then.” You said, sliding your homework over to the now smiling boy as he sat across from you. He took the paper and hunched over just a bit to read it.
“Okay…what is it you don’t understand?” He asked you, his eyes meeting yours.
“I dunno…all of it..?”
“Okay, okay. Do you have notes or anything like that?” He asked, and you handed him your notes. He scanned the notes and slowly nodded. “Got it. Can I see your pencil?”
You handed him the pencil, lifting the cup of coffee to your lips and taking a long drink. The warmth of the latte spread through your body, and you relaxed.
“Try looking at it this way.” He slid the paper back to you after doing his own alterations. You didn’t expect very much, but your mind ran with it. Your eyes widened and you quickly grabbed the pencil from his hand and started jotting down your thoughts as to what you figured was right. The way he put it just…made sense. It worked.
“Oh my god, I get it now!” You exclaimed, looking at the boy with pure excitement. “You have no clue how hard I’ve been struggling with this! I can’t believe it! Thank you so much!” You grinned, and the boy grinned right back, flashing his pearly whites. You quickly started to complete the assignment.
“I’m glad I could make it make sense for you.” He smiled warmly.
“Yes, thank you so much. You’ve made this so much easier for me. I’ve had teachers try to explain it but they end up just telling me to figure it out.” You explained, eating some of one of the chocolate scones.
“Hm, sounds like Nevermore needs to hire better teachers.” He chuckled. “That sounds like a pain to deal with. Some people just learn differently is all.”
“I’m glad there are people who understand.” You smiled, finishing up your assignment. “Might need you to tutor me.” You joked, packing away your finished homework.
“I mean, for the person who drove away the Karen…” he trailed off.
“Oh, that really wasn’t that big of a deal. Everyone here doesn’t like people like me because they don’t know us and are scared of what we can do. It’s easy to drive them off.” You hummed, finishing a scone. “You’re cool. I didn’t mind getting her off your case.”
“You weren’t actually going to like…hurt her, right?”
“Of course not!”
“Gotcha, cool. Cool.” He chuckled, like he was relieved. Just then, someone walked in through the door. You were almost disappointed. This boy was really sweet.
“I guess you have to get back to work, huh?” You said, watching as he stood up.
“Yup. Sadly.” He shrugged. “Will you be here for a while?”
“Probably. Don’t really feel like going back and sitting in my dorm.” You said, getting out a notebook that thankfully wasn’t for school.
“Well…I wouldn’t mind actually tutoring you if you needed it.” He smiled, before going back behind the counter and taking the person’s order.
Well, holy shit. A cute boy just offered to tutor you. A cute boy who gave you a free chocolate scone. You smiled to yourself and opened your notebook, drinking the warm caramel latte while you took out your pen and put it to the paper.
Finishing your drink and second scone, you went ahead and packed up all your things, except your pen. You pulled out a napkin from the dispenser at the end of the table and scribbled something on it before taking the two plates and cup up to the counter.
“Here you are. I wasn’t sure whether to just leave it there or what.” You chuckled, and he smiled.
“I would have gotten it for you, but thank you anyway.” He smiled, taking them and putting them in a sink behind him. “You heading out?”
“Before I do…can I get the name of my maybe-future tutor?” You questioned sheepishly.
That grin of his made you swear your heart just did a flip.
“Tyler. Tyler Galpin.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Tyler.” You said, before sliding the napkin across the counter. “I’ll see you around.” You waved before exiting the shop, incredibly pleased with your time there.
Tyler couldn’t believe what he saw when he looked at the writing on the napkin. He just got a cute person’s number without even asking.
Text me!
Sincerely, (Y/n)
He quickly put the contact in his phone. The way your eyes shone when he explained that question to you was brighter than the sun. He was snapped out of his thoughts by a woman with red hair and glasses walking into the shop. He shoved the note in his pocket and got back to work, thinking of the odd Nevermore kid as he made the customer’s matcha latte.
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dr0wning-in-hell · 1 year
One Of a Kind- Xavier Thorpe
Summary: Y/N is a rare creature, something that’s thought to be extinct. She’s hated by all Normies, and maybe even some Outcasts, but one Outcast in particular thinks differently of her.
Warnings: a bit of angst, some fluff, probably some cursing,
Word Count: 2.9k+
Characters/Pairing: Faye!Reader x Xavier Thorpe, Mentions of Principal Weems, mentions of Tyler
Prompt: simply that Y/N feels like the biggest Outsider amongst Outsider, but Xavier is there to prove her wrong and let her know that she’s just a one of a kind.
A/N: Reader is similar to Maleficent, but without the horns. :) Has magic and those giant wings that I freaking adore
New Masterlist| Color Prompts| Prompt List| buy me a coffee!!
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Y/N had been found on the outskirts of the forests in Europe before she was sent to Nevermore. Principal Weems was the one who originally found her anyways, so she thought it was her duty to take care of her and give her shelter, not just because she was an Outsider who was hated by half of humanity, but because she was one of the rarest creatures she had ever laid her eyes upon. 
That was when Y/N was 12, until she was brought to Nevermore she had spent her time as a child hiding in dense forest areas that no one could possibly get to, secret caves that held her own hideaways far from the Normies of the world. When she was brought to the school for Outcasts, she felt like a freak. Everyone at the school was pretty, popular, they all looked semi-normal, but not Y/N.
No, Y/N had to have fangs, longer and sharper than any vampire’s, naturally long nails that should have counted as talons, and ginormous black wings that shrouded her body. Y/N was, in her eyes, a human bird. 
From the moment she stepped foot onto campus all eyes were on her. At that young of an age she was scared, she scared herself and everyone else, but as she grew up she turned that frightened little girl into a power to be reckoned with. As everyone at school watched her grow into this confident young lady, they also became less scared of her. She had her times where she’d lose her temper and lash out, her magic uncontrollable as she’d stomp away and wreck everything in her path, but they knew she was just like them in that sense. Unable to control how they felt because there was not a single person in the world that understood what it was like to be an Outcast. 
By the time Y/N was 16 she had learned that it was just better for her to stay on campus at all times than to go into town and try to be normal with everyone else. The Normies may be able to hide their hatred for the Outcasts at least somewhat decently with the others, but with Y/N she could always see the look of disgust on their faces from a mile away. Every time she’d try to go into town with a few people from school she was always picked on, bullied, and it wasn’t even just the Normies who did it. She’d be invited out as a joke several times, it wasn’t until the third time she was made fun of and abandoned in town that she realized no one would ever truly except her for what she was. 
Outreach day was approaching and Y/N was dreading going, but Principal Weems was making Y/N volunteer this year by having her paint a mural of Nevermore and the town of Jericho together in harmony. The thought made Y/N gag. Why would she want to celebrate such a stupid day that obviously had no meaning to anyone in the long run?
If this wasn’t mandatory then Y/N wouldn’t be going and setting herself up for embarrassment. Rude comments ran wild in her head as she mocked what some people in town were going to say as she showed up to celebration. 
She packed up her painting materials in a duffel bag and then headed to the Quad, where all the other students would be getting their assignments. When she walked into the Quad everyone had already begun hoarding together in their cliques, so Y/N just stood next to the wall and waited till they were all dismissed. One thing about having these giant wings was that she couldn’t ride on the bus with everyone else, instead she was going to have to fly herself down the town. 
Y/N’s eyes scanned the crowd of students, watching as they opened their assignment letters. Some students were happy but others seemed upset about what they got. One of those people was Xavier, someone that Y/N admired from a far but would never confront face-to-face. He must’ve been upset about what he got, the same going for his friend Ajax.
Feeling as though she had intruded on people’s private conversations, Y/N picked up her duffel bag and headed towards the front of the school. Little did she know that as soon as she walked away from the bustling students who were rushing towards the busses, Xavier had looked up from his assignment card and watched as the black winged beauty turned away and walked away. 
Xavier didn’t see Y/N again until everyone was in the town square to listen to Principal Weems and Mayor Walker go on about how important the day was and how they created a new statue in honor of the town embracing the Outcasts. 
It was complete bullshit and everyone knew it. Y/N must’ve gotten bored listening to their speech, because once they were all dismissed to go to their jobs for the day, the Faye was no where in sight. Xavier sighed as he trudged over to the Weathervane for his assignment. Working in the same café as Tyler, his tormenter, was not how he wanted to spend the day. 
When he walked into the café his eyes landed directly on the winged beauty. She stood in the corner awkwardly looking down at her phone as she waited for her order name to be called. Once she heard her name called out she went to grab her drink quickly and bolt from the small building. Y/N didn’t even look up as she brushed past Xavier and out into the open. 
The taller boy watched as she walked with her head low, going to the designated area for the portrait she was to draw. It was the same wall that Xavier had painted on last year, on this exact day. The thought of her putting all this effort into a portrait and then possibly having it destroyed just like he had done to him, angered him more than it should have. Taking in a deep breathe he walked over to Tyler, who also didn’t looked too amused that he was in this situation as well.  
An hour, maybe two at most had gone by before he saw what Y/N’s painting looked like. It was amazing, to say the least. The wall Y/N was using as a canvas was a mirror image of the town on that exact day. Both the town and it’s people joining together with the students of Nevermore in celebration of Outreach Day. The thing that pulled it all together? The heavily detailed painting of Joseph Crackstone in the center of the town. It was perfect for that day, and exactly what Principal Weems wanted out of the feather winged girl. 
As Y/N stood a few feet away from her painting, admiring it and criticizing it, she could hear the words that the towns folk were saying. 
“What a freak.” Some mumbled. 
“Who let the little birdy out of her cage?” Some would tease menacingly. 
“If there were a contest for being the biggest freak of all the freaks, she’d for sure win.” 
One would think that on a day like today, these small minded people would put their snide comments to the side and at least pretend to be decent, but no, in fact they were even worse. Usually she could handle those harsh words, but for some reason today was just the day for her to snap.
Bawling her fists she began to pack up her painting supplies, anger consuming her as she thought about all the horrible curses and spells she could use on these lesser people. Y/N was so overwhelmed with anger that she began to shake which caused her to drop some spay paint. 
Before she could reach over and grab some asshole had to kick it so hard that the can busted open, spraying Y/N and ruining the bottom half of her painting. With tears blurring her vision and anger blurring her judgment, she stood up quickly, her hands glowing a bright green as she threw the Normie against the wall opposite of her. She growled lowly, her eyes glowing the same green as she began to close off the person’s airway with her magic. If it weren’t Xavier to snap her out of her trance, Y/N for sure would have murdered the man. 
Y/N’s eyes stopped glowing, along with her hands, her gaze moving from the man she was choking to Xavier who was standing in front of her with a very concerned look. For a split second Y/N’s eyes looked at the man, her growl scary enough to send him hurling around the corner and down the sidewalk. 
Without a word she took a step away from Xavier and turned back to her supplies. She through the busted can into her bag, zipped it up, and then tried to walk away. As she was a few steps away from the tall blonde, he reached out and gently grabbed her wrist. Y/N stopped and turned to look at the boy, confusion grazing across her face. 
“What? You gonna make fun of me too?” Y/N’s words were harsh, but Xavier knew that she was still angry. 
Letting go of her wrist he lets out a soft sigh, “I was going to ask if you were okay.” He said looking at her and watching her expressions. 
Y/N looked taken back at his question, as if no one had ever asked her that before. “I’m fine,” Y/N huffed. She was clearly lying, but why on Earth would she open up to someone she barely knew, so easily? Xavier’s look on his face was basically saying, ‘really?’ He knew she was lying and was hoping she would just talk to him a little bit, even if this was their first time really talking. 
Letting out a huff of frustration, Y/N let her walls fall down as she looked away from the boy. “Fine, no, I’m not okay. I’m pissed.” She paused and waited for a response but only got a nod telling her to continue. “This is all just so stupid, it bullshit. No one cares about today, they just care about the money they get from this stupid day.” Y/N rolled her eyes as she looked up at Xavier. “No one actually cares, they never will. We will always be the freaks and outcasts to them, they will never see us as equals.” 
Xavier could practically see the steam rolling off her skin, seeing how angry she still was. He knew there was nothing he could say that would make her feel better, so instead he gently took her duffel bag from her and offered to take her to the Weathervane.  It took a moment for  Y/N to consider the offer, thinking that this was just going to be another joke, but once she realized that Xavier meant no harm she agreed and the two began the short walk to the coffee shop. 
It was a good thing that the café was slow that day, or else Y/N and Xavier probably wouldn’t have been able to talk as much as they wanted to. The other great thing about it being slow was the fact that wasn’t a lot of people around to gawk at Y/N and make rude remarks about her looks. The only other person in the building was Tyler, but he could care less what the Nevermore students were doing, especially Xavier. 
Xavier and Y/N sat at a booth close to the counter, both of them feeling the tension as they squeezed into their seats. Well, Y/N squeezed into her seat because of her wings, Xavier was fine. 
It was quiet at first, the two just looking around and avoiding each other’s gaze for the first few minutes before Xavier decided to speak up. 
“Your painting looks great, by the way.” He smiled softly, hoping that she’d realize he was here to talk to her and not belittle her. “The detail in it is amazing.”
Y/N was a bit taken back by the compliment. She wasn’t used to people saying nice things to her, let along talking to her at all. “Thanks, though I’d rather see that stupid statue burn than to paint it, thanks.” Anyone who was listening to their conversation would know that she was joking, she was being serious. 
Xavier chuckled a bit and nodded in agreement, “Trust me, I know how you feel.”
Y/N snorted at his response. How could someone like him? Someone who looks normal, understand how she felt? The only odd thing about him was his father, and the face that he could make his artwork move or come to life. Xavier looked confused at Y/N’s slight harshness and watched as tried to lean back a bit in the booth, crossing her arms as she looked at the wall.
“Hate to break it to you, pretty boy, but you most definitely don’t know how I feel.” Her words were harsh, and completely true. While Xavier could have anything he wanted and grew up only being know as the son of a famous Outcast, he would never really know what it’s like to feel like Y/N. To be tormented for how he looked. It’s never a problem that he has ever had to deal with.  
Silence filled the space between them once more, both of them unsure of what to say next. Xavier studied Y/N’s face, memorizing every curve, mark, and point there was. To him, someone she barely knew, he thought she was the most beautiful and unique person on this planet. Even though he didn’t really know her all that well, his heart wanted to know more so he could get closer to her and learn to understand her. 
Y/N’s eyes unfortunately wandered over to the window where she could see the townsfolk pointing and gawking at her. The anger that had slowly started to subside started to come back stronger than before, her eyes starting to glow that vivid green color. Xavier’s eyes followed hers and once he noticed what, well who, she was staring at, he immediately when to  calm her down. Without thinking or hesitation, his hands grabbed hers softly, like she was made of the finest porcelain and he didn’t want to break her. 
“Don’t worry about them,” he said softly, his thumbs rubbing small circles into the backs of her hands. The action startled her at first, but then she found it calming. Her eyes stopped glowing, her heart went back to normal and she no longer felt like ripping out those peoples throats.
“Why do you care so much?” Y/N asked with a tilted head, “You don’t know me, so why do you care so much?” It was a genuine question she wanted the answer to, but Xavier wasn’t sure if he could really tell her why he cared.’
The boy gulped, trying to find a way to word his thoughts in a way that didn’t sound creepy or stalker like. There was a long pause before he said anything, it was when she went to pull her hands away from him that he sputtered out the truth. “I’ve always liked you, thought you were the most mesmerizing being to ever lay my eyes upon. I’ve watched you, since the moment I started going to Nevermore, I- I just didn’t know how to approach you. I was nervous.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow at him, thinking he was joking and was put up to this as a joke. “You’re only saying that to say it, you don’t mean it.” Her eyes averted downwards towards her lap, trying desperately to focus on anything but the feeling of her hands still holding his. “No one thinks that of me, I’m a monster.”
Xavier’s gentle squeeze on her hands was enough to pull her Y/E/C eyes back up to his blue eyes. “I don’t think that.” The warry look on Y/N’s face was enough to tell him that she really had never been told that in her life, “I promise, if I truly didn’t think that, then I wouldn’t have said it in the first place.”
The shaky sigh that Y/N let out worried him. Had he gone too far? Did she find him repulsive now? Was this all too creepy?  
“I don’t think you understand how much that means to me,” When their eyes met he finally saw the tears that brimmed her waterline. Carefully, he reached up and swiped away the stray tears that managed to slip down her flushed cheeks. The soft smile that Y/N let Xavier see was something he’d remember forever. He’s the only one who’s seen her cry, who’s seen her smile, who’s been so kind and genuine to her. 
This was the beginning of something new, for the both of them. It would be rocky in the beginning for sure, but both teens could tell that they’d let out the best of each other in the long run.
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silly1ky · 10 months
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no one suggested it , i just simply wanted too lolz
Had a short mullet in 8th-9th grade but dyes it blond over the summer out of nowhere lol. dyes it back to black his senior year
Listens to RADIOHEAD!!??
Plays the electric guitar 
Still apart of crimson dawn along with kenny
Butters and jimmy stopped playing - due to other school shit - so they held tryouts for a backup guitar player and a new drumist, eventually recruiting two freshmen
RAGING bisexual
Been kinda in love with kyle his whole life
Got braces in the middle of 7th grade and got them taken off at the end of 8th
Kyle eventually got braces too at the BEGINNING of 8th so throughout the whole year, him and kyle definitely matched bracket colors <3
5’8’’ ( 2 inches shorter than kyle )
Always been just a tiny bit shorter than kyle and has ALWAYS despised it while kyle relished in it lmao
Had his first kiss to wendy in 6th grade …. it was NOT good and they broke up like a month later 
They never got back together again, much to kyle's pleasure :D
To clarify, they did not break up bc the kiss wasn’t good, they both just realized that they were tired of eachother and that it was stupid trying to hold onto something from literal elementary school
They still talk sometimes but quickly get bored of each other
His style consists of pajama pants, baggy band t shirts, baggy jeans, blue hoodies, and converse
He totally has stickers all over his guitar along with “ k + s “ drawn with in silver sharpie <3
Pins and keychains decorated his school backpack
Sometimes paints his nails but gets mad or anxious and ends up peeling them off by lunchtime
Has wrote 16 songs all dedicated to kyle
HATES social media and only has accounts so that he could look at kyles posts and videos
Still uses an mp3 player .... he SAYS it's bc it sounds better but that's a bunch of bs. he definitely just uses it for the “look”
Was on the team for about a year in 9th grade but QUICKLY got sick of the practices 
Listens to radiohead, slipknot, iron maiden, weezer, and deftones
Favorite movies/tv shows are bojack horseman, mid90s, and shameless
Tried to learn how to skateboard with kyle and actually kept up with it for about the whole 10th grade
REFUSES to get a tiktok account
he would probably watch youtube shorts or instagram reels...... 🤠
He would send Kyle tiktoks that were funny like 7 months ago which he JUST got to see on ig reels.
He definitely had a fnaf phase
has car sickness totally
TOTAL dog person
their houses are right next to eachother !!!
they definitely sneak into eachother's rooms at night
they got together sometime in middle school, after kissing on stan's roof and they both discovered that they were major fags for eachother
they go to the same college too!!!!
stan always joins kyle's tiktok or insta lives ( even if it's the most boring thing in the world )
"no homo dude" "oh yeah totally no homo lol" is their catchphrase most definitely
Stayed on the basketball team throughout 8th-12th grade
5’10’’ 2 inches taller than stan
He loves being taller than him
gay gay homosexual gay
Didn’t really have to “come out” everyone kinda already knew he wasn't straight lol 
Had a little rebellious phase in 10th grade and ended up stabbing a needle through his nose and belly button at like 4 in the morning, the same night that stan bleached his hair ironically (not ironically as they had snuck out together lmao )
By 7am he had a nose stud, a belly ring, and his lobes pierced
Did them all by himself minus his bellybutton, which stan helped him with
It was literally just the piercing scene from thirteen LMAOOOO
Wardrobe mainly consists of sweatpants, green and brown hoodies, straight jeans, nike's, and ugg neumels. oh and lots of grandpa sweaters.
Listens to the cure, tyler the creator, radiohead, the smiths, and the offspring (sometimes ldr too)
Stopped wearing his hat in 7th grade, it just didn’t fit right anymore ( plus it kinda stunk )
Reads romance novels and hyperfixates over them definitely but he will NEVER admit this
ALWAYS live on insta and tiktok
Secretly LOVES stan's dyed hair (he totally thinks its hot)
His first kiss was with stan. at 2 am. on his roof.
Total grammer nerd
bullies ppl when they make grammar mistakes
Lowkey kinda popular on tiktok
and REFUSES to get anything below a 85
fucking nerd
OH and he definitely cusses WAY to much ( its kinda a problem )
Gets into so many fights at school (mainly caused by cartman) but has developed kinda a bad reputation for himself
has such road rage
lowkey best friends with bebe
thinks elvis is hot
LOVES adult cartoons
when sheila isn’t home, him, ike, and gerald watch family guy
TOTAL cat person
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rimunagenius · 2 months
Welcome to my blog!
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ʚ Hi cuties! I’m totally refreshing my blog. I’ve had this blog for a year now? and i never even introduced myself. My name is Ria !!
ʚ I’m bi, i love art, crocheting, doing nails, and being a homebody. i play basketball, made varsity my freshman year and played varsity all the way through!
ʚ I actually love writing, whether it’s a paper for school or little imagines and headcannons for my hyper fixation, celebrity crushes, or comfort characters at the time.
ʚ my favorite colors are deep red, baby pink, and black. My favorite band is the Red Hot Chili Peppers, my favorite individual singer is Harry Styles. I listen to a lot of everything. Literally from metal all the way to r&b. Recently i’ve been super into boygenius and MUNA.
but to know a little more, my fav artists are the smiths, the cure, red hot chili peppers, deftones, soundgarden, audioslave (yes ik they’re both chris cornell’s bands), superheaven, fleetwood mac (saw them in concert before christine mcvie passed), muna, boygenius, tyler childers, noah kahn, kendrick lamar, $uicideboy$, pink floyd, system of a down and many many many many more!!
Here are fandoms i’m currently in if you want to dm random hc’s, ff’s, or just be friends and gossip ab their latest updates and episodes, etc. !!!
WCBB — Iowa, UConn, SC, and Oregon
Station 19
Criminal Minds — i will never not be into this fandom i rewatch it every month
Chicago Fire
Triple Frontier and
Sons of Anarchy
ʚ NOTE that this is and will continue to be a safe space for anyone who is here and queer! I will not tolerate any racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and so on…you will be blocked.
I would also like to note, that i would like to keep this page politics and religion free. Starts too many arguments and a lot of hate that I do not want associated to my page!
Thank you, have an amazing day!
Let’s be friends!! I am far too shy and awkward to talk and become friends with people so i just follow in hopes you’d want to be friends, but if your not shy (or you are) but want to be friends but think ill shut it down or won’t answer, im chronically online so im free and open to answer !! i love making new friends!
Here’s some links!!
❀ masterlist
❀ tiktok
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stillfrownyclownlol · 6 months
OFC I will do Taylor too <3
-Ace because im projecting on her
-(c)sa survivor because I'm projecting on her (also one of the reasons Tyler is so protective), she's obviously upset about it but she really tries to not let it control her. She still sees the best in people.
-kinda has mommy issues because I'm projecting on her
-She loves dancing and doing karaoke sm <3 Listens to a lot of rock like her brother, but also pop music and banda.
-"Childish interests" like toys, puzzles, coloring, face painting, going to the park...let her heal her inner child omg. I am also projecting here. (Tyler will destroy anybody who teases her about this)
-animal lover!!! Loves big dogs like huskies and pitbulls! She loves penguins too, she always cries watching nature documentaries about them. Look at then protecting their eggs...
-wants to be vegetarian but she likes meat too much 😭 she can't resist empanadas... con carne y quesito blanco...mmm...she really loves food and eating lol. Tyler makes sure she Eats her veggies <3
-really good at arts and crafts. She LOVES DIY projects cuz...um, they struggle for money so why buy something when you can do it yourself haha ...🙃 (projecting)
-got into mechanics after doing home repairs around the house when Tyler wasn't around. She really likes fixing things, it makes her feel awesome.
-I think whenever her friends do something cute she internally screams "QUE LINDOOOOO <3333!!!" (Yeah even Aiden)
-Likes painting her nails and putting cheap stickers on them, used to practice on Tyler even tho it embarrassed him, has convinced Ben, Aiden, and Logan to do it as well. Still working on Ash.
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fnghs-frsh · 2 years
more wenclair headcanons cause i cant sleep rn
-enid calls wednesday "dubs" and "weds" when theyre alone in their room cause shes scared of how wednesday will react if she does that in public. wednesday pretends to hate it, and does at first, but warms up to it..
-enid gets buff from wolfing out after a couple of times and starts getting insecure about not being feminine enough :( it actually makes wednesday gay panic a lot though
-enid also tried to hide her scars on the first days after break, wednesday said something along the lines of "you shouldn't be ashamed of saving me." and she IMMEDIATLY stops trying to cover them.
-after the fight with tyler and the hug scene theyre both so fucked up they go back to their dorm room and wednesday helps enid wash her hair and they both sleep in enids bed theyre so tired they just lie down and fall asleep immediatly they dont even realise theyre cuddling
-wednesday kept buying small things that reminded her of enid such as sparkly nail polish, and when she came back from break with this bunch of out of charachter stuff enid was like "????" but thing keeps hinting that they should maybe use it together
-enid took up crocheting to relieve stress from all the family pressure and not wolfing out yet, but it became one of her favorite hobbies. you know what they say crochet is a form of therapy. anyways she makes wednesday more snoods and beanies and blankets in black and white <3
-wednesday is a bit jealous of yoko since she was the first one enid ran to when they fought, but little does she know that night enid could only talk about her. yoko gets the vibe they are an old married couple arguing over something stupid
-when wednesday was still denying her feelings, thing would remind her of how easily enid can slit someones throat out and how shes JUST her type and it wouldnt be a burden to keep her around..
-sometimes theyll have little sleepovers in their dorm room. right down the center of the line that separates both sides theyll make a pillow fort.
-the line itself gets more blurry over time, as enid likes to reorganize and decorate her room often. wednesday doesnt mind when something colorful crosses the barrier
-during those sleepovers theyll do eachothers nails, and enid will decorate wednesdays with skull stickers.
-wednesday is not the romantic type but she IS very reassuring about liking enid once she realizes her feelings.
-enid giggles alot when they kiss. wednesday just makes a short humming sound to let her know she feels the same, without having a vocal laugh.
-enid bites wednesday as a form of showing affection, especially ever since her fangs came in
-wednesday worries a lot about enid the day after a full moon, since the first times she wolfed out she got migraines. wednesday will take care of her, and make her the most comfortable possible, giving her the favorite unicorn plushie to hold, and sit her head on enids shoulder while they watched a movie to distract them from a long day.
-they have a private kind of love language. like holding hands under tables and passing notes to eachother. not a lot of pda. wednesday appreciates that enid lets her take her time and respects her boundaries. enid is thrilled that she has those secret little moments only they know about.
-enid loves being the taller one because of how easy it is to give wednesday forehead kisses
-one day before class, when they were getting ready, enid asked if she could braid wednesdays hair, and ever since that has become a part of their routine
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anotherbluesunday · 1 year
I had always been a lurker. Had always found an indescribable joy and thrill in watching others both from afar and up close though for entirely different reasons. From afar my targets remained blissfully unaware of my presence as I observed them--scrutinized their actions and made note of them. This was why I liked people watching in the park. At night. But up close I found joy in staring them down and seeing them crumble under my hardened gaze. To see them squirm mid-argument and fall to pieces like a middle-age suburban mom throwing a tantrum in the local supermarket because her broccoli isn't certified organic.
I'd always found joy in this. It was why I felt no shame in how closely and intensely I watched Tyler as he slept.
It was irrelevant the number of mornings I had woken early, stillfully rolled onto my side as to not disturb him, and observed how the pale sunshine shifted in colors on his warm sunkissed skin. I knew where every freckle and beauty mark sat. Had catalogued the scars on his body. Four exactly and each was either borne of stupidity or catastrophe which was fitting for Tyler. Both a genius and hopeless airhead, he could sing your philosophical prose then choke on chewing gum in the same minute.
There was the long linear peachy pink scar down the lower length of his spine. He had acquired it as a child when he "fell" off the roof of his uncle's barn while playing Peter Pan outside with Bianca and Lucas. The ridges had softened to nothing and it was hardly noticeable except for when he bent down and the scar shimmered in the light. But it was one of my favorites because it was the result of something so characteristically him it was laughable. I kissed it whenever possible and paid extra attention to it during any of our encounters--dragging my nails down and up it making Tyler shiver.
How endearing.
✨Chapter 12 of Violet Midnight coming May 26. Click the link below to catch up of the candy-colored romance.✨
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peteytheparrot · 3 days
Favorite songs right now? I need some to help me get through my backlog of so so much school work
I AM SO SORRY THIS GOT SO LONG I JUST KEPT FINDING SONGS I LOVE WHOOPS AHAKHSSJH I should’ve just made a playlist tbh ☠️☠️ Not necessarily my favorite songs right now more of just, music I love ☠️
Favs are near the top but I fucking LOVE all of these so that’s not completely true:
Splinter - Sneaker Pimps (this entire album is AMAZING)
Pork Soda - Glass Animals (GEHEGGRR BAKEBSKR)
Wild West Selfishness - Seahaven (this song is so GAHSGSHS)
My Favorite Color - Citizen (again, this entire album is amazing)
Achilles Come Down - Gang Of Youths (read The Song Of Achilles after listening to this.. god,, starts fucking sobbing)
Beneath the Brine - The Family Crest (GOD this song gave me chills)
Go To The Light - Murder By Death
Steal Away - Murder By Death
Antes de les Tres - Un Fantasma (this band is SO underrated)
Wolf River - Reignwolf
Son of a Gun - Reignwolf
A Wistful Waltz - Teddy Hyde (lovely band check out more of their music)
S*x With A Ghost - Teddy Hyde (censored because of bots) (this song is so silly I love it sm)
Mamas Gun - Glass Animals (THE ENDING IS SO?? AFAHGHSH)
Everything Moves -  Bronze Radio Return
Before You Snap - Yonderboi
Who Are You, Really? - Mikky Ekko
Jimmy, He Whispers - Manchester Orchestra 
Last Call - Elliot Smith
Paranoid Android - Radiohead (every Radiohead song is amazing tbh)
Climbing Up The Walls - Radiohead
Life In A Glass House - Radiohead
I Lost Something In The Hills - Sibylle Baier (Good song to fall asleep to, well for me atleast ☠️)
Shoot It Out - 10 Years
Mr. Self Destruct - Nine Inch Nails
Smile Boyo - Vundabar
Alien Blues - Vundabar
A Burning Hill - Mitski
I’m Your Man - Mitski
Duvet - boa
My Time - Bo en
And Also I’m Really Scared - Fox Academy (love this band fr)
Salem - Fox Academy
Lavender Blood - Fox Academy
Vampire Banquet - Fox Academy
Crazy - Gnarls Barkley 
My Fault - Sawyer
Butch 4 Butch - Rio Romeo
Evil Side - The Dirty Nil
Loved - FEiN
So Damn Into You - Vlad Holiday
Dear Dictator - Saint Motel
A Good Song Never Dies - Saint Motel
Dreamland - Glass Animals
Bernadette - IAMX 
Disembodied Mind - Sparkbird & Stephan Nance
Priorities - Yot Club
Amen - Amber Run
Susan Smith - Wych Elm
NEW MAGIC WAND - Tyler, The Creator
GONE, GONE / THANK YOU - Tyler, The Creator
The Chattering Lack of Common Sense - Ghost & Pals
Evil Eye - Franz Ferdinand 
Dog Problems - The Format
Between the Bars - Chris Garneue
What Else Do I Need - Vast
The Plagues - The Prince Of Egypt
Selfless - The Strokes 
Sway - Sarah Cothran
My Alcoholic Friends - The Dresden Dolls
505 - Arctic Monkeys
This Is Love - Air Traffic Controller 
Rory - Foxing
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