#trans space kid
mandyfem · 2 months
"Let me gloss over the threat of male on female violence that's not important,the real threat is anti-trans rhetoric that is getting women potentially harmed and that proves that you are not actually protecting them by keeping women's safe spaces single-sex,and-" 😵‍💫
Uhhh I fail to see the connection here,can someone help me out...
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Grown men being scared of terfy women.
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
I'm going to preface this by saying that I have really complex feelings about this, and much of it is inspired by my personal experiences and a bit of learning about what other trans people experience. If I come across as messy, it is because of these reasons.
There's this unshakable feeling I have that when allies and even other trans people talk about trans people, transition and motivation for transition, and anything related to such, that there's only certain things that x type of trans person can (and should) experience and talk about.
Like, when people talk about FtMs/trans men/transmasc people, a common idea is that we're motivated to transition to game the system, to manipulate people into treating us better because we're now seen as men. A huge reason I never even bought into that idea is because, since transition (especially medical), I have been treated worse than I ever have been. Since transitioning and being on testosterone, I've been catcalled, had people insist I hand my number over, and I have to emphasize that I've never experienced these things until a couple of years ago (to clarify, this was in my real, corporeal life). I honestly can say that, while transition has saved my life and soul, I am treated worse by others than I ever had been pre-transition. However, because the idea of transmascs is that "they were victims of misogyny and they only want to escape it through transition" is popular even among some trans people, I feel like it's almost... taking something away by acknowledging that. Add to this that I'm white and that TPoC have so many experiences that intertwine with race, and that race absolutely goes into how trans people are treated.
I am not saying that my experience is the only valid or true one. I am very aware that I'm probably an outlier. However, I just notice that, time and time again, people hear what they want to hear about transness, and if people have even slightly different points of view from their experiences, it doesn't matter, or worse, those people are duplicitous and conniving.
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penofwildfire · 12 days
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Various Bonzle redesign thoughts
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demigod-of-the-agni · 2 years
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Y'all in the LMK fandom didn't think to tell me that MK was trans? Shame </3
Anyway here's a giant celestial monkey going about their day and plucking your tiny planet up in his palm
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tea-time-terrier · 4 months
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chettyspagetti · 2 months
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Behold!! Women!! What should her name be? @undeadghosty For using your design
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agere-shadow · 7 months
Age Regression ASMR
I wanna post stuff that helps me to regress to this blog. I have been regressed and just used one of these to fall asleep to in the past. I'm going to be linking from chronological age regression - youngest up the top, oldest scroll further down. I also know that YouTube is something of a sinking ship at this point but from MY experiences, linkage makes these watchable so if you ARE having problems, just watch them through your Tumblr dash. One FINAL note, I don't want to put words into the mouths of any such creator. Sometimes its deliberate enough and I wonder how they could possibly be anti-agere but I don't hold these people to that standard all the time. Especially as agere sometimes IS misunderstood.
Anyone want Teacher ASMR?
From here on out, only one video is in a caregiver role and the first "friend" one I've got here is kinda stretching it but I HAVE regressed listening to that video before and I wanted one "friend one" for the younger side.
I have/had more but there's a 10 video limit on Tumblr and I felt like a few of them were "the same thing repeated" and I wanna make it different. (I also like going to the same creators, can you tell?) So...enjoy.
SFW Interaction Only!!
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samarecharm · 26 days
Love being able to write. I can do whatever i want. I can make Ryuji interact w Lala-chan and u literally cant stop me.
#chattin#i feel like shinjuku and crossroads doesnt get enough love#ohya and lala dont get enough love 😭#if they had an option to work there as a parttimer some how my akira wouldve absolutely taken it#u never see the place packed or w customers at all; it just feels cozy every time u go there#akira doesnt have a lot of places free from prying eyes; so id imagine he goes there often to just hang and study#catch up w ohya and get a bit of knowledge and validation from lala#like shes so sweet. i love her. she comes across as wise without being unapproachable#she makes comments she shouldnt (talking about ohyas job and history) bc she just forgot that she shouldnt lol#adamant about not letting him drink while hes there. its like. a safe space for him.#and i think hed like to invite his friends into his safe space; esp ryuji#gets to a point where even ryuji stops by on his own sometimes.#hes got questions but hes always in his head; never says it out loud#but it leads him in the right direction almost all the time#im thinkin of him having like. the most base level internalized homophobia and transphobia#like the kind of shit you just pick up as a child and teen and never question#and u kinda make fun of it bc everyone else is. but akira stumbles into his life and makes it so confusing#like. i dont think hed be trans. but akira would make him second guess alot about himself#about what he likes. what hes into. what hes okay w doing w someone like akira#and lala is like. u got that look in ur eyes kid. come sit.#doesnt entirely get it. but he feels a little lighter. not on labels but on his feelings#‘kid. u think of the ideal person and u think of him. at that point; it dont matter what bits he got.’#and its blunt and MAYBE it gets him a little flustered. but hes always responded well to blunt words. no beating around the bush#makes his brain confront shit head on without the second guessing hed suffer through when left on his own#WAA. rambling.#gonna see if i can draft this up at some point
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originalzin · 2 years
The me I was.
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Hi just some notes from the safe space for trans kids :)
If you want to message me to vent or ask about something, but don't want to be posted on this blog, then you can! Just send a message directly to me rather than an ask, so I can reply and help in any way possible.
If you are sending something anonymously, but would still like to be recognized (for example if you write in on multiple occasions), feel free to end your message with a signature. That could be using an emoji/word/combination of the two e.g. ~ 🌿✨
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
I think another aspect of conservative thought people need to understand is the idea that it's all about dominance.
The reason why sayings like "we don't want to trans your kids, we want trans kids to live" is because, in the conservative mind, you are replacing their dominance with your own. It can never be about what is best for others, it is always about expressing absolute power and control.
Natural selection, at its ideal, will weed out the people who "shouldn't live." If their existence is a threat to the already-established hierarchy, then it's obvious that they shouldn't exist in order to challenge hierarchy.
While this certainly isn't a "conservative-only" mindset, it's a trend I have noticed more in conservative spaces. This is why I don't always think it's helpful to go on about how, "Oh, we don't want to threaten your worldview. We just want people to live 😊". You will fundamentally be threatening their power in their minds. Therefore, nothing you say can truly take away from the anxiety, fear, and anger at losing control that may be instilled.
#politics#transphobia#transphobia tw#used the whole 'we want trans kids to live' because i personally think it's a good example..#...but isn't the sole example of such...#...take for instance the gay marriage debates from the early 2010s...#...'if we legalize gay marriage it's ONE STEP CLOSER to them taking OVER america and legalizing [horrible thing]!'...#...that is the anxiety of Losing Control and Losing The Divine Hierarchical Power Bestowed To You Personally By Gd Himself...#...i'm not saying all of this to dissuade people from educating people. but i want people to be aware of this dynamic...#...and to decide if they can (or should) personally go up to bat for others to educate people...#...i don't think you will go very far if you try to educate people without understanding on SOME level how their thought process will be...#...because it is likely that you are educating somebody who is going to see the world VERY differently...#...and they will often interpret what you are saying VERY differently than how you intended it to be interpreted...#...again while this isn't solely a conservative issue (believe me i KNOW) i notice it much more in those spaces...#...and since i am in spaces that WANT to educate people about this i think it is apt...#...it isn't a bad thing to want to educate. but again it's not helpful to just assume others are going to interpret you the way you want...#...it's definitely why i stopped making so many posts about educating others. i just don't think i can do it well...#...or at least in a way that doesn't Feel Threatening (even if it Isn't A Threat)
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genderstarbucks · 4 months
If you think transandrophobia isn't real, actually shut the fuck up
People are transphobic to trans men and transmascs, that's literally what transandrophobia is??
And y'all are saying that it's not real
As much as I wish transandrophobia didn't exist, it still does
Me and so many others are discriminated against and face transphobia because we're trans men and/or transmascs
Transphobia against trans men and transmascs exists, that's what transandrophobia is
Stop denying the fact that I and many others face transphobia, we need help being protected from transphobia too
Just because we're trans men and/or transmascs doesn't mean we're excused from transphobia, we still face it (all if not all days for some of us too)
Trans men and/or transmascs, this is a safe place. You're welcome here
Feel free to rant about transandrophobia you've faced in my inbox, I understand what you're going through
You're not alone
Transandrophobia doesn't deny the existence of transmisogyny
Transmisogyny still exists too BUT SO DOES TRANSANDROPHOBIA
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We know the holidays aren't always the most wonderful time of the year for everyone.
Maybe your family isn't close or accepting, or maybe you wish you were spending more time with other LGBTQ+ people like you.
We got you - come spend a couple hours with us and queer chosen family!
Perfectly Queer hosts Tayler and Ever will chat with our It Gets Better Ambassadors about chosen family and queer joy; we'll (try to) make gingerbread houses with some of our amazing Youth Voices; we'll watch a little gift unboxing from some of our longtime partners; and most of all, we'll just create a little cozy queer space for you to share.
Join live on our Twitch, Wednesday Dec 14th at 1pm ET/10am PT.
Reblog so all LGBTQ+ youth know they have a space to celebrate this year!
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i want nothing more than for Ezra & Thrawn to be not enemies, not friends, but a secret third thing - roommates
#sorry to be star wars posting on main but im star wars posting on main#i just think it would be so fucking funny#if they all get to thrawn and he & ezra are just chillin with space martinis#sabine: where's ezra 🔫>:(🔫#thrawn: literally just turn your head to the left#but fr though has anyone... Asked if thrawn wants to be Involved???#maybe hes done. maybe hes retired.#same with ezra#theyre busy stealing each others leftovers and fighting over the thermostat#whatever goes on in the galaxy is none of their business. they have Removed Themselves from the situation#i hope they Genuinely Dislike each other but theyre like... bonded like stray cats now#thats what trans-galactic purrgil travel does to a mf#ultimate roadtrip arc....#i hope it made them both simultaneously worse and better <3#i hope ezra does literally anything and thrawn is like 'this fucking kid... (derogatory. annoyed. tired. somehow emotionally attached)'#ahsoka and sabine turn up and thrawn is shoving ezra at them like Please Take Him Back Let Me Have Peace#while ezra is like 'awwww youd miss me too much (malicious. snarky. tired. somehow emotionally attached)'#of course its not gonna go like this. theyre gonna have thrawn be all like 'muahaha finally i have been rescued so that i may be eeeevilll'#not my thrawn but Whatever....#hes a bad bitch but let him be. let him slay in retirement#and ezra's gonna be this wise jedi sage who's unlocked the secrets of the force blah blah blah#not MY blueberry boy but Whatever....#i hope he's cloud-surfing with purrgil. living his best life#absolutely unprompted#ahsoka series#WAIT NO I WANT ONE OTHER THING#i need zeb & kallus to be gay married on lira san thankyew <3#(also for ahsoka's lekku/montrals to be longer but we all know thats not gonna happen....)#(every day i look at live-action shaak ti and sigh)#(at least we get a stellar loth cat animatronic instead of weird cgi <3)
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pinkpetalbee · 2 months
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wyrmoffastring · 1 year
You know, I was skeptical about Shinigami Eyes, because a community-ran and managed addon could easily end up marking absolutely innocuous jokes as transphobia simply by virtue of so many of us not understanding the joke correctly (hi, it's me, the dumbass who often misunderstands things to mean their worst possible interpretations because of a long time of gaslighting about how my friend group bullying me was actually just them being nice), but you know what?
Every fucking time I see a username on this hellsite show up in red, I click thru it and within 10 posts minimum I find the vilest fucking terf shit.
Every time.
So yeah, it's a good addon, go get it.
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