#this is not the norm but we were already in deep soooo
bluest-planet · 9 months
Unfathomable Rage, snippet.
Even if Yoruhua's Heart is no longer made entirely of Darkness, their body still is. And sometimes it feels like they just swapped one steel cage for another made of bone.
Vanitas just wants his keyblade back.
Part of this series of a loosely connected OC and Vanitas' roadtrip snippets. Non chronological. And loose continuity.
Yoruhua honestly has no idea what he was doing anymore.
He is old, and he is tired.
He didn't want to do this again; there's was so much left yet to to do, he felt overwhelmed as to which path to follow next, along with worrying over taking care of both himself and Vanitas from any harm in their weaken states. Be it Light or Darkness.
He has no thought out rescue plan, no supplies, no protection in Quiet Regalia, no idea where he's going in such a vastly unrecognizable realm, one that's moved on without him after all these years.
He's just going, anywhere that'll take him. He has nothing to guide him, except his broken piece of heart. Even then, the mountain of work left ahead of him made him so exhaustively frustrated.
Yet again he was forced to restart his life from nothing. To figure out how to climb that infinite mountain.
First it was being born; created by his mourning sisters' misplaced hope in seeing their brother again- left to assimilate in the night, in the Dark. When he hadn't been what they were expecting.
Then, it was being forgotten in a rushed retreat- abandoned to a hostile foreign Realm. Completely detached from the collective he was apart of, like drifting like broken, dying coral.
At least then he had her to keep him company and teach him about her realm. She who allowed him to graft himself onto, anchored to her shadow.
After that, he returned to an immature collective, regained his crown, his power, his title, and his hour of night. But he didn't want any of it anymore, he couldn't, so he gave it up to be one with her forever; promising to share the same heart and shadow, mind and matter.
I am thou, and thou art I.
He thought that was the end of it, he finally had everything he ever wanted. Even if they weren't accepted in either grace of Night and Day. Now he existed in a state fuller than he's ever felt before, heart unbound by natural law, free to traverse between dawn and dusk. He had nothing left and wanted nothing more. Free to make their own choices.
Until... Well, nothing ever seems to last long enough.
Again it was all taken away again. Grossly ripped apart and without mercy. Unwillingly annullling his promise, left to watch the life he didn't even get to finish building, pass by him through a narrow, unfinished window. Leaving permeant angry claw marks on the sil and cracks in the stained glass.
And now? After all that time? He's free, he was alive, he was here, and he made it. But that wasn't very true was it? He's still waiting for her near the end of the finish line, as he promised. He refused to cross the line without her word. Not when he still has to gather all his pieces up again and again.
Over, and over.
It was grounding those pieces down, into nothing but dust.
And you can't fix dust, can you?
Nor can you get it back when it's been blown away. Lost in the wind.
Ash to dust, left to rust, all time fades away...
I'm going insane.
It would be so easy to fall back into that ever present anger that still simmered just under his cold skin. Boiling him alive. It was making him sicker by the minute.
For so long, his anger kept him tethered to this existance, using negativity to recreate his own well gravity where there was none; furious at his imprisonment, he used it to crush his foes and bind other hearts to his own, in an last attempt to drag the one he so desperately wanted back,
His Heart's Promise.
A shuddered breath escapes him as he walks through the small village. It's barely audible under the humid and heavy, down pouring rain. He briefly looks over his short companion for a distraction. There, Vanitas walks beside him quietly for once.
Was he enjoying it? The heavy, oppressive rain practically flooding the streets, creating small waterfalls falling from old clay rooftops tiles into gushing streams atop gris weathered cobblestone. A loud swirling sound coming from the round drain grate in the middle of the street. And though they were largely protected walking besides the storefronts and under their awnings, the wild wind still manages to land a few droplets on them.
Yoruhua tries to enjoy it; having been stuck in a Keyblade for so long deprived of any sensation- this should feel... Euphoric, shouldn't it? Their anger should be washed away with the rain; they had no use for it, now that they were free- it should've instead burned out to give way for fiery determination only.
Another deep breath escapes them, stealing petrichor rich air immediately after, hoping to extinguish the stubborn fury still burning in their lungs like fire in a coal mine. And they swallow saliva to banish the tight bitterness clogging their throat, the toxic fumes that escaped from the hell underneath.
Yoruhua is unable to stop the way their brows furrow into an unwanted hateful scowl on their face.
Immediately, they feel Vanitas' questioning stare. Always quick to pick up on their mood, likely able to smell the intensifying burnt copal wafting from them, even under all this rain. Regardless of the smell, he's annoyingly perceptive like that; able to read people in an instant, always anticipating for hostility.
They used to be the same; but now, they've lost that too, just like they did everything else upon being freed. Walking, talking, breathing, reading, sleeping. And so much more. All of it digested by gluttonous fury that deemed it unimportant to preserve.
They stifle a deep sigh. Guess they'll just have to relearn that too, they've done so many times before.
Except this time Orichalchemi isn't right there by their side to learn along with them, their mind circles back, entirely intrusive. They shift the tracks on that dreary train of thought to something more positive; on her never wavering support and fun mischief. Gone, but not forgotten.
They longed so deeply to hear another of her dumb jokes and puns, get sidetracked listening to whatever rant about some odd plants she found, or just goofing off while the furnaces smelted iron in the privacy of her forge.
He feels the ghost of Orichalchemi's metal touch on her cheeks. It would be warm, heated up by a day's work blacksmithing, comforting on Yoruhua's cool icy skin. Always trying to keep them warm even if she herself couldn't feel the temperature. Smudgy ash would get on his skin, but he wouldn't mind, not when she'd always wipe it off with that well worn, patchy handkerchief of hers.
What Yoruhua would do just to be able to dance with her one more time, or collaborate on creating a new keyblade, or gardening in peaceful silence.
He wanted her and Vanitas to meet. To show Vanitas that not all hope was lost; there were some Lights that accepted and respected them for what they are. That there was a chance at a normal life for them, he didn't have to walk only at the edges of sunrise; the day was theirs for the taking too.
They just knew she would share the same admiration and love for the Dark in him as she did for them.
But their rose tinted memories and dreams do next to nothing to soothe their pain. It only fans the flames.
If... If she didn't find her, then neither her nor Vanitas would be able to truly stop running. She'd never be able to claim the day for herself again. Yoruhua doesn't think she can do this all on her own, so it's not an option. She must find her.
And instead, she's here. Wasting time.
This time, there's no mistaking it, another frustrated sigh seethes past their increasingly blackening teeth. Their icy breath misting miasma into humid, hot air.
Ironic that their emotions burned them inside out within a frosted shell.
They can barely breath. Charcoal black copal suffocating their lungs.
Another step, keep walking, the rain is never ending. His footsteps next to yours; my footsteps next to his.
They're his, they'll always be his, I can recognize his gait anywhere. I would know, I've watched him since birth. You're irreplaceable, you're me, so I'll never forget what you sound like; but when he walks next to me like that, it's like he's stepping in the footsteps you left behind.
Did you make this desired path for us to take? To make this journey ever so easier for me, just as I tried to support him? I hope it leads back to you. I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, where are you? Why am I here at the end of the line, without you? Did you take a branching path I somehow missed? Please wait for me to catch up!
...Will you always be out of reach?
Light flashes over the village, a blinding white in less than a second. Lightning. A very old fear plucks at her heartstrings, stopping her in her tracks.
"What's got you so spooked?" Vanitas jeers.
Yoruhua's fingers twitch, and they resist the urge to clench right into a fist. Or to let their claws unsheathe. Ruining their white leather gloves.
Instead, they bring their hands close to their chest and crack their knuckles against their palms. A satisfying string of boney pops and cracks echo between them. Then they twist their atrophied wrists, it's louder, and sounds painful. But it isn't. It snaps instead like pulled rubber.
The space between their joints feel looser, less tight, lest upset.
For now.
Vanitas seems mildly put off by their actions and lack of reply, but puts on a mean smirk, "well, whatever, I'd thought you'd never shut up."
That gets a response.
Yoruhua's miscolored eyes snap to look him directly in the eye. His own red pupils scorned by hers; yellow stained sclera, with birthed red on the right, and adopted blue on the left.
She doesn't say anything, just stares at him as if she's looking right through him. It's... Terrifying. It's not at all what he wanted or expected trying to get another rise out of her.
She shouldn't look at me that, his mind tells him, so vacant but so full of fragile, ancient agony, just waiting to spill out. He feels like he's staring down death.
Maybe he is.
How many lives has Yoruhua taken, as Void Gear? And before that, as a creature of pure Darkness?
In an era where keyblades hadn't been created yet; the first, baby Lights unable to defend themselves against hoards of Darkness.
Her one blue eye has always upset him- how illfitting and horribly familiar it was. It was filled with Light; it made his skin crawl when she looked at him. As if she could find him anywhere and always would. He always expected her to see him for what he really was eventually, like all the other Lights. Just another disgusted, hateful, or scared holy blue added to a growing chest full of ultramarine.
But it never came.
He looks at Vanitas, and his blue eye never averts. Only staring at him with unbridled attention and... Care.
It wasn't pity; just care and attention. It tracks him because it didn't want him out of its loyal sight; Yoruhua was afraid of loosing him. She watches him because it brought her comfort, because she was protecting him.
Not because he needed it, but because she did. Not willing to loose her one connection to the real world in eons.
And then he realized; it wasn't just like the Lights. There was only one other blue eye, recognizable sapphire instead of lapis just as ancient as hers, that he felt- not a fondness, but trust, reliability- when it looked at him. Void Gear.
The realization made him sick to his stomach. He hadn't lost it, his keyblade, he hadn't lost her. His one true companion, and constant since he was brought into this world.
Maybe it wasn't Wayward Wind, and maybe he hated her at first for not being his original keyblade, the one born of his heart and made for his palm. He blamed her, as if she was a symbol of all his failures and proof that he wasn't worthy of reclaiming his old identity. The only keyblade fit for a monster like himself, equally rejected by the Light.
She never belonged to him, but was lent to him. She, a dying keyblade without a wielder, and he a doomed wielder without a keyblade.
A pact made out of survival rather than trust or worthiness.
Haunting sapphire forever forced to silently serve possessed ruby turned tyrant topaz.
Regardless of his vitriol and violence, how he abused the blade in day and night. Refusing to properly maintain the blade as a punishment for the both of them. Waiting for the blade to finally give up on him and break during battle; she stubbornly stuck by him.
Till the bitter end.
And still does now.
She's watching him, like she would when he'd sleep, or when he'd be caught in a fight. Never sparing a look at his opponent, only him. Wondering if he'd make it out unscathed.
But this look, this old, detached rage.
He didn't want to be right this time; all blue eyes would come to hate him eventually.
They always do.
Both of them don't say anything. Vanitas doesn't have the guts, and Yoruhua knew that once she did- she wouldn't be able to stop the floodgates.
in the distance-
"Shit!" Vanitas jumps, turning to see another flash of jagged lightning striking a far off mountain and away from their staring contest.
He doesn't realize his mistakes until it's too late.
The sudden movement, the fact that he looks human, his uniform particularly triggering, the loud thunder and blinding lightning-!
Yoruhua finally snaps, unable to reign in the destructive wildfire festering in their body.
They char within hungry rage, eager to swallow them back in and sink it's teeth into his battered body. Like slipping into an old shoe, he fits in its between its protective fangs perfectly.
Bones snap to relieve the building pressure inside, allowing Darkness to reshape itself into something bigger and meaner.
Vanitas gets the wind knocked outta him, thrown into flooded streets.
He twitches on the ground, unable to think straight while so lightheaded. Water soaks into his expose hair and face, the rain has no mercy; filling up his nose and ears.
The shadow cast over his body is what tells him Yoruhua stands above him; hanging oppressively tall and dead silent.
Their sharp golden feet barely make a sound, the ripples following their long strides disrupting the flow of floodwater in front of his face. It gives him a second's reprieve to surface his face to for desperate gulps of humid air.
Uncomfortable cooling droplets fall down from his black hair to his face. He tries to wipe it away to see better, but it's a pointless endeavour while vulnerable in the middle of the storm.
His lungs tremble inside; wracked with exhaustion and heavy pain. A deep bruise settling over his chest where he was struck by pure muscle.
Heaving, he brings a hand to cover his face, about to yell at her for hitting him in the first place, when he finally looks up.
Endless black hollowness.
He stifles a swear. Looking directly at her was a mistake.
As a pure Dark being, Yoruhua has no face and her body was the epitome of her entire existence; Instead it's a hollowed out heart with curled heart shaped horns ending into a sharp point. Long claw like hair tiredly falling down their back. Ending with an upsidedown crown choking their neck. But, with no mouth or nose to breath, her cries have nowhere to go.
The same atrophied, spindly hands- now thin claws- wrap around under their shoulders. A warped mimicry of a hug, or strangulation. Kept in place by white leather belts and golden chains, preventing them from reaching out. Unable to defend a larger heart shaped hollow on their chest, much like an other Darkside. The rain passes through them as if she isn't real; nothing to be concerned about with little impact on the world around them.
Small bat like wings peak from his hips, sharp enough to cut anything trying to get close, but are rendered useless by the long, heavy dragging tail behind them. It almost looks painful to carry, in contrast with the much thinner and weak looking body. It's awkward, really. The sharp halberd point adding unnecessary violence.
The silhouette reminding him of mixture of various monsters made of Darkness, the Heartless, Nightmares, Unversed and the emptiness of a Nobody. But no where did he see a unique mark.
Fitting, considering Vanitas had no idea what Yoruhua really was; she refused to fit into any one definition since he met her.
< When.... When does this end...? >
Vanitas cringes, the sound of Yoruhua's... Voice, grates in his mind. Like it was trying to scrape its meaning into his soft brain with a jagged rock.
But he recovers fast enough, this time, he knew what to expect and could adjust.
His own voice comes out haggard, "you're gonna... 'ave t'be more clear.... 'bout that..."
He couldn't fight back like this, so against his gut instincts he didn't move. Glaring at her gold crown instead.
Wind blows through her hollow face, whipping past to sound like clamoring howl.
< When does it end? > Yoruhua asks.
Vanitas shakes his head annoyed, "I... I don't k-know what you mean!"
One of their hair claws crack like a wip, dredging him up by the neck to force him to look at them.
Vanitas bites down a yell, the loudness pounding against his skull. Angry now, himself, he tries to fight back.
He repeatedly claws at the hair around his throat, even his his fingers just keep slipping through, he doesn't stop trying to break free.
This isn't how he wanted this to play out; he wanted to see the extent of their Darkness, but not with it turned against him like this.
At first he just wanted their power for himself; wanted them to revert back into a sapphire eye caged in black steel for him to wield again. But now he wanted nothing to do with it. Not whole they were possessed by lapis, it looked wrong on them, like they were at its mercy rather than the other way around.
They'd promised to share their shadow with him, but this? This was just their stygian rage.
"I DON'T KNOW! MAYBE IT NEVER WILL!" he spits in their face. Braving the emptiness. He needed to dredge that sapphire out of them instead of endless black.
He manages to wrap a hand around their hair, clutching it tight together hoping it hurt, "it'll never end at this rate, so get yourself together! You don't get to complain to me, of all fucking people, for it to end!"
He pulls on the hair, tugging her head forward by just a bit. He hears and sees nothing; no breathing, no eyes.
Regardless, "I was finished. I was fucking done, Yoruhua! You were the one to bring me back, to drag me with you on this stupid quest, and keep us safe- It's your fault we're both still here!"
He screams in her face, "so don't you dare give up, and finish was you started!"
The monster in front of him recoils, its horns point towards him and graze his cheek as it withers in anguish.
< All of this, was a mistake. >
He barely flinches when blood spills from the cut but her words gut his stomach more painful more than any wound, a horrible sadness and indignation settling.
He used to be jealous of them; of the fact they never seemed to hate themselves as much as he did himself.
He hated being wrong, he hated being wrong so much more than he liked being being right.
He was a mistake. He never should've come back,
And neither, apparently, should've Yoruhua.
No... he thinks, after everything he's done? It can't have been for nothing.
Just like Vanitas; even where everything but the end goal was pointless, it was that one goal that gave him enough to keep going. His was the X-Blade and the peace that came with it, and he failed, so death was his consolation prize.
If Yoruhua refused to give that back to him, they owed it to repay him with something far greater.
Her own quest, to save her Light. To become whole.
Well, maybe he wanted to see the product of that.
And maybe... Maybe that would sustain him, to live through vicariously.
Yoruhua was more like him than he wanted to admit; chasing after the right to exist without pain. And she might just be able to do what he could not. She's done it before, so there was no way he'd believe she'd just stop trying when they've already done the hardest part of doing the impossible. That was just illogical.
Bitterly, he seethes, "Aren't you the one who said... Coming back was yours greatest moment? I thought you reveled in your existance."
< ... >
Vanitas scoffs a humorless laugh, the rain easily drowns it out, but Yoruhua is close enough to hear the mocking sound.
Their grip on Vanitas tightens around his throat, ready to squeeze the life out of him.
This death, could never live up to the first. He was a dying wielder, and they a doomed keyblade.
Well, even in this greatest betrayal, he refused to give her the last laugh.
"So much for your pride, Void Gear." He hissed. Never breaking contact with the shadow of his former sister, even as spots started to fill his vision and his body seized in her traitorous strangle.
What I am is Darkness, so to it I'll always return.
Faintly, he can hear rain. It's a soft pitter patter against glass; nothing like the aggressive deluge of before.
The air is cool; not humid like before. Brisk, even. He wondered why, but nothing makes sense in the Realm of Darkness.
The wood beneath him is smooth and just as cold. A thin sheet under his body reminding him of the one he kept within his shelter in the Graveyard. Entirely impersonal.
He tries to get a gulp of air, but his throat trembles in weakness. It's scratchy and just shy of turning into a sore throat soon. He regrets it almost immediately. But a whiff of something in the air shakes off his grogginess instantly.
Faint Petrichor... bittersweet, burnt chocolate almost coffee like?... And thick smoky copal...
He almost chokes on it, which thankfully he doesn't; it would have made the tightness in his throat so much worse.
He doesn't have the strength to move his neck, let alone his body, stars, he's light headed...
His eyelids feel so heavy... And the familiar scent so comforting...
Maybe, he can go back and rest.
So he allows his eyes to droop, resting with his eyes closed for a few minutes. Entirely unaware of what conspired before this moment other an exhaustive hate.
Now was his time to rest.
He manages to turns on his side, using his arm to cushion his head, and the other to reach out for-
-Void... Regalia...?
Too tired to ponder if it was the right name, he accepts the summoned keyblade. It fits perfectly in his grasp, and that's enough to ease him back into a dreamless sleep.
The keyblade's resigned sapphire eye faithfully watches over him, quietly. Like it had hundreds of times before.
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justalarryblog · 3 years
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🎆Thank You, Daddy by @recklessandbrave (10k) | Explicit
Harry’s hot, wet mouth is around him before Louis even has the chance to blink, and it feels so good, the icy sting of the frozen dessert disappearing as Harry’s soft tongue laps it up. After Harry swallows, he pulls off the head of Louis’ cock and then dips down to trail his tongue up the shaft, collecting the bits that dribbled down. “Yummy. Thank you, daddy.” He hums pleasantly.
Or the one where Louis gets an idea, and Harry wears panties
Part 2 of Pastel
🎆Stillness Is The Move by @turnyourankle (2k) | Explicit
Harry fails to follow instructions and requires punishment.
🎆And I know he’ll be the death of me, at least we’ll both be numb by @capturethesunset (3k) | Not Rated
Louis getting wrecked by jealous Harry.
🎆give and take by @sky_reid (1k) | Explicit
sometimes louis just needs.
🎆we’re still going, eight in the morning by @nooelgallagher, @yoursongonmyheart (31k) | Explicit
Harry washes his hands quickly before grabbing his phone. His screen lights up to 3 notifications.
DJTommo is now following you!
@DJTommo mentioned you in a tweet!
Direct Message from @DJTommo!
Harry yelps, throwing his phone to Niall who just barely catches it.
Niall looks down at the phone, seeing first the tweet, then the DM. He tosses the phone back to Harry, who nearly drops it. “What are ya doing, mate! Answer him!”
Harry thinks for a moment about what he wants to say. This is his chance to actually talk to Louis Tomlinson. Louis Tomlinson messaged him directly. He can say anything he wants. He begins typing, his fingers shaky.
Niall comes over to stand next to Harry and peers down, looking to see what he wrote. When he does, he lets out a groan.
…Or, the one where Harry owns a bakery, Louis is a radio DJ, and Niall and Liam roll their eyes at their incessant flirting.
🎆When I hear your cries, praying for life. (I will be there) by @brokenbeauty (5k) | Explicit
Well, I figured we needed Larry birthday sex, soooo….. ;))))
🎆St. Austin’s School for Boys by @domtommo, @winsomefreak (100k) | Explicit
St. Austin’s School for Boys is a correction school for young men that uses corporal punishment as their means of discipline. After one too many infractions, Harry Styles is sent there till graduation. Upon arriving Harry meets his dorm advisor who also happens to be the first year sex-education teacher and footie coach, Louis Tomlinson. Harry falls in absolute adoration for the teacher and is all too ready to drop down onto his knees for him. During his stay he learns some very interesting things about himself… Welcome to St. Austin’s School for Boys, where the hallways are filled with love, drama, and sex.
Part 1 of St. Austin’s School for Boys
🎆I’m Gonna Love You (Until You Hate me) by @sweaterpawstyles (8k) | Explicit
As if reading his mind, Louis glanced over his glasses at Harry, presumably because Harry didn’t reply to his statement earlier.
“I decided to get my glasses out again,” he chuckled, winking at Harry. “Do you like them?“
Harry felt his face heat up. No, he didn’t just like them. He fucking loved them and wanted to ride Louis and call him daddy while he wore them. But he didn’t want to just tell Louis this.
Louis wears glasses and Harry doesn’t like to be teased
🎆jump in the deep end by @istajmaal (4k) | Explicit
Louis’s stomach lurches as he closes the last bit of distance, Harry’s nose settling between his arse cheeks and pushing them apart. Harry’s lips brush against the puckered skin around Louis’s hole in a kiss and Louis lets out a whine so high-pitched he barely recognizes it as coming from himself—what if I’m not clean enough, what if Harry hates it, what if Harry pushes me away—but then Harry’s long, wet tongue swoops in a circle around Louis’s rim and Louis feels like all the breath is knocked out of him. He grabs for Harry’s hand, still digging into his thigh, and squeezes over it, until Harry releases his vice grip on Louis’s thigh and laces his fingers through Louis’s.
or, Louis’s arse is a sensitive subject, so Harry approaches it gently. With his tongue.
🎆daddy daddy cool by @sky_reid (6k) | Explicit
harry wakes up hard.
🎆Truth Be Told (I Never Was Yours) by @JustForTommo (76k) | Explicit
Harry watches Louis as he scrunches up his nose and bites the end of a pen in concentration. He’s been working on seating arrangements for the past hour and getting more frustrated by the minute. Louis huffs out a breath and glances down at Harry with a soft smile on his lips before he returns to the task at hand. It’s easy, right then, for Harry to let himself believe that they’re planning a seating chart for their own wedding and bickering over who is going to sit where from a list of their own family members. He can let himself daydream about a white picket fence and a dog that they could have within the next year.
It’s like a cold slap in the face when Harry looks to the top of the page to see “Aiden and Louis Grimshaw” at the head table, and Harry has to mentally remind himself for the thousandth time that Louis is not his. Never was, really. He’s just the wedding planner that’s been in love with Louis since he was sixteen.
(or the one where Louis and Harry have a complicated past, Louis is getting married to someone that’s not Harry, and the universe has decided to have a laugh and make Harry the wedding planner.)
🎆This Feeling orphan_account (58k) | Explicit
“Gonna play it back for you now.” Louis clicked play and the song flooded through Harry’s headphones.
The sound of each others voices united into one, and the rhythm of the music carried their voices effortlessly. Harry’s insides tingled and a wave of shivers rolled down his spine.
Before the clip cut off, Harry turned to raise an eyebrow at Louis, and failed miserably at disguising his smile. Louis stared back at him in shock.
Or A Larry Duet AU
🎆The Night Sky is Changing Overhead orphan_account (124k) | Explicit
“Um, sorry, but I believe that’s actually mine,” Harry said a bit awkwardly, pointing at the cup.
The man huffed, slightly narrowing his blue eyes, “Nope, large Americano, dash of cream.” He held the coffee up closer to Harry and honestly, Harry knew exactly what was in the cup because it was his coffee.
“Right,” Harry slowly drawled out as if he was talking to a toddler, “Which would make that mine.”
“Look, I really don’t have time for this, I’m running late. And this,” he said before he took a sip from the cup, “Is mine.”
Harry’s jaw dropped and he held his hands out, failing them slightly, “Wha-you can’t just drink it!”
“Well I did, so, do you still want it or can I be on my way?” The man challenged.
Harry shook his head disbelievingly, “Take it, but for the record, it says Harry on it.”
The man turned the cup around and a sharp laugh came out of his mouth, “Well, shit.” He looked at Harry, a smile stretched across his face as crinkles formed next to his eyes. “Thanks, Harry.”
🎆The Arrangement by @daddyy_harryy, @HyFrLarry1224 (218k) | Mature
Louis knew it was his time. Once anyone turned 13, they were watched. And when they were 16 it could be any time. Anytime they could be taken. It was just weeks after his 16th birthday and there he was, sitting in the back of the van.
Louis is forced to marry Harry and bear his children. He is to listen to Harry and do as he says, no matter what. Speaking is a given, and freedom doesn’t exist. Will the sixteen year old boy find himself falling in love with the Leader of the British Mafia? Or will he find himself stuck in a place he doesn’t want to be, with an abusive asshole for a husband?
🎆Something in the World Today by @whoknows(48k) | Explicit
It shouldn’t be a surprise, the first time that Louis drops to his knees in front of Harry. It shouldn’t be, because it’s been something that Louis has needed for a long time. It shouldn’t be, because he’s been crawling out of his skin for weeks on end. It shouldn’t be, because Harry always makes him feel better. It shouldn’t be, because he’s needed this even when he didn’t know that he needed it.
Somehow, it still is.
🎆I Cannot Dream Tonight Series by @afangirlfantasy (50k) | Not Rated
At 16 years old, everyone takes a compatibility test on their birthday. At some point after taking the test, and along with other data collected, everyone finds out if they are a Dom or Sub.
At 17 years old, everyone receives a bracelet that notifies them when they have been matched. Every Dom needs a Sub. Every Sub needs a Dom.
When Louis’ bracelet lights up weeks after getting it, let’s just say that who he is matched with, is not quite what he had been expecting.
🎆Don’t Waste Your Time On Me, You’re Already The Voice Inside My Head by @afangirlfantasy (28k) | Not Rated
At 16 years old, everyone takes a compatibility test on their birthday. At some point after taking the test, and along with other data collected, everyone finds out if they are a Dom or Sub.
🎆His Submission Series by tonystankyall (orphan_account) (152k) | Mature
Louis Tomlinson lives in a world where Domination and Submission is a norm. When you are born you are either branded Sub or Dom. Subs get a little pink or blue, depeneding on gender, series of swirls on the back of their neck. Doms get Red or Black, depending on gender, series of swirls on the back of their neck.
Louis Tomlinson was branded with a Blue tattoo and his day has finally come. The day of his 18th birthday where he will be randomly assigned a Dom. This dom could range from younger to older, poorer to richer, and male to female. You never knew what you were going to get. Some Doms were more harsher and stricter than others. Louis didn’t want a harsh Dom to submit to.
Harry Styles was branded with a Black tattoo and he just recieved in the mail that he was finally getting a submissive. Harry was a 32 year old man, settled in, and very very rich. He’s been waiting for an assigned submissive to be chosen for him for a very long time. His Dom friend, Zayn, has gotten his submissive two years prior, a little spit fire irish boy, Niall.
*The rest is in the note*
At 17 years old, everyone receives a bracelet that notifies them when they have been matched. Every Dom needs a Sub. Every Sub needs a Dom.
When Louis’ bracelet lights up weeks after getting it, let’s just say that who he is matched with, is not quite what he had been expecting.
🎆driving instructor fic by @LoadedGunn (104k) | Explicit
AU where Louis is a 25-year-old driving instructor and Harry is a 17-year-old virgin who’s really awful at seduction, except for the time he gets Louis to fall for him and fuck him senseless and take him on kinky adventures.
🎆Loving You Is Free by @littlelouishiccups (91k) | Explicit
Louis is a workaholic record label CEO who hasn’t been on a date in nearly a year. Niall and Liam make an account for him on a sugar dating website as a joke. And then Louis meets Harry.
🎆sex shop fic (dildornado ‘verse) by @istajmaal, @LoadedGunn (96k) | Explicit
AU where Louis is the most helpful sex shop salesperson in the history of sex shops, and Harry really was just looking for a vibrator with simple instructions (yet ended up getting a hands-on demonstration).
🎆welcome to the mansion by @blankiehxrry (7k) | Explicit
Harry is a Playboy bunny.
🎆Wild and Rain by @softandslow (45k) | Explicit
Louis has been looking after Tessa since he was sixteen. Harry’s a man in a business suit who has loved his daughter’s babysitter for three whole years.
🎆A Million Years by @sunflowerstyles (3k) | Explicit
Louis always ends up feeling guilty that he’s not ready to give Harry what he wants. Harry shows him how much fun they can have while they wait together.
🎆Can’t help but touch myself by @Tita (7k) | Explicit
“I asked what these were, love.” Harry gulps. “Panties,” he explains with heated cheeks, needing more than the light touches from Louis and getting nothing. “What did you get them for? Were they to impress someone else?” He asks, and Harry shakes his head fervently, stumbling over his words as he tries to get his tongue to cooperate. “No, no,” he emphasizes, arching his back to plaster himself to Louis. “For you, always for you, Daddy.”
🎆Champagne by @fanshae (2k) | Explicit
“Look at how pretty you are,” Louis murmurs, Harry’s stockinged toes curling against the floor at the praise, “Give Daddy a twirl, baby.”
🎆connoisseurs of comfort by @sky_reid (45k) | Explicit
louis has only really had his flat to himself for a few weeks when liam knocks on the door and brings him a new flatmate. this one turns out to be a bit different though.
🎆Dance Floor Whore by @ropewithnoanchor (7k) | Explicit
Louis and Harry go to a club while on tour to blow off some steam, but Harry gets too drunk and lets another man dance up on him in front of everyone. Louis takes him back to their hotel and spends the next morning punishing Harry, making Harry work to make it up to him.
🎆Give It Up To Me by @krisstylinson (8k) | Explicit
“You’re going to end up making me come with all the boys in our lounge,” he finished, his tone softening the longer he spoke.
“And?” Harry murmured, placing his palm over the crevice of Louis’ arse, keeping the plug nice and tight inside of him. “What if I wanted you to?”
Or the cliché where Louis isn’t supposed to come but he does, and that can’t go unpunished in Harry’s eyes.
🎆just want to make love to you by @beautlouis (3k) | Explicit
Louis has a lapful of Harry before the car has even closed and maybe he should be a bit concerned about that, judging from the look in Liam’s eye, but it’s hard to worry about anything when Harry’s wriggling against him, warm and insistent.
“’m so hard,” Harry pants against his ear, “Been this way since we got off the stage, want–want you to fuck me, yeah, I want–”
*the aftermath of the xfactor performance where harry went wild
🎆my one and own (i wanna get you alone) by @beautlouis (6k) | Explicit
Louis’ favorite thing to do is make Harry come. It’s the best feeling in the world, watching the boy he loves fall apart underneath him; to see how good it feels for Harry, in every line and movement of his body.
Louis pushes a thigh between Harry’s and grinds just enough that Harry sighs gently and ruts his hips back into Louis. Holding Harry’s waist firmly, Louis presses his lips into Harry’s ear and says, “I think I’d like to make you come.”
It isn’t as if they don’t both know that’s what tonight is—Louis making Harry come—but the verbal acknowledgment of it makes Harry moan sharply and turn his head to try to pull Louis into a kiss.
🎆Push You Over The Edge (So I Can Pull You Back) by orphan_account (16k) | Explicit
It’s after a long two weeks of interviews and non-stop appearances that have got Harry stressed to the limit of yanking his hair out and throwing a fit and crying that Louis shows it to him, walks in the door with a sleek black bag in his left hand and inconspicuous brown one in his right.
🎆To Be Loved To Be In Love by @Angel_Dust (129k) | Mature
At 18, every Sub must take a Match Test to find their Dom.
Poor, Farm kid Louis Tomlinson is matched with Rich, Businessman Harry Styles.
Or, where Harry thinks giving Money, expensive presents and luxuries proves how much you love someone, but Louis is about to turn his world upside down.
🎆Wake Me Up by @larrystylins (2k) | Explicit
Harry stretches and accidentally pushes his bare bum into Louis’ crotch. Oh. That’s definitely Louis’ cock. Okay that’s definitely the outline of Louis’ hard cock pressing against him. “Lou?” he whispers. Of course Louis is fast asleep..
or Harry wakes up to Louis’ morning wood pressed against his bum. Harry gets needy. Louis wakes up and punishes him.
🎆You Don’t Need Me To Show The Way by @LoadedGunn (6k) | Explicit
But right there, on Harry’s iPod, is a folder entitled Lou Sappy Sappy Long Indie Hipster 80’s Love Songs Mixtape.
Louis expects a sappy mix tape. He might even expect his own shitty versions of Foo Fighter songs. What he doesn’t expect is clicking on “AUD-20101223” and suddenly hearing loud moaning. He gasps and scrambles to pause it, so shocked the iPod drops right to Harry’s stomach. Harry looks absolutely mortified, even more than he did when Louis played High School Musical. He’s blushing so furiously his face bypassed rosy straight to flaming red, and his mouth is closing and opening like he can’t think of a single thing to say.
Then Louis starts laughing uproariously. “Hiiii, I’m Harry from Cheshire, when I’m on the road I like listening to indie music and gay porn.”
Or, 2011 fic where Harry rides dick for the first time and Louis appreciates technology.
✨You can also check My Fic Tags for more fics! ✨
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Do you have a pair of Beat headphones? I used to have a pair. I mean it’s still around in my closet, but it’s completely broken now with the cable all given out and the cushion for the left ear has been missing for a while. I just don’t have the heart to throw it out because it was my absolute favorite pair of headphones that gave me good memories during a particularly shitty time in high school.
How was your week? A little better. I’ve gotten into the groove at work so I’m no longer shy when it comes to asking questions and giving inputs, and I’ve gained a better grasp of the workplace’s dynamic so it’s also been easier to communicate with people. Heavy life stuff is still around and it won’t be leaving for a while, but they were easier to ignore this week.
Are any of your electronics not working properly at the moment? Not really, but my phone’s charger cable recently stopped working. I have a backup that I’m using at the moment and while it’s able to charge my phone, it’s starting to fray and I’m not feeling too good about the wires that I’m starting to see hahaha. I just don’t know how to take care of my cables, guys. Anyway, this question made me paranoid so I took a few minutes to wrap a shit ton of electrical tape on the frayed area so I think it’s all good for now.
Are you excited to pick out your wedding dress one day? I like thinking about my wedding but I truthfully dread the wedding gown part. I’ve never been able to decide what look and style suits me best and I’ve just never been good at determining things like that. I like to imagine that I’d leave that bit to whoever my maid of honor will be, because I’d definitely prize a second opinion more than my own.
When was the last time you felt relieved? Yesterday, 6 PM when I exited the last Google Meet for the day. It was a Friday night and it meant my work week was over :)) I mean I love what I do, but Friday nights will always hit differently.
Does it bother you when an artist remakes a song that one has previously done? I wouldn’t say it bothers me but covers are definitely a hit or miss for me, with way more misses than hits. Nothing wrong with acts putting their own spin on an already existing song, but I’m personally the “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” type when it comes to music.
What brand of chapstick do you use? I don’t use any mainly because I’m bound to lose them within a week. Same goes for other care products.
Do you really think someone could be perfect? No. Everyone has their flaws and that should be okay to acknowledge.
When was the last time you cried? Wednesday, I think. It’s been three days! I’d count that as an achievement. But idk, my sadness comes in waves so I shouldn’t be celebrating too early. I’m sure I’ll feel a pang soon and be crying again over the weekend.
What’s a food that you like every once in awhile but not often? Cake. Too sweet and rich; I wouldn’t enjoy eating it every day. What letter is the song you’re listening to under? Not listening to music, but I have a YouTube video on.
Would you rather visit the 60s or 70s? 60s would be the lesser evil, I guess. I would NOT want to live through Martial Law in the 70s...I originally wasn’t even going to go with 60s because I think the world was a bit chaotic at the time, but I think my country was mostly unaffected by the political/cultural things happening then so it’s whatever.
Are you the type of person that enjoys getting hugs? I don’t actively seek them out but it feels nice when someone likes me enough to extend their arms out to me for a hug. I haven’t been hugged for a while and I feel kinda empty.
Do your socks say anything on them? I think some of my socks have the brand name on them but that’s it.
Name a TV channel that only has three letters in it. AMC.
Have you found out who your true friends are? For now, yes.
Gray or Grey? I use both spellings for no particular context. I simply like changing it up lol.
Will you be buying concert tickets any time soon? LOL of course not. And I’m very picky when it comes to concerts that I choose to attend anyway, so I doubt I would’ve bought any tickets in the last six months even without Covid unless it was for Paramore or Beyoncé.
Have you seen the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower? Did you like it? Nope, but everyone was hyping that movie up when it came out. It never really looked like my thing < Yeah pretty much. I feel like it’s such a teenage-y movie so I was never drawn to it. I also think it would be too triggering for my depression, so I’ve felt wary about checking both book and movie out.
Is there something you’d fall apart if you didn’t have? One of my biggest fears is to end up alone, so I always have to have some form of a support system to fall back into. I would be very lost if I didn’t have at least one person to rely on.
How many weddings have you been to? I can think of four off the top of my head. I was either a flower girl or a junior bridesmaid for all of those.
When you smile, are you confident? Most times I am; I like to smile. But sometimes I smile just to fake it and avoid any questions.
Have you ever not done something because you were afraid of getting in trouble? Yesss, all the time. I’ve always been all about following the rules and I’ve never seen the appeal in breaking them. That makes me sound boring but at least I’ve never gotten in serious trouble lol.
Was the weather beautiful today? For me it is, but only because I like the rain and cloudy weather. Others might find it bleak and sad, but I feel right at home.
Do you have to have a fan on when you sleep? Yeah, all year long.
Would you rather have an orange, red or gray bedroom? If I had my dream modern/brutalist home, grey would be soooo fucking perfect for the bedroom. 
Would you ever dye part of your hair blue? I’m open to it, but I don’t think it’ll be a good match for my black hair as both are darker shades as it is. If I could dye my hair I’d pick lighter colors like green or even go all the way to blonde.
Have you ever gone to a private school? Yeah, from kindergarten all the way to high school. Private schools here typically give a better quality of education and they don’t give off the for-lazy-spoiled-kids vibe that I always hear from private schools in other countries, which makes them the norm for middle and upper-middle class families.
Is Finding Nemo a favorite movie of yours? I have other favorite animated movies, but that doesn’t stop me from loving Finding Nemo. :) I would always tune in for the whole thing if it were on.
Does/Did your school have a uniform? I had to wear one in my first school, but I didn’t need one for college.
Turn on the TV. What channel are you on? No TV where I am. I think my parents are watching a movie on their TV, but it’s on Netflix rather than a channel.
Does your house have security cameras? It does not.
Does a popsicle sound good right now? Eh, I guess it sounds fine but I’d rather have a pint of ice cream. I think that fits better with the weather and the mood that I’m in today.
What’s your favorite exercise workout? My weight training class last year was a lot of fun. I always felt dead after every session haha but I definitely felt healthier. I wish the semester had gone on longer just for that one class.
What’s your favorite thing to do? Lol I love doing many different things < Same lmao this question is so vague??? My favorite thing to do these days is binge-watch Rhett and Link content, but I like doing so many other things too.
What did you do for your 17th birthday? I was with Gabie that day and we went to a local art museum, as well as to a restaurant that she had wanted to take me to.
Does your local Walmart have benches in them to rest? We don’t have Walmarts.
Was your favorite stuffed animal really a teddy bear growing up? I never had stuffed animals. Well I was given a few of them as gifts, but I was never into them and they always ended up being owned by my sister.
If your house was haunted, what would you do? Not even think about it. Just show them that I couldn’t care less, lol.
Are you good at swimming? I can do a few strokes and am pretty good at treading, but I'm prone to panic-kicking when I can tell that the water is too deep.
What’s worse: Slow internet or slow walkers? Slow internet is such a pain in the ass. Shouldn’t even have to be an issue in 2020 anymore.
What is the rudest thing a guy has ever done to you? Cat-called, whistled at, winked at, lunged at. One good thing about this lockdown is that I haven’t had to deal with men as much as I used to. Do you sleep with the sheets tucked in or out? Well I only have one layer of bedsheet and it’s the one that covers up the mattress, so it’s tucked in by default. I have a blanket to cover me up when I’m cold.
What do you do to fall asleep faster? I find a few videos to watch as that tends to make me feel sleepy the quickest.
Do you carry a bottle of water wherever you go? I used to have a tumbler/water bottle in college but I forgot it at the gym one day and when I came back for it, somebody already stole it :( It was such a handy water bottle because it kept my water cold all day, so it sucks that I lost it. I’m planning to buy the same model again soon.
Are you afraid that one day you might get cancer? It doesn’t really run in my family save for one grand-aunt who had cancer, so I’m not too worried. But I’ve accepted the fact that it is at least a possibility.
Are you a fast or slow walker? I like being in the middle. Slow walkers are annoying so I try not to be one, and walking fast just reminds me of my mom and how quickly she walks at malls when she’s supposed to be spending time with her family lol.
Do you usually have to wear a belt with your pants? No. They all fit me just fine.
Does it bother you when people’s underwear hangs out? Eghhh, it really does. I know it shouldn’t but it really does. I just feel like it’s so invasive and it gives me a lot of secondhand embarassment.
Are you usually the person to try new things with your hair? Not really. I like staying safe with my hair. The most daring thing I’ve done with it is get bangs tbh, and I don’t plan on going any further than that.
When’s your birthday? April 21st.
What age do you look forward to reaching? I don’t feel that way about any age. Whenever I reach ultimate satisfaction and security will be a good enough age for me.
Name a state that begins with the letter M. Minnesota.
What’s the first thing you do after a car accident? Think about how to tell my parents. D:
What do you use to get rid of bad breath? Brush my teeth, drink water.
What exercise do you hate the most? Pull-ups.
What do you do at a party? Drink, socialize, tell stories, eat allllllll the food ha.
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lovemybluebully · 5 years
A Break From Reality
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Drum roll please! A new Punisher fic! Yay! :D
Dawww I missed my Frankie boy, and have been pining for Season 2 since I binge watched Season 1 when it came out. Soooo bummed that it's official that Netflix has canceled the show though. Fuck you Disney and Netflix!! >:( Hopefully someone else can pick it up! OMG! Frank was so soft and adorable in the first episode! Then the relationship he develops with Amy was really great, and naturally something I'd want to get into. WARNING FOR SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED SEASON 2 OF 'PUNISHER' YET ON NETFLIX!! This takes place post-Episode 9 of Season 2. Summary: Some bonding between Frank and Amy after recent events have her mind not where it should be. F/M Tickle Fic
Yes, there is a good deal of tickling in this so if you don't like that concept then best to skip this. All SFW though. Definitely nothing sexual so if you're looking for that then you can just get the fuck out right now. This is father/daughter-type relationship they have and nothing more.
I had writer's block on this for like 3 weeks, but finally got it finished. It turned out way way longer than I had planned, but am I ever sorry? No. lol Word Count: 4,894 ANOTHER WARNING for swearing as is my norm with guys like Frank. ;)
"Heh, flustercluck," Frank was still chuckling as he came through the trailer door with a shake of his head, shrugging out of his jacket and unstrapping his vest. Amy smiled a little at seeing that she'd managed to amuse him, though she was still feeling pretty wound up from earlier.
He tossed it all onto the counter as he reached behind him to pull a handgun out of the back of his waistband and set it on the small table. After a moment he noticed Amy staring at it from where she sat on the couch, hugging her knees to her chest.
"You ok, kid?
"....Not really. I just....I really don't think guns are for me. I mean, I still can't believe I just killed a guy," she looked down and started to get lost inside her head before Frank snapped her out of it.
"Hey, look at me. Hey! You only shot him, remember? I'm the one that killed him. Besides it was either him or you, and tell ya what, I'd choose you a thousand times over that piece o' shit. Ya made the right move, you did good, kid."
She sat there still looking unsure as Frank sighed quietly before making a proposition.
"Ok look, at least let me show ya some other techniques t' disarm someone. Ya don't gotta shoot anyone once ya got their weapon, but just promise me one thing, ok? That you'll trust your instincts. And if they tell ya t' pull the trigger then you pull that trigger. Can you promise me that?"
The concern in his eyes while he awaited her answer was piercing, and eventually she nodded and took a deep breath, "I...think so."
"Alright then. Here, we'll start with this," Frank reached toward the table and picked up the Glock 19, noting as Amy continued to eye it with uneasiness.
"Don't worry...," he said as in two seconds he had slid the magazine out of the grip and pulled back the slide to pop the round from the chamber, "It ain't loaded. Now c'mon, get up."
He gestured to her and she followed suit so that now she was standing in front of him in the narrow hallway of the trailer.
"We'll start with what ya already know. Now," he raised the gun to point at her, "Think ya can do me like ya did that punk earlier?"
She hesitated as she stared at it, not making a move, and Frank thought that maybe this wasn't going to happen right now.
But all that changed when she sprung into action as she grabbed the barrel of the gun aside with one hand and slammed in on his wrist to break his grip. Now she was the one pointing the gun at him.
"Nice work, kid. You're a natural. But this time I'm not gonna make it that easy for ya," he signaled with his hand for her to return the gun to him as she obliged.
"Ok. Again."
She tried to use the same technique she had just done, but this time Frank was ready for her and kept his grip on the gun firm and pulled the trigger right in her face.
"Bang. Again."
The teen just stared at the gun for a moment as she seemed to be re-evaluating the situation before she made another move. Pushing the gun to the side she then grabbed onto his arm and tried to drag him down with her body weight as Frank just gave her a strange look.
"That ain't it," he shook his head and easily yanked his arm free as he shoved her to the ground before she looked up at him with frustration in her eyes.
"How...How am I supposed to...," she was sounding discouraged as she lowered her head towards the floor while Frank reassured her.
"Don't think too hard, kid. Instincts, remember? I know I'm bein' rough on ya, but you'll thank me later. Now how 'bout givin' it another shot, huh?"
A few long seconds ticked by, and he started to feel bad when she didn't make any attempt to get up. Maybe it was too soon for him to be pushing her this hard.
"Hey look, we don't have t' do this if ya don't want-"
With a primal scream she pushed off the ground with her legs and used everything she had to ram straight into him, tackling him flat onto his back.
He hit the floor of the trailer with a pained grunt as some of the wind got knocked out of him, but couldn't help the smile on his face at seeing her determination. She hadn't given up yet.
"Atta girl. Keep fightin'."
Despite how impressed he was with her he was immediately on the offensive again as he simply held her back with one big hand while the other gripped the pistol high over his head.
"Now take it from me. Better hurry before I use it on ya!"
Frank could see that she was trying desperately to gain some kind of leverage as she fought to get past his blocking arm and reach the gun. Normally he would teach her the hard way and would've already turned the tables, but he'd give her a little more time.
After the events that happened only hours earlier the girl could use a little confidence boost. But he still was going to push at her resolve in normal Frank fashion as his voice boomed along the walls.
"C'mon! Ya want it?! Take it! Take it!! What're ya waitin' for?! TAKE IT!!"
Amy was panicking. She knew he was about to fling her across the room if she didn't act fast. Her mind became a blur and time seemed to stop as she frantically tried to think of something. Anything!
She then remembered what Frank had told her; to trust her instincts.
This scenario that they were in quickly had her memory spewing instances of roughhousing with friends in the past; particularly one instance where she'd been trying to retrieve her cell phone that had playfully been stolen from her. At that moment it was as if her mind had taken control of her body and compelled her to act on those thoughts.
It was now or never. And so without further delay she steeled herself and launched at him one last time.
"Take the goddamn-He-Hey! What're ya-!!!" Frank's surprise quickly gave way to an involuntary grin as his apprentice persisted in using an unconventional technique that he had never experienced in his combative encounters.
"Hey stop-Aha! Hahahaha, no! No, thaahaat's-that's not allohohowed!" He continued to hold the pistol back out of reach while using his one free hand to try to defend himself from the teen who had latched onto his sides and was tickling him furiously.
Amy's eyes lit up with pure glee when she heard the first round of laughter spill out of him. She hadn't been sure how he would react, but by the time those thoughts had even reached her head she was already in motion.
The idea that he likely wasn't even ticklish had been her first thought, and the fact that she was messing around would just make him angry. Like the time she tried to sneak attack him and take his gun when he and Curtis had entered the trailer the other day.
He had already been raging at that point though from his encounter with Billy, and her antics had only intensified his temper. His outburst towards her had been harsh, but Frank struggled with how he expressed his feelings. Thinking that he could have killed her scared him, which in turn transformed into the anger that he lashed out at her with.
But he wasn't nearly as tense as he had been that day so she expected maybe he'd just growl at her to "Quit fuckin' around" as he was trying to give a serious demonstration. At the very least give her an annoyed look to show his disapproval.
But what she got instead was unbelievable, and she quickly relaxed as she realized there was no need for any worry.
"Seriously?! You're ticklish?! Oh you're going down now!" Her fingers wiggled relentlessly into his ribs, making the hardened man writhe and laugh helplessly as he found that shielding himself with only one arm wasn't doing him a whole lot of good.
To say he was stunned by her actions would be an understatement, and it gave him no time to even consider being angry about it. He was already exhausted from lack of sleep for the past several nights with adrenaline being pretty much the only thing keeping him going.
Being around Amy he had dropped his guard a little, and unfortunately he'd been left unable to resist the sensations she was inflicting. He couldn't stop himself from laughing uncontrollably, though the more he laughed the more his mood seemed to lighten. It certainly had taken his mind off of everything else.
"Hehehehe! No waitaminute! This is-Ahaahahaha! Ya...Ya caahaan't do thaahaaat!" Finding it hard to think clearly his reactions were impulsive, making his defense sloppy and all over the place as he flailed his vacant hand and squirmed desperately on his back.
He did have some sense of control though in restraining himself from reacting too violently as he didn't want to accidentally hit the kid.
Not to mention they were in a confined area so if he tried to haphazardly shove her off of him then he might seriously hurt her, which is definitely not something he wanted to do. There was a big difference between pushing her around a little during demonstrations versus slamming her full weight into a cabinet.
Amy could tell that he was not doing nearly anything that she knew he was capable of to fend her off, and that thought made her smile grow. The sentiment was sweet.
"Hey, you told me to go with my instincts, remember? It's not my fault I know how to fight dirtier than you. Now hand it over!" She demanded, referring to the gun he still had clutched over his head in his right hand.
This lesson had gone from a serious tone to one of foolery in less than a second, and Frank realized that.
But he also knew that they both could stand to loosen up, and so far this little tussle they were in was achieving just that. Amy was no longer focused on how she had shot a man, and was grinning in genuine delight for once. He would be hard-pressed to ruin that for her.
Though it was still natural for him to do whatever it took to keep any weapon out of the hands of his assailant, even if he was being tickled half to death. So if she wanted that gun she was gonna have to try a lot harder than that.  
He was the Punisher, and the Punisher would not have being tickled into submission on his record.......He hoped.
"Come-Come ahaand gehehehet it!" He challenged as he flexed the muscles in his arm to keep it straight while at the same time keeping it out of the teen's obtainable range. He wasn't exactly sure she was going to keep pushing this, but he wasn't surprised when she did.
"If ya say so!" She clamored forward and swiftly straddled his hips to pin him down as she attacked his muscled sides and waist with vigor. Frank howled and reflexively bucked beneath her as the heels of his tactical boots scraped futilely against the floor.
He managed to grab one of her hands to hold it back, but that did little to stop her. She just put twice as much effort into her other hand as the vicious fingers scribbled and clawed at lightning speed along his entire exposed side.
Husky laughter bellowed out as Frank squirmed like crazy, having no way to stop her now, and slowly his hand weakened his hold on her. As she felt his grip loosen she yanked her wrist free and then dug both hands right into his stomach without missing a beat.
"Shihihit!! Kid, c'mohahahahon! Ticklin' ahaahaain't faahaahaair!" He feebly tried to push her hands away to no avail as she could feel his muscles contract underneath his sweater. That brought a smirk to her face, knowing his brawn was doing absolutely nothing to protect him from the tickling.
"All is fair when your life is on the line. Just give me the gun, and I'll stop," she grinned at seeing Frank only shake his head.
"Ohohover my dehead bo-HAHEEHEEHEEHEE!!" He immediately curled in, bringing his arm down half way once her fingers plunged into his wide-open armpit. Amy found it absolutely priceless how his deep laughter had transformed so quickly into such high-pitched giggling.
She had never heard anything near that captivating out of him before, but she didn't want to embarrass him by pointing it out so obviously. She could still tease him a little though.
"Ah ha! Did I find your weak spot, old man? Now you're in trouble!"
As he faltered she reached for the gun, but he gathered his will and forced himself to thrust it out of her vicinity again.
He then clapped his hand over the vulnerable area, managing to crowd her fingers out though they only continued their devilish dance down his ribs, making him writhe and twist ineffectively.
"Aaah! Daahaahaammit! Aahaahaaamy!! Stohahahahop!!"
"I can't stop! You'll shoot me if I stop!"
"I'll...I'll shoohoot ya if-ahahaha-if ya D-DON'T stohahop!!" He jokingly moved his hand forward to aim the gun at her, but when she made another grab for it he immediately jerked it back. Amy playfully rolled her eyes with a laugh.
"Just drop the gun, tough guy. Then I'll let ya go," she smirked, noticing how his fist clamped tighter around the pistol.
"No-hoho fuckin' waahaay!"
"Geez, I guess you want me to keep tickling you, huh? You love it, don't you?" Amy couldn't resist teasing him because she knew it would make him protest immediately as she watched his eyes widen with objection.
"Whahat?! No, I doh-Aahahaahahaa!! Just-Just baahaack ohahahoff!!"
He hoped no one walked in on them at that moment and saw him in this state, but he couldn't bring it in himself to just surrender. Though it had gone past the point that he had the energy to throw her off of him if he had wanted to, and now all his efforts were being put into holding his arm up while keeping the gun in his possession.
Yet every time he moved his hand that was covering the tender spot under his arm to try to defend another area Amy would hone in right away just to hear him squeak and titter so uncharacteristically. She'd poke and pinch and scratch into the very ticklish hollow until he was overcome with giggles and forced into guarding the spot once more, leaving her free to tickle him everywhere else.
Trepidation engulfed him as he really didn't know how much more of this he could take. He really just might get tickled into submission.
Amy was surprised that he had lasted this long, but then again not many men came much tougher than Frank. Still she sincerely doubted that he got tickled often, especially for this length of time.
Sure he was used to dealing with pain on a high degree, but tickling? She didn't think he knew exactly how to handle that, but what she did know is that the man had a mentality that wouldn't allow him to just give up no matter what the situation.
It looked like he was having quite a hard time though.
She could see the tears that had pooled in the corners of his eyes from laughing nonstop as he laid his head back and weakly kept up his pathetic attempts to wiggle down the skinny hallway out from under her, despite knowing he wasn't going to succeed.
In a last ditch effort he was trying to insert inconspicuous comments to convince her to stop without him actually begging her, because God forbid the Punisher actually beg someone for mercy.
"Thaahaahaat ahahall ya gohahahot?!"
"You-You reheeheeheeally suhuck aahaahaat this!"
"Juhuhust gihihive up! Ya aahaain't geh-gehehettin' thihis guhuhun!"
She knew it was all a bluff though for she could slowly see his tenacity was beginning to diminish. But rather than let him have his record tarnished she figured that she would be the one to give up now and spare him the defeat.
"You are the most stubborn man I've ever met in my life! Uggh, fine! You win then," she tried to sound convincing enough so he wouldn't know that she had actually let him win as her fingers finally ceased their torture on him.
Once she stopped Frank's gruff laughter died down as he didn't move a muscle and just tried to catch his breath.
"Fuckin' Christ, kid," he panted with light chuckles still slipping out. It had been a very long time since he had laughed like that.
He then lifted his arm to point the gun at her head and pulled the trigger, producing a loud click from the empty chamber.
"Bang. You're dead again," he smirked as she just grinned down at him, not looking the least bit discouraged.
"Totally worth it," she slid off of him, allowing him to sit up as he took a few seconds before getting to his feet.
"Yeah well you're lucky this was just practice, and you're still alive. That kiddie shit ain't gonna work in the real world," he placed the gun on the table and wandered over towards the couch with Amy tailing him.
"Well that 'kiddie shit' worked on you."
"Who said it worked? Still had the gun, didn't I?" He looked over his shoulder at her with a smirk on his face and then lowered himself down to sit on the sofa cushions.
"Oh yeah? I'm pretty sure you were about to give in if I hadn't stopped," she plopped down next to him as Frank snorted and rolled his eyes.
"Tchh, yeah sure. Keep dreamin', kid. Next time though if ya ever get into a situation like that, no messin' around, I want ya t' put the hurt on 'em. Take the gun offline like I showed ya, ok? Then go for the weak spots like the groin, throat or anywhere on the face. You're fightin' for your life so don't hesitate for even a second, and show no mercy."
Amy nodded firmly like she understood, but with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
"Got it. So not here? Or there?" She was still on her playful high as she wiggled fingers up under his arm and then squeezed his side, making him squirm and curl over to escape the assault.
"Hehehe, stop that! You're gonna drive me up the fuckin' wall with that shit. But sure, those areas are fine as long as ya use somethin' sharper, like a knife, instead."
The teen instantly sobered and her eyes widened at the fact that he would even suggest something like that.
"I could barely shoot someone! There's no way I'm gonna be able to STAB anyone!"
Frank considered that for a moment as he shrugged.
"Hmm. Guess ya got a point. But I think in the right situation your survival instincts will kick in, and you'll do whatever it takes. All I'm sayin' is don't count out what you're capable of when it comes t' keepin' you alive. I think after tonight ya know that deep down, even if it is hard for you t' accept."
Amy just sighed loudly and leaned back into the couch.
"Uggggh, how did my life ever come to this?"
After a few seconds Frank slowly developed a smirk as he decided to give an answer to her rhetorical question.
"Well bein' part of a second-rate crime racket was your first mistake. Havin' blackmail on the wrong people was your second. Then thinkin' you could just outrun them......Try'na get me locked up....Almost gettin' us both killed...."
"Alright, I think I get the point," she frowned as she tried to interrupt, but he kept on with his list.
"...Not stayin' put when I told ya to....Puttin' your trust in the wrong people....Almost gettin' yourself killed again....Ya wanna talk about a flustercluck then-"
"Ok ok, I get it! I know I screwed up, alright?! Happy now?!" Amy shouted in irritation with a pouting look on her face that only made Frank smile even more.
"Hmph. Yeah. Least ya admit it. Looks like there may be some hope for ya yet-Heh! Ya little...," he chuckled and jerked his body once she gave him a good poke in the ribs as retaliation for his comment. It was her turn to smirk.
"Get used to it. Ya know, I never expected a tough old grunt like you to be ticklish."
Frank just shrugged and tried to brush it off.
"Eh. I guess a little bit."
"A little??" She quickly moved a hand towards him again as he instantly put his arms up in defense and flinched away. Amy laughed at how jumpy he'd become while an embarrassed smile spread over his face.
"Alright. Maybe more than I'm willin' t' admit."
"I'll bet you didn't even know you were so ticklish. Wait," she pointed a finger at him, "It's 'Pete' that's ticklish, huh? Frank isn't, right?"
Frank ran a hand down his face as he sighed with a groan.
"Hate t' say, but it's all me. And yeah, I um, already kinda had an idea. My wife always knew exactly how t' get me, 'specially when she got the kids in on it."
Amy's face paled, thinking that this whole time she had been bringing up painful memories for him. She knew that talking about his family was usually the last thing he wanted to do.
"I'm sorry, I...I didn't mean....Shit, I shouldn't have...."
Frank only cracked a small but reassuring smile as he shook his head.
"Nah, don't be. That was actually the closest I've felt t' my family in a long time. So yeah, it was fuckin' torture, but ya know....thanks for that."
Her face brightened up as she relaxed again and put a hand on his shoulder to give it a soft squeeze.
"Well then glad to be of service. And for the record, it's a good look for you. You've got a really cute smile," she grinned as he spat out a chuckle and looked down at the floor, "And an even cuter laugh."
"Get the fuck outta here," he laughed more as he gave her a playful nudge and tried to hide the blush tinting his cheeks.
"But seriously, Frank, it's good to see you in a better mood."
She was then quiet for a minute as she gathered her next thoughts, speaking more softly.
"Hey....I want you to know that I'm really sorry. I know that if it weren't for me you'd probably still have had that shot at the normal, happy life that you wanted. You had a second chance, and I ruined it that night in the bar with the shit that I was in."
She looked up with shame in her eyes as Frank gently placed his big hand on her arm.
"Kid, ya didn't ruin anything. It may sound crazy, but I'm startin' to accept that this is just who I am now. Havin' a quiet family life just ain't in the cards for me. It was at one time, but now that's uhh...that's all in the past. Trust me, if it hadn't have been you that night then eventually somethin' else still would've forced my hand back into this. It ain't your fault so get that outta your head. It's just the way it's gonna be."
Amy immediately shook her head.
"MmmMm. I can't believe that, and you shouldn't either."
He only blinked and stared at the floor again, seeing no sense in trying to convince her otherwise. It was her turn to grab his arm now to try to snap him out of it.
"Just please promise me that you won't give up on it, Frank. I know your family wouldn't want you to either. You seriously deserve all the happiness in the world, no matter what you may think."
Raising his head, he nodded a little.
"Hmm...Maybe. But not right now. There's still too many people that need killin', and that's what I intend t' do."
After spending so much time with him she understood that there was no changing his mind on the latter subject as she just slowly sat back. But after a moment she had already scooted close to him again.
"Frank....I never actually thanked you.....for saving my life that night. And every other night up to today. I know I've been a real pain in the ass to you, and I.....I wish I could take it all back."
He could hear the intense remorse in her voice as he didn't directly look into her eyes, but simply put a comforting hand on her knee.
"Yeah well I uh, I know I ain't that easy myself t' be around. So ya know, don't beat yourself up about it. But t' tell ya the truth, there ain't a damn thing I would change about ya."
He finally looked up as he saw her lip tremble slightly and her eyes began to tear up.
"You're smart and strong-minded. Ya don't let no one push ya around no matter how scared ya get. Honestly ya got bigger balls than some guys I've known. It's uhh....," he hesitated for a moment as he swallowed and licked his lips, "Ya know, it's...it's kinda how I imagined that Lisa would've turned out. So yeah, ya may be a rebellious little shit, but-"
Amy threw herself at him and wrapped her arms tight over his shoulders. He immediately reciprocated as he pulled her close with a big arm around her back and leaned his head against hers.
She couldn't believe he had said that to her. On several occasions she had tried to get him to talk about his daughter, but was always blown off in one way or another. Him comparing her to someone she knew he cared deeply about was the greatest compliment she'd ever received in her life.
"Thank you, Frank. That means more to me than you'll ever know."
"Yeah....," he sighed and released her after a few more moments, "Just stay outta situations that could end up bad for ya, ok? I'll try my damndest, but I can't always be there for ya. Ya know?"
She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and nodded.
"I know. And I'm sorry for putting you in danger too."
"No more sorrys. What's done is done. All I'm sayin' is try not t' get yourself killed, and stick around for a little longer. We both know ya done a good job of riskin' that so far."
The latter was a joke to try to lighten the mood a bit, and he smiled when he saw it succeeded in making her laugh.
"Yeah well I've learned from the best. You're always doing things that are borderline going to get you killed."
"I told ya, kid, I'm the one who does the killin'. Not the opposite."
"Fine. You do the killing, and I'll do the....not-killing, I guess?"
She shrugged with a tilt of her head as Frank smirked, nodding in approval.
"Sounds like a deal t' me. Though ya do know ya were close t' commitin' a murder tonight."
Her eyes quickly went wide with protest.
"Look, I didn't mean to shoot him, ok? It just-"
"Not that. I'm talkin' about you almost ticklin' me t' death. That was way more cold-blooded than anything I've ever done," he protectively pressed his arms to his sides in case she made another go at him now that he'd brought it up.
"But you didn't die, did you?" She only sat there giving him a smug look as he chuckled and relaxed again.
"No ma'am, you're right. Can only imagine how many casualties there've been over the years. Guess I'm one o' the lucky ones t' escape with my life. I'll think twice before messin' with you again."
"You're not fooling me. You liked it, and you know it," she teased as Frank quickly scoffed.
"Tchhyeah, you will never hear those words come out of my mouth."
"Never say never. I think you might with the right persuasion...," she slyly moved in and lightly ran her fingers along his side just to get him to squirm again, making him laugh as he swatted her hand away.
"Ehehe, torture me all ya want, but it ain't happenin'."
"Fine. But remind me, what exactly were those words again?"
"I wasn't born yesterday, kid," he smirked and reached over to give her a gentle noogie as now she was the one smacking at his hand.
"Eh, it was worth a shot. I'm sure one day I'll get it outta you. Though it'll probably be on your deathbed so I won't hold my breath."
Frank snorted in amusement and shook his head as he broke into a grin.
"You're alright, kid."
"You too, Frank."
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javelon · 5 years
Incoming Storm
I know I already posted a story today but I realized I posted this to my Ao3 account yet not here. This story isn’t as uh....cheerful as the earlier one though. In fact it may just be the most angsty story I wrote soooo read with caution! The German translations will be at the end of the story.
"Let's look at an overview of the incoming winter storm. This evening we're looking at heavy snow, anywhere from 6 to 12 inches of snow and very powerful winds pushing that temperature dangerously low." The local weatherman was quite serious this evening, quite outside the norm of his usual cheerful attitude.
Chase gave a grimace as the man continued to go on about this storm moving into the area in a couple hours. It sounded like a nasty storm and he was the only one home. JJ was volunteering at Henrik's hospital while Jackie was out most likely at the shelters helping them prepare for the storm and all three would most likely not return until the morning. Marvin, Jack, and Anti were all out of town for a couple weeks so that just left him to weather out the storm in the abnormally quiet Septic house.
The single father sighed before taking a drink of his whiskey as he changed the channel. The one nice thing about being home alone is he could drink in peace without the doctor's lecture or JJ's pitying look. He wasn't drinking as much as he had right after the divorce! Besides it was cold in the house and alcohol was used to keep people warm right? Though he vaguely recalled Henrik lecturing him about drinking myths and that may have been one of them. Something about constricting blood flow to protect organs?
Oh well didn't matter, he wasn't going outside anyway. So there was nothing wrong with him having a drink tonight.
Bzzzt bzzzt
Bzzzt bzzzt
A half hour and a couple of drinks into the night Chase's TV watching is interrupted by the buzzing of his phone. His eyes widen when he sees Stacy on the caller ID and quickly answers the phone.
"Hey I need you to come get the kids. My parents are worried about this storm so I'm going to their place until it blows over."
"Oh uhh" Chase hesitated as he looked out the window, seeing the snowflakes already falling from the night sky.
"Is that a problem?"
"No! No I can come get them no problem. I'm leaving right now, should be there in 30 minutes."
"Good." Click
Chase stared at his phone before shaking himself out of it and grabbing his heavy coat and shoved his sock clad feet into his sandals, not bothering to look for better shoes in his hurry. He really wished Stacy had called a bit sooner but still he was happy he would get to see his kids early so he guessed he shouldn't complain. If he hurried he could get the kids back home before the storm hit if the weatherman was right. Which was good cause Chase's car wasn't really a great vehicle for winter storms. It was a reliable little thing but he knew no vehicle should really be out in winter storms.
Bitter cold wind bit at his skin as he jogged to his vehicle. It took a bit of tugging on the already freezing shut door before Chase could climb inside and start the car, sitting for a moment while the vehicle warmed up. He searched for his gloves while waiting only to curse when he remembered he loaned them to Jackie when the hero's pair were ruined during a patrol. Oh well it wasn't like he was going out in the storm except to get the kids in the car then into his house.
Feeling satisfied the car had sat long enough, Chase carefully made his way out of the driveway and towards Stacy's place, his headlights shining off the snowflakes as they fell.
About ten minutes into the drive and the snow was already coming down harder accompanied by pings of ice bouncing off his car. Chase was glad there didn't seem to be anyone else out on the road with the storm moving in faster than anticipated. By the time he pulled into Stacy's driveway snow was coating the ground and ice was forming on the sidewalks, making it difficult to traverse.
Stacy had apparently been watching for him as she opened the door before he could even knock and his kids jumped into his arms, already bundled up in their winter wear.
"Daddy!" His kids cried as he hugged them tight.
"Hey kiddos! You ready to come stay with dad tonight?"
He grinned at their immediate "Yea!" and looked around for their bags while ushering them into the car.
"Where's their stuff?" He asked Stacy who was gathering her own stuff. He could hear her SUV rumbling in the garage so he knew she was anxious to leave.
"They're only staying the night with you they don't need them. You have stuff for them at your place right?" Stacy replied impatiently while searching for something in her purse.
"Err yea, yea ok." Chase watched her dig through her purse, unsure if he should leave yet.
"Ugh where are my keys?!" Stacy yelled after a minute of digging.
"Um...well it sounds like they could be in your car?" Chase said carefully.
Stacy grunted and turned to go back in the house, "Right. I'll call you when I'm coming to get the kids."
"Alright. Bye Stacy."
A closed door is all that answered him.
Chase stared at the door for a moment before a particularly cold gust of wind rocked him and he quickly climbed back in his warm car.
"Alright little dude and dudette, you guys have your seatbelts on?"
"Yea!" Sammy and Gray replied.
"Hey dad guess what!" Gray immediately said, bouncing in his seat.
Chase glanced up at him through the rearview mirror as he slowly pulled out onto the road, "What's up little dude?"
"You have to guess!" Gray insisted.
Tires spun in place for a moment as Chase shifted into drive and tried to accelerate forward, ice making it difficult for the tires to find purchase on the asphalt, "Hmm let's see, did you finally eat your green beans?"
"Ewww!" Both his kids whined.
Chase laughed, "They're good for you! They make you big and strong!"
His grin widened hearing their exaggerated gagging sounds, "Ok ok. Did yoooooou buy a panda?"
Their laughter warmed his very soul, "You can't buy pandas, dad!"
"You can't? Then how do the people have them on Animal Planet?" Chase teased, his eyes darting side to side over the road as the snow fell harder, creating a mesmerizing affect like traveling through space.
"Those are zookeepers, dad!" Sammy giggled.
Chase lightly smacked his head, causing more laughter in the backseat, "D'oh! Of course, you're so smart Sammy."
His little girl beamed with pride while Gray asked, "Do you give up??"
Chase gave an exaggerated sigh, "I give up. What?"
"I finally unlocked all the characters in Super Smash Brothers Ultimate!" Gray practically yelled in his excitement.
The single father gasped dramatically, covering up his grunt as he fought the wind battering against the car, "No way that's awesome Gray!"
"Hey I helped!" Sammy spoke up.
"Only at a couple parts. I did most of the work." Gray huffed.
"Sammy, that was very nice of you to help your brother. Gray did you at least tell your sister thank you for the parts she helped with?" Chase quickly jumped in to hopefully prevent an argument from breaking out.
Gray ducked his head, "Thank you, Sammy."
"Thank you Gray. Now Sammy what should you say when someone thanks you?"
"You're welcome, Gray." Sammy had a slightly smug grin.
"So tell me your favorite character." Chase quickly switched the topic.
Gray's eyes lit up and he chatted happily away about his favorite fighter and all the different moves it could do with Sammy speaking up occasionally to add her own opinions in.
Halfway home as his kids were debating what the best stage was, the steering wheel jerked from a particularly hard gust of wind that hit the car. Chase tried to correct it but he must have hit a patch of ice as suddenly the world was spinning. Screams of terror made his heart seize up while he tried desperately to get the car back under control. Squealing of rubber against pavement could be heard over his kids followed by a sudden cacophony of noise as the car came to a forceful stop against a tree off the road and then...silence.
Deep, painful gulps of air rushed in and out of Chase's lungs, his knuckles white from his grip on the steering wheel. "You..you guys ok?" He gasped out, swallowing down the curses he wanted to shout.
He turned in his seat as his kids nodded, too shaken up to reply yet, though their eyes shimmered with tears.
"Good. Good. Of course you're fine. You two are the toughest kids I know." Chase tried a bit of humor to ease their fear, tiny grins rewarding his efforts.
Taking another steadying breath Chase turned back around and put his hand on the key.
Wrrrr wrrrr wrrrr
Wrrrr wrrrr wrrrr
Wrrrr wrrrr wrrrr
The car sputtered with each turn of the key but wouldn't start. Panic ate at him as Chase kept trying only to slump down when it was obvious the car wouldn't start.
"Dad? Why won't the car start?" Sammy asked quietly.
"I dunno Sammy." Chase answered quietly back.
"Are we stuck here, dad?" Gray asked.
Chase gave him a small grin, putting on a brave front for his kids, "No no. Just need to see what's up with the engine. You two sit tight."
Bracing himself, Chase grabbed the little flashlight from his glovebox and forced the door open against the wind. It was even colder than it had been when he left his house, not helped at all by the snow and ice pellets raining down on him. His socks quickly grew wet from the melting snow around his feet, making Chase wish he had taken the time to put on different shoes.
It took several tries for his already freezing cold fingers to find the latch that held the hood shut, but even when he opened it Chase didn't know what he was looking for. The engine looked fine to his untrained eyes but obviously something was wrong. Maybe something under the vehicle was wrong?
Chase crouched down with his flashlight and looked under the car but still things looked normal. He knew how to change a tire and the oil of his car but when it came to more difficult stuff the Septics all turned to Anti, surprisingly.
"How do you know so much about cars, dude?" Chase asked one summer afternoon, watching Anti working under the hood of Henrik's car.
"It's not hard, Chase. No more complicated than computers, it's just different. Especially newer cars with all their fancy tech." Anti had grunted back while pulling out the older battery, "Make yourself useful and take this will ya?"
What Chase would give to have Anti here now. Hopefully the glitch could talk him through it over the phone. Chase grunted as he tried to stand back up, cursing under his breath when he slipped and his jeans got covered in snow. Using the car to pull himself upright, Chase pulled out his cell and squinted against the sudden bright light.
Crap his battery was only at 30% and he knew cell batteries went down quickly in freezing temperatures. He quickly dialed Anti's number and held the phone to his ear, hopping from foot to foot to try to warm up a bit.
"You have reached the voicemail box..."
Chase grumbled when it went to voicemail and tried the other Septics. Several voicemail boxes later and Chase wanted so much to yell out his frustrations. His ears, fingers, and toes hurt from the cold but he didn't want to get in the car until he had done all he could. He tried one more number, Henrik's office number. It was only for emergencies and Chase figured stuck on the road in a blizzard counted for an emergency.
"Dr. Henrik Schneeplestein's office. This is Linda speaking how can I help you?"
Chase let out a big sigh of relief, "Hey this is Chase Brody calling. I'm uh a family member of Dr. Schneeplestein's. Can I speak with him?"
"I'm sorry Dr. Schneeplestein is in a surgery right now. Can I give him a message?"
Chase's shoulders slumped, "No that's ok. If he's in surgery he'll be awhile. I'm stuck on the side of the road and was hoping he could send help."
"Oh no and in such horrible weather! Let me get you the number of the emergency road service. I'll bet they have a bunch of guys out tonight."
Hope filled Chase, "Please! I'd be so grateful!"
Few minutes later he was finally back inside the car with his kids, though with not as good of news as he was hoping.
A minimum of an hour before the emergency vehicles could get to them. Turns out there were several other people stuck and it was going to take time to reach them. Chase had pleaded with them saying he had his two kids in the car which got him bumped up the list in terms of priority but he wasn't the only one that was stuck with kids. They were just going to have to sit tight.
To make matters worse the temperature had dropped quite a bit in the car alread. Chase could see his kids were obviously cold as he climbed into the backseat with them and pulled them close to him, trying to give them what body heat he had.
"Well kiddos looks like we're in for a bit of a wait. We've got help coming but there's others out there stuck too." Chase explained as he rubbed their arms, grateful they had warm hats and scarves.
"So we have to wait our turn right, dad?" Gray asked, he and Sammy huddling as close as possible to their dad.
Chase smiled at his son, "That's right. So tell me how school's been going. What have you guys been learning?"
Minutes ticked by slowly as Chase tried to keep his kids distracted by asking questions and if he was being honest, distracting himself too. The car rocked as wind buffeted it, the temperature dropping more and more with each gust that blew through the creases in the old car. His muscles ached, he guessed from how badly he was shivering. It was getting harder to rub his hands up and down his kids arms so he opted for holding them in his lap instead as best he could. He had a ratty old blanket on the floor that wasn't big enough for him but it wrapped comfortably around his kids, giving them extra warmth.
"So Gr..Gray ha..have y...y...you unlocked ev...every....one in....Sm...smash...bro..thers?" Chase asked through chattering teeth.
He didn't understand why they looked at him confused.
"Y..yea, dad. I..I.to..told you ab..bout it r..re..mem..ber?"
"Y..y..you..ok..d.dad?" Sammy struggled out.
Chase hugged his kids tightly to him. He didn't like them shivering. Why was it so cold?
He slowly moved his aching arm to his phone on the car seat. Numb fingers struggled with the device before it finally lit up.
Huh that's weird. His fingers almost looked blue.
Chase shook his head to try and clear it. It was like a fog had settled over his thoughts. Almost like when he drank too much.
His eyes flickered to the battery gauge, 3% glaring back at him in the darkness. Suddenly his phone's provider logo appeared then the phone went black. Chase frowned as he forced his numb fingers to press buttons and make it light up again only for it to remain stubbornly dark.
"I.it's de..dead, d..dad." Sammy seemed concerned.
His little girl shouldn't be concerned about anything. She was too young and...and so precious to him. Gray too. God he loved his kids so much but he was such a terrible father. They were suffering and he couldn't stop it.
"D..dad? W..why are y..you cry...ing?"
God his kids' teeth were still chattering. And he...he was actually warm. Almost too warm. Why was he so warm?
Chase shuffled in his seat, slowly peeling off his coat and wrapping it around his kids, "I...i....it's...o..o.ok. Te...te..te..ll m..me mo..re a...ab...bout..sc...sch..ool."
He hugged his kids again, hoping to transfer his new warmth to them, their voices trickling through his ears.
He wondered if they would hate him after this. Would they hate him for not taking better care of them? For not having a better car? For not getting them home safely by now?
"...d? Da..?"
Stacy would hate him. Not that she didn't hate him already. He didn't blame her. She was right. He was a failure.
He would make it up to them. He had to. He'd do anything to show how sorry he was. That he would try harder. Be better.
His thoughts were surprisingly loud for how foggy he felt. Like sirens almost.
"...ir? Can....ou....ar...me?"
Why was he floating? Why is there a light in his eyes? Where are his kids?
"Gr'y....? S'mmy....?"
Darkness enveloping him was the only response he received.
Henrik let out a weary sigh as he grabbed a new cup of coffee. It had been a long day and he still had several hours to go.
"How'd the surgery go?" A young nurse, Jesse, asked as she waited for her turn at the coffee machine.
"Fine fine. Jus' a broken tibia. Nothin' a couple screws could not fix. Zhey will be fine in a few weeks if zhey stay off ze ice!"
Jesse grinned at him, "After a fall like that I doubt they're eager to walk on an icy sidewalk again."
Henrik hummed in agreement as he took the folder for his next patient. Another case of a young man with frostbite. The doctor shook his head. Young men always seemed to think themselves immortal until they landed in the hospital and learned they might lose their toes.
Henrik waved at the nurse and made his way to the ER room his patient was in. He had his hand on the doorknob when the double doors in the hall burst open, a grim looking team of paramedics coming through. Henrik's heart clenched. He knew that look well. Whoever that poor soul was, was in very bad shape. His heart went out to the family who would likely receive bad news by morning.
He turned back to the door of his patient as the team went by. He had his own patient to worry about now. The doors burst open again, drawing Henrik's attention in surprise then shock when he recognized who came through.
"Uncle Schneep!" Gray and Sammy cried out when they saw him, reaching for him as best they could while the paramedics with them tried to keep the kids on their beds.
"Gray! Sam! What happened?!" Henrik hurried to their side.
"You have to help him, Uncle! He...he wouldn't wake up!" Sammy sobbed as she threw her arms around him.
"What? Who?" Henrik looked to the paramedics around the kids for answers.
Terror gripped him when he heard their twin yells of "Dad!"
One of the paramedics gave him a sympathetic look, "Severe hypothermia. He was unresponsive when we arrived."
The floor seemed to drop out from under the good doctor. The manila folder slipped from his lax fingers, papers scattering as he sprinted down the hallway towards the other patient who had just come through, deaf to the voices yelling out behind him.
'It can't be him. Bitte. Mein Gott bitte nein!'
Shoes squeaked on linoleum as he reached the room with the new patient.
'Oh Gott nein!'
One of Henrik's worst nightmares had come to life before him. Laying on the bed looking too young and far too still was Chase, his skin white except his fingers and ears which had turned black from frostbite. Only years of experience kept the bile rising up in Henrik at bay.
Hands grabbed at him before he could rush to Chase's side.
"Lass miche nicht gehen!" Henrik yelled, his fear causing him to speak in his native tongue.
"There's nothing you can do Dr. Schneeplestein!"
The paramedic from earlier told him. Henrik struggled with the paramedic to reach the young father. He could help him! He had to help him!
A loud alarm started blaring.
He snapped his attention back to the room as the doctor in the room started chest compressions. Henrik froze and could only watch in horror as they tried to restart Chase's heart. His own chest ached when the cracking of rib bones reached his ears.
Organ failure was the last step in severe hypothermia before...
'Nein! Gott bitte!'
Too long. It had been too long. No no no this wasn't supposed to happen. Chase had survived a bullet in the head! How could the cold be stealing him away?!
Tears streamed down the doctor's face when the announcement came that he dreaded but knew was coming.
"Time of death..."
A loud wail of sorrow echoed through the hospital's halls.
I used Google translate for the German parts so I hope they're accurate.
"Bitte. Mein Gott bitte nein!" - "Please! My God please no!"
"Oh Gott nein!" - "Oh God no!"
"Lass miche nicht gehen!" - "No let me go!"
"Nein! Gott bitte!" - "No! God please!"
14 notes · View notes
p1-fanfiction-blog · 7 years
Characters: AJ Styles x OFC
Warnings: NSFW, cheating, adultery, influence of alcohol, age gap. If you don’t like this sort of thing don’t read.
Summary: The recent events in AJ’s life have been causing a great amount of stress and he feels like he has nobody to turn to. He also finds something inappropriate that the babysitter left behind and fed up with everything, has to have a little talk with her.
Tired from his 7 hour flight from the night before (and the argument that also took place with his wife) AJ forced himself to get up at 10am, shower, pack his gear for the 2 hour drive to the next event, and have everything ready by 11am. He decided not to bring his Xbox as he wouldn’t have time for it anyway and instead booked a table for two to make up with his wife. Sometimes their fights would be settled quick but as of the last few months things seemed to be dragging on. It was getting to a point where he didn’t want to come home on days off but for the sake of his children he put up with it anyway.
The doorbell rang at 10:45 and as expected, the babysitter was right on time. “Hey, Melissa! Thanks for coming over again on such short notice. The wife won’t be around today until this evening and I should be back by the time she gets here. Are you still alright with staying overnight?” She nodded and said everything was fine, and that she needed to get some reading done for exams anyway.
“Alright cool. I fell asleep in the living room last night so lemme fix it up real quick and I’ll be on my way.” Of course that was kind of a lie. The couch seemed to be the norm for him the last couple times he’s came home, but he was fairly confident that tonight would be different as he was surprising his wife with dinner and maybe a movie after his meet and greet. As he finished folding up the blankets he used he looked down and saw something shiny poking out from between the cushions. Curious, he dug it out and was in disbelief as to what he found.
A condom, and to his relief still in its package and unopened. And as to how it got there he had no flipping idea. AJ and his wife never used them and he seriously doubted that she was seeing anyone else as they constantly text and call each other whenever they had the given chance. The only other person who was in their home lately was Melissa, and it was only the night before for a couple hours as his wife had to pick him up from the airport. AJ was livid, but he had no time to talk with her about it or else he was gonna be late to his event. He reminded her again what time they would be back and was out the door, the condom tucked away in his pocket.
The day flew by and when it came time to let his wife know about the little surprise he had planned everything seemed to be going great despite what he had found this morning. Of course he would never tell her about it. Not only would they risk losing their best babysitter, but he also didn’t want it all blowing up in his face in the end. Melissa had been babysitting for them for three years since she was 15 and wasn’t very outgoing so she was always available in the evenings. In addition, she was also reliable, sweet, and the kids loved her to death. AJ always considered her to be trustworthy, that is– until the little babysitting mishap that he needs to now confront her with.
Unfortunately the special evening turned into another husband and wife battle somehow. They finished off their bottle of wine and just decided to go back home. On the drive back he didn’t understand what he was doing wrong, he liked to spend money on his family to try keep them happy for his constant absence away from home. Week after week his body was beaten and bruised, and he did it all for them so they can have all the things he never grew up with. All he ever wanted for his wife was the best. Round after round they would often just come home pissed off at each other, making their marital problems worse instead of better. So he braced himself for the sleep on the couch again, and tried to shush his wife as she made snappy remarks about her husband in front of Melissa as she announced she was going to bed. As they both heard the bedroom door upstairs shut, then came the time to bring up the condom incident. This really was going to put the icing on top of the bitter cake.
AJ took a deep breath before he began. Things were already awkward so he may as well just come out and say it. "Well I’ll have to drive to the ATM and get your pay. I forgot to pull it out before getting home but there’s something I need to ask you about before I do that.” She nodded and allowed him to continue on. Her bright blue eyes were looking as innocent as can be, and this being the first time AJ has really noticed them. He began to notice a lot of things that he shouldn't about her. She was dressed in a pair of tight cotton blue shorts, along with a midriff bearing white T-shirt. Her stomach was smooth and underlined, revealing a belly button piercing that he couldn’t take his eyes off of. Wow has she ever grown up.
“Uhh, Mr. Jones? What did you need to tell me?” Melissa beamed, snapping AJ out of his inappropriate thoughts. She flashed him a small smile before he continued on, and that alone almost made him weak in the knees.
He wasn’t quite sure on how to begin. “Alright Melissa, look. You’ve been babysitting for us for a long time now and you’ve always done a good job of it. Always been respectful of our house and had no problems,” he paused for a second as he studied her face. She had almost a sour look and he could already tell she was going through something as well so he decided to be as nice about it as he possibly could. “Well thanks,” she replied, her gleam fading away from the tone of his voice. It was very stern and intimidating. “You’re welcome,” AJ continued, “but the main reason I bring this up is because well.. before I left the house this morning I found this in my couch.” He reached down into his pocket and pulled out the condom, her eyes instantly wide and her face turning a hint of pink.
“I.. I… A condom..?” She stuttered. She was obviously trying to act oblivious to it but he already knew she was guilty of it. “Yes, Melissa. A condom. It wasn’t a very nice find seeing as I was the one to sleep on the it last night. It’s kind of gross knowing some shit went on while we were away and I had to sleep on it right after.”
“I don’t know how something like that could’ve happened!” She blurted, looking everywhere else on him except AJ’s face. “I mean… couldn’t it be one of yours?”
“My wife had her tubes tied after our fourth child, so we have no need to use condoms. In fact we never used them in the last ten years.”
“I mean.. couldn’t it be possible… that your wife.. she..” Melissa stammered on with every little excuse she could come up with and AJ wasn’t having it.
“Melissa, please,” AJ interrupted, holding his hand up. “Let’s not go there. The wife and I haven’t been terribly getting along lately, but I’m sure she wouldn’t have sex with someone else on our couch and leave a condom there. You, on the other hand, have been dating that one boy.. what’s his name again?”
“Trevor,” she quietly replied.
“And I know your parents told me that they don’t like him very much and won’t let him over at y'all’s house. Now none of that is my business and I’m not trying to make it my business.. but I really need to insist that you don’t be bringing any of your friends into my house anymore. Do I make myself clear?”
She seemed to be nearly in tears as she slowly nodded. “Okay,” she replied softly, “I’m really sorry, Mr. Jones. I promise it won’t happen again. I was just too afraid to ask before was all.” This poor girl, he thought to himself. Was he really being that hard on her? On the inside he felt pretty bad about making her feel this way but at the same time he needed to let her know just how serious this was. "It’s alright, Melissa,” he smiled and continued on as he placed a reassuring hand on top of her shoulder. “And please just call me AJ from now on, alright?”
“Okay,” she said in a shaky voice. “I’m really sorry, AJ. Honest!”
“Dont be sorry. Just promise me you won’t bring any more strangers into my house okay?”
“I promise,” she muttered.
“Perfect. Thanks for staying so long tonight. Six hours and an overnight tonight, right? Let me go and pull out some money for you.”
“Oh no.. it’s fine, AJ! You can just get me back tomorrow or something. And you won’t have to pay me for today for what I did,” she quickly responded. “Well alright, that’s great! I could relax and use a drink right now.” AJ set his keys back down on the table and made his way over to the mini bar in the living room. Although AJ hasn’t touched hard alcohol other than the occasional beer here and there he could definitely use something stronger after his long and difficult day. After all, it would be a terrible waste as he bought the vodka for him and his wife– obviously drinking it all alone now.
She let out a little sharp, but cynical laugh. “Oh trust me I know!”
“You too, huh?”
“You have no idea.”
He left it at that and walked over to the bar in the corner of the family room. AJ took off his jacket, draping it over one of the bar stools and then removed the silk black tie, placing it over the jacket– Unbuttoning the top button on his shirt before he took down a bottle of imported Russian vodka and a martini shaker. AJ poured a triple shot of the vodka in, added some ice and some vermouth, and then began shaking. As he was straining the mix into a martini glass (a rather fancy one he also bought for the occasion) Melissa walked over to watch.
“Breaking out the big guns tonight, huh?” She said as she watched with curiosity.
“You know it,” he replied as he reached for a jar of olives, swiping one of them out and dropping it into his drink. “Soooo, that’s like a martini, right?” she asked.
“Well, a purist would say that a true martini would be made with gin instead of vodka but I never liked gin, so yes. Basically.”
She chewed her lip nervously as AJ turned to face her. “Do you think I could have one?” God. She was beginning to do this to him again. He tried to focus on the freshly poured drink in front of him but soon had another ideas, seeing as how his previous once had cancelled out on him. “You’re eighteen, right?”
“Just turned eighteen two months ago. And it’s not like I haven’t drank before. The only things I’ve tried were orange juice and vodka or beer,” she stated as a matter of factly.
“I guess one drink wouldn’t hurt. Just don’t be telling your parents or asking me to buy booze for you after this,” he laughed as he slid the glass in front of her. She of course agreed and eyed the drink before taking it into her hands. “Try some of mine I guess before I make you one of your own. Most people don’t really like ‘em.”
She brought the glass up to her lips, smelled it, and then took a sip. Of course as AJ expected, a sour look quickly spread across her face and she gave the martini back to him. He couldn’t help but laugh at her reaction as he took a drink of it himself. “Ewww,” she barely got out as she finally swallowed the burning liquid. “It tastes like gasoline.”
“I warned you,” AJ amused. “Martinis are like a fine wine, they’re an acquired taste.” He reached down into the bar and pulled out a bottle of Green Apple Schnapps and began making the drink as before, pouring it into the second glass he had sitting out for you-know-who– the liquid resulting in a pale, emerald colour. As he was rinsing the chrome mixer he already knew he was treading on choppy waters doing this, but thought what the hell, and shoved it into the back of his mind as it was nothing more than enjoying a drink with someone he was close to. “Here, try this,” AJ said as he placed the drink in front of her. He couldn’t help but become fixated on her lips as she took a small sip. They were a light pink and plump, looking really soft– wondering where else they have been since he now knew she wasn’t as innocent as he thought she was. He shook his head and cleared his mind at that, taking another swig of his martini all in one go.
“This is REALLY good. I like this one much better!” she beamed. He couldn’t help but be smug about it. It’s been a while since he has this sort of attention from a female, even to be complimented on something silly such as how he made his drinks. “That’s an Appletini,” he continued on. “My wife doesn’t like them how I do so I bought the schnapps for her.” She took another small sip and praised the drink again. “It’s really good.” Her eyes lit up as she took another big sip.
“Hey now, take 'er easy,” AJ chuckled. He poured himself another drink. “Shall we go have a seat?” She smiled and nodded up at him, letting her walk over to the couch first as he followed suit. Those shorts looked really good from behind. “Wow,” he mumbled to himself. He wondered how angelic she was underneath them and inwardly cursed himself AGAIN for having such a thought. He must really need to get laid.
Melissa plopped herself down on the couch as AJ made himself comfortable on the other end, grabbing his cell phone and putting on a playlist of his favourite music. “I think I found myself a new drink,” she giggled, taking a much bigger drink than the last one. “Just be careful with them. They pack quite a punch although yours is not nearly as strong as mine is." They talked of easy things as they sat there. Such as her casual job at the local pet shop, how shes on the honour roll at school, and possibly getting a scholarship at the end of the year for graduation. He listened to her go on about how she hopes to go to college if her “over protective parents” let her leave home on her own. It must be nice to have such small, trivial problems he thought to himself. He couldn’t help but smile as she continued to ramble on.
She took one last drink and placed the empty glass on the end table beside her. “God, I’m so sorry about everything, AJ. I feel so embarrassed about what I did.” Well, that came out of nowhere. “I’m embarrassed because I feel like you can’t trust me again. I had Trevor in your house, the condom, and I tried to lie about it. I really was sorry. I was actually gonna cry but I held everything in,” she admitted. “Will you ever trust me again?” By this time AJ’s own glass was empty and he could feel the warmth of the alcohol sitting in his empty stomach. His head also swimming from the triple shots of vodka. I guess I can’t drink 'em like I used to, he admitted. And to his better judgement which was usually quite sound, he decided on another anyway.
“Nevermind all of that. We’re here to relax and forget all our problems, another?” he asked as he stood up. She nodded her head excitedly as she handed her empty glass to him. “Anyway, I was pretty confident you wouldn’t have your boyfriend here last night,” he stated as he mixed them brand new drinks. “I mean seeing as you wouldn’t have time to do anything. The wife came to pick me up at 7 which would mean we would be back at around 8 or 8:30.” She laughed as she gladly accepted the Appletini. “That’s true,” she admitted. “But with Trevor that’s all it takes.”
AJ almost choked on his drink. “Well I really didn’t need to know that!” She laughed even harder at his reaction. “It’s true! With Trevor he could’ve gone twice and still had time to smoke a cigarette in between rounds!” she cut herself off before she went any further and instantly blushed at how she was talking to AJ. He on the other hand, found that to be hilarious. "I’m sorry,” she took yet another sip as she nervously looked down. “I don’t usually say things like that.”
“Nothing to be sorry for,” he mused, taking a seat at the end of the couch again. “And dont be too hard on him, how old is he? Eighteen.. nineteen?” She too made herself more comfortable, bringing up her legs and sitting cross legged. Of course he couldn’t help but look as her shorts rode up even higher, exposing quite a bit of the insides of her thighs. “He’s twenty one,” she replied as she rolled her eyes. He nervously cleared his throat and continued on. “Well young guys around that age don’t know how to… well uhh.. really 'control’ themselves if you know what I mean. Some guys really don’t learn at all. I mean… the older the guy gets, the more experience he gets.. so most older guys are really good and know what they’re doing.”
“Hmmm.. interesting,” she said thoughtfully, a slight gleam in her eyes that seemed to be directed at AJ this time. “Very interesting.”
Now it was AJ who was feeling embarrassed as it occurred to him that she might have taken his words of advice the wrong way. He awkwardly shuffled where he sat, trying to mask it as him making himself more comfortable. "In any case," he continued, "I was reasonably sure you wouldn't bring anyone in here tonight, and I'm sure that you won't in the future."
"Well um.." she looked down at her feet, this time is was her shifting around in her spot. "I was actually gonna try bring him over tonight but we got into a huge fight. It was actually over using that condom. I told him last night that we couldn't do anything unless he uses them with me and it made him mad at me. Sooo... he walked home and we didn't have sex here at all. Actually I really don't think Trevor and I will be a thing anymore. All he ever wants is sex from me." AJ's expression went from flushed to surprise (but mostly relief) at everything she just told him. They both took another huge drink before finishing off their glasses. He was really overall glad with her honesty. "That's unfortunate. By the sounds of it he doesn't seem like he's good enough for you anyway. And besides, I'm glad I found a condom still in its wrapper in this couch and not the actual condom."
Melissa laughed at that. "That would just be gross. Anyway, I told him all of that before too and he just got mad at me." AJ scoffed at that. "Sounds like a real Prince Charming, alright." And just then AJ blurted out something he knew he would never say if the alcohol hadn't been such a bad influence on him. "Why are you using condoms anyway? Shouldn't you be on the pill or some sort of birth control if you're sexually active?"
She smirked at his statement and finished off the remainder of her drink, she was obviously not offended much to his surprise. "I'm not that sexually active, dad." she mocked in a teasingly voice. Being called 'dad' suddenly did things to him that he knew was wrong. It was terribly wrong. But his body was doing all the thinking right now thanks to the strong drinks he made for himself. AJ repositioned himself so she wouldn't notice his member stiffening between his legs. "I really only had sex with two other boys before Trevor and it wasn't more than twice with them. If I got on the pill my parents would freak out and think I'm a total slut or something. And besides," she slowly began to move closer to him as she rambled on. "Maybe when I get a real boyfriend I'll go on the pill or something. Someone that's older this time. He has to be sweet, caring, and actually listens to what I have to say," she trailed off as she continued to move closer, she was now sitting directing in front of AJ and he couldn't help but look down at her exposed thighs again. Her shorts were much higher than before. Not high enough that it exposed her panties but it was right up there. He gulped as his eyes slowly trailed back up to her face, which was obviously beaming with lust. ".. someone like you, AJ."
"Melissa.." he was about to get up and make himself another drink and head to his man cave before he wasn't able to stop himself but she quickly cut him off before he doing anything by playfully slapping his arm-- another action which caught him by surprise as they've never even touched each other once before. "Did you know that I used to have the biggest crush on you?" she asked. He instantly forgot what he was going to do after hearing her sudden confession. "It's true! After I was done babysitting I would go home and imagine that I would marry you one day and instead of my bed, I would imagine I was laying in yours. Oh! And that you would take me out on dates and pick me up for prom," she giggled at what she was admitting and moved even closer, placing her hand dangerously in the middle of his thigh-- and he wasn't sure if she was doing this all on purpose or if it was the alcohol that was doing it. "Such silly little girl dreams, I know."
"Listen, I'm very much flattered and don't take this the wrong way but... whatever this is, it needs to stop." he gently took her hand and placed it on top of her own. "This was a bad idea. I'm sorry.. I'm the adult here and you're just a kid and.. Really. This is wrong." AJ was once again blind sided as he tried to get up and leave again, only this time she quickly got up and was now straddling his thigh. "You know I even had my first orgasm thinking about you. Did you ever think that way about me?"
It was this time that AJ was having a difficult time keeping his eyes up and focused on her. He was now hard as a rock and nervously tapped his fingers along the surface of the couch cushions. The fact that he has thought of her in such ways since she became a lovely young woman was all he could think about but it's never gotten to the point where it turned him on as much as she did right now. Fans swooning over him was one thing and it never mattered to him, but having another woman (a much younger one at that) sitting on top of him, obviously wanting him for who he really was outside all the fame -- this was something completely different. And on his fucking couch while his wife was sleeping upstairs.
Just then the silence was broken between them. She leaned closer so that she was now pushed up against him, her breasts rubbing against his hard torso as her lips grazed across his exposed skin from when he unbuttoned his dress shirt earlier. "You turn me on so much, AJ. You have no idea. Even when I had sex with Trevor, I always imagined it was you fucking me instead of him." In the process, she spread her legs wider so that she could now fully straddle his lap, finally exposing her panties that were hidden underneath. They were almost like a pale pink colour and it drove AJ wild. "That's uhh... that's good to know," he replied, leaning back so he could sneak another look at them. She sat up and began to squeeze her breasts through her shirt. "I'll never forget it."
He couldn't help but groan at the thought of her getting off to him. The vision of her laying in bed playing with herself because of him was powerfully erotic. His cock was unbearably hard and strained against the fabric of their clothing. The way Melissa was blushing as she told him this, her movements, her attractive young body grinding on top of him-- everything about her had turned him on bad. AJ can't remember the last time he felt this horny. He didn't know if it was because of her, the fact that he hadn't had sex for months, or the thought of possibly getting caught was what made everything so exciting. But he knew deep down he was a loyal man and this had gone far enough. It was time to shut whatever this was down and think rationally and not with what he desired. He and his wife may have had their differences but it didn't mean that he should listen to his body and cheat on her.
"You know I still think of you when I play with myself," she added, pounding more nails into the coffin. Melissa, you need to leave, right now! is what AJ meant to say, but instead he asked her if she really did and she nodded her head. "God, AJ I'm so wet right now. Do you think it would be sick... if you know.. I touched myself? Right now..?"
AJ nearly choked. "You mean like, right here?? Right now? In front of me..?"
"I feel like I'm going to explode if I don't," she whined, creeping her fingers a little further up her inner thigh.
"Melissa," he said, his voice was now shaking and his hands were trembling. He took a quick glance over towards the stairs to see if there was any sign that his wife-- or his kids for that matter-- would be coming out from their rooms at any moment. "This is a really bad idea."
"Please?" She pleaded as her fingers were now playing with the elastic part of her underwear. "I would really love to look at you while I play with myself, AJ. To make myself come while I look at your face."
His tremors grew worse, his eyes now unabashedly staring between her legs and the small wet spot that was visible through her underwear.
"You could do it too," she innocently suggested. "We could watch each other do it together. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?"
There was, of course, a whole lot wrong with that. But her logic combined with the influence of alcohol and his horniness refused to allow his brain to acknowledge that. She was offering to show her pussy to him, and play with it for matter. It wasn't cheating in some sort of sense, AJ convince himself. Not in the strict or legal sense of the word. It was nothing more than visual stimulation, like watching a porno right? "No," he managed to breathe out. "I guess there really isn't."
She smiled and nervously licked her lips. Her left hand came down and slid into the edge of her pink underwear. Slowly, she pulled them to the side, dragging the crotch of her shorts along with them-- revealing her wet pussy to him. The area surrounding the lips was shaved smooth, and the lips themselves were a nice shade of pink and slightly swollen. At this very moment she was simply perfect in his eyes and it nearly stunned him with what was currently happening. He was in utter disbelief.
"God, this is so hot!" She whispered as she leaned back against the couch and spread her legs a little bit wider for him. While her left hand confined to hold her shorts open her right hand began to play with her swollen clit. Sliding the tips of her fingers up and down slowly as her eyes never left AJ's royal blue ones.
"Jesus," AJ whispered, enthralled, his cock was now begging for release.
"Take it out," she begged. "I want you to do it too."
AJ reached down and started to unbuckle his belt, then quickly unbuttoned the dresspants as his gaze never left the sight of her exposed pussy either. He unzipped and raised his hips up a little so he could push his pants down just enough to have his cock out. Doubt tried to push its way into his brain again-- You're not really gonna whip your dick out in front of Melissa, are you?-- but he pushed it right back. There was nothing wrong with it. It's not like he was going to fuck her or anything.
He pushed his pants along with his underwear down more to his mid-thigh, allowing his ridged cock to spring out into his right hand. Melissa's eyes locked into it as he slowly started to stoke it. Her breathing now taking a heavier tone as her fingers were moving faster, now moving in and out of her petite body. AJ kept his pace slow as he knew he wouldn't last a minute if he kept up to speed with her. Through it all he kept his eyes glued on the babysitter, drinking in the pure site of her masturbating to him. His eyes darkened as he watched her watching him, her pussy growing more swollen and more wet by the second, begging for attention of its own.
"Oh... AJ." She moaned. "This is so hot, isn't it?
"Yeah," he breathed, his strokes now getting faster as he watched her start playing with her clit.
"Mmmm," she moaned. She was now flicking at her clit a little faster. "You have such a nice cock, AJ. It's so big and hard... will you put it inside of me?"
He swallowed nervously. Hadn't he known she was gonna ask that at some point? AJ shook his head and tried to maintain his willpower. "No, sweetheart, we can't. Let's just keep doing what we're doing, okay?"
"Oh please, AJ?" She moaned. "Just for a second? I just wanna know what it feels like. I've always wonder what it felt like when I thought about you.."
His cock twitched at hearing just that. "Melissa..."
"Please," she begged, "Just put it inside me once and you can take it back out. I just want to know how it feels and then you can stop." She stopped playing with herself and spread her legs open for him. "Just once?"
AJ found himself still listening to his body and standing up, allowing his pants and underwear to fall down around his ankles. It wouldn't hurt to just try it once, would it? I mean, the poor girl was nice enough to show him what she does in her alone time and she just wanted to experience what he felt like. "Just once," he said in a stern voice, raising his finger as he did so. "Just once."
"Yes, sir." She cooed. "Only once."
AJ groaned at that and looked towards the stairway which seemed like the sixtieth time that evening as she opened her legs wider, putting his knees on the couch between them as her left hand stayed at her crotch, continuing to pull her shorts to the side and her right hand reached up to his face and stroked it. AJ held his cock in his hand as he slowly aligned the tip of it between her dripping folds. He slipped it up and down a few times, prepping himself for the one (and ONLY one time) trip into his babysitter's body.
He pushed his hips forward into her, his cock met a little bit of friction with her for the barest of seconds but quickly slid slowly and smoothly inside of her. They both moaned as he bottomed out, his balls now resting against her ass as it's the deepest he could possibly go. "That feels sooooo good," Melissa whispered against his ear and all he could do was nod his head in agreement. Just sitting there, he was not willing to pull out just yet. "Just a couple of strokes inside of me?" She asked, "just for a few seconds?"
He didn't even try to rationalize this one. AJ just nodded and allowed his hips to start moving, giving her a grind then pulling his cock until it was almost completely out before slamming all the way back into her, giving her a much rougher grind this time as she mewed against his ear in approval so he did it again. And again. Her moans were becoming louder and he quietly shushed her and hoped that nobody could hear them. She apologized and he began to move a little faster-- concentrating on keeping a steady pace where he wouldn't come so quickly. She was incredibly tight.
"Lean on top of me, AJ," she moaned. "Lay on top of me while you fuck me."
And with that he leaned forward, allowing his chest to press up against hers-- he growled at the softness of her breasts beneath her shirt. Without asking she pulled his head down toward hers and kissed him, her tongue darting out against his lips and allowing it to explore his mouth. AJ then kissed her back enthusiastically-- swirling his tongue along with hers and sucking on it, all the while both of them trying to stay as quiet as they possibly can. She tasted strongly of apples.
They continued to kiss and rut against each other at a quickening pace and AJ found himself snaking his hand up the inside of her shirt, then underneath her bra to stroke and cup her bare tits. She squeaked at his experienced touch and wrapped her legs tightly around his waist. The aroma of their lust filled the air as his concern for his wife catching them together was now out the window. All he wanted to do was fuck her raw until she couldn't stand it anymore. Melissa broke the kiss and couldn't help but moan out loud as his cock found its way rubbing against her g-spot. "You're gonna make me... you're gonna make me.. oh my god, AJ.. don't stop! Don't stop!!"
And it didn't stop. In fact, he began to fuck her harder and almost slamming her body more into the couch with each stroke, angling his hips upwards stimulating her nerves even more. Her hips began to rise and fall against him in response, their mouths coming back together as he now had his hand up against her throat. They kissed rough and hotly, obscenely as her orgasm took over her. Her body was now shaking and shuddering against AJ's and he could feel himself coming dangerously close as well.
It took her almost a minute to work her way through the spasms. As it faded AJ broke the kiss and locked his pale blue eyes into hers. "Fuck baby, I'm gonna come right away," he groaned. She kept moaning for him to do it over and over as the pressure built up in his lower abdomen and the waves of pleasure began to spread. She felt the tightness of his body and urged him to come in between their kisses. The peak built up rapidly but one that AJ hasn't felt in years, and at that he too began to shake as her hips thrust upward repeatedly, her drenched pussy milking him as his thrusts were becoming more uneven. At the peak now arriving AJ quickly pulled his cock out and he violently started stroking it over her body. He was coming all over her bare midriff within seconds and it was honestly one of the greatest orgasms he'd ever had.
And finally it was over. She removed her hand from between her legs so that she could put both of them around the lower part of AJ's back so that he was pulled tightly against her. They shared another long, luxuriant kiss.. although this one was sweet and sexy instead of lustful like before. They broke the kiss at last and both just kind of stared at each other, not really sure of what to say or what to do next. "This shouldn't have happened," AJ quietly murmured amongst himself. He also listened to be sure that they didn't wake anyone up and he was forever grateful that they didn't. He looked back down at Melissa and saw that she was smiling up at him. "Yeah I know. But aren't you glad that it did?" She giggled. AJ shook his head and sighed but mostly of relief as he plopped back down on the couch. He was never drinking hard liquor again.
They laid like that for quite sometime, not talking, not thinking-- just sort of holding each other and sharing the occasional kiss. They knew they had to let each other go because the time for thinking would begin. And that would lead to the time for them to talk about it and it's something AJ wasn't willing to discuss anytime soon. Neither one of them were ready to wonder about what would happen tomorrow.
This literally took me like 9 hours to write and I couldn't post for three days because I had to find a way to insert a "Read More" link on mobile but here it is!! I hope the idea of this fic wasn't toooooo too bad of me to write LOL. Please let me know what you think of it, and if you enjoyed this please reblog and share as it would be much appreciated! <3 </b>
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fanficshiddles · 7 years
Instincts, Chapter 30
Layla woke up to Loki nuzzling the back of her neck and licking across her skin. She let out a giggle and rolled over in his arms to face him. He smiled down at her and brushed her hair out of her face.
‘Good morning, little one.’ He said in a husky tone as he leaned down and nuzzled her nose with his own.
‘What time is it?’ Layla asked sleepily as she noticed there wasn’t much light coming in through the window.
‘It’s 5am. But we must get going if we are to find the Elder today. We have to get to London.’ Loki said as he ran his hand down her side, making her tremble from his touch on her bare skin.
‘But it’s soooo early.’ Layla groaned and hid her face down into the pillow, making Loki laugh.
‘Come on, little one. Don’t make me drag you out of bed.’ Loki teased as he reached down to pinch her ass playfully, making her yelp and jump round.
‘You’re so mean.’ Layla pouted and crossed her arms over her chest.
‘But you love me anyway.’ Loki chuckled and kissed her pouty lips before bouncing up out of bed to get dressed.
Layla shuffled to the side of the bed and watched her Alpha as he got dressed.
‘You know, these Midgardian clothes aren’t too bad. They are nice and… Tight.’ Layla blushed and smirked as Loki turned to face her as he was buttoning up a black shirt.
‘Oh yeah? You like seeing tight clothes on me, do you?’ Loki smirked and walked over to tower over her as she lay on the bed looking up at him.
‘Yes.’ Layla squeaked out.
‘They don’t have very much protection though. I miss my armour. But I can see the appeal.’ Loki smirked.
‘Come on, get up!’ Loki motioned to Layla once he was ready, she was still lying in bed.
All he got in response was a groan. So he reached under the blanket and grabbed her ankle, to drag her down the bed. She squealed out and grabbed at the sheets under her. 
‘Come on, up!’ He demanded. 
Layla groaned and she rolled off the bed and started to gather up her clothes. She was soon dressed and ready to go. 
When the couple went downstairs, the others were there waiting for them.
‘Let’s go.’ Loki nodded at them.
Loki had used the computer that was in the hall of the B&B so he could figure out how to get to London. The rest were clueless so just followed Loki’s lead.
Loki took them to the train station that was in the town. He managed to work the ticketing machine and got the pack a ticket each for the train. Layla was impressed with how he was able to work all the Midgardian technology.
‘They are so behind with technology.’ Loki smirked at her as he noticed her confusion. ‘Come on, let’s get on the train.’ Loki said as he took Layla’s hand and led her onto the platform.
The pack all got onto the train when it arrived. As it was an early train, there were plenty of seats. So the group all managed to get seats next to one another.
‘What is this we are on?’ Layla asked as she looked around and her nose sniffed the air, she wasn’t overly pleased with the smell of it.
‘It’s called a train. It’s a quick mode of transport they have here.’ Loki told her.
‘Why couldn’t we just ride horses?’ Layla asked.
‘Because it’s not the norm here to ride horses everywhere. Especially to a city like London. We have to be careful and not draw any attention towards ourselves.’ Loki said as he kissed the top of her head.
‘It stinks.’ Layla said as she scrunched her nose up and hid her face into Loki’s chest. She could hear the rumbling inside his chest as he chuckled.
‘We won’t be on this for long, little one.’ He assured her.
It was still an hour too long for Layla’s liking. She had spent most of the train journey with her nose buried against Loki. He found the entire thing highly amusing.
‘I take it you do not like public transport here on Midgard?’ Rafal teased Layla when they got off the train in London.
‘Definitely not!’ Layla said as she looked around Kings Cross station.
Loki tightened his hold on her hand as the pack made their way through the busy station. Though he didn’t need to be worried as Layla was not going anywhere away from his side. She didn’t like Midgard so far. It was too hectic and busy for her.
Outside the station, Loki took the group over to a taxi. They all bundled into the back of it and Loki gave the driver the address.
Layla stayed huddled underneath Loki’s arm as they drove through the city to the address. She was really nervous and worried. She had no idea what they were to expect from the Elder and what he had to tell them both.
After an hours drive, the taxi pulled up outside of a house that was situated on a quiet street. The house looked old, but not too old. It was well kept and the garden was simple but neatly kept.
Loki paid the taxi driver as the pack all got out of the car and stretched.
‘Well, here we are.’ Rafal said as he looked up and down the street warily.
‘Are you getting a bad vibe?’ Dennis asked.
‘I’m not sure.’ Rafal frowned.
‘We will stay out here anyway and keep guard, just in case.’ Joan said and Dennis agreed.
‘Do you want me to wait outside too?’ Rafal asked Loki and Layla as he turned to face them.
‘No, you come in with us.’ Loki nodded at him.
The three walked up the steps to the house and Loki knocked on the door. He relaxed a bit more when it was answered by an elderly man. But Loki could tell by his scent that he was one of them.
‘I am so glad you made it. You must be Loki and Layla.’ The old man said.
‘Yes. And this is, Rafal. He is Layla’s brother.’ Loki said as he shook his hand.
‘My name is Jerry, or more known as the Elder. Do come in.’ Jerry said as he stepped back to let the three inside.
Jerry made them tea and they all sat down in the kitchen at the table. Layla sniffed at the tea and scrunched her nose up. She didn’t like the smell of the foreign drink.
Loki drank it to be polite, he didn’t find it too bad. But Rafal loved the hot drink.
‘I don’t have much time to tell you everything. So I will get straight to the point. There is another realm, called Wolfheim. It has been closed off for thousands of years. The previous King and Queen died and did not have any heirs to pass on the throne to. So the wolves that lived there decided it would be safer to close the realm off, to stop anyone from trying to kill the species. Some, however, were not happy with the idea of being trapped there forever. So they left and made home on other realms… I was one of them and moved here along with many others.’ Jerry stopped to take a sip of his tea and to give the information time to sink in.
Loki, Layla and Rafal were sat there with their eyes wide at what they had just been told.
‘There is an entire realm, for us?’ Loki asked in disbelief.
‘Yes. But it has not been opened for 100 thousand years. It can’t be, until the rightful King and Queen open it again.’
‘What do you mean open it again? I thought the King and Queen died?’ Rafal asked, confused.
‘Yes. But you see, the King and Queen are not made King and Queen through bloodlines. There are wolves known as the chosen ones. They are different from all of the others in many ways. Physically and mentally. They are very rare so don’t happen often. The male is much larger than others and more powerful. The female is the most beautiful of all and very sensitive. The two are only connected to one another. They are not attracted to any others, they have no desire to mate with another wolf aside from the other chosen one. The male will not be able to knot unless he is with her. It is said that not even realms can stop the connection from happening, that they will find one another no matter what.’ Jerry continued.
Loki’s mind was already going crazy from the information he was getting. He already was connecting the dots very quickly in his mind. Layla was too, deep down. Though she didn’t really want to think about it.
‘These two chosen ones, are our only hope for opening access to Wolfheim again. If I am correct, which I know I am… Those two wolves are you.’ Jerry said as he motioned to Loki and Layla.
‘Wh…. What?’ Layla gasped, her fears becoming confirmed.
‘You are a white wolf, as white as snow, correct?’
Layla’s eyes widened even more as she nodded slowly.
‘And you, black as coal?’ Jerry said as he looked to Loki.
Loki nodded and gripped Layla’s hand tightly. Jerry nodded his head once and slid a folder across the table to Loki.
‘This has all of the information you need. But you are both the chosen ones, therefore the new King and Queen of Wolfheim.’
‘No. There has to be some mistake. I can’t be a Queen. I… I can’t.’ Layla said as she shook her head and started to get worked up.
Loki moved his hand up to the back of her neck, he stroked across her skin softly, his touch calmed her down instantly. 
‘You are, my child. You are both our only hope for getting Wolfheim strong again. The wolves there will be waiting for your arrival. But you must be careful. There are a group of hybrid wolves here on Midgard. They know about Wolfheim and yourselves. They are against Wolfheim ever being opened again. They are not like us though, half wolf and half other. They are full wolf, yet they have the same mind as we do and can communicate with us. You will know them by their scent, it is entirely different to ours and a normal wolf.’ Jerry explained as he poured some more tea with his shaky hands.
‘Why do they not want Wolfheim to be opened?’ Loki asked.
‘Because they were cast out from Wolfheim near 500 thousand years ago. They had turned against us and wanted us all to take over every single realm, to rule the entire universe. But the rulers we had at that time, turned them down and cast them out. They have continued to breed and pass down the story to all their offspring. They stay here on Midgard, as far as I know there are no others on other realms. They would stop at nothing to prevent Wolfheim from rising again.’
Dennis and Joan were outside waiting. But they soon heard a rumbling noise from the top end of the street. They felt a bad shiver run down their spine as they looked at one another.
Suddenly their noses were filled with a scent they did not recognize, yet it was not a good scent. The sound of howling and barking started and was quickly getting closer and closer.
Joan and Dennis turned into their wolf forms and their hackles stood up as they snarled and prepared themselves to attack. But soon enough, a large pack of 20 wolves came into view. They continued running down the street, straight towards them.
Loki was about to ask a question when suddenly he felt a tremor of dread run through his entire body. It was nothing like he had ever felt before. Just at the same time as Dennis and Joan came bursting into the house.
WE MUST LEAVE, NOW! Dennis roared at them.
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