#top gun universe
jackiequick · 1 month
'Cause I Can See You Waiting | TOP GUN AU ✈️ 🩺
Top Gun Maverick AU Series
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Pairing: Captain Nicolás 'Wraith' Martín x Nurse Jordan 'Echo' Walker
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Summary: What happens when you accidentally crash and burn a little too hard? Will you get back up or let fate step in to say something else?
Ship: Grumpy x Sunshine (Ghostly Echo)
Characters mentioned: Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell, Hazel 'Daredevil'  Kazansky, and Wraith's students
Notes: Title is inspired by Taylor Swift 'I can see you', also Top Gun Summer 2024 return idk
Timeline: Post-Top Gun Maverick
As the warm spring sun bathes the sprawling expanse of North Island Naval Air Station in golden light, a gentle breeze carries the scent of saltwater and blossoming flowers through the air. 
The airfield buzzes with activity, the distant roar of jet engines mingling with the laughter and camaraderie of pilots and crew preparing for another day of training.
Day in and day out, pilots in and out of commission. Jordan ‘Echo’ walker, one of North Island’s finest nurses able almost has seen it all. 10 years of this job. The smooth-talking pilots to the shy wannabes. 
She loves her job, don’t get her wrong, especially her regular visitors being Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell himself. But sometimes she needed a break from those guys to just breath and not have the 86’ crew breathing down her neck. 
Today, it was supposed to be a simple Monday. 
No calls of active duty, no injuries too bad that they can’t handle, no happy go-lucky flyboys to kick out of the waiting room. Just her ringing in patients, cleaning up tiny wounds and sending doctors to rooms for surgery. 
But then again, when does Jordan ever get what she wants?
And like always she was right. 
As in rolled Pete Mitchell again this week. Sometimes she wonders if Maverick does it on purpose just to see her facial expressions change the moment he walks into the room as he gives her a classic half crook grin. 
In this case, he was rolled into the room as other nurses helped him off one wheelchair to the bed. She crossed her arms and sighed chuckling to herself as Maverick shrugged with the most innocent look on his face. 
“What?” He asked, with a half grin despite his face hurting.
“It’s 6 in the morning, that’s what!” She exclaimed, rolling onto her chair slapping on her gloves to meet his face. 
“Gentle this time. I got a date.”
“With who?”
“I’ll tell you on Monday.”
“It is Monday.”
“..Ohh! I’ll tell you on Wednesday then.”
“You goof. How hard did you hit your head?”
Maverick explained how him and another test pilot, a buddy of his, were trying out a few new jets. They were rejuvenated to do it. There were some ace planes that the military wanted them to try out, it was supposed to be set for Monday afternoon but Maverick couldn’t wait too long.
As he went yesterday afternoon, on Sunday, to get his suit, vitals and training prepared for the flying he was meant to do. His pal was dragged into the mess as well. He wanted to wait for Monday to do so, but then he realized he might as well get it over with. 
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Maverick said it felt like a blur, one minutes they were both in the cockpits pushing their limits and then the they risking to go mock 10, reaching the levels of 6Gs and sustainable the face to fatal damage. Most of us can withstand up to 4-6G. 
However if it wasn’t his pal, who he mentioned to be named Wraith, he would’ve stayed in the aircraft. Mav wanted to keep going but Wraith streaked  a couple of switches, leading the both men to eject from their shared aircraft and into the air. The two were lost for a couple in another state, until air support found them. Cain wanted a word with Maverick and Wraith, but Iceman and Silder stepped into to cover them as soon as possible.
Which now led them here to the medical wing, the clinic where Jordan worked at.
Maverick went on tell her about the situation at hand and how Ice was able to help reduce it, as Jordan let out a few laugh. It was Mav’s crazy antic that lighten up her days more than once in her lifetime. It also helped that Maverick tended to playfully flirt with her, despite being the one who was usually injured here. 
However the banter was cut short as the muttered sounds of shouting and grunts came from the other room. She looked over her shoulder confused, as Maverick shrugged guessing it was his buddy having a hard time dealing with the medical staff. 
It was moment like this, Jordana wishes she took a week off, sometimes her patients could be so difficult. She excuse herself from Pete’s room, requesting another nurse to take over while she goes to check up on the other patient.
It took her a few moments but she found the room next door, she expected some young cocky snarky and soft around the edges pilot some of kind. But instead, her eyes locked onto a pair of dark chocolate brown eyes that held a grit and muddy demeanor to them. He met her gaze with a soften, almost surprise look. 
He was met with a pair of brown eyes, long brown hair that had more body than length, shiny tan skin. She was wearing a pair of large hoop earrings, a necklace with a tiny cross on it, light makeup that made her demeanor seem light yet no nonsense, and dark blue scrubs to match. 
Captain Wraith Martin wouldn’t admit it but she was pretty. He figured she was probably some newbie nurse with no experience and a shiny puppy-like attuned way of thinking. Or that’s at least what he heard Maverick say about the nurses here, as he was a regular at here like it was a damn fast food restaurant of some kind.
The only reason why he is here was because he decided to listen to Pete’s idea on doing the test drive early, that way starting Monday morning they had less shit to do. Well look where that got him! He was sitting on a bed in the medical wing with cuts, bruises and a giant ass headache, after ejecting out of a plane and landing in the middle of Nevada. 
What made it worse was that theses nurses and doctors had no business of touching him, despite him telling them that he was fine. He didn’t need any X-Ray or some useless crap like that. Yes he was in pain, he was sore and extremely tired for god’s sakes but he knew popping a few Advil and going to rest, would reduce his discomfort. 
And here stood some young brunette nurse who was probably unqualified entering his room like—
He was taken out of his thoughts he was heard the nurse talking over the doctors and other nurses to get out of the room. That she would handle it. She was practically pushing them out the door, before turning around to face him wearing a half smile, pushing hair out of her face. He was silently impressed by her actions. 
She picked up the clipboard to skim quickly his name and nodded.
She fixed the collar of her dark blue scrubs, and said, “Hi.”
“Hi.” He grumbled back, with a half smile that didn’t last long, “Look, baby, I know you mean well but I am fine.”
“You don’t look fine. According to my records, you were ejected from a plane.”
“Don’t pilots come and go here, being all ejected at one point.”
“Yeah but you were flying with Maverick. It’s a miracle you survived.”
“Yup. I did. Just give a order to take some medication and I’ll be out of your way.”
“I’m sorry. But you’re not leaving until I say you can go.”
“You’re a nurse, not a doctor, baby, I believe that’s—”
He was cut off by his own words when he met her gaze once again. This time, it wasn’t just her narrow eyeliner but a glare that pierced into his soul. He swears he might’ve just stuttered in front of her. He furrowed his eyebrows and scoffed, thinking he was smart for that move. But he wasn’t gonna let her win that easily.
He cleared his throat, “Uh, um, uh—a-alright. I get it, you’re a new nurse, what? You’ve been here a couple of months?”
“More than a couple of months.” She said, rolling over a table with equipment to clean his wounds as she slapped on her gloves.
“Woah, hold it there, you’re not touching me.”
“Look, it’s just a small routine here. You will be in and out of here in a few hours or less.”
“A few hours? Nope, I got work to do.”
“Iceman and Slider are covering for you. You’re fine.”
“How did you…?”
“I know the admiral, Captain Martin. Now let me do my job.”
Once again she softly glared at him, after referring to his name in a professional manner. This time, it shut him up, letting out a huge sigh of defeat. He expected the handy work to harsh and rough, yet it was gentle and softer than he imagined. He barely felt the needle pierce into his arms when he gave her an infusion through the IV. He denied it at first, but then she reminded him that he lost fluids and nutrients when he crushed. 
With that, she started to clean the cuts on his shoulders and neck. She quiet when she did it, asking him every so often if it stun or hurt, as he answered her question with a soft ’no, I’m good.’ 
There was this awkward silence between them. The only sound being the paper from the table that held the tools she needed to do her job. 
“I see that you’re a test pilot?” She asked, breaking the silence, with almost a humorous tone.
He huffed breaking into a tiny half smile, shifting in his seat and replied, “Yeah. I think it was pretty obvious.”
“I mean, you’re a test pilot, how long have you been doing this?”
“Uh..8 years more or less..”
“And you got stuck as a Captain or was it a choice?”
“Huh..well yeah, I can be an Admiral. I should be one with the skills I had.”
“What change?”
“The workload, my skill set was a bit of a risk..wait why I am telling you this?”
She lightly chuckle and shrugged, “I don’t know. I just asked, sorry I didn’t mean to pry..if I did. You just seemed on edge..just trying to lighten the mood.”
“Well, it helped. Uh, thanks.” He added, giving her a small nod, “Didn’t catch your name, nurse.”
“Nurse Walker, Captain.”
“Good to know.” 
“Yeah..I apologize for my attitude earlier when I walked in.”
“It’s cool. No harm done.”
Jordan kept working on switching her technique as she stitched up his wounds and making sure the skin was given room to breathe as she did. He was silently once again impressed by her handy work and smiled to himself. Their small talk kept going as she asked him question on how his weekend went, what he liked to do, what he loved about his job and if he was any upcoming roles to fill in. 
At some point, a doctor came with medication to help with his pain and help him get better. He thanked said doctor with a nod. She even noticed his body language relaxed as he was talking about himself and his weekend. 
He didn’t even noticed, what she was doing in the beginning until he did. He actually appreciated it, she was calming him down to allow his body to regulate and start working with the medication given.
Yes, Echo saw him to be an asshole pilot when she first came in, she can’t blame him if she was in his shoes, he was tired and sore from his crash. He was only now getting treatment for it. She was thankful, he didn’t spat any harsh language towards her and more snarky comments. Wraith looked at  her brown eyes once again and half smile at her efforts to help him. It was probably the medication but he felt relaxed and at ease in her presence. He won’t admit it, but he liked it. Her might even like her. 
After the last 10 hours, he was more than thankful to be treated, it didn’t matter who it was. However he was lucky, he got her for some reason. 
It was his turn to break the silence as he asked, “How long?”
“How long, what?” She asked in return. 
“How long have you been working here..?”
“Ah, well, almost 10 years..well, it feels like 10 years. I only been here for less than 8.”
“So you were a nurse during my second year of becoming a test pilot?”
“More or less, yeah. But it feels like 10, you know?”
“I know what you mean. I most certainly know what you mean.”
They both released a chuckle at that point. As their laughs slowly faded, Nicholas gaze fell on Jordan once again as she gave him a soft smile in return. She won’t admit it out loud but he was handsome. She has been flyboys of all kind walk in and out of here, from hard grumps to hush flirts. Hell, she went on date or two with pilots, but they never ended well. 
Oh well, nothing she can do but try to let the wind flow in her directions, even if she wasn’t looking for someone at the moment.
Yet, he was somewhere in-between. She thought he was just trying to keep a cool head and  not let her see past the profile he was showcasing, either way she brought it.
He hoped she didn’t buy past the looks he was giving her. Yeah sure he was cool, calm and more so collected half the time, but after the last 10 hours he was a bit of wreck! And here comes this nice nurse treating him with respect and patiences, meanwhile he treated her like as piece of crap. He has been a couple of relationships before with ladies and gentlemen who was either made his day or ended in awkward smiles.
Either way he never put pressure on himself to find a partner of some kind. But he did hope someday he would bump into somebody who can deal with him. 
Giving thanks and apologetic wasn’t ever in his resume, especially with all the times he’s been lashed back, but he knew he needed to apologize sooner or later. 
“So you uh, must’ve seen a lot of weird shit huh?” He asked once again, in a softer tone that sounded like a whisper.
“Heh, yeah. I have seen officers, students,..admirals come in here. Sometimes, it’s for a tiny injury while in the building. Others, it was while they were on the deck.” She explained, almost as if she was remembering those moments.
“You would be surprise how many people come in here, because they hurt their hand by accident or cut themselves while doing paperwork.”
“Oh no, they are just being dramatic, at that point.”
That got another chuckle from his nurse. He even chuckled at his own comment. 
She chuckled shaking her head, “That’s just mean!”
“No, I’m serious! Half of them just wanna play doctor and patient, so they decide to fake an injury to see you guys.” He replied joking. 
“I bet you tried that before to see some cute nurse in high school huh.”
“Nah, not me. But my friends used to do that while in flight school. God, Cyclone wasn’t slick..”
She wanted to say something about him knowing Cyclone but decided to leave that subject alone for another time, if she got another moment with him. She wasn’t even sure that she would see him again. But knowing he was a test pilot, good chance she might wind up cleaning his wounds once again. 
She wasn’t mad about that though. She kind of likes Wraith’s asshole tendencies and odd humor, it made her smile a bit. She wasn’t sure if she actually liked him or it was just because he was her patient at the moment—maybe both? All she knew that she was very much willing to see him again, if the time is right, of course.
Nicolas half smile hearing her chuckle. He mistook her for some young newbie nurse who had no business serving him with any kind of care, but he was wrong. She was kind to him and willing to engage in conversation despite him being initially reluctant to do so. Hell, she was so beautiful, patient and in over her head here.
Again, he will blame it on the IV and medication for his calm demeanor but deep down he had a small sense of appreciation for her. He allowed him to open and relax a bit. 
Whether or not, he believed he needed that the moment. He secretly did. 
“Uh, Wraith?” She asked softly, removing her gloves.
The snap of her gloves pulled him out of his thought and back into the reality. He noticed she was throwing her used tools into the trash and blowing hair out of her face, with almost a concerned look on her face. Oh no wait, he was looking at her, with a concerned look. 
Did he say something he wasn’t supposed to?
“Wha—what?” He responded, blinking to face her once again, realizing he must’ve sounded sorta stupid.
She smiled and shook her head, “You uh, zoned out back there. Are you alright?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah, I’m fine. We done here?”
“Yeah we’re done. But like I said, we will need to keep here a while longer and then release you later.”
“Oh, right, because of my crash..oh-what about Maverick? Is he fine?”
He realized he didn’t even mentioned his flight partner until now. Now he must’ve sounded inconsiderate in front of the nurse, but it didn’t seem to phase Jordan at all. 
“He’s alright. I had another nurse check on him. Thankfully, neither of you need any procedures, just bed rest in the medical wing and a lot of fluids.” She explained, “Can I get you anything before I go check on something?”
“..uh, heh-um, a water bottle.” He said, giving her a half smile. 
When she left, he allowed himself to throw his back against the bed and closed his eyes. Echo went on her rounds, checking on other patients, signing off on paperwork and returned with a water bottle. Matter a fact, she brought him a sandwich and a bag of chips on the side. 
He stuttered saying he didn’t need or even requested those thing, but she reminded him that he needed something in stomach. 
The rest of the day, Jordan bounced between her usual routine, having lunch, checking in patients and bumping into plenty physicians on the way. Her mind fell onto Maverick and his new partner in crime at the moment, something about him made her smile. It was probably his dark brown eyes or half smile, who knows?
She heard some doctors and nurses, quietly talking to themselves in hush tones about the new patients, one of them being Wraith. 
One of the nurses, Jody, teased her saying she was lucky to get one of the Captains as her patients as Echo rolled her eyes. Jody was saying that because she only saw his face, but wasn’t the one who met his tough tongue. The same thing goes for Maverick, she only seen his cheeky grin but not the words behind that face of his. 
The only reason both Captains weren’t grounded yet, was thanks to the Navy’s best guardian angels of their generation. It was a bonus that she knew them a little too well. She swears Iceman got a hell-a lot more patients that she does! 
Her mind wondered back to the stuffy-looking pilot from earlier. A soft smile creeped onto her lips as a reminder to check up on the man. Despite his initial resistance, she found herself intrigued by the enigmatic Captain Martin. 
There was something about his rough exterior that piqued her curiosity, something beneath the surface that hinted at a deeper complexity.
Wraith reclined on the bed, as his body tried to relax as he snacked on the gifted sandwiches, glancing over at the small tv in the corner of the room. He found himself wondering if his co-pilot Maverick was alright but he knew that man was in good hands, likely charming his way through his own medical treatment.
Somehow is mind wanders back to the imagine of the brunette nurse, Nurse Walker. He didn't watch her first name and despite his door being cracked open, he barely heard anyone say her full name in the halls.  
He wasn't one for hospitals or people in general, yet here comes this lovely patient nurse to make him comprehend his own thoughts, like he said before he found her rather pretty and kind, despite not admitting it out loud. 
He might've stammer a couple of his wording during their previous talk but now he was wondering more about her. 
Reaching around 1:20pm that same afternoon, Jordan returned after stepping out for some fresh air and going home to check on a package was supposed to be delivered that day. Somehow Amazon didn’t send her a notification, that her package arrived and it worried her if it got delayed in the mail. Thankfully, one of her friends Hazel, told it everything was fine. 
Jordan wasn’t one to sweat the little things too often but moments like that worried her, especially when she paid good money for a pair of earrings she brought on the site.
She found herself slowly opening the door to Wraith’s room to check on him. At that same time, Captain Martin was scrolling through his phone checking on any emails he missed while being here. 
He wasn’t one to check his emails very often but after looking over social media twice and on a small handful of phone calls with friends, as well as getting bothered by physicians. The thought of glancing over at his mail didn’t sound so bad, it helped that he was listening to music while doing so. 
He was listening to a couple of tracks from cinematic scores, along with some 80s classics another pilot recommended to him a while track. He half snorted at the memory of teaching a class that included some rather young students, who were singing along to Taylor Swift. He rolled his eyes at the class, but he couldn’t lie and not say, he enjoyed the artist’s music every now and then. 
He respected the talent and creative artistic storytelling musicians take ever since he was young man, doesn’t matter if the music was in English or even Spanish. He enjoyed it. 
His thoughts were interrupted by the door of his room slowly being cracked open, expecting it to be some other doctor or a random nurse ready to check his blood pressure again. He embraced for impacted, removing an earbud and sitting up straight, narrowing his eyes only to soften once he was met with a certain pair of brown eyes.
Nurse Walker walked in once again.
This time light blue scrubs, her pair was in a low bun and she seemed to change out of some jewelry she was wearing earlier. She half smiled at him, holding up a clipboard and a bottle of water. 
Neither said a word but after a moment she spoke. 
“Hey.” She said, taking a seat on the empty chair beside the bed, glancing down at the clipboard.
“Uh hey.” He responded, removing both earbuds turning to face her correctly, providing a small smile in return. 
“I talked to your doctors and nurses, it looks like you’re more or less cleared to go soon.”
“Real good. However it is recommended you rest when you get home, take any requested medication that doctor is given and..for the sake of all of us, please don’t go flying until said so.”
“I’m not Maverick or any of my students, doc.”
“I know, I know. Knowing the history here, some patients are ours sometimes tend to not listen and hit a wall way too early..you know what I mean?”
Of course Wraith knew what she meant. Like he said, he wasn’t like Maverick, some of his friend or even his students who take off on a joy ride once they’re feeling a bit better. When he was younger, yes, he would’ve rolled his eyes at the doctors and went out to have some fun of his own, but now that he’s gotten older, he more than understands. 
If he had to be honest, a couple of days of no odd shenanigans, simple teaching and rest at home sounded like a dream. He gave him a chance to catch up on shows he’s been binge watching on Netflix, read a book, take a long ass shower and even have some time for himself.  
A couple of second past before he responded.
“Yeah, yeah, I understand. I know exactly what you mean.” He replied, nodding. 
She softly smile, “Alright, good, we got covered. Your doctor would like for you to come in a couple of weeks to check up on things too, if that’s aright?”
“Mhm hmm, sure. I guess, I don’t mind coming in for a check up.”
“Good, is there anyone I can call to pick you up or you sign theses papers?”
Wraith thought about it, he knew Nurse Walker was trying to be nice here and it was part of the program to have someone come to make the patient heads home safely, but he didn’t really want to bother his friends. Beside Iceman already knew what was going on and already sent someone to wait for him at home. Probably one of his nieces or nephews were there waiting for him. 
Jordan waited for a moment, watching his face trying to come up with an answer for her. She knew most men like him act like lone-wolfs, not needing anyone to take care of them or not wanting to worry other because it would lead to a bigger deal to manage. Most pilots come in knowing they’ve been on their own since they were 18 time or lost a lot of people, where they don’t bother calling for back too many for help. So she gets that and wasn’t too worried, knowing Iceman had anything under control.
She looked over her shoulder then faced the tall latino again, as she said, “How about you just signed the paperwork? No need for someone to come get you.”
He paused for a moment and somewhat stammered, “..uh-you’re sure?”
“I’m sure. You seem like you can handle yourself just fine, right?”
“Right, yeah, th-that sounds perfectly fine.”
Jordan smile handing him the clipboard pointing to the spaces where he must sign as he nodded flipping a pen in hand and signing his name where needed. 
As he signing the second sheet of paperwork, he glanced up and softly said “..uh, th-thank you..for taking care of me today..”
“It was no problem.” She replied, giving him another soft smile.
Two short seconds later, he handed the paperwork and pen back, nodding silently. He hated the awkward silent, that was yet calming for whatever reason. He watch her flipping through the clipboard to double-check if everything was filled in correctly, making a couple of tiny marks as she went along. 
Wraith honestly didn’t know if he would get another chance to see her again this week and he wasn’t going to look like an idiot coming into the clinic to get a moment with her, by making a some lame excuse. He could do that but then again it would get annoying and he wasn’t going to risk his friends teasing him for it later. 
Suddenly his actions took the best of him as he mumbled his thoughts out loud, wondering if she’ll like to grab a coffee or something. Jordan looked up from the clipboard asking if he said something as he shakes his head ‘no’. She nodded, saying she’ll see him at the front desk for he can pay for his medical bill, that the navy usually covered. 
He watched her walk away again, as he let out a loud sigh. He covered his face with one hand and grumbled. 
Soon enough, he grabs his jacket and heads out to front desk flipping out a couple of dollar bills to pay for his bill, not before checking up on Maverick real quick. 
As he arrived, he notices Nurse Walker is there chatting with her colleague, before turning her attention to him. She smiles taking the moment to sign off on his day here at the medical wing, as another nurse takes care of his bill. Wraith takes a moment to slip on his brown jacket as his ears catches to someone calling Walker, the name Jordan, which caused a small smile to appear on his lips.
His nurses name was Jordan Walker. 
He thought about his tiny statement earlier about wanting to ask her out, yet as he looked around at the station and the long day he has had, he sadly decided against it. The man was literally thrown out of a jet and into another state just 24 hours ago. He was still pretty sore and tired, he wouldn’t be right. 
Not just that, his friend was still being kept here overnight due to the hit he took. He also knew he had a long meeting scheduled sometime this week to discuss his accident with Maverick. 
Even if he did ask decide to her, he wouldn’t know how to. Or if she’ll even expect going on a date with someone like him. He’s been though a lot in his life already and she probably has seen men try to do to the same thing before. He would probably another hot-shot flyboy to her, who will ask her out and never call again. She might as well reject him right then and there in front of her colleagues.
But a part of him wanted to think positive about this. 
Wraith decided he could do it some other day. Maybe he’ll approaches her, outside the medical wing or when he decides to check up on Maverick during visiting hours. He could strike up a conversation, try to be casual as he asks about her day. 
It could work. He’ll see what happens. 
With that, he thanked the nurses and staff at the front desk with a nod, giving Nurse Walker—Jordan, a small wave and left. 
Jordan returned the small wave, after dispatching his paperwork into a file and nodded to herself. She smiled softly, remembering the small moment of hesitation on his face before giving a small nod then walking out. She couldn’t help, but wonder what he could possibly be thinking about, knowing he must’ve had a busy week ahead of himself. 
Their whole interaction before he left was simple and pretty common like any other, however she could he maybe wanted to ask for something else. But she couldn’t figure out what it was, maybe he wanted to invite her somewhere? She knew some pilots tend to be cookouts and pretty much allow anyone to invite a plus one. Or maybe it was something else. 
Jordan spend her years here, not going out much as she rather stay home and watch a movie. However she never had anyone truly invite or ask her out before, unless she knew them as a friend. 
All she knew was that Wraith, despite his gruff exterior wasn’t half bad in her opinion.
She slowly finds herself drawn to her day with him, knowing he might be back for visiting hours with a friend or two to see Maverick. Or he might just let it be, never see her again until a further accident to leads to two to bump into each other.
Either way, she was somehow fine with it. 
Ahh here it is! A new Top Gun fanfic 🎶 Please let me know what you think! Remember to like, comment and share for more
Idk if this fic should be pre or post tgm yet haha let me know what you think 💭
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @starkleila @missstrawbs2001 @gcthvile @mandylove1000 @cherrysft @degenbrat @hardballoonlove @queenslandlover-93 @djs8891 @theloveoftoms @topgun-imagines @roostersforevergirl @xgoddessoffandomsx @fanboygarcia @letsgotothefantasyworlds-blog @sherloquestea @yetanotherwells @triptuckers and etc
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sarahsmi13s · 7 months
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stopthatfool · 6 months
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i know he snores like a fucking beast. i know it wakes everybody up. and i know he falls asleep in a matter of seconds. so you can't even fall asleep before him. you can't beat him. honk shoooo honk shooo head ass. i want him fucking dead. tucking him in bed all nice and warm as i type this.
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aliensupastar · 1 year
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roosterforme · 11 months
The University of Sugar | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: You take Bradley to a work happy hour, but nothing about it makes him happy, since your boss is clearly flirting with you. Was that man blind? Could he not see your engagement ring? Bradley was ready to fuck some sense into you. And you were so willing to let him.
Warnings: Fluff, swears and smut
Length: 2700 words
Pairing: Beer Boy and Sugar! Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader (former fuckboy college student Bradley)
This is a one-shot to accompany my fics Old Habits Die Hard and Right Girl, Wrong Time! This was written for a request. Banner by @mak-32
Check my profile for my masterlist
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Bradley was exhausted. He'd had such a long week, stayed on base late almost every day. He was ready to get undressed, take you to bed, and pass out for at least twelve hours. But when he unlocked his front door and walked into the living room, you were standing there in a cute little dress, all made up. Maybe he could squeeze in a quickie before he passed out. 
"You look like you're ready for me to take you to bed," he said with a smirk as he started to untie his boots. But then he remembered something that you had said... about... a happy hour? Fuck.
"You need to get changed. I don't want to be late," you told him, checking the time on your phone while he groaned. Now he remembered. He promised you weeks ago that he'd go to the happy hour with your coworkers from the math department at San Diego State University. But right now, he was dying to get in bed and stay there.
"Sugar," he whined, "Baby, I'm exhausted. Can't we just stay home?"
"No!" Now you didn't look pleased at all as he made his way closer to you. "Go get changed, Beer Boy."
He wrapped you up in his arms and pulled you snug against him. "Come on, Baby," he crooned. "Doesn't our bed sound better than happy hour? I promise I'll make you cum. Twice."
You kissed him and smirked devilishly. "I'll hold you to that. After we get back from happy hour."
"Fuck," he groaned releasing you and heading to the bedroom to get changed. There was no way he was getting out of this one. He was going to have to chat with your coworkers all night. A bunch of boring math nerds. Because there was no way there was more than one hot, interesting math nerd at your school. You were an anomaly. You'd cornered that market. 
Plus, Bradley just knew he was going to feel like an idiot all night. You were smarter than anyone he knew, and it would be like a bunch of clones of you walking around sounding extremely intelligent. He didn't even know what he was going to talk about. 
"Ready?" you asked with a smile when he reemerged from the bedroom. You took him by the hand and led him out to the driveway. "I can't wait for you to meet everyone."
It was worse than Bradley thought it would be. Apparently the median age of college math professors was eighty. He held tight to his bottle of beer while you introduced him to way too many people whose names he would never remember. He tried to smile, but he had to stifle a few yawns while he followed you around the small auditorium on your campus.
Everyone knew you. Everyone liked you. Everyone wanted to talk to you. Which was all fine and dandy until Bradley got cornered in conversation with Professor Rosenthal while an extremely handsome man walked up to you and gave you a lingering hug. 
"Who the hell is that?" Bradley asked, completely cutting off Professor Rosenthal.
"Oh," he sputtered, turning to see where Bradley was looking. "Oh, that's Professor Philip Harding. The department dean." 
Bradley's brain was buzzing now as he watched Professor Philip Harding put his hand on your lower back while you laughed. You had mentioned him before. Many times. You told Bradley that you frequently ate lunch with Phil on the benches outside your building next to the rose garden. Bradley was the one who lovingly packed those lunches for you.
He watched as you slowly took a step out of Phil's reach. "That's a good girl, Sugar," he muttered, now completely ignoring Professor Rosenthal. 
But Phil closed the gap and was already next to you again. Was this guy blind? Or just stupid? Did he not see the engagement ring on your finger? Could he not comprehend that you were in a relationship?
"Fuck," Bradley growled, glaring at him as he set his empty bottle down and tore across the room. Phil was tall, dark and handsome, and Bradley knew you liked that kind of thing. Plus, if he was the department dean, he was probably as smart as you were. 
Jealousy pulsed beneath his skin as he came up behind you and wrapped his hand around your perfect hip. "Hey, Sugar," he rasped, leaning down to kiss your neck. He loved the way you melted into his touch, but Bradley kept his eyes on Phil who cleared his throat loudly. 
"Hello," Phil said, looking at Bradley with a thoroughly unimpressed expression. But he could just fuck right off, because Bradley wasn't impressed either. "I don't believe we've met. I'm Dr. Philip Harding."
You smiled up at Bradley. "Phil is the department dean. And his office is next to mine." Then you turned to Phil, and Bradley had to watch his gaze dip down to your chest as you said, "Phil, this is Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw."
"Her fiancé" Bradley added, rather too loudly. 
Phil just smirked at him. "Ah, yes. I believe I've heard mention of you before. You work on submarines or something?"
Bradley clenched and unclenched his fist. "I'm an aviator," be ground out. "A pilot. I fly an F/A-18."
"Right," Phil replied cooly before turning back to you and asking you a question about your calculus lecture. And then Bradley had to stand there and listen to you laugh while he felt like a complete idiot. 
After a few moments of listening to Phil's annoying voice, Bradley pulled you a little closer and said, "Please excuse us," effectively cutting off the conversation and luring you back toward the refreshment table.
"What's wrong?" you asked. "You're acting so weird."
Bradley's eyes bugged out. "I'm acting so weird? Sugar, what the fuck, Baby? That guy is flirting with you right in front of me."
"No, he's not," you replied with an eye roll. "He's always like that."
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" he growled. "Because it does not. In fact it makes me feel worse."
"He's harmless, Beer Boy. I eat lunch with him all the time."
Bradley managed to speak through clenched teeth. "The way you described him, I pictured a geriatric nerd with a receding hairline and fucking dentures!"
You burst into laughter, planting your hand on his chest as you cackled and gasped for hair. 
"He's not old at all!" Bradley complained.
"No," you said, trying to reel in your laughter. "I think he's forty."
"He's handsome!"
"So are you." Your hand slid up to the back of Bradley's neck as you grinned at him.
"He wants to fuck you!" 
"So do you," you replied calmly. "You're jealous."
Bradley took a few deep breaths. He would never, ever admit to that out loud. "He touched you," Bradley growled. He didn't even care if he was causing a scene right now. You were going to be his wife, and he would be damned if Phil didn't leave here tonight knowing damn well where he ranked with you. 
"I told him to stop," you said sincerely. "I don't think he'll do it again."
"He better fucking not."
You leaned up and kissed Bradley's chin. "I can't believe you're jealous of him. You have no reason to be." You searched his face and sighed, that needy little sound you made when you were ready to go. "I love you. And you look so hot right now."
Bradley's cock twitched for you, and he pulled you snug up against him so you could feel that he was hard. You moaned softly, and Bradley glanced over to see that Phil was looking this way. 
"Let's go fuck in your office," Bradley told you, possibly loud enough for someone to hear. And then he kissed you hard, slipping his tongue into your mouth until you were pulling him toward the door. 
"I don't know what's gotten into you tonight," you whispered, ducking your head as you led him out into the hallway. "But I'm not mad about it." 
Bradley followed you down the hall to your office as you clicked along in your high heels. He was very familiar with this room, and when you unlocked the door, he pushed you inside but not before he noticed Phil was also in the hallway. 
Bradley winked at the other man before he slammed the door shut behind him. You had a smug, needy look on your face as the fluorescent lights started to warm up and brighten the small room. 
"You're mine, Sugar," he stated simply, caging you in against your desk. "And next time you eat lunch with Phil, I want you to think about this," he whispered, reaching down so his hand was underneath your dress, grabbing the back of your thigh and making you break out in goosebumps. "And this." 
You moaned softly as he gently pressed his lips to yours in the sweetest kiss. "Bradley," you whined as his hand slid up to the front of your underwear. "I thought you were exhausted from work."
"I got my second wind," he promised, leading his gentle kisses along your jaw and to your ear. "Now pull your underwear down, bend over, and tell me how hard you want it."
The strangled noise you made had him laughing before he sucked on your neck. But sure enough, you started yanking down your own underwear, and then you turned your back to him. 
You looked up at him over your shoulder, smiling sweetly as you said, "Hard."
Bradley was working on his own button and zipper as quickly as he could. "That's my sweet Sugar," he crooned, and you bent over your desk, moaning his name. He carefully pulled your dress up so your ass was beautifully on display for him. His cock was gliding through your wet pussy as he gently kicked your legs a little further apart. 
You wobbled a bit on your high heels as Bradley ran his big palm along your ass, cupping and squeezing you. "Bradley," you gasped, wiggling yourself back against his hand. 
"You want it hard, Sugar? First, you need to promise me that if that asshole Philip Harding ever touches you again, you tell me immediately." Bradley knew his tone was a little rough, and when you met his eyes over your shoulder, you nodded. 
"Okay." Your voice was soft, just like your skin beneath his palm. Bradley squeezed you before spanking you one time. "Bradley!" you screeched, biting your lip and moaning. 
"Promise me," he demanded. "He never touches your lower back or any other part of your body ever again." His fingers skimmed up along that exact spot on your back.
"I promise!" you groaned, still pressing back against him. Bradley thrust into you, hoping like hell that Phil was still out in the hallway. He wouldn't mind one bit if the department dean heard everything he was doing to you. And if your current volume was any indication, then perhaps everyone else in the small auditorium would be able to hear you, too. 
"You wanted it hard," he grunted, absolutely slamming into you. "You're mine. Gonna be my wife."
"Yes!" you screeched, grabbing along the top of your desk, trying to hang on as he fucked you. Bradley ran his hand along the spot where he spanked you feeling the warmth there. 
"You're smart, Sugar," he praised, slipping his hand around to your clit and bending so his front was pressed to your back. "Now tell me who you belong to."
"You!" Your voice sounded a little hoarse, and he could hear it quiver as his fingertips spanked your clit. 
He growled next to your ear as he alternated between tapping and rubbing. "Say my name."
"Good girl," he praised, pinching your clit until you screamed. And then he spanked your pussy through your orgasm, tapping just hard enough that your legs started shaking. 
"Fuck," you groaned, the single syllable loud and drawn out as Bradley took you by both hips and fucked you so hard, you were whimpering. 
"Mmm," he hummed, palming your ass. "I'd love to cum all over your pretty face right now, but you'll get that when we get home. I'll spread it all around. Mess up your makeup and let you lick my fingers clean."
"Bradley, please?" you begged, but he spanked your ass and shook his head, fucking your harder as he got close. "On my face!"
"No. You insisted we come to happy hour, and it's already going to be obvious what we did without my cum all over you, Professor Sugar."
"I love it when you call me that," you crooned, clearly enjoying this entire interlude. "Now fuck me until you come."
It didn't take long after that. He came inside your tight pussy, painting it up and chanting your name. His hands were tight on your hips, and as soon as he withdrew, Bradley knelt down behind you. He kissed along your ass and your thighs as you tried to stand upright on your unsteady legs. 
"Easy," he crooned, watching his cum drip out of you as he eased your cute underwear back up your legs. You spun to face him as he pulled your dress down. Your hair and makeup were a mess, your lips were a little puffy, and you couldn't stand up straight. You looked down at him, still kneeling before you. "I love you," he promised as you let your hands rest on his shoulders. 
"I know, Beer Boy," you whispered, voice hoarse from screaming. "I love you, too. And I love when we fuck in my office or the study rooms on campus. It's kind of our thing."
Bradley stood and kissed you softly. "Academia really suits me. I went to the University of Sugar."
You bit your lip and giggled as he led you toward the door. He took your left hand in his and spun your pretty engagement around on your finger as you made your way back to the happy hour. When Phil exited the men's bathroom a few doors down from your office and wouldn't make eye contact, Bradley smirked. 
"You were loud as hell," Bradley informed you just before rejoining the group. "And you look so fucking dissheveled, I can't wait to bust a nut on your face later."
"Beer Boy!" you gasped, following him with wide eyes as Bradley made his way back to Professor Rosenthal with a fresh drink. He had accomplished what he set out to do, and now Phil would think twice before he touched you again.
"So sorry we got interrupted before," Bradley said to the older man. "What were we talking about?" Then he listened to Professor Rosenthal talk about the politics of the math department, his upcoming retirement and his hip replacement. And all the while, you kept eyeing Bradley with a very satisfied look on your face. 
"Okay, Beer Boy," you muttered to yourself, sitting on a bench in the rose garden next to your building on campus. You were unpacking the lunch Bradley had made for you, which included a note with huge handwriting.
Sugar, Can't wait to get my hands all over you later. Love, Beer Boy
You snorted and tucked the note into your pocket. This is what he did now. Every day since he met Phil, Bradley wrote you a dirty lunchbox note. The first note last week had been about how Bradley wanted to fuck you in the Bronco when he picked you up from campus. And sure enough, he had done just that, in the parking lot behind the student union building. 
Of course Bradley knew what he was doing, because Phil had accidentally seen that note. And he hadn't eaten lunch with you since then. But now you were waiting for your new lunch pal, Professor Rosenthal.
"You win, Beer Boy," you whispered, texting him a photo of the note along with a little message from you.
I want your lips and tongue, too. 
You smirked and ate the lunch he packed you, excited to get home later. Excited to marry Bradley. Excited for everything. 
Love checking in with Beer Boy and Sugar from time to time! Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32
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kryptonitejelly · 28 days
Grease & Tequila - a Flyboy One-shot
Top Gun: Maverick - Jake Seresin x Reader - part of the Flyboy!Universe
Pairing: Jake Seresin x Reader
Genre: romance; fluff; angst; best friends to lovers
Warnings:  general hangman being hangman; sexual tension; general cursing; will contain mentions of a break up / previous relationship; general use of pet names; fem!reader; pining; general naval / flying inaccuracies; alcohol; being drunk.
Length: One-shot
Summary: Set 5 months pre the Flyboy!era. The one where Jake gets the call that you and Dan have broken up and he has to be on the next plane to New York, now.
Flyboy | Mini-Series Masterlist
(not fully updated as of today, but if you follow / search the tag “flyboy universe” / “flyboy” / “flyboy fic” / “flyboy!jake” on my tumblr you’ll find recent asks / headcannons / blurbs!)
A/N: It’s been a while, and this isn’t all that exciting, but I think it definitely (I hope) sets the scene for Flyboy and helps everything click into place.
DISCLAIMER: all work posted here is purely fanfiction; it does not in any way purport to be an accurate representation of real life or the general workings of any institution.
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“Lieutenant,” Admiral Craig’s voice booms out as Jake opens the door to his office. The Admiral waits for Jake to shut the door completely before he starts up again, “I got your last minute absence request.”
“That is correct, Sir,” Jake nods, as he comes to a stand in front of the Admiral’s desk. He stands with his feet hip width apart, hands behind his back, eyes meeting the older man’s.
“Everything okay?” The Admiral asks, his gaze steady on Jake’s. It was rare for a last minute absence request to come across his desk, which meant that when they did - it was usually pressing.
“Just something I need to attend to, Sir.” Jake responds, his mask not slipping, but the Admiral hears the weight behind his words. There is a silence pause between the two men, before the Admiral picks up his pen, signing the bottom of the two sheets of paper before him with a flourish. He was never one to refuse these requests as long as he deemed them legitimate, but he made it a point of looking the requestor in the eye to make his own assessment of the situation before approving them. He didn’t need to know the why, unless it was volunteered by the requestor him/herself, but he needed to know that it wasn’t being abused and Jake Seresin, for all his ego and cockiness, was a dedicated solider. He wouldn’t ask, unless it was absolutely necessary.
“Approved,” the Admiral says simply before passing one of the sheets to Jake. Jake’s mask doesn’t crack, but the Admiral sees a twitch of relief as Jake remembers how to breathe, “Godspeed.”
“Thank you Sir.”
Jake shifts irritably in his seat as he waits for boarding to be complete. He had reached out to Grandma Doris’ personal assistant once he had gotten off the phone with you, even before he had submitted his flight request, his text to her was just one sentence, twelve words long - I need to be on the next flight to New York, please. He usually would not have bothered her, but this - this was a pressing situation, he just had to get on that plane. She had, the blessing that she was, gotten hold of two flight options for him, the next flight to New York, and the next next as a backup, both in first class no less, with a simple request to let her know when he needed a flight ticket back from New York.
“May I offer you a hot towel, Mr Seresin?” The stewardess stops beside his seat. Jake shakes his head, offering her a polite half smile.
“No thank you.”
“How about some nuts, or maybe a drink?” She tries again.
“How long more do you think it’ll be till take-off?” Jake’s question is abrupt and she is quiet for a second, slightly taken a back. He isn’t rude, but is, obviously antsy.
“I think another twenty minutes Mr Seresin,” she says as she follows his gaze out of the window.
“Thanks,” is all she gets from Jake as he continues to stare out of the window beside him as if willing take-off to come faster.
“Anything else?” The cashier of the fried chicken shop just around the corner from your apartment building asks Jake as he rings up the total on the till.
“That’s all, thanks.” Jake says as he slides his card out of his wallet before tapping it against the screen of the payment machine which is proffered to him.
“Here’s your receipt, please wait on the right.” Jake slides his wallet back into the pocket of his jeans before stepping towards the right. The tequila which he had picked up on his way out of the airport is in his backpack, the shape of the bottle pressed against his back, a reminder that he was just that much closer to what he came to New York for.
The ride up the elevators to your apartment is excruciatingly slow, and Jake taps his foot against the ground the whole way up. He hadn’t had to buzz you to let him up, managing instead to catch a couple on their way out and slip into the building - something which he made a mental note of in the back of his mind - perhaps it was time to convince you to move to somewhere with a doorman or concierge for increased safety.
The bottle of tequila is now in one of his hands, and the bag of greasy fried chicken and fries in his other - his remedy for your broken heart. Alcohol, fast food, and well, him. His eyes are fixed on the flashing red numbers as if willing the elevator to go faster. It stops with a ding, and Jake all but runs out.
He hears you before he sees you, hears faint noises and shuffling, the unlocking of a separate bolt and a lock before you pull open the door an inch to peer out past the safety chain. His eyes meet yours, and sees your eyes, glassy and red rimmed, no doubt from crying meet yours. The doors shuts fully for a second or two as you undo the safety chain before it is pulled open fully.
Jake takes you in the second the open door reveals you - the red tip of your noise, hair on top of your head in a loose, messy up do, body clad in an oversized t shirt and a pair of loose sweatpants and he feels a funny tug in his chest.
“I thought you might need this,” he says as he holds up the items in his hands. You hold his gaze for a second more, and then it happens, the glossiness in your eyes turn into tears which spill over onto your cheeks as you take a step forward, throwing your arms around Jake’s body, burying your face in his chest. Jake hears, but also feels the sobs that wrack your body against his front and he is quite sure that in that moment, the tug in his chest feels like a earth shattering crack.
“I got you,” he says gruffly, bringing both his hands down around you, while still holding onto both items. His words only intensify the sobs coming from you and all Jake can do is draw you closer.
“I’ve never liked him,” Jake snorts as he watches you down yet another shot of tequila. You are both sitting around the coffee table in the floor of your living room, greasy chicken and fries demolished, the open bottle of tequila three quarters gone - with more damage having been exacted on the bottle by you than by Jake. Jake isn’t drunk, but he definitely isn’t sober, which means that neither are you.
“He’s an asshole,” you half shout, your words slurring from the alcohol as you let your self sag backwards, leaning against the sofa before you let yourself droop sideways, your head coming to rest on Jake’s shoulder. Jake shifts, moving his arm around you. It allows you to scoot further into his side, your face turning slightly to rest against the side of his chest. You breathe in his scent, the faint smell of soap, laundry detergent and airplane along with his own natural musk, which wraps around you like home, and you feel Jake’s fingers running themselves soothingly along your arm..
“Say the word, I’ll beat him to a pulp,” Jake says, dropping the side of his cheek against the top of your head, his finger squeezing the top of your arm gently. His tone is light, joking almost - but yet not really. Nevertheless, the thought of Dan facing off against Jake makes you chuckle lowly. Dan was no slob himself, he maintained a decent level of fitness - occasional runs, regular visits to the gym, but he might as well have been one compared to Jake. Dan worked out for aesthetics, but next to Jake, who had worked out for functionality all his life, football, the Navy, Dan paled greatly in comparison.
“He’ll never stand a chance,” you say, amused as you close your eyes. Your head has started to get impossibly heavy, your tongue feels thick from the copious amounts of alcohol running through your system, and you let your head rest heavier on Jake’s chest.
“That’s the idea,” is what Jake says and it makes you giggle this time as you sink yourself further into Jake’s hold, seeking out a comforting, physical closeness. Jake can feel yourself pressing into him.
“C’mere,” he mutters, as the arm he has around you tightens. You feel movement, and Jake is reaching across your body, managing to slip an arm under your legs to pull you onto his lap.
“Jake,” your protest is weak because you don’t put up an ounce of a fight, opting instead to shift along with him so that you are comfortably nested on his lap, your ear against his shoulder, tip of your nose just about brushing the side of his neck, “I’m not a child.”
“Mmm,” Jake simply hums in agreement with your words, both his arms coming to form a loose, protective cocoon around you.
You both sit in a comfortable silence, a haze of alcohol enveloping you both. Truth to be told, the break up, the serial cheating - it all hadn’t come as a surprise to you. You had suspected on many occasions, but it had been easier to ignore and live in denial than to face the truth after 3 years of being with the same person. It had broken you for many reasons, and it still hurt like hell to lose a constant presence with which you had spent the past 3 years with, but you weren’t all that sure it had broken your heart, not when your relationship had been fizzling out for a while and you’ve suspected for months.
“He wasn’t good enough for you, you know,” Jake says as he turns his head slightly, managing to plant a half kiss on the side of your temple.
“You say that with every break up,” you laugh dismissively, “that’s what best friends are supposed to say.”
Your words make Jake frown and he moves himself to move you, making you sit up sideways on his lap so that he can look you in the eye. Your are slightly elevated from being seated on his thigh, and you find yourself staring down, holding his gaze. You slide the palms of your hands past his shoulders to steady yourself.
“They were all not good enough for you,” is what he says, unwavering as he holds your gaze. From your sideways position, you can feel one of Jake’s hands sliding around your back, and coming to rest on your waist, and the other coming to rest loosely across your lap.
“Or maybe I wasn’t good enough for them,” you say with a rueful quirk of your lips, letting yourself drown in alcohol induced post break-up self pity. Your words only make Jake’s brows furrow together, a flash of irritating passing through his eyes. It makes him move the arm hanging across your lap up to cup the side of your face, his thumb brushing the space just below your eye. You let yourself luxuriate in the warm against your cheek, leaning into his hold. You see Jake’s gaze dart from your eyes to your lips, but the fuzziness of your mind doesn’t let you overthink at just how intimate the moment between you both is.
“You are too good for all of them,” is what he says. You see a flash of something in Jake’s eyes, and perhaps if you were sober, it would have been something you could more accurately place, but you can’t.
“I want to go to bed,” you say, your exhaustion suddenly hitting you and you let your eyes close, weight of your head still balancing on Jake’s hand.
“Ok,” is all he says as his thumb continues to move gently across your skin.
“Come with me?” You say, your ask clear, you didn’t want to be alone - it was simple, nothing more, no innuendo and you knew that Jake would understand.
“Ok,” he repeats as he finally drops his arm from your cheek.
Jake has a hand behind his head, eyes fixed up on the ceiling of your bedroom. You had fallen asleep the moment your head hit the pillow, no doubt attributable to all the tequila you had ingested, but also a sure sign at just how exhausted you were. He had taken a quick shower, ridding himself of whatever traces of airplane he had left on him, before tugging on the pair of shirt and shorts he had brought along with him and, true to his word - gotten into bed with you. There was no way in hell was he allowing you to wake up alone.
He lets the soft hum of your snores wash over him, and Jake tilts his head down to watch the rise and fall of your body from where it is curled up beside him in a fetal position under the covers. You look at peace, finally - but he can see the sunken skin beneath your eyes, a tell tale sign that not all was well.
“Baby,” he sighs, murmuring to himself, the term of endearment slipping too naturally from his lips, as you shift, your body finding its way a few inches closer to him. He doesn’t hesitate, removing the arm from behind his head to caress the side of your cheek. Your snores stop, turning instead to an sleep exhale of content, and in that moment, it strengthens Jake’s resolve. He feels the gears shift in his brain and chest, feelings that he had kept at bay in the recesses of his mind and heart for months, years, coming to shore. He had spent the past 3 years watching you fumble your way around with Dan, and even more before that with different men that you had dated, but it was enough - fuck that. He was sick of watching them hurt you, breaking your heart when you deserved so, much, more. Jake wasn’t going to let that happen again. The next person you dated was going to be your last, the person you dated, was going to be him.
“Text me when you land,” you twist your fingers around, interlocking them with each other as you and Jake stand on the sidewalk outside your apartment, waiting for his car to pull up.
“I will,” he says while watching you twist your fingers together. You weren’t ready for him to leave, and neither was he - ready for himself to leave, but the days since his arrival on Thursday night had blown past, and Sunday had come too soon, “text me whenever you need,” he says as he extends an arm, pulling you sideways into him. His action makes you stumble slightly, and you reach out with a hand, to grab him around his waist.
“I will,” your response is a parrot of his. It had been a great past few days, once you had gotten over the hangover that hit you both, but you harder, on Friday morning. Jake had forced you out of the house for two whole days of everything and nothing - strolls around the city all while forcing you to thread your arm through his, making sure you filled your stomach with an assortment of food, watching bad television together in your apartment. He had filled your space with laughter, familiarity, and physical touch when you needed it most and you weren’t ready for him to leave.
“I’ll miss you,” he says, leaning sideways towards you to brush his lips against the top of your head. Jake lets his lips linger for a second or two, and you let your eyes close - letting yourself be vulnerable, enjoying the moment.
“I wish you didn’t have to leave,” you voice is soft, small almost, the truth of your words both a happy feeling for Jake, but also a stab to his heart.
“I wish I didn’t have to either,” he says gruffly, removing his lips from the top of your head to pull you into a bone crushing full frontal hug. He could see a car approaching from the end of the road, his time with you dwindling now to just mere seconds, “I’ll see you soon,” he says, a statement, not a question as you cling onto him in similar fashion.
“Soon,” you echo, a promise between you both.
“So how long are you leaving your girlfriend for?” The driver asks his question conversationally as he pulls away form the sidewalk. Jake’s gaze lingers on you as he raises a hand to wave goodbye. He sees you offer a lopsided smile and a similar wave of your hand.
“I don’t know,” he admits to the driver without much thought, not bothering to correct him. Jake keeps his gaze trained on you until he is no longer able to.
“Hopefully you’ll see her again soon,” is what the driver continues with conversationally, “she looks crushed that you’re leaving.”
“Yeah, hopefully,” is all Jake can say as he settle back into the seat of the cab, his mind far away, his heart still with you.
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sailor-aviator · 9 months
Don't Hang'em Til Noon Masterlist
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Summary: Jake "Hangman" Seresin is a notorious leader within the Dagger Gang of the old western territories of the United States. You, a recently orphaned socialite from the eastern seaboard, find yourself swept off to live with your older brother who has set down roots in said western territory. Determined to to make the best of your situation, what will you do when said outlaw sets his sights on you?
Series CW: Swearing, violence, period related violence and swearing, slow burn, fluff, (eventual) smut, enemies to lovers in a way, suggestive language, references to prostitution, firearms, etc. Chapter specific warnings will be included.
A/N: This is gonna be my first ever fanfiction series that I've ever written. Kind of excited for it, not gonna lie. Anyway, started this blog because I have very specific needs for fanfic, and apparently I've gotta do everything myself, so...enjoy. This work is also being published on AO3 under the username sailor_aviator.
All posts related to this series will be tagged as "DHTN" and "Don't Hang'em Til Noon"
*Denotes smut
Meet our heroine!
Last updated: 11.27.23 (Complete)
Masterlist || DPU Masterlist || Fan Art || Moodboards || Playlist 1 || Playlist 2 || Jake "Hangman" Seresin Tag List
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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five*
Chapter Six*
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine*
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve*
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Jake with his newborn
Scout gets the laundry
Jake teaches Scout how to play baseball
Scout and Jake spend Christmas together
Scout finds Jake asleep
Scout and Jake wake up
Pregnant sex with Jake*
Jake gets hired on as a ranch hand
You call Jake "baby boy" in bed*
Isaac's attack from Jake's POV
The morning after Chapter Six
Scout talks to Jake while he sleeps
Jake carves the horse for Scout
Jake thinks about his and Scout’s fight
Jake's POV while being arrested...
Penny and Mav talk about Jake and Scout...
Scout meets Sarah and Billy
The jail scene from Jake's POV...
Tom and Jake's Relationship...
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miley1442111 · 3 months
navigation :)- requests open !!!
hi, i'm miley, i'm 18 and irish :)
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send in requests for anyone from criminal minds, outerbanks, the bear, mcu, challengers, top gun, or hunger games but these are the main people I write for:
aaron hotchner
spencer reid
emily prentiss
derek morgan
criminal minds masterlist: masterlist :)
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rafe cameron
pope hayward
jj maybank
obx masterlist: masterlist :)
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carmen berzatto
sydney adamu
luca (the bear)
the bear masterlist: masterlist :)
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finnick odair
peeta mallark
thg masterlist: masterlist :)
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robert 'bob' floyd
bradley 'rooster' bradshaw
jake 'hangman' seresin
natasha 'phoenix' trace
topgun masterlist: masterlist :)
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miscellaneous fics
art donaldson
mcu masterlist :)
fics based on the tortured poets department:
tortured poets department masterlist :)
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sushiwriterhere · 9 months
in a heartbeat
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summary: "Maybe he just didn’t need the fanfare, maybe he needed to ditch the plans and just hand the rock to you over Chinese takeout and let that be it."  rating: explicit (no minors!) pairing: bradley 'rooster' bradshaw x f!reader word count: 3.9k warnings: very fluffy, PiV (unprotected), no use of y/n.  notes: this is my first fic in a while and im fighting writers block something awful. this is not proofread :( pls lmk what you think <3! my other works are here part of the coming home to you universe
four days before.
“I’m gonna go out for drinks with the girls Saturday.”
“Uhhh, you can’t.”
Did he need to loop your coworkers into the proposal plan too? Phoenix having dragged it out of him so they could all help was bad enough. Bradley could feel his headache building behind his eyes. He tried to avert eye contact to make the conversation feel natural, instead focusing his gaze on the onion he was trying to caramelize. 
“I can’t?”
Bradley’s never been controlling, never tried to tell you who you can and can’t hang out with, and certainly never with that particular tone in his voice. He heard the mail you were inspecting drop onto the granite countertop as you turned your full attention on him.
He could hear the way your eyes were narrowed from the uncharacteristically steady tone of your voice, the way one eyebrow was raised expectantly. 
In the back of his mind, Bradley also saw the picnic blanket, candles, and bottle of your favorite wine stashed at Mav’s. There were the flowers he had to pick up and arrange on Friday while you were working, the homemade meal Javy promised him that he needed to grab on Saturday around midday. 
“I made dinner reservations at this new place down by the beach, and the only time they had was Saturday evening.”
“And you forgot to tell me until now?”
Bradley didn’t forget. Not about these types of things. Ever since your first date, Bradley had been nothing but proactive. He planned dates, cooked meals, doted on you. Forgetting just wasn’t like him. 
“Made the reservation this morning and you seemed busy.” He finally met your eyes and he watched as your gaze softened and you turned back to the stack of mail.
“Bradley Bradshaw you are a sap.”
And the moment passed. 
You and Bradley had talked about marriage, you have. You’d talked about it enough for him to know what kind of ring you wanted, that you wanted a small, intimate ceremony, and that you’d lost more than enough sleep over whether to invite your parents. You’d talked enough to know Bradley would probably have the Dagger Squad as best men (people?) and that he’d let Phoenix be part of your bridal party if you wanted, that he wanted Mav right there next to him, and that there would be an empty chair for Goose and Carole. That was one thing. 
Getting down on one knee and actually going over that line? That was another. 
The rational part of his brain had always insisted that you would say yes, that you also knew from very early on, if not the beginning. The unhelpful part of his brain kept telling him the ring was the wrong size or that a seagull would swoop down and steal the shiny thing right from his fingertips before you could even say no.
three days before.
Bradley’s checked the ring at least six times since he, Javy, and the other guys came into the shop. The sound of the velvet clicking back against itself then sliding open again was starting to grate on his nerves, but he wanted to give Bradley the benefit of the doubt. He remembered what it was like, that lump in your throat, the way his brain tended to keep him up about every disagreement, every time he should’ve apologized instead of stewing on his anger. 
Javy, instead, choose peace. He watched calmly as Bradley opened the box again, and brought a finger up to trace the gems before deciding against it.
Doesn’t want to smudge it.
There was clearly something on his mind, because the ring had been paid for months ago and the re-sizing and adjustments were included in the price. But there Bradley was, stuck to the shop floor, looking like he was trying to decide between getting sick right there and maybe saving it for the trees outside the shop’s doors.
“What’cha thinkin’ about there, Rooster?” Jake sidled up to Bradley’s side, voice a low murmur, as if trying not to startle the man. 
Regardless, Bradley jumped slightly, jostling the open box and the sound of the box snapping shut echoed harshly around the showroom. Bradley looked like he might’ve decided on getting sick inside. 
“Should I get a second one? What if she doesn’t like this one?” 
Across the room, a sales associate perked up just slightly, clearly looking to score on another guy so nervous he looked like a ghost. Vultures.
“Bradley, my man, we’ve been over this a thousand times. Phoenix got her Pinterest, it’s all a certain style, and it’s definitely the perfect ring.” 
Jake and Bradley had begun to get along, rather begrudgingly at first, then very amicably, after the mission and Jake saved Bradley’s life. Seeing him comfort Bradley was something else though, Javy acknowledged. It was kind of nice to have that tension dissipate from within their team.
“But what if I need another perfect one?” 
“Are you gonna propose to her twice?” Bob had popped up on Bradley’s other side, silent as ever. “Usually there’s a second one for the wedding, but I’m here for a bit of a new tradition.”
At that, Bradley deflated a bit. The box in his hands clicked open, then shut again.
“No, no new tradition.” He murmured, before slipping the box into his pocket.
two days before.
Bradley knew Mav loved him, but he wasn’t sure how much he would after this whole ordeal. They must’ve run over the schedule at least a thousand times, forward and backward, even while flying over their comms. At this point, Bradley was sure he had the entire Dagger Squad reciting the plan in their sleep. He hoped he at least wasn’t, he didn’t need you to be clued into anything. 
“Nothing has moved since the last time you were here. Go home, Bradley.” Mav’s voice carried through the house as Bradley unceremoniously burst through the door. 
He’d started leaving work fifteen minutes early last week, just to double check that everything was in its place, that nothing had broken or spontaneously combusted. It was just enough time for him to stop at Mav’s place on the way home, do his round, and make it home around the same time as usual so as not to rouse suspicion. 
“I’m just–”
“Just checking yeah, get outta my house Bradley and go be with your fiance.” Mav had rounded the corner into his back room, all bathed in sunlight and a picture-perfect reminder of why people loved living in California. 
He was the picture of relaxed domesticity, dish towel over his shoulder, spatula in one hand that he was clearly thinking about hitting Bradley with as he paced the room and ticked things off on his fingers as he murmured to himself. 
“You’re gonna wear a hole in my carpet, and I happen to really like that rug.” Bradley stopped walking but the way his fingers twitched at his sides clued Mav into the way he was clearly still running through the run of show in his mind. 
“She’s not my fiance yet.”
“And she never will be if I murder you for breaking into my house and giving my wife a heart attack.”
“Penny’s not even home at this hour.” 
Mav had never seen Bradley like this. He’d missed graduations and recitals and all the shit you don’t get to see as an estranged god-father, but he’d done enough wondering about what he was like in those moments to have come up with this scenario. Bradley truly was the perfect mix of Goose and Carole–all Goose’s easy romantic energy, ever creative, ever attentive, and just as much of Carole’s eye for detail and desire for things to go right. 
Mav watched as the fight eased out of Bradley’s shoulders and his hands relaxed at his sides, “Right. Sorry.”
“Look son, you don’t have to be sorry for wanting this to go right. And you’ve only got a little of sorry to be about starting to drive me insane.” At that, Bradley cracked half a smile and Mav considered that a small success. “You like this at home?”
A sharp laugh echoed around the wood-paneled room, “Oh absolutely not. She’d know in a heartbeat.”
“Well, then you have your answer.” The gears were turning at a million miles an hour as Bradley tried to decipher what he meant. “She knows you in a heartbeat, which means she knows how she feels about you. And we both know what that means for Saturday.”
Bradley nodded, the picture of relaxation and ease all at once. “I’ll see you Saturday.”
one day before.
Bradley was starting to think the gash on his finger was some sort of awful omen, something terrible that had been awaiting to reveal itself until the last moment. He’d arranged flowers for you probably a million times at this point, had even done it blindfolded (only cheating a bit so he didn’t lose a finger) just to amuse you. Now, as he stared at the blood bubbing up from his middle left finger where he’d just stabbed himself with the scissors, the entire thing felt like some sort of cosmic joke.
He’d never doubted that he wanted to marry you, not even when you’d argued or insisted on shoving your ice cold fingers and toes up against him in the dead of night. Not once had he wavered since that initial thought in his brain, and he was even more sure when he went to open that fucking bank account that he’d been diligently adding a sizeable portion of his paycheck to. (What? He wanted to be sure he could afford exactly what you wanted, DeBeers advertising campaign be damned.)
Maybe he just didn’t need the fanfare, maybe he needed to ditch the plans and just hand the rock to you over Chinese takeout and let that be it. 
The only thing keeping him going despite all his nerves, aside from his deep love for you, was the way you’d once leaned against him when the two of you were spending a week away in the mountains. Overlooking something that felt like it was right from a postcard, you’d told him exactly how all the little romantic things he did made you feel. 
“Every time you buy me flowers, I get this little feeling in my chest, like something curling around my heart.” Bradley remembered keeping himself from making a joke, something about heart attacks, trying not to break the moment as the fog hung low over the trees. 
“From the moment you picked me up for our first date and insisted on opening the car door, bringing me flowers, they all make me get that little squirmy feeling that no one’s ever given me before.” You had pressed yourself to his side but not met his eyes, as if your confession was too powerful, too heavy to make when looking at him, “And some of it’s because I’m a sap at heart and you somehow know what I want before I do, but some of it’s just because it’s you Bradley. Always has been, always will be.”
The words said next would keep him going in his darkest moments, kept him together on long deployments, kept him pushing through every moment of doubt in the planning process.
“So if you ever decide to propose to me, even if it’s just you asking me over coffee, just know I’ll get that feeling, just because it’s you.” 
At that, you’d turned to face him, shifting so you could hook your chin over his shoulder where he turned his face to yours. He could see every lash, every spot on your face that he loved to press his lips to when you were too sleepy to protest. You’d graced him with a tiny smile, somehow just a bit melancholy, but all too loving. 
Bradley shook his head, clearing the memory as he scrambled to keep his blood from spattering on the countertop. He was going to have to grit his teeth through the pain of using a liquid bandaid so the pictures weren’t ruined by a regular bandaid. 
You’d compromised on drinks being Friday, so he had the evening to himself. All the time in the world for flowers, for a barbecue at Javy’s (home cooked meal to be picked up that night instead of Saturday morning), and for waiting up for you to text that you were ready to go home. 
the day of.
Bradley thought he’d be blinded by panic, or doubt, now that he was counting down hours and minutes in place of days or weeks. Instead, all he felt was a sense of serenity, almost like he was floating through the motions. 
The day started like every Saturday he’d had since you moved in and he’d been granted a relatively permanent station at Top Gun with Mav and the rest–you pressed up against him, your hair tickling some part of his bare skin, and the type of bone deep satisfaction with life that came with going to bed with a full belly and the love of his life at his side. He stared up at the ceiling fan as it made its lazy rotations and thought about how today was marking the difference between two parts of his life. 
After today, there would always be a time before the proposal, and after. 
The morning was lazy as you insisted you didn’t have a hangover but let Bradley cook you a plate full of turkey bacon, gently scrambled eggs, and a few hashbrowns. He knew you would be fine by afternoon, and after that excited to hang out at the beach before dinner. 
He was sort of counting on it. 
Apparently he’d underestimated your ability to bounce back because the way you draped yourself across his bare back was a little less than innocent as your hands smoothed over his shoulders and down his stomach. He slowed the way he was chewing the last of his hashbrown as you pressed a kiss to the sensitive spot under his ear. 
“Good morning, Bradley,” You crooned lowly.
His stomach jumped as you ran a nail over one of his nipples, and kissed at his shoulder. Tilting his head to the side to give you more room to work with, he took a slow drink of his water. 
Maybe he wanted you to work for it just a little, what with how badly he’d been stressing these last few weeks. 
And work for it you did. The light drag of your nails just barely there on his stomach and arms had him getting hard faster than he thought was humanly possible. But there was just something about the warmth of your chest at his back, the thinness of some shirt you’d stolen from him doing little to hide the swell of your breasts, that did it for him. Hell, it was really just that it was you that got him going. 
“I missed you last night.” You whined, just a bit, as he finally turned around on the barstool and gathered you into his lap. 
You could definitely feel the way he was hard against the soft give of your thighs, but somehow in that moment, all he wanted was you near. Sensing that somehow the moment had maybe passed, you curled in his lap and stretched your arms around his shoulders, apparently just content to be touching him.
“I missed you too.”
The way your lips met his was almost as natural as breathing, and then the moment wasn’t so innocent anymore. Your lips slotted against his as you kneaded at his arm muscles and part of Bradley was incredibly satisfied that you were enjoying just how much effort he put in at the gym. Sure, he had to be fit for his physical, but how hard he went on his biceps and shoulders was purely for your benefit. 
When the two of you finally stumbled back into the bedroom, Bradley thought he might pass out from how hard he was. Everything about you was amplified somehow. Your skin was softer and the gentle scent of whatever perfume you’d worn last night filled his nose. The give of your hips and thighs was easier and all he wanted was to sink his teeth into you and never let go. You might even let him.
Sprawled underneath him you looked like a goddess, bathed in the rising morning sun, nipples gently peaked as your chest rose and fell. 
“I love you.” 
It was so tender in comparison to the way you sat up and worked a hand inside Bradley’s boxers to grab firmly at his cock. He groaned as you shoved at the little clothing the two of you were wearing and in a moment, your skin was a beautiful contrast to the crisp white of the sheets. 
Bradley made to go down on you but you kept his face in your hands, “Been ready to go since I watched you scramble those eggs.”
He couldn’t hold back the way he barked out a laugh, that one was new. “The way the white and yolk were combined really do it for you?”
You smacked at his chest indignantly as he propped one of your thighs over the crook of his elbow, “Your back and arms look nice when you whisk, you asshole.”
You weren’t so huffy as he slid into you, gentle as ever. Bradley knew he wasn’t the biggest ever, but he also knew he wasn’t anything to scoff at either. He kissed away any discomfort he could see on your features til you rocked your hips up against his insistently.
“Give it to me like you mean it, babe,” Grinning all cheerfully, Bradley cursed under his breath as he felt you bear down on him.
After that, there was little to be said beyond whispers of I love you and the occasional swear word. Sometimes sex between the two of you was raunchy and heated, and other times it rounded out his Saturday mornings in a way that left him sated like nothing else. Sometimes he thought it might be better than flying. 
You came first, digging your nails into his shoulders and breathing his name in repeat. The feeling of you squeezing around him did little to keep him from coming and besides, the way you scraped your nails down his chest and begged him to let go definitely did him in. 
Clean up was quiet kisses and gentle shoves in the direction of the en-suite bathroom, Bradley making sure the water wasn’t too cold for you as you peed. (It was the little things.)
Fuck what Bradley had thought earlier about being serene, he thought he was going to crawl out of his skin. Holding your hand as the two of you made your way down the beachfront towards the space behind the Hard Deck, you were chattering on about some coworker’s baby shower and Bradley was focusing way too hard on not absolutely eating shit with the way the sand was shifting under his feet. 
In the distance, he could see the candles and the picnic blanket like a homing beacon. He couldn’t see Mav or Javy or anyone else, but he knew they were all hiding somewhere, ready to burst from the shadows in excitement. Harvard was also brandishing a camera even though Bradley couldn’t see any hint that he was around–turns out he was a more-than-amatuer photographer and had volunteered to capture the moment. 
“Bradley, what’s all this?” Your voice reached a winded sort of pitch as the two of you finally reached the set up.
It was perfect, and part of Bradley finally exhaled. The picnic blanket from your fourth date, the little tea candles doting the beach, and the bouquet of flowers resting at the corner of the blanket, right within Bradley’s reach.
Gently dropping your hand, Bradley picked up the flowers and pressed them into your hands. By now, you’d clearly caught on that something was happening because your eyes were wide and slightly teary, and there was a ghost of a wobble in your lower lip. 
Tan suit be damned, Bradley dropped to one knee and pulled out the velvet box that had been burning a hole in his pocket since before the two of you had gone out to dinner. (The dinner reservation had actually been real, to his credit.)
“Oh my god,” you whispered, bringing a hand to your mouth in a way that betrayed the way your hands were shaking. 
Bradley inhaled deeply, before popping open the lid of the box and letting his eyes flick down to where the ring was sitting, nestled right where it was supposed to be.
As if unable to stop yourself, you opened your mouth and blurted, “If you’re about to ask me what I think you are, the answer is yes. A thousand times yes.” 
Blinking up at you, Bradley didn’t move a muscle as you kept going, “Oh my god wait you probably have a whole speech, I’m so sorry, I’ll shut up now.”
Distantly, Bradley heard a shutter clicking but neither of you broke eye contact as his face broke into a huge smile. He kept going according to his plan, the unspoken understanding passing between the two of you that you’d never live that down.
He said your first name like a prayer, before launching into the speech he’d rehearsed for months now, “I have loved you since I met you. I love every part of you–your laugh, the way you’re passionate about your work, the way you love everyone around you with such intensity. I love you when we argue, I love you when we’re together and apart. You consume my every waking thought, and grace me with your presence when I dream. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“I want to wake up next to you for the rest of my life. I want to bicker about how we go through junk mail, the right way to parallel park, and what show we’re going to watch on Thursdays for however long you’ll let me. I want you by my side for the good, the bad, in sickness, and in health.” He said your name again, before asking the question he already knew the answer to, “Will you marry me?”
“Yes, oh my god yes.” 
Miraculously, Bradley slipped the ring on your finger without incident, then gathered you up into his arms and pressed your lips together. His cheeks were wet with your tears. 
“I love you so much, Bradley Bradshaw, you are my everything,” You choked out when he set you down unable to stop yourself from sticking your hand out in front of you and crying harder when you saw the ring of your dreams adorning your hand. 
“I can’t believe you said yes before I asked,” He breathed before pulling you into him to kiss you fiercely one more time.
“She said yes before I even opened my mouth,” Bradley chuckled as you giggled by his side, hands never leaving the new ring on your finger.
“That’s not nearly as bad as you were for the last three months,” Javy crowed, and the crowd was in uproar as Bradley attempted to defend himself. 
Above all the noise and the lighthearted teasing, Bradley knew one thing–he was happy. And you had said yes.
tagging: @sebsxphia @roosterbruiser @bradshawburner @gretagerwigsmuse @sometimesanalice @joaquinwhorres @roosterbruiser @roosterforme @bradshawsbitch @seresinsweetie @notroosterbradshaw @kmc1989 @peachystenbrough @rhettabbotts @theharddeck @wkndwlff @waklman @blue-aconite @thedroneranger @bibitches-r-us @sunlightmurdock @laracrofted @jupitercomet - tagging ppl either by request or whom i feel like are luv <r bradley. pls lmk if you'd like to be added/removed
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justabigassnerd · 5 months
Summer of Love pt. 1
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Pairing - Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x reader
Word count - 2,367
Warnings - none
Summary - while in the final stages of recovery after a mission gone wrong, Bradley signs himself up to work at a summer camp just for something to do since Maverick has barred him from Navy work for the time being. meanwhile, you're in between jobs and figure working at a summer camp is some good experience. you meet Bradley and experience a romance you could've never expected (along with some very nosy kids)
Summer of Love masterlist
A/N - here it is y'all! the very first part of 'Summer of Love' I am so excited to be posting this I'm honestly so impressed with myself for writing it as quick as I did and I hope this lives up to expectations. I will say I am open to suggestions on things people may like to see within the series so if you have ideas do feel free to suggest them in my inbox :). anyways I won't ramble, as per y'all please send in requests, feedback, and enjoy!!!
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After hours upon hours of driving, you finally pulled into the summer camp that was to be your home and workplace for the next couple of months. You parked your car and stepped out of the driver’s seat raising your arms and stretching, sighing as you take in the sights of the camp, amazed at all the beauty that surrounded you.
After stretching and bringing some relief to your tense body, you head in the direction of the buildings you saw, trying to locate the office and soon figuring it out by process of elimination. You approach the building, seeing someone standing just outside who is watching the various soon-to-be counsellors walking around and interacting with each other and they soon notice you approaching them.
“Hello! I’m Kerry!” The woman greets you enthusiastically and you immediately recognise her to be the Camp Director.
“Hi, I’m y/n.” You say, holding your hand out to shake hers before she consults her clipboard, eyes scanning the list for your name.
“Ah, there you are. You’ll be in cabin six. We put the counsellors in cabins together for orientation so you guys can get to know each other and near the end of orientation, we give you guys your cabins for the summer.” Kerry explains, gesturing for you to follow her as she leads you towards some wooden carts you could use to put your belongings in to carry them to the cabin easier and she waits patiently for you to unload your stuff into the cart before having you follow her to the cabin you’d be staying in for the duration of orientation. The cabin wasn’t huge, but it didn’t need to be. It sat just along the lake as all the cabins did.
When you enter the cabin, it is empty but there is evidence of other people. Neatly made beds, people’s stuff upon bedside tables and shelves.
“Thank you, Kerry.” You thanked her as you explored the cabin. Kerry bids you goodbye and tells you when meal times are and lets you know that you’re free to explore the camp and get your bearings before leaving you to your own devices. You picked an empty bed and began moving your stuff from the cart outside to the cabin and began unpacking slightly, making your bed and tucking your suitcase under the bed to clear space. You hadn’t packed too much, just following the very basics of the packing list you were sent so thankfully your bag wasn’t too big or heavy.
When you finished unpacking and tidying your stuff away, you decided to leave the cabin and explore the camp a little. Instead of backtracking the way you came when Kerry showed you to your cabin, you went the opposite direction, following the row of cabins until you reached a spot overlooking the lake and you took a moment to take in the sights. The camp was surrounded by woodland as well as the lake and the trees extended all along the lakeside, but you could see small wooden buildings directly opposite you on the lake which was a clear indicator that this camp wasn’t the only camp on the lake. After appreciating the beauty before you, you continue to walk the line of cabins, unsurprised to see that they’re mostly the same size with a small handful being a little smaller for fewer kids. You pass various other members of staff who offer you a smile and a wave which you return. You then soon end up back at the main area of the camp where the dining hall and office are located.
“Hey, I saw you standing here so I figured I’d come over and say hi. I’m Ella.” A woman approaches you with a smile. She looked to be a little younger than you but regardless you smiled and introduced yourself.
“It’s nice to meet you, Ella. I’m y/n. I’m just getting my bearings. It’s pretty spacious.” You reply, watching as she nods before glancing around the space around you.
“It takes a bit of getting used to. This is my second summer here so I’m more than happy to show you around if you’d like.” Ella offers, looking back at you with a friendly smile.
“If it’s not too much trouble I’d love it if you could show me around.” You say gratefully, following Ella as she gestures for you to follow her. She first leads you to the dining hall, taking you to the top of the stairs and showing you the large room filled with tables.
“This is the dining hall. It will be much more chill with just staff because when the kids arrive it can get noisy, not to mention all the songs at dinner.” Ella explains with a laugh, thinking back to her last year at camp.
“Got it. Make sure I prepare for all the songs.” You reply, chuckling slightly at the image of the dining hall filled with kids singing. You then follow Ella back down the stairs and stick by her side as she gives you a full tour of the camp, even explaining how certain things work around camp as well as giving little anecdotes of her own past experiences. You even find out that she’s staying in the same cabin as you during orientation which makes you relax upon the thought that you now know at least one person in the cabin. When Ella concludes the unofficial tour, you notice a group of male counsellors emerging from the staff lounge all talking over each other as they head towards the dining room just as you hear Ella mentioning that it is almost dinner time. You and Ella make your way to the dining room and join the queue for food, standing behind one of the men who had walked past you just moments prior and he soon turned around to face you and you never could’ve prepared yourself for how attractive this man was.
He was tall, had sandy blond hair and had brown eyes that looked perfect when the sun hit them. He was muscular and sporting a moustache which you thought suited him. When he locked eyes with you, he smiled softly and decided to strike up a conversation.
“Hey, you must’ve just arrived today. I’m Bradley.” He introduced himself, his smile never fading nor his eyes leaving yours even as he reached for a paper plate to serve up his meal.
“Yeah, I’ve not been here very long. I’m y/n.” You reply with a smile, grabbing a plate of your own and dishing yourself up some food.
“Nice to meet you, y/n.” You couldn’t lie at that moment. Bradley saying your name felt so right. Your name rolled off his tongue effortlessly and you tried to fight back your emotions because you did not want to be catching feelings this early on, if at all. You soon both reached the end of the food line and headed over to a free table. Some of the guys Bradley was with and Ella sat at your table as well and the eight of you spent the meal getting to know each other a little more.
“So, y/n, what kind of activities are you going to be running at camp?” One of the guys named Cameron asks after taking a sip of his water.
“Just general field sports, mostly hockey, but I am signed up to lead the occasional hikes the kids can do. What about you guys?” You say, listening intently to all the replies you receive. Most of the guys were going to be lifeguards, Ella was teaching sewing and crafts and Bradley had just remained silent.
“What about you, Bradley?” Ella asks with a smile, curious about his job within the camp.
“Same as y/n actually. Except I’ll be mostly teaching soccer. But I am doing the hiking thing as well.” Bradley admits with a sheepish smile, a tone and demeanour you didn’t expect from him.
“Well, it’s a good thing we’re starting to get to know each other already then.” You reply with a smile looking over at Bradley as he relaxes a little, smiling back at you.
The rest of the meal flies by and you soon exit the hall with Bradley, Ella, and the others and you all decide to throw around a tennis ball one of the guys who would be teaching tennis had. You tossed the ball between each other, chatting and attempting to distract each other as you all laughed. Soon enough, the sun began to set and many people began to retreat into the staff lounge to spend the rest of the evening with the rest of the staff and to watch a movie together. However, you chose to remain outside, sat on the porch, gently rocking on one of the rocking chairs that sat on the porch and watched the beautiful golden glow illuminate the camp as the sun disappeared over the horizon.
“Didn’t want to come in?” You turn around to see Bradley poking his head out of the door, having noticed your lack of presence in the staff lounge.
“I don’t really get to see sunsets like this. I wanted to appreciate each one while I get the chance.” You admit as Bradley crosses the porch, easing himself down into the other chair and focusing his attention back on you.
“You should see the sunsets where I live.” Bradley mumbles softly, thinking of the sunsets he had grown accustomed to back in Miramar.
“I take it they’re pretty.” You say in response, your eyes still fixed on the horizon and the fading of the sun.
“They’re gorgeous” Bradley says, watching the corners of your mouth twitch up into a smile before you turn to look at him. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes until you spoke up again.
“I must admit I’m very jealous that you get sunsets as pretty as this. You never really got to see the sunsets where I used to live. I can only hope when I move and start my new job I’ll have some places to watch the sunset.” You say, trying your best not to let your sadness and anxieties sneak into your voice. You had lived in the same place almost your whole life and recently realised you weren’t doing what you wanted to be doing so uprooting what you knew and moving someplace entirely new was scary. Not to mention working in a summer camp in the middle of it all.
“What’s your new job? If you don’t mind me asking.” Bradley enquires, eyes watching you with nothing but curiosity.
“Teaching. I always wanted to be a teacher and I finally got the chance, even if it does mean I’ve got to handle a big move. What about you? What do you do?” You admit with a chuckle before asking Bradley what he does for a living.
“I’m a naval aviator. I got a good chunk of time off so figured I’d do something worthwhile with my time.” Bradley says, trying not to sound boastful about his job but still wanting to display his pride in his career. He knew he wasn’t telling you the whole truth about why he was granted so much time off but he couldn’t do that to you. You seemed so sweet and he didn’t want to dump any of his trauma on you. Before another word could be spoken, you hear the door swing open once more and this time Ella appears.
“Hey, I was going to head back to the cabin to get ready for bed. Wanna come with?” She asks as you nod, standing up and just then realising how tired you were from travelling.
“I could do with an early night. I’ll see you around Bradley.” You say, at first to Ella before directing your goodbye to Bradley, sending him a soft wave and smile as you follow Ella and Bradley watches as you disappear into the darkness that now covers the camp and soon Cameron and the rest of Bradley’s cabin mates emerge from the staff lounge.
“You’ve been out here then?” John asks, having wondered where Bradley was.
“I bet he was out here with y/n. He’s been smitten since he first saw her.” Freddy then says as Bradley rolls his eyes and gets up from his seat, heading back towards his cabin with his cabin mates on his tail.
“Yes, I was out here with y/n. No, I am not smitten.” Bradley says as the boys catch up to him. He was lying of course. Bradley hadn’t been one to believe in love at first sight no matter how much his mother had told him about it growing up. But now he was starting to believe that she might be right.
Meanwhile, you had gotten ready for bed and had clambered into your bed, listening to the sounds of nature just outside your window as Ella got in the bed opposite yours.
“So, how did you enjoy your first day?” Ella asks as the two of you lay back on your beds, staring up at the ceiling.
“It was great. I can’t wait for tomorrow.” You say with a smile despite knowing Ella couldn’t see it.
“It’s good you get on so well with Bradley already. It really helps to get along with the people you are going to spend the most time with.” Ella then says, making you raise an eyebrow at her intentions.
“He’s easy to get along with. He’s a nice guy.” You reply, glancing in the direction of Ella’s bed.
“I bet your crush on him is helping too.” Ella says and you let out a laugh and roll your eyes.
“And on that note, goodnight, Ella.” You say lightly, rolling over and facing the wall as Ella jokingly groans and laughs at your reaction before quieting down and whispering a goodnight of her own. You watch the wall silently, thinking over Ella’s words for a few moments before letting your tired eyes finally drift close.
You couldn’t wait for tomorrow.
taglist (comment or ask to be added):
@noz4a2 @kim-stark
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sarahsmi13s · 7 months
|| Top Gun Universe ||
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i DO NOT consent to copies or translations of my work!
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hello my little cassettes! here is where you can find all of the stories that feature all of our favorite aviators!
general taglist
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Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
-> masterlist
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Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
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Javy 'Coyote' Machodo
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Robert 'B.O.B' Floyd
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Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace
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Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia
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Reuben 'Payback' Fitch
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Dagger Squad
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Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell
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Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson
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Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky
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Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw
-> masterlist
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missathlete31 · 1 year
Beginning of Glens Speech!!! He’s such a goofball, I love it!
This is your captain speaking ✈️✈️
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kryptonitejelly · 20 days
from the flyboy!universe, but you can read this as a standalone. jake seresin x reader. the one just before you start ovulating.
nsfw minors DNI. this is just porn no plot.
Jake knows. He knows from the moment he walks into the house, his hair tousled from the fitness drills which they had been running outside, bare torso covered in a sheen of sweat, paired with a pair of fitting sports shorts. He manages lock eyes with you for a split second, electricity passing in between you both, before the rest of the crew comes barrelling in behind him.
“Tough session?” You manage to tear your gaze away from Jake and focus on the group behind you.
“Brutal,” Bradley responds as darts towards your refrigerator, pulling out a bottle of water, which he uncaps immediately and tilts to his lips, from the refrigerator.
“You should have joined us,” says Nat from where she is slumped in a chair, the beginnings of a sunburn starting to bloom across her nose bridge.
“I aim to exercise like a normal person,” you say observing the rest - Payback, Fanboy, Coyote and Bob - who either have their head on the dining room table, or elbows propped up on its surface holding their heads up, “not like a Naval Aviator.”
“It’s sweltering,” Jake says as he makes his way to where you are perched on the stool beside the open kitchen island. He leans down to graze your lips with his, a hand on the island table top. Jake doesn’t touch you, but he notices you fidget as you press your thighs together under the short, light blue sundress you are wearing. He likes the way its held up by thin straps that criss-cross into a halter shaped pattern at the back of your neck, and which leaves most of your back exposed, something he had noticed as he walked in through the door. He lets his gaze drop for a second towards the front of your chest where the dress cuts low, but not indecently so.
“Shall we go for lunch,” you hear Payback call out, as he moves his head from the table, “I’m starving.”
His proclamation earns a round of interest as the group begins to shift, with nodding heads all around.
“Downtown?” Fanboy supplies.
“Gloria’s,” Coyote says, naming the new cafe that had opened not too long ago, and which the group had taken a liking to because of the mean brunch and pasta dishes they had on menu.
“We leave in 30, Hangman and Rooster will drive,” Natasha makes the decision for the group as she stands, her calculations allowing every enough time to get showered and more presentable than they were now. The group begins to move, the clatter of chairs, phones, and the crinkle of plastic bottles filling the air.
“Don’t be late,” Payback calls out in the air as a warning as you hear your front door shut, the noise of the group growing fainter as they make their way further from your house and towards their own.
“So,” Jake looks at you, pushing himself up to a stand, “I should probably shower.” Jake words point to one thing but his hands tell another story as he grabs the sides of the stool you are sitting on, bending at the waist so that his eyes are level with yours.
“I guess you should,” you hum in agreement, as you watch Jake’s gaze dip from your eyes, to your lips.
“Mhmm,” you hums back at you. There is a beat of silence between you both before you move, crashing your lips into his. You can feel Jake smirking against the kiss which he meets, his hands now moving from the sides of the stool creeping under your dress from the sides before hooking themselves onto your waist. He lifts you, too easily, and you wind your arms around his neck and legs around him to help him set you atop the kitchen island.
“Could tell from the moment I walked in,” he says, hands travelling towards the waistband of your underwear, his mouth going to your neck. You lift your hips, legs moving as you help Jake in pulling your underwear down. His fingers find you already slick, and you can’t help the moan which you let you, throwing your head back as his fingers slide along your folds, finding your clit.
“I need you,” you breathe out, hands desperately reaching for Jake’s shorts, fingers finding the waistband. He lets out a guttural groan as you find what you are looking for, fingers going around his girth.
“Babe,” he moves his hands from you to make quick work of pushing both his shorts and underwear down in a swift motion.
Your body bemoans the loss of his fingers against you, but you solider on, both hands now pumping up and down his length. You need to feel him in you. Jake moves his hand up your thigh and back to your heated core, hips lips finding yours once again.
“No,” you groan against the kiss, scooting closer to the edge of the kitchen island, “no prep, just need you,” you manage to pant out, almost desperately against Jake’s lips.
“I love seeing you this way,” Jake says, voice deep and thick with lust as he pulls you closer towards the edge of the island, your arms twisting around his neck, thighs spreading themselves further apart, your dress bunched up around your waist, “so needy for me.”
You can feel him lining the tip of himself against you, your eyes flickering down to watch, forehead against his. Your breathing is ragged from anticipation, but so is Jake’s. He pushes into you, and you exhale both at the stretching sensation that hurts just that little bit but also with relief. You lean your body back slightly, your hands moving to anchor on Jake’s shoulders for support. He thrusts, slowly at first, giving you a chance to full adjust to him, watching as you exhale through the first few thrusts, but picks up the pace as he notices your exhales start to morph into desperate whimpers. Jake feels your hips start to buck forward, seeking more friction, and he can’t help the moan that falls from his own lips.
“You feel so fucking good,” his voice is a growl. Jake doesn’t stop, his hips snapping mercilessly against yours. You spread your legs even wider, the base of your feet hooking themselves behind his body coaxing him deeper. Jake’s hand finds itself on your neck, grasping lightly before he drags it down, pulling the front of your dress down. It exposes you, your breasts escaping their confines. The sight of you, mouth slightly agape, bare breasts and nipples spilling out, skirt bunched around your waist and hips bucking into his is breathtaking.
“I’m not going to last long,” he warns - the sight of you doing him in. His voice is choppy as he moves his hand to your clit, his fingers moving expertly, hips thrusting harder, looking to help you find your release before he found his.
“Right there,” you throw your head back, feeling the familiar sensation in your lower abdomen start to coil - and it explodes. You cum hard, almost with a scream and Jake holds you close, hitting his own orgasm, hips still thrusting in and out of you as he lets himself ride his own high.
“Feel better?” Jake voice cuts the air between you both as you both return from chasing your respective highs. You can feel him softening inside you, but neither of you make to move.
“Yes,” you breathe out, a small sigh of relief escaping you, “for now.”
“For now?” You response makes Jake raise a brow as he withdraws from your slowly. You make quick work of pulling your dress over your head, dropping the garment onto the stool you had vacated, fully intending to don the same piece of clothing after you had gotten cleaned up.
“I might need some help again later,” you say, looking at Jake, holding his gaze as you run a hand along your slit, drawing up his cum which had started to leak out of you with a finger before popping it into your mouth. The sight makes Jake’s jaw slacken, his eyes darkening, as he feels himself start to get hard again.
“Can we please skip fucking lunch?” He asks, only to see you smirk, almost wickedly with a shake of your head as you hop off the table.
“No,” you call out as you walk towards to shower. Jake groans, following you, his cock twitching at the side of a glistening trail that had started to run its way down your inner thigh.
It was going to be a long suffering afternoon.
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sailor-aviator · 6 months
Don't Hang'em Til Noon: Chapter Twelve
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Don't Hang'em Til Noon: Chapter Twelve
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Summary: Jake "Hangman" Seresin is a notorious leader within the Dagger Gang of the old western territories of the United States. You, a recently orphaned socialite from the eastern seaboard, find yourself swept off to live with your older brother who has set down roots in said western territory. Determined to to make the best of your situation, what will you do when said outlaw sets his sights on you?
Warnings: Smut (fingering, p in v), Dirty talk, Language, Flirting, Miscommunication, Fluff, Romance, Jake being an idiot. Think that's it.
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: Wow, okay. I told myself I wasn't going to be emotional, and yet here I am. Crying. This has been such an incredible journey, y'all. This fanfic got me through my lowest this year, and to finally see it finished now that I'm in the spot that I am? I am truly without words. A special shoutout to @goldenseresinretriever who is not only my fan club president, but one of my dearest, dearest friends. I hope I continue to do justice by these two, but I know you'll be there to make sure I do! And a shoutout to @fanficfandomlove as well! Thank you for all of your support, and I'm so lucky to count you as one of my friends! Friendly reminder that I have two writing challenges going at the moment! My Christmas Challenge and my Playlist Challenge are both still taking entries! As always, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated!! 18+ ONLY!! Find me on AO3 under sailor_aviator! If You're feeling kind, please consider donating to my ko-fi!
Masterlist || DGU Masterlist || Playlist || Jake "Hangman" Seresin Tag List
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The house was still when you entered, the afternoon light streaming through he windows and illuminating the room in such a way that it made you question reality for a moment. You clung to Jake who stood beside you, his arms strong where they were wrapped around your frame. He had almost died. You had almost been too late to save him.
You collapsed to the ground with a shuddering gasp, a sob escaping seconds later. You clasped a hand over your mouth to try and stop the noises coming from you. You had to be strong. You needed to be strong. But the sobs kept coming, wracking your body and you were vaguely aware of Jake kneeling down next to you.
“Scout,” he said gently, running a hand through your hair. “It’s okay. You’re safe. I’m safe.”
“I know,” you sobbed, reaching over to cling to him. “I know, but you almost weren’t, Jake. I almost lost you, and there would have been nothing I could have done about it.”
He was silent for a moment, letting you calm down before he continued.
“But you weren’t, sweet girl. You never gave up on me, and you made it. I’m right here with you, okay?” He cooed, helping you to your feet. He gently wiped your tears away, pressing a sweet, lingering kiss to your forehead. “But if you ever pull something like that again, I will take you over my knee, do you hear me?”
You balked, pushing away to look at him. He was grinning, but there was a look of seriousness in his eyes and you began to splutter.
“You can’t be serious.”
“Oh, but I am, honey girl.”
“Jake Seresin,” you growled, “I just saved your life.”
He chuckled, leaning in closer to you, and you felt your cheeks warm at the proximity.
“And while I’m very thankful for that, sweetheart,” he drawled, eyes growing dark as he looked you up and down, “it doesn’t change the fact that you put yourself in danger.”
“Unbelievable,” you groused, pushing past him and towards the stairs. You made it up the first three steps before he grabbed you, causing you to let out a shriek as he threw you over his shoulder. He gave you a swat on the rear, chuckling when you yelped.
“That mouth of yours is gonna get you into trouble one day,” he murmured playfully, walking up the stairs and towards your bedroom. Once inside, he tossed you down onto the bed where you landed with a bounce. He was on you in an instant, molding his lips over yours in a kiss that you eagerly returned. The kiss was one of desperation and relief, knowing that the both of you were alive and safe and just needing to feel one another. He nipped at your bottom lip as he pulled away, chuckling when you chased after him with a whine. He placed a chaste kiss to your lips before pulling away once more.
“Are you gonna be a good girl for me?” He rumbled, green eyes meeting yours. You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak as you got lost in how dark his eyes had become. He clucked at you disapprovingly, shaking his head. “Need to hear that pretty voice of yours, honey girl. Let’s try again. Are you gonna be a good girl for me?”
You swallowed thickly, shifting slightly under the weight of his stare. “Y-yes.”
“Yes, what?” He smirked. You took a steadying breath, meeting his gaze with your half hooded one.
“Yes, sir. I’ll be a good girl for you.”
He hummed, leaning in to steal another kiss from you. His tongue delved between your parted lips, licking languidly into your mouth. You moaned into the kiss, reaching your hands up to run your fingers through the soft locks of his hair, tugging slightly. It was Jake’s turn to moan, and he pulled away, breath coming out in pants as he looked at you.
“Strip for me.”
You moved out from underneath him to stand, turning to face him as you began to undress. Jake watched you with hungry eyes as you slowly revealed yourself to him, stopping once you were standing in only your chemise. Without breaking eye contact, he moved to his feet, taking slow steps towards you. He ran his fingers over your cheekbone before cupping your jaw and kissing you once more.
“I love seeing you like this,” he whispered, voice low and gravelly. “But when I say strip, sweet girl, I mean all the way.”
Your breath hitched, eyes going wide and face heating with embarrassment. This man had seen you before, but somehow this time felt different, filled with more anticipation than nervousness like the first time. He cocked an eyebrow at you before slowly kneeling down and taking the hem of your chemise in his hands.
“Here,” he murmured, mischief in his eyes. “Let me help you.”
He slowly peeled the garment off of you, moving to stand as he did so. He pulled it gently over your head, tossing it towards the corner as he looked at you. You could practically feel the trail his eyes took as he gazed hungrily at you. He began to unbutton his own shirt, untucking it from his trousers as he gestured towards the bed.
“On the bed, Scout.”
You did as instructed, watching with hooded eyes as he stripped bare before you. Once he was finished, he crawled up the bed towards your waiting arms, meeting you in a passion filled kiss. His right hand crept up to palm at your breast, causing you to mewl into his mouth.
“Can practically smell how wet you are for me,” he growled as he pulled away, placing hot, open-mouthed kisses along your jaw and down your neck. Your fingers once again found purchase in his hair, desperate for something to cling on to.
His lips left a trail down your chest until they enveloped your nipple, alternating between sucking and licking. You let out a keening cry as you arched into his mouth, hands holding his head steady.
“Feel good, sugar?” He smirked up at you, nipping at the surrounding skin. “Let me hear how good I make you feel.”
“Jake!” You cried, eyes clamping shut as you squirmed beneath him. He pressed more of his weight into you in a bid to keep you still, the hard length of him pressing against your thigh.
“You feel what you do to me, honey girl?” He murmured, moving back up to capture your lips with his. This kiss was all tongues and teeth as you bucked up into him. “Feel how hard you make me?”
“Jake, please,” you whined, eyes begging as they stared at him, letting out a gasp as he snuck a finger between the two of you to press against your slit. “Need you.”
“You have me,” he cooed, pressing his finger into you slowly, earning a high-pitched cry from you as he began to slowly pump in and out. “Let me make you feel good first.”
“Jake,” you gasped, fingers moving from his hair to his shoulders, surely leaving scratches behind. “More, please.”
He slipped another finger inside of you slick entrance, scissoring them before crooking them in search of that special spot inside of you. You cried out as he found it, stars in your eyes as you called out his name, practically wailing when his thumb circled your clit and sending shocks of pleasure through you.
“Can feel how close you are, sweet girl,” he whispered, placing chaste kisses against any piece of skin he could find. “Can feel you squeezin’ my fingers. God, you’re so fucking tight. Can’t wait to feel you wrapped around my cock. Need you to come first, though. Come on, baby. Come for me.”
“Jakey,” you cried, the coil inside you snapping as your vision went white, a soundless scream on your lips.
Your breathing was ragged as you watched him slip his slick soaked fingers into his mouth, humming at the taste.
“Taste so good, honey girl,” he murmured as he looked at you, the greens of his eyes practically swallowed by his pupils. “Gonna taste you-”
“No,” you said breathlessly, causing him to frown. You shook your head as you fought to control your breathing. “Want you inside me. Please, Jakey.”
A grin broke out over his face at your words.
“Well, since you asked so nicely,” he chuckled, already moving to line himself up at your entrance. He ran his length through your folds, coating himself in your slick before slowly pushing in. You sucked in a breath as your nails dug into his shoulders, Jake groaning at the combination of pain and pleasure you were provoking in him.
“Shit, baby,” he gasped, head flying back as he continued to slide into you. “Can feel you sucking me in. So wet and tight. Shit.”
You wrapped your legs around his waist once he was fully seated inside of you. The two of you basked in the feel of finally having each other so close, the emotions of the past two days catching up with you. You didn’t even notice that tears began to fall until Jake was wiping them away, still seated inside of you.
“You okay?” He asked, eyes filled with concern.
“Yeah,” you nodded, cupping his face in your hand. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yes,” you said firmly, nodding once more. “Need to feel you. Need you to move.”
“I’ve got you, honey girl,” he smirked, thrusting slowly into you. You gasped out, head thrown back as he built a rhythm, finding an angle that worked for the both of you.
“Always feel so good,” he groaned, nuzzling into the crook of your shoulder as his thrusts became harder. “So wet and warm. Always such a good girl for me, yeah? Made just for me. Love the pathetic little sounds you make as you’re creamin’ all over me. Makin’ a mess of the sheets as I ruin you.”
“Jakey,” you whined out, barely able to form a coherent thought as he rutted into you, the pleasure becoming overwhelming.
“What’s the matter, baby?” He smirked, pulling back to look at you and brushing a stray hair out of your face. “Too cock drunk to answer me? Am I makin’ you feel too good?”
He pulled out of you, and you cried at the loss. His hands landed on your hips as he flipped you onto your stomach, positioning you on your knees. A crack sounded in the room and you let out a gasp as Jake’s hand landed on your ass.
“Jake!” You exclaimed, eyes going wide as he landed a second blow to the other side. You could practically feel yourself grow wetter, and your cheeks heated with shame.
“You going to stay out of trouble from now on?” He asked lowly, kneading the flesh of your ass greedily. He landed another blow when you didn’t answer, and you jolted forward, but his hands held you in place.
“Jake, please,” you whined, pushing back against him in a bid for him to slip back inside you. He tsked before landing another light slap to the other side, soothing the sting before answering.
“You gonna answer my question, sweetheart? I can do this all day.”
Two more smacks resounded accompanying your moan of pleasure. You could feel yourself practically dripping onto the sheets below with how wet you were. Tears of frustration began to prickle at your eyes the longer he kept you like this.
“What’s this?” Jake mocked. “Is my honey girl a slut for pain?”
“Answer the question, Scout.”
“Yes! Yes, I’m a slut for pain.”
Another smack landed on your ass, and your head fell forward onto your arms as you let out a sob.
“Are you going to stay out of trouble when I tell you to?”
“Yes! Yes, please Jakey!”
He hummed as he leaned back, admiring his handiwork. You were sure your ass was as red as it felt, and you hung your head in shame as his fingers ran through the slick that was running down your thighs.
“Who knew you’d love being treated this way,” he rasped, leaning in and licking a line up your slit. You cried out at the sensation, your hips surging back to seek out more. He chuckled as he ran his length through your folds once more. “Who knew the prim and proper lady from Baltimore was just a cock hungry slut. Is that what you want, sugar? You wanna be filled up, nice and full?”
“Yes,” you hissed, arching your back as the tip of his cock slipped into you. “Want you to fill me up.”
“As you wish,” he smirks, slamming back into you. His pace was relentless, hips slamming into yours with a force that nearly knocked you over. Jake gathered your hair into a ponytail, using it to guide you back until your back was flush to his chest. His hand drifted down to wrap around your neck, squeezing slightly and earning a debauched moan from you. He slowed his pace until he was gently rocking into you. He pulled your head to the side to face his, hooded gaze meeting hooded gaze.
“Open your mouth,” he commanded, and you did as he said. Jake spit into your mouth, and a part of you knew you should be disgusted at how he was treating you, but another, larger, part entirely craved it.
You closed your mouth, swallowing. You opened your mouth without prompting, earning a wicked grin from the man behind you.
“Good fucking girl,” he growled, one hand moving to guide your hips back onto him. “Love having you like this. I’m gonna fill you up so full, you’ll be leaking me for days to come, you hear me? Can’t wait for you to be all round and swollen with me, with our baby. Gonna keep you full for as long as you’ll let me. You like that? You want me to fill you up? To breed you?”
“Please,” you gasped, feeling the coil tighten in your belly for the second time. Jake released your throat, snaking his hand down to toy with your clit. You keened as the precipice approached, and you could feel him begin to twitch inside you.
“Need you to come for me, honey girl,” he rumbled, pace faltering as he neared his own high. “Need to feel you squeezin’ me and milkin’ me dry.”
You flew over the edge with a cry, the coil snapping once again as you came harder than you thought possible. Jake groaned behind you, hips stuttering as you felt spurts of warmth fill you, triggering another, smaller orgasm as you continued to flutter around him. Moments passed as the two of you rode out your highs, breathing slowing to a calm.
Jake slowly lowered the two of you to the bed, rolling to the side as you turned to face him. His skin shone with sweat in the afternoon sun, his hair sticking up every which way as he smiled softly at you. You were sure you looked a similar state, but you couldn’t find it in you to care as he cupped your jaw and pulled you into a slow, sweet kiss. His tongue ran gently over yours, and you sighed as you basked in the feeling of being there with him. He pulled away, but stayed close enough to nuzzle his nose with yours.
“I love you,” he murmured. You couldn’t help the grin that broke out across your face as you placed a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“I love you too.”
“I meant it, you know,” he started, eyes uncertain as they watched you. “I want to have a family with you. We’ll get married, and I’ll build us a new house. One where you and I can grow old together.”
“Do you promise?” You asked, voice barely above a whisper. He nodded earnestly.
“I’ve never meant anything more in my entire life. Your aunt and uncle already gave me permission to marry you.”
“They did?” You asked, brow shooting up in surprise. You thought back to your trip those weeks ago. “Is that what she whispered to you before we left?”
“That?” He frowned, shaking his head. “No, they gave me permission after the first week of us bein’ there. No, Aunt Jo told me…”
“Told you what?” You pressed as he trailed off. His eyes held confusion as he shook his head.
“It didn’t make much sense, but she said ‘Adeline would approve.’”
You felt a pang in your chest at his words, and tears flooded your eyes once more. Jake looked panicked as the tears began to fall.
“Scout, are you okay? Did I say something wrong?” He asked frantically.
“No, not at all,” you laughed, wiping the tears away. “Adeline was my mother, Jake.”
He froze, eyes growing wide as he took in your words.
“Yeah,” you nodded. “And she’s right. She would have liked you. Both of my parents would have.”
“You think?” He questioned, eyes hopeful.
“I know so.”
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You sat at the bar of the saloon, head buried in your hands as you let out a frustrated sigh.
“I just don’t understand,” you said for the umpteenth time, raising your head to look at the girls that surrounded you. “Why hasn’t he proposed yet?”
“Are you two fighting about something?” Birdie asked. You shook your head.
“Not that I’m aware of.”
“Maybe he’s waiting for the right time,” Penny suggested. Nat snorted, rolling her eyes.
“Knowing him,” she started, fixing you with a look, “he’s just being an idiot.”
“You don’t think he’s changed his mind about me, do you?” You whispered, fear gripping at you at the possibility. You knew that Jake had never had any intention of marrying before you came along. Maybe he had grown tired of you? Was the thought of marriage and a life together too much for him now? Things had seemed fine between you, but you were now into spring, and still no proposal. You fidgeted with the pendant around your neck. After your reunion, Jake had been quick to put it on you, chest puffed out in pride every time he saw you wearing it, which was always.
“No!” Penny assured you, resting against the bar top. “No, that boy is smitten with you, Scout.”
“You know,” Bunny spoke, causing all eyes to turn to the usually quiet girl. “If you’re really doubting his feelings for you, maybe you should try pulling back. You know, to see if he does something.”
You were quiet for a moment as you all pondered her words.
“It could work,” Penny conceded thoughtfully. “Jake is new to this kind of relationship, and asking him directly might not work. Try it Bunny’s way and see what happens.”
You nodded, moving to leave.
“And let us know what happens!” Nat called after you, earning a chuckle.
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Another week had passed, and you had effectively been avoiding Jake at every turn. Every kiss dodged, every moment alone averted, and every conversation kept to a minimum. You could tell it was driving Jake crazy, but you knew he needed to be the one to confront you. How else were you supposed to know where his mind was at? Jake was kind, and perhaps he was trying to find a way to spare your feelings? No, he needed to be the one to say something.
You were carrying a bucket of feed into the barn when someone grabbed you and pushed you up against the wall. You let out a gasp as the bucket fell from your hand with a clang, your arms trapped between yours and Jake’s chest. His hands were on either side of your head as he pressed a heated kiss to your lips. You kissed him back with fervor, hands gripping onto his shirt. You had missed this. This week had been just as hard for you as it appeared to be for him.
You shoved him away, Jake stumbling back a few steps as you attempted to calm your racing mind, the both of you panting and glaring at each other.
“Why are you avoiding me?” He growled, eyes running up and down the length of you. You swallowed thickly, straightening to your full height.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, yes you do,” he snapped, pointing a finger at you accusingly. “You have been dodgin’ me left and right all week, and I wanna know why.”
“Are you tired of me?” You blurted out. All anger drained from Jake’s face as it was replaced with confusion.
“Are you tired of me?”
“Scout, that’s a stupid question,” he huffed. When you didn’t say anything, he rolled his eyes and fixed you with another glare. “No, of course I’m not. Why would you think that?”
“Then why haven’t you proposed yet?” You murmured, bottom lip wobbling as you fought to keep your composure. “It’s been weeks since everything happened, and you still haven’t asked me to marry you.”
Jake looked at you incredulously, taking the few steps until he was standing right in front of you.
“Well, shit, honey girl,” he chuckled. “I gave you the necklace, didn’t I?”
“What?” You blinked up at him.
“I gave you the necklace,” he continued, picking up the pendant and toying with it. “Figured that was as good as declaring we were gonna get married one day.”
You stared at him, his words slowly running through your head. You shoved him back again, this time following him as you slapped at his chest and shoulders.
“Ow, hey! Scout!” He hollered, grabbing your arms to stop you. Once you realized you were immobile, you stamped your foot, glaring up at him.
“Jake Seresin,” you shrieked, cheeks warm from exertion, “giving me the necklace does not equate to a proposal!”
Now it was his turn to stare. His bewildered expression melted into one of mischief and wonder as he ran his thumbs up and down your wrists.
“Alright, honey girl. You just wait. I’ll blow you away,” he smirked, bringing his forehead to rest against yours. You hummed, melting into his touch as he released your arms to wrap his own around you, swaying the two of you side to side.
“You better,” you muttered, a ghost of a smile on your lips. You felt him place a kiss to the top of your head as he held you tighter.
“How are you feelin’ now?” He asked, running a comforting hand up and down your spine as the two of you continued to sway.
“I’m happy,” you whispered, closing your eyes and pressing your ear to his chest. His heartbeat was strong and steady, a sound you’d never tire of.
“Yeah,” he hummed, resting his cheek against the top of your head now. “I’m happy too.”
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Coming January 2024...
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sweetlittlegingy · 2 years
I Don't Start Shit, But I Can Tell You How It Ends
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✦ Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Better Man Universe
✦Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Single!Mother, Dagger Squad vs. Davis
✦Word Count: 2.8 K
✦Warnings: Protective!Hangman, Angry!Hangman, Protective!Dagger Squad, Asshole Guy, Failed Drugging, Jake hints at killing people...
✦A/n: The Dagger Squad finally gets ahold of Mathew's old Principle. They really hate the man, we all do tbh! Day 2 of 500 celebration!!!!
✦Library (Follow for updates! I no longer have a taglist.)
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He’d told you he wouldn’t go to the school, and Jake Seresin was nothing if not a man of his word. Especially when the promise was made to you. No, Jake had informed Rooster of the situation. Of how the piece of shit, Davis, had touched you and made completely inappropriate comments about not only you, but also Mathew.
Jake had gone to Rooster knowing that the information would have him on a manhunt, and it did. Rooster was overwhelmingly protective of you, and though Jake had hated it at times, right now he was more than thankful for it. What Jake hadn’t meant to have happen, was to have Bob overhear him and Rooster talking.
No, that was defiantly not a part of the plan.
Though it quickly became a part of it.
“I figure, you go in and sweet talk the office Lady and —”
The slam of the locker room doors had Jake pausing, both him and Rooster looking over their shoulders to see a fuming Phoenix.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Her tone has both the pilots, exchanging a worried glance. Glancing behind Phoenix’s form at the other two male pilots, hoping that their faces would provide a revelation.
Jake's eyes first meet Coyote, a hard unamused gaze meeting his own. His eyes leave his best friend, to flitter between Bob’s own unusually hard gaze and Phoenix, her eyes never leaving his own. Her hands rested on her hips, giving both Jake and Rooster a ‘What The Fuck’ look.
“Nix baby, what’s wrong?” Rooster's tone causes a scoff to fall from Phoenix’s lips, taking a step toward the two of them. Both Rooster and Jake to step back, one hand leaving her hip to point at the two of them. A silent accusation.
“When were you going to tell me that my sister-in-law,” Her gaze cutting to Bradley harshly. “and god-son were getting FUCKING harassed by some idiot Principal.”
Both of them remained quiet; never noticing, until now, that lock room floors were remarkably shiny.
“Baby, I was going to tell you—”
“Don’t even Chicken,” the name instantly shutting the man up. She’d only ever used it on him when he was in trouble, using it more often than she did his actual name. “You are sleeping on the couch tonight.”
He shouldn’t have laughed, but Jake loved to see Rooster get in trouble. His laugh quickly dies though, when Phoenix’s pointed finger cuts to him.
“And you, what was the plan? Huh?”
“Trace, I had a plan.”
The sound of dripping water echoed through the silent locker room, each of the pilots waiting for Jake to continue. Jake’s eyes moved back to Rooster, who remained not only silent, but looked like he’d just gotten his favorite toy taken away from him.
Jake’s eyes rolled, realizing that Rooster would be no help to him. The 6-foot-something pilot was already in the doghouse with the wife, and wouldn’t be risking getting more sleepless nights on the couch.
“I mean it’s a work in progress, me and Rooster were hashing it out.”
A grunt leaves Rooster, “Look baby I was just listening, and then I was gonna come tell you.”
His head slowly nodding, “Yeah, I was actually about to tell Hangman that we need your input.”
It was clearly a lie, everyone knew it.
But Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, was in fact the biggest suck-up to his wife. If Jake wasn’t so in love with you, he would’ve laughed. Though from the moment he had met you, he was yours. You said jump, and he said how high.
“You’re an idiot. I love you, but you’re an idiot.” Walking over to Rooster, she gives him a soft kiss, her gaze then bouncing between Jake and Rooster. “But also, you do need me.”
Phoenix’s plan was no doubt better, than what the two pilots had initially thought of. Rooster didn’t love the fact that Phoenix was the “bait” in the situation, but she’d quickly told him to shut up before the protest could leave his mouth.
The first part of the plan had worked smoothly, Phoenix and Bob had quickly found Davis’s Facebook page and found the general area in which he lived. They had also learned what car he drove, and like the damn detective that she was, Phoenix found the man’s choice grocery store to shop at.
The momentum of the plan acceleration, like a snowball rolling down the hill. With a “accidental” meeting in the fresh fruit section, Phoenix quickly had a date set with the man.
That was last week which led to here and now, as Phoenix sat at the bar in the Hard Deck, wearing a dress and waiting for her date to show up. The guys crowded around the pool table, causally playing as if they weren’t about to beat the shit out of some middle-aged man soon enough.
You were home with Mathew and Jake knew that you wouldn’t be coming out. He would usually be with you and Maty, but he’d told you that he needed to handle an issue at the Hard Deck with Roos. You hadn’t even questioned it, only asked if he would be coming by after, to which he replied of course.
The bar was slightly crowded for a Thursday night, though it didn’t stop the pilots from clocking the door every time it opened. Before long, Davis had shown up, 20 minutes late to the “date,” but he had showed.
Jake notices the way Phoenix slightly stiffens as Davis’s hand rests a tad low on her lower back, and he has to grab Rooster before he goes and beats the shit of the man. Phoenix glances back at the group of guys, meeting Rooster's eyes and giving him a silent ‘I’m okay.’ He relaxes slightly in Jake’s hold, but is still slightly tense as he moves back to the pool table. The group continues the game of pool, eyes fleeting between the game and the bar.
They watch as Phoenix holds a conversation with the man, though maintains a safe distance from his wandering hands. They hadn’t told Penny about the plan, the group of pilots grin as they notice her continually checking in on Phoenix.
Penny had once again made her way over to Phoenix and the man, giving her a smile and the man a harsh glare. Penny knew that this couldn’t be one of Phoenix and Rooster's plans to spice up their marriage, no she could tell that this was different.
“Can I get you two a refill?”
“Yeah baby, get me a beer and – ”  Davis looks over to Phoenix, before turning back to Penny. “Get her cocktail.” 
Penny recoils at the name he calls her and glances back to Phoenix who has remained silent.
“She usually takes a beer or shoots liquor, buddy.”
“Yeah, well cocktails are ladylike.”
The comment has both the women rolling their eyes, Penny’s eyes moving back to the group of pilots, and raises an eyebrow at Rooster.
Rising up from her seat, the dress fluttering down around her hips, drawing Davis’s eyes directly to her tan legs, catching his gaze, Phoenix scoffs.
“Get me whatever Pen, I’m going to the bathroom.”
She leaves before Davis can say anything, more than fed up with the overly handsy and sexist man. Making her way past the group of pilots, she silently looks at them, before going into the bathroom.
Jake is making his way to the bar before the bathroom door is fully closed. He slides up to the bar, right next to Davis as he flags down Penny.
“Penny ma’ dear, can I get a whiskey?”
He can feel Davis’ eyes on him, silently watching and assessing. While waiting for Penny, Jake leans his back against the bar, his eyes finally landing on Davis.
“Do I know you?” Jake’s eyes stare at the man, like a lion taunting his prey.
“Nah, don’t think so.”
The reply is short and to the point, but it has Jake laughing slightly. Turning back to lean his forearms on the bar, his gaze harsh and waiting for Davis to bite.
“No, I know you from somewhere.”
Davis doesn’t get a chance to answer as Penny arrives again handing Jake the whiskey and setting down the two drinks for Phoenix and Davis.
“You drinking that girly shit man? Cuz I know Nix doesn’t.”
The comment makes Davis release an uneasy breath, before ignoring Jake altogether. The pilot looks back over his shoulder at the group of guys patiently waiting by the pool table.
If he hadn’t turned back when he did, Jake would have missed it. Lucky, Jake sees it as Davis mixes a bag of powder into Phoenix’s drink.
“Oh buddy, you did not just do that.”
Though the words sound light, the comment is anything but as Jake lays a hand harshly on Davis’s shoulder.
“Listen here, this has nothing to do with you. So just go back to your little friends and leave me be.”
Jake’s tongue slightly clicks at the man, head caulking to the side and laying a harsh gaze upon him. His eyes calculating as ever. Jake has been pissed off before, but now, after this, he was just about ready to kill Davis.
The tick of his jaw, gives Jake away “You know, I thought you looked familiar. You are the piece of shit, who fucked with my girl.”
Grasping the glass of whiskey, Jake shoots the rest of it back. Arm falling to rest upon bar, as he gives Davis his signature award-winning smirk.
“Now here’s what’s gonna happen, Penny ma’ dear you’re going to ring that bell and asshole here is going to pay for a round of drinks.” His soft gaze moves from Penny and back to a clearly worried Davis, eyes instantly hardening when they make contact with Davis‘s own.
“Me and you, we’re gonna go outside and have a little talk, about how you treat women.”
Before he can reply, Bradley and Coyote each grab one of Davis’s arms, and drag him out of the bar as Penny rings the bell in the background. Davis lands harshly on the ground, as Rooster and Coyote release him with a harsh shove. The group of pilots crowded around him, each of them staring down at him with bitter gazes.
“I don’t know wha—”
The words instantly die on Davis’s lips, as Jake crouches down next to him. The surrounding group intent on quietly watching; waiting for Jake to make the first move. Rooster hadn’t seen, the way Davis slipped a powder into Phoenix’s drink, though when he found out Jake was sure he’d want to kill the man just as much.
“Now I’m sure you don’t remember, given that you seem like the type of scum that regularly hits on women without their consent.”
The harsh jab Jake lays on the man’s chest, send him back a bit. The boys had seen Jake mad before, but never like this. Never with such fire and anger burning in his green eyes.
“You see, you made my girl cry. Not just that, you put your hands on my girl, and then you have the nerve to talk about how she’s raising our son.”
Sure, Mathew wasn’t his son yet legally, but with or without the paperwork he was still Jake’s boy.
“She showed up at your office, wanting to have a talk about how your school had been treating Mathew.  But she comes home to me crying and hides in the bathroom until I knocked the fuckin’ door down.”
His voice slowly rose with every word, and watching as his words sink in. Jake laughs as he watches Davis pales upon his realization of the words. Jake’s hand raises up to smack Davis gently across the face laughing as he does so.
“Ahhhh, there it is.”
Jake quickly rises back up to stand over the man, turning back around to the group of pilots and motions them to go grab him. As Rooster and Coyote grab onto the man, lifting him back onto his feet, Jake slowly makes a show.
He always like to show off, it made people uneasy. Jake liked making sure everyone knew just how good he was. He glances over his shoulder, as he unbuttons the khaki uniform top, pulling it off so he’s only wearing the white undershirt with his khaki pants. Glancing back at the man with that well-known smirk,
“Can’t have you bleeding on my good clothes.”
He says it so easily, but he knows that it hits its mark, as Davis shutters slightly in Coyote and Roosters hold.
The sound of the bar doors opening, has the group looking back toward the entrance. Watching as Phoenix exits the bar and makes her way to the group.
“Did I miss anything?”
Davis silently stares at the woman, his eyes moving between Jake and her. The realization slowly crept in that this whole night was a set-up; the meet-up in the grocery store, Jake coming up to him in the bar, and now here with his back pressed against the side of the bar wall.  
“Not a thing, Trace.”
The shift of Davis’ shoulders sends everyone's eyes back to him, watching and calculating just how bad his night might become.
“Now as you can tell, well maybe you can’t cause you’re an idiot, but we’re all in the Navy. And with the Navy, comes call signs.”
Jake’s form comes to a halt, staring down Davis with a wicked smile that just about sends Rooster and Coyote running.
“My callsign, well there are few people that know the real reason behind it, but you’re about to find out buddy.”
Glances are exchanged between the other pilots, though it’s Coyote's gaze that never leaves Jake’s. He’d been there when Jake earned the name Hangman. It had been a long time ago, but he knew that Jake, still lay just beneath the surface.
“See everybody likes to assume, that it’s because I like flying alone. Well, that just ain’t it, nope.”
The calculated steps, unnerving gaze, and the way in which Jake talks were clearly meant to scare the man.
Let it be known, that when you pissed Jacob Grant Seresin off, all hell would break loose.
Jake’s right arm shootouts, to grasp Davis’s neck so fast that I has Phoenix gasping. The other pilots only shift slightly at the brutal action.
“No, I got named Hangman because I’ve been known to string up men and play the judge, jury, and executioner.”
With each title that falls from his lips, Jake lifts Davis slowly until his feet no longer touch the ground and the only thing keeping him up, is the hand clasped around his neck.
“Do you understand what I’m saying?”
The group of pilots remain unmoving, all watching in unnerving silence and slowly comprehending the way in which Jake actually got his callsign. Davis tries to nod his head, though the hand around his neck makes it near impossible. As if only to taunt him more, Jake taps his ear slightly with his left hand.
“What was that?”
Shades from red to a light purple, start to cover Davis’s face, a clear sign of his lack of oxygen. His mouth moves though no words can fall from it. A sharp chuckle leaves Jake’s lips, as he loses his grip slightly as the man gasps for air.
“I understand.” The panting of his breath only makes Jake smile widen.
As the single word is muttered from Jake’s lips, the right hand once clasped over Davis’ neck drops. His body falls to the floor on the concrete, causing him to lean back against the bar wall, gasping for air.
“And I thought you would be more fun to break.” His tone light and easy, completely unfazed by the events that just occurred.
Jake reaches over to take his shirt from Phoenix, giving each of his friends the smile that they all came to know once Jake met you. He was a completely different person, than the one he was just moments ago. As he pulls the shirt back on, without missing a beat Jake lowers himself down to Davis. Laughing slightly at how the man flinches away from him.
“Don’t ever come around my girl or son again.”
The tone of his voice sends another shockwave through Davis’s body. Rising without any care for the man, Jake kicks the man’s limp foot before turning ready to get home to you.
A final glance over his shoulder, to the group of his friends still standing around Davis unsure of what to do.
“Hey Roos, I forgot to tell you that he tried to drug Nix.”
The final words, might as well have been those that a coroner would’ve signed in the finalization of the death certificate.
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aliensupastar · 7 days
happy pride!
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