#those pants are fitted and tailored
emeraldties · 2 years
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I will never forgive the character designers for this. He’s too handsome.
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minophus · 3 months
gabriel experiencing Being A Girl w mirage and hes like ??? All of these clothes are so cute but none of them fit me at all. And she responds welcome to being a woman
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cozylittleartblog · 2 years
Do you have any tips on drawing the Swatchlings?
frankly i am happy that i have gotten good enough at drawing these bird boys (gender neutral) that someone wants my opinions. anyway
i see a lot of fun ways to draw swatchlings tbh and i don't really know what you want tips on Specifically so i will just make notes on a few of the main things i think about when i draw them, most importantly: just make them bitches broad and fluffy, man. they're all canonically Ripped, but an important thing to remember is that they are likely completely covered in feathers! that's going to smooth out those muscular details, so you wont be able to see them, just the broadness of them.
my style is all based in gesture and shapes, so i use a lot of blocks so they look nice 'n sturdy. it's okay if you don't nail the anatomy on the sketch, i am constantly nudging things around all the way into the coloring phase trying to get the shapes right. frankly i would probably bulk out even this Example Bird if i were drawing them all the way. i usually add more fluff or muscle or chub or whatever when i detail them but the absolute bare bones of them is dedicated to blockie
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i give mine these sort of vestigial wings on their arms to make them look softer, and i think about how feathers move and stick out on real birds to help inform how they'll sit on these birds, too. and i carry the soft, pointed feather shapes into the fingers so they also look soft.
tip for drawing Soft: don't get caught up making too many individual strands or feathers, soft things tend to come together in big tufts. you want big gentle shapes, not a bunch of little ones. unless you want your bird to look wet or scared in which case you're doing a great job and you've probably just drawn spamton instead
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their faces are really tricky so i think of them as these kinda... non-euclidean semi-hollow pentagonal cones. there's five "planes" with the top two dedicated to eyes and the bottom three dedicated to mouth placement. sometimes you can see the far eye even though, in real life, you would not be able to see that "plane" of their face. you don't always have to understand things sometimes they just look cool, especially when characters are cybernetic birds made out of Magical Darkness. there is no rule about when to draw one or two eyes. it's just whatever looks better.
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biggest and bestest tip of all about drawing swatchlings! very important! write this one down in your most favorite gel pen and Really Big! give them either tails, or tail coats. i don't care that canon has neither, canon is wrong. you can switch it out, even - my birds have tail coats as part of their standard uniforms but they can wear their real tails out on special occasions.
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lastly, if you want to stick closer to a canon interpretation, i would not try to make the birds too unique, when they're on the job anyway - they like being coordinated! tasque manager is very particular about keeping them coordinated as well. but if you just want to have fun then you can make your birds as fun and unique as you want :) even though i draw them all about the same i personally love love love seeing super funky swatchling designs, making them different colors and species and such.
course summary:
make them Large. make them Fluffy. use really broad, blocky shapes and draw big, thick tufts of feathers instead of trying to detail them too much.
their heads are silly magic nonsense. draw a triangle and get funky with it. no rules, only vibes. if it vibes it stays
they always need some kind of tail or tail equivalent and i don't care what Anybody else says
if you want to follow canon, draw all the birds except swatch just about the same. if you're just here for a good time, throw that out completely and have fun with it.
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 16 days
Im still looking at that art deco concept lifeweaver. Why did they make his suit so big......
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terresdebrume · 7 months
Good part of losing some weight: I'm going back to a silhouette and body I'm comfortable with and generally feel better about existing with said body, which is cool.
Bad part of losing weight: my fucking pants keep trying to fall of my ass and I am At Work.
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wellnesscard · 10 months
im moving the quest for pants that FIT to the most top of the list this is beyond stoopid
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emphistic · 1 month
Hiii I wanted to say I love yours works and was wondering how sukuna would react to yuuji wanting us to be his valentines 💓💓💓
Yuuji knows what chocolates you do and do not like. . . Actually, he didn’t. Sukuna did, however. And — being the awesomest brother he was — told Yuuji, albeit not for free. The boy had to earn it (Sukuna’s words) by mopping the floors of the apartment. Why did Sukuna choose such an odd way of payment? Who knows. And then, of course, Sukuna had to accompany Yuuji to the store in order to purchase said chocolates.
Yuuji isn’t sure what flowers you do and do not like. But he didn’t care; he thought all flowers were beautiful no matter what color, shape, size, and that each flower was pretty and unique in its own way. That’s what he repeated to himself in his head as he picked flowers straight from the dirt in the gardens outside your apartment complex.
Yuuji sees you wear some colors more than others. So he assumes you like those best. That’s what he thinks to himself as he colors in a card for you using those exact colors with his crayons. And though they weren’t a carbon copy — since he was working with very limited resources — his brain didn’t notice. And neither did you, when you received the card.
Yuuji loves you, a lot. He loves you a lot. Yuuji loved how caring you were when he got a boo-boo. Yuuji loved how good your cooking tasted compared to everyone else's. Yuuji loved how you would sing him to sleep — he, like his brother, thought your voice was amazingly lovely. Yuuji loved how funny you were, the jokes you would tell to cheer him up, and they worked. They always worked. Yuuji loved how soft your hands were when brushing through his unruly pink locks, much like his brother. Yuuji loved how you showered him with your undivided attention.
Yuuji was a smart kid . . . sometimes. He saw the way his brother changed when you started coming over to the apartment more and more often. Even when he was very little, he noticed. He noticed that after you permanently moved into the apartment, Sukuna was softer towards him. Sukuna smiled more. Sukuna laughed more. Sukuna loved more.
And so, Yuuji loved you a lot. Because, most importantly, he loved how you changed Sukuna — for the better.
Unfortunately, and like most kids, one thing he didn’t love was . . . school.
School, a center for learning to some and a prison to most. But if he didn’t go to school, how would he learn what Valentine’s Day was? How would he know that Valentine’s Day was a holiday to celebrate love, friendship, and admiration, for those you call special? He wouldn’t. Yeah, in a nutshell, long story short, however you want to call it, Yuuji wouldn’t know. He wouldn’t know what Valentine’s Day was. But, without you, he wouldn’t even know what love was — save for his brother, [occasionally], of course.
And what did Sukuna do? — Since he loved Yuuji so much? He fixed the little kiddo a tie and suit, of course! Yuuji looked utterly dashing wearing Sukuna’s suit; the pants were dragging a bazillion feet behind the boy and the tie was completely off-centered. (Were you expecting a suit tailored and sized for a little boy? LOL.) Maybe Sukuna did that on purpose. Maybe not. Sukuna did happen to snap a picture, though. Oh, he was so going to use this as blackmail once Yuuji grew older.
Yuuji thought he had finally obtained the confidence and big muscles of a man when he grew the courage to sit you down on the couch so he could “talk” to you. But as soon as he saw you looking attentively at him with the most gorgeous eyes he had ever seen in his whole four years on this planet, he nearly experienced heart palpitations right then and there.
Coming to the rescue, Sukuna came over and patted his younger brother on the back. Nodding at him in reassurance.
You had to admit, Yuuji looked absolutely adorable whilst he stuttered over big, complicated words not fit for a mere child, but when he finally got it, he shoved the chocolates, flowers, and card into your hands.
“And—and, I wan’ to ask you to be my va . . . wen . . . tine. . . Vawentine!” It took him a few tries to remember the “correct” pronunciation and to sound out the word syllable by syllable, but what mattered most was that he got it — in the end.
Yuuji raised his arms into the air, for some odd reason, like a person cheering or celebrating. Speaking of which — in this case, he would be celebrating his finally having gotten the hang of saying the word ‘valentine’. But he just looked so precious that you couldn’t even find the heart to tease him about it. Not even a little bit.
And if you were paying a little more attention to your surroundings, you would see that Sukuna was in the corner of the room, slowly and silently moving his lips as in a way to help Yuuji sound out the tough word.
“Thank you, Yuuji! — For all the gifts.” You scooped him up into your arms, peppering kisses all over his face. “I love you so, so much! Of course I’ll be your valentine. You are just too cute, aren’t ya?” You pinched his chubby cheek, eliciting a squeal from the boy. “Such an adorable little baby. I just want to put you in my pocket and take you everywhere with me.”
Yuuji nodded fervently, although he didn’t understand a thing you had just said.
All the while, Sukuna crossed his arms over his chest, huffing, before facing away from you two.
“Aww, are you mad that you're not my baby?” You turned your attention towards your boyfriend — who continued sulking — and so did his little brother, still snuggled in your arms.
“What the fu—what the heck? No.”
“That you’re not my honey bun?”
“That you’re not my sweetie poo?”
“Oh my God.”
“That you’re not my—”
He cut you off, turning around and swiftly slapping a hand over your mouth so fast you didn’t even see it coming. But, what you were able to do was: lick a stripe up his hand covering your mouth.
“Eugh! You just always have to ruin my day, don’t you?” Sukuna grimaced, pulling back and wiping his wet hand on his hoodie. You let out a cheeky laugh in reply.
“I think that someone . . . is a little jealous. Don’t you agree, Yuuji?”
He nodded. “Mhm!”
“I am not jealous, matter of fact. You all are just stupid.”
“Stupid?” You raised a brow, wanting to see where Sukuna was going with this.
“Yeah. Valentine’s Day is for couples. Couples. Not friends. Not . . . not anyone else. So, Yuuji can’t be your valentine.” He smirked at the now frowning boy in your arms. “Sucks to suck.”
“We are a couple. A couple of fwends.” Yuuji nodded profusely.
“Doesn’t count.”
“Yuh huh!”
“Nuh uh.” Sukuna stuck out his tongue jokingly at his younger brother.
“My teacher told me that—that Valentine’s Day is for friends, too. She said it is also a day for fwendship.”
“Well, your teacher is stupid.”
Yuuji clawed at your arms, trying to escape in order to jump out at his brother. He was mad. Big mad.
“Yuuji, no. No fighting.”
“That’s right. Listen to your friend, Yuuji. Listen to your friend, who’s not your valentine.”
At this, Yuuji flew out of your arms and lunged at his brother, tackling him onto his back on the couch.
Moving on, it’s safe to say that the next day at school, Yuuji told all of his classmates that his valentine was an angel.
Taglist: @beyond-your-stars @sad-darksoul @mochimoee @r0ckst4rjk @lillycore @deepchromatose @yinyinyinyinyinyin @fivehoneyharg @desihopelessromantic @taiyakii @hannas16 @acroso @msvalsius @call-memissbrightside
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nocturn-warrior · 2 months
Like poppies with seed
Feyd Rautha x reader
Rating: smut, smut, smuuuuttt
Warnings: pregnancy sex, lactation kink, detailed descriptions of body parts, Feyd calling reader his breeding cow, Feyd being extra horny for reader's body. Heavy, heavyyy pregnancy kink.
Summary: Feyd is more than proud in show you off while carrying his child.
@austinbutlerslovers @valeskafics
In the last months of your pregnancy, you are sore. Your ankles are hurt, your back aches, subtle waves of sleep hit you and all you want to do is snuggle in your bed, waiting for Feyd to come back from his duties.
He doesn't allow you to roam around the palace without his company. It sounded frustrating but necessary. You called atention everywhere you go and Feyd couldn't bear anybody looking at you for so much time.
Specially his uncle; he knew how the baron's mind was, and radiant as you looked, he wouldn't hesitate in use you for his own pleasures. The very thought enraged Feyd deeply. You were his and his alone.
That was the reason he made sure to keep you by his side: to claim you as his. To show every single person in Giede Prime who bred you so nicely, and who you belonged to. He had a cocky grin in his face everytime you went out in public.
Night has come and it is almost dinner time. After taking a warm bath, you admire your form in front of the mirror that covers half of the wall.
Caressing your bump, you think about Feyd and how he enjoys kissing your belly, knowing his child is developting in there. It's a repent change in his behavior, but Feyd became sweeter with you.
Sweeter like the male of a feline species protecting his female from others that could possibly take her, but it was still sweeter than the Feyd you knew, that would barely show his emotions unless they were adrenaline in a sword fight or that devilish grin when he urged for sex.
Laid on your bed was the dress he chose for that night. A long and extremely form fitting grey dress with long sleeves. For a while you doubted that piece of cloth would fit your pregnant body, but the fabric stretched perfectly to your size and was comfortable as well.
It puts in evidence your swollen breasts that doubled, maybe tripled in size; your huge bump; your luscious hips; your butt and your pussy. This last one made you a little bit embarassed. Sometimes it seems like Feyd in fact likes when people stare at you, as if he wanted to show you like a trophy.
After combing your hair, you wait for the knocking on the door indicating you should leave your chambers and meet Feyd. Usually he is busy with his duties until dinner, so a female servant leads you to one of the enormous hallways connected to the dinning room.
Today it wasn't different. When you heard the knocking, you opened the wide doors and the pale bald lady was bowing at you in reverence before guiding you.
You walk with a certain dificulty through those dark corridors, almost panting. The servant asks if you are feeling alright and you smile in ressurance, arching your back.
In the end of the hallway the lights from the dinning room can be seen and project a familiar shadow standing still. Feyd waits for you with his arms behind his back, he is eager to see you in the dress he ordered for a tailor to produce.
Even from a far, the sight of you makes his cock tingle. You walk slowly, hips swaying from side to side. Heavy swollen breasts are full of milk and bouncing as you walk. And under your round belly, the outline of your pussy seems to send aphrodisiac energies towards Feyd. The lips are perfectly marked and urging to welcome Feyd's penis.
He can't contain an evident erection as you approach him, smiling sweetly with your doe eyes, hands folded in front of your body. His piercering gaze directs to the servant who understands he'll take care of your from that point.
The na-baron's expression changes into a smile, looking down at you. He settles his hand behind your back and slips it down to your butt, giving it a good squeeze and then an audible slap that echoes through the hallway. You gasp instantly, and Feyd delights at the sound biting his lips.
"You look extra hot this night. I wonder who chose this dress..."
The man comments ironically, placing back his hand behind your back and guiding you to the dinning room.
Entering, you see the Baron eat his enormous amount of food. Rabban is two chairs away from him, leaving them to Feyd and you. You can't handle sitting next to the Baron, specially when he is eating. The sounds he makes are disgusting and your guts are way more sensitive now. Feyd then pulls the chair for you in the other extremity of the large metal table. Five generals watch you enter and sit, their eyes are glued on your body.
Before accomodating himself, Feyd looks piercingly at everybody and specially Rabban, who have always been more a rival than a brother. The thought of showing you round with his child who is to be the heir of Harkonnen, putting in evidence who Baron Vladimir prefers, amuses Feyd although his uncle's aprovation means nothing.
He takes a seat by your side, he places one hand on thigh, softly kneading on it very closer to your core. You press your thighs together trying to ease the crescent wave of horniness inside your cunt. With his free hand he serves you your vegetable meal once you refuse to eat the undercooked meat the Harkonnens appreciate. You barely touch it though. In the last weeks, you've been feeling like your intestines are being compressed and the leak of apetite starts setting in.
Plus, Baron Vladimir looks at you mischievously while chewing on his food. You start to feel uncomfortable, and once Feyd finishes his meal, you poke him with your elbow indicating you are ready to go. The Baron doesn't allow a woman to speak at the dinner table.
Feyd obligues, guiding you through the hallways back to your chambers. He made sure to let you walk in front of him, so he could get a better view of your butt and hips swaying as you walked with dificulty. His cock was hard, he wanted to take you right on the hallway and sink his face into your cunt, tasting your sweet nectar. And on the other side, you could feel Feyd's gaze on you, his bird of prey-like eyes reached you like lazers and your pussy was starting to get wet.
Blasting the doors of your chambers open, you plop yourself on the bed, taking a deep sigh and making fun about your back pain. Feyd was not interested in it, his eyes were glued on your body, admiring how your full breasts were squashed against your bump like a shelf. You looked like a sort of fertility deity, that way. He wanted to attach his lips onto your nipples and drink your sweet milk while fucking you.
He takes off his boots and coat, the matress shiftin with his weight as he sits by your side.
"Stand up"
He orders.
"But Feyd, my back--"
"I said stand up. In front of me"
His tone is more serious now, and you do as he asked, standing up with dificulty and looking down at his sitting form, anxiously playing with your fingers. You knew that tone very well and horniness was taking over you.
Before asking anything else, Feyd looks at how your dress snuggles to every protuding part of your body, your braless nipples were hard, jutting agains it and he unconsciously leaves a soft moan before ordering:
"Take the dress off"
Immediatly you try to reach down towards the hem of your form-fitting dress, but the volume of the belly gets in the way, so Feyd, still in his position, leans forwards a bit to glide up the fabric until your hands could reach and you could do the work yourself.
Slowly your bare skin starts to show; your perfect pussy, your swollen belly, and your bouncing tits that jiggle deliciously when the snuggly fabric releases them. You throw the dress away, waitibg for his next commands
Feyd's cock is so erect it could rip off his trousers. The man spreads his legs a bit and pats his muscular thighs.
"Sit here"
You take a deep breath and do as Feyd said, he balances you on his thighs and rests his broad hands on both your hips. Slowly, he starts to massage the small of your back. His touch is firm yet gentle. Soft grunts leave your throat as he kneads on your skin. Feyd's eyes are glued on your face, fascinated by your relieved expressions. He feels your wetness dripping down on his trousers and wetting the fabric of it. If you are so turned on only by this, imagine when he actually fucks you?
The other hand skims from your hip up to your breasts. He tucks his hand in the space between your pregnant belly and your heavy tits, before lifting one them up and making it bounce on his hand. The sensitiveness of your sore breasts makes your nipples painfully hard to the point a little drop of milk starts to form and drips on your skin, gliding down the curve of your belly.
"Look at those breasts... so plump and full. I barely touched them and they are already leaking."
Feyd squeezes one of the breasts firmly, making you gasp in surprise and pleasure. It squirts milk right on his muscular chest, and the sight of the white liquid graciously running down like a tear amuses the man.
He can't contain the urge to suck your aureola full on his mouth. His plump lips quickly attach to your nipples, making your core ache in heat. Feyd moans as he chuggs on your milk voraciously, and you unconsciously start to rut against his thigh in order to ease the state of overstimulation you've been put on by your husband.
You rest your arms on both his shoulders as he delights on the fluid. One of his hands glides down to cup the underside of your belly, massaging it. With the sensitiveness of your skin, his touch on the area makes you rut even more thrustfully against his muscular thigh as his feet are firm on the ground so you wouldn't lose balance.
You arche your back as you get off on his lap, the fabric of his trousers are completly soaked by your cum now. Feyd releases your breast with a loud pop and smirks mischievously at you, remainings of your white milk can be see in the creases of his black teeth.
"Look at the mess you've made on my lap. You are desperated, aren't you? You are desperated for my cock to penetrate this thigh pussy of yours. When this one is out, i will breed you over and over again."
He rasps, softly poking your swollen belly before he guides you to the center of the bed, all on fours. You feel heavy, your bump touches the sheets and your tits hang slightly.
Your husband zips down his trousers and underwear, revealing his huge pink cock which is so hard that reaches his bellybutton. Feyd moans, you feel the matress shifting with his weight as he kneals down, hands placed on your hips. He gives your ass a big slap and watches you squirm in overstimulation.
"Who is my breeding cow?"
He asks you, hand playing with the lips of your pussy.
"I am"
You babble, eyes shut and core aching for his cock. He smirks and slaps your butt again.
"Say it again. Tell me what you are. Tell me who got you pregnant"
His words make you moan before answering and Feyd waits with his hand ready to smack you again.
"I-i am your breeding cow. Feyd Rautha got me pregnant, and i belong to him. And i am ready to be bred as many times as he wants"
Says Feyd before comming closer and slowly inserting his cock into your pussy, leaving you completly desmantled. You moan loudly with the thrust of his hips, breasts sagging and bumping against each other with his jostling movements.
The position is not one of the bests due to your body pulling you down, but you are too overstimulated and pleasured to move or ask Feyd for another position.
Though extremely horny for your body, Feyd doesn't want to hurt or make you uncomfortable while with child, so he lifts up your belly once you start to complain about the heft. Having the hands of your husband over your bump is an enormous turn on, and you are starting to cum again.
The thrusts get more and more fast, grunts of pleasure leave Feyd's mouth as your cunt makes loud squishy sounds with the in and out of his cock.
"I am comming..."
He lulls his head back, thrustring his large cock into your tight hole, both your faces are hot, sweating with the waves of pleasure that prologues the orgasm.
Soon, you feel Feyd's warm sees filling up your cunt and he growls loudly, a large amount of sperm oozes from your hole mixed with your own fluids, falling into the bed.
Panting, Feyd helps you to get out from your position, laying your back on the plush pillows. Your legs are spread, head fallen to the side as the frantic rise and fall of your lungs are visible.
Feyd stands up with his legs shaky and grabs a grey towel and rubs it on your core, wiping off the excess of sperm. He throws the towel away before covering you with the blanket and laying by your side, his broad hand rests on your belly as you lean closer to him, resting your head on his muscular arm.
With a shaky voice, you playfully say:
"Thank you for breeding me"
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mellowwillowy · 4 months
PC (Personal Character / Yuu) is short.
PC: Crowley, where is my uniform?
Crowley: *opens wallet, empty* how about you ask your friends after you busted out my whole money for a phone?
PC: hmm…
PC: And which is why I need to take all the spare uniform you have Epel, don’t worry, I also plan on robbing Lilia’s pants and boots.
Epel: Fuck no, I barely have any spare!
PC: Shut it, we are literally the same size on everything! Stop being so stingy!
Epel: then you should totally go to either Rook or Vil for this kind of sponsor!!
Vil: Tailoring it takes time.
Rook: We just can’t give a random uniform now can we?
Epel: ARGHHHH!!! Why must we both share the same size in literally everythin'?!
Lilia: *hides closet* what is it little doll? I don’t have any spares to give you.
PC: then strip your pants and boots.
Sebek: *internal turmoils*
Malleus: Why not take mine instead? I have a few spares that I haven’t worn.
Silver: It’s going to drown them in size…
PC: Oh you stupid little general, I found your pants here!
Lilia: geh-! I forgot to put those into the laundry basket…
Riddle: You might run out of uniform if you only wear what Epel gave you, do you need mine?
PC: My only worry is that yours might not be tailored perfectly to fit me…
Riddle: Even if there were to be a difference in the size, I’m sure it’s only by a few centimeters off. Don’t worry, you can just wear it until Vil hands you your supposed uniform and let me sniff the remnants of you…
PC: what was what? I couldn’t hear you.
Trey: Now now, today's special is orange tart! *rushes in*
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risuola · 7 months
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OPEN YOUR MOUTH FOR ME — F. READER x NANAMI KENTO, who joined you for a simple mission during the Halloween night
You liked to joke that Nanami is always overdressed for the occasion. His suits were always crisp and perfectly tailored, showing the unmatched confidence with their color – light beige fabric in combination with dark blue button-up perfectly accentuated his mature features and blonde hair. Your work colleague knows how to dress to impress, and the grown-up apparition matched his character perfectly. Both were cold and calculated, so once, you decided to greet him in the hotel room a little underdressed.
cw: smut, lingerie + suit, blindfold, oral (m. receiving) face fucking/deepthroating, reader discretion is advised — 3,1k words
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If there was ever a person who’s overdressed for every occasion, who always looks composed and perfectly prepared, who always has suits perfectly crisp and tailored – it would be Nanami Kento.
Your friend since high school, your former classmate, your now work colleague and one of the closest people to you. Your bond with him is unbreakable, many horrible experiences you shared over a decade of being sorcerers, despite him leaving for a little while but besides what’s bad, you have so many great memories with him, it’s hard to describe. So many movie nights, every each of them quickly turning into late hours of just talking, drinking wine and enjoying the time together; so many casual walks, so many bakery visits and tests. He was your number one guinea pig when it came to your amateur baking hobby – he tried everything you made, gave you his honest opinion, sometimes too brutal, but you loved him for that. There was no bullshit when it came to Nanami, he always spoke his mind and you valued his opinion above everyone else’s. He’s a great friend.
That being said, there was always a lot of bickering between you two, and the way he’s always suited up, with that atrocious tie is your main weapon of choice when it comes to pushing his buttons – even though he looks perfectly fine, and he knows it. There’s no denying that Nanami Kento is a man created to wear suits. His fit, muscular frame fills in this kind of clothes perfectly and it also fitted his character. Calm, collected, always composed and on the field – effective enough to never stain the light beige fabric of one of his favorite numbers. It showed how confident in his skill he is and if someone makes him take his tie off and loosen up the dark blue shirt, you always pitied them. When the yellowish, spotted tie comes off, you know Nanami means business.
Even though you often made fun of the way Kento’s suited up even to go and grab groceries, you couldn’t say you don’t enjoy the view. You’re friends, but you’re not oblivious to how attractive he is – tall and broad, with his light blonde hair swooped back, his strong features and cheekbones sharp enough, you were sure, to cut a finger once touched. Not much of that skinny emo boy from ten years ago was now left in him and you’d say he had a great glow up. He aged like a fine wine and sometimes you caught yourself wishing to have a taste. To cross the line of friendship and explore more of him. Sometimes, during those long late hours, in the silence of the nights when it’s only you and him chatting quietly, you wondered how would he react if you just caressed his thigh. How would he react if you kissed his neck or slipped your hand over the very inviting bulge in his pants? Would he flinch away? Told you to stop? Maybe his composure would snap, and he’d taken you on the couch? You’d lie if you say you never fantasized about being fucked by him. You don’t need him to be your boyfriend, you don’t need commitment, you just wished he’d let you have a friendly taste of him.
The night of Halloween was never really your favorite – not because you’re that no- fun, but because during that night, many curses were let loose, balancing between crowds and some people couldn’t even notice what hurt them. Chaos was integral part of 31st of October and although you didn’t like it, you learned to accept it. That year you and Nanami got paired up to check on one little place on the outskirts of Tokyo – it was a simple mission, you quickly had it done and you couldn’t be more grateful to have him as a partner. You were meant to stay in the hotel for the night, just in case something happened, but ultimately, around 9pm you were already finished with the job.
That night you decided to test your luck. Worst case scenario, it will be just a little awkward and quickly forgotten. Best case – you’d achieve what you want. With that in mind, you couldn’t be happier when Nanami told you that he’s gonna go and quickly check things outside once more, just to make sure, reassuring you that you can stay in the room because he’ll be right back. Giving him a nod on that, you told him you’ll take a quick shower and that’s when he left.
Cold, October air cooled Nanami’s thoughts a little. The job was easy, there was nothing for him to check on, but he just needed a quick breather to calm his nerves before the night you two were meant to spend together. It wasn’t the first time, you had countless sleepovers, you shared beds previously, you hugged and held hands many times, but somehow, for a little while now, Kento couldn’t really keep his cool next to you. He had always found you attractive – you were just perfect in every aspect he could think of. Maybe except the baking, but even that you improved a lot recently. You were the only woman he had such close contact since high school and, of course, there were his other female friends, like Shoko, Utahime or Mei Mei, but you, being his classmate – he felt the most comfortable with you. He loved your character; so light and cheerful and yet mature and calm. Nothing soothed him more than those movie nights with you. The ones that always turned into hours of chats about everything, with the film playing in the background. And in his eyes, you were the most beautiful woman he’s seen. Your figure got him salivating; so many nights he spent fucking his hand with the picture of you in front of his mind, it was almost embarrassing to think of a friend that way. But he couldn’t help himself and deep down, he was thankful for the way his body was able to keep composure with you close to him.
He had no idea how he’ll survive another night in one bed with you – it’s been quite some time since you shared one bed. For few years now, even if you were on a job together, you usually had different rooms or at least separate beds. He wouldn’t count those nights when you fall asleep on his shoulder, fully clothed on the couch as sleeping together. He couldn’t tell how many times he wished to just have you. For once. To see how you taste, how you feel. To make you feel good. Would that make things awkward between you two afterwards? He couldn’t tell. You were always fully honest with yourselves. Well, almost, because if he was to be completely straightforward with you, he’d tell you already that he dreams of you bouncing on his dick.
“Oh, fucking hell, get it together, Kento,” he muttered to himself, looking up at the clear sky through the soft cloud of steam that came from his mouth – evidence of temperature now being much lower at nights than it used to be in the last few months. The harsh moonlight nearly blinded him and he exhaled deeply, silently wishing that instead of this boring mission he’d get something more involving. Maybe patrolling Shibuya on one of the busiest nights during the year would have him occupied enough to not wonder how your pussy would feel around his cock. Could you even take him? Would you cry? Would you enjoy it? Fuck, he was really doomed.
Coming to terms with his cursed fate, he visited nearest convenience store, grabbing few of your favorite sweets and a bottle of wine and headed back to the hotel. You were nowhere to be seen in the apartment but the quiet cacophony of hushed noises from the bathroom clearly indicated that you were still there, probably getting ready to bed, so Nanami made sure the doors are closed and put the alcohol into the fridge. His thoughts were still wondering somewhere between reality and a fantasy of you.
“You bought us some liquid courage?”, you joked from behind him, your voice soft and mentally he kicked himself for not noticing you sneaking up on him, because when he turned out, the sight caught him off guard.
You were there, smelling divine with the slightly fruity note of the shower gel you used. Your hair was dry mostly, just barely dampened at the ends but what made him forget how to breathe properly was what you were wearing. Or rather what you were not wearing. You stood there, heightened on your tippytoes and barefoot, dressed only in a set of lingerie – it was blood-red in color, made entirely of thin, soft looking lace and leaving not much to imagination in a way it hugged your breasts; the see-through pattern made your nipples just teasingly noticeable. There was a thin, golden necklace hanging on your neck, drawing attention between your breasts where little letters K and H were hanging – your way of having both of your former classmates always next to your heart, but now he couldn’t focus on the shiny accessory when it was situated in the little valley between the swell of your chest. When Nanami looked a little lower, his eyes sliding down the curves of your body right to where the little, equally thin panties were resting against your hips, he swallowed thickly. The view went straight to his dick and it felt straining already.
“Should I look away?”, he asked, his voice cracking just barely at the beginning of the sentence, but his voice was now an octave lower, and you found it incredibly attractive. The question he asked was experimental, he needed to know if you wanted him to look at you or you just, for some reason, forgot the clothes from your backpack and came to get them.
“I’d wish you to not,” you replied, gently placing your hands over his chest and pushing him few steps back, until the back of his knees hit the edge of the bed. Once you took his glasses off and made your way to the little table to safely put them there, you gave Nanami a chance to see the back of what little you were wearing, and he nearly moaned at the sight of the tiny thong.
“Is that your Halloween costume?”, he asked, noticing little devil-like tail that you had attached to the waist band of your panties. It’s only now that he realized there are two little horns on your head as well.
“It is Halloween after all,” you chuckled, getting back to him. “I figured you have enough tricks with Gojo, but I might have a treat for you.”
Kento sat down on the edge of the bed, pushed back by your hands and you found a place between his legs, slowly brushing your fingers through his hair. There was a certain amount of hesitation when he allowed his palms to rest on the sides of your thighs, the feeling of your soft skin sent electrical impulses from his fingertips to his member, making it more uncomfortable than it was just moments before.
“Oh my god, you’re beautiful,” he muttered, burying his nose into your stomach, peppering soft kisses over your flesh and immediately intoxicating himself with the subtle, sweet scent of you, the warmth of your flesh, the taste.
“So, you accept me as your Halloween treat?” You asked lightly, scratching at his scalp before he pulled away from your belly.
“If you are a treat, I might start liking that day.” He declared, grabbing you by the hips and pulling you over his thighs. You straddled him and immediately found his lips, hungry to finally taste him. Your nearly naked form and red lace contrasted heavily with the complete suit he still had on, the cotton fabric rested comfortably against your thighs as you fought with him for dominance in the kiss. Nanami’s large hands wandered over your shapes, examining your frame and sending shivers down your spine. His palms were cold against your skin, or maybe it was you who were burning with anticipation already, but the cool feeling made you gasp into his mouth.
Your hips rolled against his crotch; you could clearly feel his strangled erection fighting for any space inside his dress pants, the light beige cage trapping him almost painfully and you smiled into the kiss as he groaned lowly at the contact. Not faltering from his mouth, you began slowly grinding your clothed core against his dick, the size of his bulge made you more wet than you thought you’d be at this point and you were sure that if that takes any longer, you’ll leave a sticky patch over his trousers.
“Can I taste you?”, you asked, barely pulling away from the kiss; your lips still brushing against his as you panted out the words. “I really want to taste you, Kento.”
Nanami wasn’t the type to receive, he was rather the giver. He found pleasure in making others feel it, but who he was to say no, when you asked so nicely. Stealing one more kiss, he let go of your hips, allowing you to move down from his lap and he watched how you slowly dropped to your knees in front of him. He took few mental pictures of the sight, you really looked breathtaking like this, with your eyes half-lidded, your lips swollen and parted, glistening from saliva and panting softly for air. There was also some kind of unreasonable satisfaction to have you on your knees, dressed so scandalously whilst he had the perfectly tailored, business suit on.
“God, you’re bigger than I thought,” you muttered once his pants were opened and with a pull on his underwear, you let his cock spring free. His hard length bounced against his stomach, the tip angry and leaking, eager to be caressed and Kento purred when your hand wrapped around his girth, giving him few experimental pumps.
The way you looked at him from between his legs made him feel, like he could cum just from the sight of your eyes, so to spare himself the embarrassment, he grabbed his tie and with upmost expertise, covered your eyes with it. The sudden loss of vison made you gasp quietly, but there was no protest from you.
“Open your mouth for me,” he ordered and you were quick to comply, leaning in and giving his length few long licks. Your tongue followed the swollen vein on the underside of his cock and each stroke you finished with a soft suck on the tip. Hungry for more, you finally took him into your mouth, enveloping him with the warmth of your throat and you began to move – at first slowly, up and down, feeling his girth and using your hand where you couldn’t reach.
Nanami placed his large hand on top of your head, smoothing over your hair as you picked up the pace. The way your tongue danced around him, as you worked it intensely against his dick made him groan lowly – a sound that went straight in between your legs, the best kind of praise to what you were doing. You couldn’t see him, so what you were feeling and hearing filled you with satisfaction and you noted to yourself, that his already sexy voice sounds even hotter when he’s all worked up. You rarely ever heard Kento growl, he wasn’t usually angry or worn out enough to show anyone that side of him.
“Just like that, such a good girl,” he praised and you could feel him growing in your mouth, throbbing and flexing as you were sucking him like it was your job. But you were curious, so eager to know what he’s capable of, what he really wants because you struggled to believe he’s always so composed. Even now, as he was panting from pleasure you were giving him, you could tell he still held back, kept himself gentle and aware not to hurt you. You wanted him to let loose.
“Use me,” you pleaded, pulling him out of your mouth with a soft pop.
“I will hurt you,” he replied breathily, the top of his knuckles softly smoothing over your cheekbone.
“I will let you know if it’s too much,” you reassured. “I’ll tap your thigh if I can’t take it.”
There was no need to repeat it. Despite initial doubts, Nanami trusted you – a testimony to a decade you spent together. He knew you well enough to know you will indeed let him know if something’s wrong. You were not the type to please at the cost of your own health, so he wasn’t worrying that much when he collected all your hair into a ponytail, throwing the headband with devil horns away.
“Open,” his tone was demanding, way less friendly and much more harsh and the second after his words reached your ears, your jaw dropped down. You worked with him once his dick was back in your mouth, adjusting to the tempo he forced upon you. The tip of him time after time was hitting your throat, the salty precum spread all over your palate and you focused on breathing through your nose instead of gasping through lips.
You knew Nanami was close, you could feel his thighs tensing on your sides and you could tell by the way his grip on your hair tightened. The stinging pull on your follicles caused you to moan quietly, the vibration of your vocal cords reverberated onto his length and he groaned from above you. You teased him playfully with your teeth, grazing them alongside his dick and earning yourself a punishment – he pushed your head down onto himself, his tip deep down your throat and you whined incoherently, causing him to twitch right there. In no time, he was cumming, still forcing your head up and down his cock, abusing your pharynx with every thrust.
His seed was spilling through the corners of your mouth and once he let you off his member, his fingers were quick to catch the white drops from your chin and push them back into your mouth. Nanami scoffed slightly at the eagerness with which you sucked on his fingers and so it didn’t surprise him when even though he came already, you were quickly back on his dick, licking him clean and purring.
Nanami would let you play a little more if not for the desperate need to feel your pussy. Hence why in a matter of seconds, you were on the bed, flat on your back whilst he crawled above you, already toying with the waistband of your lacey panties.
“Now it’s my turn.”
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I know I've talked about how Mihawk sews and embroiders, and probably was already making/embellishing his clothes since his first appearance, (roger's execution pink tulip patches my belove-eds) but I'd like to emphasize that this man is 100% his own combination tailor/milliner/cobbler. He sews his clothes and makes his hats and there's whole 50s housewife-esque sewing room in his castle. Those v-notch-waistband pants are a perfected pattern and you know it. Whenever he meets up with Shanks he spends 30% of their time together fighting and the other 70% darning Shanks' shirts. He handmade Perona's glow-up fit because nothing hit right for her at the local op hot topic. Definitely monograms his towels. Gets bored in the Cross Guild one day and spends the better part of a week hemming Crocodile's pants and letting out his waistcoats. Keeps a needle and thread pinned inside his coat. Bills the WG for "upkeep expenses" when he decides to go ham on the latest silk exports.
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another-lost-mc · 10 months
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a/n: this was another request from the lovely @meggsngrits 💜
solomon x chubby!reader headcanons
1.2k words | nsfw | fluff and explicit sexual content
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— He is unbelievably grateful to be with you. You’re surrounded by demons and angels and otherworldly creatures who all adore you, but you chose to give your heart to him instead. He’s not sure what he’s done to deserve you but he’s not going to squander his good fortune. He does everything he can with his unparalleled power to ensure your safety and happiness. Sometimes he flaunts your relationship in front of the others because he feels petty satisfaction seeing blatant jealousy sour their expressions. He knows he’s the luckiest being in all the realms because he gets to be with you, and they all know it too.
— He quickly learns that there’s something satisfying about sharing his own clothes with you. He waves off your complaints about them being too small when he insists you try on one of his shirts anyway. You’re speechless when the cloth seems to stretch around you and it sits comfortably on your shoulders. He wiggles his fingers at you and admires how fetching you look in his button-up shirt, but his eyes linger on the strip of bare skin where the shirt hangs open. There’s nothing a little magic can’t fix, darling. But maybe I can give you a hand taking this off again…
— He spares no expense buying lavish gifts for you: expensive dinner dates to your favourite restaurants, jewelry made with rare metals or precious stones, or custom clothing tailored to fit your luscious body. Having a friend like Asmo comes in handy for gifts like these too. He keeps your measurements on hand so Solomon can commission him to create a new outfit for you the next time you’re both invited to one of Diavolo’s parties. Asmo’s designs are stunning and show off your best features. It's so cute watching you accept endless compliments about how lovely you are, and no one is more affected by your appearance than Solomon is. (He has to discreetly adjust himself more than once when being close to you all evening leaves him hard and aching in his pants. Sometimes he convinces you to find an empty room nearby for a little personal relief instead.) Solomon is almost smug as he escorts you around Diavolo’s ballroom. The demons and angels nearby can barely contain their own envious glances because they hate that he’s the one who gets to take you home at the end of the night.
— He doesn't understand why you're so apprehensive whenever he offers to cook for you. Fortunately, he learns early in your relationship that he loves cooking with you even more. It’s a rare opportunity when he gets your company all to himself, and you can both let your guards down around each other without the others hovering nearby. He loves the way you purse your lips when you concentrate on chopping ingredients, or how your nose wrinkles slightly when you taste something and realize it's under-seasoned. He insists that you both wear cutesy couples' aprons, and his heart melts when you ask him to tie yours for you. (He could tie his own, but he likes it when your fingers brush against his spine through his shirt.) Your eyes brighten whenever you eat something delicious, and it satisfies some primal need deep within his soul to see you well-fed. Sometimes you even let him feed you off his own plate. A perfect day leads into a perfect night together when you accept a piece of sugar-dipped fruit from his bare fingers for dessert. He stares at the drop of juice that trickles down your chin, and the teasing glint in your eye is all the invitation he needs to lean forward and lick it away for you. When he leads you to his room shortly after, he gets distracted along the way by giving you slow, sticky-sweet kisses. 
— He’s lived a long life and he thought he knew all his bedroom preferences and kinks by now. When he’s intimate with you, it’s like those past experiences start to fade away. Being with you feels like falling in love all over again, as if you’re replacing all his old memories with newer and better ones he’ll treasure until the end of time. Your kisses draw whimpers from his throat and leave him breathless. Your body feels so snug pressed against him and he’s overcome with desperate need to feel your naked skin against his. You’re shy and a bit nervous when he reaches under your clothes and strips you bare for his greedy eyes; he’s smoldering with desire and so eager to please you. He’s almost giddy with excitement to try new positions, new toys, new spells—anything and everything he can think of that will make you feel incredible.
— He’s insatiable for you. He grinds his hips against your ass while you fumble to unlock the door to Purgatory Hall after a late supper. If you’re just as needy as he is, you drop to your knees as soon as you get the door open and urge him inside. His head hits the wall with a quiet thump and he groans your name. He's hard and straining against his zipper, and your fingers only tremble slightly to get his belt undone. Once you pull out his cock, he cradles your jaw to guide your movements as you swallow around him. He likes to go down on you too. It takes a while for you to get comfortable being on top, but it’s his absolute favourite way to eat you out. He coaxes you to hover over his face and shushes your silly protests; there's nothing he wants more. He massages your chubby thighs with his hands before spreading you open with his fingers. He licks at your hole until you’re wet with spit and slick, and his moans vibrate through your tummy so you can feel how much he enjoys it too. You grind back against his face and urge his tongue deeper inside you, but he stops you before you can come. He maneuvers you onto your knees and pushes your shoulders to the mattress instead so he can feel you come on his cock. He buries himself inside you with each rough, deep snap of his hips. He stares transfixed at the swell of your ass that bounces lightly with each thrust. His hands dig into your pudgy hips and draw you back onto his cock, over and over again, until your walls clamp around him when you come. He stains your insides with his release and licks his lips as his cum drips down your thighs. He shivers when you whimper his name between panted breaths and his cock is already stirring inside you again.
— He’s not entirely opposed to inviting others to join you in bed. He wouldn’t want to have threesomes very often, but they have their own tantalizing appeal. He’s a bit of a voyeur and there’s something deliciously depraved about watching someone else’s hands grab at your soft curves. He can fuck his fist watching someone else pleasure you instead. Your body shivers and bounces and jiggles from their ministrations, and it’s so unbelievably sexy. The best part is that he knows you’ll cry his name instead of theirs when you come. Afterwards, your guest is welcome to stay and watch while Solomon reclaims your body for himself with his mouth between your legs and his cock buried to the hilt inside you. He’s a little petty about this arrangement because he knows sharing you like this is a double-edged sword for them. No matter how much they worship you with their own bodies, no matter how much they lavish you with their attention and praise, your pleasure is a temporary paradise. He’s the one you love and desire most—not them—and they don’t stand a chance.
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moons-dunes · 8 months
Summon the Suit
For Kinktober- Prompt: Suit + Mask Kink
Kinktober Masterlist
18+ Only MDNI
Pairing: Steven Grant x female reader
Summary: The sight of Steven in the Mr Knight suit awakens something in you. Steven finds out.
WC: ~2.7k
This work contains: slight mention of violence (nothing serious), reader is implied to be a mercenary, the boys are still working for Khonshu in this, inappropriate use of Steven’s batons, semi-clothed sex, sex against the wall, PiV, probably don’t do this in real life. Please let me know if I missed anything!
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The last of Harrow’s disciples hit the ground, the attempt at avenging their deceased leader and goddess put to an end. For now.
You looked around at the unconscious men and women, satisfied to see them completely still save for the shallow rise and fall of their chests.
You wiped some blood from your cheek, the dark red smearing across the back of your hand from where the rings of your attacker split your skin.
Steven picked up his batons, letting them magically fade back into the suit.
The suit you hadn’t seen before.
Usually in these situations it was you and Marc working together to carry out Khonshu’s missions, much to the skeletal bird’s dismay.
This, however, had been a surprise attack.
A night out with Steven had turned into an ambush.
“You alright?” He asked as he ran over to you, gently placing his gloved hands on your shoulders. The mask covering his face disappeared, revealing his messy hair and sweaty forehead.
He was looking you over, eyes wide and frantic.
Thankfully neither of you had gotten hurt too badly.
“Yeah, I’m good,” you assured him, wiping your hand against your pants. “You?”
You knew they had Khonshu to protect them, but you still couldn’t help but worry for them. As much as you disliked the god, you were glad for the armour he provided them with.
“All good, yup,” Steven spoke softly, shrugging off his pristine white jacket. “Here, don’t want you to freeze before we get home.”
With all the adrenaline you hadn’t even realized you were cold until he draped the surprisingly thick fabric over your shoulders, warming your bare arms.
He wrapped his arm around you, hastily leading you in the direction of the flat. It wasn’t too far from where you two had gotten jumped.
“Not the best way to end date night,” Steven sighed as you two walked quickly, continuing to look behind the both of you to make sure you weren’t being followed.
“I’ve had worse,” you joked, making him smile a bit.
It didn’t take long to reach the building, and Steven quickly buzzed in.
It was nice to be back home, out of the biting chill of the night. And more importantly, away from anyone who wanted to hunt the two of you down.
Stepping into the lift, your eyes turned to the mirrors that decorated the walls.
Now that you two were safe, you took time to admire the sharp suit Steven was wearing.
The silky fabric almost seemed to glimmer in the fluorescent light of the lift, making each intricate detail pop.
You couldn’t help but to sneak a peek at how the tailored pants accentuated the curve of his ass, or how the vest hugged his waist.
Oh dear.
“You coming, love?” Steven asked with a gentle squeeze to your shoulders, and you realized the elevator doors had opened. “You alright?”
“Yeah, yeah…” you trailed off, forcing yourself back into reality. “Just tired.”
It had been a week since you saw Steven’s suit, and you couldn’t stop thinking about it. You were having dreams about him in it; fantasizing about him fucking you with it on.
Khonshu was annoying, sure, but at least he had good taste in what he made his avatars wear.
The image of the bright white fabric, a beautiful contrast to Steven’s olive skin. How his dark curls got ever so slightly messed up from the fit of the mask.
He looked so sharp in it, and he seemed more confident when it was on. The way he skillfully flipped around was something you never thought you’d see from him, let alone how effortlessly he manoeuvred those batons of his.
And those damn tight pants. It was nearly impossible not to sneak a peek at his-
“Darling?” Steven’s voice broke you out of your thoughts, bringing you back to the present.
“Huh?” You responded quickly, snapping your head to look up from your empty plate. “Sorry, I was just thinking about the… um… the… something. From work.”
‘Yup real smooth.’ You scolded yourself internally.
“Oh really?” He questioned, the corners of his mouth starting to form a subtle smile. “And what might that be?”
Oh god, he knew. He totally knew.
You opened your mouth to speak, but nothing came out. You felt your cheeks heating up.
“You weren’t very subtle the other night, love,” he confirmed that he knew, standing from his chair to come and stand behind you. “And you talk in your sleep.”
You swallowed hard.
“Steven, I-“ you tried to explain, but you really had no excuse. “I’m sorry?”
That definitely sounded more like a question than an actual apology.
His hands rubbed up and down your arms, and he leaned down to brush his lips against the shell of your ear. Goosebumps erupted over your skin, sending a shiver through you.
A gentle gust of air came from behind you, and Steven’s now gloved hands found yours.
“No need to be sorry, love,” he whispered in your ear, feeling the fabric of his mask rather than his lips against your skin.
You let out a quick shriek when the chair you were in was suddenly spun around, the wooden legs scraping against the floor.
You were met with glowing white eyes staring into yours, a sight that had you clenching your thighs together.
You curiously lifted your hand and traced your fingers down the seam that ran down the middle of the mask, brushing across the raised crescent moon as well.
Steven brought a gloved hand to your face, resting it against your cheek and letting his thumb brush your bottom lip. The fabric of his glove slid across your skin, creating an unfamiliar but welcome feeling. You shifted in the chair a bit, feeling the unmistakable heat of your arousal growing.
“Come on, love,” he grabbed your hand and pulled you up, leading you to the sofa. “More comfortable here, yeah?”
He sat you down on the edge of the sofa, then knelt on the floor in front of you.
“Y-yeah…” you stammered a bit, unable to pull your gaze away from the glowing eyes that seemed to stare right through you.
He shucked his jacket off carelessly, revealing the dress shirt and vest underneath while you watched shamelessly.
“Enjoying yourself, darling?” He asked sweetly, his hands coming to rest on your knees.
“Yes! Yes, it’s good,” you stumbled over your words a bit, trying to get yourself together as much as you could. “Please, keep going.”
You heard him chuckle a bit, then his hands found the waistband of your leggings.
You lifted your hips so he could pull them down and off, tossing them to the side.
You were sure he saw the wet spot on your underwear when he pushed your knees apart, it must have been blatantly obvious.
He ran a single gloved finger over the thin fabric with a pleased hum, making your hips twitch as he barely brushed over your clit.
He flicked his arms and wrists outwards suddenly, making his batons appear. Your breathing picked up immediately, shaky and heavy.
“Make sure you tell me if it’s too much, alright my love?” Steven’s tone grew more serious, waiting patiently for you to answer.
“I will, promise,” you assured him, feeling a knot forming in your stomach from the anticipation.
He set one baton on the couch beside you, holding the other steady in his hand as he pressed the blunt end against your aching clit.
You gasped a bit at the feeling of the cold metal through your underwear, and at the much needed pressure against you. Your hips started grinding against the baton, letting the end of it rub against your clit over and over.
“Oh wow…” Steven muttered under his breath, watching your movements intently as he felt his cock starting to strain against his trousers.
The little excited breaths he was letting out were driving you insane, slightly muffled by the fabric over his face.
As much as you loved the mask, you found yourself wanting to see the look on Steven’s gorgeous face.
“Wanna see you, angel,” you somehow managed to say clearly, making him look up into your eyes again.
The mask disappeared, revealing his doe eyes and slightly parted lips. His hair was a bit messy again, a few stray curls falling over his face. The low yellow light of the lamp shone against his skin, creating a near golden glow.
You smiled down at him, taking in the view.
“My pretty boy,” you purred, making him blush a bit.
You bucked your hips against the baton a bit faster, feeling the wet spot on your underwear grow.
You caught sight of Steven’s free hand rubbing over the tent in his tight pants, slow but steady.
You froze your movements when you felt the rounded end of the baton push your underwear aside, teasing your wet entrance.
“Can I-“ Steven started.
“Yes,” you didn’t let him finish, bucking your hips up to coat the metal with your arousal.
You angled your hips into a better position for what he was about to do.
You tossed your head back and squeezed your eyes shut, going still as the baton stretched you out deliciously.
Steven didn’t push it in too far, careful not to hurt you or make you uncomfortable, but it was enough to send a new wave of pleasure through you.
He stopped once the baton was about a quarter of the way in, holding it still so you could adjust to the new feeling.
The sensation was a bit odd, but not unpleasant.
It was oddly pleasurable.
Once your breathing evened out, Steven started to slowly pump the baton in and out of you.
You lifted your heavy head, looking down where the portion of it disappeared into you. You saw the glint of your juices in the light each time he pulled it back.
It didn’t take long for you to get used to the feeling, and despite the slow pace it made the knot in your stomach twist even tighter.
An idea passed through your slightly dazed head.
Your slightly shaky hand found the baton that had been discarded beside you on the couch, grasping it tightly.
Once you felt comfortable with the weight of it, and once you could steady your hand, you extended your arm to gently rest the baton against Steven’s cheek.
He gasped quietly as the cold metal touched his heated skin, the hand on his crotch losing rhythm for a second.
Right as you were about to run your idea past him, to ask him if it was even okay, he carefully took the tip between his lips. It was like he read your mind.
This man was going to be the death of you.
You let him control how far he wanted to take the baton into his mouth, holding it still for him so you didn’t accidentally hit his teeth.
He started bobbing his head in time with the thrusts of the baton in you, creating a symphony of the squelching of your drenched cunt and his sputtering moans.
His hand was moving quicker over his trousers, giving him the friction he so desperately needed just from watching you.
He angled the baton up a bit, pressing against the spot inside of you that made you let out a surprised but pleasure filled moan.
The sight of your dripping hole clenching around the baton had him more worked up then he could have imagined.
Your moans echoed through his head, going straight to his cock.
He needed you so bad.
He didn’t want to stop what you both were doing, but he was getting desperate.
He pulled his mouth from the baton in your hand with a slight pop, then carefully removed the other from your now thoroughly soaked entrance.
“Steven, what-“ you looked down at him with worry, wondering if you had done something wrong.
“Shhh,” he shushed you gently, making the batons disappear. “Need you so bad, love. Can’t wait.”
He pulled your underwear down your legs, dropping the garment to the floor.
He rolled the long sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows, showing off his strong forearms that were so often hidden by his big sweaters and jackets.
“Good lord, baby,” you breathed out quietly, completely immersed in the beautiful sight before you.
Steven looked you directly in the eyes as he took the fingertip of his left glove between his teeth, slowly pulling it off before repeating the action with the right glove.
He swiped two of his fingers along your slit, gathering your wetness before sticking out his tongue and making a show of licking them clean.
You swore you could have passed out right then and there.
He stood up from his spot on the floor, undoing his pants with his trembling hands. He let out a sigh of relief as his achingly hard cock was freed from the confines of the taut fabric, precum leaking from his purple-reddish tip.
You shimmied up the couch a bit, reclining against the back of the couch so Steven could lean over you.
You grabbed his tie, pulling him in for a messy and hungry kiss. Your hands tangled in his hair, holding him as close as possible. You could vaguely taste yourself on his tongue, along with the faint taste of metal.
You yelped in surprise when he hoisted you up from the couch, his hands under your ass to hold you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist, looping your hands behind his neck.
Steven walked you two like that until your still clothed back hit the wall, effectively pinning you between it and him.
You broke your lips away from his as he lowered you down onto his hard cock, pushing a small gasp from you.
He let out a heavy breath followed by a quiet moan, closing his eyes as he felt himself stretch you out. The warm wetness around his cock was invigorating.
You pressed your face into his shoulder, breathing in the scent of him and the now rather dishevelled suit.
Steven pressed you harder against the wall, giving him the leverage to put more power behind the thrust of his hips. You moaned into his shoulder as he started moving in you, your teeth grazing the fabric beneath your face.
You squeezed your legs tighter around him, holding on for dear life as he started hammering his hips up into yours. His lips found your neck, nipping and moaning against your sensitive skin as he pounded into you.
“Love I..” he choked on his words, murmuring in your ear. “I’m not gonna last very long. Feels so good.”
Your walls spasmed around him, making him let out a whine into your shoulder.
“Me either,” you managed to get out, pulling your head back to look him in the eyes.
He looked absolutely ruined; beads of sweat forming on his forehead, his hair falling into his face. His eyes were dark and wide, absolutely full of lust and desire. You were sure you didn’t look much different.
You pressed your forehead against his, both of you shutting your eyes as your noses brushed together.
A couple more particularly hard thrusts had you tumbling over the edge, and Steven was falling with you.
You came over his cock as he shot his warm spend into you, making a mess of your thighs as his stuttering thrusts continued.
You both held each other tightly, riding out the high together. His lips found yours again, both of you gasping against each other.
Your mind was buzzing with pure euphoria; every nerve on fire. You didn’t even notice at first that you were back on the couch, still tangled together on top of Steven. He slowly pulled his softening cock from you, still holding you tight against his chest.
The two of you laid in content silence, soothed by the sound of each other’s heavy breathing.
You felt the mess you had made on the pants of his suit against your thigh, and you chuckled under your breath.
Khonshu wasn’t going to be happy about this one.
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cod-sins · 11 months
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐊ö𝐧𝐢𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
.ೃ࿐ Ratings: SFW
.ೃ࿐ Reader: Undisclosed
[A/N: I didn't proofread this so if you see a mistake no you did not.]
[Edit: I can't seem to add a read more option fellow mobile users I am so sorry]
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𝙰𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙲𝙴 ‣. I see König standing at a whopping 6'10 (because I say so) meaning he's a big guy. He has trouble finding clothes that fit his size (especially pants). He gets alot of his civilian clothes tailored or he just has his Oma [ :')] do it for him. I imagine he wears a size 49 in European shoes (16 for Americans) and he prefers boots and sneakers instead of sandals and loafers. His usual outfits include plain colored tees, a jacket (usually dark colors; black, navy blue, hunter green), sweatpants [show off that dickprint] and combat boots. König doesn't wear his hood out in public, so he settles for black or blue surgical masks. He doesn't want to draw anymore attention to himself so dressing casual is his way to go. He's got big meaty thighs and hard abs with a sharp prominent v-line (mwah) to tie it all together.
‣. König has a cleft lip! It's on the right side of his mouth, he hated it as a child but grew up to realize it was apart of him. He has scars on his forearm from a hostile trying to slash him. They run deep and it was a pretty painful experience for him (he hates talking about it and he tries to wear long sleeved clothes but sometimes the weather ends up winning). He also has a bullet scar on his thigh as well. He keeps his nails short except one or two just in case he needs to pick something or scratch. I imagine his hair to be a soft strawberry blonde color. Something like this, this, and this. Because of the military he keeps it very short but he likes when his s/o styles it around. It looks similar to these styles. Despite what canon says I say his eyes are deep green.
‣. König is a Libra! His birthdate is August 22, 1995! [I know Libra's aren't born in August but for the sake of fanfiction shhhh let's pretend it is!] Making König 27 years old; He's very mature for his age!
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𝙿𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙾𝙽𝙰𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈 ‣. König suffered from anxiety/social anxiety since he was 17 and still suffers till this day just not as much. He's able to turn it off in the field but once he's on leave and is around other civilians it comes crawling back. It has stopped him from making friends, hanging out with his fellow soldiers and even dating. He's still a virgin because of this (and because of work and him finding the right person but that's a later issue). However once you get past that shy exterior he's pretty cocky. He's proud of the fact that he is a colonel and he enjoys secretly flexing on his s/o. "Ja, I took down a group of terrorists and saved all the hostages by myself. No big deal (👀)." He's one of those quiet people who talks alot of shit in their head and sends side eyes instead of starting shit.
‣. König is relatively good at hiding his anger, especially since he wears that mask 24/7. He'll quietly brood in the corner--arms crossed giving off an aura that spooks the new recruits. He's very quiet not speaking unless spoken too or if he needs something. König is so sarcastic! He'll roll his eyes (secretly) or mumble smart comments under his breath––mocking whatever superior that pissed him off. If you're close to you him you'll notice when he's happy. He has a slight bounce in step and he walks with his chest puffed up proudly. It's a real cute sight honestly.
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𝙿𝚁𝙴𝙵𝙴𝚁𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙴 ‣. König's favorite colors are earthy tones. He likes dark woodsy green, russet and navy blue. I imagine he loves the ocean and water. Especially creeks! Winter may not be his favorite season but he loves hiking through the snow in his hometown's nature trails. He enjoys hearing the sound of the snow and dead leaves crunch under his footsteps. Speaking of hometown his favorite dishes are things like beef stew or anything meaty and hearty. He really likes homemade jams and jellys. He prefers going to the farmers market and picking up his fruits and vegetables fresh.
‣.This man's house is HUGE. It would look maybe something like this. It's super spacious with a few spare rooms for guests. König showers more than he bathes. He's legs are too long to fit which makes him have to awkwardly scrunch himself up. He isn't around much because of his work so he never took to the time to properly decorate. If you're his s/o he gives you permission to decorate. Make it look really pretty for him please. He lives somewhere a little distant from the city; closer to the country but not too far. He still wants to be close to local shopping markets.
‣.I think König would prefer a fat/chubby partner over a thinner partner. He enjoys grabbing onto their body, holding them closely feeling the warmth radiate from their body. I see him liking a partner who is quiet. Not as quiet as him because he likes when your chatter fills the silence. But someone who's able to relax and enjoy the ambience of their surroundings. Someone who is able to point out the little details in things. He wouldn't mind an outgoing s/o, someone who speaks for him when he doesn't feel verbal that day.
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König was once stationed by an ocean for half a year and it was the best moments of his life. It was so calming for him. Every night he could hear the waves gently crashing against each other it always soothed him. It was favorite lullaby (after the one his mom sings).
König always has his hands held behind his back or he holds them in the front. He enjoys grabbing parts of himself it helps keep him stable and grounded. He also fiddles alot. Like he constantly stretches and wiggles his fingers. Or he lightly traces his thighs up and down with his fingers.
One of his favorite genres of music is Electro Swing. His favorite band is Caravan Palace. He loves all their albums.
100% picks people up. If you're his s/o and you're in his way he's grabbing you by the waist and gently moving you over. If you're on the battlefield god knows he's treating you like a football; bro is slugging you over his shoulder if you get injured or he's tackling you down to protect you from grenades.
If he's stutters too much in a sentence he gets really mad. He doesn't find it funny when people mock his accent. Also!! There are certain English words that König just doesn't know. He's fluent in English and can write well but there are times he gets stuck on words he doesn't recognize.
Has a thing for chubby cheeks. Also really likes chubby fingers. If you have fat fingers please give him a massage, he would love it so much. It's such a nice contrast too; his rough calloused hands compared to your soft round ones.
Looves chocolate. Especially dark chocolate, he really enjoys candy bars with nuts and toffee in them. He adores American super-sized candy bars. He also really likes twizzlers and licorice.
He doesn't outwardly smoke but if you offer he won't refuse. He's makes sure not to make it a habit (his grandmother was very upset when she caught him smoking once), he'd rather die by a bullet than slowly kill himself.
I know I said he's 27 but I imagine him to be 35 in canon.
NATURE LOVER! Bro is enamored by the beauty of his home country. He loves observing the wildlife on walks. He has a journal where he keeps different leaves from different places he was stationed at.
Good friends with Horangi. Not like BFFS (they are) but they're drinking buddies. Horangi helps König with his social anxiety and König helps Horangi not fall back into gambling.
König's favorite meat ever is lamb. He fucking loves a tender lamb roast. Gets annoyed as hell when the meat get stuck between his gums but he thinks it's worth it for the delicious food.
Pretty particular about his beers, he doesn't drink anything he's a man of class! He'll go on this super long lecture about how German brewing is so much better than other countries and that non-German beer/alcohol can't compete. Him and Soap got into an argument about this.
He keeps his area as tidy as possible. He isn't a slob but isn't a complete neat freak. If he has a bunch of random items out he'll try and keep them in a organized pile.
Sometimes he leaves his guns out around his house.
Lowkey likes being needed. There are times when his fellow soldiers ask him for help carrying extra stuff or when children or the elderly ask him to reach stuff off the top shelves. Especially likes when his s/o ask him to carry them. He'll start to puff his chest out and walk around with a dumb grin under his mask.
Type of guy to see people down an asle and wait for them to move instead of saying excuse me. [Projecting fr fr]
A real crafty individual, his hood is just a tee-shirt with holes in it. His helmet is literally a bicycle helmet he modded with military gear. König knows how to sew and he can tailor a little. He prefers taking his clothes to a seamstress or tailor because his hands are very big and sewing can a take a long time and he doesn't have that much patience for it.
He LOVED arts and crafts as a child. He would make so much shit to bring him to his mom and grandma. His grandmother still has his things till this day.
His favorite English speaking bands would be The Smiths, Boâ and The Cranberries. He likes to quietly sing to himself it makes him happy. He also enjoys 70-80s music. I also think he likes the sound of nu metal/rock instrumentals.
If he had an s/o he would love to dance with them. He would/could never dance in public but behind closed doors god knows this man would shimmy with his partner. He doesn't care if you can dance well because he can't dance well, he just wants to let loose and have fun with you.
Broke a guy's ribcage once. It was during sparring and König was pretty pissed with the man because he did something cocky and stupid that caused them the life of another soldier. He didn't receive proper punishment because they successfully completed the mission but König decided he should deal his own form of justice. By putting so much pressure on his chest until he heard a satisfying crack sound.
I think he likes apple cider.
He was raised by his mother and grandmother so he has a softer spot towards woman. He enjoys being in their company.
Smells like one of those fireplace candles or something with sandlewood and cinnamon. On the battlefield thought he reeks of blood, sweat and gunpowder.
Absolutely hates when there is dirt under his nails (or anyone else's). He thinks it looks so gross it makes him wanna vomit.
His favorite animal is probably either a bear or fox. He also likes pigs, he thinks the little piglets are so cute.
König is texter not a caller. He'll send his s/o paragraphs of texts instead of small individual ones because he thinks the notifications would be annoying and the last thing he wants to be is annoying (please convince him he's not).
He always plans out conversations in his head. Before going to check-out he's going through a mental rundown of what the total is gonna be, how he's gonna pay and what the cashier is going to say. Being in the military lowkey made this worse. He's always over analyzing conversations because he's afraid of messing up and embarrassing himself.
He likes drama movies and psychological horror. Midsommar is one of his favorite horror movies.
König has stretch marks on his thighs and legs and a little on his stomach. His growth spurt was crazy as a child.
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Requests: OPEN
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lyomeii · 1 year
YOU WEAR HIS CLOTHES ft. ghibli and haikyuu boys
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: ̗̀➛ howl, prince justin and kei tsukishima
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: ̗̀➛ he won’t speak directly towards you or anyone, but it’s clean that he absolutely loves seeing you wearing his clothes, particularly his jacket he used to wear when he first met you.
: ̗̀➛ not to mention how that no matter how height or shape, he always make his clothes look bigger on you, regardless of that might be a spell or not, you are worried of how his sleeves might get dirty when you are doing housework, but don’t seem that he cares about that.
: ̗̀➛ whatever you felt go in dates in the city or to street market, the jacket not only make you look gorgeous (more than the usual), but help him to make sure anyone tries to flirt with his sweet spouse, after all, the loose sleeves and the jacket hitting your thighs makes everyone knows you are dating a handsome man like howl.
: ̗̀➛ and those times he takes you to walk around the flower field or have a quiet picnic closer to a lake, he doesn’t lose the chance of giving his coat whatever it’s rain or the gentle breeze gets colder than the usual. Not to forget the sweet ‘thank you’ that your sweet lips speaks to him.
: ̗̀➛ as the leader of his nation, many people didn’t got surprised when the prince announced to have a significant other, many people did got surprised when noticing his beloved came from a common background, but never dared to speak a nasty word about it, since many were just intrigued with your clothes that are considered ‘improperly’ .
: ̗̀➛ with such news like that, justin ordered the best tailors and seamstress to design and make news and what many consider properly clothes for you, his beloved. However, he got kind disappointed when hearing that such larger number of clothes will take a while to make, leaving him desperate and worry of what you will wear now during this period.
: ̗̀➛ a solution came fast to this problem, wearing his clothes, in particular his coat when you need to go out in front of the press or royals. Your pants and shirt might came from a common background, but his extravagant coat with hair and makeup makes everyone’s attention on how good you are looking next to the prince, making many people got shocked how impressive you are looking not to mention the unique type of clothings you are wearing compared to many guests.
: ̗̀➛ didn’t took much time to your looks hit everyone’s ears and quickly, all the news and local citizens are talking about the type of clothings you were wearing during the event, making you become a what many called ‘ icon’ for the people for how simple yet spectacular you were looking yesterday.
: ̗̀➛ justin got happy when hearing this, knowing that now no one can judge his beloved about their tastes in clothes, yet he still trying to convince you to keep wearing his clothes, saying how magnificent you look with his itens and now wanting to keeping having the same conversation always, you now wear at least something from him everyone you go out with him
: ̗̀➛ you spend so much time studying at your boyfriend’s house that you didn’t notice how night has arrived with the heavy rain, making you unable to go back home and to stay with kei for the rest of the night.
: ̗̀➛ his family didn’t mind to you staying with them during such weather, his brother and mother love yours part of the family, but your boyfriend in the other hand, didn’t look so happy with the situation. kei said there is no clothes that fit you and that waiting for the rain to clean is a better option, however his family didn’t let that happen.
: ̗̀➛ his mother told kei to share an old pajamas of his and that you will sleep in his bedroom for the night, after all, that’s what a couple do. akiteru began laughing with his younger brother’s reaction, kei’s face is a deep red and he is trying to not make eye contact with you while talking with his mother how inappropriate is that, but he lose the argument pretty fast when he realize how tired you are.
: ̗̀➛ kei gave you pajamas while he prepare another bed to sleep in the ground, there is no way he is going to let you rest in the ground after you spend so much time studying for the incoming test. When you enter his bedroom, the poor boy didn’t know how to properly react, his large clothes are now you and as expected, it doesn’t fit you, being too big that look likes a camisole.
: ̗̀➛ he wants to speak so many things about it, how cute you look or if you are comfortable to sleep in the same room as him, but that didn’t matter the instant you pass out in the makeshift bed in the floor, catching your boyfriend in surprise and slightly scarier your in-laws of the loud noise.
: ̗̀➛ even with his back hurting due to training, he decided to lay next to you while admiring your face. Not only you look so calm compared with the time you spend at school, but also cute wearing his larger vest. Maybe tomorrow, he will make fun of your snores.
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@lyomeii stuff || don’t repost
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atimeofyourlife · 11 months
Steve becoming a tailor.
He got a fascination for it at a young age from watching his grandmother, a seamstress, at work. And she taught him everything. Hand sewing and machine sewing, minor and major repairs, making clothes from scratch and tailoring existing clothes and transforming existing items into totally new garments. How to manipulate fabric to get it to lay just right. How to take measurements on himself and others. Different types of fastenings, different ways of structuring a garment.
By the time he's in high school, he has his own sewing machine, that his father would never know about, and tailors all of his clothing. Others can never figure out how every single thing he wears fits perfectly. Shirts that hug the contours of his body, with the sleeves pulling just tight enough to show off his biceps. Pants and jeans that always fit the waist exactly, without needing a belt, emphasizing his ass, and hitting the exact perfect spot on his ankle. At every prom he attended, wearing a tux that fitted in a way that no teenager should be able to achieve.
After high school, he doesn't make a big deal out of it, but offers his services free of charge to those closest to him that wouldn't make it a thing, that wouldn't tease or make fun of him for having a 'woman's' hobby. For Robin, he would tailor items so the legs or sleeves wouldn't be too long, or just tailor the waist of men's pants to fit. For Max, knowing that she struggled to afford new clothing, and finding items that she liked and fit well from a thrift shop was nearly impossible, he would offer to lightly tailor anything she needed, not so it would be close fitting or a perfect match, just adjusting them enough that her clothing wasn't obviously too big. Also offering to help her repair anything and teaching her how to do her own repairs.
Everyone else found out because of Joyce and Hopper's wedding. After everything with the Upside Down was over, they wanted to get married on as tight of a budget as possible, thinking of using clothing they already owned or what they could thrift, Steve volunteered to dress the wedding party. Tailored suits for Hopper, Jonathan, and Will, fitting so beautifully that no one would be able to guess each suit had been thrifted and all the shirts were the cheapest off the rack. Dresses for Joyce and El, made from ones already owned and what they could thrift, but completely torn apart and remade into new dresses. There was nothing but praise and encouragement for Steve, with the entire town talking about how wonderful the family had looked that day.
The party then taking it upon themselves to encourage Steve to try and make it a career. He listened to them, initially intending it as a side hustle, to help build a little cash to get out of his parents house. But it took off quickly, mostly from word of mouth following the wedding, and within a few months he was taking enough work and making enough money that he was able to quit Family Video and start tailoring full time.
And his little business went from strength to strength, just over a year and he was able to afford a small shop, so he wasn't working out of his home. He hired Robin as a part-time receptionist around her college courses, claiming he needed someone to man the phones and make the appointments, but mostly wanting the company. Will offering to design and paint the branding for the shop. El gained an interest that matched Steve's after seeing the magic he created for the wedding, and made it her personal mission to become Steve's assistant after graduating high school, often tagging along while he was working to watch and learn how everything came together.
His reputation spread to Indianapolis and beyond, making him one of the most sought-after tailors in the state, with people even coming from the surrounding states just for him to make adjustments to their clothing. His business doing so well, that it was the leading force in rejuvenating downtown Hawkins, with more people opening up their own businesses to take advantage of the increased number of people passing through town.
Everyone in the party having at least one item, if not multiple items, or clothing either tailored or made by Steve, with him having everyone's measurements listed in a personal notebook, and even having individual draft blocks made to the measurements of his most frequent customers within the party. Eddie being one of his biggest clients, after becoming a semi-successful rockstar, refusing to wear anything that wasn't made, or at the very least tailored, by Steve to any of the biggest events.
Steve's parents finding out when they come back through Indiana, at a networking event held by a business associate. They hear it from a potential new, rich client who, after sharing introductions, responds, "Oh, Harrington, is that any relation to the owner of Harrington's Tailoring in Hawkins?" When they have no response to that, the potential client goes on to talk about how he wouldn't have anyone else tailor for him, how the tailor did such phenomenal work with fabric.
That is what pulls them back to Hawkins, for the first time in years. After calling for an appointment got them nowhere, being told that there would be weeks to wait before they could even be seen for the initial consultation, they tried going into the shop. Asking, then demanding an appointment, becoming ruder and more belligerent, even pulling out "Don't you know who I am?"
Robin being the one manning the desk, and recognising them from the photos she had seen from Steve. "Yeah, you're an asshole who cheats on his wife and neglected his kid. Mr Harrington is a very busy man, and doesn't give people like you priority."
Her response angering them further, them demanding to speak with the manager, and out walks Steve. Face-to-face with his parents for the first time since he was nineteen, and this time holding the power. Their tone changed upon seeing him, making all claims to love and family and loyalty, and having heard so much about his success.
And he just refuses them. Refusing them service, refusing them his time, refusing them his energy. Telling them to find another tailor, that even if he wanted to do work for them he was too fully booked, and that they would never be a priority or rush client.
"We could destroy you, you know. You are nothing without us." His father tried to push further, determined to get his own way.
"And yet, here I am. Successful without you even knowing about it." Steve replied, content with his success and refusing to allow his parents to taint his happiness.
This took off from an idea I had, picturing Steve as a tailor with glasses and a tape measure around his neck and pins in his mouth as he worked. (which is unsafe and should never be done but I will always do because I can never find a pincushion when I need it) It was supposed to be a little headcanon drabble but just got a mind of its own and ended up as a fic that only took me a couple of hours to write.
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