#this will probably also work its way into the wip im writing rn
breadandblankets · 5 months
duke, heading into the kitchen:
doug, watching from the couch as the kitchen suddenly starts lighting up like someone is arc welding in there:
duke, walking out with a steaming mug of tea:
doug, turning to elaine who is doing a sudoku with her legs thrown over his lap: "your son-"
elaine, raising an eyebrow: "My son?"
doug: "He's your son when he does something freaky."
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joshusten · 10 months
silly headcannons for a silly guy (and some honey!!!) while i write my fic lol (some of these were probably mentioned before idk !)
- as i implied in my last fic, guy loves phineas and ferb lmao other shows he definitely loves r gravity falls and adventure time (probably inspired him to take creative writing!)
**fun fact: the song he sings was originally a taylor swift song, specifically the bridge to "cruel summer" bc lol ofc he would AND thats from his fave album and he has definitely daydreamed of slowdancing with honey to "lover" too many times
- guy has an ao3 acc im so serious rn and i would like to believe honey read his works from a fandom they share before
- guy LIVES in tiktok. vine kid to tiktok addict pipeline,,,,he often watches those tiktoks that analyze the plot/lore/deeper meaning of diff types of media like video games, films, music etc (think Leftie from tiktok)
- tries to convince honey to do a tiktok dance with him
- has a crush on brennan lee mulligan
- guy's also a theater kid : ) which i wanna put in ANOTHER fic im making (i have too many wips its embarrassing)
- kids love guy (big brother vibes fr hes a riotwith them) but is also often a victim of their brutal honesty
- kids also love honey and often recieves sweet and genuine compliments you could get from a kid
kid to honey: "woah, your hair is so pretty!"
guy: "I KNOW RIGHT??!!"
kid: "....ur weird."
guy: "..."
kid: "and u smell like weird pizza."
- GUY TALKS WITH HIS HANDS!!!!! very animated movement LMAO
- i also mentioned it before but guy has a "great-for-karaoke" voice bc hes such a hypeman so every song he sings is just a vibe and honey has the most heavenly and soothingvoice
- honey plays fps games IDK WHY but i just imagine them screaming in rage
- when theyre on a walk and guy's talking to honey or telling a story to them, he tends to look at them (like walk backward or just not look in the direction theyre going) so he has a tendency to nearly hit poles/trees/streetlamps etc.
- honey formed a habit of just instinctively reaching out to guy by his arm or hand to get him out of the way when hes about to bump into something
- there was one time when honey grabbed guy by the waist to pull him away from a pole and guy is just......left flustered and stuttering, forgetting whatever the tea he was gossping to them
hehe thats all im gonna stop procrastinating
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dojunie · 1 month
fic progress update :3
misdial: working on the jaemin x reader prequel before getting into chapter 6 of misdial in earnest! so, techinically i’m still 'working on misdial', but not exactly a story continuation just yet... apologies for all my jeno luvrs, your time will come soon!
the lake house (njm misdial prequel, possible retitle coming): wordcount is at 27k currently (I KNOW! I KNOW! I’M SORRY!) and i’ve got about 5-7k left (...optimistically... it will probably could be more...) i must’ve written like 5k for this in the last three days alone because i’m very excited about it, so here’s to hoping the energy sticks up. i’m planning for this to be the next thing i upload!
messenger: is on baby hiatus! the outline is finished! just have to motivate myself to make the texts, LOL
courtside (itwd retitle, njm or ljn basketball au): wordcount is at 55k. this is my child, idk, i carry her around in my locket necklace like an old victorian lover, i write very sporadically for this (like 5k in one night or nothing for a month) which means she will not be coming out into the world for a while. but when i tell you this is on my mind every day. atp i’m genuinely thinking this fic might be like 80k plus
into you: indefinitely on hiatus……………… i think about her so often but im not happy with the way it flows at the moment, and i just do not have the energy rn to rework what i’ve already written (its at 9k) but i still really like the existing parts + the concept itself! its on hiatus, idk when i’ll sit down and work on it again, but i 100% plan to finish it
swimming for dummies: next on my wip roster after either i finish lake house (plus, or) misdial ch 6! currently at 32k? just need to wrap up the final scene and edit for flow and clarity before part 1 is done and potentially ready to post!
other info: looking at all these big number seems kind of ridic for how little i post, like im writing like crazy and just hoard it all instead of posting (if u do the math of the stuff above i have one hundred and twenty three thousand words of stuff in the works) but i promise you these things will be posted!!!! i luv writing. i luv dream. i am also just a perfectionist who cant upload something until it makes perfect sense + i am a serial editor, which means i have to reread + spot edit the whole fic every time i open the doc or i think i'll die. really slows the process down, unfort
anyway, i'm making this post so you don't think i've given up on some of these things!!! progress is being made, i pinky promise, but thank you all for sticking with me either way :D
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froggibus · 7 months
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for veteran followers, newcomers & people just browsing, a quick reminder on how this works, the kind of content posted here + a bit of an explanation! (of course, if im rambling, feel free to skip to the TLDR at the bottom ♥)
essentially, i have a bit of a bad habit of scattering all of my updates and news across various fanfic posts. ill probably continue to do this, but i know not everyone reads every post, so you're probably missing out on some info you might want to know
"like what?" mainly, requests + request statuses. but instead of making you guys scour through the depths of my posts to find out if i even received your requests, i thought it would be easier to just post it all here.
content you can expect here:
requests ive received and going to work on
WIPs im planning on posting soon
breaks, hiatuses, changes in plans & planned content
random life updates (sometimes)
to make it easier to digest (+ more relevant to you guys), its going to be in order of newest to oldest. (example: oct 2023 would come before jan 2023)
thank you guys, keep being amazing ♥
TLDR: ive decided to put all of my updates on requests, request status, wips + breaks etc in one place. its gonna be in order of newest to oldest, and ill update here whenever there's news :)
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JUNE 1. 2024:
happy pride ^.^
still working through requests right now & also working on something fun for summer! come vote in our summer solstice poll and feel free to come talk to me about all your summer faves & thirsts!
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MAY. 27 2024:
requests are currently closed! thanks to everyone who sent one in—im just catching up on them now ^~^
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MAY. 26 2024:
i’ve received quite a few requests this week that i am already working on :D im sick atm so it might take me a little bit longer to get through them all tho !!
changing up my rules slightly & retagging certain stories as well!
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APR. 3 2024:
thanks to everyone who booped me on April Fools :) I had a lot of fun interacting with everyone
requests are open!!! all of the ones submitted prior to March 24th have been deleted, but feel free to send them again if they follow the updated rules (found here)
I am also working on a small writing project that I may or may not post for my birthday in two weeks, so we’ll see how that goes
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MAR. 21 2024
requests are closed! rules for requests are being updated and all current requests are being cleared. feel free to resubmit afterwards!
MAR. 17 2024:
- deleted Romeo & Ghouliet. I really wasn’t feeling like writing anymore, I struggled a lot with taking it in the direction I wanted it to go
- will be updating the graphics & theme of the blog this week so stay tuned!
JAN. 22 2024:
we are officially heading into Valentine's season, and with that, I want your input on what you would like to see on the blog for that! you can vote here. have more input? have a request? send them to me here!
working on some fics, including OW Women HCs, poly! SatoSugu, Dick Grayson x civilian! reader, and possibly a series as well
NOV. 14 2023:
currently not taking requests, sorry for the few people who submitted some this week! working on a cozy christmassy Dick Grayson fic rn, and possibly something exciting for the holiday season
NOV. 1 2023:
life got way more hectic than i anticipated this month and because of that, i wasn't able to write for kinktober the way i originally planned. hopefully next year ill be better prepared and able to deliver quality content consistently. sorry to anyone who is disappointed! ♥
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(dividers by @/cafekitsune)
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crazylittlejester · 4 days
My brain has started associating daily brainrot with getting ready to do homework, so now you're officially a part of my getting ready to do homework routine.
Going to try out color-coding the different topics, because I have a lot of ideas and my ADHD is acting up. (I promise I took my meds, it's just One of Those Days.)
I started working on a oneshot that's basically "what if I dumped a bunch of magical, spooky cryptid stuff in here" in response to a prompt from a writing group meeting. I don't really have any plot for it, but I do have a bit of worldbuilding stuff and a very long description of a house.
So it's another Hyrule-centric story featuring fae!Hyrule, except they're all kind of fae/cryptids. Supernatural, I suppose, is a more accurate description. I don't really have a good idea of what everyone will be, but there's going to be shape-shifters and ghosts and lots of creepy vibes because I'm shooting for the unsettling feeling that you get when you're afraid that the red eyes you see in the cornfield belong to something much more horrifying than a barn cat.
I think the term I'm looking for is gothic Midwest horror. Here's a link to the aesthetics wiki's entry on the topic in case you're curious.
Changing topics, I have what is probably too many ideas in my "LU Fanfiction Ideas" file in my notes app, so I'm thinking that maybe, once I've gotten some of my WIPs cleaned up and posted I could try doing some kind of ask game or tag game with them sort of like the WIP ask game that's still sort of circulating. I'd just make a list of the ideas and either write onshots/minifics for asks or have one of the tagged people pick what I work on. I'm not sure yet, mostly because I don't know if people would be interested and which one they'd prefer because I'm a bit too shy to just... toss it out into the fandom tag like that.
Time is still fighting me. It's taking longer than expected because every time I feel like I'm making progress something gets in the way. I really want to get his piece done because it establishes his plotline in the Emotional Support Loftwing series, and is supposed to be the accompaniment to a second piece that's probably from Warriors' point of view.
As a side note to that, I'm very excited to actually get around to that accompaniment because I get to write a whole bit about Sky's house on the Surface. (The town is called New Town and I love it.)
COLOR CODING. I FUCKING LOVE YOU. It makes it so easy to read oh my god (I keep forgetting to take my ADHD meds… it’s been weeks- whoops-)
THAT SOUNDS AWESOME, and don’t worry I’m very familiar with midwest horror shit. I come from the cornfields I’m one of the beasts that roam them at 4 am /hj
ooooooh that’d be cool!! I’m super interested, i can’t wait to see whichever one you decide on :)
I totally feel the ‘every time i feel like im making progress something gets in the way’ thing, I’m going through that rn with a fic. ALSO I LOVE THE TOWN.
(losing my mind over the color coding shit its so good for my little brain)
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sig-nifier · 14 days
twenty questions for writers
thanks sm @swifty-fox for the tag!! i love things like this.
tagging @magneticghouls and @onyxsboxes and literally anyone who fancies it
how many works do you have on ao3?
what's your total ao3 word count?
what fandoms do you write for?
whatever tf the current fixation is. i've written for rooster teeth, our flag means death, buzzfeed unsolved, masters of the air, the eternals, and challengers! currently got a slow horses fic in the works :))
top five fics by kudos
i like the way your words taste - a fluffy druig/makkari oneshot with 860
wild things - a western gale cleven/john egan au with 849
the art of consumption - a smutty art/patrick fic with 780
make you feel alive - another gale cleven/john egan oneshot with 633
hitchhikers - a serial killer ryan begara/shane madej au with 485 (the first multichapter fic i wrote that got me an audience it was wild)
do you respond to comments?
ofc! i try and respond to every single one with at least a thank you
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
a fic called stay with me, which ended in MCD.
what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i end most of my fics happily!
i think the happiest is probably wild things. everything works out for the better in that one
do you get hate on fics?
i dont! very grateful that everyones always so nice, makes me feel like the are you winning son meme
do you write smut?
i used to never write smut but something this year just had me writing so much of it and whilst it feels mostly awkward to write, people seem to like it!
craziest crossover?
i've never written any kind of crossover, and i don't like to read them either. i guess MOTA in the western genre is the closest i'll come.
have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of!
have you ever had a fic translated?
have you ever co-written a fic before?
also nope!
all time favorite ship?
ive been in fandoms since i was like 12, there's no way i can pick an all time favourite. it literally just depends on what im into at the time.
i really like inej/kaz from six of crows. i think scully/mulder is great. hannibal/will. ellie/dina. willem/jude.
off the top of my head i would say i'm most fond of the tenth doctor/rose. that one gets me.
what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i'm really starting to doubt my ability to finish seven miles out of freedom town. im gonna try my best but the hyperfixation has moved on and it feels more like a chore than something im enjoying rn. im really sorry to anyone that disappoints, it disappoints me too, cos wild things was genuinely some of the most fun i've ever had writing fic and interacting with a community. i'll try and get it finished, it might just take me a while.
what are your writing strengths?
i think im pretty good at dialogue, making it sound like something a real person would say.
i think im fairly decent at dramatic writing, at making things sound flowery and poetic and theatric. thats my favourite way to write.
dont think im too bad at characterisation most of the time.
what are your writing weaknesses?
i suck at worldbuilding. i think its boring and i dont care for it, i just want to write about the characters. planning bores me. i just write things and go back and fix inconsistencies later.
wild things is the most effort i've ever put into a world. i was googling locations like a mofo to make things accurate.
thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i think its great! one of my favourite fics has a character that speaks french and he uses it to tease other characters who don't know what he's saying. its done so beautifully.
first fandom you wrote in?
if we're talking actual first fandom it was probably one direction or creepy pasta when i was like 13.
the first fandom i ever wrote for seriously was buzzfeed unsolved in 2018.
favorite fic you've written?
im very proud of washed clean, an angsty oneshot about gale/john. i really like the writing in that one.
i dont think i can pick a favourite, i have like three. hitchhikers and the axeman of new orleans were my starting points and really showed me the joy of writing fic that other people were going to read. i had a lot of fun writing those and i love me some dark themes.
wild things consumed my every thought for like, the 11 days i was writing it. ive never been so obsessed with one of my own fics before, it still blows me away how well it was recieved and i met some great people through it so im eternally grateful for that.
yeehaw, y'all.
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27-royal-teas · 4 months
hiii do you wanna talk about any of your WIPs? your writing is really good, I'd love to hear what you've been thinking about lately if you want to share
YES OMG. currently im immersed in working on a fanfic of @/silvernyxa’s pjofob au— its one of my FAVORITE THINGS EVER and she has so much lore for it, every time i see it it makes me so happy— it’s basically fob but percy jackson ified. it’ll be great. currently im not writing it on a linear timeline like i normally do im writing it in scene bursts that im interested in that way ill (hopefully) keep up the motivation to actually yk, finish it. it’ll be multichaptered, with slash, but the ships definitely aren’t the main part of the story— it’ll be more gen than anything. im not gonna spoil it bc. yeah. but once i get enough to have abt half the fic written ill start posting it!!! in the meantime go check out nyxa’s pjofob tag, all her stuff is so so good.
other than that— I’m a bit one-track-mind rn— ive been working on my red thread au, which im definitely not gonna finish, but it’s still fun; the reincarnation au, which im still figuring out the logistics of, and an analysis essay of how Folie and Stardust are sister albums and also rock operas, which I work on whenever I’m bored and focused. ive been pretty busy lately, and since I switched semesters I don’t get as much classtime to write anymore (very sad) and my schedule is only gonna pick up, so probably no new fics for a bit :(( I’m so so so glad and honored you liked my writing enough to ask me about it, though!!! it makes me so happy that you decided to pop into my inbox :33
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dwarfsized · 2 months
tagged by the beautiful and amazing @aevallare thank you!!
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
3) What fandoms do you write for?
it's all bg3 right now, but I've also written for critical role and the arcana (visual novel)
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1 - that's the kind of love ive been dreaming of (bg3, astarion/f!tav)
2- ain't it warming you (the world goin' up in flames) (critical role, jester/caleb)
3- Liebe ist Fürsorge (critical role, jester/caleb)
4- Fighting the Hurricane (critical role, jester/caleb)
5 - true colors shine in darkness and in secrecy (bg3, astarion/f!tav)
5) Do you respond to comments?
yes! i try to do the "comment when you upload the next chapter" thing but sometimes its been a while since the last chapter and i get embarrassed and just respond to everything in one big rush
6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
where i left Fighting the Hurricane probably combined with the (checks notes) 1+ year long update hiatus, i am coming back for you baby i promise. i have plans for it. i just. god. so much happened to me right as i was working on it.
7) What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of my fic ends happy (this will not always be the case, eventual AA!AU will be. well. i shan't say.) BUT, and this might just be because its my most recent finished work, i think new steps might end off on the most hopeful note.
8) Do you get hate on fics?
this has never happened to me and id love to keep it that way lmao
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes :) the only real posted smut ive got rn is that's the kind of love ive been dreaming of, but i have other smut in the works
10) Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Fighting the Hurricane doesn't count, really, but that's the closest we've got: its a Critical Role/Pacific Rim fusion.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i'm aware of
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have nooooot, but i am not sure that the way that i write (terrible first draft and then editing for 1000 years) is very friendly to co-writing. I'm not against the idea at all though, its just. you know. i wouldn't want to torture a friend with the everything about me. maybe someday though!!
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
in this house we multiship, peace and love. :) though honestly i made a joke once about retiring kira as an oc after bg3 bc of everything im putting her through after becoming so enamored with kirastarion so maybe that? sorry blorbo from my brain, enjoy the conciliation prize of elf dick.
15) What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
stares guiltily at Fighting the Hurricane ch 2, languishing on my wip pile. listen, i still fully intend to finish that story. i was doing cool stuff in there. the only problem is that my brain exploded while i was writing ch 1, and this wasnt supposed to be more than 2k words but i am myself, and i didnt use outlines then, so my notes are a mess.
also i cannot possibly underline enough the bit where my brain exploded. this is an exaggeration only in that none of it came out of my head, but i was Not Myself for a Long Time.
16) What are your writing strengths?
i think my internal monologue bangs. this is because i agonize over it.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
moving characters around in the space is like pulling teeth and i feel like a solid 30% of my editing is focused on that. getting someone from point a to point b elegantly and without it feeling like "astarion got up. he moved his feet. he sat down. he looked out the window" makes me feel like walking into the sea
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I like it when it makes sense! Why does this character use another language? Does the reader need to know what they're saying? Is the POV character unfamiliar with the language? Does the reader learn anything from this? If you don't have good answers, why do it?
I find tieflings really neat, and bg3 does the typical dnd thing of "tieflings are looked down on," without, like, doing much with tiefling culture. So Ive had Kira use Infernal as a shortcut to create familiarity with other tieflings, and use it to have private conversations bc why would anyone but tieflings and people living in The Hells know that language--this solves some problems for her! And it creates others.
19) First fandom you wrote for?
Naruto...... once upon a time i wrote shikamaru/sakura fic. i was going to make a joke about that being my actual first longfic but i just checked and it literally isnt, i worked on it for a year and if you dont count the in-text authors notes (it was a different time) the whole thing is shorter than true colors chapter 4.
can you imagine me, now, updating something for a year and it being less than 11k. lol. lmao, even.
20) Favorite fic you’ve written?
eldath's mercy is my darling right now who also scares me to death. update coming soon (this week? i hope?)
i will tag @simon-says-nothing and @raccooncrimes and @septemberskye and YOUUUU reading this if you want to do it, tag me if you do!!
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minheeskitten · 6 months
"2k is long" is also nonsense i'm so sorry 😭 2k is barely anything if you're trying to introduce an AU and actually flesh in a setting and especially if you're trying to show different personality traits 😭 your fic are mostly AUs with really well thought out lore, and it needs the word count to breathe and establish everything. if someone's attention span is too short to read more than - what - 2 pages? that's their problem, not yours! fwiw, my fic lengths range with the shortest starting at around 5k and the longest getting close to 30k and i have never had anyone leave a complaint about the length! people are more than willing to sit through 10k+ just to get to the smutty stuff, and they usually end up enjoying the rest of the fic as well. do not worry about it! you're doing just fine 🩷
I don't often look at the length of a fic unless im updating someone on how long its getting. My shortest wip is 100 words. And. Ive posted it to here bcs i feel it'll never be finished.
If it does get finished eventually then i will post it as a fic but. Until then it sits in my drafts.
My fics almost always include worldbuilding to at least 3k now. Though not all of them were like that.
Do you want in on a secret? I don't think out the world for my aus. It fleshes itself out. I think on what may happen n go from there. The story writes itself. I am just a vessel for the words and visions.
I am absolutely terrible at worldbuilding if im doing it consciously.
Its why i have visible headcanons for idols. But i just can't put them into words haha.
The most i think through is 'what sort of details would enhance this and make it better to read'
And then thats where i go from!
Siren!ivan was originally supposed to be more non-con than it is rn. The consent is not proper consent tho but thats bcs. Well. Siren wants what he wants and he will convince dann to give it to him.
Though. Thats a little bit of a spoiler. It is going to be tagged accordingly. Don't worry ill tag fics right.
The fic i thought through the most, probably is one ive not even started wtiting. The dissection fic. I gotta do all sorts of research so i can make sure its accurate and well done.
Which unfortunately means i gotta look at anatomy from a more medical standpoint. Need to go find a book for that..
The first fic i put out actually has a very strong plot hole. That i told myself id patch before posting it but. I didn't.
That plot hole was the reasoning as to why ivan was doing that to hwon. It has a very weak reason and i could absolutely fix it now. But. Not this year.
I write ab 5k minimum most of the time haha. I prefer letting the story fill itself out n then helping fine tune details. Its why i really can't tell you how long a fic may be.
So far my longest fic is 16k words. Published. Theres more unpublished. That's for the abandoned but not orphaned one.
I may return to it eventually. That's why i didn't wanna orphan it.
All of my fics stop at a point they organically would have stopped at. When i feel it can't really take another scene. I end it. That usually leaves spaces for part twos to them as well!
But i like exploring aus as i write them.
Fun fact! I write aus bcs im worried that if i do anything else i may accidentally copy someone else's idea.
I do get inspired by the other kd writers. Oh gods do i get inspired.
Lee, lunar, eve, even erin, who encourages the hwonicide. They all inspire me in their own ways. Does that usually come in the form of a prompt to note down asap? Yeah.
But other ways are helping with details for fics. And they are all very welcome to chat ab fics w me. I don't steal ideas. Not without permission and changing it to be my own.
I have a prompt that is inspired by eve's fic Clear My Mind (eve is karmacumover btw!)
But it is different. I may show her the prompt itself if she wants to see it haha.
But i love working on fics. Even if I can't be proud of them as a 'look i made this!' i can still look at the work and go 'yeah. Thats good.'
Thank you lee for helping me figure out how to do that. It was amazing to be able to step back and go 'thats a good story' if i removed myself from it.
The lee im referring to here is intenselysalmon. So she knows who im referring to.
One day. One day my goal is to be proud of how much I've written. Of what I've written.
Its a goal i think is far away. But the more i talk to other writers. The more i realize.
Im not as bad at writing as i think i am.
Honestly id never even considered myself a good writer, until i asked writers like lee and erin their feedback on my works. And they both said i write well. Maybe a little dialogue heavy but. Thats fine i can work on it.
Im doing my best. And im trying to ensure i continue getting better.
The more i talk to other writers and see how they talk ab my writing. The more i go. 'maybe im too harsh on myself' but. As they say, you are your own worst critic.
Honestly i never even considered my work good enough to do much with. But. Lunar still offered to possibly do a collab or fic trade. And i keep thinking on it. Maybe.
It makes me think they find me a better writer than i find myself to be.
Then i see eve, reacting to some of the xlips of airen!ivan ive put out. And she's reacting as i would for any of lee's clips. I find lee an amazing writer. It seems eve thinks of me that way too.
Im trying to wrap my head around it. But the reason i am so harsh on myself is. Anxiety and self doubt. And i need to work through them.
Thats the first time ive admitted that.
I will work through my weaknesses, and be better than before. Slowly. It takes time. I have to be patient.
One day. One day i will be able to proudly say 'im a good writer'
Its not today. But. It will be an eventuality.
Moots mentioned in this post:
Lee (@intenselysalmon )
Erin (@kurenaiwataru )
Eve (@karmacumover )
Lunar (@kingdoms-babygirl )
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anawrites3 · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I got tagged by @zeroducks-2, thanks love 💕💕 Sorry it took me so long to answer -3-
How many works do you have on AO3? It's 44 (+1 unrevealed)! And 19 of that are DC fics
What’s your total A03 word count? 163,947 I need to post more on ao3, huh
What fandoms do you write for? Mostly DC rn, tho I have a few fics for COD
What are your top five fics by kudos? on this account all of those are bakudeku because I've been very deep in the fandom until last year lmao so I'm going to cheat a little :3 and list the ones from DC fandom to self-promote myself a little 😂
1. taking a break (alone, please) at 345! I'm really happy with that and quite surprised because it's the very first proper sladick fic I wrote! Dick gets hurt during a mission so Slade takes him somewhere to take care of the wound and maybe have a little fun while he's at that. The only problem is that Dick's comm gets turned on at some point.
2. unexpectedly beneficial at 289. This is surprise since it's a New Year fic and those, in my experience, never get that much kudso lmao It's also my second fic! Dick's stuck at Brucie's New Year Eve's party. Slade comes over to keep him company
3. bunny-shaped trouble at 230 kudos, the idea came from Claudia who sent me a prompt 💕 Dick gets turned into a bunny and takes the opportunity to annoy the hell out of Slade
4. persistence at 219! This was my entry for sladerobin week and for some reason I was very anxious so I'm glad its so high in the ranks Dick goes on an undercover mission, where he has to seduce the target. Slade isn't very happy about that.
5. conflict resolution at 217 kudos! It's the first part of the series and well, let's be honest, compared to the rest (that is posted here on tumblr now, im working on it to post it properly on ao3) it isn't very exciting but I still love it and I'm happy it's so high as well! King Slade Wilson offers the way to stop the war between Gotham and Defiance. He will stop the attacks if prince Richard becomes his royal consort.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I always do!! Sometimes it just takes me longer (like rn oops) but I always make sure to respond to comments and show people how much I appreciate them taking the moment to share their thoughts with me 💕💕
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? It's definitely keeping what's mine because Dick is having awful time in this one, to the point that I tagged it as hurt/no comfort because well, Dick is hurt and doesnt get any comfort. I mean, he kind of does? But it doesnt actually comfort him so yeah 😂
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I write a lot of fluff so this is actually a very difficult question lmao but I would say it's (not) willing to share which is a short domestic fluff. And Dick has a cat so that's very happy for me haha
Do you get hate on your fic? I do not, actually! And I'm a little surprised by it because sladick and batkids ships gets hated on a lot
Do you write smut? More and more lately
Do you write crossovers? Not really right now, no
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Thankfully no or at least I dont know about it lol
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope
Have you ever co-written a fic? Not yet but I think it would be really fun!
What‘s your all-time favourite ship? I have one of those for every fandom I'm in lmao and right now it's sladick
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Gosh, don't say that lmao! Buut *looks quickly through the list of my wips* probably the one I named "the middle of the night" which is like,,, undercover mision identity porn masquerade ball sladick story that Im very exciting about but for some reason I just keep moving it down on my list of wips sooo... yeah. Maybe cause masquerade balls need a lot of dance descriptions and I suck at that lmao
What’s your writing strengths? Writing dialogue! I like it a lot and I've been told I'm good at it :3
What’s your writing weaknesses? Actually sitting down to start writing 😂 and more complicated descriptions like fights or dances and stuff like that, I'm still working on it
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I like it a lot actually but not if there's too much of it - just a few sentences are enough or just a few words thrown here and there, and there needs to be translation somewhere in the fic, in the notes or something because people should know what the characters are saying but yeah, I like how it directly shows that someone is speaking in another language instead of writing "he cursed in russian" or other stuff like that
First fandom you wrote for? *hides my face into my hands* Strawberry Shortcake probably... from when I was still a babey...
Favourite fic you’ve ever written? sun and sunflower, a little brudick story about Bruce being smitten and a coward
Tagging time! @roipecheur @wingdingery @blackbeanbao @enak-s and anyone who'd like to do it as well!
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eomma-jpeg · 6 months
12, 18 and 29 for the Fanfic Wrapped questions please! :D
hi b !
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
Way too many
So i just counted and its AT LEAST 20 different documents and about 5 different stories. 
Some of the stories include my college au, things for @noaafishfieldguide After Eden fic, the undine/mermaid millynai au, bakery au with @veilder, and a post trimax domestication au (with babies bc i have yet to experiment with that and its funnnn)
But im hoping to gain some steam on my college au and post more regularly when the new year comes !!!
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Probably knives 
Rn actually its Legato
I intend to write him as a creep (bc he is) but i keep hesitating bc i know some people enjoy Legato as a character
I do too ! but I need to use him for nefarious purposes in the college au fic lolol
One day tho… next year hehe
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Oh dear. I have to go on a hunt.
So one of my FAVORITE lines from in the meadow is in chapter 8
“And for the first time, Milly felt like Knives saw her.”
Its so simple but in context it says a lot about the development of Milly and Knives’ relationship.
Okay… another passage from in the meadow that i really liked. This one is the ending of chapter 17
Three days after Thompson left, Knives plucked the first ripe tomato. 
He felt pride, especially in himself. His sister had shown him what she wanted, and Knives had accomplished just that; helping the humans and providing useful resources to them had been her greatest desire, and Knives felt he had fulfilled her wish. He would need to return to the geoplant chamber and speak with her, tell her about their successes in and around the garden.
But even with that pride and the excitement in being able to show his sister what she had helped to produce, there was still an emptiness. 
The tomato he picked was only one of a few ripe fruit on the bushes, but this was the first he had spotted. Grabbing the red thing, he wrenched it off the plant with a tug. He turned it in his hand, running a thumb along the natural seams that spread from where the stem originated. The texture was slippery against his fingertips, a glossy finish coating the entire surface. It was just as Thompson had described: a fully red tomato, firm to the touch and easily pulled from the plant.
It was perfect. Not a single blemish from growth or from worms.
Knives' grip tightened on the fruit. He wanted to crush it, break it open, destroy it beneath his powerful grasp, a victim of his fierce anger.
But if he did that it would mean she wouldn't get to see it. She wouldn't get to view the first fruit of their harvest.
Holding the small fruit in his hands, Knives abandoned his work in the garden, moving alone to the casita she inhabited. His heart panged at its emptiness, the loneliness he had felt since she left striking with a vengeance. He walked to the counter, gently placing the tomato down on the smooth surface. 
And there it would remain until Milly returned.
This is the first time knives refers to milly as ‘milly’ and I love the dichotomy of a beautiful fruit against his unending frustration and rage. 
I have many others,,, like a few lines from sealed in steam or from spent tears, but in the meadow is my baby and i will continue to admire it.
ao3 wrapped
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zonerz · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by da bestie @a-problematic-writer for this !!!!!
How many works do you have on ao3?
There's 14 atm!!!
What's your total AO3 word count?
Sitting at 569,356 rn :] thank u Answers LMAO 😭
What fandoms do you write for?
MCSM, Sonic, Kingdom Hearts, and anything that catches my fancy and eye in the meantime! Basically whatever! Also got some FF and Danganronpa peeking in :]
What are your top five fics by kudos?
Answers, Would You Like To Dance, MCSM Prompts/Drabbles, Demyx Drabbles oop-- 😳, Sonic and the Black Knight? More likeSonic and a Lot of Trauma
Do you respond to comments?
Yes all the time and all of them!!! I love interacting with readers and having conversations!!!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably the SatBK one LMAO sorry my beloved. Maybe I LIED HOW COULD I FORGET. ALVI. IT'S THIS ONE.
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Im honestly not sure??? They all, despite having their angst, tend to end on some hopeful notes or some kinda resolution 🤔it's also kinda hard to judge tho bc a lot are just drabbles and little thought experiments for me :]
Do you get hate on fics?
I've had the pleasure of not yet encountering any!
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not my thing! I can barely write two characters holding hands without feeling like a whore LMFAOOOOO
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not typically where I specialize!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of 😭👍
What's the longest you've spent working on one fic? And the shortest?
ANSWERS. MY GOD. I've been working on Answers since December of 2018 and she's still going and gonna be 5 years old soon which is CRAZYYYYYY 😭😭😭 That said, I wouldn't have it any other way and I'm still very excited for it and the future of it as I'm FINALLY getting into some of the meat of it that's been on the docket since 2018 :]
As for shortest, I'm pretty capable of getting a fairly long drabble out in just a few hours, so that'd probably be the shortest time I have.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not on Ao3!
What's your all-time favorite ship? From all fandoms?
I can't easily pick one but I do feel like Sonic and Shadow's dynamic has like. rewired my brain LMAO
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
the Demyx Drabbles mentioned earlier. Mainly because they were a set of character explorations and a lot of my own ideas and thoughts have changed pretty drastically from when I started writing those, so I've lost the idea spark on that line of thinking. Im still COMPLETELY unwell about that little weirdo, but in a different flavor now
What are your writing strengths?
Character relationships, motives, and dialogue and maybe a bit of ilke??? Atmosphere????? I do my best to write it well at the very least!
What are your writing weaknesses?
Action sequences are always a fucking bitch bro 😭 same with like physical descriptions and scenery--I don't know if it comes across like that but I always put in extra effort and time to refine these aspects before putting something out because I want them to be the best I can make them at the time 👍
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm open to it but personally would like to have a little familiarity with the language and its nuances myself before attempting too much lest I fall into the trap of like. Google translate ruining shit 😭
First fandom you wrote for?
Favorite fic you've written?
Answers is VERY much my pride and joy rn :] to me it's more than just an MCSM fic/continuation, it is 100% a love letter to MC as a whole which was just huge to me growing up. I've completely thrown myself into all corners of it's world and lore as well as throw in fun little references from things I loved over the years and done my best to stir them all together in a way that feels naturally cohesive, fun, and semi-realistic in a way that doesn't like snap a reader out of their suspension of disbelief! I want it to be engaging and natural and overall just a fun experience :] 💖
I can't think of anyone to tag rn (brain so so empty) so if anyone wants to take a stab at this go ahead!!! :]
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spectrum-system · 10 months
Hello traveler, welcome to my blog!
Im Hinoko (or S), I'm the host of an OSDD system, I'm autistic, I'm trans, and I use He/They (and some neos) pronouns.
Please only interact with my blog if you are 18 or older, as sometimes I do post NSFW or refer to NSFW topics, such as the fanfic I write.
DNI: basic DNI criteria, endogenic "system" or supporters, fakeclamers,
I'm a big fan of Undertale, Hazbin Hotel, Welcome home, Murder Drones, Ultrakill, TMC, Transformers, JJBA, and wayyyyy more that youll probably see over time on my blog.
I do both traditional and digital art, but right now my main medium is watercolor. I also write fanfiction, so you'll see a lot of updates on that as well!
#hinokos art - my art :3
#hinoko talks - my crazed ramblings
You'll often see me reblogging random stuff i like, and way too often ill tag my best friends @/wobbabot and @/borealtheproto in things that nobody but us will have context too. Oh, and I guess I post art too lol.
If you would like to know more about me, go ahead and hit up my websight! (Its a WIP rn but im working on it)
(Website link temp removed while i fix it)
I love yall! I hope you enjoy!
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seishun-emergency · 2 years
YOU. ur btau is making me ill im literally shaking /pos !!! i rlly love ur ao3 fics esp the poly trickstar ones<333 tell us more abt bt trickstar pretty pleek 🥺🥺🥺
WOAAAGH HELLO!! awjglwjg thank youuu i need to write more polytrickstar they're sooo funny. i have a wip rn where they start a competition to steal makoto's glasses in the funniest ways.
bt!trickstar.... they make me so ill. i think mao makes me the sickest but that's bc im relentless maoP so its on brand for me. ANYWAYS. im putting this under the cut cause it's longer than i thought itd be LOL but here's where trickstar end up in the bad timeline au:
mao ends up in akatsuki but bc he's alr on the stuco and probably wouldn't be the most enthused to be performing w/o trickstar (plus there's his whole self-esteem/flashlight complex. which wouldn't be as brutal yet but the seeds have always been there) he ends up taking on more and more of the background/bureaucratic work that keito's always concerned with. mao gets less and less chances to perform as he's buried in paperwork. he's lost sight completely of why he came to yumenosaki in the first place, his love of performing. i think bt!mao finds a kind of solidarity in koga, who also is in akatsuki and doesnt want to be - but also envies him a bit. (bt!koga is forced to perform at pretty much every turn)
makoto ends up in knights... i dont know how mean i want to be w him yet i think in a worse timeline he goes back into modelling full throttle to please izumi and loses himself in being molded by izumi who thinks this is how he can protect and please makoto. either way izumi's obsession w him is at full force and it causes a LOT of problems in knights. i could a whole post on knights their deal is . a Lot
hokuto ends up in fine! he's... honestly he could be doing worse like for all intents and purposes he's ended up in a pretty cushy place. but he has doubts and regrets.... he doesn't find out where subaru ends up until closer to the SS and i think it tears him up a lot. he tears himself up a lot over the what ifs and how everything could have been different if he'd been different. eichi and wataru also like . over-mentor him to account for the fact that he is visibly expressing doubts about being there. again he's doing great as an idol but yknow. he keeps thinking about subaru and the rest of trickstar
subaru ends up in EDEN. he's on his villain arc. i think there's a universe where he drops out of yumenosaki or ends up very aimless and listless and ibara snaps him up like the opportunist he is. he banks on the fact that subaru is mad at hokuto and mad at eichi and tells subaru that joining eden will give him the chance he needs to take fine down at the SS. subaru slowly grows to love his place in eden and he's a bit of a meaner, colder version of himself when he re-meets hokuto at the SS
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kagejima · 2 years
happy nanami monday🥳 something to look forward to every monday now hehe
i'm so sleepy rn and the only nanami thing i can think about is that other submission abt strip poker (i will never get over) :( and that one hc of nanami when he's stressed from work and fucking you he won't even notice how rough he's being until he breaks the bed <3 i can't seem to find the post to it AAAAA
ALSO thinking about this post i reblogged from you a few days ago and i know nothing about airlines but i know i love a man in a uniform and especially when that man is nanami kento >:) captain nanami dragging his favorite cute stewardess into the cockpit and making them his cockpit (I'M SO SORRY HDMDHDNSHSK I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING AT THIS) but you get to sit pretty on his lap while he pounds into you while also getting the most beautiful view of the clear sky and fluffy clouds and/or the stars twinkling in the night sky✨ (yk he's gonna be doing this on multiple flights)
maybe this should have a tw: bad BAD joke for the cockpit thing but anyway i hope this entire ask makes sense and i hope you have a great monday KISSES FROM MIZU FOR RAE AND NANAMI ONLY ❤❤❤
HEUEHUEEH accepting the kisses from mizu and nanami says thank you for them too :)))
I KNOWWWW. I haven't stopped reading wendy's submissions with poker nanami, they're so sexy, wendy's brain is so big and beautiful :(
ALSO im pretty sure i know exactly the hc of breaking the bed you're talking about but i dont remember who wrote it, if anybody else comes across it, you'll know fdjfaldhfsdfjds, its very sexy :((
mizu, the way i googled 'can pilots smoke in the cockpit' after reading this because i was like PILOT SMOKEY NANAMIIIIIIIII
IM LOSING MY MIND just like..... picturing.... nighttime flying.... the plane's on autopilot.... but nighttime flying and the sky is so pretty and you're cockwarming nanami and sharing a cigarette and enjoying the nighttime sky together.... and he's just whispering sweet little nothings to you and rubbing your back
and you knew you probably shouldn't fall for him bc your stewardess co-workers had told you what a player nanami was but like... the sex was too good so you kept doing it :((
and it started just as you two messing around and it being agreed upon you could fuck whoever you wanted... until nanami and you weren't fucking anybody anymore except each other because you two fell so hard for each other :(((((((((
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bookwyrminspiration · 5 months
You are like a book character thats just. Yeah what did i expect from a name like that bnfjfjfjf
Yo on the reading tho!?? I feel the revitalized pjo interest im staring at my pjo books like. Soon soon i will get to u (THO IM MISSING A FEW OF THEM AND I DONT KNOW WHERE THEYVE GONE. THEYVE BEEN STOLEN I SWEAR) i actually have been trying to read actual books again and!!! I finished one finally!!! Only took me like a month bmgkfkfk i finished call down the hawk and my local library is ab to murder me for how long ive had it-
Dude okay so i work at a movie theater right and ive wanted to see boy and the heron so badly ive just been so busy im staring at it and like ten other movies like pls i need free time. Other than that i got baldurs gate 3 and have been wandering through a world download for a minecraft series i like. And im once again cursed by my inability to finish fics so my solution is write all of it then post and now i have like two 15k wips just sitting in my notes app ive been trying to finish for like two years T-T
I've read so many books I've started to become them, and honestly? There are worst fates. I think I'd make a good like...wise character. Like the one the main character goes to when they have a question and I pull on information I don't explain how I got and set them on their quest or something. Or they discover a cursed magic item and they're like, well Quil probably knows something useful. And then I do.
Anyway! Congrats on the reading! I actually did so much reading, writing, and drawing the past week that I gave myself a headache three days in a row. Like I legit had to just sit for an hour yesterday doing nothing. I've been meaning to read Call Down the Hawk since it came out--I actually started it back then, but for some reason I only got to the part right after the crabs(?) in the dorm where Ronan gets kicked out, and then cries(?) in the garden(?). But I fully intend to return to it, I love the world of trc. And Ronan's my favorite. so.
and the pjo thing!! i've been blasting through them at the rate of about one a day just like oh my god I forgot how much I loved these. the writing style is just so fun. currently half-way through mark of athena, but I had to stop because I do this thing every year where the first book I read is a twilight book for shits and giggles, so I gotta finish life and death before I go back to it (i'm already about 3/4ths of the way done so not a huge detour).
Oh right the boy and the heron! I forgot I mentioned that--I saw it yesterday! I'll admit it did contribute to my headache, because big bright screen in a dark room is...not great. my laptop gives me headaches sometimes, but anyway. I don't think it's my favorite ghibli film, but it had a draw to it. it's quite beautiful, and it's thought provoking in its way. very ghibli-esque.
bg3!! I haven't played myself (doesn't seem my kind of game), but I will admit I did have a few moments of just being enraptured by astarion. which is so cliche of me, but what can I say? his dialogue was funny.
good luck with all of your fics though--I've got a handful that are just waiting to be edited before I post them. but the wings au and then gift exchanges took precedent, so they've been sitting a while. but! those are over now! so I plan to edit and finally post them soon. I've also got this kotlc book 1 but from fitz's pov project in the works I'm very excited to return to :)
anyway, it is very nice to hear from you tater!! giving you the biggest high five rn o7 spicy gatorade or something
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