#trigger happy in the extreme
lets-try-some-writing · 10 months
Hi! Real quick before I give you my ask, I just wanted to tell you that you work is amazing and I absolutely adore it. I'm in a pretty dark place rn but anytime you update pits a smile on my face so thank you for giving me some kind of joy ❤️
So I wanted to see if you could do anything with Ironhide? I love that mech so much and I think it would be super cool to see what you could with him. Like, if he arrived on Earth and Miko was the one who found him because that girl can't stop sneaking through the ground bridge lol and introduced him to our weird floating ball of mud? I feel like they would get along like a house on fire
Or you could whatever! It's your creative brain, let it go wild. But if you can't think of anything or have too much going on, go ahead and delete this weird ask :)
Stay safe and stay hydrated! 😁
I am so happy to have helped you out my friend. I am late as hell when it comes to answering this, but I wanted to take time to contemplate the prompt. Thank you for your patience.
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Ironhide was supposed to be working with Prowl, that's where Prime put him. However he was not one to leave his Prime alone. Optimus was well known for going and almost getting himself blown up at every turn, so Ironhide was not much inclined to leave his Prime alone on a foreign world with a bunch of trigger happy mecha, an old medic, and a youngling.
It was against orders, but sometimes a mech just needs to break orders to get things done. So it didn't bother Ironhide all that much when he snatched as much energon, weaponry, and ammo as possible and took off in a small ship to try and track Optimus and his team down. But of course he wasn't able to get off without a hitch, he had Prowl on his aft for roughly a groon and had to avoid the mech's attempts to recall him for a while. Then there were the random meteoroid showers that had him having to stop for a time as well as the odd Autobot bases he stopped at the check in and help fight off whatever threat there was in the area. He had a goal, but it was hard to not get sidetracked every two Kliks.
However eventually he got a reading regarding Optimus's last known location. He hadn't exactly told the whole army where he was heading for fear of Megatron doing something abhorrent or blowing them all up. Despite that it was not the most difficult thing in the world to use Prowl's codes to get into the database and find where Optimus was off to when he ditched the army to tail Megatron. Admittedly Ironhide found himself raising a brow at the planet of Earth when he looked into it. The place was a mudball covered in organic life while somehow managing to have energon in strangely large quantities. Personally he found it to be a less than ideal place for any Cybertronian to settle, much less Megatron, but he shrugged, set the coordinates, and shot off toward where Optimus was last recorded being.
It was quite a boring trip, but when he arrived to Earth he was beyond giddy when he noted the Decepticon presence on the planet. Sure he was largely out of ammo after his numerous pitstops and hardly had enough energon to last him another deca-cycle, but what was life without a little risk? He grinned and flew down planet side the moment he got a ping from the resident Autobots requesting his serial number. By the time he was close enough to give it and open a video channel, he had no problems keeping up a slag eating grin in response to Ratchet's blanching at his presence.
"Aye Doc. How've ya been?"
Ironhide was met with a groan of agitation that had him cackling even as Optimus and the rest of the team came on call and began directing him toward their base of operations. Landing his ship and striding out like he owned the place earned him an excited set of binary greetings from Bumblebee, groans from Ratchet, a series of largely uncertain expressions from Arcee and Bulkhead, and mixed disappointment and relief from Optimus. He was welcomed with open arms and brought into the base to be brought up to speed. He only ended up listening to about half of it before he regretted life itself upon it being made clear that being incognito was required. He was a warrior, having to hide was not exactly his strong suit.
"Prime, you can't really mean I've gotta hide like I ain't a weapons specialist?"
"This is what is required Ironhide. If the humans know of our presence, we will be exposed and they will be roped into our war"
"They're called humans? Huh, squishy lookin things they are"
Ironhide took up an alt-mode without too much of a fuss and blended into the team well as he took up the place Cliffjumper left behind. He was gruff but amusing in his own way and brought a degree of levity to the situation with his trigger happy nature. Ratchet despised him as he did everyone who turned up at his station too often. Arcee was largely annoyed with him for failing to follow proper protocol when on the battlefield. Bulkhead found Ironhide a welcome relief even if he had to try and reign him in more often than not and remind him they were on EARTH, not Cybertron. Bumblebee was just happy to have backup in the form of someone familiar and Optimus was largely in the same boat.
Ironhide fought well and without issue, granting the team greater success through grit alone. The Decepticons knew greater fear having one of the most aggressive Autobots turn up on the battlefield despite the mech in question supposedly being stationed elsewhere. Vehicons all know that the moment Ironhide turns up, its best to flee unless one is eager to have a frame full of machine gun bullets. Ironhide has and will continue to have no qualms eliminating threats, even if they are just Vehicons. Starscream had war flashbacks the first time he took to the air and got an audial full of swearing fit for a flotilla commander from the weapon's specialist. Soundwave began implementing new safety measures the moment he found solid recordings showing Ironhide smiling like a madmech while shooting down Decepticon soldiers. And when Megatron finally returned from his trip snorting dark energon, he too took one look at Ironhide and equipped as many of his units with shields as possible. It wouldn't save them from the heavy weapons Ironhide was known for handling, but it might get them an extra Klik or two on the battlefield.
With Ironhide's help, things were improving for the team despite the constant need to remind him to lay low and stop blowing up every servant class Vehicon he came across. Then the human children got involved.
"What are these things doing in base? This is war, not a sparkling center!"
"I was spotted"
"No slag two wheeler!"
Jack and Ironhide disliked each other on principle. Jack was not fond of combat and it was all that seemed to drive Ironhide to the human boy since he was not aware of many of the finer details of the war. Rafael did not have an issue with Ironhide, but he preferred the slightly tamer bots around base. Ironhide was simply a bit too much for him and it certainly didn't help that the weapons specialist made no effort at all to speak English unless absolutely required. But Miko? She adored Ironhide, and while he refused to admit it, Ironhide came to care for her too.
He refused to speak any English unless there was no other choice when it came to every other human. He would even make a point of only speaking Cybertronian when Agent Fowler came by demanding things of them. Ironhide found it hilarious to watch the human Agent fume at being unable to understand what was being said. But with Miko? Ironhide would gladly butcher the English language to speak with her. Miko in turn had a grand time watching him work on his weapons, asking questions about them, and requesting war stories. Ironhide, ever underappreciated, was thrilled at the attention and took great care with his favorite human.
Was it against the rules? Yes. Did Ironhide get reprimanded on a daily basis? Also yes. But Ironhide knew Optimus when the Prime was but a clerk newly given the responsibilities of running a planet and no Matrix to his name. He had blackmail material and didn't fear his Commander, even if he did respect him. Thus he had no qualms against giving Miko weapons and teaching her to shoot. There were many attempts to stop him, but with a weapons specialist capable of making just about anything into a deadly tool, there was no way he could be kept in line. Besides, Miko wanted to get involved. She was willing to fight for the cause, so why not arm her? Surely it was safer manning a machine gun strapped to Ironhide's shoulder rather than hide behind some rock and possibly get snatched?
When Wheeljack arrived, he agreed with Ironhide's assessment. Thus with their respective trigger happy nature combined, Ratchet lamented life, Optimus gave up trying for the most part, and Miko found herself a gunner for one of her favorite fighters.
Ironhide may or may not have also continually entertained himself by scaring the local humans by driving with no holoform, but that was just for him to chuckle at when humans posted about the 'Ghost driver'. Optimus was too tired to care, Ratchet couldn't stop him if he wanted to, and the rest of the team didn't have the ball bearings to. Ironhide was allowed to do as he pleased for the most part. It was only when his shenanigans put the team at real risk that Optimus had him sent to his quarters and actually punished for his activities.
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kiyocuck · 6 months
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i hate this screenshot so much, its such an old stupid joke about taka its so overdone and unfunny and i will look at you deadpan if you make it around me, but the username is absolutely insane. Im obsessed with it. ive made several links to websites ive made called "ishimarusextips". my rentry, my carrds. ive made my username in random websites that. my keyboard has memorized it to the point everytime i type "ishimaru" it immediately recommends the full thing. I love you ishimarusextips. im your biggest fan ever. your humor is basic and i dont like it but you have the best url ever made on tumblr dot com. ive stolen it on every other website. im jealous of you. i dont even know if your account is still alive, and i refuse to look it up. just know im utterly inlove with your username and what you stand for.
Kiyotaka would, however, give the worst sex tips ever. Because, as queen Miu once said:
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cupidskissx · 7 months
I’ve seen a lot of commentary / comparisons to Lestappen and Larry over the past few months and as someone who never shipped them but saw first-hand how detrimental it was to Harry and Louis’ relationship it makes me feel genuinely sick. To the point I have had very serious thoughts about leaving the fandom to avoid the association.
Tumblr has always been such a safe space to obsess over your ship and find friends who share your same delusions. The beauty is, and always has been, the freedom to go feral over them — to exaggerate and fantasise in the shadows — all in the name of fun because we know deep down we don’t actually believe any of it.
The recent mainstream attention is becoming increasingly more concerning because things can get out of hand extremely quickly. When some fans move out of safe spaces, or start their shipping journey on sites like X or Instagram, their views on boundaries can easily warp. They are able to freely tag the people they are talking about, or worse, try to find more drastic ways to get their attention.
I’m not saying the entire fandom on those sites is toxic but it’s a lot easier for lines to be crossed in spaces the real people occupy as well.
It’s getting to the point where I’m not sure if we can go back, or if it’s too late and I’m going to have to watch a fandom I love be torn apart all over again…
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templegate · 2 months
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Some one off doodles i wanted to share.
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t4transsexual · 2 months
Out of curiosity- what's the weirdest thing another trans person has told you regarding transhetness?
probably the most offensive one has to be that time someone said i would never have to worry that people wont accept my sexuality. because in my life that has not been the case lmao. like i am still TRANS so generally someone who doesnt accept homosexuality isnt gonna be thrilled with trans ppl either, like those kinds of people who are homophobic but not transphobic really only exist in terfs brains lol
and the least personally offensive one would have to be that one person who said "you cant be straight as a trans person, this push for sameness is really hurting our community" like damn rly didnt think i was gonna get called an assimmilist for like, being a heterosexual lmao my bad
also im not straight passing irl either, but i am cis passing, so whenever i bring up that im dating a girl i get to visibly watch the gears turn in peoples heads as they try to figure out how this little gay boy fucks women which is always fun
i think generally a lot of weirdness i get probably comes from the fact that for one, a lot of people view queerness and gayness as the same, and queerness and heterosexuality as opposites, and especially people in my specific generation (older gen z) and especially the cis people/recently cracked eggs rly have put emphasis on "gayness" and "being gay" and take on "being gay" as the same meaning as being queer, so when they meet someone who is queer but is explicitly NOT gay (and this is more than transhet people, this can be anyone who is queer but doesnt identify as gay, including same gender attracted people of all sorts of sexualities/genders), they really dont know what to do with us, and for two im southern and live in the south and people here are not usually very imformed about different flavors of queerness and for some people im lucky if i get them to understand that im trans at all, let alone telling them im a heterosexual, because im not exaggerating when i tell you that pretty much everyone expects me to be gay no matter the fact that i have a girlfriend and havent dated a man since 2021 lol
and heres a photo of me close up if that helps you understand why everyone thinks im gay (i really dont get it myself but)
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chickensoup1025 · 2 months
Sayaka's band manager told them the other day that she heard gossip about an Ultimate Idol being scouted soon for Hope's Peak.
The five girls of the idol band, Pink Cherry Pop, of course saw this as a beautiful opportunity but also one that might tear them apart.
The days leading up to the sudden acceptance letter were full of girl time. They all promised that whoever gets in, the rest will be completely in support of her and won't let jealousy tear apart their tight friendship.
(The girls: Maizono Sayaka, Aoba Satomi, Aichi Haruki, Hanaoka Yoshie, Haneyama Yuuka)
The girls were happily lounging and chatting in the break room of their rehearsal studio when their manager, Arisa came in. She held up an envelope with the iconic Hope's Peak emblem. They all gasped and sat up.
Haruki stood up from the couch, "Okay girls. It's time. Let's all," she sat crisscross on the floor and held out her hands.
The others joined her to make a circle on the carpet, holding each other's hands tight.
"Can you read it a-aloud for us?" Satomi stuttered from the nerves.
Arisa took out the letter and started to read it.
"...Dear Maizono Sayaka,-"
All the girls screeched and jumped on Sayaka in a huge hug.
"Oh my god!"
"I'm so happy for you!"
"This is going to be amazing!"
"I love you, girl."
Sayaka was staring off into nothing and tears started to roll down her cheeks. It took her a moment to blink back to the present and she started to laugh in disbelief. "I-I..."
"You're going to Hope's Peak!"
"...I'm going to Hope's Peak."
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kurashikimisaki · 1 year
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"You can't take your eyes off of your dream, not even for a second. Even if sometimes it's a bad dream."
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junkosblunt · 1 year
junko enoshima ramble: the fashion industry
i feel like we don’t talk enough about how growing up in the modeling industry, an industry rife with sexual predators, substance abuse, eating disorders, exploitation, and agencies eating girls alive for the sake of a dollar probably impacted junko’s views on humanity. she most likely spent her formative years in a glamorized industry watching (and probably falling prey to) shit like predatory photographers trying to get young girls to undress more than they’re comfortable with during shoots, older men feeding impressionable young girls with drugs and sexual abuse to keep them skinny and take advantage of them, agencies overworking their models with no regard for their mental or physical well-being, etc. and to top it all off, after years of being forced to experience first hand the atrocities humanity is capable of, even once top models are eventually discarded and thrown to the curb like garbage in favor of someone younger.
people are disposable in the modeling industry. it’s an environment that supports the idea that humanity, while partially ruled by the tides of emotion that come with day to day life, is cruel and selfish at its core, and that with the right motivations, rewards, and threats of punishment, people will eventually turn to darkness, to despair, of their own free will for their own personal benefit. it’s only a matter of time and environment before each and every person falls from grace and plunges into the depths of despair. suffering is inevitable and everywhere, and there’s no escaping pain—only making friends with it, only giving in and letting yourself love it as dearly as you loathe it.
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longeyelashedtragedy · 5 months
i feel really sad. just squashed under the heavy weight of sadness
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dandyshucks · 4 days
me waking up at 6am this morning and immediately having the thought "maybe Guz still gets angry a lot because strong emotions are difficult if not impossible to control esp if its rooted in abuse trauma BUT he learns how to apologize, and thus - especially in the beginning - he would lash out as an automatic response but quickly realize what he's doing and apologize for it and we'd move on and be okay" like it had been beamed into my brain from some divine source.
also junebug (waves. thats literally just me.) would have to do their own hard work to learn to not automatically fawn when someone starts seeming the littlest bit potentially displeased or unhappy (because that is unhealthy for all parties involved). they'd BOTH be putting in the work to make it work !!!!!! 🎉
#i keep looking at my extremely strong fawn response and idk what to do about it#but in pkmn world if i got away from parents then I'd probably have some kind of chance at unlearning it fjfkdl#u cannot get better in the place u got sick or whatever the saying is#anyways uhhhmm i think so much about them and the ways in which they make things work even with all the trauma on both sides#by they i mean both Guz and Junebug fjdmfkl#it may not look healthy to outsiders with no knowledge of trauma but it IS genuinely healthy. it is steps to make things work!#so yeah he might yell for a minute but then he immediately apologizes and steps back and they talk it out together#anger especially is a difficult emotion to handle and if you've been physically abused i think yelling is like... pretty mild tbh DBDJLDL#i feel like sometimes a person will never be able to reach NormalTM. sometimes u do the best with what u ARE able to do#and i would be very happy to make space for his automatic anger reactions as long as he recognized it and apologized for it#and im sure it'd lessen over time as we both work through our shit bc brains do slowly rewire themselves over time and practice#and he would also be happy to make space for my (likely tiring and irritating) automatic fawn response as long as i made sure to catch it#and backtrack it and apologize and then work through whatever was coming up that triggered that response#we both are somewhat burdensome but thats okay bc we are happy to carry that burden for each other as long as we're both trying !#UMMM ANYWAYS LOL. i could ramble about trauma work and recovery and making relationships work ALLLL day sdfjkl#💜a boy and his bug🪲#💜so good at being in trouble#junebug🪲
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fierysword · 2 months
I found a group called Obsessive Compulsive Anonymous and the steps include making a moral inventory of yourself, admitting wrongdoings, making a list of everyone we've harmed, and continuing to take personal inventory 😭😭😭 yeah I pretty much already did that (except it was more like constant mental cycling instead of making a list) and it sent me spiraling into severe depression
and "continuing to take personal inventory" for my OCD has been to walk on eggshells and question even minor and harmless things
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distort-opia · 1 year
Would Ghostmaker approve of an evil-Bat like in my last ask?
Mm. I don't think an "evil" Batman would change that much between them, to be honest. Perhaps they'd feel like they have even more in common and bond more as a consequence, but Minhkhoa's problem with Bruce's way of doing things would remain the same, no matter if Batman killed people or not.
Even if Bruce became a "bad" version of Batman from the start (maybe like the Batman his father became in Flashpoint) and killing criminals was part of his Vow, he'd still be doing it because of the loss of his parents. He'd be killing criminals to both punish them and to prevent more lives from being taken; it'd still be something deeply personal and emotional, which is what Ghostmaker essentially disapproves of:
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Batman (2016) #105
This scene would probably go the same way even if Bruce's methods included killing, because Bruce still wouldn't be treating vigilantism and crime-fighting like an impersonal form of art. The conflict between him and Minhkhoa wouldn't change too much, in my opinion.
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niishi · 5 months
It's like every few years I am just sitting here waiting for something traumatic to happen again. My life has just been a loop of traumatic events, one after the other. I don't even acknowledge them anymore. I just go into panic mode and dissociate as hard as possible and pretend nothing is real.
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HI MAC. FINISHED SEASON ONE OF HANNIBAL. THOUGHTS: AHGHSGHFAHSGDKDFHKJGHKJGD OHGHGGG WILL GRAHAM THERE IS SOMETHING SO WRONG WITH YOU. i am holding him by the scruff of the neck and looking directly into his sad autistic eyes. i love this little guy. he needs severe medical and psychological help. i love him more than anything. dr lecter is so fucking interesting i need to grab him by the neck and strangle him he is such an awful person but such a cool character agh ough agh. he says he's will's friend but then he manipulates him and does all these horrible things and i just!! wanna know why!!!!! if he is your friend why are you hurting him!!!!! or is he actually your friend at all?? do you see him more as something to play with???? someone who thinks in such an interesting way that you wanted to know what lengths you could push him to???? I DON'T KNOW!!!! I WANT TO KNOW SO BADLY!!!!! pls tell me will doesn't die i am so attached to him i am putting him in my pocket and feeding him jellybeans <3 i am going to watch season 2 once my cold is gone because when i feel bad physically i feel bad MENTALLY so i am Not in a good like. headspace?? to watch it rn what with the death and blurring of reality and such but MAN. MANNNNN oh it is so cool i am kicking my feet and giggling i am so excited to watch the rest oghhh it is so fucked up <3 i love fucked up weird murder stories 10/10 amazing show no notes thank u for recommending it 2 me i love it v much :3
NORMAL HANNIBAL EXPERIENCE. OH MY GODDDD im so glad u sre enjoying it so farrrrr <3 its like. beloved piece of media to me but also it fucks me up in the brain. its a good horror reset for me . occasionally im just like. i need to feel weird about blood and gore and death and then i will watch a couple epispdes of hannibal and just sit there like
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TAKE YOUR TIME. OF COURSE. dw dw i was the same way watching it for the first time because it gets SO weird and existential sometimes and. tbh the artistic gore kind of got to me in ways i did not expect ??? it can be so overwhelming sometimes and my exact feelings on it are very hard to articulate and i could sit here for hours discussing it and not actually ever get to a point . SO I GET U. it's just the kinda show you gotta take ur time with. and thats totally cool :) I CAN TELL YOU WITH. MINIMAL SPOILERS. will graham doesnt die . absolute mess of a man. u know that post thats like "what a beautiful man . i would love yo see him in a fit of despair" thatd me about will graham. and also covered in blood. and let me tell u this show fucking DELIVERS.
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skeleton-on-a-quest · 5 months
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bringing the whole extended family to whoop your sister's ass for taking your job, house, boyfriend, & memories
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ungalobrando · 5 months
Debating if I should change my aesthetic to MTL or if that would set me off again
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