#trans and christian
listen idk what the etiquette is surrounding posting tiktok-style content on this site or if that’s taboo but like i Don’t Care this is Funny to Me
if you’re a genderqueer christian, if you know & love a genderqueer christian, or if you’re simply interested in learning more about how Christianity and transness intersect with one another rather than contradict each other, then consider checking out the Transient Theology Zine — available now digitally & for preorder through 9/15!
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areyouscaredyet · 1 month
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im not particularly religious but i think it’s very cute that Trans Day of Visibility and Easter are on the same day this year :)
its no question that something like this could be triggering or upsetting to a number of queer ppl given the current sociopolitical climate, so i want everyone to remember that u are loved! Regardless of what u or others believe, there are ppl who will love and support you always. Give yourself patience and treat yourself with care!!!
happy and peaceful TDOV everyone!! And Easter to those who celebrate :D
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alienbycomics · 1 month
Content Warning: religion and transphobia⚠️
Happy Trans Day of Visibility 🏳️‍⚧️ I made a comic reflecting on my church upbringing as an eXvangelical trans person. The Jesus conservative Christians claim to represent looked lot more like many of the LGBTQ+ friends I know and love. Just some food for thought 💖
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talisidekick · 2 years
If a transgender person asks you to deadname and misgender them in front of certain people. Misgender them and deadname them in front of those people. It doesn't matter how icky or gross it may feel, it doesn't matter you'd rather be honest. It doesn't matter if there's more of you there. Certain people aren't safe, and honesty IS NOT the best policy when honesty could put them at serious risk. It doesn't matter if there's a crowd, because when there isn't shit goes down.
Be an ally, do what they ask. Understand that the trans person knows more about their situation than you do, and this includes who's safe and who's not. Some one can be "trans friendly" to other people, but not to people they know or specific people. Do as the trans person asks, yes it's uncomfortable, but it's 10 times worse if the person we don't trust finds out. 100 times worse if they have access to us when you're not around.
Respect trans peoples safety. Misgender and deadname when asked.
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cath-lic · 2 months
“god created them male and female” WRONG. CURSE OF GALATIANS 3:28 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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lionheartdaughter · 1 month
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(Two images with striped backgrounds in the colors of the transgender and genderqueer pride flags, both images have identical text that says "Happy Transgender Day of Visibility" with the date "March 31st" below).
Happy TDOV! 💜
In these times visibility is more powerful and more dangerous than ever. Today is a day for showing up in the ways that feel most empowering to us, and for being visible for those who can't yet be. Trans lives are precious. There has never been a world without trans people and there never will be. Every day we survive is a win.
As we all know, this year the date of Easter falls on TDOV, so I'm sending an extra shout out to the trans Ex-Christian community today. Take care of yourselves today. Whether you still take part in the secular traditions of Easter or today will simply be another Sunday, know that you are a whole, complete, and beautiful person.
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gender0bender · 1 year
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IDs: A black and white graphic of four open mouths with the words “It’s not blasphemy God wronged me first.” The second image is the same graphic inverted. ED.
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justdavina · 6 months
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STUNNING Transgender Woman! I Love her Top and Christian Louboutin Pumps!
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original-username42 · 3 months
I'm so sick of queer spaces being so heavily anti religion to a comical degree. We always preach intersectionality or to look at nuance but then when religion is brought up it's all black and white "hur dur religion bad, you're bad because religion all religious people are going out in the streets murdering trans people and eating gay babies" like do none of us see the irony here? I'm trans, bi and religious and I've gotten hate for it but since I'm a pagan I get less hate than I've seen trans Christians or Muslims get. Not everyone who is religious is bigoted, not every religious person is the strawman in your head. Religion is not inherently bigoted, most of the time the stuff actual bigoted religious people use as justification for bigotry is mistranslations or blatantly wrong interpretations of religious texts. I'm not trying to convert anyone to any religion I'm just begging other queer folk to stop being hypocrites and to stop harassing other queer people for being religious
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I can’t believe i missed the captioning error in my own project title anyway it’s The Transient Theology Project!
If you’re a trans/genderqueer Christian, if you know & love a trans+ Christian, or if you’re simply interested in deconstructing and unlearning transphobic theologies, consider checking out the Transient Theology Zine — a collection of essays, art, and poetry compiled with the goal of developing a theology in support of trans+ and LGBTQ+ Christians everywhere! Come celebrate the intersections of transness, gender queerness, and Christianity!
Less than one week left to order a physical copy!!
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blessedarethequeer · 9 months
people always say "your body is a temple" as some kind of pearl-clutching gotcha finger wag to people with tattoos and piercings and body mods which has never made sense to me
cause like.
y'all know what we do with temples right? with holy spaces?
we adorn them in art and precious metals and things of beauty. we make them spectacles of gathering to signal that this is a space we know the Divine calls to us. our Creation does not end the moment we take our first breath, we continue to collaborate in our own Creation each and every day.
get the tattoo or that piercing, fill yourself with delicious things and celebrate in wonder at the mystery it is to live within your body!
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beloved-of-john · 5 months
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lloydofhyrule64 · 7 months
Jesus: If there is only one lesson that you take away from my teachings, let it be to love all people of the earth unconditionally.
Modern Evangelicals: …Unless of course they’re BIPOC, right?
Jesus: I’m sorry, what?
Modern Evangelicals: Or if they identify as anything other than straight or cis?
Jesus: Wait, no, that’s not what I-
Modern Evangelicals: Or, worst of all, if they have a different opinion than us, or they try to question our way of thinking, or if they dare to challenge the corrupt leaders that we blindly worship, or if they-
Jesus: No, no, no! STOP IT! The whole freaking point of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is that you love and respect people regardless of their differences, because at the end of the day you have to realize that they are a human being just like you, made in my father’s image, and loved dearly by my father. So when you hate that person, you might as well shout out that you hate me and my father, the very people you claim to worship and love with all your heart! Is this starting to make sense now?
Modern Evangelicals: …
Jesus: …
Modern Evangelicals: …
Jesus: …
Modern Evangelicals: Fuck off hippie.
Jesus: Well, I tried.
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orthopunkfox · 20 days
Being queer and a Christian is often very difficult. I experience alienation from both sides. Often these two parts of myself feel impossible to reconcile. But, I want to share something beautiful that my priest does that nearly makes me weep every time. The Orthodox Church is not known for its inclusivity or progressiveness. It is ancient and its gears turn slowly. During Holy Communion, those who are not confirmed members of the Church may come forward for a blessing. The blessing is done by gender.
"The servant of God [Name] is blessed..." for men,
"The handmaid of God [Name] is blessed..." for women.
The first time I went up for a blessing, I was hesitant. My gender is no secret and I do not try to hide my queerness. Which blessing would I receive? With sadness, I concluded the priest would do what was simplest and default to my assigned gender.
I stood before him and bowed my head, arms crossed over my (noticeably growing) chest. He raised the golden chalice over my head and lovingly said:
"The beloved of God Quinn is blessed, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen "
He has done this ever since and with this simple action, preaches one of the main, if oft forgotten pillars of Orthodoxy: It does not matter who you are, what pronouns you use, what colour your hair is, what clothes you wear, what mistakes you've made, what trials you have overcome, where you came from or where you are. You are beloved of God just as you are. You are created in the Image of God and are a sacred vessel of beauty, and there is a place for you here.
This is true inclusivity. Not the white liberal veneer placed on so many churches where the cishet, boomer congregation pats themselves on the back for the rainbow flag outside while actively misgendering the trans person sitting in the pew. My priest has not given any big speeches talking about how everyone is loved here. He doesn't have to. His genuine kindness and that of my fellow parishioners are the only sermon marginalised people need to hear. In these moments, the two parts of myself become one and I truly believe that the God I love delights in me.
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justdavina · 5 months
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Extremely sexy transgender woman wearing our favorite black mini skirt and white cashmere top! I LOVE her wonderful long legs covered with beautiful black nylons and her awesomely sexy Christian Louboutin heels! Her wonderfully pretty face and long blonde hair makes this woman a 10 in my book! SO SEXY!!! I could kiss her all day long!
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