#tw mortality
meredithmcclaren · 11 months
Today I said ‘We are not here forever.’
But the more I think on that, the less sure I become.
I wonder if death is the same as birth.  I don’t remember the moment I came into the world.  I have a first memory, but I know I existed before that moment.  And my sense of self was a gradual thing.  A build up over time.
Maybe this is not true of everyone.
But in the absence of a clear marker of my beginning, the time before ‘me’ is a strange nebulous thing that extends infinitely.  It has no marker.
And I wonder if death is the same.  You can know it is coming.  It can build up over time.  Or it can be a sudden jarring thing.  But, potentially, there will be no ‘me’ after the moment of death to mark it’s moment.
Without a beginning or end, is that not infinity?
Was our time here not ‘forever?’
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mimiscoiningcafe · 1 year
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Mortician - A headmate who helps the system cope with death, whether it be fronting during times of grieving or helping comfort during mortality spirals.
Coined for my own system!
Tag List: @mogai-sunflowers, @heart-valentin3, @fagdykefrank, @dreamythism, @cosmilky, @dstriderr, @radiomogai, @pluralterms
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pomegranarchy · 2 months
Theres this song I’ve been listening to lately, called Wait by The Dear Hunter. I don’t have the context for the singer’s life or the album or whatever, so I’m speaking about it as a standalone song.
Heads up for religion talk (generalizations about christianity, as i dont have significant knowledge of any other) so feel free to skip on.
This song has really struck a chord in my soul, so to speak. I’m already quite comfortable with the subject of death, and the concept that as living beings we are destined to return to the earth through decay. I find it rather beautiful.
This song lingers on the fear of one’s own mortality, and ties it to religious fear.
The song starts with “I lost my faith when I was young” so it confuses me to see the interpretation that the singer is afraid they won’t go to heaven if it exists. If they were afraid of that, then wouldn’t they remain in the faith? That’s a pretty big scare tactic of christianity. If you don’t believe in god, you go to hell. Without staying in the faith, one already accepts they won’t go there.
There are also calls to religion that imply any faith that the singer practiced was empty.
“I stood in lines to bow my head, I’d fold my hands and speak in tongues”
This is clearly about prayer of some kind, and tongues can be about latin or any other old language, but christian prayer isn’t usually in latin. Its in the language the worshipper speaks. So tongues… to me, that means the words being said are nonsensical. That the prayers for help, advice, good fortune, or anything else— is meaningless and nonsensical. Especially with the following line.
“But I could tell no apparition heard a single word I said”
Whether it be the dead or a god, those prayers are not being heard. It could be willful ignorance, which means a god is purposefully choosing to abandon people. It could be the god physically cannot hear, or that a god simply doesn’t exist. In any case, prayer does nothing. It is an empty act.
So. Back to mortality. “I’ll know when I turn to dust” “but i fear the answer isn’t enough”
To me, this is about knowing one will die. The singer has accepted that. Everyone dies, and so will they. Thats just how it is. But after that…? There is no knowing. And if there is something after, instead of nothing, then theres the possibility that what waits beyond is worth the fear.
“I fear that there is a heaven above” “I hope that there is not a heaven above” says to me more that the singer is afraid of heaven. Or, more accurately, the concept of a heaven. Hell and eternal damnation is not being addressed here. Pain and punishment isn’t the fear.
Because a heaven implies the existence of a god. A being that is all-powerful, all-knowing, all-judging, all-loving. A being that is all-powerful is responsible for evil and suffering, or complicit in this suffering, or is in fact not all-powerful. If it is not aware of suffering, then it is not all-knowing. And if it is all-powerful, and is all-knowing, but allows suffering, then it is not all-loving. If people go to hell, then it is not all-loving.
A god that is all-powerful and sends people to hell is punishing its own creations for things they have zero control over.
It makes heaven completely arbitrary. It is a paradise that belongs to a god that condemns those that it controls, for being the way it created them.
“So will I never know heaven or hell, or is eternity something worse?”
There being nothing after the end is the preferable fate. Should the singer ever know heaven or hell, then eternity is to be feared. It proves an existential fear of something that rules reality and chooses to make people suffer.
And… its cathartic. To listen to this fear. To this song.
There are christians out there that talk about love and acceptance and how the stereotypical christian goes against the message of the faith or what have you— but it doesn’t address what makes me so uncomfortable with christianity. That a god exists. That this god has created a heaven and hell. And because those realms exist, if I don’t have the “correct” interpretation of reality, that I don’t do the “correct” way of living life, then I shall suffer forever.
That’s not love. That’s not a god worth worshipping.
So… yeah. I hope that there’s no heaven above.
Death is more comforting than heaven.
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dogteath · 4 months
How does one balance the acceptance of death with the need to indulge in artistic gore
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droplet-dread-cat · 2 years
Death, Fire & Ice!Dabi AU
i had this idea for a fic (and i even wrote a bit for it):
what if dabi doesn’t only have a fire quirk? now, you’re probably like: “boring. we all know the phoenix theory blabla.” but NO.
i propose... death, fire AND ice quirk dabi! all three!
how? let me tell you:
- so, sekoto park. let’s say touya doesn’t barely cling onto life. let’s say touya dies to his own flames. he went to sekoto white-haired with a fire quirk and an ice-resistant body 
- !! he dies to his own quirk!! (that’s important, so remember it)
- touya wakes up in the river; ash clinging to his skin wherever the river isn’t touching him and he feels... changed. let’s say he feels oddly distant, as if his inner fire has gone out
- touya went to sekoto white-haired with a fire quirk and an ice-resistant body... but touya returned from sekoto red-haired with an ice quirk and a fire-resistant body. you see where this is going?
- so basically: every time touya damages himself with his own quirk enough to die from it, he is reborn with either frost or ash clinging to him and the opposite quirk of what he died from; it’s far from a perfect immortality quirk as he only resurrects whenever he kills himself with his quirk (if he were to die from hanging himself, he’d stay dead)
- and let’s imagine touya coming home with a scarless body. if he keeps the switching mechanism of his quirk hidden, he’s basically a completely split version of shouto (only with seemingly temporary harm to his body)... and as morbid as it’s going to sound, endeavor doesn’t have any weighty argument against touya becoming a hero anymore now that touya’s able to solve the permanent harm done to his body by his own quirk by quickly dying
- imagine touya becomes a hero. not a hero like all might, who saves others with a friendly smile and a slogan like “i am here!”... not a hero like endeavor either, who stoically fights villains with his flashy fire. no, touya can barely show himself in the spotlight because he’s permanently sporting necrosis or extreme burns after fights. he‘s lost count of how many times he died already. death has become a daily thing for him. he lives alone in a small apartment, where neither fuyumi’s worried eyes nor shouto’s adoring gaze will ever meet him. his apartment is sparse - a futon randomly against some wall, a pantry full of instant ramen and an old TV sitting on a coffee-stained table - but everyone who’s ever been in his bathroom says it’s weirdly high tech. “why would you need a temperature-proof bathroom? and what’s that smell?!” touya can’t answer: “oh, i need a room to kill myself in and the smell is from my burnt corpse.” so he just huffs and shrugs.
- imagine touya as a hero. how he works. how he thinks. he’s constantly calculating whether he’s going to have to return home for a quick “change” or if he’s able to continue working. he never gets himself any support items. it’s not that he doesn’t have the money - it’s that he’s become so used to killing himself and to the immense pain that he’s become numb to it all. he’s a hero but at what cost?
- imagine touya’s stance on self-destructive quirks. imagine he watches the first year sports festival and sees midoriya destroying himself for his brother’s sake. (because that’s the thing: shouto’s story turns out the same because dabi’s still a brother who isn’t there - it’s just the reason for his disappearance that’s different) touya immediately sends out an internship offer. he even writes a little comment on why he chose midoriya. “i know what it’s like to break yourself over and over. let’s figure out how to solve your problem together.” because dabi might inevitably have to kill himself at the end of the day but he still learnt how to minimize the need for it.
- imagine deku accepts dabi’s offer. gran torino only sent it in after yagi’s insistence, which isn’t needed here. despite avoiding the spotlight, dabi’s sheer firepower alone has put him in the top 20 and deku’s not going to say no to getting to know one of the most mysterious heroes out there. so, he accepts.
- imagine dabi mentoring deku and immeditately proposing to attempt spreading his power and keeping it running on low settings. it’s something dabi has to do when he’s just starting out in the morning or when he’s using his quirk for small stuff. it’s how he keeps his arms from turning to ash or falling completely numb. it’s a concept he uses a lot. imagine shouto and his father saving iida while deku slowly figures out the mystery behind his new mentor... imagine deku coming to the horrible realization why dabi’s bathroom is like that. “how do you live like this?” he’ll blurt out at one point and dabi will huff, shrug like always and say: “you get used to it.” and that’ll be the most heart-breaking thing deku’s heard up until that point because he knows how highly shouto thinks of his brother (how badly he wants to be like dabi, who saves people not because of fame and glory but because it’s the only thing he’s ever wanted to do) and how little shouto knows about how much dabi suffers daily just to keep doing his job.
- imagine touya, this sorta nihilistic anti-hero with one of the ugliest quirks imaginable, becoming the hero of the forgotten. imagine him finding magne at her lowest, spinner as he’s about to descend into fanaticism, toga as she’s about to go crazy with craving for blood and shigaraki, who’s kept angry and hateful by someone who should’ve been like a father for him. imagine him just being there. he’s a hero - not a pretty one like hawks, who, despite his dark affiliation with the HPSC, could never understand a villainous mind like he does. he’s a hero, who saves people because he grew up wanting nothing more and chasing his dream quite literally to death and beyond. dabi’s still an asshole, still scarred most of the time, pierces himself whenever he has the energy to do it (because they’re just going to fall out and the holes will be closed when he comes back) and lives between emptiness and mania... but he’s a hero and he knows how to help.
- imagine touya keeping magne from going for the killing blow and getting her help with her transition. imagine him going into heated debates about stain’s ideology with spinner and stealthily letting him warm up to dabi until he casually proposes for spinner to become his sidekick (because all a mutant-type quirk user who’s been heavily discriminated against wants is a place to belong and a place to fight against the inequality, right?). imagine touya calling toga a little psycho and denying vehemently that he likes her company but still going absolutely out of his way to ensure she has clean blood to drink and hobbies (throwing darts, shooting bows, collecting knives) to satisfy her cravings. imagine touya, of all people, coaxing shigaraki out of all for one’s grasp by getting him a gaming buddy (spinner) and showing him places where a decay quirk can run rampant (dagobah beach is far from the only accumulation of trash where it shouldn’t be). imagine him helping others: jin, mr compress, mustard, gentle criminal, la brava... all those “villains” who easily could become so much more than that. imagine touya just listening to these people and offering them a life away from paranoia and bloodshed. all because touya became a hero and heroes help people.  
- imagine shouto finding out about his brother’s actual quirk by asking: “why do you use his fire?” to which dabi accidentally blurts out: “killing myself twice in a row would use up an unnecessary amount of energy.” and shouto’s rendered speechless because at that moment he realizes how privileged he is and how much of an ass it made him look like when he rejected using his own fire, which has virtually no drawbacks.
(maybe the reason why dabi distanced himself was that he couldn’t bear to look at what could’ve been him had his body not given him the literally worst quirk in existence.)
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very-uncorrect · 1 year
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Number 1 GCSE fear is having an existential crisis during an exam
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I’ve been thinking about mortality a lot recently…
After the news received from a friend, plus the different things that have happened in my life recently
I’m not even 25 yet, but the question and weight of facing death/not being able to escape death is already weighing heavy on my mind
Like who are the friends I’m gonna have to say goodbye to first? What if I’m that friend? Will I live to see my 30s, or even 40s?
Anyone else relate to these existential thoughts?
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infiniteorbits · 2 years
i've been confronting my own mortality a lot recently. its kinda fucking annoying. every single thought eventually leads to: oh my god i'm gonna die one day and all of this is gonna be over. and yeah, its true, but that doesn't make this recurring thought any less annoying.
i think the first person i remember dying was my grandmother. i was 4 or 5 and my parents had gone away on a "little vacation." when they came back they sat us down for a "family meeting," which struck me as odd; their pretending that this was simply a normal occurence when i don't think we had ever had a "family meeting" before then. they sat me and my siblings down and told us that my grandmother died. i remember bursting into tears, sobbing. i don't remember if my dad cried. i imagine he did.
there are several things that strike me now, looking back on that memory. first, the intelligence to sense something wrong. i was only five yet immediately spotted the strangeness of a "family meeting." but second, and more importantly, that i cried. maybe i'm wrong and i clearly don't remember much at that age, but to process death and recognize that it's sad seems so bizzare to me. i was so young and so little and even then i knew what death was, what it meant.
i guess it's time to get to the part that i've been dreading, the point of this. confronting it. i don't know where it came from or why but just all the time, i'm thinking and worrying about death. it's just little things that cause this boom in my stomach, like someone dropped a brick on a tent and just pushed all the air out. a weird metaphor i guess. it's not so much of the air getting sucked out but the thud and sudden absence of air as it rushes out. does that make any sense? am i making sense?
and god, it's
i look at my 9 year old dog, who's heart is in good condition, and immediately the tent collapses with a pfoom: she is gonna die before i finish college.
my parents turned fifty and pfoom, their lives are more than halfway over.
my grandparents? pfoom.
my friends? pfoom.
an actor i like? pfoom.
pfoom. pfoom. pfoom.
i don't know why, i'm 17 and have so much more life to live (i hope). is it because of college apps? is it because my grandfather is sick and for the first time i'm realizing that he could actually die? is it all of the celebrities in the news (olivia newton-john!! i loved grease!!!)? is it just an age thing? the seventeen-scaries, u realize everyone is gonna die.
i need to stop, i keep catching myself saying "time to confront it" then going off on a tangent.
one day, i'm gonna die.
one day, my dogs are gonna die.
my friends will die.
my parents will die.
my grandparents will die.
all of it. the whole nine yards. the whole shebang. all that and a bag of chips.
i'm not gonna cry right now but i did last night. i was petting my dog and just started crying. talking to her as she just waited for me to keep petting her. does she know? does she know she's closer to the end then the beginning? my other dog, clementine, died before her eyes, does she think about that often? i remember her looking around, waiting for her to come back. she knew clem was gone, but she couldn't believe it, just like the rest of us. and now i really wanna cry. i won't. but i really wanna.
the only thing comforting myself is this false sense of calm i can put over myself, a delusional acceptance of all of this. that death and life are natural parts of the same cycle, without death life has no meaning, and whatnot. i read something like exhalation by ted chiang and pretend that it brings me bliss. the beauty of life and death and culture and all that we have built.
but i don't wanna die. god, i don't wanna die. i don't wanna live in a world without my mom and my dad and my siblings and my dogs and my friends and my grandparents and one day my partner.
and now i'm crying. and nothing's even happened. i'm sitting in my kitchen, my family alive and well, and i'm crying. i'm wasting my life crying over this but at the same time i can't ignore it.
i wanna believe in heaven, i really truly do. i wanna believe there's some plan for me and the people i love and that we get to spend eternity together in paradise. i would give everything and anything for that to be true. i can't say it is 100% implausible, but i can't tell you that i believe that my journey will lead me to heaven.
what a cruel fucking trick life is.
and all of this leads into my journey with religion/belief or nonbelief, how awful this world is, and how depressed everything makes me.
and it's hard because i don't want this, i don't want to feel like this. the world sucks and we're all gonna die but can't i tell my brain to just leave it alone? it's inevitable!!! it's out of my control!!! there's nothing i can do about it!!!! leave me alone!!!! i want to live and be happy and not have everything spiral into everything wrong with this world but i can't.
so where do we round this off, where do we find the point to all of this. i don't wanna face my mortality, but i have to, and i face it too often to the point where its plaguing my life, religion is a scam unless it isn't and do i believe in god because maybe He exists or because of american suburbia, who knows, and i'm tricking myself into thinking everything's fine otherwise i'll go crazy but i know it's not fine and i'm tricking myself and i'm going crazy anyways.
maybe i should start seeing my therapist again. but i don't think she'll know what to do either
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elisethesheathed · 3 months
The thing is, about going out fighting, is that your enemies will know you’ve died before your friends.
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thanatopia-111 · 3 months
Favorite writing trope?
I don’t know exactly if this count as a troupe but my favorite thing to see in media is the concept of existentialism, feeling small within the grand lengths of what our universe is contrived, how one could get easily lost within it, feeling as if a peck of sand against the seas of stars. Or themes of mortality of how our life’s spans seem so small compared to everything and yet in the end it all dawns to simply how the smallest of things truly matter. Against all of this sharing a drink with someone you cherish, enjoying the weather, watching a movie, and simply watering the plants mean so much. That in the end yes that may be true but the life which you hold and the love which is shared outweighs it all to a sense. Bonus points if machinery and divinity are added in!!!
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thecelestiallegacies · 4 months
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Dante Gordon invited her over to hang out with him and the others in the nest. A good chance to sneak by and spend some quality time with Caleb. What was intended to be a good time, wasn't as great as it usually was. After their romp she hadn't even put her clothes back on, her stomach started turning and she urgently got up and ran to the bathroom. No luck there, she stumbled painfully across the hall to a double bedroom where the tightness reached unbearable levels. She screamed out. Caleb was outside the door, concerned her reaction was due to his performance. Surely he wasn't... that bad. Black mist enveloped her and lifted her body into the air, her ears stretched out into points along with her canine teeth. Her skin paled within the mist and her eyes flashed in red. The transformation was complete.
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mimiscoiningcafe · 1 year
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Immortacomfearic - A gender related to both feeling a large amount of comfort and mightiness of being immortal while also feeling anxious and worried about outliving those around you because of your immortality.
For day 1 of @meadow-of-mogai-melodies's coining event - immortality!
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yanderestarangel · 6 months
TW: size kink, afab anatomy, pet names, v!sex, hard smut, not reviewed.
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Fucking him on top of you was always too intense to be true, he was a big man compared to you - and he made a point of making this dynamic very clear, he loved power, how it made him feel so powerful and relentless in compared to your small body, he could easily break you and that was fucking exciting for him. You opened your legs for him like a needy slut for his cock, while he poured a series of delicious degradations in your direction, going with two fingers up your wet and needy hole, while his other thick hand came against your face, forcing you to watch his fingers aggressively work on you, saccharistically placing the blame on you for having such a tight pussy - he loved how tight you were, but he also loved seeing you blush with embarrassment.
"-Oh come on angel... Don't be shy..." He moaned, smiling roguishly, while placing his dick on top of your pussy, making a comparison to your entrance, his hard dick reached your navel easily. He made a quick movement, without any warning, making you jump and arch your sides in a loud moan that echoed through the walls, he placed his hands on your hips, running his thumbs over your skin, soon seeing the bulge that formed on your skin, he could see his own cock taking you, it was too much for him, a primitive moan, perhaps even animalistic, left his lips, as he accelerated with all his might, moaning with every movement he could see under your skin, knowing that he was filling you completely, he is totally arrogant about it, taking one of your hands and taking you to the place.
"-Feel it baby... This is the power I have over you, only I can fuck you like this, you hear? Only I can fill you like this." he moaned hoarsely, smiling as he sped up even more, he was going crazy with every movement seen outside of your womb, he loved it, he loved being so strong compared to you.
"-You're going to cum, right? After all, you love a huge cock inside your little pussy." He placed his hand on your waist again, marking with his thumb where his dick went, while he leaned in and whispered in your ear between screams of pleasure. "-I'm going to fill your fucking uterus with my semen, and breed in that beautiful pussy, right?"
Fucking him while you sit on his dick, with his body sitting on the messy bed - sex before bed, with all the passion and with the intention of killing the longing he felt for you during the day, he knew it was a: A big, strong man, his muscles overcame the clothes he wore - he loved holding you in his arms, suspending you around, while he fucked you in every corner of the house.
He would kiss you passionately, while your hands went behind the back of his head, while his eyes slowly opened, seeing his hard cock, close to your pussy, the comparison was huge, he was always afraid of breaking you, often he just he would let you rub yourself against his thigh or over his dick, without any penetration or even inserting just the tip of his shaft, but when you asked for more he would back away, even if you begged for more, he was a patient man.
But that patience ended a while ago, and he needed that. He moaned more, as he watched you slowly sit on his cock, warming him with your heat, the sound of your wetness, he grinds his teeth as he felt the paradise of your walls squeeze him, he would try to ask you if you were okay, but soon he would see the bulge in your belly, making him tense with desire and moan loudly as he threw his head back.
"-Fuck dear, look at this... Mmm- Ah I can't control myself Mmm-" he then made a quick movement with his hips, thrusting everything inside you, stretching you wide open, as he always wanted. His strong, veiny hands met your hips, squeezing the soft flesh, while his eyes focused on the length that was exposed under your belly, making him grunt and sputter, passing his fingers with each thrust of your cunt. on him, drooling the thick length inside you - he was addicted, the vision of filling you up completely, and seeing you feeling pleasure with him slamming the fat head of his dick repeatedly into your sweet spot, made the big guy cum without warning someone, filling you with cum, with hard thrusts and even bordering on pain with so much pleasure, like a thin line of desire.
"-Ah- fuck, I'm going to fill you up... C-cuming-" he screamed as he emptied his thick and viscous contents into you, the sensation was overwhelming, leaving you with even more volume in the uterus, even with him slowly leaving you.
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systematicamnesiac · 1 year
overall, COVID sucks
two things are pretty neat tho:
- facing my mortality and that of my partner puts in perspective all the anxiety I’ve had over what random internet users think of our family and the way we live. tell ‘em yeezy said they can kiss my whole ass
- scratchy voice is sexy (could’ve had this from a regular cold tho smh)
oh and uh, booster shots make a difference. my partner was hospitalized and i’ve been chilling at home (not just in a fever sense either). he’s back so we’re gonna continue being freaks. hopefully more boldly than ever before!!!
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mawapeach · 2 months
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Gosh it’s huge shame that I cannot seem to finish this drawing I’ve been working on for months all because I cannot figure out how LIGHTING WORKS ON THE BODY (cropped body to the left and above head) … Anyway, here’s the only “completed” portion of the drawing… Yeah it’s Johnny Cage, hope it still looks like him.
DONT COME AT ME WITH ANATOMY, life’s hard without references. I’ll do more studies for sure
Also college has been slowing down my art motivation 😭 I’ll try my best to draw random doodles of the characters I love! Who would you guys like to see though?
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theuniversalem · 1 year
things keep making me think about my mortality lately and it's giving me so much anxiety... like a toy i still have from a mcdonald's happy meal is 20 years old and that's so long ago, but i'm still so young, and i want to grow old, but i don't want to be old and incapable, but i'm already so ill and incapable as a young person so i know it will only get worse and like... i just can't win with mortality and immortality honestly sounds even worse so i don't even want that i just want to be a void
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