#this is my specific niche area right here
otrtbs · 2 months
I just saw a thing on TikTok where people fancasted Remus as louis and Harry as Sirius and I…don’t know if I should be scared or not
like hood for them but it’s just changed my entire day in a way I can’t explain
i cannot explain to you how many voice note rambles i have sent 2 people about this,,, you have NOOOO idea. ur so nice to be like "good for them"
and also don't even get me started on the fucking jegulus as ziam shit,,,, JAMES AS FUCKING LIAM PAYNE?? i burst out into silent sobs,,,, dry heaved,,,, rolled around on the ground in absolute agony
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osiris-iii-bc · 1 month
Secondo Emeritus - Naples
Primo | Secondo | Terzo
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Naples. My beautiful Naples. My beloved, adored Naples. It is the city where I studied and grew up in and it is also literally filled with mysteries and legends. I thought Naples would have been the perfect formation place for a young Secondo Emeritus. Let’s see what may have influenced and inspired him in his religious journey.
1 - The musical church. 
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Ghost’s music has always been heavily loaded with the Devil’s Tritone: also called Diabulus in Musica or Devil’s Interval, it is an unsettling dissonance produced by an unusual arrangement of notes that gives that spooky, devilish tone to music. In Infestissumam, it was featured on 9 out of 10 songs. The use of the Tritone was banned in Medieval times (In Ghost, its use dramatically dropped with Prequelle, with only 2 out of 10 songs featuring it). So what if I tell you that, in contrast, in Naples there is a church that functions as a musical score, whose music protects it from evil?
Basically, there is a church in Piazza del Gesù that has a particular pointy ashlar on the external facade. Under the side (the one facing the ground, so if you look up from the street you can see them) of each of these little pyramids are carved symbols, which turned out to be Aramaic letters that were later translated into musical notes. So, it turned out that the whole church is a big score, and it’s playable. The whole melody, called Enigma, was played for the first time inside the church to celebrate the discovery. You can hear the music here (sound quality is not the best).
Will it protect the church from Ghost’s music?
2 - The skull cult.
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Naples has very intricate underground galleries, almost all visitable. One of these is Cimitero delle Fontanelle, a famous catacomb where the remains of about 40.000 people who died from plagues are stored. It is said the “anime pezzentelle” cult was born here: it is a particular relationship each Neapolitan establishes with a chosen skull. You literally adopt an abandoned skull, which according to our tradition is the seat of the soul, and your duty is to care for it, protect it and also create a special niche for it. In exchange, the soul of that skull will protect you.
A nice place for a Bone Daddy.
3 - Pretty and Evil like Mergellina’s devil.
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Knowing the passion our Secondo has for women, here is a story about a very devilish one.
In Santa Maria del Prato church, in the Mergellina area, there is the only representation of the devil as a woman in a painting.
The legend has it that said woman was the beautiful Vittoria D’Avalos, who seduced the Bishop Diomede Carafa, who commissioned the painting in 1542 to represent his victory against the woman’s lust (we're all believing him, right? 🙄).
Now that story has a way of saying that refers to femmes fatales as “Pretty and Evil like Mergellina’s devil”.
I’d say she may be considered among the first-ever Sisters of Sin. 
4 - Who gives life can also take it.
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Infestissumam is filled with references to birth and Jesus, turning it into the birth of the antichrist and creating a narrative that is completely opposite to the birth of the Son of Man. Now, in Naples, there is a statue that embodies both concepts.
Back to Piazza del Gesù: On a very high pedestal in the center of the square stands a statue of the Virgin Mary, the Mother. That's all... until you position yourself at a specific point in the square and look up to see the statue transformed into the Reaper. His face is hidden by the cowl, staring straight at you, with a sickle at its feet and a snake crawling on it.
Depending on your point of view, the giver of life becomes the taker of it.
5 - Body and Blood… but especially blood.
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What never stops to fascinate me about the relationship of Neapolitans with religion is the very thin line between devotion and pure blasphemy. It is the case of the “miracle” of San Gennaro’s blood. It happens twice a year and it consists in bringing the Saint’s blood in a liquid state again (after centuries it is obviously solidified). The particular thing is that during this ritual, the worshippers (and the priests too) literally insult the saint to convince him to make the miracle happen, because if it doesn’t work, it means that something terrible is about to happen.
(Last time it didn’t work was right before the Covid pandemic 🙂)
I’d say this could have been a great inspiration for Body and Blood and Idolatrine.
Honorable mention to the fact that I have lived 32 years now on this Earth and I never attended this event even though I would like to.
Bonus: Now, I said that Dante would come back in the chapters, and he is. In fact, not only Virgilio died in Naples (and he is the protector of the city) but, apparently, the gates of Hell Dante mentioned in his comedy were located on the Averno lake, near Pozzuoli, not far from Naples.
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mirror-ralsei · 8 months
The Sound Test is hands down my favourite piece of horror in Undertale.
Yeah, sure. Photoshop Flowey is a great spiritual successor to Giygas, and Gaster to Uboa. The Chara jumpscare is disturbing, as is the entire No Mercy run. But the Sound Test is a masterfully crafted anecdote that deserves more appreciation.
So to recap, Fun event 65 begins when you walk north in the crossroads before Snowdin. The music cuts out to transition to text on a black background.
It starts off positively: “Welcome to the Sound Test! Listen to all your favorites. Press Left or Right to select. Press Z to play a song.” The friendly terms fade in calmly, offsetting any disturbance caused by this sudden interruption by easing into it. We also need to note Undertale was designed as a niche RPG for RPG fans, which intentionally played with their expectations.
With that audience in mind, the player also likely has an expectation here: contemporary sound test rooms are typically a cool bonus for players, unlocked either through the progression of a game or its completion, or sometimes only through codes or developer consoles. They provide a list to play of all the sound files in a game, or at least the OST. This is a generally beloved feature when provided, allowing players to jam out to their favourite tracks. “Listen to all your favorites” seems to confirm this, reinforcing the brain to glaze over any specifics and autofill an expected experience here.
So we dive excitedly into this bonus feature (if maybe a little bit confused). Sound tests typically are accessible from main menus, and we were just interrupted while playing the game, but whatever, this game is a bit weird anyway. What songs do we have? You can cycle through them, but more likely people will play one by one in successsion.
We start with “Happy Town.” There hasn't been a “Happy Town” location yet that we've seen, but this is probably an area from later in the game or something. We click on it, and it's... short. It's just a simple loop on two channels, too. The melody itself is rather boring. Okay. Maybe this is just an intro track, so on to the next one.
“Meat Factory.” Uhh. This is definitely from later in the game... probably? When you think on it for even a moment, you realize this grim title sounds very tonally out of place in a game that's so far been pretty fantastical and friendly, and that makes it immediately unsettling. Clicking on it immediately confirms this. Where Happy Town was pretty noncommittal, Meat Factory's 8-bit loop is even shorter and almost oppressive in its relentless, growling two notes, repeating at an alarming pace, as if approaching with deadly intent. Why is something so disturbing and almost industrial in a funny little game?
You quickly switch to the next song. “Trouble Dingle.” A “dingle” might imply something a little bit lighter, and “trouble” sounds maybe a little more whimsical than “doom,” but there is no relief here. This loop is longer, but distorted and chaotic. It sounds corrupted. There's no trackable melody, it loses the 8-bit instrument, and like Photoshop Flowey's fight or the unpredictable melody of “Amalgamate,” is generally throwing away all sense of safety in favour of absolute disorientation.
At this point, you have likely forgotten about the context and are trying to find one song that's not incredibly disturbing. Maybe you've even realized by now that there is no way to even exit this unsettling “room.”
It's an auditory chase scene. The pressure increases with every song. Something is approaching, and fast.
Enter “Gaster's Theme.”
The hunt is over. The music has caught you. Suddenly, no matter what you do, you are trapped, forced to listen to this piece, this theme of a character you do not know, which starts off curious before dipping threateningly into the minor key. You rightfully may get the impression that this character “Gaster,” whoever they are, exerts some terrifying control over you, to be able to freeze you like this, able to writhe around between song tracks but change absoutely nothing, escape utterly futile.
You are only free when this music chooses to let you go. It cuts off abruptly. “Thanks for your feedback!” it says cheerfully. Then:
“Be seeing you soon.”
It's an incredibly compelling little horror piece and potential villain introduction that I find even more unsettling than the 66 mysteryman door itself. It's short but sweet, toying perfectly with expectations and making us deliberately uncomfortable at every turn.
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sorry if i'm wrong, but you do art at university, right? i've applied to both art and non art unis and idk if you could give some insight
Yep, I do fine art at an arts uni, in my 2nd year. This is a UK perspective
Being at an arts uni is great bcs a) you're surrounded by other artists and it's great to Collab and stuff and b) they usually have some specific workshop areas allowing for you to explore your practice more. My uni has a smithery thing going on and we can cast stuff in bronze! I've never used it but a few in my course have. There's also niche courses here, with some 10-15 people on, that you wouldn't find at a broad uni. Even my course has 20 ppl in my year group, so we actually get to know our tutors and talk to them when needed.
Being at a uni with other art students is fun. I've collabed with other students in different courses, which I'm not sure how much you would do at a non art uni, and I would probably say easier to meet like minded people. I love making my film friends witness my fine art bs, it's so funny.
Do just make sure you've researched your course well, bcs, for mine, I feel it suits me in a contemporary aspect but not on workshops: we have a lot of sculpture type workshops but they're of no use to me bcs I don't work in that aspect. I still benefit from my course because of how they teach and I definitely have improved as an artist in exploring my interests and such. We haven't done life drawing in my course, which I find odd bcs it's so synonymous with fine art, and I have to go to paid society/club to do that
When I did apply to unis some years back, I applied to both art and non art ones, and the art ones I toured seemed so much more appealing. I didn't actually get into the ones I applied for (pain) and took a foundation year instead, which, with hindsight, was pretty fucking good. I hadn't heard of this uni until I scrambled to get a foundation course after collage, and god it turned out great. I haven't heard the best things about UCL and UAL, but ik the work that comes out of there is incredible. The London unis seem to be for ppl who can handle a lot of shit. Small art unis are pretty good
Tldr: you'll benefit from an art uni, just make sure it offers enough stuff/workshops/etc you're interested in
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catchyhuh · 7 months
THE ANSWER? IT’S COMPLICATED! car trips are such a delicate science that when i did this ranking in my head it fell apart almost immediately so instead i will present the information and YOU, yes YOU get to decide who you’d be able to put up with and who you’d murder before you even reached the highway
suggested reading for you: unbearable habits. keep this in mind as you go and venture safely 
well. it wouldn’t be boring at least. he can make conversation out of almost anything. you pass a weird tree and ten minutes later he’s going on about how one time he had to learn about some tree info to get this rare sap thing (fujiko said she heard it tasted yummy-- it didn’t btw it sucked but he just had to see y’know) and he found out that there’s like thirty types of maple trees, one of which is actually invasive in north america, which is weird because it feels like north america is the area that’s the BIGGEST on tree tapping so why would it be a problem if they had so many norway maples-- hey are you listening to m
actually not that bothered if he’s not the one driving. might poke at you about things like “obeying the speed limit” and such but he’s perfectly content to kick back. uh oh, did that lull you into a false sense of security? don’t sigh in relief yet, you have mr. passenger princess as your copilot. fucks with the radio, the ac, constantly adjusting his seat, messing with windows, all to HIS comfort level. after all, you’re only the person driving.
insists on stopping at a convenience store. if you try some fast food drivethru bullshit he’s gonna be like “what schedule are we on! why are you in such a rush? fucking-- live a little, man. there’s a sheetz here”
jumping off that last bit the payment method AT the store will change entirely depending on what type of comment you make to him beforehand. if you say “in what world is it worth it to steal a 5 dollar slushie” he’s stealing. if you say “in what world is a slushy worth 5 fucking dollars” he will be paying in full with his own money. guarantee
reclines his seat WAY far back. like crushing the person behind him’s legs, far back. like, would probably be a safety hazard even if he was in the car by HIMSELF far back. the reason airplanes have a locking mechanism to stop you from turning the seat into a twin bed far back.
not a horrible conversationalist but it will entirely rely on how much he “likes” (read: is kinda okay with) you and his mood. he won’t push you to talk, but if you want to talk and he DOESN’T, you are getting the driest answers. however if you are anything like me and only need minimal engagement to take as a sign to keep talking endlessly, he will whittle down to the point where he starts TALK talking to you a bit more.
can easily keep himself occupied regardless of mood. just grabs a crossword or some shit. miraculously doesn’t get a headache, but if you even make one remark about the fact that reading in the car gives people headaches, he’ll INSTANTLY remind you nothing could make his head hurt more than his current company. even if he doesn’t mind your company! it’s a reflex.
if you don’t let him drive he’s going to be a bitch. i promise. if you don’t let him drive he will grumble about every little thing so you know what. just make peace with it and hand over the wheel. pop it off the little stick thing and hand it right over to ol’ smoky. at the very least he’ll shave off a half hour from the ETA, somehow. it’s jarring because he doesn’t actually seem to be going faster but surprise! we’ve reached our destination.
well. if you were stressing over lupin never shutting up i have good news for you. it doesn’t matter who his company is, he’s just consistently a man of very few words, unless you get him off on some specific thing he’s passionate about (which is very, very niche, and will be harder to trigger than you’d anticipate), but hey, he’s okay with that. unfortunately if silence is torture for you i have equally bad news,
honestly cannot understate how likely it is you’ll forget he’s in the back if you’re both silent for more than a mile stretch of road. he doesn’t shift around a lot. when you first get in he might take about 5 or so minutes to really get comfy but he prefers the back seat. every time goemon has had a choice, he goes right for the back. more legroom. so, yeah, very easy to forget he’s present
going to act like he can keep himself entertained just tuning out his surroundings and meditating but that’s just. not true. he’s going to last an impressive amount of time, maybe three and a half hours? but he is ultimately human and when you have to make that first gas station stop the gross ass smell of gasoline is going to knock him RIGHT out of it. 
really the only way you’re pulling any significant interaction out of this is if someone ELSE is manning the car and you can either turn completely around to interact with him or if you’re both sitting side by side. mostly the latter, as he’ll be less tempted to kind of emotionally shut you out if you’re right beside each other. just don’t expect him to move to give you much more space to yourself lmao
unique problem where you might EXPECT her to be somewhat talkative (like a reasonable amount) but no. she’s not talking to you. she’s not even ignoring you with headphones or anything she’s just content in her own world. unless of course you made one comment that just barely slightly annoyed her, in which case she pulls out the biggest, shiniest, most obnoxious headphones and tunes you out entirely. tread carefully
if you get hungry you’re eating at a SIT DOWN DINE-IN MEAL. NO fast food NO convenience store and ESPECIALLY no 3 dollar mini dorito bags, not on miss mine’s watch. don’t even fucking pretend it’s an option. but of course, this adds like an hour to your drive time, so… half and half. you Will be dining and dashing
probably has some kind of car trip kit. firstly, the fact she’s actually taking a CAR trip must mean you need to be afraid of something, because that’s gotta be her last resort. she could fly, take a train, fucking fly a helicopter herself, fly ANYTHING herself she’s UNSTOPPABLE and she wants to kick her feet on the dash for a fourth of a very valuable day?? but beyond that. has a nice pillow (NOT a neck pillow. hurts her neck. just a real full pillow. she doesn’t nap anyway idk why she’s got that) some kinda heating thingy to keep her back from getting sore in that uncomfy seat, large cup with a delicious bev of choice, just anything you could imagine being convenient. oh my god remember the tiddy bear? google tiddy bear. she’s got one of those
very creative when it comes to filling up time without getting VERY silly. now, make no mistake, if you’re both exhausted enough multiple hours in, she MIGHT be ok playing some car color counting game (especially if the winner gets 20 bucks) but usually she’s gonna just come up with some shit like “everytime you complain about x i’m going to cut this blank check into confetti and when the ride is over i’m dumping it on you.” isn’t she such a catch!
well. it definitely won’t be the same moment to moment. either you’re about to be miserable for multiple hours or somehow accidentally unlock the most bizarre yet interesting information about him. no inbetween. maybe even both!
probably the only one who has even a tiny chance of falling asleep, and even then that’s gotta be a hiiiighly specific setup. most possible if you just shut up for long enough and then he’ll kinda doze, but don’t bring UP the fact that you’re trying to get him to chill the fuck out and nap for a bit, don’t even joke about it, because then if you try to employ the long period of silence he’ll just go “... wait a minute I KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING” and it’ll be a whole thing
the most adamant about getting the damn thing over with. he’s not going to be a BITCH about it per se, but he IS going to be like “no no not that gas station look at that line. if we just wait till the next one it’ll save us like 15 minutes” and you look at the gas mileage and go “uh” and he goes “no we can make it. trust me.” and cut to 30 minutes later you’re both trying to push the truck to the closest pump which is STILL a good 700 feet away. save time my ass. because of this insistence he will be the one that takes the LONGEST to get from point a to point b, just because he WANTS to be the fastest and god is cruel
goes through like fifty highs and lows throughout unrelated to anything. traffic, the weather, fuck man the ac could be busted, and he’ll be fine, but then 20 minutes later he’s snippy about EVERYTHING. you are microdosing having him as a roommate. stay sane to the best of your ability because god knows he won’t
they ALL get bitchy about music, god help you if you try to fuck with the music
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alltimefail-sims · 1 month
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Hi friends, happy Friday!
The Sims team recently collaborated with Ebonix and dropped the "Urban Homage" CAS kit on April 18th, so you guys already know I had to snatch it up and give my thoughts. I'm a week late, but I'll give you the TLDR up front: I like every item that came in this kit. Yes, I'm just as shocked as you are!
Sidenote: Don't worry, even though they aren't pictured above we will be looking at the male assets as well - they're in their own separate section under the cut!
With all that being said, let's jump into it! ↓
First, let me show you those masculine frame outfits I promised:
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Okay, now I'm just going to get my minimal qualms out of the way:
I wish the female frame bodysuit labeled as a top could have also been in the full-body category. I love that it can be layered with other skirts and such, but it's soooo cute by itself and we don't have anything like it, especially for everyday or workout purposes.
Next, the joggers should have been enabled for both frames and same goes for the overalls. You can untick the "female" or "male" clothing preference in CAS and they both look fine on the opposite frame, but obviously there is some minor distortion in the chest area on fem frames when they wear the overalls.
I also wish the basketball shorts came in some simpler, sleeker swatches alongside the bolder prints and colors.
That's literally it: miniscule complaints really, and trust me when I say these complaints are nitpicky for a reason - I struggled to find critiques for this particular kit.
As for literally everything else not mentioned above: I love these clothes, and I think there are a few items that I will use over and over again.
All the bottoms are superb
The loose jersey is an item that we desperately needed in game
The dashiki swatches are stunning
The fit of every item across the board is immaculate on a wide range of body types.
The few simple items snuck into this kit - the cropped denim jacket, the tie crop shirt, the open button down, etc. are so versatile and beautifully executed.
The trendy butterfly top, the skinny pants with cutouts in the side, and the platform ankle boots (specifically the flame swatches!!) have all been tackled by cc-makers; these versions that come in this kit are right on par with the cc counterparts out there, a HUGE win for console players who cannot use cc.
Basically, these clothes look like clothes I could actually see real people wearing...unlike some items that have come in packs in the past that feel far too niche or look like leftover items that didn't fit in a different EP or GP. (I'm looking at you CAS items from Crystal Creations... I know those assets were 80% Realm of Magic rejects lmao. Not that I'm mad, I like a lot of the items, but they really aren't super versatile.)
Perhaps the most surprising treasures in this pack, however, actually lie within the accessory categories. Wild realization for me because when it comes to accessories in the sims I'm usually indifferent at best and confused if the devs have ever seen a real human out in the wild at worst (because let's be honest...that shit is usually so oversized and weird looking it's basically unusable). But I have to give these accessories their moment in the sun because WOW. I can't believe I'm uttering the words "I love" next to "kit accessories..." but Hell hath frozen over I guess. Here are some screenshots:
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Every accessory (with the exception of the GORGEOUS headwrap) is enabled for masculine frame; this includes the rings (left & right), necklaces, earrings, facial piercing, and even the nails. The facial piercing shocked me the most as I've never used the piercings we've been given in other packs - they're always thick, bulky, and chunky in the worst way. But, much to my amazement, this nose piercing is sooooooo good and even come in a number of decent swatches outside of gold, silver, black! In fact, I liked it so much that I'm ditching the cc nose ring on my OC Ta'Nia and swapping it for the nose piercing that came with this kit. Even on a sim with a downturned nose tip and wider set nostrils (like the male sim I used in the screenshots) I felt like the piercing still looked great!
I only have one complaint about the accessories, and it's that I wish we were given more than one set of nails, or at least more color swatches for the nails. Black, red, and blue bases with chrome tips are just too limited to me, especially with all the vibrant colors we see in this pack! I would have liked a set of nails with intricate airbrushing/hand-drawn designs or ones that utilized gems and charms along with some variation in length and a shape outside of the trendy coffin or oval nails at medium length. I know this is picky, but cc nails are killing the game right now whereas the sims team continually plays it safe and, imo, it's boring; console players deserve to have glamorous works of art on their sim's fingers as well!
OKAY... time for my wrap-up thoughts!
Look at me saying this wouldn't be a long review... yet here we are, a whole ass Ted Talk later lol. Overall, I personally encountered zero major issues in this kit. (Please note that when I say "major" I am talking about hoodies that make eyes 3x their original size or jewelry that corrupts the body of a sim lol.) I will say that I saw some people saying they noticed some discoloration on the facial piercings that came with this pack (textures/colors bleeding from some other CAS items onto the piercings) but I didn't personally have that issue. If there are any other issues outside of the discolored piercings, I didn't encounter them and I haven't seen others talking about them.
TLDR: For me, this and the grunge kit are the standard of what a good CAS kit should look like. I think I'll be using several of these items often, and the content is easily worth $5.00 (unlike the party kit that dropped alongside this one... but that's a topic for another day). If you're going to give EA $5.00 for a kit, I confidently recommend this one.
Remember to use the creator code "EBONIX" at checkout so Ebonix can receive 5% of the proceeds when you purchase this kit!
I hope you all enjoyed my ramble. What are your favorite items from the kit? What do you think could have been better? Let me know in the replies or send me an ask; I always love hearing your guys' thoughts.
Talk to you all later! Hugs x
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About The Blog
The short version is:
This blog is to bring awareness to American laws that affect a significant portion of the US population, but that many Americans may not know the details of.
More details about what this blog is, what it isn't, and who's running it below the cut.
What this blog is:
It's about United States laws specifically. Sorry non-Americans. Hey, if this inspires you, I fully encourage you to set up a similar blog for your own nation or area! But fifty states plus federal law is plenty for me.
It's about things that affect a big chunk of the US population. Labor law will definitely come up time and time again, because for something that affects lots of Americans there's a lot of ignorance of the law, or outright misconceptions, floating around about how labor law works. But it won't just be labor law, either. It just can't be too niche of a topic; I want there to be a decent chance that, without specifically tailoring a post to any individuals out there, the audience will include a number of people affected by the laws being cited.
It's about the factual state of the laws in question, as of the time I make the post about them. I'll do what I can to cite sources, especially direct sources, where possible.
What this blog isn't:
This isn't political. We're not taking a stand on whether the law is right or wrong, just presenting what it currently is.
This isn't a news source. Updates might happen, if and when they feel needed. But there's always a chance outdated information will be posted, especially if you're looking at older posts.
This isn't necessarily how the system actually works. Sometimes, people and organizations break the law (citation needed). Sometimes it happens enough that breaking that particular law becomes commonplace in a whole industry or area. Sometimes those breaking the law set things up so that whistleblowers who point out their illegal activities won't do so well afterwards. Sometimes some or all of the individuals involved don't know that what's happening is against the law in the first place. (But as the old saying goes, ignorance of the law is no excuse... which is one reason I hope to reduce that ignorance through this very blog!) "Illegal" is not a synonym for "doesn't happen".
This isn't a business, or a government service, or a registered non-profit. I'm one person sharing some information in my free time, that's all. If you like what I'm doing... well, I did turn tipping on. Maybe I'll break out a Kofi too.
This isn't legal advice. I am not a lawyer, and I am definitely not your lawyer. If the laws presented here affect you, I strongly encourage you to do your own research, and/or contact an actual lawyer, before taking action. Heck, if this blog gets people poking around government websites to find out the details of the laws featured here, that's a win in my book.
About The Blogger:
I may not be a lawyer, but I do work in the legal system. Specifically, I'm employed as and trained to be a paralegal. My usual definition of what paralegals do is "everything lawyers do, except for the things that only lawyers can do", which is a little opaque, so allow me to expand upon it a bit:
Imagine a lawyer at work. Think of all the things that must be done for the practice of law. Going to court and going in front of the judge, sure. Giving clients legal advice, of course. Communicating with the other side, and with clients, and perhaps even with the court. Filing documents. Organizing documents. Researching whether the law's on your side or not. Meeting new clients and getting together the details about their case.
Now, the big two things there that only lawyers can do are representing someone in court and giving legal advice. But the rest of it--letters or phone calls to opposing counsel, or clients, or even the judge; filing documents with the court; organizing documents (so much organizing documents); new client intake; even legal research--can all be done by paralegals, and in practice, a lot of it often is.
I specifically work in the field of family law, though unfortunately a lot of that is likely too niche and too variable to fit into this blog's posts, and have experience with the laws of two different states within the field of family law.
So I'm just another tumblr blogger, yes, but I actually do know a bit about the legal system, both in theory and in practice.
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woetoy · 10 months
Anon art human again, I mean finding views or just acknowledgement for you art, I'm broke and either way wouldn't feel right blazing the nsfw stuff I draw but it gets no traffic or notes. Idk leaving an ask was impulsive but I really respect your art and was curious how you got your followers, if it was more a waiting thing or you found the right areas to post.
I dunno, it probably takes patients to get attention but finding motivation to make good art and then getting nothing but emptiness and boredom at the end of the process isn't motivating lol. Anyways Im thankful for your response and apologetic cause I got this trigger instinct to just blurt my questions to the cool artist I found on tumblr, and I'm sorry for bothering you so
No worries, I just felt bad that I didn't understand ya!
Getting noticed depends on a lot of things. I've had several accounts through 12 years spent on this site, and this one is the first that kinda popped off!
Do you make art that has crowd appeal? As in, is it a little silly, cute or relatable? Does it have a story behind it besides looking pretty? Is it attached to a fandom? Are you making stuff for an underrepresented niche? I often see people make something that is technically impressive, or their personal best, but it doesn't get shared too much because it lacks that appeal. It sounds harsh, I know, but it happens to me too. Until recently, my most popular piece was a doodle I banged out in an hour - just how it is, but I'm happy it resonated with people! You can have a look around at what other people post and see which posts of theirs do better or worse as well.
I don't follow the rule of posting at specific peak times, or posting every day. But I do try to tag stuff appropriately. Tumblr only uses the first 5 tags from your post in the search function, the rest you use for categorizing for your blog. So if you're starting out, it really is a waiting game until someone notices and shares your stuff, unless you have a buddy that can boost you.
I come here to have fun, I make art for me and if other people like it - awesome! I don't really optimize that well for social media reach, I just have my characters and their little stories. I do my specific niche of porn/kinks that are fun for me to draw and talk about. It helps that I have a more solid art style now than I did when I started. Apparently I've been doing NSFW for the past 7 years, and early this year is when it took off on tumblr.
To counteract the emptiness, it helps to have friends to bounce ideas around with or to make characters together with. It's why I create, really. I do it with friends because that's what I find fulfilling. And then I feel driven to draw and post about it as well, and that's been true all this time for me.
I hope you can find fulfillment as well, I think it does come through sometimes if a piece was made for reach or from personal joy. I for sure see that in ancient fanart I've done, I hate those pieces. But the personal stuff that I did for fun is still cute to me, even if it did get at most 5 notes way back when.
Sorry if my thoughts are jumbled. But yeah, this is what I do and what worked for me. But it's always different person to person. Much luck in your endeavors!
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miirshroom · 28 days
Elden Ring - Walkway Outside Queen's Bedchamber
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Thinking about this area as a culmination of the Capital City Leyndell, which is a dungeon that I am finding to be generally full of underappreciated environmental storytelling.
For one thing, there is the above image where much of Gransax is visible, but from this angle it is clear that the hands are bound as if the dragon has been restrained (and from this specific vantage is futilely reaching for a stone vessel in front of tree branches that look more like fine cracks or fissures breaking up the sky).
There are a few things going on with the entryway to the building. Firstly, if you arrive here in the morning the facade is in shadow, and it's still halfway in shadow by the end of the "Early Day" timeframe. At the beginning of "Late Day" the Black Knife Assassin enters the light. The doorway only begins to be fully illuminated midway through Late Day, but as soon as this happens the shadow of a vine approaches from the right side of the screen, so there is a break in the illuminated period that resumes later in Late Day. See my previous post on how I believe that the movement of light and shadow over various points of interest in Leyndell serves as a general indicator of timeline.
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It occurs to me to wonder if the shadow of the vine crossing the assassin could be representative of a change of state. Like, perhaps this particular Black Knife Assassin is somehow representative of Maliketh while in shadow in the early part of the day, and then the second shadow crossing the doorway is relating to the assassination of Godwyn during the "Golden Age of the Erdtree" that began when the crest was fully illuminated. More data required.
Secondly, the draw distance on the crest above the doorway is surprisingly short. It does not come into clearer view for me until approximately the point where the Shattered part of the seal in front of the Erdtree is also clearly visible (at the 7th stone vessel away from the door), as shown in the 1st photo below. The next 2 photos show how extreme of a difference this is. It raises a question for me of whether this implies that that image of a glorious tree is replacing whatever was cut out from the shattered section. For more on Erdtree seal timeline speculation see post on Reddit here.
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Also when the building is in shadow the tops of the towers and the tree icon are a flat dull brown colour that is oddly dark for gold in shadow. Through late afternoon both tower tops are gold, but in evening when illumination of the facade is at its maximum the left tower is dark and the right tower gold. Also perhaps notable that this building has 6 wall niches of a type that I speculate should hold statues that were removed, and evening is the only time that these are all illuminated.
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This happens with another building in Leyndell - the round building at the north corner of the city with the Crucible Knight staring at an image of a golden tree. And actually another point here is that there is a fire wall sconce burning in this room, and fire lit braziers just out of site behind the doorway to Queen's Bedchamber.
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And lastly for now, the bolt of Gransax is almost fully visible from the walkway, making it possible to count the number of half-twists in the unravelled section (9), but the tightly wrapped portion is not quite visible and would have been obscured by the stone balustrade if not for this gap. Hidden by stone, like the recurring theme.
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But also here's a bonus Black Knife Assassin.
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scales-n-art · 29 days
What advice do you have for someone hoping to start making money with art? I'm new to everything so building an audience and engaging with them feels like me shooting in the dark, let alone getting them to request commissions or join a Patreon!
Hi there!
I think you have the biggest part of it already figured out tbh. If you're aiming for it to be a side hustle kind of thing, then building an audience is definitely one of the best ways to go about it if you wanna stick to online. The way it's been for me, it's all been through fandoms and niche art. I drew a ton of fanart for Shadowhunters back in 2017, but it wasn't until I got into making fanart for Attack on Titan (mostly merfolk AU stuff) in 2018 that I really became more "visible" as an artist. Back in 2017 I had some commissioners, but from 2018 onwards is how I truly became a full time artist.
There's people who have the fortune of making it big with their own original art from the very beginning, and that's wonderful. But it's not something I can give you advice on, because I haven't figured that out myself, and it's not how I got here either. I know it's possible, however, so that's definitely always an option too.
As frustrating as it is, I think there's no real way around it. You need an audience who's interested in what you have to share, and a lot of it can become making art that caters to what your audience is interested in. So be very careful with how you go about it. I'd say just draw what YOU like, what YOU want to see. Most likely, there are others out there who want to see the same thing too. Algorithms online make it harder for people to find you, and it's very tiresome to adapt to them, but there's no way around it except keep pushing, keep trying, follow other artists, make friends with them. Comment on art, share art, join discord servers, talk with people. Interaction will take you a long way in this circle!
If you're not afraid of taking your art outside of the online market, there's always conventions, exhibitions and bazaars/markets in most cities, where you can take prints, stickers and other merch with your creations. They also work wonderfully as contact makers. You'll get to meet other artists in your area, and they can help spread word about your work, and you can do the same for them, aside from directly putting your work literally out there for people to see.
If you want advice on how to become a professional artist, getting studio jobs and such, I'm definitely not the right person to ask. I have no experience on that other than applying and getting rejected or "saved for later". Not that I've tried much tbh, I've been ok enough with freelance work.
I've worked mostly on commissions for individuals who just want a specific piece of their favorite character, and I've also worked on commissions for self publishing authors and one major awarded, published author in my country as well. All of it, just because I started an askblog about Merman!Levi when I was bored, depressed, and going through Big Shit irl. So an art journey can have many crazy looks.
I'm not sure how helpful this will be, because I'm honestly not the best example of How To become An Artist. I've had so many ups and downs, currently going through a major down. And the only thing consistent about my journey, is that I haven't given up. So I guess that has to mean something, as cheesy as it may sound.
I wish you the best on the journey though ❤️
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want a personalised work? check this out my lovelies ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
(payment via paypal - here's the link!)
• these often take on average 1-3hrs to complete due to my chronic illness/being bedridden, but i love to write them and enjoy giving them to you!
• i'm also a uni student, so if it helps, all this goes to like buying potatoes and coach trips back to my family over school break ehhe
• if you want a super chill one, just msg me and we can vibe; below is more to cover all the areas, but not obligatory :)
generally speaking a type of writing, kink, chosen character and fandom are the basics any extra kinks, people, niche things or personal vibery is extra cherry stuff fyi!
dm/msg me with:
form ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
• drabble - this lengthish! (£6)
• hcs - this lengthish! (£9)
• oneshot - this lengthish! (£13)
style ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
• any specific names, characters, kinks, fandoms, etc
• if you'd like this posted publicly or privately (any personal names can be edited out!)
time ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
• asap, therefore usually aorund 2-3 days, 4-5 max (have a chronic immune disorder, therefore i'm either writing on my laptop or bedridden sipping soup thru a straw lmao)
req inspiration ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
• stranger things
• avatar (cameron's)
• star wars
• marvel
• other (+£2)
kinks ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
(other +£2!)
K1. fangs/biting kink
K2. somnophilia
K3. size kink
K4. fingering
K5. mutual masturbation
K6. bondage
K7. age gap
K8. breast/nipple play
K9. choking
K10. cockwarming
K11. vehicle sex
K12. cum play
K13. exhibitionism
K14. dry humping
K15. poly (1-2 extra people besides reader)
K16. mommy/daddy + babygirl/babyboy kink
K17. degradation kink
K18. oral sex/oral fixation
K19. praise kink
K20. morning sex
K21. fem!dom reader
K22. thigh riding
K23. face sitting
K24. pussy spanking
K25. corruption
K26. jealous sex
K27. spit kink
K28. rough sex
K29. soft sex
K30. noise/vocal kink
K31. mirror sex
K32. overstimulation
K33. edging
K34. dumbification
K35. shower/bathing sex
K36. voyeurism
K37. impact play/spanking
K38. thigh fucking
K39. foodplay
K40. humiliation/patronization/condescention
K41. sloppy/messy sex kink
K42. weight gain/plus size
K43. whispering/intimacy kink
K44. cnc/rape kink
K45. heat/breeding season kink
K46. tail tink
K47. tsaheylu/queue mating (tendrils and/or gential sex)
K48. na'vi/avatar + human!reader
K49. primal/feral kink
K50. chasing/predator+prey kink
dialogue prompts ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ 。⋆
(other +£2!)
D1. “Let me see those eyes.”
D2. "Open your mouth for me.”
D3. “Please kiss me.”
D4. “Use your words.”
D5. “Tell me what you want.”
D6. “You look so good beneath me.”
D7. “You can take it.”
D8. “I can take it.”
D9. “You take me so well.”
D10. “Spread your legs wider.”
D11. “Louder. Let me hear you.”
D12. “Keep your eyes on me.”
D13. “Touch yourself.”
D14. “Do you want my fingers?”
D15. “I can’t get enough of you.”
D16. “You taste so good.”
D17. “Hands behind your back.”
D18. “Swallow.”
D19. “You are doing so well.”
D20. “Breathe through your nose.”
D21. “Don’t hold back.”
D22. “Show me how much you need me.”
D23. “Say my name.”
D24. “You can do better than that.”
D25. “Does that feel good?”
D26. “I want you to ruin me.”
D27. “Do you think you deserve this?”
D28. “I want to have my way with you.”
D29. “Touch me there. Right there.”
D30. “I will never get enough of you.”
D31. "Mhm, so wet and sticky for me."
D32. "Stop acting like you're better than that. You're not."
D33. "Slurp it up, that's right."
D34. "Aw, are you crying? Too bad."
D35. "No, no, let me check. Show me your other hand."
D36. "Oh, really? Well what's that behind you then?"
D37. "...were you doing what I..think you were just doing?"
D38. "Stop it. Behave."
D39. "Louder, I want everyone to hear you."
D40. "How does that feel? Does that feel good?"
D41. "Ah-ah...there, there it is, there we go sweetheart."
D42. "Stop gagging, stop those theatrics..I know you can take it deeper."
D43. "Well, since I already saw you anyway.."
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youraveragedeltafan · 8 months
Idea: Crossover/AU where Chloe Bourgeois gets on the Infinity Train and joins the Apex
Idk how niche this is, but I just had a thought once a little bit of my old and slightly older brainrots came back to haunt me: Chloe Bourgeois and Infinity Train, more specifically book 3. Since I have been grasping at creative straws for 2 months, here are a few bullet points/ideas that I may work with later. Big maybe, this newfound motivation might die tomorrow lol. Either way, hope you few people who find this interesting enjoy!
Also mlb season 5 spoilers I think? I dunno I just kind of read episode summaries now I have no idea what season we're on.
Imagine if at 15, Chloe Bourgeois unknowingly escapes to the train right before she was forced to live with her mother, but instead of going on a journey of self discovery, she has the 'fortune' in bumping into the Apex instead.
(oh also while all of this is very found family like, I acknowledge that under the surface these are still three flawed extremely traumatized kids feeding into each others problems and creating/building a cult that kills denizens/destroys cars, like that's all still happening in the background of this LMAO)
When the crying teenager is brought into the mall by the few younger members of the group, it's more of the same for Grace and Simon, and the normal Apex welcomes begin.
Nobody really realizes or cares who Chloe is, due to their ages when boarding the train. It would bother her on a normal day, but given everything that has happened prior to boarding, it kind of sends her spiraling into more crying/anger.
While Simon is in no mood for it, Grace goes into full damage control mode, comforting and leaving her alone in one of the nicer areas of the mall car so she can fully calm down.
Simon is annoyed by it, but Grace plays it off as playing the long game so to speak in order to get Chloe to join. It's a half truth, as she feels empathy for Chloe after hearing a small bit of the events leading to the train picking her up. (mainly that someone left her, bringing up memories of Grace's first time meeting Simon)
Speaking of empathy, this is dialed up to an eleven when Grace gets to know her better, and finds out about her kind of similar living situation (neglectful parents) and her history of friends/conflict at school (she doesn't really go into the whole superhero thing because she feels like it would take attention off her. Besides, they don't seem to know or care much about what's going on outside anyway)
Now friends, Grace decides to take Chloe to her first car raid with just her and Simon. Chloe goes along with it to both get her anger out on something and impress her new friend. I'd expect they'd hit an 'easy' car first, like the cube car from Book 2.
Simon is now annoyed and jealous now that Grace is giving more of her attention to someone else, but after the car is thoroughly destroyed Chloe gives more information on how she got onto the train. As soon as she mentions being essentially abandoned and replaced by her father, he empathizes with her immediately and actually gets pissed off for her as well (Brought to you by Samantha fueled abandonment issues). They bond over the trash talking of her dad, and they become official friends soon after.
With Chloe fully on their side (and their friendship growing fast), they finally decide to tell her about what the Apex is all about. Full theatrics, conductor and everything.
Knowing the crazy stuff that happened in Paris on a daily basis (which is only reaffirmed by the train), she doesn't doubt the existence of the Conductor, but has reservations about his godlike status among the group ("Are you serious? That thing is probably just a glorified sentimonster!"). However, she keeps these to herself, as she deep down, she doesn't want them to abandon her.
What she lacks in 'belief', she makes up for in fierce loyalty. The only thing Chloe has to her name now is her found family The Apex, and she's not just gonna lose that, no matter how many nulls have to pay. Besides, just because she doesn't believe in the Conductor's power, doesn't mean that she isn't greatly invested in beating the train...
(Oh also, a little bonus. Depending on if the headcanon/theory is true, I'd imagine Simon and Chloe would speak to each other in French on occasion to mess with Grace.)
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centrally-unplanned · 9 months
Lets talk about the Jimbocho book haul! This was a vacation, not a research trip or anything, so I didn't have set goals - instead I just explored and found things that looked interesting or were attached to my interests and seemed “cool” to own. And that strategy worked surprisingly well:
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I will as always highlight just a few of them - if you want me to deep dive one of them, shoot me a message. First up we have the "Erotic Newspaper '97 Highlights", a completely-out-of-nowhere find.
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Which right out the gate, really pushing my limits here on the "getting banned" front; I don't even know the rules anymore. Made by the circle 児童販売鬼/Juvenile Sales Demon (!), it is this style of “doujin omnibus” that was decently common in the earlier areas and is sometimes still made today; blending essays, personal rants, art, and full comics, often even on to the same page. And of course, this is about ero-doujin, so that blend gets pretty intense sometimes!
But as an “anime fandom “ researcher documents like these are absolute gold mines. The opening page discusses the late 90’s “bubble” in ero-doujin publications, possible legislative action against hentai being discussed that everyone is worried about, and even has that classic otaku identity tic of politicizing their own identity, mentioning a “Rights for Eromanga!” slogan going around (which it cautions against). It seems like a great biased-but-expansive view of the state-of-play in eromanga circles at the time, which few other documents can give you. Primary sources, baby.
Additionally, amoung its topics it has some sections about Evangelion:
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And even a section on Utena:
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Yeah that entire bottom corner's just... it just has got to go. I am unsure if this is something I will ever scan - its really niche, and being a porn archivist is not really my goal. But I hope to do a full read and post a summary someday.
Next up in a similar vein, I have a copy of Fanroad Magazine from 1996!
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Fanroad Magazine was similar to the Comic Box magazine I have discussed before, in that it collected art & essays from fans about the shows of the day and gave them a place for their voice to be heard. Before the internet this was the only real way to do that en masse; by the 2000’s these magazines would almost all die out as social media replaced them. Fanroad was one of the most popular, having highly structured sections, detailed questionnaires for submitters, in-jokes, the works. And of course this edition was a bit of a targeted buy, as the cover surely gives away - Fanroad released a few issues focused on Evangelion, and this is one of them:
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I might scan this one, but first I will give it a read and see how interesting the takes are - it had so much cute fan art though, valuable for that alone.
Next up is a very quick and personal one: Comic Cue Vol 4. Which…what even is this, I imagine you are thinking:
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Comic Cue was an off-beat one-shot manga anthology magazine that ran through the 90’s into the 2000's, often focusing, not on hentai, but that middle-ground “erotically charged” narrative stories or comedy shots. Its covers were often just insane - no clue why this cover is in English, none of the magazine is. This one is of interest to me, however, because amoung Volume 4’s submissions is:
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Yoshiyuki Sadamoto’s Dirty Work one-shot. Yep, thats right, from the random-deep dive essay I put together analyzing a single line of dialogue Sadamoto wrote for Mamimi in FLCL. Now I own the fucker. That's cool! I like that. I am really proud of that essay due to how much I learned from it, writing about a topic whose specificity seemed like it would be impossible to get that much out of; so owning the actual manga is it centered on feels special.
Speaking of niche Ash-writing references!
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We have “Girl’s Life on the Flat Battlefield”, the Kyoko Okazaki Artbook made for an exhibit done on her back in 2015, the cover of which I featured in my essay about the proper translation of “battlefield” from River’s Edge. This is an amazing book in its own right though - its content is so diverse. It has essays from her and from other writers about her work that I hope to read. It has beautiful art compositions and solo pieces:
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It has recreations of the actual drafts of her manga as she made them - showcasing things like how she would type up the dialogue and cut-and-paste the printed text into the bubbles, the normal way that was done in the pre-digital composition era:
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It has this one section by a contributing artist of photographs of “otaku edgy women” and stuff, amazing documentary work:
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I see you, Gunbuster figurine on the table! This is probably the best book-as-a-book I found; I highly recommend it to any Kyoko Okazaki fan for the depth of coverage it has on both her work and the context of her work.
You can see some others of course - I found a few copies of magazines like Newtype and Animage from when they covered FLCL! I would like the Catch Them All - these are all generally scanned & archived already of course, so its just for fun. You can see another book on Okazaki, a really cool academic book on the history of magazines and fanzines in Japanese subculture, and the Gothic & Lolita Bibles that Partner is quite excited about. I am very happy with what I found; there is a beauty in the serendipity of these things. Of course I could have searched Yahoo Auctions for a copy of the Okazaki book, I knew exactly what it was. But stumbling on it in a floor-level cubby while my hands were already stacked with magazines and nearly dropping them in surprise is the magic of the physical bookstore in its fullness. It has its own value that the book itself can’t possess.
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josephtrohman · 1 month
Okay, I'm not coming here to start shit or be mean or anything like that. I want to preface that this is purely supposed to just be like hey! Misunderstanding! But...there Aren't that many feedism things about Patrick. You guys act like it's a way bigger problem than it is aside from like four blogs and some fic. I get feedism has a bad rap but it's not all objectifying fat people, it's also Appreciating fat people.
That being said, queer feedism tends to be much more about fat liberation and the beauty in being fat. I get it if it makes you feel objectified! I totally understand and can sympathize. But to go forward and say "some people are weird as fuck" :( man this isn't even that bad all the Patrick fetish fics are vanilla as hell. Idk I feel the need to defend it because there's such a misunderstanding but I promise feedism isn't evil it's just as "bad" as BDSM.
i understand where you’re coming from, i may have misphrased it a little bit in my other ask and i apologize if it came off as insensitive, BUT what i was calling “weird as fuck” is the people who fetishize and objectify patrick based on his weight. so i guess misunderstanding right back…i think that people really have a problem NOT acting normal and treating patrick as Fat Man rather than just. patrick. whose weight is just a characteristic of him (see also: the ask i answered about why fobtwt can be weird). body appreciation is one thing, i think it can be done really sweet and nicely in fics with the right touch of sensitivity, but boiling down someone to one singular physical characteristic will always feel a bit strange to ME and it feels like fetishism to me
specifically addressing the feederism part: i myself really do not like the feederism stuff, it makes me feel reallyyyyy icky as a fat person, and i don’t like to see it because it’s almost kind of triggering for me and that probably drives a lot of how i feel about it (i also think my perspective as to how much there is is influenced by the fact that i read a more niche ship typically and there are a good handful of those in the tag so it makes it feel very prevalent to ME). it’ll always just be different than bdsm for me because it’s a sensitive area for me and for many fat people, especially because it does sometimes lean into more fetishistic areas sometimes, but also people can do however the fuck they want to and feel liberated with whatever they want, but i will not be engaging with that type of content. peace and love <3
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I've been redesigning my elves and their cousin species because they looked too much like stylized humans, so here are my redesign sketches.
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(Image description: a sketchbook page of inked and lightly shaded anatomy drawings. It shows four columns and three rows of drawings. From left to right; human, elf, drow vampire. From top to bottom; full body skeletons in profile, faces in profile, hand and foot from the palm and heel side. I will explain the differences in further detail below the cut. End description)
The human category (homo sapien) is here for comparison. Upright posture, no tail, tall round forehead, all the normal human proportions.
For the elf (sylvanus hominoid), I still wanted them to look like they evolved to fill a similar niche to humans. Upright posture, extremely reduced tail that is hardly more than a vestigial nub. They're a little smaller, the arms are a little longer, and the skull is longer from front to back with a shorter forehead. Their hands look just a little longer in the palm, but mostly the same as human hands. Their foot would look more human from the top view, but on this bottom view it becomes clear that their big toe is still more like an opposable thumb. They are fully bipedal and still prefer to live in trees.
The drow (sylvanus arachne) are shorter than elves and have a longer snout area and larger eye sockets. Their hands reach their knees, their fingers and toes are long, they can easily use their feet as secondary hands. They also have long semi-prehensile tails, very large ears, and sensitive facial whiskers. They live in naturally formed caves where the terrain is often very uneven, and they crawl on all fours as often as they walk on two feet.
And finally my vampires (sylvanus draculan). They are not vampires in the way most people make them. They're very alive, just another branch of the elf family tree. Highly specialized for a very particular niche. They have a shorter lower jaw, large sharp front teeth with all the other teeth very reduced, aside from the canines. Their forearm and finger bones are thicker, their shoulder sits more forward. They have a short, stiff tail, about as long as their femur. And their legs are the odd ones out here, because they are in the process of transitioning from plantigrade to digitigrade. As such, it looks a little awkward and off balance. Their foot is still short, but their toes are large, round, and thickly padded while their heel is small. They could rest their heel on the ground, but they'd have a hard time walking that way. Their hand looks far more muscled than those of their cousins, with longer fingernails that look like claws. Their knuckles are also much thicker. Vampires evolved to be sprint hunters in forested areas. Their semi-digitigrade feet add extra power to their lunge, their stiff tail gives them balance and helps them turn faster, though not as well as the tail of a cheetah. They can stand and walk upright, but they go on all fours quite often. They used to be primarily scavengers, but that changed with the extinction of some predators in their area of origin. They use their knuckles when running on all fours, to keep their sharp nails from breaking on the ground. Their main prey is smaller mammals, birds, and reptiles. As scavengers, they specialized in consuming the innards of carrion, evolving their strange tooth arrangement for the purpose of cutting through belly skin to get at the softer guts. They also have very strong immune systems to combat things like gut parasites and all the bacteria that might be found in whatever might be left in the stomach or intestines of a dead animal. As a result of this specific dietary adaptation, they continue to only consume the soft guts when they hunt their own prey. Their lower lips are stiff and cleft to the chin as a channel to let blood drip down, and their shorter lower jaw allows their large front teeth to have plenty of space. They don't have to move their whole jaw as much when their main teeth are free to stab into flesh mostly unhindered.
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autumnalwalker · 1 year
Thank you for the tag, @cljordan-imperium.
I'll pass on the tag to: @fearofahumanplanet, @ryns-ramblings, and @tc-doherty. And the usual open tag.
The first character that came to mind for this was The Archivist, but our eponymous narrator is having a bad time right now, so I'll be grabbing someone from Empty Names instead. Ashan, you don't talk much; get over here.
Relationship Status: Single. I have never understood the driving need to pair up that most seem to experience.
Favourite Colour: White. Pearl white, if you wish for a more specific shade.
Favourite Food: While I try to keep my diet strictly healthy, I will admit to the occasional nostalgic indulgence with churros.
Song stuck in their head: Something Lacuna had playing the other day. She said she was not sure of the song's title, but it clearly said "Lisa Frank 420 / Modern Computing" on the screen. Odd. Both that she did not know the title and the sound of the music itself.
Last thing they searched on a BBS: What is a BBS?
Time: I suppose I ought to acquire a watch now that I am back on this world. Such preoccupation with precise measurements of a fluid concept here.
Last Thing They Read: A tome out of Bridgewood's private library whose name I fear I lack the mouthparts to pronounce, even with a translation charm on my person.
Last Book They Enjoyed Reading: "Melisandre's Musings on Multiversal Magic Mechanics." An interesting and useful text if one does not mind sifting through meandering personal anecdotes to decipher the author's theories on spellcraft.
Favourite thing to cook/bake: The aforementioned churros. They do not have that dish on Orthon, and teaching my teacher how to make them the way I had seen my real mother do on a number of occasions was an adventure in and of itself.
Favourite thing to do in their free time: Meditation in less-touched natural areas. The density of urbanization on this world still gets to me at times now that I am back.
Most niche dislike: Slugs. Silly I know, but somehow early in my training they just kept showing up in unexpected places at unexpected times with unexpected size. I do not care for their presence.
Opinion on circuses: I went to one once as a child and found it wonderful, but now that I know more about them they mostly make me sad.
Do they have any sense of direction: Alas, it is not as acute a sense as it had been on Orthon. The lack of ambient background magic here outside of isolated pockets is disorienting. Funny to think I did not even possess that sense as a child when now I feel its lack like the loss of an eye. Or perhaps the loss of my nose might be more accurate.
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