#tpn tickle headcanons
tickling-giggles · 1 year
Kk 👍👍
Then may I ask if you could write lee and ler headcanons for Mujika and Sonju? I couldn't find really anything t-word related abt them and they're my favs 🥲
The Promise Neverland Tickle HC’s
A/N: im sorry this took so long but I hope you enjoy it
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🦋-secondly she’s a lee all the way idc idc
🦋-Adores tickles
🦋- HELLA TICKLISH neck, hands especially the palm, her horns, and her knees
🦋-She’s not shy to ask for them either
🦋-She has her ways of getting tickles
🦋-Whenever a tickle fight is going on she’s normally one she purposefully doesn’t fight back
🦋-Normally when she is in a 1v1 tickle fight most of the time it’s with Emma, Gilda, Don, Ray, and Sonju
🦋-She’s fr everyone’s favorite lee
🦋- She is indeed ticklish but not as ticklish as Ray and Emma
🦋-It’s easy to get her giggling but once you hit the right spot she’ll start squirming but not enough to get away
🦋-teasing is a hit or miss you could say something that you think is a tease but it won’t be to her
🦋-Or vice versa you’ll say the most non teasing thing and she’ll start squealing calling you a tease
🦋-She can easily turn the tables she’s very sneaky
🦋- SHES SNARKY she’ll do just to provoke you and the saddest part is that everyone knows this and it still works
🦋- if you can’t find her she’s somewhere getting wrecked
🦋- She’ll tickle you when you look down
🦋- Or for you to come hang out or cuddle with her
🦋-She can be a evil ruthless Ler or she can be a soft nice Ler it depends on how you got in this predicament
🦋- if you asked she’ll create a safe word that you both agree on
🦋- Or if you provoked her SHE WILL TEASE YOU SO BADLY
🦋- She’ll act like she’s gonn tickle you and doesn’t and then when your not paying attention she’ll ruthlessly yes RUTHLESSLY tickle the most ticklish area on your body and will scold you (jokingly ofc☺️)
🦋- “see y/n this is why you should’ve just asked nicely” “nah uhn you brought this onto yourself” “you can’t get away from me”
🦋- “hmm should I go for your worst spot?” “Yep Emma told me about how ticklish you are”
🦋- And some classic teases
🦋- “you’re giggles are so cute” “wait did you just snort? DO IT AGAIN” “where am I gonna tickle next you’ll never know” “you should smile more and I can help with that”
🦋-She’ll poke your neck, swipe up your neck, or blow on your neck atleast 5 times throughout the day
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🥀-Ler leaning switch 100%
🥀-He doesn’t mind tickles. but will he admit it ? Nope
🥀- he is hella ticklish especially on his feet, sides, his collar bone ,and under his arm.
🥀- His laugh is charming and if you tickle this one spot near his armpit his knees will buckle and he squeals🥹 (the cutest thing ever oml)
🥀-He does get really flustered when asking for tickles “Hey y/n can you T- you know the word”
🥀-Bro is soooooo DAMN COCKY until he’s a giggly mess or till someone says “let’s test it out*
🥀- “Nah I’m not ticklish” “Heh well we don’t have to test it out i-it’s not like I’m lying”
🥀- Whenever he’s in a bad mood Mujika is there to cheer him up
🥀- Despises whenever he gets thorns stuck in his foot because it TICKLES SO FREAKING BAD hurts
🥀- he may squirm around a lot but he never says stop
🥀-he doesn’t care what’s going on who’s getting tickled he will insult you 😭
🥀-“yohohou suck ahahahat tickling peoplehehe” OKAHAHAY okahaAhAy I’ll say ihit…. Your hair look stupid ahahaha WAHAHAHAIT”
🥀- lmao get wrecked
🥀-He mostly does that to ray whenever he’s in a cocky or lone wolf mood he’ll tickle some sense into him
🥀- tickle hugs are his specialty. he'll wrap you in his arms then next thing you know you're getting tickled
🥀- After watching a scary movie he’ll tickle you just to spook you even more
🥀-He’s known for tasering people’s sides
🥀- He will poke your side causing you to yelp before quickly turning away and acting just as confused as you before you catch him in the act
🥀-None one can stand his teases
🥀- He enjoys playing the tickle monster with the younger kids
🥀- dude just likes tickling people for shits and giggles
🥀- and he likes da power
🥀- when ever someone had a nightmare he’ll let them sleep next to him for the the rest of the night and anytime they’re scared before bed
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ticklangie · 2 years
Tickle Tpn Headcanons ( Emma )
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This girl is like a baby, she laughs adorable, very ticklish, and to a certain extent she likes to be tickled.
She has points on her body that are more ticklish, they are quite common: Belly, waist and feet.
She spends the day tickling the other children in the orphanage, to keep them happy and cheer them up.
She has a lot of tickle fights between her, Ray, and Norman. Although normally she ends up being attacked by both at the same time.
When they play, sometimes by catching another child, she gives them a little round of tickles.
It is impossible to give her soft kisses, she will laugh.
Norman found out she was ticklish one day when he poked her waist and she giggled. Oh my god, since that day he hasn't left her alone.
This girl seems to be an expert in tickling, she knows where and when is the right time to attack.
She loves being complimented in the process.
Like, if they are tickling her and they say: ¡How adorable you are!
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tickly-trashcan · 3 years
Game of Strategy {Norman and Emma}
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A/N: yay, more tpn!! I love writing for the main trio, they give me much serotonin. this prompt was really fun to write, i love writing stuff based on headcanons hehe~ I hope you enjoy this one!
Summary: The children at the orphanage are playing a game of tag, but when Emma finally tags Norman, what will she do?
Word Count: 1.2k (under the cut)
Ray, Emma, and Norman all sat underneath the tree as they watched their siblings play, Ray nose-deep in a book as Emma and Norman chatted.
“Emma, I’m bored!” Don whined, walking over to the trio with Gilda. Gilda nodded her head, agreeing with Don. Emma jumped up, smiling.
“Let’s play tag with everyone then!”
“Yeah, that sounds good,” Norman added, standing up next to Emma, who glanced back at him with a small giggle.
Emma, Norman, Ray, Don and Gilda rounded up their siblings, bringing them all by the tree as Ray pulled out his pocket watch, explaining the regular rules for all the children.
“So you all have ten minutes, Emma’s ‘it’. Make sure you use what we taught you to make sure that Emma can’t find you.”
The kids nodded and Ray popped open the pocket watch, checking the time.
“You have five minutes to hide… go!”
The orphanage kids all darted off in different directions as Emma stood next to Ray, warming up and getting ready to go after her siblings. 
“How much more time until I can go after them?” She asked after a few moments, looking in the direction that Norman had run off in. Her plan was to go after him and tag as many of the other kids as she could along the way. 
“Thirty seconds,” Ray said simply, glancing at the watch. Emma got herself into a running position, ready to chase after her brother as Ray gave her the okay to go.
She sprinted off, careful to reserve some of her energy as she headed into the woods. She looked around, pausing when she noticed some footprints. They were Norman’s size, but they trailed off in the direction of the wind, which was something Norman wouldn’t do. She went in the other direction instead, going faster when she saw a tuft of white hair somewhere in the distance. 
She slowed her pace and hid behind a tree when he stopped, hearing Norman usher the other kids he was with somewhere else. 
“You gonna tag me now, Emma?” Norman called, and Emma walked out behind the tree, grinning.
“Where’d the other kids go, Norman?”
Norman pinched his fingers together and drew them across his lips, showing that they were sealed. Emma chuckled.
“You better tell me where they went, Norman,” Emma said. Norman chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest as Emma took a few steps closer to him, reaching her hand out to tag him.
“Couldn’t you just find them on your own?”
Emma hummed, placing her hand on Norman’s shoulder as she shrugged.
“I suppose I could, but I’d like you to tell me. Say, Norman, you’re looking a little stiff. Would you like a massage~?”
Norman’s eyes widened at the mention of that. He knew exactly what Emma meant by that, it was her special code, but before he could run off, Emma tackled him to the ground, wrestling with him as he tried to shake her off. Emma pinned him, and Norman looked up at her with pleading eyes.
“E-Emma! You should be finding the other kids, not this! Ehehemma!” 
“Already laughing? I haven’t even started your massage yet!” Emma teased, wiggling her fingers above Norman, Norman covering his mouth as nervous giggles continued to spill out.
“Tell me where the kids are and I might leave you alone~”
Emma shrugged, digging her hands into Norman’s sides as he shrieked, immediately dissolving into frantic giggles as Emma smirked, wiggling her fingers around and traveling up and down his waist.
“Ehehehemma! Stahahahap!” Norman wailed, pushing at Emma’s shoulders with his hands as he laughed freely, kicking his legs as Emma laughed along with Norman.
“I love seeing you laugh!” She said happily, crawling up to Norman’s ribs with her fingers, prodding at the sensitive bones as Norman squeaked. He quickly clamped his arms against his sides and wrapped his arms around his chest as he twisted from side to side, laughing. 
“Emma, plehehehease!”
“Please what, Norman? Please keep going? Sure thing!” Emma quipped, making Norman shriek as she wiggled her fingers viciously against his upper ribs.
“Nohohohot thehehehere! Chahahahange spots, plehehehease!”
“Oh, you want me to tickle you somewhere else? Okay! My hands are trapped though, I need you to raise your arms~” 
Norman shook his head, and Emma chuckled, continuing her rib torture, vibrating her fingers in an agonizingly ticklish way as Norman arched his back, digging his heels into the ground as laughter continued to pour from his lips.
Norman struggled, but somehow managed to raise his hands above his head, just barely, and allowed Emma’s hands their freedom.
He immediately regretted it, however, when Emma dug right under his arms, scribbling her fingers around in the hollow as Norman uncharacteristically screeched, his face pink from embarrassment and laughter as a new wave of giggles poured from his lips like honey.
Emma laughed, scratching her fingers easily under his arms as he howled, hiccuping somewhat through his laughter as he could barely formulate any words at this point.
“NAHAhahaha! Wahaha - gahahaha!” He squealed, shaking his head back and forth as Emma continued to tease him, only making his face more and more red.
“How bad does this tickle on a scale of 1-10?” She cooed, and Norman threw his head back, a tear trickling down his cheek as he continued to laugh hysterically, his laughter probably echoing throughout the whole forest as Emma kept up her tickle torture.
“Tehehehehen! Stahahahahap!”
Eventually Emma decided to switch spots, figuring Norman had had enough of his underarm torture, which was the one spot that could really get him hysterical. She scribbled her fingers over his tummy instead. Norman swatted weakly at her hands, trying to curl up on his side to keep her from tickling him. She merely pinched his hip, making him flip back over and expose his tummy again.
“Tickle, tickle, Norman~!” She teased, poking his navel as he squeaked, covering his face in embarrassment as he squirmed, reduced completely to nothing but a giggly mess as Emma continued to tickle him relentlessly, having forgotten why she was tickling him in the first place.
“Time’s up,” A voice came, and Emma didn’t stop as Norman opened one eye, still laughing as Emma continued to spider her fingers over his tummy. He saw Ray standing above Emma, quickly whacking her head and making her stop as she grabbed the back of her head, whining.
“Raaaay!” She whined, and Ray held up the pocket watch, showing that ten minutes had passed. She wailed, looking back at Norman.
“I didn’t catch anyone because of you! Take this!” She said, digging her hands back under his arms as Norman screeched, clamping his arms down.
“I-It wahahahahasn’t my fault!” He yelled, and Ray sighed, reaching down and grabbing onto Emma’s hips, making her shriek and let go of Norman.
“Leave him alone, Emma, he’s had enough.”
“Okahahay! Okay, I stohohopped!”
Emma fell off of Norman and Ray stopped, helping Norman up who was still panting heavily. Norman dusted himself off and helped Emma up, who laughed cheerily as she poked Norman again.
“I may have only tagged you but I totally got you,” She teased, and Norman rolled his eyes fondly, nodding.
“You really did.”
“Let’s head back now, the other kids are waiting for the next round. Norman, do you wanna be ‘it’?”
Norman looked at Emma vengefully and nodded, making her squeak nervously. She quickly ran off, laughing as Norman chased after him, Ray not far behind. The next round of tag would be quite interesting indeed…
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amaikana · 5 years
Because I Know That You’re Evil Too (a TPN fanfic)
-.-.- Rating: T Pairing: None Characters: Norman & Ray Wordcount: 1.7k+ A/N: Cross posted on AO3. This is practically a character study fic about my headcanon of Norman views Ray in his mind. Shamelessly bringing this back up again cause it’s kind of relevant to my other previous post. Oh, and, title inspired by rachie’s cover song of I’m Glad That You’re Evil Too Summary: "What’s the point of your confrontation then?”     “Well, I just want to know how much of a devil my best-friend had turned into.”   “Coming out from the person who had let his families die for almost six years? That’s rich.”    That’s probably a cruel remark, but Norman was nothing if not prideful. If other people push him down, then he’d drag them down along with him—best-friend or not. [A What-If Scenario] Ray confronting Norman at the Paradise Hideout -.-.-
[ Because I Know That You’re Evil Too ]
Strolling around in the dead of night, Norman made his steps in the dark hallways. The Paradise Shelter in the night had always been dimly lit. It’s to save out the limited energy access they had, mostly. The other reason was to avoid drawing attention from afar, because a sole brightness in the night in the middle of nowhere would surely stand out much.
Though it seems like the dim lighting didn’t falter any wanderer from making their way around the shelter. From behind one of the huge concrete pillars spread out in the building, Norman could sense a dark shadow of a figure looming over.
He sighed.
“I know you’re there.”
His words were plain, yet it spoke loudly about his gutsy tendency. Seemed like his two best-friends had finally rubbing off on him.
“Calling out strangers when you’re alone with defenses open from various directions like that? Seriously? I thought you’re more tactical than that.”
The person the shadow sounded disappointed, though Norman knew it was only mockingly so.
Norman turned around. He smiled. “Well, I knew it was you anyway.”
The other person stepped forward. Moonlight casted onto them, making out the figure’s form clearer. A grace of smirk apparent on their face. Or rather, his.
“Hello, Ray. What are you doing out here? In the middle of this cold night, nonetheless.”
“Oh? What is this, small talks again? Ever the people pleaser, aren’t you? I would’ve thought I could be spared by now, considering that I’m your best-friend and all. At least by some social constructs.”
Norman shook his head, still smiling. Ray always got the wrong idea. He’s just sensitive like that.
“You are my best-friend. I’ve never thought of otherwise.”
Ray didn’t retort, but he’s probably rolling his eyes there. Norman could always read Ray—they could read each other like that. They did think alike after all, even though their value of morals were severely different.
“‘Best-friend’? Really, now? Because I’m sure there’s some sort of code of conduct for friendships somewhere out there that stated something about how best-friends aren’t supposed to keep secrets. Let alone feeding lies into each other.”
Norman hummed. “Hmm, is hypocrisy your new favorite game, now?”
“Perhaps.” Ray shrugged. Then he paused. Looking at Norman carefully, he added, “You’re not denying it.”
“I’m not,” Norman said easily. As easy as admitting who was his first (and still) love back then. Everything always came flowing out easily, if it’s with Ray.
A brief moment of silence graced over them. The only sound was the soft wind of night air blowing.
“So it’s true, then.” Ray’s voice came out quieter than Norman had ever heard. A tint of sadness almost visible in it.
“What do you know so far?” Norman cut, urging out, sensing that Ray was hesitating to elaborate more.
It took a brief moment again for Ray before he answered, “You’re planning on starting a war. Not just a war, you’re planning on a thorough genocide of the demon species. You want to– No. It’s never a ‘want’ isn’t it? With you, it’s always for others’ sake. Ironically.”
Ray averted his eyes bitterly, then he continued, “You’re planning on conducting an all-out massacre of the Heads of the Royal Clans. You’re probably…” Ray hesitated before saying out the next part. “You’re probably currently doing- or even did an experiment for it. Experiment to a demon’s body. To find out the most effective way for killing it, killing them.”
The last part came out shaky, and Norman felt kind of bad for Ray. For being the one who understood him the most. For being the one innocent person who knew. Ah……wait. Innocent? Norman snorted internally. Of course not. This was Ray he’s talking about.
“Because an army of humans,” Ray continued again, “no matter how many, could only lead to so far. It was the foolish mistake that the man who initiated the idea of building this world in the first place didn’t realize, after all,” Ray concluded, finished his speech.
Norman grinned and clasped. Partly in salute, partly in just his twisted sense of humor. But not in awe, no. Not even an ounce. It didn’t surprise him that Ray was capable of knowing this much. Ray was so much more than a walking encyclopedia—a fact that people often forgot. But Norman knew it. Oh, he knew it well. ‘Best-rivals’ was the title for the two of them alongside ‘best-friends’ after all.
“As expected of you,” he acknowledged. “Now, what are you going to do with that information? Are you going to stop me? Support me secretly? Try to sway my mind?” he taunted.
But the Ray before him now wasn’t the Ray he’d last seen from their days in Grace Field. The Ray back then would’ve caved into his taunt in mere seconds. Because the Ray back then admired him greatly, probably thinking that he’s the very embodiment of absolute logic. Norman always found it kind of funny, considering himself never really saw Ray as someone below him.
But the Ray before him now had seen so much more—had experienced so much more. Ray had always based his opinion on his knowledge. And now that he had gain much more knowledge from the outside world, had met various people on his journey, Ray probably didn’t think of him as the sole person he’d looked up to again.
Ah, thinking about it made him felt somehow sad. But of course, he’s glad, to be able to give his best-friend a chance for experiencing those things.
Ray stepped forward, his face unreadable. But that didn’t matter. Ray’s expressions were always hard to read, anyway. His emotions instead came visible from his words and action.
“Try to sway you?” Ray snorted. “Is that supposed to be a joke? It should be common knowledge by now that you’re as stubborn as a mule once you’ve set your mind on something.”
Norman raised his eyebrow. “Really? Well, not that I really expected for you to go against me.” Because some hints of the fondness and admiration were still there. “But what is the point of your confrontation, then?”
Ray stared at him and blinked passively, then said the next words in a tone just as passive, “Nothing.”
Ray’s stare bore so deep into him that it felt as if it was tangible.
“Nothing, really. I just wanted to know just how much of a devil my best-friend had turned into,” Ray said, half shrugging.
“Coming out from the person who had let his families die for almost six years? That’s rich.”
And that’s probably a cruel remark, but Norman was nothing if not prideful. If other people push him down, then he’d drag them down along with him—best-friend or not.
A ghost of a smile painted on Ray’s face. He seemingly found the comment more humorous rather than bitter. “That’d make the devil to be two of us, eh?”
“Well, I guess so.”
In Norman’s own opinion, he was much more of a devil than Ray who had only ever been more of a passive bystander than an evil mastermind. But he knew Ray would argue to death with him on it, so he wisely chose not say anything.
Suddenly, a fleeting question crossed through his mind. He was almost certain with the answer, but it tickled the tip of his tongue so much that he finally caved in and blurted it out.
“Are you going to tell Emma?”
Ray smirked. “What? Worried that you’ll be casted out by your dream girl?”
Partly yes, honestly. He’d like to dream a scenario where Emma would eventually agree that his plan was the best path to take—certainly the safest one, the one with biggest possibility of success. But he also knew that Emma’s value of moral was part of herself as a whole. It’s something that practically define her. Something that she based her logic and actions of. It’s something of her that no one could ever change—not that Norman ever wanted to, it’s that particular part of her that had made he fell in love in the first place, after all.
Norman shook his head. “Emma would know the best for herself.”
‘And that best choice probably wouldn’t be me’ went unsaid. He wasn’t ready for admitting it yet, not even to himself. Because sometimes, on some days, being together with Emma seemed like more than just a pipe dream. But he knew better than to cling onto some selfish childish hope when reality clearly says otherwise. Their paths were way too different at this point.
Ray snorted. “What a shame. I was rooting for you two too.”
Norman averted his eyes and smiled solemnly, “You’re rooting for the wrong team, then.”
Just as he said that, he felt a fist bumped his shoulder. He looked up. Ray’s face closer and clearer this time, but his expression still as unreadable.
“Just know you can come cry to me later when everything crumbled to dust.”
‘When’ not ‘if.’ Norman raised his eyebrow questioningly.
“I agree with your plan, to be honest. But I’ll stand by Emma with this. Either your whole plan or the love of your life—let’s see which would inevitably crumble down. Not that I promise I won’t throw out a punch or two. But just so you know, I’ll be all ears.”  
Ah. So that’s his real reason.
He chuckled. “Should’ve known you’re a sappy dramatic type.”
Ray clacked his tongue in awkward embarrassment. “Shut up.”
When Ray moved forward to leave, Norman caught him, halted him. Giving Ray a brief one-armed hug, he said quietly, “Thank you. I appreciate it.”
Ray brushed his hand away. “You can thank me later.”
‘Later’ probably was just another pipe dream at this point. Stifling a cough burning in his throat and clutching on his pained chest unconsciously, Norman decided spare Ray of this one little detail. At least for now. Feeding off yet another lie.
Glancing out at the retreating form of his best-friend sparingly, Norman thought to himself, ‘It’s alright. He’ll understand eventually.’
Hopefully so. They both shared almost the same role in this play, after all.
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