#too much sentimentality in this lads
partyshadow · 1 year
we have never gotten closer to the feeling of ancient alchemists and scholars trying in vain to discover the secrets of immortality than when we try and recreate a tasty dish we only kinda remember
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disneyprincemuke · 3 months
mrs all american * archived.
who is that guy in the andretti racing garage?
pairings: bother figures x fem!driver, 4lyfers x fem!driver
notes: lOLSIE OXOXOXOOXOOXOXO tell me if u want their smau too?? hehehehe
(series masterlist) | (📂 the sophomore year)
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alex tilts his head, approaching his friends gathered right behind a crowd that’s formed in front of one of the racing hospitalities in the paddocks. “what are we doing here?”
“same sentiments,” george mutters, craning his neck to try and look over heads to see what’s all the commotion about. him and lando had been having a chat while walking in from lunch when they were greeted by a large crowd gathered and chatter filling up the air. “we’re just as curious as you.”
“but you lot were here first?” alex asks, scrunching his nose again, looking between his friends. “did andretti manage to score some big name or something for the weekend?”
“brad pitt, you reckon?” lando asks, raising his eyebrows. “nah, i don’t think so. has to be someone else.”
“maybe it’s just rocky causing terror to everyone again.”
george and lando exchange a stare and ultimately shrug with a nod. it’s not entirely impossible that it’s not the brand’s own driver who’s gathered a big crowd to watch her do something stupid.
“hey, why are there so many damn people? i just wanna take a nap before the parade.” the 3 turn around, shocked at the presence that’s announced itself behind them. the andretti racing driver stands in front of them, hands on the straps of her backpack as she looks at them curiously. they furrow their eyebrows. “what?”
“you’re not the one that’s causing all the commotion?” george tilts his head, pointing at the crowd of cameras and paparazzi behind them.
she shrugs. “i guess not. what’s going on?”
alex sighs, widening his eyes. “we have got no idea. we’re just nosey,” he takes a sip from his drink, “will you tell us when you find out later?”
she shrugs nonchalantly with a small smile. “sure. i’ll see you lads later for the parade.”
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“are you hiding someone from me?” the girl, who’s just walked into the pitlane to head to the grid for the driver’s parade takes a step back with a clueless blink. “max keeps pestering me about the guest for tonight.”
she shrugs, eyebrows furrowed. “why do you just assume i always know more than you?”
liam shrugs as well, frowning. “i don’t know. there’s just so much commotion on our side of the paddocks today and i’ve got no clue as to why,” liam says with a frown.
realistically, she feels bad lying straight through her teeth to everyone. but she doesn’t need anyone messing with her when the truth happens to come out before the race starts. it’s just not something she thinks she needs.
besides, everybody will find out after the race. she will just explain herself then.
“i’ve got no idea what’s going on with our garage today,” she takes a sip from her pepsi, blinking at liam innocently. “guess we’ll find out later?”
“find what out?” oscar tilts his head as they come to a stop right by him and lando, waiting for the truck to start their lap around the track.
“why we’ve been so crowded with paps today,” liam frowns. “i’m not the centre of attention and it’s simply absurd.”
lando sighs, shaking his head. “i know. i’ve barely seen a camera pointed my way today and it’s our grand prix race. something is not right.”
she shrugs with a small grin. “someone kinda famous, i guess.”
“it’s not jacob elordi again, is it?” carlos pokes his head between lando’s and hers, furrowing his eyebrows. he turns to her, met with an unamused stare and head tilt. he shrugs. “just curious. who knows if you’re seeing him again?”
she looks around their huddle, suddenly greeted by curious stares and raised eyebrows. she throws her arms in the air and shakes her head. “i’m not seeing jacob again! i haven’t seen him since the miami race last year! please let it go!”
alex narrows his eyes down with a small smirk. “you sound like you know something about andretti’s special guest.”
“you liar!” liam screams.
“i don’t!” she turns to liam with her arms in the air. she turns to alex and scowls. “why are you stirring drama? i don’t know anything about who andretti’s decided to give their stupid pass to this weekend, okay?”
alex hums, pressing his lips together. “that’s not what logan told me.”
“why would logan know anything about andretti’s guest this weekend? i’ve barely seen him.”
he shrugs, “i really thought that would break you.”
“nice try,” oscar sighs, shaking his head. “you really don’t know anything?”
she shakes her head. “i really don’t. now can we please talk about something else?”
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“i’ll see you later after the race?” a soft, familiar, higher-pitched voice says. “don’t forget to watch me, okay? remember: i’m in the andretti car. don’t watch the red bulls or the ferraris, just me. you’re here for me.”
liam presses his ear against the door as if he could somehow make out who’s speaking to whom inside the room.
you can only imagine his shock when he hears a man’s voice from the other side of the door. “suddenly i’m an andretti supporter. i don’t even like ferrari.”
he hears her laugh, followed by footsteps approaching the door. “i’ll see you later, my. love you.”
the door clicks, prompting liam to hurl himself towards the stairs leading downstairs, stumbling and sliding down a couple of steps. liam pulls himself up with the railing, trying to ignore the way he can hear the confusion as the door closes.
“what are you doing?”
liam hops up to his feet, one of his foot sliding off at the edge of the steps. he coughs to cover it up and shakes his head. “i’m just super excited to be racing in vegas.”
she tilts her head and furrows her eyebrows. “are you sure? is something wrong?”
he shakes his head. “nope. nothing.”
perhaps she will break the news to him after the race? he doesn’t think he’s ever heard her say that phrase to anyone, much less know anyone called ‘my’.
“you don’t have anything to ask me?” she bites down on her lip, trying to keep the laugh in.
truthfully, she had heard the door rattle a couple of times and assumed that liam was being nosey outside her driver’s room. she’s more surprised that her teammate is not probing her for a more defined answer other than a shrug.
“i guess,” liam shrugs dejectedly.
he just wants her to tell him instead of having to ask her outright.
“alright, mate,” she laughs, furrowing her eyebrows. “by the way, you’re coming for ice cream tonight, right? i’ve got someone i want you to meet.”
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another podium finish. it’s absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she’s got a special guest in her garage watching, the car was just good.
she knows that because liam’s finished directly behind her. she would have given him the podium if sebastian hadn’t insisted that there’s jo driver swap necessary and that it would only be riskier to do so.
she climbs out of the car, eyes crinkled towards the team gathered behind the barriers for her. she tears all of her headgear off and immediately runs forward to where her team is gathered.
“amazing!” sebastian screams, arms wide open as she approaches them. “good job, kid!”
she screeches, hopping over to where they are with her fists in the air. “i know! i literally love vegas! year after year, all vegas gives me is bangers!”
she jumps into sebastian’s arms, cheering along with her team of mechanics with their arms wrapped around her as well. “yay! another podium for me! suck it, oscar!”
“oscar catching strays,” liam mutters, tapping her on the shoulder and holding his arms out to her. throwing his arms around her, he sighs exasperatedly while a smile. “i know you had someone in your room earlier.”
“i know. you rattled the door with all your moving,” she whispers back before pulling away. she drops her head slightly as a blush slowly creeps up her cheeks. “i’m seeing somebody.”
“i also know that,” liam grins, a hand still on the small of her back. “do i get to meet him?”
“obviously. do you know how difficult it’s been to keep him out of your sight all day?” she snorts, rolling her eyes. “i promise you’ll get to meet him.”
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“if i didn’t know you were a good driver, i’d have thought you made it to the podium just to impress me.”
“it’s just luck, i guess.” she grins giddily leaning in as he holds both hands up, grabbing her cheeks. “thanks for coming to watch my race.”
“absolutely. thank you so much for inviting me over.”
she scrunches her nose, hands lifted slightly behind her as she leans in with puckered lips. she’s turning 22 in a couple of weeks and the fact that this is her first public relationship ever is still new to her.
truthfully, she wasn’t even planning on dating any time soon. she’s gone 5 years — almost her entire life — not finding herself with a boyfriend, what harm would it do if she went on longer without one?
but she coincidentally found herself laughing a little too hard at his jokes and now here she is, lip locked in her garage with some guy she swore annoyed her.
“fuck off!” she says immediately, pulling away and whirling around with red cheeks. her hair is dishevelled, stray hairs on her face and cheeks getting redder by the second. “what are you, 12?”
max raises his eyebrows with an amused smile stretching his lips. he tilts his head to the side and ignores the driver in front of him. “who’s this? i’m max,” he holds his arm out, “i can fight.”
“max!” she shrieks, pushing max’s arm away before it can be grabbed cordially. “what is wrong with you? that’s not how you introduce yourself!”
but as she’s preoccupied with max, to her horror, she’s turned back around and the other 3 have already surrounded the poor boy with furrowed eyebrows and questions spilling on their lips.
who are you, where do you live, what’s your intentions with rocky, how long have you known her? and this is exactly why she hesitated even bringing him to the race to watch her.
“hey, what are you doing? stop doing that!” she cries, running back around to try and shoo off alex, george and lando who have well invaded her boyfriend’s personal space. before she can take 3 steps away, max grabs her shoulder and yanks her back toward him to hold her in place. “you guys are embarrassing me! you’re worse than my siblings!”
“oh, you’ve met her siblings!” alex cheers for a moment before wiping the smile from his face. “so? what are they gonna do to protect you? they’re so much younger.”
“hey! those are my sisters and brother you’re talking about!”
“ah, you get what i mean,” alex waves her off, snorting softly. he returns his attention to the boy with a small amused grin. “so? you plan on answering our questions, mate? we’ll be here all night if you don’t.”
the brunette grins. “i’m milo manheim, i’m an actor. i’m,” a blush creeps up his cheek as he bites back a smile and points over at the girl still in her race suit, “she’s my girlfriend.”
“girlfriend?” lando screams incredulously, throwing his head back in disbelief. he turns to the girl and points at milo. “you found yourself a boyfriend? did you use our advice?”
she stares at them, blinking with a toothy and fearful grin. “why… would i use your shit advice?”
“hey, what are you– oh, hey! you look–” oscar cuts himself off with a loud laugh before turning to his best friend, “oh, you little sneaky shit! no wonder you’ve been keeping your mouth shut the entire evening! it’s the guy you h–“
“guys!” she throws her arms in the air. “give me a break, please! at least let me sp–”
“how long have you guys been dating?”
“dating?” oscar asks loudly, blinking rapidly. all this is new to him. she’s always been pretty secretive and private about her dating life, so it’s not a shock that everything is only unveiling now for her.
“have you made her cry yet? every tear is one punch i get to throw without you running off to the media crying about it, kid,” max says firmly, shoving her aside so that he could take a step forward towards milo.
“max! he has not–”
the younger boy grins and puffs his chest proudly. “of course not! we’ve been going out for a couple of months, around 5 or 6?”
“wow!” george cheers, turning to her in amusement. “that’s long! you kept a secret that long?”
she shrugs. “lily knew.”
“lily knew?” oscar screams, arm darting out to punch her shoulder. “why didn’t you tell me?”
“because then you’d tell logan and lando, and then it wouldn’t be a secret anymore,” she explains, throwing her arms in the air with a knowing stare. “i don’t see the problem, really. mick knew too.”
“mick found out before me?” george shouts. “unfair!”
she shrugs again. “he saw us at the hotel lobby last night.”
“why are there so many people in my garage?” sebastian walks in, tapping his phone against his palm. “hi, milo.” he looks at the crowd of excess drivers in his garage and lifts his hands in the air to continue his interrogation. “anyone plan on answering me?”
“we’re having a meeting,” lando answers, not even sparing the older man a glance. he keeps his stare on milo. “so how did you meet?”
“we met at the eras tour in the private tent!” oscar cuts in with an amused stare. he blinks. “i gotta find logan and tell him.”
“tell me what?”
she throws her arms in the air. “did you guys agree to come to my garage after my podium just to piss me off or something?” she shouts, hands balled into fists and she stomps a foot into the ground. “what is everyone doing here? why are we having a gathering?”
“i was gonna congratulate you on the podium,” logan mutters. he trails off as he meets the familiar pair of brown eyes, the only person in their makeshift circle not in a race suit, and tilts his head. “what are you doing here? don’t i know you from somewhere?”
a silence falls in the garage, the chatter from outside the only thing that anyone can hear. max and alex share a look, then glances over at george who lifts his eyebrows with a shrug.
milo blinks. “i’m–“
“rocky’s boyfriend!” lando cheers, holding milo’s shoulder and pointing excitedly at the young boy next to him. “you didn’t know?”
“nobody knew,” she grins, explaining through gritted teeth. “except seb. cause he’s the one that let this happen.”
“rat!” max screams, whirling around to sebastian. “you said you knew nothing about who andretti’s guest is!”
“i was sworn to secrecy if not i might wake up bald tomorrow!” sebastian suddenly screams in defensive. “i don’t wanna be bald! don’t you think i haven’t thought of telling anyone?”
logan grins, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. “i didn’t know you guys were talking.”
logan scratches his elbow as he turns to oscar, tilting his head and pointing between her and milo as if to ask if he’d known about it. in return, oscar shrugs.
“wait,” max shakes his head. “this is actually a thing? you guys are actually boyfriend and girlfriend? like it’s official?”
her and milo share a look. she turns to max and nods. “yeah?”
“you hesitated,” george points out. “why did you hesitate?”
heads turn to one of the men in papaya, a giggle bubbling from his stomach as he points between them. “i see what’s going on — you haven’t talked about it, have you?”
“what?” she sputters, rolling her eyes. “that is absolutely none of your business.”
oscar giggles. “but we’re right, aren’t we?”
george throws his hands in the air. “guys, leave them alone. this is seriously none of our business.”
“but i wanna know!” max whines, stomping towards milo. “how did you guys meet?”
“eras tour,” milo grins widely. “then she went home and stalked me — liked my picture from like 2021.”
“no, i didn’t!” she shrieks, hands coming up to shield her flushed cheeks away from everyone in the room. she runs over to milo and starts to push him towards the doors that lead to the paddocks. “don’t tell people i did that!”
“oh, that’s so embarrassing!” oscar tugs at his hair then hunches over as he no longer can contain his laughter. “rocky, no!”
she scratches her head and darts back towards oscar. “oscar!”
“she didn’t like me very much at first,” milo points out, grinning at her.
“oh, we know,” logan grins, folding his arms over his chest. he glances at the girl cowered next to sebastian, forehead resting on her race engineer’s arm with her hands still cupped over her cheeks then looks at everybody else. “she told us how annoying you were for like 20 minutes after the concert.”
she sighs and just drops herself into squat. “yeah, whatever.”
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“mate!” liam grins, pushing the door open of their hospitality home. “i’m liam! it’s so nice to finally meet you.”
he says that as if he hadn’t just found out of his existence literally 2 hours ago.
“aw, absolutely, man,” milo grins, taking the hand that offered to him. “she talks about you all the time.”
“yeah, how fucking irritating he is,” she scoffs, throwing her head back. she steps forward and breaks their hands apart from one another, quickly wrapping her hand around milo’s arm. “let’s go for drinks!”
“really? drinking in vegas?” liam snorts, raising his eyebrow at her. “shouldn’t you have learned your lesson by now?”
“what lesson?” mick hums, appearing behind them. “drinks, right? celebrate rocky’s podium or something?”
“your lesson? what did you do in vegas that’s naughty?” milo teases, furrowing his eyebrows and looking down at her. “you did something stupid, didn’t you?”
she blinks. “yeah, i almost got married in vegas this time last year.”
“married?” milo repeats with a laugh. “to whom? and what do you mean almost? it didn’t happen?”
mick sighs. “we were bested by sebastian — a lesson about drinking too much or something like that. we still engage in black out drinking though.”
the girl cheers with a soft laugh, holding a hand up and immediately receives a high-5 from the older driver.
milo laughs, wrapping an arm around her. “that’s actually kinda funny.” he looks at mick, already well acquainted from their impromptu supper in their hotel room the night before. “she is my girlfriend now though, so…”
liam scowls, looking between the 3 of them. “you guys just made it super weird.”
— bonus
“you seriously didn’t know?” oscar blinks, starting to walk away from the williams racing home alongside his friend and girlfriend, towards the exit of the paddocks to meet their friends. “you guys have been acting so weird lately.”
logan shrugs. “i bet ylona knew. they’ve been hanging out a lot lately.”
lily grins, peeking from oscar’s side to look at logan. “she does. rocky told us she was seeing somebody after they first kissed that one time in new york 2 months ago.”
“2 months ago,” logan puffs his cheeks out and shakes his head, “wow. good for her, honestly.”
“yeah,” oscar hums, “you’d think that she’d actually end up that crazy cat lady if she never finds a decent man.”
lily laughs, squeezing oscar’s arm. “we’ve hung out with him a cou–“
“you what?” oscar scowls, taking a step away from her. “what’s with all the secrecy? are you even my girlfriend anymore?”
“you say ‘we’,” logan huffs. “you’re telling me you guys reeled ylona in without either of us knowing?” lily nods. “assholes!”
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @vellicora @leilanixx @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @33-81 @darleneslane @nikfigueiredo @happy-nico @namgification @localwhoore @notawc @sadg3 @kazuha-pista-badam @mellowarcadefun @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @woozarts @meadhbhcavanagh @2bormaybenot @a-disturbing-self-reflection @inejismywife @love4lando @louvrepool
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mayearies · 10 months
a cat version of miles morales comes along and causes some stir. genre: fluff
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warnings: a jealous miles i guess a/n: text might be fucked up sorry lads
1610 miles had been in the spider society for around two weeks now. after convincing miguel o'hara to finally loosen up a little. knowing of him being spiderman, he came home and told you about his adventures all the time. the loud rumbling and distortion of your world would be a reminder he's came to see you. this time, he brought a friend.
"baby, i'm home."
he snuck up behind you a kissed you on the lips, disrupting you cooking dinner. he can't come home and not give his lovely wife a kiss, no?
"how was work? anything exciting?" "uhh, well... it was eventful to say the least. i brought a friend."
a cat standing on its legs appeared around the corner. he looked exactly like miles. like, exactly. only that he was a cat. the jacket, the jordans, everything. it was the cutest thing you have ever seen.
"hello every-nyan!"
you instantly fell in love.
✰ for the next few hours, you babied this version of miles. he called himself 'meows morales' which only made you swoon over him more. you fed him the dinner you made, groomed him, played with him, did everything that someone who owns a cat would usually do.
✰ however, that also made your miles a little envious. i mean, yeah, it technically was him but it also wasn't. all the attention you gave him since he got home was a quick little peck on the lips. yet you give this version of miles all the attention in the world. it made him side eye the whole time.
you were watching a movie in your bedroom with MILES right beside you and, who would've thought, meows was laying in your lap asleep and purring as you stroked his fur lightly. your husband just looked at it with disgust and jealousy, "miles."
"hm?" "you've been staring for a while, you okay?" "oh, what? nah, i'm good. i'm.. fine."
your face molded into a playful smirk as he looked at you blankly. did he let it shine through too much? knowing you, this is something you would tease him about for the rest of the night. "y'know, ever since meows came here, you've been awfully quiet."
"what? pssh! no, i've just been thinking." "about?" "about us."
you pressed your lips into a line and looked unamused as he put his head on your shoulder, trying to sound sentimental. "if this is about me going to leave you for a cat version of yourself, ion wanna hear it."
he sucked on his teeth, sighing his head against the headboard. "come on! i just have a hunch-"
"no hunches. you know what you do when you have hunches." "okay but speaking realistically-" "there is no 'speaking realistically,' i'm not leaving you for meows morales!"
yeah, you had him all figured out. as always. he rested his head on your lap too, sighing in defeat. he bit his lip as he turned his head to look you in the eye. "you swear?"
"yes, miles. i swear i would never date a cat over you."
© mayeluvsu
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gay-dorito-dust · 5 months
Okay, since you’re rereading the books and your up for this request, can I request headcanons with the same hades reader you wrote earlier where she meets Nico di angolo when he arrives to camp and from the moment they met, they hit it of instantly and Nico clings to the reader his entire time there, and even hangs out with Luke cause Luke is the readers bf?
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This was long as shit as I got carried away…oops. Not so much on Luke and Nico spending time together but more so reader and Luke talking about Nico.
The moment Nico was brought to camp, a wide eyed boy who was so full of awe and wonder and excitement, you just knew how special he was and you couldn’t help but feel a familial sense when it came to the boy.
Almost as if you knew him your entire life when in reality this was your first ever meeting the boy, but something deep down told you that you would do anything to keep this boy safe and happy for as long as possible before it would be taken away from him; after all life as a Demi-god wasn’t all glory and valour and you all had to learn that rather ruthless lesson one way or another…oftentimes prematurely.
Then again, you chalked this feeling down to you being protective towards the younger Demi-gods that entered camp but this feeling was a lot stronger then that, a hell of a lot in the sense that a older sibling would fret over their younger siblings…but Nico wasn’t your sibling…well not that you were aware of seeing as he was still unclaimed but you guessed being a child of the big three had made you envious of what children of other gods had; family. You were alone and have been alone for quite a while…
Luke, your beloved boyfriend, was able to fill that void for a while, but sooner or later the realisation of just how lonesome you have been would come to consume your every thought.
Mythomagic. You hadn’t heard of that game for quite some time but you had a deck of Mythomagic cards locked within a box, underneath one of the floorboards inside your windowless cabin. Why? They had become so severely damaged and worn with time that you were scared that if you were to pick one up, it would crumple to dust within your palm. Plus it was a sentimental gift from your mother before she…never mind.
The memory was still too painful for you to recollect.
So when you saw Nico fiddling with a Dionysus card -the weakest card in the card game- between his fingers out of nervous habit, you almost didn’t recognise yourself speaking until Nico’s dark eyes looked directly at you with excitement.
‘A Dionysus card, haven’t met anyone who played Mythomagic that genuinely liked that card, you like Mythomagic kid?’ You had asked.
‘Do you?!’ Nico exclaimed as his smile matched his dark obsidian eyes in how brightly they shined.
‘Does Hades have 4000 attack power, 5000 if the opponent attacks first?’ You quickly corrected your self as Nico moved to sit next to you under the tree. ‘Who’s your favourite?’ You added, wanting the lad to feel at ease with you despite what everyone else might’ve told him about you in terms of unapproachableness.
‘Dionysus obviously!’ Nico replied, showing you his card as if to emphasise his point. ‘People think he’s not all that good but I think his powers are pretty cool and to find out that he’s real?! Even cooler!’ He adds on as he looks down at the card as if he was debating whether or not he was going to ask Mr D to sign it. However if Nico was the type of player that you assumed him to be, he wouldn’t dare tempt the idea. ‘Who’s yours?’
‘Hades.’ You said point blankly before continuing, ‘and it’s not because he’s my father.’
‘Hades is your father?!’ - Nico near enough shouted to ear you both the eyes of a couple of campers but you shot them a deadpan glare and they were quick to go back to whatever it was that they were doing beforehand. You softened your face as you looked back at Nico and answered his question. ‘Yeah, he is. He’s not as bad as people make him out to be, he doesn’t get in other people’s business like some gods and goddesses, considering he’s got his own dealings that take presidency but he’s more accommodating then most seeing as I’ve visited him on multiple occasions.’ You finished, shrugging your shoulders, you didn’t want to add on the fact that he had even gifted you Dvir, a hellhound, just yet. In due time you would but, some people would consider that too much.
‘Wow, you’re so cool.’ Right then and there you decided that you would have Nico’s back no matter what, for he was the only one besides Luke that didn’t fear you for your father and by god was it the most reliving thing ever!
You became someone Nico felt comfortable being his true self with, and would even try to sneak into the Hades cabin whenever he needed you to give him comfort and reassure him that you wouldn’t leave him for the Hunters Of Artemis like Bianca did; despite it being against the rules and all but it’s not like you didn’t do the exact same thing with Luke whenever you needed his presence to sooth and put your mind at ease.
He even tried to sit next to you during dinner time at the pavilion, another camp rule he had broken in order to be by your side, but no one dared to speak up upon it and instead bite their tongues, seeing as you and Luke were equally challenging anyone to speak about this to Mr D or Chiron but, nobody dared to do so. Meanwhile Nico was completely obvious to it all and was showing you all of his Mythomagic figures, Mythomagic expansion packs and bestowing every last drop of his knowledge of the card game onto you, all the while you were storing it within your own head as though it was something you were going to have to use later on.
No matter where you went, Nico wasn’t far behind following you like a lost puppy. Needless to say that whenever anyone saw Nico on his own, they knew better then to try anything for you were often lurking within the shadows nearby, watching over the boy with such a fierce protectiveness whilst giving him his freedom to better aquatint himself with camp. When it came to Nico, it seemed as though you became a complete different person, you didn’t know why but all you knew was that you weren’t going to let anything harm Nico while you were able to do something about it.
‘Doesn’t it bother you? Having him cling onto you all the time?’ One brave camper asked once and in all honesty? You didn’t care that he clung to you do suffocatingly. If anything you were glad that he choice you to be the one he relies on for anything and everything, it made you feel an whole assortment of things, the main one being happy knowing that someone openly sought you out because they viewed you as someone who’s opinions are worth listening and taking head to.
Nico felt safer with you than he ever did elsewhere, which was saying something considering he was within a camp built to protect people like him but he felt his most safest with you; Someone whom he quickly began to form an attachment towards and would oftentimes find himself clinging to your side like a second shadow. So much so that Luke would playfully tease you about it whenever he saw you both.
When in actuality Luke loved the fact that Nico was so attached to you. He wasn’t stupid, he knew that even with him by your side you still felt like you were alone, and could only hope that Nico would be the one to fill in that void within your heart completely. He was also happy for Nico for having you to fall back on because there was no one in camp that he would have to watch his back then yourself.
‘He’s asleep.’ You mused, looking at Nico, who fell asleep against Luke’s shoulder and was snoring softly.
‘He’s a good kid.’ Luke replied, ruffling Nico’s dark hair as a smile appeared on the younger boys face as he readjusted himself before falling still. Still like the dead Luke once playfully commented.
‘He really is.’ You said aloud, grasping Nico’s hand upon watching it reach out for you, squeezing it in hopes of showing him that you were with him. Luke pressed a kiss to your forehead as he saw the variety of emotions that flashed through your eyes as you kept watch over the sleeping boy. ‘You’re a good influence on him babe, don’t doubt yourself, the boy practically idolises you.’ He tried reassuring you but still the thoughts wouldn’t let up.
‘What if there’ll be a time where I can’t reach him, where I can’t save him from himself and he’ll resent me for it.’ You asked, needing Luke’s guidance more than ever in your time of uncertainty. Luke pondered this for a bit before finally responding. ‘There won’t be a time where Nico would ever resent you and even if that did ever happen, I just know that he would hate himself even more for pushing the one person who had his back and cared for him like their own flesh and blood.’ He then squeezed your thigh reassuringly. ‘That and you’d dive into the depths of the labyrinth to bring him back no matter what and he knows that better than anybody that you’d endanger yourself just to save him, even from himself.’
He was right. You knew he was right. You would wholeheartedly throw yourself into harms way if it meant Nico came out unscathed and that terrified you and Luke could see this. ‘So don’t doubt yourself because if you doubt yourself then Nico will doubt himself by extension. For if the person he admires doubts themself then he would feel like he should too.’ Luke then rests his forehead against yours, his eyes staring deeply into yours. ‘I know you can guide him down the right path, be the kind of person you needed when you were in his situation, be the person you know you’d feel safe with, be his protector because I know you can. He needs you.’ He finished.
You looked down at the peacefully sleeping Nico before looking back up at Luke with a look of determination. ‘I promise to protect him and help him in whatever he may need.’
Like smirks. ‘That’s my baby.’
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shotmrmiller · 2 months
expanding on the konig ask // it turned a bit nsfw sorry
könig would mistake your simple kindness as a crush.
he'd been slightly startled when you gently rapped on his office door to ask him if he wanted a cup of warm caffeine before breakfast since you're already getting one for yourself. (he hasn't a clue that horangi had practically begged for one too.)
then was the one time you'd offered to stitch the tear in his hood. he'd sputtered, completely taken aback by how brazen you'd been. "nein." he'd stiffly walked away apple-cheeked; hands balled into fists in his pockets. (no one knows how to sew for shit, you're the team medic of both bodies and clothing.)
then you bring him an apple pastry. the pencil (könig, please. we are in 2k24 use a pen) snaps in his hand when you choke out, "apfel strudel". his mother tongue rolling off of yours is truly too much and when you leave, he fists himself under his desk with the butchered words echoing inside his head. shame roils in his gut after— post-nut clarity hitting like nothing else— and with a snarl, he wipes the thick cum off of his hand on his pants while using the other to eat the treat that you so kindly baked for him. (the pastry was cold and made of tart green apples which he's hated since he was a lad.)
and now, with your head resting on his padded shoulder, dozing off. his tongue is tied in a knot and there's a lump in his throat because no one's ever really dared to be so forward with him. not only is he a walking pussy deterrent— what with his height and creepy, blank stare— but he's also a colonel; your superior. he can only have him under you in one way and that's under his command. so he makes his choice. once the helo lands back at base, könig taps the side of your helmet with his finger and mutedly asks you to meet him in his office.
"i am flattered, ja? but you must cease this behavior."
he clenches his jaw, crooked teeth gnashing together in determination. he won't let your pretty, round face deter him from his duty to his country, the team, nor you. it simply wouldn't be fair. he's your leader so it's up to him to put a stop to this. könig refuses to acknowledge the look of disappointment on your face. (delusional. you look confused because you literally have no idea what he's talking about.)
"the food—"
"you didn't like it? the apfel strudel?" he chokes on his spit when you say it and turns around to pound at his chest. he doesn't hear how you had told fender to not order that dessert. 'just because it's austrian doesn't mean the colonel will like it.'
he's fortunate to have such a tall backrest on his office chair because his cock is already at half-mast and your dulcet voice reverberating off the plain walls of his small office is doing him no favors. könig stands directly behind it and dismisses you with a wave of his hand and a hoarse command.
how tantalizing you are, so bold to be showcasing your talent in home economics just like a frigatebird puffing its chest out to attract a mate. his grip on the chair tightens, the leather protesting with a soft creak.
it's just a crush. time will erode these frail sentiments you've come to have for him (for him! an old, ugly man whose virginity has practically grown back since the last time he slept with someone was a paid sex worker years ago) and so he'll just ignore them.
(he doesn't. he fucks his pillow every night— jaw trembling and saliva pooling— thinking it's you taking him instead and confuses your s/o as a relative.)
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the-whispers-of-death · 5 months
The Stars and the Moon
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Male!Reader Summary: You are outside the base, just staring up at the night sky and enjoying the peace the sight evokes. Ghost joins you. Content: Fluff, so much fluff, Ghost so soft he's most likely ooc, Closed off!Reader, desi!Reader, Reader has been in the military for a while, a tiny bit of cursing (like one bad word). Word Count: 990 words Author's Note: Simon currently has the hold on my brain rot, RIP my love John Price. I'd think he'd love to star-gaze, so I wrote this with him in mind and then he was like "What if I just loved Reader more than the stars and the moon?". He took over my brain to write for me and I just couldn't stop him.
You stood outside the base, a few steps to the left of the entrance to the base. It was a chilly night tonight, a soft breeze ruffling your clothes and your short-cropped black hair.
Your eyes were on the starry night sky, taking every detail of the twinkling stars and the bright full moon. It was peaceful, a respite from all of the chaos of war.
There was no bloodshed here. No screams of pain that permeated the air. Just you and the stars.
Until you heard the door to the base open and a pair of heavy footsteps walk over to you, interrupting the peaceful silence.
“What are you doing out here, lad?” Ghost asked as he settled right next to you. His honey-brown eyes that were the only features of his that were showing beneath his balaclava and white skull mask went to the night sky, as if he too wanted to find the peace in it that you did.
You sighed, sitting down on the concrete ground, no care that there were chairs that you could’ve sat on. “Just looking at the stars, needed a reminder that not everything is drenched with blood,” you murmured.
Ghost was silent for a few seconds before he grunted and sat down on the concrete, joining you. “Guess the stars, they are pretty.”
That was the last thing he said before silence washed over you two, a familiar occurrence. Both of you had at least ten years in the military, having seen your fair share of traumatic things. So you two often gravitated towards each other, two broken soldiers seeking each other out in hopes you’ll bring out the light in each other.
“Though, you know, you’re more peaceful than the stars ever could be,” Ghost said after a few minutes, his gruff voice so soft that it was barely a whisper. He turned his head to look at you, his piercing brown eyes boring into you, taking in your brown skin that had a few old battle scars on it, your brown eyes which twinkled in the moonlight. “Lad, you know that, don’t you?”
You turned to look at him, raising a brow. “I’m just a soldier, Ghost.”
No one on the Task Force ever called him “Simon”, except for Price, but even then Price didn’t call him by it that much. And most of the time when others tried to call him by first name, he’d correct them with his call sign. But you… You got to call him “Simon” now.
“Simon,” you said, memorizing the way it rolled off your tongue like it belonged there. “I appreciate the sentiment, but I’m surely not more peaceful than the stars. They’re breathtaking and a symbol of all that’s left to explore, a symbol of a vast universe. They’ve been written about in poems for centuries to evoke feelings of content and beauty.”
Ghost scooted closer on the concrete to you, his warm gloved hand resting on your thigh. “You’re breathtaking,” he murmured, his voice full of awe. “The way you move, the way you laugh, the way you don’t take any bullshit. It’s breathtaking, absolutely mesmerizing. Sure, the stars are evidence of a vast universe, but who needs a vast universe to explore when there’s you?”
His hand on your thigh tightened and he pulled you closer, so close you were almost sitting on his lap. It was enough to get your heart racing.
“What good are the stars and the moon if they’re not you? They can’t make me feel safe like you can, they can’t make me laugh. They can’t complete me.” His other hand languidly moved along your side, up your neck and jaw until it cupped your cheek, so gentle and tender. “The stars are beautiful, but there’s nothing more beautiful than a good man, a man who knows of war and bloodshed and still fights for the greater good. And that’s you. You could’ve retired by now, settled down, but you’re here. You’re here with me, along side all of us, getting your hands dirty with blood and ashes so that those back home can sleep well at night.”
Your eyes fluttered at his words, your body melting against his touch. “Simon, I’m not all you make me up to be. I’m not some perfect human being.”
Ghost nodded, leaning in until his forehead pressed against yours. “I know. And that what makes me love you.”
His confession took the breath out of your lungs, your eyes wide as you stared into his.
“These past few months that we have grown closer have only made me fall in love with you,” he whispered, his lips so close but so far away due to his balaclava and mask. “And I can’t hold it in anymore. Please, please tell me to stop, to go away, and I will.”
“Don’t,” you replied, shaking your head when he wanted to pull away, your hand reaching for his, which still cupped your cheek. “Don’t leave, don’t go. I’ve fallen in love with you too.”
Your heart ached for him, your mind never strayed from thoughts of him. Of his laugh, his corny jokes, the way his presence filled up a room. On the surface, you thought your want—need—for him to be by your side was because he was your friend, the only one who took one look at your broken, closed off soul and said he’d stay by your side, but you knew that it was deeper than that. You were just as entranced by him as he was by you.
“Stay with me,” you begged softly.
“Nowhere else I’d rather be,” Ghost said, no longer trying to pull away from you. His eyes closed as he pressed his forehead against yours just the tiniest bit harder. “As long as you'll have me, I’m yours.”
“Then let me be your stars and the moon.”
“Be my universe.”
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated!
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katsu28 · 9 months
I have a request!!! I need more Dani fics and if no one else is asking for them then I will be the one to ask everyone 💕 could you maybe write a Dani fic using the Tulip prompt from the flower list? (I think its cute for him, and! tulip!! for!! dani!!)
tulip for sunshine in human form, coming right up!
tulip: an act of affection so blatant everyone notices, dani rojas x reader, 1.1k
You didn’t often find yourself at Nelson Road. You went to Richmond matches and knew Dani's friends, of course, but for the most part you kept your respective work lives pretty separate. Your relationship wasn’t a secret by any means, but the two of you enjoyed having a rather private life together.
Dani had left for early morning training before you’d even woken up, but when you did you saw that he’d left his phone behind on the kitchen counter. Oddly enough, it was sitting right next to a muffin you recognized as being from your favorite bakery down the road and a note in his looping scrawl saying that he hoped you’d enjoy the pastry.
That was typical Dani, never forgetting to make you feel loved but in doing so forgetting something important to him.
After polishing off the delicious treat, you decided that you were going to return the surprise by bringing his phone down to the training facility. He’d surely be able to survive a day without it, but the muffin had you feeling sentimental.
Now you were here, making your way down the corridor towards the locker room to find Dani.
“Oh my god. Oh my god, you’re here!” Keeley’s unmistakable voice rang out from a little ways away and you turned to see her hurrying full speed at you in dangerously high heeled boots, grinning profusely the whole way. For such a small woman, she nearly bowled you over with the force of her hug.
“Hi Keeley!” You chuckled, returning her embrace with as much enthusiasm as you could muster. Out of everyone at Richmond, Keeley was the one you were closest with. Besides Dani, of course.
“Hold on. What are you doing here? Is the world as we know it ending—god, is someone dead?” She gasped, eyes widening.
You rolled your eyes playfully, “That’s rather dramatic, don’t you think? Everything’s fine, Dani just forgot his phone at home.”
“Oh, he is gonna be so excited to see you, babe!” She squealed, giving you another quick squeeze. “Right, well I have a brand meeting to get to, but text me later, yeah? We need to get dinner soon!”
You barely had time to say yes before she was running off. Ever the energizer bunny, Keeley was.
Loud laughter poured out of the locker room at the other end, letting you know the lads were in there even before you rounded the corner.
Jamie was sitting right opposite the open door so he saw you first, winking at you in his usual playful manner before speaking loudly. “Well, well, well—look what the cat dragged in!”
Dani lit up the second he heard your name echo through the rest of the team, abandoning doing up the laces on his boots in favor of beelining straight for you. “Mi amor! What are you doing here?”
“Figured you might need this.” You procured his phone from your bag, holding it up with a small smile at his excitement.
He beamed pure sunshine at you, lifting you off your feet and spinning you around in a bone crushing hug. It seemed a little too eager for such a small action, even for Dani, but you were pleasantly surprised. Paired with the content sigh he let out, he’d even garnered the attention of the coaches too.
Nate waved at you on his way out of the office, Beard just nodded, and Roy grunted his greeting, but Ted grinned, looking ecstatic.
“Y/N! To what do we owe this fine pleasure?” He drawled, propping his hands on his hips. He gasped before you could answer. “Wait no, don’t tell me! You won the lottery? You went to see a fortune teller and they told you to come here for some cosmic unknown reason? Oh! You found out your visa was about to expire and came to ask one of us to be in a fake marriage with you so you wouldn’t be sent away?”
“I think that last one’s the plot to The Proposal, actually.” Nate chimed in, looking equal parts amused and concerned.
“Brilliant movie though.” Roy said gruffly, drawing murmurs of approval from the room.
“I came to bring Dani his phone,” You chuckled, finally able to pass off the phone to him now that he’d set you down on your feet.
“Isn’t she the nicest, most perfect girlfriend in the whole world?” Dani exclaimed, squeezing you around the waist again. He was still beaming ear to ear, an infectious sort of excitement that had always been one of things you loved most about him. You took the chance to press a quick kiss to his cheek.
“She is quite the catch, Dani.” Ted agreed, smiling good-naturedly.
You ducked your head bashfully, leaning into Dani’s side to hide your warm cheeks. “I should go. Let you boys get back to training.”
“Coach, can I walk her to her car?” Dani asked hopefully, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
“Would be a real shame if you didn’t, son. We’ll be on the pitch when you’re all finished up.” He replied. He turned to you right after, giving you a nod. “And you, don’t be a stranger around these parts! It’s nice to see a new face every once in a while.”
After assuring Ted you'd be back sometime soon, Dani threaded his fingers through yours, giving you a grand tour of the facility (and happily introducing you to every person you passed, no less) on your way back out to the car park.
“Thank you for coming!” He was still smiling brightly at you, so big that his eyes crinkled at the corners.
“You don’t have to thank me all the time, love. It was nothing, I wanted to visit you.” You insisted, sliding a hand around the back of Dani’s neck. You weren’t expecting his expression to fall, and when it did you were quick to cup his cheek. “What’s wrong?”
“I want to thank you. I appreciate you coming all the way down here for me, and I want to show it.”
You hadn’t thought of it that way before. It was Dani’s way of saying I love you, even though he said that plenty too. His love language wasn’t limited to just one, you realized too. Any way he could show you how he felt about you, how much he appreciated you, he did.
That was just who Dani Rojas was—happy and sweet and caring and a million other things you had yet to learn about him. You were excited to find out.
You kissed him soft and sweet, threading your fingers through his hair to bring him closer to you still. Thank you. I love you too.
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unhetalia · 3 months
I wanted to do those posts about how we imagine each characters' features, then realised there were so many characters I wanted to do them for! Decided to start it off with the NA sibs.
Baby faced. Soft, delicate features and slightly rounded cheeks, which makes his pouting very effective. Long eyelashes, big eyes. America The Beautiful is real and he is a menace. Physically 19-20, but his IDs claim he's older.
When he attends world meetings he has to wear a government approved wardrobe, and even the glasses he wears is carefully chosen to make him look older and more authoritative as a superpower. He absolutely wears insoles that make him taller (his actual height is 177cm/5'9, like in canon 182cm/5'11) and his suits are padded to make his shoulders look wider. Even the bomber jacket was chosen to create that effect.
His hair and skin have a warm undertone, giving him a very California look. His eyes most closely match A17 blue.
Despite America's constant preoccupation with his weight, it would be a stretch to call him chubby. He doesn't have abs, and his stomach is soft - but it's flat. Most of his physical activity comes from being energetic and curious - he does a lot of hiking with Canada and Mexico, and he bikes everywhere because he secretly can't drive, so while he's physically fit, it doesn't translate to a superhero body, to his endless disappointment. Though he has incredibly strong legs on top of his insurmountable strength.
FASHION. America l o v e s colours. He's got pastel, he's got neon, he's got red, white and blue, and he loves anything cute. He's got a thousand hoodies in various colours with various quirky sayings or art on it, and he can easily coordinate his outfits into a burst of different colours that somehow matches.
He and America don't actually look very alike, and Canada thinks its more proximity that has people mistaking him for his brother all the time. Canada doesn't have America's baby face, and stopped getting what he wanted through pouting long ago. He has a sharp jawline and can be described as strikingly handsome, when people bother to look. He has the same long lashes and big eyes as his brother and are physically the same age.
He's two inches taller than his brother (6'1), but he slouches so much that they look the same height. His government isn't as strict about his world meeting wardrobe as America's is, and he tends to go for untailored, drab gray or black suits, to France's dismay.
His hair and skin have a cooler undertone - his hair is lighter than America's and his skin is paler. His eyes most closely match A60, and looks purple in certain lights in the same way Elizabeth Taylor's did, but it is actually blue. He also doesn't actually need glasses, and wears them only because his brother had refused to wear his own unless he also had them, years and years ago. He's too used to it now, and it has sentimental value.
Canada is an avid hockey player, hiker and all around fitness buff, and his body secretly reflects that, underneath all the layers. He's broader in the shoulders and waist than America, and more muscular, to his brother's endless, ENDLESS bitterness. He's also very disciplined with his eating, and follows an athlete's diet. He REALLY cares about Hockey, guys.
FASHION: HOCKEY JERSEYS. LAYERS. LOUNGEWEAR. He has the wardrobe of a typical sportsmad lad. Waterproof steel-toed boots, something he and Australia both extol the virtues of. He likes whites, greys, browns and lights blues.
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polaroid-paranoid · 2 years
How the Mercs get Flustered!
Requested by a Friend!
The reader would be a lover to the Mercs in this! (All except Pyro, I see Pyro to be aro/ace, so you'd just be a close friend to them in this.)
He gets flustered whenever you say "I love you" to him.
His entire life he's been striving, living to be better, or at least get some form of approval, so to hear such simple yet meaningful words said to him makes his brain short circuit in the best way possible.
His face is burning a rosy hue, and he can't seem to find anything to say other than a few murmured, awkward chuckles or laughs as he digests what you just said to him.
He seems to have a certain gleeful pep to his step the rest of the day.
I don't see this man being flustered by much, with him being so outward and blunt with his emotions and all the such, but being an absolute workhouse out in the battlefield then pressing a quick kiss to his cheek will get him blushing.
He'll let out a few flustered laughs, recovering himself, then proclaiming his love for you very outwardly, so all the mercs know of his undying affection towards you.
The rest of the day, you notice he's complimenting you more, especially for little things he doesn't typically notice.
Complimenting their art/doodles will make them absolutely overjoyed.
Oftentimes the only person who even talks to them is Engineer, so having someone appreciate their art?
They'll be clinging to you like a magnet, and you swear you could just hardly make out from all their muffled rambles a, "Thank you!" somewhere in there.
Giving this man a thoughtful gift of any sorts will make him overwhelmed, yet also feel rather loved, especially if it serves him some sentimental purpose.
He looks at it for a bit, with a genuine grin, before looking up you.
"Thank ye, lad!" He chuckles, unable to hide his large, toothy grin, holding his gift carefully in his hands.
Unlike Soldier, he has a tendency to blush at quite a lot of things, although he absolutely short-circuits if you were to ever flirt with him in Russian.
You had called him “Мой плюшевый мишка” (my teddy bear) after another Russian class you had been taking without informing Heavy of.
His face is entirely red, and he doesn’t quite know how to respond to such a thing, really only saying a few inaudible words. Since it mostly surprised him you even KNEW Russian, along with the fact you called him your teddy bear is absolutely flustering him.
Complimenting his work/hobbies. Oftentimes he isn't all too appreciated by the other mercs, so having somebody both recognize AND understand his hobbies is such a welcome change to him.
"Heh, well- thanks honeybee!" He chuckles, readjusting his construction cap in a slight attempt to hide his large smile.
The other mercs seem to notice him just SLIGHTLY more relaxed throughout the day.
Any compliments gets this man incredibly giddy (especially since his work is so often under-appreciated) but specifically complimenting him for anything pertaining to his work/experiments is his weak spot.
He acts all 'professional' about it in front of you, yet internally he’s melting from the compliment. Once you leave; he's holding his hands to his chest and kicking his feet like a little girl.
"Did you hear zat, Archimedes?!" He asks, a large, cheeky grin growing on his face as he acts like a schoolgirl with a crush.
The rest of the day you notice he's much more protective over you in the battlefield.
He gets flustered so easily dear goodness. The main thing that makes him blush are 'pet names', such as honey, boo, dear, all the such.
The first time you had called him any 'pet names' was when you were about to go out the door, and you decided to call him 'honey' whilst saying goodbye.
He was left standing there, blushing FURIOUSLY, his entire face practically a deep red hue.
This man is nearly impossible to fluster, although you decided to try something. After winning a battle, to celebrate; you practically swooped in and picked up Spy, bridal style.
“Mon amour, what are y-“ Before he can finish questioning you, you interrupt him with a singular kiss.
His face is burning a red blush, evident even past his mask. He’s silent for a moment before he blinks a few times, opening his mouth only to subsequently close it, words failing to leave his mouth.
After all; he’s typically been the one to be the ‘flirt’ of the relationship.
Reminder; requests ARE open!
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focsle · 1 year
Sometimes whalemen (and whaling wives) have a ‘reader’ in mind when they’re writing in their journals.
For fellows like Albert Peck or William Abbe, they’re very much writing in the vein of sea yarns, filling their journals with tables of contents or headers to reference later (that makes my life easier too, thanks lads!). There’s a prose quality to it, as well as lengthy explanations about the industry and the life for those unfamiliar with it. Albert Peck opens his journal with a preface followed by a table of contents:
“Kind Reader, If you can have the patience to embark with me I will give you a plain straightforward account of my experience as a sailor, and you can depend upon every incident as being true, excepting names. But perhaps some may read this who were my companions in my voyaging, and if so they will readily recognize the different characters; and if I can interest an idle hour for you, Reader, my purpose will be accomplished.”
Abbe also shares his journals with his shipmates:
“Been reading from my journal to the members of my watch—who to my delight approve it — + Johnny the boatsteerer said he could keep awake all night listening to me + Curly tells me to have it printed when I get home […] We are constantly abusing each other in fun — but nothing gives him so much pleasure as to know that I write about him in my journal. […] Johnny can’t read or write, but he says he means to overhaul my journal someday + get someone to read to him all I have written about him. I read it to him and he understands with a grin of delight.”
Some like William Buel are writing with the notion that they may have a reader of their journal, but it’s written as a private journal rather than a ‘narrative’, that might perhaps be stumbled across by someone else or shared with land lubber friends who might be interested when back ashore. There isn’t a person in mind, nor a sense of wide distribution, but they are thinking of a reader regardless. William, before departing to attend to his laundry that he was procrastinating on, writes:
“With the permission of the reader if I am so fortunate as to have one I will once more haul taut and belay,”
He also apologizes to his hypothetical reader for long spans in which there are no entries (mostly cos the weather’s bad and he’s too busy being wet and cold and tired).
“This digression was rendered necessary in order that the writer of this nondescript log or journal might show cause as the lawyers say of delaying his entries herein for so many days. If the reader will pardon the omission he will strive to do better in the future.”
Silliman Ives also has a general reader, winking at them in his personal entries.
“Between you, and I, and the mainmast, I am disgusted and disappointed.” As well as a particular amusing comment of his (to me), “So you see there isn’t much chance of getting sentiment out of a sailor, as you will readily admit after inspecting a mariner’s logbook.”
Wrong Mr. Ives! It’s my mission in life to find the sentiment, and find it I do, constantly! As someone who works in public history and is always hunting for the humanity of ordinary people from the past, I very much empathize with this sort of hypothetical-gen-reader fellow. I too leave little asides in my private journals to some future hand that might lay upon them (‘If anyone is reading this I swear I’m not a miserable person—I’m just only good at writing in journals when I’m bothered by something’).
Others are writing for the benefit of their friends, such as Mary Brewster, who felt she had to justify her decision to join her husband on his ship.
“I have thought best to keep some account of the time as it passes and should I live to return my friends can see what I have been doing, where we have been, and perhaps by reading this form some correct ideas as regards my feelings whilst absent.”
For J.E. Haviland, the reader he has in mind as he documents his life aboard is his mom, of whom he seems very fond and thinks of often while at sea.
“You cannot imagine my Dear Mother how highly we prize a few hours rest + sleep at such times as these…You would not have known your own son if you could have seen him yesterday. I was nearly black with smoke + dirt. ”
On the other hand, there are some men like Marshall Keith who explicitly forbid a reader opening their journal, especially when it comes to the list of dreams he had while on the voyage.
“All persons are forbid opening this book as there is nothing in it that concerns them in the least.”
I felt a moment of hesitation after reading this message, but the 160-year-old dream diary of a whaler was too historically interesting to me to heed him (though out of respect for him I didn’t transcribe or publish those dreams)
Others initially had no reader at all, keeping a journal simply to mark the time. But for one man, Benjamin Bourne, his reader ended up being himself. 40 years after the voyage, as an old man with only a few years left in his life, he went through the log and annotated it with his current feelings.
“At the date above I think I was not happy but now would give all to be back in mid ocean. Sept 22 1898.” “Jan 29th, 1899 I thought I was having a hard time 40 years ago but it was the best of my life.”
Throughout the book he scrawled an entreaty to his descendants, who he also considered his readers. The front page of his journal had three opening messages:
“Be sure and keep this book in the family, it was a great interest to the writer. BH Borne. Keep this book for the present owners’ sake. BH Borne. Please keep this book in the family of BH Borne and never give it up.”
I wasn’t the intended Reader for these people. I wasn’t a friend of Mary’s or a family member of Haviland’s. I’m not a descendent of Benjamin’s and I don’t know how he’d feel knowing his journal is in an archive rather than within his family. I don’t know how Marshall would feel about me reading his dreams when he wrote that they didn’t concern anyone but himself. Few of them, if any, would have expected anyone to come into contact with their battered old journal nearly 2 centuries later. But still, I always feel something fond when they step back to address someone beyond themselves—It makes an immediate line from my life to theirs, all through the word ‘reader’.
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sleepingdeath-light · 11 months
masc s/o who dresses femininely hcs ; our!ciel
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requested by ; anonymous (03/01/23)
fandom(s) ; black butler
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | main cast
character(s) ; (our) ciel phantomhive
outline ; “hiii. may i please request our ciel phantomhive with a masc reader (he/him pronouns, ambigious genitalia) who prefers to dress femininely? both s4w and ns4w if possible. thank you so so much for all of your wonderful works. ❤️ have a wonderful day.”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
your style is incredibly strange to ciel — but not necessarily in a bad way, just in the sense that he’s not accustomed to seeing another male presenting person willingly choose dresses and skirts and frills over the traditional styles of masculine dress like dress shirts and trousers
this surprise doesn’t stop him from appreciating and accommodating your preferences when you’re together — you’re the spouse of an earl and as your boyfriend/fiancé/husband it’s his dirty to take care of you, which he succeeds at without question
he consults lizzie and nina on a monthly basis to ensure that you have a consistent stream of the most fashionable feminine accessories at your disposal — rotating your wardrobe out with each season to match the latest trends
he can’t have his beloved husband wearing something out of style now can he?
every petticoat, every blouse, every bodice, every dress and corset and skirt — every article is made to measure to ensure that it perfectly fits your body
that it flatters but doesn’t draw the eye in any inappropriate way — that you fit in as any other fashionable noble rather than stand out as a masculine person dressing in a taboo manner
would never admit this as he’s usually not the sentimental sort, but he finds the sight of your skirts twirling about your ankles as you dance together to be a very comforting and wondrous sight — a reminder of how feminine and pure you are compared to him, the cruel and cold guard dog of the queen, of how much he works to keep you safe
he’s incredibly protective over you and will not tolerate any cruel targeted comments, jabs or glares sent your way — ensuring that the culprits never set foot in the manor or townhouse again (or anywhere else, for that matter)
granted with this being england in the 1890s, there are definitely a few situations where you’d be forced to adopt a more traditional outfit (such as a meeting with the queen or other such people of power) — at which point your beloved would have a suit tailored that suits the fashions of the time whilst having a distinct feminine look to it so that it’s not too much of a departure from what makes you comfortable
just don’t ask him to wear a dress alongside you — he’s already traumatised enough from when he was a lad and as much as he loves you that isn’t a memory he wants to relive as an adult
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quicksilverdrabbles · 8 months
Morana: *gaze flipping between Kaidan and the hot springs in shock* You want me to what-
Taliesin: Told you.
Kaidan: Wait hear me out-
Morana: *gripping the fabric of her armor nervously, staring at the water of the hot springs* I-I don't know, Kai, I haven't... None of you have seen...
Kaidan: *moves to stand in front of her, holding her shoulders gently* Starlight, everyone here has scars-
Inigo: Except for Lucien.
Lucien: Not a good time.
Taliesin: I think I would actually rather die than let a scar tarnish my body.
Morana: ...
Taliesin: *clears throat* Not that there's any problem with yours.
Kaidan: *brow twitching in irritation* Most of us here have scars. You've seen mine, haven't you?
Morana: *frowning* You didn't.. really have a choice, though. You were-
Kaidan: I know. And I'm not tryin' to force you. If you're uncomfortable, we can turn right back around and keep on our journey to Kynesgrove to help Delphine. I just.. *reaches up to stroke her cheek gently, brushing over the scar that covers half her face* There's so much the others can do to help ya'. I didn't want you to think I wasn't trying, too.
Morana: ... *reaches up to hold his hand to her cheek* What makes you think I don't know you're trying?
Kaidan: *flustered, accent thickening* I-I dinnae know, I just..
Morana: You help me just as much as the others. Even more, sometimes. *glances at Tally, who's busy trying to keep water off his robes* ... Don't tell Tally I said that.
Kaidan: Hah! Yes, ma'am.
Morana: *sighs, dark silver coloring her cheeks as she blushes* ... Since we came all this way... I suppose a quick dip wouldn't hurt.
Kaidan: Yeah? Only if you're up for it.
Morana: Yeah. But.. Don't peek until I'm in the water.
Kaidan: Fair enough. *pulls away from her with a gentle kiss to the top of her head, turning to the rest of the team* Alright, lads, listen up. Turn around while the lass is undressing, and no peeking.
Gore: I think you're the only one any of us would have been worried about.
Kaidan: *raises an eyebrow*
Gore: Fiiine, no peeking. *turns away as he start tugging off his own armor*
Xelzaz: *already swimming around in one of the deeper springs* It's very warm compared to the rest of the water in Skyrim.
Taliesin: Hm. *undresses quickly, dipping a foot in the water to test it before submerging himself long before even Morana is done*
Lucien: That was fast.
Taliesin: Yes, well, I share Morana's sentiment in not wanting anyone else to see me.
Morana: That's one I can't understand, coming from you. *finishes stripping off her plague doctor armor, showing scars of varying lengths and depths all over her body, with flagellation scars all over her back, and a large burn covering her shoulder, creeping up to connect with the burn on the right half of her face* I mean, You're very beautiful, Tally. *folds her clothes and leaves them on a log close to the water, stepping in the hot springs and almost immediately melting into the water* ... Oh.
Kaidan: *glances over his shoulder, smiling at her submerged form* Feel nice?
Morana: Yeah.. Just... *winces, pulling her bad knee up to her chest and out of the water*
Taliesin: *still flustered from her previous comment* N-No need for that, raven, come here. *scoots closer to her, raising a hand over her knee* Just relax, I'll see what I can do. *summons ice magic in his palm, covering his hand with a glove and holding it over her knee*
Morana: Mm.. *sighs, the warmth soothing her pained muscles while the cold helps her knee* Can you do that with all of my joints?
Taliesin: Haha. Maybe when we get home.
Kaidan: *leans against a rock with a groan, working at a knot in his shoulder* Ah, this is nice.
Inigo: *scrunched nose as he swims around* It stinks.
Lucien: Literally?
Inigo: Yes.
Taliesin: *rubbing a thumb on Morana's knee gently, frowning at how mangled and disfigured the scarring is* ... If I could kill them all over again for what they did to you, I would.
Morana: *hums, closing her eyes and leaning her head back* It's ugly. I don't like looking at it.
Taliesin: You don't like looking at yourself at all, I've noticed.
Morana: Maybe.
Taliesin: *sighs* You know, I don't hate scars as a whole. Or think they're ugly. I just know they would be hideous on me. *chuckles, resting his hand on her knee gently* On you, however, they look ethereal.
Morana: *eyes still closed, sarcastic* Yes, I'm sure they do. For someone who's a self-imposed 'fashion expert' you certainly have strange tastes.
Taliesin: *pinches the skin above her knee gently* Don't get sassy with me, now.
Morana: Hey! *laughs, jerking her leg out of his grip*
Taliesin: *chuckles, letting her get settled again and replacing his hand on her knee*
Inigo: *watching from afar* She looks surprisingly comfortable with Taliesin touching her while she's exposed.
Lucien: *politely averting his eyes* Don't say it like that.
Gore: Why are you two even watching?
Lucien: I'm not!
Kaidan: *shifts over and lets Morana rest her head against his shoulder* Comfortable?
Morana: Mhm. *opens her eyes and looks up at Kaidan with a shy smile* Thank you, Kai.
Taliesin: I'm still right here.
Morana: *giggles, looking back at him* Thank you, too, Tally. This is nice.
Kaidan: I'm glad it is. *reaches up and strokes Morana's hair gently as she relaxes* You deserve nice things, Morana.
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aesopsharpmybeloved · 4 months
Tess' Sharpuary - 22. Altercation
His son getting into trouble, Aesop remembers one of his own altercations as a student.
chapter specific tags: slice of life, attempts at humour, kidfic (?)
relationships: aesop sharp x reader, aesop sharp & aesop's auror partner
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22. Altercation (1.3k)
tw: mentions of bullying
“He did WHAT?!” The woman winced slightly at her husband’s voice. It was not every day the potioneer raised his voice, he was not the kind of person to shout. Then again, it was not every day they received a letter from the school about one of their young getting into trouble. Not on the first week of school at least. It wasn’t exactly a letter from the school itself, though, but rather from professor Sallow, the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher and her lifelong friend. 
“He’s being punished, he’ll be serving detention with Sebastian for the following two weeks, and he also got points docked. He’s unharmed, save for a few scrapes and cuts - apparently, the other guy looked worse…”
Aesop Sharp looked at his wife and the mother of his children as if she just sprouted a second head. He wasn’t sure if her words made anything any better.
Apparently, their youngest son decided to start a fight with three boys, one of them his housemate, and all of them 2 years his senior. The reason? They were bullying a Muggleborn. And apparently, while he too got his little bum beat, he messed them up enough for the student body to gain respect for the young lad, if Sebastian’s words were to be believed. But where does one go from here, Aesop wondered. He could hardly reprimand his son for standing up to bullies, or for looking out for his classmate, but he couldn’t exactly praise him for picking fights in the corridors and risking hurting anyone, even if they were bigoted idiots…
“Oh come now,” his wife said placatingly, her hand making gentle contact with his scarred cheek, “don’t tell me you never fought with anyone when you were in school.”
Aesop did fight...
He was older then than Theo was now, thirteen, maybe fourteen. 
It had been spring and they had an Astronomy class with Hufflepuffs. The cold of the winter passed still held onto the evenings. As such, many of the ill prepared third or fourth years were chattering their teeth, and wrapping their arms around themselves, while the professor droned on about the position of Venus at this time of year, and the constellation of Phoenix shifting to the east, or something else that was entirely lost on Aesop. One of these shivering students was Ashley, his best friend for many years now.
After five minutes of watching her tremble he sighed heavily and walked over to her. Without a word, he pulled off his heavy warm coat, and draped it around her shoulders. The blonde girl instantly eased into the warm fabric, and gave a happy sigh. “Thank you,” she turned to face him gratefully, “who would have thought Aesop Sharp was such a gentleman!” Aesop’s cheeks warmed up, and he looked down bashfully, which prompted his dear friend to giggle lightly.
“Oi, Montgomery, quit pretending you’re a girl, you’re bollocks at it,” came from their left suddenly. A rather plump Hufflepuff was standing there, leaning against the railing. Ashley told Aesop about the boy a few times, offhandedly, always describing him only as ‘an utter twat’. Aesop had to agree with her judgement. Ashley was a tomboy, that much was for sure, but Aesop never thought her as any less of a girl for it. Seems this sentiment wasn’t shared by her housemate.
“Do you have a problem, Thistlewick? Do you want some boy to also huddle you in his coat or what?” Ashley said sharply, but Aesop saw her wrap the coat more tightly around herself. “I’d hardly want you to huddle me in anything. Didn’t your mum teach you how to be a girl?” Aesop saw his friend swallow heavily, her hands turning into fists. Though it’s been years, Ashley was still very sensitive about the death of her mother, and the Slytherin understood completely. After all, he missed his father everyday.
Before the girl could reply, Aesop had already sent the hex.
Feelers suddenly sprouted from Thistlewick’s forehead, and the boy dropped to all fours. He did not speak, and instead began producing a panicked buzzing and clicking sounds, feeling the air around with the two antennae on his head. Several of his classmates laughed, but it would seem the teacher wasn’t so amused. 
“Sharp! There will be no duelling in my class, and most definitely no insect hexes cast on the students!” his shrill voice cut through the air like a hot knife through butter, “Fifteen points from Slytherin, and detention with Caretaker Carpe for the following week! Reparifarge.” Thistlewick’s feelers disappeared, and the Hufflepuff picked himself up from the floor, looking all sorts of embarrassed. “And you, Mr Thistlewick,” the teacher said, his voice unforgiving, “don’t you think I didn’t hear what you said to Miss Montgomery. Ten points from your house, and you'll come to write some lines for me tomorrow. Hopefully, that’ll teach you not to insult your housemates.”
The teacher sighed then, pinching the bridge of his short nose. “Class dismissed,” he decided finally, “we’ve still got a few minutes to go, but I see some of you lot’s attention is long gone, while some of you I see are minutes away from hypothermia. Those who are properly dressed and wish to remain studying and filling in your star charts, feel welcome to, but only for another hour or so, then off to bed with you.
Most students began gathering their charts and lunascopes, Aesop among them. Ashley was already waiting for him by the stairs when he started walking towards her. However, the teacher’s hand stopped him: “You, I want to have a few words.”
Aesop groaned inwardly, but let the professor lead him some ways away from everyone else. “While I praise you for standing up for your friend, you have to realise that fighting is not the answer. In fact, hadn’t you sent the hex, it would only be Mr Thistlewick who’d be punished. Besides, do you know how dangerous this was? What if he, in his insect brain state, decided to take a leap off the tower?!” Aesop’s cheeks grew hot. What the teacher said made sense, but at that moment, he had felt so angry, and he wanted to defend his friend. 
“You can win a battle using spells, but you won’t convince anyone of what you have to say. Only words will do that for you. Try to remember that,” said the teacher, and the young Slytherin nodded his head. Just as he was about to bid his farewells and finally leave, the astronomer stopped him one more time: “If you do want to practise your duelling safely, however, I hear a good place for it is at the Clock Tower Entrance. Run along now.”
As Aesop finally rejoined his friend, she looked around momentarily before embracing him quickly. “Thank you,” were her quiet words. He gave her a smile: “I wasn’t about to just let the bugger talk nonsense to you, was I?”
“What did he want from you just now?” the Hufflepuff girl asked, cocking her head in the teacher’s direction. Aesop grinned: “Apparently, it is true that teachers know about the Crossed Wands!”
Aesop slowly returned from his little trip down the memory lane. He couldn’t really blame his son for acting the way he did, as it would be immensely hypocritical of him. The potioneer sighed. “I should perhaps go to the school, talk to him about it…” he mused out loud while his wife carefully watched his reaction. “I think it would be for the best… No rush, though, I think it’ll be alright to do so upon your next delivery - let’s not make this more dramatic than it needs to be,” the woman replied softly.
Aesop chuckled. Give it to his wife’s Ravenclaw logic. His arms curled around her waist, and he kissed her lips softly. 
“Maybe it’d be for the best to mention to our dear son that if he wants to practise duelling, the Clock Tower Entrance might just be the place for him?” he asked then, hands gently kneading at her hips. With a slightly smug expression, she lifted the letter from her friend for Aesop to read: “I think someone already beat you to that, dear.”
Thank you for reading! ❤
a/n - I was bullied for this, for being a tomboy, since the kindergarten 😅
[AO3] - [Sharpuary 2024] - [Masterlist]
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sentientcave · 2 months
IT'S WIP WEDNESDAY (Baybeeeeee) and P requested more Rugby so that's what you're getting. Everyone say thank you to @pfhwrittes
This is right after HERE if you're wondering where it fits in. I gotta finish this thang one of these days and post it all together in order.
Trans man reader, alcohol mention, food mention. All that and more right here below the cut:
"Joined for you," Simon grunts, settling in on the couch in front of you, dark eyes intense. "We was passin' by one of your practices and watched you get flattened by Roy four times in a row, but you just, 'opped right back up grinnin’. Johnny and I both thought you'd be a lad worth knowin'. Was right too." "Aw, sentimental much, Si," you tease. "Got yourself saddled with a runt just because you liked watching me get stomped on, eh?" "He likes doin' the stompin'," Johnny laughed. "Nightmare in bed, LT. Wouldna believe wha he puts me through." He drops the plates on a clear spot on the table and drops onto the couch beside Simon. "You probably deserve it," you tease, not really thinking about it. Not expecting Johnny to sit up straight and look at you like that, his blue eyes feverish, excited. "Oh aye?" He asked. "You think so do ye? You'd be real mean to me too, would ya?" "Easy, Johnny," Simon rumbles, gripping Johnny by the back of the neck. "He started it." You roll your eyes. "Did not." "Ye cannae tell a man you'd be mean ta him and say ye didna start it, Ripper. S'not playin' fair." "Didna say that. Said you deserved what Simon gives you. Not the same thing." "Pretty well the same. Got me all excited just the same." You give Simon a look. "Youd think he'd be tired after all that running around." "Never to tired to flirt, this one." Simon gave Johnny a little shake. "But 'e's a good boy." "Course he is. Johnny's our best boy." You drop into your chair and crack open your beer, grinning at the scandalized look on Johnny's face. "That one was on purpose." "Sure was." "Wee bastard. Dinnae even care what you're doin' ta me." "Oh fuck off, Tav, you do these things to yourself." He grins, leaning forward to put some egg rolls and a pile of noodles on his plate. "Sure, but I think of ye the whole time." You look at Simon, who's apparently hardly paying attention at all while his boyfriend flirts with you, more shameless than ever. You gesture at him, shaking your head. "You've got all this at home, and you're still going to flirt with anything you see, huh? Bit of a slag, Johnny." "You ever shagged a bloke, Rip?" Simon asks, before Johnny has a chance to come up with a response to that. "You only ever mention going out with girls." You snort. "Course I have." "Course ye have?" Johnny splutters. "What do ye mean? Like it's a fuckin' given?" "Johnny, settle down," Simon warns him. "S'just a question." You sip your beer and set it down, shaking your head. "I thought that's why we started hanging out,” you continue while you load up your own plate with greasy takeout, stomach growling. Chinese is pretty much the perfect meal after a game, better than pub food would have been. “We're the only queers in the club. I mean-- All my other friends are lesbians. Did you think I was just some kind of token straight guy?" “Fuck if I know, ye’ve never said as much,” Johnny says. “Would be rude to presume.” “Well, now you know,” you say, tossing the tv remote at him. “Find us something to watch.
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saywhatjessie · 6 months
Drunk on Christmas
Day nineteen of the Advent calendar! Using this list. Day 19: Secret Santa Fandom: Ted Lasso - Pairing: RoyJamie 2.2k[Ao3]
Everyone in the locker room immediately quieted, giving Roy their full attention. He bit back a smirk.
“We’re doing Secret Santa,” he told them, lightly shaking the shoebox in his hand. Phoebe had decorated it so some red glitter fell gently to the floor at the movement. “I know the idea of Christmas is so fucking prevelant in this country, people don’t think of it as a religious holiday anymore and that’s extremely fucking annoying to those of us who aren’t fucking Christian–”
Some whoops went up from some of the boys and Roy nodded at them in approval.
“-but giving and receiving gifts is still nice. So we’re fucking doing it anyway. Come pick a name from the box.”
Everyone cheered, scattered talk coming up from everyone about gift ideas.
Roy passed the box off to Isaac who manfully didn’t grimace at the amount of glitter that was about to get all over him, and turned to go back to the office.
He paused at the door to turn back to them. “Oi! And no booze!”
Most of them started whining at this but Roy shut them down with a glare.
“I don’t want to hear it!” He said. “You’re not just gonna go trading bottles of liquor, you’re going to think about your fucking teammates and deliver something heartfelt or all of you are doing laps until your feet blister so badly they get infected and drop off.”
“Well that’s vivid,” Jamie commented, idly.
Roy bared his teeth at him. Jamie winked back.
Roy growled and turned into the office, closing the door behind him.
“That was sweet,” Beard commented, not looking up from his book.
Roy growled at him, too, coming around to sit at his desk.
Nate peaked his head through the door from his office. “What’s sweet?”
“Roy making a no alcohol rule for Secret Santa so Jamie wouldn’t be singled out or receive a gift he can’t drink,” Beard answered, looking over the top of his book to smirk at Roy. Who wasn’t looking. He could just feel it. “Real thoughtful, coach.”
“I will set your book on fire,” Roy said.
Beard blew him a kiss.
“Is the no alcohol rule for staff as well?” Nate asked, worriedly. “I mean it’s a nice sentiment and all, I’m just not sure how well I actually know Karen from finance.”
“Spoilers,” Beard said, scandalized. 
“There is no Karen in finance, he was being hypothetical,” Roy said, rolling his eyes. “And that’s up to Rebecca so we can ask her. I think she’ll be fine with alcohol, though. Her problem is the spending limit.”
“I think we should just let her spend eight thousand pounds on Kenneth the bus driver,” Nate said, smiling. “I think it would be funny.”
“And Kenneth could use it,” Beard said. “His MLM is hemorrhaging money.”
Roy sighed.
Later that week found Jamie curled up on Roy’s couch frowning at his phone as he tried to figure out what to get Zorro for Secret Santa.
“You really shouldn’t tell me this shit,” Roy said to Jamie’s grumbling, looking up from his book on the other side of the couch. “I shouldn’t be involved.”
“You’re not involved,” Jamie said, wiggling his toes further under Roy’s thigh for warmth. “That’s why I can tell you. You’re on a whole different Secret Santa. So it’s fine.”
Roy grunted, acknowledging the logic in that. “I’ve got Will,” he said. “Figured I’d just get him some nice noise canceling headphones. He hears too much.”
“That’s by design,” Jamie grinned. “Kitman’s a little freak. Good lad.”
Roy grimaced. “I don’t like that.”
Roy rolled his eyes. “Fine, so no headphones. I’ll think of something else.”
Jamie hummed, a crease between his  eyebrows from his frown. Roy fought down the impulse to rub it away with his thumb. “You’re lucky all your other shopping is done,” Jamie said. “Hanukkah was so early this year. I still have to buy for mummy and Simon and Keeley and Phoebe and–”
“Why are you getting Phoebe a present?” Roy asked. “You already bought her those pokemon cards for Hanukkah. Which she’s obsessed with, by the way.”
“Obviously,” Jamie said, but he still preened at the praise. “But she celebrates both, don’t she? So I gotta get her presents for both.”
“You don’t,” Roy told him. “Have to. You already give her so much.”
“Yeah, and I want to, so lay off, grandad,” Jamie looked at Roy over his phone, his chin jutting out stubbornly. “She’s the best kid in the world and she’s my friend and I love her so I’ll do what I like.”
Roy swallowed, his chest feeling tight. He grunted, nodding at whatever Feeling this was giving him, and turned back to his book. Jamie made a triumphant little “Hmph” and turned back to his phone.
Roy had been having this Feeling a lot lately. When Jamie laughed at a joke or made himself at home at Roy’s house or looked at Roy after he’d done something particularly clever on the pitch, sort of proud and seeking approval. He didn’t know where the Feeling was coming from or why it was happening. But it was there and Roy couldn’t figure out what it was or what to do with it.
But, to be fair, he really wasn’t trying that hard,
“What do you think about skin cream?” Jamie asked. “For Zorro, I mean. He’s got that big bald head, it’s gotta need moisturizing, yeah?”
Roy hummed. “I say don’t get anyone soap products unless you know what they’re skin is like.”
“Oh. Yeah.” Jamie frowned at Roy, kicking him a little with one of the feet still tucked under Roy’s legs. “I will break you, by the way. I will find a skin care routine that doesn’t harm your delicate skin with impure metals.”
“Leave my doctor prescribed body wash alone.”
“Why are you using body wash on your face?!”
“Fuck you. No, do not buy Zorro skin cream.”
Jamie grumbled, turning back to his phone.
“I don’t know what the fuck your problem is,” Roy said. “You’re great at giving gifts. It’s annoying.”
“You only say that because of the gifts I’ve gotten you.”
“Well, yeah, what other gifts would I have to go on?”
Jamie whined, pulling his feet out from under Roy and plopping them in his lap instead so he could sink further down on the couch. “It’s easy to get gifts for you. Been obsessed with you since I was a kid, haven’t I? I already know what shit you’d like or find funny.” Jamie sighed, letting his head think back against the armrest. “I haven’t always been the best teammate.”
Roy put his book down, resting a hand on Jamie’s ankle. “Yeah. You were shit.”
Jamie dropped his heel on Roy’s thigh in a gentle kick, not picking up his head.
Roy breathed a laugh. “You’re not now, though. So get the fuck over yourself – your gift will be fine.”
Jamie snorted. “I can do better than fine. It’ll be mint.”
“Fucking prove it.”
Jamie picked his head up, smirking at Roy and looked back at his phone. He left his feet where they were.
Roy smiled when he was sure Jamie wasn’t looking at him anymore. He watched Jamie’s hair, worn loose even after all the walnut mist had grown out, as it fell delicately over his eyes. Jamie made a stupid face when he was concentrating: his mouth all pouted out, his top lip coming up to touch his nose. He whined at Roy every time he pointed this out, saying he wasn’t doing it on purpose and Roy’s face was more stupid than his could ever be.
Fuck, there was that Feeling again.
“Do you know what part of Canada Zorro’s from?” Jamie asked and Roy had to rush to fix whatever his face was doing before Jamie looked up.
“Montreal,” Roy answered. “Why?”
“I’m trying to find locally sourced maple syrup,” Jamie told him. “It’s gonna cost a fuckload to ship but what’s all my money for if not to show my teammates I love em?”
And Jamie had said the word before when he was talking about Phoebe. And he told Keeley he loved her and he signs off every phone call with his mum with an “I love you”.
But something about Jamie saying it just then, his warmth on Roy and his face all soft and looking perfect against the backdrop of Roy’s house – of Roy’s life – made that fucking Feeling rocket like a pinball from his chest into his brain and go clink.
He shoved Jamie’s feet off him and stood up, moving quickly to the kitchen.
“Oi!” Jamie complained from the couch. “Be gentle with these feet - they were kissed by God, remember?”
Roy pressed his forehead against his fridge and tried to breathe. Fuck. Fucking fuck fuck fuck.
“You let me know when you’re done with whatever that magical realization was,” Jamie called. “I still want your opinion about the syrup thing. They also have syrup candy? But it seems like you make that yourself. That could be fun to do as a team.”
Jamie was still talking. Roy’s entire life just rearranged itself and Jamie was still talking.
“There’s also this Canadian brand called Roots or summat. It has sweats and stuff? But also hats. That’s something I can get him to protect his bald head. Man, you’re right, I am good at this.”
Roy slammed his hand against the fridge and stalked back to the living room.
Jamie looked back, taking in Roy’s stress position but looking completely unconcerned. “Oh, good, you’re back. I think I’m gonna do the syrup and the hat. That way he can eat one and keep one, yeah?”
“Are we in love?”
Jamie jerked, his phone nearly flying out of his hand. “What?”
“You and me. Have we been in love this whole time? I just found out.”
Jamie’s eyes were wide, both his hands curled around his phone, held to his chest like he was protecting it. A strand of his hair was somehow caught on his stupidly long eyelashes. He looked so beautiful.
Roy was going to punch himself in the dick.
“Fuck!” he cried again, collapsing back on the couch. He put his head in his hands and waited for his stupid heart to feel normal again.
That was looking less and less likely, though, as Jamie moved closer to him (slowly, ever so slowly) and put a hand on his back.
“Um–” Jamie started, and his breath hitched a little. “I mean, I am. In love. I mean.”
He let out a frustrated breath and Roy turned to look at him.
The crease between his eyebrows was back and Roy actually did reach out a hand to smooth it out this time.
Jamie leaned into his hand. “I hoped, you know?” Jamie said. “The way you let me hang around so much and how much time I get to spend with you and Phoebe and you’ve met my mum and she loves you and your sister seems to trust me which is mint and–” he took a deep breath. “I thought maybe you loved me. Since you haven’t gotten sick of me yet.”
Roy grunted. It wasn’t a nice enough sound so he tried words next. “What about you?”
Jamie snorted, moving closer to Roy until their sides were completely pressed together. “Man, I’ve been in love with you for years. First I was just a fanboy, you know? Wanked to your poster, studied your play, wanted to impress ya. But then I knew you and you were better than I imagined. Because you were a fucking prick.”
Roy snorted, shaking his head.
“No, really!” Jamie continued. “Before that you were like a god, you know? Untouchable. But then you were mean but gentle with your niece and a little clumsy and believed in ghosts and you were a person and there was nothing on earth that could stop me from loving you.”
Roy sighed, letting his head dip down and rest against Jamie's. He took a deep breath in, inhaling Jamie’s air.
“So we’re in love,” he clarified.
Jamie laughed, turning his head to kiss Roy’s temple. “Yes, Royo, we’re in love.”
No one else was surprised they were in love. Higgins already had the paperwork set aside when Roy asked for it. Rebecca took out a bottle of champagne sticky noted with ‘For when Roy finally gets out of his own way.’
Beard turned out to be Roy’s Secret Santa and gave him two tickets to Marbella in his and Jamie’s names.
“For the off season,” Beard shrugged. “If you want them.”
Roy growled. “This is definitely over the price limit.”
Beard smirked, flipping his sunglasses down and crossing his arms.
Roy looked past him and into the dressing room where Jamie was receiving his Secret Santa gift from Bumbercatch: a pair of huge pink mittens. HIs face was so bright and happy and Roy loved him so much.
He had to look away. It was so embarrassing having feelings in public.
He looked back at Beard who was holding out a shot of spiced whisky.
Roy took it with a grunt. “Thank you,” he threw back the shot. “And fuck you.”
“Fuck you too, bud,” Beard raised his class and threw his own shot back.
Maybe alcohol was needed for Secret Santa.
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 8 months
It was weird seeing Andromeda again. Sirius remembered her as a giggling teenage girl. Bella, Cissy and her used to only care about parties, makeup and boys. Sirius had found them annoying most of the time. It had been fun to prank them with Reggie.
Andromeda was always Bella’s shadow. She was calm, and shy and never said anything important. Sirius was chaotic and a rebel. They didn't have anything in common.
That was until Andromeda ran away three years ago. It was surprising to Sirius that Andromeda would do something like that. He had expected something from Bella who was scary and strong, or even Cissy with her drama and obsession with her stupid boyfriend. But not from Andromeda.
She left Rodolphus Lestrange on the altar and ran away with a random bloke. Sirius had thought at the time that it was cool. He admired anything that opposed The Black Family. But he didn't understand what it had meant for Andromeda. The sacrifice she had made. Everything she went through.
Andromeda was a mature woman now. She seemed more confident and happy. And she gave Sirius the wise aurea that Alphard used to give him. She was quick in making conversation with Reggie and him. And she looked so comfortable with Ted. But there was sadness in her eyes sometimes. Something like longing.
Ted was a cool lad. Musician, a rock fan. He had a childish spirit that reminded Sirius of James and he was so much open than Andy. And it was clear that he loved her.
It was lovely to see how they looked at each other, how they held hands everytime they sat down.
Ted and Andromeda were also expecting a baby. And the news made them practically glow. Andromeda touched her belly every two seconds. And Ted looked at her with adoration.
They were truly in love. And now Sirius was understanding Andy's decision. He might be in love too.
Alphard's death had got him sentimental. The hypocrisy of the people at his funeral made Sirius sick, so he dragged Regulus to see Andromeda. He has been thinking a lot about her lately.
Andromeda cried when she heard the news about Alphard's death. Apparently nobody had told her about it. She wasn't invited to the funeral of course. But she wasn't resentful with her cousins. Her and Ted were being pretty nice.
"Tea, Anyone?" Andromeda asked as Ted finished telling them a funny story "I bet you are cold and hungry"
"Let me take care of it, love" Ted said as soon as Andromeda stood up. She seemed to be struggling with her big belly. She was 7 months pregnant.
"Don't worry, love" Andromeda smiled at him "Sirius can help me" she winked at him "In the meantime, you can show Regulus your toys downstairs... Did I tell you he is a musician as well?"
"Are you, mate?" Ted asked excitedly.
Regulus cleared his throat uncomfortably. "I used to play the piano"
Reggie used to love playing the piano when he was a kid. Sirius had lessons as well. But he got easily bored. While Regulus had daily practices that irritated Sirius. But he was constant. And he quickly became an expert. Regulus didn't play anymore. Sirius hadn't asked him why.
"That's cool" Ted smiled standing up "I have an electric piano downstairs... I know it's not the same, but you can show me how good you are"
"Oh Reggie is really good" Sirius smiled.
"Didn't he used to compose his own tunes?" Andromeda added.
"Wow, did you?"
Regulus blushed. He hated being the center of attention.
"I wrote some of my band's songs" Ted added "Maybe we can compose something together"
"I am a bit rusted..."
But Ted was already dragging him to his feet.
"Let's go, mate"
Regulus didn't have time to protest because Ted was already dragging him. Sirius smiled at his brother's expression.
Andromeda was already at the kitchen's door.
"Come on, Sirius"
"Yes ma'am" Sirius stood up and walked after her.
As Andromeda prepared tea, Sirius was assigned the job of putting the biscuits and sandwiches in a large plate. He was even taking his job seriously, making a colorful pattern.
Sirius and Andromeda were mostly silent as they worked. Sirius only answered a few questions about Hogwarts and teachers and how much things had changed. But there was mostly music that the boys were playing downstairs.
Sirius wanted to ask Andy so many things and he didn't know where to start.
Sirius could feel Andromeda's eyes on him.
"I heard you ran away..." she said, which made Sirius freeze "Something happened this summer?"
"Where did you hear that?"
"Uncle Alphard used to write to me..." Andy sighed "Keeping me updated with things about the family..."
Losing Alphard hurt. But Sirius couldn't make himself cry yet.
"He was worried about you but he couldn't come back from Rome to help you..."
"Did you know about him?" Sirius interrupted "About his parties... And his lovers?"
It had been after Alphard's death that people discovered his secret life. He hadn't told anyone. Not even Sirius.
The slurs and insults people at the funeral were whispering about Alphard for having men lovers, was still ringing through Sirius' ears. He didn't want to be called that as well.
"No, Sirius..." Andromeda answered carefully "I think nobody knew"
Sirius didn't answer. He knew people were connecting the dots. For his close relationship with his Uncle. And what had happened that summer. Sirius didn't know how much Andromeda knew. But based on the way she was looking at him, she suspected something.
Sirius felt embarrassed. Everything he had been doing with Remus. What he felt for him. It was all too embarrassing. Even though no one knew about Remus. Only Regulus. Sirius had felt Regulus' eyes on him the whole time. And that suffocated him enough to ran away from the ceremony.
"Sirius... Are you okay?" Andromeda asked "Do you want to talk about what happened this summer?"
"I am not like him!" Sirius yelled hitting the counter and making all the food lose its order.
Andromeda looked at him with concern.
"What do you mean?"
"I am not gay" Sirius spat.
What he felt for Remus didn't have to define his life. It didn't work that way. Sirius wasn't sure of anything.
"I didn't say you were" Andromeda raised an eyebrow. She sighed, placing a hand on Sirius' shoulder "I was just saying that if you feel like you want to live your life apart from The Family, it is fine. I did the same"
Sirius tried to relax. She was trying to be nice.
"I am The Heir" Sirius whispered.
He acted like he was a rebel that wouldn't hesitate on leaving his responsabilty behind and would give up to his inheritance. But Sirius was actually scared. That summer, he had decided that he didn't want to see his family anymore. But now he was back for Alphard's funeral. And everyone still treated him as The Heir. Someone that would grow up from his immature self and would become in what they wanted. Orion had told him he expected great things from him.
"You don't have to be, Sirius" Andromeda said "Are you coming back to Grimmauld Place?"
Sirius looked at her.
"Regulus said it was one of your shows to piss everyone off again and that you eventually will come back"
Sirius snorted with disbelief.
"That tosser said that?" he shook his head angryly.
Andromeda smiled sympathetically.
"Of course, it is your choice at the end of the day" the water boiled and Andromeda took care of that but she continued speaking "When I left with Ted, I was terrified... I wasn't a rebel as you... But eventually I figured out it was the best decision...." Andy served the tea "I would've been miserable marrying Rod and having the life they wanted me to have"
"And you were in love with Ted?" Sirius asked.
"So in love" Andromeda smiled "I have to admit that that love made do crazy things I would've never imagined doing... But it was worthy"
Sirius thought of Remus. Would he be able to do that for him?
Andromeda giggled, taking Sirius out of his thoughts.
"Who is she?"
"The girl that you've fallen for..."
Sirius felt shivers down his spine.
"How did you..." No. He couldn't finish that sentence.
"Wow... Someone finally won Sirius Black's heart" Andromeda laughed "I bet she is not someone The Black Family would approve, right?"
God... Sirius desperately wanted to share this with Andy. Perhaps he would have done that with Alphard if he was still alive. Andromeda could understand....
"He definitely isn't..." Sirius whispered, giving his attention to the biscuits again.
"Oh!" Andromeda exclaimed "I thought you say you weren't gay?"
She didn't sound disgusted. Like the rest of the family.
"I'm not!" Sirius spat. Andy raised an eyebrow "I don't what I am" he sighed.
Andromeda smiled.
"Oh Sirius..." she hugged him. Sirius was surprised "It's okay... Who is he, then?"
Sirius blushed. But he was more relaxed for Andromeda's good reaction.
"Why do you want to know?"
"I'm curious!" Andromeda shrugged as she laughed "At least tell me his name"
Sirius smiled, still with his cheeks on fire.
"Do you remember Rosie?"
"The girl you used to have a crush on when you were a kid?"
Why did everyone keep saying that?
"I didn't..." Sirius sighed "His name is Remus now"
Remus.... His Moony...
"Oh" Andromeda nodded
"It's called transgender..."
"I know..." Andromeda chuckled "My friend Tammy is trans"
"Oh!" Sirius felt like an idiot. Being raised as a Black didn't precisely taught them those things. Perhaps Andromeda had learned lots of things with Ted.
Andromeda was smiling.
"That's lovely, Sirius" she said "You used to adore each other when you were kids"
Sirius found himself smiling at that thought. Remus and him used to be very close. They spent each minute of the day together. And they talked through walkie talkies at night until they fell asleep. Perhaps he had loved Remus since the first day they met. He just didn't know.
"Do you love him?" Andromeda asked with a smile.
"He makes me really happy" Sirius sighed "I feel so comfortable with him. But at the same time my heart is going to jump of my chest everytime he is around.... I like kissing and hugging him and touching his soft hair. I love the way he knows me like anybody else. I like his fierce but also his calmness. I like the way he puts me in my place when he needs to. I like the way he sees me. I love when he stares like I am the most precious thing but also like I am not just a pretty face. I love how good we are together... I don't know, I've never felt this way about anyone"
There were so much more things to say about Remus. But sometimes these feelings were difficult to explain. Sirius felt so many things. Most of them beautiful but many scary. .
"I am kind of terrified really"
And it was the first time, Sirius had said all of this out loud. He had been trying to fight against his feelings, tried to hide them away and act like it wasn't a big deal.
He didn't know why he had confessed all of this to Andromeda. Maybe because she understood, she felt the same for Ted.
Andromeda smiled "I get it" she said "I used to fight a lot with what I felt for Ted. I knew I wasn't supposed to fancy someone like him. But he made me really happy as well... As time passed, those feelings were so strong I just couldn't hide them.... Honestly, I didn't do a bad thing, I just fell in love" she sighed with tears in her eyes.
"I am sorry The Family was shitty to you" Sirius admitted "I am sorry I didn't do more... I should've written to you, taken your side..." he shook his head "They didn't let me... But I had to try..."
Andromeda squeezed his hand.
"It's okay, Sirius" she smiled "You are here now, aren't you? And I see you are no longer a boy... But a man"
Sirius tried to blink the tears away.
"Don't fight over your feelings for Remus" she added "Just let yourself feel"
Sirius shook his head "I am a mess... I am only going to fuck it up"
"I made Ted go through so much because of my family..." Andromeda said with a sad expression "It wasn't fair to him. But at least it was worthy. And he loved me so much to go through that. And accept every bit of me, even my wicked family..."
Sirius nodded. But it wasn't only his family. Sirius just didn't like himself so much. Sometimes his recklessness and temper scared him. He had made Remus go through so much already...
But he had to admit, it felt nice to find someone with just a similar experience. And to have Andromeda back in his life.
"I tell you, mate" Ted was saying as he and Regulus appeared at the door "You have a natural talent... You are so good... I would love you to be in my band"
"Reggie, a Rockstar?" Sirius asked, adopting his goofy self again "I don't see it"
That made Ted and Andromeda laugh. Regulus rolled his eyes.
"Not my type of vibe" he said "But thanks"
"Okay" Ted shrugged "But you shouldn't waist your talent. You should play again"
"I'll think about it"
Sirius saw Regulus considering it. That made him happy.
"Tea is ready..." Andromeda announced "Help me get all of this to the table" she said as he gave Ted a kiss on the cheek.
"Yeah sure"
As Ted and Reggie helped, Andromeda gave Sirius a smile and a wink. He smiled back.
It had felt nice to talk to his cousin again. They hadn't been particularly close before. But now they could be closer than ever. Alphard might have been gone, but between Regulus and Andromeda, Sirius still felt like he had a family.
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