#this is rebloggable if anybody wants to
ohisms · 1 year
little tip for anyone wanting to indent posts with the new editor : u can't indent without using a loophole as far as i've seen , & the best one i've found is using this : "ㅤ" character ( yes , there's a character to copy & paste there - it's just invisible ! ) to indent your lines . it counts as a character ! place as many as you want .
example :
ㅤㅤㅤthis is indented ! ㅤthis is indented !
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mtridactyla · 11 months
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heard we were bringing back spidersonas
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fleouriarts · 2 years
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mspaint dump. whatever
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arcaneyouth · 2 years
small vent art thing below the cut. just getting thoughts out
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mightymizora · 4 months
What popular/fandom take on Gale do you feel most out of step with? Where does your interpretation diverge?
I’m gonna make this non rebloggable, people can capture this if they want but under the cut! There’s a lot… and it’s mostly headcanon territory with a bit implied from canon.
I think he is an only child of a single mum. I mean this is about fifty fifty.
He grew up rich. He would call himself comfortable. Again this is fifty fifty I think.
Morena was emotionally a bit overbearing but also sometimes a little absent. He was a bit of a lonely child before Tara.
I think he came to the attention of Elminster way before Mystra. Possibly 15 years before. Mostly because of the Mystra timeline.
I think he was absolutely insufferable in his late teens and early twenties as he got enabled by people. I think he can be quite easily influenced by other people in social situations, and this was definitely more when he was younger.
I think he was popular as a young man, and could have had a lot of one night stands, but instead wanted things with a bit more intellectual connection. He’s had a handful of experiences with people he felt a connection with.
Elminster introduced Mystra to him thinking she would absorb his power. He brought a ton of potential chosen to her to complete her ascension until he found another solution. This would have been not long after Gale’s studies in his mid twenties.
When Gale met Mystra she still had a small spark of humanity (like how we see god!Gale in the epilogue actually!) and when that disappeared, Gale was trying to reach for it. That’s what led him to the weave.
But also, although he would never admit it, it was also pride. He wanted to be an equal in her eyes, even though that is impossible. He’s frustrated, unfulfilled by their relationship and he doesn’t know why.
He has chronic pain and that’s key to his character (again, mixed feelings in the fandom on this I feel?)
He would literally want to be with anybody if they were intellectually stimulating to him. Doesn’t mean they have to be academics but as long as they challenge him he would love it.
He would be very happy without kids and if he does become a father he would not be super good at it all the time! He’d have to learn how to be patient and would need to be supported!
I think his stamina with physical sex is terrible to start and I don’t think he’s as good at oral as he thinks. But he’s a good learner!
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nsyncat · 2 months
OK, so this is my first post EVER since I joined Tumblr like ten years ago. Always been a lurker, enjoying all of the wonderful things here, the gifs, fics, ships, art, all the knowledge and all the amazing heritage posts, but never posting and hardly reblogging, I don't know why, was always afraid I would make a mistake or reblogg incorrectly...
Anyway, the reason this is my first time posting is because THAT amazing moment that happened a week ago, and I've been losing my mind ever since, and unfortunately I have nobody to share this excitement with that will understand... So I had to get it out somehow, and here seems like the perfect place to do so.
I don't know if anybody will read this or pay it any attention, but never mind, I just have TO. GET. IT ALL. OUT!
So I've been a loyal fan of 9-1-1 this past six years, got hooked to these kind of first responders dramas, also Station 19 and then of course Lone Star. I fell in love with the writing, the drama and action, the characters of course, the emotional and moving stories, both of the regular cast and the people in the emergencies (am not afraid to admit that I cried more than a few times, especially when I was pregnant... woooh, that was a tough season for me).
Anyway, like everyone else, got invested in Buck's storyline and of course hopped on the Buddie train in season 2. And obviously there was something between them, and the fandom always clowned themselves that "in the next season SOMETHING is going to happen!" and I always wanted to believe it, and also fooled myself a few times but always was the cold harsh realist and realised it was not going to happen... But enjoyed the ride nonetheless, read amazing fics, saw wonderful fanart, read interesting breakdowns and analysis.
And then 704 happened and I'm not joking or exaggerating, my life changed!
Confirming that Buck is Bi was amazing! I'm ashamed to admit that I really thought it won't happen, EVER! So I still can't believe it actually happened (thank you soooo much ABC!) and like a lot of you, I've been on cloud nine this past week and can't wait for tomorrows episode (also not from the US), literally counting down the hours.
And look, I love Buddie, I really do, but I fell in love with TEVAN (my favourite one yet) 😍 and been OBSESSED with them this past week. Just from those few moments between them and what we barely know that is going to happen the next episode, I truly fell in love with them and really hope they make it as far as they can. I think its an amazing thing for Buck and also CANT. STOP. WATCHING THE KISS! The actors did an incredible job, especially Oliver, also with his spoken support of the storyline and his love for Buck. Such a KING! So this whole thing is huge.
And I have a one-year-old, my life is hectic with taking care of a little human being, a hubby who is also very busy, work, family and a million other things and this past year with a heavy heart I kinda neglected reading fics, and it was my main hobby, my escape, my one and constant thing in my LIFE since I was 12. I do read here and there, but not like I used to, reading hours and hours and into the night, multi chapters and long oneshots, in multiple fandoms, and now whenever I do get to read something once In a blue moon I'm not fully invested or enjoying it because either I'm tired or have something else more important to do. And unfortunately, eventually I noticed that I lost this fire, the passion in me and it left me sad and heartbroken...
And then something incredible happened. Ever since that earth-shattering kiss, the fire and passion came back! Holy shit! I've been reading and ENJOYING fics nonstop this whole week, I can't concentrate on work thinking about everything and reading in-between tasks, I use every single free minute I have to search new fics and scroll through the tags, I go to sleep late because I need to read just one more fic(!!!) even tough I have to wake up very early in the morning and I DON'T EVEN CARE. I'm thinking about it sooo much and imagining new scenarios in my head, and feeling giddy and happy, in a good mood a lot of the time, more optimistic, knowing I have a new and exciting place I can "escape" to, like I had in the past.
Its not that i'm not happy, I have an amazing son and a wonderful husband and I cherish every moment with them, but these are hard and difficult times and life can be hard and stressful and I'm a different kind of happy... So these past few days have been nourishment for my soul and my mood, it sounds so silly but its true! I'm feeling a bit like my old self and it's amazing.
And if someone did read this or did pay attention and got to this point, sorry for the long rant and thank you so much for the patience and understanding 🙏 I love you and wish you a wonderful weekend and happy Buck's-first-date-with-a-man day! 🥰
So I want to thank, from the bottom of my heart, ABC, Oliver, Lou and you crazy lot for resurrecting my old fangirl self 😌 I'm so grateful for all your posts, your takes, your similar enjoyment and of course your amazing fics you're writing and sharing 🩵
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tolerateit · 2 years
taylor on tumblr was cute and funny reblogs and her liking memes/easter egg theories but it was also unbearable self-rebloggers people dming those with a taylor follow to reblog their posts and a crazy amount of vague posting about who deserves taylor's attention and who doesn't as if that's even a decision anybody is entitled to make?? like i do sometimes say that i miss her hanging out here during award shows or liking our selfies during selfie nights but missing that =/= wanting it back lol the lover era was insanely suffocating towards the end of 2019 and i think the fandom really got to breathe and express its honest opinions without having like a dozen blogs shaming us for "not being a true fan". it was. SO difficult to post something you didn't like about her music or videos do y'all think we'd be having conversations about carolina, amsterdam and the jet emissions right now if she was still here? self-rebloggers would 100% have bullied most people into deactivating or leaving the fandom
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tfw-no-tennis · 7 months
Have you considered Sabo/Law? Would You Like To? 👀
so. slawbo. which is the best possible ship name for Law x Sabo 
it all started in 2018 when Ruth drew Sabo and was like “hey his hair looks messed up here bc I didn’t look at a reference and drew it from memory… what if it’s because somebody stole his conditioner?” (see below - and note the date!)
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then it popped into her head, “what if it was Law who stole his conditioner?”
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rebloggable here!
and thus, slawbo was founded B)
we took the idea and ran with it, and now it’s become its own thing 
the more we thought about it, the more we were like, “this is actually a super funny and entertaining ship idea that would work well” 
but also we have a pretty weird take on it so we made it into our own, basically. 
because of its foundation on Law stealing Sabo’s conditioner (which remains an integral part of slawbo to this day), it’s pretty easily established that Law is The Annoying One and Sabo is The Annoyed One. 
which is kind of opposite of how you would imagine their dynamic, if you know them as separate characters in canon – Law is generally ‘the straight man,’ especially around the Straw Hats, and Sabo seems like a mix between the responsible one (w/his brothers, sometimes, and as a Revolutionary) and the not-so-serious one – so therefore it would be the most interesting for their made-up dynamic if their typical canon attitudes were swapped
now over to Ruth for a POKEMON METAPHOR: 
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hey gang, Ruth here! as the resident Pokémon expert, I thought it might be fun to explain our slawbo dynamic using type effectiveness! per my illustration, Luffy’s personality is super-effective against Law, naturally (and unintentionally) irritating him. similarly, Law’s personality is super-effective against Sabo, who finds him super annoying (though Law exacerbates this on purpose, unlike Luffy towards Law). then, Luffy and Sabo don’t naturally annoy each other, because they’re brothers! when they annoy each other, it’s on purpose lol. hope this helped! alright, back to LJ
so in OUR slawbo dynamic, Law is the annoyer and Sabo is the annoyee. which is super fun! 
it also allows for deeper exploration of their characters – what is it about Law that makes Sabo so reactionary? what is it about Sabo that makes Law want to press him for reactions? there’s a lot of potential in two characters having a dynamic with each other that they don’t have with anybody else 
to be clear when we came up with slawbo, and this dynamic, we were NOT thinking deeply about it at all. we literally were just like “ok how funny would this be.”
so, to use an antiquated term: this is pretty much a crack ship 
also, Ruth wanted me to mention that this is NOT something we do a lot. we aren’t really “crack shippers” and pretty much stick to canon/fanon (when applicable – we can be picky). we share a single brain cell so we usually have similar taste 
so slawbo is special <3 
back in 2018 when slawbo first came to be, I started writing what I now refer to as my “pilot slawbo fic.” it’s called “make me burn the candle right down” and it is based on the original slawbo dynamic we came up with at this time
now it’s a bit out of date characterization-wise (also writing-wise bc I wrote it over 5 years ago) but it still holds a special place in my heart, and in our slawbo canon 
so then we have the series of fics I started writing in summer 2021. this is the “main verse” slawbo, the more polished version from the pilot version of 2018. the series is appropriately named slawboverse.
this verse chronicles them meeting and establishing a relationship. pretty straightforward.
it’s worth saying that this isn’t canon divergent or an AU – this takes place within the scope of canon, and we’re not changing any canon events (sorry Ace)
Ruth coined the term “canon enhancement”
there’s going to be a fic series written by both of us (mainly me, with a series of one-shots and a few supplementary fics by Ruth plus beta’ing), and art by Ruth posted to her art blog thirteenth-sword
currently slawbo can be divided into 3 major eras: pre-Marineford, post-Marineford/timeskip, and post-Dressrosa. 
these mark major character moments for both Law and Sabo, and would thus shake up their relationship (like Sabo having amnesia at the beginning vs getting his memory back after Marineford, and Law planning his suicide mission to take down Doflamingo vs after Dressrosa when Law’s mission is over and he didn’t die) 
so the series starts when Sabo is 18-19 and Law is 23-24 – pre-canon (and therefore pre-Marineford) 
so Sabo is not as high up in the Revolutionary Army as he ends up being later, and Law is not as notorious and well-known as a pirate 
this means Sabo has amnesia and an attitude problem, and Law has a plan for vengeance and also an attitude problem 
more specifically, Law, when we meet him in Sabaody in canon, is a smirky, rude bastard. he’s not as serious, and doesn’t have that “straight man” quality that we see post-timeskip. we view this change in character as a combination of him being closer to the zenith of his suicide mission and being around a bunch of insane idiots who defy all logic (the Straw Hats). 
put that together…BAM. magic. ultimate game of gay chicken
also we love and respect aroace relationships but these two fuck nasty. btw.
after Marineford, their dynamic definitely shifts. Sabo suddenly remembers his past, and also Law saved Luffy’s life, which adds a whole layer onto everything. and the fact that Law was THERE, and Sabo wasn’t… oof
a similar dynamic shift occurs after Dressrosa – Law basically planned to die taking Doflamingo down (not in an angsty way, just in a matter-of-fact sense – he essentially thinks he was supposed to die of Amber Lead when he was younger, but Corazon saved his life, so now he’s alive in order to avenge Corazon by killing Doflamingo – which is going to be so difficult that he’s just accounting for his inevitable demise to occur here. so when he survives, Law is like “oh damn this wasn’t really in the plan”) 
so a big part of their pre-Dressrosa dynamic is based on Law being like “fuck it we ball, who cares if I mess with this guy and flirt with him and stuff, I’m probably gonna die in the next few years, yolo.” which is an attitude he doesn’t have towards a lot of other things bc he has to Keep It Together in order to fulfil his vengeance mission, but his relationship with Sabo doesn’t really have any overlap w/said vengeance mission, sooo…
bonus note: Rule Of Cool may not apply to The Slawboverse, but Rule Of Funny absolutely does. if something if funny, regardless of whether or not it might be inaccurate, we will include it (within reason, obviously)
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some small details to establish!!
Sabo is taller than Law. fuck canon. imo Law’s growth was stunted a bit from the Amber Lead and Sabo is a beanpole
Sabo has more extensive scarring than in canon, all on his left side (see art for details)
Law has skeleton-patterned vitiligo BUT it’s on purpose lmao. I like to think that he had extensive depigmentation from Amber Lead even after it was cured, so he used his Devil Fruit to move the affected patches of skin around so he’d have a cool skull pattern, because he’s a dweeb
Law also has Raynaud’s and Celiac disease
Sabo has blue eyes (left one is slightly paler from the explosion damage) and Law has golden eyes like in manga canon
Law wears black nail polish always because. gestures to him. also he wears Converse, despite the brand not existing in the One Piece universe. doesn’t matter, he’s so Converse-coded that somehow the multiverse warped and found a way to get them to him
they are both Schrodiner’s Transgendered: are they trans?? perhaps. both have dicks and could have transitioned via Iva (Sabo) or Ope-Ope surgery shenanigans (Law). we’re leaving it open/ambiguous bc it's not really a focus of the series
Sabo defs went through a phase when he was a younger teen where he was hyper aware of his amnesia and would often jump to conclusions about strangers like, looking at him slightly longer than socially acceptable bc he’d be like “do they know me? Did they know me?” He’d be overly fixated on what his life was beforehand and do a lot of research on Dawn Island and would spend hours imagining what it would be like to meet somebody from his past. This stops rather abruptly – after a while he comes to the sudden and stark realization that every time he thinks “hey, this person might know me, which would fill some unnameable void inside of me because they could tell me who I am so I don’t have to figure it out for myself!” it never ends up being the case, so he quickly forces himself to stop thinking like this at all, which results in him slingshotting the other way for a while – where he refuses to even acknowledge his amnesia or the possibility that he might have people out there who knew him or cared about him before. So that is something we plan to explore in his relationship w Law!
another aspect of him kinda ignoring his amnesia would be that he feels like he’s exactly where he needs to be with the Revolutionaries – so even if he did have a life before his amnesia, it can’t be something better than where he is now.
so, that’s it for now! we want to leave some of the ~mystery~ intact to encourage interest in the fics/art, but always feel free to message either of us to chat about slawbo lol. and ENJOY!
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telomeke · 11 months
Not 100% a solution, but there's a way.
This post by @suffusionofyellow linked here points out that if you click on the timestamp below a post or reblog, it'll take you to that post or reblog (thanks OP!).
But the tip only works for reblogs of the original post that have the timestamp.
Here's a screenshot of how it looks on my dashboard:
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If you click on the timestamps below @‌bengiyo, @willowcrowned or @‌suffusionofyellow (in the reblog, not in the above screenshot of course) you will be taken to their specific post or reblog.
But if you want to read anything that @distant-screaming might have added in the tags of their reblog (@bengiyo having reblogged this from @‌distant-screaming), you can't get there from this page. Clicking on their name distant-screaming will only take you to the landing page of their blog, not their specific reblog of this post.
But it IS possible to view @‌distant-screaming's specific reblog, if you perform one more step – you have to change @‌bengiyo's reblog of the post from Dashboard View to Blog View by moving text around in the URL address.
In Dashboard View, the address looks like this:
In Blog View, the address looks like this:
In Blog View (linked here) there is a link to @‌distant-screaming's post:
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Clicking on the link in Blog View will take you back up the reblog chain to @‌distant-screaming's reblog, and you can read the tags each step of the way.
Staying in Blog View will allow you to go back up the reblog chain this way. So clicking on the link in @‌distant-screaming's reblog (visible in Blog View), you can view the reblog of the person they reblogged it from (@bleekay, reblog linked here). And so on and so forth.
HOWEVER, some blogs do NOT have Blog View enabled, and their posts/reblogs only appear in Dashboard View. So if such a blog reblogged a post somewhere along the chain, I think at that point you're stuck and not able to go further back (because the link in Dashboard View will only take you to the previous reblogger's landing page).
This is how I understand things work at this time. If anybody else has anything to add, do let me know. Hope all of the people tagged here don't mind me using your reblogs as an example! Just trying to make sense of Tumblr navigation.
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mayberrycryptid · 2 years
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pix credit is @tailsticks on instagram. please keep credit if reblogging!
Mr. Pickles agrees - March 10th should be Hawaii Five-0 Day!!!
Which means we have roughly 100 days until we celebrate Steve’s birthday AND our awesome show! 🤙🍤❤️🤙🍤
I’m gonna throw out some ideas and see what the Hawaii Five-Ohana wants to do?
also, also - I’m either super organized or a complete mess (my disabilty comes with its own randomizer chart. yay!!!) so I will do my best to keep posting reminders—but y’all have been warned😂😂😂
I know other fandoms have re-watch parties. We could watch the pilot and one other episode? I have NO idea how other fandoms do this, so if anybody knows how this works…
I do have digital copies of all the episodes. I could put the pilot and the ‘top ten’ episodes in google drive. Then we could take a survey of what the second episode for the rewatch party will be? would that work?
if so, then I need a list of what y’all think the top ten episodes (besides the pilot) are!
Would y’all like to do a bingo card challenge? I could post bingo cards in January, so people have plenty of time to make stuff!
If so, then what about saying anything goes for the bingo challenge—fic, art, photos, vids, etc. What do y’all think?
Another thing that might be fun is all of us doing ‘3 recs and 10 things’ posts that day:
3 recs for cool H50 fan stuff (3 great fanvids, 3 favorite fanfics, etc)
10 things from show (10 funny moments, 10 whump moments, 10 ohana moments, etc)
again, what does the Hawaii Five-Ohana think? would that be a fun but easy way to celebrate 3-10?
things we really need: Some March 10th graphics and pix, cheerleaders and rebloggers, and enthusiasm! and maybe a Camaro😁
sadly, I can think of no way to gift every amazing person is this fandom their very own buttercream grenade-shaped cake. Although I guess we could pass the salt…
any other ideas or things or challenges? Something you think would be fun or cool to do?
Lets throw our fandom — and Steve —the biggest birthday ever!!!!🥳🎂🥳🎂🥳
I tagged as many H50 blogs both past and present as I could but tumblr only allows 50 blogs so…
@five-wow @stephmcx @cowandcalf @alohaspaceman @kristen9999 @hawaiifiveoh @teruel-a-witch @ellena-asg @baci2244 @trickster-archangel @bgharison @comfortfromyourpain @stellagioia @mcdannowave @mcdannoangelwolf @ankhsunamun @redgoldblue @anastablack @gatorasmus @incorrect-mcdanno @rahiodead @cowboymitchell @jacksadventuresinwriting @allh50allthetime @h50europe @h50bigbang @h50bamf @itsmrvlxh50 @fyeahstevemcgarrett @acceptanceispending @bubblegumorthemoon @indiguus @mahalohanaloha @power-bottom-steve @danny-williams @twoonezero @merlin-wolfgang-trades-hale @bee1968-ch @the-itzy-bitzy-spider @confessionofashopaholic-blog @simplyn2deep @murphyhatesme @angels-c @chaosrising451 @grindy-cog @ilikemcdanno @annanight @mymcdanno @iolani-palace @peggyswilliams
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Today is Black Femme Character Dependency's 3rd Year!!!
A History: Funny enough, it began for friends. I was one of the oldest people in the Henry Danger fandom and had a lot of Black friends there who, when the show ended felt like the Black female character hadn't really gotten what they wanted out of the finale, but I was more concerned about if we'd still gather and stuff if we didn't have any common fandom to unite through.
After a few conversations about Black female characters in general (and us not having too many fandoms all in common), I decided that I'd make this space as a gift to my friends where they would be able to have Black female and feminine characters collected in one safe space to reblog or discuss without having to worry much about fandom racism or "colorblindness."
So frequently, some of the things I reblog are not of fandoms I'm a part of because its stuff that friends asked for, and I do the drudging through tags to find rebloggable content for them.
Then so many other people began to follow, which is pretty dope, though at the end of the day, it's still a place where me and my homies can have things that pertain to these types of characters that are often widely overlooked or underappreciated within their fandom spaces.
I copy and pasted my response from messages between myself and a follower. I thought today could be the perfect day to answer this question for anybody who wishes to know.
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twotangledsisters · 8 months
Sorry if you have already answered this, but how do you decide who to follow back? Do you follow everyone back?
No worries about repeated questions! Tumblr isn't exactly the most backlog friendly!
I don't follow everybody back, especially because I once checked out a new follower's blog to see if I wanted to follow them and they had 'Cassandra Fans DNI'.... Not Cassunzel, Cassandra. Which I laughed at because, I have Cass as my profile so why are you following me if you're this opposed to her? But hey, if my none-Cass content is good enough to keep them around, they're very welcome to stay! I am not here to hate on anybody's personal preferences.
But after that I kinda stopped checking out new followers accounts. If I see them more than once then I'm more likely to check them out. Or if they comment/reblog with words, like, if I hear them speak, have an opinion? (does that make sense? I hope it makes sense! I love the silent likes and rebloggers but it doesn't give me that same sense of 'ooh, this person sounds cool I'm gonna follow them'???) But sometimes I do just forget, not even realise I'm not following a person.
Sometimes I don't follow people because of a specific piece of content that is upsetting to me. (There's a few blogs I unfollowed for posting AI art for example...)
Either way, my PM's aren't mutual exclusive and I'm happy to discuss tangled with anybody! :D
In the end of the day I don't spend much time actually scrolling on tumblr so who I follow doesn't really make much of a difference, most of what I see is stuff people have sent me or tagged me in!
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ambiguouspuzuma · 1 year
Heads up seven up
Thank you to @mariahwritesstuff for being kind enough to tag me!
Rules: Share seven lines then tag seven people
Here is a recent revelation from Going Quietly:
He was still him. A good man, more or less, if he did say so himself. A good detective. Nathan wasn’t as fit as he’d been, as youthful, as energetic, but who was? With all things considered, he’d kept himself in pretty good condition, his mind still sharp and raring to work. It was never that he’d let himself go, so much as everyone else had – and he couldn’t nurse that heartbreak for the rest of his life. If they’d moved on, he had to as well. He was the only one still clinging onto a man who no longer existed – a space in the world that had long been filled in. It might be time to let his past potential go. In embracing this rebirth, he might finally find some peace.
I will return the favour to recent rebloggers @scribbledsilver, @cakemousse, @bookdragonlibrary, @frostedlemonwriter, @barin-mclegg, @kplays and @coffeebanana - no pressure if you don't want to join in, and an open invite for anybody else who does!
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thatgoldentrickle · 2 years
I guess I have a few followers now so hi, I guess you can call me trix. this is my third omo blog. The first one got deleted bc it was a sideblog off my original tumblr account and things got posted to the wrong blogs 😬
so I got smart and created a second account, which I abandoned and eventually deleted, partially bc it got softblocked after the porn ban, and partially bc I got a ton of pervy messages on it. That's why asks and messaging are restricted here, sorry not sorry, but running that account got me to realize I'm not comfortable with sexual attention from men. You can still follow if you are a man, all genders are welcome here, just don't be creepy about it. Minors, please stay away
Any pictures I post of myself are not going to be rebloggable, I'm not going to do holds with you, I'm not a little - age regression just isn't my thing. I don't want to dom for or be dommed by anybody.
I just like omorashi, omutsu, and some occasional scat - though I'm not into smearing or playing with it after. You might also see some sparing sexual content on here. I'll be sure to tag #scat and #smut. My original posts will be tagged #my pisst
okay, with those warnings out of the way, go forth and urinate 😝 let's have fun here
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pierceofheart · 8 months
i was genuinly thinking about can an actual human being be turned into sculpture (other than the basic taxidermy techniques). because it dragged into my mind if the whumper enjoys grotesque art where they make the former dead whumpee into the art at the end. it's like a trial for several whumpees where one of them ends up being an excellent grotesque piece of art for whumper to enjoy as a sculpture made with the actual whumpee. y'know what i'm getting at? the exact scene in my mind is a whumpee who made a tad too many errors/behaved badly in the whumper's eyes with their chest cavity open, ribs flaired outwardly, everyone can see their organs and intestines (either their preserved organs or organs made from actual sculpting material/glass/clay etc). they're really dramatic looking, laying on their back on a bench or something with one leg propped up and the other dragging the ground.
i've seen the torture side of artist whumper idea list, it was all about living whumpees but i'm specifically talking about dead whumpees in this made into real art with their body.
i know how it sounds, but it's an idea i've been twidlling with for a criminal minds-centric request on my main-also a writing blog- and i can't find anything on it and wanted to see how the whump community would react to such an idea in general before writing or trying to search for some help on how to write the scenes lol. one that did bring this idea to mind was the sculptures in museums about humans and i remember vaguely seeing that one post in tumblr talking about the statuses in greek museum i think (idk if anybody else remembers that), where one of the rebloggers were like hey what if the sculpture is an actual person but they've been dipped in plaster. it just got me thinking, but taxidermy would most likely be the best bet in a modified situation for this thing. i'm still going to post this here, maybe it'll be inspirational to someone lmao.
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haleigh-sloth · 1 year
What do you say to people who interpret MHA differently than you? Do you think their experiences are invalid and they're idiots?
I don't say anything to anybody.
I do exactly what I've always done:
post my own takes
if I see a take I don't like and think is wrong (and care about it enough to refute it), I will make my own post saying why I think said take is wrong
It's as simple as that.
I don't argue with people online. My twitter is private for this reason, and I've started making some of my posts non-rebloggable for the same reason. If you look on my blog you won't see me reblogging posts I don't agree with and arguing, you won't see me arguing in the comments either, not even on my own posts.
As someone who rejects everything I USED to think about the manga, I can safely say that no, I don't think anybody is invalid. That would be saying what I used to think back then was invalid. And while I do think that I was completely and entirely off the mark back then and interpreting things entirely wrong and reading everything in bad faith, and not giving the author enough credit and getting mad at his choices for really NO reason, I can still remember why I thought the way I did, with the text that we HAD AT THE TIME.
That doesn't mean I don't think certain takes are straight up wrong though, whether I understand why the take exists or not. My frustration is when these phenomena in the fan base don't evolve and grow as the manga progresses, and stop shitting on the writing as if it's so horrible and a "disservice to abuse victims". I hate the victim blaming that comes from the crowd that swears up and down that they reject the idea of victim blaming themselves, but in fact do it all the same. I get annoyed at takes that do just straight up ignore the text and then the same crowd screams that everything is a retcon or bad writing. It gets old after a while, especially when your dash is flooded with it nonstop and you can't find anything that isn't engaging in bad faith doomerism but also you don't want to engage with the crowd that thinks all your favorite characters should just die because they refuse to read past "good guy bad guy", it sucks when the same crowd used to be fun to engage with before a certain point. It got exhausting. It's still exhausting.
But tl;dr: I say nothing to nobody.
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