#those aren't my forte lmao
toomuchracket · 8 months
flatmate matty is my beloved and idk why i see him as the kinkiest mf bc he had to wait so long go finally get the girl that he had time to build in his mind everything he wanted to do with her 😭😭😭 and he’s also a young silly and horny teenager in love lmao my sweet boy can’t wait for the fluff!!!
i get that! yeah, he's got seven years' worth of teenage/young man's sexual fantasies about you stored in his brain, and naturally he's so keen to try them all out with you. some aren't necessarily kinks in themselves, but just things he wants to do with you; there's a blurb where i mention that one of the first times you had sex was in a pillow fort in the living room of the flat, because matty lost count of the number of times the two of you either made them or sat in them together and he had to fight off daydreams about kissing you and laying you down and making you feel amazing. i also think he's pretty fucking desperate for you to sit on his face, after years of lusting over your thighs AND the thought of making you feel good with his mouth, and i've got an idea for a fic involving this, actually!
in terms of actual kinks, the one that actually springs to mind first for flatmate is mild exhibitionism! it's not that he necessarily wants the two of you to get caught in the act (although there's something to be said about the fact everyone would know you're his and he's yours, if they did see you, and you both quite like the thrill), he's just constantly so fucking horny for you that he wants to fuck you literally anywhere he can lol. backstage at shows is a HUGE one for him, pre and post-show, whichever, and so is actually ONSTAGE when the venue is empty. mind you, we're talking 2014/5, with no consumption couches or tables or whatnot - matty either has to just take you on the floor, or bend you over the drumkit somehow (sorry, g). car sex is another one, to make up for the years you spent your weekends and some evenings sat next to matty in empty car parks, listening to your respective playlists and smoking; those were some of the horniest nights of your life, actually, so doing sexual stuff in cars really gets the two of you going lmao. there's definitely more to discuss kink-wise for the two of you, but i think you're just so open to trying anything to make each other feel good. you've got a lot of sexual catching up to do, after all <3
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theoutcastedartist · 2 years
fav hcs for each of the turtles?
Alright headcannons time~
Gonna do the Rise turtles specifically cause they are currently rotting my brain the most rn, even though I grew up with 2012.
Dude cannot stand sleeping with his soft shell exposed out in the air, so he's often sleeping on his backside with the soft shell itself pressed against the bed. Even more so after the movie.
Between him and Leo, I hc that Donnie is the older twin. I feel like Splinter would base the turtles ages soley on height and Donnie is only SLIGHTLY taller than his blue twin lol.
Another fav headcannon (tho it's pretty much cannon now I think lol) is that Donnie is only okay with touch, with those he cares about (like his brothers, Splinter, or April), if he is the one who initiates it. Outside of that, touch is literally revolting to him (he just like me fr).
Also you know this man could and would kill God given the chance.
Definitely the "Mom" of the group. Whenever any of his little brothers have a nightmare, he let's them stay in his room with him so that they aren't alone.
With Leo, he'll let him tuck himself underneath his arm, under the blankets for as much contact, warmth, and weight pressing down on him as much as possible.
Mikey simply likes to cuddle or lay next to his oldest brother with as many blankets and pillows as possible (pillow fort wooo). He doesn't enjoy being squeezed to death like Leo does in his sleep lol (on the rare occasion Leo can sleep, anyways)
Donnie will switch between sleeping on top of Raph's shell, one of the few times he's willing to sleep with his soft shell completely exposed, or simply lay next to Raph with his shell facing him.
When Raph has a nightmare, all the bros come to comfort him and keep him company.
He doesn't just paint on canvases, my guy also does sculpting as well as digital art.
My fav hc is that he'll make his fam paintings of their favorite things to cheer them up. He started doing this when he was little and made Leo a painting of him and the family smiling under a rainbow (its one of Leo's most prized possessions to this day).
Another fav hc is orange boi enjoys being held and carried up high. He likes to feel tall.
Fav hc of him, as I've mentioned before in another ask, is him being the team's best medic, but also being the worst fucking patient imaginable. Trying to treat his injuries after the Kraang's defeat was a pain for everyone involved lmao
He'll also correct Donnie on any medical terms he may get wrong on the very rare occasion that happens (the smugness that radiates off him is absolutely s u f f o c a t i n g lmao)
My dude is also an insomniac. On particularly bad nights, he'll drink de-cafinated tea to try settling his nerves. He needs pressure in order to sleep, but after the events of the movie, sometimes pressure tends to provoke unwanted memories... it's a 50/50 chance he'll receive it well.
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minilpark · 2 years
Oml could you write maybe NSFW headcanons for bob Floyd or even just dating headcanons for him?
It would make my day
oof nsfw is not my forte, so i'll do the dating headcanons for him and sprinkle in whatever nsfw thoughts that might come to mind!
you and bob haven't been dating for too long, only about 3 months
but boy did you have him hooked around your finger
he is quite literally your golden retriever boyfriend
anyways i've mentioned this before but i definitely think he would take a little while before he felt confident enough to hold you hand
and so you decided holding his arm while walking together would suffice
it gives you two an opportunity to be close to one another and still be intimate as well
and honestly you love doing it
when he's finally ready to hold your hand he just
"do you mind if i hold your hand?"
and you just smile and grab his, interlocking your fingers
and he just turns beet red lmao
he also definitely stresses if his hands are sweaty or not
but they aren't and even if they were you wouldn't mind it that much
speaking of walking beside each other he is definitely the type to walk on the side closest to the road
he doesn't even notice he does it
if you two are walking on the sidewalk he just instinctively takes the side closest to the street if he's not already there
and you don't point it out to him, but you think that's so sweet of him
ooh when you sit beside each other at a table or anything he will hold your hand or you two lock pinkies
don't question me on it-
concerning pda he isn't against it, but he wouldn't initiate it besides like hand holding or having an arm around your shoulders/waist
so when you do it he gets so shy and blushy
for my people with glasses: he would totally clean yours without you even asking, if he sees that they're a bit dirty he just "do you mind if i just-" and gently lifts them off your face and cleans them off before putting them back on for you
and yes i believe if you did that to bob he would just blush and smile while quietly thanking you
oh my god you two blasting music on drives and singing along- yeah definitely happening
you two would also play games together and yes you convinced him to download tiktok and he constantly sends you tiktoks that remind him of you or that you would find cool/useful
on to the slight nsfw-
do i think bob is a jealous person? absolutely not
i think he is more insecure but he wouldn't do anything about it in the moment beside just coming to your side if you're being flirted with etc.
but behind closed doors he would totally leave some hickeys in obvious spots subconsciously
it gives him a way to show other people you are taken
i've also said this before in another post but i'll say it again, bob is a giver
he likes to receive sure, but he finds more enjoyment in helping you get off
and don't think he'll stop after you cum once, nope he will keep going
definitely loves to hear the sounds you make
it gives him confidence
like, yeah only he can get you to make those noises-
he is not above letting neighbours hear or the other officers hear (if you're on base with him)
fave positions would definitely be: missionary where your legs are over his shoulders - it gives him more access lmao and cowgirl - he is definitely fucking into you from this position if you get tired
now, fave places: the bed of course, over the kitchen counter and holding you up against the wall
concerning kinks, i think he'd be willing to try anything, but a for sure no is degradation
oh lastly, i think he is definitely packing. it's always the quiet and shy guys believe me.
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inquisitorgaywarden · 26 days
weird fun facts about you oc(s)
Rules: share some fun facts about your oc(s). They don't have to be relevant to their story, perhaps even better if they aren't. The weirdest ones are the best!
Tagged by @ndostairlyrium - Thank you so, so much!! <3 I love talking about my kids :D
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She can't cook for life. Morrigan and Alistair tried their best to teach her the basics... but she just can't,
She steals as a hobby. When she was younger, she stole from her family and staff around the Cousland's castle, only to give it back later and watch their bafflement as they realized something of theirs was missing. It became a bad habit. She gives back the stuff she stole (usually),
She loves being in control and making tough calls, even if they're stressing her out. She was raised as a ruler and she enjoys leading,
She loves politics and scheming. She finds it fascinating and she wants to find out more about people, their motives - it's the game, and she thrives in it,
She loves to draw; her sketchbook is filled with sketches of her friends and gryffins (there's a lot of sketches of gryffins and Alistair with hearts around them).
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Her magic abilities showed up when she was around 5 years old, scaring the shit out of pregnant Leandra who went into labor shortly after. Hawke froze Malcolm's hands as he tried to tickle her,
She hates being alone. She needs someone at close proximity at all times; the more the merrier! After all, she need an audience for all the jokes she cracks (lmao),
Often she casually strolls into Anders' clinic to watch him work - healing magic is not her forte, and she finds it mesmerizing how Anders wields it,
She can sing - she loves singing. She used to sing lullabies for the twins when they were younger,
She doesn't really sleep at night, but she often takes naps. She can nap anywhere, there's no position that's uncomfortable for a nap. She especially enjoys those naps when the sun is shining right at her, warming her up. Anders says it reminds him of a cat.
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In the Ostwick Circle, she and her friends created a competition of 'who's going to make the funniest prank on the Templars.' It went on for years, but finally, she was declared the winner when, at her Harrowing, she decided to prank them with a bunny pretending to be a demon of greed,
Due to her rebellious nature, she often wasn't allowed to leave the Tower. Thanks to that, she's quite pale. After leading the Inquisition, she got sunburned really bad, lol
Her attitude is surprisingly very un-ladylike - despite being a Trevelyan. This was something Josephine was concerned about when they went to Halamshiral, but Evelyn put on such a good mask - remembering all those talks she had with her mother and all the books she read about Orlesian customs, her behavior was perfect,
She's got a big sweet tooth. She loves tiny Orlesian desserts, cakes, chocolate, sugar, and fruit. Instead of eating meals, she tends to snack throughout the day, taking a little pouch filled with dried fruit, cheese, bread, and nuts.
Her magic abilities presented when she was 13; she made her fingers sparkle with electricity when one of her cousins stole her piece of cake. Her cousin's hair stood up, and the entire family dinner went silent. Then, chaos erupted.
I'm tagging @rh-ood @plisuu and @thatonedalish
No pressure tho! :]
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cero-sleep · 1 year
On a scale of 1 to 10 who do you enjoy drawing the most? This goes for any of your AUs I love them all^^
The Y/Ns >> lol
And I do play favorites hsjsgsjsv so rn Illusion is my go to lmao
I'd give them abt a 7 maybe tho bc humanoids in general aren't my forte and drawing is hard shsjsvsjhshs I love them tho shsjjsjsj
Moon is my fav out of the original trio and I think this also applies to drawing, also the rays can be difficult so there's that shjsvsjs
Next Sun, but I'm side eyeing Fever Dream Sun bc of those sunrays rn
Eclipse can be a pain in the ass to draw bc I always make them too extra shjsvsjs It's what they deserve but rip
In general, the centaurs are the easiest and most fun to draw, bc no human legs lmao and also the moth witches (except Eclipse lol) bc I went with a simpler style for them
The hardest are probably Fever Dream Eclipse and Sun bc horns, OH THE SPIDER INSPIRED ONES FROM A DREAM BC 6 ARMS CRYING I HAVEN'T EVEN FINISHED THAT DRAWING BC HANDS VSJSVSJSVSJ and also moth Eclipse so far
Rip hsjsvsjsvsbsb
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
Hi! Very late but i just wanted to congratulate you on your follower milestone!
Feels a bit weird when I'm not a follower myself but haha. Your type of yanderes aren't what I'm really into, but I still periodically check on your blog like some ghost stuck to a place bc your writing is really really good and i absolutely adore how creative your ideas are. Speaking of which, i really love how you handled the matchups! They're still made for a certain person but so open that they're also accessible to everyone else, which isn't something I've ever seen before but definitely seems the best way to go about it.
I'm super curious to see how your series will progress and all the other unique ideas you'll come up with in the future (and sometimes just reading the anon interactions, as a Frequent Visitor and really socially awkward person I'm like the physical manifestation of the word "lurker", but it's really a bit like watching a friend group interact and have fun which really warms my heart. It's just super good vibes!)
Please remember to look after yourself, get enough nutrition and rest. And hope you don't mind me haunting this blog a little longer :p
Hey don't feel scared to interact even if you're not following!!! I adore asks lololololol, it makes writing worth it. Feel free to stick around!!! But like how I start most my fics, if you're not in a mentally well state it's best to avoid these!
I'll be honest, I would NEVER hang out with any of the yanderes I've written except for SPK!Childe & Thoma and HysHum!Dainsleif. I think the only "soft" yanderes I wrote are those three.
Childe just wanna fish & Thoma just wants to listen whenever the reader rants about their problems. Then there's Dainsleif, who's sane but is one chip away from losing his marbles because his reader is about to turn Teyvat upside down lmao.
The rest? They're all insufferable meow meows <333 Other than the three I mentioned whenever I write about these yanderes I keep slandering them in my head <333 it's so much fun <333 okay i lied dain's not an exception I still insulted him in my hyshum drafts <3333–
I'm not sure if it's incredibly obvious in my writing but I'm asexual and quite possibly aro, so I think I "excel" more on the "yan" side than the "dere" since romance isn't my forte. I mainly write for the horror so I don't expect people to come to me because they're into the yanderes I've written but more on the story (... I'd be a bit concerned but won't question if you're into stuff like cannibal!cat!ayato and horse feeder!diluc). That's why everytime I post I don't expect anything AND IT'S VERY MUCH THE REASON WHY I'M CONFUSED THAT THIS BLOG IS STILL ALIVE. THIS WAS MEANT TO BE A THROWAWAY ACCOUNT–
I'm not sure if I'm making sense lol but that's pretty much my two cents on that so I wholeheartedly understand if my yans aren't your cup of tea! They're not mine too– I want to bury them all with my hatchet!!! <333 I want them to go to therapy!!! Eat lasagna!!! Play farming games!!! Literally just don't bother (y/n) anymore 😭!!!
About the event: I was genuinely hoping for match-ups set up like this because there's some sort of "togetherness" in it?? Hold on I just woke up cuz I accidentally slept while reviewing for Algebra when writing this so I'll probably rewrite this draft or something if I'm not lazy lol. It's just that I like it when readers are characters I can add some quirks and details to (of course, cept for things like physical descriptions and what not) since it makes pairing them with a yandere more natural. And you know what? I'm super glad the anons are all very nice and interesting huhu. They truly make the event more alive!!!
I adore otome games and trust me, almost everyone in r/otome_games prefer an MC who has a personality rather than an eyeless self-insert too lol. Much like there's no such thing as "absolute justice", I believe you can't have a "perfect self-insert" fic either because not everyone shares the same mold. It's just not as entertaining to me when the reader is silent so I guess that reflects on my writing too ;;--;;. It's just too much fun pulling up an mbti and going "ah yes, I'm using this type."
Anyways, yeah!!! Is it bad if I'm satisfied about how I set it up as well haha it feels like my 1 braincell was actually put to use ;;----;;;
Oh sht i ended up rambling my bad umm tHANK YOU!!! Haha it feels strange celebrating this milestone and I appreciate your kind words!!!
(out of curiosity, is there something I can call you? Like "lurker anon" or something haha)
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Five things I never get tired of writing.
Open tag!
Thank you @rsdan for tagging me. 😊
1. Foreshadowing. I love narrative symbolism in general, but my forte is absolutely foreshadowing, and that's because I've had a lot of practice with it from a young age. Life in Black and White - my main project since I was 17 - being an ending-centered story (ie. the ending is the "point" of the story, and impacts your perspective in a way that your first and second readthroughs should each be a fundamentally different experience - think Lehane's Shutter Island, if you've read it/seen the movie), it is foreshadowing-heavy. Foreshadowing begins from the first page and permeates the story - it's present structurally, in titles, in motifs, in symbols, in formatting, and in the text and subtext of the story itself. Number of readers who have guessed my ending before I wanted them to? Zero. I'm really proud of this, especially considering how blatant some of the foreshadowing is, lmao. Anyway, thinking of good foreshadowing and executing it in a story never gets old for me.
2. Motifs and recurrent lines. I love to use motifs as representations of different aspects of a story and/or its themes. Motifs/symbols present in Life in Black and White include:
- Midnight
- The moon/moonlight
- Storms and wind
- Candles/fire
- The number twelve
- Clocks/time
- The butterfly effect
- The song "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear" (yes, the Christmas song)
- Examples of recurrent lines: "Something's wrong"; "dead silence"; "is something burning?"
3. Dialogue between characters that have good chemistry and/or an interesting dynamic. Dialogue is one of my strengths and favorite things to write, and I absolutely love writing character relationships where the dialogue/banter just flows effortlessly. Fun fact, this factor was single-handedly responsible for my character Jeff's promotion from guest comic relief character to major character, and ultimately to antagonist of Life in Black and White. His chemistry with my protagonist was immaculate from their first written interactions. Despite the fact that I have extremely complicated feelings about their relationship, I absolutely love writing their interactions. I usually get all of the dialogue for their scenes first, write it down in sequence, and then fill in the blanks with tags and descriptions/body language as needed.
4. Dark queer relationships. A centerpiece of most of my stories is relationships (not always romantic in nature) between queer characters that are toxic, abusive, or otherwise unhealthy. Some will say it's bad representation, but it's these kinds of intense, complex, and dark relationship dynamics that I personally find interesting to write. Luckily, this is not at all reflective of my real-life relationships, and I do have "healthy" queer relationships in my fictional universe - they just typically are not the focus of stories. Don't forget that I'm a crime and horror writer. My characters aren't always good people, so it naturally follows that their relationships are not going to be beds of roses, either.
5. Character-driven stories. This is kind of funny because my long-form stories are pretty much always predominantly genre (usually some combination of crime fiction and horror/horror subgenres), but they typically have at least a bit of a literary-esque narrative style or format, because I really love focusing a story around 1-3 central characters and making those characters super complex and fleshed-out. The con of this approach is that my "side" characters (and their relationships with the central characters) often wind up seeming lackluster in comparison, but I pride myself on creating memorable central characters that readers find fascinating, because I work super hard for that result.
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aclosetfan · 3 years
I know this is totally pretentious but I’m making a master list of all my fics/wips because I have a lot of stuff saved onto to tumblr that isn’t on my computer and I keep losing them b/c tumblr’s tagging system is a farce 😡 
all under the cut!!
long fics
navigation: one two three four five six
Three foster brothers–Brick, Boomer, and Butch–are relocated to Townsville and are less than happy about their new placement. When a group of their “strictly-out-of-necessity” friends take them to the old “haunted” preschool, they don’t blink an eye. They’re a product of the foster care system, how could they possibly be afraid of an old nursery rhyme? (They will admit, though, that the killer doppelgängers are slightly concerning)
Bonus content: (x)
Fake dating Au (greens)
Navigation: (1) (2) (3)
When Buttercup is asked to Prom by Elmer she obviously has only two choices: 1) say no, which she is physically incapable of, or 2) create a totally feasible fake boyfriend. Piece of cake.
Acting Normal (Buttercup-centric; greens) 
Another Buttercrush
Mojo’s Funeral 
if there’s one story im actually proud of it’s this one lol. (Even if the grammar is atrocious 😬) There’s nothing like a funeral to bring a City together. (and people flying back)
BubblesxBrick -- Mystery Duo AU
could probably be a drabble, but idk if i’ll ever write this au again. Brick and Blossom are a mystery duo, but it’s not a reds story. thicker plot explanation inside.
the two sets of triplets get reacquainted. 
growing pains
Teacher’s would call Buttercup a problem child, the Professor would disagree. 
Till death do us part
Her sister told her love didn’t know death. She wished it did. (Greens; major character death)
Sedusa, HIM, and that dance called life. For pufftober2021 :)
drabbles and snippets
Sick Day
Boomer gets COVID, and they plan to put him down.
Buttercup draws the short stick and gets stuck as Princess's new evil sidekick. Believe Buttercup, it's a lot lamer than it sounds.
(slight Blossom x Princess)
they call it team spirit (or princess experiences gay panic)
Princess helps save the day with the girls, which is cool and all, but this drabble focuses on Princess and Blossom after the fact.
What’s in a name??
The girls lament over their names. And the boys admit to the meanings behind their own.
lunch break blues
Bubbles is feeling down on herself, but Blossom’s there to cheer her up! Just realized the title could imply the “blue” pairing, but this is sister bonding stuff. No boys allowed ya know? Also Buttercup’s there too. 
endearing moments
2/3 “chapters” completed. AU where despite what the boys say, the girls insist they’re best friends 
please cw please im out here begging
princess x blossom drabble
the girls need the boys for a job, but their services don’t come cheap
Butch has priorities, Boomer’s safety ain’t one of them.
Does your boyfriend compliment your makeup?
joke post based off a tweet between Bubbles and Boomer. established relationship. 
Boy Trouble
Bubbles gets annoyed when Blossom elevates her counterpart to an unstoppable god. 
Social Mishap
Brick says something embarrassing in front of his brothers
joke post based on a tweet between Butch and Buttercup. established relationship...right??
Engagement--a greens scene
Bubbles and Boomer are engaged, and Bubbles is forcing their families to meet. This drabble marks the beginning of the greens having a positive relationship. not romantic. they become friends first. 
Acting Normal--Drabble
Buttercrush snippet--cht 6
vague plot ideas/outlines
Brick’s Hat
Bunny 1 & 2
6-teen au
don’t tell Bubbles
Artistic Inspirations
To save a sister
Vampire zombie mashup
Bubble Band
Happy death day
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yeluki · 2 years
a/n: i have literally nothing to say except for can you tell who my favorite is lmao characters included: sara, keiji and kai warnings: spoilers, mentions of crying, being harmed, arguments, horror movies, having kids
work utc!
dating sara is nice,, and that's pretty much all I can say. overall, the relationship is generally laid back and calm. you're there for her and she's there for you, and you guys mesh perfectly together.
sara definitely has a bit of a tough time expressing physical love to you, but she makes up for it in words and quality time. sometimes, she'll surprise you with a little gift as well. nothing huge, just a small flower or a cute roll of ribbon she saw at the store one day.
now, if you've played yttd (which of course you have), you've probably noticed that sara... is gonna need a shit ton of therapy when she gets out.
if you two are together and you're still stuck in the death game, reassure her. rub her back when she cries and promise her you won't leave, she needs the reassurance.
after losing joe, she changed. she became much more serious and determined to end this cursed game. if you aren't willing to step up to the task and help her defeat asunaro, she's not gonna stay w/ you. sorry, but she's got priorities.
and speaking of her priorities, your safety is one of them. she'll do anything to make sure you're safe. even if you two escape the death game, she'll still send people with you wherever you go to make sure you remain unharmed. if you are harmed, however, you better pray for those who hurt you. sara and the gang are gonna come for 'em
sara calls you pet names like love, baby, and angel. (she's into the classics)
movie nights are a MUST,, along with blanket fort building. she used to build blanket forts with joe before he died, and reliving the experience with you makes her feel closer to two of her favorite people in the whole wide world <333
chill guy.
keiji's always been pretty calm and collected, and rarely loses his temper. even if you two end up in a heated argument, he'll calmly approach the disagreement with patience,, and he'll attempt to understand you're perspective always <333
cuddles with keiji can be a bit awkward, but he'll usually adjust as you guys drag it out more. he likes the classic positions (like the spooning one),, and when spooning he'll usually be the big spoon,, and this is because of two primary reasons-
1. he's too heavy to lay on you
2. he's a fucking baby
he's cute though so it's ok
i also headcanon that keji has really dry hands, so he probably carries around lots of hand lotion. he'll happily share w/ you if you wish, and will give you mini hand massages while applying it too <333
keji is also a big movie night guy,, and loves horror movies. he'll happily indulge in a cringe, gory horror film w/ you with a cute 'lil smirk on that fucking face of his
he calls you angel, dollface, and baby. some cute ones. also hot stuff but we don't talk about that
awwww,,, kai is the cutest <333
kai would be an amazing boyfriend and no one can tell me otherwise. he'd cook and clean for you, and would remember all your anniversaries and get you thoughtful gifts for them.
kai would get up EVERY morning and cook you breakfast. he'd mix it up so you don't get bored, and likes to make smiley faces with the food or little messages.
if you two have kids, he'll take them to school every single morning. he's usually up early anyways, so he might as well, hm?
kai is also very observant and attentive, and will remember everything you like and dislike (especially when it comes to food)
he won't directly smile at you in public, but he will shoot you soft smiles and glances. he'll look straight into your eyes, and just smile right then and there. it's so adorable <333
as for cuddling, kai's a bit stiff. he likes your hair, and also enjoys burying his face in it. it's soft, and brings him comfort <33
his primary love language is 100% acts of service (surprise surprise),, and he's always serving you left and right.
he calls you darling, my love, and sweetie. <333
i love kai sm :((
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yuckydraws · 3 years
I'm not sure if the matchmaking ask thingies are still open, but I saw the papyrus one and just had to try!
I'm female, straight (sorry if that's kinda boring. But I am kinda...questioning. Haven't been with a girl so idk if I would be if I actually had.)
I'm 5ft small (why is everyone I know taller than meee ;-;) a little chubs but not by much.
I love writing, singing and sweets.
I don't go out much and just kinda potato around when I don't have work. Serious procrastinator. Like I'm literally procrastinating Right Now while I write this out.
Insomnia game is too damn strong and I don't wanna play anymore.
My sense of humor is puns, memes and any other form of humor that most people believe belongs in the trash... but I am the trash so it's all good. Someone once told me my entire personality is memes. I thanked them.
Oh! Also stuffed animals. Lots. Of. Them. I have way too many because I don't have the heart to get rid of any of them, but I also keep getting more. H e l p .
So that's that and I hope that's enough for the thingy. If these asks aren't open still, just ignore me! Thank you for your time!!
(Just a note to anyone reading this, I’ve closed matchups, I’m just finishing the ones I have in my inbox so pls don’t send any in! Headcannon and writing requests are open tho! Feel free to send those in. Alright anyways, onto the matchup!!)
Also I feel like I should add, being straight isn’t boring or bad. If anyone makes you feel that way, they don’t deserve to be your friend. Okay now onto the matchup lmao:
I match you with…
(Fellswap Papyrus)
First of all… he totally understands the couch potato thing, he’s not the biggest fan of going anywhere he doesn’t have to. However he is surprisingly outdoorsy, and he might invite you to go on a scenic walk. He also likes simple dates like coffee or bakery shop dates where you guys can eat all the sweets you could ever want. He’s totally chill with a home date too though. Pop in a movie… maybe build a fort… and he can cuddle with you the whole time???? Um yes please.
He loves sweets too, and he’ll be happy that you both share that love. This man has a serious sweet tooth. He’s like a little (well actually kind of big, he’s 6’6) goblin that can sniff out sweets from a mile away.
Also you like singing???? Can… can he listen?? Please?
If you aren’t comfortable he wouldn’t push it, but if you do let him listen to you?? Oh stars he’s all ears. Fun fact: if you sing him a relaxing song while cuddling? You’ll be able to feel him relax and soon enough he’s asleep. He might purr a bit too (He’s the biggest and easiest purrer of all of them). He really loves your voice.
Also memes? He’s in the same boat. He’ll send you anything that makes him chuckle and he’ll reference memes whenever he gets the chance. He loves it when you guys get in that giggly mood where everything is funny and you just can’t stop laughing. It’s just pure happiness.
However… puns? He’s not the biggest fan. He likes them, sure, but he’s heard so many from his brother, Vant, and he’s kind of sick of skeleton related ones. It’ll take a really good one to get him laughing. If you wanna tease and torture him a bit, just make any skeleton related ones. He’s heard them all. And he’ll be cringing for sure whining at you to stop. But he’s smiling too.
He won’t mind your stuffed animal collection either, he has his own. Can yours and his be friends?? He has names for all of his. He won’t be any help in containing the collection because he will be buying you and himself more.
He’s and insomniac too, but honestly all he needs is someone with him to sleep soundly. When you cuddle with him at night he finds it’s much easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. However, he knows it’s not like that for everyone and he’ll be very sympathetic. He’ll do anything he can to help you sleep too.
Here’s a scenario:
You and Pup are sneaking in with more plushies after a date night. You both relax when you see the lights off. Oh good, Vant must be asleep.
Then the light flicks on. And there Vant is, sitting in the front room, legs crossed, waiting with an unimpressed look on his face like he’s a mom of a teenager that snuck out.
Vant: So, did you two have fun?
You and Pup desperately try to hide the stuffed animals behind your back.
You: Yeah! The movie was great, isn’t that right, love?
Pup: yup.
Vant: …
Pup: so, I think we’ll just head back to our room-
You: Yup!
You both awkwardly shuffle and walk backwards so that your back is never to Vant. Once you get into the hallway you both make a break for it.
Vant, yelling after you both: I better not see any more stuffed animals migrating to the guest room!!!!
Pup, ignoring his brother and holding up the penguin plushie he got all excited: i’m gonna name him waddles!
You, giggling and holding up the cat stuffed animal you got: I’m totally gonna sneak this kitty into Vant’s room!
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bard-llama · 2 years
OOOO for this post.
Saskia, 3, 6, 10, 37.
I love that you linked it because I did, in fact, need that 😂 So thank you.
Okay, Saskia, my dragon baby!!!
3. How many pillows do they use?
ALL of the pillows. Like, so many. Partially it's because she has the urge to hoard things and pillows are fairly easy to acquire and harmless to stock up on, but it's also partly because - well, there's a sad(ish) reason and a cute reason. The cute reason is that she wants to be able to build a pillow fort that she can fit in in dragon form (I think ideally, in Vergen, she is able to transform inside her home). But the sad(ish) reason is because she's USED to sleeping as a dragon with scales that protect her and human skin is so sensitive and vulnerable and it's IMPOSSIBLE to get comfortable! For her first months as a human in Vergen, she struggled a LOT with sleep, because she just couldn't settle down enough to get there in her human form. Nowadays, though, she's mostly used to it - and builds herself a whole pillow nest of soft comfiness.
6. Do they consider themselves a morning person, a night owl, or neither?
Hmm. I'm inclined to say night owl, but I think that's partially because I cannot imagine what it is like to be a morning person lmao. But honestly, Saskia might be neither. She's one of those people who has too much energy and pep for the current circumstances, no matter what time it is. Everyone wonders how she does it.
She does take strength from fire, though, so she's more likely to be awake at night (plus the whole difficulty sleeping in her human form stuff). It's the one time of day where she can actually get work done without people interrupting her, so she likes to stay up late into the night. But I think she's able to function on less sleep than most others.
10. What’s the strangest place they’ve ever had to sleep?
Hmmm. Well, her favorite place to sleep is literally in a fire pit, which definitely freaks more than a few people out. But she'll curl up in the flames like they're as comfy as the softest blanket, even in her human form.
37. Do they sleepwalk? (if so, do they have any sleepwalking stories?)
Huh, I don't actually know a lot about sleepwalking, so I honestly haven't considered it before. But I think if she did, she would subconsciously try to get up high, because she's a flying creature, heights are a comfort to her, they mean freedom and escape. But also, she's asleep and the people around her do not necessarily know that she has wings, so this DEFINITELY scares them. Now I'm imagining all these dwarves trying to gently cajole a sleeping Saskia down from the highest peak in Vergen bc most of them are pretty sure she's not human, or at least not a normal one (the others just think humans have some WILD fucking abilities sometimes lmao), but none of them know what WILL kill her, so they gotta be cautious, you know?
As a side note, I find the idea that Saskia, especially at first, was very bad at being human hilarious. Like, at first, most of the dwarves of Vergen dismissed it as "eh, we don't know humans that well, maybe they're just like that." But eventually some of the stuff she does (like almost touching fire/walking into fire) is weird enough/she meets dwarves like Yarpen who are more familiar with humans that they're like "okay, yeah, there's no way she's a normal human". But by then, no one really cares, 'cause it's SASKIA.
But then when she goes off to the military academy in Vengerberg, she still hasn't learned how to convincingly be a human. But she grew up around dwarves, so the other soldiers who aren't standoffish ('cause I think she gets tapped to be an officer at some point and as a commoner, that's a bit of a big deal) just blame it on that lmao
Okay, now I wanna go dust off my Saskia-centric WiP.
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1 2 4 7 8 9 13 18 20 26 27 29 30 32 39 40 41 43/44 45 46 49 51 53 55 56 57 59 63 65 that is. so many dghsdghsdgv I'm sorry I just see an ask meme and go crazy aaaa go stupid aaaa. You can just answer whichever u like from those!! also 69(nice): you seem rly nice and funny from your 🅱️osts and I appreciate u... I hope you can find better irl friends who aren't trash
HDSKFJKS I completely understand but lucky for u I LOVE to talk !!
1) How are you?
Pretty good, actually!! Which is a nice change of pace. I went to Walmart with some friends yesterday and got a few things, baked a family recipe that my friends LOVE, and finally did my laundry (it’s been a couple weeks we love depression and executive dysfunction dfhkjsfd). I went to Cracker Barrel with some friends and earlier and played a 4-way game of Tetris after. :3c
2) Post a picture of yourself.
Here you go !!
Tumblr media
4) What is your entire name?
Sierra Alexis and my last name is something constantly misspelled so I’ll give you the name of a historical figure whose name is a letter off from mine: George B. McClellan, to whom I may or may not be related because last name variations are fuckin’ WEIRD.
7) Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality.
I’m a Capricorn sun and moon, and Libra rising !! And from what I’ve read on Twitter from various astrologers, like Milkstrology, I LOVE her, I’d say it’s pretty accurate with my personality!! I like to say Capricorn’s aren’t cold bitches but, I Have A Tendency To Be One !!
8) What did you do on your last birthday?
God what DID I do on my last birthday… it was in January, so like, I SHOULD remember… OH I went to IHOP with my friends !! I share a birthday with another friend and I got a JoJo notebook and something called a Fuggler! They’re stuffed animals more or less but designed to be “ugly.” I got one that looks like Philadelphia Flyers mascot Gritty because I LOVE Gritty… he’s so fun and funky.
9) What is one thing you’d like to accomplish before your next birthday?
Get all my requests in my inbox over on my writing blog done KJHFDJKSF it’s been a few months and life has been. Hectic to say the least.
13) If you could change your eye color, would you?
There’s so much weird as hell brown-eye-phobia so like… I think blue eyes would be pretty neat. OR PURPLE… give me some unnatural eye colors pls...
18) Do you have any tattoos?
Not yet!! I’m going to get one the next time I go back home for break. :3c And I have a few ideas for other ones!! I wanna get a big-ass “Dragon Age: Origins” tattoo that’s the dragon on the cover on my thigh. I also wanna get a DA2 and “Inquisition” tattoo… and the Joestar birthmark… too many ideas… 
20) Left or right handed?
Right-handed !! I could have been left-handed or ambidextrous if I broke my arm AFTER I started kindergarten, but alas that was before.
26) Something you are working on right now:
This !! But also the script for my next podcast episode that I record on uhhh Monday I think. Should probably figure that one out dsjfjhsf
27) Do you have any “rules” about food?
I answered that in the last ask !!
29) What would you say is your best quality?
I also answered this in the last ask !!
30) What do you think you’re really good at?
Writing, I’d say! And memorizing trivia about the stuff I’m super into. If it’s stuff pertaining to “M*A*S*H” or old movies or TV shows or actors or specific historical events, I will know that shit FOR LIFE. Don’t ask me to do math pls thank u
32) What talent do you wish you’d been born with?
I wish I was able to do stuff with music. That was never really in my blood, despite all the music classes they make you take in elementary school. I just never learned how to memorize or read sheet music. :/ I would have loved to play violin, tho… my friend plays and she says I would have been a good cellist.
39) Do you sleep with a stuffed toy?
YES… have for years. I still have my Care Bear from when I was 5, Gritty as mentioned above, a plush of my school’s mascot, and a little Fugo !! He’s so tiny.
40) What do you think about the most?
Everything and constantly and all at once. But the past really because I can never let stuff go and even the small things I mess up on haunt me forever… Wish that wasn’t the case but it is !!
41) Share two habits:
Biting my nails and having a very specific routine in which I get ready when I wake up. Like, I’ve gotta go brush my hair before I put my important cards in my left pocket, then put on my silver bracelet, then my beaded bracelet, then my earbuds in my right pocket, then put my earrings in. I HAVE to do it in that order…
And other oddities that include, like, if I need to go around something I HAVE to follow the urge to go one way and not the other, lest I feel the need to go back and fix it. And then which foot goes first before I reach a crack in the sidewalk, or up or down a curb, etc.
43) What are your career goals?
If I can just make people happy or get some kind of joy out of the things I do, I’d call that enough. :)
44) What is your ideal career?
Mmm, either a film historian or a film professor !! Preferably at the college I’m at right now but wherever the wind takes me, I’ll go! Or a Twitch streamer or YouTuber, it really depends on my mood jdhfjskf
45) Is your life anything like it was two years ago?
It was pretty much the same !! Freshman year was pretty lively, I didn’t have a job on campus yet though, or my podcast. Everything else is basically the same!
46) Do you replay things that have happened in your head?
CONSTANTLY… good or bad it’ll play back over and over and over again.
49) Do you have any phobias?
HOO BOY, DO I… fear of heights; fear of insects/bugs/arachnids/bees/wasps; I have a strong dislike of the number 13 but I don’t know if it’s a phobia, I just. REALLY hate it; the unknown, more or less what lurks somewhere beyond where I can see. Not so much a fear of the dark with that one, just what could BE in it.
51) Are you allergic to anything? If so, what?
I answered this in my last ask, as well!
53) Ever come close to death?
Two or three times, maybe? Two of them involved what’s called a laryngospasm, typically it can happen when your sick, which is what happened to me both times. Basically your throat just closes up on your for a hot minute and you can’t breathe. The first time I genuinely thought I was going to die (and my dad still sent me to school that day… HOE), the second time I was also sick and was losing/had lost my voice DURING A JOB RETREAT and it happened in the middle of the night so that was funny sitting there gasping for breath in the pitch dark.
At the FIRST retreat I went on for that job, you had to take pictures as part of a scavenger hunt, and the place used to be an old military fort, so there were still the old bunkers there. We had to take one on top of it and I was taking the picture, and it’s a wide shot so I go to take a step back but before I do I look behind me. If I hadn’t I would have fallen a good 10-15 feet down onto solid Civil War-era bunker concrete. I’d consider that being a “close to death” moment because I really could have died!
55) A random fact about yourself:
I have a half-brother !! My sis and I finally found him after her 23andMe results came back (which she decided to do despite us being like THE GOVERNMENT WILL COLLECT OUR DATA) and we didn’t think our mom would be happy she found him but she was !! My sis might reach out and contact him, she just wanted our mom’s permission first to do it.
56) What are three things most people don’t know about you?
Well, that I have a half-brother. I don’t mention it a lot. Aside from y’all on here and my sister, most everyone else doesn’t know I’m nonbinary! Everyone else knows I’m bi though lmao. And that there were times I’d stretch or bend the truth or lie about something just to impress someone else. It’s a… Bad Habit. Another thing is that most people don’t know I like coffee? Like I need to put a shit ton of creamer in with it because I’m a Bitch, but yeah.
57) An unknown fact about your life:
I wouldn’t call this an “unknown” fact but I’d used to go to work with my dad every now and again when he worked at the Home Depot and he was assistant manager. I’d either chill in the back room which was an office he shared with two other guys, or walk around the store with him. I had my own apron, too, which was my name with “Mini Mac” next to it, “Mac” being my dad’s nickname and something easier to say than my last name. I actually helped a few customers out so I wonder if I should have gotten paid for that despite being like, ages 9-13 when I’d go jshfkjd
And I guess I technically tested video games as a kid? Basically, when my dad was stationed at Fort Knox, they’d get demos of video games that hadn’t come out yet to test I suppose? and I still have a few somewhere. He’d hand them off to me and I’d play them so there’s that.
59) Five weird things that you like:
Eating globs of wasabi for no reason.
Scaring my friends also for no reason.
I wouldn’t say using cotton swabs to get wax out of your ears because it feels good is weird, just more medically inadvisable if anything.
When I was younger I’d like to floss really hard because the slight pain from it felt good. Young me was a #Freaque KJHDFJJDHF
I don’t know if being fond of alphabetizing and reorganizing things is considered weird but I LOVE doing that.
63) A quote you try to live by:
“It matters not how strait the gate, / How charged with punishments the scroll; / I am the master of my fate: / I am the captain of my soul.” It’s from the poem “Invictus” and the last two lines are what I’m getting tattooed !!
65) Weird things you do when you’re alone:
Practice the “Lucky Star” dance. I GOT THE LYRICS DOWN… JUST NEED TO DO THE DANCE NOW…
69) Leave me a compliment:
“you seem rly nice and funny from your 🅱️osts and I appreciate u... I hope you can find better irl friends who aren't trash”
Anon pls 🥺 I do my best to be nice but my friend really do test me sometimes... my feelings bounce back n forth like if they do something my feelings can switch to angry or like, hate, and then if they do something nice I’ll like them again. It sucks but ! I just take it one day at a time. Anon I care for u 💜💜💜
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hamwriters · 7 years
I haven't written much for the Hamilton fandom, but I really want to once my workload lightens! The long and short of it is, is there any way to get into the net if you don't have as many published works as others? Also, do you guys prefer those who write imagine fics? I see a lot of those in the fandom, but those aren't really my forte, and I'm curious if I could still get in even though I just write character x character. Thanks so much!
as long as you have published some hamilton works, [because this is a hamilton writers group lmao] then you’ll be fine. and we won’t discriminate based on how popular or how much a person has published. and character x character fics is great! all of our current members write 'x reader's, so the more diversity, the better tbh. :)
-mackie ( @protecting-my-legacy )
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yangyang-babe-blog · 6 years
I'm 5'6" hazel eyes and brown hair. I love music and dancing like a dad, I'm an ENFP, I like blankets & blanket forts! I'll do anything once, I love writing in my journal, and doing my makeup, drawing is also one of my hobbies, when I don't have art block lmao. Everyone sees me as a big softie and they aren't wrong.
I’d date you ~ you sound adorable lmao dad dancing hell yeah, music and makeup is gucci 👌🏻 i love those as well, I will say that idk what ENFP is you sound like someone I’d be down to hangout with, and you’d have to teach me how to build a blanket for because I’ve never done that and idk how to lol so yee ~ :)Oh and if you're a softy, I’d probs call you cute and shit all the time hehe lol
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