#this is why i should not click around on random people’s blogs
hetchdrive · 2 months
Just saw a gifset from an episode of Farscape I haven’t watched yet and I am just going to have to force myself to assume it was an edit with fake dialogue on it or else taken wildly out of context because if I don’t it is the only thing I am going to be able to think about for the rest of the day. What the fuck.
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 9 months
Hello are you still doing the SAGAU for reader gets mad and blowing up at people for certain characters? If you are can you do traveler or Lumine if you don’t want to do a general head cannon and fischl still? I’m so angry about how many NPC world quests that now seem like a pattern of traveler helps and then gets backstabbed and left to die and just really think those NPC need to under stand the gravity and anger of the players.
Hello, @celestialsiren! Yes, supposedly, I am still doing this series lol—I don't see why I should end it, seeing as there's always new characters that people request for. Ofc I'll do the Traveler!
Click Me For Part 1!
Click Me For Part 2!
Click Me For Part 3!
Reader Defending the Traveler! (Also No Vice Versa)
(Disclaimers: This May be OOC, And This Post Will Mainly be Using Lumine as "The Traveler." However, This Post Still Can Be Read as GN!Traveler or Aether.)
To be frankly honest, I think you (the Reader) would feel pretty connected to Lumine. She's understanding, she's calm, and most importantly, she gets what it's like not to be from Teyvat. She's passed the celestial atlas to venture the world that is Teyvat, only to be prevented by the Unknown God.
Safe to say, you both were like two peas in a pod. And you were willing to travel with her and find her brother. Lumine gets you a lot, and you refuse any harm coming her way.
That includes verbal complaints. Like, honestly—Lumine's done so much for Teyvat for an outlander, and this is how they treat her?! You weren't having it.
So you planted your foot down, and boy, was your glare menacing. Your words were harsher than the blizzards of Dragonspine, and your glare was as menacing as the Dead Skeleton of Orobashi in Watatsumi Island.
Anyone who you deemed as enemy—in this situation, these good-for-nothing, took-for-granted gossipers—was paling at the seems of the Almighty Creator stomping their egos down. And, not gonna lie, Lumine kinda likes watching some of them. Some of the insults you used were actually used in other worlds—something only Lumine would know, but others didn't. It was kind of hilarious.
Alas, she can't have you go around and go all out all the time. Someone needs to make sure that the Creator doesn't try to decimate random folks, even if they are pretty infuriating.
"Your Grace." Lumine puts her hand on your shoulder. "Let's hurry up and finish this commission. We still need to get those rewards." You huff, but you let the insulters go, without a threatening note.
Yeah...she was not expecting to be an occurrence with so many other characters, but hey! Lumine's not gonna stop you :)
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: And we're done! Sorry if it's really low quality lol—I am so tired as I'm writing this :') I do hope you guys enjoyed it, though! Don't feel discouraged to keep sending me requests!
At this rate requests are probably the only thing that's keeping my blog alive. My blog is on constant life support LOL
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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jasntodds · 1 year
Lost In The Bitterness | J.T.
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Request: @just-lost-inbetween-worlds :  I was wondering if you could write a fic where reader kind of works for the titans helping with their medical stuff as she has her EMT certificate or something similar, and one late night she patches up Jason/red hood or Robin, who’ve had a crush on each other secretly but are also sort of enemies? And then when she patches a fairly hurt Jason like the feelings come out and they kiss and confess and such. 
Summary: Patching up Jason Todd, Red Hood, at two in the morning on a Tuesday night was not exactly on your agenda. Especially given the history between the two of you.
Warnings: Descriptions of injuries, enemies to lovers, mentions of previous homelessness, bit of angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
Words: 3,323
A/n: Photo credit goes to the amazing @just-lost-inbetween-worlds !! Hello, I love injury tropes, especially this one lmao If you wanna be added to my tag list, click the link below, send me an ask, or comment!! You can also follow my library blog @jasntoddslibrary​ !! If you like this, please reblog it and/or talk to me about it!!
masterlist | request info | tag list
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You and Jason were friends previously, before Red Hood, before he died, before Robin. Jason and you were two street kids, just trying to make it to the next day. You'd met at one of the shelters, clicked almost instantly. Even then he was charming and funny, hot-headed as hell. A true menace to society. He got you into so much trouble and you lived for it. It was fun and he was your best friend. You were his. But he decided to try and rob the Batmobile and Bruce Wayne picked him. You haven't been friends since. Unfortunately, for you though, the Titans and Red Hood have managed to patch things up between them and Red Hood is in San Francisco helping with a case.
When you decided to get your EMT certification, you didn't think you'd be using it to work with the Titans. You got it so you could help people, sure, but you thought you'd be helping people who did not always put themselves, intentionally, in the line of fire. But, life is funny that way. It rarely ever goes the way you think will. And now you're here, working for the Titans because of one really random and chance encounter with an injured Nightwing a few years ago. You helped him and the rest, should have been history. But, your life can't possibly be that simple because then you found out the one and only Jason Todd was actually Red Hood.
"Did you wanna tell me what happened?" Your voice holds a harshness to it that makes Jason groan as you get your supplies ready to patch him up.
"Like you fucking care." Jason quips back, stripping his top half of the suit.
"That's true. I do not fucking care. This is a favor to Dick." Your words are harsh and it hurts.
Jason isn't sure exactly what he did to you to make you hate him so much. Jason isn't oblivious and he's far from stupid. It's not a coincidence that your friendship ended the day he went to live with Bruce. But, he can't figure out why you're so mad about that. Why you don't want him to be taken care of? It didn't pan out exactly how he thought it would with Bruce with the whole Batman and Robin thing, then the dying thing. But, it was good and safe for a while and he was happy being Robin and with Bruce. He doesn't understand why you would hate him for that. So, he's mad at you because you're mad at him. And hearing this is a favor to Dick, now that stings like a hundred hornets.
"Don't fucking help then. Give me the shit and I'll do it my-damn-self. I don't need you." Jason snarls, sticking out his hand for you to hand him whatever you're willing and for a second, you think about it.
Being around him is just difficult and it hurts. All you two do is fight which is partially because you start it a good portion of the time. But, he keeps it going and he hits low blows. Tonight, you're taking the first strike, before he even has a chance. And you think about letting him patch himself up because he's done it before and it would be easier for you. You wouldn't have to be around him and technically, that's still fulfilling the favor to Dick. You made sure Jason didn't die...again. But, you signed an oath and you don't hate him that much. Hate might even be the wrong word.
"No, I'll do it." You mutter, grabbing a pack of gauze pads, knowing you'll be needing to clean something.
"I'm not some dirty fucking favor to anyone." Jason grumbles and his words are hot, boiling in the air.
"You're so insufferable." You groan, tossing your head back in frustration. "Just shut the fuck up and let me help you so you can leave." You turn around and now you're getting a look at the damage.
The anger and annoyance you just had vanished in an instant. His abdomen is bloody, what looks to be a large gash is near his right rib cage. There's a spot below it that looks like a bullet grazed the spot. Shades of purples, blues, and maroons litter the rest of his abdomen. There are a few scars across his chest, on his arms, one up near his neck and you wonder how the hell that even happened. His armor is supposed to protect him. And it stings looking at him like this.
"I'm fucking fine." Jason spits, his eyes narrowed at you and he sees the worry start to stretch across your face. "Don't suddenly act like you give a shit now. I'm bleeding out, you wanna do something or let me do it?"
You suck in a deep breath and move forward. He knows exactly which buttons to press and just how to press them. And yet, you find yourself, not growing mad at the interaction. You've never seen him like this. You've seen him with plenty of bruises and cuts. Jason being a hothead, he's been in his fair share of fistfights but nothing like this. This is different, it's more dangerous. He's putting himself in the line of bullets and knives and fists on purpose. The thought of him dying, again, crosses your mind and you feel your heart skip and then thunder as if it's going to burst right out from your chest.
You weren’t friends when he died but you remember seeing it on the news. Jason Todd had been killed. And you remember how it hurt anyway. Your breath had been sucked from your lungs and every piece of you regretted ever being mad at him in the first place. But, then he came back to life as Red Hood and you fight with him anyway because maybe a part of you thought he was indestructible after dying. He seemed that way and believing that lie you told yourself was easier than facing him. Clearly, you’re very wrong.
"Just stay still." You drop the venom in your voice, kneeling down so you can see the wound.
Jason holds your phone's flashlight in your direction so you can see better. It's not a super deep wound luckily and he doesn't seem to be in too much pain meaning it likely didn't hit anything important. So, you get to work cleaning the wound with water, holding a rag under it to catch the falling water.
"What the hell happened?" You ask, glancing up at him and Jason's eyes are boring into you.
Dick called and gave you the heads up you'd need to help Jason. Jason is staying at the tower but you both have been actively avoiding each other. So, Dick calling you to give you the heads up for your own sake, to prepare yourself for the encounter. And you figured it would be bad for Dick even ask. You always patch them up, even when they can do it themselves. But you didn't think you'd be dealing with Jason. Dick knows you never want to. But, of course you do it anyway. And now you're stuck worried about him.
"A few lucky shots, I guess." Jason looks away from you, not wanting to give you any detail. You already said you don't care, he's not gonna waste his breath.
"Yeah, okay." You roll your eyes. "Former Robin, current Red Hood, just people getting lucky shots in. Sure."
"You don't fucking care." Jason's voice almost cracks with his words. "Just do whatever the hell you need to and I'll leave, alright?"
Hate is not the word for Jason. It was never the right word. Because he's mad at you for being mad at him. When you were kids, there were always those bubbling feelings in the pit of his stomach. He always brushed them away because who has time for that when you're just trying to survive? And the feelings went away because you weren't around anymore. But, then he saw you again and they flooded right back. Even with you being mad at him. There is still something stirring in his stomach when he's around you. Hate isn't the right word.
You let out a sigh. "I'm just mad." You shake your head, swapping the water out for a gauze pad to dry some of the water so you can start stitching it.
It's not the right word for you either. He left you and that hurt a lot. But, it also hurt because you did really like him. Jason Todd has always been charming and charismatic, funny. He's always had a way to get you to laugh or smile either with something that was actually funny or some type of innuendo that also made you cringe. He's always been very good at it and there was a reason he was your best friend. It was never out of a convenience or necessity. There is always something a little bit more to it. And then he left and it hurt a lot. Being mad at him for it was a lot easier than facing any other type of feeling you had toward him.
He knows you're mad. That's kind of the whole issue. Maybe a part of him doesn't want to know. He thinks maybe you'll tell him it's him. There's something he specifically did. He's done it to everyone else, done something to piss them off and make them hate him. The Titans hated him for long enough, Bruce wasn't thrilled with him. Bruce still isn't happy with him given their opposing morals. Everyone gives up on him eventually and he doesn't want to hear that. Not tonight.
Not from you.
You get up and grab the needle and thread, threading the needle before moving back to your spot. Jason is still watching you intently and it makes you feel a little uneasy. You're not really sure why he's watching you so carefully. He has a thing about him that always makes you squirm, he's always been good at it. And maybe you're a little tired of being mad at him. Especially right now because he's injured.
"You left." Your voice is so small, Jason barely hears you.
"You're mad because I left?" Jason questions, his brows pulling together.
"Mhm." You hum. "Stay still. It'll probably hurt." You state before you start the stitching with no warning and Jason flitches. "Sorry."
"It's fine." Jason says through gritted teeth.
You start adding several stitches up the wound. "You went to live with Bruce and you left me alone."
It's not that he left you alone on purpose. He didn't have a choice. He went with Bruce, to a home, or go to juvie again. The choice was pretty easy and simple. He also did go looking for you but you conveniently, forget that part of the story.
"I looked for you. You fucking avoided me. I checked all of our spots and you were never fucking there. What the hell did you expect me to do?" Jason questions and it’s so frustrating. And you can hear the hurt in his voice which makes you feel worse for being mad in the first place.
"I don't know." You groan back, pausing your stitching. "But it hurt, okay? You left me alone and it hurt. And I'm mad because you were my best friend and you got to be safe. I got the shit end of the stick." You shake your head and that’s first time you’re saying it out loud, realizing how horrible it sounds. “It’s...it’s not your fault. It just sucked.”
That's not his fault. It's not his fault you weren’t caught by Bruce. It was a chance encounter. A fluke. Jason was just ballsy to try and steal from Batman. That's all it was. It's not his fault but he feels bad about it anyway because he doesn't think he deserves it. He doesn't think he ever deserved the kindness that Bruce offered that day or deserved the chance to be Robin. Look at what he's become, Jason doesn't think he deserves it.
"I'm sorry." Jason states, his voice broken. "You should have gotten better, alright? You should have."
You shake your head and you know this whole thing is dumb and selfish. "No," You shrug your shoulders. “It’s not your fault, Jay. I’m sorry for being mad. You deserved better and it was selfish of me to be mad. I was mad at the world and I took it out on you because it was easier, I guess. I’m really sorry.” You wish you could take it all back. Every single part of it. It’s not fair to him and you know he always deserved the best.
Jason is someone who doesn’t hold many grudges. He can let stuff go and it’s pretty simple. Apologize and he can move past it. And he always had a hard time staying mad at you for anything.
“I was only mad at you because you were mad at me.” Jason lets out a soft chuckle.
A faint smile pulls at your lips. “That’s a very you thing to do.” You lets out a soft laugh.
You continue to patch Jason up as the silence of the room consumes the two of you. You meant a lot to him. Jason's always been a rebel with a cause, causing trouble for the fun of it. Just trying to survive and you got that. You always did and you helped him get in and out of trouble more times than he count. You were his best friend and he's missed you, even if he doesn't show it and he's been mean to you. He's missed you and he hates being mad at you. Jason doesn't hold very many grudges.
And in this moment, you're finding it hard to hold onto the grudge. He's riddled with scars and he's actively doing what no one else is willing to do. Baring the weight so other people don't have to. He never meant to hurt you and you know he didn't. You wonder if anyone has ever helped him, after Robin. Probably not. Jason doesn't let many people in to begin with and you find yourself feeling sad for him. He didn’t deserve any of the bad things that have happened to him. And all of those feelings you had for him, bubble back up to the surface.
"I did miss you, for the record." You state, letting out a breath.
Jason's abdomen flexes as a chuckle falls from his lips. "Bull fucking shit."
"I did." You defend. "You were my best friend, of course, I missed you."
"Sure as shit never acted like it." Jason spits but there’s almost an airy sarcasm to his words.
"Because of the anger I had covered it up." You glance up at him as you finish placing some gauze on one of the cuts.
"You gonna stay mad at me forever?" Jason offers you the smirk that used to get you into trouble and he’s so tired of being mad at you. It’s pointless. It never got either of you anywhere.
"No." You flash him a gentle smile.
"Good, holding grudges doesn't look good on you." Jason quips, a cheeky smirk on his lips.
You roll your eyes, getting to your feet. "Oh, and now you know what looks good on me?"
"I've got some ideas."
"Right." You nod your head. "Be careful next time." You look him up and down and you can feel your stomach turn with nerves as you watch the smirk turn into something cocky.
"So now you care, huh?"
"Just don't want you to die again." You state.
"Yeah." Jason scoffs, looking down to his lap.
"Mad doesn't mean I actually didn't care."
"Sorry for everything anyway."
"It's alright, I forgive you." Your eyes widen at him as a smile pulls at your lips. "Always had a hard time staying mad you, especially when you manage to apologize."
"Yeah?" Jason gets a sinister glint in his eyes. "And why's that?" A part of him is messing with you, just like he used to when you were kids. The other part though, is curious if your reasoning is the same as his.
Your eyes narrow slightly. "Because..." You shrug and decide you have nothing to lose at this point. You’re not kids on the streets anymore. And you’re done holding onto bitterness and grudges. There’s no harm in telling him now. "Had a little hit of a thing for you then."
Jason's heart thunders with your words and he can feel heat rush to his cheeks. "Not now though?" He tries to brush it off, admitting the same thing. "Had a thing for you, too.... back then."
"Not now though?" You repeat his words and Jason has a cheeky grin as his eyes look to the ceiling and back to you. Jason shrugs right back. "Oh, well, too bad.” Sarcasm drips from your words. “Could've seen where it would go now but if—"
Jason grabs the back of your thighs, pulling you closer to him. Your hands catch yourself on his shoulders, your eyes wide. And you feel your heart jump to your throat.
"You saying you still do?" Jason asks, his eyes hopeful and you always liked the color of his eyes.
"Is that going to be an issue?"
Jason can't help the genuine smile that comes to his face. He always felt the most comfortable with you, even when you were being mean to him. "Nope, not an issue." Jason's voice drops as he eyes your lips.
"Yeah, still have a thing for you now." You dip your head lower, resting your forehead against his.
"So, do something about it." His voice is low but taunting and you take him up on it, bringing his lips to yours.
The kiss is soft at first but then Jason's grip tightens on your thighs, pulling you closer and your hands tangle in his hair, pulling his mouth harsher against yours. The kiss turns hungry and desperate, his hands sliding up to your ass and then your hips. His mind pays no attention to the pain of the injuries from tonight and he focused solely on you. He's always wanted to be with you, since those days on the streets. It's complicated now, too but not like that.
You pull away first. Your breathing is quickened and an uncontrollable smile pulls at the corners of your lips. "Didn't know you felt that way, Jay." And truly, you never did. The jokes always seemed like jokes but the idea of him and you makes your heart nearly burst.
"Yeah," Jason chuckles softly. And he never thought you liked him, not like that. You always liked to mess with him and played the same jokes. He thought that’s all it ever was. Why wouldn’t it be? But, that never stopped him from wanting something more with you. So, now with confirmation, he takes his shot at it. "You wanna try this out? See where it goes?"
You nod your head, lowering your voice to just above a whisper. "Yeah, I'd like that." You close the distance again, kissing him deeply.
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Tag list: @jasontoddsmentaldisorders // @purplerose291 // @lovelessamai  // @makaelaseresin // @lenidaslenchen // @mayfieldss // @ghostkingblake // @dgraysonss // @im-done-with-this-im-out // @velvetskies // @vivian-555 // @kebonita // @deyja-the-duck // @jasontoddslover​
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omeletcat · 1 month
Hey! I recently started following your blog and I'd like to ask you some rather important questions before I start offering advice and my thoughts.
Why are you making a game? And for who?
Cause I don't wanna get in the way of your creativity just because you're not making "a game for me".
Like, as an example, I mostly play games on controllers, when I play games, and you tying so many of the mechanics and controls to the mouse means using controller input will not be very easy to add, if possible at all
But ... If you don't like playing games with a controller, and wanna see how much you can do with the keyboard/mouse inputs, then it is definitely the right decision to tie all these mechanics to that! But if me pointing this out makes you go "Oh right! There are people who mostly use controllers and I definitely wanna make my game work for them as well!" then it's a valid thing to point out that your game could prove hard to make work with a controller as input.
This is, btw, important to keep in mind when receiving critiques from others from your end, are they giving you tips/ideas/etc. that align with your vision of what you want to make, and following their advice will help you? Or are their points valid from their point of view, but would just muddy your vision and trying to accommodate it would mean falling into the trap of trying to please everyone, failing to make a good game for anyone?
Ty for asking! I'm mostly making this game because i think its fun and i rly wanna make something cool that people will enjoy. My ultimate dream is to make something so cool that it would be worth making fanart for! For the who part idrk, for people like me who like the kind of game i am making? ALSO TYSM FOR TELLING ME ABOUT THE CONTROLLER THING I had a rly small thought about smth like that ages ago but brushed it off thinking i should focus on making the core mechanics first. But yea you're totally right! implementing this combat system with a controller would be hard, especially since i mostly grew up playing with the wii.. and like a playstation controller three times. What i usually play is in random free stuff i could find online. I am unsure how it would work/how it even works when you apply a controller to a computer to play a game with it but i am definitely gonna think about this!! The core idea is the aiming, i could either change the mouse aiming to aiming with a joystick and moving a mouse like thingy around but i feel that wouldn't rly work.
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The current aiming mechanic works kinda like this the screen is divided into 8 area's (4 directions and one for close and long range attacks) to attack you press either left or right mouse click and depending on if the mouse is in the central area or outside of it it will give a different attack for attacks that have a specific direction, the 4 area's decide where the attack will be aimed thanks to the mouse position. I could make it so that the player selects the area's like an option button? I can't rly explain it, imagine a list of buttons and moving the joystick to go down, imagine that but with these area's! This would work best for attacks are directed to a certain area like Rae's blast attack.
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It has 4 directions and only aims at those parts. So for this attack it would work great. You move around the selector and switch around between them to aim pick a direction and if its far or close. But for some other attacks like Luca's main it aims towards the mouse position and doesn't pick a direction depending on where the mouse is, I am unsure how i would do this if i pick the idea of switching between zone's. I may just make it so the direction the player is moving while attacking is where it is aiming. Because when the player is attacking you can't move. I think that would work out. HOWEVER I am unsure how I would add this, how to detect if the player is using a controller, and a bunch of other things, i'm pretty sure i can add controller inputs in the settings and make those work for basic movements and attacks, but i would need to add a few extra things to fully make it compatible for controllers.
Sry if this rambling is kinda messy but they are the first idea's that come to mind how i would make the game playable for controller!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING THIS!! I would have never thought about making it playable for controller if you wouldn't have helped me!!
You said you had more advice/thoughts so if you want to please share!! Any advice is be insanely helpful!
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trashprinceward · 3 months
I'm going to talk about the history of Tumblr, the current state of Tumblr, and why you should get out.
And you can call me a hypocrite, sure. But as an artist who depended a lot on commissions and art sales, I only came back to Tumblr because this is where the audience and active fandoms are. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't be here.
So, you've probably heard people calling tumblr "the queerest place on the internet". Probably more ironically that sincerely, lately. But the reason for this is that, at one point, it was true. Tumblr was synonymous with gay shit, all over the internet. That was this site's reputation. To the point that what the right wingers call "woke" these days, used to be called "tumblr shit". Tumblr was the BIGGEST resource for LGBT+ communities, information, advice and connection. That was here, on this site. Ask boxes thrived with friendship and fun games, artists got regular commissions and their work was shared. And, as much of a cliche as it may be to say this, Tumblr was a 'safe space'.
Then everything changed in 2018. I don't know how many of you were here for that, but that's when all this started. That's when we had porn bots. They'd start reblogging random posts, adding pictures of straight up porn. Naked people, straight up fucking. No tags, no warnings. Just uncensored porn and those stupid "click here to fuck me" captions. They were everywhere, constantly. And staff did nothing about it. No moderation, no kind of adding verification or new accounts. They just let the problem fester. Why should they care? Until they were threatened with being kicked off the app store, at least. Then they moved to do something about it.
So, instead of pulling together a human moderation team, or temporarily limiting new accounts, or doing any kind of intuitive policing of these spam bots, they just decided to make a blanket ban of all NSFW content, the enforcing of which would be carried out by AI bots. This, as you can probably guess, was a monumental failure. Anything that remotely looked like naked flesh was tagged as mature (a particularly infamous example features a picture of sand dunes being tagged as mature). And perhaps most tellingly of this failure, it didn't get rid of porn bots.
What it did get rid of though, was artists. Myself included. I was a mature artist. I had a NSFT sideblog. I sold commissions, I made money. It wasn't exactly career level, but I made enough that commissions helped me to eat when all my money went on bills. Then that was gone. Even SFW art wasn't entirely safe, because if the bot decided that your art had too much "skin" in it, you were flagged. (And at the time, I drew a lot of Jojo art, so I was screwed on that front.) So I had to leave. To find a new site where I could post my art, and try to continue selling commissions. The problem with this? Only a handful of people followed me offsite. I had roughly 300 followers on here. About 5 came with me to twitter. And then about 2 came with me to pillowfort. I had lost everything. Artists all over lost their following, lost their support, lost their income. All because people couldn't be bothered to boycott their funny fandom website.
But that wasn't all. Because now staff saw they had an opportunity. This bot they had created, was going around flagging anything mature, sometimes outright deleting posts or banning blogs that were too 'NSFT'. So... What group is often inherently seen as NSFT or sexualised? Yep, you guessed it. The queer community. And so that's what they did. They struck it all down. The biggest LGBT community on the internet, and they used the "porn ban" excuse to start flagging and deleting blogs. Never touched the nazi blogs, or the white supremacists, or that one blog that would doxx gay people in homophobic countries. Nope, they were left alone. But the most prominent, notable and well known queer blogs were gone. And again, the majority of the userbase was ok with this. They stayed.
I left this site for 5 years. And I tried to make it work elsewhere, I really did. I went to twitter. But over there nobody retweets work, nobody comments on your art. I only had like 2 regular supporters. I haven't gained followers in YEARS. Literally the only reason I still post to twitter is because Airdorf retweets FAITH fanarts. I tried going to pillowfort, which is honestly like a BETTER version of Tumblr. But, it was empty. Nobody was there. I even offered to give out free invite links to pillowfort so other people could join up too! Nobody ever responded to me. So I gave up. After 5 years with almost no interaction, almost no commission sales. No friends, nobody to talk to, nothing to do, nowhere to go... I came back here. And interaction is so much better (even though it's still a struggle to get people to actually talk to me). But I hate being here because I know what this site is like.
Also I know how complacent people are. The things they did back then, they're still doing now. Flagging trans women as mature, straight up banning them for no reason, spreading around campaigns of hate. Its STILL happening. And you're all still here sitting "oh this is awful, this website is transphobic" and then go back to reblogging memes. I saw a poll recently that asked what people would do if tumblr closed down or kicked them out, and the majority answer was just "give up social media completely" and it's like, really? There are plenty of alternatives out there. Artists and creators, and LGBT activists and whoever have been BEGGING you to join us, but you just wont. People would rather sit in this sinking ship till it goes down than make the leap and follow us into the lifeboats.
And I'm saying this again now because there have been talks about tumblr making a deal with midjourney. Because they want to feed all our art, our selfies, our hard work into the AI slop machine. So history is repeating itself again, and once more artists will be begging you to please come with us. Please get off this site. Please come to a place that isn't actively trying to get rid of us.
Me... I'll be staying here as long as I'm able because this is the only place I have any kind of audience. But if you can, if you care about friends, if you care about artists, if you care about queer people. PLEASE come with us. If the worst comes to it, then I'll be leaving for pillowfort. Please, PLEASE come with me. I have invitations, I can send you one so you can join. Send me a message and ask me. Just please, don't die with this place.
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chlorinecake · 4 months
so, after a couple of hours (days) contemplating this, Darling you gotta share ur writing story with me. (if someone's asked this alrdy my apologies, feed me anything and I'll be grateful). But I'm just so downright curious🙂. i like hearing people's writing journeys and like, I need to know how u found urself here today in terms of your writing because I think about it more often than I should 🤣
─ hayzie
🤍 Hi, Hayzie !! I don’t know why it always gets me so excited whenever I hear from you on here, but anyways, this is such a great question, and I’m flattered by your curiosity :( Here goes my long as frick answer for ya, lovey ~
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GROWING UP ⊹ I was homeschooled, and hanging around the house all day led to me picking up a lot of random hobbies, one of which being freelance creative writing. I wrote so many original songs, short stories, and even poems during that time, and I'd say this sort of upbringing is what helped foster the strong love for literature and art I hold in my heart today ⊹
DISCOVERING TUMBLR ⊹ So this is where the story gets interesting. Imagine a 17 year old me introducing my former Kpop-fan sister turned anti to the wonderful era of 4th gen Kpop. She fell in love with the culture all over again, which led to us doing this thing where we would role-play as certain Kpop idols through texts and gifs 🥴...
• So one night as I was looking for a Heeseung gif to send her, I stumbled upon one that looked really high quality, and it so happened to be posted by this page on Tumblr. Though st the time, I had never heard about that app/website before. When I clicked the gif, it took me to this link , and all I remember seeing was a bunch of ~freaky deaky~ warnings, but I scrolled past them (out of curiosity) before actually reading the words, and that’s when I realized "Oh, this is a story about Heeseung that a fan wrote…"
• To this day, I never forgot that story, but like, back then, I didn't even know what "smut" meant 😭 so when the story started describing a sexual scene between Heeseung and the MC, I was honestly a bit uncomfortable to the point that I couldn't even bring myself to finish reading it, yet at the same time, I was so intrigued.
• I ended up telling my sister about Tumblr (after she begged to know where I kept finding those high quality gifs), before she eventually fall into a DEEP hole of K-pop fanfic, which later compelled me to read more fics myself. Our favorite blog back then was @kpophubb, because of how diverse and well written her content was, but I also discovered other blogs like @starrywonie and @hee-pster who really inspired me to wanna start a blog for myself where I'd upload all of my original work, but I was still nervous about it... that is, until my sister told me about her blog, four months after she had already created it that sneaky bitch ⊹
INTRODUCING CHLORINECAKE ⊹ The very next day after my sister told me about her secret blog, I had this surge of motivation to start my own page! Using a short story I found buried in one of my forgotten writing apps, I edited it over night, and got my pictures and title together. I'll admit that I was very nervous at first, as I didn't know what to expect from the people who’d read it, especially considering how it was my first ever original written work to be put online. Fortunately though, I instantly fell in love with the engagement, the environment of Tumblr, and the new people I was meeting along the way... and yeah, that's pretty much how I got here today ⊹
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anulithots · 10 months
Welcome, non-plant beings, my creatures of night and nonsense, my dear audience, to this weird and wonderous collection of mine.
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I promise you won't be told a story with an answer, with some "here's how I fixed my life & the journey it took to get there" I promise that there won't be a "hope to get better" which makes now feel so stark in contrast. I promise I wont make it seem simple or linear or a sudden "aha moment" to make things suddenly seem clear.
What I promise is a story, to the best of my ability, where there are no weeds to pull. no seeds to plant, no fruits to pick. The garden will grow and die, change & cycle back to the beginning. And through it all, in this moment with the dappled sun reflecting off the dew, the weeds in a thick blanket, forgotten fruit as a feast for the birds - we are wild and it is beautiful, no matter how much they want a cultivated, perfectly trimmed and oh-so-stale-garden.
TL;DR - I'm currently in a Link Click hyperfixation, and I my main WIP is the Land of the Fallen Fairies. I also have a biology fanfiction and a teddy bear nightmare warrior story on the side. And I like being asked about character analysis, whether that be my own characters or any character from this list + characters from LInk Click
How the fae/faer/faerself pronouns work
Open to tag games and asks and... literally anything.
Name's Noor/Noorie btw. Closeted genderfluid and aspec (queer platonic/split attraction model... or whatever this is). Pronouns are they/them, it/its and anything fancy.
Each of the subsections leads to masterposts for everything! (The intro post got waaayyy tooo long)
The Land of the Fallen Fairies.
A nature-themed commentary on the pursuit of happiness and fixing yourself to deserve that happiness, told by an overthinking, unreliable, houseplant narrator.
TW: self-hatred, suicidal thoughts, and self-deprecation.
Anuli's story collection.
Anuli's (and my) favorite stories from around tumblr
Jujutsu Kaisen Hyperfixation
As the name suggests, I am hyperfixated. I have also written essays analyzing these characters. Be very afraid. And/or come suffer with me /pos
Also also, for those who don't want to see any JJK smut, this blog should be safe for you! <3 I ship Satosugu but in a... transcend labels, queer platonic flavor sort of way. And I flipflop on itafushi. Either way they are soul mates and transcend labels. Found family dynamics and everlasting friendships/comfort people are peak fiction for me.
Link Click Hyperfixation
They are my everything. They can live in my head rent free foreverrr.
Tumblr's houseplant garden.
Growing a garden of houseplants based off this weird thing called existence, "planted" by others from tumblr.
Fantasy Frog and Toad
A story about two princes cursed to be a frog and toad because they couldn't decide on whether to be self-determined and individualistic, or be traditional and family oriented, because why can't you be both?
Tagging system
#link click <-- the collection of link click things I shall hoard like a dragon
#the land of the fallen fairies <-- everything related to the land of the fallen fairies (following this one would be a good idea if you want random updates, or you can join the tag list <3)
#feelings are weird <--- random snippets of Russian Roullet of whether I'll snap or not, along with some sideways spiraling. (this is different from the next tag, but it takes a lot of time to explain how so.)
#I'll fill my grave with fanart <-- doom posting specifically. Apparently I've learned how not to snap and I want to return that but the manager won't answer my phone calls.
#Anuli's favorite stories <-- Stories that I and Anuli like. (Give or take, Anuli faerself has a slightly different taste than I do... but here's the tag)
#plant posting <-- whenever I talk about houseplants
#Noorie listens to songs on loop <-- My inconsistent music taste (you get iphone piano ballads... just saying)
#Noorie infodumps. Be very afraid. <--- My rambling tag
#jjk <-- I reblog stuff without tags, so everything of mine that's jjk related will have this tag
my favorite post on tumblr
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kimmiessimmies · 1 year
Just a ramble about aesthetics and things
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Like most of us, I also saw that aesthetics question going round and since reading it and the responses to it, I've been thinking about it more than I should, which in turn got me thinking about other things Simblr and community related and I decided to share my two cents about it as well.
The question stated in the poll was "How important do you think 'aesthetic quality' is in the simblr community?" and the answers varied immensely. Doing a quick Tumblr/Simblr scroll, the answer would have to be 'very important', because most images showing up are very gorgeous: beautiful colours, great compositions, perfect lighting. However, when I check the tab that shows which posts I have liked, the pattern changes: it's the storytellers who get most of my Tumblr hearts. And then it doesn't matter whether it's part of an elaborate story that's been going on for years with several plot twists, or just a family having breakfast. I like both equally, because both tell a story. Sure, I like a nice Sim picture as much as the next person, but for me, it will always be about the story it tells much more than the aesthetics of it.
The same is true for my own posts: I just want to tell my stories, share my Sims, my town. Yes, I sometimes post picture posts of lots I've built. At first glance, you could say that's about aesthetics more than storytelling. But it's not. Because of the way I play, everything is connected: the story is Honeycomb Valley and everything from the lots to the Sims to the seemingly random things that happen to them are all part of it. Sure, I love creating beautiful lots, but that's mostly because I like realism in my game. I like to see my sims in places that look true to life. And because this is a self-created world, it can look like the best version of that life. 😉
In taking pictures, I try to get the best angle and before posting I run my pictures through Picmonkey to do a bit of basic editing, which is mostly just an auto adjust of brightness and shadows. Literally two clicks and I'm done. I hadn't even heard of Reshade and all those other -shades until a month or two ago. 😄
I read another reply saying how everyone who has a Simblr does so for the notes, because if you're not in it for the notes, why have a Simblr in the first place? This made me laugh. I get the point, but if I was in it for the notes, I might as well leave today. I averaged around 20 notes per post during my glory days and only around 9 since returning after my hiatus. I can think of many reasons why this is:
My posts can seem very incoherent: I can be posting about James Wyler one day and about Luke Bennett the next. These two have never even crossed paths and their stories have no apparent connection whatsoever. I can imagine how this makes my stories and my Sims hard to follow for most.
I don’t post my full stories on here. Reading them requires a visit to my WordPress blog. I understand how most people just want to do a quick scroll, read, like, and move on.
I am and will forever be TS3 player. And we're simply a smaller crowd in the Simblr universe currently.
I was gone for five years.
Now, I could change all of this (except for that last one) and possibly get more followers and more notes. But I don't want to. Yes, of course, I love getting a notification saying someone liked my post. I appreciate the support and the love and it makes me very happy to see there are people out there who like the stories I write, the lots I build and feel connected to my Sims to some degree. So in that sense, I get why someone would say we're all in it for the notes. But I don't care about the quantity. I love those 9 just as much as I love the 195 I once received on my much-reblogged post of The Greenery.
So, I'm not changing a thing. I'm keeping my WordPress blog as my main Sims home because that's where everything connects. Where it does make sense that I'm posting about James on day 1 and about Luke on day 2. Where the story is Honeycomb Valley. Where you can click from a story to a Sim profile and vice versa. And my Simblr will remain a place to just post bits and pieces (and rambles like this) and to stay connected to the ones who are interested in me, my stories and my Sims. I love my 9 notes and I love the 3 people who click on to visit my WordPress blog and read my full stories a little bit extra. 😉❤️
One last thing I would like to add to this already much too-long rant is how much I miss the old Sim community. The days of the forums and the tight-knit online group us Sims veterans were. Discovering and becoming a part of the Sim community back then has meant a lot to me. I miss that. I realise I sound like a grandmother now, reminiscing about the good old days, so maybe it's time to end this post. 😄
Anyway, that's my ramble of thoughts on aesthetics, Simblrs and community. Thanks for reading. 😊
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autumnslance · 4 months
(@driftward) Oh, let's see, one per inbox item defeated per blog, correct? Of course I'm correct. Gimme dat Little Brother Thing; self-indulgent on my part going to ask after The Effects of Wine (Y'shtola); It Ends Where It Begins sounds ~interesting~; Hilda Ideas, for both me and a friend; X'rhun and F'lhamin (eyebrows eyebrows eyebrows); and a bonus just out of sheer curiosity, Biot's Antecedent Musings
Good job defeating the inbox boss. Why were you awake at hours only reasonable to me and our local Australian?? Anyway.
Little Brother Thing - Stormblood 4.3. As Alphinaud accompanies Maxima, Aeryn reflects back on key moments in their journey together, and how much he's grown and changed from the arrogant boy she shared a cart with but didn't properly meet until the Remembrance Ceremonies, to the confident young man he is at this point--and how she's still going to worry for him regardless of how capable he is, because that's how it goes.
I should revisit this actually, it's got some good bones. Hrm.
The Effects of Wine - ARR, Company of Heroes chain, Y'shtola POV. After the Feast, Y'shtola and Aeryn rest in a bungalow and have a late evening talk about Aeryn's growing reputation, why the Company did what they did, and how she just ever meant to be a common adventurer to help people--not a primal slaying hero. Aeryn says more here than usual at this point in the story; maybe the wine, maybe the growing trust in her comrade.
I should get around to cleaning it up and posting it somewhere, honestly. It was a noodle-thought from very early on as I was figuring out voices and relationships, but it's not too bad.
It Ends Where It Begins - is a post-5.0 Shadowbringers. Something that the Exarch said in the cliffside convo before Mt Gulg reminded Aeryn of Papalymo's words post-Ultima Weapon (it's a click text when everyone's gathered in the Waking Sands to congratulate you before you turn in the final 2.0 quest in to Minfilia). Given all that happens to WoL in 5.0, and the revelations in general, Aeryn ends up thinking of the words as she looks back on her journey, and ends up in Gridania. And it leads into what then became a seaswolchallenge prompt in 2020, Metamorphosis, where she tells Miounne and Bremondt stories of her adventures.
Hilda Notes - Literally just a list of notes about horny Hilda moments for some reason. There's a draft for a fic of her and a touch-starved Thancred I can check off. Ideas for a cop vs vigilante fic with Sidurgu (maybe something sexy there, maybe not). And an idea for a Hilda solo as she fantasizes about a hot Highland lass met while dealing with Ala Mhigo stuff. It's not even a real fic draft, it's just a list of random ideas written up while apparently hormonal.
X'rhun and F'lhaminn - Oh this is from back in I think Book Club days and a rarepair challenge month. Find a relationship that doesn't already exist on Ao3. Write something. Back then there were no tags joining these characters in any way. I was going to try to write the duelist and songstress in a light friendly adventure of their own, maybe get in some witty flirty banter for the fun of it, but the mystery never quite gelled and so I shelved it. Maybe someday. And add in Nashmeira.
Biot's Antecedent Musings - Discord convo on 12/28/22 where you were having thinky thoughts about Thancred and Minfilia and being the person she confided in about the Echo and I accused you of trying to bait me into writing something about that.
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chacusha · 5 months
My tips to new users to make Tumblr more usable
This is kind of random but I think Tumblr is one of those websites that hides a lot of its functionality from users and comes with default settings that makes it kind unusable (at least for me). So I've decided to collect some suggestions about things to do immediately in order to make Tumblr a much more usable website:
Most important: Put the content you actually opt into on your dash. First, go to Settings > Dashboard and turn off "Best Stuff First." In general, (1) I don't think it's good to let social media sites curate your content feed (they're not very good! you can curate your own content feeds!), and (2) chronological ordering is much more helpful for making sense of information. I don't know why you would want posts on a site to be presented in any other way. Please save yourself and make your dash chronological by toggling this monstrosity OFF. Also for the love of god, turn off "Include posts liked by the blogs you follow" and "Include 'Based On Your Likes!'" too. Other people's experiences might be different from mine, but when Tumblr first introduced this feature and I tried it out for a while, it was so predictable that every time I came across a post that made me viscerally angry and think, "How the HELL did this get on my dash?" it was always always some random post from someone I wasn't even following… So yeah, get rid of that.
Second, make the "Following" tab your default, instead of the "For you" tab. How to do this is not particularly obvious. From the Tumblr homepage (not settings), you need to find the tabs at the top of your dash (For you, Following, Your tags) and then click the toggle/settings icon to the right of those tabs. This will allow you to reorder your tabs. In particular, what you need to do is click the pin icon to the right of "Following," and this will set Following to be your pinned and first tab. By default, when you open Tumblr, your dash will show the posts of people you have actually opted into following rather than what Tumblr suggests to you.
Next, make sure timestamps on posts are on. This should be the default (despite what Tumblr says?), but if you don't see timestamps at the top of all posts, I highly recommend turning this setting on (under Settings > Dashboard). Knowing when a post was made is hugely helpful for understanding the context of the post, and I don't know why websites would allow you to hide this, really, unless they want you walking around with no sense of time or context, which uh… I don't recommend that social media experience!
Turn off endless scrolling (under Settings > Dashboard): Websites like endless scrolling to keep people from leaving the site. I recommend turning this off to make it more obvious how many posts you've scrolled through on Tumblr, to make it easier to find your place in older posts, and also to make the website just lighter to load. When I last used it, the Tumblr mobile app does not allow pagination, which is pretty typical of social media apps in general. Honestly, I recommend just not using the Tumblr mobile app at all. I've uninstalled it and aside from missing the convenience of being able to attach photos from my phone onto Tumblr posts, I really don't miss it…
Things that you may or may not be interested in:
Enable custom theme on (each of) your blog(s): So fun fact: If you don't have a custom theme enabled, then when people visit your blog when not logged into Tumblr, they will only be able to scroll through a few of the posts on your blog before being prompted by Tumblr to log in if they want to see more. This popup cannot be gotten around, and so people without Tumblr accounts or who are browsing on a device/browser without a login session just won't be able to see your posts. Personally, I do not like this behavior -- I like my blogs to be archives with useful permalinks that can be browsed by anyone. Anyway, you can get rid of this annoying prompt by going to Account > (select blog) > Blog settings and toggling that "Enable custom theme" slider. It doesn't really matter what theme you use (although there are a lot of options to choose from), just use a custom one!
Turn off "Shorten long posts" (under Settings > Dashboard): YMMV, but I personally don't find this setting very helpful as the maximum length for when it starts cutting off posts is pretty short and falls far short of what I would consider a "long post" that is inconvenient to scroll past. Instead, you may want to turn off this setting and create a filter for the tag "long post" (under Settings > Account > Filtered Tags).
Mature content: If you're interested in possibly seeing mature content, you may want to review your mature content settings (under Settings > Account) as by default, Tumblr is set to hide it entirely and doesn't tell you that it's hidden posts from you and so you probably just will not be aware this setting is a thing! Personally, I use the "Blur" setting.
Hiding content from users you don't want to see: As far as I can tell, if you see someone's posts in (e.g.) tag searches and would prefer not to see any of that person's posts in public places like that tag or appear on your dash by people you follow reblogging their posts, you should block them. Official Tumblr documentation does not say that this is a feature of blocking, but it is.
When Tumblr's functionality isn't enough… External tools such as XKit Rewritten provide a whole lot of QoL fixes to Tumblr's interface like making it easier to reply to replies, hiding posts you've already seen, showing how many new/unread posts are in tracked tags, showing all tags on posts by default rather than requiring you to click "See all," etc. For me, one thing I needed in order to make Tumblr semi-usable for me is hiding notes in tag searches (because I don't really need constant reminders that my tastes aren't aligned with wider fandom's tastes lol). I couldn't find a tool that does this, so I wrote a simple Tampermonkey script to do it for me.
Hope this helps new users of Tumblr, and feel free to add other helpful tips if you have them!
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notanettelmao · 2 years
The Food Blogger [Colin x reader]
This might have a part two if enough people like it
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I actually talked about writing something with Colin about a month ago, but then I went out with some friends and had a family emergency and I somehow forgot about it?? So this is not really what I planned at first, lol
tagging some of the people that sounded really interested in my idea when I posted about it: @vic-top @iputthefaninfanfics @idylio24 (sorry if it isn't what you were expecting hehe)
Fandoms: Not Okay Movie Warnings: weed, me being bad at writing stuff that sounds like Colin, Danni is being Danni... Pairings: future Colin x reader Words: 1,7k
“Okay Y/N, take a picture, post it on Instagram, post the blog post with the recipe and link it to your stories. You’ve done this multiple times, nothing’s scary about it..” The girl mumbled as she moved around her table, trying to get the best angle to take a picture of her creation. The table had a thin white tablecloth thrown over it to cover the multiple paint stains from when the girl tried to be creative. On the tablecloth, in the middle of the table, sat a black plate with pancakes on top of it. The girl managed to sprinkle more powdered sugar on the pancakes as she found the right angle. At first glance, there was nothing special about the pancakes, maybe the three raspberries on top which ended up there after she thought the brown color of the pancakes was a little boring. But if someone would eat the food, they would find out it actually had a secret ingredient. Weed. 
How did the weed end up in the pancakes of a girl who has never even touched a joint? Funny story actually, it started with her getting a new job as a food blogger. On the same day, she bumped into a particular bleached guy, who smelled like weed. Hell, you could smell him from a few meters away, that’s how bad the weed smell was. Noone at work seemed to notice it, or maybe they were just used to it at this point. There wasn’t actually anything that interesting about him, except the good looks, pretty eyes, absolutely tasty-looking lips and- the girl’s phone buzzed next to her. She groaned and turned around to pick it up from the counter to look at who texted her. 
‘U free?’ 
Was what she saw under Danni’s name on her screen. What the hell did Danni want? She hasn’t talked to her since she found out she also had the hots for Colin. They had a fight about who could possibly actually end up dating him. Let’s say Danni didn’t like the idea of him not liking either of them. 
Y/N rolled her eyes as she clicked on the call button and put the phone near her ear, using her other hand to look at the pictures she took with her camera.
“Y/N? Why are you calling me, couldn’t you just text back like a normal person?” Danni’s voice was heard from the phone speaker not even after the first beep. 
“Kinda trying to work here, figured out calling would be quicker,” Y/N mumbled into the phone, still not knowing what to think about the other girl calling her. 
“Anyway, what do you want?” She asked right after and put her camera down on the table next to the plate, walking to her couch so she could sit down. 
“I was wondering if you would want to go out to get some coffee… Talk about boys… You know, all the stuff. You didn’t respond to any of my emails so-”
“Fine, I’ll be down in five.” Y/N hung up before Danni could continue. She was already regretting her decision. But she also didn’t want to let go of one of her only work friends. A stupid fight over a boy should not end a friendship, right? 
Danni was late. Y/N stood outside in her black sweatpants and a black baggy t-shirt with some random prints all over it. She was regretting putting on her new Vans, as she could already feel the skin on her heels protesting. She was scrolling through her Instagram, liking Colin’s new posts when a pair of white shoes appeared on the ground in front of her. She slowly looked up, noticing the brown pants and lighter-brown hoodie. Finally, she saw Danni’s face framed by two blonde strands of hair on each side, tucked behind her ears. 
“Hiii!” Danni cheered, pulling Y/N into a hug almost making her drop her phone. 
“Uh, hi,” Y/N laughed awkwardly. Danni didn’t seem to notice.
“How have you been? I saw you gained some followers after those yummy-looking weed recipes,” Danni’s eyes sparkled when she mentioned the followers. Y/N slowly blinked, realizing the other girl just wanted to boost her follower count. 
“Oh, I’ve been great, yeah…” Y/N put away her phone as they started walking down the street. Danni started talking about her wanting to get into writing and Y/N was just nodding her head, not really listening. She was mostly looking around wondering where they were going to end up. 
“No way! Je obsessed!” Danni said suddenly, making Y/N stop and look at what she was looking at. They stood in front of a tiny coffee shop called Matcha Baby. A waitress put out a sign and walked back inside.
“Influencers eat free?” Y/N read aloud. She bit her lip, trying not to laugh when she noticed Danni checking her follower count. 
“Not today,” Danni made a face and turned to continue walking when she stopped and just stared. Y/N almost bumped into her as she didn’t notice her just standing there again. 
“What the hell Da-” Y/N started to say. Then she noticed what the other girl was staring at. 
“-nni. Oh, you’ve got to be shittin’ me.” She mumbled under her breath. A few meters away from them there was a black car. They both stared as Colin stepped out of it, smoke surrounding him as he breathed it out, and started walking their way. Y/N was already moving to the side so he could walk by. Danni had other ideas. 
“Colin!” Danni exclaimed loudly, making Y/N wince. Colin stopped right in front of them.
“Oh shit. Waddup honey? Yea I can’t take a pic right now. But-” Colin said, making Y/N snort. She quickly covered her mouth but Colin already turned his attention to her. 
“Oh, I’ve seen you before?” He asked, looking Y/N up and down. She made a surprised noise, trying to ignore Danni who was plotting her murder by the looks she was giving her. 
“Oh, I- Ehm I work in the same building? Make food posts on insta and.. stuff..” Y/N cringed as her voice cracked. 
“Shiit right! You make those lit weed posts!” He looked down at his phone, quickly typing something on the screen, and then turned it to face her.
“Haven’t actually seen yo acc on my insta, just saw an article. Give me your user?” He asked. Y/N’s eyes widened and she took his phone into her shaking hands, quickly typing her Instagram username into the search bar. She then returned his phone with a shy smile on her face. 
“Sick,” he tapped on the screen, few seconds later she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She had to bite her lip to stop herself from screaming. Was this really happening?
“I work in that building too!” Danni said loudly so the two of them heard her. They both looked at each other and then turned their heads to look at Danni.
“Yeah. Anyway. I’m supposed to be going to-” Colin looked at his screen and then up at the coffee shop, “- there. Matcha Babyy. Plus my plug lives here so two birds one stone.” He waved his hand towards the building. 
“Yeah, I smoke marijuana, like, all the time!” Danni said, smiling. 
“Oh lord,” Y/N mumbled under her breath, deciding to pull out her phone and pretend she is doing something.
“Ever seen one of these?” Colin asked, lighting the weird-looking joint. Y/N quickly turned on her camera and pointed it at Danni when she saw her reaching for the joint. Danni inhaled the smoke and started coughing before she gave the joint back to Colin. Y/N was silently laughing as she sent the video to one of her friends back home. She missed Colin talking to a random fan on the other side of the street because of the spam of laughing emojis she got as a response. 
“So cool that you have a fan!” Danni said in between coughs. Colin shot a quick look at Y/N and then back to Danni.
“Oh yeah, I got a- I got a bunch. That’s just one.” He chuckled.
“So like, what are you? Like, at Depravity? I see she-” he waved his hand towards Y/N, “ is a food blogger. What are you?”
“I’m a- I’m a writer,” Danni said. Y/N rolled her eyes. Writer, sure. Colin completely zoned out taking selfies with his joint as she talked more.
“I wanna develop my work by traveling and stuff. And maybe like, going on one of those writer retreats-” That got Colin’s attention. 
“Oh, you’re going on a retreat?” He zoned out again as he got a notification. Y/N just stood there, staring at the two of them as if she was watching a movie. She only needed popcorn. 
“I’m going to Paris for it,” Danni said out of nowhere and Y/N choked on air, almost falling over. Colin looked up from his phone to Danni. 
“Shit. That’s dope. Hey, get pics,” he was ready to walk away when Danni stepped into his way, making Y/N start choking once again. 
“I’m gonna get lots of pics! Yeah. Throw them all up on the gram!” Danni made a random dance move and Y/N turned to look at the lady that was sitting on the ground next to them this whole time. They both had the same look on their faces, they were completely done with Danni.
“By the way, this was laced with, like, mad wax, so your tolerance must be OD as fuck. Damn, ma. Good luck in Paris, Jenny.” He turned to Y/N.
“Good to meet you both,” he said as he walked away.
“Danni,” Danni said, turning around to look at him walking away.
“What’s up?” He stopped and looked at her.
“My name is Danni.” 
“No, it’s Colin.” He said. Y/N busted out laughing. 
“I’ll see you at work,” Colin said, looking at Y/N. Then he turned to look at Danni.
“Or I guess I won’t.” He then walked away. Danni started laughing loudly, making both the homeless lady and Y/N look at her like at a crazy person.
“Fuck me,” Danni said as she finished laughing. 
“Fuck you indeed,” Y/N mumbled under her breath, making the homeless lady snort. 
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waterspoutskies · 11 months
If my blog dies or is shadowbanned let it be known that I died fighting to explain to staff that the hellsite doesn't have to become instagram
Re: Today's staff announcement (And what I sent staff in feedback under the cut)
Staff's latest announcement at: https://www.tumblr.com/staff/722477242948747264/tumblrs-core-product-strategy
Aside from the obvious concerns about the following tab being removed and the chronological feed being removed (let me tell you how annoying it is on my newer blog having to change over to the Following tab instead of the For You tab each time I log in because there's not a way to permanently enforce that change), there are a few major issues.
1) Absolutely NO notification emails if push notifications are turned off. I turned them off. I don't want emails if I turned off notifications. This is the dumbest thing I've seen proposed in quite a while. Not even Instagram and Twitter send emails when you have notifications turned off for the site.
2) Bring back picking blogs to follow in the introduction steps, not just tags. This should be a no brainer. This site is unbelievably easy to use if you know that following blogs = content on your dash.
3) Don't collapse reblog threads. We make reblog chains for the humor of it. And if you must, you better make that toggleable the way collapsing long posts currently is. I want to see my reblog threads. There's a whole culture around this, which you might take the time to dive into if you wish to understand how things are being used by the userbase.
4) The same goes for hiding duplicate reblogs. First of all, doing it multiple times can be for the humor of it. But also? People use that as a timed post system to reach different parts of their audience based on the time of day. And it's much easier to promote an old post about your commissions than make up a brand new one each time. Your "creators" function much better the way things are than they do on sites that don't allow this- And you can ask them about it. Once again, if you must, make that toggleable.
5) Speaking of reblog issues. You want to clean up reblogs and make post chains easier to follow? Bring back our ability to click on usernames to track back through reblogged additions to posts. Don't take me to their blog. Don't take me to their frontpage. I want to see what they said on the post, and THEN I'll consider following them, not the other way around.
6) Y'all seem to be under the impression that the majority of us "create content." If content is us musing our random thoughts aloud and shitposting, then you'd be correct. Not everyone coming on here is coming to gain a mass following and monetize themselves-- I would bet, if you used one of your polls on a staff post, you'd discover that a majority of us are not doing that. We're here to socialize using a form of online media.
7) Since we're bringing up feedback issues, toggles should be permanent. If you make something toggleable, I do not want to go back in once a week and have to change it back. This applies to 3 and 4. And certain other issues.
8) Staff, I know y'all are getting a fair bit of hate for this, since y'all just make the announcements, not so much the upper level decisions. Especially not the corporate drivel lingo in today's. So let me address this one directly to the corporate overlords: If you want to make money off of users and improve the traffic of the site, you might try asking the userbase at large what keeps them on the website. Not what they want to see improved, what keeps them there. Tumblr succeeds because it isn't going the way of other social media websites. Don't be just like everyone else. That's why we're here in the first place.
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kaioshin-kai · 9 months
Guess I can get back to the planned stuff + Asks stuff this weekend bc I'm burned up with family bs and said "no".
Anyway. Developing my kai OC's after negative stuff. Will work on SL's.
Solune and Beadle are definitely the bad guys in Zamasu's Redemption story and will play the bully role.
Rubis is kind but still part of the toxic friend trio.
Solune has a good side despite being worse than what Zamasu was in terms of how he acted before he betrayed Gowasu.
Beadle kinda goes with it, it makes him seem double-faced. Perhaps, he is. He just kind of have a follower-mentality, Solune is just the dominant friend, and Beadle kinda goes with it.
Rubis seems innocent and he is... but he has a darker side: Keeping his grief and fears to himself. Even though it doesn't seem like it at all because he's so popular, always making selfies, he wins beauty pageants and is deemed one of the most beautiful women... as a genderfluid guy! A lot of people don't realize that he's mostly male-identifying (reminder that genderfluid is still a trans identity!)
What darkness is Rubis hiding? He seems to know more than people think... perhaps he has encountered some dangers? Who knows! lol I'm still working on this & not sure where I'm going, but it's the most important that people shouldn't think him as a weakling just bc he's more sensitive!!
Nnnnnot sure if I should make a blog for the trio or not... Bc their relation to their masters is most important.
More random lore:
Universe 11: Solune and Khai are very agreeing and get a long very well, Khai endorses Solune so much that he bats a blind eye to Solune's sadistic tics; this can be seen that Khai condoned the erasure of other universes. He believes in sacrifice and it's why he meshes well with Solune.
Solune is extremely intelligent and also assists Khai in his technology.
He passed the tests, proving his great potential. He doesn't seem to have much flaw. Khai considers Solune as "perfect".
Some kais even wonder why Solune isn't Eyre's attendant because he's so good with computers... Though, Belmod warned Khai not to focus on Solune's powers alone and would often remind Khai that Solune is only an attendant, not his replacement.
Toppo claims that he has "bad feelings" around Solune. However, Khai tells Toppo off not to say it ever again. Belmod keeps his eyes open. Other destroyer gods don't seem too keen with Solune. Perhaps they have a better intuition? Who knows.
Universe 3: Beadle is a kai that loves to work with his hands. Despite being quite big and beefy; he's actually the youngest of the 3! He's just a big beefy boy, kinda ignorant and even guillible sometimes. If he wasn't a kai with all that magic stuff, he would've been a construction worker kinda guy. Beadle is good with building big robots, he still has to learn a lot w/ programming and such but Eyre loves how much of a good job Beadle does with mechanics. Beadle helps Mule with maintaining Mosco.
Beadle doesn't really like to think too hard outside the stuff he's good at. Being good at lifting heavy things and engineering. Everything Eyre says is the only good opinion.... and that kind of strokes Eyre's ego a bit too much!
Beadle likes Eyre and Mule's favorite anime as well: Gundam! He passed the test while not even finishing it... he said that he likes Gundam too and Mule and Eyre agreed that Beadle is good enough.
Campari was a little confused. Despite being a supreme kai attendant, Beadle is a can't cook... but Campari wrote down some dishes Eyre and Mule like and Beadle made a robot that can cook. Despite Campari giving Eyre The Look... Eyre said "I could have built that if I wasn't so busy!!* Thank goodness Beadle made Chef-kun."
Universe 1: Rubis kind of randomly picked Anato, just good vibes and an instant 'click' while Rubis came to apply...
Rubis wanted to assist a Supreme Kai that would also try to help him overcome his weaknesses, someone a little strict in an encouraging, someone who can genuinely help him with martial arts and give life advice. Something meaningful. Perhaps mutual growth.
Anato accepted Rubis without any tests. He likes the energy of this mutual exchange. He would describe Rubis as "very sensitive, resourceful, always admitting his mistakes, deep down very pure with good intent, and very funny once he warms up." as Anato also claimed that he has never laughed so much before Rubis was around as Rubis would always bring tea and freshly bake sweet treats... always amused by Rubis' punny jokes.
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curious-sootball · 5 months
Hello! Congradulations, you have found my blog. This is its masterlist of tags and rules - I will greatly appreciate it if you read the whole post and comply. So,
• This is my main (and only) blog. Everything I reblog goes here, because I don't want to juggle managing a bunch of sideblogs. (Tfp fantasy au sideblog is a shared blog, it is currently inactive). Please use tags for navigation, I tag vent posts, nsfw and gore (both when I post and reblog, although i don't reblog vent posts)and I assume you know how to filter tags/content.
• I'm an aromantic asexual. I'm not interested in random sexting or online dating; unsolicited flirting and/or aphobic BS will get you blocked.
• My art tag is sootball_draws , although I only made it this year and haven't retagged all my art with it yet. Searching for fandom specific tags(e.g. "hollow knight" or "hk [character's name]") or "traditional art" on my blog will also help you find my art. My au-specific tags are vigilante tiso!au, tfp fantasy!au and playing around with tma fears in ga'hooleverse. Those are aus that I specifically helped to create, other aus aretagged with what creator named them (e.g. boatem knights au, the magus archives au).
• If you follow me and you have a blank/unfinished-looking blog(e.g. default icon/pfp, one of the default header images, white main theme, no name/description), I will block you and report you for spam because you look like a porn bot(if you want details on why people are blocking porn bots so much here, search "the bot plague", but long story short - they use actual people to look legit and spread malware-filled links). This isn't twitter or facebook or insta or tiktok, you can't make a blank lurker account. Seriously, there are multiple easy-to-find guides on how to customise your blog, just type "tumblr etiquette" into tag search. If you still have a blank blog by this point, you get the bot treatment.
• If you go through my account spam liking my art and art I reblogged without reblogging anything in turn, you might also get blocked! Depends on how annoyed I am with you. This isn't me begging for numbers - if I don't want to share an art piece, I just don't post it! I share my art with the fandom because I want to bring joy! Tumblr isn't twitter, tiktok or instagram - likes are private bookmarks!!! Liking things without reblogging leaves a message that you enjoyed something, but don't want it to be known, like you're a victorian era married gentleman who doesn't want to be seen entering or leaving a brothel. Most tumblr users don't check the "likes" folder on other blogs, so no one sees things if you just leave a like on them. Reblogging is NOT the same as reposting, and whoever told you otherwise is a liar and an idiot: reblog is that tiny green recycle icon button next to like button. Reblogged post can easily be tracked back to the original poster by clicking on their icon, or you can tag it with "art by op" or "other people's art" on your blog to make it clear it isn't yours. I put time and effort into art I make - to see an equivalent of a bunch of "eh, cool, i guess" responses can be really disheartening. You're actively making fandom spaces worse when you do this. I have no patience for that.
• Should be pretty obvious, but racists/terfs/swerfs/all kinds of exclusionists/ai "art" supporters will be blocked on sight. I'm not giving you fuckheads a platform, go eat a cholla cactus.
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starryjkoo · 7 months
I love your blog and I’m just using this as a space to sort my thoughts, sorry if that’s a bother at all!
I just want to get it off my chest that after Jk’s performance in Times Square last week it really hit me all the sudden how much the company wants him to be the big pop star. I had heard people talk before ab how Jk’s promotions for seven/3d/golden were loads different than the other members solo projects but it didn’t really hit me until I saw him start to sing in Times Square. I know hobi played lolla and New Year’s Eve and Yoongi literally had a world tour so I’m probably being irrational a little.
I think it was just a little shocking to see jk up there like that and I couldnt help but think about the other members and how much I miss them as 7. It was like I could suddenly see jk as this big pop star and it scared me a little? And I know that’s selfish of me, I feel so guilty to feel that way
I also saw that jk passed 40mil spotify listeners, more than bts has currently and more than any other kpop soloist has reached before. I don’t know I’m just worried about scooter and the company pushing jk, idk if this is selfish but I want them to remain as seven and everything just feels so uncertain right now, I don’t know. Not sure if I’m even making sense haha
Hey! Thank you! I was sort of worried I’ve been a bit ranty and negative here so I’m glad someone enjoys this space. And it’s not a bother at all! Please feel free to share your thoughts here whenever! I know all my asks tend to turn into weird random long rambles, so never feel bad about sharing thoughts. And your ask made complete sense.
I totally understand. JK’s performance in Times Square hit me hard too. It was the first time I think the whole pop star thing really clicked in place for me and I saw the whole vision of what he’s been doing with Golden. I was kind of star struck in that moment and it really left a big impression on me. So I get why that moment may have really impacted you too.
And I don’t think it’s selfish of you to feel that way. You sound very kind about it. I’ve seen a lot of ARMYs express similar thoughts and I’ve felt that way a few times myself. Sometimes you’re just really hit with that longing to see the seven of them messing around in interviews or playing in the background of bangtan bombs or the insane rush whenever they drop new music or perform some insane stage together. Some of the solo performances have been really good but have occasionally left me with a kind of longing? But you’re not alone. I think a lot of ARMYs are super eager to see them back as seven which is where some of those kind of tasteless “hurry up and enlist” jokes are coming up. It’s pretty different from the beginning of the year when ARMYs didn’t even want to mention the “e” word.
I don’t actually think SB is trying to snatch JK out of BTS. I think they’re just being loud about his achievements because they want to advertise and highlight their whole A&R thing and uplift HYBE US through him. I also think that JK is being given a bigger push because he’s the only member who has released a commercial album, so his promotions match up with that. FACE and Golden and Indigo are very different albums with different goals and different ambitions, even if there seems to be a disconnect between their own goals and what fans think their goals should be. I do think HYBE should have done more for the other releases, but I don’t think they were neglecting them because they only want JK to succeed. I just think they were being cheap honestly. It’s not like JK was given all this push without conditions.
I also think JK is helping BTS stay in the public eye while the group takes a break. They’re actually all reaching different audiences and growing their brand in different ways which is kind of cool. I think Jhope was trying to reach a new crowd in the hip-hop community for example and I’ve actually seen a few people pulled in from OTS because they were J. Cole fans and checked out the RL after. So I think JK is pulling people in too by keeping BTS in the minds of that particular crowd. Notice how he also always introduces himself as “Jungkook of BTS”. He’s not trying to dissociate himself from the group at all. None of them are.
Also Spotify MLs aren't really the best metric to gauge popularity. There’s just a lot of factors to it including playlisting, and JK currently has four songs on the biggest and most coveted playlist on the app. JK also has a lot of collabs with popular artists who are actively releasing and promoting new music rn too which helps his MLs. BTS haven’t released a proper album in like three years and their last group song was an unpromoted fan song from the summer. The fact that they have so many MLs and so many daily streams despite all that is absolutely insane, especially when you consider most ARMYs are focused on their solo music which is spread across seven different profiles. BTS just seriously have such a massive amount of casual listeners. JKs stats are extremely impressive but I do think a lot of people are really underestimating how insanely popular BTS is and are putting too much emphasis on certain things like MLs. But when he passes their peak I’m sure you’re going to hear a lot of people trying to claim he’s bigger than the group. Twitter rn is just a dumpster fire from all directions though so I wouldn't take much you read on there too seriously.
I just think a lot of people are underestimating how insanely huge BTS is, not even musically, but also just as a brand. It’s pretty rare for people to know who the members are individually honestly (at least in my country), but a lot of people I know have heard of BTS. There has literally never been a group like BTS before, there’s just really nothing to compare them to, which is what I think has a lot of people tripping up. It’s impossible to have a “Justin Timberlake” of the group for example when they’re all individually capable of selling out stadiums, something not even some of the most popular western artists can do.
Anyways, I totally empathize with how you're feeling lately, and no one can really say for sure what will happen in the future, but I’ve personally only grown more confident as CH2 has gone on that they’re going to return as a group and return strong. Group releases will probably be slower and they’ll probably all still have a focus on their solo careers, but they seem to really be looking forward to being a group again because they keep bringing it up. They’re all also so insanely ambitious, I’m sure they’re thinking about how to take some of their records back and how to break some new insane record no one even imagined possible. Also their solo careers are just getting started too. We might see Jimin doing that stage he told Hobi he’d do in Antarctica and Taehyung in Hollywood so I wouldn’t be worried about anyone falling behind either.
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loartacc · 10 months
This is a random ass long rant not really meant to be reblogged so im not tagging it for any fandoms or anything. This is a precursor post, I will eventually be making a coherent post about this later with my own images and more coherent talking points.
This is a rant using limited evidence and so far, limited research. Take what's thrown into this mess with a grain of salt, because its 3:50 am and I've run out of brainpower to think about this for now. If I could make this a post where you had to click to expand/read more I would but i'm on mobile and don't know how, so we suffer together sorry.
Onto the mess!
The issue with only reading todds books in the dragonriders of pern series does mean that i've missed out on a couple key points for the riding details. Apparently the riding straps were described, however when i looked at them honestly the harnes shown on the rider was mainly just a belt with four connecting tethers to the dragon's straps.
I feel as if that wouldnt be secure enough, and would likely be very rough on the rider to just be tethered to your dragon around the waist lol. I definitely want to draw some strap idea's, especially since some sites use saddles while Anne never wrote in the books if there were saddles or not (and one site said she was against them while another never mentioned the saddles at all.)
Here is the image in question with the straps:
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From the Dragonlovers guide to Pern by Jody Lynn Nye.
I've seen multiple people reference this book specfically when talking about the riding straps.
However this cover shows a very different idea to the way someone would sit on a dragon than that (with an actual saddle being included. However I have not read this book so unsure if this is something that should be relied on.)
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These saddles seem unlikely for fighting thread with the taller backs, since I imagine it wouldnt be incredibly comfortable.
The following covers also show saddles and different strap ideas
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These images both show saddles and the first even shows possibly a red harness? Again! Havent read those books so unknown context for me.
However one of Todds books shows the no saddle idea, but very oddly???
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Sky dragons!!! With an assumed Xhinna!!! With what appears to be possibly a tether on either side??? And a single strap for the dragon himself??? That is definitely not fuckin secure.
Obviously expecting variation since im assuming these are in different time periods (atleast i know the anne and todd pnes are)
Also why is the blue dragons front legs so fuckin itty bitty?
I will forever be wondering about this and I will be drawing out all of my ideas for it soon. I definitely want to explore the ideas of harnesses (it makes sense to have more ways to secure yourself than just around your waist!!!) And straps for the riders legs specfically. I also wanna sketch out some saddle ideas? Or strap ideas for the dragon itself. I've been thinking about this forever and honestly yeah.
Saddle vs straps is a good arguement where the dragon is concerned. No matter what, straps are involved. However it would likely be safer and more comfortable for the rider to have a saddle. I'm assuming some of it lies in the dragons own personal preferences, and in hoe much time they have before a threadfall or flight. Saddle would also likely be safer (and give easy to reach access to firestone bags if made right since they could be hung along the edges of a saddle, meaning plenty of space for ammo during a lomg threadfall.)
Also how would multiple people ride a dragon with the straps shown? Obviously its possible, just interesting to think about the setup.
Sorry if theres any repeated points or anything! It is, very late. Also sorry for grammar and misspellings (however, on this blog you should be very very used to both of those.)
Also site i got the dragonlovers guide to pern image from!
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