#tumblr doesn't have great image quality
hardlylaced · 4 months
To protect the world from devastation and unite all people within our nation something something serve cvnt
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luciddownloading · 3 months
Tarot Reading: What Makes You Attractive? 🔥
Hi and welcome/welcome back for another Tarot reading. It is Valentine's Day at the time of me posting this and I figured it would be a good time for a reading like this. A love-based reading would be a bit cliche today. But, I guess it's also a little cliche to talk about being your own Valentine. Whatever! It's important to fill yourself with love if you don't have a partner, whether it's Valentine's Day or not!
So, we are going to talk about what makes you attractive. I felt like giving you guys a hype session, as my Valentine's gift to you! And listen, anyone can be attractive, whether it's physically or mentally or personality wise. So, please set the self-deprecating mindset aside. You have valuable and wonderful qualities, inside and out, and someone out there would be lucky to be with you.
Choose the image or images below that you feel most drawn to and then keep reading to hear about your attractive qualities. With readings like this, you have to know the difference between "this doesn't resonate" or "I don't believe this about myself". Deep down, you should know whether or not it actually describes you. If it truly does not sound like you at all, then it's not your pile.
PS: This reading is timeless and I am also not taking reversals
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The Hermit
(clarified by: Seven of Pentacles)
Ten of Swords
(clarified by: The High Priestess)
Four of Pentacles
(clarified by: Ten of Cups)
Death (back of the deck)
Pile 1, you are unforgettable! The thing that makes you so attractive is how you linger in people's lives, long after you've gone. You straight up haunt people from your past, especially exes or former love interests. Even ex friends. It's kind of like you're this drug and being without you leaves people in withdrawal. I'm getting that song Your Love Is My Drug by Kesha. That's how people feel toward you. But, of course, that doesn't always feel so great because it's more so that people are in love with the high of being with you than the actual you. Yes, "addictive" is just what keeps coming to mind. Please watch out for codependent relationships because I think you give so much of yourself that you can unconsciously feed into that dynamic.
Whew, I am actually getting a few people ( and you will know who they are) who see you as "the one who got away". And you're probably thinking, "Yes, I am glad I got away". Lol but rest assured, when someone in a romantic situation does not appreciate you, does not put in the effort or do the work, they end up regretting it. People break their own hearts by breaking yours, especially because when you are done, you are DONE. I think you have had to cut certain people off and you do not waver. You're not the person desperately calling their ex when they get lonely. And that is actually what makes you attractive. You have standards and self-respect.
You could have some Virgo energy in your chart and I am definitely getting a major Scorpio influence here. You are so powerful and intuitive and I would not be shocked if you have psychic gifts. This is also so attractive to others. Skeptics may turn their nose up at some people who are into Tarot or astrology and such. But, with you, people usually are just fascinated and want to know more, even if they are typically skeptical. A message I am getting is if you would like to get into spiritual work of some kind, you would be VERY successful. You would be a very wise counselor and guide to a lot of people who are struggling, in need of healing or empowering, and you would command a lot of respect.
I don't think you would ever see spirituality as an "aesthetic" but you have that quality. You don't even have to make your Instagram or Tumblr spiritually focused (although it would take off if you did). You just really are this High Priestess figure, whether you're male or female. You exude this mystique and almost otherworldly understanding. Many people may not realize that this stems from you surviving absolute hell and developing profound wisdom and resilience in the process. Shadow work and introspection are like second nature to you . This allows you to grow through whatever you go through, instead of letting it destroy you.
You have gone through many, many transformations in life and it gives you this allure. Honestly, you seem untouchable, in a sense. This is why people from your past feel like you're out of reach. I think there are many relationships or situations you are divinely protected from. Also, you are super-private/elusive. Even if you have social media (and many of you don't), you don't share much of your actual life on there. That mystique is a big thing with you and it only makes you more attractive. You know how to leave others wanting more.
And once someone falls for you, is truly in love with you, they never get over you. You've got some serious siren energy: seductive and magnetic but a little scary. It's because you deeply and forever change whoever falls for you. You're that ex who future partners are compared to and it might make someone's partner feel insecure or jealous. Maybe that's something someone is dealing with right now. (If so, let me know the tea lol) You are sometimes unaware of how profoundly you impact others. You are just being you and you're also so focused on working on yourself that you often don't realize how far you've come. You are a healer, a way-shower, and others are in awe of your power.
King of Pentacles
(clarified by: Wheel of Fortune)
Ten of Swords
(clarified by: Four of Wands)
(clarified by: The Hierophant)
Two of Swords (back of the deck)
Pile 2, you are attractive because of what a stabilizing influence you are on others. When you are around, people feel safe and secure. On solid ground. This is because you are a remarkably solid person. You actually can be fated to come into the lives of people who are really messy, anxious, disorganized or aimless and help them get on track. I am definitely getting a Daddy vibe from this pile, regardless of whether you're a man or a woman (but not in that kinky way, unless you're into that). You are able to play a positively paternal role toward others. You give sound advice, talk some sense into people, and I also don't think you tolerate much nonsense. But, you do it in a loving way. I am just seeing the scene of Cher from Moonstruck where she says "Snap out of it!"
Speaking of Cher, that also reminds me of that clip where she says (paraphrasing) "My mother always asks me when I'm going to marry a rich man. And I said, Mom, I am a rich man." You can fully provide for yourself, especially in a material sense (or this is your ultimate dream and goal). If you're a woman, this can be especially empowering and, if you're into men, I think they are more so enamored with this quality of yours than threatened by it. It's attractive that you are this boss, that you are so in charge of your life. People love that you're this hustler and a real success story. And you probably had to go through some difficult times to get there. You've earned your success and people respect that.
And if you're scoffing and saying, "Yeah, right. I am not even close to that yet", it doesn't matter. People look at you like a success, even if you don't feel like one yourself. I think this pile has super-high standards and serious expectations of themselves. Perfectionists who can beat themselves up a bit (or a lot) for falling short of those expectations. But, you don't realize that most people are impressed by you, even when you feel like a flop. Your flop era is like someone else's good day. And you have this way of still powering through and delivering great results even when you're suffering or struggling. I keep getting the example of Britney Spears and how 2007 was a nightmare for her but she also released Blackout, which is considered her best and most influential album by a lot of people (including her). Are the Britney stans in this pile lol?
But, the point remains that you are capable of creating some eye of calm, control and competency in the midst of any storm. You could definitely have a strong Earth influence (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) in your chart, especially Taurus. Also, there's possible Sagittarius energy here. You take whatever you go through and make it into lemonade and you could have a very philosophical or spiritual side that people really admire and look up to.
I am also getting the message that you guys struggle with imposter syndrome pretty intensely. You always feel like you're just pretending like you know what you're doing when you really don't. Few people know how often you are freaking out on the inside. It may be alienating because even when you try to open up about these insecurities, people don't really believe you or gloss over it. You're just a little too good at convincing others that you've got everything under control. But, you actually feel like a hot mess. Boss Bitch by Doja Cat may resonate for you. Ultimately, you have to come to terms with people seeing you as perfect even when you know how imperfect you really are. And maybe that's a good thing that you see yourself that way. It keeps you humble (which is another appealing quality of yours).
The Empress
(clarified by: Strength)
The Fool
(clarified by: Queen of Cups)
The Hanged Man
(clarified by: Page of Cups)
Justice (back of the deck)
Oh, okay, Pile 3! This is some serious goddess energy. Yes, please know that you are a goddess, first of all. And you can be male or female here. This is about energy! I think people are just in awe of you because you have some major Divine Feminine power. I really feel like you either work with a goddess or two (maybe you have a patron deity) or you feel strongly connected to a goddess figure. I am definitely getting Aphrodite the strongest but I also get Freya, Oshun, and Lakshmi. Also, possibly Isis. It could be anyone, thpugh. Take what resonates! But, I feel like it's one of the love goddesses or a particularly feminine one. She just wants you to know how much she loves you! You are like her child, blessed with a similar energy.
So, yeah, that powerful femininity makes you so attractive and appealing. You see being feminine as this form of strength, a different kind of power in this excessively masculine society. You stand out in that way and while that may lead you to being underestimated or taken for granted at times (a common Divine Feminine struggle), you inevitably come out on top and show people what you are made of. A major message I am getting is that you are always vindicated, sooner or later. In conflicts with others, try to avoid getting too messy or holding grudges. Speak your mind and stand up for yourself when needed but also remember how powerful grace or forgiveness are. The more you let go of drama or kill with kindness, the more your enemies or anyone whose hurt you will self-implode or experience consequences.
You don't have to do anything to get revenge but live well and the more unbothered you are, the more the tides will turn in your favor. In fact, even the people who wrong you or hate on you can't keep at it for long. Hating on you is like hating on a Gucci or Louis Vuitton bag. You can hate it for whatever reason but it's going to continue to thrive and be high-quality and in-demand. So, people often come around to you, whether you actually care or not. You also have this ability to open others' hearts, especially in romance. You are so real and emotionally accessible and unafraid to be vulnerable. Anyone with a blocked heart, any toxic masculine counterparts, are bound to see the value in accessing their emotions and being vulnerable via your example.
You show people that there is no weakness in feminine expression. In fact, you are braver and stronger and ballsier than many people. Since you are so willing to listen to your intuition, you are also unafraid to take risks. You always follow your heart. I'm hearing Listen To Your Heart by Roxette. People often admire your life choices and look up to you because you're willing to go against the grain. You don't let society tell you how to live. There is a defiant rebel, a fierce free spirit, within you and it's a juxtaposition to the soft, kind, nurturing side you show. I am also hearing Whitney Houston's version of I'm Every Woman. Again, you don't have to be a woman for it to resonate. You just are a very feminine being who embodies many different facets.
And I am getting a ton of different signs, too: Taurus, Libra, Leo, a big emphasis on the Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Libra and Pisces are especially strong but you could have placements in any of those signs. And another thing that makes you attractive? You are just very physically attractive! Whether you see it or not. Everyone else definitely does. I also think it doesn't matter if you are tired or rested, dressed up or dressed down, younger or older. You are absolutely gorgeous with this sensual aura and your beauty is eternal.
I think people are very enamored with you and your looks and it's always been that way and always will be. You will age very gracefully and, if you choose to have kids, you will definitely be a Hot Mom or Hot Dad. People are also so attracted to you because they want to cuff you. This pile definitely has "relationship material" vibes. It's just a matter of who can actually be with you or commit to you. Again, you are seen as very high-value, which may intimidate a lot of romantic interests. This might be frustrating but remember that the right person won't be intimidated and will be able to match you.
Three of Wands
(clarified by: Seven of Wands)
Ace of Swords
(clarified by: Eight of Swords)
Queen of Wands
(clarified by: Ten of Wands)
The Chariot (back of the deck)
Pile 4, there is something regal about you that is very attractive. I am also getting the word "majestic". Majestic beauty. Majestic presence. Majestic aura. You exude a great deal of confidence. You could have significant chart placements in Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). Leo is coming in particularly heavy. There is always a crown on your head, metaphorically speaking. (Some of you may put effort into having good posture and, if not, your Guides may be calling you to do so) You walk with your head held high, no matter what happens to or around you. In fact, the tougher life gets or the more people try to bring you down, the more self-assured you become. But, this can get exhausting! There may be certain people around you now (or who were around you) who made concerted efforts to chip away at your self-worth and it was NEVER successful. Then, they become the very thing that they accused you of being.
There is a significant amount of shaming, guilt-tripping or controlling behavior you will have to go through in life. But, surviving this is part of where your confidence comes from. You have had to face off against people who didn't want you to shine or be truly express yourself or stand in your power. For many of you, I am getting the sense that you grew up in an environment that was either really abusive or very toxic. You didn't have a voice or any control over your circumstances, so much so that you don't ever, ever want to experience that in your life now. I feel like you left the life of your childhood far behind, whether that means literal in terms ofwhere you lived or on a more psychological level, vowing to never live the life that you were once forced to live.
You may have gotten a pile in a previous reading or two of mine about being a cycle-breaker and stopping the generational curse in your family. That's something you have had to do or that you're still very much fighting that battle. Either way, you will be looked to as very appealing because of this. Your family members could find that attractive about you because we are, after all, talking about all kinds of attraction, including platonic. I can see you being an inspiration to your family members for the changes you've made that they couldn't, although that doesn't mean that they will evolve at the same pace as you. If anything, you're an example to them of what life could be like, if they were happier or braver or healthier mentally. And although you are the "black sheep" of the family, if you happen to have any nieces or nephews or young cousins, they will look at you as some fascinating anomaly. The way you break the family's established rules and forge your own path can give them a vision of their own potential.
You might also have personal placements in Cancer. Family is a big deal to you yet you don't need a conventional family to be happy. You can also consider non-biological loved ones your true family, over biological ones. I am sensing that you guys are overdue in terms of meeting your "tribe". You have a very strong soul family that you are destined to reunite with in this life. I think quite a few of your Spirit Guides are part of your soul family. The others? You've yet to meet them or maybe you will meet them when you open yourself up to it. That way, you'll feel less alone and less trapped. You need to find friends who are like-minded people; those who have the same interests and outlook as you.
People really admire how balanced you are. I can see you having an equal amount of masculine and feminine energy, even though the feminine aspect of you may be more dominant. You are no shrinking violet! You push back and take up space. You are more of a fiery feminine personality that can lean toward androgyny, including in how you dress. But, I am also getting this image of supermodels on the catwalk, like 90's fashion shows with Naomi Campbell and Shalom Harlow in them. Graceful and beautiful but FIERCE. That's your energy. And you are a combo of many opposites: intellectual and intuitive, emotional and level-headed, introverted and extroverted.
People may project a lot on to you as you have a way of triggering people's insecurities, especially because of your authenticity and confidence. I also think many of you own your sexuality in a way that triggers people. But, you may also be feeling afraid of potential backlash or criticism. Just know that your IDGAF side is so appealing and awesome to others. You might not bring it out that often but when you do, people are like, "Whoa! What a badass. I love him/her/them." So, work on cultivating that energy, if you haven't already. I am also getting Rihanna vibes from this pile. Needed Me is coming through. And random note: you may be a great singer or have a super-attractive speaking voice. Much like Rihanna has a very distinctive singing voice and a beautiful accent (you may, as well). Your voice could also be very soothing/calming.
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yumedoca · 3 months
Interest check: Urusei Yatsura artists, would you be willing to do a 'Draw this in your style challenge'?
Ok, so I've been wanting to give a fandom related drawing challenge like this for a while now, but I knew the UY fandom isn't particularly a big one (on tumblr especially). But we still have very talented and great artists in the fandom and since the remake is currently airing I felt like it would be a good opportunity to do a challenge like this. But first I want to know how many are interested. The below poll is to check whether a decent number would be willing to do the DTIYS challenge so when I post it, it would be won't be for nothing.
Few things to note:
Anyone can do it no matter what your skill level is or whatever the quality of your supplies are.. If you want to do it, go for it!
The image for redrawing would be one of Rumiko Takahashi's official arts. I have one in mind and I made sure it's a simple one as well. I won't say which one it is yet but I'll give a few hints so you could have an idea of how it is. It has both Ataru and Lum, Both of their whole bodies are visible (they are both posing in a classic fashion while sitting down).
Whether I'll make the actual post following this depends on the results of the poll. It doesn't need a majority vote, it just needs a decent number of them.
There is no due date for the challenge, you can do it anytime you want.
The poll is open for a week, the decision will be made according to the results when the poll is closed.
Reblogs are appreciated for a larger sample size and if you have any queries, feel free to ask!
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sgiandubh · 6 months
Do you think he does different types of promo to attract all the different crowds?
Dear Promo Anon,
Not only I think he does that, I also happen to think he (or anyone seriously hoping to sell anything other than snake oil) should do exactly that.
The problem is not the logical correlation between what you want to sell and the people to whom you want to sell it. The first problem is the lack of balance between your way of interacting with your different target groups, which could lead to a very fuzzy brand image. Both of your products and of yourself, who are their creator and main promoter.
Promoting a brand without a clear set of main ideas and values is very likely to have a negative impact on your sales. Show them biceps, sea, sex (?) and sun galore is all fine and dandy for the younger crowd (and the LGBT+ one, btw). But showing at the same time that you can be a gentleman (please, for the love of Saruman, get rid of those rings! that woman doesn't know what she's talking about!) should be at least on par with the Lustfest promise you ventilate to your other segment. Possible message being: working hard and playing hard - you can have the best of both worlds (or at least try).
The second problem is that S's brand is.. ehrm... way too personal. Too approachable (I already mentioned the Costco Hugfest) for a rabid fandom. That goes both ways, btw, because many (on both sides of the Great Divide) honestly feel they own a bit of S. At the same time, he is also JAMMF to many people in here, who imagine he has almost superhuman qualities (most probably not the case). That is exhilarating and empowering, until it's not. One or three or twenty faux-pas later, people will feel the savage urge to spit on the idol. A simple matter of collective instinct, but a very tricky situation for S.
The third problem are the side players. I am not talking about AN or CB or TMcG or the Fitness Harem. I am talking about the Trolls, who really don't do him any favor. Nothing worse for his brand potential than lascivious comments - let's suppose you are a major distributor's marketing expert and you land on That Blog, where the owner shares publicly her dream of licking her way from (how was it?) LHR to GLA to the Highlands to the ends of the known Universe, for a chance of God knows what. What would you write in that memo to the CEO? 'Yes, please: immediately place ALL his booze upfront near the cashier, because the man is an idol to a bunch of fifty-something women who dream the impossible dream?' You think I am exaggerating? Try googling for SRH tumblr and see the first results (😱). These people are visible and that visibility directly informs the interaction between SS and its potential business partners. Especially when your Partner Everyday thought blasting a sizeable chunk of OL's Tumblr fandom in Vanity Fair was a clever strategy for The Win - things like this invite (unwanted) attention.
I pleaded for diversification of the marketing strategy and for a more sophisticated approach and I welcome the change, Anon. The only thing I would like you to take home from this very long answer is simple:
Social Media is just Social Media. The glitz, the glam, the superficial stardust, the Truman Show where it never rains.
Real Life is Real Life. We only see glimpses, speculate on it, have a more or less educated guess and if we are lucky enough, some tidbits to chew on.
Progressively, the very unprofessional (bantering) Social Media strategy has been replaced with an account strategy based on product promotion. Convenient, when you do not (for reasons X, Y and Z) want to discuss what you feel is private and likely to remain so, for a while.
That's about it, Anon. If you still have questions, you can always pop in here. I promise I won't charge a retainer, out of my good heart.
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Extricating Young Gussie - The Unused Images
Well, I don’t know how long I’ll continue this little post series, but we’ll see. Anyway, here’s the (much less significant than previously because there are only like two images, but still) part two!
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Not a bad introductory banner by any means, but hardly as flashy as Leete's full image of Bertie and Agatha.
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Now, here, I had a choice. There were two different images illustrating Ray chucking her head back and beginning to sing, and I thought to myself that two separate images of the same situation would be rather excessive. So this is the one that was axed, because, despite the great quality and skill involved, Bertie looks awfully happy for someone who's meant to be huddled up in his collars in agony trying to look inconspicuous. So into the Tumblr post of cut images it goes!
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Once again, two choices. They aren't technically on the same line, but they ARE on the same section, and they're so close together that they totally break the flow. Both pieces are good, and I'd have included them both - but this one breaks up a section of dialogue while the other doesn't, so this one got the boot.
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mandable-draws · 2 months
Tumblr compresses images so click for better quality
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ID under the cut
Four digital media tests done on the same page. On the top left is an illustration that mimics charcoal, it is of a male face with a skull clipping through the left side of it. The lower teeth of the skull are fused to the man's jaw and the upper teeth fill the left eye socket. The nose and eyes sockets of the skull blend into the forehead. It is not drawn in great detail, mostly just a study of shading. Below the charcoal test is a castle drawn to look like it was painted with watercolour. It has thin line work and purple-ish shadows. To the right of the castle is a knight's helmet drawn using a brush that mimics a calligraphy brush. It is drawn in black and doesn't have any additional shading, only the black brush strokes that make up the shadows. Above the knight is a dragon's head drawn to mimic fineline markers. The dragon looks somewhere between a traditional Asian dragon and a traditional European one. It is very sketchy and messily drawn.
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dreamstatesims · 2 years
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i've received a couple asks for a tutorial of how i create gifs. i know there are really great tutorials out there already. personally, i find photoshop too tedious, time-consuming, unstable, and with varying end results due to file size constraints for tumblr.
so, what's my secret for saving time and not jumping through hoops for clean gifs? i cheat. honestly, ezgif does most of the work for me.
for my step-by-step process, see below!
record your gameplay using geforce experience. another free option is obs studio. if you use reshade/gshade, then you'll need one of these programs to capture the game as you see it.
next, upload your video to ezgif and trim the it down to roughly 10 seconds (or less). this is the start time and end time you see just below the video preview. you can use the video controls to see where you want to start and stop in real-time.
then, change the image size to original (up to 800px) and frame rate to 10 (max 30 seconds). you can push the frame rate higher for shorter gifs, but i've found it's unnecessary and this frame rate keeps the file size down.
method should automatically load up as ffmpeg and doesn't need to be touched. directly below that, check the option to optimize for static background.
your settings should look like this once you've uploaded the video and made the adjustments listed above:
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now convert to gif! it may take a few seconds, but your gif will appear below this button. notice the file size, width, height, and frame total? we need to keep the file size under 10mb for tumblr. i generally try to keep it under 9.5mb because tumblr can be finnicky about it and sometimes rejects anything close to 10mb.
if you're already under 10mb (9.5) and like the current aspect ratio, then you can right-click and save your gif as-is. if you're still over the maximum file size or want to change the image ratio, let's continue!
optimization under your new gif, you'll see the crop feature. click through so we can change the aspect ratio. this is up to your preferences, honestly. you can select from the automatic ratios (a lot of folks like 1:1) and then center the box freely. personally, i prefer a 5:4 ratio that isn't listed on the site. since i know the ratio in pixels to fit tumblr's dashboard width, i type my custom dimensions into the fields. (width: 540, height: 430) but you can input whatever you like.
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convert your gif again for the cropped dimensions. this should hopefully have you around the 9.5mb file size.
if not, click the optimize link below your gif. from the drop down list under optimization method, select remove every 4th frame, then convert one last time for the smallest file size without losing quality.
if you're still over because you have a lot of shifting colors or you're using a gif longer than 10 seconds, then you can either keep dropping frames off or resize the gif to smaller dimensions.
when you're done, right-click and save your gif so you can then upload it to tumblr. never, ever direct-link from ezgif. these previews you see on their site self-destruct after a few minutes and i can't guarantee that tumblr will publish them. always save and upload.
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note: a lot of shifting colors in your original video may create unwanted pixelation. the image is having to move colors around in an attempt to stay smooth. even with that pixelation, i've found this method maintains an overall smoother texture than photoshop.
that's it! i hope this helps making gifs easier and faster for everyone since you don't really need any fancy or paid programs. if you have any questions or find errors in this tutorial, send me an ask!
happy simming!
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tengokusaikyo · 7 days
Mustafa D. Doctor
General Description: At first glance, Mustafa's personality to the average person in the vast world that he is in can be described in about a few words being, confident, determined, stubborn, kind and an idiot. He is a very act first, think later type of person and does whatever he thinks is right, to the dismay of the others around him. One of those things being his rule of never running from any fight, no matter what the consequences may be, including the possible loss of his own life. He doesn't care what others think of him, especially when it comes to how they feel about him claiming to eventually be the first 'Galactic Pirate King', and tries to have fun wherever and whenever he possibly can. He is very easy to talk to, having absurd amounts of charisma, despite being a complete moron at times, and is the type of person that everyone would want to be around. However after someone decides to get to know him, or is considered to be a friend, Mustafa's true qualities shine. Almost like a special ability, Mustafa is able to bring up those around him, likely relating to his charisma mentioned earlier, and the simple fact that him believing in himself, causes other's to believe in themselves through him. He allows people to become the best versions of themselves and gives them an unrivaled amount of hope, even if all odds are stacked against them. This type of energy is what allows the Galactic Pirates to essentially be the way they are and making them a formidable crew, almost seeming unstoppable to the public eye. Adding on to before, like many other shonen protagonists, Mustafa has a great and deep love for his friends, and is willing to do almost anything to help them in any way he can. This confidence and energy that he exudes is due to his upbringing and how he had been the complete opposite as a child, scared of everything and lacked the ability to have faith in himself. Through characters like Jamal, (his foster brother), Momo, (foster sister), and mainly Monkey D. Yuri, (foster sister), he learned to become the man he is seen as today and eventually achieve his dream of becoming the Galactic Pirate King.
Appearance: Unfortunately, I dislike using things like Pinterest or inspirations when it comes to characters in fictional anime-like verses due to the fact that I have my own imagining of them, and I feel is important for the character to look that way. HOWEVER, because I know this is Tumblr and having visualization for the character is important, I will try my best to find accurate pictures to use. I will also give my own descriptions to assist in the imagining process but just know that I do not acknowledge these as the way the characters ACTUALLY look, even if they may have similar features.
Age: Starts off story at 15, and ends off the first saga at 19.
Birthday: August 21st (Leo)
Height: Around 5'8-5'9
Saikyo Description: Black teenager with a lean muscular build and distinct light blue hair being his most prominent trait. Later on in the story he get's an X-shaped scar crossing from his eye onto his right cheek. His eyes are usually depicted as being the regular black anime eyes, but are also fine if imagined being silver. He also wears a necklace with a miniature drill on his neck at all times that looks like this.
Image of his general face and hair type as well as skin: FHS Image of hair color: Hair Color Image of Scar (imagine it was over his eye though): Scar Image of first outfit (imagine with drill necklace though): Fit
Abilities: Mustafa has various different abilities which only grow as the series continues. For the fact that I want to avoid spoilers, I will only mention the abilities he has at the start of the series and will add more later as more is revealed. His main power/ability that he uses is his devil fruit (kinda, more on that later) known as the Drill-Drill fruit, which allows the user to create drills around their body, like on their hands or feet, exactly like this. It's also possible to change the speed and sharpness of the drill to make it more effective, capping out at however much the user is capable of handling. If used on the feet and spinning fast enough, the user is able to levitate themselves and later on, be able to even fly if strong enough. The fruit with enough mastery is also able to cause the user to have drill like properties, creating almost like an armor around them which Mustafa named Drill Mode. The fruit is able to do various other things but for now that's all that will be mentioned.
Fun Facts
If not for wanting to become the Galactic Pirate King, Mustafa would have likely been something like a marine biologist due to his extreme love of fish and fish life
After being scared of things like possums, rats and other similar creatures, Mustafa has a great dislike of rodents of all kinds
Similar to Luffy, Mustafa loves food, in particular meat, but refuses to eat any sort of fish, which has almost costed him his life on multiple occasions
Mustafa, despite having enough charisma to be able to get any girl he would want, seemingly has no interest in getting with anyone (at the moment at least). He also has no idea what sex or any sexual act is whatsoever due to it being hidden from him. Although if asked what his type is, he would respond by saying: a powerful women who could beat his ass
Mustafa's favorite color is blue
Mustafa often imagines himself to be more villainous than he actually is, due to the fact of him wanting to seem like a menace evil pirate despite it not being true. Oftentimes he is lied to by his crew to seem scarier than he actually is.
Mustafa is not fully against killing despite the fact that he dislikes doing it and avoids it at any chance he gets. His fruit allows him to be extremely violent and possibly extremely dangerous, but he makes a conscious decision to always dull his drill to the point where it cannot even cut through anyone. However, if he is an extremely bad mood, which is not often or feels like it's deserving or the only way, Mustafa would kill.
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randomisedgaming · 3 months
More information on the new Tomb Raider Trilogy remaster
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With more information becoming available on Aspyr remaster of the classic Core Design first three games in the Tomb Raider series. Which as it includes the original has the best game in the franchise, as the series only dropped in quality after the first one. The less said about Crystal Dynamics treatment of the series, the better, but shoehorning Lara Croft into an unreleased horror game and releasing it as a Tomb Raider was a big mistake.
We started to see some interesting comparison between the old and new graphics. With the game being pitched as a budget title it's fair to say it's surprising to see all the new art being added. This is starting to show with the quality of the new graphics not matching the original that closely at all.
Let's have a quick rundown of issues we can see in the above picture, left classic right new:
1. The lighting adds a rather bright yellow bloom to start with to the whole scene, which takes out a lot of the original colour as the yellow dominates the picture and looks less natural as a result.
2. The wooden texture on the ceiling is missing the beam ends on the higher ones, the texture also adds an odd green stain to it, compared to the rotten look it had originally.
3. The wooden ceiling and table beams had different colours originally, lighter ceiling and darker table, now looks the same.
On the wall behind Lara you have at least five clear errors.
4. The top section which links to the ceiling has a clear snake line pattern linking the image all together, replaced by a generic design.
5. The second row from the top has a faded design on the blue and yellow blocks, this is missing and the pattern in between the block doesn't look much like the original.
6. Third row down design is again very different, you had a white and red almost flower design that is clear at either end of the pattern instead. Instead a new design has the white and red shape in the centre.
7. The fourth row down has a faded and worn white pattern in the blue row, this is missing in the new version.
8. The top of the stone brick wall looks like it is crumbling and worn down at the top near the blue pattern, this is all missing.
9. Much of the original design has a clear faded and worn look, to give the impression it looks old, the new graphic give it an almost brand new look by contrast.
Has any A.I. been involved here? Doesn't look great for the new graphics at all. This might all be work in progress, but with the game releasing in less than a month, it likely will have already passed cert testing and rating by now. Still on the plus side you can change between odd and new graphics at any point if you don't like the new graphics.
Will be picking it up on day one to see what it like, hopefully the port for all games is solid, but all the PC expansion content is very welcome, seeing as console owners never got to play those stages.
Follow Randomised Gaming on Tumblr, YouTube, Twitch & Twitter for video gaming & video content! Buy us a tea on Ko-fi.
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flavia8 · 2 months
Alright. In light of recent news!
Some ways to protect your art. This is aimed at visual art as that is my expertise.
1) Opt out of Tumblr's data collection for AI. This is in the blog settings. There are many different posts on this so I won't go into great detail. But remember - it has to be toggled ON in order to opt out.
2) Add a watermark to your art. Make it obvious and hard to remove. Frankly it's best if it's actually obnoxious. Watermarks do fuck with AI, it's very good to add them. And while there are methods to remove them, the more work it takes to do so the less likely they'll put in the effort. (I like to use rgbwatermark.net)
3) Glaze and Nightshade. If your computer can run them, download these apps. Use them. Glaze is defensive (preventing mimicry) and Nightshade is offensive (data poisoning). Very good to use with a watermark! It should go watermark - glaze - nightshade. (That way the watermark in the image will also have glaze and Nightshade applied to it which further messes with AI) If your computer doesn't have the capacity for these programs be sure to get on the wait-list for webglaze. Keep in mind they are totally SWAMPED and getting an invite will take time.
4) More ways to protect your art if glaze and Nightshade are not an option.
Add noise filters or textures using photo editing apps. Tinker around with the levels to find what you're comfortable with.
Upload low quality images. The lowest quality you can without making your work totally deep fried.
Crop it weird, make it a shape that's harder for the AI to parse.
Add a frame, once again it's best if it's obnoxious but even a solid black frame will do something as the AI will consider it a part of the art unless programmed not to. (But this is why it's best to use multiple tactics)
Where you can, if you can, add transparency. Add weird transparent lines, shapes wherever you can. A full transparent bg is okay as well! (AI needs something it can assign an rgb value to and for it to do transparency it would need a channel for it, along with RGB channels or cmyk, they'd need to add that channel and retrain)
AI is worse against finicky details. If you can and it fits for you, add those.
It basically boils down to making your art as hard for AI to parse as possible.
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kimmiessimmies · 1 year
Just a ramble about aesthetics and things
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Like most of us, I also saw that aesthetics question going round and since reading it and the responses to it, I've been thinking about it more than I should, which in turn got me thinking about other things Simblr and community related and I decided to share my two cents about it as well.
The question stated in the poll was "How important do you think 'aesthetic quality' is in the simblr community?" and the answers varied immensely. Doing a quick Tumblr/Simblr scroll, the answer would have to be 'very important', because most images showing up are very gorgeous: beautiful colours, great compositions, perfect lighting. However, when I check the tab that shows which posts I have liked, the pattern changes: it's the storytellers who get most of my Tumblr hearts. And then it doesn't matter whether it's part of an elaborate story that's been going on for years with several plot twists, or just a family having breakfast. I like both equally, because both tell a story. Sure, I like a nice Sim picture as much as the next person, but for me, it will always be about the story it tells much more than the aesthetics of it.
The same is true for my own posts: I just want to tell my stories, share my Sims, my town. Yes, I sometimes post picture posts of lots I've built. At first glance, you could say that's about aesthetics more than storytelling. But it's not. Because of the way I play, everything is connected: the story is Honeycomb Valley and everything from the lots to the Sims to the seemingly random things that happen to them are all part of it. Sure, I love creating beautiful lots, but that's mostly because I like realism in my game. I like to see my sims in places that look true to life. And because this is a self-created world, it can look like the best version of that life. 😉
In taking pictures, I try to get the best angle and before posting I run my pictures through Picmonkey to do a bit of basic editing, which is mostly just an auto adjust of brightness and shadows. Literally two clicks and I'm done. I hadn't even heard of Reshade and all those other -shades until a month or two ago. 😄
I read another reply saying how everyone who has a Simblr does so for the notes, because if you're not in it for the notes, why have a Simblr in the first place? This made me laugh. I get the point, but if I was in it for the notes, I might as well leave today. I averaged around 20 notes per post during my glory days and only around 9 since returning after my hiatus. I can think of many reasons why this is:
My posts can seem very incoherent: I can be posting about James Wyler one day and about Luke Bennett the next. These two have never even crossed paths and their stories have no apparent connection whatsoever. I can imagine how this makes my stories and my Sims hard to follow for most.
I don’t post my full stories on here. Reading them requires a visit to my WordPress blog. I understand how most people just want to do a quick scroll, read, like, and move on.
I am and will forever be TS3 player. And we're simply a smaller crowd in the Simblr universe currently.
I was gone for five years.
Now, I could change all of this (except for that last one) and possibly get more followers and more notes. But I don't want to. Yes, of course, I love getting a notification saying someone liked my post. I appreciate the support and the love and it makes me very happy to see there are people out there who like the stories I write, the lots I build and feel connected to my Sims to some degree. So in that sense, I get why someone would say we're all in it for the notes. But I don't care about the quantity. I love those 9 just as much as I love the 195 I once received on my much-reblogged post of The Greenery.
So, I'm not changing a thing. I'm keeping my WordPress blog as my main Sims home because that's where everything connects. Where it does make sense that I'm posting about James on day 1 and about Luke on day 2. Where the story is Honeycomb Valley. Where you can click from a story to a Sim profile and vice versa. And my Simblr will remain a place to just post bits and pieces (and rambles like this) and to stay connected to the ones who are interested in me, my stories and my Sims. I love my 9 notes and I love the 3 people who click on to visit my WordPress blog and read my full stories a little bit extra. 😉❤️
One last thing I would like to add to this already much too-long rant is how much I miss the old Sim community. The days of the forums and the tight-knit online group us Sims veterans were. Discovering and becoming a part of the Sim community back then has meant a lot to me. I miss that. I realise I sound like a grandmother now, reminiscing about the good old days, so maybe it's time to end this post. 😄
Anyway, that's my ramble of thoughts on aesthetics, Simblrs and community. Thanks for reading. 😊
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impostorsshow · 4 months
Hello Tumblr city I have nightly doodles
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This time it was just finishing up old doodles since I only gave myself 2 hours, and uh. I also had a Garfield x Tom sketch but I decided not to finish that one also if you want to hear about my DSAF au that goes with the image click the read more below
Close up of the image along with the ref I used i wouldnt recommend clicking on any of my images for higher quality since my coloring is very unpolished
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Anyway this au is pretty simple but I highly enjoy it so I'm going to rant about it past my bedtime - essentially, I looked at how the good ending is a pretty sad ending, and while it's great when the canon/best endings in games aren't the best outcome, I wanted to fix it /j. Specifically I wanted a good ending for Davenport, fuck the children fuck everything else let's take the morals of the Dave endings in the games and fucking run with them.
So i uh haven't replayed the game in a long while forgive me for mistaking a few details but it follows the ending where you salvage davetrap, and Jack doesn't go past the second layer of the flip side and never meets Dee, but instead of Henry possessing Jack or whatever the fuck happened there, Jack starts to work on a solution. I should mention this is a world where Jack never gets a new phone guy but listens to all of Henry's tapes - but Jack gathers the fact that daveyrap is unhappy because hes not a complete soul, and devises a plan. That plan is just to work with both Dave's, making sure davetrap doesn't cause his business to go under due to child murder but he can't completely stop him and working with flipside Dave to both figure out how to make a robot vessel that looks like Dave and could reasonably pass as looking like a human since it wouldn't need anything for programming or ai or movement that possession would be capable of, and to convince flipside Dave to try and be a complete soul again.
Because from what I've gathered, the whole soul thing means thag when the "child" or in Dave's case the part that doesn't want to deal with murder part of the soul goes away to the flip side, the soul is torn apart since there's still something with a mind in the animatronics, it's just left without the reason part of itself. If we incorporate remnant lore which I'm not going to go very far in it further exemplifies the point that Dave repossessing himself over and over tore his soul apart while normal dead kids just leave the remnant behind but whatever whatever Jack decides that if the two halves of the soul exist in one body again they can merge back together and become one soul capable of the full range of emotions, including happiness.
Also my jacks a bit fucked up in the head because this jack went to Vegas twice and killed the real Fredbear so he's on a slippery slope of almost becoming a Henry Miller pulling this shit and asking Dave to continue repossessing himself, but instead risking losing his soul entirely by asking him to possess something that doesn't have any connection to his dead body. And it works when the "it looks exactly like Dave but he can't go in the rain and doesn't smell like a rotting corpse anymore and also doesnt have nearly as many scars" robot vessel is built and the two try possessing the body. And then Dave helps Jack make a robot body for himself and is built in like 1/3rd of the time since Dave knows how animatronics work and not smelling is a pretty nice feature, except Jack doesn't actually *have* a soul so for all intents and purposes I have no clue how to fix that so the jack body is just sitting in the closet of jacks house useless but it's there.
And like then there's actual lore but I need to go to sleep since I have school tomorrow but Dave and Jack decide to keep running Freddy fazbenders considering Jack doesn't have a problem with murder, and the two soul halves in davetrap argue enough that the murder keeps to enough where Freddy fazbenders just seems like a hotspot rather than it actually needing to be a place in need of getting shut down for an investigation. That and Jack blackmailed the phone guy I forgot his name into helping them cover shit up in exchange for getting a hell of alot of freedom [for a phone guy it's a lot of freedom at least, Fredbears isn't a stranger to murder coverups even if it goes against his morals.] Also the nice part of Dave is only really staying with davetrap because he cares so much about jack because I do support Davesport but I try to keep it at a level of implication so it can be passed off as platonic if someone wants it to be
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mcflymemes · 8 months
how can I find a line between accessible and pretty for my blog?
great question ♡ i'll provide my opinion and my ideas, but i hope many people with far more experience than i do will also leave comments down below to further assist you!
pretty doesn't have to mean complicated. pretty might mean your blog has an appealing color scheme, a cohesive aesthetic, crisp icons... an overall pleasant blog to look at. it doesn't NEED super extensive graphics or icons though — a blog can be beautiful without knowing a lot about photoshop.
accessible means legible text, enough contrast between colors so text isn't blending in with the background, no messletters (that 𝔀𝓮𝓲𝓻𝓭, 𝖋𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖞, 𝗂𝒎𝖕ᴏ𝗌𝖘𝚒𝕓𝐈𝑒 TO ᖇᕮᗩᗪ ᴛᴇxᴛ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ яєρƖιєѕ tᖾᥲt ⳽ᥴɾᥱᥱᥒɾᥱᥲᑯᥱɾ⳽ ᴄᴀɴ·ᴛ 🆁🅴🅰🅳 ), no complicated random changes in color with no actual purpose in mind. it might be fun to add this sort of text to like... a header, or the heading of a rules page, or add this SPARINGLY to a reply... but when they take up a majority of replies and make things incomprehensible, that's when you know the stylization of your text has taken precedence over the actual quality of your writing.
i made a lil example blog for you to show how nice a blog can look without any complicated graphics.
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here's a test blog i just made for a character from transformers. no header image. just a nice icon with a psd over it (and you can find so many free psds on tumblr and deviantart, so long as you provide credit on your blog) and a simple description with ONE legible piece of fancy text. i made sure the blog colors are a sharp contrast - #fe9a69 is my lil orange-y color i took from the icon i made, and then #242424 is my background (i also took this color from my icon). i made my text white, so there's a significant amount of contrast that makes things easy to see.
in MY opinion and in MY experience in the rpc, simple and clean blogs look the prettiest. and simple and clean can mean ACCESSIBLE, too.
ask your friends. "can you read this?" "does this look all right?" "how can i make this easier for you to read?" let other people provide insight, as well, and make adjustments as you see fit.
pretty CAN mean accessible. you can make things super simple and clean and ensure everyone around you can read your blog and replies, understand your aesthetic / theme, and love your blog as much as you do!
i think the most important thing to keep in mind is that you should always listen to those who need help with accessibility. if they tell you the text is too tiny, the colors you chose make it hard for them to see the text... you should listen and make whatever adjustments you can. of course at the end of the day, it's your blog, you can do what you want... but our community should strive to make sure everyone feels welcome and comfortable in this space.
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destinygoldenstar · 9 months
Ninjago: Crystalized Redemption (Calling All Artists)
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You guys asked for it.
Yes, I have officially started the work of a full on season rewrite of the final season of Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitsu.
I say 'final' because Dragons Rising is a sequel show. Kind of like the Star Wars sequel trilogy. That doesn't count.
I think we can all agree that an 11 year story we've all grown up with deserves a better conclusion that ties everything together into a grand finale that's entertaining, action packed, heartfelt, and maybe a tear jerker?? (We'll have to see)
I swear there's more cartoons that's endings crash and burn than ones that actually work. (Star Vs, Steven Universe, blah blah other stuff) What is up with that?
In actuality, and this may come as a shock, I don't hate this season as much as everyone else seems to, though I do agree with pretty much all the complaints. I think Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitsu is a worse season personally. But Crystalized has a lot more requirements to fulfill than that, and is even more disappointing as a result.
And I do have experience with rewrites, as I also rewrote Total Drama Action, which you guys seemed to really like that. So thanks for the confidence.
However, this has far higher stakes than that... my luck.
Anyway, I am currently working on the outline of the rewrite as we speak. It is still going to be 30 episodes, 11 minutes each. However, some episodes will not have the same titles as canon, because from my structure so far, it's not the same as the show.
The rewrite will be posted here, and we will be going episodic once we feel the rewrite is good and ready, so stay tuned.
And here's the purpose of this post:
You know in my TDA rewrite posts where I had some of those bad quality images showcasing a scene?
I'm going to allow fan artists to get a moment to shine and shed some love to the show with this.
And also help with criticisms towards my outlines and drafts of the rewrite, to make this work. Or if you have any crazy ideas for the story you want to suggest.
On a discord, I have a server for artists and potential writing editors.
This is where I'll be posting my outlines for episodes when I get them done, and on that server, artists can draw out the scenes. (Any scene, from the show or a completely new scene I add)
If I think the artwork is good, I'll add it to the post of the episode where viewers can get a great visual of the rewrite, and you will get a shoutout for your Tumblr blog.
This is also a place for said artists to suggest ideas for the narrative or scenes, so I can get a perspective on what people want to see. Criticize my outline or drafts so I can fix that before I officially post the episode, or otherwise.
Any art style will be allowed. You can replicate the show's style, or do your own, I will allow that. I do have some rules with that and it will be said on the discord too: Age appropriate. This is still a kids media. (Very high chance your work won't be on the post if you break that rule) In terms of non-lego artstyles, in the discord we will agree on a certain look for certain characters so that the story is consistent. We're not gonna have one image with massive bulky Cole and another where he's the same side as the others, that's what I'm getting at. We'll decide collectively what works, and I'll have some people make specific character designs as a board for other artists to use.
Also, this is unpaid. This gonna be for fan artists who love the show and want to help me give Ninjago the ending it deserved. And if they just want to get recognized and credited for their work.
What's on the discord stays on the discord and should not be posted on any other platform, unless you go to me first and get permission. We'll see what happens ninja artists.
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prumanoenjoyer · 11 days
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Doing this thing because I got blorbos on my mind
A - Current OTPs/OT3s etc.
It may not come as a surprise but I am absolutely rotting on PruMano at all times and have been doing so for basically a year now. It's beginning to melt into my personality and nothing can be done about it. Whenever I'm released from the iron grip of PruMano rotting I enjoy GerIta and FrUk like the normie that I am. The BTT are definitely getting together for threesomes when they're all single and I like them as well.
B - Pairing I initially didn't consider
This might shock you after reading the first bit but. PruMano. See I'm not new to this circus, I first watched Hetalia in 2015 but focused mostly on the Nordic 5 with SuFin and DenNor. This was before PruAus 9/11 (Hima suddenly announcing they're cousins) so I think I was on the PruAus rot.
Other than that I got a friend who I dragged into this hellhole (you know who you are) who has infected me with Frain and TurFra. I have some Thoughts about TurPru but uhh. let's leave that for now.
C - Ships I never liked and never will like
All the ones where there is an unbalanced power dynamic (age gaps, having interacted when one was a child and the other way older etc, former colonies and oppressive states, having a relationship that implies being related etc). I am a seasoned hater of these and I do my best to block anyone who as much as reblogs it. I do not care if it's "just fiction" you guys are weird and not in a good way xoxo
D - Ships I just can't get myself to like
Due to the aforementioned PruMano rot I just don't feel seriously interested in any other pairings I fear. Nothing against PruCan or LietPru for example, I am just so rotted on PruMano that it doesn't make me feel anything lol
E - My crack contributions
I may just be the only person who has even considered TurPru and I have done it in the most unbearable fujoshi way possible </3
Other than that I'm helping out with spreading unrequited GerFra, Frain and TurFra which I do also enjoy on the side.
F - Longest I've been in a fandom
I wanna say this one?? Not actively so, I jumped ship to other things such as Love Live and JJBA in early 2019ish (Love Live even earlier in 2017), but even during my longer breaks from Hetalia I've always ended up rewatching it at some point or posting about it.
G - First OTP
For Hetalia it's definitely been GerIta from day one. Do I even need to say anything? To me they're canon.
H - Favorite way of consuming fandom stuff
It's mostly anime series and TV shows I'd say, I do sometimes read but am a bit too busy to properly sit down and do so.
I - Has Tumblr made me dislike fandoms
I think it would take less time to list the fandoms Tumblr HASN'T made me dislike tbh. I try to keep a tight knit circle for my own sanity and rarely interact with the fandom part of stuff apart from my own and my friend's contributions. Highly recommended btw.
J - Fandoms I didn't notice until Tumblr
To be honest I'm not really browsing Tumblr at all. I like to upload here because the image quality is way better than on Instagram. I suppose I highly associate some fandoms with this site (Undertale for example)?
K - Say something nice about someone
You should all go like and subscribe to fruktual on Instagram for more FrUk and Frainposting
L - Say something nice about a mid character
Lithuania I'm sure you are way more interesting than I give you credit for and I care about you the most out of the Baltic Trio (which I honestly forget exists at times)
M - Something nice about a ship I don't like
I'd honestly rather pull a tooth out than say a single word of praise for things such as UsUk or Spamano 🤢🤢🤢🤢 And that's on periodt!
N - Things I wish to see more of in the fandom
More PruMano please please please please please pl
O - Song that reminds me of a ship
Til There Was You by The Beatles makes me think of GerIta, as well as Kingdom Come by Red Velvet
As for PruMano it would be Tales Of Great Ulysses by Cream because I had that on repeat writing my Ancient Rome PruMano AU lol
P - New AU
I'm working on/will be working on a Frankenstein PruMano AU where Gilbert is a much more empathic Victor Frankenstein and Lovino is too traumatized from dying and being resurrected to be out killing people. Look forward to that...
Q - Ship I've abandoned and why
PruAus because Hima came in with a warhammer and bludgeoned it to the cousinzone R.I.P </3
R - Pairing I think no one else ships
Again with TurPru, I seriously wonder whether it's been considered at all. Most likely not.
S - Personal headcanon
Okay more or less true I guess if you bother to read the source material but Gilbert is just a silly loser guy. Like, he's a total himbo. I love him and need to gnaw on him.
T - Headcanons I'll die defending
That Gilbert and Lovino who share a passion for chivalry and knights would definitely go visit museums and LARPing events such as medieval weeks and whatnot. Just warms my cold little heart <3
U - 5 faves from 5 different fandoms
Oh boy. Forgive me for what I'm about to share.
(Hetalia) Gilbert Beilschmidt
(JJBA) Dio Brando
(Madoka) Kyouko Sakura
(Love Live) Yoshiko Tsushima
(Gakkou Gurashi or School Live) Kurumi Ebisuzawa
V - 3 OTPs from different fandoms
(Hetalia) PruMano (shocker, I know)
(Madoka) HomuMado
(Love Live) YohaRiko
W - 5 ships ft 5 kinks for said ship
So obviously gonna skip over the ones featuring minors.
PruMano - Verbal degradation, sadism, masochism, somewhat fear aspect, leaving marks
I do also just think they love each other and have normal sex and that's fine too, but I did write a fanfic where the abovementioned happens
X - My top 5 babygirls
1. Gilbert, I bully him a lot but don't you ever seriously say something mean about him because I will be so sad </3
2. Lovino, he's a flawed man and some of you are MEAN to him for having it rough
3. Rome, some people who haven't read source material claim there's some favoritism going on, he does visit Lovino as well okay? The allegations are canonically false!
4. Ludwig, I think most of us agree he's a good person but for the rare few who claim he's "verbally abusive". Go outside and touch grass no he isn't. GerIta has always been them antagonizing one another, the battlefield is even or perhaps even in Feliciano's favor. Ludwig will never be able to escape the nightmare and I don't think Feli wants him to. They're bound together forever and love it.
5. Roderich, gets slack for various Chibitalia related things, does not deserve it at all, it's all whining and he and Feli are on good terms in modern times. Relax.
Y - Fandoms in-law
My current close friends are into Baldurs Gate 3, Watch Dogs, Dishonored, Evillous Chronicles (Vocaloid), Utena and more. But these are the primary blorbo shows in-law.
Z - Rambling time
Okay if you've gotten this far down I admire your attention span lol thanks. I don't really have all that much to say that is concrete and comprehensible but I am thinking of PruMano and of warm days by the Mediterranean Sea and skies later lit in vivid shades of red and orange as the hot sun sets and the cities come to life. I am also thinking about them cuddling, which I do quite a lot.
Anyway that was all for me bye
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dragonomatopoeia · 9 months
Do you have any recommendations for zines?
I ended up writing a pretty long front-matter to this ask, so I've put it all under a Read More. If you only want the resources, feel free to skip to the end
So: I am always going to be a little too pedantic and autistic for a comprehensive, unambiguous rec list. Someone asked me what my favorite book was once, and it felt like my brain stalled and rebooted five times.
Don't get me wrong! I love putting specialized recommendations together, like puzzle-box mystery novels, or horror genre video games with thematic emphasis on grief, or documentaries on sewage treatment
But I am very, very bad at recommending general purpose Media full stop. alas I am a fussy and particular creature who hisses at five star rating systems on review websites because I think using the same Quality Metric regardless of genre and medium and purpose is Silly
Making recs gets even more difficult with things like zines, where they are small press by nature. A lot of my favorite zines are DIY projects with Very Small Distributions. One of my prized possessions is a small, hand-drawn zine of one hundred cats the artist drew with their eyes closed, which they gave to me for free because they liked my shirt. But that's a zine that means something to me because of circumstance and taste and my own ability to pick it up in person
Your mileage tends to vary with this stuff. If I found a Repo The Genetic Opera zine that ranks every organ in the human body, I have friends that would love that WAY more than I would, and I'd probably send it their way. If I found a zine about Gundam and gender and disability and idealized bodies that have been shaped into weapons, then I have dozens of friends I would need to send copies of it to, but that wouldn't make it any less niche. Zines are for VERY specific audiences. That's one of the best things about them!
That Being Said! There ARE popular, more-accessible, or more well-known zines and artists with broader appeal, and I mean that in an enthusiastic, complimentary manner.
I've even seen zines being advertised on my tumblr dashboard. Zines like:
Oh No! A kidpix zine by Louie Zong (Pay what you want- all proceeds donated to LA Foodbank)
Golem Zine is a publication by and for Jewish creatives living in areas where Jewish life is challenged. Their Out West issue sold out before I could grab a copy ($10 per issue, physical)
FYMA: A Lesser Key to the Appropriation of Jewish Magic & Mysticism goes hand in hand with the previous zine, I think (Pay what you want)
But you're more likely to get something that caters to your specific interests and artistic sensibilities by getting in touch with your community members, asking friends who have similar tastes, or checking out some of these resources:
Your Local Library (I'm being serious here-- your library likely has connections to local artists, galleries, resources, and e-resources that can set you on the path to zines you'll enjoy)
Any local art walk or small press events near you (your library can help you find these)
Itch.io's Zine Tag (Adding more tags will help you filter these)
Papercut Zine Library's Virtual Library
Internet Archive's Zine Collections
The DC Punk Archive Zine Library (Specific to punk and DIY interests, as you might imagine)
The Library of Congress Online Zine Web Archive Collection
QZAP (The Queer Zine Art Project)
POCZP (People of Color Zine Project-- and they're on tumblr!)
Hevelin Fanzine Collection (Literally a bunch of sci-fi, horror, and fantasy fanzines that were all collected by one guy which are now being digitized)
From Staple to Spine: A Compendium of Zine-Related Books (This doesn't have zines itself, but the books included can be a great starting point for where you should be looking and what will be of interest to you)
I also recommend making your own zine! It's fun to make things and put words and images on paper.
And if you downloaded the bundle for Racial Justice and Equality off itch.io, you already own the Electric Zine Maker (Warning for brightly colored, glitched, and moving visual elements that may cause eyestrain. I would also be wary if you're prone to migraines)
I know this has been a Lot and I got a bit carried away, but I hope that this helps you in your quest for finding cool, obscure art made by people who care deeply about niche topics. Personally, that's my favorite kind of art
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