#this started so sweet with somebody putting me in their pocket-
l3viat8an · 20 days
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break up with your boyfriend
Yandere trans!fem cheerleader x fem reader
It was so shittily made but I need to pump out more fics or else my blog will die. Thank you all for 1k followers though! I'll rewrite this in the future maybe
Tw: mentions of blackmailing, nsfw, slight breeding kink, batshit crazy girlfriend,not proofread, another oc mentioned!?🌺
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💄Eva saccharine has been your girlfriend since she first started transitioning. You helped her style her hair, do her nails, pick her clothes, find good makeup, anything she needed to feel like the real her. So when freshman year rolled in, it came as no surprise to you she fit right in with the clique.
💐Ofcourse you had your fears she'd choose them over you but that wasn't the case, because she'd make you eat lunch with them and sit on her lap, not so subtly humping your ass while talking all about cheer practice
🛍️boys wanted to date her, girls wanted to be her. She just wanted you, to just be the two baddest bitches on the block. It didn't matter if you were just like her or the complete opposite, she gushed over you. Praising you for being her good girl, her sweet little princess, her obedient pocket pussy-
💄but at this current moment? She was busy bullying your insides, forcing her fat cock into your slippery hole as she held you steady by your waist. Biting and groaning everytime she'd feel you squeeze that certain spot on her dick
"fu-uuckkk.. baby cakes, 'yer squeezin' me so goood.. ah.. hah.. you wouldn't mind if I pumped a few babes into your tight cunny right? Wanna be my baby mama?"
💐that made you squeeze tighter, holding onto the bedsheets for dear life. She had you face down, ass up and damn near breaking your back with how hard she was going. Hearing the normally composed and playful eva turn into a drooling pussy-drunk mess had you feeling butterflies, just going plap play plap-
🛍️let's just say, by the end of it, you couldn't walk for days afterwards. But no amount of hickies and perfume would be able to scare away a rather persistent guy. He was on the football team, star quarterback, rich asshole. sam white. Eva hated his guts, he thinks he can just waltz in and steal her bitch? Not on her watch.
💄this little feud had been going on for a while, and more times than you could count you've been caught in the crossfire. Though it was kinda funny, seeing them screeching insults at eachother and bickering. Eva would sassily flick her blonde hair and grab you by the collar of your neck, Dragging you away while Sam hooted and hollered at your retreating form
💐you never questioned her morbid fascination with anything horror or paranormal related. She was just obsessed with regular girl things. wanting you to help her summon a demon once, but you aren't that stupid, making blood pacts with them could result in very unsavory ending's and you quite cherished your soul and body
🛍️Eva has more than one account on different social medias, pretending to be multiple different people and Stalking your posts. She'd slide into your dms and flirt, seeing if you'd really cheat on her. She's so happy when you instantly block the account, guess you'll survive not being sent to her basement for another week
💄she has the audacity to grab a frilly pink pen and make you wear clothes that purposely shows off what she wrote. In bright bold lettering, Eva's little cum dump ♡ . Maybe she'll let you bring a jacket, only if you beg her really hard with those big doe eyes she loves. She put a collar and leash on you too
💐don't try breaking up with her, she takes 'they go low, I go lower" to another level. Threatening to post pictures of you in rather compromising positions. When did she record all of this? Who knows. She won't refrain from spreading nasty rumors of you that just force you to come sobbing into her arms, if you try and get comfort from somebody else she won't hesitate to eliminate them. Don't you see? She's the final girl, and you're her love Interest
"I told you not to run pretty baby.. now look what you've done. I gotta fix your mess up~.."
moral of the story: be a loyal loving girlfriend and she'll spoil you rotten with her daddy's black card ♥️
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vivwritesfics · 2 months
Set The World On Fire
Chapter Ten
Lando Norris had been incredibly angry when they met. Incredibly angry, but sweet enough to help her. Turns out he just needed somebody to talk to, somebody to be there for him.
He was easy to fall for, and that put her in a world of danger
Warnings: smut! P in v! Oral, female receiving
Mafia AU
Series Masterlist
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Norris was dead.
It didn't come as a surprise to anybody. He had been sick for so long, most were surprised he hadn't died before this.
Lando knew what the next steps were. He had a member of his staff call the Sainz house, informing his sister of what had happened. He put things in place, had people do things for him, while he went to her apartment.
She opened the door the second he knocked. "Hey there," she said to him, wearing a smile as she let Lando into her apartment.
The smile he returned was incredibly weak. His hands were shoved into his pockets as he walked into her apartment and sat on her couch. "Do you want something to eat?" She offered.
Lando shook his head, reaching for her. She allowed herself to be pulled onto the sofa, pulled into his lap. Lando pressed his face to her shoulder and sucked in deep breaths. "Lan," she whispered as she ran her hands through his curls. "Are you okay?"
He didn't answer immediately, tightening his grip on her. He didn't cry; heads of families don't cry. But he sucked in deep breaths. "Sorry," he said against her shoulder. He didn't pull away, but she didn't want him to.
"What's going on?" She whispered, running her hands through his curls.
"My dad," he answered quickly.
In her mind she ran through everything that she knew about Lando's father, which wasn't a lot. She knew that he was sick. Suddenly she assumed the worst.
"He's dead."
It wasn't even what Lando was most upset about. But he couldn't tell her any of that, not yet. Norris. He was the new Norris. The new head of the family. If she wasn't already, he was about to put her in a world of danger.
"Shit, Lan," she whispered, pressing him closer. "I'm so sorry."
He shook his head. "I've already started making arrangements for the funeral," he said, gently pulling away. "My sister has been told and she should be flying home soon."
"Do you want me there?" She asked, dragging her nails up and down his arm.
Lando shook his head. He stared at her for a minute and kissed her.
For the few days leading up to the funeral, Lando stayed at hers. He stood out in the hallway while taking phone calls, but she thought nothing of it.
On the day of the funeral, Lando was reluctant to leave the bed. He laid awake, his arms around her as he kissed her shoulder. The way Lando crawled out of bed, it was gentle, careful not to wake her up. He got dressed quickly and kissed her forehead before leaving the bedroom.
Lando looked around the apartment as he tied his shoes. There was no guarantee when he'd next be able to see her, no telling when he'd be laying with her between her sheets.
No part of Lando wanted to leave the apartment. No part of him wanted to go back to his house. Because it wasn't home anymore, was it? She was home.
For three days Lando didn't see her. For three days he was at his house, sorting through paperwork. There wasn't much he had to do to take over from his father; Lando was pretty much the head of the family already.
His men addressing him as Norris took a lot of getting used to. More than once he found himself outside, talking to his mothers headstone, talking to his step-mothers headstone.
His mother didn't know about Y/N. He hadn't had a chance to tell her that he'd found somebody he loved. Somebody he didn't want to bring into the Norris family.
For two weeks, Lando couldn't see much of her. He kept in contact with her for those two weeks, texting her and calling her when he could.
It wasn't easy. There was nothing more he wanted than to be in her apartment.
The first time he told her he loved her was over the phone.
He hated it, hated he couldn't say it to her face before kissing her and laying her in her bed, kissing along her collarbones as he thrust into her. All he had was the image of her, laying before him with her legs spread.
But then, everything went wrong.
Lando had always thought his house was secure. It had to be. His father had heightened the security after his mother had died. It was a fortress, he thought.
So, why the fuck was he hearing gunshots.
The moment he heard the first gunshot, Lando was on the floor. He pulled out his own gun and crawled under the bed. More gunshots, slowly getting closer.
He needed to get out. He needed to get out now.
For a second, Lando shut his eyes. He breathed through his nose, thinking. He had to get out. How did he get out?
Lando crawled towards the window. Slowly he looked out into the garden. Nobody was out there. Not whoever was shouting, not even his own men were out in the garden. As quietly as he could, Lando pushed open his bedroom window and climbed out.
His gun was between his teeth as he climbed his way to the roof. His hands were clammy, his grip slipping as he climbed. Several times he almost slipped, but Lando kept going. He had to keep going, had to get out before somebody came in and shot him.
From the roof, he could see everything. He could see the van they arrived in, could see the driver tapping his gun against the steering wheel. Lando flattened himself against the chimney as he heard the last of the shots ring out.
There was a good ten minutes where he was sat up there, sweat dripping down his face. He was so incredibly still, barely breathing against the bricks of the chimney.
And suddenly, people dressed all in black were running out of his, jumping into the van and driving away. He didn't dare move, not until the van disappeared. Even then, he was still. He waited, made sure he truly was alone, before he climbed down.
As he climbed down from the roof, his gun slipped. He stilled, eyes shutting as he took a moment to gather himself. "Fuck," he couldn't help but hiss. But the gun didn't go off, and nobody came out to investigate the noise of it dropping to the floor. "Fuck."
He climbed all the way to the ground and immediately took off running. Lando didn't bother to go inside of his house, didn't bother to get any of his things, to check on his men, or to even get a car. No, he started running.
Running back to her.
Permanent taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @minseok-smaus @formulaal @darleneslane @hiireadstuff @urfavnoirette @goldenharrysworld @andydrysdalerogers @hrts4scarr @llando4norris @evlkking @lilymurphy03 @hollie911 @customsbyjcg-blog @honethatty12 @nikfigueiredo @not-nyasa
Series Taglist (CLOSED): @millinorrizz @cinnamongirlontv @sainzluvrr @aquangxl @drunkinthemiddleoftheday @queenofmanydreams @somepeoplemaybe @shobaes @thatsusbitch @ibanstro @barcelonaloverf1life @hotbuns13 @dinodumbass @bellezaycafe @maddie-naps @dontleaveitsmyfault3 @jule239 @noneofyourfbusinessworld @annispamz @thehufflepuffavenger1 @eviethetheatrefreak @lovejunz @nervous-bee @lifelessfan @phantomxoxo @ladymarvel27
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro observations #5
Moon signs edition!🍂
• Aries moons, are not even the type to hold grudges or be mad for that long. My bestie has this placement and—we rarely get mad at each other but when we used to she’d literally get so sarcastic (she’s a libra rising) after trying to call me out on my BS. But then would literally text me half an hour later and act like it never happened lol.
• Fire moons are the type to explode in the moment but put it behind them and just continue about like it never happened.
• Air moons are the types to ghost their friends lmao.
• Aquarius moons tend to avoid their partner if they start feeling suffocated in a relationship or if they start losing feelings they’ll just start detaching.
• Libra moons are so indecisive!! They’ll literally reason their pro and cons about something but never really make up their minds.
• Gemini moons give me more Gemini rising vibes than Gemini risings do! Lol 😭.
• Also what is it with some Gemini moons’ moms not giving them attention? To the point of not even checking on them to see how they’re doing or to ask how their mental health’s going…
• Sagittarius moons and never admitting they’re wrong>>>
• Fire moons have some of the biggest hearts!!
• Aquarius/Capricorn moons DO have feelings and they DO feel them. They’re just forced to internalize them most of the times in their home environment so that’s why they come across as “cold”.
• Moons at Capricorn degree (10/22) tend to have to raise themselves in a way.
• I love how bold and raw Aries moons are! Definitely ride or die type friends.
• Virgo moons tend to be heavily attached to their mothers even if their mothers aren’t the most emotional.
• Cancer moons are hella sweet and nurturing! My heart goes out to these people.<3
• Taurus moons cook so well?🤠
• Leo moons can have emotionally immature mothers or mothers that don’t know how to be moms. My heart goes out to these people too! I know that apart from that ego there’s a big genuine heart that’s tired of being hurt. 🤎
• Scorpio moons may be well reserved but once you get close with them they are the sweetest, most kindest people with big hearts. 💞
• Once a Sagittarius moon or Aries moon is vulnerable around you, that’s when you know you’ve won them over.
• Might I add with Sag moons it could be more spontaneous, like, you won’t see it coming.
• Pisces moons are literally the sweetest people ever! But the men—if underdeveloped can the most manipulative people ever.
• I see so many Cancer moons act like superficial Aries moons lol. Very fiesty too and funny May I add!
• Virgo moons could literally be having a mental breakdown but won’t tell you even if you ask them. You’ll probably notice it if they’re biting their nails.
• Earth moons are the type who will know important stuff and you won’t even know they know unless you ask them lol.
• Aquarius moons are the ones you go to for advice. ☝🏽
• Aries moons be having the craziest yet funnest ideas ever loll. “When we see that girl we’re gonna go up to her and confront her, oh and I’ll make sure to bring my baseball bat with the spikes.” Said by my Aries moon bestie💀
• Leo moons literally be holding back on their crazy ideas when they like someone! Even in a relationship. Unless you prove to them that you’re down with whatever then you’ll never really hear them suggest some out of pocket ideas.
• Remember that cousin/sibling with the crazy ideas? Yeah they were probably an Aquarius moon lmao.😂
• Gemini/Sag moon culture is giving somebody advice or encouraging them to take impulsive risks but then saying “That’s just what my opinion though/But that’s just me.” 🌚
• If Saturnian moons are venting then Capricorn moons would be the first to cry, hands down.
• I’ve noticed singers with really big status or influence tend to have mostly Water moons and musicians mostly Air moons. E.g. Michael Jackson & Prince were Pisces moons, Beyoncé is a Scorpio moon, Eddie Van Halen & Randy Rhodes were Aquarius moons, etc…
• Fire moons are also the type to start talking to you first after an argument. Sag moons will try to get close to you again by bringing a topic you both enjoy. Aries moons will bring something random up and continue like y’all didn’t just argue moments ago. Leo moons will tell you not to talk to them then they’ll start talking to you a minute later and if you bring it up they’ll get angry again lol. But they’re not the type to stay mad that long. <3
• Virgo moons will either stay mad at you then if you try to talk to them they’ll hit you with what they think you did/said wrong. Then after 5 minutes they’ll be alright again. Or they’re the type to try to offer you something after they’ve made you mad to smooth things out lol.
• Sag moons 🤝 being unapologetically unfiltered
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luvhughes43 · 6 months
I BEG! BEG FOR SOME hughes!sister x Nico Au
Where Jack find out about them by accident, and Jacks like “You’re my sister, and THIS is what you do to me?”
i’m so happy that u like the au!!🫶
Dawsons the one to break the news to Jack. they’re sitting on his coach, both scrolling on their phones and gossiping with each other.
“crazy how Blake and Nico are dating eh?” Dawson says, his newfie accent thick as he pauses on the newest photo on his instagram feed.
Jack chuckles, “man what are you talking about”. he tosses his phone beside him on the couch and leans back, not believing for a second that his twin would be dating his captain.
“Nico and Blake?” Dawson continues cluelessly. he scrolls through Blake's photos, stopping at a very obvious pic of her and Nico with his silhouette cropped out. Dawson tilts his phone towards Jack.
“you’re fucking lying,” Jack gasps, sitting up from his position and taking hold of Dawsons phone.
“you didn’t know..?” Dawson’s so confused… the relationship between their captain and the Hughes sister was very obvious to everyone near the couple.
Jack shoots up out of his seat and quickly pockets his phone as he rushes out his goodbyes to Dawson.
“you’re my sister and THIS is what you do to me?” Jack shouts, storming into Blake's quiet apartment. she looks up from her book to see a fuming Jack in her entrance way.
“what…. did i do?”
“my captain?? you’re screwing my captain!” he shouts again, tugging on his hair as he walks through her apartment.
when he starts pacing, Blake's anxiety grows.
“i didn’t… i’m not-“
“don’t lie to me,” Jack bites, whipping around to face a shell shocked Blake.
Blake stares at her twin, anxious tears threatening her eyesight as she rushes out an apology. “i’m so sorry Jack. I know it’s wrong but we’re adults and he’s so-“ she gasps, “he’s so sweet and-“ she gasps again, tears winning their battle and steaming down her face.
“don’t cry about it” Jack scuffs, and as much as he doesn’t want to admit it in this moment Blake being upset always made him upset. he walks over to his sister, sitting quietly on the floor in front of her spot on the couch. he stares straight ahead, stewing in his own upset while also letting Blake know that they’re going to work it out.
truly though, this was so damn annoying for Jack. out of everyone, her sister would choose his captain? he sighed.
“i’m sorry” Blake whispers again, nudging Jack's shoulder with her fist.
“it’s whatever” Jack sighs, all of his energy being drained from his earlier outburst.
the twins sit in silence for a while, before Jack starts up again.
“oh my god is that why you have his jersey sitting in your closet?” he gasps, turning to face his sister.
“how do you know about that!”
Jack blinks at her, “you force me to bring you sweaters when you’re cold, what are you talking about?”
“okay well-“
“oh my god!” he continues. “that’s why you were fuming that night of the wag party… you were jealous that he was talking to somebody else!”
“okay i’m happy that you kind of moved on from your anger but we really don’t have to go through all-“
“BROO!!! that’s why Nico was asking me about your favourite things??? he said he just wanted to know your coffee order to make you feel better but he liked you!” Jack gasps, shifting himself so that he was laying on the floor and staring up at the ceiling.
Blake blushes at Jacks retelling. “Nicos so sweet,”
“ugh,” Jack groans loudly and dramatically. he thrashes around on the ground, before settling and staring up at his sister. “don’t say any of that shit to me,”
“I thought you were cool with us now!” Blake protests.
“no,” Jack states. “after that comment i take it all back”
“that was innocent though?” Blake laughs at Jack's struggle. he looked like he was in pain.
before Jack has the chance to say anything, Blake’s phone rings and she happily answers. she puts it on speaker and Nicos voice blares through the phone loud and clear. “hey babe!”
“UGH,” Jack groans.
“Jack?” Nico is immediately panicking thinking that he’d just blown their cover.
“he knows,” Blake responds for Jack, who hides his face in his hands.
“this is disgusting” Jack mutters.
“you told him?” Nico asks, completely bypassing Jack's comment.
“no,” Blake responds before turning to Jack. “wait… how did you find out?”
“Dawson,” Jacks voice is muffled behind his hands.
“Dawson knows?” Nico questions in disbelief.
“I guess we’re not too discreet,” Blake chuckles, causing another loud groan to rip through Jack.
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mikobeautifulheart · 2 months
What would megumi do when he finds you crying over him❤
you know what? I think ily. And its unedited sorry!
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Crying over Megumi
TW: none.
"Has anyone seen y/n?" Megumi asked glancing up from his phone.
The sister school event ended and you were urgently called onto a mission.
You were supposed to be back from your mission 30 minutes ago.
"No...what's the time now, she can't be to far away." Nobora said swinging in her chair.
"She's late." He mumbled
"It happens" Yuji said sensing Megumis unease.
"Wait here for her, I'm going searching." Megumis said shoving his phone in his pocket and walking out the door before anyone responded.
Megumi started to worry, you weren't weak, sure you were sweet. And kind. And innocent. And perfect. And everything he was looking for... But if anything you were fully capable of taking care of yourself.
It's just before you left that day, you seemed off.
There was something about the missing smile on your face that put Megumi off.
"Y/n? Are you in there?" He knocks on every door for every room in the school but you weren't there.
Where could you be?
He thought back on the day, nothing weird. Except...
You were talking to the Kyoto Jujutsu students when he could see your eyes twitch. Really he brushed it off thinking it was nothing.
But you didn't go on your mission alone, they called in one of the female students from Kyoto to back you up. As you said your goodbyes he watched as your hands balled into fists and you left.
That was strange, it wasn't easy to make you mad, even Sukuna couldn't make you as angery as you were then.
He walked over to the dormitory and knocked on your door.
"Y/n, are you in there?"
He heard shuffles but no response.
"Y/n I know your in there."
"Go...away" you said.
"I'm coming in" he said pushing the door open.
He poked his head through first to see you sitting on the floor, holding a pillow to your face.
"I said leave me alone" you mumbled behind the pillow.
"No, you said go away." He said now standing in your dorm, shutting the door behind him.
You were a mess, in the nicest way possible.
You were clearly done for the day sitting on the floor with an over sized shirt on, ends of your hair still sightly dripping some water from your shower.
"...are you okay?" He asked standing frozen.
Megumi didn't plan for this, all he really thought was finding you and going to a nearby vending machine, you ramble on about your mission and he just admires your lips.
"y...yeah, I'm just tiered." You said still refusing to look at him.
His heart is thumping out of his chest right now. Usually this would be great but he could clearly tell that something was off.
"Move the pillow." he said
He reached forward and grabbed a side of the pillow pulling it out of your arms, leaving you defenceless.
"are you-crying?"
Your red cheeks were exposed and your moist eye lids were glimmering. Noticing that your sheild was missing, you pull your shirt over your head.
Megumi sifts down Infront of you now filled with concern. "What happened y/n? Did somebody hurt you? Tell me who and ill go set the record straight. What did they do?" The concern turned into anger, who upset such a perfect person? They were in for it now.
"Its okay Megumi, don't worry about it." You said
"I'm happy for you..."
"What? y/n I need to know what's going on, just tell me please, ill do whatever you want, if you want me to beat them I will, if you want me to leave them alone...ill try but I need to know what's going on."
Your head slowly comes out the top of your shirt again, now looking at him in the eyes.
"Megumi *sniff* do you have a girl friend?" You said. Your eyes were gilmering in hope and dispair. Megumi's on the other hand were...confused
"Huh?" He blinked
"So she was right! How could I have been so stupid!" You said hitting your head with your fist.
"wa-wai-wait what? No Y/n, I don't have a girlfriend." He sighed.
"REALLY! ?" You said in shock and excitement.
"I swear if Nobora told you i-"
"No, it was the girl from Kyoto" You sighed in relief.
"The girl from the Kyoto school? That was here today?"
"Yeah, she told me that I should stay to close to you because you already had a girlfriend. Like I get the message but she was being such a butch about it-"
"But you cried, why?"
You looked to your side as your face turned red. Little did you notice Megumi's ears were turning red to.
"Because I like you. But not as a friend? I like like you...alot." You said slowly turning to face him to see his reaction.
His face was turned to.
"but I totally get if you don't feel the same way, I just, I had to tell you." You said looking down wishing the ground would swallow you whole.
"No, I like you to. Probably more then I should but I do." Megumi said. As the atmosphere warmed up he couldn't help but let is eyes wander. That shirt was just hanging so loosely.
"really?" You said awkwardly, before you even looked up properly you felt him lean in and something take your breath away.
A confession and now straight into a kiss? God he was getting bold, Megumi thought.
You melted right into it to.
"If that doesn't answer the question, I have 10 other ways that can give you a pretty straight answer." He said pulling back sightly before capturing your lips again.
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AUTHORS NOTE: Teheheeh oh you anons, making me feel like I'm the singles person on the planet, you sillys.
ANYWAYS Guys I'm running low on requests. I've nearly finished all my drafts (which I'll publish this week). HELP ME PLEASE AUGH. Have a good whatever time and reblogs r OK.
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formulapierre · 10 months
The Loneliest | Charles Leclerc & Max Verstappen
Pairing: Ex!Charles Leclerc/ Max Verstappen x Reader
Prompt: Might have to make this a series...based off the song 'The Loneliest' by Maneskin. Where you are fed up in your current relationship and Charles has to watch as you find somebody else and see how much happier he makes you.
Warnings: None?
Word Count: 4.5k
Song: The Loneliest by Maneskin
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‘You'll be the saddest part of me A part of me that will never be mine It's obvious Tonight is gonna be the loneliest’
“Charles, I don’t know what to tell you. I can’t do this anymore,” I say, gesturing to us. “I can’t lie to you anymore and pretend everything's fine! This…it's just not working for me anymore. I can’t do it,” I admit
“Mon amour, don’t- what are you trying to say? That I’m not here enough for you? Believe me, I’m trying! I get the first flight home after every race, we live in Maranello so I can come home to you each night. What more could you possibly want from me?!” He asks, shocked at your words and surprised that you were even having this argument…He thought you two were solid?
“I feel stuck Charles! I don’t have any friends here and everywhere I turn I have to smile and play nice because I’m your girlfriend. Nobody knows me! Fuck, I don’t even know me anymore!” You reply, managing to work yourself up even more, you didn’t even know you felt like this…when you started, you just couldn’t stop.
“So what? So where do we go from here?” He asks, clearly done with arguing, you assumed that you would kiss and make up like you usually did.
“I’ve got a taxi coming in an hour to take me to the airport, I boxed up all of my stuff and put it in the spare room. There is a courier coming to pick it up on Tuesday…” You admit to him, His jaw drops slightly at how you had planned everything.
“So you’re just leaving?” He asks bluntly.
“Yes, I need space, I need time, I just-,” You start to say, relief finally hitting you that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. “I love you, Charles…but not enough to sacrifice myself,” You tell him honestly.
“This is it then? Two-and-a-half years, just gone like that?” He asks, clicking his fingers when he says ‘like that’. When He says that you can’t even look him in the eyes. “Ok…well I don’t want to be here to watch you leave…” He adds, picking his car keys up and shoving his phone and wallet into his pockets. “I love you, more than you could ever know,” He says before closing the door behind him.
‘You're still the oxygen I breathe I see your face when I close my eyes; It's torturous Tonight is gonna be the loneliest’
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Liked by YourBestFriend and 12,837 others
YourInstagram Home never felt so damn good
YourBestfriend Best surprise ever!!!
---- YourInstagram 🫶
YourMum Amazing pictures, good to finally see you at home x
---- FerrariFan1 Wish I was her!
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Charles only briefly looked at the photos, not bothering to like them and leave a sweet comment like he usually would but instead clicking on her profile and letting his thumb hover over the ‘Unfollow’ button. He decided against it, knowing the fans would go crazy if he did. He just switched his phone off and dropped it beside him.
‘There's a few lines that I have wrote In case of death, that's what I want, that's what I want’
We have been apart for nearly two months, that will be the longest we’ve ever been apart. Ironic that... seeing that is the reason you chose to end it. People are starting to ask questions about where you are, why we are seen together anymore and I don’t know what to tell them. You said you needed time and space? I've given you time and space, so where does that leave us?
Are you done? Because I know I’m not, I love you. And if there were any way to prove to you, my love, how much I love you then I would go to the ends of the earth to do so. Sometimes I just try to tell myself that you’re at home waiting for me, and when I get home it all comes crashing down again. I see that you are happy, your social media taunts me with what I don’t believe to be true. Nobody walks away from a two-and-a-half-year relationship as happy as you appear to be…'
Charles puts his pen down and folds up the letter, shoving it into his drawer, He thought writing it would be cathartic but instead all it's done is make him angry, and sad, and ultimately confused. The courier for your stuff came weeks ago and all he got was a quick ‘thanks’ in a text message as a response. He had tried reaching out, just to see where he stood but you didn’t reply; so He tried your best friend, she just told him ‘It’s best if you leave her alone, it's over Charles,’ So at that, he accepted it. When people asked, He said it wasn’t working for you both so you decided to stop seeing each other. Amicably. Of course.
‘So don't be sad when I'll be gone’
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Liked by WAGsF1  and 20,188 others
YourInstagram Amsterdam you have my 🧡
YourFriend I’m sorry but YourBestFriend Is going crazy that you went to Amsterdam without her 🤷‍♀️
----YourFriend See…Crazy
----YourInstagram It was a surprise…I didn’t even know I was going 😂
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To say that Charles was surprised…well that would be an understatement. He was completely shocked. He didn’t think you’d move on so quickly, ok fine, it had been four months but still. He wouldn’t have even thought about looking at another girl; everybody copes in their own way he supposes. He had to remind himself that he didn't see both sides to your relationship...He didn't see how much you were hurting, maybe that was why it was easier for you to move on?
‘There's just one thing I hope you know, I loved you so’
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'Cause I don't even care about the time I've got left here The only thing I know now is that I wanna spend it  with you, with you, nobody else here Tonight is gonna be the loneliest.’
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Liked by MaxVerstappen1  and 62,198 others
YourInstagram Summers in Monaco >>>
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Despite not having spoken for nearly eight months, you continued surprising Him. To be honest, Charles was more confused than anything else…all the reasons you gave for breaking up would be problems you would face with Max. The dedication to the sport, the time away from home…what did He have that Charles didn’t?
‘You'll be the saddest part of me A part of me that will never be mine; It's obvious Tonight is gonna be the loneliest.’
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Liked by YourInstagram and 23,918 others
WAGsF1 Guess who’s back!
YourInstagram was spotted in the Monaco paddock this weekend on the arm of two-time world champion Max Verstappen.
MV1Fan Definite upgrade!
FerrariFriends Anyone got eyes on Charles?
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“You don’t have to see him; you can just stay in the hospitality all day; I’ll come and get you to bring you to the garage ready for quali if you want,” Max assures you as you walk into the paddock together, it had been a while since you’d had paddock passes hanging around your neck. When you had been before, an assistant about ten paces ahead would usually scan you in. You didn’t mind; you felt less on show this way, even though the guy on your arm was a double-world champion.
A few people turned to look as you walked towards the Redbull hospitality, most of those being Ferrari employees that would instantly recognise you. Max was pulled aside by a group of fans wanting autographs and photos as you got closer, so you took his bag and phone, making it easier for him to interact with them as you stood off to the side.
It felt like an ambush; not even seconds after Max left your side, you felt a familiar presence behind you. “Charles, I know it's you,” You say, turning to look at him.
“H-how are you?” He asks, clearly unsure of what to say.
“I’m really good, never been better, to be honest,” You tell him, and he smiles.
“Good to hear…I didn’t know you and Max were friends,” He says; you could see it coming.
“We weren’t…we bumped into each other in London and got to talking before I knew it. He was taking me to Amsterdam,” You say with a laugh. 
“Schat? Oh, Hey Charles, how's it going?” Max asks, coming to stand back next to you, taking the bag slung over your shoulder and putting it onto his back.
“Not bad, just saying Hi,” He says as his P.R. agent comes rushing over.
“There you are! You were meant to be in filming ten minutes ago,” She tells him, and he rolls his eyes before plastering a fake smile across his face and following her back to the Ferrari hospitality. Charles always used to do that when you attended races; He would always seek you out if He wanted to get out of media duties.
“You ok, schat?” He asks as you watch Charles walk away.
“All good,” You said, looking over at him; he clearly didn’t believe you. “I promise,” You add, kissing his cheek.
‘You're still the oxygen I breathe I see your face when I close my eyes’ ‘It's torturous’
“-That sounds incredible; yes, I want the job!” I say excitedly as Max sits in front of me, on the edge of his seat, and I just nod to him. I quickly thank the interviewer again before ending the call. “I got the job!” I squeal as Max wraps his arms around me.
“You got the job!” He replies, equally as excited. “You know what this means?” He asks, and I grin. “Move in with me. You can travel with me, come to all the races. We could get our own place in Monaco; I know mine is a little small for two people,” He quickly says; you had spoken about all of this before, so He knew your answer.
“Yes, yes, yes!” You agree, and he swiftly lifts you off the floor, spinning you around. Your job had always been an issue; you felt chained to a desk, but now, you were a travel journalist. It was quite literally your job to travel, and with Max going to over 20 different countries in a year at least, it couldn't get any better. You had promised Max you would be in Spain, but it had all been uncertain after that.
When you arrived in Spain, it felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulder; you had no mountains of work to do when you got home; or a pissed-off boss because she couldn’t call your phone. All you had to do was enjoy yourself and cheer on your boyfriend. Then came Canada, and it was the same situation; you had quit your old job a few days prior and didn’t start the new one for a few months. Max had promised that He didn’t mind that you weren’t working at the moment, and as you had temporarily moved into his apartment, you had no significant bills to pay.
You slowly got to know people at Redbull, quickly becoming friends with Geri, Carola, and the rest of Max’s team. People at Ferrari still said Hi if you walked past them, but you were surprisingly able to stay out of their way, wanting to leave that in the past. The one person you probably wanted to avoid the most was the one you were struggling to. He seemed to be just around every corner or in your peripheral vision. Perhaps you were just seeing his face on every dark-haired guy with a Ferrari shirt, but with time, you learnt to spot the blue rather than the red.
‘Tonight is gonna be the loneliest I'm sorry but I gotta go’
“So I’m just about to start a new job; the other one wasn’t working for me. It means I’m working remotely so I can attend the races properly,” You tell them as you stand in the middle of the surprisingly quiet paddock.
“What’s the job?” Pierre asks.
“Travel journalism,” You say with a smile.
“That sounds perfect!” He replies.
“It really is, and now I’m not physically tied to London. I’m moving to Monaco,” You tell them, and you think you can see Charles having to replay what you said in his head.
“Getting your own place?” Pierre asks.
“No…I-um,” I start to say before I’m interrupted.
“I thought you’d gotten lost, Schat,” Max says, wrapping his arm around you.
“What? From the garage to the hospitality? I think I’m fine,” You joke as you kiss the side of his head.
“We were just talking about how you’re moving to Monaco,” Pierre said, trying to continue the conversation.
“We’re both really excited; we agreed Max’s place was a little small, so we are looking for a new apartment together,” You say, looking up at the broad smile across his face.
“We’ll catch up again, but I’ve got to go…sorry,” Charles says abruptly before leaving.
“He is happy for you both…He just doesn’t know how to be around you guys, especially after the way you left him,” Pierre says, trying to excuse Charles’ behaviour.
“Pierre? Seriously? We’ve been together for nearly six months, and besides, there are two people in a relationship…it’s not all my fault,” I say defensively, and Max runs his hand over my shoulder, attempting to calm me.
“I know, that came out wrong…” He answers
‘If you'll ever miss me give this song another go’
‘...and now you’re in the paddock all the time. It feels like you're haunting me. You are always there, at work, in my dreams; now you’ll be in Monaco. I can’t escape you; everywhere I turn, there you are or something that reminds me of you. Are you trying to punish me? Is that what this is? You have to show me what I lost. I am fully aware of what I lost! 
Every minute of every day, I am reminded of what I lost, who I lost. And I am so happy that you have found someone who can make you as happy as I thought I did. Was it ever me? Was I the issue? If you had your new job when you were mine, would we have argued about what we did? Would we have argued about the distance if you could be there? Would we have found some other reason to disagree?
It’s been nearly a year since you walked out, and I’m still no closer to closure. You were my everything; I was sure you were the one for me. I wanted to buy a house with you, one we could grow our family in; I wanted to make you Mrs Leclerc, and then I wanted to make you a Mother. I wonder if He knows how much you yearn for a family. I remember the lazy Sunday mornings we would spend together discussing the future and what that meant for us…’
‘And I just keep on thinking how you made me feel better And all the crazy little things that we did together, In the end, in the end, it doesn't matter If tonight is gonna be the loneliest’
One thing Charles didn’t anticipate missing was the little things. From the drives through Monaco, hand resting on your thigh as you spoke about your day to the way you sang your favourite songs as you cooked. These little things that now drove him crazy to think about, he took those for granted. Often finding them annoying, Charles might have had a stressful day at work, and all he wanted was a bit of peace, and you were talking his ear off.
What he would give to have you like that again.
He assumed Max was probably the same. Oh, how wrong he was. Max loved to listen to you talk, your voice soothing him after a bad day; your awful singing always managed to bring a smile to his face as he walked in the front door.
Charles was looking forward to the end of the season; Christmas was when all the drivers went home. Monaco was his again; he was the only one there. You and Max had quickly stopped before flying straight to the U.K. for the first few weeks off. Monaco was quiet at Christmas; there were very few tourists, meaning He could walk the streets interrupted. This is the Monaco from his childhood, the one He fell in love with.
Christmas without you was very different; there were no big surprises, drunken confessions of love, or hastily hung mistletoe. It was quiet; his family had come to terms with the fact you weren't around anymore.
Your Christmas was vastly different; waking up in your childhood bed next to Max was amazing; it all began to feel real and good. This is where you are supposed to be. Max slipped right into your family, and they took him in as their own. Something Max would later say how much he appreciated; coming from a semi-broken family, the love and kindness meant the world to him.
‘You'll be the saddest part of me A part of me that will never be mine; It's obvious Tonight is gonna be the loneliest’
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Liked by YourInstagram and 1,029,123 others
MaxVerstappen1 Schat, by the time you are reading this, I’m praying you will have said yes.
You are my everything; I cannot even begin to try to tell you how much you mean to me. I never believed the stories, my Mamma  would tell me about finding my one true love…well, mamma, I did it. I found her.
I found her in your favourite city, doing your favourite thing, and she is perfect.
We have only properly known each other just over a year, but it feels like an eternity and that’s how long I want to spend with her.
So Schat, if you didn’t say yes…well, then I’m sure I look like a right fool now but this is me, bearing my heart and soul to you.
The simplest words to describe it are ‘I love you' so?
Will you marry me?
YourInstagram …I said yes.
YourBestFriend Dibs on maid of honour
---- LandoNorris Only if I can be the flowergirl!
F1 Time for a F1 Royal wedding!
RedBullRacing Congrats future Mr & Mrs Verstappen
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‘You're still the oxygen I breathe I see your face when I close my eyes; It's torturous Tonight is gonna be the loneliest’
‘And now I have to watch as He proposes to you, eventually marries you. I should be him, that should be me. It should be me you are walking down the aisle towards.
There’s this beautiful church in Monaco that I always pictured us getting married it, it's the same one my maman and papa got married in when they were younger; I dream about it some nights…usually after seeing you in the paddock or seeing pictures of you on social media.
I dream about the long white wedding dress with the cathedral length veil, the bouquet of flowers pressed against your stomach as your papa walked you towards me, towards our future. Then we’d exchange our vows, our promises of eternity together, through sickness and health, till death do us part. That’s what we’d promise each other.
The reception afterwards would be the best night of our lives; Pierre would give a speech, no doubt telling the story of how we met and how He witnessed our love blossom into what it was. Now I don’t know whether you’ll ever read this, but I want you to know, you have to know that you were my future. I wanted everything with you…and I struggle to see how I wasn’t enough for you. He is me in different colours…
‘You'll be the saddest part of me A part of me that will never be mine It's obvious’
YourInstagram and MaxVerstappen1
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Liked by YourMum and 1,340,193 others
YourInstagram Always expect the unexpected
Baby Verstappen due in November
Mummy and Daddy would like it to be known that the wedding has been postponed until 2027 so that we can celebrate our love as a family.
Max & You x
DanielRicciardo Congrats guys, this baby won’t know what's hit them
----MaxVerstappen1 Please don’t hit our child…
-------DanielRicciardo I meant with love…
YourBestfriend I have a confession…
—-PierreGasly #BumpBuddies…
—-----YourInstagram Gasly…what did you do?
—---------YourBestfriend Me?
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Charles guessed he did know that about you...
‘Tonight is gonna be the loneliest’
‘...but that is it. Isn’t it? You’re having a baby. I’m not going to sit here and tell you how it should be me. You know that already. This is my sign to move on; you’re going to be starting a family with Max, raising some kids, the white picket fences…all that shit. I wanted that, and now…it disgusts me. How fake it all seems, don’t you see it? I am going to have to stand on the sideline and smile, I have to be happy for you, after all you do deserve happiness. I couldn’t bear to see you hounded in the media over our relationship…or lack thereof.
So I guess I’ll have to move on, you were one chapter of my life in which the book is being forced closed, you took the pen and drew lines through the last part before scribbling in the margins ‘THE END’
It’s crazy to think by the time your son or daughter is born you will have been with him nearly as long as you were with me, it feels so much longer than that. It feels like decades since I last woke up next to you…
‘You'll be the saddest part of me A part of me that will never be mine; It's obvious Tonight is gonna be the loneliest’
“Char?” She asked, trying to snap him out of his daydream. She had noticed him doing it a lot recently.
“Mhmm?” He hums, eyes fixing back onto her. Her slightly darker hair, longer as it fell way past her shoulders. Your’s sat perfectly on your shoulders, bouncing effortlessly as you moved.
“What have I got to do to keep your attention? I just had a whole conversation with myself,” She says to him. ‘Be her’ was what he wanted to say but He knew she would just up and leave. Just like you did. Like they all did.
“You have my attention Celine,” He says bluntly, both of them knowing he was lying.
“Ok, well as I was saying…” She started to say before Charles zoned out again, she decided to ignore it this time and just pretend he was listening, that's what she usually did. She was on a date with Charles Leclerc after all…this had to go well.
Charles couldn’t see her, all he saw was how she was not you. She didn’t smile the way you did, the way he loved, with dimples growing as your smile widened. She didn’t blush when He complimented her, like He was the first guy in the world to notice her beauty. 
She just wasn’t you.
‘You're still the oxygen I breathe I see your face when I close my eyes It's torturous’
YourInstagram and MaxVerstappen1
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Liked by Charles_Leclerc and 3,019,394 others
YourInstagram After three years and one beautiful baby girl later…I can finally call  myself ‘Mrs Verstappen’
Truly the happiest day of my life and so incredibly thankful that we were able to share it with our closest friends and family, the day would not  have been the same without you.
Fleur is very much looking forward to staying with her Grandma Sophie whilst Max and I enjoy some time to ourselves.
Mr and Mrs Verstappen x
DanielRicciardo best best man ever!!!!!!!!
—- LandoNorris Fleur took my spot as flower girl…groomsman was ok, I guess
—-----YourBestfriend And didn’t she look adorable?.
F1 Royal wedding? Check!
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Charles watched as his love slipped through his fingers. “Do you Max Emilian Verstappen take Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?” The officiant asked, and Charles silently begged him to say no, to say it was all a mistake.
“I do,”
Charles winced at those words.
“-and do you Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N take Max Emilian Verstappen to be your lawfully wedded husband?” She asked. Charles was holding his breath, time started to slow down…
“I do,”
A silent tear rolled down his face.
‘Tonight is gonna be the loneliest’
‘Its strange to think I’ve been writing this letter for three years, I reread the words and remember all the emotions attached to them, I can remember what triggered all those feelings, where in the world I was at that point. And now, I guess it will end. I had originally intended to give you this letter, as one last ‘I love you’ but I now know that isn’t fair. On you, on Max, or on Fleur.
So as I conclude my letter to nobody, I think about watching you drive away tonight. Fleur in your mothers arms as you set off for your honeymoon. Part of me wished I had brought a date, to distract me from you. But I’m glad I didn’t. I think this was the closure I needed, I needed to know you were his…and not mine anymore…not that I think you were ever mine to begin with. Tonight will be the loneliest, as I lay here thinking about you, and what it could have been.
P.s I will always love you.'
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archangeldyke-all · 12 days
Hiii i love ur writing, do u think u could do something for Sev with a reader w adhd ?? How shed keep you on task but not condescendingly and remind you to get up and eat, listen to you talk about fixations and stuff :) having a hard time with people calling me distracting and lazy atm and some cute fluff would be adorbs if u have any time !! :)
men and minors dni
sevika takes it upon herself to put reminders, alarms, and appointments in your phone for you. she knows that you fully intend to each time, but you just forget. she doesn't mind slipping your phone out of your pocket and setting a quick alarm titled 'facetime mom' at 8 pm after overhearing you making the plan over the phone earlier that day.
she thinks it's adorable when you get super intense and focused on a project. even if it's completely absurd. in fact, she realized she was in love with you one night when she stumbled home and found you in her kitchen, your phone playing a tutorial video, your laptop playing a movie, the radio playing music, surrounded by parts of her once-assembled microwave.
"babe?" she asked, blinking down at you.
you looked up at her and smiled. "hi love! your microwave was makin' a weird noise, but then when i started looking into it i realized it needed a deep clean. but then i got distracted taking it apart because i've always been curious as to how microwaves work-- like i get that it's radiation but how is it conducted? and where does it go? so i found a manual and got out the toolbox..."
you ramble on while sevika looks down at you fondly, a small smile on her lips as she realizes she's not even a little bit mad. in fact, she's happy that you've trashed her microwave, because you seem so interested and entertained. she's gone completely soft for you.
she'd also really appreciate the fact that you're always 'bugging' her. that's what you call it, worried that you distract her when you chat her ear off or track her down across the house to ask her what her favorite species of fish is, but she always assures you it's the exact oppisite.
sevika's mind doesn't work like yours. when she's in 'work' mode, it's all she's focused on. so when she's scrubbing the tiles of the kitchen, or filing your taxes, or tinkering on her arm, she's never expecting your funny questions or sweet anecdotes. you're always surprising her, making her bark a sweet laugh as she tries to think up a response to your ramblings. in short: you keep her entertained, you keep her day to day life lively.
and, if she ever overheard someone calling you annoying or distracting or lazy, she'd go to war for you babe. she knows how frustrating it is for you sometimes the way your mind works, but she also sees how unique and special it makes you, and she's never gonna let somebody else make you feel like shit for something she loves so much about you.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary @m0numents @macaroni676 @vixel352
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xonavia · 22 days
hi, i saw your post about Dan Heng with a Female! Idol! Reader and i really loved it! <3
if you could, can you do a second part to that Dan Heng post? he’s one of my favourite characters and it would make me really happy! only again, because i loved it!!!
what i would like to request is…
Dan Heng gets nagged by March 7th to get her one of these sweets in Penacony because they’re ‘limited’ so he goes for her, with the location of the place in his phone. he pays attention to his phone to not realize in time that somebody crashed into him, he looks to see his favourite idol and he gets flustered. not only expecting him to see her, but to gain slight physical touch out of her and he finds out she’s been chased by a bunch of fans. he acts unconsciously and takes her to a nearby alleyway, hiding her close to hide her with a bunch of fans running around, looking for her and once its clear. in exchange, she takes him around Penacony to the nicest places since she is a VIP basically everywhere due to her fame and Dan Heng may have accidentally forgotten to get March 7th her ‘limited’ sweets, in which she blows up his phone but he doesn’t bother to respond.
please and thank you! <3
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-> of course! The first part was so fun to write and I’m glad you enjoyed it so much!! I’d be happy to write Dan Heng as long as somebody requests it! This is the link to part one if anybody wants to read it! - Part 1!
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March 7th. The girl he was cursing now, but the one who he would soon learn was a blessing. She had a tendency to be scrolling on any sort of social media when they were just relaxing on the expressing but never did he think he would all of a sudden be pulled out of his research and be dragged out into Penacony trying to find some limited edition sweet that she "needed". It was even worse since they had no idea where they were going since she had only seen a promo online about it, but it didn't have an address or anything on the page. Luckily with the little knowledge they had, they soon had an idea where they were supposed to be going and thank god for Google maps (or any sort of name you wanna use lol). Too bad he was so busy looking down at the directions not only did he lose March who ran off somewhere, but he had bumped into somebody. Great, now he actually had to speak to somebody. Just as he looked up to apologize to the person, he stopped. There she was. That Idol he's been researching and almost fainted when he realized that Caelus had gotten tickets to her concert, The (Name). He's never apologized faster in his life, of course a blush growing on his face, I mean he just made physical contact with the girl of his dreams!! She seemed a little fractic, looking around as she told him all was fine and that she was in a rush, and that's when he noticed all the people who were also looking around frantically. That's when he put it together, they were looking for (Name). Ignoring the buzzing of his phone he quickly pocketed it and took her hand, trying to blush any harder, and pulled her into a small little alley. He tried to explain that, no, he wasn't trying to do anything bad but make sure those people didn't see her, with a quick laugh from her end she thanked him before waiting out a while, both ignoring the obnoxious buzzing from his pocket. It was about 15-20 minutes before Dan Heng poked his head out and looked around before he gave a thumbs up, and just as he was about to pull out his phone and text March and ask where she was you spoke up. "Hey.. um, so I wanted to thank you, and I know you haven't explored all of penacony with all the issues and stuff happening so how about I take you on a little tour? I can get you into all the VIP areas too!" You asked with a smile, which in response he also slightly smiled back before leaving his phone in his pocket and following behind you as you walk out of the alley and start pointing things out. It definitely didn't feel like only a couple hours before you two were done and just strolling around the city as the sunset was slowly turning into the dark blue of the night. Eventually the two of you made it back to the alley where you started and since it was already night you both decided that it would be a good idea to go your separate ways, and with a quick kiss to his cheek and another thank you, you hurried off back towards your house. He was lost in his train of thought for a couple seconds with a blush that made him look like a tomato before he was broken out of it with a loud voice calling his name. Right. March.
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cosmicanamnesis · 1 year
everybody loves a coffeeshop au
[part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9] [part 10] [part 11] [read on ao3]
October 10th
The first time the cute metalhead came into the Waystation, Steve was on bar and didn't catch his name. His order wasn't complicated, but it was long. Three medium black coffees, one small London fog, a large half sweet vanilla latte with soy milk, and a small hot chocolate. He'd paid in cash, leaving the change in the tip jar, and left in a hurry balancing the drink carriers on top of each other. If it hadn't been in the middle of a rush, Steve would've run around the counter and offered to hold the door for him.
Fortunately for Steve, he came in the next day, at the same time, with the same order, and Steve was on register this time.
"And can I get a name for the order?" Steve asked, punching the drinks into the computer.
"Eddie," the man said.
"Awesome. We'll have that all at the end for you," Steve said with a smile. Eddie dropped his change in the tip jar and wordlessly walked away. 
One of Steve's favorite parts of the job was getting to talk to beautiful people. Not everyone was, of course, but a few times a day a customer would come in with long curly hair or beautiful eyes or a charming smile and Steve would fall in love with them for thirty seconds and then usually never see them again and it was fine. It was fun. It was harmless.
Eddie had all those things, all the things Steve was a sucker for, but unlike all the others, Eddie kept coming back.
It took a month or so, but eventually everyone in the shop had either taken or made Eddie's order so many times that they all knew what it was and could start making it before he'd even reached the counter. Or rather, immediately abandon Steve and force him to make it.
It was fine with Steve, though. He didn't mind making long orders, and it gave him a chance to chat with Eddie, not that he ever did. If he were a little braver, maybe he would talk, maybe ask where Eddie works, maybe get the story on why he comes in alone every day to carry an entire office's worth of drinks out.
Maybe get his number.
But Steve wasn't braver, and instead of talking to him, he contented himself to just make the drinks and sneak glances whenever he could to admire the way Eddie's hair fell over his shoulders, the way his rings glinted and drew attention to his hands, the way he would sometimes stick his tongue out, just a little, if he was really absorbed in whatever he was doing.
Steve really wanted his number.
December 3rd
“Steve!” Robin yelled from the register. “Your boyfriend’s here!”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” Steve huffed, but came up front anyway as the bell on the door chimed. “Hey Eddie. Usual?”
“Yeah, thanks,” Eddie nodded, handing Steve a wad of ones and fives. He dropped the change in the tip jar, like every day, and went to the end of the counter to wait. Steve watched him as he made the order. He wasn’t doing anything, just looking at his phone, but the cold outside had flushed his cheeks bright red and Steve couldn’t help but stare.
“Is it snowing out there yet?” he asked, putting lids on the plain coffees and popping them into a carrier.
“Huh? Oh, no. Is it supposed to?” Eddie seemed surprised that someone was talking to him, but he looked up anyway, slipping his phone back in his pocket.
“That’s what I’ve heard,” Steve shrugged. “Pretty much every old lady in here this morning has complained about their arthritis and the weather, so I just assumed.”
“Oh, yeah?” Eddie laughed, leaning on the counter. Steve wanted to listen to him laugh all day.
“Yeah,” he smiled. “Perks of the job, y’know? Never have to check the weather, just wait until somebody with a bad knee comes in.”
“I always thought that was a myth.”
“I dunno, man,” Steve shrugged again, sliding the drink carriers onto the counter. Eddie was smiling at him, wild curls framing his face. “They only had to be right a couple times to make me a believer.”
“Well,” Eddie said, carefully stacking the drinks on top of each other. “If it starts snowing later, I might start believing it too.”
Steve could’ve sworn Eddie winked at him on his way out.
“Oh my god, that was pathetic,” Robin said, reemerging from the back. “If you’re gonna flirt with him, just flirt with him. Is it snowing yet? Fuck off.”
“Wait, did Steve finally talk to that guy?” Chrissy, their assistant manager, poked her head out of the kitchen.
“Yeah, sorta,” Robin chided. 
“I honestly don’t know what you see in him, Steve,” Chrissy said, bringing a tray of pastries up front to put in the case.
“What? What do you mean?” Steve crossed his arms.
“Nothing! Just… He’s kinda weird, isn’t he? Like, standoffish?” She looked to Robin, who nodded. “I mean, you do you, but…”
“Wait, is this why you guys always shove me up front when he’s here?”
The girls looked at each other and then at Steve.
“Yeah, pretty much,” Chrissy admitted.
“You’re the only one that doesn’t mind him, so… He’s your problem,” Robin agreed.
“Proud of you for actually working up the nerve to talk to him, though.”
“Yeah, even if it was just about the stupid weather.”
Sure enough, it started snowing within the hour.
December 30th, Afternoon
Robin had begged Steve to swap shifts with her so she could go on a date. Normally Steve was an opener. He liked it, because he was naturally an early riser and opening meant more time after work to get shit done. But she had begged, and she was his best friend, so even though taking her closing shift messed with his whole routine, he agreed to swap. Plus, it meant he would have all of New Year’s Eve off, and that was pretty cool too.
It also meant accidentally finding out where Eddie worked.
Steve lived close enough to the cafe to walk there, and the walk took him past places that were usually still closed when he came in in the mornings. Antique store, jeweler, boutique, boutique, hair salon, tattoo parlor…
Steve took a couple steps back and looked in the front window of the tattoo place. Eddie happened to look up from whatever he was doing at that exact moment and gave him a confused sort of look. Steve just smiled and gave Eddie a small wave before going back on his way.
Well, it could’ve been more awkward.
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ficclings · 6 months
Lost - Chapter Five
Previous Chapter
Taglist: if you would like to be tagged or I forgot to tag you, let me know! @laymegentlytorest@im-sinking-in-mud @hydroyaksha @hehe-24-hehe @neohyxn
Minho and Felix’s relationship was a quietly sweet one and it had very quickly become one of her favorite things to observe as they had decided it was a good idea to stay inside for a few days after just being reunited.
Though Minho would be quite stoic with her, put on a harsher front, with Felix, he seemed to hold that back a lot and often made sure to smile at the other man and choose lighter jokes rather than the dry humor he often used with her.
Felix liked physical contact and even though it was quite evident that Minho wasn’t the biggest fan of such a thing, he made sure to put an arm around Felix’s waist, hand on his shoulder or even play with his hair.
She wanted to coo at them but held that back very quickly once she locked eyes with Minho, who somehow sensed that she wanted to do such a thing.
When she was a small child, back with her adopted parents, she also had a friend who was very gentle with her; often being a tall wall of don’t you dare bully her.
She frowned to herself as she thought about him, lips slimming as she bit them.
She genuinely hoped that he was okay as they had been friends right up until the middle of high school; before he had to move schools due to his family moving away from the city.
He was also a hybrid and one of the few hybrids that she had ever come across, friendship-wise at least.
A ridiculously tall Bullmastiff hybrid that had already started to develop broad shoulders and a shy but confident demeanor which only made him more protective of her.
Grabbing a hold of her soft left ear, she began to stroke it sadly as she remembered how they used to hold hands and compare their tails whenever they were in a ‘random mood’; he often taught her about hybrid customs as she wasn’t familiar.
He came from a whole pack of hybrids, whereas she was brought up by humans; very kind humans.
She was often flustered that he seemed so excited about the fact she was a Dalmatian and had to hide her face in her hands whenever he fawned over her.
“Your spots are so pretty, you shouldn’t be ashamed of them,” he smiled brightly at her as he knelt before her, trying to get a look at her face which was all red and itchy from crying.
Children were cruel; especially to those who were different.
“But they cover my skin,” she whispered as she touched her face where a large black patch sat around her eye; she then waved her legs around, pulling the leg of her trousers up, “I look like I’ve been beaten,” she stuttered and quickly hid in her arms as she broke down in tears again.
The Mastiff paused as he eyes her leg, breath catching as he noticed that she had tried to use something to hide her spots, his ears and tail falling sadly.
“Please look at me,” he urged with a gentle nudge of her elbow, “Hey, c’mon I know you like looking at me,” he grinned as she laughed at his joke and soon her eyes met his once again.
“Your spots are a part of you and you, are great,” he buried his hand in his school blazer pocket to find his pack of tissues, handing one to her, “if they can’t accept that then that is their problem; you don’t need everybody to like you and I know it hurts when somebody doesn’t,” he offered another gentle smile, “but you can’t please everybody and your time is much better spent on those who you know like and love you,” he arched his eyebrow when his tail wagged ever so slightly, but ignored it.
“I guess,” she whispered with a sad smile, “I’m just fed up with being picked on,” she added as the Mastiff got to his feet, groaning at the strain on his legs from the awkward position he had been in.
“I’ll come with you if you’re ready to report them,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “Nobody should have to put up with that shit,” he smiled as she giggled again at his swearing, a habit that she had started to pick up on.
“I don’t want to get people in trouble,” she waved her hand a bit and jumped when he gently caught it and held her hand.
“They did something wrong; they shouldn’t get away with it,” he squeezed her hand watching her carefully as she fell into silent thoughts, “only when you’re ready,”
It didn’t take her long to nod at him; making their way to their homeroom.
“Thanks, Yunho,”
Felix stretched as he finished making some food for them (instant noodles with boiled bottled water), pausing as he noticed the Dalmatian hybrid deep in thought; a sad expression on her face.
Sharing a quick look with Minho, who was currently trying to improve the few weapons they had by gluing or taping cutlery to them, he gently put his hand on her shoulder; making her jump.
“You okay?” he tilted his head with a soft expression, and she felt her face heat up under his gaze.
“Yeah, just thinking about things,” she answered quietly, fingers picking at her tail now.
Loud scratching sounds and moaning echoed from above, clearly, Miss Lorn and her boyfriend had turned.
It was a shame, Miss Lorn had been routing for her and Felix to finally get together.
“I should make a trip back to the building soon,” Minho yawned before slurping up some noodles, making her cringe a bit, “the vending machines have so many things in them, and we have fruit vending machines too, so it isn’t all crap,” he waved his chopsticks around in the air as he spoke and the action made Felix grin.
“Hyung,” Felix started with a sigh, “if you are going back to that building, then we are all going back to that building,” he pointed out with a firm tone and then looked to the Hybrid, “No splitting up this time either, I can’t handle that again,” he admitted and flushed a deep red when his free hand was grabbed by her.
“I don’t think any of us can,” Minho explained, and the admission seemed to catch Felix by surprise as his eyes widened, teeth soon showing in an affection smile which only made Minho regret speaking as he suddenly became a bit shy under the gaze of his younger friend.
“Shut up,” he muttered making the other two laugh.
“Let’s save the trip for a few more days, we have enough food and enough bottled water to last until then,” she flinched at the spiciness of her noodles and immediately felt her nose start to run as she tried to calm her body down, “honestly, I think the only things we are low on are toilet paper and,” she cleared her throat feeling a bit awkward, “ladies things,” she sniffed loudly as she began to pant quietly at the spiciness still coursing through her mouth.
“Ladies things,” Minho nodded his head as if he was keeping that information, “right,” he added making Felix shake his head.
“Hyung, you don’t have sisters, do you even know what she means by that?” Felix asked with genuine curiosity before yelping when Minho flicked the side of his head.
“I have a mother and a brain,” Minho looked at her with a determined look on his face, “I’ll make sure to look in the women’s restroom, I know that they have those machines in there,” he noticed that she became more relaxed at the information despite currently looking incredibly uncomfortable with the noodles.
“Why do you have spicy noodles when you clearly can’t handle them?” he laughed when she let out a puppy whine in between her panting and she quickly rushed to the water bottles, downing half of it.
“She doesn’t like the fact that she can’t have spicy food; she knows that it’s tasty and that makes her eat it,” Felix explained with an eye roll.
“Shut up,” she pouted and nudged the back of his head with hers, “not my fault that you and Minho have iron tongues,” she grinned at the laughter that came from them, and she could almost mistake this for a normal day.
One without creatures from horror media running around the place with their flesh falling off.
“But seriously,” Minho started, and she immediately felt the light-hearted atmosphere die, “we need to go back to the building, get the supplies, women’s bathroom,” he pointed at her, “we also need to figure out how to find the others,” he looked to Felix who nodded with a melancholy expression.
“I am pretty sure that we can find Changbin and Hyunjin close by,” swirling his noodles in thought, Minho puffed out his cheeks in frustration as he tried to remember when he had last met up with them, “the only issue is getting to their part of town,”
“Why is that?” she asked taking her seat once more and braving the spice.
“Usually, we need to take a train to get to them,” Felix answered with a very worried tone, “the easiest way to get there would be to go through the train tunnel because it just leads right there without having to jump over fences and ducking and diving into hiding spots,” he added, taking a small sip of his water.
“It’s super dark in the tunnels though and the electricity isn’t exactly reliable at the moment,” Minho groaned slumping in his chair.
“We have the lights on our phones though?” Felix noted, “The internet is down but our phones can still function without the internet,” he explained but then paused as he checked his phone, just to see how little battery he had left.
“Do you guys have any flashlights?” Minho asked watching as the hybrid got to her feet and searched the cupboard under the kitchen sink.
“We do,” she answered with a slight cheer and tested the switch just to make sure, her face falling a bit as the light was quite dimmed due to the old batteries and she continued her search for the jar of charged batteries she and Felix had kept.
“Here,” she smiled as she showed them how bright it now was with new batteries before switching it off, “I can also help,” she pointed to her eyes, “My eyes are a lot more dog-like than human and they can see well in the dark; so any area that isn’t lit by a light, I can see for all of us,” she beamed at the smiles that were now looking at her.
“You hybrids are honestly, a gift,” Minho slurped up some victory noodles, eyeing Felix as his younger friends' gaze stayed on the hybrid girl.
“I wouldn’t say that,” she replied with a quiet voice, clearly quite flustered at the comment, “I’d just thank biology,”
“You’re amazing,” Felix insisted quickly and gently nudged her leg with his foot, “take the compliment,”
She simply nodded bashfully as they settled down to finally finish their food.
“Don’t,” she whispered as she noticed Minho’s hands coming close to opening the front door; her finger pressed to her lips and her ear firmed against the door as she listened for danger.
“I think somebody has broken out of their apartment,” she kept her voice low, “I can hear so many footsteps out in the corridor, but I can’t fully tell what floor the noise is on,” she chewed her bottom lip and Felix placed a comforting hand on her shoulder when she knelt back down to listen more.
“If you think it’s unsafe, we stay,” Felix reassured her and he looked to Minho who just nodded in agreement, clearly staying quiet to try and listen as well.
“Wait,” she waved her hand at them both to silence them.
Her eyes closed as she tried to focus on the small, whining noise from a few apartments down, the voice was very familiar to her and they were crying out for help.
“Somebody is asking for help,” she let out a response whine to let the other know they had been heard.
“I can’t hear anybody?” Minho frowned as he tried to arch his head in a different direction to try and hear better.
“Me either,” Felix agreed.
“No, no,” she shook her head, “it’s another dog,”
“Another hybrid lives on this floor?” Felix said with a surprised, wide-eyed expression.
“It’s Pepie,” she stated with another whine, “he’s on his own,” she looked to the two men currently staring down at her.
“Wait, Pepie as in Pepie the Yorkshire Terrier, Pepie?” Felix finally connected the dots and then smiled in disbelief, “you can communicate with full dogs?” he asked with a small laugh and she nodded.
“You never told me that!”
“It never came up!”
“Guys,” Minho hissed and pushed his hand down as a signal to keep their voices down, “are we saving this dog?” he asked with a look on his face that told everyone he had already decided that they were.
“I’m doing this by myself, they’re only a couple of doors down,” she stated and got to her feet, looking at Felix when he grabbed her wrist.
“Together or you stay here,” he stated firmly and although she wanted to argue, she knew there wasn’t much point; especially when she looked at Minho and found that he shared the same expression as Felix.
“Okay, but please,” she sighed, “let me go out first so I can try and pinpoint where these arseholes are,”
Slowly opening the front door, she peered her head out, baton now in her hand a squeaky toy for a distraction in the other.
Nothing moved in the corridor, but she knew that they could easily hide in the shadows.
The lights had been flickering on and off for several days now and the sound had been getting on her nerves but during the small window when the lights were on, she could see silhouettes wandering around outside the double doors that led to their corridor.
“Right side, clear,” she whispered and noted the hums that answered her back.
Looking to the left had never been so anxiety inducing as she could already smell a significant amount of blood and something coming from that direction.
She could see a few small piles of remains littering the corridor, chunks of grey-ish flesh drying out as they had been left by the zombies, clearly even zombies had a desired taste.
“Left isn’t” she noted upon finally being able to see two zombies staring at the wall together, heads snapping backward and forwards as if they were glitching, the clunk of their teeth making her shrink into herself.
“How many?” came Minho’s voice.
“Two,” she replied, “if we sneak, we could take them down quietly,” she suggested and all three of them came out of the apartment crouching; Felix made sure to close the front door but left it unlocked so they could hurry back if anything went wrong.
“Out of the way,” Minho pushed them behind him protectively as he practically crawled towards the two zombies, barbed wire bat twirling in his strong hands.
Both Felix and her held their breath as they watched Minho bravely trudge forward, a mess of blood smearing against his shoes and up his trousers.
The smell of the gunk he was sneaking through made him stop; having to swallow down his vomit as he pushed himself forward and as soon as he got to the zombies, he lunged at them.
The bat made a satisfying clunk as they smashed into the heads of the creatures, black blood and melted skin sticking to the walls as their bodies fell.
“Go, go,” Felix patted her back before hurrying forward to where Minho was staring at the bodies, “you good?” he touched Minho’s arm and the other man looked to him with a tired smile.
Peering behind them, they noticed that she had been pressing her ear to each door she went passed, clearly not sure where Pepie lived, exactly.
“Pep?” she whispered and let out the quietest whine she could muster, hoping she wouldn’t draw the attention of the zombies on the other side.
“Hybrid Lady?”
She gasped as she heard the whimpering coming from apartment 8J and placed her hand on the handle, testing it to see if it was unlocked, and to her disbelief, it was.
“Pepie, it’s Hybrid Lady and two friends,” she made sure to make that known as she knew he’d most likely panic and start barking and that was the last thing that they needed right now.
When she got the door open, she nearly let out a shriek when a small brown and grey bundle charged at her and landed in her arms, shaking and licking her face in gratitude.
“You came to get me, thank you!” he whimpered, and she shared a sad but comforting whine with him, “my mum and dad didn’t come home, I’ve been stuck in there with my brother, Harvey,”
This piqued her interest, and she tilted her head to the side.
“Harvey?” she looked to Felix and Minho who were watching the two of them with utter confusion on their faces.
“He’s a bunny,” Pepie let out a mumph as he spoke, “in a cage,”
“There’s a rabbit in there,” she informed them, and Felix immediately went in with Minho quickly following.
“Do you guys have food in there?” she asked and this time, Pepie was the one to til his head to the side.
“In the cupboard above the toaster,” he informed her, and she slowly made her way in, struggling a bit with the weight of the dog.
Pepie was a bigger Yorkshire Terrier, being just slightly smaller than a fully grown Cocker Spaniel.
“Guys, they have food in that cupboard!” she pointed to the one Pepie had told her about and Minho ordered Felix to go, clearly quite enamored with the bunny in the cage that he was holding.
It didn’t take that long to finally, get back inside their apartment and they piled their usual barricade up against the front door.
Pepie was currently nosing at the cage, making sure his brother was okay and his soft chuffs made her look over with a warm feeling in her heart at the sight.
There was still much more life out there, that wasn’t just humans and hybrids, but that were just as important.
“So,” Felix grunted as he offloaded the dog and rabbit food onto the kitchen counter, his hands on his hips, “you can talk to dogs?” he chuckled feeling quite exhausted.
“Well...those who speak the language!” she pointed out with a slight annoyance in her tone as she remembered the time she had gone to France and couldn’t understand a very lost Poodle, who was asking for help.
“Is it all animals?” Minho asked as he knelt by the rabbit cage and wiggled his finger at the lionhead, who hopped over, and both nibbled and licked at him.
“Just dogs,” she replied with melancholy as she also looked at the rabbit, wondering what he was saying.
“Hyung is in love,” Felix whispered with a giggle, and she shared that thought, also giggling, catching Minho’s murderous gaze.
“I’ll lock you two outside, I swear,”
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virgo-dream · 1 year
Let me try and think of something I've not seen before but 100% fervently believe to be true!!! ok ok---
Dream is def. a clotheshorse. Look at that battle skirt, god. Hob is not, 'least not in modern days. Headcanon: after they get together Dream is absolutely a sniffy little cunt about Hob's clothes. They're so banal. We've had Dream being cozy and fuckable in Hob's stolen sweaters and footie shirts. Let's have Hob being taken to a bespoke tailor's shop that may or may not exist in the Waking world and/or the mortal plane, strictly speaking. Dream is the owner and operator, and Hob the only customer. Hob doesn't just put up with it in some sweet, Hobbishly indulging way - he fucking loves it. He's a hedonist. Loves the feeling of expensive fabrics against his skin, the line of tailored clothes transforming his unchanging body, loves Dream's proprietary little smirk at dressing Hob. Loves the way Dream looks at him all the time now, knowing and pleased and heated. He's always loved good clothes. But these are great clothes. It gets so out of control that Hob has to tell his colleagues Dream is a tailor, because there's no way he'd be able to afford this otherwise. If he didn't have, you know. Boyfriend privileges. "You are a tailor though, sort of," says Hob, a bit soused after a faculty party, dressed like liquid sex in a gunmetal grey suit, "S'just, the fabric of the collective unconsciousness and all the words we've ever written." Dream is starting to smile when Hob adds, "Also, you brought this upon yourself." 'This' being Dream, reluctantly agreeing to produce a bespoke prom dress for department chair's daughter. Headcanon: due to his own hubris Dream accidentally spends the rest of that decade of Hob's 'life' moonlighting (daylighting?) as a reclusive fashion designer with a reputation for utter brilliance and eccentricity, who takes all his commissions exclusively by referral and vets clients, bizarrely, through his (now tenured, imagine that) history professor husband.
Dream enjoys it rather more than he expected. It's a little like designing dreams - or, in a few memorable cases, nightmares - for humans to wear. He understands the stories and power of clothing. He is soothed to be asked, over and over, for such a trivial boon: something to wear that they've been dreaming of. He enjoys having work in the Waking.
Mostly, though, he likes to look at Hob Gadling, marvel and living story, wearing his clothing. Wearing him. Moving through the world in sleeve and collar of his making, and saying, to all who look and all who ask: I am his.
Well, I knew I could count on you for some quality fashion headcanons Gloam!!! Border Country sends its regards I guess!!!!
But honestly, wouldn't he though? Because if you think about it, every piece of clothing ever designed had to be visualised or daydreamed in some way by the mind of a designer, and if it goes through the Dreaming, it is Dream's by proxy. So yeah, every couture design, every Gucci runway, every weird ass Balenciaga ready to wear monstrocity and every Schiaparelli gown has Dream's designing hands involved somehow.
And I can also imagine Dream making all of Hob's clothes, including the softest t-shirts and sweatpants, the silkiest pyjamas, the most comfortable jeans that are never too tight and never too loose either. And when he can't be around, Dream makes sure the clothes hug Hob in just the right way, to remind Hob that he's there, in spirit, as humans like to say, and that he'll try to be around as soon as possible.
Can you imagine Hob having a bad day and Dream just......... manifesting the softest most gentle clothes around him to hold him in bed as he would until he can be there himself? Or whenever Hob finds a student crying, there's always a handkerchief in his pocket, and somehow whenever any of his students wipe their tears with them they just have the most restorative night of sleep ever?
Dream making a suit for Hob to defend yet another thesis, and the suit being so comfortable and making Hob feel so so so confident it's insane.
Aaaaah the many many love languages of Dream of The Endless and his husband Hob Gadling whose love language is just Dream
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vivwritesfics · 3 months
Set The World On Fire
Chapter Five
Lando Norris had been incredibly angry when they met. Incredibly angry, but sweet enough to help her. Turns out he just needed somebody to talk to, somebody to be there for him.
He was easy to fall for, and that put her in a world of danger
Mafia AU
Series Masterlist
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"I still can't believe he's actually taking me on a date," she said as she searched through her wardrobe for something to wear, her phone pressed to her ear.
Although she couldn't see it, her friend rolled her eyes. "Are you sure he's not gonna murder you and ditch your body in a... ditch?" She asked.
Y/N laughed. "I do know the guy. But, if my body is found in a ditch somewhere, you get all of my stuff," she said and pulled a nice top out of the wardrobe. Paired with some nice jeans, she could look pretty good, she thought as she looked in the mirror, holding the top against her body.
"I've got to go," her friend said. "Keep me updated through the date, okay? If he is a murderer, let me know."
They said their goodbyes and Y/N threw her phone onto her bed. She looked at herself in the mirror again, looked at how the top looked against her. Pretty good, she thought. She made light work of getting changed and started on hair and makeup.
At seven o'clock, Lando arrived at her house. His car was incredibly fancy, maybe to the point of overkill. He pulled the classic Porsche up outside of her apartment and climbed out.
Immediately he regretted it. Her neighbourhood wasn't exactly the nicest, he was so sure that somebody would steal it if they came across it.
Pulling his business card from his pocket, he left it on the dash for everybody to see. Just his name alone would scare anybody out of trying to steal it. He straightened his jacket and started up to her apartment.
Lando had the address memorised. He'd been there more than he liked to admit, watching over her apartment. Surely, if she'd lived somewhere a little nicer, he wouldn't be by her apartment every night, watching over her.
Who was he kidding? Lando was enamoured with her. Plus, him watching over her kept his mind off of his sister and it kept him away the club, where he was drinking far too much and doing whatever was dusted over the table.
He sucked in a breath and knocked on her door.
"Coming!" She shouted. She ran through her apartment as she attempted to put her earrings in. With the back of the earring between her lips, she pulled open the door. "Hey," she grinned, placing the back of the earring where it was supposed to be.
"You ready to go?" Asked Lando as he offered her his arm. She grinned and took his arm. Pulling her apartment door shut, she locked it and followed Lando down to his car.
His incredibly expensive classic Porsche.
She let out a low whistle as she stepped out of the apartment building. "Is that yours?" She asked. She knew Lando had serious money. Like, he owned his own strip club! What kind of guy owned his own strip club? Of course he'd have some crazy car.
Lando just offered her a smile as he pulled the door open for her. The car smelt incredible. It was hard to describe, but there was nothing that could beat the smell of a classic car. That mixed with Lando was amazing.
The engine rumbled to life. It sounded like a dream. She let out a low whistle as Lando pulled away from her apartment building, heading further into the city. "Is she yours?" She asked, patting the dashboard.
"My dad's," Lando answered. "But she'll be mine soon, I guess," he muttered under his breath.
"Are you sure you wanna park her in the city?" Asked Y/N, raising her eyebrows at him. "Something might... happen to her."
Lando shook his head. He pulled into a car park and, once again, left his business card on the dashboard before climbing out. "I'm not worried about that," he said and pushed the door shut.
Walking around to the other side, he opened the door for Y/N, took her hand and helped out of the car. "You're a weird guy," she muttered, but she was still wearing a smile.
"Thanks." He linked his hand with hers and led her away from the car park, towards the restaurant. Lando could have booked it out. He had that level of power around here. But he didn't want to scare her off, especially not before she joined him in Spain.
The dinner was rather uneventful. They talked and laughed like this wasn't a date, like they were just in the back room of his club. Lando ordered for the both of them, which she thought was a little strange, but she didn't mind. He had good taste.
(Actually, no. Lando rarely had good taste. His pallet was that of a child. He was putting on a brave face for this date).
"How about we get out of here?" He asked after they had finished the main course. The dessert was incredibly fancy and Lando wanted something less.
She grabbed her bag and reached for her purse. Lando held up his hand, halting her. "It's already been taken care of," He said with a grin.
The look she gave him with sceptical. "You're not like... a mob boss or something, are you?" She asked quickly.
The way Lando's heart was beating, shit he thought he was going to die. But then she laughed and he visibly relaxed. "I paid on the way in," he confessed (it didn't matter that it wasn't true).
They strode out of the cafe, arm in arm. Lando led the way out of the restaurant, towards a dessert shop. It was just around the corner, one that Lando's family owned the building to. He got them two thick milkshakes, incredibly unhealthy and topped with cream.
They sat in the park, drinking their milkshakes. The stars appeared above them and the air turned cold. "Here," Lando said as he took off his jacket and handed it to her. She took it gratefully and pulled it onto her body.
With the sleeves pulled over her hand, she held her milkshake and leaned against Lando. "You paid for everything tonight and I feel shitty," she mumbled against him.
Lando laughed. "Trust me, it's fine," he said, wrapping his arms around her. "Just... thank you for agreeing to come to Spain with me next week."
Suddenly she pulled away from him, just enough that she could look at him. "Is this a thank you date, because I agreed to join you in Spain? Or is this a real date because you actually like me?" As nice of a gesture as it was, she didn't do thank you dates. Not when she had already caught feelings.
Lando shook his head. "It's not a thank you date, I swear," he said quickly. "I invited you to Spain because I actually like you. This date sounded like a good way to... start things off," he said.
She couldn't hide her grin. Leaning against him once again, she closed her eyes and let out a content sigh. "So, you could say that Spain will be our second date," she mumbled.
Lando kissed the top of her head.
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ithaquasbbg · 11 months
Can I request an Ithaqua x Reader (Platonic)
Where Reader is like... 15-16 and looks up to him a lot, eventually accidentally calling him dad?
This took a while to reply to, sorry 🥹. Itha in general gives really good dad vibes to me!
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Father’s Day - [platonic] Ithaqua & Reader
Pairing: Platonic Ithaqua and minor reader
Ithaqua looks down to see a familiar young face following him during one of his matches. “(Name), you know I cannot go friendly every time” he scolds gently, though doesn’t make an effort to hit them. He could never imagine harming any of the young residents, they reminded Ithaqua so much of himself years prior, before his life had been flipped upside down.
“You’re the one who isn’t hitting me” (Name) smiles up at the Hunter, seemingly happy to have a familiar face with them. They’re young, about fifteen, having only recently come to the manor. Ithaqua remembers the first few days (Name) was at the manor, and still feels pity for the child.
Being in an unfamiliar place is a hard feat, Ithaqua knows this. But he knows even better that being in an unfamiliar place, without your guardian is even harder, especially at that age. As such, he had taken the teenager under his wing, helping them during matches to learn basic skills like decoding and kiting. Then, outside of matches, they’d always come to him just to be around.
It was sweet, being able to comfort somebody whom Ithaqua related so much to, to be the person he wish he had for himself. Ithaqua is snapped out of his thoughts when (Name) grabs his hand, sitting down in a patch of grass and taking something out of their pockets. “I have something to show you! Sit!” They exclaim, a bright smile on their face.
He’d be a monster to say no, especially to somebody as close to him as (Name) is. So Ithaqua finds himself deciding to throw the match and sitting in front of the teenager. “I wanted to say thank you for being so kind to me” they start, handing a small box to Ithaqua. “It’s nothing much, but I hope you appreciate it.”
Ithaqua opens the box and is surprised to see a few small sculpted animals and birds, cute little things to decorate his mostly bland room. “I made Galatea teach me how to make them!” (Name) seems proud of this feat, trying to see Ithaqua’s reaction, even from under the mask.
“Thank you, (Name), these are very cute little sculptures” Ithaqua ruffles the teenagers hair, gently putting the lid back on the box. Within the next few seconds, the sound of the final cipher being popped sounds through the map, and (Name) gets up to leave. “I need to go now, here’s one more thing!” Ithaqua is handed a small card as the teenager runs towards the exit gate, waving bye to Ithaqua.
Inside the letter, there’s a photo of Ithaqua and (Name) together. Along with a note written by the teen themselves.
“Thank you for being like my dad in the manor, without you I would not have anyone to turn to. You’ve made it so much easier to adjust to being without my real dad, and you’re almost like my second dad. If that’s okay with you! What I mean to say, is that I love you like family, and I’m happy to have you!”
“They called me dad..?” Ithaqua finds himself thinking, reading through the letter again as he smiles under his mask, getting up and heading back to the manor.
When he runs into the teen next, it’s well after the time they’re supposed to be asleep, and still awake in bed, sketching a picture of them and Ithaqua together, smiling. “(Name), you’re supposed to be sleeping.” Ithaqua whispers, sitting down on the bed next to them. There’s a moment of silence between the two before the young teen hugs him.
“You’re not upset I called you dad, right?” They ask, clearly worried they may have overstepped the hunters boundaries. Ithaqua’s eyes widen as he pats (Name) on the back. “No, no, (Name), I couldn’t ever be mad at you. I’m glad that you can find comfort in having me around” Ithaqua’s words seem comforting to the teen, who puts away the sketchbook and goes back to hugging Ithaqua, eventually falling asleep.
Ithaqua doesn’t realize he’d fallen asleep as well until he feels himself being shaken awake the next morning, (Name) holding a plate of fruits for Ithaqua. “I got you breakfast.. happy Father’s Day” Ithaqua smiles as he stands up, taking off his mask and embracing (Name tightly). “You didn’t have to, you know” he ruffles their hair, smiling at the complaints from the younger person.
“I know, but I love you.. dad” they look up at Ithaqua with a big smile, a look of adoration in their eyes. Ithaqua feels his heart warm as he kisses the teen on the forehead, much like a proud father would to his child. “I love you too, (Name)”
Pls.. don’t take the ily in a creepy way.. it’s normal where I’m from and I don’t know if somebody else would have a different idea 🥲 I’m not creepy promise
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fandomsnstuff · 7 months
Design - verb - do or plan something with a specific purpose or intention in mind
Just keep that in mind for the big 2-0 k thanks
Day 20: design
If Taako sentenced himself to going to Lup's hockey games, the least he could do for himself is talk to the hot guy that's there.
Read it on AO3
The unfortunate thing about being the world's best brother, is that whenever his sister pulls out the elongated “pleaaaaaaaaase?” Taako just can't say no. Which is how he found himself sentenced to spending at least an hour every Sunday in a room full of ice for the foreseeable future. Why Lup had to get into hockey of all things, he'll never understand. But she asked him to come, because she wants somebody in the stands, and Barry's schedule changed recently, so now, a month into the season, Taako's gotta do it. At least he's allowed to leave immediately after the game.
He walks into the arena and inhales sharply. “Jesus fucking christ.” He shoves his hands into his pockets. It's illegally cold in here. He knew Lup was full of shit when she said ice rinks “aren't that bad.”
He scans the pathetically sparse stands. Not a ton of people willing to come out to low-tier women's hockey at noon on a Sunday. There is, however, someone who catches his eye.
Sitting in the back row is tall, dark, and handsome personified. He's wearing a black wool trench coat and leather gloves, one of which he's pulled off as he scrolls on his phone. Taako casually beelines for him.
“This seat taken?”
The man of Taako's dreams looks up, surprise on his handsome face. “No!” He says a little too quickly and a little too loudly. He clears his throat. “No, please, it's all yours.”
“Sweet.” He plops down the dumb little cushion Barry gave him and sits. “So,” he crosses his legs and props his head up on his hand, “come here often?”
He puts his phone away and pulls his glove back on. “Every week. I come to watch my mother play.”
Taako quirks an eyebrow. “No offence, but. Why? You're a grown ass man. Don't you have literally anything else you could be doing?”
He laughs awkwardly. “Honestly? No. I pretty much just eat, sleep, and work. This gets me out of the house.” He seems to suddenly remember he's also talking to someone who's voluntarily come here to watch the exact same game. “Why are you here, If you have something better to do?”
He shrugs. “My sister asked me, and I'd be hard pressed to say no.” He straightens up and holds out his hand, “Taako.”
He takes it, “Kravitz.”
“Charmed.” The gloves feel like expensive leather. “So, Kravitz, explain something to me.”
“What's up with the box on wheels?” He gestures to the ice, where said box on wheels is just driving off the ice.
Kravitz laughs, “the zamboni? It floods the ice, so it's smooth for whoever's coming on next.”
“That thing can fully reset the surface in, what, five minutes?”
“Pretty much, unless there's a pretty nasty gouge in it.”
“Wild.” The teams come out on the ice and start skating in circles around each half, split up by a foot-wide red line down the center. Taako leans over, “which one is yours?”
Kravitz laughs again. “My mom's lucky number 13 on the black team. You?”
“Well hey, Lup's 18 on that team.”
Realisation dawns on his face. “Oh, you're Lup's brother?”
Taako looks at him quizzically. “Took you that long? We have the same face.”
He gets sheepish, “I've maybe only actually seen her a few times, but I usually sit with Barry, so…”
“Well Barold's tied up on Sundays in academic hell for the next little while, so you're stuck with me.”
Kravitz's brow furrows, “I don't remember him saying anything about that?”
“Don't feel bad, I hardly remember a thing he says too.”
“No, it's just– he didn't say why he wasn't coming this week, but he loves talking about his research, so I would assume if it was because of that, he'd say something? He just told me he wasn't coming, and you were, and that–” he cuts himself off and clears his throat. “Yeah, weird, I dunno.”
“No, no. Finish that sentence. What did my dear brother in law say about me?”
“He just said that… he thought we would get along? And I'm self aware enough to know I'm not super socially adept, but he had a tone that I think he was insinuating… something?”
Taako hums, and looks Kravitz up and down. He looks out to the ice and sees number 18 standing with number 13. Lup holds out a gloved hand and does a “thumbs up? Thumbs down?” gesture. Taako ignores her and presses closer to Kravitz. For warmth. “I don't know much about hockey, so you'll have to teach me.”
Kravitz is silent for a moment, processing the sudden change of subject. “I'm sure I can handle that.”
The game starts shortly, and Taako gets far more into it than he expected.
“What the hell was that whistle for?!”
“They were offside,” Kravitz points to the ice, “the puck has to cross the blue line into the other team's end before any of our players can, and vice versa. Then if the puck leaves their end and comes back in, we have to get out past the blue line as fast as possible.”
Taako crosses his arms and slumps back. “That's bullshit.”
“You didn't seem to mind when it helped us out five minutes ago.”
He glares at him, and Kravitz laughs. Play resumes for a good few minutes, then the whistle blows again for apparently no reason. Taako barely has time to inhale before Kravitz says, “it's because they iced the puck.”
“Now you know I don't know what–” he scoffs, incredulous, “why the fuck are they starting in our end?!”
“Because they iced it. Someone from our team shot the puck from our side of the red line, and it went all the way down the ice and passed the goal line at the other end, and no one got close enough to keep the puck in play before it got there. So they bring it back to our end to start again.”
“Maybe the other team should just be faster and stop that then.”
“But they want to be in our end, so an icing helps them out.”
“I don't like this icing. I prefer buttercream.”
Kravitz's laugh practically echoes around the arena.
The game ends. A victory for Lup's team despite all of the, in Taako's eyes, stupid rules. Kravitz is getting up to leave and Taako says, “hey, Krav. Can I borrow your phone?”
“Uh, sure,” he hands it over, “here.”
Taako takes it and adds himself as a contact, then texts himself, “can I take you to dinner?” He turns it off and hands it back to Kravitz. “Thanks. I'll see you later.”
He leaves, and once he's out in the parking lot, he takes his own phone and responds to the text he sent himself, “sure thing, handsome. Mind if I pick?”
He gets in his car and his phone pings with two texts.
One is from Kravitz: “Absolutely you can pick, just let me know when and were. As we've established, my social calendar is wide open.”
The second is from Lup: “You're welcome.”
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nyctophiliq · 1 year
Another one, if possible, NSFW for Renata with her assistant who is very serious and polite in public but shy, sweet and hesitant when only Renata is around? Please tell me if it'sok to send multiple, I think you're a great writer and I have a lot of ideas but I don't want to be overwhelming- 🩰
✮ — THE PERFECT ASSISTANT ; renata glasc
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MINORS DNI. . . afab reader, nsfw ! — lowercase writing intended, fingering, office sex, clothed sex, usage of pet names, renata holds the reader’s hands above their head, she is very persuasive or about, (not proof read)
wc ; 1,32 k
MOSS' NOTES . . .  moss is really sorry that this took this long to come around and finish, but hope you like it dear 🩰 anon, and that you haven’t blacklisted moss for taking too long
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it amazed renata how put together and unflinching you were when out in public, she cannot recall seeing anyone as serious as you under immense stress. you never lost your touch, never in front of a crowd or under the pressure of the higher-ups. it didn't matter if two guys, taller, heavier, and much stronger than you started a fight, you were relentless and never panicked. you were extremely polite, not losing your cool even when somebody attacked your personality and ego, keeping a serious face on and sorting them out accordingly.
but it was different when only she was around, then you weren’t so straightforward and your words were just as shaky as your breathing was. sometimes your heart skipped a beat when she got too close to you, she knew it when your breath hitched as she cornered you.
“what is it, cat got your tongue?” she asks as she leans on her desk, smirking when you tense up even more. your voice is almost inaudible as you stutter, “i... i’m sorry, i am just trying to uhm... my notes are a mess ma’am-“ you try to protest but renata doesn’t give you time to finish and interrupts your rambling with a sigh.
“you don't have to worry about those right now,” she starts, taking away your notebook full of yellow post-it notes, and setting it aside on the far corner of the table. "and besides you can't get anything done by being all tense," you look at her in confusion when she stands up from her chair, coming around and trapping you between her and the desk. 
she looks at you endearingly, her left prosthetic hand coming up to loop around your middle. renata pushes a strand of hair out of your face, smiling before her head falls onto your chest. "let's help you relax, okay?" she murmurs, her breath damp and hot against your neck. she leaves a trail of sweet kisses down to your collarbone and urges you to lay down on the desk.
you watch, breath hitching and heart pounding as renata's hand snakes under your skirt and strips down the lacy underwear that you were wearing. she then steps between your legs, pocketing your panties in her vest's pocket when she leans down and kisses your roughly, swallowing your moan as her hand grazes against the length of your calf.
a little hesitant when her lips move from your mouth to your neck again, your hand reaches out to wrap around her, head tilting with your lips parting to let out small whimpers. renata's full lips glide against you, sucking your skin and spinning your head, so much so that you don't even notice when her left hand takes a hold of both of yours by the wrists, and pins them above your head with a warning to keep them there.
you cry out when renata lifts her knee, a gentle pressure doing little to relieve the ache that settles in your clit as sharp teeth scrape along your jaw. "be a good girl, okay? keep those pretty hands there for me." she says in a sweet tone but you know it is nothing less than a warning. you know she doesn't want to repeat herself, that's why you are nodding your head so fervently as her mouth travels straight to your cunt, your clit pulsing in time with your thudding heart as it peaks out from between your drenched folds.
renata licks your slit slowly but firmly, the tip of her tongue darting into your core to taste the sweetness that lingers within. the feeling causes you to gasp in surprise which makes renata smile, her thumb stroking over the throbbing nub gently. your eyes flutter shut and you groan softly at the sensations coursing through your body, and she laughs huskily at your desperate reaction.
"you act so calm and polite," she mutters against your slick lower lips before straightening her spine and further opening your legs before continuing, "make some noise for me, yeah pretty thing?" you blush at her suggestion, eyes traveling behind her and glue on the door. it's closed, but it's not locked and you cannot decide if it makes you terrified or even more excited. surely somebody finding you in such a position with the head of the glasc industries could do both good and bad to your reputation, but it shouldn't matter when renata glasc herself is threatening you with a good time.
you complete her previous request of being loud when she slips two fingers inside of your tight heat, without a warning, without too many pampering words to prepare you for what is coming. but you cannot find yourself complaining, more like complying with it as she moves her fingers and you moan her name out, your tone pitching high. the sudden stretch is unfamiliar, your walls fluttering and clenching as your back arches up and your hips buck into her hand. renata's digits curl inside you, hitting the spongy sweet spot hidden inside you just as her other hand unbuttons your shirt. 
the grip you were now holding onto the desk under you tightens and you swallow hard, knuckles staining white as the older woman roughly fucks into you. the palm of her hand bumps your clit with each thrust, edging you closer and closer. and the more she pulls out and slams home with every flick of her wrist, the more sensitive you become, your body tensing with each movement. you're not sure whether it was your own desire, or hers urging you to cum faster, but you could wait until you hit your peak.
but after a few seconds of blissful oblivion and a couple of minutes of waiting, you couldn't take it anymore as your thighs start trembling and you cry out, the muscles clenching and releasing at the same time. renata grins triumphantly as she grabs your hips and forces you further down, driving deeper into your heat. you bite your lip hard as your nails dig into the wooden desk, making marks and leaving bruises. you let out a strangled moan and your body goes limp, collapsing onto the desk.
"good girl, aren't you beautiful?" she whispers as she presses a kiss to the crook of your shoulder, running her long fingernails over the sensitive skin. your back arches once more, your toes curling and you whine quietly. she moves inside of you with gentle strokes, helping you off of the drug-like induced high before pulling out and letting you pant in exhaustion, your head falling backward and colliding with the table. she removes her hand from your pussy and you whimper softly. you feel her shift away from you and you open your eyes, frowning confusedly when she disappears from your line of sight.
"calm down now, i am here, my girl." she whispers from above, you find some strength in your muscles to move a little, your head tilting up. you let go of the edge of the desk, nudging your hand against her, trying to get her to hold it while you gather yourself mentally.
she gives you a small chuckle, before pressing a gentle peck to your sweat-covered forehead and taking your awaiting hand into hers. renata offers you her help in getting your clothes tidied up so the two of you can get home but you don’t pay too much attention to her words, rather letting yourself doze off a little.
there hasn’t been a time where the two of you could be alone like this in the past few weeks with all these business deals rolling in, one after another without a pause. you wanted to bath in the bliss of renata’s warmth and the comfortable feeling that pooled between your legs a little while longer before letting it be washed away at home alongside all the stress that built up in you.
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TAG LIST . . . @mxyx-rx444 @sevikasangel @pixiegirlz @xthescarletbitch @bigboobslilheart @theburninghuntress @thehollowartist
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