#to establish what this rachel's life is like in the 'present'
violinist-rachel · 10 months
Hi Rachel! I noticed you haven't been performing much these days. What have you been up to lately?
"Well.... These days, I've been frequenting my local university. I work with the library staff and offer various types of services, such as tutoring or notetaking, for the students there."
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"When I decided to take a break from music, I didn't know what to do with myself. I realized that outside of it, I really don't know how to do anything else. Music was such a large part of my identity for my entire life, so when I took that out of the equation... I felt so lost."
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"So nowadays, I help others build their own careers through school!"
"Sometimes, we hold free resume building sessions at the library. It feels nice to help others start their careers in spite of feeling so lost about your own."
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genericpuff · 7 months
The Mishandling of LO's S3 Midseason Hiatus - Part 1
So Lore Olympus' return is right around the corner, and I realize I've never actually talked about the S3 midseason finale. I think I said I was going to, but then I just sorta didn't, probably because I was still reeling in the absolute absurdity of it for weeks afterwards. In hindsight, I should have written about it back when it was still fresh, but I feel like I can do it just as much - if not more - justice writing about them in hindsight, now that they've had time to sit and I've seen what Rachel and WT are clearly planning to do after the comic ends (whether or not they succeed... that's a different story).
So one of the things that really motivated me to finally talk about this was a conversation that happened recently in the ULO Discord - the realization that there are many readers who still don't know what happened after the free to read finale cliffhanger.
Y'know, the one where Hades gets possessed by Kronos and attempts to choke Persephone-
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Now, awful dark jokes aside about how Persephone frankly deserves to have her balloon head popped, this was a wild cliffhanger to leave on for free readers, but the strange thing this time around - unlike with the previous midseason hiatus - is that this is where the cliffhanger has stood for free readers for the past 3 months, and it will be 4 months by the time the series returns.
And frankly... this just highlights a huge problem with LO's writing, because this cliffhanger? Like all the others, it's literally resolved within the next episode. The one that's currently under the FP lock.
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Man, isn't it a little fucked up that we only ever get trigger warnings when it's concerning Persephone? Where was the warning for when Minthe got turned into a plant? Where was the warning for the entire episode that depicted Hera's trauma from Kronos and how it's still affecting her in the present? It's always either the Persephone, Hades, or Apollo focused episodes that get the trigger warnings, they couldn't care less about the violence being done onto other people in the story.
Anyways. Episode 251 opens up by reminding us, oh yeah, Kassandra exists!
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Remember back in Episode 227 when Psyche stole Apollo's USB drive (and by "stole", I mean she picked it up off the ground where Apollo had conveniently dropped it?) And they found a folder with a picture of Kassandra? Well, Episode 251 opens by reminding us of her... 24 episodes later. SEVEN MONTHS OF REAL LIFE TIME, LITERALLY THE LENGTH OF BOTH THE SEASON 2 AND SEASON 3 MIDSEASON HIATUSES COMBINED-
Anyways, I guess Rachel finally figured out what she was gonna do with Kassandra after all that time, and it's... really stupid.
But wait, don't worry about that yet, because only the comic's opening reminds us of Kassandra, we gotta establish the title first and get back to that cliffhanger from before, the one that free to read users have been waiting 4 months to see.
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(pay attention to the episode titles here btw, it's probably one of Rachel's lamest 3 parter title sequences yet)
Turns out Kronos is still intent on getting his hands on Hera, even though we've literally already seen Kronos haunting Hera. Is he just a ghost? A hallucination of her traumatized mind? We don't know, it never really explains itself. So Kronos is still looking for Hera.
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(kinda weird that we're getting all these redrawn fullbody angles of Hades-possessed-by-Kronos choking his noodle-bodied wife who is doing literally NOTHING to actually fight back besides yelling at him, but okay.)
Turns out Hades isn't really hyped about this choking game going on between his dad and his niece wife, so he goes full on "release the beast" Naruto mode on his ass.
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And that's it. That's literally the conflict resolved. The cliffhanger that free to read users were left with over the 4 month hiatus is resolved literally within a handful of panels and Hades just "believing enough" to save his wife.
And then that's just it, it cuts away, and we get this sorta awkward conversation between Persephone and Hades (now himself again) over the fact that he just choked out his wife.
The scene transitions to Hades waking up in his bed (literally that last shot of him and Persephone was it, it transitions immediately). I'm trying not to use up Tumblr's 30 image posting limit so I'm not posting the 3 fucking copy pasted panels of this that just involves Hades waking up, use your imagination lmao
There's literally no actual conversation here, no amount of Hades asking "what happened", somehow despite his possessed state he remembers everything so succinctly that he jumps right to demanding Persephone to see her neck.
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(literally removed the panel of Persephone saying "Hades..." because these types of "let me do the thing" "Hades :(((" "let me do the thing" exchanges are literally just Rachel trying to hit her panel limit, once you start seeing these '3 panel' exchanges that copy paste the same shit over and over again, you can't unsee them and you realize this is why so little happens in the comic as a whole, because it's just constant repetition of dialogue and reaction panels to pad out the episodes).
And then we get what I like to call "guy in a position of power manipulating his more vulnerable partner into pitying him without actually apologizing":
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No for real, I didn't cut out a single thing from this exchange aside from a couple copy pasted reaction panels, this is the entire conversation. Hades doesn't apologize, he doesn't ask Persephone if she's okay, he just pulls the "you can leave if you want toooo :(((" baiting Persephone into further trapping herself with this jackass. SHE'S the one who's stuck with HIM.
Like, obviously Hades wasn't the one who choked her, that goes to Kronos, but he doesn't even ask her if she's okay. He just looks at her moldy ass bruises and immediately goes "YOU CAN LEAVE IF YOU WANT TO I'M A MONSTER OH GOD-" and then of course she's having to comfort him which is fine but where's the balance? It's always Persephone having to comfort him and listen to his trauma and we never get Hades doing the same for her - the times we do get Persephone talking about her trauma and struggles with him, he always finds a way to make it about him.
Hades proceeds to talk more about his childhood and more of the shit he's already talked about multiple times before, I don't even need to go over it at this point.
That said, Rachel does remember to bring his stutter back. When's the last time he stuttered? 200 episodes ago ?? (literally I don't remember, it's like when he used to twist his napkins, he doesn't have these character traits consistently anymore).
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THERE we go, finally some semblance of an apology. It came after more trauma dumping, but at least it's something-
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Oh for fuck's sakes.
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This is literally such generic "you've come so far!" motivational jargon. And it's made even worse in LO because what has Hades overcome exactly? Just a reminder, here are the things we've seen in Hades' backstory since he was rescued by his brothers:
He started a business in the Underworld that he's been operating with slave labor and profiting off ever since as a tyrannical oligarch
He entered a multi-century-long affair with his brother's wife, his own sister in law
He cost Demeter - Persephone's own mother - the role of Queen of the Mortal Realm and Persephone still does not know this.
He abused and neglected his adopted son - who was literally abandoned on his doorstep - for hundreds of years and used his role as his adopted father to guilt trip his son for getting "special treatment".
He never took responsibility for the financially dependent relationship he created between himself and a lower class nymph and tried to bribe her out of his life as soon as he fell for a 19 year old intern
Everything he's legitimately had to overcome involving his trauma has gone completely ignored until pop in comes the pink cinnamon roll girl to solve all his problems and do for him what apparently even a therapist couldn't do (because haha he thinks his therapist is a hack.)
Persephone saying "look at all you've done" should be a reminder of all the crimes Hades has committed against people weaker than him, but instead it's used as a term of endearment, because Persephone literally got with him when she was 19 years old. And apparently the whole "eternally 19" thing applies to more than just her body, because even now, 10 years later, she's still lacking all the smarts and self-awareness and maturity to realize marrying this man was a mistake.
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At this point Persephone isn't too naive or stupid to realize what she's gotten herself into, she's just a terrible person who's entirely complacent in Hades' bullshit and frankly, they deserve each other.
They literally keep talking about him for several more panels. Hades literally whines on and on about how much of a failure he is, how he feels like he failed the child who's trapped in Tartarus, and then of course Persephone tells him "no honey, you're the most important being in this process!" and she's LITERALLY STILL JUST TALKING ABOUT HIM, THIS WHOLE EPISODE IS PERSEPHONE TALKING ABOUT HOW WONDERFUL HADES IS, NOTHING ELSE HAPPENS. HAVE YOU NOTICED WE HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN KASSANDRA YET ?? HAVE YOU NOTICED THE COLD OPEN FOR THE EPISODE HASN'T BECOME RELEVANT YET ?? I'VE ALREADY HIT THE 30 IMAGE LIMIT AND I HAVE TO START CUTTING STUFF OUT-
Persephone and Hades talk about how they should name the interloper, but they don't come up with anything before transitioning to Leuce and Thetis.
And y'all, this has gotta be one of Rachel's worst cases of backpedaling in the entire series. You thought how she turned Leuce - Hades' first wife - into a homewrecker was bad? You thought it was absurd the plot tried to turn Leuce into Minthe 2.0?
Remember those text messages that Leuce and Hades sent between each other? The ones we never saw but kept getting alluded to? Well of course we couldn't have Hades actually text Leuce during Persephone's banishment, because then that would mean he isn't 100% loyal to his little pink cinnamon roll "qween", so what was the next best thing? Kronos possessing Hades and texting Leuce like so many people - even fans - assumed? No. It's worse.
The text messages... weren't real.
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This literally makes no sense. First of all, it's once again Rachel creating drama out of "haha woman delusional!" much like she did with Minthe. But second, it literally doesn't make sense after what we've seen leading up to this.
Leuce didn't just talk about Hades texting her. She went to his office, intent on seducing him, with the knowledge of these text messages being real. She even TALKS ABOUT THESE MESSAGES WITH HADES.
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But of course, they were interrupted before Hades got a chance to respond, so this was convenient enough for Rachel to try and pull off some 'twist' where she could easily absolve Hades of "cheating" on Persephone (again, the girl he only knew for like 1-2 months) but also not have to deal with the weird logic of Kronos possessing Hades just to text some random nymph.
This is absolutely one of the most absurd retcons Rachel has ever tried to pull to get herself out of the corners she writes herself into.
Now the episode is still going and FINALLY, it gets to Kassandra, after teasing her at the beginning of the episode and proceeding to do a whole lot of nothing throughout the entire thing.
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This has to be one of the funniest panels in the entire comic, bar none. Rachel's gotten worse at drawing men despite making this comic for 5 years and having plenty of opportunity to improve, and he literally just looks like the fucking Amazing Bulk, haunting this poor mortal woman with his very presence.
So yeah, it turns out that the "curse" Kassandra suffers from in this "retelling" is, rather than having prophecies no one believes (or at least, if she does, we don't see that), she sees Apollo and no one believes her. Again, Rachel takes these weird liberties with the original myths that don't make a whole lot of sense all for the sake of seeming original, but whatever, Rachel hit her panel limit for the week, because that's essentially where the episode ends, with Apollo greeting Kassandra. As quickly as it was shown at the beginning of the episode, the one part of the episode actually featuring Kassandra is wrapped up in literally 7 panels.
So with Episode 251 now summarized and out of the way, I really wanna talk about how this episode operates as the first FP episode after the midseason finale for free readers.
Despite the fact that it was a 4 month break and despite the fact that WT has always still released these episodes for free on schedule - with the idea that every reader will be up to date with the current content and can start fresh with a new set of FP episodes when it returns - this time around Episodes 251-253 have remained locked.
And I say Webtoons specifically because as far as I know, the creators typically don't have control over this type of decision. From what I've heard from other Originals creators, it's often WT who decides shit like coin costs, FP release dates, etc. This is why during hiatuses the numbers on the episode unlocks never actually align with their real return dates, sometimes they completely undershoot and reset, sometimes they overshoot and tell people LO is coming back in January despite the fact it's been confirmed it's coming back in November. This isn't Rachel's doing. It's clearly Webtoons trying to squeeze as much money out of this series as they can so they think the 4 month hiatus will motivate people to pay... but even the newest episode is still only sitting at 17.9k likes, which is just slightly above the average amount the FP episodes normally wind up sitting at by the time they're unlocked after 3 weeks, but this has been after four months. The hiatus of the comic and its communities absolutely put LO out of sight, out of mind.
That said, I don't know what this means for the series' return, if it'll have 6 FP episode unlocks going forward or if it'll just return with one new FP episode and Episode 251 unlocking for free readers, but holy shit, if that's the case, this is gonna be a shitty way to return from 4 months of nothing. The cliffhanger from 250 implies so much more than what it ends up being and it's, again, highlighting a fundamental issue within LO - it operates purely on a week to week basis, producing episodes on the fly, and concerning itself more with filling up its panel quota so that it can get readers from beginning to end when they can drop some new cliffhanger that likely won't lead to anything or will be completely resolved within three swipes of the next episode. Season 3 has been especially egregious with this and it's clear Rachel has run out of track to run on.
There is speculation that perhaps the reason the timing of this cliffhanger is so off is because Rachel didn't know the hiatus was going to happen and WT forced her on it. That said, it's not something anyone can really confirm besides Rachel. I wouldn't blame her for taking the time she did considering she was attending both NYCC and SDCC this past summer, and it's hard enough for her to keep up with any sort of buffer to begin with, so those conventions would have definitely resulted in episodes getting postponed anyways.
What I'm really interested in seeing is the reception when the comic returns. Hiatuses like this are brutal for traffic, it's incredibly difficult to get every single person who you started the hiatus with to return after it's done. It's not uncommon for comics to come back to only a fraction of their readerbase - and that's where the marketing comes in.
S3's return has been incredibly undermarketed. I've talked about it already but I'll mention it again here - they have done nothing to hype up LO's remaining audience for the ending of LO. Not only has the fact that the comic is even entering its final part been mentioned on either Rachel's or WT's social media pages, but the fan groups have been shut down for almost the entirety of this hiatus, shutting fans away from discussing the comic, making predictions, and just participating in their most active and direct part of the fandom. This was an absolutely absurd decision on Rachel's part, I don't know if this was her trying to shield herself from criticism or if she genuinely just doesn't give a shit about her fanbase anymore, but it's not a good thing if the only active groups to be found online during a comic's hiatus - it's final hiatus before the series ends - are the critical ones. Fans of the comic should not have to find out about its ending from me. I know I've got a way with words, but it's not fair to the long-term fans of this comic that they're being shut out by the comic's own creator, simply because she either doesn't care or is just so afraid of the critics that she'd rather hurt her relationship with her fanbase by shutting them out just to maybe shut out any critics who are nearby.
I don't know what the reasoning is and I don't know how it could have been beneficial. But that leads us to the other theory, one that I can see as plausible-
I don't think Lore Olympus was supposed to end here.
We've talked about this theory before, but to reiterate - it's been speculated for a while (prior to the news at NYCC that the comic would be ending) that S3 of LO wasn't going to be the final season as so many people had been assuming based on past info. There was no indication or marketing implying this was the final season - meanwhile webtoons like City of Blank were marketing their final seasons from day 1 of the premiere - and there were loads of new plot threads being established in S3 that we knew couldn't possibly be wrapped up by the end of the season. Case in point, it took Rachel seven months to get back to Kassandra, and while during that time she's rushed plotlines that shouldn't have been rushed (the wedding) other plotlines have proceeded to drag at a snail's pace or been dropped altogether. The speculation that S3 wasn't going to be the final season was plausible.
But now, suddenly, LO is coming to an end, likely within the next 20-30 episodes, and neither Rachel or Webtoons have said a word about it. No announcement post, no hype, no promotional art, no statement from the Webtoons VP of what to be excited for (which he's done before). It seems like they're either intentionally trying to bury it to keep people from panicking while Rachel retreats into the shadows to hide from the crimes she's committed, or they're intentionally keeping the ending of the comic unannounced so they can backpedal on it later to generate hype over it "deciding to stick around". Chances are, it'll be based on how the return of the series goes, and whether or not it's able to get the performance numbers back in the green.
I do not think it will. As I said already, hiatuses are already notorious for destroying built up traffic, especially on Webtoons where people (many of whom are teenagers and children) are conditioned to expect regular content on a schedule. But there's one other thing that's been bugging me - there hasn't been a shred of promotional art. We're currently less than a month away from the return of LO and not only are Rachel and WT being incredibly hush hush about it, but all the art Rachel has put out has been largely on her Blue Sky, where she has the smallest following, and none of it is exactly indicative of being "promotional art", rather just random sketches and doodles that she's doing on her downtime. Everything else has been promos for her books, SDCC/NYCC, of course, Rachel Smythe Presents, her next venture which she has been hyping up more than the actual return or ending of the comic that made her famous in the first place.
At this point, I'm not even fully convinced she's even started working on the next episode yet, let alone any sort of buffer. If anything, she knows that she's coming back to the series with 3 episodes still locked under FastPass, so all she'll need to technically have ready for launch is one new episode. Rachel has never been good at building buffers, not even in the beginning when she apparently started off with 2-3 episodes of buffer. Even when her comic is nearing its end, she's not learning any lessons, she's not setting herself up for success. And I'm not setting myself up for the hope that the series could possibly come back any better than it was when it left - if anything, I think we're about to see Rachel and the comic outdo itself once again on how bad it can possibly be.
And we still have two more episodes to talk about, which includes the cliffhanger for FP readers that we've been waiting four months on. Part 2 and 3 of these FP episode analyses will be going up as soon as I can get them done, ideally I'll have all three parts done before it returns so we can start off fresh with the newest episode.
Buckle up folks. Pour yourself a drink. We're gonna need it.
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roguestorm · 8 months
Is Jean grey close friends with Sue Storm and Janet? I always thought of them as a trio because they were the only female in their respective groups and they bonded over that haha but did they ever interact in comics?
Good question!
I don't off the top of my head remember any Jean/Janet interactions at all. They probably have interacted at some point, but I don't know when.
For Sue, a couple of places spring to mind:
First, Fantastic Four #286, when the FF + Hercules and Captain America find Jean at the bottom of Jamaica Bay. Jean fights the other heroes, including Sue, believing them to be robots. But when Jean realizes they're real and realizes that she's lost her telepathic powers and also been gone for several years, she starts to have a breakdown, and Sue intervenes on her behalf.
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And then Sue also chimes in with Captain America to reassure Jean that her human spirit saved the world from the destruction posed by Dark Phoenix. And then we get this cute moment at the end, where it seems like they're sort of getting to be friends! Yay!
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So this issue positions them as mostly strangers before this but on friendly terms by the end of it. (Also, I love the way Byrne draws Jean.)
The next place is Days of Future Present, specifically UXM annual #14. This has Sue explaining Jean's feelings on the subject of Rachel and children and how Jean feels like her life has been laid out for her to Scott.
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This makes sense to me given FF 286, where Sue saw firsthand how badly Jean reacted to finding out what had gone on in "her" life without her. This is in 1990, 5 years after FF 286. (They were also abducted together in the Atlantis Attacks crossover the previous year, but I think that's less important to their dynamic.)
But then when Jean expresses these same issues to Sue, Sue points out that she has to think of Rachel.
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This casts Sue as an older mother giving advice to a younger mother. Sue understands Jean's frustration, but she's trying to remind Jean that Rachel is having a hard time too and she is underscoring that Jean might have some sort of responsibility to Rachel.
And the last interaction that comes to mind is a retcon, from someone who went, "Wait, these characters should have interacted more than they did!" and that's in X-Men First Class (2007) #1. Professor X asks Sue to come and mentor Jean. From the beginning, Jean is very taken with Sue and very glad to get to go with her.
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And she's extra glad to be around Sue when Sue gets what it's like for Jean to be a woman and a superhero (since Jean is the only girl on an all-male team).
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Maybe not revolutionary or anything, but certainly cute.
All three of these scenarios have Sue acting as mentor or protector to Jean. I wonder what Sue would get out of a friendship with Jean, especially now that Jean is more established and more confident. There is a foundation that current writers could build off of if they so wished, and it would be cool to see it explored more!
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nico-esoterica · 2 months
Rachel Chinourir—I read her chart and started crying at midnight after listening to her music
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Newly 25, this super star’s experiencing her 2nd house profection year. This means that the name of the game for her this year’s gonna be all about how she’s providing for herself and proving she can be self-reliant. She’s establishing herself as an adult during that stressful period in your mid 20s when you start finding that blurry distinction between yourself and what your environment demands you be. Add an exploding fanbase and platform into the mix and whiplash is the cherry on top.
Especially since the last eclipse cycle occurred on her 1/7 axis—this means that with her Scorpio stellium, she was going through it and underwent several personal transformations and ‘realizations’ is what I’m hearing in regards to how she sees herself versus what she’s been forced to be out of survival. It was a very emotionally messy period for her for a while. But what came out of the rubble of her previous emotional life was this unbreakable will to draw that boundary and keep it firm. “I’m not like the rest of you” is what I’m hearing intuitively. Feels related to mental health. Or “I will not be”—another possibility.
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(rectified time - isn't exact but close) In my experience, people with strong Scorpio influence are sponges of generational trauma they’re viscerally made aware of from an early age. An artist who comes to mind is Willow Smith who has a Sun-Mercury in Scorpio with its ruler empowering it from her 4H of home and family lineage. In recent years, we’ve learned about her family and its issues.
She’s come out of a rough period of trying to do what all m/zillennials were told regardless of the Pluto in Cap global recession hitting in ‘08—”No matter what happens, you MUST get your degree. You NEED to get that super stable job because that’s the only way you’re going to have a future.” That’s very loud in her chart to me because that Pluto was moving through her 3H of early childhood education and experiences and was forming a gnarly square over the past couple years (beginning of pandemic) to her late Aries Saturn. Means there was pressured incentive for her to ‘get her life together,’ notably from a father or authority figures in her life.
She’s always been capable but even if she could ‘hold’ said stable job, her mind was always elsewhere. Daydreaming and scribbling lyrics and poetry is what I’m hearing/seeing by looking at her Pisces Moon and Jupiter co-present in her 5th. Creative classes and activities or even artistic programs she excelled in. But the latter planet being Retrograde makes me think that she doubted her talents despite an abundance of people reassuring her that she’s gifted. Beyond gifted and has always been. Her 9H ruler of higher education (and I can see this also meaning specialized programs) being well aspected in her 5H of creativity tells me as such.
With Pluto consistently hitting her water planets since roughly 2010, because this is a planet of crisis and rebirth, she’s most likely dealt with both internal and external pressures that, on one hand, were god damn awful (her natal Sun-Uranus square on her ¼ is LOUD) and supplied a mental health minefield, they also gave her a super power for expression. She learned she found a home for it in the arts. With such an overwhelming amount of Scorpio in her 1st, it puts a psychic target on your back. You constantly feel attacked and this will be doubly true if her MC’s at a later degree in her 10th because it’ll be squaring her Mercury (and Chiron, potentially), meaning that whenever she opened her mouth, she got lambasted for it.
It’s giving, "Fix your mouth—Who do you think you’re talking to??” Her having a 10H North Node with Uranus co-present in Aquarius in her 4H with her South Node illustrates that, and I can speak about this from experience, was simply ‘different.’ Usually, having a 10/4 North vs South node link means that you, quite literally, want to catapult yourself from where you came from. You find it limiting to the point of being suffocating. Especially w/ her 6H Saturn ruling her houses related to everything family and early experiences related—Means there was an expectation about how she was supposed to act and a ‘path’ she was meant to follow and she couldn’t fit her edges within the smooth yet predictable edges of that circle—Cycle. When you have Uranus in these houses, especially in Saturnian signs like Capricorn or Aquarius, this means that your environment will often flow one way and you will flow the opposite or in several directions at once. It means that you are potentially on different generational and socio-political axes and will contribute to feeling like Marvin The Martian in your own home. It often leads to finding refuge in creative outlets. And we find that next door with her IC, Jupiter, and Moon in her 5th.
With Saturn transiting here since last year, she’s been establishing herself independently as an artist and has been met with great upward momentum and success. The craft she’s been nurturing and building for years (Saturn) trining that Scorpio stellium is presenting rewards for that work and her willingness to be vulnerable in an oversaturated industry that relies on gimmick and polish. Her Mercury-Neptune sextile exact in a fame degree that’s also making a lovely aspect to her Moon—Her music is uncomfortably intimate and honest, especially to anyone that’s neurodivergent or on the margins (strictly going by her chart alone). These qualities in music’s current landscape are rare and they’ll be what distinguish her as an artist and keep her fed. 
But with her benefiting from the current eclipse cycle firing up her 6H of what many of us ‘do’ for a living w/ her Saturn here (in preparation for her Saturn Return), her biggest challenge is not letting her perfectionist anxiety over her work’s ‘worthiness’ to others with their eyes officially on her cause her to self-sabotage or become self-conscious. She’s got the audience and has built it up but with explosive momentum and ‘overnight’ success comes the potential for our boundaries to weaken because we’re suddenly hyper-aware of ourselves.
Due to her tendency to self-monitor (most likely as a learned response), her Scorpio Mercury ruled Virgo Mars can cause her to suffocate her own self expression because she’s so used to being fucked with. And with that Mars ruling her fame degree Retrograde Aries Saturn, she never knows when enough’s enough—Have I done enough? Is this even good? I know it’s good! But is it really? Maybe I should work harder. I’ll work harder—Cycle, Rinse and Repeat. This is giving child of immigrants energy. I know so many of you feel called out by this right now.
Her debut album’s release looks promising. The 2H for her ruler of the year (Jupiter) is in Capricorn and she started blowing up on socials during Saturn’s months (Jan-Feb). The activation points where we’re going to see the most activity will be during this release in Aries and Taurus season (April-May). What’s interesting is that since the upcoming eclipse in April is hitting the album chart’s Mercury (almost exactly) a whole month prior, I fully anticipate a notable person (esp w/ Aries placements) to pull another Adele and uplift her or vouch for her in some way.
When Adele did, Jupiter was exactly opposite her Sun and it occurred during those Saturnian months and their charts have a bundle of points suggesting very strong synastry. It also happening right before Rachel’s lunar return with Adele’s NN hitting said Moon natally honestly felt like fate if we’re going strictly by the stars alone. And I also predict she’ll go viral during Virgo season (her lord of the year ruler’s 10H) because in September, the Gemini Jupiter floating around will be applying an exact square to her natal Jupiter. I think it’ll be totally beneficial but it can represent her adjusting (or needing TO) that’s uncomfortable at first (related to her image, sound, etc) that’ll benefit her in the long run. Jupiter in Gemini in her ruler’s chart in its 7H is giving contracts or boundaries-type vibes. Or even social expectations.
After writing this I heard The Hills and Maybe I'm Lonely and felt my old self seen in a way I don't think I've ever related to an artist expressing. Is this what it felt like when young Gen Xs in the 90s heard Hole or Nirvana's soul-piercing vocals for the first time? Because I honestly have chills.
That Scorpio Stellium of hers in her first and her 29 degree Mercury are indicators of the potential for meteoric fame in the eyes of the collective, but it'll be close and intimate.
When she comes to LA, I'm buying a concert ticket.
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sorcadh · 6 months
Annette Messager
Dancing th line between playful and macabre
"For me, the
is in daily life; real life is more extraordinary than all of the imagination" - Annette Messager
"Messager’s artworks are typically modest in their choice of materials and assembled from an accumulation of parts, with objects and imagery juxtaposed alongside inscribed words or portions of text. Items of clothing, badges, children’s stuffed toys, unravelled sweater yarn and synthetic hair have all featured prominently, inviting instant recognition while unsettling the gaze through their sometimes shocking reconfigurations. Images are culled from popular magazines and newspapers, drawn by hand or photographed, while particular words are repeated over and over, like a litany, emptying them of meaning".
Interest in Outsider Art - the beginner artists, children, the insane
"Of equal significance are the historically marginalised practices, materials and techniques of women artists, which she has foregrounded in her practice since the early 1970s through the present day". 
"Messager emphasises Art Brut’s use of common materials in relation to her own embrace of the everyday; and the idea that outsider artists were “infirm yet open-minded”: often able to see extraordinary details that others might overlook. She comments, “They are also timeless, the drawings of mad people, like the drawings of children,” admiring the unique “interior vision” and drama within their work. The Surrealists were also significant for Messager, with their dream-like inversions of reality and irreverent combination of disparate objects and images. Whilst other artists of her generation celebrated the anti-art provocations of Dada, overlooking the Surrealist legacy, Messager instead imbued her own creations with aspects of the uncanny and the surreal. Folk tales and mythology are another ongoing source of inspiration, lending a somewhat Gothic edge to her creations that hover between the playful and the macabre".
"Hope, faith, doubt and tenderness form the emotional tissue connecting Messager’s diverse body of work. Despite their playful appearance and whimsical tone, they reveal a genuine, at times dark exploration of what it means to be human – to love and to experience pain."
Use of multiples, repetition, and fragmentation
"Messager writes that her early interest in the “devalued arts” stemmed from her being a woman artist and thus a “devalued artist, a minority artist”. “I was intent on highlighting this fact in my work,” she states. “So, I sought out devalued territory and worked to draw attention to it, particularly women’s territory, which was thought of as obscure and repressed. Hence my predilection for popular art, proverbs, photography, fairy tales, and Art Brut.” Noting that she “had no title”, Messager invented one for herself: “That way, I became someone important, someone with a defined character.” Her identity was thus established through an array of personalities: not only ‘artist’ and ‘collector’, but eventually ‘practical woman’, ‘trickster’ and even ‘peddler’, hawking her incendiary ideas about art and identity in the public sphere".
"Messager’s Album-collections of the 1970s broke new ground, introducing an abiding interest in the roles and representation of women in contemporary French society. Not intended as a direct portrait, they nevertheless often figured the artist hidden somewhere in their vast image banks of faces and bodies; and they drew considerable energy from her experience as a young unmarried woman trying to establish an art career in a man’s world. Reflecting on this period Messager recalls that she was frequently asked if she wanted to have children, a question that a man (or male artist) would never have been asked. In response, she says: “I tried to find the identity of woman, but by medium. I looked everywhere – newspapers, magazines – and all the collections came from this, including my proverbs. It was about young women in the 1970s, like a diary but not of me directly.”
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Ma Collection de Proverbes, 2012
(MOMA catalogue)
play with language
crude embroideries that spell out traditional french sayings
done on napkins that typically appear in ashtrays , wine pots, coffee mugs.
"All are derogatory, jokey aphorisms and colloquialisms about women: "If woman were good, God would have had one"; "Women are taught by nature, men by books"; "Three girls and their mother, four demons for their father"; "The eye of a woman is a spider's web." Messager saw these proverbs as interdictions that control and even forbid certain behaviors of women. Her strategy was not to replace one aggressive language with another, but to substitute in place of an authoritarian mode of discourse a less proscriptive one. Again, by rearticulating these anti-female messages in a feminine medium, she wrestled them from the original context and dislodged the original intention".
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rcdiostcrs · 8 months
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presenting: eleven elaine skellington.
so, obviously eleven is the adopted daughter of jack & sally, as well as sister to my oc seven & gamecn’s oc thirteen.
she’s twenty-three years old.
rachel sennott fc.
polyamorous, biromantic, & bisexual.
basically, eleven has a lot of love to give, but you have to earn it to receive it.
alrighty, here’s the dealio, eleven is like her mother: a living doll (though eleven is porcelain, not rag). no one knows who created her. doctor finkelstein refutes the claim that he is responsible and no evidence as been found to make one disbelieve him.
see, eleven wasn’t found in halloweentown. she was found in valentine village (what i hc the town behind the heart door is called). it was a very confusing time for all of the valentine folks to see this obviously halloween kid in their town. no one has figured out how she got there.
but she is very welcomed in the valentine community, even so much as having close friends & visiting the place constantly.
she was brought to halloweentown on september eleventh (11.11) the year before auradon was established. at just a year old, she could already walk and say full words. jack & sally were smitten by this little girl made of cloth, pulling her into the family as their child. as her creation date is unknown, sep 11 is her honorary bday.
this date is also where she got her name from.
speaking of her name, she goes by the full “eleven,” but some people call her “ellie” if they think a number is a silly name.
like how seven sometimes goes by “sev.”
she has a golden doodle named “four hundred forty four.” yes, this is a long name. why such a long name? eleven enjoys numerology—especially angel numbers. sequences of fours symbolize stability. if one sees fours in a sequence, then they are putting down roots or grounding themself. she knows that if she’s ever feeling doubt about her place in life, she can look at her dog & feel sure in herself once more.
plus, seven had already claimed “two” for his cat.
two & 444 don’t like each other. zero & 444 are besties, tho.
speaking of numerology, eleven is a number about being at one with the universe & one’s self / inner wisdom.
even if her name didn’t come from this meaning, she’s delighted with it anyways for the same reason she likes 444′s name—she can look at herself & feel sure because she’s always going to have her own wisdom & the universe on her side.
eleven wants to be an electrician. she is currently under apprenticeship for this work.
since she’s a doll, she can remove her limbs. each part of her body can come apart & be put back on. this is good for her since she can just send an arm or a hand to do a thing that’s too far for her.
she is glued at each limb & her neck. se also has minor glue spots where she has chipped before.
she has a whole lot of tattoos. they cover up the glue lines holding her together. her favorite is the barbed wire around her throat.
eleven absolutely adores her family. especially her brothers.
she jokes that she’s the odd one out—only one to not have a previous life, only one to not be twenty, only one to be a girl—but she doesn’t ever feel left out.
while she wouldn’t kill for her family, she would make anyone who hurts them have a miserable rest of their life. no one touches a skellington & gets away with it. not if eleven has anything to say about it.
i’ve mentioned before that i think the skellingtons would be kind of ostracized in royal auradon circles for being figurehead royals. eleven, as crown princess (only in name as jack will never die & therefore never leave his throne), is far too aware of this. it’s always her name on the invitations to royal functions. it’s always her name in the mouths of snobby royals.
it’s the same with those of halloweentown who have conflicted feelings. they feel that if their king will never die, what is the purpose of calling his kids “prince(ss)?” why even have children in the first place? they aren’t even royal by blood, only adoption.
she tries to not let it get to her, but it’s hard sometimes.
when she’s off the clock, she & seven dress a lot alike. comfy & oversized sweaters, dark colors, lots of layers. the main difference is that eleven uses blues, reds, & blacks while seven uses oranges, blacks, & neutral tones.
however, she has a secondary aesthetic of “goth, but make it fusion.” if you’ve ever heard of hawiian goth or cowgoth—that’s what i’m talking about.
freckles!! they aren’t natural, but eleven takes the time to put a brown eyeliner to her face & a toothbrush w/ brown eyeshadow to her cheeks every morning.
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uf200singleproject · 1 year
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The Single Positivity Movement
As we work our way up to the present, let’s continue the conversation on the history of the stigma surrounding single women. We’ve already established that, as far as we know, the Western beginning of widespread social awareness and othering of single women in particular can be traced back to around the seventeenth to eighteenth centuries—it is recent, in the grand scheme of things, but simultaneously considered to be a newer “problem” than it is.
As it turns out, the idea of the liberated “New Woman” and one of the largest early waves of resistance to marriage in the West came in around the late nineteenth century and, like the concept of the “spinster,” is often thought to have cropped up far more recently than it really did. The female “single positivity” movement is probably considered a product of just the last decade by some—including myself, before this project—and that assumption is likely based on the recent influx of popular media coverage on the topic.
In reality, the rise of historical figures like feminist author Sarah Grand (pictured above) and women’s rights advocate Susan B. Anthony in the late 1800s represents the roots of the movement. Rachel Thompson’s article on the history of the single positivity movement describes Susan B. Anthony’s prediction in 1877 that there would soon be “an epoch of single women” with the reasoning that “if women will not accept marriage with subjugation, nor men proffer it without, there is, there can be, no alternative.”1 Thompson then reveals that in 1894—not even 20 years later—the term “New Woman” was coined by Sarah Grand.2
And in the 20th century, the movement was spurred on by author Marjorie Hillis. Thompson explains that her book Live Alone and Like It: A Guide for the Extra Woman gave advice on just that: living alone. Joanna Scutts, interviewed by Thompson, sums up the intention behind Hillis’ writing in a beautifully profound way; Hillis “urged women to call themselves 'Live Aloners' rather than spinsters or single” because “she wanted them to define themselves by what they’d chosen, rather than what they lacked."3
And this powerful message is one that I have been proud to see come through in popular culture throughout my lifetime. From children’s media with plots far beyond the pursuit of a “prince charming,” like Disney’s Brave and Moana, to the confidence of celebrity role models like Emma Watson, who publicly described her romantic status at 32 as “self-partnered,”4 it seems that we as a culture are working to make room for women to make that choice without shame.
But, as we know, real life and pop culture don’t always perfectly align, and there is still work to be done.
1-3. Thompson, Rachel. “The History of the Single Positivity Movement Goes Back Further than You Think.” Mashable, 29 Oct. 2021, mashable.com/article/single-positivity-movement-history.
4. Lees, Paris. “From the Archive: Emma Watson on Transcending Child Stardom.” Vogue, 15 Apr. 2022, vogue.co.uk/news/article/emma-watson-on-fame-activism-little-women.
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destinyimage · 2 years
Angelic Activation for Supernatural Healing
We decree our emotions, minds, and souls are free, in Jesus’ name. We decree accumulated grief is being removed from the body of Christ.
Not all healing is physical, there are also emotional healings and healings of the soul and the mind.
My daughter, Rachel, and her husband, Mark, have adopted two children with special needs from China—Lily and Jaidin. They brought Lily home from China when she was 14 months old, shortly before Christmas.
Carol and I consider it our job to spoil the kids at Christmas, showering them with lots of presents. Of course, Lily had never opened Christmas presents before. Her older sister, Maddie, who was seven, had opened lots of them and was frantically opening them at our house on Christmas Eve. But Lily was just sitting and watching, not really knowing what to do. Maddie began picking things out around the house that we already owned to give us for Christmas. She wrapped them, using gobs of tape, and brought them to us to open.
Lily, seeing this, began to play with the tape, instead of opening presents. I was watching all of this intently. When she was done playing with the tape, she tried to set it down but of course the tape stuck to her hand. She then reached over with her other hand and grabbed the tape and tried to set it down with that hand but again the tape stuck to her hand. She did this several times, growing increasingly more frustrated to the point of tears, not being able to get rid of the tape. Seeing her frustration, I took the tape away and we taught her how to open presents. She became a pro instantly.
I woke up in the middle of the night with God speaking to me about accumulated grief. I had never thought about the concept of grief accumulating, but the more I thought about it the more I realized it does happen. The older you get, the more grief in life seems to accumulate. This happens, that happens, and you think you’ve laid it down but really it’s still sticking to the soul and you need someone bigger than you to come along and take it away.
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Thankfully, the promise of our great Lord Jesus is that He came to take away grief that accumulates—the divorce, the loss of a loved one, the bankruptcy, the broken relationship. These things can accumulate in our lives, but Jesus comes to unwrap our soul and set us free, healing our emotions, feelings, and minds.
Many today need to be healed in their souls. They’re walking around with taped hearts that only Jesus can set free. Thankfully, these divisions of angels that assist with healings and miracles are opening the old healing wells. They are also opening new wells of healings and miracles.
Angels are assisting Holy Spirit to activate the King’s anointing to heal, established through the stripes on Jesus’ back, at levels the world has never seen before. You will see miracles accelerate. You will see healing accelerate in the physical realm, and you will see dramatic healings of the soul.
Thank You for what You paid for on the cross—for my salvation and my healing. I believe today that by Your stripes I am healed—body, soul and spirit. I invite You to search me and bind up any broken places. May Your healing presence minister to Your church in new ways, bringing restoration and resurrection.
Uncapping Old Healing Wells
We decree healings and miracles are accelerating, in Jesus’ name. We decree the world is a pool of Bethesda; angels of healing and miracles are stirring the waters.
The angel divisions of healings and miracles are activating for our times. At the beginning of 2013, I began to have a recurring vision. In the vision, I saw land oil pumps, like you see in the countryside, pumping oil. The lever on these pumps goes up and down, up and down, over and over. However, in my vision, it wasn’t a lever doing the pumping—it was an angel. After seeing this vision several times, Holy Spirit spoke to me, saying, “These are angels of healings and miracles. They are pumping the old healing wells and opening new ones.”
My father was a healing evangelist and I have been around healing evangelists all my life. I have seen so many miraculous healings. No one could ever tell me miracles aren’t real; I’ve seen them with my own eyes. When my brother, Dutch, and I were about 12 and 13 years old, we were the “catchers” at the altar. Part of our assignment was to clean up the cancers that were left on the floor after people were healed.
I saw so many miracles, it was ingrained into me that God can do anything. I would believe that anyway, because it’s God’s Word, but it’s at a different level for me because I truly saw miracles take place. At one point, when my dad was pastoring a little church of about 30 to 45 people, he and other local pastors would get together and have a summer revival. They would pray for the sick and, again, Dutch and I would be the “catchers” at the meetings.
One time we were at a small church in Hamilton, Ohio and there were around 40 people in attendance. At this particular meeting, some- thing happened I will never forget as long as I live. A man in a wheel- chair was pushed up to the front row where we were sitting. He was completely twisted up, like a pretzel. Three of the local preachers gathered around him, praying in the spirit, and I could hear bones begin to pop, like when a chiropractor works on you. That man began to unwind in his chair and then jumped up onto his feet. He was totally healed, and I will never forget watching that take place.
The Holy Spirit is activating angels to uncap the old healing wells.
For an angel of God went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water; then whoever stepped in first, after the stirring of the water, was made well of whatever disease he had (John 5:4 NKJV).
These angels are still stirring the waters. We have moved into this new era, a season when angels are uncapping old healing wells and opening new ones, and when miracles are going to accelerate.
Holy Spirit,
Thank You that Your angels are stirring the waters of healing across the earth. Thank You that old healing wells are being uncapped and released afresh in this day and hour. I pray for Your encouragement to flood the church, releasing new expectation for the miraculous. We welcome Your angels of healing and miracles!
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
Siya Kolisi spreads gospel with eye-catching phase on US legendary 60 Minutes
Springbok captain Siya Kolisi. If the Springboks obtain a pointy increase in help from the USA, they need to thank Siya Kolisi. The nationwide skipper’s burgeoning fame as some of the recognisable world athletes to emerge from South Africa was entrenched late final week after he was featured in a full phase on 60 Minutes, certainly one of America’s most revered and longstanding nationwide information programmes. Whereas some chunk of the insert chronicles his vital taking part in exploits – Kolisi’s glorious exhibiting within the third Take a look at in opposition to Wales in Cape City this 12 months options prominently – it is his inspirational life story and his large contribution to the Bok model transcending mere sporting excellence and turning into a beacon of hope for the nation that, rightly, dominates the narrative. As host Jon Wertheim notes in his introduction: “Captaincy is extra vital nonetheless when your rugby workforce represents a complete nation. So when Siya Kolisi was named captain of the nationwide workforce, the primary black participant to carry the honour, it might as properly have marked a political appointment. “Kolisi responded with a singular method, reconsidering a macho sport and recognising how priceless rugby will be [by] serving to bind a rustic nonetheless riven by crime, corruption and inequality.” Kolisi regales how he felt when Rassie Erasmus, SA Rugby’s director of rugby, confirmed his appointment in mid-2018. “Truthfully I did not know what it meant,” Kolisi advised the present. “I did not realise how large it was till it was introduced. I noticed myself in each single newspaper, the headlines. Activate the TV, everyone’s speaking about it…I used to be simply pleased that I used to be promoted captain. After which I spoke to folks. They’re like, ‘However you do not perceive, like, illustration issues.'” That is additionally the explanation why Francois Pienaar, South Africa’s captain within the momentous 1995 World Cup win, believes 2019’s success was extra vital. “When your nation performs, or a person performs, you might be that individual, or you might be that workforce. You put on the colors; you are so invested within the feelings. And I by no means realised how large it could be. By no means,” he stated. “In South Africa and the townships throughout the land, everyone, once more, was proud. They have been world champions, and that’s what sport does. Nothing else can try this.” Following that triumph, Kolisi stated he and spouse Rachel made a concerted effort to let it depend for extra, notably establishing their basis. “All of us need these large moments. It may be only a large second. That is it… or you should use it for a lot extra.” WATCH IT HERE.  Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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hubgroup22 · 2 years
Little Known Questions About relationship.
partnership VIDEO FOR Connection word research for connection OTHER WORDS FROM relationship pre·re·la·tion·ship, substantive Phrases surrounding partnership How to utilize relationship in a paragraph When you speak concerning the distinction between an activities business and a area organization, it’s primarily one of a enduring connection. If you talk about the connection between a singular person/private/loved ones, it is even more complicated but you can easily find it by appearing in the social media. Check Here For More is carrying its conference company to a bigger reader, with a much higher rate tag|Kayleigh Barber|September 15, 2020|Digiday Unless you determine that the worth below is never in what they mention, they perform, but in whatever else is important concerning the partnership. This has actually to be a discussion, not a joke, regarding what a alliance is all regarding. We really want to acquire them all on the very same webpage, which was an superb place to start. It taught me to never “system,” but to construct real genuine relationships.‫ A real companionship is a base of authentic trust and discussed market values, to present others our real worth, a shape block of accurate shared love. In a time when the United States is still dealing with our most sophisticated battle, the need for real affection has hit significantly beyond American national politics and nationwide security, a inquiry that can easilynot be addressed through making believe it has been failed to remember. Manual referrals from Fortune’s 40 under 40 in media and entertainment|Rachel King|September 11, 2020|Fortune Erdogan received a powerful partnership with Israel when he swept to nationwide power just about 20 years earlier. Currently in workplace President Erdogan has come to be a prime political rival of President President Donald Trump, and is in a really good mood. It's hard to picture what he stands to get if he maintains battling Trump (and this week in America, you may wager that he's getting more). Erdogan Pitches Himself as Muslim World’s New Leader|Charu Kasturi|September 10, 2020|Ozy Therefore, I asked Thom Mayer whether his connection along with Allen Sills had been adverse. He stated he would obtain into political disputes. What can easily a man like Allen acquire in to with other members of conservative political intrigues and claim there's nothing to be obtained by going against them? Why Can’t Schools Get What the N.F.L.F. Is Worth? Some conditions, like Texas, have banned textbooks made use of by public colleges from being utilized in classrooms. Others demand exclusive providers to give standardized analyses to all students. But the Supreme Court has left behind open the concern of whether colleges may opt for to establish that prohibition on their trainees.
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431)|Stephen J. Dubner|September 10, 2020|Freakonomics Will the Pam/Krieger connection be an recurring motif this time? The brand-new time guarantees it. In the wake up of the devastating Hurricane Katrina, The Mindy Project is running a every week function about how the Pam house's connection changed: how they're not going to stop drinking and possessing sex together and if that's ok. ‘Archer’ Inventor Adam Reed Spills Season 6 Tips, From Surreal Plotlines to Life Post-ISIS|Marlow Stern|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST In a charming partnership, dealing with embarrassment or awkwardness is a solid option. But does that imply that you will definitelyn't be as successful or much better off if you always keep this variety of trait a trick coming from all the folks that aren't in a partnership, or are caught concealing in black sections? A 2012 study discovered that entirely 76% of Duke trainees yearn for to be in a committed enchanting partnership. The portion who desire it to be limited to two or three marriages has multiplied since the 2001 research study, from 17% of students to 18% in 2012. The numbers likewise show that while the typical university student is finding out various other kinds of chances for job advancement after he ends up being a university grad, a a lot much higher proportion wish to take on less typical work and begin carrying out less social ministry job. That description is believable…but considerably much less therefore when you hear Jay talk concerning the nature of his relationship along with Adnan. It's like he is attempting to repaint a photo of himself in the light of all those years he had. There was no way that he recognized that. He utilized to explain it as his'story', but that possessed nothing to carry out along with who the fantastic was, and everything to carry out with how he recognized everything he saw. The Deal With Serial’s Jay? When chatting concerning how simple it would be to get a offer on an all-female series on system air, all the time that seems to be quite extremely unlikely was for Jay to sign along with an all-female-producing provider but she was therefore ecstatic about going on the series. The very first episode, 'The Deal Along with Jessica,' has already been watched millions of times on cable with an average of 5.5 million audiences. He’s Pissed Off, Mucks Up Our Timeline|Emily Shire|December 31, 2014|DAILY Creature A lot of of us have an harmful partnership with temper, writes writer and psychologist Andrea Brandt. But what is an unhealthy relationship? Right here's how Brandt damage down a handful of patterns that she and others have observed over the final six months. (1/ 10) What is an unhealthful partnership? What occurs if anyone takes someone else's temper on? Edmund de la Pole, earl of Suffolk, on account of his around relationship to the property of York, beheaded. For an other comparable scenario, view H. de la Pole, A. E., i, p. 4. He was the 1st and the final governor of the Isle of Man. He died about 1550, at Longnosed through the French. 4th March 1551, at Norwich, his body system being located, along with a note to the master.
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sirenofthetimes · 3 years
Every Proposal on Gilmore Girls Was Absolutely Unhinged
This show was rich in couples, swimming in conflict, and desperately lacking in healthy communication. Which made for some batshit marriage proposals! Let's go:
Christopher to Lorelai in Season 1 ep. 15: Christopher Returns
In Christopher's first appearance on the show, he rocks up to Stars Hollow on his motorcycle at the end of the previous episode, out of the blue, and in this one archetypes are made clear: he establishes himself as the irresponsible deadbeat single dad to Lorelai's hardworking, mature yet still fun single mom. They have a weird dinner with everyone's parents where his parents, Straub and Francine, are shown to be even more uptight and awful than Richard and Emily can be. A lot of fighting and yelling and relitigating past choices ensues. Then Lorelai and Christopher go off to have emotional, nostalgic sex on her childhood balcony, and off the strength of that, he walks into her kitchen the next morning and blurts out that he wants to marry her so they can be a "real family". They barely see each other. They know hardly anything about each other's current lives. This is the first time he's visited the town they've been living in since Rory was a child and yet. A marriage proposal. Naturally, she turns him down, but we have not heard the last of Christopher Hayden.
Max to Lorelai in Season 1 ep. 21: Love, Daisies and Troubadours
This relationship was used mostly to discuss Lorelai's commitment issues, the difficulties of dating as a single mom, and have her fight allegations of her being promiscuous (which are not true, she can be very sexually conservative) by having her do something risky like try to date one of her daughter's teachers at the stuffy private school that also exists in her parents' world. So despite them having okay chemistry, they haven't really dated much and broke up after two months before getting back together shortly before the night of the proposal. Max comes by the house to pick Lorelai up and finds Luke there getting his toolbox and relaying the news that Rachel broke up with him (because she has a basic level of intuition and picked up on his feelings for Lorelai). Max and Luke have a very cringy dick measuring contest, Max (in possession of similar intuition) assumes Luke and Lorelai dated at some point but it's not season 5 yet so she's not legally allowed to admit she's into Luke. They argue, Max expresses frustration that their relationship can never seem to get off the ground, and what does he propose as a solution? Yoking their lives together in blessed matrimony. Lorelai is justifiably frustrated and tells him that's not how you propose, that a proposal is supposed to be special and grand. She lists "a thousand yellow daisies" as an example how to truly pop the question and the next day Max arranges for that famous logistical nightmare romantic gesture at the inn, then says some flowery bullshit on the phone and because it's the season finale and emotions are high, Lorelai accepts. Though later, right after her bachelorette party, she runs away and calls off the wedding. They meet a couple more times for closure, and then the relationship is truly dead.
Jackson to Sookie in Season 2 ep 13: A-Tisket A-Tasket
Sookie and Jackson's budding relationship has actually been pretty nice to watch up until this point. They have a fun balance between awkward but cute flirting and comical bickering about produce. But there's something in the area's water supply that makes people unable to clearly express their wants and needs in a romantic relationship so when Sookie doesn't respond how Jackson wanted her to to him saying his lease was up and asking her what she thought, he sulks. The sulking manifests itself in him not bidding on Sookie's basket at the bid a basket auction so she confronts him to see what's up and they actually manage to have a decent conversation about what moving in together would mean. And that could've been a nice ending for that storyline. But shacking up together? Out of wedlock? Impossible. So at their picnic for two, Jackson fakes Sookie out and says he doesn't want to talk about moving in together any more... because he thinks they should get married. Sookie, reeling from that whiplash, accepts, and since the rules of TV beta couples states they must move faster than the main will-they-won't-they couple at all times, they get married, stay married, and continue struggling to effectively talk through big life decisions,with some admittedly nice moments in between.
Lorelai to Luke in Season 5 ep 22: A House is Not a Home and Season 6 ep 1: New and Improved Lorelai
Lorelai and Luke are in kind of a weird place at the moment, with Luke upset with Lorelai for considering selling the Dragonfly to a corporation owned by one of her father's contacts, which would have her traveling and consulting instead. While she's not too serious about it, she's enjoying being courted by the company, but this is in complete disregard for the giant house Luke bought without telling her or the kids he's thinking about having that he also hasn't discussed with her so it's causing problems. This is forgotten however with the news that Rory wants to take time off from Yale after receiving some rare negative feedback, and that Richard and Emily are letting her stay with them after just telling Lorelai they would help her force Rory back into Yale. So when Lorelai walks into the diner lamenting the fact that Rory is making a decision independent from the vision Lorelai had for her life, and Luke comes forth with a nonsensical plan to, again, force Rory back to Yale, Lorelai is touched that she finally has someone on her side. And since she's a veteran of the season finale marriage proposal, she celebrates having her partner agree with her by asking him to marry her. He accepts in the next season's premiere with no hesitation, but eventually their tendency to hide things from each other to not ruin their relationship.... ruins their relationship. Shocking.
Zack to Lane in Season 6 ep 16: Bridesmaids Revisited
Zack is on a bit of a redemption tour after ruining Hep Alien's showcase in front of a major label by throwing a tantrum about Brian potentially writing a song for Lane. This random burst of jealousy sends him on a power trip that has him throwing out their set list and screaming at his band mates until a fight breaks out and the band and him and Lane split up. But when he sees Lane in the music shop some time later putting up a flier advertising her drumming services to other bands, the thought of her daring to potentially continue living her life without him spurs Zach into action. He convinces Brian and Gil to get the band back together and they're in if Lane's in. And his way of getting Lane back is to walk into Luke's while she's working, go off on some tangent about how he doesn't feel good, and propose in front of a huge crowd of gossipy small town people. Lane must have smacked her head on some antique furniture that day because although she at least stops to ask if he's thought about this, when he presents her with the pawn shop ring he got that "belonged to like an Elk or a Moose or something", she accepts and walks right into marriage and babies land and right out of development that would make sense for her character or be interesting.
Christopher to Lorelai in Season 7 ep. 7: French Twist
Ever since Lorelai walked out of her fraught engagement with Luke and into Christopher's bed, he has taken the reality of a woman coping with feelings of rejection by hooking up with the man she keeps stashed in the background for occasions such as these, and spun it into an elaborate romantic tale of two star crossed loves who waited their whole lives to be together. And when Sherry who, guided by the hands of karma, previously abandoned Gigi leaving Christopher to raise her on his own, writes a letter saying she's totally fine now trust her and wants Gigi to spend a few months with her in Paris, Christopher invites Lorelai along for a big romantic gesture trip. They spend most of it jetlagged, but Christopher remembers he's super rich now (as opposed to just being regular rich like before) and he bribes a restaurant to open early for the two of them. Lorelai, basking in the romance™ of it all, confesses her love, and Christopher pounces on that and starts in on a whole speech. Basically, even though he said he'd be willing to wait for Lorelai to fall in line with his vision, he doesn't feel like waiting any more. Lorelai, sensing where this is going, suggests they wait, as they've only been really dating for a couple of months. She also brings up Rory, figuring she'd want to be up to date and present any big changes. But Christopher waves those perfectly valid concerns away, stresses how long they've known each other, insists that they're meant to be, and fate has brought them together. And then comes out with it and asks her to marry him. Which are very intense words for Lorelai, an emotionally vulnerable woman who just broke off an engagement because her fiancé seemed overly hesitant to actually get married, to hear. We don't see her accept, but there's a scene of them returning home where he calls her "Mrs. Hayden" (as if she would ever change her name), and their marriage immediately began to fall apart like wet tissue paper.
Logan to Rory in Season 7 ep. 21: Unto the Breach
It's the end of Rory's time at Yale, and on the heels of her New York Times fellowship rejection, rejections from other newspapers across the country, and the fact that she rejected her one job offer for better things that did not come, Rory's future is wide open and unstable. On the other hand, Logan is completing his character transformation from irresponsible party animal trust fund kid to hardworking and responsible trust fund kid, accepting a job offer for an internet company in San Francisco. The question emerges: How will the young couple handle this next phase of their lives? And when Logan shows up at Lorelai's house in the previous episode, he comes with a solution. He wants to marry Rory and take her to California, and he wants Lorelai's blessing to propose. She gives it, though not without trepidation, and Logan does propose. In the middle of the graduation party Richard and Emily are throwing for Rory, he gets up in front of everyone and takes out the ring. Rory is caught completely off guard and takes him outside to talk about it, where he reveals that he got the job, picked out a house for them to rent, researched newspapers where she could apply to work, and even planned activities for them to do in their spare time. The original plan being that she would say yes to his proposal without knowing all this and walk blindly into her new, pre-arranged West Coast life. But Rory needs time to process the idea of marrying Logan immediately after college, and on the day of her graduation, she declines. Logan decides if he can't marry her, there's no point in being with her at all, and the two go their separate ways, to eventually meet again in a years long affair, for some reason. Though I barely acknowledge the revival.
Honestly, the only proposal that truly makes sense is Lorelai's to Luke in the revival but I won't discuss it here because a) again, the revival basically doesn't exist to me and b) they should've married during the original run of the show.
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d-criss-news · 3 years
Darren Criss Suits Up In Francis Libiran For His Christmas Soundtrack, A Very Darren Crissmas
It’s beginning to sound a lot like Christmas.
Following the success of Masquerade, Darren Criss is extra prolific in the music department this year as he is set to spread Christmas cheer with the release of his holiday-themed album, A Very Darren Crissmas.
While it can be greatly argued that all things considered, it doesn’t quite feel like the holidays just yet, especially in the strictest sense of Filipino culture, it is beginning to sound a lot like Christmas for sure. Just like clockwork, the spirit of the season was soundtracked by the likes of Mariah Carey, Jose Mari Chan, and of course, the good ‘ol classics, the onset of the ber months immediately felt warm, nostalgic, and even for a little bit, joyful. Whether it be more traditional or pop-laced, or if you are a fan of the holidays, there is something comforting about carols and songs particular to Christmas, so much so that for the longest time, musicians find some sort of success when they release yuletide-themed music. Joining the bandwagon, or dare we say, the sleigh, is Darren Criss, as he is set to release A Very Darren Crissmas.
“It really was only a matter time,” writes Darren Criss on Instagram ahead of the release of A Very Darren Crissmas. “I always knew that if I ever made Christmas album, it would have to be much more than just a collection of songs you already knew.” True enough, following the reveal of the holiday compilation tracklist, there are a few standards, but in a prolific effort, the originals stand out more, featuring self-penned tracks and interesting collaborations (Adam Lambert, Evan Rachel Wood, Lainey Wilson). “With songs you know, songs you don’t, songs you thought you knew…and songs you never knew you needed,” as the teaser of the tracks says, this musical undertaking is not only carefully thought of, but close to his heart as well.
Taking On Christmas Cheer
“I’d want it to be a journey through songs that not only had a personal significance to my life, but also a unique introduction to songs folks had never heard before, and a re-introduction to a few they might think they know—but have never considered differently,” Darren Criss further expands on the premise of A Very Darren Crissmas. “Every eclectic choice led this album to feel astutely true to its namesake: a very, indisputably, ‘me’ Christmas.”
Making it even more unique to himself and his definition of the holidays, the album art features Darren Criss as different members of his own family. With nothing more Christmas-y than that, the award-winning actor, musician (who also just recently released, Masquerade), and OG StarKid is seen in a very holiday image where he is dressed up as his late father, his mother, his brother Chuck, and his younger self. Sitting by the piano holding out a plate of treats is present-day Darren Criss, suited up in robe-like formal in marsala brocade by Filipino designer, Francis Libiran.
Always loud and proud about his Filipino roots, Darren Criss has been known to honor his heritage whenever possible. Whether be in interviews, part of his characters (see: Hollywood, The Assassination Of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story, and Trese), and fashion, there will always be a nod to the Philippines. In fact, this isn’t the first time he is wearing a Filipino designer.
Ever since they got connected at the 76th Golden Globes in 2019, the two artists have struck a creative bond. From The Outstanding Filipino Americans virtual awards show, the premiere of Aladdin in Hollywood, and most importantly, the reception following his wedding to Mia Swier, Darren Criss always found the perfect occasion to wear a bespoke Francis Libiran piece. The latter was the most special as they collaborated on the design elements on the piña barong tagalog with Pintados tattoo-like details to hero Cebu, the hometown of his mother, Cerina.
Raring And Ready
For A Very Darren Crissmas, a more refined and rich take on the holidays was the main consideration of Francis Libiran for the wine and gray silk brocade suit of Darren Criss. A fresh take on the traditional suit, the precision of menswear relents to the graceful curves of the lapel that extends to a nice bow, in the spirit of gift-giving, of course. “The patterns used on the suit are elegantly unorthodox, highlighting a part of him who daringly embraces the beauty of being different,” details the Filipino designer in our interview. “Here we are, absolutely humbled that Darren decided to wear us for his Christmas album.”
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As if echoing the vibrant visual of A Very Darren Crissmas and the Francis Libiran suit in particular, the lead single of the musical exposition is equally bold and considered. Realized in a rousing big band orchestration, Happy Holidays/The Holiday Season is more than enough to shift your mood and slowly get into the swing of the season. Indulging in the cheer and the charm of Christmas, Darren Criss is raring and ready to redefine his holidays, dutifully inviting you into his family for a very Darren Crissmas.
Was Darren Criss hands on? How did the creative process go, despite the pandemic?
We basically presented him with style options, and then he gets to pick which one he prefers to wear. The great thing about him is that he is so open to experiment with different styles or color combinations, so it wasn’t difficult to work with him. Due to the pandemic, all of our consultations are conducted virtually, so if we need to clarify anything with Darren’s team, we discuss it online.
What were the inspirations that were worked on for this particular look?
The inspiration behind the wine and gray silk brocade suit was a combination of muted elegance and sharpness of character. It was basically Darren in a nutshell: he is a star that shines so brightly every time he delivers a performance, but he is a grounded person who never shies away from his roots.
What is it like working and collaborating with Darren Criss, especially with A Very Darren Crissmas?
Working with Darren never felt like work, actually. He is an easy person to talk to, and like I’ve said, we’ve already established a friendship. Our working relationship is mutually beneficial through our support for each other. I’d be very happy to collaborate with him in his future events soon!
A Very Darren Crissmas by Darren Criss is set to release on October 8, 2021 wherever you stream music.
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sofibeth · 2 years
Random Sonic 2 movie thoughts
Have lot in my mind now that I have time to process it last night 
(Spoilers below)
- Like their could be alot that you can critque bout this flim (1st act bit slow compare to 2nd, fart jokes aren’t funny) but this movie was soo fun I don’t really care as much XD
- I feel you can make a drinking game with how many time Tails say “THAT’S SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!!” I get he’s a kid but it did get kinda annoying after awhile.
- the biased in me wished their was more Sonic and Tails bonding since it was kinda fast but considering how packed this film was they did alright all things considered. The sleeping scene stole my heart!
- “They call us freaks, so let’s get freaky” ya did it ya understood the assignement!
- Okay I’m forever a Tails’ stan but Knuckles was clearly the MVP of this film! They find the right balance of being the funniest character in this film as well being soo heckin cool!
- Man went from trying to kill Sonic to any sec to “Sonic they have sprinkles” iconic
- Compare to Tails Knuckles felt alot more natural from enemy to friend I love they found losing a loved one as a simple connection with him and Sonic to begin bonding with.
- Jim Carry as Eggman was great no surprise, highlight was def going high on Chaos Power!!
- bless Agent Stone he and his actor having the time of his life.
- Speaking a which I like how they handle the humans here giving euongh to do while not overshadowing the main trio.
- I feel the wedding subplot might not be everyone’s cup of tea but 1) the plot twist of being a GUN was amazing and over the top I luv and 2) Rachel performance was so hammy I was just along for the ride.
- I’m glad they pushed Tom and Maddie more into parental role and being ride and die for their hedgehog son. Makes me appreciate their scenes in the beginning due to having payoff by the ending.
- Ya know your in a room full a sonic fans when everyone cheering over Sonic inhaling a bubble, proud of my audience last night.
- Final Sonic vs Knuckles fight, best animated scene I wanna watch it again just to see every single detail.
- I know they showed death robot in trailers but yea seeing the whole cilmax they did everything with justice hard to talk about everything.
- I hadn’t felt this strong bout Team Sonic in a long time and seeing the trio working felt satifiying! Good thing since Knuckles isn’t confided to an island in this universe cause this mean this group can work in long term. 
- I glad all the fanart of movie Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles hanging out is canon, take the Ws.
- Regarding the after credit scene I glad they’re keeping some aspects of Shadow present, having alot more faith in how he’s portrayed considering how well they understood Knuckles. I do hope Amy gets her jump into the movie verse soon, feel she can fit in since they establish the whole heroes order thing.
- And yes my theater popped off, shoutout to the dude who stand up and yelled “LET’S **CKIN GOO!”
- man we gotta wait like 2/3 years for the next film at least got my fox boy so wait won’t be as bad.
Overall yea I don’t think non-sonic fans will have a much of a fun time but this film is definiely a Sonic’s fan’s fever dream of movie it was just sooo fun to sit through. (what is worth I saw kids and parents in my group enjoying the film as well) 
Anywho this film gonna live rent free in my mind for weeks I apologize!
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softyoongiionly · 4 years
Portraits of a Tiger|| 01
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Legends of a great and equally terrifying warrior nicknamed the Tiger have been emerging from your fellow villagers for quite sometime. Stories of his skill, his stealth and his supposed wickedness have been passed around to the point where he is more prophecy than person. You have lived your life with a strong sense of conviction, rarely letting gossip influence your opinion. However, you would be lying if you said that his legacy didn’t intrigue you. When the Tiger and his infamous army arrive in your village to refuel, you come face to face with the man behind the myth.
And no amount of marketplace gossip would ever be enough to capture the true complexity of his nature.
Pairing: Merchant! Reader x Warrior! Yoongi
Genre: Adventure, Romance, Smut (later), Fluff, Angst
Word Count: 12k
Warnings: language, depictions of violence both verbal and physical however they are fairly mild, mentions of war and power dynamics, there will be smut in future parts so, (18+ only please).
Current Tag List: @bulletproofbirdy​ @gldnrecs​ @naajix​ @bluewhale52​ @nikkikenji​ @lustedkisses​
A/N: oh okayyyyy HELLO!!! Its here!!! Warrior! Yoongi is finally emerging from the depths of my writer blocked brain and I am SO happy you get to meet him. Once again, this series will be posted in parts just as Mama Mia! is and it may not necessarily follow a linear timeline. 
Also, I know I mentioned her in the tag list post but, SERIOUSLY you guys this story would not be possible without my wonderful friend @bulletbroofbirdy aka Rachel who has literally spent so much time dreaming up with wonderful universe with me. My sweet angel, you are the greatest in the world and I love you. Please go follow Rachel and send her all the love in the universe and thank her for her genius brain because, without her, this fic wouldn’t exist. 
It’s not an uncommon occurrence where you’re from.  
The ever-present shifting of the borderlines is a constant reminder of the struggle for power.
Many see it as a valiant effort, a noble cause...
But, war is something that doesn’t appeal to you.
It doesn’t sit right with your perspective on the world.
Sure, you understand it’s strengths and why it could be seen as necessary.
However, the consequences of war, of violence- never seem to be worth it.  
It’s not an uncommon occurrence where you’re from.  
When war is constantly raging on the background, it should be expected.  
It should be normal.  
To most of your district, it is.  
To you?
Every single rise in the death toll sends icy despair into your heart.  
Every drop of blood spilled feels as though it’s your own.  
You’re desperate to find the solution for peace but, you know it’s not that simple.  
Man is never content.
The struggle for power is never ending.  
As you grow up, you learn to adapt.  
Learning a trade is the easiest way to establish yourself so, you take up knitting and medicine.  
You sell your wears and remedies in the market every other day and spend your off days replenishing the stock that you sold.  
Your parents live comfortably but in order for them to do so, you’re in the market for hours on end.  
Today starts as any other.  
You’re gathering your wears in your family’s home as the sun is beginning to peak over the mountains.
The colors it throws through your window are breathtaking and, if you weren’t so exhausted, you’d be able to enjoy them a bit more.  
Thankfully, your preparations don’t wake your parents as they sleep soundly in their bed.  
You wish for nothing more than for them to be at peace every chance they get.  
They have sacrificed so much.
The market displays its usual scenery.  
The fishermen are always first setting up their catches from the evening prior, the butchers are hanging up their kills from the overnight hunt whilst the farmers arrange seasonal produce on their carts...
You always have your cart near the end of the market.  
It’s easier for people to think about softer things such as knitted blankets or healing elixirs once they’ve purchased their food.  
Thankfully, business is decent.  
Your wares are well-made and your elixirs have an exceptional success rate.
The prices are fair so you attract all walks of life but, you focus more on serving the lower class folk such as yourself.  
One of the fisherman, who you’ve grown acquainted with over the last few months, nods to your cart as you’re setting it up.
“What do you have today __?”
With a smile, you hold up a mauve woolen blanket which you’ve spent nearly two weeks on.
“This is the item of the day. I used a root dye to get the color- what do you think?”
He purses his lips, nodding in consideration, “I’m sure someone will snag that right away. It looks warm. It will be very useful over the next few months. Do you have any of that uh- “ Lowering his voice, he cranes his neck to assess whether or not any of his team can hear him, “ginseng mixture that you sold to me last week?”
You bite back a smirk as you nod towards the woven basket containing your various medicines, “I do. I made a new batch last night. Did you need some?”
A rapid nod is sent your way along with a handful  of coins, “Thanks. It worked wonders last time. My wife sends her gratitude.”
Your cheeks heat up immediately but given that you’ve heard worse things in the market place, you merely giggle and file your payment away.
Ginseng is a natural stimulant that you often recommend to men experiencing issues with sex or fertility. Whilst you completely stand by its effectiveness, you won’t deny that it’s slightly awkward working with the men you’ve helped. Especially since they often insist on loudly announcing how many times they had sex the night before.
The rest of the setup goes smoothly and by the time the sun fully takes its place in the sky, you are ready for the market to open.  
As your adjusting the sign on the front of your cart, you hear an interesting bout of conversation ignite in front of you
“Did you hear? The Royal Army is arriving today to refuel.”
“You’re lying. Are you serious? Do they- do you think they have him with them?”
“Of course! They aren’t stupid enough to travel without him. They’d be ambushed immediately.”
“Yah, what are you talking about?”
“The Tiger. He’s coming through town today.”
Instantly, your heart stalls in your chest.
You try your best to appear unbothered but, it doesn’t stop the panic from seeping into your bones.
The Tiger and the fleet of warriors he oversees are well-known in your village.  
Word of mouth is truly a powerful mechanism for spreading information and, stories of The Tiger had been circulating for quite sometime.
They started out simply depicting a powerful new recruit into the Royal Army.
Despite his initial inexperience, The Tiger quickly rose through the ranks due to his otherworldly fighting skills.  
According to the rumors, The Tiger was known for his silent destruction.  
By the time his enemies could grasp what was happening, The Tiger and his men had already completed their mission.  
They had already killed, maimed or destroyed whatever they were after.  
A recent success had led to The Tiger becoming the General of the largest fleet in the Royal Army.
From what you had gathered, he wasn’t much older than you so the fact that he essentially lead an entire army is quite impressive.
However, given the stories of his cruel and cold blooded nature, it makes a lot of sense.
“I heard he beheads the enemy general on the battlefield after he wins...”
“I heard he killed 3,000 men all on his own in the middle of a thunderstorm!”
“I heard he keeps a viper on him at all times and he sets it loose on anyone he disobeys him!”
“I heard that he never sleeps.”
“Do you think he’ll come here? Would he be seen out in public like that?”
“Why wouldn’t he? He has nothing to fear, there isn’t a single soul in this village who could take him on.”
“Plus, he never travels alone. He’ll have his men with him.”  
With a snort, you continue displaying your cart as normal and, only then do you realize that you stand out amongst the other merchants.
Every single one of them has an offering for the warriors.
It’s not customary to do so and, you’re only viable guess is that it has something to do with the market fawning over this tiger character.
“Were we supposed to put something out?” You murmur to the woman beside you, brows knitting in confusion.
She chuckles heartily, “When a normal fleet enters, no. We usually just offer them food and the resources we can spare.” A bit of excitement flashes through her eyes as she adjust the basket of radishes on her cart, “However, this is no ordinary fleet. I suggest you put something out too dear, that pretty face of yours could land you husband on the Tiger’s army, any one of his men would be a worthy mate. They aren’t shooting blanks like my husband over here!”
Her body jostles with laughter as she shoves her hand up against the man beside her, who looks whole-heartedly unamused.
“Jane, please...” He grumbles
You can’t help the grimace that comes across your face when Jane mentions finding a husband but, it’s quickly replaced with a mixture of amusement and sympathy.
“I have something for that.” You offer in a hushed tone and, the man seems to unfurl from his submissive position as he offers a meek smile.
“You do?”
You don’t have time to answer him before the mood of the market shifts into quiet chaos.
“I think they’re coming!” The fisherman whispers frantically, adjusting the sign on his cart for the millionth time.
As much you hate to give in to the hype, you feel compelled to go with the flow and, put something out for the warriors.  
You settle on a basket of your most popular anti-inflammatory ailment that’s proven to be quite effective amongst your customers.  
The long strips of white wood are haphazardly placed into a woven basket as you brace your ears for the piercing sound of trumpets.
Magnificent as the musicians in your village are, the blaring cacophony of noise is far from something you wish to be apart of this early in the morning.  
However, the noise never comes.  
The gates open up as normal as a reasonable size crowd begins meandering throughout the market.  
You turn towards Jane with confusion painting your features, “Where’s the music?”
Jane is adjusting her radishes once again, glancing eagerly towards the crowd of people, “The Tiger does not allow fanfare of any kind. A far away village defied his orders once and played for him and his fleet anyway and- well...” She smirks bemusedly, “it didn’t end well for them, so we respect his wishes.”
Your eyes widen at that as you nod, swallowing back any fear that threatens to crawl up your throat.  
“Got it.”
The usual slew of customers begin filing in and as business begins to pick up, you slowly forget about the famous warriors that were to enter.  
Roughly, an hour later, your basket of willow bark remains untouched and, you begin to consider putting it back in its normal place. This particular bark is quite annoying to obtain and you don’t feel great about giving it away to some warrior after you’ve spent hours trying to procure it.  
However, as you glance at other offering baskets, you notice that some of them have been emptied.  
This means of course that either your fellow merchants put their offerings away or, the warriors are already in the market.  
A strange and unsettling feeling washes over you at the thought of deadly warriors perusing throughout town. You expected that they would be recognizable, especially given their reputation but, nothing seems to give away their presence.  
As a paying customer leaves your cart with an armful of various items, you notice something that normally doesn’t garner your attention: hair.  
You see it amongst the crowd, peeking over the tops of heads.
It’s a shimmering icy platinum and it’s tied up atop a strangers head with a beaded string. It moves throughout the crowd slowly, stopping at various points, likely exchanging words with another merchant before you finally make out the face it belongs to.  
A man dressed in cotton linens maneuvers out of the crowd, dark eyes scanning his surroundings almost anxiously. As he moves closer to you, you’re able to fully take in his features.  
Pointed and smooth, his face is the epitome of contradiction.  
Deep brown eyes, rounded button-nose, pouty lips and strong eyebrows adorn his face whilst his rather large hand flexes instinctually towards the object hanging off of his hips.
It’s a sword.  
This man certainly isn’t a civilian.  
Unfortunately, you’re unable to ignore the beauty he possesses. He is quite ethereal once you get a closer look at him; you don’t think you’ve ever seen another person that looks quite like him.  
As he speaks with the fisherman, your ears perk up to in an attempt to hear the sound of his voice.  
Faintly, you can discern a bit of rasp and calculation in his tone but, you aren’t able to absorb it over the sound of the market.  
Its then you realize that you’ve been staring at this stranger for far too long and, if you’re ever going to meet your quota today, you need to avoid distractions.  
You sell another one of your blanket moments later, increasing your daily total by a reasonable amount. Making blankets is enjoyable yes but, it’s extremely time consuming so it feels good when someone rewards you for your hard work.  
“Please have some radishes! They’re grown in top soil from the northern region! It gives them a certain uh- “ Jane’s shrill voice pulls your attention towards her cart which now brandishes a new visitor: the stranger with the blonde hair.
You're realizing that Jane is pausing mid-sentence because, she is desperately looking to you for answers.
You've assisted Jane with her produce before as she was having trouble with the flavor of some of her vegetables. This was mainly due to the fact that she had been using the wrong kind of fertilizer but, you had also given her several tips to improve the overall taste of her produce.
“A certain crunch...” You finish for her, stabilizing your tone as you brave a glance towards the man. “The mixture of the soils helps with the texture.”
His feline gaze rushes towards you at the sound of your voice, as if he wasn’t expecting you to speak.  
At the sight of you, his lips part momentarily before quickly sealing in a tight lipped smile which directs toward Jane.
“Thank you.” He nods toward her as he takes one of the radishes and tucks it into the pocket of his linen pants.
“Of course! Um thank you- sir for your...services...” She stutters and it’s then you notice that she hasn’t made eye contact throughout the entirety of their conversation.  
A bit of discomfort flashes through his eyes but otherwise, he merely grunts in acknowledgement.  
Jane’s comment is the last bit of confirmation you need that this man is indeed a warrior.
However, his reaction to her words strikes you as odd. Warriors rarely shy away from gratitude. They are often proud and boastful regarding their positions but, he seems to be bothered by what she said.  
The man never looks back at Jane as he makes his way to the next cart. Every so often, you notice him looking over his shoulder or glancing towards the entrances/exits of the market. His presence doesn’t necessarily make you uneasy but, his behavior sure does.
He acts as though he is in danger.
It puts you on edge but, you direct your attention back to the customer in front of you.
“Good morning.” You smile, “Anything catch your eye?”
The man cards a hand through his salt and pepper hair as he leans over your cart, eagerly scanning the items you have on display.
“Eh do you have anything for dry skin? With winter around the corner, I gotta start thinking about this old skin of mine. The wind does a lot of damage on my knuckles.”
“You know what? I think I have just the thing...” You bend down to access the crate beneath your counter and grab a medium sized glass bottle, “This is an olive oil and honey treatment, it will treat dry skin immediately but, it’s meant to treat dry skin over a longer period of time too. I also-” You bend down once more to grab a tin of cocoa butter and place it on the counter top, “have this. This should help with daily wear and tear. You only need a little bit so this tin should last you through the winter.”
The man smiles eagerly and quickly reaches for his pockets before he freezes. You don’t notice until you look up from your counter but, the platinum haired warrior is back and, he’s standing right behind your customer.
“O-Oh go ahead, go ahead. I uh- I'll go next...” The man stutters, gesturing frantically to your cart.
With a quirked brow the warrior moves to step in front of him until you raise your hand.
“No sir, it’s ok. You’re in the middle of a transaction.” You insist, eyeing the warrior sternly,  “I’ll be with you in a moment.”
The immediate crowd surrounding your cart seems to pause, nervously glancing towards the warrior who merely nods and steps back into place.  
The shock is apparent on the faces of the crowd but you ignore it and send a reassuring smile towards your customer, “Ok, that will be 11.50 and-” You slide a bundle of rosemary towards him, “take this too, on the house. Brew it in some hot water to aid digestion, winter food tends to be a bit harsher on the system.”
The man swallows nervously, dragging his items toward his chest, “Thank you—uh so much. Thank you.” He turns towards the warrior, directing his gaze towards his feet as he bows his head, “Thank you for your service...”
The man doesn’t allow the warrior time to respond before he rushes off back into the crowd but, you get the feeling that it wouldn’t matter regardless.  
The warrior doesn’t seem interested in anyone’s gratitude.  
“Let me know if you have any questions.” You nod your head towards him, pushing the basket with your offering towards the edge of the counter before busying yourself with putting a few things back in their place.
He says nothing but, he approaches the counter whilst his eyes shrewdly observe the ins and outs of your set up.
He’s even more striking up close. His smooth, tan skin is mostly unmarked except for the giant scar running down the center of his right eye. It goes up the center of his eyelid and disappears right above the center of his brow. It’s still red and angrily risen against his otherwise angelic looking face.  
A warrior indeed.
The bit of people around your cart haven’t stopped their staring but, they are at least making an attempt to look like they aren’t paying attention. It doesn’t stop you from wishing that you didn’t have an audience.  
“Tree bark?” He questions with an arch to his brow
You look towards the basket he’s gesturing to before returning your gaze back to his.
“White willow bark.” You correct, almost defensively and it cause his lips to twitch.
“Is this some kind of decoration?”
You shake your head, placing your fingers on the edge of the basket, “No. It’s meant to be chewed. It reduces inflammation. I figured it would be useful since I imagine you deal with muscle soreness quite often.”
He smirks, “Amongst other things yes,” With long elegant fingers, he points to the basket, “So- if I chew on this, I should feel relief from any pain I might be experiencing?”
An all too rapid nod comes from you as you continue your explanation, “Well it’s mainly used to treat pain in your muscles and joints. If you’re looking to treat other types of pain, I have other options...”
He shakes his head, his hair swishing to the side as he does, “This should do, thank you.”  
You suspect that he’s done, given that the bark is (annoyingly) free and he’s only seemed to be interested in the offerings thus far so, he surprises you when he asks yet another question.
“Do you have any more of that salve?”
“Of course,” You offer him a smile now that the initial tension is starting to lift, “Did you want a big tin or small tin?”
He purses his lips in thought, looking towards his hands, “What do you recommend?”
Without a second thought, you step towards him and take one of his hands, bringing it closer to your face for inspection.  
The man seems to freeze in place, eyes widening in absolute shock, his own limb betraying him as it goes limp.
His hand displays evidence of the life he lives.  
Rough, calloused and blistered...
His nails are bitten down to a point that almost looks painful but, the thing that stands out the most is how beautiful his hand is to you.  
The strength in his skin is palpable and the indigo veins protruding against his hand are a firm reminder of what he is likely capable of.  
What you don’t notice however, is the utter panic that flushes across his face or the way his eyes dart nervously between you and his hand.
Just as you would during any consultation, you briefly run your fingers over the palm of his hand and up the length of each of his fingers
“Hmm I would recommend the big tin, I think...you have a lot of rough spots but the skin between your callouses is quite smooth so,”  You carefully set his hand back onto the counter and return your eyes back to his, “what that tells me is that your skin is roughened by your environment rather than by an actual lack of moisture.” You slide the big tin towards him, “Apply this to the dryer areas as needed throughout the day but, every night before you go to bed, make sure to put this on. Sleeping with it will allow it to seep into your skin and heal the dryness over time.”  
The warrior’s eyes are transfixed on you and for a moment he is completely speechless, his hand lingering on the counter before hurriedly places them back at his side.  
He can’t understand you and why you just touched him.  
But what’s worse, is he can’t understand why his mouth is suddenly dry.
Or why his skin is on fire...
Or why his heart is thrashing around in his chest.
He clears his throat and nods, “Very good. I’ll be sure to follow your instructions.” He sticks the hand you didn’t touch into his pocket, fishing around for something, “What’s my total?”
“That will be 3.50.” You say with a smile, holding out your hand.
He dispenses his payment into your palm before stowing his items away in his free pocket.
“Thank you.” He grunts, the hand you touched still kind of awkwardly lingering away from his body.
Was he going to wash it as soon as he got the chance?
Did you smell weird?
“Of course, have a nice day. Safe travels.” With a wave, you send him off, missing the small smile that momentarily appears on his face.
You’re genuinely relieved that the encounter is over but, you’d be lying if you said that it didn’t intrigue you.
Before you’re able to get your bearings and move on, Jane is rushing over to you frantically.
“What on Earth was that??? Do you know him??? Why didn’t you tell me you knew him?!” She swats your arm, her eyes wide with incredulity.
“Ow!” You grip your arm, “What are you talking about?”
The man has already disappeared back into the crowd but, you’re still attempting to keep your voice at a reasonable level.
Jane does not follow suit.
“You just put your hands on the Tiger!” Jane shrieks causing you to recoil in response, “He could kill you for that! What were you thinking?”
“He’s going to kill me because I touched his hand?” Your brow arches in amusement, as your lips threaten to smile, “I had no idea who he was Jane, I was just helping a paying customer.”
She doesn’t like your answer and quickly swats your arm again, “Y/N this is not a joke! He’s a dangerous man. I nearly fainted when you looked him in his eyes but, then you touched him and-”
“Jane, that’s enough.” The fisherman hisses, gesturing wildly to the crowd of people, “You’re making a scene and he’s still out here somewhere.”
She huffs her hands rushing to smooth out the apron over her dress before rushing a finger into your face, “You won’t be laughing if he shows up at your house with a sword in your face. You need to be careful.”
You smirk at this but otherwise comply, not wishing to fire her up any further, “Thank you for your concern Jane, I’ll make sure to carry my sword around too, you know, just in case.”  
Jane snorts then and rolls her eyes, scurrying back to her cart and mumbling something along the lines of:
“That mouth is going to get you killed...”
You can’t help but giggle.
There’s no doubt that the man you just spoke to was a warrior and, maybe he was some almighty warrior but he other than an intense staring problem, he didn’t scare you at all.
Thankfully, business is booming for the remainder of the day and although you’re thrilled at the money you’ll be taking home, you aren’t looking forward to all the replenishing you have to do.  
The last order of business before heading home is picking a few things for your parents and grabbing the last of the steamed buns for your best friend.
Rachel has lived beside you ever since you can remember. The two of you spent most of your childhood running around the village, causing mini bouts of chaos everywhere you went. Despite the challenges life had brought the both of you, you grew together rather than apart.  
Rachel is the village’s most treasured teacher and she’s been running the school for the past few years. She’s kind of the best and, you have a feeling she’ll be interested to hear about the rather interesting events that had transpired over the course of your day.  
As you turn down the dirt path towards her home, you start to wonder where the Tiger and his fleet would be staying.  
Your village wasn’t run-down but it wasn’t exactly luxurious by any standards.
The rubble near the beginning of the street along with the various empty wooden barrels doesn’t exactly count as décor and, the occasional drunken argument outside the village’s tavern certainly doesn’t add any class to the area but, its home.  
Rachel's house is easy to spot amongst the rest of the street as it’s the only one completely covered in plants.
She’s had a love of greenery for quite sometime and, it’s amongst the many things you two bond over.  
Adjusting the bag on your shoulder, you immediately reach for the handle and use all your weight to shove the front door open.  
Rachel is sitting on her sofa and despite the fact that she was expecting you, she still jumps at the sound.
“Oh my goodness!” She exclaims “Have you ever heard of knocking???”
You giggle but otherwise ignore her and lean against the door dramatically, “Rachel, you better get one last look at me because, this might be the last time you ever see me.”
She laughs lightly and folds her arms, “What did you do this time? Did you call the apothecary a fraud again?” Wiggling her fingers, she reaches out for the snacks your holding.
“Ok first of all, he is a fraud but no....it’s much much worse.” You shove the snacks into her awaiting hands before flopping down on the armchair, “I touched a man’s hand...”
She freezes, the bun lingering near her mouth, “Alright, now I am officially curious, why is hand touching worse?”
You smirk, “I touched...the Tiger’s hand” You point a finger at her quickly as her lips part, “Before you even make the joke, no it wasn’t a real tiger...it was THE tiger.”
Rachel snorts with laughter before going wide-eyed in shock, “You...wha--the Tiger? THE Tiger??? You TOUCHED the Tiger?!!?!? What were you thinking?!? Oh my god, did he bite? Wait, focus, Rachel---Why did you touch the Tiger?!?”  
Whilst she’s rambling on you burst out in a fit of giggles, snuggling back against the chair, “He came to my cart looking for a good salve for his hands. All I did was do an assessment as I normally do to see what he needed. I don’t understand why everyone is freaking out...he seemed pretty harmless to me.”
She leans forward on the couch, “Harmless? He seemed...harmless?!?” She whispers frantically, “He has personally slain hundreds of men with those very hands!!!  
“Why are we whispering?...”
Rachel returns to normal volume, rolling her eyes “Fine. More like thousands if you count how many his army has obliterated. And you just pawed at him--are you insane? He has killed people for less! At least that’s what the rumors say.”  
You keep giggling, completely unfazed as you make yourself at home, “The rumors also say that he killed an entire village because they played their trumpets for him. I don’t know how credible these rumors are.”
“Well....what was he like then? You cannot drop this information on me and not give me every detail.” She insists, gesturing wildly at you before leaning back and sipping from her mug.
“Uh he was fine. I mean- he was normal I guess, I don’t know. He has really long hair, its blonde- like really blonde. He looks young, way younger than I thought he’d be. He has a big scar over his eye. Jane was practically drooling over him...”
Realization crosses Rachel’s face as she watches you intently. She relaxes back into her chair as a knowing smile spreads across her face, “Ohhhh young, blonde, mysterious...Jane must really HAVE been drooling. Seems like she’s not the only one, though...”
“I mean- the fisherman guys were pretty excited too I guess. I don’t know what the big deal is honestly, I know he’s supposed to be good on the battlefield but they were treating him like he was some kind of king or something.” You narrow your eyes “Are you suggesting I was drooling over him? Because I definitely wasn’t...I even told him to wait his turn in line.” You insist, shifting around on the chair.
Rachel crosses her legs dramatically, steeping her fingers as she observes you, “Was that before or after you found out he was handsome? Hmm?” She smirks again, holding her hands up innocently, “I am implying nothing, I am just NOTICING that you are definitely affected by him. I haven’t seen you impressed by....well, anyone.”
She’s not wrong.
“Hey hey whoa...who said anything about impressed?? I’m not impressed. I’m not impressed at all.”
Rachel eyes you suspiciously”...right...not impressed at all. Well, did you at least hear anything about them? Any word on how long the army will be here? We’ve got to be the safest village in the country as long as they are in town.” Suddenly, she facepalms in realization, “My students will be so distracted as long as they are here.”
“Not impressed. He’s just a man with a scar and sword...” You insist, twiddling your thumbs “I guess they are just refueling, I’m not sure how long they will be here. Jane told me I need to watch my back so, hopefully not for long...” You giggle again, thinking of how excited the schoolchildren will be now that the legendary Tiger is in town, “maybe you can make an assignment out of it...”
She stares off into space for a moment and mutters, “that’s not a bad idea...we could get outside, maybe a soldier could come speak to them? There’s got to be at least one that’s not terrifying?...” Rachel shakes her head, unimpressed with your lack of understanding, “Just a man with a scar and sword—he is the most feared military leader of our generation! And I wouldn’t worry TOO much about watching your back. After all—none of the legends involve the Tiger killing civilians, do they? At the very least his presence here means good business for the village. If you can get the Tiger as a repeat customer I can only imagine the profits you’ll turn at that little stall!” She muses, laugh heartily, “Buy the salve that soothed a beast! I can hear the gossip already...”
You point a finger at her, “I like the way you think. If you ever want to stop educating and enriching the minds of our youth and be my business partner, let me know...” Suddenly the humor within you dissipates as the reality of your situation seems to sink in, “You don’t think I should be worried though right?”
Rachel lets out a short laugh, “Thanks for the offer...” She shakes her head, “As far as this Tiger business is concerned...I don’t think your safety is under any threat. How did he react when you touched him? Did he seem angry?”
“He just froze...” You recall, your eyes unfocusing slightly, “It was kind of weird honestly. I’ve never had anyone do that before. It’s pretty normal to get checked out during an apothecary visit. I guess I wasn’t supposed to look at him either but, how the hell am I supposed to do an exam if I can’t look at his face?”
“Hmmm...that is strange. I’ll be honest, I thought he would have scolded you or pulled away based on the stories. Unless...” Rachel slumps back against her sofa, her face relaxing into a smirk, “...he was just as surprised by you as you were of him.”
You wrinkle your nose, “Ew no. Definitely not.”  
Rachel doesn’t look convinced but you continue nevertheless, suddenly wishing to change the subject.
“He looked nervous I guess- I don’t know. His hand just sort of hung there after I finished. Today was weird...anywayyy-” You nod to the dough between your palms, “How are the buns? Did anything interesting happen in the education world.”
“Oh three boys got in a worm eating contest and threw up on their practice parchment so I could go without that kind of interesting for awhile. The buns are transcendent as usual but you-” She narrows her eyes in your direction, “- are dodging. Why would a general be nervous around you hmm? You said he is young...is he also handsome?”
“Ah god I love kids...” You note with a giggle before shrugging, shrinking back into the chair, “I don’t know. Objectively he- he definitely wasn’t ugly.”
Rachel raises an eyebrow, “I sense there is more to it than that.”
“Fine. He was easily the most handsome man I’ve ever seen in my life. There! Are you happy now?” You grumble before dramatically staring off into the distance, “Oh to be murdered by the most handsome man alive...how romantic.”
This prompts a twinkling bout of laughter from Rachel who has finally finished the first of her many snacks, “I can think of worse ends my friend. Perhaps that was your only interaction? I am sure he is busy making preparations; too busy to be executing smart-mouthed apothecaries. I wouldn’t fret too much Y/N.”
With you sigh, you accept her analysis, sending a nod her way, “You’re probably right and, that’s probably for the best.” Despite the conviction in your tone, you can feel the disappointment on your face, “Thank you for calling my mouth smart.” You smirk before nodding toward the door, “I should probably head home. My father has a nasty cough and I seriously doubt he’s taken the medicine I left for him.”
Meeting you at the door, Rachel pulls you in for a big hug, “The smartest mouth in town- that's why I keep you around. Give your father my love and tell him, if he gives you a hard time—I will find out!”
You laugh, hugging her tightly, “The second smartest mouth in town...” You insist, “let’s do the tavern this weekend please. The children have been taking all your time and I miss my best friend!”
“Of course! No pack of tiny ruffians can get between me and a night out.”
You pat her shoulder gently before stepping out of the doorframe, “That’s right.” You smile, thankful to have someone like her in your life, “love you, have a good night.”
“Good night, sleep tight...” She sings, slowly closing the door, “don’t let the Tiger bite!” She laughs wildly before slamming the door shut to prevent your retaliation.
She’s a menace.
The walk back home is pleasant, the fall breeze nips at your skin through your sweater but, it feels refreshing against your flushed cheeks.  
Your parents are asleep by the time you return home.  
It’s common for you to arrive well past their bedtime but, despite your lack of contact, they still manage to make you feel loved.
On the kitchen table sits bowl of stew and freshly baked bread, along with a new blanket for the winter.  
Your mom makes a fresh one everywhere with thicker fabric to combat the icy freeze of the winter climate. The stew will be cold but, your heart will be warm and your stomach will be full.  
In truth, these are the only things that matter to you.  
Living simple certainly has it’s drawbacks but overall, you are comforted by it. Your parents raised you to be thankful for the things you have and to only set your sights on obtaining things that truly matter to you. It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have goals but, your parents have always stressed that external success can be fickle and, material possessions only take you so far.  
Being content is truly priceless and, you’re thankful they instilled these values into you.
Climbing into bed, you allow your mind to wander to the man you met today.  
You couldn’t quite understand the legend behind him. Not to say that he wasn’t worthy of such folklore but, it’s more so that you didn’t exactly understand the warnings behind it.  
He didn’t seem scary.
Although, it’s possible his demeanor is something he uses along with his beauty.
It could be that the Tiger lives up his animal comparison.
Beautiful and deadly.
Village gossip shouldn’t keep you awake longer than necessary, you think, it’s time to rest up so that tomorrow’s work day doesn’t feel like a never-ending task.  
With the sound of the whistling wind just outside your home, you slowly close your eyes and drift off to sleep.
Your plan for a peaceful nights rest is completely demolished when you feel the frantic hands of your mother shaking you awake.
“Y/N! Wake up! Wake up! Raiders- they are raiders outside, hurry!” She drags the covers off of you, “We have to go!”
In a haphazard blur, you spring to your feet and arm yourself with a few important possessions and your sword.  
Your parents tow behind you as you make your way out of your home.  
The village is in utter chaos; shouting, clanking metal, screaming, amber flames peaking out from above the rooftops.  
You grab your mothers arm, keeping her close to you as you try your best to follow procedures.
Like most smaller villages, your area is equipped with a protocol that will ensure the least amount of damage if there were to be an invasion.
Collect the essentials and gather your loved ones
Arm yourself
Make your way to the town square; there is strength in numbers.
Allow the raiders to take what they want (with the exception of human lives)
Simple in theory but, rarely in practice.
It’s difficult to keep up with a protocol during times of intense stress.
Amidst the chaos, you see Rachel scrambling out of her house, with a bag slung over her shoulder.
You cry out for her, desperately hoping she will hear your voice over the madness,
“Rachel! Over here!”
With wide eyes, she reaches out for your mother’s hand, bowing her head to shield from any possible debris.  
“The army is here, they will protect us.” Your father murmurs solemnly beside you, his face stoic and rid of any bit of positivity
This could end very badly.  
The four of you rush into the town square, trying your best to remain calm throughout the screaming, back up against a wall. Your grip tightens on your mothers hand as you spot the tents of the armed guests currently residing in your village.
The raiders continue their plundering throughout the town accompanied by the sounds of glass breaking and shouting.  
Suddenly, there is a different sound: the clanking of swords. Briefly, you can see glimpses of armor peeking out of homes, the sight causing your eyes to widen.
Rachel and your parents crane their necks to see what you’re pointing out as the sounds coming from within your village begin to change.
Grunting, groaning, more clanking swords and a bit of shouting shoot out of the main street like fireworks.
“Clear the path!” An unfamiliar voice shouts and it’s then you can see what’s going on.
The raiders have been captured thanks to the ominous group of tourists that arrived yesterday.
Oddly enough, you don’t even remember seeing them leave their tents and it makes you wonder how the hell they managed to move so quickly undetected.  
There are several men, dressed in black and gold armor, dragging the raiders by their shirts to the center of town square. One of them is a tall, doe eyed looking man with shaggy brown hair and biceps that could likely snap a neck if they so desired. He has his sword to the back of one of the raiders who scuffles along on his knees to meet with the rest of his captured teammates.  
As the rest of the soldiers file in, another leader of the troop, tall and equally broad, gestures to Bambi with the biceps.
“Jungkook-ah! Bring the leader to the center; let our general deal with him.”
Jungkook does just that, quickly the toe of his boot into the back of the raider and jerking his head to the center of the plaza, “You heard him- move.” He grunts and the raider reluctantly shuffles forward.
Your fellow villagers are reasonably alarmed but, they all seem to freeze in place as they watch the show unravel before them.
This is already more excitement than your village has had in ages and, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t eating it up.
The man who has now been identified as Jungkook, steps away from the raider, still pointing his sword at him, a smug smirk on his face, “You know for a master thief, you were far too easy to catch. Lucky for me, I made a bet with my brothers here that I would catch you in 10 minutes,” Jungkook walks back towards the man, entangling his fingers in the roots of his hair before tugging backwards, “, and according to the clock tower, it only took me 8.”  
Beside you, Rachel seems to swallow back her surprise before subconsciously starting to fan her face,  
“Goodness, he really is something huh?”
Despite the tense nature of the situation, her demeanor makes you giggle,  
“Stop drooling over the calvary...”
She smacks you playfully which causes your father to shush both of you, a moment which reminds you of your schoolyard days.
A bit of immaturity is actually refreshing after the events of this morning.
“Jungkook-ssi,” A voice bellows throughout the plaza, sending a chill down your spine, “What have I told you about placing bets on our captors huh?”
As the voice grows louder, you see him: the Tiger, stepping out from the main street, his long platinum hair flowing freely in the wind. His hand brandishes a sword, one that most certainly possesses the ability to inflict some serious harm.  
Sheepishly, Jungkook smirks, releasing the man’s hair roughly and stepping back to his original spot, his sword posing to strike.
“Sorry hyung, this one was just too easy. I saw him skirting the perimeter last night, I know it would be a sure win once I saw his technique.”
So that’s how the army was able to move so quickly; they already anticipated this attack.
The Tiger chuckles darkly, his eyes alight with pure delight, “Aish- what am I going to do with you people hm?”  
He moves like his name; slow, deliberate, deadly- you know that you’re about to witness an execution and you aren’t sure if you can stomach the sight, even if these raiders deserve it.
Its your turn to swallow back your reaction to him which doesn’t go unnoticed by your best friend standing beside you.
“Now look who’s drooling...” She teases, giggling as you playfully shove your elbow into her side.
The crowd is dangerously still, hanging on each syllable the Tiger speaks whilst his men, six other soldiers roughly his size, watch intently.
The rest of the raider clan are being held captive by the remainder of the fleet, bowing their heads in shame and fear but, the leader seems unaffected by their defeat.
“You lot aren’t men.” The man spits, his accent thick,  “you’re narcissistic little boys who like to play dress up. You’re cowards, hiding behind your swords, killing everything that stands in your way. You have no idea how the other half live. You have no honor.”
There are gasps throughout the crowd then as your village grows shocked at the way he’s spoken to the Tiger.
If you had any hope that this wouldn’t end violently, it’s been squashed by the time the leader finishes his sentence.
The Tiger however, merely chuckles again, a light smirk on his carnation lips,
“It’s odd that a man who earns his keep by stealing from others would have the authority to lecture my men and I about honor.” He kisses his teeth and slowly raises his sword to brush against the man’s cheek, “Look at all these poor people hm? You've terrified them. Your lack of intelligence isn’t their burden to bear now is it? But you have made it their problem; ripped them from their homes, terrorized their children, their livelihoods and, all because you’re too incompetent to learn your own trade.”
The Tiger’s words infuriate him and the next thing you know, he’s lunging off the ground towards the Tiger, a snarl arising on his mouth.
It prompts your hands to fly to your face and your feet to nearly trip over themselves as you brace for the inevitable fight.
But it doesn’t come.  
With one swoop of his arm, the Tiger has the leader knocked to the floor and underneath his leather boot. Jungkook has reacted quickly as well, his arm raising in the air to slice his sword through the man’s body. With one twitch of his hand however, the Tiger stops Jungkook from following through,
“See? You can’t do things like that my friend. Because if you do, my big friend here with the sword will slice your greasy head in two.” The Tiger smirks again, before turning his head over his shoulder, “You folks wouldn’t want to spend the day cleaning blood of your beautiful plaza now would you?”
Overexcited villagers quickly shout various commentary at him,
“Kill him!”
“Cut his head off!”
“Make him pay!”
The Tiger chuckles once more, raising his brows as the man struggles beneath his boot, “Well, I guess you’re lucky they aren’t in charge of your punishment...” He looks up towards the remainder of his fleet, nodding his head at the other prisoners, “Namjoon, Jin: ensure that none of these men are here against their will. If the rest of you are here by choice, I suggest you make yourselves disappear into the forest before I allow these fine people to get ahold of you.”
Immediately, the Tiger’s fleet begin following his orders and take the men away towards their tents. As they walk out of the plaza, only Jungkook, the Tiger and the clan leader remain.  
You notice Jungkook scan the crowd then, peering out at the eager faces watching the show he is willingly apart of. Very briefly but noticeably, his eyes land on your best friend and as they do, they seem to linger.
He looks curious, almost boyish in a way as his ways seem to memorize her face but before Rachel even realizes what’s going on, his eyes quickly return to the raider.  
“If you’re going to kill me, just do it. Don’t be a coward, I can’t listen to you ramble any longer.” The man growls which prompts the Tiger to push his foot down a little harder upon his back.
“I’m not your executioner, thief. Your fate resides with the Queens.” He explains, matter of factly before jerking his head towards Jungkook, “Put him in the portable cell. I’ll send a notice to the council that we have a criminal that needs to be dealt with.”
Jungkook nods, eagerly crossing the bit of plaza and kneeling down to restrain the man with handcuffs.
He grips the chain linking them and heaves him upwards so he’s standing between the two men.  
“I’ll hose him off first,” Jungkook wrinkles his nose in disgust, “I don’t want him stinking up our camp.”
“Fuck you-” The man spits, jerking his wrists in Jungkook’s grip which then causes the Tiger to raise his sword once again.
“Behave yourself, thief.” He commands, his eyes darkening for the first time, “I’m assuming if you’ve heard stories of my fleet, you are privy to the fact that we don’t miss our target. Please don’t give me a reason to live up to my name.”
With that, the two men drag off the clan leader towards the rest of their fleet, not bothering to look back at the dozens of people they just saved.
They ignore the applause, the gratitude, the pleas for them to return and feast.
You have to admit that you’re shocked.  
The supposedly wicked and ruthless Tiger sure seems to have quite a bit of restraint and diplomacy.
“Did he- did he really just let him go? Unharmed?”
Rachel asks a very good question and it seems to be the one on your parents minds as well.
“It’s extremely odd. I was fully prepared to witness an execution, he would have been within his right.” Your father notes, his eyes still trained on the center of the plaza.
Generals have a certain level of freedom with the prisoners they choose to capture; they are expected to have good judgement and carry out punishments if necessary.
In essence, the Tiger had every bit of authority to end that mans life and, given that he an eager crowd behind him, it genuinely perplexes you.
“Organized raids come with an automatic life sentence, the leaders are usually executed within a few days of their trial.” Your mother notes and it’s then that Rachel notices your silence.
“Well I think it’s safe to say that you didn’t make it on his hit list. You can’t be worse than a lead raider...” She grins, knowing full well that your confusion also comes with an annoying amount of curiosity.  
She also knows that you plan on finding a way to speak with him again.  
And she is absolutely right.
“Should I say hi to Jungkook for you? Ask if he’s betrothed?” You tease and Rachel promptly throws balled up dress your way.
You went to her house after the excitement in the town square to bake a batch of fresh bread for the Tiger’s fleet.
Bread is increasingly hard to come by these days due to a crop shortage in the northern region so despite what people may think, most military diets consist of salted meat and corn.  
Doughy, fluffy, cheesy, rosemary bread is a luxury.
“I have a feeling you’ll be preoccupied with your mission to court the Tiger.” She retorts but a deep frown comes over her then, as she wraps the last loaf in parchment paper, “Are you sure you should be doing this? Waltzing over to a tent full of dangerous soldiers doesn’t seem like a good idea.”
“I want to thank them.” You insist, loading your basket with the rest of the loaves, glancing up at your worried friend, “All the village ever talks about is how ruthless they are, how cruel they are known to be but, the reality is: they saved us. It must be frustrating to refuel just as any other fleet would and have people gossip about you or fear you unnecessarily. I’m not planning on staying for tea or anything, I just want to show my appreciation.”
Rachel raises her brows, “That’s all hm?”
You nod, “Yep.” Your lips pop with the sound of the p and Rachel remains unconvinced.
“This has nothing to do with the Tiger?”
“Of course not.” Your answer tumbles past your lips far too quickly and, it causes your friend to grin knowingly at you.
“I know that look-”
“Ugh what look?”
“The look. That one-” She points at you, “You’re about to do something you know you shouldn’t.”
Her smile is far too contagious and her knowledge of you surpasses anyone you’ve ever known in your life.  
She has your number and there really is no point in lying to her.
“Fine, ok maybe it has a little something to do with the Tiger-” You smirk, trying to stifle the giggle that threatens your disposition, “Don’t laugh at me!”
Rachel’s twinkling laughter fills the room as she rounds the counter. Placing her hands on your shoulders, she smiles fondly at you, “Just be careful ok? I know he intrigues you and honestly I��m not at all surprised but, don’t let your curiosity get in the way of your safety. That’s the most important thing.”  
“I won’t.” You promise, smiling back at her, placing your hands on hers, “I promise, I’ll be careful.”
Rachel helps you out once again, insuring you have everything you need before her soft voice is answering a question you asked moments earlier.
“And uh about that Jungkook boy-”
You smirk, “He’s definitely not a boy, did you see his muscles? He looks like he could bench press a mountain lion.”
She grows flustered, “No, I didn’t see any muscles, I have no idea what you’re talking about-”
“Oh so you also didn’t notice him staring at you in the plaza today right?”
Rachel’s eyes widen, “Wait he was?” She clears her throat, amending her eagerness as you giggle, “He definitely wasn’t staring at me don’t be ridiculous. What I was going to say-”
“What you were going to say is that ‘no Y/N, I don’t want you to check on Jungkook’s marital status directly but, should you happen to come across his left hand, let me know whether or not you see a shiny band around his finger, not that I would care or anything. Because, I totally don’t have the hots for him.’ “
Her mouth opens and then closes like a fish before she playfully nudges you through her doorway, “Shut up.”
With a laugh and a few parting words, you are off to visit the tent of your village's heroes.  
You would be lying if you said you weren’t nervous.
But you’d also be lying if you said you were nervous for the right reasons.
The concept of walking into the basecamp of a supposedly elite and ruthless fleet is one thing but, talking to someone you find attractive?  
Absolutely terrifying.
Your presence is immediately noted by the men inside the camp.
Two of them are seated at a table outside of one of the tents, hands and teeth full of meat, their motions freezing in place as they see you.
As you pass by one of their horses, you notice of them is speaking with a group of raiders.  
The conversation seems amicable, suggesting that many of the raider clan was indeed in your village against their will.
You approach the main but, before you are able to make ring the bell on the outside, you are crashing chest first into a very firm and very broad chest.
“Holy-” The voice sounds familiar and as you look up, you are meet with the bambi with biceps himself: Jungkook.
“Hello I-” You attempt to begin but his panicked voice interrupts you.
“Yah hyung??? Uh there’s a-” He swallows thickly stepping away from you, “There’s a girl here!”
The word seems foreign on his tongue and his behavior genuinely surprises you.
Where was the cocky warrior from this morning, brandishing a sword and placing bets on his captors?
“Jungkook, for the last time- we don’t use that word. We say young lady or woman...” Another voice, one you don’t recognize fades into your scope of hearing before pushing open the fabric of the tent. He is arguably just as beautiful as the other men, tall, dark haired, buff- as if he would be anything else.
“Oh, hello. Are you...” The man narrows his brows as he looks towards the group of raiders speaking with one of his counterparts, “Are you with the group or?”
You shake your head, your basket swinging when you turn back towards the village, “Oh no, no I’m from the village. My name is Y/N Y/L/N...” You bow your head slightly, “I came here to bring you this,” You gesture to the basket, “It’s fresh bread. I wanted to thank you for saving my people today.”
You feel the need to rush out your explanation as the rest of the fleet continues to stare at you. In fact, the way they are looking at you is rather unnerving.
It isn’t disrespectful just intrusive; they are looking at you as if you’ve sprouted a second head.
“You-” The man before you cocks his head, looking befuddled, “You came here to- thank us?”
“Well yes, I know bread is hard to come by and I figured you could use a pick-me-up after your fight this morning.”
He smiles now but his incredulity doesn’t change as he takes the basket from your hands, “It’s warm.” He notes, “Did you bake this recently?”
“Yes I baked it today, just now actually uh-” You decide to speak candidly now since the possible threat margin seems to be closing, “You look confused.”
Jungkook is practically hiding behind the man you’re addressing and it takes a large part of you not to laugh at his behavior.
“Forgive me.” He chuckles, “We aren’t exactly used to hospitality. Most villagers avoid us like the plague, it probably has to do with our General but regardless.” He bows his head, “We appreciate the gesture. I’ll make sure to pass along your gratitude to him once he returns.”  
“Oh is he not here? I was hoping to thank him myself.” You try and mask the disappointment in your tone, not wishing to come across as stranger than you already did.
The man shakes his head, “No. He often takes a walk after an invasion; gotta make sure the perimeter is secure.” He smiles and you are taken aback by how white his teeth were, “My name is Seokjin, I’m the outreach expert on the fleet and unofficial chef. I promise your bread will be put to good use, it’s been months since we’ve had any decent carbs.”  
His comment makes you smile and you are delighted that his demeanor is so welcoming.
“I’m sorry to heart that. Will you be in town long? I can try to set you up with a few more baskets before your departure?”
Seokjin chuckles warmly before snorting as Jungkook paws at the basket, “Easy.” He admonishes but its too late, Jungkook already has half a loaf down in his mouth, his chest rumbling with the sound of his groan.  
“Oh my god hyung, it’s so good...”
Seokjin looks disgusted with him but hands him the basket anyway, nodding to the rest of the fleet, “Share. Make sure you save a loaf for Yoongi and I.”
Jungkook happily obliges but not before turning towards you and bowing, “Uh thanks for the- for the bread....”
His sentence is choppy and over before it even begins as he goes bounding off in the direction of his team.
“Pardon him, he’s been in the army since he was fourteen. We haven’t done an amazing job at socializing him but, he’s getting better. He’s still a bit antsy around women though.” Seokjin chuckles, fondness in his eyes, “Ah but to answer your question, yes. We've decided to set up here for a few weeks to train our new recruits. I would love to more of this bread if it’s not too much trouble.”
You smile, waving him off, attempting to conceal your happiness at the news he’s just delivered, “Nonsense, I’d be happy to bake some more.”
“Excellent!” He chirps, clasping his hands together, “I’m sure Yoongi would be happy to know we’ve finally manage to contact with a villager. It’s been an issue for us, stories spread like wildfire you know? And just like wildfire, they tend to do more harm than good.”
“And Yoongi is?”
Seokjin chuckles, “Ah I believe you’d know him better as...” He flutters his fingers dramatically, “ the Tiger.”
So that was his name.
“Oh yes,” You amend, “I’ve certainly heard of him but, I prefer to make my own judgements rather than succumb to the gossip.”
He smirks, “That’s very noble of you Y/N. I for one,” He places a hand on his chest, throwing a wink your way, “, live for the gossip.”
Your meeting with Seokjin ends soon after that with a promise that you would return with more bread.  
As much as you wanted to rush back to Rachel’s house to inform of your meeting with the ‘most dangerous fleet in the world’, you remind yourself that school is in session; a necessary but annoying inconvenience.
However, there are plenty of ways you plan on keeping busy for the remainder of the day and one of them involves visiting the river to collect more herbs for your remedies.  
You obviously weren't able to sell your wares today as the marketplace was still littered with evidence of the robbery.  Your parents had insisted you take the day off to restock and recuperate whilst they helped the village leaders clean up.
Reluctantly, you agreed and you are now very grateful that you had.
The river has always been one of your favorite places. It was rich, green, buzzing with life and, always a few degrees colder than your village. Surrounded by mossy trees that seem to stretch as high as the clouds, the river is encased with life. Rabbits, squirrels, tortoises, frogs and a plethora of birds all coral in the area the river resides in whilst bears, big cats, wolves and monkeys hide behind the dense forest. It’s any apothecary’s paradise as it is also the residence of any herbs capable of growing in damp areas.  
Angelica, Blue Vervain, Marshmallow, Stinging Needle and more: the river is your one stop shop for so many of your essential ingredients.
Today you’re after a particular herb though and armed with another woven basket, you make your way towards the large bushels of it growing at the base of a tree trunk.
Valerian is an essential herb in your arsenal and due to its popularity, it’s something you’re consistently having to restock.  
Gathering it carefully, ensuring you don’t disturb the root of the plant.
You are so enthralled with your current task that you don’t even notice that you are no longer alone.
“Is this where the tree bark grows?”
You jump nearly six feet out of your skin, whipping your head around to face your intruder.
Standing before you is the myth himself, the Tiger or as you’ve recently learned: Yoongi.
He’s still in his armor from earlier, his long tendrils pulled back away from his face into a low ponytail. Between his lips, which are curving slightly, is a piece of the bark he had taken from your cart the day prior.
He is chewing it as you instructed.
“You of all people should know not to ambush someone like that...” You breath, placing a hand on your chest, “I could have wacked you with this basket or something.”
He just smirks, “I’ve had worse.” He notes, taking the bark from between his teeth, “I’m sorry I frightened you though, I didn’t expect to see anyone here.”
“Likewise.” You retort, nodding your head at the bark, “Is it helping?”
He shrugs, “Too early to tell I suppose but, it’s tending to my oral fixation so, either way it has a purpose.”
You straighten up a bit more and smooth out your dress, “It will work, it just takes a bit of time.” You assure him before adjusting the herbs in your basket, “I came by your tent earlier to offer my thanks for what you and your men did today, your outreach coordinator Seokjin told me he’d pass along the message but-”
“You did what?”
His tone doesn’t entirely lean one way or the other and you quickly grow worried that you offended him.
“I brought a basket of bread to uh-” You swallow thickly, meeting the intensity of his gaze, “to your camp as a thank you for saving my village.”
Several emotions flicker across his face before he settles on surprise, “I see. Were they polite?”
You can’t help but smile, this day truly has been full of surprises and, Yoongi’s demeanor is only adding to that list.  
“I only had the privilege of meeting Seokjin and well- I kind of met Jungkook but, he seemed a little-”
“Awkward?” Yoongi smirks
“A little.” You amend, “But both of them were very polite. They explained that they often don’t receive any hospitality on stops like this; I was very sorry to hear that.”
Yoongi’s teeth seem to catch the inside of his cheek as he nods curtly, “There’s no need for apologies. Hospitality is welcome but, never expected. I try to teach my men that we should never expect gratitude for what we do as it so often comes with a price.”
“I suppose gratitude should be offered situationally then, there was very little draw back to what you did today. Our village is privy to raiders; maybe if word gets around that you all were in town, that might prevent this from happening again.”
He purses his lips before nodding in consideration, “I see you’re point. Regardless of its necessity, gratitude is always welcome: especially when free food is involved.”
His comment makes you giggle and your laughter makes his lips itch in a way they never have.
“I wholeheartedly agree with that. I get a surprising amount of baked goods sent my way doing what I do so, I’ll have no problem dolling out the gratitude while you all are here.”  
Yoongi’s brows knit in confusion, “Do you people often pay you in baked goods?”
Laughter flows freely out of your mouth then and you shake your head at his question, “Definitely not, I sell my goods for currency as does any obedient member of society,” At this Yoongi smirks again, he likes your wit, a lot, “but I do receive muffin baskets, cakes, pies and whatnot from happy customers. They’re mainly from women whose husbands have taken my ginseng remedy.”
His curiosity blooms, “And why is that?”
You feel a bit of heat rushing to your cheeks, “Ginseng enhances uh- drive, often times it can be used a stimulant to promote you know-” You’re hoping Yoongi will put the pieces together but instead his eyes remain expectant, “passion.”
The word makes Yoongi straighten up a bit and in an effort to look casual, he nods quickly and hums a little too loudly.
“Ah yes. Of course. Well, as I said- free food is free food right?” He wagers, his fingers rubbing at the bit of bark.
Its your turn to smirk now but, you quickly change the subject when you ask, “Is the leader of the clan secure? I didn’t see him when I passed through your camp.”
He clears his throat, bringing the bark back towards his mouth, “He is. I have him locked up just behind the trees so he isn’t able to influence the new recruits. He had an alarming number of unwilling participants within his group, many of them claimed to be brought there with the threat of physical harm.”
You kiss your teeth and shake your head, “I don’t understand that kind of behavior. I understand that sometimes desperate people do desperate things but, to exert power or harm over another person without a viable cause...it just makes no sense to me.”
He’s intrigued now and as he brings the bark back to his lips, his brow knit with curiosity, “Hm. So do you think there is a justification to steal but not to commit violence?”
You can’t figure out why your opinion would matter to him but, you sure as hell aren’t going to question the length of this conversation.
“I think that some people believe they have no other choice but to steal. Wealth and power aren’t possible without a poor man to stand on, to oppress- I don’t support the idea of taking what doesn’t belong to you but, I could see why people are driven to do so. People are growing tired of being the poor man. Senseless violence isn’t something I could find a justification for. What the raiders often do, is both so I guess-” You hesitate, “I’m conflicted.”
Yoongi is captivated by your explanations, not because they are particularly ground breaking but, because they are particularly human. You aren’t afraid to discuss the complexity of life nor are you afraid to admit when certain things confound you.
“That’s a fair assessment. Do you agree with today’s outcome?”
Your smile returns, as you adjust the basket on your arm again, “I did. Especially because it seemed to surprise everyone, myself included.”
His lips return to his smirk, “Why? Because I didn’t behead him?”
“Exactly.” You breathe out a laugh before continuing,  “I for one was shocked to see you deal with the situation without your trusty viper...”  
His face turns to one of incredulity, “Oh my- you're not serious are you? Do people genuinely think I keep a viper on me at all times? Do they have any idea how unpractical that is?”
Yoongi’s reaction sends you into a fit of giggles and the sound makes his lips itch again.
He decides he enjoys the sound very much.
“I’m sure you’ve set a few people straight after this morning,” You offer, wiping a bit of moisture from the corner of your eye, “I doubt the rumors will repopulate the same way after you leave.”
“What do you think of them?”
“The rumors?”
“They’re entertaining.” You shrug, “But I don’t like to make assumptions about people unless I’ve met them, not even scary and supposedly cruel generals like yourself.”
The ghost of a smile shows itself on Yoongi’s mouth and his eyes seem to glimmer, pleased with your answer.
“I wish more people had that mindset.”  
It’s all he says before promptly dropping the subject again, nodding in the direction behind him, “I should probably head back to camp. I have a feeling that the longer I am away, the smaller my chances of getting any of that bread become.”
“You’re probably right, I have to be back before sunset anyway.” Your parents don’t like it when you’re out at the river after dark, “It was very nice meeting you Yoongi. I hope you enjoy the bread.”
His lips as he realizes something vital, “I’m sure I will. Forgive me, I don’t remember catching your name...”
At his observation, you extend your hand towards his, “Oh of course, my name is Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N.”
Without looking down, he grasps your hand gently as if he were afraid to break it, “Y/N- I’ll remember it.” He promises unnecessarily but it still sends a flutter through your heart, “Get home safe.”
When he releases your hand, you step back towards the bushel of Valerian before smiling once more,  
“You too.”
As Yoongi departs from the river, he smirks to himself.
Perhaps this wouldn’t be the routine stop he had planned on.
Perhaps this would be so much more.
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nugnthopkns · 3 years
don’t say you miss me
word count: 5.5k
warnings: explicit!fem reader, references to sex but nothing explicit, cursing, recreational drug use (marijuana), alcohol consumption, there is no happy ending
recommended listening: overnight | maggie rogers
series masterpost: here
a/n: second installment of hiiapl! little overnight inspired ditty that i’m actually pretty proud of. i’m having so much fun with this it’s insane
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You had never meant to get attached.
It was a lot easier said than done – especially with Kevin. He was loud and obnoxious, sure, but it was part of his charm. When you first met him, outside a club in downtown Winnipeg, you were blown away by his duality. He had been so loud with his group but quietly brought you a bottle of water after you puked on the sidewalk. After insisting you take his number so you could let him know you got home safely, Kevin convinced you to go to dinner with him. One meal turned into several and before you knew it you were engaged in a casual fling with the Winnipeg Jets’ newest centre. It was mostly sex, with the ocasional interaction outside of the bedroom, but something about Kevin made it feel like more than just a hookup. Over the few months you slept together your feelings shifted, and you began to harbour a rather large crush.
Just when you were going to take the leap and talk to Kevin about getting serious fate reared its ugly head. After only being in Winnipeg for six months, electing to not return to Massechusettes right away after the Jets playoff run finished, Kevin was traded out of the city. The news split your heart in two – there was no way the two of you could become a couple. Though long distance could have been an option, you weren’t going to ask him to commit to that. Being a professional athlete is tough as is, and having a girlfriend a six hour flight away was extra stress you refused to put on Kevin. 
The last night you spent with Kevin was emotional. Lots of tears were shed, mostly from you. You knew he was compartmentalizing it all and trying to not let you know how much the trade was affecting him. Whenever the two of you had talked about hockey, Kevin was always quick to mention how much he loved Winnipeg and how much he wanted to stay. Neither of you talked much, too focussed on wallowing in sadness and committing each other’s bodies to memory. He left the next morning, and there was a silent agreement that whatever the two of you had was over. It was fun while it lasted but now you both have to be adults and get on with life. 
Nearly six months later you consider yourself to be getting on with life just fine. You’ve got a better paying job, a new apartment, and enthusiastically throw yourself into any project that’s presented. To others, however, you’re barely hanging on. Any time you get a text notification, you hold your breath until a name flashes that isn’t Kevin’s. A notification from Instagram saying he viewed your story makes your heart beat three times as fast. You constantly check for updates on how he’s playing, and watch as many Flyers games media blackouts will allow just to catch a glimpse of his face. No matter how hard you try, you just can’t shake Kevin Hayes. 
“They’ll be in town this weekend,” your best friend Rachel says. “Are you gonna reach out to him?”
You nearly drop the carton of chinese food you’re eating on the floor. “I didn’t know that,” you stammer, trying to make your surprise believable. Kevin will be back in Winnipeg for the first time since being traded. You knew this already, of course, because you have the Flyers scheduled imprinted in your memory.
She narrows her eyes at you. “Don’t fucking lie to me. You knew they were coming to town. The NHL app stays open on your phone at all times.”
Caught in your lie, you can do nothing but duck your head. You’ve thought a lot about what you’re going to do. Should you send him a text, let him know you’re available after the game? Or should you ignore him completely and make it seem as though you’re doing much better than you are?
“I don’t know Rach. I’ve never had a sort of ex come back to the city he left me in.”
“He didn’t necessarily want to leave you,” Rachel points out. “He got traded. If you want my two cents, I don’t think you should give him a call. You need to move on, not stay stuck in the past.”
Your friend is right, and you know that’s what you should do. Moving on from Kevin would be easier if you didn’t try to contact him. He hasn’t reached out to you so you assume you’re the only one in the relationship still struggling to come to terms with his departure. You struggle with the decision until puck drop, but ultimately decide against texting him. It simply wouldn’t be beneficial for your fragile heart. 
A small group of friends has gathered at Rachel’s to watch the game. You’re lucky, or unlucky, to run with a crowd of die-hard Jets fans who get together any time they play, whether it’s at someone’s house or a sports bar around the corner from the arena. Though you tried your best to get out of it tonight, making up any excuse you can think of to stay at home and sob quietly into a pillow, Rachel knows better than to let you be alone and forces you to be in attendance. 
It’s a pretty quiet game with the Jets dominating the first two periods. The Flyers are sluggish, not connecting passes and taking far too many penalties. You’re pretty sure Winnipeg has it in the bag when the puck drops for the final twenty minutes of play, so you turn your attention away from the television, picking up a conversation with Christina, the girl your friend Tyler brought along. 
Some choice words must have been said to the Flyers in the intermission because they come out swinging. Before you can comprehend what’s happening, they’ve tied the game. The period is full of contact, with multiple players from each team spending time in the penalty box. Your attention is once again returned to the large screen for the final few minutes, and your jaw drops as you watch Kevin dangle through the Jets defence to sink the puck into the back of the net. It turns out to be the game winning goal, and you sit in silence as your friends pay up the money they lost in bets and check their updated fantasy pool standings. Maybe you should text him. 
“Don’t fucking do it,” you hear Rachel whisper in your ear. Your other friends know of your past with Kevin, they were around and spent some time with him, but they don’t know how much you were still holding on. Everyone besides Rachel assumes you’re alright – that Kevin is just a blip in your past. 
You roll your eyes and sigh, but tuck your phone back into the pocket of your jeans. It stays there – out of sight, out of mind – until it buzzes some time later. Expecting it to be your mother hounding you for not calling in a while, you pull it out. A message from Kevin flashes and you go whiter than a ghost. 
Taking the boys out celebrating the big win. You in? 
The words, so casual, feel like a punch to the stomach. Why the months of radio silence just to ask to see him like you’re friends? Making sure that no one is paying attention to you, you quickly type out a reply. 
That’s not a good idea and you know it Kevin. 
You send the message and immediately turn off your phone. This way you won’t have to deal with the aftermath until much later. You allow other things to hold your attention and don’t head home until you’re so tired that it will be impossible for you to think about Kevin’s text. 
When you power your phone back up in the morning, you’re shocked to find that Kevin never responded. He obviously didn’t care too much about your absence, and part of you wonders if he was just being polite. It doesn’t make sense, but instead of letting your brain overthink the lack of response you throw yourself headfirst into cleaning your apartment. Hours later it’s spotless, and you slump onto the couch in a pile of exhaustion. You check your social media notifications, a few mentions from your friends about the shenanigans you all got up to the night before and your sister tagging you in a post letting you know she’d like to visit a specific beach the next time she comes to visit. Kevin’s profile photo sits at the top of your instagram feed, and before you can stop yourself you click to view his story. 
It’s a snapshot of his teammates with bright smiles on their faces. Each of them is holding a can of beer, and a few look as though they shared a joint before entering the establishment. The photo is captioned ‘glad to be back in winterpeg’ and is accompanied by a couple of snowflake emojis. Your heart clenches inside your chest – it hurts more than you thought it would to see him enjoying himself as though he has no bittersweet feelings about being back. It would be beneficial to unfollow Kevin, but you can’t force yourself to pull the metaphorical trigger and completely cut him from your life. 
Kevin leaves the next day for Vancouver. You know this because you watch his story yet again, and curse yourself for grasping at straws. Why must he have such a strong hold on you after so long? A call to Rachel has her driving to your place in minutes, ready to hold you while you cry and distract you from the pain that still lingers from his first departure.
It’s easier to forget Kevin without him being in the city – you do your best, and eventually it sort of sticks.
He no longer crosses your mind every few days. You go weeks, sometimes a month or two, without thinking about him. It’s nice to no longer get sad when you enter a bar you frequented with him or wince when someone mentions how he’s playing. It also helps that he never returns to Winnipeg. 
There’s no reason for him to. The Flyers don’t play another away game against the Jets the rest of season, and as far as you know he doesn’t frequently talk to his old teammates. Your life fades into a quiet routine you come to love dearly. The world feels balanced for the first time since Kevin left and you’re nothing but thankful. 
Life moves on, and you find yourself succeeding in your career – so much so that you’re quickly offered a promotion. The change increases your workload and doesn’t leave you much of a life outside of work, but it doesn’t matter much to you. It’s a welcome distraction and keeps thoughts of Kevin out of your mind. No one comments on your genuine improvement, but you know they can see it. Rachel is proud, and she’s told you exactly once. It’s all you’ll get out of her so you take it and roll with it. The rest of the regular season passes without you so much as knowing, or caring, and before you know it there’s a notification for an article saying the Flyers were eliminated in the second round. For the first time you find it really hard to care.
Summers in Winnipeg are your favourite. The city is warm for the first time all year and the flowers look beautiful in full bloom. With the promotion you’re afforded more vacation time, which you plan to take full advantage. There’s nothing you love more than hanging with friends in the sun, soaking up the rays, and casually drinking. 
The days bleed into one another in the way that all good summers should, and before you realize it it’s your last day at work for a week. It will be nice to be free from workplace constraints for a while, and your friends have the time off as well. The group of you are heading to a cabin on Falcon Lake where you’re sure lots of partying will take place. You suggested getting farther away, but settled on the area in case Tyler’s sister goes into labour. He’s a very family oriented person and offered to watch his nephew when the time comes. 
Four o’clock comes faster than you ever could have imagined, and you cheerfully wave goodbye to your co-workers. Some complain of your ability to leave during the busiest season of the year, but most of them wish you well. You put an immense amount of work into your job regardless of the quarter and know you deserve the break. If you don’t stop at the grocery store on your way you’ll be in trouble since you’re in charge of all the breakfasts and you currently only have a half-eaten loaf of bread that could go stale any day. 
You’re in the cereal aisle, deciding whether or not you really need Honey Nut Cheerios for the trip, when you hear his unforgettable voice. It’s loud and booming and brings back so many feelings that you’ve learned to repress that you turn on your heel and head to the nearest self checkout despite only gathering half the items on your list.
Back in your car, you dial Rachel’s number and try to regulate your breathing. 
You don’t bother with any formalities. “Kevin is here.”
“In Winnipeg?” she asks, more than a tad confused. “Why would he be in Winnipeg?”
The interior of the Ford Escape you drive feels too small, so you crack a window and peel out of the parking space. Rachel’s voice reverberates throughout the car thanks to the bluetooth system. “I don’t fucking know, but he’s here.”
“I don’t think that’s possible Y/N,” Rachel says, always the realist. “He lives in Boston. What would he be doing in Winnipeg in the middle of July?”
You aren’t sure, and make sure to tell her so. “But it was him,” you swear. “He was in the grocery store.” You stop at a red light, placing your blinker on and checking both ways before turning right. A few more minutes and you’d be safely tucked away in your apartment, away from the world and the possibility of running into Kevin.
“There’s like a hundred tall gingers in the city babe, you didn’t see him.”
“You’re right, I didn’t see him,” you agree. “I heard him. How many tall gingers are there in Winnipeg with Boston accents?”
“Oh fuck. I’m coming over.” With that, Rachel hangs up, and you pull into the parking garage. You sit in silence for a minute or two before deciding your shaking legs can hold you upright. Perhaps you weren’t as over Kevin as you thought. 
Rachel spends the rest of the afternoon and evening with you, ensuring you don’t do anything stupid and letting you spew all your feelings, both good and bad. More than one bottle of wine is consumed, but you have more than enough time to nurse a hangover. If you play your cards right through the week this won’t be the only time you do it either. 
You wake up on top of your pristine sheets, Rachel grumbling beside you – she’s never been as good at holding her alcohol.
“What time is it?”
The alarm clock on your bedside table flashes a few numbers and you have to stare at them for a minute before you comprehend them. “Just after eight,” you say, sitting up. Surprisingly, you feel fine. Maybe the crippling weight of your feelings for Kevin cancels out the hangover you most definitely should be feeling. 
“We need to get going. Gotta pack the car and hit the road. I’m the one who needs to get the keys so we have to be there before everyone else,” she sighs, grumbling something else under her breath as her feet hit the floor. 
You just laugh at her and head into the kitchen. While Rachel showers you make coffee and pack the food into the ancient cooler your father gave you when you moved out many moons ago. It has served its purpose on several trips like this – you’ll be sad to see it go eventually. You switch places with Rachel, and once you’re feeling refreshed the two of you stuff your trunk and hit the road. 
The drive is rather uneventful, with the both of you sitting in silence, and it doesn’t take you long to approach your destination. Rachel is a poor navigator so you’re tasked with figuring out where you’re going and making sure you get there, but it could be worse. You have a general sense of where you’re going. Getting the keys is painless and you get to work unpacking your overloaded SUV.
“Do you think there will be other people around we can party with?” Rachel asks as you close the trunk for the last time. 
You shrug. “Don’t know Rach. It doesn’t look like it.”
She drops it, agreeing with you, and you separate to unpack your personal belongings. The cabin is large enough that no one has to share a room, which you’re grateful for. Though you love your friends dearly, they don’t always know what personal space is. At some point in the afternoon the rest of the group trickles in, and by dinner you’ve all settled and are ready to party. 
Tyler figures out how to use the ancient barbeque and sets to work cooking the burgers. Everyone else gets side dishes ready or sets the table, with Christine starting a bonfire. You don’t know her well, only having met her a few times, but your friend seems to be infatuated with her. She fits in great with the group so you aren’t worried about any awkward tension. Dinner passes in a fit of giggles and shouts, and once the dishes are done you can relax fully. 
The beer you grab from the fridge on your way out the door makes your insides fuzzy in the best way possible. By the fire, surrounded by those who care about you the most, you feel at peace. You’re yet to think about the sudden reappearance of Kevin in Winnipeg, and you’d like to keep it that way. Someone grabs the beat up acoustic guitar you found in the living room and thrusts it in your direction. You’d taught yourself to play in college, and it comes in handy for times like this. 
“I refuse to play Wonderwall,” you laugh, shooting pointed looks at each and every person sitting around you. 
“Come on Y/N,” Rachel groans. “Just once?”
“Fuck off.”
You don’t mean it, of course, and strum the opening chords with a grimace on your face. Tyler counts everyone in and they sing for you, which is appreciated. You might be decent at playing, but your singing voice is one that shouldn’t see the light of day if it can be helped. It’s more fun than you imagined it could be so one song turns into three, and before you know it your makeshift jamboree attracts the attention of the neighbours you didn’t know existed. 
Applause erupts from behind you, and you flush enough that your cheeks warm significantly. “You guys are so good I hate to disrupt the rhythm,” a deep voice says, “But do you mind if a buddy and I join you? We’re a little lonely by ourselves next door.”
Tyler’s out of his seat in a heartbeat, jumping up to pat the man on the back. “Of course man, come on over! I’m Tyler, and that’s Rachel, Christine, Marshall, and Y/N.”
You all wave politely, and the mystery guest introduces himself. “Nice you meet you guys. I’m Nolan.”
It’s then you get a good look at who you’re speaking to. He seems to be a few years younger than you, maybe early twenties, and he has a face you just can’t place. Maybe you’ve seen him around Winnipeg – the city is small enough that you can often spot the same faces in a crowd. “I’ll just yell at him to come over and we can get the party started,” Nolan explains, “Kev, bud, come on over! And bring a couple beers.”
All the blood rushes from your fingers at the name. You shake them intensely, willing your circulatory system to function properly again. If you had to hazard a guess there’s probably a million people in Manitoba named Kevin. There’s no reason for it to be Kevin Hayes. You’re most certainly still spooked from your near encounter with him yesterday. 
“Fuck Patty, you couldn’t come back and grab your own?” the emerging figure grumbles in the vocal stylings you’ll have imprinted on your heart until your dying day. Kevin is here, and if you don’t leave in the next few seconds you’ll be face to face with him for the first time in over a year. 
You stand abruptly, not stopping to explain your hasty exit to anyone, and practically run into the house. The door slams behind you and you do your best to make your heart rate return to normal. Tyler shouts something you can’t quite comprehend, but you know it’s probably some sort of reconnection greeting. He’d met Kevin a couple of times while the two of you were together and had gotten along with him well. 
“Hey,” Rachel whispers, “You good?”
You hadn’t heard her come in. “Not really,” you admit. “I mean like I knew he was in town but never in a million years did I think he’d crash my fucking vacation.”
She nods in agreement. “What do you want to do?”
“Stay in here forever?” An eye roll is sent your way but you choose to ignore it. “I’m serious Rach, I can’t go back out there, at least not tonight. Every time I think I’m over him he finds a way to make me realize I’m just faking.”
“I know,” Rachel says simply. She really does – as your best friend she’s privy to your every thought on the matter. After making sure that you'll be okay she heads back outside, armed with an excuse for your early departure. 
You spend the rest of the night tucked under the covers, listening to the laughter of your friends outside, no doubt in your mind that Kevin is the source for most of it. He’s always been good at commanding an audience. Thoughts swim freely in your brain, most of them occupied by Kevin in some capacity. Was tonight just a one off? Will you have to eventually face him? What will you say? Eventually sleep comes, though it’s fitful and fleeting. 
You do your best to avoid Kevin, and it works for a day or two. Tyler has stricken up a friendship with the athlete, and spends more time with him and Nolan than your group. You don’t mind all that much because they typically are out on Nolan’s boat or lounging in their cabin, but every night the group reconvenes at your firepit. The excuses are starting to run out – there’s only so many times you can say you have heat exhaustion before someone stops believing you.
“Y/N, Kevin hasn’t even mentioned you,” Tyler whines one night after dinner. “It won’t be awkward. We only have a few days left, please spend time with us?”
“I’m spending plenty of time with you,” you grumble. “You promise he won’t say anything?”
Tyler shoots you a smile that lets you know he knows that he’s broken down your resolve. “Why would he? If he was going to do it he would have already.”
You aren’t sure if that makes you feel better or worse. You’re glad he’s faring better than you, but on the other hand you wish he’d at least make an effort to inquire into your well-being. Maybe it was simply proof that you were still holding onto something that didn’t mean much of anything. Eventually you’d have to face the music, whether it be with Kevin or someone in the future, so you make the decision to try and at least get used to seeing former flames in social settings. 
“You’re rolling my joints tonight asshole,” you grumble, shoving your sock clad feet into a pair of worn out sandals. 
There’s a small commotion, mostly in excitement at your begrudging agreement, and you roll your eyes as you grab what is destined to be your first of many beers from the fridge. Rachel slides up beside you on the way out the door and squeezes your hand, letting you know she’s ready to support you no matter what happens. It’s comforting, and the nerves in your stomach settle a small amount. 
Marshall is already outside, helping Nolan start the fire. They seem to be extremely similar and you’re glad they can seek each other out when the rest of the group gets too rambunctious. The rest of your party filters out of the house and takes up residence in the adirondack chairs. Kevin doesn’t appear to be around, so you allow yourself to speak freely, loud and unabashed. 
“No I’m telling you,” you insist, trying to convince Nolan your stance on Jack Antonoff is correct. “Jack is literally responsible for reinventing pop production.”
He laughs at how into the conversation you are. “Why the fuck should I care?”
“Because you fucking listen to Lorde!” 
Someone else is laughing along with you and it nearly stops you in your tracks. At some point Kevin had joined the party, but you hadn’t noticed. Knowing that he was listening makes you suddenly self conscious, and you wrap your sweater tighter around your shoulders. Nolan can tell you’re uncomfortable and does his best to relieve the tension. 
“Kev, do you wanna run back and grab the weed?” he asks. 
The auburn haired man pulls a baggie out of his hoodie pocket. “Got it right here baby cat,” he grins. “And it’s ready to go. You got a light?”
Nolan tosses him the lighter and Kevin expertly puts the joint between his parted lips. He lets the smoke fill his lungs before exhaling, and you watch him more intently than you should. You’re thrown back to the memories of Kevin’s apartment downtown, where you’d smoke in content silence after a night of passionate sex. The scenes flash in your mind and you’re overcome with melancholia. You had been so happy in the moment, and now you’re in a similar situation but feel nothing. Other than sharing in your laughter, Kevin is yet to say anything to you. 
You must have been lost in your thoughts, because Kevin is staring at you with a quizzical expression. “Y/N? Do you want a hit?”
It takes you a second to snap out of your daze, but to cautiously take the lit joint from his hand. “Thank you Kevin,” you say, voice timid. It’s the first time you’ve spoken to him since he left Winnipeg for the first time. 
He shoots you a dazzling smile and your insides threaten to turn to mush. No matter how hard you’ve tried to convince yourself you over him, that you’ve moved on from Kevin, you know you’re wrong. Kevin Hayes will have some sort of hold on you until you die. To distract yourself from the overwhelming amount of emotion you inhale deeply, hoping that the buzz smoking will bring can clear your mind. You really don’t want to think about what you lost when he’s right in front of you. 
The three of you sit in silence, passing the joint in a circle, and listen to the conversation your friends are engaged in. Marshall ropes Nolan into a game of cornhole and he goes begrudgingly. As he stands he sends you a sympathetic look, and you know that he’s familiar with your history with Kevin. It doesn’t surprise you – Kevin isn’t exactly one to keep secrets. 
“So,” Kevin says once it’s just the two of you, “How have you been?”
You do your best to swallow the lump in your throat. “I’ve been good. Work has been crazy lately, so this break has been really nice.”
He presses, and you indulge him in a conversation about your new job, though it can barely be considered that now. Everything is surface level – you’re afraid of letting Kevin in too much. Though your fling may have been brief, it didn’t make his departure or the lack of contact any easier. He tells you about his life in Philadelphia and how much he loves it there. Before you can stop yourself, you ask him a loaded question. 
“Do you like it more than Winnipeg?”
Kevin falters. It takes both of you a moment to process what you said. Not one to lie, he answers truthfully. “Yeah.” It comes out in a sort of deflated sigh. “But I miss –”
“Don’t say it,” you rush, trying hard to keep your voice down. “You don’t mean it.”
An embittered huff comes from him, and you watch carefully as he peels the worn ball cap off his head and tugs on his curls. “I do,” he insists. “I absolutely miss you.”
You no longer care who can hear you. “If you missed me, you would have texted. Called. Anything,” you say cooly. Everyone else has clued in to the fact that something is going on between you and Kevin, and have migrated inside in an attempt to give you privacy.
“I did. You’re the one who said it wasn’t a good idea to see each other again.”
“Because it had been over half a year!” you shriek. “And it had been radio silence before then. You left Kevin, and I’m not blaming you. I know it’s your job. But you left and it was so fucking hard, and it stung because you didn’t even try. So when you hit me up after that game I knew I had to say no. Because no matter how much I try to convince myself otherwise, I’m still so in love with you that if you asked I’d uproot my life and follow you to Philly. I don’t want to be that girl.”
The outburst leaves you gasping for breath. Never before had you spilled heartache so fast – with a sort of reckless abandon. Anytime you’ve had these types of conversations you’ve been calm and collected. You’re currently the farthest thing from it. 
Kevin’s expression softens, and a sadness fills his eyes. “I was scared,” he begins, “Because for the first time in my life I was with someone I could see spending the rest of my life with. Sure, we weren’t serious, but I was going to take it there. Then I got traded and the plans I had went to shit and I was too scared to do anything about it. So I let you slip away.”
Silence fills the space between you. You don’t know what to say, so you focus on unraveling the loose thread from the hem of your cardigan. Kevin shuffles in his seat awkwardly. “Where do we, uh, go from here?”
The question shocks you. To the best of your understanding, you had made it perfectly clear where your relationship was headed. “Nowhere,” you breathe. “You head back to Philly, meet another girl, and fall in love. I stay here, do my job, and learn to be content with myself.”
“There’s no room for us in your little plan?”
“We’ve run our course Kev. As much as I still love you, will always love you, we’re too fundamentally different for us both to really be happy in a relationship. You have to know that.”
He nods. “I do.” With that, Kevin rises from the chair, gives you a sad smile, and leaves. You assume he’s calling it a night, and you wish to do the same. Finally having that conversation was exhausting and all you want to do is sleep for the next twelve hours. 
The rest of the trip passes without you seeing Kevin again. He and Nolan left early the morning after your conversation, and you do your best to enjoy yourself. Part of your brain makes you believe you’re the reason they left, though Tyler tells you otherwise. No one asks about what happened between you two, not even Rachel, and you return to the city determined to start anew. Eventually you break the cycle of obsessing over Kevin’s stats, and take it upon yourself to unfollow him on social media. Life goes on. 
Things never really get easier. You still find yourself grieving the loss of Kevin, late at night when you can’t sleep, but are confident in your decision to say goodbye for good. Time heals everything, and eventually you’ll be okay. 
taglist: @jamiedrysdales​ @kiedhara​ @tortito​ @boqvistsbabe​ @iwantahockeyhimbo​ if you want to be added just shoot me an ask :)
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am-artist · 2 years
the wilds s2 e5 discussion (tw SA from previous ep)
i really did not need for josh to go through this man
seth being the inside man sure is a choice. now i wonder what kind of fucked in the head he is to have agreed to the role and done what he did to josh, since it clearly was not part of some scheme.
also, this makes 2/4 operatives who have siblings in their control groups, which feels wild considering you’d think they get found out instantly. luckily for gretchen both sibling pairs have massive underlying tension ig!
still do not care about gretchen can we cut back faster
rachel getting to a place where nora’s funeral being suggested while we’re still stuck with 0 body is making me think that she is not in fact dead.
is shelby losing her faith? is that what we’re getting here?
kirin may yet be the #true leader of the group, which is kind of annoying considering what a macho chad type he’s been presented as thus far. stil glad the others are making an effort re josh despite how annoying he is (esp w the tryhard lib backfire racism).
so far gretchen’s inside agents have 1) died 2) ‘died’ 3) purposefully sabotaged the whole operation after assaulting another candidate and 4) been her shitty son, so that’s another point for the “gretchen is a total flop” argument. absolutely incompetent.
45 days in is ig a time to discuss what people back home think about their missing daughters. fun times.
gretchen name-drop! woopsie! (everyone immediately looking at leah after this reveal is so funny)
kirin at least believes josh. future besties set up ig.
again narratively i just do not enjoy the way the SA is inevitably going to destroy any authentic dynamics that could have arisen between the group esp re leadership. the tensions that breed just of the clashes of personalities and approaches are so much more compelling to me than the constant gross tension coming from this shared secret.
henry holding out on the #establishment is very in-character. and him just saying the lyrics to black parade…… is so funny to me. im sorry.
bad skin on the girlies, applause again for the MUAs
shelby’s internal drama is… painful. not painful enough to make me forget she put out that fire two eps ago tho!
oh wait shes going there too. oh fuck.
wow okay toni is so accepting. i do not think i would have been the bigger person so easily. but then again yes the likelihood of the boat spotting their tiny campfire is low.
oh the guys are having this confrontation NOW already?? i was not mentally prepared to have to sit through this debacle.
the boys are all acting exactly as i would have expected which makes the whole thing even more mystifying to me. so they deal with this within the space of one episode, and now that’s just lying there between them hanging over everything else they do. it really doesn’t feel like this served any greater purpose than being a twist villain reveal, at the cost of more natural character evolutions. & from an audience pov anyone interacting w seth now makes me like skin-crawly uncomfortable which is def intentional but doesn’t make me want to watch a lot of the guys’ segments. now hes been banished i assume he has to go into straight villain mode, but having an explicit antagonist to bond against makes the guys have a less interesting island life. and flattens seth out too obv but fuck his character.
random note i feel for henry bc seth *is* family but also it feels like their backstory may involve some badness by the way he reacts to this whole situation.
kirin did come thru tho thank u kirin.
as for josh i hope hes going to do well after this display of solidarity even tho he is very understandably traumatised & not happy abt the way this affects the group’s relationship to him (i will say this for this storyline i do think from josh pov it handles male SA sympathetically and realistically). & it makes sense that no one says anything abt this now, even for as reluctant to discuss it i would assume them all to be about it anyways.
future josh makes me not super confident he evolves positively from here tho.
+ sidenote i do enjoy kirin and ivan acting as opposite energy team parents despite josh not particularly appreciating either approach in the moment.
love the amount of rachel introspection this season but wish it wasnt all about her presumed dead sister. the character has so much inner conflict.
fatin going leah mode (more successfully than leah) is good stuff
welp called it. nora girl i get it but WOW have you done a lot that i would not forgive you for putting me through if i was your sister. hoping this was not your choice
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