#tpn tickling
anzynai · 13 days
Hello!! I am new here but I really love your writing and the event seems really interesting :)
May I have a platonic ler!Ray x male reader (the promised Neverland)
Only if you feel comfortable with it could the reader have a small childish crush on Ray, I feel like it's funnier (and more embarrassing to [Name])
Here's a scenario: [name] tries to get Ray to play with him and the other kids, but the mission backfires on poor [Name]. And they just end up cuddling and tickling ?? :3 with Ray being a smug little gremlin-
Obviously you don't have to write it if you don't feel like it, have a nice day/night/morning/evening. Rest and drink a respectable amount of water, and remember; you're incredibly good 😊
HIIII i didnt think i would get a tpn request at all but im pleasantly surprised that i did:) thanks for sending one in! the reader DOES have a crush on ray, but its not directly stated, so maybe it doesnt count??? also, i dont specify genders at all just because i write x readers in second person, so ur free to assume. either way, hope u like this!!
“nohoho, stahahap it!” ray cried as your hands and fingers scribbled against his twitching sides.
“not until you agree to play with us!” you declare, sticking a tongue out. ray’s face was bright red as he giggled, kicking his legs and thrusting his arms out.
you were straddling him so he was stuck, or so you thought. bucking his hips sent you falljng to the side and before you could fully recover, he was already on top of you and you blushed at the smugness on his face.
“r-ray.. wait, we can ta-AHAHALK ahahahaa NOHOHO!” you cried, embarrassed at how he had gotten you back so easily.
“i don’t think so. you seem to have gotten pretty comfortable tickling me.. isn’t it time for a taste of your own medicine?” ray said, amusement clear in his features and ah, well, he wasn’t lying. you had been tickling him a lot recently but he is just so cute and you liked being around him and.. well, you didn’t really know why. you just knew you wanted to play around with him and tickling was so fun!
“plehehehease! rahahhaay!” you screech when his hands find spots on you that are more ticklish than you had thought. gosh, who knew ray was such a good tickler?
he didn’t stop tickling you until you were screamed for mercy and, you decided that from now on, you definitely had to reconsider your stategies if you tried to tickle him again.
still, he lied down beside you, so close that you guys were practically touching. it was peaceful and comfortable and maybe the exhaustion was creeping on you harder than you had thought.
you felt your eyes shift shut and if you found yourself later waking up, arms interlocking a sleeping ray, well… no one else had to know.
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lee-lucius · 11 months
Missed You
Word Count: 588
"What's wrong, Emma? You couldn't sleep?" Norman whispered to the red-headed girl crouched by his bedside.
"Of course not!" She exclaimed with a pout. "It's not the same without you there!"
He laughed softly, careful not to irritate his throat further. He had been sent to stay in the infirmary after he got sick to prevent it from spreading to the other kids, but that didn't stop Emma or Ray from sneaking inside to see him. "It's only for one night."
She shot up, whisper-shouting at him, "You don't know that! What if you never get better?" She collapsed dramatically onto the bed and shuffled over so she was laying beside him.
"Emma, you have to go! You're gonna get sick too, and you'll be in trouble if Mama catches you again!"
"But if I get sick then I can stay here with you!"
He wished she could. He'd be a lot less miserable with a companion. As doting as Mama was, she only had so much time she could spend taking care of Norman when she was busy with the rest of his siblings. But it wasn't completely awful. It was only a cold, and he knew he'd be better soon, not that his symptoms were actually that bad. Plus Emma and Ray made sure to find ways he was entertained,  even from afar. He could handle one more night without them. 
"Come on, you have to go."
"Don't be so serious all the time, Norman!" She whined. Her frown quickly changed into a blinding smile as she, Norman could only assume, came up with some odd and occasionally brilliant idea. "You're too stiff!"
She poked him in the side, and he giggled, shaking his head, "No I'm not."
"Yes! You! Are!" She accompanied each exclamation with another poke, producing a continuous stream of giggles from her friend.
"Am nahahat!" He shrank away from her touch, but Emma was as persistent as ever as she squeezed his sides, making him squeak.
"So I can stay with you?"
"Nohoho! Be mohohore cahaharefuhul!" He pleaded, laughter growing as she began scribbling her fingers across his stomach. "Youhuhu'll gehehet sihihihick too!"
"See? You totally need to relax more! You're too worried!"
"Ehemmahahah! I mehehean ihihit!"
She stuck her tongue out at him, digging into his ribs. "So do I!"
His laughter went silent for a moment before he erupted into a coughing fit.
"Norman! Are you okay?" She backed away from him, worry in her big, green eyes.
"Mhm. I'm fine," He answered after his coughing subsided and took steady sips from a glass of water on his nightside. "Besides, I had fun."
She threw her arms around, pulling him into a tight hug. 
"Emma!" He scolded, water spilling onto the bed as she jumped back with a shriek, making them both laugh.
"Well, I was wondering what the noise was," Mama spoke up from the doorway. They both froze in fear. "Emma, why exactly is it that you're in here after what happened this morning?"
"Oh! I um… I… got lost?" Norman sighed.
"Then I suppose we should get you back to your room before you get sick. Come on."
Emma wanted to protest but the words died in her throat at Mama's stern look. Sullenly, she looked back at Norman with a pout, waving, and mouthing the words "I'll see you tomorrow" as Mama dragged her out. Norman managed to stifle his laughter until they left the room. 
He missed her already, and tomorrow couldn't come fast enough.
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tickling-giggles · 1 year
Kk 👍👍
Then may I ask if you could write lee and ler headcanons for Mujika and Sonju? I couldn't find really anything t-word related abt them and they're my favs 🥲
The Promise Neverland Tickle HC’s
A/N: im sorry this took so long but I hope you enjoy it
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🦋-secondly she’s a lee all the way idc idc
🦋-Adores tickles
🦋- HELLA TICKLISH neck, hands especially the palm, her horns, and her knees
🦋-She’s not shy to ask for them either
🦋-She has her ways of getting tickles
🦋-Whenever a tickle fight is going on she’s normally one she purposefully doesn’t fight back
🦋-Normally when she is in a 1v1 tickle fight most of the time it’s with Emma, Gilda, Don, Ray, and Sonju
🦋-She’s fr everyone’s favorite lee
🦋- She is indeed ticklish but not as ticklish as Ray and Emma
🦋-It’s easy to get her giggling but once you hit the right spot she’ll start squirming but not enough to get away
🦋-teasing is a hit or miss you could say something that you think is a tease but it won’t be to her
🦋-Or vice versa you’ll say the most non teasing thing and she’ll start squealing calling you a tease
🦋-She can easily turn the tables she’s very sneaky
🦋- SHES SNARKY she’ll do just to provoke you and the saddest part is that everyone knows this and it still works
🦋- if you can’t find her she’s somewhere getting wrecked
🦋- She’ll tickle you when you look down
🦋- Or for you to come hang out or cuddle with her
🦋-She can be a evil ruthless Ler or she can be a soft nice Ler it depends on how you got in this predicament
🦋- if you asked she’ll create a safe word that you both agree on
🦋- Or if you provoked her SHE WILL TEASE YOU SO BADLY
🦋- She’ll act like she’s gonn tickle you and doesn’t and then when your not paying attention she’ll ruthlessly yes RUTHLESSLY tickle the most ticklish area on your body and will scold you (jokingly ofc☺️)
🦋- “see y/n this is why you should’ve just asked nicely” “nah uhn you brought this onto yourself” “you can’t get away from me”
🦋- “hmm should I go for your worst spot?” “Yep Emma told me about how ticklish you are”
🦋- And some classic teases
🦋- “you’re giggles are so cute” “wait did you just snort? DO IT AGAIN” “where am I gonna tickle next you’ll never know” “you should smile more and I can help with that”
🦋-She’ll poke your neck, swipe up your neck, or blow on your neck atleast 5 times throughout the day
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🥀-Ler leaning switch 100%
🥀-He doesn’t mind tickles. but will he admit it ? Nope
🥀- he is hella ticklish especially on his feet, sides, his collar bone ,and under his arm.
🥀- His laugh is charming and if you tickle this one spot near his armpit his knees will buckle and he squeals🥹 (the cutest thing ever oml)
🥀-He does get really flustered when asking for tickles “Hey y/n can you T- you know the word”
🥀-Bro is soooooo DAMN COCKY until he’s a giggly mess or till someone says “let’s test it out*
🥀- “Nah I’m not ticklish” “Heh well we don’t have to test it out i-it’s not like I’m lying”
🥀- Whenever he’s in a bad mood Mujika is there to cheer him up
🥀- Despises whenever he gets thorns stuck in his foot because it TICKLES SO FREAKING BAD hurts
🥀- he may squirm around a lot but he never says stop
🥀-he doesn’t care what’s going on who’s getting tickled he will insult you 😭
🥀-“yohohou suck ahahahat tickling peoplehehe” OKAHAHAY okahaAhAy I’ll say ihit…. Your hair look stupid ahahaha WAHAHAHAIT”
🥀- lmao get wrecked
🥀-He mostly does that to ray whenever he’s in a cocky or lone wolf mood he’ll tickle some sense into him
🥀- tickle hugs are his specialty. he'll wrap you in his arms then next thing you know you're getting tickled
🥀- After watching a scary movie he’ll tickle you just to spook you even more
🥀-He’s known for tasering people’s sides
🥀- He will poke your side causing you to yelp before quickly turning away and acting just as confused as you before you catch him in the act
🥀-None one can stand his teases
🥀- He enjoys playing the tickle monster with the younger kids
🥀- dude just likes tickling people for shits and giggles
🥀- and he likes da power
🥀- when ever someone had a nightmare he’ll let them sleep next to him for the the rest of the night and anytime they’re scared before bed
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intheticklecloset · 6 months
The Promised Neverland Coffee Shots #1-5
A collection of The Promised Neverland Coffee Shots I've done, compiled for the sake of ease. These are all stand-alone stories.
1) Lee Norma, Ler Ray
“You really shouldn’t have done that,” Ray grumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets as he glared at Norman.
Norman smiled sweetly at him as always, shrugging. “The younger kids want to play with you so bad, Ray. Can’t you indulge them a little bit? Even one game?”
“Where’s my book, Norman?”
Norman folded his arms behind his back innocently. “I don’t know.”
“Am I?” Now Norman’s tone was challenging, his blue eyes fixed on his grumpy friend with unwavering confidence. “Am I, Ray?”
Ray huffed out an irritated sigh. “Give it back.”
“I don’t have it.”
“Then where’d you put it?”
“I didn’t put it anywhere.”
“Norman.” Ray took a step closer, getting into Norman’s personal space. “Where. Is. My. Book?”
“Like I said, I don’t know.”
“That’s it!” Suddenly Ray tackled him to the ground, making Norman yelp in surprise. Ray usually fought with his mind, not with his hands, but unluckily for him he wasn’t as physically strong as either of his oldest friends, so he went down easily and succumbed just as fast when Ray’s fingers found his sides and dug in. “Tell me, or I’ll tickle it out of you!”
“Ah! Ray! Wahahahahahahait!” Norman squealed, tossing his head back and weakly pushing at his friend’s arms as giggles spilled out of him. He tried to gain leverage by digging his heels into the ground and flipping over, but Ray merely straddled him and made sure to keep him right where he was. “Ahahahahahaha! No, wahahahahahahahait! I reheheheheheheally don’t knohohohohohohow!”
“I’m nohohohohohohot!” Norman cried, cheeks pink with uncontrollable mirth, squirming helplessly against the tickling onslaught. “I dohohohohohon’t hahahahahave it! I don’t know whehehehehere she put it!”
Ray stopped. “She?”
Norman realized his mistake and widened his eyes. “No, Ray—”
“So Emma has it.”
Ray studied him for a moment, then began tickling once again, leaning in close to his friend’s laughing face as he growled, “Liar.”
Norman decided that – as long as it was for Emma – taking Ray’s punishment really wasn’t the worst thing in the world.
2) Lee Phil, Ler Emma
“Not here? What about here?” Emma teased playfully, beaming at the squealing, childlike giggles she was getting for her efforts. Phil lay rolling around in the grass under her fingers as she gently tickled first his belly, then his little ribs, then his neck and ears. “Or here? How about here?”
“Ehehehehehehehe! Emmahahahahaha!” The four-year-old’s smile was wide as he shrieked and flailed his arms, either unable or unwilling to even try and push her away. “It tickles! It tihihihihickles!”
“Aww, well, that’s the point, Phil!” Emma laughed with him, going back down to his belly, which seemed to be a good spot. “The tickle monster’s got you now! Tickle, tickle, tickle!”
Phil laughed freely for several more moments, then finally called out his surrender. “Ehehehehehehehe! S-Stohohohohohop, Emma!”
Emma did as she was asked, ruffling his hair and letting him catch his breath. “You okay?”
“Yeah!” he replied enthusiastically, sitting up and grinning at her. “That was fun!”
“I think so, too!” She pulled him into a hug. “Want to play another round?”
Phil leapt to his feet and took off again, already giggling. “Count to a minute!”
“I will!”
In the midst of her counting, Ray came up behind her. “The kid really likes hide and tickle, doesn’t he? Has he ever asked to play the tickle monster instead?”
Emma smiled up at him. “Not so far, but he’s smart. He’ll figure out sooner or later that he can be the chaser, too.”
“Why not offer?”
“Like I’d offer to get tickled when I’m caught!”
Ray smirked. “Ah, come on. You have to admit it would be kind of funny to be taken down by a four-year-old.” He reached down and tweaked her ribs playfully, making her shoot to her feet and give him a devious grin.
“Careful, Ray, or I’ll come after you next.”
“Yeah, whatever. Your time’s up, by the way. Go get him.”
Emma jabbed his ribs in return and took off before he could retaliate, dashing into the forest in search of her little friend, whom she found incredibly easily. Once again she caught and tickled him, his giggles filling the air and making the afternoon that much sweeter.
3) Lee Ray, Lers Emma and Norman
Ray found himself backed up against a tree, Emma and Norman approaching him from either side, their eyes devious and fingers wiggling. “Guys, I swear, if you tickle me…”
“You’ll what, Ray?” Emma asked teasingly. “You won’t help us escape anymore? We all know you won’t do that~”
Ray clenched his fists. Things were serious right now – why weren’t they serious right now?! He was used to their crazy antics, having grown up with them for nearly his entire life. It wasn’t unheard of for him to get roped into their tickle fights sometimes, but it had been months since the last time, and – again – they were supposed to be taking things seriously!
“Why are you guys wasting time with this crap? We need to stay focused on what’s important!” he snapped at them, considering his options. Emma had him beat in athletic ability and Norman could outwit him in intelligence, but Ray was a balance of the both of them. He could find a way out of this. Right?
“Of course we’re staying focused,” Norman explained calmly. “But if we don’t act at least a little normal, Mom will get suspicious.”
Ray gritted his teeth. He decided that between the two of them, he’d have an easier time taking Norman down in order to get away, so in a flash of movement he barreled towards his friend, dodging him easily and shoving him aside to clear a path of escape…
Or so he thought.
Norman grabbed his arm to keep from toppling over and used his free hand to squeeze his ribs, making Ray squawk and turn to defend himself. In doing so he lost his footing for just long enough to trip and fall backwards, pulling Norman down with him and landing – unfortunately – beneath the weight of his friend.
And that was the end of it. Norman and Emma were on him in moments, grabbing his arms and pinning them to his sides so he couldn’t fight back.
“Wait! No!” Ray protested, unable to help the wobbly smile on his face from the anticipation of knowing what was coming. “Guys, don’t! Please, don’t!”
“Aww, he’s begging us now~” Emma giggled.
Norman smiled at him. “Too bad for you, we’re determined to hear you laugh one way or another. It’s been too long.”
Ray clamped his lips shut in defiance, only for them to fly open and unleash a tsunami of hysterics when they each grabbed one of his thighs and dug in mercilessly. “AGHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHO!! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHEHEHERE!! DAHAHAHAHAHANG IT, YOU GUYS!! YOU CHEHEHEHEHEHEATERS!! THIS ISN’T FAHAHAHAHAHAIR!!”
Norman and Emma laughed along with him as they tickled Ray absolutely silly, and for a few blissful minutes, they all forgot about the dangers and the stress that had taken over their lives recently. Right now, they were happy to just have fun and enjoy the moment.
4) Lee Norman, Ler Don
“Are you laughing at me?” Don asked incredulously, peering through the now empty bookshelf at Norman, who had one hand over his mouth, trying to cover up his giggles.
“No, of course not,” he replied, though another snicker gave him away.
Don smirked. “What? Think this is funny?” He’d just been trying to grab one book from the shelf, but it was jammed in so tight that by removing it he ended up knocking nearly all of the books down with it, raining on him in a pile of flapping pages.
“No. I mean…” Norman shrugged, finally removing his hand to reveal his wide smile. “It is kind of funny. As long as you’re not hurt.”
“I’m not,” Don reassured him, flashing him an evil grin, “but if you think it’s so funny, I’ll give you something to really laugh about.”
Norman bolted as soon as he saw those teasing, wiggling fingers from the other side of the bookshelf, unable to control his excited giggles as he ran. He burst out of the door to the library and fled down the hall, nearly barreling right into Mom as she came up the stairs.
“Norman,” she scolded gently, “you know better than to run in the halls.”
“Sorry, Mom,” he replied hastily, glancing back to see Don hot on his tail and promptly ignoring her reminder. He ducked past her down the stairs, but his slight hesitation had been enough for his friend to catch up to him, and they barely made it outside before he was tackled into the grass.
“Gotcha!” Don cried, grinning as he plunged his fingers into Norman’s sides. “Take that!”
“Ah! Nahahahahahahaha! Wahahahahahahait!” Norman pleaded, spasming and curling up defensively, his giggles evolving into laughter while he squirmed helplessly. “Dohohohohohon! Don’t tihihihihihickle me!”
Don chuckled, aware that several of the kids who had been playing outside were now focused on the scene unfolding just beyond the doorway. “Why not? You know we all love hearing you laugh, Norman~”
Norman squealed and cackled even harder at that, trying to wriggle away to no avail. “Plehehehehehease! Dohohohohohohon’t! Don, stahahahahahap it!”
“What’s that? Don’t stop?” Don chuckled at his friend’s cry of elated despair and continued tickling as the other kids gradually bounded toward them, wanting in on the fun. “Whatever you say!”
5) Lee Ray, Ler Norman
“You seem scared,” Norman remarked with a smile.
“I’m not scared.” Ray took a step back, felt the wall behind him, and bit back a startled gasp. He hadn’t realized how close he was to being trapped. “I just…I know what you’re going to do, and I’m…nervous.”
Norman’s smile remained unwavering. “Why? You know I’ll be gentle and stop when you want me to.”
“I know.” Ray clenched his fists to keep himself grounded when Norman stepped into his personal space, eye-to-eye with him. “Doesn’t mean I’m not nervous.”
Norman grabbed his sides and squeezed, making Ray slap a hand over his mouth to hide the shriek that wanted to make itself known. He squirmed when his friend kept it up, squeezing and pinching and tickling all up and down his sides.
“Nohohorman!” he giggled, clutching his friend’s shoulders but not pushing away yet. “Jeheheherk, don’t lohohohohook at me like thahahahat!”
“Like what?” Norman asked innocently, traveling up to his underarms, making it harder for Ray not to protect himself. “I just think it’s cute, that’s all.”
“It’s nohohohohohot! It’s embahahahaharrassing!”
“You know the others would love it if they found out, right? They’d tickle you as much as you wanted.”
Ray blushed even harder. “Shuhuhuhuhuhut up! I dohohohohon’t wahahahahant them to knohohohohow!”
“Know what?”
This was the tipping point in their game. Ray knew it, Norman knew it, and both of them knew what was going to happen next.
Ray growled, “You suhuhuhuhuhuck!”
Norman stopped, and he couldn’t help but grin at Ray’s fleeting look of disappointment. “Know what, Ray?”
The raven-haired boy huffed, averted his eyes, blushed even more. “That I like it, all right? I like being tickled.”
Norman beamed at him, grabbed his thighs, and kneaded his thumbs in deep.
Ray tossed his head back and exploded into laughter, grateful everyone else was gathering for lunch and couldn’t hear them from downstairs. He clutched Norman’s shoulders so hard it almost hurt, but his friend didn’t mind.
“Don’t worry,” Norman said, continuing to tickle and draw out the brightest laughter from his usually quiet, stoic friend. “Your secret is safe with me.”
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kiri-mikua · 2 years
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i just think the dads are in love c:
playful lucas and very confused yugo 🙈
he just saw him changing and wanted to mess w him 
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yiplee · 10 months
Not-So-Scary Stories
A TPN ticklefic!
(Lee!Ray) (Ler!Emma)
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Sorry this isn’t South Park but I got this idea and I just HAD to write it out.
It’s Scary Story night in the Orphanage, but tonight’s storyteller Emma has something special planned for her spooky tale.
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All of the children gathered around in the dark room. Emma, Ray and Norman all sat together at the head of the group. Emma held a flashlight below her face, providing a spooky lighting to add to the atmosphere.
“Is everyone ready for my scary story?” Emma asked, looking around the room. The kids all nodded and murmured in agreement, with a few nervous giggles and whispers to eachother before they were hushed by Emma.
“Once upon a time…there was..a ghost. A ghost named Giggles!” Emma started. The children all murmured in confusion. This didn’t sound like a very scary ghost.
“And Giggles the ghost haunts children who..tell scary stories about him!” She continued, getting a few gasps. Didn’t that mean they would be haunted?
“And…he makes his presence known by..possessing a kid! And making them do a big, evil laugh! Hence his name, Giggles!” She announces, flickering the flashlight for effect, getting a few shrieks from the children.
“Yes, and-” She was interrupted by a sudden snicker next to her. Everyone’s eyes turned to Ray, as he tilted his head down to conceal his face, with some more small giggles coming from his direction. Although, it was hard to see much in the darkness.
“Ray? Are you alright?” Emma asked, feigning worry. Suddenly, Ray’s head shot up, as he shrieked with laughter. All of the kids screamed in unison.
Then suddenly, the lights were turned on by Norman. When everyone’s eyes adjusted…Ray wasn’t possessed! Emma was just tickling him!
“Ehehemma! Whahat the heheheck?!” Ray sputtered, squirming in her grasp as she had her hand wrapped around his back, and her fingers scribbled up and down his side.
The kids murmured in sighs of relief and giggles of amusement, watching the scene.
“What? I had to make it realistic!” Emma chuckled, going in with both hands to continue tickling Ray.
“Wehehell you should’ve told m- GAAHAHA EHEHEMMA THE STORY’S OVER! STAHAHAP!” Ray squealed, as Emma’s hands started tickling in his armpits.
Everyone watched in amusement as Ray was tickled to pieces by Emma, the usually stone-faced grump being reduced to a heap of giggles.
“Y’know Ray, a smile looks good on you. And your laugh is cute. You should do it more.” She comments sweetly, continuing to flutter her fingers across his ribs.
“E-EHEHEMMA PLEHEHEASE! CUHUHUT IT OUT!” Ray pleaded, squirming harder.
“Alright..if you promise to smile more!” Emma teased, diving her fingers back into his armpits, getting another squeal from him.
“NAAHAHAAHAHA NOHO!!” Ray shrieked, attempting to pull her hands away from his pits.
“No? You won’t? Well then, I guess I’ll just have to continue!” She teases, continuing to skitter her nails in Ray’s armpits.
“WAIT NOHOHO! THATS NAHAHAT WHAHAT I MEAHAHANT!!” Ray squealed, doubling over with laughter.
“Soooo…you’ll smile more? Huh? Will ya?” She teased, poking and tasing at his ribs.
“YEHEHEHES! WHAHAHATEVER! JUST STAHAHAP!” He conceded, pulling triumphantly away.
With a laugh, she released him. He sighed with relief as he caught his breath, recovering, as Norman sat back down with the others.
“Well, that was a not-so-scary story for you, huh, Ray?” Norman teased, getting a sharp glare from Ray.
“Don’t push it.” He warned. Norman chuckled, raising his hands in surrender, backing off.
The other kids all clapped for Emma’s story, and the flashlight was passed on to the next kid. They may be moving on to the next story now, but Ray would never live that down.
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emmaspolaroid · 1 year
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part 3 of this
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
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CW BELOW THE CUT: this do have some tickles in it ngl.
𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑏𝑜𝑥 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑦 𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑦 ❤︎
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Today was supposed to be perfect. The “tag championship”, as the little ones called it, had been in the works for days now. As soon as they all got their shoes and socks on, the sky opened up and rain began pouring harshly. Whines echoed through the kitchen as the kids looked to their older siblings for help.
“We’ll have to wait until the grass is dry, everyone.” Norman said as he knelt down to wipe little Phil’s eyes.
“But Norman!” Thoma whined as he looked up with puppy eyes, “We’ve been planning for days!”
“It’s not safe” Ray answered before his brother could, “We wouldn’t anyone to slip and get hurt. I think we’d give poor mom a heart attack.”
Isabella chuckled as she entered with a baby in her arms, “Ray’s right, everyone. Why don’t we play some games inside?”
Little eyes lit up and the little ones were cheering happily.
They didn’t have much, but the board games and puzzles that the kids took out kept them entertained for a while. Norman opted to play hide and seek with some of his siblings, while Ray settled down by the window, covered in a blanket and immersed in a new book.
“Hi, Ray!” Emma chirped as she took a seat adjacent to her brother.
“Hey, Emma. What’s up?” The black-haired boy replied, not looking up from his book.
“Dunno. I’m just bored, and not really in the mood for being loud.” The girl said, gently maneuvering herself under the blanket, tucking her legs next to Ray and sitting quietly. “Let’s share the blanket.”
“Sure.” The boy replied, “Nothing loud over here. You’re going to watch the rain fall, aren’t you?” As soon as Ray glanced up from his book, he saw Emma doing exactly as he predicted.
The two shared a comfortable silence, Emma gently stirring off to the sound of the pattering rain, and Ray still engrossed in the newest volume of the book series he grew to love. The orange-haired girl was just about to conk out before she awoke with a start.
“Hey!” She yelped, curling into herself.
What had happened? Ray had reached under the blanket and gently skittered his fingers across Emma’s foot, “Wake up. You’ll be sore if you fall asleep here.”
“But I’m tired!” She whined, reaching out to tickle her brother in return. To her demise, and Ray’s delight, he he didn’t react whatsoever. “It’s not even fair! You aren’t ticklish!”
“ You’re right. I have the ultimate immunity here, and you don’t even understand how useful that is.” The black-haired boy replied with a cheeky smile.
“I bet you are ticklish!” Emma noted, crossing her arms with a pout, “You just don’t know it!”
“Sure, Emma. Whatever helps you sleep at night.” Ray quipped, eyes falling down to read once more.
That wasn’t good enough for Emma. She was greatly determined to find out if her hypothesis was correct or not. So, she got to work, reaching to poke at her brother’s torso.
“What are you doing, Emma?” Ray grumbled, eyes not leaving the page.
“I told you.” She chirped, “You’ve got to be ticklish somewhere.”
“Go ahead and tire yourself out then, I’ll carry you to bed when you fall asleep.”
It didn’t matter what words her brother said to her, Emma furrowed her brows and tested her theory. When she squeezed his sides, he didn’t make any noise. She poked his stomach, not even a wince. Fluttering her fingers in his neck brought no reaction either. Hell, Emma was failing so badly that Ray even lifted his arms up for her to test the next spot!
As cheeky and sarcastic as her brother was, Emma knew she had to find a way to bring him down. She’d probably cry if she ever hurt him, so she had to use tickling as her first resort. She gently pinched his ribs, wiggled her fingers under his arms and blew on his ears… not a single reaction.
“Come ooooon!” The orange-haired girl whined, “You have to be ticklish somewhere!”
“I’m telling you Emma, I’m just not tickl- AGH!”
Emma had reached down to squeeze at Ray’s kneecap.
Both kids’ eyes widened. Emma ushered a wide and menacing smile, while Ray’s mouth was agape in shock and disbelief. “No way…” they both said in unison
“Nonono! That’s-“ the Raven-haired boy said breathily, “It can’t be! There’s no way I’m-“
“Ticklish! You’re ticklish!” Emma cheered as she began to squeeze her brother’s knees with more earnest.
“Ehehehemmahaha!” Ray whined as he pushed at her face. “Cmohohohon! Thihihis ihihihisnt fahahahair!”
“Of course it’s fair! You’ve tickled me and Norman so many times! Just wait until he hears about this!” The girl chirped, wiggling her fingers on the underside of one of the boy’s knees.
“See! I told youuu!” The girl sing-songed, “You are ticklish!”
Ray threw his head back and hid his face in his hands as he whined. Emma was right after all. “EHEHEMMAHAHAHA!”
“Me? Mean? I’m wounded, brother!”
After a grueling ten rounds of hide and seek, Norman decided to slip by the kids and take a trip to the bay window. He deduced that he would find his two older siblings there, but not in the way he did…
He was met with Emma teasing the ever-living daylights out of Ray as she squeezed his knees, and Ray, giggling his head off, and still in absolute shock over the fact that he was ticklish.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the consequences of your own actions.” Norman chimed, crossing his arms with a cocky smile.
Ray’s face flushed red as he remembered the words he’d said to Norman when his brother had been in his own place. “NOHOAHAHA- NOHOHOHORMAHAHAN! HEHEHELP MEHEHE!”
“Are you sure? You seem to be having fun!”
“Okay okay!” The white-haired boy said with a giggle of his own. “Alright, Emma. Give him a break. Remember he’s never been tickled before.”
Upon hearing these words, Emma ceased her squeezing and patted her brother’s knee. “Ticklish.”
“Y-yeah… you got me.” Ray murmured, shying away from his siblings. “I don’t know how you can do it, Norman. She’s… she is evil.”
“I don’t usually have a choice, Ray. Emma pounces whenever she wANTS-“
As to prove Norman’s point, Emma latched herself onto her other brother and began an attack once again.
Thank the stars for rainy days!
❣︎𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑒’𝑠 𝐶ℎ𝑜𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝐸𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡❣︎
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Truth Seekers! (The Promised Neverland)
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Heyo everyone! This is a bit of a spontaneous dabble, but I wanted to make a gift for the wonderful @intheticklecloset! Thank you so much for your support friend! :D I platonically love you too!
I decided to go with The Promised Neverland for this one! It's been a hot minute since I've watched the anime (Sorry for any OOCness with the trio!), but writing for these three was so much fun! I hope you like it! :D
Summary: Ray loves his friends but won't admit to it. Emma and Norman decide to make him admit it!
“Ray! Come play with us!” Emma flopped into the grass before the lounging boy, pouting. A few paces behind her, Norman stood by with a gentle smile, playing with the ends of his sleeve. “You’ve been sitting here alone all day! That seems pretty lonely, no?”
“Maybe for you, but I’m enjoying the solitude.” Ray stretched out his legs, tucking his arms behind his head with a small smirk. “It’s nice and quiet. Well, at least it was earlier.”
Emma shoved his knee, unable to hold onto her pout when Ray nudged her back. “Meanie!”
“Please, that’s all you got to say back? ‘Meanie?’” Ray grinned, making Emma grin back.
“Still- it does seem rather lonely being over here by yourself. Mind if we join you?” Norman asked, already taking a seat to Ray’s open right. Emma scooted closer, kicking her legs happily behind her as she rested her head in her arms.
“You're already here. Why bother asking?” Ray rolled his eyes, turning back to his book. Despite his words, he was rather happy his friends were here. He loved the kids in the orphanage, but they could be a bit overwhelming. With Norman and Emma, he felt at peace.
“Pfft- someone’s moody today.” Norman laughed as he reached out, gently poking Ray’s side. “It’s almost like you don’t want us here!”
“Yeah, Ray!” Emma reached out and did the same thing. “Tell us how you really feel!”
The brunette nearly jumped out of his skin at the sudden pokes, hands clutching his book tightly as he fought the urge to laugh. “I already d-did! You two are annoying, now stop it!”
“What- annoying?” Emma mock gasped, sharing a look with Norman as her poking increased in speed. “Can you believe that, Norman? He called us annoying!”
“How cruel! You were right earlier, Emma! Ray is a meanie!” He giggled in his hand as his fingers walked up Ray’s side, pressing gently into the spot below his ribs. Pressing a little firmer, he finally got a gasp and a giggle from the stubborn boy. “Say your sorry!”
“Pfft-No-Nohoho way!” Ray snickered out, dropping his book as he tried to curl his arms around himself. Squirming this way and that, he couldn’t get away from the relentless pokes and prods to his torso. “Yohoohohhu twooohohohoho neehehehheed to ahhhahahcept the truhuhuhuhuth!”
“Oh? The truth huh?” Emma sat up properly now, briefly pausing her tickle attack so she could lean over Ray. After a few short whispers to her friend, the pair were back at it with the tickles. “We’ve decided you're not telling the truth. Tell us, Ray- are we really annoying?”
“Don’t lie to us, Ray! We’ll know!” Norman grinned.
“AHehahahhahahahahhahhaha! Iiiihihiiihihihim noohohohohohoohot lihihiihihihyin-EHHEHHEHEHE!” The brunette squealed when Emma grabbed his knees, squeezing gently and making him kick his legs. Norman took this opportunity to reach out and gently tickle his belly- another spot that guaranteed a good reaction from their friend. “EHEHHEHEHEEMA, NOHOHOHOHORMAN STAHHAHAHHAHAP!”
The pair paused briefly, waiting as Ray recovered. “Are we annoying?”
“Yehehehs!” Ray giggled out. The tickling began once more- this time on lesser ticklish spots. “Ahehahahahhahahhaha!
They paused again. “Still annoying?”
“Whahahat do you thihihin-AHEHHAHAHAHHA!”
This went on for several seconds before finally- Ray broke.
“Ohoohohhoohkay! Ohohohohohkay I lihihihihiihed!” He squealed out, cheeks flushed an adorable shade of pink and hair a mess. His friends pulled back once more, waiting with expectant smiles. “Yohoohur not…ehehhee..annhoohooying.”
“You love us?” Emma giggled.
“As much as I love the rest of the kids.”
“Truly?” Norman teased.
“Truly.” Ray rolled his eyes, unable to fight down the flush touching his ears. Emma and Norman cheered above him, happy with the outcome.
Ray huffed out a laugh, stretching back out into the grass as he slowly recovered. From either side of him, he felt his friends cuddle up, Emma’s head on his shoulder and Norman’s leg crossing over his own. Together the three watched the clouds roll by until it was time to go back in.
He really did love them.
I hope this was good!
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favanimetpn · 2 years
Working on a ler lambda squad and Lee Norman 🤭
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tickling-giggles · 2 years
Hey hey heyyyy hru? Sooo I was wondering if you could do a fic or hcs your choice of Ray from tpn getting into a tickle fight with Don & Phil? Lots tummy tickles plss!
Smarty pants
A/N: lol didn’t mean to disappear those essays were annoying asf but anyways besides that I doing good
Ray was currently acting cocky after winning a game with his idea. “What? Ya jealous ‘cause I’m stronger than you not only physically but mentally aswell” ray chuckled. “Ugh ok whatever we get it it was a good plan and just because that was a good plan dose not make you stronger than me” don rolled his eyes as he glanced towards ray. “Jealously is not a good on you don” ray flipped onto his back sassily. Phil was just sitting there watching this all happen.
“Thag was mean ray you should be punished” Phil pouted as he climbed and sat on ray. “Prepared to be punished” Phil wiggles his fingers started tickling his sides. “Phil what’re you doIHIngeheheheh NaHAahahaoo” ray shrieks as he clamps his arms to his sides. “Yeah get him Phil” Don egged on as he helped Phil out by grabbing ray’s arms.
“Nahahahahah doHOhon lemme GohO” ray tried pulling his arms out of his grasp. “That’s not how you ask ray”Phil smiled as he wiggles his tiny finger into ray’s bellybutton. “PhAHAHAHAHAHAHAL NOHOHO GEHEHEHET OUT AHAHAHAHA PLEHEHEHEHEHASE”ray squealed.“Face it ray it what you deserve” don comments.
Then Phil got up and started attacking don aswell “And this is for stealing my snacks including my apple juice from this morning”. “wait whAHAhahat nohohoho Phil yohohou traitor ahaha” don laughed before being pinned to the ground by ray ”Ha payback” ray chuckled. Phil blew multiple raspberries on don’s belly “OKAHahahahay IhIm SOHorehehe PhiAHAHahahal pleheheASE” Don threw his head back.
“Good now we are all even” Phil smiled. Ray and Don still recovering looked at each other then smirked as they attacked Phil “We’re not all even yet”. “Yohohohu guhuhuys thihis is sohoho mehehean ” Phil giggled and squirmed around.
“Aww what’s wrong are you tickle tickle ticklish”ray teased. “Yehehes NAHAHAhAHA DOHOHON” Phil squealed. “What you called me mean now I’m showing you meEEH” don teased as he felt a pinch to his side looking up at ray. “Hey your taking all the glory” ray pouted. “Oh please like you weren’t earlier you know what your in for it now” don chuckled before pouncing on ray. “Wait NAHAHAHAT AGAHAHAHAIN DOHOHON QUHUIT NAHAT YOU TOHOHO PHIL” ray shrieked back to were it started.
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intheticklecloset · 2 years
3. "You seem scared." and/or 5. "Ya know, I have my ways..."
With Ray and Norman if possible! Hope you have a good day- your works always make me smile! ❤️
Order Up! Happy Hour Event CLOSED
“You seem scared,” Norman remarked with a smile.
“I’m not scared.” Ray took a step back, felt the wall behind him, and bit back a startled gasp. He hadn’t realized how close he was to being trapped. “I just…I know what you’re going to do, and I’m…nervous.”
Norman’s smile remained unwavering. “Why? You know I’ll be gentle and stop when you want me to.”
“I know.” Ray clenched his fists to keep himself grounded when Norman stepped into his personal space, eye-to-eye with him. “Doesn’t mean I’m not nervous.”
Norman grabbed his sides and squeezed, making Ray slap a hand over his mouth to hide the shriek that wanted to make itself known. He squirmed when his friend kept it up, squeezing and pinching and tickling all up and down his sides.
“Nohohorman!” he giggled, clutching his friend’s shoulders but not pushing away yet. “Jeheheherk, don’t lohohohohook at me like thahahahat!”
“Like what?” Norman asked innocently, traveling up to his underarms, making it harder for Ray not to protect himself. “I just think it’s cute, that’s all.”
“It’s nohohohohohot! It’s embahahahaharrassing!”
“You know the others would love it if they found out, right? They’d tickle you as much as you wanted.”
Ray blushed even harder. “Shuhuhuhuhuhut up! I dohohohohon’t wahahahahant them to knohohohohow!”
“Know what?”
This was the tipping point in their game. Ray knew it, Norman knew it, and both of them knew what was going to happen next.
Ray growled, “You suhuhuhuhuhuck!”
Norman stopped, and he couldn’t help but grin at Ray’s fleeting look of disappointment. “Know what, Ray?”
The raven-haired boy huffed, averted his eyes, blushed even more. “That I like it, all right? I like being tickled.”
Norman beamed at him, grabbed his thighs, and kneaded his thumbs in deep.
Ray tossed his head back and exploded into laughter, grateful everyone else was gathering for lunch and couldn’t hear them from downstairs. He clutched Norman’s shoulders so hard it almost hurt, but his friend didn’t mind.
“Don’t worry,” Norman said, continuing to tickle and draw out the brightest laughter from his usually quiet, stoic friend. “Your secret is safe with me.”
This was the final prompt! Thank you for coming to Happy Hour!
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fluffyweeby · 2 years
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So let’s say Emma was bored and wanted to play with her oldest brothers but they prefered to read books instead so she decited to hide them when they werent looking, but they saw her and yea… this happened. 😶
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ticklangie · 2 years
Tickle Tpn Headcanons ( Emma )
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This girl is like a baby, she laughs adorable, very ticklish, and to a certain extent she likes to be tickled.
She has points on her body that are more ticklish, they are quite common: Belly, waist and feet.
She spends the day tickling the other children in the orphanage, to keep them happy and cheer them up.
She has a lot of tickle fights between her, Ray, and Norman. Although normally she ends up being attacked by both at the same time.
When they play, sometimes by catching another child, she gives them a little round of tickles.
It is impossible to give her soft kisses, she will laugh.
Norman found out she was ticklish one day when he poked her waist and she giggled. Oh my god, since that day he hasn't left her alone.
This girl seems to be an expert in tickling, she knows where and when is the right time to attack.
She loves being complimented in the process.
Like, if they are tickling her and they say: ¡How adorable you are!
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tastybluesprite · 2 years
Hi! I saw your fanfic requests were open, I'm sorry if this is bad haven't requested before. But what about Lee Norman from TPN? Maybe with Ler Ray or both him and Emma if that is easier!
Say Sorry!
Thanks for this request omg I love tpn and I love Norman and Ray!!! I’m sorry if it’s a bit short lol I’m still fairly new at writing full length fanfics.
Warning: None, Tickling!
Summery: Norman gets caught and tickled by Ray until he says sorry
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“R-Ray stay back!!” Norman exclaimed, stuttering. He couldn’t believe he got himself into this mess. He was merely minding his own business when he accidentally tripped Ray. Ray was by no means angry with him (sure maybe a little annoyed) but he wasn’t mad. He was just using this as an excuse to toy with him and they both knew it very well.
Ray came closer and closer and Norman wished very much he could melt into the wall behind him, but evidently he was cornered. “Noormaan I’m gonna make you pay for that” Ray said with a nasty smirk. Norman gulped and prayed that Ray would go easy on him.
Suddenly Ray broke into a starting run and pounced on his white haired friend. Norman would have happily pushed Ray off but physically, he was beat from the prior chase. Also he admittedly wasn’t very strong in general.
Ray then dug his fingers into Normans sides and Norman crumbled immediately. “gYAhahahaha nohohoho Rahahay gehehet ohohohoff!!” Norman tried pushing his hands away but it was futile.
“You were always the most ticklish in the whole orphanage” Ray smirked. “Shuhuhut uhuhuhup thahahats nohohot truhuhue!!!” Norman protested but he fell to much louder laughter when Ray began digging into his ribs. “NohOhOHOhahahaha Rahahahay plehehehehahahase!!!!!”
“First say you’re sorry and I’ll think about it” Ray replied. “Dreheheam ohohohon!!!” Norman said through his laughter. “Your funeral” Ray said with a shrug and shot his hands into his armpits, Norman immediately slammed his arms to his sides. “NOHOHOHO AHAHAHA PLEHEHEAHASE NOHOHOHOT THEHEHERE RAHAHAY”
Ray smirked “you know what you need to say Norman”
Ray ceased the torture and lay next to Norman who was trying to calm himself from the torture.
It was moments like this that Ray treasured for the rest of his life.
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anzynai · 3 years
Requests are open!!! Can I have something with lee Ray and ler Don and/or Phil. Maybe Phil wants to play with him but Ray just wants to read so Don helps Phil out. 💖 Love your fics by the way!! Keep up the amazing work 💖
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Play with Us!
The Promised Neverland (Don & Phil & Ray)
hi!!! these were really cute and i’d been wanting to write for the three of them for a while but i haven’t gotten around to it 😭 either way, thanks for requesting this and i hope you enjoy! (side note: i added a tinyyyy bit of lee don at the end but i hope you don’t mind!)
summary: when phil wants ray to play with him and don, ray refuses. luckily, don has other ways to convince ray to play with them.
word count: 1k
“Aww, you got me!” Don laughed as Phil finally caught up to him, hugging him from behind. They had been playing a game of tag for a while now, just the two of them. The other kids were playing hide and seek with Norman and Emma, but Phil had told Don he didn’t want to play that. Phil giggled, stopping for a moment and looking around. Don was confused for a moment until the four-year old started jumping up and down excitedly, pointing at Ray. “Ray? What about Ray?”
“Yes! I want Ray to play with us!” Phil smiled, bubbling with excitement. Don let a grin spread across his face. 
“Let’s go ask him then! I doubt he has anything else to do than read those boring books all day.” With that, the two skipped over to the boy, who peered over his book after noticing their presence. 
“Hey.” Ray muttered, lazily waving his hand. 
“Ray! Play with us!” Phil exclaimed, bouncing lightly. Ray furrowed his eyebrows, a hesitant look on his face, lowering the book to his side.
“Sorry, Phil. I’m a little busy right now.” Ray apologized, turning away. Don frowned upon seeing Phil physically deflate, wanting to fix it somehow.
“Please? It’ll be more fun with you!” Phil pouted, trying to ask as politely as possible. Ray sighed, looking at the four-year-old sadly.
“I’m sorry, Phil, but I really can’t.” Don squinted his eyes, realizing this was most likely about the house’s secret. But Ray had been reading that same book for hours! A small break would benefit everyone. Ray needed a break and Phil needed another person to play with.
“Come on! Surely a break should be fine! Play Tag with me and Phil!” Don shouted, hopefully. Perhaps if he as an older kid asked, Ray would be more likely to join? Nope. Ray didn’t change his mind, not bothering with a verbal response, just shaking his head and turning back to his book.
Maybe Don would have to go through more desperate measures.
“Play with us or else…” Don said, trying to sound intimidating. He wasn’t exactly sure if he could intimidate Ray, but it was worth a try. Ray lifted his head to look at the pair once more, raising a brow.
“Or else what? What could you do?” Don paused. He really hadn’t thought that far yet. Ray let a smirk fall onto his face seeming to have read Don’s thoughts.
“Or else.. Or else…” Don muttered, desperate for an idea to come across his mind. “Or else Phil and I will tickle you!” Don said at last, a confident smile on his face for being able to come up with a harmless threat and have a little bit of fun at the same time. Phil seemed to like Don’s idea too because when Don looked back at him, there was a huge smile on his face.
Ray, on the other hand, Don was unable to pinpoint the exact emotion painted on Ray’s face. Horror, embarrassment, shock. Ray’s eyes widened, lips parting slightly and his face turned a deep shade of red as he sputtered out of a response.
“Y-you’ll tickle me? That’s ridiculous! Now leave me alone!” Ray exclaimed, but Don could hear the nervousness creeping into his face, whether Ray wanted it to or not.
“No can do! Phil and I want you to play with us! And if we have to resort to this,” Don started, poking the raven haired boy in the side, causing him to fllinch. “So be it!”
“W-wait, Don- stAHAP!” Ray pleaded, but Don ignored him, as he began kneading his sides.
“You’ll have to play with us then!” Don said, remaining firm on his original goal. He looked at Phil who was watching, a little unsure of what to do. Don smiled, “Come help me, Phil. You get his tummy!”
Phil nodded, excitedly, crouching so he was eye level with Ray. Immediately, the toddler shoved his small hands onto Ray’s tummy, scribbling around messily and without coordination. Somehow, though, it was still very effective on Ray.
“Y-yuhuhuyou twoahaha! StaHAhap!” Don smiled, amused, when he realized Ray was unsure of what to do. He wanted to escape but Phil was in the way and he also obviously didn’t want to accidentally damage his book.
“He’s so ticklish, right Phil?” Don spoke suddenly, Ray’s face blushing a bright red while he tried to clamp his lips together but to no avail.
“Yes, ehehe!” Phil answered, happily. The two continued speaking about Ray as if he wasn’t there and Don had to try not to burst out laughing at Ray’s reactions.
“IM RihihiGHT h-hehehere, yohuhu knohow!” Ray snapped, thought it didn’t sound genuine at all through his laughter.
“Oh, sorry Ray! Would you like to be included too?” Don asked, innocently as he began tickling his ribs. That did.. a lot.
“You’re laughing so much, Ray! It’s so loud!” Phil exclaimed, not as a way to be teasing but in a tone that showed his excited wonder.
“Isn’t it, Phil? At this rate, he’ll play with us in no time!”
“S-SHUHUT- STAHAP!” Ray shrieked, remembering that he did not want to “swear” in front of a toddler.
“You know what you have to do for us to stop, Ray!” Don laughed, knowing that Ray wouldn’t be able to take it for much longer.
“OHOHOKAY FIHIHINE! I’LL PLAHAHAY- JUST STAHAP!” Don gave a few more scribbles and pokes to his ribs to tease him before retracting his hands, nudging Phil to stop, as well.
“Yay! Ray’s gonna play with us!” Phil jumped up and down in joy. Ray, who was panting from his previous assault, stood up.
“I’ll be it then.” Without even counting down, he started charging towards them. Don grabbed Phil’s hand in alarm, running away because he knew that if they were caught, they were dead.
“Run, Phil!” Don yelled, as Phil laughed. Unfortunately for them, Ray was known to be one of the fastest runners, catching up to them easily. Since Don was the easiest to reach, Ray tugged on the back of his shirt, yanking him back. “No-ahaha!”
Phil stopped to look back as Ray kneaded his fingers into Don’s sides.
“Phil help me!” Don cried, helplessly and squirming.
“How about you help me tickle Don? It’ll be more fun, right?” Ray asked, smirking. Phil’s face lit up and a pit formed in Don’s stomach, feeling the betrayal. This was going to be a long day.
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