#this took way too long than it should have. i hope the quality isnt bad jwnjndjd
vonxodd · 2 months
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C-PHER // 'la más del toro' runway ❥ la más draga: solo las más ep 05
꒰ for anon
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jennrypan · 3 years
I rewrote the part where Scourge and Sonic have that "Just like me convo" so it can fit my au of them.
Fiona cheating on him with his anti didnt make Sonic angry..
Fiona actively lying to him didnt piss him off, maybe annoyed him..but it didnt piss him off.
What did piss him off however was how she antagonized Amy and Tails, and how she seemed to preen at the slightest attention Scourge gave her..because she wanted someone to protect her..someone to care about her, he didnt know..and what set him off was how she slapped Tails away, mocked him for crying and all to impress his anti! 
"What the hell Fiona!?" 
Sonic snapped, though this just caused the vixen to roll her eyes before she looked at him..god her attitude was grating his nerves,
"What?" She mused as if she didnt just slap his best friend for no reason,
That ..that made him scowl, and without warning he moved- he wanted to actually..throw her, her attitude annoyed him, her disregard for his friends pissed him off- he hadnt accounted for Scourge actually protecting her, as when he moved..so did the green hedgehog and before he could touch Fiona a fist crushed into his cheek causing him to let out a sharp grunt and lose his footing for a brief minute, instantly turning his attention towards Scourge..he still had that same sleazy smile..taunting. 
"Bad move, blue." 
Scourge drawled out, and Sonic just clicked his tongue watching as Scourge slowly paced around him..hes been itching to fight him for who knows how long..that much Sonic knew, but Sonic just hummed,
"Oh so you can help other people besides yourself, I was beginning to worry you had no redeeming qualities!" He stated sounding visibly amused, 
Scourge just scoffed lowly, "Please, thats not a redeemin quality, raise your standards." He sneered, and without warning he ran forward..and the fight began.
Amy had since charged at Fiona but Sonic could barely focus on that as Scourge kept matching him blow for blow..only thing was Scourge was a lot more violent..a lot more aggressive.
It wasnt everyday Sonic worked up a sweat fighting an opponent as not many people matched his speed..Shadow and Metal were the only ones..now Scourge had been added to that list of people that seem to want to kill him for no reason.
"Jeez its hard to believe someone so bitter could be me, like damn dude, did your favorite jacket get discontinued?" 
Even during this fight Sonic didnt stop being taunting, as he landed on top of a rock- narrowly avoiding being kicked into a tree, watching as Scourge turned towards him, his eyes were surprisingly still shielded by his shades but Sonic could still feel him glaring at him, 
Scourge moved again and this time he successfully swiped Sonics legs from underneath him and when Sonic fell the blue hedgehog instinctively moved to the side as Scourges fist came crashing into the floor were his head had previously been,
"Lets see you keep makin jokes when I break your fuckin legs." Scourge hissed- despite his words he sounded delighted by the thought, pleased with the thought of hurting him and hes use to this from Shadow and Metal, they were both assholes who worked with Eggman on their worst days and they just genuinely didnt like him that much but Scourge? Theyve only met three times before this and he didnt remember antagonizing the male enough to make him want to hurt him that much-
Scourge charged forward once more and Sonic quickly moved to the side, arm pulling back before he crashed his fist into the side of Scourges face as he had done to him earlier..knocking the shades from his face which caused his anti to pause briefly, glancing down at the shades for a millisecond as they landed on the floor, cracked and lopsided.
That millisecond was soon forgotten as Scourge retaliated..his body moved lower and his leg rose before he kicked Sonic straight in the chest causing the male to grunt, stumbling back at the force but the kick wasnt enough as Scourge had soon punched him in the stomach,
"God- I still got a few more jokes- first, those shades were lame anyways- not a joke but a fact!" 
Sonic stated quickly, jumping out of the way from Scourge once more as the male just growled,
"Im not takin shit from someone who thinks 'Way past cool' is a thing people actually say!" Scourge retorted, 
"Hey people said it before!" 
"No ones ever said that shit before!" 
It went on like this for what seemed like a few minutes with both of them arguing with each other, Sonic just wanted to see exactly why Scourge was going out of his way to hurt him- even trying to actually break his leg if he was given the chance..the rage was so weird..he knew antis were different but he didnt expect his anti to be so..angry,  so violent- his anti seemed more like a very verbal Shadow with the way he kept attacking him, 
"Ya know being an asshole isnt as rewarding as ya think it is right?" 
Sonic questioned- grunting when he got into a tree, thankfully avoiding Amy as she chased Fiona around still, she had tried to help but Fiona kept distracting her.
"Pfft, its more rewardin than wastin my time saving a buncha useless dicks who dont deserve it!" Scourge replied, sounding amused by the sheer thought of saving someone else...Sonic couldnt imagine not wanting to save people..yeah sometimes he thought some people didnt deserve it but still, 
"Youre still a Sonic! Still me- you should want to at least try and help people!"
"Why? Cuz thats what you do?" 
Scourge just laughed and without warning he moved forward..punched him in the stomach, then his chest- he didnt wait for a retaliation as he kicked him into a tree, he found with the purpose to bruise and scar while Sonic fought to distance and distract-
His head spun for a split moment, the wind knocked out of him, 
"You dont get it! Rulin people with fear and hate, is soo much better than tryna be some glorified saint!" 
Scourge stated, his eyes were blazing..the rage was back..he looked nothing like him right now..something was off, Sonic didn't like how unhinged he was,  how cruel- 
"That isnt true, and it never will be."
Sonic declared and Scourge just sneered at him, laughing, fist pulling back as Sonic quickly moved from his spot, his knuckles slammed into bark instead of Sonics nose,
"When you finally realize not everyone deserves to be saved, when you see how much more freein it is to be above people than to depend on them- you'll be like me, all it takes is one bad day, one bad situation and you'll see that." Scourge hummed out, side stepping as Sonic went to kick him, only to have his leg grabbed and he was forcefully thrown down, causing him to grunt lowly, and without warning Scourge stepped on his chest, Sonic could only stare at him for a brief moment before he just grinned- 
"Thats where your wrong dude, a bad day doesnt just make someone a villain..but a good day? A good day could change a lot, all it takes is someone showing you an ounce of kindness, someone showin you the love you never got and you'll be like me, a good person..maybe even a hero." He stated, grinning.
He expected another mocking laugh instantly, expecting Scourges foot to press down but for a brief minute..the green hedgehog paused, eyes widening ever so slightly, and for that minute Sonic was sure he got to him..he knew deep down Scourge wasnt evil, he could just show him he didnt have to be like this, he could help him..he didnt know anything about his anti besides the fact something was severely wrong with his mental state and he took too much enjoyment in hurting him but he knew he wasnt evil.
Then.. the green hedgehog just smiled, his expression hardening as if it hadnt changed in the first place, 
"How naive." 
He sneered and that slowly shattered Sonics hopes of getting through to him..he just dismissed his words-
"Not naive..hopeful." Sonic retorted, moving his arm to grab his ankle but his foot had moved towards his neck and Sonic jolted- the malice in his eyes was so..floundering..he could never imagine that look on his own face.
"Same thing." Scourge stated dismissively, and Sonic didnt get the chance to reply as a blur of yellow and brown crashed into Scourge, pushing the older teen to the ground successfully allowing Sonic to sit up instantly,
"Get away from him you bully!" Tails screamed, Sonic heard Scourge cursing and soon Tails was thrown back, causing Sonic to quickly move to catch him.
"Thanks bud." Sonic murmured, staring at Scourge who just fixed his jacket- appearing inconvenienced as Fiona neatly landing besides him as Amy ran up next to Sonic, "Stop running you coward!" The pink hedgehog hissed, Scourge just plucked out a warp ring from his jacket, just smiling at Sonic.. His smile was so..mean looking, it was too sharp..too fake,
"Til next time blue."  
Was all Scourge said in a sing song like voice as he let Fiona into the portal first and he followed quickly after just as Amy chucked her hammer in their direction, who she was aiming at specifically he had no clue.
"Dammit! Stupid! Assholes, ugh!" Amy screamed, storming over to snatch her hammer up,
"Theyre such bullies! Why did I even like her!" Tails exclaimed, Sonic just frowned before he sighed quietly, glancing from Amy to Tails. 
"Lets just go, theyre gone now, might as well enjoy the peace." He stated with a simple shrug, giving them a small smile, the smile made Amy visibly melt while it comforted Tails slightly, the young pink hedgehog was at his side instantly, clutching his arm- which he allowed for the time being while Tails was a little slower to approach him, still dejected.
He knew his anti despised him but he'll never get the reason why, and unfortunately..Scourge was too far gone to talk down from whatever path he was taking..the friendly route was no longer an option.
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vangoghmusings · 4 years
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a/n: hello! i’ve been wanting to do this for a while now since im a huge astrology nerd (so i know what im talking about teehee)  so this is male match-ups according to sign and compatibility. this isn’t my usual kind of writing so i hope you guys like it!! <3 if you don’t know your sign check here  
this took me so long oh my god i hope you guys like it 
taglist: @mixfi @lilacskyura @katsuhoee ​ @moonlightinsanity​ @anime-waifuuu @iiminibattlehero @leeeah-loooser​ @bby-chloe1999​ @verymuchbabey @h0wab0utw3d0ntd0that@unknownweeabo @cookednoodlez @helloshoutohere @star-mum​ @izuku-sakura​ @thegalxe
Katsuki Bakugou- April 20; Taurus
the absolute SHOCK in my face to learn he wasn’t an aries
it would be expected that katsuki is a fire sign, like cmon look at his quirk
but taurus is actually an earth sign 
taurus are typically seen as quite calm, but,, 
katsuki does seem like a true taurus in many ways
they can be stubborn and unwilling to compromise 
they are very realistic 
they are often great at cooking and love to shop 
i feel like katsuki isn’t a self indulgent shopper but would buy anything for his s/o 
taurus are really good at working with their hands ;) 
theyre soft romantic bbs and as much as katsuki hates being vulnerable he’d definetly be a softie with his s/o 
id match katsuki with a calm pisces
Izuku Midoria- July 15; Cancer
i am not shocked at ALL to see that the lil broccoli boy is a cancer
like cmon he’s so sensitive 
he is a cancer to the T
he’s loyal, emotional, imaginative 
he also carries the negative traits of many cancers
such as feeling insecure and having difficulty taking criticism 
i mean the kid breaks his bones to prove others wrong 
cancers love being with their friends and family 
and they love helping others
the career of a hero would be natural for cancers
cancers are such sweet babies and izuku fits right into that category 
i would match izuku with a chill taurus 
Tenya Iida- August 22; Leo 
i didn’t expect tenya to be a leo but im also not surprised 
leos are often seen as flashy and arrogant 
but they’re more than their stereotype
leos are passionate and natural born leaders
like cmon class rep! 
tenya being a leo makes a lot of sense 
he’s generous and kind and always strives for the best 
they tend to be a bit dramatic, and tenya can be too 
being that leos are a fire sign they gravitate to self growth
this can be seen in tenya wanting to improve and challenging himself 
leos struggle facing harsh realities, similarly to tenya when he learned about what happened to tensei 
leos are known for their bravery and tenya fits right in
i would match tenya with a kind aquarius 
Shoto Todoroki- January 11; Capricorn 
i practically screamed when i realized shoto was a capricorn 
it just makes way too much sense 
they’re responsible, well-mannered, respectful !!!!
capricorns i just,, i love them, truly 
shoto is no exception 
they love family, things of quality, traditions 
and their dislikes vary from day to day
cause they’re iconic thats why 
however, capricorns aren’t always the nicest 
they tend to be condescending and can often come off as rude 
they’re incredibly unforgiving *ahem endeavor ahem* 
but, its because they just have naturally high standards 
it makes sense that he is an earth sign because he’s super grounded 
because saturn rules capricorn, the tend to seem cold and distant at times
but they are incredibly loyal friends and always strive for the best 
i would match shoto with a down to earth cancer
Mashiro Ojiro- May 28; Gemini 
i must admit, i was surprised to learn ojiro is a gemini
but if you really look at his character it makes a lot of sense 
gemini’s have a bad rep of being too faced
they’re actually one of my favorite signs!!
gemini’s are are gentle and affectionate 
and sweet bb ojiro is exactly that 
however they also tend to be quite anxious, another thing ojiro happens to be at times as well 
they’re very adaptable people
this can be seen throughout ojiro’s training and how much he learns and is willing to continue striving for 
gemini’s are very sociable and will talk to almost anyone 
like, he doesn’t see hagakure but they’re still good friends 
this is why i think ojiro would do great with a fire sign 
i would match ojiro with a cheerful sagittarius 
Denki Kaminari- June 29; Cancer 
alright cancer number two!! 
to be honest, denki doesn’t really give cancer vibes 
but, his personality traits align to much of what a cancer is 
tenacious and loyal 
and denki is definitely that 
however, cancers can be suspicious of others and their actions
and denki feels like the kind of guy to snoop on somebody 
but we gotta give denki some credit 
cancers strive to be there for their friends no matter what
denki shows this in the usj attack when he protects momo and jiro 
cancers tend to avoid conflict but even so, they search for conflict in those who pose bigger threats to them
similarly to when denki makes fun of bakugou even though he could totally blow him up 
denki is a chatty and flirty baby 
and cancers tend to be most compatible with earth signs 
buuut i think denki would be better suited with a fire sign 
i’d match denki with an outgoing aries 
Hanta Sero- July 28; Leo 
at first i was like hmmm no 
but then i used my brain and i was like actually yes 
leos are prideful and while sero doesn’t seem like the boastful kind, he does have a lot of pride in himself 
leos are very committed to their goals and sero’s actions show his dedication to becoming a hero 
leos are also so funny?? and sero is literally one of the funniest guys of 1A 
sero is one of the most sociable in the class and a total class clown 
leos are almost always seen with their friends and sero is no different 
sero’s vibes are just immaculate in my opinions 
so his s/o needs to match the energy 
i would match sero with a funny gemini 
Eijiro Kirishima- October 16; Libra
ok ok but seriously, of course kiri is a libra 
libras are diplomatic, fair, and strive for justice 
aka being MANLY is in the stars for bb kiri 
however, libras aren’t the most confident people 
they’re quite insecure and pity themselves a’lot 
which makes sense that its canon that it took kiri so long to accept his quirk 
have you ever wondered why kiri is so hot and cute and perfect?
im not even kidding
libras are known for being physically attractive 
i mean libra is literally ruled by venus
who else is venus?
long story short, kiri is the god of love 
libras hate being alone
why do you think he puts up with bakugou constantly calling him shitty hair and pushing him around? 
i considered putting kiri with a water sign but they’re kinda babies (no offense i love my water signs) 
but i don’t think he could handle a person who is constantly emotional like many water signs are 
i would match kiri with a kind-hearted sagittarius 
Hitoshi Shinso- July 1; Cancer 
jesus christ ANOTHER CANCER?? 
i cant even be upset cause it makes sense 
while i would’ve thought shinso was a calm scorpio or a relaxde picses 
he fits much better as a cancer 
as mentioned previously with deku and denki, cancers really do have a heart of gold and just want to help people 
cancers are also very manipulative people 
i mean, look at this mans quirk 
cancers are also moody and pessimistic 
characteristics that shinsou has but are seen more as stoic and quiet
but cancers are also sympathetic 
and bb shinsou is a softie i just know it 
cancers are guided by emotion
like deku, he is seen as passionate for his desire to be a hero, even though his quirk is seen to be one of evil 
shinsou needs to be with someone who’s willing to listen when he opens up (which cancers hate doing)
i would match shinsou with an understanding taurus
Tamaki Amajiki- March 1; Aries
youre telling me this man is an aries and bakugou isnt?? 
i need to collect my thoughts 
OK so tamaki is an aries 
and honestly its pretty accurate
most times aries are seen as passionate in a reckless and angry manner
but tamaki’s passion is displayed in his dedication to being a hero 
i mean he’s literally in the big 3 
aries tend to be moody, which is seen in tamaki’s shy actions 
but they’re also enthusiastic and courageous 
tamaki’s courage is shown in the mission to rescue eri 
aries are seen as intimidating and tamaki’s dark features are exactly that 
and while he is very shy, he needs someone to help bring him out of his shell delicately 
id match tamaki with a gentle libra 
Mirio Togata- July 15; Cancer 
whats up with mirio and deku sharing the same bday doe 
this is way too many cancers 
BUT mirio is such a cancer lets be real 
we’ve covered the basics of cancers
will do anything for others 
and most importantly brave
the sign of a cancer is a crab 
the crab symbolizes someone who doesn’t realize their great strength  
mirio is the personification of the strength of the crab 
and poor baby has gone through so much and deserves the world 
he’s so cheerful but he needs someone to be there for him when he’s at his most emotional moments 
i would match mirio with a tender capricorn 
Shota Aizawa- November 8; Scorpio 
i mean cmon 
ofc dadzawa is a scorpio 
he’s the image of a stereotypical scorpio 
dark features, dark clothing, serious and kinda rude 
but scorpios get a bad rep for being meanies (we should be watching out for virgos tho) (jk jk i love my virgos <3) 
but scorpios have some of the best characteristics 
their loyalty is beyond words 
they would literally lay down their life for a friend or the good of others 
scorpios are passionate and assertive, and this side of aizawa definitely comes out 
aizawa is so stoic he needs somebody to soften him up 
i would match aizawa with a cheery cancer 
Hizashi Yamada- July 7; Cancer
another f*cking cancer
not just because aizawa and him are married and he’s a cancer and it totally makes sense 
but hizashi is such a cancer oh my god 
he’s sensitive, and caring, and brave, and a literal pro hero 
which is a cancer living the dream 
cancers often have difficult childhoods and struggle immensely to find outlets 
this fits with the theory that as a child, hizashi was put up for adoption and/or muzzled as a child because of his powerful quirk 
cancers are ruled by the moon, which would make sense to why they are so emotional 
because the moon goes through phases, so do they
hizashi needs someone that would help him be strong outside of his hero work and for his own mentality 
i would match hizashi with (aizawa or) a charismatic virgo 
Toshinori Yagi- June 10; Gemini 
ofc all might is a gemini 
he literally has 2 forms
and geminis are literally two faced
it makes so much sense that the symbol of peace is a gemini 
he’s adaptable and a quick learner 
geminis are affectionate and you cant tell me toshi isn’t the biggest cuddler and softie in the world 
geminis are people pleasers and just want to make others happy 
and all might’s literal thing is smiling to comfort those in fear
toshi needs someone who is understanding of what he had gone through as a retired hero and the bearer of one for all 
i would match toshi with an inquisitive aquarius 
Keigo Takami- December 28; Capricorn 
ok but he is such a capricorn its not even funny 
he’s a cocky know-it-all kind of capricorn 
but he’s also a responsible and well mannered capricorn
capricorns are people who are willing to take on immense responsibilities 
and hawks is literally the no. 2 hero so of course he’s got a lot of responsibilities 
because he’s an earth sign, we wants to get the most out of what the world has to offer him 
including fame and money 
but hawk’s head strong and professional attitude is what comforts people and makes him such a great hero 
he needs someone who would match his energy well 
i would match keigo with a level-headed scorpio
Dabi- January 18; Aquarius 
i have a deep love for this sign 
dabi is an aquarius and it is so accurate 
aquarius love to fight for a cause
in dabi’s eyes, the league of villains is the best cause he can support
and he’s at the front lines
they’re considered humanitarians,,and dabi is in his own “special way” 
aquarius love a good conspiracy and mystery 
and dabi is a total mystery 
aquarius constantly have to be stimulated and doing something
otherwise their boredom can lead to reckless actions 
they are also anti all emotions 
this is why they seem so aloof, they don’t know how to confront their own feelings 
i’d pair dabi up with someone who is willing to listen to him and hopefully allow him to open up 
i would match dabi with a charming sagittarius 
Tomura Shigaraki- April 4; Aries
now this is a stereotypical aries 
aries is ruled by mars, which was named after aries 
like his literal goal is to destroy society,, 
aries love to be in leadership roles
they’re also short-tempered 
and aggressive 
how ever, his more “positive” traits such as determination and passion are also evident in his characteristics 
they’re competitive people and tomura definitely is one 
tomura would need to be with someone who is calm  
i would match tomura with a patient leo 
Kai Chisaki- Birthdate Unknown;NA 
so kai’s sign is unknown 
he still deserves a match up 
besides his stance in villainy
kai as actually very well mannered and polite 
but he doesn’t value human life and sees his as more important and pure than those who are “sick” 
a lot of his characteristics would lead me to believe he is an unevolved sociopathic capricorn 
outside of being a villain i would match kai with someone who was understanding and a good listener 
i would match kai with a sympathetic pisces 
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mikemilligram · 5 years
Killjoy gun tutorial!
I want to preface this by saying that my method has been certainly used by other people and i don't claim credit for it at all, but people on here saw my gun and wanted a tutorial, so here it is. 
Also, this craft isnt exactly a quick one (especially if you have to cut everything out with scissors) so beware of that before starting 
Things you'll need:
A thickish piece of cardboard (i used an old shoebox)
Two pieces of scrap paper
Glue (i used gluesticks but stuff like elmer's glue would definitely work better)
Scissors or a box cutter 
A ruler
A pencil or writing utensil of any kind 
Colored paper or paint for the outside 
How to do it:
look up a killjoy gun template on google images (make sure it's one that's free to use!) And download it. 
Print out the template or trace it twice on scrap paper (make sure it’s the right size for your hands!) 
Cut out one of the templates, (cut out the circle for the trigger too!)  and glue it on one of the pieces of cardboard. this will be the first layer to the body of the gun. 
Once you cut that out, take that first layer and glue it to another piece of cardboard, and cut around that. This is the second layer. Keep on adding layers until you’re satisfied with the thickness. i personally did eight layers but it depends on how thick your cardboard actually is and what size your hands are! (if you have bigger hands i suggest doing more layers and if you’re making this for a child or if you have smaller hands i think you can get away with six layers. i don’t suggest doing any less than those or your gun will be flimsy and it’ll bend easily though) 
now it should look something like this! (sorry for the bad quality this is from my snapchat lol) 
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now time for part two of the tutorial! the main part of the show, the outside. 
if you’re using paint this part should be pretty easy for you, you can just paint it and skip ahead to the part where i explain how to do the raised details, if you’re using colored paper like i did read this part too! 
first, i did the edge of the gun and the inside part of the trigger. (i’m talking about the part that shows the raw edges of the cardboard)
i took some yellow paper and cut out multiple strips of paper that were roughly 4cm wide (i would do more if your gun is thicker than mine. mine was about 1.5cm thick at this stage) and glued that paper into one long strip of paper, long enough to wrap around my gun completely. 
i applied some glue on the edge of my gun (i suggest starting from the top part because it’s straight and easier to do) and stuck it on the middle of the strip of paper. then i went down the edge of my gun, cutting a slit on the paper whenever it curved and i glued down the flaps on the edges (i don’t suggest doing this without the flaps if you’re using gluesticks because it won’t stay on) 
i don’t have progress photos for this step so sorry if it’s a bit hard to understand 
then, for the inside of the trigger i did the same thing, just cutting multiple slits of paper so it would curve right. 
now the hardest part is done! from here it’s all pretty simple. 
now, for the main color of the gun, i did pretty much the same thing i did when i was building the layers: i glued the gun to a piece of cardstock (do one side at a time!) and cut around that, then i did the other side the same way. 
now the gun is almost done! 
now, take that secod template from the beginning and cut out the raised part on the top and the handle (you can do a ring around the trigger if you want, but i didn’t bother with that) 
now, the next step’s explanation is a bit weird but i hope it makes sense with the image. sorry for that :,) 
take the template of the top part and trace it on a scrap piece of paper, and add two lines that are as long as the thickness of your gun and the thickness of your cardboard times two on the longest side of it, extending it. then flip the template over and trace that again, at the end of those lines, closing off the shape. 
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(this is not precise or to scale, it's to explain how it should look)
not take that and trace it on some carboard, then cut it out and fold it (see the picture- it explains where you should fold it. i can’t really explain it myself sorry lol) 
now take that cardboard and wrap it in paper or paint it the color(s) you want and glue it on your gun! 
now, the raised details for the handle are pretty much the same- take the template, trace it on the cardboard, decorate it and glue it to the gun. 
and you’re done, finally! 
down below is my gun, if you actually have the patience to do this rb this with your results or tag me in a post! 
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swampgallows · 5 years
like this shit is so long
Only once Jaina was back in her own rooms in Theramore, and her head had begun to cool off from the madness – indeed, wild hope, chilling fears, joy and a thousand other emotions spinning through her head, only one step from insanity – only then did she remember that she had forgot to ask one important question, and it froze the grin on her face.
Something so small but so important to the culture she grew up in – even stricter than normal for her, a woman of such a fine family line. Something so small, so ridiculous even, but not dismissible and it had haunted her only in its current form in peaceful times. There had been no time for it before, not when her life took plunges – I will be a mage, a scholar dedicated to study and magic to We may not be alive tomorrow and onwards through We are alive and building a new home.
She stared out of one of the window of her chambers, without really seeing anything. Unwittingly, one of her hands went to her stomach.
Only after the chaos she found herself the owner of her own throne, and with that, being a person who was expected to eventually produce an heir who could sit on that throne later on.
Before that, she had only been haunted by regret and bitterness, and the memory of sweet whispers, of fingertips and warmth that had turned colder than ice. Both of them young and foolish, knowing they were as good as betrothed – it would only be a few words away, the match was suitable even in a politician's eye – but duty called him, and magic her. And then he turned into the greatest evil to walk Azeroth, barring Archimonde and his ilk.
Bitterness and regret being mere personal torture, but with her current position the problem became a tangible… inconvenience to say the least. Before, she may have pushed it aside and felt that she would face it the day she had a suitable suitor.
And how long ago was it, young lady, that you could bear thinking of anyone but him touching you?
this shit is so fucking long and it doesn’t say anything new. there are three different paragraphs talking about “before” but it’s not for emphasis and it doesn’t provide any new information. if i were the editor, i would do this:
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anyway my edit would be like
Only once Jaina was back in her own rooms in Theramore, and her head had begun to cool off from the madness – indeed, wild hope, chilling fears, joy and a thousand other emotions spinning through her head, only one step from insanity – only then did she remember that she had forgot[en] to ask one important question[.] and it froze [T]he grin on her face [froze].
Something so small but so important to the culture she grew up in – even stricter than normal for her, a woman of such a fine family line. Something so small, so ridiculous even, but not dismissible and it had haunted her only in its current form in peaceful times. There had been no time for it before, not when her life took plunges – I will be a mage, a scholar dedicated to study and magic to We may not be alive tomorrow and onwards through We are alive and building a new home.
She [blankly] stared out of one of the window of her chambers, without really seeing anything. Unwittingly, one of her hands went to her stomach.
Only after the chaos she found herself the owner of her own throne, and with that, being a person who was expected to eventually produce an heir who could sit on that throne later on.
Before that, she had only been haunted by regret and bitterness, and the memory of sweet whispers, of fingertips and warmth that had turned colder than ice. Both of them young and foolish, knowing they were as good as betrothed – it would only be a few words away, the match was suitable even in a politician's eye – but duty called him, and magic her. And then he turned into the greatest evil to walk Azeroth, barring Archimonde and his ilk.
Bitterness and regret being mere personal torture, but with her current position the problem became a tangible… inconvenience[,] to say the least. Before, she may have pushed it aside and felt that she would face it the day she had a suitable suitor.
And how long ago was it, young lady, that you could bear thinking of anyone but him touching you?
like so much of this is just not contributing anything. it’s a fic, we already know who these characters are, and there was already a previous chapter before this detailing jaina’s situation and hyjal and everything else. all of it is really implicit that she forgot to ask thrall if he wanted kids, it doesn’t need the like three paragraphs of Jaina is a Human Female and Expected to Have Children. this isnt an alien species being introduced to us like most couplings in azeroth bring up children as a factor. 
i dunno like i know people write fic for fun but this shit is 100k and when there is this much unnecessary detail it’s hard to see the forest for the trees as it were, and it makes it a slog to get through. i also dont “speed read” because most of my reading has been academic where every single word counts, and part of me feels like it’s disrespectful to the author. like they put these words down to be read, and so i will read them, but that’s also the way i’ve been trained to read.  also since i spent most of my schooling reading stuff like shakespeare or canterbury tales or les miserables you have to stop like every five syllables to look shit up or derive some kind of analysis unless it’s a modern adaptation that doesnt require any “translation” necessarily.  
basically like. writing is fun but editing is important. more people will read your fic when it isn’t 30% filler. and ive complained about it before but like word count doesnt have any fucking bearing at all on the quality of writing. in fact, when i see ship fics that skyrocket to like 150k words in a handful of chapters im like dang bitch you cant write for shit!!! if you cant get across what you wanna say in that amount of words and youre STILL not done it means you gotta pare some shit down. 
it’s why i prefer writing over talking EVERY time because i KNOW i ramble irl. and in a casual setting like this, a blog post, i of course will ramble here too. but in writing??? writing that people read? everything you write should convey something and drive your story forward. every sentence you type is communicating something. if you get through the whole paragraph and all you can extract from it is “jaina realizes motherhood is a possibility again”, it needs to say something more. i mean this is all just my opinion but like it’s so important to the tone of your writing.
i remember when i was reading the shining, and early on in the story jack is being instructed in the boiler room. and the attendant or janitor or whatever you’d call him goes on for a HUGE block of text of all the mechanisms and step-by-step explains each and every facet of the machinery, how to use it, what it’s for. there aren’t even indents in the paragraph. and then it mentions off-handedly how jack was giving quick responses like “yup”, “uh-huh”, shit like that. i mean it’s been a few years since i read it so im paraphrasing. but that part of the book stood out to me because it was so immersive. the way it was written and the way the information was being relayed was specifically to bore the reader, to put them in jack’s position, and also maybe intimidate them a little bit. and of course it was foreshadowing, too, when later in the story jack is struggling with the boiler, and i actually went and flipped back to the instructions earlier in the book to review what jack was supposed to do. and then i thought, “boy, i bet jack wished he was me right now, because i have everything all written down!” 
but anyway, like. that’s good writing. that’s using the medium of text to its advantage to communicate on a meta-level how the audience should feel, and that we are all jack in that moment, being told a huge laundry list of shit we have to do—being paid to do, our sole responsibility on this job—and totally mentally checking out. i LOVE jaina, and i LOVE thrall, but the way this fic is written portrays them both as totally spaced out, completely unsympathetic characters. what i read above isn’t communicating jaina’s trauma to me; it sounds condescending, like she’s such an air-headed dim bulb that she forgot to ask her new husband if he wanted kids.
and the “proposal” was like... extremely awkward? i mean maybe that’s what the author is going for but thrall being basically like “uhh i guess? yeah i guess.” and then it says they talked for an hour but couldnt stay longer than that because they’re both leaders and couldn’t stay away too long. like... i feel like this is supposed to be a pretty important thing? marriage? it’s the setup for the whole fic and it’s played so... underwhelmingly. which i dont feel is intentional.
I KNOW it’s just a fic and i’m being very critical but it’s just like damn everybody bitches about blizzard’s “bad writing” but then nobody steps up to the plate. :\ i dunno how anybody spends so much time reading fanfiction when most of it is such a fucking chore to read. god i hope my story isnt like that.
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magmasliveblogs · 5 years
its late but its here! the 8th chapter! to recap, last chapter erin discovered acid flies, got rid of the fish, discovered flying pterodactyls who lay eggs, stole some eggs, made pasta, and was greeted by a bug man who knocked on her door as she was about to eat pasta 
A giant insect stood in the doorway. It had large, black, bulbous eyes, a dark brown chitinous body, and a pair of swords at its sides. It also had a huge abdomen and two long pincers coming out of its mouth. And it had four arms.
Erin stared at the ant-creature. It opened its mouth and began to speak.
“Good evening, Human. I was wondering if my colleague and I could take up a moment of your time—”
Erin shut the door. Then she bolted it. Where did she put the kitchen knife?
bit of a knee jerk reaction but hey, would you do anything else? 
“You idiot. I told you that this is why I should have opened the door.”
The Goblin’s knives were on the table. She grabbed both and tried to think. Knife. Chair? There were lots of chairs.
“Maybe it was a bad time?”
Or windows. Erin looked around. Plenty of windows. She’d jump out one if she needed to.
“Move over. Let me show you how it’s done.”
Someone knocked on the door again. Erin froze, and then went back. Very slowly, she opened the door.
a different species maybe? 
A giant lizard—no, a miniature dragon that looked sort of like a human stared down at Erin. He had to be at least six and a half feet tall. His scales were light green, and he had sharp, sharp claws on each hand. When he smiled she saw his teeth. Oh, and he had a forked tongue.
“Hello Miss. Sorry if we—”
Erin shut the door, bolted it, and dragged a table in front of it. She could feel her heart pounding out of her chest as she pushed another table in the way. Knives were no good. She’d have to jump out a window after all.
ok yeah i think erin is having a bit of an over reaction but hey, shes had a tough couple of days 
“Good job not scaring her.”
“Shut up.”
Were they talking? Erin listened hard. Her hands were shaking so hard she couldn’t hold anything.
“Now what? I do not believe breaking and entering would be appropriate at this moment.”
“What, are you crazy? Let me talk. That was just a misunderstanding caused by seeing your face. I’ll straighten all this out.”
One voice was higher than the other and had a strange clicking quality about it. Erin guessed that was the insect’s. The other, the lizardman, pronounced his words with elongated s’s. And they were both speaking in English.
“Hello? Miss? We’re not dangerous.”
welp we have an insect and a reptile at the door and erin hasnt said anything 
to the window. But she had to ask.
“…Are you a dragon?”
She heard a surprised laugh from outside the door.
“Am I a dragon? Aha. Haha. Well, that’s just—oh, bite me. I mean, do I look like one? Maybe I do. What do you think?”
“You are blushing.”
“Be quiet. I’m in a good mood now.”
The lizardman raised his voice again.
“Excuse me? I’m not a dragon, Miss Human. I’m just a lowly Drake in service to the city watch. Me and my idiot partner were on patrol when we noticed the smoke. May we come in? I promise we won’t bite.”
“Or inflict other forms of bodily or mental harm upon you.”
“Shut up. Are you trying to scare her?”
no that is not a dragon erin, but hey it seems you have flattered the reptile. also it seems the insect isnt that good at social interactions 
Erin debated. Somewhere in her mind she was trying to decide whether she should be laughing or panicking. And if she was going to laugh, would it be funny laughter or hysterics?
She couldn’t decide. So instead—
“Um. Give me a moment. I’ll open this door.”
“Thank you very much.”
Erin dragged the tables out of the way and hesitantly unlatched the door. She opened it and stared at the insect and giant lizard again. The insect just stared at her. The lizard on the other hand opened its mouth and curved its lips upward. It might have been a smile.
wonderful start erin, wonderful start 
Erin’s hand tensed on the door. The lizard guy put his hand on the door and stopped her from closing it.
“Sorry, sorry Miss. We’re not here to hurt you, I promise.”
Erin hoped that was the case. She couldn’t budge the door an inch. But this wasn’t the time for flight, right? She took a different tact.
“Want something to eat?”
The lizardman blinked.
“Um, sure.”
“Okay. That’s great.”
Erin opened the door slowly. The lizardman smiled and carefully stepped inside. The giant insect walked in too and gave her a polite nod.
“Good evening.”
it seems her new [inkeeper] instincts could be kicking in. 
“Food’s over there.”
“Ooh! Pasta! This is good stuff!”
The lizardman—Drake rubbed his hands together. The noise the scales made sounded like sandpaper. He went to sit at the table but the insect guy paused.
“I would gladly partake of nourishment if offered. However we would not wish to deprive you of your meal.”
“What? No. I’ve got lots of pasta.”
Erin pointed vaguely back to the kitchen.
“Let me just get a plate and…forks. Do you uh, want a drink? I’ve got water.”
“I’ll have a glass if that’s alright.”
“I will accept the pasta and water as well. But may I inquire if you have any bugs?”
“…No. No I do not.”
“A pity.”
a bug eating bugs, ironic 
“Here. Uh, I’ve got juice as well. Want a glass?”
“Oh, thank you. It’s…blue.”
“Yeah. I made it myself. It tastes good, really.”
“Well, I’ll gladly accept. Klbkch, you want any?”
“I will pass for the moment. We should get down to business rather than partake of food.”
“In a moment. Let’s eat first. This looks good!”
Erin stared. Here was an opportunity. She had two creatures who could not only speak English for some reason, but were also not inclined to kill her and were eating her food. There were so many questions she could ask about herself, about where she was, about everything really.
It might be her questions would decide her ultimate fate. Probably not, but they were certainly important. But before Erin could ask any of the questions, including how a ‘Drake’ and giant ant learned to use a knife and fork, she had to ask again.
“…Are you sure you’re not a dragon?”
i hope the juice isnt poisonous to these people! also business? they are presumably from that settlement, but what sort of business could they have? 
“…So someone on the walls spotted the smoke and called it in. Since it didn’t seem like a grassfire and since we knew this place was abandoned years ago the Captain decided to send someone to check it out.”
“To put in succinctly: we saw the fire and decided to investigate.”
The giant lizard turned and glared at his ant-man companion.
“That’s what I said.”
“You said it poorly. I am merely rephrasing your words for the benefit of all.”
“See, this. This is why no one else is willing to be your partner.”
“Your hurtful remarks are unnecessary. Besides which, I believe we are getting off track. We are in the presence of a member of the general public, remember.”
“Oh. Right. Sorry.”
The lizardman cleared his throat. It sounded weird to Erin; much deeper and bassy than normal.
Actually, everything was weird to Erin at the moment. Not least were the two creatures sitting across from her. 
oooo some local guardsmen! so they are from the settlement. 
Erin jumped.
“Me? Hi, yes, me.”
The lizardman gulped down some of the blue juice.
“Sorry, but can we ask you a few question about where you’re from? It’s pretty odd to find a Human out here, let alone in an abandoned place like this. Not that we mean to pry, it’s just that it’s kind of our job to ask these questions.”
“What? Oh, it’s no problem. Ask away.”
im going to skip over a bit, its just erin saying shes from earth and them being confused as to what earth is 
“Look. It’s complicated and I can’t really explain. But would you believe…magic? Like a crazy, crazy, uh, teleportation spell?”
“Oh, a teleportation spell? Was it a misfire or did someone target you?”
“Um. I didn’t see anything when it happened. I just sort of turned the corner and—look, the point is I suddenly appeared around here. And then…dragon.”
“I told you. It’s flattering, but I’m not a drag—oh.”
The ant-man leaned forward.
“Do you mean to say you found a dragon? Somewhere around this area?”
Erin blinked.
“Is uh, that a bad thing? I mean, it’s a dragon yeah, but isn’t he…?”
ooo a teleportation spell gone wrong. thats a good cover story 
“Look. It’s getting sort of embarrassing. I’m not a dragon. I’m a Drake. And yeah, we’re distantly related cousins but dragons are seriously bad news. They eat folks. You said you saw one?”
“It breathed at me. Fire. And then I was chased by little green men.”
“Right, them. And then I found a giant dino-bird—”
“A what?”
“A big…big leathery thing. With wings.”
“Oh, right. Those annoying things.”
“And there was a crab-rock, I mean, a rock-crab, and then I found blue fruits before that and…I met you two. A not-dragon and an insect. Who don’t want to eat me? Or is that after the meal?”
The lizard guy looked shocked and offended.
“Of course we wouldn’t eat you! That’s barbaric and besides, it’s illegal. I mean, okay, sure, it happens sometimes in distant villages but we wouldn’t do that. Right, Klbkch?”
oo we have a name! looks hard for a human to say. i shall be using his nickname of klb, which is what the community largely uses when referring to him 
The lizard man turned to his friend.
“Indeed. We would not violate our duty as guardsmen.”
“Your duty? You’re…guardsmen? And you…you’re K—kbch?”
The insect man raised one feeler.
“Our pardons. We have not introduced ourselves. Allow me to correct this mistake. I am Klbkch, Senior Guardsmen in employ of the city. This is my partner.”
The lizardman raised his glass.
“And this blue juice tastes good!”
“Indeed. And I must apologize again, but our true intent in coming here was to ascertain the danger posed here.”
thought it was obvious from before, but yeah, guardsmen as i said earlier.
Erin looked around.
“From what? Me?”
“Not you, specifically. Really, it could be anything. We thought it might be a random fire, or a few Goblins. If there were some stupid kids on the other hand, we’d be dragging them back right now since it’s dangerous to stay here.”
Erin met his gaze in alarm. He had very yellow eyes with black pupils.
“Danger? Why danger? Is there something wrong with me staying here?”
“Well, there’s nothing wrong with you staying here. Aside from dying, that is.”
Relc kicked Klbkch under the table.
“It’s just a possibility. This uh, place is sort of bad. For your health.”
Erin looked blank. Klbkch cut in.
“The plague. This location was once a small community until everyone here died. Horribly.”
Erin put her head in her hands.
“So am I going to die by puking out my guts or something?”
“Actually, the plague symptoms manifest themselves as—”
Relc kicked Klbkch again.
“Why don’t you shut up and let me talk? Look, Miss Human. You’re probably not sick if you’re still walking around.”
“And not oozing.”
well now we know why the village was abandoned, and why the skeleton was in the bed upstairs! 
“Shut up. Ahem. We were just sent here to make sure no Goblins or nasty creatures started living here. We’ve got no problem with Humans. Well, at least the non-violent kind.”
“Indeed. There is no law against occupying this area.”
They both stared at her. Erin felt compelled to speak.
“Good. Thanks?”
“…Want another plate of pasta?”
“Oh, sure.”
“I will have another as well.”
Erin ladled noodles onto each plate. The diners were silent for a moment as each slurped down their noodles, or in the case of Klbkch, did something complex with its mouth-hole. Erin didn’t look closer.
After a while Relc put down his fork.
“This really is quite good. How’d you make this all the way out here?”
“Oh, I found some flour and butter and stuff in one of the cupboards. It had a runey…thing on the shells.”
“That would be a preservation spell. It is quite common among higher-class establishments.”
“But you cooked it, then? Do you have levels in a [Chef] class, then?”
Erin stared at Relc.
“Levels? Oh. No. I’ve got levels in uh, [Innkeeper].”
“Oh, I see, I see. That’s convenient. Did you earn them here?”
“Uh, yeah. Every time I fell asleep I kept leveling. I’m uh, level 4.”
“Not bad! Especially if you just got here a few days ago. Did the notification wake you up right as you were falling asleep? I hate that.”
yep, the system is a widespread thing. also of course those runes would be widespread, they are very useful 
once again going to skip over a bit because its just erin asking about leveling and all that 
Relc’s fist smashed into the table. Every plate on the table jumped into the air and Erin nearly fell out of her chair. She looked at Relc. He was scowling, but when he glanced at her pale face he stopped and looked guilty.
“Um. Sorry about that. Really. But uh, can we talk about that name?”
“Yeah. You um, called me a lizard person, right?”
“Is that wrong?”
“…Yes. Yes, it is. I’m a Drake, not one of the lizardfolk. There’s a big difference.”
“Sorry. Sorry about that.”
“Uh, don’t apologize. Look, maybe I overreacted a bit. I’m not uh, mad…”
Klbkch kicked Relc under the table.
“I believe it was my turn to do that. Apologize to the Human for your rudeness.”
“…Yeah, sorry.”
Relc bowed his head down low, until the spiny crest on his head nearly touched the tabletop. Erin waved her hands urgently.
“Oh no, no. Please don’t do that. I didn’t know it was so rude. If I’d have known I’d have never—there’s a big difference between lizard people and Drakes, right?”
“Only a few differences, but the animosity between their cultures is—”
“Shut up. I’m still sorry. But yeah, there’s a big difference. I mean, sure most Humans can’t tell us apart, but the lizardfolk live near water and can breathe underwater too, some of them. Whereas we Drakes like drier climates. We enjoy warm sun, open spaces…”
“Nice rocks to laze about upon while we should be performing our duties.”
“You’re just an overgrown ant. You be quiet. Anyways, we’re special. Those guys are just amphibians that learned to walk on two legs. We’re related to Dragons. We’ve got special powers.”
“Like what?”
“We can breathe fire. Some of us can, at least.”
Relc sat back and folded his arms with a triumphant grin. Erin and Klbkch stared at him in silence.
ah yes, this large racial thing. what they dont say now is that lizardfolk live on an entirely different continent 
“We’re still cool, right?”
Erin grinned and gave him a thumbs up. Then she winced in regret. She’d used her bad hand.
“Ooh, nasty. What happened there?”
“What, this? It’s nothing, it—”
Klbkch stood up suddenly. Erin flinched, but he raised two of his spindly arms.
“Please, I mean no harm. But your hand. May I see it?”
Erin hesitated. Then she slowly extended her hand. On the outside her bandage was grey and red with congealed blood. Some dripped to the floor.
He, if it was a he, inspected her hand carefully. Then he looked up.
“Again, apologies. But could I trouble you to remove the bandage?”
Erin hesitated. But then she slowly unwrapped her hand. And flinched. The pain that had been slumbering in her hand suddenly flared, and something dripped to the floor.
It was yellowish white pus. It dripped from her wound. And the wound itself was different. Instead of the thin red line it had changed. Parts of the injury were darker red and—Erin looked away.
Relc hissed softly. However, Klbkch made no sound. He inspected her wound for a few seconds, his antennae moving slowly and then looked at her.
“Yeah. Um, yeah.”
Erin tried to breathe. Her hand was suddenly burning.
“It—sorry, it’s a mess. I cut my hand and I guessed it just got infected, but—”
“It is not an infection.”
“It is poison. Of a sort.”
“You sure? It doesn’t feel like—”
“There is a fish in the rivers near here. It secretes a mucus that damages the area it touches. Such as in this case. I have seen several similar afflictions as a guardsman.”
“You have? I mean, it’s not an infection?”
good to know she isnt plague infested, but it seems those fish were worse that i thought! 
“Please, do not be alarmed. This is treatable. Allow me.”
He reached down. Erin looked and saw him pull something out of a belt pouch at his waist. She blinked as he held up a bottle full of a shimmering, emerald-green liquid.
“This is a low-grade healing potion. If you pour it over your injury it should heal your affliction.”
Gently, Klbkch uncorked the bottle and held it out to Erin. She accepted it gingerly, but hesitated.
“This is—I mean, is it safe? For humans?”
Klbkch and Relc both nodded. Relc was eying his partner but the ant man was intent.
“Please, believe me. It will heal you.”
Erin stared into his eyes. They were compound eyes, large ones. Brown and fractal. Like and ant’s. And they were creepy as hell, but Erin decided she could still trust them.
She gripped the potion tightly in her left hand and poured it slowly over the open wound on her right hand. She gasped in shock.
“Are you alright?”
“It—it doesn’t hurt!”
Relc snorted gently. It sounded like a leaf blower starting up.
“Of course not. Why wound anyone make a healing potion that hurts when you use it? But look at that!”
He pointed. Erin’s eyes went down to the cut in her hand. It was closing up with amazing speed. The flesh was joining together and in an instant, the entire cut vanished. She gaped.
yay healing potions! a staple of fantasy, but still good to know they can heal this sort of injury 
Klbkch plucked the half-empty bottle from her hands before she dropped it. She was too busy poking at her hand to realize, but when he’d stoppered the bottle she turned and gave him a huge hug.
“Thank you—ow!”
“Apologies. It is unwise to hug those with exoskeletons. Please, are you hurt?”
i agree, dont hug those with hard outer shells
“I will accept gladly. But for now I am full, and I believe it is time to be going. We would not wish to intrude upon your hospitality for too long.”
Relc paused as he gulped down more blue fruit juice.
“We wouldn’t?”
“We are still on duty, if you recall. The Captain will be expecting a report. If we do return, we will have more time to socialize.”
“Or, and hear me out. Or…we could have more food and stay here longer.”
“I am sure you would prefer that. But we are being paid to work, not to enjoy ourselves. Moreover you are eating all of this Human’s dinner.”
Relc glanced at the table. He stood up immediately.
“Right. Well, let’s be going. Um, sorry about that Miss. Here, let me just pay for the food…”
Erin tried to protest but a scaly hand prized hers open gently and deposited several copper coins and two silver ones into her palm.
“I insist. That blue drink is really good by the way.”
“Well, we’ll be off then. Good night to you.”
The two left the inn. Erin watched them go. She went to go sit down and sat on the floor. And stayed still for another hour.
probably a good way to calm down after that 
Relc and Klbkch left the inn. They began walking through the grass under the night sky. It was cool, but both moved quickly. Each one scanned the landscape as they walked and kept their hands on the spear and sword at their sides. They weren’t nervous; just wary.
After a while Relc spoke.
“What a lonely girl.”
“Is it female? I couldn’t tell.”
“I can. It’s the mammary glands.”
“Breasts, I think they’re referred to. Or maybe the word is tits.”
“Really? I thought those were birds.”
“That’s what I heard some small Humans saying once. But she’s female. And young, correct?”
“Yeah, I’d bet on it. I’m not sure why a Human would be out here anyways, let alone in that place.”
oo we get some of the guards thoughts! this should be interesting 
“Inquiring into other’s personal affairs is only a matter for the Guards while we’re on duty. Respecting another’s personal space is a principle of social interaction.”
“Shut up. She just seems lonely, that’s all. Why else would a Human female want to hang out with a Drake and an overgrown bug?”
Klbkch was silent for a while.
“Do you believe she is a lawbreaker or fearful for her life?”
“Even if she was, who’d hide there? You’d have to be mad, or maybe a mage or priest to risk that.”
“True. But at least we are certain it’s safe now. She would  be dead within the day if it were still deadly.”
“Bet she didn’t know. And her expression when we walked in—she’s never seen a Drake or an Insect before in her life.”
“I would prefer that you call my species by their proper name.”
“What do you think? I bet she’s some kind of runaway, or a child that got lost separated from her clan.”
“Fine. Antinium. Happy?”
quick retcon here, priests are gone for a reason we shall see later, so she cant be a priest. this sort of error is fixed in the $5 version on amazon 
“Her being a runaway would be most likely. I find it hard to believe any Human would wander so far into the grasslands by accident and she did not seem to be looking for directions.”
“You are correct in at least one definition of the word. But speculation is pointless in any case. We investigated the smoke and now we can make our report. She is not breaking the law in any case since the inn was abandoned nearly three years ago.”
“What about the Dragon? Do you think she made that up?”
“She was not lying, at least not intentionally. However…”
“Yeah. A Dragon? Really?”
“It seems more likely that she was hallucinating. Perhaps she ran into a fire breathing Wyvern, or lesser monster. But I doubt she would have survived meeting a true Dragon.”
“Plus, we’d know if a Dragon lived around here. They’re pretty obvious.”
“So…scared Human female? Not a threat?”
“That was my assessment.”
“Right, right. Let’s tell the Captain and get some sleep. Or rather, I’ll sleep and you do your creepy standing hibernation thing.”
“Agreed. And it is very restful. You should attempt it sometime.”
yes i dont think a single human female is a threat 
The two walked in silence for quite some time. The road back to the city was long, and in any case they were still alert for potential dangers that might be sneaking up on them. Not that either had much to fear from most predators so long as they kept their eyes and earholes open, but you never knew.
After a long time Klbkch broke the silence.
“So, shall we return tomorrow?”
“Oh, definitely. Right after work?”
“We may be able to fit checking in there as part of our duties if we convince the Captain it is necessary.”
Relc slapped Klbkch on the back of his exoskeleton. “Now you’re thinking like a Drake.”
“I will endeavor not to in the future.”
“Go roast yourself.”
They walked on for another few minutes until Relc broke the silence again.
“So, a lesser healing potion of no worth, huh?”
“Would you have had me tell her the true value?”
“No, no. It’s for the best. Mind you, I think she figured it out.”
“How are you going to explain that to the Captain, huh?”
“I will deduct the cost from my pay. Besides which, it was used to protect a civilian.”
“You’re a regular saint, huh? Trying to level up your [Saint] class?”
“You know fully well that I have no levels in any class of the kind. I was merely being kind.”
ooo i see the antinium (funny story actually, i was spelling it as antininum for months till i read the word on its own once and realized my mistake) used a pretty expensive potion 
The two walked on in silence. Eventually Relc spoke again.
“It’s not that I’m not interested. I have an open mind! I wouldn’t mind looking. If I was offered. They’ve got nothing on good scales, but I could get over the fleshiness. Maybe.”
“Shut up.”
“She was quite nice in any case. It was pleasant talking to her.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m glad we didn’t have to kill her.”
yes, lets not kill the protagonist in the 8th chapter. this isnt game of thrones 
Erin sat against one wall. She was falling asleep. She wanted to run around screaming about lizardmen—Drakes, walking ants, and a crazy world but that was passé. Besides, she’d already done that for a few hours anyway.
Her mind was swimming. Her eyes were drooping. Erin was about to fall asleep. But her hand didn’t hurt. So she was smiling.
At last her mind finally blanked. Erin’s breathing deepened, her eyes closed. She slept.
[Innkeeper Level 5!]
[Skill – Basic Crafting obtained!]
“…Just let me sleep.”
as the drake said, thats annoying, but it seems her first time doing the job of an innkeeper got her a level! and a skill, i wonder what [basic crafting] applies to?
either way, thats the end of the chapter! will erin be able to trust these people? will erin ever go to the settlment? will these people be ordered to kill her? we shall find out next time! 
see you tomorrow! 
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viostormcaller · 5 years
Okay so I'm gonna go on a little bit of a rant here. It literally doesnt mean anything, it's not serious by any means and is extremely superficial. It's just a few issues my mom and I have both been having and I just wanna get it off my chest because it's been really nagging at me.
So, about a year ago, mom and I both invested in new laptops from Lenovo. At first, we both really liked them, considering what we paid for them (and considering how long it took to wait for mine, almost forgot about that part). But now... kinda wanting an upgrade even though it's only a year old (not that I can afford one, of course, and I'm not about to ask). Course, it still works (not well, sadly, but it does), and so does my mom's, but I've heard her say on more than one occasion that she absolutely hates her laptop.
I think the main reason I'm so disappointed is because of the battery life. Now, it's a laptop, I shouldn't expect much, but to put it into perspective, a few years back I was using a dinosaur of a Toshiba laptop, which was already years old by the time I got my hands on it. This thing had like no battery life. Lasted 3 hours (if even that, I think after a while it lasted 1 hour) off charger. When I was looking for a new laptop after that one completely broke, I was looking for something with longer battery so I didn't have to wear down the battery life by keeping it on the charger 24/7. So when I got this new laptop (it's the Legion Y520 btw) and saw the battery life was the exact same that I had been dealing with, I was really disheartened. But I wasn't about to complain because, of course, mom was paying monthly for this thing and it was pricey (she just finished back in december), so I was very grateful to have something that runs games well (and actually runs Subnautica without many issues) and I can watch videos in the highest quality settings (which I was super impressed with. Even now I'm still impressed with that fact).
Now, though, mom and I are having deal-breaker issues. One problem on my end that absolutely does not have a fix, is the fact that when I close the lid of the laptop, it acts as if it's still open. So if I minimize chrome, shut the lid, and leave the room (or even, if I go to bed), sometimes I'll hear noise coming from it. When I open it up, it turns out that chrome had re-opened and was playing a video somehow (and you can imagine my absolute fucking confusion when I walk in the room or wake up to hear Jack or Mark screaming). This happens every few days and I don't know if I should blame the cats (who like to run on my computer often), but even so, if the lid is closed that should not happen! It should be in sleep mode. And, I've noticed that the keyboard lights dont always shut off when I shut the lid, so the computer acts as if it's still on even though the screen is black.
Another huge issue: sometimes it won't allow me to start the computer at all. Either it does one or two things. It A) stays on a black screen with the keys all lit (meaning it's on but nothing's happening), or B) it'll stay on the lock screen page frozen so I cant click anything or enter in my pin to get into the computer, meaning I have to manually shut it off and turn it back on using the power button (which scares me because I dont want this computer to blue-screen-of-death on me because I have to do that almost every day). Then, once I do that, the backlight on the keyboard flickers for a few seconds before the computer turns on. Most of the time, though, starting up the computer from sleep mode after I had just been using it takes an unnecessarily long time, and it's super frustrating if there's something immediate I'm trying to do (like catching an upload from Jack). And I'm not gonna get into the issues with the keyboard and touchpad, because almost every review I've seen says the same thing: poorly designed, not very responsive to touch, yadda yadda yadda.
With mom's computer, I've watched it, while she was in the middle of using it, completely shut off on her. The screen went black and she could not turn it back on, even when pressing the power button. It was on the charger, so it didn't die. It just shut off. Also, her computer runs chrome very poorly for whatever reason, almost as if it's incompatible, so she can't even use that browser on her computer because it gives her too many issues. On top of that, she can't watch videos because it buffers and freezes way too much (which sucks because she bought the computer in part to watch videos on), and even when she's just using it normally it glitches out and freezes and she can't do anything on it at all, meaning she has to rely on her phone for a lot of things. She's also in college, like I am, so this isnt ideal if she wants to get things done. Plus, I've noticed her touchpad is way too sensitive, to the point where I can't use it to scroll up or down at all. Idk how to fix that though, didnt see any options for it but maybe I'll take another look and see if I really can't help her.
I can't afford to send mine in; not because of the price (if there even is a fee for sending it in for repairs, idk if mom bought mine with warranty), but because it's my first week in school and I cant take the risk of sending mine in and not having it for about three weeks since I don't have any other way of doing my school work. I dont wanna fail or get dropped from my class. Plus I've read that their customer service is outsourced in India, so I don't know if that's where my computer will get shipped to, but if I have to be without it for too long then it isn't worth trying to get them to fix it. I've also heard bad things about their customer service (and actually recall having a bad experience with them when I was trying to get my computer in the first place. Don't remember them being particularly helpful).
I know I can't afford a new gaming computer right now, so I probably wont be in the market for one for at least a few years (or whenever this thing eventually breaks), but I'm so afraid that my laptop will break before then. I can't afford to lose it but it feels like, with every forced restart, I'm getting closer to having it fall apart. I desperately need a computer on hand for school, now more than ever. It is great for gaming, but right now I'm mostly using it for school, and my computer absolutely needs to be powerful enough to run the Adobe software and other game design programs when I get to those classes in school (this is exactly what my advisor told me, too, so I'm a little bit nervous about this). I'm hoping it holds up until then, but as of right now, I'm extremely worried for it. The fact that my mom is also having issues with her laptop gives me some comfort, at least. I'm not alone, so I feel alright complaining about it (if I was alone in this I wouldnt say anything. Gotta be grateful for what I have, considering I could be much worse off). At least one thing's for sure: neither of us are purchasing anything else from Lenovo when we need to get new computers (and I believe my mom's replacing hers sooner rather than later, considering it barely works properly).
TDLR; both mine and my mom's computers are having major issues, I can't risk sending mine in to get it fixed, there are no fixes for mine that I could try that worked, and I'm extremely worried it'll break sooner rather than later because of constant forced restarting.
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sorikkung · 6 years
You did an intro to got7 a while ago could you maybe do one for A.C.E.??? They seem like a good group but I'm clueless atm so it would be v helpful!!!
lololol i did an intro to mark from got7 but not got7 as a whole, but yes ofc i will i love my talented bois and i love rambling about them heRE WE G O
an introduction to a.c.e, for dummies (jk ily choice is a great fandom pls join us)
also this is gonna get rlly long so im gonna put it under a cut
A.C.E is a 5-member boygroup under beat interactive!! which is a p small company atm so my boys dont exactly have the high quality living and practice areas and food that they deserve :(( THEYLL GET THERE THO IM SURE OF IT THEYRE LEGENDS
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here’s their youtube channel with aaaaall sorts of goodies
i started stanning a.c.e predebut, bc they had a lot of content for a group that hadn’t debuted yet, and it was enough to snatch my attention real quick so you should check that shit out, they did a shitton of AMAZING covers and to get their name out there more, street buskings its a lot but i swear its worth your time theyre so talented!!
also they have matching tracksuits what more could you ask for tbh (as you can see from that vid, they’re literally so fucking extra)
a few of my favs are
this rlly long busking video w girl group songs and just a bit of everything tbh,
THIS amazing remix/cover of kard’s don’t recall by the rap line + this one cute girl,
their flashlight cover that is enough to make a grown man cry omfuckigngOD it makes me feel things hjskskkh
that ONE TAKE dance cover they did of 3 of taeyangs songs, all focusing on a different member of the dance line
im gonna stop here before i link every damn cover they made
okay so now that thats covered (bad-um-tss) time for…DEBUT
THIs beauty right here is their debut song cactus, which has this really deep meaning to it. bc they came from a small company so they have to work extra hard to even be able to debut let alone be successful and they’re like a cactus bc cacti grow in the desert where there’s very little water but they still manage to stand strong even through the hardest of weather an environment conditions and eventually sprout beautiful flowers,, buuuuuut its also a meme for obvious reasons.
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tbh debut era choice culture was just listening to cactus on repeat for days bc it was their only song at the time skjslaas not much has changed tbh LMAO but yes theyre a very edm loving group so their DANCE SKILLS ARE ON POINT SERIOUSLY IVE SEEN FEW GROUPS AS AMAZING AT DANCING AS ACE WOWOW
oh yeah did i mention that their fandom name is choice and that choice are literally the softest fandom my multifandom ass has e v e r been in?? theres literally no cringy or toxic side of the fandom its just so soft and welcoming and pure and everyone is so nice and sweet and friendly and just??? wow i love choice a lot hjkskjsshkhk choice are also SUPER talented too stan talent stan choice
speaking of cringe ace is that group that just like skipped the entire “rlly cringy boygroup debut phase” completely like no weird debut haircuts or outfits or weird lyrics about girls, well actually thats all kinda objective but like they made those outfits work ok and im a cactus isnt that weird of a lyric if you know the deep meaning behind it
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aS yOu CaN sEe, cactus era was the era of the tHIGHS and the hot pants. it was literally so iconic it blew up and with great reason too, have you seen those thighs?? AND THEY KNOW IT TOO they even mentioned they chose the hot pants as their style concept and took better care of their legs than their faces. true kings. heres a video of a.c.e talking about the whole hot pants thing and just their legs in general its some quality shit. and heres a video where they decide to show off just how great their thighs are bc they like to kill choices like that, this video is important and iconic bc its where the wowson ship began and also when they declared who the king of thighs were amongst the kings of thighs. definitely a necessary watch for new choice imo. donghun lowkey grinds on the floor at 4:04, you’ve been warned. honestly that video just gets progressively gayer lmao i love it
also for us international choice they made an ENGLISH cover of cactus CAN YOU BELIEVE IT I LOVE THEM SM they didnt have to but they did and oml stan a group who stans you back this hard their english aint that great but theyre trying and i appreciate it so much theyre so amazing look
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five months later they dropped their second single, callin’, and b o y was this a stressful comeback, beat had us FOOLEd,, i genuinely thought it was gonna be a flowerboy soft concept yknow with like some sweet lowkey ballad or soft pop song, but nOOooOOOooo, MORE HARDSTYLE EDM not that im complaining callin is a bop but i was TRICKED
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LOOK AT THIS SHIT ITS ALL AESTHETIC AND THE CLIP OF THE SONG WAS ALL SOFT I WAS REALLY EXPECTING SMTH SOFT im sorry im still salty that beat tricked me but ITS FINE bc callin is a HELLA BOP like i honestly didnt expect them to top cactus so quickly bc like cactus was hella but they DID and its amazing and heres the link be blessed (warning, these gifs above make it look like a soft vid but there are LOTS of flashing colours and lights and its really intense on the eyes if youre not comfortable with that dont watch, just listen)
they also supplied multiple dance pracs you can find on their channel for callin bc ace feeds us well, although callin had a reaaaally short promotion period bc right after they got thrown onto survival shows for more publicity, but hey, its working!! choice is growing bigger every day and im so proud
donghun, wow and jason all went on yg’s show mixnine, and jun and chan went on the idol rebooting show, the unit. both teams are doing EXTREMELY well on their respective shows!! but ill talk more about that in their individual member profiles bc they havent been put on the same team for anything yet rip
edit: mixnine finished and donghun and jason made the cut for the final group, sehyoon didn’t :(( so dongson will be promoting with the mixnine group for a lil bit!! also chan made it to the unit debut group but jun didnt. im hoping for a sehyjun subunit pls
that was long af but now im gonna dive into the members individually!! so its probs gonna get twice as long sorrynotsorry i warned you
Jun (Park Junhee)
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jun is the so-called fiery leader of ace (also lead dancer and lead vocal) but is honestly just a giant dork and a sweetheart. hes the type of guy who you scream at for being dumb and call him an idiot but thats your weird way of expressing your undying love for him?? ask literally any jun stan, they’ll say they hate him. hate him for being so PERFECT like a fucking DISNEY PRINCE he’s the designated prince of the group you know theres always that one member and hes just so LOVEABLE and stupid and skjdakhkjs he fuckign dropped his cake on his birthday when do your faves ever. dad of the group, probably lost the maknaes in the shopping mall about 3 times already. talks a lot, hates aegyo, his members might be planning on sacrificing him to satan? he does on idol class with chan every…i think its wednesday and fans vote who gets punishments n stuff and jun loses every damn time i think hes losing his faith in choice lmao. #saveleaderjun
he’s kinda married to donghun, they’re the parents of ace but donghun might try murder him in his sleep idk man, but now hes on the unit with chan and theyre all cute and you can literally ship everyone with everyone in this group
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he has HELLA charisma on stage tho oh my gOd also he has one of the most unique singing voices ive ever heard so its really easy to single out, his face also is the first i learned to tell apart?? he has rlly high cheekbones and a wide but thin smile.
this is actually an ot5 video not just jun but jun’s reaction was by far the most iconic so i have to put it in his section, get you a fave who can FLY lmaooo
it would be CRIMINAL if i didnt solo out jun’s ringa linga cover, thE MOST ICONIC JUN COVER EVER HJFKDSJKFDSJK if i ever stop talking about this assume im dead bc IVE NEVER GOTTEN OVER IT jun in a leather jacket looking all rude and staring at the camera like that im WEAK, SO WEAK, AAAAAAAAHHHH
[ahem] MOVING ON
Donghun (Lee Donghun)
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donghun, sometimes romanised as donghoon and often referred to by choice as hun or hoon, is the oldest member of the group and another total sweetheart, honestly ace is just a group of sweethearts, he cares for his members so damn much and is super soft?? but ALSO A s Av Age he’s on mixnine with sehyoon and jason and he SHOT DOWN YG, once again I C O N I C, yg was at a loss for words, heres more receipts of him being savage, i love my sassy boyfriend. BUT HES ALSO A SWEET NOODLE HJKSHJKS oH and did you know that before he joined a.c.e he had no experience in dancing whatsoever and in a year and a half, he caught up with the other four members that have been dancing since they were kids?? I STAN TALENT YALL you’d literally never be able to guess that bc all of them are like on an equal dance level its insane
also he used to have braces during cactus era and it was the softest shit
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[cOUGHS] so like did someone say disrespect,,, bc he can do that too,,,,, aAAAAAAAH the duality of this man istg
he’s the main vocalist and has vO C AL S OF AN A N GEL, he has so much soul and emotion in his voice, and has adlibs for days oh my god, he also has the MOST BEAUTIFUL FALSETTO i’ve ever heard, fight me, actually come at me. his voice works REALLY well with chan so they pair him up with him for quite a handful of covers like the all of me one i linked (one of my favs omfg it makes me emo) cause like, his soulful voice plus chan’s higher, sweet voice just sounds so great together i love our main vocals wow.
Wow (Kim Sehyoon)
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his stage name is wow, but its hard to take seriously so the fandom just calls him sehyoon lmfao. it used to be seyoon but when he went on mixnine, he revealed sehyoon was the official romanization so here we are lmao. even if your bias isn’t sehyoon…it’s sehyoon. he’s just that guy ya feel me?? anyways sehyoon is a relatively quiet and reserved guy, but his members really pull out the dork in him, i love it so much?? he doesn’t talk much but when he does all of a.c.e directs their full attention to him to listen, its really sweet, hes pretty awkward with people but you can tell he just feels so safe and comfortable with ace it honestly warms my heart. he’s the main rapper and main dancer, but!! our multitalented man is also a vocalist. yes, you heard, me, the main rapper can sing, and really well at that. (if you scroll up back to the flashlight and dont recall covers, you can see more of his voice.)
gets the least lines, but not by much. although hearing his singing voice in their actual songs has happened like with 2 lines?? so idk man im just waiting for their ballad song that theyre apparently doing for their third song, god im so ready. i love his voice a lot, damn.
he’s also like reeeeeeeeeally gay for jason…the entire fandom ships it and they even ship it themselves. wowson, the otp of ace, they honestly just cant keep their hands off eachother??? i know a friend who struggled to tell apart jun and jason so she just looked at who sehyoon was standing next to and instantly knew it was jason. THEYRE SO CLINGY. i love my squishy boyfriends. 
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OHHH BOY…i really could’ve used an even more disrespectful gif than this but that would ruin the surprise of watching it in the actual video!! as you can see, sehyoon is the K I N G of disrespect on stage, that shy lil fluffle bean you see offstage?? GONE. DISAPPEARED. VANISHED. this is why his stage name is wow, sehyoon disappears and you just go wow. choice has dubbed him king of bodyrolls with great reason, he makes every concept into a sexy concept, he just has that intimidatingly sexy aura to him, its incredible. 
now…are you ready….i bet youre not…who am i kidding NOBODY was ready for this shit. on mixnine, sehyoon was picked as leader for one of their stages (i think he was leader for ringa linga too??) and got to choreograph the routine. if you think its already rude 10 seconds in, its all over for you bitches when the lighting goes yellow. i feel the need to repeat, our boy CHOREOGRAPHED THIS. IT WAS ALL HIS IDEA. EVERY. SINGLE. PART. this is the same kid who everyone on the show knew as the shy, quiet, handsome boy. but then. 
but then he did this.
Jason (Kim Byeongkwan)
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jason is his stage name that he chose for himself but his real name is byeongkwan, its another case of an idol having a stage name and nobody calling them by it?? i mean most new choice call him jason and i personally switch between the two but most choice seem to call him byeongkwan or bk if theyre extra lazy lmao. memers call him byonk sometimes.
jason is the weird child of the group and we all love him…he’s the second lil ball of sunshine and part ½ of the maknae line. he’s often found clinging to sehyoon or literally any of the members bc he’s an affectionate son who loves cuddles okay?? p r o t e c t   h i m.
he’s also the lead everything. yeah thats really not fair but jason is op ok?? singing, rapping, dancing, visual, like sehyoon he’s the full package, i can hardly call them the rap line they’re just the op line t b h. triple threats.
on their official twt jason likes to confirm wowson a lot, its p great lololol he’s the biggest wowson shipper of all time. want more wowson? i gotchu, here’s one of my absolute fav moments. (ft. junchan/chun)
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he has some HELLA CHARISMA on stage like boy can u pls chill. they also love doing his eye makeup with that red makeup and it looks rlly good bc bk has such pretty eagle eyes and its his Look™ and that along with his onstage persona is a DEADLY COMBINATION HDSJKSKSLKJS 
i’m just gonna keep this short; even if your bias isnt byeongkwan, your bias is byeongkwan. he has that affect on everybody. number one bias wrecker out of the fandom t b h apart from sehyoon (he cant be my bias wrecker if he is my bias so im safe :^J)
Chan (Kang Yuchan)
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INTRODUCING OUR CHANSHINE, MAIN VOCAL OF ACE, CUTIE MAKNAE CHAN!!!! he always introduces himself as a.c.e’s main vocal cutie maknae chan, its his iconic line and it suits him so well like LOOK AT HIM ISNT HE JUST A FUCKING RAY OF SUNSHINE WHAT A PURE CHILD I MUST PROTECC he’s literally the happy virus y’all AND ACE KNOWS IT TOO heres this one time where donghun even said that looking at chan cheers him up. certified sunshines only, everyone. also watch that whole video its long but its worth your time.
anyways our boy is a main vocal and as mentioned in donghun’s part they harmonize!!! so!! well!! i mean tbh all of ace can harmonize with eachother its the most beautfiul thing but these two are main vocal for a reason okay. if you didn’t already watch it in donghun’s part listen to THIS and have your ears be blessed i cry everytime oh my god skdfhd ALSO THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT ITS LIKE ONE OF MY FAVOURITE VIDEOS ON THE INTERNET i want to cry i lvoe chans voice so much i love chan i love kang yuchan og hmylhdg sodf i was gonna say i swear im sehyoon biased but im not istg ace is bias wrecking me 24/7 its been the hardest group to pick a bias in ever im not kidding i cant even
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also known as kang RUDE, chan was all innocent sunshine and daisies until out of the blue he decided to give the disrespect king sehyoon a run for his fucking money. NOBODY FUCKING SAW IT COMING WE ALL THOUGHT HE WAS SO PURE AND THEN HE SUDDENLY STARTED FLASHING HIS ABS EVERYWHERE AND GRINDING ON THE FLOOR AND DOING THAT AND WE JUST CANT HANDLE IT i dont know a kang yuchan please save me oh my lord
okay this already has an ungodly amount of links and honestly i could go on, but this should be a good enough kickstart for you!!
stan talent stan a.c.e everyone. welcome to the choice family. its literally the softest and sweetest fandom out there. we welcome you with open arms and lots of cacti!!!
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norasincubi · 7 years
Unfaithful Monsta x Wonho
Guys I spent so long on this piece and yet it’s so shitty still, I’m so sorry guys. I tried really really hard to make it good and pretty and shit but it isnt. There are probably a whole bunch of errors…
AU: Greek gods
Genre: Angst
Word count: 1,291
Warnings: Cheating, probably some cuss words I don’t really remeber… it’s nothing too bad. Completely SFW
“Bring her to me this instant!” His voice boomed in the loud atrium, effectively making six heads whip up at his loud commanding voice. Their bodies shivered in fear of their angry master.
“M-Master Hoseok-y-your wife would-” He stood up to full size, standing an astonishing twelve feet in the air, making the simple servant cower even more in fear.
“I will find her myself. Pathetic slaves.” He marched down his throne, while the servants scampered out of his way, in fear for their safety around their angered master.
You would think, Hoseok, the eldest of his family, ruler of Olympus would be able to have fun with a human girl for a short amount of 40 years. Unfortunately, his jealous wife would do anything in her power to stop him. He never really understood why, she was free to have her own fun, but she avidly choose against it. No- rather she choose to ruin humans lives rather than have fun. His wife, whom he couldn’t stay loyal to, grows angrier and angrier with each witnessed encounter he has with another woman. He acknowledges the fact that he is lacking in the good husband department, but he still feels like his wife should be more accepting to him having some fun in his dull day-to-day life. Everything on Mount Olympus bores him. He sits on his throne, everyday of his eternal life, witnessing humans having fun, falling in love, having a family. All the aspects of normality that he was lacking. Instead, he got a daughter that erupted from his head, in full out body armor. Perhaps now you can see why he lusts after a simple, normal, family.
His said wife, [Name] sits peacefully upon her throne, a smile plastered on her face. Why this smile? Simply because she took care of the human girl that was distracting her husband from paying attention to her. All [Name] wanted was attention from her love. She never understood why it had to be so difficult between each other. She is, after all, the goddess of marriage, so it shouldn’t be hard to have a healthy relationship between her and her husband right? But unfortunately, through all of her devotion, she never quiet received the amount of loyalty she wished from her husband. For he would through many tantrums over his wife “ruining” the women he would get involved with. But he could never see her undying love and devotion to him, and their marriage which often made the poor goddess often sad, and seeking out love where there was none for her. Her lashing out on the women he messed around with was a way she would try to get his attention, even if it was negative any attention was better than none in her eyes. But alas, everyone knew of her attempts at repairing a broken relationship, everyone that is, excluding her husband Hoseok.
After finding the poor human girl transformed into a peacock, his wife’s favorite animal, he became livid. He decided after seeing the poor human-turned-peacock, he decided then and there to finally confront his jealous wife. And by confronting his wife, he means chewing her out for all the girls that she had ruined. Finally fed up, he marches through the halls of the palace. Once reaching her throne room, he uses all of his anger to slam open the doors. [Name] shifted her position on her throne, sitting up straighter, she suddenly hears the doors to the throne room slam open, a livid Hoseok storming right up to her throne. He gives her a hard glare, obviously angered by her actions.
“How could you be so heartless to a poor human girl?” He starts off, his voice shaking with much emotion. “She was only 20 years old you spiteful old woman.” She says nothing and simply looks down at him. Her heart aches with the words he spits out. She clenched her jaw, still remaining silent. “Why do you always do this?!” His voice grown in volume. “You always change them into animals! Have you no heart?!” She simply rests her head on hand, pretending to not be interested. “I’m talking to you!” She avoids eye contact. He yells, practically screaming her name out multiple times, she jumps from the sudden loudness of his voice. “What is your problem?!” She exhales loudly, fed up with his behavior.
“You want to know why Hoseok? I’ll tell you exactly what my problem is exactly.” She slaps her hands loudly against her gold throne chair, making a loud reverberating noise in the room. It suddenly gets deathly quiet in the throne room, but the silence is interrupted by her anger. “You always go off and toy with humans! I’m not sure you know Hoseok, but I’m your wife! Did you hear that? WIFE!” She stood up, chest to chest with Hoseok. She shoves him back, making more room for herself. She begins pacing around. “I’m not sure what the hell wife means to you, but it’s the joining of two people for life. Dedication to one another and loyalty. I’m sorry to break it to you, BUT YOU’RE NONE OF THOSE QUALITIES!” She finally snaps, letting all of her spite and rage come out. She takes a deep breath. “All I want is attention, love and loyalty. That’s all I ask, but no. You whore off with human women! What do they have that I don’t?! What do they provide that I can’t?!” She bites her lip, a rush of golden tears stream down her face. “Why can’t you love me and only me?” She falls on to her knees, crying and sobbing in the deathly silent room. Her husband, standing there, stunned and in shock. His blueish tinted hair sweeps his cheeks as the opened roof throne room let’s in a soft breeze, a striking difference between the sobbing woman he claimed to be his wife. His thoughts swirling around the woman in front of him. He let the woman he was supposed to call wife emotionally stressed. He broke every single promise he had made to her on the day he said his vows to her. He felt so awful, so completely shitty for the hurt and suffering that he caused to the woman he was supposed to love unconditionally. He took her heart out and tore it to pieces with each time he betrayed her. He knew deep down that it was horrible, but he did it anyway. Just for the gratification of having sex, and toying around with his playthings called humans. But seeing this in person, to his face made something inside the man snap. He looses feeling in his legs and drops down to his knees in front of his wife. She balls her dainty hands into fists and bang them against the gods chest. And he takes it. Every slur, curse, hit, slap, punch, he takes it all. All the regret and shame finally catching up to him in this pitiful scene. Golden tears flow put of his ducts, mirroring his mad wife. She finally stop beating on her husband and finally calms down her emotions. He too stopped crying, and takes in the image of his wife.
“I apologize for all the pain I have caused you over these years. I have been a horrible husband. I’ve slept with many mortal women, making them bear children while you watch this happen.” He gently pulls his wife into his chest. “Will you forgive me? I am going to reform my ways and stay loyal to you, my wife.” The goddess cracks a small smile and wraps her arms around her husband.
“If only you change. Then I’ll take you back my husband.”
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vitalmindandbody · 7 years
Tragic, fascinating, bright- living for’ wild child’ Zelda Fitzgerald revisited
Two films and a Tv series out soon portray the life of the jazz-age novelist and spouse of F Scott Fitzgerald
She is thought of as the original wild child, a pearl-twirling party daughter who died at the age of 47 after a shoot breaks out in the North Carolina sanatorium where she was a patient. Now Zelda Fitzgerald, the southern belle swerved jazz-age heroine, dubbed the first American flapper by her husband and partner-in-drink Scott, is to have her own Hollywood make-over two movies are in the pipeline and a television series will air on Amazon Prime early next year.
All three projections have starry refers attached: Jennifer Lawrence will take the lead in Zelda , a biopic directed by Ron Howard and based on Nancy Milfords best-selling profile; Scarlett Johansson will bob her “hairs-breadth” for The Beautiful and The Damned ; and Christina Ricci will play young persons and impulsive Zelda in the Amazon series Z: The Beginning of Everything. The entitle of the TV sequence comes from Scotts awestruck comment on session Zelda: I cherish her, and thats the beginning and end of everything.
So what is it about Zelda that mesmerizes nearly 70 years after her heartbreaking point? In place it is that the disturbances the couple lived through find an resemble in our own stormy times.
Interest in the Fitzgeralds has definitely been on the projected increase not only since Baz Luhrmanns film of The Great Gatsby in 2013 but too from the many parallels between their lives and effort and the period were living through right now, says Sarah Churchwell, generator of the critically acclaimed Careless People: Slaying, Mayhem and The Invention of the Great Gatsby .
Its a storey of thunder and failure and it resonates as we are grappling with our own boom and failure, our own worries about the cost of our excesses and our own social loss. Human life and fortunes of Scott and Zelda peculiarly mimicked their ages: in the 1920 s they were roaring for all they were worth, but with the disintegrate in 1929, everything fell apart.
It helps, extremely, that Zelda was so vibrant a flesh. It begins with her knockout, says Churchwell. But likewise with the tales told in the 1920 s about the high jinks and fun she and Scott seemed to have. Parties really liked her: she was surprising, smart, clever, entertaining and adoration a good defendant. She too liked to be the centre of attention, and so had her detractors very. These concepts combined to reach her a legend.
Scott repeatedly returned to their relationship in his fiction, most notably in his second tale, The Beautiful and Damned , which details the heady early days of their matrimony; and his doleful fourth, Tender Is The Night , in which the gilded fantasy has faded into a more tawdry world. Zeldas only novel, Save Me The Waltz , presented the relationship from her side.
They were arguably Americas first fame pairing: a carefree golden duo who wrote their method into the spotlight, making their own myth of gin-soaked days and fun-filled nights, merely to dawdle too long formerly the light-footed had started to dim. Their recklessness represents the tale exciting and dramatic, says Churchwell. But they paid a the highest price.
After a few giddy years, all the youthful hope deteriorated away, leaving Scott a stupefied and drunk jobbing hack in Hollywood and introducing Zelda to breakdown at the age of 30, a diagnosis of schizophrenia , now widely thought to be a bipolar affective disorder, and their own lives in and out of sanatoriums.
Her story is both fascinating and lamentables, says Therese Anne Fowler, on whose novel Z the Amazon series is based. Here we have a woman whose aptitudes and energy and intellect “shouldve been” prepared her a brilliant success, who was determined to be an fulfilled master, scribe and ballet dancer in an era where married girls were supposed to be spouses and moms, interval. Her devotion to Scott was, in many ways, her undoing[ although] he was just as imprisoned as she was. Had they adoration each other less, they are likely both have come to better ends.
The idea of Zelda as a bright lady captured by her duration has gained traction in recent years, with a number of projects re-evaluating her through the prism of feminism although it is not always the most wonderful of fits. As early as 1974, the couples daughter Scottie resisted such pretensions, writing the purpose of which is to viewpoint her father as a classic put-down wife, whose efforts to express her quality were thwarted by a commonly male chauvinist pig partner were not accurate.
Writing in the New Yorker in 2013, Molly Fischer agreed , note: Saving Zelda Fitzgerald is no easy overture …[ she] does not want to be anyones pet, and theres something disconcerting about the literary readiness to domesticate her, to change an infuriating wife into an appealing heroine.
The brand-new cinemas may well further Hollywoodise Zelda, sanding away her bumpy borders and reinventing her as a relatable protagonist for our modern times. The casting of Lawrence so often described as Americas Sweetheart in the Howard biopic is no accident.
A report about the upcoming Johansson film in the Hollywood Reporter proposed it would draw on previously unreleased material to indicate that her husband embezzled his wifes notions as his own.
Mark Gill, chairwoman of Millennium Films, the yield company behind The Beautiful and The Damned , concurs : She was massively ahead of her period and she took a lash for it. He stole her ideas and employed them in his notebooks. The marriage was a codependency from blaze with a jazz-age soundtrack. The movie has, however, fastened the co-operation of the Fitzgerald estate.
Fowler agrees that there is a flourishing bent to pertain our own concerns to Zelda. We do anoint her as a kind of proto-feminist protagonist, even though she didnt investigate herself as a feminist and didnt fully succeed at anything, she says. But her original honour is based on conventional paternalistic the terms and conditions of what the status of women, mother and spouse ought to be and do. Her aspirations and her demand on prosecuting them were considered inappropriate and undesirable; after her psychopathic disintegrate she was literally told that this insistence had created her split psyche and that the path to a panacea lay in giving up all passions that didnt conform to the paternalistic ideal.
Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Lawrence and Christina Ricci are all set to play Zelda Fitzgerald in the forthcoming makes The Beautiful and the Damned, Zelda and Z: The Beginning of Everything. Composite: Getty Images
The backlash against this image is comprehensible given that popular opinion of Zelda was initially driven by Ernest Hemingways notoriously corrosive descriptions in A Moveable Feast , publicized posthumously in 1964, in which he dismissed her as insane and accused Scotts changing dependence on alcohol on his wife.
Our perception has very much changed, says Churchwell. We have come to sympathise with her resentment, to recognise her knacks and to be more fair-minded about her choices. That said, she precautions against attempts to create a Team Scott/ Team Zelda fraction, as is so often the lawsuit in famed literary partnerships. Its important to say that they ever cherished one another and wouldnt have appreciated beings taking backs Fitzgerald wrote a few years before he was dead that it was a moral imperative that their friends understood they were a pair, a section and would remain that space, even if her illness aim they couldnt live together.
Churchwell is too scathing about attempts to suggest Zelda had a larger role in her husbands cultivate than previously presumed. There are those wanting to ascribe Zelda with Scotts work, which is just silly and doesnt do wives any promotions, she says. Its not a zero-sum recreation: we can recognise both of them for who they were.
Zelda had numerous abilities, but where writing was concerned she was probably too ill when she started to hone her knacks, and while it is true that Scott didnt particularly want her to write partly out of territoriality but partly because her doctors told him it was bad for her its too true-blue that her work isnt in the same class as his. Her individual convicts are often lovely, and she can create a climate and has clever alters of phrase but her works tend to be sketches rather than full tales. If they had realized different alternatives, perhaps she could have been an important writer, but the reality is that she wasnt.
Perhaps, then, the true key to Zeldas prolonged pull on our imagination lies not in her wreak but in her modernity. I dont live their lives I want to cherish firstly and live incidentally, she exclaimed and it is that vigor and gluttony for all of lifes suffers, both both good and bad, that extends down over the decades, giving each generation to see something new.
Z: The Beginning of Everything will air on Amazon Prime early next year
I have rarely known the status of women who carried herself so delightfully and freshly: she had no ready-made terms on the one mitt and no striving for impression on the other. Critic Edmund Wilson
I fell in love with her gallantry, her seriousnes and her flaming self-respect, and its these events I would believe in even if the whole world gratified in wild surmises that she wasnt all that she should be.
F Scott Fitzgerald
I did not have a single impression of inferiority, or shyness, or suspense, and no moral principles.
All I miss is to be very young ever and very irresponsible, and to feel that my life is my own to live and be happy and croak in my own lane to delight myself.
Other publics ideas of us are dependent largely on what theyve hoped for.
Read more: www.theguardian.com
The post Tragic, fascinating, bright- living for’ wild child’ Zelda Fitzgerald revisited appeared first on vitalmindandbody.com.
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Mammy Bs Story
I’ve thought long and hard about how to tell mams story and i think openly and honesty is the only way. Mams story in many ways should be a tale of warning and highlights why awareness is key to the fight against cancer. It was only a couple of months ago a very good friend asked what sort Of cancer mam had and because it was her bits I had kept that information quiet. But its doesn’t help if fact it gives cancer a strength through fear. Mam was diagnosed on the 31st March 2017, however she had been ill much longer than that. Increasing back pain, swollen legs, anaemia, reoccurring urinary infections were a few things. For the previous month mam hadn’t been able to sleep in bed because she was in pain. The week before she was hardly sitting down and had began to have falls. During this time we were back and forward to the doctors, she was sent to the hospital to have her heart checked which was fine. That morning mam had a fall and she had begun to bleed, my brother rang me panicking as she wouldn’t let him look. When i arrived i persuaded her to show me her vagina. I knew instantly that it was cancer. Mam was so upset and didn’t want to go to hospital, she knew they would keep her in and kept saying it was just bad thrush. I think that she had persuaded herself that this was true, fear of the truth , The dreaded c word and the treatment had made her convince herself that it was thrush . My mam had had ill health for a number of years and hated hospitals and i think this was part of the reason that she just didn’t want more operations, hospital stays and invasive treatment. I can only guess because as open as we were about what was happening she would always state she hadn’t known. When we got the hospital the doctors faces came in looking hopeful and reassuring and then they examined mam and they looked caring and asked how she had managed the pain. Mam had cancer of the vulva, its okay i hadn't heard of it either. It does begin like thrush, then continues to grow and to break down the healthy cells of the vulva eventually creating large open wounds. Any girl whose had an ingrowing hair should be wincing by now. That's where mam was. No treatment was available as it was too late, there wasn’t enough healthy tissue to cut it out, infection was an issue, it had reached the lymph node and it was possibly on her kidney. Doctors told us if she came earlier it might have been treatable, it was mute point by now, but thats the reason people need to listen to symptoms, bother their doctor, as the reality is it wont go away, it just gets worse. We returned home with a district nurse attending daily, however good they were it wasn’t enough and we lasted 3 weeks. Me and my brother provided the bulk of the care. Vulva cancer isnt something easy to manage, think of all the complications brought by just where it is, keeping clean is difficult. It also spreads back and begins to eat into the back passage whilst pain meds make you constipated. There is nothing harder than providing personal care to your own mother as she screams in agony. The district nurse pulled me aside one day to ask if we had been warned about bleeding and i looked at her blankly. The main arteries in the groin were surrounded by tumour that could eat into the artery wall and cause it to bust, causing catastrophic bleeding. No one had mentioned it. After 3 weeks of constant fear that she would die in front of us, of little sleep and trying to keep things going mam was given the chance to go to the hospice and for our sakes she went. She didnt want to go. She was a home bird, she wanted to be at home but she knew we couldn’t manage. Mam went for pain management and stayed until she had palliative radiotherapy and then found her appropriate care. From day one at the hospice we all relaxed , we didn’t need to be carers we could be family again we got quality time with mam. Doctors were open, they told us how it was. They tried different dressing, painkillers, laxatives, physiotherapy, complimentary therapy and befriended mam. Slowly mam got to be mam again, the nurses reported she was tearful in the morning before we arrived but she got it out and could continue to look after us as she always had, trying to shield us frim her pain. Mam rallied; This was partly radiotherapy killing nerve cells and reducing pain, partly mams own grit and determination and partly all the hospices expert care. This meant we had some amazing times building memories; births, birthdays, the race for life, the beach, safari parks and becoming a world record holder. And we laughed, and were silly and hugged and talked ans told each other how mich we loved each other. Mam had to go and get a suprapubic catheter installed. Basically her urethra had abnormal physiology and although the hospice were experts at changing them they didn’t want it to become an emergency procedure in the future when mam may not be strong enough for the operation. It didn’t go smoothly, what ever did. But mam of course managed it. Mam moved to a nursing home. I’m not going to say a lot about this part because well the care was not what mam was used to and to be honest i want to forget about it. As soon as we knew mam as in end of life we wanted her back at the hospice, that's where she wanted to be. Mam had an appointment with the palliative consultant and told them she was ready to die, she didn’t fear it just the pain before. They reassured her that the pain would be managed but the end would come when her body was ready. Mam was moved back to the hospice and they kept their word to manage her pain. Even when they took care of her personal care as by this point the cancer had eaten her urethra and the catheter had stopped working. They were amazing in those last few days. We got to say goodbye. Mam wasn’t particularly responsive but she could say a million words with her eyebrows. She was painfree, relaxed and with my brother holding one hand and me and Milo the other when she passed away. Even after she was treated with such respect and dignity it made my heart swell. This wasn’t pretty story, or a one with a happy ending. It was truthful. maybe it could have been different. Please if you have any worries or unexplained symptoms go get them checked out because as mam would want to use this as words of warning. Cancer of the bits might be scary or embarrassing but the more it develops the worse it will be. If in doubt check it out! Mam was, is and will always be my best friend and there is nothing I would not give to have her back.
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samanthasroberts · 7 years
The Forgotten Story of … the 1966 Masters | Scott Murray
How Jack Nicklaus overcame grief at the death of a friend and inconsistency on the course to become the first man to win back-to-back Green Jackets
Arnold Palmer wasnt particularly happy with his short game. There were only a couple of days to go before the start of the 30th Masters Tournament, and he was already struggling to make his wedges and putter talk on glacial greens which were only going to get faster once the Augusta greenkeeper took one last wheel around the place on his mower.
So shortly after breakfast on Tuesday morning, Palmer set off in his personal twin-engine jet to Chattanooga, a couple of hundred miles away. He collected a new pitching wedge and a couple of putters, made some alterations to the wedge he was already using, and was back at Augusta National in time for coffee at elevenses. The most expensive club repair of all time? Probably. But certainly the most stylish. You have got to love Arnie.
The gentle whimsy of Palmers 500mph groove-tweaking jaunt was, sad to say, not the sole aviation story that required reporting on the eve of the Masters. Tragedy struck the defending champion Jack Nicklaus hours before he was due to tee off, when he was told four close friends from his home town of Columbus, Ohio, including childhood playing partner Bob Barton, had been killed in a plane crash en route to Augusta. Im heart sick, whispered a crestfallen Nicklaus. Bob and I grew up together. We started playing golf together. Ive lost a great friend. Still, the show had to go on, and he made an earnest promise: This tragedy has made me much more determined in what I hope to do this week.
As ever at Augusta, the stars of yesteryear were in attendance. Heres the legendary Guardian writer Pat Ward-Thomas, with a contemporaneous roll call of the old masters whose golf down the generations has given the occasion its stature the imperishable spirit of Bob Jones has overcome his grievous affliction and he is in his cottage across the way by the last green the ageless Gene Sarazen Craig Wood, so youthful looking and handsome that it is hard to believe he tied for the Open at St Andrews more than 30 years ago the great Byron Nelson who this afternoon was presented with a replica of the Ryder Cup by his team Jimmy Demaret, Cary Middlecoff, Sam Snead and Ben Hogan, the mightiest of all, the shots pure as the light still gleaming from his clubs. His presence is no sentimental gesture.
Ward-Thomas had that damn straight. I am not here for sentimental reasons, confirmed the 53-year-old, nine-time major winning, two-time Augusta-taming Iceman. I am here to win.
Also raging against the dying of the light, albeit in a more gentle form, were the 1908 US Open champion Fred McLeod and Jock Hutchinson, winner of the Open Championship in 1921, the first American to do so, albeit a naturalised one, born and raised in St Andrews. (Amazingly, that Open win was very nearly not Hutchinsons most notable feat that year. During his march to the Championship, he came breathtakingly close to recording two hole in ones in a row, having aced the 8th before hitting his drive at the short par-four 9th to a couple of inches. But we digress.)
Jack Nicklaus presents the green jacket to himself after winning the tournament twice in a row. Photograph: Augusta National/Getty Images
McLeod and Hutchinson, octogenarians both, creamed ceremonial opening drives down Tea Olive, then played the front nine for stakes of a beer a hole.
With the 1966 Masters under way, the grieving but steel-willed Nicklaus took early control.
He had been woefully out of form, having failed to win a tournament in six months. (And they say Jordan Spieth has problems.) Hes not playing at all well at the moment, the pre-tournament favourite Gary Player told the Observer. But Nicklaus shook it all off to start nervelessly. A fine four-under-par opening card of 68 meant he was the only player in the 103-strong field to shoot a sub-70 round, on a day of unpredictable and strong winds. At one point Billy Casper took a small pinch out of the Augusta fairway and tossed it into the sky to test the breeze, only for the entire handful to fly back into his startled face. I ate some grass out there today, he laughed, in good spirits after shooting a 71 that put him joint second alongside Don January, Mike Souchak and the amateur Charles Coe. Palmer, whose trip to Chattanooga looked to have been in vain, his wedge still playing up, shot 74. As did Player.
As, indeed, did Hogan, who had been one under through 13, only to falter with bogeys at 14, 16 and 17.
Nicklaus had by this point shot seven successive sub-par rounds at Augusta. But he couldnt make it eight. He faded dramatically on Friday, shooting a four-over-par 76 while copping though studiously ignoring constant abuse from Arnies highly partial Army, a semi-regular feature of major tournaments back then. Jacks putter was stone cold: he took five three-putts, and missed seven times from inside five feet. I cant remember the last time I putted so horribly, he sighed. The 76 was his worst round at Augusta since he shot the same score on his very first attempt as a 19-year-old amateur in the 1959 Masters. Ominously for the field, his spirit remained unbroken. Outside of that putting, I played pretty darn good. But you have to play a bad round here sometime, and I had mine.
Palmer, his short game for a while much improved perhaps that 500mph round-trip wasnt such a bad idea after all reached the turn in 32. But he made three bogeys on the back nine and had to settle for a slightly disappointing 70. Thats been my trouble lately, he cried. Ive been playing one good nine and one bad nine. Hogan by contrast was the model of consistency, hitting all but one green in regulation for a smooth and steady 71. So after 36 holes, the 1951 and 1953 winner Hogan was two off the lead; the reigning champ Nicklaus was one off it, alongside the 1958, 1960, 1962 and 1964 victor Palmer. Some leaderboard, huh.
But at the very top at the halfway mark were a couple of slightly less stellar individuals: Paul Harney of Massachusetts, who shot a second-round 68 despite five and six at the par-four 10th and 11th; and Peter Butler of Birmingham, who birdied 12 to move into red figures for the tournament, then stayed there, coming home with a steady run of pars. At one under for the tournament, Butler and Harney were the only men in the field below par.
The British, sadly, wouldnt get a handle on the Masters for another couple of decades at least. On day three Butler made an awful balls of the two shortest par fours on the course. At the 3rd, he left his approach short, duffed a chip, and three putted for a double-bogey six.
Another double at 7, and he was out in 40. Back in 39, his bid was all over. Harney too let himself down, bogeying four holes in a row 9, 10, 11 and 12 and ended with a 76.
Butler would finish the tournament in a tie for 13th, and is now best remembered for a couple of top-10 finishes in the Open during the 1970s, plus the first-ever hole in one at a Ryder Cup in 1973. Harney ended the week tied for eighth, his third of four top-10 Masters finishes in the 1960s. High quality work, but even high quality isnt enough of a guarantee around Augusta.
The third round was unspectacular. Nicklaus led the way for most of it, but bogeyed 17 and 18 to sign for a 72. Palmer went round in 74, having thinned a three-wood into Raes Creek at 13.
Hogan who went round with Arnie, commanding the majority of the days gallery went one better with a 73. (Arnie later admitted to easing off the gas when driving in Hogans meticulous presence. I was just trying to keep the ball in the fairway and keep from being embarrassed, he respectfully explained.) By the end of the day, Nicklaus was tying for the lead at level par for the tournament with Tommy Jacobs, who had shot an impressive but unexciting 70. January was one behind, with Palmer, Hogan and Gay Brewer a further shot back. It was on!
The final days play, like much of what had gone before, would not be of the highest quality.
But it sure was exciting. Nicklaus went out last with Hogan (whose energy ran out, the old boy finishing with a disappointing 77). The Golden Bear initially looked like losing an ongoing tussle with a recalcitrant hook over the early part of his round, dropping shots at 1, 4 and 7.
Jack Nicklaus watches his ball drop into the hole for a birdie on the 6th green during the 1966 Masters play-off. Photograph: AP
Those bogeys were offset by birdies at 2 and 8, but he made the turn in 37 strokes, by which point he was trailing Palmer, who with birdies at 7 and 8 had gone out in 34, and the new leader Brewer, who alongside his playing partner Arnie had taken only 33 strokes over the front nine.
Palmer couldnt keep it going on the way home. He took three putts from short distance on the par-three 12th, birdied the par-five 13th, but handed the shot straight back again at 14 and failed to repair the damage on the long 15th. Pushing hard, he drove into trouble at the last and bogeyed. A 72. His recent sequence of winning the Masters every other year, started in 1958, had come to an end.
Nicklaus looked to be out of it after a bogey at 10, but birdies at 14 and 15 hauled him back into the picture. The other overnight leader, Jacobs, had dropped shots at 8 and 10, but bounced back with birdies at 13 and 15. Brewer, meanwhile, parred his way from 10 through to 17. He would reach the clubhouse first. At one point he had enjoyed a three-shot lead over Nicklaus and Jacobs but, standing on the 18th tee, was now only one stroke ahead of the pair at one under.
It still could have probably should have been enough. Brewer creamed his drive down the middle of 18. Faced with a simple nine-iron approach, he took a flier to the back of the green, and couldnt get down in two from 60 feet. A bogey at the last. His 70 brought him to level par, alongside Nicklaus and Jacobs, still out on the course.
Jacobs made a routine par on 17, then pushed his drive at 18 into trees. The ball ricocheted back out onto the fairway, a lucky break. But he was left with a mammoth 220 yards to the green. And here comes the shot of the week: a whipped four-wood to 20 feet under the most extreme pressure. Two solid putts later for par, and he had tied with Brewer. Jacobs was in a play-off unless Nicklaus, the last contender still out there, could magic up a birdie.
Nicklaus should have come up with the goods. On 16, he gave himself a makeable 12-footer, but didnt threaten the cup. Then on 17, he eased a glorious nine-iron to three feet, but by his own admission, years later, misread the break and made a poor stroke, the ultimate double whammy. His putter had let him down yet again. So golf being golf, he very nearly drained a 40-footer on the last for birdie and outright victory. But his ball drifted off to the left at the very last turn. The best putt I ever hit that didnt go in the hole, he later reckoned. The Masters would go to a three-way play-off.
Jacobs, who had hung around without ever getting into a position to go for the win, seemed happy enough. But neither Nicklaus nor Brewer were quite so relaxed. In the moment, Nicklaus had yet to come to terms with his putting error on 17. I hit a good putt, he lied to the press, but mainly to himself. The break isnt there. Brewer meantime was straight to the point: Im depressed.
Brewer would be thoroughly miserable after the Monday 18-hole play-off. He shot a six-over 78, out of contention pretty much from the get-go. Jacobs kept pace with Nicklaus until he approached the turn, before dropping shots at 9, 10 and 12. Nicklaus dropped shots at 9 and 12 too, but picked one up at 11 after tickling in a 25-foot downhiller. (He had reconfigured his putting mechanism the previous evening after watching footage of himself on television. To celebrate his solving of a problem that had bugged him all week, he went home and ate three and a half tenderloins.)
Jack Nicklaus and his Caddie Willie Peterson show their delight after a putt at the 1966 Masters. Photograph: Augusta National/Getty Images
That birdie on 11 was the momentum shifter. Jack was two clear of Jacobs, and from that position matched his closest rival shot for shot over the closing holes. In doing so, he became the first man to win back-to-back Green Jackets. He draped his new one over his shoulders himself.
A slight air of anticlimax, then, though the members of the Augusta gallery were excitable enough. On CBS Television, the commentator Jack Whitaker referred to the patrons circling the 18th green with a word Clifford Roberts, the notoriously stern Augusta National chairman, didnt particularly like. Here comes the mob! trilled Whitaker, as the gallery made its jaunty way up the last fairway for the denouement. Whitaker then compounded his error by failing to mention that Nicklaus would be awarded the Green Jacket on the practice green, even though CBS would not be covering the ceremony, as Walter Cronkite was waiting to read the news. A piqued Roberts encouraged CBS to replace Whitaker for the following years event, though the broadcaster was eventually allowed back to work the Masters beat in 1972.
There would be a quicker reprieve for Brewer, though. Having passed up a glorious chance to win the Masters, the poor man had been roundly written off as a player who could never possibly bounce back from such a bitter disappointment. Golf being golf, the very next year Brewer birdied 13, 14 and 15 on Sunday to claim the coveted Green Jacket, a stroke ahead of the former PGA champion Bobby Nichols. I may be the happiest man in history, smiled an emotionally spent Brewer when asked to sum up his very popular victory. Im choking up!
As for Nicklaus, chasing three in a row? He shot a second-day 79 and became the first defending champion to miss the cut. Nobodys perfect.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/2017/07/17/the-forgotten-story-of-the-1966-masters-scott-murray/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/07/17/the-forgotten-story-of-the-1966-masters-scott-murray/
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vitalmindandbody · 7 years
Tragic, fascinating, bright- living for’ wild progeny’ Zelda Fitzgerald revisited
Two films and a TV line out soon portray the life of the jazz-age novelist and spouse of F Scott Fitzgerald
She is thought of as the original wild child, a pearl-twirling defendant girl who died at the age of 47 after a ardor broke out in the North Carolina sanatorium where she was a patient. Now Zelda Fitzgerald, the southern belle grew jazz-age heroine, dubbed the first American flapper by her husband and partner-in-drink Scott, is to have her own Hollywood make-over two films are in the pipeline and a television series will air on Amazon Prime early next year.
All three activities have starry appoints fixed: Jennifer Lawrence will take the lead in Zelda , a biopic directed against Ron Howard and based on Nancy Milfords best-selling biography; Scarlett Johansson will bob her fuzz for The Beautiful and The Damned ; and Christina Ricci will play young persons and impetuous Zelda in the Amazon series Z: The Beginning of Everything. The designation of the TV serial comes from Scotts awestruck provide comments on meet Zelda: I love her, and thats the beginning and end of everything.
So what is it about Zelda that fascinates nearly 70 times after her sad discontinue? In persona it is that the turmoils the couple lived through find an echo in our own hectic times.
Interest in the Fitzgeralds will no doubt been on the projected increase is not simply since Baz Luhrmanns film of The Great Gatsby in 2013 but too from the many parallels between their lives and production and the period were living through right now, does Sarah Churchwell, author of the critically acclaimed Careless Parties: Slaying, Mayhem and The Invention of the Great Gatsby .
Its a narrative of thunder and bust and it resonates as “were about” grappling with our own boom and failure, our own concern about the cost of our extravagances and our own social lacks. The lives and lucks of Scott and Zelda peculiarly mimicked their periods: in the 1920 s they were roaring for all they were value, but with the clang in 1929, everything descended apart.
It helps, too, that Zelda was so vibrant a digit. It begins with her beauty, does Churchwell. But likewise with the floors told in the 1920 s about the high jinks and recreation she and Scott seemed to have. Beings really liked her: she was surprising, intelligent, astute, amusing and adoration a good defendant. She too liked to be the centre of attention, and so had her detractors very. These occasions combined to draw her a legend.
Scott repeatedly returned to their relationship in his myth, most notably in his second novel, The Beautiful and Damned , which details the exhilarating early days of their union; and his mournful fourth, Tender Is The Night , in which the gilded daydream has faded into a more tawdry reality. Zeldas simply novel, Save Me The Waltz , presented the relationship from her side.
They were arguably Americas first fame pairing: a carefree golden couple who wrote their course into the spotlight, composing their own myth of gin-soaked days and fun-filled nights, simply to linger too long once the light-headed had started to dim. Their recklessness sees the fib exciting and dramatic, announces Churchwell. But they paid a the highest price.
After a few giddy times, all the youthful promise deteriorated away, leaving Scott a perplexed and drunk jobbing hack in Hollywood and delivering Zelda to breakdown at the age of 30, a diagnosis of schizophrenia , now widely thought to be a bipolar illness, and a life in and out of sanatoriums.
Her story is both fascinating and unfortunates, announces Therese Anne Fowler, on whose novel Z the Amazon series is based. Here we have a woman whose flairs and vitality and ability “shouldve been” became her a brilliant success, who was determined to be an accomplished creator, columnist and ballet dancer in an age where married girls were supposed to be wives and fathers, period. Her devotion to Scott was, in many ways, her undoing[ although] he was just as imprisoned as she was. Had they adored each other less, they might both have come to better ends.
The idea of Zelda as a bright girl caught by her period has gained traction in recent years, with a number of pieces re-evaluating her through the prism of feminism although it is not always the most wonderful of fits. As early as 1974, the couples daughter Scottie refused such affirms, writing that to make efforts to vistum her baby as a classic put-down spouse, whose efforts to express her quality were frustrated by a normally male chauvinist husband were no longer accurate.
Writing in the New Yorker in 2013, Molly Fischer agreed , mention: Saving Zelda Fitzgerald is no easy-going proposition …[ she] does not want to be anyones baby, and theres something mortifying about the literary readiness to domesticate her, to alter an irritating girl into an appealing heroine.
The new films may well further Hollywoodise Zelda, sanding away her bumpy borders and reinventing her as a relatable heroine for our modern times. The molding of Lawrence so often was regarded as Americas Sweetheart in the Howard biopic is no accident.
A report about the upcoming Johansson film in the Hollywood Reporter suggested it would draw on previously unreleased cloth to indicate that her husband stole his wifes ideas as his own.
Mark Gill, chairwoman of Millennium Films, the production fellowship behind The Beautiful and The Damned , agrees : She was massively ahead of her time and she took a defeat for it. He plagiarized her ideas and gave them in his notebooks. The wedding was a codependency from blaze with a jazz-age soundtrack. The movie has, nonetheless, secured the co-operation of the Fitzgerald estate.
Fowler agrees that there is a thriving propensity to utilize our own concerns to Zelda. We do anoint her as a kind of proto-feminist heroine, even though she didnt visualize herself as a feminist and didnt fully attain at anything, she supposes. But her original honour is based on conventional paternalistic standards of what the status of women, baby and bride ought to be and do. Her desires and her insistence on prosecuting them were considered inappropriate and undesirable; after her psychopathic crack she was literally told that this insistence had created her divide psyche and that the path to a antidote lay in giving up all passions that didnt conform to the paternalistic ideal.
Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Lawrence and Christina Ricci are all set to play Zelda Fitzgerald in the forthcoming yields The Beautiful and the Damned, Zelda and Z: The Beginning of Everything. Composite: Getty Images
The backlash against this image is understandable considering the fact that popular opinion of Zelda was initially driven by Ernest Hemingways notoriously corrosive descriptions in A Moveable Feast , produced posthumously in 1964, in which he dismissed her as insane and accused Scotts flourishing dependence on beverage on his wife.
Our perception has very much changed, mentions Churchwell. We have come to sympathise with her frustration, to recognise her endows and has become still more fair-minded about her alternatives. That mentioned, she cautions against attempts to create a Team Scott/ Team Zelda divide, as is so often the subject in famed literary partnerships. Its important to say that they always desired each other and wouldnt have appreciated beings taking slopes Fitzgerald wrote a few years before he was dead that it was a moral obligation that their friends understood they were a pair, a component and would abide that behavior, even if her illness necessitate they couldnt live together.
Churchwell is also scathing about attempts to suggest Zelda had a larger role in her husbands make than previously presumed. There are people who want to credit Zelda with Scotts work, which is just silly and doesnt do females any prefers, she mentions. Its not a zero-sum competition: we can recognise both of them for who they were.
Zelda had many aptitudes, but where writing was pertained she was probably extremely ill when she started to hone her gifts, and while it is true that Scott didnt especially want her to write partly out of territoriality but partly because medical doctors told him it was bad for her its also true-life that her work isnt in the same class as his. Her individual sentences are often lovely, and she can create a humor and has clever comes of phrase but her makes tend to be sketches rather than full stories. If they had acquired different selections, perhaps she could have been an important scribe, but current realities is that she wasnt.
Perhaps, then, the real key to Zeldas resumed pull on our imagination lies not in her design but in her modernity. I dont want to live I want to cherish firstly and live incidentally, she extol and it is that verve and desire for all of lifes know-hows, both good and bad, that unfolds down over the decades, granting each generation to see something new.
Z: The Beginning of Everything will air on Amazon Prime early next year
I have rarely known the status of women who uttered herself so delightfully and freshly: she had no ready-made words on the one side and no striving for outcome on the other. Critic Edmund Wilson
I fell in love with her fearlessnes, her honesty and her flame self-respect, and its these happenings I would believe in even if the whole world pandered in wild surmises that she wasnt all that she should be.
F Scott Fitzgerald
I did not have a single inclination of insignificance, or shyness, or disbelief, and no moral principles.
All I miss is to be very young always and very irresponsible, and to feel that my life is my own to live and be happy and croak in my own direction to delight myself.
Other families ideas of us are dependent predominantly on what theyve hoped for.
Read more: www.theguardian.com
The post Tragic, fascinating, bright- living for’ wild progeny’ Zelda Fitzgerald revisited appeared first on vitalmindandbody.com.
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vitalmindandbody · 7 years
Tragic, fascinating, bright- living for’ wild progeny’ Zelda Fitzgerald revisited
Two films and a Tv series out soon portray living conditions of the jazz-age novelist and bride of F Scott Fitzgerald
She is thought of as the original wild child, a pearl-twirling defendant girl who died at persons under the age of 47 after a shoot broke out in the North Carolina sanatorium where she was a patient. Now Zelda Fitzgerald, the southern belle became jazz-age heroine, dubbed the first American flapper by her husband and partner-in-drink Scott, is to have her own Hollywood make-over two movies are in the pipeline and a television series will air on Amazon Prime early next year.
All three projects have starry refers fixed: Jennifer Lawrence will take the lead in Zelda , a biopic directed by Ron Howard and based on Nancy Milfords best-selling account; Scarlett Johansson will bob her hair for The Beautiful and The Damned ; and Christina Ricci will play the young and impetuous Zelda in the Amazon series Z: The Beginning of Everything. The entitle of the Tv line comes from Scotts awestruck provide comments on see Zelda: I affection her, and thats the beginning and end of everything.
So what is it about Zelda that mesmerizes nearly 70 times after her disastrous demise? In portion it is that the cataclysms the couple lived through find an repetition in our own hectic times.
Interest in the Fitzgeralds will no doubt been on the increase not only since Baz Luhrmanns film of The Great Gatsby in 2013 but too from the many latitudes between their lives and labor and the period were living through right now, does Sarah Churchwell, scribe of the critically acclaimed Careless Parties: Carnage, Mayhem and The Invention of the Great Gatsby .
Its a storey of thunder and failure and it reverberates as we are grappling with our own thunder and failure, our own worries about the costs of our extravagances and our own social outages. The lives and lucks of Scott and Zelda peculiarly simulated their periods: in the 1920 s they were roaring for all they were merit, but with the disintegrate in 1929, everything fell apart.
It helps, extremely, that Zelda was so vibrant a chassis. It begins with her allure, alleges Churchwell. But also with the floors told in the 1920 s about the high jinks and enjoyable she and Scott seemed to have. People really liked her: she was surprising, smart, shrewd, amusing and adoration a good party. She likewise liked to be the centre of attention, and so had her detractors extremely. These happens combined to move her a legend.
Scott frequently returned to their relationship in his myth, most notably in his second tale, The Beautiful and Damned , which items the heady early days of their matrimony; and his melancholy fourth, Tender Is The Night , in which the gilded dream has faded into a more tawdry actuality. Zeldas only novel, Save Me The Waltz , presented such relationships from her side.
They were arguably Americas first fame pairing: a carefree golden couple who wrote their method into the spotlight, composing their own mythology of gin-soaked periods and fun-filled nighttimes, simply to linger too long once the light-footed had started to dim. Their recklessness represents the narration exciting and dramatic, supposes Churchwell. But they paid a the highest price.
After a few giddy years, all the youthful promise crumbled away, leaving Scott a perplexed and drunk jobbing hack in Hollywood and fetching Zelda to breakdown at the age of 30, a diagnosis of schizophrenia , now widely thought to be a bipolar illness, and their own lives in and out of sanatoriums.
Her story is both fascinating and terribles, enunciates Therese Anne Fowler, on whose novel Z the Amazon series is based. Here we have a woman whose endowments and power and ability should have obliged her a brilliant success, who was determined to be an accomplished master, scribe and ballet dancer in an epoch where married ladies were supposed to be wives and fathers, age. Her devotion to Scott was, in many ways, her undoing[ although] he was just as imprisoned as she was. Had they affection one another less, they might both have come to better ends.
The idea of Zelda as a brilliant woman trapped by her occasion has gained traction in recent years, with a number of tasks re-evaluating her through the prism of feminism although it is not always the easiest of fits. As early as 1974, the couples daughter Scottie repelled such allegations, writing that attempts to look her mom as a classic put-down bride, whose efforts to express her quality were thwarted by a often male chauvinist spouse were not accurate.
Writing in the New Yorker in 2013, Molly Fischer agreed , note: Saving Zelda Fitzgerald is no easy-going proposition …[ she] does not want to be anyones pet, and theres something flustering about the literary readiness to domesticate her, to change an infuriating maiden into an appealing heroine.
The brand-new films may well further Hollywoodise Zelda, sanding away her bumpy boundaries and reinventing her as a relatable heroine for our modern times. The molding of Lawrence so often described as Americas Sweetheart in the Howard biopic is no accident.
A report about the upcoming Johansson film in the Hollywood Reporter proposed it would draw on previously unreleased textile to indicate that her husband embezzled his wifes opinions as his own.
Mark Gill, president of Millennium Films, the product companionship behind The Beautiful and The Damned , agrees : She was massively ahead of her experience and she took a vanquish for it. He plagiarized her new ideas and applied them in his volumes. The marriage was a codependency from hell with a jazz-age soundtrack. The cinema has, nonetheless, secured the co-operation of the Fitzgerald estate.
Fowler agrees that there is a ripening partiality to apply our own concerns to Zelda. We do anoint her as a kind of proto-feminist protagonist, even though she didnt realise herself as a feminist and didnt amply succeed at anything, she alleges. But her original honour is based on conventional paternalistic the terms and conditions of what the status of women, mom and wife ought to be and do. Her desires and her insistence on prosecuting them were considered inappropriate and undesirable; after her psychotic flout she was literally told that this insistence had created her split mind and that the path to a dry lay in giving up all ambitions that didnt conform to the paternalistic ideal.
Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Lawrence and Christina Ricci are all set to play Zelda Fitzgerald in the forthcoming yields The Beautiful and the Damned, Zelda and Z: The Beginning of Everything. Composite: Getty Images
The backlash against this image is justifiable given that popular opinion of Zelda was initially driven by Ernest Hemingways notoriously corrosive descriptions in A Moveable Feast , wrote posthumously in 1964, in which he dismissed her as insane and accused Scotts flourishing dependence on boozing on his wife.
Our perception has very much changed, announces Churchwell. We have come to sympathise with her resentment, to recognise her offerings and to be more fair-minded about her selections. That responded, she carefuls against attempts to create a Team Scott/ Team Zelda partition, as is so often the event in far-famed literary partnerships. Its important to say that they always adored one another and wouldnt have appreciated beings taking line-ups Fitzgerald wrote a few years before he was dead that it was a moral obligation that their friends understood they were a couple, a component and would stand that way, even if her illness make they couldnt live together.
Churchwell is too scathing about attempts to suggest Zelda had a larger role in her husbands run than previously presumed. There are people who want to credit Zelda with Scotts work, which is just silly and doesnt do women any favors, she does. Its not a zero-sum recreation: we can recognise both of them for who they were.
Zelda had many endowments, but where writing was pertained she was probably too ill when she started to hone her endows, and while it is true that Scott didnt especially want her to write partly out of territoriality but partly because her doctors told him it was bad for her its also true-life that her work isnt in the same class as his. Her individual convicts are often lovely, and she can create a humor and has clever movements of phrase but her studies tend to be sketches rather than full stories. If they had shaped different choices, maybe she could have been an important scribe, but current realities is that she wasnt.
Perhaps, then, the real key to Zeldas resumed pull on our imagination lies not in her wield but in her modernity. I dont live their lives I want to affection firstly and live incidentally, she extol and it is that vitality and desire for all of lifes experiences, both good and bad, that unfolds down over the decades, permitting each generation to see something new.
Z: The Beginning of Everything will air on Amazon Prime early next year
I have rarely known a woman who expressed herself so delightfully and freshly: she had no ready-made phrases on the one side and no striving for impact on the other. Critic Edmund Wilson
I fell in love with her fortitude, her candour and her flame self-respect, and its these things I would believe in even if the whole world pandered in wild ideas that she wasnt all that she should be.
F Scott Fitzgerald
I did not have a single mood of inferiority, or shyness, or incredulity, and no moral principles.
All I want is to be very young ever and very irresponsible, and is of the view that my life is my own to live and be happy and expire in my own mode to satisfy myself.
Other folks ideas of us are dependent primarily on what theyve hoped for.
Read more: www.theguardian.com
The post Tragic, fascinating, bright- living for’ wild progeny’ Zelda Fitzgerald revisited appeared first on vitalmindandbody.com.
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