#this was a doodle and then it kinda ran away from me
enthyrea · 1 year
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got it bad, got it bad, got it bad
im hot for teacher
ive got it bad, so bad
im hot for teacher
-jake hangman seresin (canon)
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toontownportraits · 2 months
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i don't get a choice in the matter / why would i? it's only the death of me
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m4nj1r0s · 5 months
Chifuyu Relationship Headcannons
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Note: This one is a little short but I have a Ran hc post in my drafts 🤞. Also the timelines don’t really add up since Ryusei is mentioned.
- Has broken your window more than once trying to throw stones at it to try and have a romantic moment like in movies.
- Gets relationship advice from Baji, and actually follows it until you tell him that the advice is really bad.
- Unfortunately, Chifuyu turns to his romance mangas to get advice.
- Giggles in his head like a school girl whenever you give him a kiss on the cheek in the early stages of your relationship. He just doesn’t know how he pulled someone like you.
- Has your day-to-day routine practically memorized even before you guys were dating because he wanted to ‘coincidentally’ meet you (it’s giving marinette from mlb).
- Might actually shed tears of joy if you read romance mangas and novels with him, it’s like a dream come true!
- Gets a little jealous of Baji if he talks too much with you, especially if you guys get along. It conflicts his feelings because he wants his best friend and girlfriend to get along but at the same time Baji is ‘super cool and awesome’ and ‘can charm any woman’.
- You probably tutor Chifuyu and Baji. Well, Chifuyu is just there for fun since he’ll take any chance to spend time with his two favorite people.
- Will actually go FERAL if Ryusei speaks with you and you’re speaking back with him. Drags you away, yells at him, and will definitely initiate a fight until Baji drags them both.
- Also asks Takemichi for relationship advice, but his is actually good because Takemichi asks Hina what to say to Chifuyu.
- Speaking of them, you all go on double dates. Takemichi and Hina and then you and Chifuyu.. plus Baji, but he’s there for food and some fighting probably.
- Definitely bought a copy of your exact perfume to spray around his bedroom for when you come over. He read it makes animals comfortable to smell familiar smells and figured it would work for you too. (He doesn’t see this as insulting).
- “I get the feeling you don’t… love me. I know there are better guys around but I just thought I landed the girl of my dreams 🥺🥺”
- Doodles your guys’ initials with a heart around them in every exercise book, even the ones he uses for school.
- Has tried to make you shy by pinning you to a wall but he ended up tripping.
- Didn’t recover from it mentally and he won’t speak to you if you bring it up in front of people
- FaceTimes you right after he wakes up just to tell you “good morning!”
- Refuses to show you any pictures of him whilst he had that god-awful mohawk hairstyle but Baji will show you anyways.
- He says he wants one again to scare you.
- “I kinda want a mohawk, as a new change before I meet your parents. What do you think, babe?”
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gummydummy19 · 9 months
Month six: Army nurse (October)
Summary: Sy is too grumpy and proud to ask for help, so you do what needs to be done.
Content Warnings: fluff, grumpy sy, bad writing idk lol APOLOGIES
Word Count: (idk Ill put this up later sorry sorry sorry)
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October 4th:
“Can I doodle on your cast?”
It was Sunday. The most sacred day of the week. The weather had been getting gloomier recently, but you didn’t mind in the slightest. Fall was your favourite season by far.
You and Sy were hanging on the couch, 4 hours into the Harry Potter marathon you finally convinced him to partake in.
“Hmm?” He groaned sleepily
“Can I draw something on your cast?” You repeated your earlier request
“Like what?”
“I don’t knoooww…I’m bored” you whined
“You’re kidding right? You nagged my damn ear off about these movies and now you’re bored?”
“Well not bored bored just, I need something else to do while we’re watching.”
Sy huffed as he ran his palm over his face and down his beard, clearly debating you request.
“Oh pretty pretty please with a cherry on top?” You begged
“Fine! But I better not catch you drawing a dick or some shit” he grumbled, making you chuckle as you jumped up to get your markers.
October 10th:
'Syverson, I swear to god if you don't pipe down and eat your damn veggies Im gonna tie you down and make you.'
The man was stubborn as a damn bull, but so were you damnit.
“Is that a promise, darling?” he replied with that damn smirk of his, making you roll your eyes as you tried to hide the inevitable blush creeping up your cheeks.
“Can it and eat” you rushed out, pointing your fork at him.
You wanted to help him. That’s what good friends do. Sure, some days you debated to either push him down the stairs or kiss him silly. But neither of those seemed very friendly of you, so you settled for just helping him.
It didn’t seem to bad at first, but the longer that damn cast stayed on, the grumpier he got.
You understood he was a man of pride, you really did, but there really wasn’t any shame in allowing you to help him from time to time, at least that’s how you saw it, but try explaining that to captain grumpy…
October 17th:
“I said I was fine didn’t I?” Sy grumbled, trying to manoeuvre himself through the kitchen on his crutches.
'Would you stop acting like a damn child?' You yelled
'Then stop treating me like a damn child!'
“Im not! I’m just trying to help!”
“I don’t need your damn help! I’m a grown man and I was doing just fine before you came along”
Okay, that stung.
'Fine!' Have it your way!' you huffed, 'Aika, c'mere girl' you called out, allowing Aika to walk past you and out the door before you slammed it angrily behind you.
You walked through the chilly, orange tinted streets with Aika trotting proudly beside you, glancing up at you every few seconds.
'He such an ass...' you grumbled, hugging yourself tighter as the cold fall breeze huffed passed you, helping you cool off.
Part of you had hoped having Sy back in the apartment would ease your ‘crush’ or whatever it was you had going on. You spent months trying to convince yourself you were just horny and alone. Fantasising about your hot roommate while he was away was just a way of coping. Right?
Except that since Sy came home your feelings had been all over the place. You worried about him like crazy. Which kinda scared you. You were nobody to him, so why did it matter to you wether or not he ate his damn vegetables?
Every time he made a flirty comment, you thought maybe he felt it too, but then when you offered to help him, he’d get all grumpy and cold. Sometimes you just felt ridiculous for even trying.
Your internal rant got interrupted when you felt Aika’s leash tug on your arm, bringing you to a rather abrupt halt.
“Wha- Aika come on.” You called, looking back at where she was currently sitting.
For a second you wondered why she had stopped, but then you noticed something.
She was sitting right next to some run down costume store. Nothing special at first glance, but then you noticed something in the window. For $29.99 including fake stethoscope and the promise of at least 4 jaws on the floor per room you walk into; a mildly sexist, hot nurse outfit.
“What do you think, Aika?” You looked down at your furry companion and you swore she nodded in agreement.
You've never bought something so fast in your entire life.
October 21th:
“what...what are you doing? Is that one of my chopsticks?!' You shrieked as you entered the living room, only mildly horrified by what you were currently looking at.
Syverson was sitting on the couch, well, sitting wasn't exactly the proper term for it. He was damn near folded in half. His big, muscly body bend over his stretched leg with one of your chopsticks in his hand, trying to poke around his cast.
“My foot itches,” he grumbled “Can you please just help?”
The past couple of days you tried avoiding Sy. He hadn’t apologised, neither had you. You figured it was one of those things you best ignored, but as he sat there whining for your help, you couldn’t help but make a snarky comment.
'Oh so, now you need my help?' you commented, rolling your eyes as you stepped closer, Aika still by your side.
You took the chopstick from him and carefully prodded around inside his cast. Sy fell back on the couch, groaning in relief.
'Little lower...just a little-Ah! Right there, sugar! Fucking hell...'
His words alone made your cheeks glow bright red, let alone the damn sounds he was making...You desperatly searched for a change of topic, when a certain scent hit your nostrils.
'Hey uh...Sy? When did u last shower?' You asked, retreating the chopstick and giving his big toe a poke. Sy propped himself up to look at you, raising his eyebrow at your comment.
“A proper shower? Must have been months.” He replied, chuckling at your grossed out face
'I've washed the important bits, don't you worry, sugar.' He winked
“Judging by this smell, I seriously doubt it.' you replied, trying to ignore yet another one of his flirty comments. Sometimes it felt like he knew what went on in your brain. Every dream, every fantasy. It felt like he saw right through you.
“It ain’t that bad.” He said, just when Aika stuck her nose near his foot, quickly retreating once she smelled his cast.
“See that? Even our dog won’t go near it!”
Normally, Sy would have been quick with a response, but he was busy trying to ignore the way his chest fluttered when you said ‘our dog’.
'You smell ripe, old man. This could be used as a fucking nuclear weapon. One whiff of this and the entire middle east would wave a white flag in a second.' you stated
'Hey, watch your mouth young lady!' Sy shot back with a raised finger.
'I could help you, if you want.' you carefully suggested
'Help me with what?' He grinned, knowing exactly what you were saying.
'Help you wash...'
'My important bits?' he teased
'Oh forget it' you groaned, turning away making Sy laugh
Before you could get too far, Sy got ahold of your wrist and tugged you back, making you sit down next to him.
“If you really wanted to see my dick that bad, you could’a just asked, sugar”
'I'm just worried your dick is growing a second dick"
That actually made him chuckle. The sound made your heart soar a little and you tried to ignore it.
“Well both of my dicks are fine, thank you very much”
He sat up, his face mere centimeters from yours. His fingers danced along your face, brushing some stray hairs out of his way. His voice got real low and quiet when he said,
'Besides, I'm not allowed to get this cast wet.'
Your eyes grew wide, as they gazed into his devilish ones.
He was doing this on purpose. He knew how he made you feel, the effect he had on you, he knew.
It took ever fibre in your body to shake yourself out of it.
“Okay, first of all, I meant when the cast comes off and second of all you’d be wearing underwear you moron” you stated, “and you damn well knew I meant that.”
Sy tried to hide his grin as he looked down and gave Aika a pet on her head.
“Why do you insist on helping me so much?” He asked, rather serious all of a sudden
“Because, well…I don’t know, we’re roommates” you mumbled,
“Doesn’t mean anything” he said dryly
That pissed you off a bit.
“Well, it does to me.” You replied, “Your family lives far away, and I know for a fact you’re far too proud to actually ask anyone else to come and help you.”
Sy didn’t interrupt you, so you continued, getting a little more riled up as you spoke.
“I live here now, wether you like it or not. It might not mean shit to you, but it means something to me. I’m a good roommate and an even better friend. Im not gonna let you rot away. I wanna help you because I’m a decent fucking person and it’s the bare minimum I can do.” You rambled before adding, “Oh and truth be told, Sy, I figured you’d do the same for me if the roles were reversed, but I’m strongly debating that right now.”
You don’t know when exactly you got upset, but suddenly you wanted to be anywhere but here.
“I’m gonna take Aika for her walk now if you-”
“Could you please drive me to the hospital on Monday?” Sy interrupted you
“My cast comes off on Monday, I’d appreciate it if you could drive me.” He stated again
“I uh, yeah sure. I can get a day off from work.”
“Thanks” he muttered, scratching the back of his head
And just like that, Sy had finally apologised to you.
October 23rd:
“My colleagues are throwing a halloween party next week, you should come. Get out the house, socialise, that sorta thing?”
You were driving Sy back from the hospital, where he had finally gotten his cast removed. The doctor said he needed at least 4 weeks of physio-therapy, but he should be fine, which was a huge relief.
“Not really a big fan of parties, sugar.” He replied “plus, I aint got no custume.”
“You have your army clothes, don’t you? I could splatter some ketchup on you if you want.” You joked, making him crack a smile, showing off his fangs in the process.
“Or a vampire…” you mumbled, staring at his pearly whites.
“Uh, n-nothing!” You replied, focussing back on the road, “So what do you say, huh? I think a party would do you good, Captain grumpy.”
“Hmm…what are you going as?” He asked, brow raised as per usual.
“Ill tell you if you let me cut your hair.” You suggested
“Like hell! You ain’t touching my hair, woman!”
“What if you just let me wash it then?”
“You really wanna get me naked, don’t you?” He joked, making you role your eyes
“I meant over the sink but whatever, dumbass”
“Fine, ill let you wash my hair if you tell me what you’re going as.”
“And let me cut it?!”
“Okay fine! And Ill let you cut it! Just tell me already.”
You smirked at your small victory before saying, “I’m going as a nurse”.
Sy’s eyes twinkled at the thought of you in a nurse outfit
“Ill go with you if you wear it while washing my hair” he smirked
“You’re an actual dog, Syverson.”
October 28th:
“Are you sure you know what your doing?” Sy asked unsure
He was propped on one of your high chairs over the sink at the kitchen island. You had a pair of scissors and a bunch of hair products scattered all over the marble top.
“Sure, can’t be that hard, can it?” You smiled, “now just relax”
You checked the temperature of the water on your hand before gentle running the tap over Sy’s dark head of hair. Your free hand softly wove through his locks, nails massing into his scalp.
“Oh fuck…” he muttered under his breath
“Too hot?” You asked
“N-no no, s’perfect sugar. Feels nice.”
His eyes were closed and you could see the tension seep out of his body as you rinsed out his hair.
A proud smile tugged at your lips with every appreciative hum that came from him.
You studied his face carefully as you took your time washing and conditioning his hair. Not a lot was said, but you didn’t mind. The silence allowed you to look at his beautiful face. Every scar, every spot, every hair. He was so gorgeous it almost hurt your eyes. Peace was a good look on him.
When his hair was all rinsed out, you gently towel-dried it, before draping the towel over his shoulders and grabbing the scissors.
Your fingers tangled through his locks as you studies his hair carefully, trying to figure out a starting point.
“Alright so, I’ll just trim up the sides a little and just shorten the general length. Sound good?”
“Whatever you say, Sugar…” Sy hummed, making you grin.
You were enjoying his compliant behaviour until you accidentally closed your first a bit too tight, pulling the root of his hair so hard his head yanked back a little, making Sy groan in what you presumed was pain.
“Oh shit, sorry!” You rushed out, soothing his scalp gently over the sore spot.
Sy let out a yelp that turned into half a groan before it became a couch as he jumped up and faced away from you.
“I-uh…gotta go to the bathroom real quick, I’ll be right back.” He mumbled before walking off, pulling the towel off his shoulders and holding it against his crotch…
October 31rd:
“I just don’t wanna go alone, Sy, come on! I don’t know a bunch of people there”
You yelled from down the hall. Sy was sitting on the couch in the living room, the same spot he’d been sitting all day.
His leg had been killing him all day. You just knew it.
Ofcourse he would never tell you because first of all, he can’t stand it when you’re right and second of all he didn’t wanna ruin her night. If he told her, she’ll stay home and miss the party, and he didn’t want that.
“You’ve been sitting on the couch all day! It’s gonna do you good to get out of the house” you spoke, standing closer to him now.
He finally looked up from the tv to see you standing in your nurse costume, stethoscope hanging over your shoulders, knee high socks hugging your thighs, heels just the right height…
It’s a shame you’re not a real nurse because Sy’s was definitely experiencing some shortness of breath…
“Nah, sorry Sugar, but you go have fun” he said, trying his best not to sound like he was in excruciating pain “I’m gonna go take a shower”
“A cold one”, he silently added.
“Fine, I’ll see you later then.” You watched as he made his way to the bathroom
It was clear from the way he was walking that he wasn’t doing good.
You heard him turn on the water as your rummaged through your purse, double checking if you had everything you needed.
After doing a final mirror check, you were about to walk out the door but you were stopped by a loud thud and a yell coming from the bathroom.
“Sy?!” You yelled out a little panicked, but you didn’t get any response
Before you could stop yourself you rushed to the bathroom and barged in, seeing Sy laying on the bathroom floor in nothing but his boxers. (A pair that looked a little familiar to you for some reason, but that’s besides the point)
“Sy, what the hell?! Are you okay??” You rushed to his side, quickly checking him for injuries
“Damn leg won’t do what I want it to” he groaned out
“How many painkillers have you taken today?”
“Took my last one this morning…m’all out…” he mumbled
“Sy you should have told me, I could have stopped by the pharmacy!”
“I’m a grown ma-”
“Yeah yeah you’re a grown man, I’ve heard it!” You interrupted “a grown man would have made sure he had enough pain meds!”
“I have some extra’s in the cupboard for emergencies.” You said, “I’m gonna get you some and then I’m gonna run you a bath and you’re gonna let me help you for once.”
“You don’t have to, really…”
“Oh relax, you can keep your boxers on but I’m not letting you shower by yourself when you can barely stand”
“What about your party?” He asked
“What about it?” You replied calmly as you walked out the room to get his meds.
A good 20 minutes later the smell of pumpkin spice and cinnamon filled the room along with the calming sounds of the water.
At first he had whined about not needing a bath bomb but you just knew he secretly enjoyed being pampered as much as you loved pampering him.
You were sitting next to the tub, absentmindedly running your loofah over his muscular back when suddenly, amidst the silence, you couldn’t help but let out a chuckle.
“What’s so funny, Sugar?” He asked, raising his brow as he stared at you.
“You finally got me to give you a bath in the stupid costume…”
A/N: AAAAAAAAA ITS FINALLY POSTED IM SO SORRY PLS DONT HATE ME IM SORRY IF ITS BAD ALSO JDHHDUZFZSFXFC Im currently on vacation and I swear I wrote like 95 procent of this on my phone at the pool and Im now finally posted this from my moms laptop so HAVE MERCY ON ME PLSSSS xoxo as always comments and reblogs are very highly appreciated!
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wed-in-the-apocalypse · 7 months
Falling for u
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I had watermelon sour patch kids while making this.
Summary: you do ice breakers and the beautiful Tara carpenter talks to you.
Warnings: shit writing first fic ever so its bound
Authors note: also idk anything about school, or how to make conversation, enjoy!
More notes: if somehow you liked this then just know I probably won't post much at all :/
BTW this is kinda inspired by first date by @persevereforahappyending
You sit in your usual spot in class, headphones on playing calm music.
You doodle while you wait for the lesson to start.
Then as the Professor walks in you slide your headphones to your neck and take out a notebook, flipping to a clean page and start to write down.
As the professor starts to talk about different things (again idk anything about school), in the back of the class Tara stares at you.
Unbeknownst to you she has been watching you come to class for maybe weeks now.
She's captivated by you, she doesn't know why, she's only ever seen you talk to your friends and seen you in the halls but never had the confidence to actually come up and talk to you.
Today would be different though.
She decided it was about time she spoke to you.
You always seemed so kind and quiet.
Everytime you met her eyes in the halls she would get nervous and look away, but not before you would give her a kind smile making her cheeks flush.
She was broken out of her trance when the professor announced to the students they would need to do icebreakers and pick a partner for the project, making most people groan.
But Tara however saw this as an opportunity to talk to you.
Luckily it seemed you were more interested in what you were drawing then making conversation.
So she picked up her bag and walked down to you, taking a seat next to you and tapping you on the shoulder.
"Hey,.." She was nervous, to nervous, but she knew you weren't going to start a conversation with her first judging by how you avoided everyone else. "I'm Tara"
You jumped slightly.
"Uh, Y/n"
"Sorry did I startle you?"
"No just caught me off guard" you smile, that same blinding smile she had seen before.
"Good, so um.." She trailed off, not knowing where to start. "Whats your favorite movie?"
"Knives out," you answered quickly. "I loved the mystery and the guessing who the killer was, what's yours?"
(Just pick any movie that's just my favorite)
"The babadook" she answered instantly. "Oh I hate scary movies-" "what!?, but you like knives out?" "That's a murder mystery, I hate getting scared. But what do you like most about your movie?" She opened her mouth, ready to ramble about all the reasons why you should love it, only to be cut off by the professor clapping his hands and sending everyone to their seats.
She sat back with a frown, after weeks of building the courage to talk to you she was cut off.
She made one conclusion that day, professors were evil.
(That was from first date btw)
When the professor finally dismissed the class Tara practically ran out the door to meet you there.
She saw you going out and pulled you by the wrist to face her.
"What the!- Tara?, what are you doing?" You exclaimed.
She let go of your wrist to rub the scar on her hand nervously, a habit she picked up after the attack.
"I um.." She trailed off not knowing how to ask you. "I uh wanted to know if-if maybe you were free on Friday?" She stumbled over her words, refusing to make eye contact with you, she thought if you didn't say yes then she could laugh it off and never speak to you again.
But before she could dive deeper into those thoughts you spoke. "Are you asking me out?" a small smile played on your lips.
"And if I did, would you say yes?" She asked hesitantly, still refusing to look into your eyes, afraid she'd get lost in them.
You broke into a full out grin, looking like a complete fool. "Then I would say yes."
This made her finally look into your eyes, she searched them for any trace of insincerity, but all she saw was adoration and hope.
She took a deep breath, composing herself to ask you correctly. "Then will you go out with me on Friday?" She hoped you wanted to.
You swallowed, trying not to smile so hard. "I'd like nothing more"
Tara let out a breath she hadn't even realized she was holding, and smiled. "I'll see you Friday then, how about the theater at 5?"
You nodded. "Sounds great" she smirked. "Don't be late," she leaned up to kiss you on the cheek softly, making you blush hard. "I'll see you then" then she winked and walked away, out of view.
You sighed contently.
You couldn't wait.
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Sentences or Sketches or Something... Sunday
Hello strangers! It's been a long time since I last did a progress post of any kind - thank you everyone who's continued to tag me so I don't get left behind! And thanks to @noblecorgi, @alexalexinii, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @blackberrysummerblog, @thewholelemon, @mooncello, @monbons, @prettygoododds, @shrekgogurt, and @youarenevertooold for tagging me, today. (I feel so loved! <3) I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone's up to.
It's still Sunday in my neck of the woods, though just barely. And yes, I've used my "sentences" banner, but... It's a bit more chaotic than that. Honestly, I wasn't sure about doing a post today because I'm a bit all over the place, but then I figured... eh, why not? I am all over the place LOL.
So here's your snippet from the collective efforts of Jo's creativity, lately, under the cut. (Because I ramble...)
On the Haunting of Simon Snow... I haven't forgotten about it! Nor is it abandoned. As I keep telling anyone who will listen, I have a rough draft, which basically amounts to an outline, meaning I have way too much figured out to just let the story fade away. XD I attempted to work on Chapter 2 earlier this month, and ran into some roadblocks - of the architectural variety.
So I've started to research manor houses and English estates like mad. I'm going to do the thing. I'm going to figure out Pitch Manor. Why? Because my brain won't let me gloss over paltry details such as the location of Simon in the grand scheme of the house, or how and where the roof attaches and where that tree is going to be. It's annoying, but I figure... This is a fun puzzle, too. One I hope to be able to share with the fandom at large once it's complete.
This little snippet is from an early design I've since scrapped (but you never know what might come around, again.)
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"That's great, Jo, but how about some sentences?"
Okay. Ahem. Here's... some Simon sentences... that have just been scribbled out. *cough*
I sit there and listen to the man on the other side as he blathers on about extra fees associated with estate deliveries due to distance and blah blah bloody fucking blah. I wish he’d just say it. Just say 'this is the Pitch Manor tax.' No one ever does. But everyone charges it.
Okay, moving on...
The other thing I'm working on is illustrations for @mooncello's beautiful fanfic, "Lost Boys." I just posted art from Chapter 1 here, and I'm working on art for Chapter 2, now. The story is stuffed to the gills with absolutely gorgeous imagery, so choosing what to illustrate is a challenge. Hopefully it all works out, and in the meantime, here are a couple doodles.
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(I was telling Heath last night... this morning...? about how all illustrations start out as baby sketches XD These are the little babes in the creative nursery, basically. Also I have never posted baby sketches before and I'm kinda nervous about it. But. Well. >.> )
THERE YOU HAVE IT. A couple of my reasons for being so entirely absent from all other aspects of the fandom. (Also I got hit with the flu super hard, but doing better now!)
Tags for future wipsdays/hello's! @leithillustration, @artsyunderstudy (thank you for listening to me ramble about Pitch Manor), @erzbethluna, @nightimedreamersworld, @cutestkilla (thank you for also listening to me ramble about Pitch Manor sorry I'm reworking it again XD), @angelsfalling16, @fatalfangirl, @hushed-chorus (thank you for being my secret-garden-enabler XD), @rimeswithpurple, @best--dress, @whatevertheweather, @ileadacharmedlife, @scribble-tier, @imagineacoolusername, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @alleycat0306, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @tender-ministrations, @katmiscellanious, @anxious-m3ss, @bubble-gumhead, @ebbpettier, @facewithoutheart, @bazzybelle, @theimpossibledemon, @aristocratic-otter, @ic3-que3n, @palimpsessed, @raenestee
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karaokebearwithal · 3 months
Mutuals Mutuals Come one COME ALL!!!
Put your various sona's and appendages together for the unveiling of a lil' something I've been working on while being distracted from animating Dame Aylin's wings (Its long, hard, fun as all hell but the concentration required to do so seems physically impossible for a beast of my genus)
I drew all my moots tavs/pseudo-companions!!! It took a bit, but it was well worth it! Everyone's design is so unique and fun to figure out. (10 is a big number of moots)((which I am very grateful to have :3)) So without Further Ado!!! (there will be so much more Ado):
(page break cuz the images are 400x400 each but 10 times, I also go on for a bit about how much I like each Tav/pseudo-companion character) ((if anyone can give me tips on how to size pieces in a normal style digitally i'd be very grateful))
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First of all is Sivvus the Fey Prince (he/him)! This elusive Eladrin Tav belongs to @thedomesticanthropologist! A gorgeous yet seemingly cold-hearted druid who tends to keep his cards close to his chest. Though if you want the challenge you can see for yourself if you can try and get close to him to see if Sivvus is as closed off as he seems to be. To be quite honest, Sivvus really grew on me. A very fancy Eladrin with a high society (fey society) upbringing ( with very good looking mood boards to match) and the like only for him to be thrust into the bg3 world with a worm to boot. He is charming! Also his backstory? <3 Defienetly go read it! 10/10 would draw the snob again :)
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Second off we have Gum (He/They)! A Githyanki Cleric of Mystra. Being @piipaw's Tav you'd find this charming fruit lover trying to live a peaceful life after escaping from the creche that raised them. I like Gum a lot as the concept of a githyanki trying to find their own way in Faerun while also having no idea about any of the social customs is very gripping to me. I recommend greatly to check out the blog for Gum fics, fanart and a very cool moot . :)
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Next is H'rayn of Verkos (she/her)! Now different from all the character's I drew, H'rayn is not a Tav! She's actually a pseudo-companion character with a lotta lore and history! She even has her own quest, party banter, approval and disapproval things. It's the whole deal!! @githkisser made an amazing post all about H'rayn . If you want a ton of indepth and fun info that's really really well documented, I cannot overstate how much you should it check out! I find myself going back to learn more about H'rayn as she really is as well thought out as in game companions! It's quite fun thinking up of ways tavs can interact with her and the art is mwah!!! very good indeed :3
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4th! Tavern (Tav) the Bard! (they/them) This darling bard ran away from the circus.....from birth! Created by @avocado-writing, Tavern plays their way into your heart with their silly antics, warm heart and eldritch pocket dimension in their chest!
Tavern is a doll to doodle and I am amped to draw them even more in the future. The heterochromia and the inclusion of instruments does make them a fun challenge (i will draw instruments accuratley with these paws eventually). Go check them out!! :D
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5th! Hvinidyr the Barbarian (he/him)! @star-bear-art (I just realised after all this we aren't actually mutuals. Which is funny since we kinda have the same name and theme with the bear thing XD) If you wanna see wonderous art of Hvinidyr as well as the other companions, go look right over here!
Winnie (Hvinidyr) has a lot of forms depending on the time period you wanna look at. The one I chose was the most recent with the large scar tissue all over the left (right? I'm horrible at directions, my paws don't make an L shape for me to tell). He was really fun to sketch out (and probably later colour in) and has a really unique design that I appreciate :)
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6th Vierlin the Enchantment Wizard (and a lil' bit rouge)!!!(she/her) @sybaritick's Tav!!! Now!! This classic drow has a keen intrest in enchantment magic, teaching her crafts to nobles in Amn. After the whole tadpole fiasco, she also finds another use for her multitude of arcane skills. Most notabley depicted with a local wizard.
Now I won't get ahead of myself here but the fics that Sybaritick wrote about Vierlin are like....licking a warm pan of thickened maple syrup or a fancy meat meal with so much demi-glaze you're left smacking your lips for at least 20 mins after eating. Its indulgent. And I couldn't recommend it enough!! Read it!! (it took me a good 8 times to get the 'ie' part of Vierlin's name right, the letters look the same to me)
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7th Fink the Spores Druid (they/them) belonging to @causticcontemplation! They're a pretty short Tav a 2.5ft and have a whole modern AU fic about them!!! You can read all about it here! (the pun name is amazing!)
I found it cool to use the fic to figure out how to colour them in, I ended up sending an anon ask instead and it helped great! Lovely Tav 10/10!
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8th Korydass the Druid!! (She/her)!!! Conjured by @cfcreative, this seemingly non-emotive bronze dragonborn lights a spark in viewers as her tail and love for nature portrays otherwise. Art of Kory is many and also very good. Reading through her lore is fun watching her dynamics with the different origin characters change as she opens up to the party.
Now I do have slight bias, I like drawing Kory the most since her head shape is less humanoid. It's just so satifying, also her design is crazy awesome to work with so all around its great recommend I like her a lot :3
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9th Asheera the Paladin (she/her) produced by @optiwashere.
To be quite honest I wouldn't even have a blog if it wasn't for Asheera's fics. They are EXCELLENT. If you want to go through a journey of a half orcs struggles, successes and gripping romance with Shadowheart, VAULT YOURSELF into Opti's A03 page and devour. You will have negative regrets about it just like I! Asheera is great I love her a lot I am the most normal about her.
(I'll keep it brief since this post is long enough to cross a river)
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10th Quin the Bard (he/him) composed by @quinthebard (who'd have known?)
This darling plucky bard is the star of an ongoing comic that is very dynamic and very gripping. (My fave panel is this one). Despite being 100, Quin still maintains his joyful and kind nature when traveling with the tadpole gang.
Definetly one of the most friendlies Tavs out of all the ones i've drawn. (he was also the first i drew out of all of these!) He's a delight!! Go check him out! Thanks to all my moots for giving permission, having such great characters and being such lovely moots! <3 <3 <3
(Any pronouns or other changes that want be changed, feel free to DM about it. I love those! )
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inbetweenhours · 1 year
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i did more of my esmp parents doodles specifically because of this comment 
[Shrub here | Scott, Sausage, & Seablings here | Roseblings, Pix, & Pearl here]
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@thatonehomosexual79​ prompted me to think about Katherine and joeys parents! I have names for them all, but very few of them have actual thought to me.
I’ll slap my ramblings about each family / parents and my lore under the cut for those interested :] Feel free to ask for more or ask questions! These doodles are easy so i might just do both seasons! I have names for everyone anyways lol
What I do know about Joey’s family though is his siblings I’ve included. To my vague awareness on LE Joey lore, he had other canon members of the monarchy. The Tiger Blood Prince and Princess. I also saw somewhere that the Princess actually went missing and was replaced I presume. Instead of this being a mistake I’ve made it lore. I'm also too far in to retcon it if that actually didn't happen lol. I can’t say much for them as individuals, they’re all very alike. Kinda aggressive and  confident in the way that Joey is. Its very obvious they are related lol. Nickey is the one who breaks the mold most, and is plot relevant to my fanon when she is older. She is actually the ancestor of  esmp2!Lizzie and one of her close descendants is the founder of Animalia :]
Anyways, Joey and his family get along about as well as they can given the turbulent nature of how I imagine LE succession to work. Its not so much a right as it is a challenge. Joey challenged his parents when he found himself old enough to care about the power. They met the challenge, alongside Joeys brother Mickey, and all lost to him. Very tournament style. Joey coming out on top claims him as the victor and he took his title. His brother and he get along well, in a way that has a high frequency of sibling animosity. Tammy is a bit young in the main timline (14 ish i think) and has very little care in leading, she's happy to just be princess. Nickey has ran away from the LE, and generally was the black sheep of the family. Wanting a much gentler and kinder way of life than she was used to. Her as a subsect of the people left to far lands, never to be seen again really as they reestablished themselves far away.
Katherine is where things start getting odd. Because of how my fanon uses fairies I must first clarify that fairies are biologically agender and asexual by nature in my fanon. They are born in a very disney-ified fairytale fashion where any singular or number of parents will nurture a flower bulb and from it blooms a baby fairy. Katherines mother did this alone, and so her and Katherine look extremely similar. Any dissimilarities are entirely stylistic lol. Baby Katherine also doesn’t have her wings yet, I must clarify this wasn’t because I forgot. Young fairies look a lot more “human”, and gain things like their wings during puberty. They have a chrysalis phase and a kind of butterfly physiology for lack of simpler explanation.
Katherine and her mother are very alike in many ways I think. I don't have a lot of thought for Kitty in all honesty. If she isn’t dead in the current timeline I’d be willing to bet she stepped away from responsibility when The Spring chose Katherine to tale over. If anyone has any thoughts about her that’d be cool, because I really have very little. She would have known Scott and Xornoths parents, which is significant. 
Finally Joel!! Also has some weird notes out of the norm. In my fanon Mezalea’s citizens are majorly composed of Clay constructs, with some humans and the occasional merlings around the coasts. Clay constructs are given lie by being laid at the roots of the mother tree, and  are typically gifted life by its after a time. Queen Ariel ruled Mezalea before Joel. The reason “Prince” has an asterix is because it’s questionable if Joel ever was prince of Mezalea. he was created to be king and I havent decided if he was sculpted and lad beneath the Mother Tree before or after Ariels passing. She had a lot of wear and tear after potential dozens of decades, maybe centuries, alive. She had come into a point of disrepair (and a thinning of her life gift) and knew Mezalea would need a replacement for her throne. But I havent decided if she ever actually met Joel. If he was created after she crumbled to take her place, or if she commissioned his creation before her passing and was there to see his gifted life. To help guide him in his duties for a short time. 
For this reason, the art I have drawn is dubiously canon to my own fanon. And Joel and Ariel are not considered family really. They are not mother and son as much as they are at most mentor and apprentice, and at least successor and predecessor. Joel knows who she is, but doesn’t really hold any sturdy connection with her. Ariel herself was a good determined ruler. Confident and brazen in many ways. She likely looked much different throughout her rule, constructs can pass their life between other  vessels- this is how they grow. Like hermit crabs kind of, when they feel they have outgrown the body they have they will likely build or commission a new one to inhabit. Ariel has been around a lot, and many of her  forms have suffered some severe battering. It has thinned her life gift to be passed around so often and in connection to a broken form she knew she was done.
anyways that is all for now, imma go look into who do draw next :]  questions and commentary welcome
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one-piece-aus · 8 months
i really love how you write the strawhat pirates <33 i swear everytime i see your works on my feed, it never ceases to makes my day ゚+.゚(*´∀`)b゚+.゚
i saw your request is open, can i request for an usopp x reader where reader's feelings are unrequited?
thank u for always bringing joy to the feed with your amazing works ゚+.゚
Ahoy! I'm happy you love my works for the Strawhats, and I'm happy to fulfill this angst request! ^-^ I hope you don't mind me using it for Whumptober :3
Whumptober Day 14
Usopp x Reader
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"You guys are going to be real sorry for messing with us!" Usopp said to the pirates who captured the two of you. "For I, Commander Usopp, command an army of ten thousand men!"
Even in a situation like this, you can't help but smile at Usopp's antics. On the other hand, the pirates didn't pay any mind to him.
"Separate them."
As you were dragged away, Usopp called out to you. "Don't worry [Y/n], I'll get us out of here. Just hold on!"
You smile at him, displaying your sign of trust in him. Soon enough you were taken to the cellar while you heard Usopp getting slapped and told to shut up. It'd take more than that to keep him quiet, you knew all too well.
Quite the journey it's been since you joined the strawhats, yet quite the silent pain you had to bear.
You knew Usopp only had his eyes for Kaya, you admired his determination to protect her and the village when you, Luffy, and the crew met him back in Syrup village. That's all it had been, admiration, then it changed, and you can't recall when it started.
Perhaps it's his bravery in fighting despite being terrified. Maybe all those funny tales he told amused you enough to start feeling warmer around him. You only realized it when you were training for the two years the crew took to get stronger, you found yourself doodling him in your downtime. When it hit, you cursed yourself and called yourself a fool.
Seeing him again your heart could hardly take it, on top of that he got ripped like Zoro. You couldn't even look at him without a blush colouring your cheeks, luckily Sanji distracted everyone from your odd behaviour, and with all the events the crew has gotten into since getting into the New World, you've managed to avoid being noticed.
With all the adventures, another thought came to your mind, maybe Usopp forgot about Kaya. However, as soon as the thought came to mind, it dispersed once you overheard Usopp talking to Nami about home in the East Blue, more specifically, Usopp was talking about Kaya...
The pirates left the area outside the cellar, slithered your hands to make work of the lock and opened it up with a pin in your hair. Pays off to be underrated, the enemy makes dumb mistakes like this. You ran out of the room and began looking for an escape out of the place when you bumped into someone.
"Oof- [Y/n]?" His surprise shifted to a teasing smirk. "What are you doing, I'm supposed to rescue you."
You turned around, not letting him see the pink on your cheeks. "As much as I'd love that, we'd be wasting time if I sat around waiting, let's find the exit-" You moved to continue searching when Usopp grabbed your arm.
"Wait a minute."
"Usopp, we got no time for this, come on." You tried pulling your arm out of his grasp but he only tightened his hold.
"Don't think I haven't noticed."
"Noticed what?"
"You being distant."
"What are you talking about?" You stopped tugging your arm and half turned to him.
"[Y/n], this is the first time we've had a full conversation in two years."
"Heh, well it's been kinda hard since our captain has us running around almost every second of the day," you tried playing it off, even adding a smile.
"We could've chatted at the banquets."
"Hard to find you in a crowd," you lied with a shrug.
"Apparently it is, I couldn't find you anywhere near me." Usopp frowned. "The rest of the crew have no problem though."
Silence strikes through as the facade begins to fall. You go to speak when Usopp's expression shifts and he pulls you into a small closet, and you are smacked right at his chest. You try to protest when Usopp shushes you.
"They're coming," He whispers.
Sure enough, you heard footsteps and men barking. You tried focusing on what they were saying but your senses only screamed in your mind when you felt Usopp put his hand on your shoulderblade and held you closer. Rationality told you he was just doing this in a protective manner, yet your face burned from the contact. With what little room you had in the closet, you stepped back and removed his hand from your back, he glanced at you in questioning and just stared at the door.
"They're gone," Usopp said and instantly you opened the door, hopping out.
"Let's get going, we don't wanna worry the crew." You began running along the halls, and thanks to you adding urgency, Usopp followed behind.
You didn't think he'd noticed, at least not with all the chaotic events, but he did. If you didn't know better, your heart would've fluttered with joy, but you knew better, and your heart weighed heavier because of it.
Tag: @bookandyarndragon @roseoftrafalgar
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byghostface · 15 days
Hi byghost I made a post about trying to make some gravebird/Daminika fanfics but I don't have any good writing ideas, and someone said to ask you for some, so if you have some that would be great.
Hi there! Here are some ideas I have now, these are for inspiration so you can be more creative and flexible with them. Just credit me if you do use some of the major concepts (especially AUs)! ^ ^b
Canon diverse (divergence from comic)
Different ways of getting into detention in Gotham High— Damian's bullies gang up on them in the cafeteria (making fun of their looks, accents, or something). Nika gets into a fight with them and Damian advocates for her immediately (join the fight too).
— Or they didn't make a scene at the cafeteria, they bait the bullies into the fight at other places.
Sort of girlfriend and boyfriend (Nika makes a friend)— Erica sat down at their table and asked Nika questions. Where's she from? Is she an albino? What's her relationship with Damian? Is Damian asking her to be here? Is she a transfer student? (Damian wants/attempts to shield Nika from Erica's questions but Nika is quite amusing to answer her). Nika's answers are vague (she teases Damian when Erica asks about their relationship), and leave Erica pretty confused.
Spare days— Nika goes to Gotham High undercover with Damian through the first few days (how Damian's school days look like, Nika meeting more teachers and students, Damian making excuses for Nika) before confronting Principal Stone (Hypothesis they already resolved Shush and Manbat's situation, Bruce is saved and Ms.Hall tolerate them).
(The above ideas can be separated fics or combined in one fic)
"They are oomf on Chirper, but irl neither of them knows"— The timeline is flexible for this one.
In general (just in some scenarios)
They on a date at Damian's favorite places/restaurants, and they doodle on Damian's spare sketchbook while catching up.
Nika found out about Damian's sketches of Vane and Noir.
Go on a date (anywhere,your pick).
Damian introduced his pets to Nika.
Damian slowly introduced Nika to Talia/ Bat family members.
Art club romance (shojo manga silly style, loosely inspired by Princess Knight)— Parallel to Damian's manga (Hana and Ren). Damian, the youngest son of the Wayene family (Robin and heirs of the League of Assassins). Nika, fostered child of Lord Death Man (the infamous Yakuza leader within the area).
Nika is sent by Lord Death Man to Damian's school to undercover/spy on Damian, so she can hold down Robin while Lord Death Man confronts his greatest nemesis- Batman. As Nika joins the art club and is friends with Damian, she can't help to betray her mission and fall in love with him (she keeps letting Robin get away when they fight in the field, and he does the same for her).
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I'm very much attached to this one AU cuz I still have some WIPs (plans out panels and little dialogues)for it, and some of them are out of context. You can ask me for more details about this AU if you are interested (ngl I'm kinda hesitant to give out this AU but I think ppl still can do their own spin on this concept).
Idol— [established relationship] Damian as Nika's bf (secret relationship) and showing support at all her concerts. At the last concert on tour, Nika brought him onto the stage and public their relationship.
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—[slow burn] Shadow by her sister Mila's successful idol career, Nika had a big fight with Mila and fell out with her family (her grandpa died and she gained powers yada yada). Without her family's support, Nika ran away and sought out Lord Death Man for guidance and became his undefined foster child. Backing by LDM's crime empire money, Nika is sent to the same public high school that Damian goes to and spies on Robin (similar to the art club au plot here but without falling in love first).
They soon become friends in the art club and do projects together, and after learning about Nika's dream of becoming an independent idol, Damian decides to help her in whatever he can, whether it is songwriting or stage outfit designs (he tries to resources/consult his family's talent to help Nika). Nika is supportive of Damian's dream of publishing his detective mystery comic/novel. They are each other's biggest fans (they are pinning).
(They finally fall in love after accomplishing Nika's first small concert successfully)
Damian and Nika who crushed on who first or who fell in love harder in the story is your choice, I don’t make the rules.
Thanks for the question and reading, I don't know if any of these ideas are helpful but have a great day, and good luck with writing!!♥️✨
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pixispracticingwriting · 10 months
MILGRAM guys being curious about your notebook
AN: this was requested and honestly? I really find it cute <3 So I had to write it
Pairing: Haruka Sakurai, Fuuta Kajiyama, Shidou Kirisaki, Kazui Mukuhara, Mikoto Kayano; gn! Reader
Warning: just fluff and wholesome stuff!
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Haruka Sakurai
This boy.
He was always curious on what was in your notebook, but both out of respect and feeling like he’s not worthy enough to look at it, he never bothered to steal it.
But that didn’t stop him from trying to sneakily peak into it whenever you used it.
And he was awful at being sneaky about it.
Like seriously.
You always caught him staring behind you or seeing him stare at you from a distance.
To you, it was kind of humoring and sweet.
So one day, you simply asked if he wants to see your notebook.
”H-huh?? You would … allow me to see it? Are you sure? I really don’t want to intrude …”
It took a lot to insist him, but in the end he accepted the offer.
The way his eyes sparkled with inspiration as he saw your doodles and sketches. He couldn’t help but admire them.
He was surprised with the amount of detailed sketches of himself. He never thought anyone would care enough about him to even try and bother to draw him.
This is probably where he would start crushing on you, as this boy is so lovestarved.
It took a while for you to get your notebook back though, as he really wanted to keep it. But he eventually gave it back.
After that, he most likely requested Es to get him a notebook too with pen and eraser. And he would join you in drawing whenever he noticed you sketching your notebook.
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Fuuta Kajiyama
”What are you even doing with that notebook?”
He never gave you the privacy. Constantly nagging you with questions but you never answered.
He did take notice how you would get embarrassed whenever he asked.
”What? You draw porn or something? Let me see!”
It lead to a lot of teasing with how you would react to his question, which to him it was adorable.
One day though, while you were having your guard down, he managed to steal it from you and quickly ran away with it.
”Now let’s see all the porn art you ma—”
To his surprise, there were a lot of drawings of him.
Now it was his turn to get all flustered.
By the time you caught onto him, he looked like a red tomato.
He politely gave back your notebook, but for his life avoided eye contact with his dear life.
”Y-you know, you could just ask to draw me. No need to be creepy about it.”
From that point on, he kinda just keep glancing at you from a distance whenever you had your notebook, hoping a bit that you might be sketching him again.
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Shidou Kirisaki
He knew you always carried your notebook around. Writing, sketching, doodling whenever you could.
And out of respect, he never bothered to peak into it. He respected your privacy.
That was until he ended up finding your notebook by itself, all open.
He was about to close it and return it back to you, until he caught a glimpse of text and doodles.
A poem or two. Maybe even more.
He couldn’t help but read all of them, fascinated by them.
To him, he thought it was beautiful. Even if the poems didn’t sound perfect, he was glad that you had some kind of hobby despite being in the prison.
He ends up writing something in your notebook, before leaving it as it was.
By the time he was already gone, you had run back to get your notebook, hoping that someone hasn’t taken it.
And lucky for you, no one has.
Although you did notice an unfamiliar writing.
”I apologize in beforehand for writing in your notebook without permission, I simply wish you to know your poems are lovely. And if you wish, would you like to share them with me in the future? - Shidou Kirisaki.”
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Kazui Mukuhara
Similar to Shidou, he’d out of respect would not sneakily peak into your notebook without permission.
However, he is still curious about what you do in that notebook of yours.
Just like his desires, he’d try his best to supress his curiosity.
But as you might have notice, he’s awful at doing it, as you’d catch him doing expressions when he’s thinking too hard.
So one day, you simply sat next to him as you opened your notebook and started to weite.
It took every part of Kazui not to curiously peak, until you slid the notebook to him, with a pen. He looked down at the page to see a message.
”If you want to look at my notebook, all you have to do was ask <3”
A tint of blush appeared on his cheek as he got easily embarressed. In response he writes back to you.
”Don’t tease me like this :P besides, I didn’t want to intrude.”
”It wouldn’t have hurt to ask x)”
And so the two of you started to have this secret conversation in the notebook, doodling stuff on the side to add into your silly talks.
And the original topic at hand? Well, you both got so invested in your conversation that you simply forgot.
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Mikoto Kayano
Mikoto respects your privacy.
His alter tho? Nope.
While Mikoto was fronting, he had accidently found your notebook lying around and immediately recognized it.
So he picked up the book and started his journey to find you within the prison.
But somewhere along the way, they ended up switching, and for all he knew, he had a random notebook in his hands.
So out of curiousity, he started looking through the notebook.
Although he started loosing a tad bit interest as he noticed there were mostly written text or doodles of the other prisoners.
And as he was about to probably rip it and throw a way, he stops as soon as he saw drawings of Mikoto.
There were A LOT.
Some of them were very lovely detailed sketches of him, while some were very silly, drawing him with cat ears or just simply wrote ”scrunkly” while pointing at a doodle of him.
The alter couldn’t help but snort and finding this whole thing hilarious. As well as putting the dots together that you might have a thing for Mikoto.
With this newfound information, he decided to switch back with Mikoto in front.
It was a mental trip for Mikoto as he grounds himself, not exactly sure what had happened.
As soon as he fully came back, he then happened to see all the sketches of himself in the notebook.
A pink blush appeared on his cheeks, seeing all the cute sketches of him. But also he remembered this was your notebook so he QUICKLY closed it and ran to find you.
As he finally find you, he was completely red in the face as he hands over your notebook.
”I’m really sorry for looking!! I swear, I didn’t mean to! Although I really wanna say I love your sketches but again I’m SUPER sorry please please PLEASE forgive me!!”
You tried to calm him down, which did help thank god.
But you couldn’t help but blush as you realized he’s seen your sketches of him.
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hungerofhadarr · 9 months
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i’ m just like that scene from that one shrek film . Instead of mrs Fiona Charming it says mr Julek Cortez . Anyways this was supposed to be a doodle that just kinda ran away from me while waiting for my earbuds to charge
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haysprite · 1 year
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"I want to see Julie and Stank ( sorry ) frank taking victor to the carnival and David and Yui Discussing LGBTQ+ things at the carnival as well 😅"
Victor kinda just clinged onto Julie and now Charlotte has to deal with him running off to bug her lmfao. Frank isn't too happy about it, but he'll live, he just wants to spend time with Julie <3
Meanwhile, David and Yui are being gay and causing some shenanigans >:3
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"Susie explaining the fnaf lore to whoever will listen"
He kinda just has to deal with it until the Entity takes him away (he's never wished for it to happen sooner in his life, cause what the fuck is a goddamn springlock?)
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"Dizzy trapper (he spun too much)"
Jill ran him around the bush one too many times! Based off a game clip of mine, this very Trapper ended up giving me hatch after tunneling/slugging my teammates out 😭
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"Susie putting stickers all over Frank's mask :D She's a little prankster"
She's a lil shit and knows she can get away with it >:3
Just some more doodle requests from Twitter and Insta! Been having a lot of fun with these, and I plan on doing more after the weekend (pray for me, I work like 22 hours between today and tomorrow 🛐)
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the1weepinqguitar · 8 months
tally hall sketches and other assorted doodles
Here ya go guys! I also have improvement pics from last year! Almost two years in the Tally Hall fandom! Woohoo! My Marvin's CD is gonna hate me even more after all of this
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A Ross sketch! I'm super proud of how it turned out! Below is a close-up!
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The aforementioned close-up, showing the shading on his face and the folds of his sleeve!
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Zubin! I love the side profile, and I used his picture in the MMMM booklet as a reference! Close up below, so you can see some of the more fine details/shading
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the close-up!
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Here's Andrew! His hair is kinda hard to not fluff-ify, but I dealt with it anyways and tried my best to keep it close to reality. Obligatory close(r)-up below.
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next will be some other random stuff, mostly tally hall, but some of it is oc art
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drew this drawing of Ross last September. Not amazing but very stylized, which I love/hate. the tag on the bottom left reads, "he's rather disheveled but this is the best I could do back then"
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wtf is he doing? He in an action movie or something? btw this was last-year's andrew. very stylized. i hate it.
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decided not to include the other last-year Rob cause i hate it deeply. this one's much better. very fluffy. i dont like the collar tho
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just me poking fun at my horrendous attempts at stylizing joe. im not gonna draw him as much as the others btw.
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This is from an au created by @bonkdd, but i did rob and andrew's designs bc i never saw his designs for them. i also added a lot of lore and plot stuff because i really liked the concept. in simple terms the tallies are robots that were abandoned by Marvin after he passed away so now they're falling apart n stuff without him to care for them (that's why rob hides his face). Anyways, huge thanks to Bonk for the original idea! They're a great artist, you should go check them out!
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Edith, drawn/sketched with a ballpoint pen.
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Another one. I like this one better, but I spent two days on this one versus a half on hour on the other so i guess it makes sense
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Adrian and Reuben (OCs), done in a college-ruled notebook bc i ran out of pages in my sketchbook. next is a close-up so you can see more shading.
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probably my favorite gay couple i've ever written ngl
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Ace again, but wearing Reuben's favorite sweater.
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Looking mighty fine!
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He's lookin' tough, he's got the stuff, he's got the spiffy shades... (/lyric)
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pose practice
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Boll weevil, why don't you get out of your home? (/lyric)
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old art jumpscare - i actually kinda like this one, might redraw it. Below is the full thing
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why is zubes staring like that??? its creepy
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here's another. i don't know why it's sideways. andrew is scared of joe btw, this isn't the entire drawing
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Did an embossing peice. It's the Mojo Chessmaster! I tried by best to make it as detailed as possible, and I think I did pretty alright. The neck was probably the worst part to do. Below are close-ups
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the head of the guitar was a pain in the ass.
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This part was also pretty tricky but it came out okay. the dials at the bottom are raised as much as I could get them to go, so I'm not worried about them. My issue here was the pickups.
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I also added Flansburgh's little signature guy but i drew his hair because why not? Anyways this piece took me a good hour or so to finish, I think it'll fetch a good grade (it was for my metal design class).
I'll add a sketch I just did as a bonus:
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it's from a tally hall fanfic/au i made back in may after my grandpa passed away. It was a great stress-reliever and I still really like how it turned out. It's about cryptids and monsters and shit. I'll post a summary on a different post because this one was mostly for the drawings. I might post a few installments of it on my ao3. It could be a weekly thing since i usually have time on fridays to write.
Once again, a close-up is available below.
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I put literal hours of research on cryptids and of the area (ann harbor, MI) while writing this fic. It was fun though, and it helped me a lot. Feel free to ask me anything about the plot or world-building !
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siph0nomy · 1 year
woah, writing? From me? I know!! Crazy!!! aha this is. my first time posting my writing on a public platform. I’m scared help plea
This is a short thing!! Mostly Sissel being a cat and interacting with a few of my favorite characters. Enjoy!! (Please no criticism yet thank you) (edit: I did not reread this. This was kinda made in a rush. I am sorry for mistakes)
Gentle steps on a wooden desk alerted Bailey, who was caught up in his own world of writing memos of little things his co-worker would take care of. He always doodled on the memos for his partner to notice, as he knew the small pieces of paper would end up in the trash anyway. Though, what caught his attention wasn’t exactly someone he recognized. A kitten with black fur, and a red bandana around its scruff. It looked small enough to fit in one hand.
Bailey reached a hand out to the cat, and it sniffed his fingers with caution, before rubbing its head onto him. He couldn’t help but laugh, scratching behind its ears while it purred loudly at the contact. Thinking about it, Bailey realized that he did recognize it. He heard from some other colleagues that Detective Jowd and his family had adopted a cat that went by the name of ‘Sissel.’ Sissel appeared very young, but apparently the cat has been with them for 10 years.
A sharp pain made Bailey yowl, dramatically pulling his hand away and shutting his eyes tight. Did Sissel bite him? But he was being a sweet little guy a few minutes ago!! He whined at the pain and the sudden betrayal of the cat, opening his eyes to only find that Sissel had gone. He scanned the whole room, yet it was like it disappeared entirely. The only thing he could hear was the faint crackle of the telephone line.
Sissel let a little cackle come out of his mouth as he slid through the red-tinted cables. Taking note of each number of locations he passed, he found himself with faint memories of each one. This number was near the park, where an end became the beginning. This number was the Chicken Kitchen, and he felt his nose twitch at the scent of food. This number was… he swatted a paw at it, and ended up in an entirely new setting in under a minute.
An old friend was in the kitchen, chopping up onions for some sort of soup or sauce. Sissel hopped out of the phone and next to the man’s feet, looking up at him with big eyes. “You’re cooking tonight?” Yomiel didn’t notice until he spoke, glancing down at the floor with a slight jump. “Jesus Christ, you scared me. She’s busy with her own chores, so I’m making dinner.” Sissel’s shell went limp as his core hopped into the pot.
“Smells nice. What’s in it?” Yomiel didn’t really enjoy his cooking pot talking to him, but he shrugged it off, and instead used his brain power to think about what he put in said pot. “Onions, potatoes, and some chicken.” He knew his furry friend liked the sound of chicken, as the pot began boiling with the liquid slightly swishing around. “Chicken? Can I have some?” Yomiel chuckled, cutting up a small piece he had left and leaving it out for Sissel’s shell. “If you get out of my meal, sure.”
Sissel’s core almost ran back into his body, biting the chicken out of Yomiel’s fingers with an endearing sound of chewing and meowing mixed together. “Do you like it?” Yomiel asked while Sissel attempted to get any bits out of his teeth, then wrapped his tail around his leg with a purr. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Yomiel gently judged Sissel away from his leg. He stared at the kitten, who was staring him back with dilated pupils. “You should get back to Jowd. Doesn’t his daughter need help with something?” A quiet mewl and in the blink of an eye, the cat was gone. The TV played in the background, and a pair of warm arms wrapped around Yomiel’s waist. “Nice seeing you too, love.”
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prestonmonterey · 3 months
tlt update
@vincentaureliuslin @tatsumisheep3
drafting this in the morning bc
we got make up and hair designs!!! so thats super fun :DDD
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ok first of all its really funny that they just put a costume mask in the make up section (s for the statues, we have full masks) but also i am The Only statue with short hair i think so :PPP
also they included me in the dead for doa and im really hoping they didnt need me to buy blue lipstick TwT (im dj cerberus i literally have a dog mask on the whole time)
also they seperated the dead and shades into two seperate categories even tho im pretty sure those are the same thing?? and also they put the same info into them so??? idk
aaaa ok evening now
i almost forgor about this :P
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i felt kinda silly bc she said she was gonna work on it afterschool and i forgot about it and totally went and got boba instead :P
ok um
im normal now
what else
ummmm rehearsal was pretty boring :\\ we just ran through a couple scenes and then had a vocal review
while i was backstage i decided that this dagger looked really tasty
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i still wanna eat it :(
it looks yummier in person i swear--
also i just realized that that sheild is probably on top of the lighting board which is probably not good--
ummm thats not my problem tho :]
heres a handy dandy lil graphic i made to distinguish ambrose and preston bc i did a doodle of ambrose earlier idk
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theres lots more stuff but it was for my friend who hasnt seen it yet so mostly spoiler free :P
umm yup i totally was paying attention during vocals and not at all doodling silly little guys
also heres an emotional support hugo bc he's always needed
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(from my math textbook bc i had to walk up to the third floor to get it this morning TwT and then again to put it away and say hi to my friend before break TwT)
ok yeah idk what else to say bye
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