#tim drake: sum of our parts
justlikebart-allen · 10 days
tim drake has literally never had a vigilante id that he named/designed himself. robin? inherited from jason who inherited it from dick. red robin? inherited from jason again. drake? fucking stole it from his EVIL ALT UNIVERSE SELF.
and hypothetically he'd be so good at it. think about alvin draper. caroline hill. Mr. Sarcastic. this boy has a new identity for every day of the week and you're telling me he can't come up with his own hero-sona? absolute bull.
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baambastic · 2 years
Wanted to point out the bat ears in Tim’s shadow (from “Sum of Our Parts”)
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momachan · 2 months
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"Bernard, wait, let me talk. I'm really glad you got home okay. I was relieved. And I've been doing a lot of thinking. About that night, and I-- I don't know what it meant to me, not yet. But I'd like to figure it out."
DC Pride: The New Generation (DC Cultural Anthologies (2021). Tim Drake Special. "Sum Of Our Parts."
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hotsoupblog · 4 months
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Tim Drake in "Sum of Our Parts" from Batman: Urban Legends #4
Writer: Meghan Fitzmartin | Artist: Belen Ortega | Colorist: Alejandro Sanchez | Letters: Pat Brosseau | Editor: Dave Wielgosz
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chamiryokuroi · 2 years
hey, if this isn't too much trouble could you tell me the comics where Tim and Bernard are together? I want to buy them
Ok so the story where they get together is Sum of our parts in Batman Urban Legends #4, #5, #6 and #10, or you could look for the DC Pride: Tim Drake special that contains all of the Urban Legends stories as well as an extra story The elephant in the room. Then there’s the story Special Delivery by Travis Moore in DC Pride 2022.
Then there’s Tim Drake: Robin that is Tim’s current run where we also see Bernard, currently it’s only #1 out, and next week #2 is releasing.
I don’t remember from the top of my head the comics from before they dated but there are a few.
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ectonurites · 7 months
No hate meant towards him at all, but ngl I really kinda didn’t think Tim and Bernard would make it this far as a couple or like, last this long? I’m not even sure Meghan Fitzmartin thought they would, because I remember an interview or something where she was asked why she chose Bernard and rather than it being something about his character or relationship with Tim, she said it was because he was from the time period in comics she wanted to evoke, iirc. Do you have any thoughts on that?
Ah yes, so first of all I do know exactly which interview you're talking about, I had gone and transcribed the section you're referencing myself a while back! I'm not gonna copy & paste all of that, but here is a link to the post where I did it so you can see her exact phrasing.
One thing I do want to note is that Bernard's relationship to Tim was at least kind of part of her reasoning—specifically that Bernard was a friend of Tim's who existed outside of the hero life: "[...] it really was important for it to be like, ya know, not in a superhero space but like in a- in a very Tim personal space. Like, this is who Tim Drake is and this is a person who knows Tim Drake."
Also, funnily enough your paraphrasing ("because he was from the time period in comics she wanted to evoke") actually kind of... sounds more like it's based on a line in the commentary I made where I was explaining how I interpreted what she said ("A seemingly big factor in why Bernard was chosen was to evoke feelings of that specific time") rather than her actual words ("I, um, I really sort of wanted to get back to that particular emotional space for Tim.") Maybe we just make similar word choices though lmao.
But anyways: I did specifically link the version of that post where I had made that additional commentary talking through my thoughts on the reasoning behind picking Bernard—tldr being that imo the story of Sum of Our Parts was about 'Tim figuring out his identity' above 'Tim finding the ultimate romance', so picking Bernard as a supporting character from Tim's old solo run to solidify and support the theme [rather than an extensive history with Tim being the deciding factor] made plenty of sense for the story being told and worked effectively.
Now, that post was written in 2021 so obviously things are in a different place now—but I do say something there that I wanna bring up, because I think it captures what my opinion on the future of the relationship had been back when it was new:
"From here on they could either further develop the relationship to be something with a lot of romance, or maybe Bernard just serves his purpose as the guy Tim realizes he likes guys with and they part ways to go on to date other people, either thing could work and make sense depending on what stories future writers (either Fitzmartin if she gets to continue with Tim after Urban Legends #10, or anyone else who picks him up for content focused on him in the future) are trying to tell."
I was always in a 'this could go several different ways' camp! Kept an open mind, lmao. And I do think that like, from the ending point of Sum of Our Parts, that was probably the intent—while having one bit to continue the story in Urban Legends #10 was obviously secured by the time of publication for #6, the vague end note of #10 (which just states the fact that Tim would get content in 2022, not specifying what) definitely implies that beyond that/at that point in time things were less certain about his upcoming direction. Having things end in an open enough way where if Meghan didn't get to continue with Tim there would be a complete story, but that if things did get to continue with her she'd have a plan/path to go down, yk?
And I think it's clear now that they did end up going down the 'further developing it' path since Meghan stayed on as Tim's writer for a while (between Tim Drake: Robin and Dark Crisis: Young Justice). And frankly, despite the reasoning behind Bernard being chosen seeming more theme-related than anything else, I think it's also clear Meghan just had a fondness for him/that timeframe he came from, hence why she took the opportunity to explore things further with them when she was given it. Like, idk maybe this is just based on Vibes™ but I feel like Meghan's intent was always to keep going with the Tim/Bernard thing as long as she was the one writing Tim.
I do feel like if anyone else had ended up as Tim's primary writer after the Urban Legends story, things may have turned out differently and the relationship may not have lasted the way it has—but it's hard to truly say since that's not what happened.
Now that she's not currently slated for anything upcoming with Tim (at least not that I'm aware of, frankly Tim doesn't have much coming up at all aside from a general 'he'll likely be showing up in some capacity in batbooks' sentiment) I think the future of the two of them is a bit less steady. Not that I think they're immediately doomed or anything, but just that next time Tim gets solo content it could easily be from someone who doesn't want to deal with a civilian boyfriend element, who knows. But now that they actually do have some content under their belt in Tim Drake: Robin, it could be something someone else wants to pick up and explore even more, too. It's simply... hard to say!
But basically: I definitely understand being surprised they've lasted this long, because a part of me is surprised about that too/didn't expect it to last this long—but another part of me is less surprised based on some factors of the situation (namely just: who has been doing the majority of writing of Tim).
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clambuoyance · 2 years
Okay so I’m a Ninjago fan & that’s why I followed you, but now I want to get into dc because your art is that damn great, and idk where to start-
There’s a couple recs in my tag #comics talk, that should have some movies and stuff but I’ll say a couple of em again here :)
Dc is really large so you can start by just jumping into the comics of any character or group you find interesting and looking for a Reading Guide
but if you want to understand the lil corner of dc I draw from here’s some stuff I started with
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1) It wasn’t the first comic I read but Supersons is a pretty good starter comic and it’s cute and fun :)
It features Jon Kent (Superman’s son) and Damian Wayne (Batman’s son) as the youngest Superboy and Robin, and there’s three runs (Supersons, Adventures of the Supersons, and Challenge of the Supersons) but they show up here and there in other comics. It’s not too terribly long . There’s also a movie about them coming out yaaaayyyyy
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2) Most of my fanart is about these funky guys tho 😳 they’re a third generation group of heroes that first form as Young Justice, and later Teen titans. The “core four” is Tim Drake (the third robin), Bart Allen (Impulse), Kon el/Conner kent (Superboy), and Cassie Sandsmark (wonder girl) but there’s other characters that show up too. It’s a bit older but Young Justice (1998) is just a really funny and wacky comic to me, and they also show up in Teen Titans (2003). There’s also young justice (2019). Theres also solo runs for some of em (Tim’s is like over 100 issues 💀) There’s a Tim reading list in my comics talk tag but the first thing I read of him was urban legends: sum of our parts story which is only three issues :) there’s like a Lot of comics for these guys so even I haven’t read Everything about them, but I’m slowly making my way through it all 🙏🙏🙏 If you like team dynamics like me you can start with YJ, or you can read their solo stuff. Sorry if this was confusing lol
3) One of the first runs I read was Batgirls(2021) if u wanna start w something new and shorter ( and then read their solo batgirl comics 😎)
4) Shows: I watched a lot of em but you can just watch whatever looks interesting. Teen titans (2003) will forever be my fave tho
5) movies: again I’ve watched a Ton of movies, and you can start with any of them just for a feel of the characters if you’d like, if you don’t wanna jump into the comics right away. My favorite movie is Under the Red Hood, which is about Jason Todd :) and also Reign of the Supermen, bc it has Kon in it so I’m biasssedddd
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th3j3llyb3llyb3an · 2 years
For the Tim Drake Special, its gonna be 64 pages total including all of the Urban Legends stories from Sum Of Our Parts. So if its including the Sum of Our Parts short stories, how long will the new story be on its own?
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heroesriseandfall · 2 years
Bernard reacts to the events of Batman #125.
Bernard came across the news video purely by accident: Tim Drake-Wayne Shot at Flugelheim Gala.
His worst nightmare had come true for the second time. All he had was Stephanie Brown’s phone number and numb panic.
Relationships: Bernard Dowd/Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown & Bernard Dowd, Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake
Characters: Bernard Dowd, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Dick Grayson (mentioned)
CW: gunshot wounds (the effects are described but the wound is not shown), mentions of a school shooting, hospital settings, minor self-harm (no blood, after effects from the pain cult in Sum of Our Parts).
Logically, Bernard knew Tim had been shot before. At least, he remembered seeing it on the news, what felt like ages ago, back before he and Tim reunited.
But he didn’t really think about it. Or maybe he just tried not to, a little scared of entertaining the thought for too long. He was sorely regretting that now. He should’ve thought about it. He should’ve looked into it. Figured out some sort of plan.
That’s what he was realizing, far too late, when it was already happening again. A news video, stuttering on Bernard’s old laptop, was saying Tim got shot.
“...Flugelheim Gala tonight, an attack purportedly orchestrated by the Penguin. Drake-Wayne was taken to the emergency room by his father, but there have been no updates on his condition…”
The call tone on Bernard’s phone dully continued its ring, as it had since Bernard had called Tim’s number in a panic. Tim’s face grinned up at him from the screen even as the call went to voicemail.
“Please don’t be real, please don’t be real.” Bernard felt his breath stutter with every word, but Tim still wasn’t answering his phone.
Bernard didn’t bother leaving a voicemail. He called again. No answer again. Bernard didn’t realize how hard he was pulling on his hoodie string until he noticed his finger going pink from it. His body felt far away as he exited Tim’s contact to find another.
The calling tone came again, nearly drowned out by Bernard’s carefully controlled breathing. Usually she was good about answering. At least, she had been the few times they’d called each other since Tim had introduced them. Please let her answer.
“Hey, what’s up?” came Steph’s voice. Nonchalant. Distracted. Light, not distressed enough to be worrying about…
Bernard let out a breath so fast the world swam around him, and he paused the news YouTube video as he realized it was still playing.
“Have–have you seen the news, Steph?” Bernard’s voice came out high.
“Uh…no. Should I have?” Steph said.
Bernard scooted back on his bed and pressed himself against his pillows and the wall, curling up as he did. “You–it’s on the news. Have–have you seen Tim?”
Please say yes. Please say he’s right next to you and he’s fine and the news is wrong, it was just a nightmare, he’s okay.
“No. I think he’s with Bruce. What’s wrong?”
Bernard went limp, his head banging against the wall behind him. No, he’s not with Bruce. If he was with Bruce, that means he was at the gala, and then he was at the—
“Bernard? Are you okay?”
His hand felt numb, but it was still holding his phone to his ear. “I need to get to the hospital.”
“What? What happened, are you–” She sounded alarmed.
Oh, right. She thought he meant he needed to go for himself.
“I’m not hurt, I’m—” He clenched his free hand tight enough for his nails to press into his palm. “Steph— the news.”
A pause, then rattling on the other line. Faint tapping. Bernard could hardly breathe, distantly realizing he should just be able to find his keys and drive himself to the hospital on his own. But he couldn’t move. He was stuck here. Like he’d been stuck before, standing to the side in the nurse’s office while Darla—
“Oh, God. Tim,” Steph said.
Bernard pressed his legs up tighter and glanced over to his laptop screen, where the video was still paused, with a photo of the extravagant building where the gala had been held. A building that couldn’t be much farther from a public high school, yet it had fallen to the same violence.
“Bernard, I’m—I’ll keep this call up, I just have to talk to some people right now, I’ll find out if we can—I’ll find out what’s going on.”
The thought of Steph leaving made Bernard’s stomach jolt, but true to her word the call didn’t end, just went quiet. With trembling fingers, Bernard switched it to speaker mode and reached out to slowly pull his laptop closer. His mind was buzzing. He didn’t want to know, but he had to know, and Steph might not be able to learn anything.
Bernard opened a new tab and typed in the gala’s name, stumbling on the spelling but still managing to get the right results. Maybe reading a news article would be better than hearing everything out loud.
Despite the anxiety rolling through him, Bernard’s brain manages to focus on the articles enough to gather a bit more information:
1) Penguin and Clayface had done this, according to witness accounts.
2) Batman and Robin had been there, and they’d purportedly saved everyone in the building from being gassed , but they hadn’t been able to prevent some injuries.
3) Tim. Tim was one of the injured.
4) Robin was another.
By the time he’d read through four articles, Steph was back.
“Alright, I—I got more info on Tim. He’s at Gotham General. Cass and I are driving over there, but we’ll probably have to wait a while to see him. Do you need a ride?”
Bernard closed his eyes, tugging at his hoodie string again. He glanced at his wall, where he had taped a bunch of photos of Tim next to his newspaper clippings of the Robins and his notes. “I—I have a car.”
A pause. “No offense, but I don’t think you should be driving right now. Plus, it’ll save on gas if we just pick you up. Do you want to go to Tim?”
She sounded so calm now. No wonder Tim had fallen for her. “Yes,” he croaked.
“Okay. Grab some stuff to distract you in the waiting room. See you in ten.”
His phone beeped as the call ended, and Bernard lowered it to his bed, then managed to pull himself off his crumpled covers and robotically stuff some items in his bag, pull on his shoes, and sit down against the wall by the door, staring at the floor.
A knock pulled him out of his thoughts, and when he opened the door for Steph, she gave him a strained smile and wrapped an arm around his shoulder warmly as she tugged him toward the car.
Steph sat with him in the back. Time felt muddled. One moment, they were putting on seat belts, the next they were out of the neighborhood, with bright lights reflecting off the window. He was pretty sure Cass was driving. The lights in the window were really bright, red and blue and—like the cop car lights when Bernard had walked out of that wretched school.
They made it to the hospital. The waiting room was packed, or at least it felt like it. Like everyone was pressing in on him. Steph directed them to the right area, and this time Cassie, one of Tim’s favorite siblings by his own admission, was the one to sit down next to Bernard while Steph went off to talk to—someone.
Bernard concentrated on his breathing, even in and out.
His head jerked toward Cass, who looked at him with a slight quirk of her eyebrows indicating her worry. “What?” Bernard said breathlessly.
“Can I touch you?” she said.
“Uh—” Bernard blinked at her, then remembered the photos of her Tim had on his phone, where she was often leaning on his shoulder or hugging or even kissing her family members on the cheek, in a few prized photos Tim always smiled over. Cass liked touch. She was good at it. “Sure. That’s—okay?”
Slowly, as if giving him a chance to back out, Cass wrapped an arm around Bernard’s back and leaned into him, her head resting on his shoulder. She felt warm, or maybe it was just that Bernard was cold, and her touch was firm and reassuring. After a few seconds, Bernard sagged into the hold, his fists unclenching.
“He’ll be okay,” Cass said, voice quiet and vibrating through Bernard’s chest. “Tim’s…stubborn.”
Bernard bit his lip, trying to make himself believe in her words. But Darla was stubborn too. And they didn’t know how bad it was. Even if Tim was okay right now (which they didn’t know, none of the articles had known anything, he could’ve died right after he got to the hospital for all they knew), he might not be later. Darla had been in the nurse’s office. Bernard had been there. Waiting. Waiting. She’d survived. Until she didn’t.
Cassie’s hand touching his own brought him back to the present. She pried his fingers apart where he’d been gripping his sweats hard enough to hurt. He had to watch that. He’d been trying to, trying to stop hurting himself. To shake off the destructive habits the cult had taught him. He’d been trying to get better, and he had been. Getting better, that is.
But. Tim got shot.
Steph sat down in the seat across from them. She didn’t have any news—he could see it in the anxious line of her face.
Bernard wasn’t entirely sure how long they waited. At one point, Dick, the oldest brother, came bustling over and got more information on Tim’s condition. He was alive, they’d managed to control the bleeding. He was getting an infusion because it was an arterial bleed and he’d lost a lot very quickly. But he was doing pretty well so far and Dick and Cass got to go visit him for a bit before coming back.
Bernard felt numb at the news. He tried to remember that Darla had never even made it to the hospital, and that was part of why she’d died. She’d been stuck in that damn school with only basic medical care for too long. But Tim was already here and had been for a while now, so his chances were higher.
Mom called him once, but he didn’t answer, and she didn’t call again. He wondered if his parents even knew where he was. They probably didn’t.
The chair by Tim’s hospital bed creaked with every movement Bernard made, but the beeping of monitors drowned out every other sound. The lighting was dimmed, but Tim almost seemed to glow with how pale he was. Somehow even with all the blood they’d given him, he still looked like he didn’t have any.
Cass was somewhere in the room, having curled up on the floor for a nap. Bernard had made a half hearted comment about that sounding uncomfortable but Cassie had just smirked and quirked an eyebrow before laying down. Apparently sleeping on the floor didn’t bother her. Bernard needed to reassess those news articles he’d read once that’d posed hypotheses about Cass Wayne’s life before she was adopted out of nowhere.
That was a while ago. She must’ve fallen asleep by now. The room felt too quiet.
Tim’s fingers tightened in Bernard’s hand, and Bernard’s eyes flicked back to Tim’s face. Tim’s eyes fluttered open, eyebrows wrinkling drowsily at the ceiling.
“Tim? You awake?” Bernard said in a low voice.
Tim’s eyes settled on him, and his jaw worked as if he was going to speak.
“Don’t,” Bernard snapped, then swallowed and softened his voice. “Your throat needs to heal. Just, um, nod.”
Tim narrowed his eyes, but relaxed his jaw. He gestured around the room with a tired movement.
“You’re in the hospital. Bruce brought you here.”
Tim’s eyes widened and one hand flew to his face, feeling the skin under his eyes. Bernard quirked an eyebrow, worry gnawing at his stomach. “Tim? You okay?”
A nod and strained smile, then a frown. Tim pointed at Bernard.
Another nod.
“Am I okay?”
Tim nodded again, and Bernard’s instant thought was, Don’t ask that while you’re in a hospital bed, you thoughtful jerk.
“I—” Bernard’s voice faltered, and he looked away a moment, but before long his eyes were drawn back to Tim’s, which glimmered with concern despite the meds he was on and the fact that he’d been shot only two nights ago. “I just—”
His limbs stuttering with hesitation, Bernard leaned forward and slowly reached his hand toward Tim’s cheek, watching Tim’s eyes for any protest yet finding only trust.
He cupped Tim’s cheek and felt his own lips quiver. “I just thought…like…I was scared. I’m just glad you’re okay, but I…”
Tim raised his own hand to rest on top of Bernard’s. “Bernard…” he murmured, voice hoarse and weak.
Bernard shook his head, and took a deep breath. “It’s okay. You’re gonna be okay. Cass said so, and I believe everything she says.” He was being half truthful. He couldn’t imagine she would lie, but his mind kept betraying him.
Tim seemed like he wanted to say more, but he just said, “Cassie?”
Cass popped her head up next to the bed, making Bernard jerk in his seat a bit. Had she been awake the whole time? She flopped her arms and chin onto the side of the bed and touched Tim’s arm, mouth quirked in a soft smile. “Hey.”
Tim’s mouth quirked in an almost identical way. “You—” His voice gave out before he could finish and he winced.
Cassie flicked his arm gently. “Don’t. Just use ASL.”
Tim glanced over at Bernard, as if hesitant to use ASL when Bernard didn’t know any, but Bernard just shrugged. Tim moved his hand off Bernard’s to sign something to Cass, his hands a little shaky.
“Bruce is fine,” Cass said aloud. She signed something else back to Tim, then aloud she added, “No one else was hurt so bad. Have to stay here for…hmm, a while. Doctor’s orders.”
Tim scrunched up his face unhappily, and Bernard swallowed, running his hands through Tim’s hair like he had on their last date, this time trying not to imagine how much blood they’d had to wash out of his hair…
“Too bad,” Cass said to Tim, responding to whatever he’d just signed. “Um, I told the doctors you know ASL, they said there’s an… interpreter?” Bernard glanced at her and nodded, and she continued, “You can use that to talk before you can do it without pain. I can’t do the…interpreting.”
Tim signed something else, and this time Bernard recognized it faintly as fingerspelling.
“Steph was here earlier. She’s coming back later, and so is Dick. Have to wake up again for that, Tim.” She ruffled Tim’s hair, grinning as she displaced the strands Bernard had straightened.
Bernard took a deep breath, and found that some of the tension had gone out of his shoulders. Seeing Tim’s eyes opened helped. It…it made it different, from seeing Darla. When she’d been shot, she hadn’t opened her eyes again after she’d first gone unconscious. And that time when Bernard was kidnapped by the Chaos Monster, and he’d been pulled away from Tim unconscious on the floor…that time, Tim hadn’t opened his eyes either. But now he’d already woken up, even if his eyes were already drooping again.
Bernard let himself smile and cupped Tim’s cheek again before leaning in to give a kiss to Tim’s forehead. When he leaned back, Tim was blushing and Bernard couldn’t help but grin, and Cass laughed.
“Rest up, Tim,” Bernard said. “You have to sleep so I can plan our next date without you sneaking spoilers. It’s supposed to be a surprise.”
Tim huffed a bit, smiling, but he just grabbed Cass’s hand in one of his own, and let his eyes fall closed while Bernard combed his hair with his fingers.
He’d be okay. And Bernard…well, if Tim was okay now, then Bernard could sort himself out later. For the moment, forehead kisses would be enough.
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luminescentauthor · 3 years
Jason’s perfect world??? Being one where Bruce did in the joker and the family accepts Jason and he breaks down crying in Bruce’s arms BROKE MY FUCKING HEART
as did Bruce’s perfect world: he kills the Joker for Jason and then Jason thanks him and then he sees Jason standing in the middle of a cluster of family, laughing and smiling and it really just reaffirms this idea that Bruce wants to kill the Joker, he wants to so badly, and he can’t because he’s promised the world that he’ll be something greater than he is, and he has to live up to the symbol, and I think some part of Bruce hates himself for that, that he is putting his duties as Batman before his duty to his son.
Interesting detail: in Jason’s fantasy, Jason wore a dark gray shirt and was his actual height whereas in Bruce’s he wore a red and was shorter? I think that can be taken as Bruce thinking “in a perfect world he never died” and also “I miss seeing him happy and I’ve never seen him that way as an adult” (fics where adult Jason laughs/smiles and Bruce just stops breathing kill me every time.) (Emphasis on Bruce hasn’t seen him that way as an adult. the outlaws have.)
Oracle and Jason’s Entire Dynamic is Absolutely Hilarious and i love them, your honor
Jason wearing a batsuit + red hood mask gives me life
Jason giving up firearms! Because while he still believes certain people deserve to die, he also hates the collateral damage and death has consequences! good on Jason also HOLY SHIT FINALLY THE MORAL CODE DEVELOPMENT WE DESERVE (pspsp dc all-blades as main weapon-)
(No, I don’t think Jason has sworn off killing; I think that was him saying “ugh fuck it fine guns are too easy to accidentally kill someone with, as fun as they are.” Tyler and his mom was a VERY rude reminder of the consequences of taking lives without consideration and Jason just went “hm. What if no.”) (do you really think Jason needs guns to kill people??? he was trained by the all-caste and the league of assassins.)
Bruce sent Jason what looks a hell of a lot like the uniform he wore before, and it very clearly has the red batsymbol on it HOLY SHIT JASON IS WEARING THE BATSYMBOL AGAIN YEE
Jason killed someone in rage like maybe a month ago and Bruce invited him to family dinner anyway because Jason showed clear remorse and that is so different from The Disaster I Pretend Didn’t Happen That Was RHatO Vol 2 and I am HERE FOR IT (i will go on pretending that Jason was injured in the explosion, not by Batman, and Batman didn’t get there until after Arsenal did, just in time to see Arsenal disappear into the distance with Red Hood.)
listen i understand that some people like loner antihero Jason (and I actually totally get this, because he’s a badass who takes No Shit and i adore him for that) (I also admittedly have a soft spot for Totally Ruthless Jason shows off What Exactly He’s Capable Of a la Arkham Knight), but I am one of the fans that desperately craves “Jason gets to heal and eventually reaches the conclusion that yes, some people are truly assholes and deserve to die, but most people (including himself, despite the fact that he has killed) deserve a chance at redemption” and/or “Jason deserves to be able to live his best life and if the blood on his hands is haunting him, he should stop killing for the sake of no one other than himself because he got a second chance at living and he deserves to live it goddammit.”
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linkeyy · 3 years
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After “Sum Of Our Parts” came out (no pun intended) I wanted to go back and re-read all of Tim’s early stuff to see if I could find any bisexual breadcrumbs way back in the 90’s.
I might still do that, but I just remembered that time he wore a Green Day t-shirt, and honestly, that’s enough for me. If this isn’t bi behavior, I don’t know what is:
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momachan · 2 months
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"Systems check, offline. Come on. Come on. Reboot. Gotta get up. Gotta stop... Gotta stop-- Chaos monster... Gotta tell Bernard-- Bernard? My friend. He-- Where is he?"
DC Pride: The New Generation (DC Cultural Anthologies (2021). Tim Drake Special. "Sum Of Our Parts."
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kedi-art · 3 years
So hyped for the new Robin's Tim Drake comics The Sum of Our Parts (Batman : Urban Legends #4-5-6).
I had to doodle a potential next page to this temporary end of part 3 👀
I'm a bit in a hurry, I know, but this needed to get out 😊
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thestarsarecool · 3 years
Tim Drake Rant
Sum of Our Parts was clearly a vehicle for Tim Drake’s coming out. Was the story great? Not really. It felt awkward at times and didn’t always make sense. But, honestly? I don’t care. There have been much shittier comic plots. Independent of the Chaos Monster stuff, the writing actually felt very genuine to me. Personally, Tim Drake’s coming out felt deserved and a long time coming. For those who cry that this is pandering, I can’t say if you’re right or wrong. I don’t think it matters. If pandering is just an attempt to appeal to readers, then maybe this is pandering. Maybe Tim’s exploration of his sexuality makes him more appealing and relatable to fans. Can you fault DC for this? For me, “pandering” only becomes a problem when it ends up hurting or fundamentally altering the character. And despite those who say otherwise, this does not fundamentally change his character or his past. Honestly, this whole thing makes me cautiously optimistic about Tim’s future. Of course I’m worried that this will become Tim’s only focus and they won’t end up giving him the attention he deserves. But this could be the push he (and DC) needs to bring him back into the limelight. I think Tim Drake needs something new: a mantle completely distinct from Robin (that includes Red Robin and the disastrous Drake). This could be the catalyst.
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