#this idea came to me in may and i just acted on it el oh el
n-a-gindustries · 10 months
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spongebob + zim bff moment????? also some random ass drag queens idk
(close ups under cut lolll)
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11 notes · View notes
tan1shere · 2 months
Changes pt 3
Ellie Williams x female reader !
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A/n: finally what you've all been waiting for, I hope you all enjoy this was such a fun story to write. I feel like I wrote this well, especially the anxiety as I suffer hugely from it, a few techniques in there of how I deal with it if you also struggle <3
Summary: Ellies the bad girl in the school but she takes a liking to the reader, everyone's worried but the reader somehow changes her for the better ... or does she ?
Warnings: MDNI. Smut at end !! Implied rape from a past relationship, anxiety, pet names, SOFT DOM ELS ! mentions of drinking and I think that's it :)
Text: orange-ellie pink-reader blue-angela
The red text is flashbacks which is near the end !!
Masterlist || pt 1 ! , pt 2 !
"It's all an act. Dont fall for any of it."
"She's gunna hurt you Y/n."
"I'm not a completely great person, maybe I'm working on it I dunno. But I don't date. I can't it's just not in me."
"Don't start anything with her, you're too pure for her antics."
"She's not changing Y/n, she will hurt you."
"We warned you."
It was spiraling in your brain, everyone's words including hers. You felt foolish for thinking you could change her in any way. An absolute fool. Why couldn't you of listened to everyone. All you had was hope. But that died that night, that hope was officially gone for good. You had been curled up in bed all of your Saturday. You hated to admit it but you were crying. Laying in your bed with cold tears staining your face. You had come home from that party in the exact same state.
"Oh, babe.." you heard Angela's voice softly say, bringing you into her embrace. You sunk into the feeling letting out tears. "What's up?" She asks pulling back a little. "Y-you were right. I'm such a fucking idiot." You sob. She was confused. "Woah what, slow down." Her hand rubs on your arms, bringing you with her to sit on the couch. "Me and Ellie. Well we were dating in secret, I'm so sorry for that. But we aren't anymore." She changes her expression to a more serious one. "That fucking wh-" But you didn't even want her to finish that. You knew Ellie had hurt you but it was fairly new, you still had some love for her. As troublesome that may be it was nothing but the truth. You had to get over that tho. You had to.
You were laying on your side, still mulling over those same sentences over and over again. It was like a tiny devil in your brain telling you 'you fucked up' but you soon hear your door creaking open. "I made you some sammies." Angie came in with a sweet smile. Your back was currently facing her and you didn't make any effort in changing that as you let out a dry hm. She lets out a sigh. "I won't watch you starve because of some silly girl who's hurt you. Please." You turn over looking at her. "I'll eat, just not as hungry right now." She walks over setting the plate down on your bedside table, moving to sit on your bed. "You're strong ok? I know you will get past this." You give her a tiny nod. "I might just take a nap." She nods in agreement going to leave. "Good idea."
A few minutes go by when you hear the door. You couldn't make out the voice so you continue to rest on your side. Holding the drawing she did of you in hand, staring at it. All of this, everything just wasted. You couldn't bare to look at it any longer, chucking it in a random direction, deciding to get some rest.
Ellies pov.
The night before:
"Oh this one's going to be a good one I can feel it." I say, examining the crowds of people. It was booming, that's for sure. I look at her, she looked so effortlessly pretty. It stunned me. "You're so silly." She speaks. "Come on let's get a drink." I then say, grabbing her wrist and dragging her gently with me. Her smile was brightening every bad thing in this world. "I'll be the sober help." I smile at her. "Not even one love?" She just shakes her head. "Alright, just make sure you're comfortable yeah?"
It had been maybe an hour into the party and I didn't feel completely with it. Y/n was sitting comfortably in my lap, just looking so beautiful. "Mmm I want another." I slur. And there it was, her gorgeous giggle. "You're so gone Els-" "your laughs so pretty, makes my heart warm." I blurt out suddenly. "Well that's very kind of you." She replies. But as I keep looking at her I could tell something was off, or was I daydreaming? Was the alcohol just messing with my brain. I decide to ignore it, not in my right mind. "Can you pretty please get me another drink my beautiful girlfriend." I watch as she smiles at me, probably replying but the music drowns out not only my thoughts but any formable words. Feeling her get off and leave, I could feel my brain going fuzzy too. But deep down something just didn't feel 100%. I eventually turn my head to look at her, noticing Kenny speaking to her.
That boils my blood. Why can't he just mind his own business? Stop it Ellie, you haven't been angry like this in forever, don't break that streak now. She comes back over handing me my drink, I give her a mumbled thank you. "Was he hassling you?" "Who, Kenny? Nothing I can't handle my love." As I look at her I notice her posture shift, i knew it wasn't her getting comfortable on my lap. Because if anything she looked uncomfortable.
"You alright mama?" I decide to just ask. "I'm just going to go for a pee." She states, beginning to get off. "Oh.. alright love." I'd be lying If I said I wasn't worried, but the other half of me felt dizzy, making me forget slightly what was going on. I shake my head going to get up and get another drink. When I eventually hear shuffling next to me. I turn my attention to see a dirty blonde girl. "Hey." She gently says. It takes me a moment as confusion washes over me. "Hi?" Silence. "You don't remember me?" More silence. Because no, I didn't know who the hell she was, until I take a better look. "Sophy." She smiles. "Ah so you do remember." I somehow felt awkward. "Uhmm yeah." Still really confused on why she's even talking to me. "I missed you." Stunned. "I- huh?" Now I was really baffled. "But- i kinda just left ya." It was bad, but it was the truth, why would she miss me. "Yeah well. You were still hot." I furrow my brows at a loss of words. "I- wha-" When I suddenly feel her lips on mine, I felt all too sober right then as my eyes widen. But before I could push her away- "Ehem." I hear someone clear their throat, I don't even need to turn around to know who it was.
"Fuck.." I mutter, slowly turning to face her. "Wait baby no i-" I began but suddenly my freshly poured drink was being dumped on me. I sigh. "No." She points at me. "Ellie what the actual fuck." I stare at her, saying nothing. Not even knowing what to say. Fuck, it's like it's happening all over again, speak you idiot. My eyes widen as she starts to cry.. ive never seen her cry before, safe to say I never ever wanted to witness it again. "Y/n no no please-" "After everything we've been through, after what you told me. They were wrong. You cant change for anyone. I should've listened to them." I immediately shake my head. It was all wrong. "Don't say that please- it was an accident fuck- she just-" But she cuts me off, shoving the cup into my chest. "Shut up Ellie." And I listen. I couldn't fuck things up any more then i have. Right...
It was silent, after a second or two she soon goes to leave. "Wait-" I start, but it was no use. She was gone in the swarm of people. "Fuck." I curse under my breath. I couldn't let this happen, not her. Not someone who I know I've fallen in love with. God Ellie you should've just told her. I wanted to make this right, after all she was my everything. I stride through the crowds when I spot her. I notice she isn't alone. God, does Kenny ever just fuck off. There's that anger again, but nothing was stopping me this time. I March on over there, pushing him to the ground ignoring all the fallen gasps. "Ellie what the fu-" "He touched you!" I retort. "You bitch." He starts to speak, getting off the floor and making an attempt to hit me, but he misses. "Fight round two then, you fucker." And it begun, the tiny fight between us. But I notice her going to leave. "Wait no- please let me explain!" I yell, grabbing onto her wrist. She immediately pulls back, with anger herself. "No Ellie. Don't ever touch or even speak to me again." "They weren't right, you have changed me i swear to you!" I plead, but she just shakes her head. "Once a dick. Always a dick. You. Have. Not. Changed."
And that was that. I watch as she leaves. I felt so empty like I had just lost my best friend. What the fuck was I going to do.
Missed calls. I called her so many times, I was freaking out. Think Ellie. God. This was suppose to be the one thing I didn't fuck up. I pace in my room, debating on what is the best approach. Nothing. "Come on brain. You can be creative, don't lack in that now!" There was one option. Going to her dorm and trying to talk to her, Angela. There needed to be a backup plan tho, I had no faith in the first one. I flop on my bed with a long sigh. "You made her cry.." it hurt to even look back on, her hurt features. Her anger, but most importantly those glossy eyes. I close mine trying to get the image out, laying on my back still thinking. "Fuck it." I get up and head over to her dorm. Knocking on the door hesitantly, when Angela is suddenly in sight. "Can I spe-" "No." She immediately cuts me off. "But-" "No Ellie you broke her fucking heart. Again. Why do you always do this to people." I stare at her. "This time was an accident I swear-!" She raises a brow. "You accidentally kissed someone? Yeah alright." There was no winning this. "Please just let me talk to her and explain." She looks at me, but not before shutting the door in my face. Great. What now?
It had been a few days later, and there was no sight of her in classes. Which was worrying, knowing how involved she was with the work. It was saddening to say the least. I decided to have a small wind down in the library, wanting to clear my thoughts in the safe space. When I spot her just sitting in a corner, reading. Was I dreaming? I haven't seen her in days. My feet felt like they were glued to the floor, staring. Do I go over? Talk to her? What do I say?
All these thoughts raced through my mind when I just stood up properly, beginning to head over there. I stand for a few moments in hopes she'd see a person's shoes and look up. As her head rises I notice her eyes. Tired. Worn out. Red and puffy. My heart breaks all over again, especially when her soft expression turns into a bitter glance. "I uh-" I sigh scratching my neck. "Can we talk?" There was silence. Not our enjoyable silence that we'd always share. A cold silence. "Nothing to talk about." I swallow hearing her voice for what felt like forever. And it hurt, the pain deep inside her. "Please." Pleading. I just needed to try say something. I bend down getting infront of her view, needing her to look at me. When she does I just pray she hears me out. "Go on." I soften my look, hearing how uneasy her voice was. I know I didn't mean for all of this to happen, but how could I. How could I of let her kiss me at all- my thoughts were cut off when I hear a faint cough. "She kissed me." Great going. "No really? I'm well aware." God damn Ellie. "I just- I mean, I didn't kiss back." "I saw you Ellie, that's such bullshit." I close my eyes. "Ok, well I didn't enjoy it." She scoffs. "So you admit you did kiss her back?" Now I was silenced. Shit. "Uhhh- well- fuck sake."
She shakes her head. "Just leave me alone." She says dryly, getting up from her spot about to leave. I go to grab her, but don't. Wanting to not repeat history. "Please just let me explain more." She bites her lip, and I know she's suppressing tears. "You've said enough." And so I let it be. Letting her walk off and out of the quiet building.
A few weeks. That's how long ago the library incident first happened. I hadn't seen her around since. Had she left.. like Noelle. "No, don't be silly she loves it here she would never. Not because of me, right?" I huff, that had become a habit, talking to myself. I was still on the mission to get her back or atleast explain things. But my brain was bone dry. It was currently the last class of the day, I rested my chin on the desk, still trying to think. "You know Ellie." Dina began. "Why don't you do something nice for her, give her a note saying to meet somewhere, maybe make her some food or-" I shake my head. "This isn't just some ordinary girl." Dina was honestly shocked. I turn my attention to her. "Shes more than that, I have to do something bigger." She pats my shoulder. "Maybe she has changed you Williams, cuz you've never spoken such things about anyone." It's true, she definitely did. "If this was you and Jesse had done this and you still loved him and such, what would you want him to do?" She ponders that question. "Well I suppose I'd want the truth from both. Him and this random girl." My face lights up. Genius! I smile wide going to hug her. "That's brilliant Dina! But- wait. How would I even do that." I ask. "I think you should figure this out on your own, if she really has changed you I think you should know what to do."
"I'm sorry for screwing you over." My words come out rushed, looking at Sophy with so much hope. She just looks at me. "Really?" I nod. "That's very big of you." She states. "Yeah well, just trying to mend past situations." There was a long pause, before either of us spoke. "Hey, I'm sorry for kissing you that night. I'm in no way that kind of person. Maybe when I'm drunk but I didn't even know you were seeing anyone, didn't even know the Ellie Williams ever could to be fair." The confession heals something inside me, letting that hope be reassured. "So you forgive me for being a complete jerk ages ago?" She smiles and nods. "Yeah we're cool." A sigh of relief escapes my lips. "So what's happening with her? Are you two speaking." I shook my head. "Shes mad and upset and to be honest I don't blame her. I did technically kiss you back-" "you didn't actually." I furrow my brows. "Huh-?" So incredibly confused. "But she said she saw it-" Sophy shakes her head. "Well I didn't feel anything. You must've been talking or something beforehand to make it look like you did, but you didn't. I remember most when I'm drunk and you never kissed back. Plus she caught it before it could progress."
Happy was an understatement. "That's incredible, oh my God I could just k-" we give eachother a look. "Yeah no, bad line to use." I let out a slight awkward laugh, making her shake her head with a smile.
She agreed to help me smooth things over and I was forever thankful. "How do we go about this?" She asks. I think for a moment. "Maybe you could knock on her door and ask to speak with her, and maybe clear the air. Might be best if I'm not there so you can talk properly?" "Sounds good, I don't see a problem with that." I let out a breath of relief. "Ok awesome, thank you."
And after an hour or so she was back. "So how'd it go?" I sit up. "What's something she loves?" I was incredibly confused. "Reading, painting, music. Why?" She leans on the wall. "Shes a kind person, I think she forgave the fact I had apologized, but I reckon you should now do something so she can forgive you completely." I let that sink in and I knew just the thing.
Readers pov
It had been a long day, stressful classes, tons of work. Thank fuck it was a Friday and you could wind down again. You were currently snuggled up on the couch, watching some random cheesy romcom on the TV. Considering it was a Friday that meant Angela was at her boyfriends, so dorm all to yourself. You're brought back out from your thoughts to a knock at your door. Odd. Who on earth. As you open it you spot a girl, not really even processing when you suddenly remember. "Hi, can we talk quickly?" You were shocked nonetheless. What was she even doing here. You let her in anyway, your intrigue getting the better of you. You both make your way over to the couch in silence. "I would like to apologize for kissing something that didn't belong to me." She begins. You on the other hand stay silent and let her finish. "I was drunk- and that's never an excuse, but I do, do crazy shit when I am, I'm not that kind of person sober." There was a silence for a moment. "Doesn't excuse how she acted tho. I appreciate your apology." She nods. "Well if it's any constellation, she never kissed me back." That just confuses me. "Wait she didn't?" She shook her head. "I can assure you. It was just my goofy ass's doing." It only makes you feel a little silly for not knowing the whole story. "I feel embarrassed-" "don't, if anything i probably would've done the same, besides she didn't have the best track record did she? It's no surprise you'd assume." You're now the one to shake your head. "I shouldn't of, I should've let her atleast try and explain."
"Thank you for coming to clear it up with me." You say, escorting her out the door. "Of course, only right thing to do." You nod, giving her a smile. "Although I would've liked her to of come to do so- I know she's tried but I dunno- you think shes given up on trying to fix this?" She lets out a tiny laugh. "Far from that, give it some time yeah? If you know Ellie she never half asses things she loves." You just hope that's true.
It had been a few days later. Two to be exact. And you were currently on your way back to your dorm room. You were about to get your keys when you realize it's already open. "Angie?" You begin, but once you open the door you're greeted by those green eyes. That pale, freckled skin. "Ellie-" You breathe out, setting your things down. Wondering what on earth she's doing here. You notice a few things, like her guitar, then you suddenly smell food. "What is all this." "My apology." You let her continue knowing you had been a bit hard on her. "I made your favorite meal, and I know you were busy today as it was a Friday, so let me take care of you. I'm going to play your favorite song as you relax." Your gaze softens. No one had ever done this for you. Ever. So it melts your heart completely. "Here, come sit." She gestures. You go over to the couch, sitting down as she prepares her guitar, situating it properly in her lap. She begins to play the song Fade Into You by Mazzy Star, your entire face lights up. It hadn't been this bright in awhile, and Ellie seeing that makes her truly happy. Once the song finishes she looks at you. That comfortable silence being back and better than anything. "I- that took me maybe a week to learn, and honestly it wasn't easy but its the easiest song I've ever had to lea-"
But she was cut off by you kissing her. She missed it so much, how soft and safe your lips felt against hers. She was happy again. You pull back to get a look at her. "No one's ever done anything like that for me." She smiles wide. "I've never done anything like that for anyone." She states. "Well I'm glad I was the one." Another comforting silence. "You are the one." Your heart skips a beat at her words, just hearing them makes you giddy inside. "You really think so?" She shakes her head, making you furrow your brows in confusion. "I know so." And that sudden worry was gone again. All you wanted was to kiss her, she got the feeling. Setting the guitar down and bringing you closer. Kissing you so sweetly. You both part. "Well let's eat I bet you're hungry." You nod. "Starved." Your hand reaches out grabbing the plate of pasta. "Smells amazing, I didn't know you cooked." She laughs. "Again with the assuming my love." You put your hands up in your defense. "Didn't say you didn't look like the type to! ... although." A cheeky grins spreads across your face. She lets out a chuckle going to lightly hit your arm. "You're a menace." You begin to eat the meal, and it wasn't too bad. Had all the good flavorings, the perfect amount of cheese which she knew. "No one knows me as well as this, it's quite special to me." She puts her plate down to speak. "No one?" You shook your head. "Not even my parents."
She looked shocked. "Well, glad I could be the one who listens properly. Even though it truly isn't a hard thing to do." You nod at her statement. "You are a good listener. You know how I can tell?" "How?" She leans back intrigued, you take a moment. "Whenever I talk about something and I forget what we were talking about, you always will remind me of the exact thing in best detail that I was speaking of. And always it rejogs my brain. That is how I know you're truly listening." She smiles at you. "You're so cute." The compliment makes you blush, hard. "I missed you." You blurt. "I missed you too angel, so much you have no idea."
That night had been the most relaxing night of your life. It ended with her sleeping in your bed cuddling you until you fell asleep, the safeness you felt was undeniable. It was a regular Tuesday, not too busy but also not so quiet. It all went down hill with the last assignment you got, since you had been a bit out of it recently. You must admit you were slacking. It's not like you at all but you were determined to redeem yourself. That is until the project was due in 2 days. A project this big, no way in hell you were getting it done by then. Not unless you stayed up all night and day. It didn't help that you had classes ontop of that. Stress started to arrive as you go over the assignment. You were currently at the library, skimming it over and over. You begin to bite your lip, chewing and searching for any loose skin as that seemed to help you in some way. It's like a calming technique you picked up through the years, although the consequences aren't so calming. You would forever get ulcers that prevented you from eating because of the infuriating pain. You needed to stop doing it truth be told. You were pulled from the slight manic reading when Ellie is heard. "Hey baby, whatcha doin." She sits down across from you. "Just this assignment." You give her a smile. "How was your day?" You ask her.
"Pretty boring, but hey. Not anymore." She smiles at you now too. "Wanna do something later, you can come over and we can just chill." God that sounded nice but you knew you had to decline. "You can do this and maybe I draw or practice guitar, whatever suits you." God she was so sweet and thoughtful. "That's such a beautiful offer, Els but I think I'm just going to go back to my room to try finish this." And Ellie being Ellie she was agreeing. "Ofcourse yeah! Let me know if you need some company at all." She goes to get up, but before leaving giving you a kiss. "Bye baby." You kiss her back. Once she's left you look back at the work. "Right, let's go." You say packing it up and heading to your dorm.
"Hey." Angie says coming in. "I made some food it's out there if you want it." You nod, focusing on all the papers on your bed. "Whats all this?" You look at her. "Just some work I needa catch up on." She looks at it, then you. "Ok, well please eat." "Uhuh." You didn't take your eyes off of the sheets of paper, scribbling a few words on it. She let out a sigh which you hadn't even heard her do. She leaves soon after, closing the door.
-Hey sweetheart, just checking in. Making sure everything's ok. :)
You had been so engrossed that you hadn't even felt your phone go off, let alone hear the damn thing.
-hey sorry, yeah everything's going fine.
-want that company?
-you know, yeah. I'd love that, that sounds nice.
-be there soon. <3
You stop for a moment letting out a breath, you were looking through everything when your face drops, realizing you had completely missed a whole section. "Fuck." You curse going to grab it. There was absolutely no way you were finishing this on time now, you hadn't even seen it how are you going to put this in all of a sudden. "God damn it." "Everything alright?" You jump at the sound of Ellies voice. She holds a hand out. "Woah- didn't mean to startle you it's just me." You shake your head. "Sorry- just a bit jumpy I didn't expect you yet." You reply. She looks at your bed. "This is alot of work." You sigh, trying your hardest to stay positive. You turn your focus on her. "You brought your sketch book." She smiles going to sit in your desk chair. "Sure did, needed to do some doodling." You nod at her, going to continue to figure out what to do with this crap. "What's all this even for?" She asks. "English. Kinda stupid but oh well." Her brows furrow. "You love English tho." "Mmm, I do. But not when it's like this.." you sigh again. "You alright tho?" You nod at her question, flashing a smile. "Yeah, I'm good." She smiles at your own, going to start to draw.
The next night was harder, the whole day was. Trying to find spare time to get more done. It was nearly impossible. Your stress was increasing, making your anxiety appear. You were tearing your hair out in your bedroom. "Hey, have you eaten today?" You hear Angela's faint voice. "Mhmm." You lie. She huffs. "Im worried about you." Your eyes never leave your page. "Well I'm all good in the hood." You slightly joke around by saying that silly saying. "I'm serious Y/n. You hardly have a break from that." That went straight over your head not even hearing what she's saying. She sighs going to close the door again.
-can you please come over.
-why what's up?
-she's freaking me the fuck out, she's not eating I don't even think shes fucking slept, I notice shes been acting incredibly off and it's very worrying.
-slow down, why do you think all this?
-the food from last night was still sitting out this morning. She said she'd eat it and she hasn't. Her eyes are so bloodshot I could see from the millisecond she looked at me. Her bags were prominent too.
-oh Jesus.
-please come over here, I think she really needs you right now.
-I'll be over right away.
Your breath was shakey as you talk to yourself about what you had to do. Your room was a complete and utter mess. Paper, pens, folders. Everywhere. You were so engrossed by it you hadn't even heard your door open. "Y/n?" You heard, you turn your attention to the voice. "Hm?" She saw. Ellie saw what Angela was talking about. "Angie said you haven't eaten." You wave her off. "Can't." She was confused. "And why not?" You pull your lip down to the unsurprising ulcer that had formed. You let your lip rest back, getting back to your studying. "Well I'm going to go reheat the food I'll be right back." You give her another hum, not focusing on a word that came out her mouth. When all of a sudden, the stress was just gone. Your face sits still. Uh oh. That stress had now been replaced with anxiety. Shit. You couldn't let her see you like that. You had to stay calm. But once a panic attack occurred. There was no stopping it. Your breathing became more heavier, taking in breaths to hopefully get that heavy feeling that was on your chest away. No use. It only made things worse, making you freak out again. You felt like you couldn't breath, grabbing onto your sheets feeling tears start to come. Your entire body shaking from the arising panic attack, but also from the lack of sleep. It was going to catch up eventually. It just had to be now. "It might be a bit too hot so just-" Ellie begun. But immediately put the bowl down on your nightstand.
Her movements were speedy coming to crouch down infront of you. She watched you cry your heart out, breathing as if there wasn't air. "Hey hey hey hey, look at me baby." You shake your head, never wanting her to see this. "Please." Her gentle touch makes you reluctantly do so, still letting out streams of tears, shaking uncontrollably. "Shhh." She softly let's out, rubbing your knee. "I-i can't. I can't breathe-" She stands up gently grabbing your hand and putting it to her chest. "Yes you can, youre ok I swear to you. See?" You look at her then your hand, still freaking out slightly, you can feel a ramble about to approach. "This stupid work- Its- suppose to b-be done by tomorrow and I'm nowhere near done. I can't fuck this up because I had been slacking because of everything- and then I messed up on this last night, I h-have absolutely no time during the day because of other classes everything's so messy and I don't know what to do." You sob more. Her heart shatters at your unsteady voice and sobs. She wants to hug you but also doesn't want to overwhelm you even more. "Slow down yeah, once you take a small breath you'll be ok, trust me?" She squeezes your hand reassuringly, letting you know she's right there. "Youre safe. You're going to be just fine. I'm right here." Her voice was so delicate, you let your mind listen to it feeling the sobs begin to slow. "That's it there you go. Can I give you a hug sweet girl?"
You nod at her kindness, wrapping your arms around her torso and resting your head on her chest. She softly kisses your head hugging you tightly. Your grip also tightens not wanting to let go. "Can we stay like this?" You mumbled into her hoodie. "As long as you need angel." Your eyes close, listening to her steady heartbeat. Feeling that tiredness take over. "Can you try eat a small bit before you get some well needed rest, please?" You nod sheepishly, pulling back but still keeping close to her. "Can you stay with me tonight.." Your voice was unsteady but you honestly didn't care you were more than comfortable with her seeing you like this, you thought you wouldn't be, infact you worried about it for nothing. Maybe that's the same for alot of silly things you stress over. "I still dunno what I'm going to do about this stupid work." Your head lowers, looking at your hands in your lap. She thinks for a bit. "Leave it to me ok?" Your eyes move to look at her. "No no, it's ok-" "Please baby. Let me help you." Her hands gently grab your cheeks, and you just give her a nod. "Good, let's get you to eat then some rest hm?"
It was probably a few months that had gone by, you and Ellie were stronger than ever. Doing so well. You were currently over at hers, her roommate being out, you two were just hanging about in her bed. Laughing, smiling, talking. It was a lovely way to spend your evening together. When she turns to you. "Hey pretty girl." She smirks slightly, glancing ar your lips. "Hello." You reply cheerful. You notice her eyes, wanting to kiss her, leaning in to do so. Her hands sneak to the small of your back as the kiss was slow but heated, with intense passion. "Have you." Kiss "Ever thought." Kiss .. kiss - it slowly moves to your jaw. "About sex." And your eyes go ghost. Your mind runs, your heart pounds. Because no you haven't and there's a divine reason why. "I know I have."
"Don't move you little bitch."
You swallow. "I uhm- I dunno exactly." You could tell Ellie was in the mood, and her kisses were so nice-
"Absolutely pathetic, and you're letting this happen."
You blink furiously. "You make me so happy." The kisses continue, and you freeze. Just like all those years ago. "Youre so pretty baby." Your heart rate picks up again. Your anxiety peeking. "E-ellie.." You wanted to try to tell her. Considering you haven't mentioned it yet. "Mmm?" Her kisses move down to you neck, everything was soft but..
"Dumb. Fucking. Cunt."
You could feel slight tears. "Is this ok?" She asks. And when you don't respond she asks again. "Baby?" Then suddenly she feels something wet hit her nose. "My love?" She looks up this time, seeing the small tears. "Hey, hey." Her voice was velvet, making more tears fall. If anything you weren't as scared to do sex all over again, you felt so incredibly safe with her, and remembering all those flashbacks just proved how new all this was. It felt foreign. "Talk to me pretty." She goes to softly stroke your hair. "Was it something I said?" You just shake your head wrapping your hands around her wrist gently. "You're perfect." A silence. "Then why are you crying sweetheart." Her voice was as tender as her touch and you knew you were in love with this woman. "Because you're perfect." She smiles brightly. "Years ago, I was with this girl. We were together for 2 years when near the end she got incredibly toxic with me. And she well in some words-" You didn't even need to finish your sentence, Ellie knew and immediately hugged you. You returned it tightly, like you always did. That silence came back and it was incredibly comforting. "I love you." You hear her voice whisper in your ear. Pulling back to look at her a little surprised. "You don't have to say it b-" But you cut her off bringing her in for a kiss again. "Yes." That confused her. "I've thought about it with you and yes." Then the smiles return, and so do the heated kisses.
After a short while she moved to be more ontop of you but stops briefly. You look at her, she looks way too good right now. "Can I eat you out angel." Her face was close to yours but the way she asked only turned you on more, the fact she's such an angel with this all is an even bigger turn on for you. "Please do." You breathe. Feeling her slowly take off your shirt, she looks at your breasts admiringly. "You're flawless." You felt heat rise to your cheeks, but not because you were anxious or anything, because your whole body felt like it was heating up, all because of how loving she was. She moves her lips to kiss one slowly turning into a gentle suck, around the skin and on your hardened bud. You breathe out, but even that sounded pretty to Ellie. Making her close her eyes at everything right now. She couldn't get enough of you. "You're so beautiful, so incredibly pretty." She blabs on. Her kisses move down your stomach. Keeping with her tender like touch. She slowly but surely pulls your pajama pants down along with your underwear. She takes a moment to take this all in. "Want to take my time yeah? Promise it's not in a teasing way. You truly don't deserve that especially not right now. Just want to savor hm?" You nod, biting your lip ever so slightly.
"You sure it's ok mama?" She rubs circles on the fat of your thigh. You give her a nod but she shakes her head. "Wanna hear you verbally say it, please?" Your smile grew. "Yes Ellie I promise its ok, please do it." Your soft voice made her smile grow. "Angel girl.." She began, gently stroking your clit. Your breath hitches at the feeling. "Need to make you feel good, gotta." Her mouth slowly comes down to you, licking softly. Delicately. That then turns into sucking and she did not disappoint. She in fact was making you feel good. Amazing even. She keeps the pace, eventually looking up at you and the way you'd react to everything. When you felt her tongue go in you, you lost it entirely. Your mouth hung open with so much pleasure everything felt so natural. It always did. "Mmm, knew you'd be as sweet tasting.. such a perfect girl." You let a moan slip. "E-ellie i-" "Mhmm, feel you clenching on my tongue. I got you baby. I got you." This woman didn't make you last long at all but in hindsight. You were not at all complaining. Because as you began to cum, you feel the most incredible orgasm approaching. You felt content, safe. Secure. "Thereee you go Angel. Atta girl." She mumbles letting you ride out your high on her tongue. "Mmm Ellie please I need you so bad." She licks her lips coming up to your face. "Yeah love?" You nod. She goes to take off her clothes, going to get back ontop of you.
But she stops again. "Why don't we try this." She goes to lay down on her back getting you to straddle her. "You be in control okay? I'm right here to help. Just want to make sure this is perfect for you. All I want." You look at her lips, leaning down to kiss them. Her hands tangle in your hair, giving you a tender scalp massage as the two of you kiss. You situate so your pussys directly on hers, not moving just yet, going to sit up a bit. You begin to move shortly after. Watching as you both open your mouths. Her soft grunt made your stomach do flips. "You're so perfect Els.." Your breath became uneven, in the best way possible. She looks down at the two of you then back at your face, your features. "God your ethereal." Another moan escapes you as you speed up. "Good girl, doing so good." The praise went straight to your core helping egg your orgasm on. "C-Can we cum together, please?" Her heart fluttered at your words. "Ofcourse my angel. Wouldn't want anything more than to do so." Your pace picked up again, letting more moans slip from your pink lips. "So well, so incredibly good. Fuck." You knew she was getting close you could just tell. And so were you. Her hands rest on your thighs, squeezing the flesh. "Ready mama?" You nod with her, cumming with moans. Grunts. Of eachothers names even. As you rode out your high making sure Ellies was met too, your body became weak. Flopping onto her torso. "I love you, Ellie." You say back from about 30 minutes ago. Her smile was like it was tattooed onto her face. "You truly have changed me, Y/n.. and for the better." You close your eyes. Feeling yourself drift of to sleep. She kisses your head, stroking your hair gently. "Wanna marry you some day even.."
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howtobecomeadragon · 2 years
hey! this is the byler chicken anon, @swashbuckling-chicken and i'm here to ask you when you started shipping byler
Hello!! I've been watching each season as they've come out since 2016 (very much as a GA viewer, a deeply invested GA viewer, but not shipping or looking at much online regarding the show) and I only became aware of Byler as a ship after s3. I saw a few tumblr posts, looked into it for like 15 minutes, wasn't really convinced, and moved on. I was hoping that the show would follow through on the strong hints that Will is gay, I'd had that on my radar since the Snowball, and then even more so from the rain fight, but I hadn't really thought Will had feelings for Mike or that Mike was even in the realm of having feelings for Will. I could maaaybe see something from Will from the s3 finale, but I just didn't spend enough time looking into any of the subtext to see anything there. I did think Mike and El's relationship had taken a weird turn in s3 though, especially their goodbye and Mike's reaction to El's kiss in the finale.
In the lead up to s4 with the trailers, I got hyped about Will having an Alan Turing poster and was super excited about seeing more screentime for Will's character and him coming out. Again, Mike was not on my radar as a love interest. I saw some people speculating that the guy in the pink jacket from the trailer could be a love interest for Will as the camera focused on him a bit (more than usual for an extra in a trailer I guess), and I kept an eye out for him in 4x01.
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And then I watched all of vol 1 and I had an "oh" moment at the airport, my eyebrows were raised when Will said "what about us" at Rink o Mania, and my mouth was hanging open at the "cool, cool" talk in 4x04. At that point, I was invested in Will getting a happy ending in whatever way, shape, or form that he wanted, and I didn't know what was going on with Mike, but I knew that Will could not, under any circumstances, have his heart crushed, like that was just not acceptable to me. To me on my first watch through, Mike seemed like he was acting homophobic and I also couldn't accept that as a turn in his character or Will being on the receiving end of any homophobia from him. It just didn't compute in my head.
So I went on tumblr and started looking for posts. It was just a couple days after vol 1 had come out, so there was a lot to wade through and I wasn't sure what to think until I came across a game changing post for me that talked about the Upside Down being a metaphor for the closet and "Stranger Things" only being there as the title to refer to two boys dating in the 80s (I have no idea where it went unfortunately, or who posted it). I may have shed a tear thinking that a beloved show may have had such important queer subtext this entire time and was working towards a slow burn queer ending, and did a deep dive. I was on the tag and hyperfixated by like May 30th or so, when the tag was still at like 7k or 8k.
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loveislattes · 3 years
Everything Comes at a Price (Demon!Dark/Fem!Reader) Chapter 2
You can find Chapter 1 here!
Commission prompt: Reader is really depressed, and Dark decides to roughly Fuck the depression out of them.
Important: Reader has female pronouns and is a vagina owner!
Warnings (For this chapter specifically): Depression, talks of death, smut, dom/sub, rough sex, Demon!Dark, demon-like anatomy, shadow tentacles, oral (male receiving), very minor breath play, teasing, pet names, dirty talk, minor degradation, praise kink, unprotected sex, primal/power play, and multiple orgasms!
A/N: Other than the kink warnings, this one is safe to read! No gore/death. No beta- there may be a few errors.
As always, if you would like to support me, I have a Ko-Fi (here) for donations and I usually have a few slots open for commissions (unless life gets in the way)!
Tags: (If you want to be tagged in my writing, just let me know!)
“You’re sure? The doctor is sure?” you questioned earnestly.
“Yes! Yes! They say it’s like some kind of miracle. They expect her to make a full recovery after some physical therapy. Isn’t it great, Y/N?!”
You could feel your lips twist up into a bittersweet smile as tears poured from your clenched eyes. The taste of salt was bitter on your lips as you nodded asininely into the phone.
“Yeah, that’s- that’s amazing,” you whispered, “Listen, auntie, I’ve got to get ready for work but please keep me updated if anything changes.”
The phone fell into the fluffy blankets across your lap and you let out the choked sob that you’d been holding back. Wish number four had been a success. You’d done some actual good with your imminent death.
Despite the good news, the oppressive cloud around you didn’t dissipate; Unsurprising but disappointing nonetheless.
“Stupid, stupid, stupid,” you hissed, smacking your cheeks a couple of times.
Suddenly, a terribly wonderfully awful idea popped up and there was a modicum of relief in your chest. You snagged up the coin from its perch on the bedside table and clutched it to your chest close.
“Dark, I think I know my last wish. Is it possible to wish for death?”
There was no immediate answer, nor did you die immediately. A tremor in the atmosphere of the room was the only sign that something had changed and you brought your head up in surprise. The sight of the debonair demon standing amongst your depression room instantly filled you with shame. Great. Just what you needed to be added to your already heaping pile of negative emotions.
“Hello, darling.”
You managed a weak little hello in reply as he began to stroll your way. You weren’t sure whether you should stand up to greet him or just allow him to come to you, but he quickly made that decision for you as he came to a stop at your side.
“I regret to inform you that you’ve managed to find one of the three types of wishes I’m unable to grant. Is there something els-”
“Please, Dark!”
He leveled you with narrowed eyes and stated factually, “I can’t kill you. Killing you negates the contract. That includes putting you in any imminently dangerous situations, so don’t try it.”
Finally, you found the power to stand and glared up at him through tears.
“Can’t you break the rules, just this once?! I give you permission to keep my soul after I die if you do it! I just- I can’t take this anymore! Maybe you don’t understand it because you all Mr. Powerful Demon but I’m so fucking tired. I’m tired of being alone! I’m tired of hurting when there’s literally nothing wrong! I’m tired of not being able to do a damn thing to make it better or change anything or- or-”
You fell into a messy pile of limbs and blankets on the bed, wrapping yourself up as best as possible, sobbing into your hands to keep a modicum of your dignity intact. Much to your surprise, you felt fingers brush against your hair as sharp nails began to massage through your strands.
“I must say, you’re definitely one of my more interesting clients,” he hummed lowly, “Even so, I’m unable to bend the rules, even for you. There’s a lot at play here that you’ll never understand but the short of it is that even I do not play with Death’s dealings, darling.”
As he spoke, you could feel the first peek of daylight glimmering through the shadows of your mind. Whether it was from his odd praise or the sensations his fingers were provoking, you weren’t sure, but it was nice. Ever so slowly, you found yourself leaning into his touch, chasing the dopamine rush he provided.
He let out a humored chuckle as you nearly fell off the bed in the pursuit and you could only manage a subdued apology in reply.
“Don’t apologize for being adorable, pet,” he teased.
Cheeks warming harshly under the sudden pet name, you buried your face in your hands and groaned slightly.
“Now that that’s sorted, I will leave you be. When you’re ready to make your last wish, you know how to reach me.”
There was a strange catch in his voice that you couldn’t quite place but it was enough to put you into action.
“Wait!” you called out when he turned away.
Carefully wiping the tears from your face, you stood up and took a steadying breath before reaching out to him. It was such a simple request but you could see the curiosity and confusion plain on his face. Nonetheless, he took your hand and allowed you to pull him in close. It had been so long since you’d even held someone else’s hand. More of the demons in the back of your mind were backing down, the sudden influx of serotonin of skin-to-skin contact turning them away.
“Okay, I get it, you can’t kill me,” you murmured, licking your lips nervously, “But you said you find me… interesting, right? Erm, do you think you would be able to do something else for me instead?”
It was like you had flipped a switch, the way his eyes clouded over with the devious smirk that curled up his lips and how his head tipped to the side in obvious inquiry.
“I’ll need you to be more clear on what you’re asking for, pretty little pet,” he cajoled, “It would be quite remiss of me to act without being completely sure what you want from me.”
Oh, the asshole! He was going to make you say it out loud! It was obvious in his gaze that he knew he had all the power here, in every sense of the word, and he was using it to his advantage… and you couldn’t deny that you loved it.
Face hot with mortification, you chewed on your lower lip before whispering, “I- I can’t. I can’t ask.”
Fangs peeked out in a grin as he leaned down, tipping your head up until you were nose to nose with him.
“Do you want me to kiss you? Touch you? Fuck you?”
Gods, he made it sound so dirty, so sensual. Shivers rolled through your bones as he teased the apex of your jaw and throat with his sharp claws.
“I need to know.”
You gathered every last drop of confidence and finally stammered out, “Fu-Fuck me, please?”
“With pleasure, darling,” he hummed softly, “But first…”
Fingers tangled in your locks once more, jerking your head back and his mouth slammed against yours. A choked sob passed from your mouth to his as he guided you back onto the bed, following with the grace and ease only an inhuman being could manage.
“If it gets too intense, just tell me to stop,” he breathed out as his lips fell to your jaw, “It’s been some time since I’ve allowed myself to indulge with a human and you are just so damn breakable.”
A sick thrill shot through your body at the warning. Why did a part of you want that? It was terrifying, thinking of a demon losing themselves and going feral on you, and yet it sounded so deliciously taboo.
“Okay,” you finally replied when you realized he was waiting for an answer, “I will.”
“Good girl.”
Oh. OH. It felt like all the air left your lungs and you couldn’t stop the tiny little noise that escaped your lips in embarrassment and desire.
His lips curved up against your throat as they slowly moved. Nibbles and kisses blazed a path up the sensitive column of your neck until teeth toyed with your ear lobe and he let out a little chuckle.
“You are going to be so much fun, pet.”
Your hands found his hair and held on for dear life as his fangs dug into your neck; not deep enough to draw blood but rough enough to tear a pained scream from your lips. Throbbing agony blossomed through your skin and still, you found your body arching into his, silently eager for more of what he could give you. Oh and the endorphin rush! The moment he released your abused flesh, it was like your body was on fire.
Moving without thought, you guided him by the hair into a frantic kiss, hoping to convey your need without words. Thankfully he didn’t seem offended by your little takeover of power and allowed you to soak in all you needed until he finally put a stop to it with a nibble on your lower lip.
“Enough, it’s time to prove that you really want this, darling,” Dark purred as his fingers dug into your cheeks symbolically.
You nodded the best you could and followed his lead as he pulled you to your feet. With a snap of his fingers, suddenly his clothes were gone and you were left staring at him in awe. While he looked incredible in the suit, it did a complete disservice to the glorious form hidden beneath. Black tattooed tendrils encircled his arms and legs, tapering out somewhere on his back, creating the most tantalizing contrast of shades against his toned limbs as he flexed them teasingly.
As your eyes traced the designs down his solid form, he suddenly gripped your shoulders and pushed you down onto your knees, tossing one of your pillows down after.
“If you’re going to worship me in such a way, you might as well do it from in your rightful place on your knees,” he purred.
Lips parting in surprise, you felt your insides curl up with embarrassment as you slipped the pillow under your knees and nearly apologized, but then he was stepping closer and you lost all thought.
Fuck, was he ever right; It was akin to staring up at a god! Not only were you given the best view of his body, but the way he stared down at you with desire and complete superiority had you trembling with need.
“Now, show me what that pretty mouth can do, pet.”
Oh, that, that you could do. Scooting in closer, you reached out to grab his cock but your hand was smacked away instantly. It stung more than hurt but it was surprising nonetheless.
“Hands behind your back,” he demanded.
Cautiously, you did as he asked and were rewarded with a much softer smile.
“Good girl.”
Those words again. It was like they had a direct line to your cunt. Clenching needily around nothing, you let out a soft whine and let him pull you back in. As his cock neared your lips, you were finally given the chance to look it over closely. Despite being only half-hard, he appeared average length and a bit thicker than most you’d encountered. It was also darker than the rest of his skin but what set it apart the most was the ridges encircling it. Every inch or so down his cock were these ridges, smooth but creating quite an obvious size difference.
As you pondered over the way it would feel inside you, you let your tongue tentatively trace the tip and moaned at the familiar taste. He let out an encouraging sigh and tightened his hold, subtly pulling you closer until you threw away hesitation and took him in your mouth as far as possible.
“Mmmm, that’s it pet,” he praised huskily, “Get me ready to fuck you.”
Clenching your thighs in hopes of relief, you shifted higher onto your knees and followed the pace he set. Another difference you began to notice was the massive vein on the underside of his cock, the way it throbbed against your tongue with every swipe quickly became an addicting sensation. It was like his body was praising your efforts in its own way.
“Take a breath,” he warned.
You barely got a lungful in before he arched into your face, hastily fighting back the urge to gag as he slid into your throat. Tears welled up in your eyes as saliva pooled in your mouth. You were mortified as both spilled out the instant he began to fuck your mouth. Embarrassing noises escaped your throat, far beyond your control with each thrust of his cock, but it didn’t seem to bother him one bit.
“Look at you,” he rumbled out huskily, “What a good little pet you are, swallowing my cock like you were made for it.”
As suddenly as he had started he stopped, releasing his hold on you so fast you nearly toppled over as you coughed for breath.
“Impressive, now get up here.”
Once you felt you were stable enough, you climbed to your feet with his assistance and were immediately thrown back on the bed. As your skin rubbed against the cool sheets, you were suddenly made aware of your lack of clothes.
He apparently sensed the shock in your expression and offered you a sly grin.
“What can I say, pet? There are some things I am impatient over.”
Dark kneeled on the bed and gripped your ankles, spreading your legs so he could easily fit between them. Rather than climb over you as you had expected, he instead traced gentle lines up and down your legs, slowly bit by bit growing closer and closer to your cunt but never actually touching. It was maddening. You could feel yourself quaking and twitching uncontrollably under every pass of his claws; your silent pleas coming out louder and louder each time until you were nearly sobbing with need. Teeth soon joined in the effort, searing bite marks into the meaty parts of your thighs while his tongue lavished the wounds fondly after.
“I haven’t even touched you and you’re dripping wet for me,” he groaned quietly as he traced the crease between your sex and thigh, “Imagine what a mess you’ll be once I’m finally inside you.”
Desperation tore from your chest in the form of a whimper at the mental images burning in your mind. Your heart nearly flipped on itself in pleasure as he finally moved up the bed.
“You look like you’re struggling, darling,” he teased, “Is there something you need?”
You nodded frantically and whimpered out, “Please!”
Tantalizing shocks ran through your core as his fingers oh-so-tenderly ran over your lips, ghosting just where you needed him the most. Frustration began to well up like the sweat beading your forehead and you couldn’t help the huff that escaped.
“Tell me that you need to be used,” he breathed, ghosting sharp canines along your throat, “And I’ll give you what you want.”
“I- I need to be used,” you gasped out.
His responding moan was pure ecstasy as his fingers finally found your clit; the way his cock twitched again your leg an overwhelming aphrodisiac. The scrape of his facial hair prickled against your chest as his head ducked down and his lips pressed chaste kisses along your breasts. Swallowing hard, you bit back the overwhelming urge to demand him for more and were rewarded with the gratifying sensation of his tongue across your nipple. Pain and pleasure coalesced into one as he mercilessly sucked and bit into your flesh, drawing louder and faster moans from your chest by the second. When he finally pulled off with a pop, your entire body felt the bombardment of endorphins.
“And who do you want to use you?”
Pride shone through his playful teasing as you attempted and failed to whimper his name multiple times, ruined over and over again with each pass over your clit.
“Hmm? I can’t seem to understand you. Who do you want to ruin you?”
Thighs shaking and heart pounding, you fought through the onslaught of pleasure coiling in your belly to gasp out, “You, Dark! Please, fuck- fuck me!”
It was too much, not enough: The ache in your throat, the rawness of your lips, the imprints of his teeth burned in your flesh, the throb of your cunt under his fingers.
When he finally slipped his fingers in your core, you cried out. Relief! It didn’t take more than a few seconds for his stretching and thrusting to put you right on the edge of no return. Unfortunately, he jerked away before you could fall and, before you could even complain, you were tossed over onto your stomach with a sharp slap to your right cheek.
“Perk that pretty ass up for me, pet,” he demanded, gently guiding your hips up.
As you came to rest on your knees, you let your face rest on the pillow and arched your back until you could feel his cock brush against your cunt. Instinctively you pushed back against him with a little moan and were immediately rewarded with fingers to your clit.
But… his hands were on your hips…
When you stilled in thought, he let out a husky chuckle behind you.
“I hope you don’t mind,” he crooned lowly, “Sometimes they just have a mind of their own.”
Lifting up just enough to peek under your body, you were both startled and aroused to find black shadow-like tentacles where you expected fingers to be, and in turn, his legs were now free of those pretty tattoos. Realization hit hard and a pathetic moan fled your lips as you buried your face in the pillow.
“Glad to see you approve, darling.”
In the next breath, he slammed forward and yanked you back simultaneously. You were immensely grateful that he had taken the time to prep you as he sunk in, inch by inch, stretching you open like none ever had before. A wicked thrill sent a tremor through your body as you realized you could feel each and every ridge as it pushed into you.
When his hips finally came to a stop against yours, the noise he let out had your hair standing on end. Animalistic, inhuman, primal. You wanted to hear it time and time again.
He finally started rocking his hips, taking his time with deliciously languid strokes, until you begged him for more. It was with a cruel laugh that he gave into your desires.
“Oh fuck!” you whined, fingers snarling in the blankets for balance.
There was no more hesitation in his movements, gentleness abandoned in exchange for all-out fucking you in a way that made your toes curl and tears fill your eyes.
“You are so fucking wet,” he snarled out between breaths, “Taking me so well.”
A noise of agreement escaped your lips as you arched back to meet his thrusts. You couldn’t form words even if you wanted to, too focused on the raging storm brewing in your core.
Pain blossomed through your hip as one of his hands squeezed tighter, his growls and panting growing in volume to rival your cries, while the other found your hair and yanked your head back. Your body reacted instinctively, clenching down hard around him and startling a moan from you both.
“You feel so good! You going to come for me, pet?”
Reaching back, your hand found his and your nails found purchase, returning a sliver of the savage pain he bestowed upon you. All the while you bounced back harder on his cock, chasing the edge that was just out of reach. The tendrils between your thighs suddenly came back to life once more, their cool touch contrasting so perfectly with the heat of your bodies as they swirled around your clit in time with his thrusts.
“A-Ah! Dark, yes, pleeaaasse! Fuck- Fuck!”
“That’s it. That’s my good girl. Come for me and let me claim you, pet.
As if mimicking the hold on your hip, another tendril slithered up your back and encircled your throat. The unexpected pressure elicited a tantalizing response, your body suddenly feeling both free and trapped in the best of ways as he bound you to him
“Mine. All mine. My filthy little slutty human whore.”
Something in your psyche broke at those words and ecstasy rushed forward like a tidal wave. Every inch of your body trembled with pleasure as you screamed his name, voice cracking under the duress of it all. You could feel the proof of your indulgence dripping down your inner thighs, the sounds of your debauched pleasure growing louder with every slap of his hips against yours.
“Fucking hell!” Dark bit out harshly, “Good girl. Good fucking slut. Who do you belong to?! Say it!”
“You! Only you, Dark! O-Ooh, f-ffu-fuck!”
With inhuman speed, he slammed into you, over and over until the smack of your bodies was almost continuous. His choked roar filtered through your senses but it was was easily washed away with your second climax teetering on the edge. There was a sudden torrential shift of energy, pulsing eerie screeches filling the room as his voice echoed off the walls when he finally buried himself as far as possible inside of you. Any pain was quickly washed away by the thunderous roll of pleasure brought on by the touch of his tendrils mixed with the throb of his cock releasing deep in your cunt. Claws trailed down your spine as he practically purred your name, leaving behind five raw lines that stung under the combined sweat of your bodies, and somehow you found yourself okay with it; loved it, in fact, knowing that his marks would be on you for quite some time.
Quaking with bliss and exhaustion, you collapsed to the bed the instant he slipped out of your core and let out a little delighted whimper. You reached out blindly for him and were appeased when he laid down beside you, pulling you against him so your face was resting on his chest.
“I didn’t realize how much I needed that,” you murmured, fingers tracing up and down the little scar in his abdomen, “It goes without saying but that was fucking phenomenal, so thank you.”
Your head bobbed up and down with his laughter and you couldn’t help the grin that turned up your lips in return.
“I have to say I’m in agreement, pet,” he hummed back, “It’s been far too long since I’ve been able to let go in such a way.”
With a hand on your bicep and the arm under your head, he pulled you up and shifted you over his hips until you were perched on quaking knees. You almost questioned him but were silenced when he leaned up and captured your lips in a stinging kiss. It started out rough and slowly devolved into a passionate tangle of tongues.
It wasn’t until he pulled back for a breath that the reality of what was to happen started to sink in; the serotonin in your veins being replaced with anxiety.
“So, does this mean I die now? You have to take my soul, right?” you asked softly, “Since I made my last wish?”
“Hmm? I never heard you make a wish, pet,” he replied as he stretched back languidly.
Eyebrows furrowing, you let your confused expression convey your thoughts as one of his hands began to travel down your curves.
“But I asked-”
Your words were cut off by your own gasp when you felt his cock rising between your thighs. Wide-eyed and warm-faced, you gaped at him in shock. Apparently, a very short cool down period was also a demon perk?!
He smirked at your awe as a thumb traced your lower lip seductively.
“You asked and I gave freely,” he explained, fingers dipping to trace sharp claws along your throat, “You still have one wish remaining. Although, I’d suggest you save it for later. I feel like we have much more important things to attend at the moment, darling.”
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nadisabug · 3 years
Take On Me
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson! reader
Warnings: terribly written, I apologize, cannon divergence (smol divergence), song fic?????
Summary: Y/n won’t believe that The Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington likes her. 
A/N: aaahhhhh okay so I woke up at seven am and this song was playing and I had a fever dream idea for a fic so it’s terrible no beta we die like men
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"Wanna go to the movies sometime?"
I was mid-bite in my ice cream when Steve "The Hair" Harrington popped the question. I slowly backed away from the ice cream and stared at him dumbfoundedly.
He was leaning on the register, his bicep prominent and flexed. He had lost the cap he usually wore, and even though he had probably been wearing it all day, his hair still looked good. He was flashing me a drop dead gorgeous smile and his eyes were almost sparkling.
Gods I was fucked.
This wasn't the first time he had asked me out by any means. He had been hinting at it every time we saw each other for the past half year. This was the first time he was so up front about it, though. Usually I could act stupid and brush it off.
I hid the heat creeping up on my cheeks by digging in my purse. I grabbed a wad of bills and slapped them on the counter.
"Sorry, I got to go pick up Dusty from AV club," I smiled tightly, lying through my clenched teeth. "Keep the change." And with that, I nearly ran from Scoops Ahoy ice cream. I left so quickly that i didn't see Dustin, my brother, popping out from behind the counter.
"Dude, sorry. You'll get her next time," Dusty sighed.
"Next time?" Steve scoffed. "Buddy, there will be no next time."
"Come on, she likes you I swear," Dusty pleaded.
"Sure didn't look like it," Robin piped in. She was sitting on the passway holding a white board that said 'Steve Sucks' with 17 check marks below it and 'Y/n said yes' with no check marks below it. "I think that one counted for two," she announced, adding two check marks to the 17.
"Shut up Robin," Dusty snapped. He turned back to Steve. "Please Steve you gotta believe me!"
"Okay, okay, fine Henderson," Steve sighed collapsing on the ice cream counter. "Then why does she keep blowing me off?"
Dusty smiled. "For that, we do some recon."
I was laying on my bed when I heard a knock on my door. I looked up from the book I was reading.
"Momma?" I called curiously.
"No! It's your favorite brother," Dusty announced, throwing open the door. I smiled and put my book on the night stand.
"Indeed it is. To what do I owe this pleasure," I sat up and patted the bed next to me.
Dusty graciously threw himself into the bed and smiled up at me. "A brother can't want to talk to his only sister who he loves?"
I raised an eyebrow at that. Dusty was always so bad at lying. "Spill, now," I ordered.
Dusty sighed and slumped down. He cursed under his breath - which I chose to ignore under the circumstances- and then looked up at me again.
"Steve told me he likes you. Like a lot."
At that confession, I hopped off the bed, turning away to hide my blush. I had just blown Steve off now here Dusty was telling me Steve likes me? Something was off.
"Since when did Steve trust you enough to tell you that kind of stuff?" I questioned, towering over Dusty who was still sitting on the bed.
"Well we've been hanging out." Dusty couldn't even maintain eye contact with me. He was hiding something.
"Where were you today after school?"
"AV clu-"
"Oh my gods you were at Scoops Ahoy." I slapped my hands over my face and turned around to hide my shame.
"No I wasn't!" Dusty tried to cover his tracks, but it was already too late.
"Dusty, there is no AV club today." The pieces clicked together in my mind. "Oh my gods Steve knows I lied to him."
"Yeah! Which really hurt him because he likes you!"
"No he doesn't Dusty!" I threw myself face first onto the bed and screamed.
"Yes he does! He's literally asked you out so many times."
I twisted, propping myself up on my elbow so that I could look at Dusty. "That does not mean he likes me."
"How so?" Dusty huffed and folded his arms.
"Because, Dusty, he's Steve 'The Hair' Harrington, he probably just wants to get back at Nancy for ditching him for Will's brother."
"What? No," Dusty scoffed.
"Yeah," I nodded. "She left him for The Freak so he's going to date The Psycho Bitch."
Dusty got a soft look of his face for a moment. "Is that what they call you?"
"Doesn't matter Dusty. What matters is that Steve doesn't actually like me. He just thinks he does because he's torn up about Nancy."
Dusty thought for a second. "What if he proved it to you?"
I looked at Dusty. "What do you mean?"
"What if he actually proved to you that he really did like you?"
I shrugged. "Then I'd date him and losing Dart won't come and bite us in the butt."
"Really sis you had to bring that up?"
"He ate Mews," I whisper yelled, careful in case Mom heard.
"About that, we finished translating the message, come on," he rolled off the bed, grabbing my arm and pulling me over in the process.
"Ow! No I can't!"
"Why not?"
"I can't see Steve after lying to him like that!"
"Oh just come on, he'll forgive you. He's madly in love with you."
I doubted that but I went with Dusty anyway.
After everything we went through, we had a moment to pretend like everything was okay. The middle school dance.
I was upset that Dusty insisted that Steve take him to the dance and not me, but I knew they had something like a brother bond so I wan't too upset. I volunteered to be one of the high schooler chaperones, mainly under Joyce's wishes. She wanted at least someone there to watch Will like a hawk. Or two.
So Nancy and I were here. At the punch table.
"So, how's college going," Nancy piped up.
I had to be honest, I didn't really like her. Not with the way she broke Steve's heart. But I had to remain cordial. I guess.
"I heard you got scholarships."
"It was the only way I could go."
"Yeah. With the.... deaths..." she said carefully, "at the Hawkins Post, they're hiring again. So Jonathan and I got our jobs back."
"That's great." I paused. "Not the deaths, the getting jobs back."
We lapsed into silence after that.
I scanned the room to see that the boys had split off to dance. Some girl was dancing with Will, Mike was dancing with El, and Lucas was with Max.
Dusty wasn't with them though.
I looked around the room to see him sitting on the bleachers holding back tears. My heart lurched at the sight.
"I'm going to go dance with him," Nancy announced. I was about to let her when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I grabbed Nancy's arm.
"Wait," I ordered. I saw a girl with visible braces wearing a baby blue dress approach Dusty. He immediately perked up and held out his hand for her. She took it and they walked to the dance floor.
"Nice call," Nancy smiled.
I just dropped her arm, nodded, and turned away to watch them.
After a couple of hours, the kids started leaving one by one. Around the time we were at half capacity, Dusty came up to me.
"May I have this dance?" He awkwardly bowed with his hand outstretched. I had to stifle a giggle.
I looked at Nancy. She waved me off. "Go ahead, I can serve punch."
"Of course, mi' Lord," I giggled and took his hand.
He dragged me all the way to the middle of the dance floor and began to dance with me.
"Sure Suzie won't be jealous about baby blue dancing with you?"
"She knows I only have eyes for her," Dusty rolled his eyes at the notion that she could possibly be jealous.
"Turn around," I began in a sing songy voice. "Look at what you see!"
"Oh shut up," Dusty growled and shoved me.
I laughed but kept dancing with him.
At that moment the song changed, and Dusty smiled. My back was to the stage so I couldn't see what was going on, but I assumed it was just the band preparing.
As soon as I heard the signature synth, I squealed.
"I love this song, Dusty did you request it?"
"Sorta," he grinned.
Then I heard his voice.
"Ba ba-ba ba. We're talking away, I don't know what I'm to say, I'll say it anyway. Today's another day to find you shying away."
I dropped Dusty's shoudlers and turned around. When I did I saw Steve "The Hair" Harrington on the stage, mic in hand, singing.
Then he pointed straight at me.
"I'll be coming for your love, okay?"
"No fucking way," I whispered.
"Hell fucking yeah, get it Harrington!" Dusty cheered behind me.
"Take on me, take me on, I'll be gone in a day or two," he sang, the last word high and pitchy. It was so bad. So awfully terrible. He was making a complete fool of himself.
But I couldn't tear my eyes away.
"So needless to say, of odds and ends, but I'll be stumbling away slowly learning that life is okay. Say after me, it's no better to be safe than sorry."
It was only then that I noticed that the middle schoolers around me had parted to make a huge circle, with me at the center.
"Take on me, take me on, I'll be gone in a day or two," Steve sang even worse than the first time. Then he tossed the mic into the crowd and jumped off the stage. Then he began to dance, horribly. He did the running man, switching to the sprinkler, which then phased into a Charleston. It was so horrible but I couldn't help but smile. After the dance break, he turned to the crowd with his hand out. Miraculously, someone handed him the microphone.
"Oh, the things that you say, yeah is it life or just to play my worries way? You're all the things I've got to remember," he sang and walked towards me. I tried to take a couple steps back, but someone - most likely my beloved Dusty - shoved me forward. Hard. I stumbled and fell into Steve, who caught me.
"You're shying away, I'll be coming for you anyway." Steve clicked the microphone off and held it out to the crowd. Someone took it quickly and he brought his other arm around me. I would like to say that I tried to stand up away from him, but I didn't. I just let Steve hold me.
"Take on me..." Steve sang to me and only me. With each word he pulled my arms up and wrapped them around his neck. He then began to sway softly with the music, dancing with me. We danced as the crowd around us reformed, the middle schoolers going back to dancing. It was almost like nothing happened.
But to me everything thing did.
"Are you su-"
"Yes," he whispered.
I smiled.
"Wanna go to the movies sometime?"
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Sorry not sorry Dusty deserved some one to dance with I don’t make the rules
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usual-day-dreamer · 3 years
Veneno (Javier Peña x Reader)
A/N: I know I promised it’d be a Mandalorian one but this idea came to me thanks to a song and I couldn’t miss the opportunity to write it so I hope you enjoy! Pedro Pascal and his characters requests are open! I’m so in love with him rn, I swear.
SUMMARY: Javier cannot stand the thought of losing you to someone else, and after a lot of missed chances he finally acts upon his feeling.
WARNINGS: angsty with a happy ending, infidelity.
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“Congratulations on your engagement” 
Javier’s voice distracts you from your actual conversation “Excuse me for a second please” you say with a sigh, turning your attention to him and crossing your arms over your chest “Thanks” you reply, tone bitter “Now, if you'll excuse me I have some things to attend to”
You turn to leave but his firm grasp stopped you.
“Wait didn’t you tell me?” he demands and with a scoff you set free from his grip “No tengo porque darte explicaciones Javier” (I don't have to give you any explanations Javier).
With a last glance you walk away from him, trying your hardest not to cry.
His calloused fingers caress your bare back and you hum in satisfaction. A light breeze comes inside the dimly lit room through the open window while the moon shines brightly outside. Cigarette smoke fills your lungs but you don’t care, you snuggle closer to his chest with a content smile.
The street was unusually quiet, the only sound of a passing car every now and then. Javier looked ahead, inhaling the smoke and letting it out through his mouth in deep and even breaths, he looked pensive and tired and you reached up to kiss up his jaw “What`s on your mind?”
He sighs, and for a second you think he’s finally going to open up to you, your heart jumps with hope. He looks down at your eyes, hopeful and shining, his heart swells at the sight and he brushes a stray strand of hair off your face “Nothing dulzura, go to sleep”
There’s a flicker of disappointment in your eyes and he feels guilty for causing it, scolding himself. You pull away from his embrace to turn off the lamp and fall down to your side, back turning away from him “Good night” you say and you fall into a peaceful slumber.
Javier knew that was supposed to happen just once. You had a boyfriend and seemed to be apparently happy but he knew better; otherwise the encounters would have never existed.
He wanted to regret them, he really did, but with every passing day it got harder to let go, already addicted and deep inside a hole he never thought he’d find himself.
He’s angry and full of frustration. For so long he had longed for you, to finally be… something, whatever that meant.
Javier loaded these events, not only because they were utterly boring and unnecessary, but because you’d be there, holding another’s arm.
He sipped his champagne quietly looking with a frown at you and your boyfriend, you were smiling, but it wasn’t reaching your ears and he just knew that if he was in his place it would. You were gorgeous. Gleaming with a lilac dress and carefully applied makeup. 
He takes a sip of his drink again, hoping to ease the dry feeling in his throat, looking around for someone else to spend the night with; but no one compared to you. He gives his empty flute to a passing waiter and walks to a small balcony, lighting a cigarette.
“¿Aburrido tan pronto?” (Bored so soon?) Your voice almost makes him jump, instead, a smirk dances across his lips and he turns around to face you, words completely trapped at the sight of you giving him one of your smiles that was only reserved to him.
“Al parecer no soy el ùnico” (Not the only one, apparently) you walk next to him and he offers you his cigarette, you take a drag from it and hand it back “¿Y Ricardo?” (Where 's  Ricardo?” you roll your eyes.
“His name is Rodrigo” you remind him “I told him I had to go to the restroom and talk business with someone” 
His empty hand traces along the soft skin of her exposed back, goosebumps rising and you shiver “Javier” you warn “We can’t, anyone could walk out and see” Javier looks around, the place still empty and he walks backwards to a more secluded area, pulling you with him “Then we’ll be quick” He crashes her lips into yours with passion, pleased that you don’t pull away.
The worst part was that he really loved you, and that realization took him months to accept and confront; but he was afraid, terrified of that. He found out that being truly in love was the scariest thing that has happened to him so far, and he fought against narcos every day.
He knew that he had to be quick, to steal you away from the other as soon as he could, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it and he had no idea why.
“Ya no puedo seguir con esto Javier” (I can’t keep up with this Javier) his heart almost stopped at the sound of those words “Me duele demasiado, es horrible estar con alguien màs cuando yo estoy pensando en ti… cada que beso sus labios deseo que sean los tuyos y yo sòlo quiero que sean tus brazos en los que despierto” (It hurts so much, being with someone when I only think of you… everytime I kiss his lips I wish they were yours and I just want your arms around me when I wake up) 
There’s a lump in his throat and he watches you fight your tears “Por favor dime que tu igual sientes lo mismo que yo” (Please tell me you feel the same way about me) your voice trembles and he watches the tears travel down your face, but still says nothing. You wait, desperately holding to any sign that he actually wants you just like you want him, but his expression stays the same and suddenly his silence is too deafening.
“Goodbye Javier” he watches you go, finding himself unable to scream out your name.
A knock on his door brakes his trance and he walks towards it to open it, only to find you behind it. His mind tricks him for a second and he pulls you in with force, pressing you against the closed door as his lips hungrily attack yours in a bruising kiss. 
You slowly pull away, pulling something out from your pocket “I came to invite you to my wedding” the words pierce his heart and he hesitantly grabs the cream envelope “I don’t understand mi amor”
“You can’t call me that anymore Javier, you are just making this harder for me”
“Por favor, sòlo dèjame-” (Please, just let me-)
“Ya te di muchas oportunidades, y ¿sabes què? Jamàs hiciste nada, no creo que ahora vayas a cambiar, tu miedo al compromiso es demasiado grande... solamente eres un mujeriego, nunca me debí enamorar de ti” (I already gave you lots of chances and you know what? You never acknowledge them, I don’t think you’ll change now, your fear to commitment is way too big, you are just a player, I should have never fall in love with you)
You open his door and step outside “If you still won’t do anything, at least come to my wedding” 
And again, he watches you go.
He’s sulking, wearing a suit still debating if he should go or not. He wonders how you must look, beautiful with an equally gorgeous white dress, getting ready for another man. 
He curses and covers his face with his hands, a long sigh leaving his lips.
He feels himself close to tears, memories with you shaking his very core as he tries to grasp what’s left of them. A slow and sad song playing in the background, helping his mood just right.
He scoffs, slowly feeling himself drift away to insanity and you slip out of his hands like sand.
There’s no way you want him now, not after all the times he fucked up.
“If you still won’t do anything, at least come to my wedding”
He suddenly remembers and his head shots up, you still wanted him to make a sign! Oh how stupid he has been for the past three hours. He checks his watch and rushes out, if he leaves now, he’ll be able to arrive before it’s too late.
The tires of his car screech loudly as he parks just in front of the lovely Colombian chapel. He stops for a few seconds to think of the right words, almost laughing with how silly all this was, it was like a telenovela.
His legs come back to life and he runs inside “¡Paren!” (Stop!) the guests gasp and all eyes turn to him, including yours, which were covered by a beautiful veil “Javier?” you call his name and he stops in the middle of the corridor, taking in your appearance.
He takes a deep breath and finally swallows the lump in his throat.
“Por favor no te cases con èl” (Please don’t marry him)  “Te amo, te amo como no tienes idea, cada momento que paso lejos de ti es un infierno y la verdad es que no puedo vivir sin ti” (I love you, you have no idea how much, every moment I’m not with you it’s like going to hell and back and the truth is that I can’t live without you)
“I know I missed a lot of chances, and I understand if it’s too late now, but I truly can’t live without you anymore, so please, give me a chance”
Everyone is silent with their mouths agape in amazement. He looks at you, nervous because he can’t see your expressions behind the lace veil. He’s about to walk out when you finally speak.
“Oh, Javier” you gasp out and run towards him, grabbing the front of your white dress to avoid an accident. Javier opens his arms and your crash against him “I love you too Javi” he smiles and pulls away to look at your face “May I?” he asks, gesturing to the veil, you nod eagerly and he pulls it over your head.
Your smile is enormous and your eyes shine brighter than usual as he meets your wanting gaze, he smiles too before tilting his head and kissing you, deepening it by grabbing your jaw and cheek with his hand, the other gripping your waist tightly pulling you flush against him. When you pull back he admires you closed eyed face, you open your eyes slowly and stare back at him.
He grabs your hand tenderly and kisses your cheek “Let’s go mi amor”
And you follow him, not even glancing back at the forgotten groom astonished in the altar along with the guests.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Black Magic" *Part 3*
Alright y'all this took me ALL day to write [the entire rest of the story] and it took me an hour and a half to just edit this chapter. So I HOPE you like it. I had to find a breaking point it was getting too long, but the next chapter is coming like...maybe 30 minutes.
Part 4
Part 2
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After saying goodbye to Maria and the kids Rafael took your hand and you both got in another Uber he had called.
“So where to now?” You asked.
“Well we're going to need somewhere to get this food,” he smiled. “So I'm taking you to my favorite place in the city,”
Soon enough the Uber pulled up in front of Central park. We both got out and walked to the front entrance.
“Central Park is your favorite place in the city?” You asked. “Kind of basic but okay,” you teased.
“Shut up,” he laughed, punching you in the arm playfully. “Wait until you see what part of Central Park.” He took your hand and you walked for a bit until you came across a fountain.
“I mean it's gorgeous but still kind of basic,” you teased some more.
“This is where we're eating lunch carino,” he told you. “The surprise comes after,”
You set up camp on the edge of the fountain and spread out the food. It was enough for a feast. Luckily Maria had included napkins, plates , silverware and sneakily enough she snuck in an old blanket that you could spread out.
“Oh my god.. this is so good,” You said in between mouthfuls of food.
“I told you,” he laughed through a mouthful of his own food.
“No like you don't understand. I've never had food this good,” You insisted.
“Oh no? The fancy lunches from work, not your style?” He smirked.
You stopped eating for a second. Had he really noticed that you took home whatever food the bigwigs never finished? It was kind of a detail that you never had guessed that he would even pay attention to.
“I have no idea what you're talking about,” You innocently replied.
“Sureee…” Rafael nodded with a smile.
“I'm sorry, please don't fire me,” You begged.
“Fire you? I think it's adorable. Trust me I would do the same thing back in my law school days when I had nothing,” He patted your shoulder.
“God do I hear that,” You agreed.
“Wait so you have nothing?” Rafael asked, concerned.
“What? No! Kind of…..I have enough.” You assured him.” It's not like I'm homeless or anything.” Oh my God this is getting worse. “I just mean like, back when I was in college I had even less than I have now.”
“Oh you went to college?” Rafael asked.
“Wow okay counselor I see where the snobbishness is coming back,” You acted offended. And you actually kind of were.
"Oh no no no, mi amor,” He put a hand on your knee, scared he had offended you. “Please don't think that I would ever think down of you. I think you are the most beautiful, smartest caring person in the world.”
He didn't even know you. That was definitely the spell. You sadly shrugged” it's fine,”
“No no what I meant.. I don't know I don't know what I meant,” He shook his head, blushing.
“Yeah you do it's fine you can say it Rafael I'm not going to get offended,” You assured him.
“I just meant... I don't know, or don't understand why somebody with a college degree would be temping, instead of using their degree for a job in their field. I seriously doubt you went to college for temping,”
“Well I don't know if you remember this since it was eons ago before you had money but living in New York is quite expensive.” You half laughed. "And when you have student loans to pay you kind of have to take what you can get even if it's not in your ‘field’,”
“I get it,” He nodded. “I totally get where you're coming from. I'm so sorry I offended you,”
“You know before today I would have stomped off and written you off as just the snob pompous asshole that I thought you were. But after seeing where you came from I know you really mean that,” You smiled.
“So…” he hoped to change the subject. “What exactly is your degree in? Something law related I assume?”
“Why do you assume that?”
“Well.. usually the people that apply to be my intern are only interested in kissing my ass and getting ahead in the lawyer corporate world. But you haven't done that.. Yet,” He raised an eyebrow with a smirk.
“Oh.. yeah.”. you look down at the ground nervously.
“What are you going to kiss my ass now? Because I'll gladly let you do it,” He smiled cheekily.
“No no!” You waved your hands. “I mean that would be nice but--I mean no, what?” You were flustered.
“You're adorable when you're flustered,” He rubbed your bright red cheeks.
“Haha,” you pushed a hair behind your ear. You thought to yourself “Well he's not going to remember any of this anyway so you might as well tell him the truth,”
“Truth is.. I may or may not have manipulated the system to beat out those other snobby law students to get this job,” You admitted, still looking down.
“Really…?” He looked at you suspiciously. “...And why’s that?
“...Because I saw your picture on the file and I thought you were gorgeous and I wanted to see that face everyday,” You blushed intensely, still looking at the ground, not able to tell him in his face..
There was a very long pause and then he put a hand on yours. You slowly looked up at him and he was smiling cutely.
“That is the most adorable thing I've ever heard in my life,” He grinned.
“Really? You think so?” Well obviously he thought so he was programmed to think whatever you did for the adorable duh.
“Yeah I don't think I've ever had a woman try that hard to get my attention. Or want to see me that much, or even think that highly of me,” He grinned.
“I mean it's not really thinking highly of you, just that you’re really attractive,” You laughed.
“Right, of course,” He was blushing even more.
“And that was even before I saw your butt!” You laughed without thinking.. But he really did have the best ass you've ever seen in your entire life. Everyday you walked into that office you just wanted to take a bite of it.
Rafael choked on his food. “I um…” His face was red hot now.. “Thank you?”
“Anyway…” He tried to steer the conversation away from his butt. “You avoided the question,”
“What question?” You asked. Completely in all honestly forgetting what you were talking about. Once you got lost in Rafael's ass your mind kind of went blank completely.
“What iis your degree in?”
“It's embarrassing,” You looked at the ground.
“What? It can't be that bad,” He shook his head.
“Well I say it's embarrassing to someone like you,” You half laughed.
“Someone like me?” He looked offended. “What iis that supposed to mean?”
“I mean I don't.. I mean the person that I thought you were before today,” You grabbed his hand.
“Well you seem to have really disliked me before today,” he nodded curiously. “It's like you don't know me at all.”
“What? Of course I know you.” You assured him. "I love you, remember? And you love me?”
“Yeah.. I do, but I don't know anything about you,” He looked away as if he was trying to figure out an equation.
Oh shit. What's happening? Was this supposed to happen? Wasn't wearing off? Oh God.
“It's a theater degree!” you blurted out, trying to change the subject. Maybe it would work. If you distracted him maybe this would take over again.
He turned his head to the side and stared off blankly, as if he was rebooting. Then he looked up and smiled at you. “A theater degree? That sounds exciting!” He was back to his “usual self''..
You let out a sigh of relief. However, you wondered if you had gotten him out of the spell, would he have freaked out? Would he have accepted it? Would he maybe start having real feelings for you? Well, it was too late now.
“Does it really though?” You rolled your eyes.
“It really does. I don't know if you would believe this, but I'm kind of a theater nerd myself,” He chuckled.
“No way. You? Nahh,” You blew a raspberry.
“Seriously! I had a bit of a theater bug when I was younger in fact. I wanted to be a big Broadway star” He admitted.
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Raphael Barba the stuffy ADA of New York City as a big Broadway star? Yeah right!
“That's insane! You laughed. So why did you give it up?”
“Well.. as you know, being on Broadway isn't a great way to make money. It's more of a passion thing right?”
“So true,” You nodded as you were eating your empanada dessert.
“So.. I took a hard look at where I lived, and how hard my mom and abuelita were struggling and I vowed that I would get out of El Barrio. And make something of myself and be able to take care of them when I was an adult the way that I couldn't when I was a kid,”
You felt tears choking your throat once again for the millionth time that day. But this time it wasn't for you. It was for him. You really hadn't known any of this, to you he was just a pretty face. You actually had a lot in common.
“That is so sweet.” You pushed the trash between you away and moved up closer, pulling his hands into your lap and looking at him endearingly.
“Yeah?” He asked you with a half smile like a kid looking for approval.
“Yeah it really is. You gave up your passion for your family. I wish I was as selfless as that,” You said softly.
“What do you mean?”
What did you mean indeed? Did you really want to get into the story? Then once again you reminded yourself that he would have no idea no recollection of this after today, so you felt comfortable telling him your secret.
“Well….. You.... I came from nothing too. But all I could think of was getting out myself and never looking back,” You admitted in shame.
“Oh?” He looked at you curiously.
“Yeah, I was really passionate about theater and becoming a big Broadway star. With all the fame, and the money, and getting away from my small town in Jersey. So I threw myself into every activity, every theater, every play, every community theater, every performance, anything I can get my hands on. My parents were super supportive and never thought anything bad of me, even though they probably should have. They wanted me to have the world. And I took that for granted,” You began to get choked up.
“Why do you say that…?” He took your hand and squeezed it feeling like something bad was coming.
“They saved up their entire married lives to give me a college fund. I wasn't aware of it, but when I got accepted to NYU School of acting, they told me that they had enough saved for the first two years,” You continued, trying to breathe.
“Well that's good isn't it?”
“Yeah no totally, except I wasn't grateful,” You look down tears stinging your eyes thinking about how selfish you are as a kid. All I could think about and yell at them was how they didn't have enough for the full four years. How was I supposed to be a big Broadway star if I was still trying to pay student loans?”
“Oh Y/N…”.
“Yeah and that's not even the worst part,” Tears started stinging your eyes. You were lucky he was under some spell because he would definitely hate you after this under normal circumstances.
“Go on, I'm not here to judge you,” He pressed his forehead against yours. He realized how hard the story was taking its toll on you.
“One day it was my big end of semester performance and it was snowing. So my parents said that they weren't going to be able to make it. I screamed at them and told them that this was the biggest night of my life, and they couldn't be bothered to show up and what horrible parents they were and that they never cared about me and a whole huge temper tantrum like a 3 year old.”
You tried holding back sobs you had to make it through this whole thing without breaking down.
“No, honey…” He put a hand on your face.
”And so they tried…” You sniffed. They tried driving on the icy roads of Jersey to drive into the City and they served on black ice in the Jersey tunnel where they hit the wall and were killed instantly.
“Oh my god.. he whispered, “Baby I'm so sorry,” He grabbed you in a hug as you broke down. You just sat there for a minute letting him hold you while you sobbed into his shoulder.
“I just told them what shitty parents they were!” You sobbed muffled into his shirt. "And I killed them!”
“Hey,” he pulled your face from his shirt and looked you in the eyes. “No no you didn't do anything,”
“Yes I did! If I hadn't been such a brat and told them and guilted them into coming to see my stupid show then they'd still be alive!” you kept sobbing.
“No,” he took your head in his hands. “Look I didn't know you back then but I'm sure that your parents loved you and I'm sure that you loved them. That's why you wanted them there so bad. And sometimes it's just people's time. You didn't do anything wrong. Do you understand me?”
“Yeah.. I guess so,” you looked down. “I mean I was punished enough for it”.
“What does that mean?”
“Well I mean, obviously I was distraught from my parents dying. And that semester was the last one that was paid for. So kind of lied to you,” You paused to look at him apologetically.
“I had to drop out one year after that because I could only get student loans for that next year. And you had to have a certain GPA to get them to keep paying for the last year and I most certainly did not have that,”
“Oh...carino, I'm so sorry”
“Then me being me the arrogant bitch that I am, I thought well maybe I don't need a degree. Tons of actors don't have degrees. They can just make it on their own. So I just started throwing myself into auditions for about a year and a half, and I ended up living on the streets because I refused to take any kind of job. Telling myself that I was going to get my big break and be famous,”
“Oh my God”
“I know, right?” You laughed through tears. “I'm so stupid,”
“Hey you are not stupid,” Rafael grabbed your hands again.
“Yeah well, the first temp agency that I applied to had the first job as a personal assistant to a fancy lawyer. So maybe I'm not that stupid,” you smiled.
“Ah.. see? Happy ending. Maybe you went through all that to find me,”
“Yeah.. maybe,” You sadly smiled at him.
Although you knew deep down in your heart that was bullshit, because you really didn't have him. All you did was take another shortcut and be selfish and tried to take him for yourself instantly without any of the work. You were still a selfish bitch. And he didn't know that
“You know...if it makes you feel any better, you are lucky to have such loving parents,”
“What do you mean? Didn't you say you gave up your dream to take care of them?” You assumed that must have meant they were super close.
“Yeah well, for my mom and abuela..”.
You suddenly realized he hadn't mentioned a father.
"Oh? I'm.... No dad?”
“No, no dad.” He shook his head sadly. “I wasn't completely honest with you earlier YN,”
“What do you mean?” You took his hand, already knowing this wasn't going to be good.
“I was forced to give up my dream,” he replied sadly while staring at the ground.
“When I was a kid I would watch musicals at my abuelitas house. It was the only place I was….safe,” He continued.
“Oh God.” You muttered.
“I would dance and sing all over her house. She was the only person in my life who ever supported that side of me,” he continued to stare at the ground.
“When my dad came to pick me up one day and he saw what I was doing…. “ He stopped again, you realized he was trying not to cry.
“He tried to "beat the gay out of me.",” You saw tears dripping on the pavement.
You silently gasped.
"Not that I'm gay,' he quickly assured you.
"That was literally the last thing on my mind baby," you shook your head, tears coming to your own eyes as you pulled him into a hug. He collapsed into tears as you rubbed the back of his neck and whispered comforting words into his ear.
Finally he composed himself enough to finish his story.
“Anyway, he uh...he didn't just beat me for that. It was anything really. But I kept at it at my abuelas. She encouraged me even if she couldn't stand up to my dad. I can't blame her or my mother. When my mom caught me still pursuing it she told me to stop if I wanted to keep our dad around saying he wouldn't tolerate a….f word son,"
“Oh my god.” You whispered. You couldn't imagine your parents or any parents really, trying to discourage their kids from anything, and threatening them for being something they were so passionate about.
“Well I guess it didn't matter either way because he ended up taking off anyway. And I felt so guilty that we lost our only income, so my mom had to end up getting two jobs and my abuela moved in to help with bills that then I swore to become better so that I could atone for my sins,” He couldn’t look at you.
“Oh my god. Rafa, sweetie I…. That wasn't your fault., it wasn't your fault at all. He sounds like a grade a asshole,” You made him look at you just as he did when you told your shameful story.
“He was...is. I don't know if he's dead or alive actually. I haven't seen or heard from him since he left. I hate him so much,” he clenched his fists.
“Oh honey,” You pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“No you don't understand. My middle name is Eduardo, named after him. So he's always with me. I have always told people it's Antonio, because I want nothing about me associated with him,” He started to cry again.
After a minute, he looked back up at you very seriously. “I've never told anyone that story.”
“Really? Not even Liv?”
"Not even Liv," He stroked your hair. "I've never felt as close to her as I do with you.” He pulled you into his lap. “The truth is Y/N I have never felt safe since my abuela’s house. Until I met you,”
“Rafa…” You pulled him into a deep kiss, tears dropped down both your faces. “We can be each other’s homes now,”
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anne-white-star · 3 years
Brian may x reader : finding real love
Notes: reader is a dress maker for people of high status in London she even makes dresses for queen Victoria herself. one day brian may and his fiance come in to get her a dress for a upcoming ball. Unfortanetly brian isnt in a very loving relationship with his soon to be wife for she's very controling and some times straight up mean and abusive. They are in an aranged mariage. Reader and brian fall in love.       
(Late) Victorian au (1880s no exact year). Catherine Green is a random name i chose for the wife. I hope you guys enjoy reading.
Warnings : a bit of angst abuse
Words : 2829
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Late victorian era, London
In the center of London was a small shop but not just any shop, it was a dress shop called y/l/n Splendour Dress and co.
It wasn't a verry big establisment but it was really special, for even queen victoria herself had comissioned dresses here, only the people of high sosity could afort these dresses.
A carriage pulled up infront of the shop, a few seconds later the bell went of to sigal someone has entered, a man and a woman walked in.
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The man was pretty tall and had dark curly hair he also wore a suit (he doesn't wear a hat) the man was very handsome. The woman had blond hair and wore a elegant hat her green eyes were fierce and angry while the man his eyes were hazel and kind.
A woman came from the back about (your age) and stood behind the counter "good afternoon sir and madam how can i help you?"
"I would Like to comission a dress for my fiance"
"Alright any thing spesific, a tea gown, an walking suit, or a day dress
The woman cut her off with an angry tone "no nothing like that im here to comission a ball gown"
"Now calm down Catherine, im verry sorry about that"
"Oh don't worry its alright sir"
"May Brian may and Catherine Green"
"Ah alright mr may and missed Green" please do follow me so that i can sketch some ideas out and so that we could chose the fabric"
"Lead the way madam"
They came across an other woman in the hall "Oh Alice could you perhaps boil some water so that we can have some tea?"
"Yes of course y/n it be ready in a few"
"Thank you after you are done you can take a break" they walked further and came to a room "please do sit down , first we can chose the fabric then we can sketch a design"
"I want my dress to be red and black they are my favorite colors" she smirked
"My darling are you sure of that i mean its a ball after al you it would be beter if - " Brian was caught of
"No absolutly not i want my dress to be red and black" she folded her arms
"Alright darling as you wish"
"I want the black fabric to be made of embroyderd silk and the red fabric made of cotton."
"With or without a train madam"
"alright, anything els?"
"Yes i want black lace on the sleeves and red little bows made of silk there as wel"
"Alright madam, is it good that we decide up on a design of the dress now?"
"Yes go ahead"
"About the bodice and the sleeves what lengt would you like them?"
"Im sorry to interupt but here is the tea"
"Ah thank you Alice, you may go take a break now" Alice walked out the room again and closed the door "where were we? Ah yes the bodice and sleeves"
"I want the sleeves at elbow lenght and the bodice low so that it shows off my figure"
"Ah Alright, what about the skirt?"
"I want the under skirt to be a flounced underskirt and the under side of the dress to be made of the red fabric with silk ribons, at the front of the dress i want black lace going down. And the over skirt i want that to be the same fabric as the bodice."
"Alright madam" y/n looked at the sketch in front of her "is this what you have in mind?"
"Yes a hundred precent "
"Alright madam i wil ask my employees to look for the fabrics we would need"
Mr may who had been listening and drinking his tea the whole time spoke up "how long will it take to make?"
About 3 months sir if everything goes as planned"
"Wonderfull you hear that darling"
"Oh yes fantastic, make sure the dress is done by then because in 3 months there will be a ball at Buckingham palace and i want to look absolutly perfect"
"Yes of course miss we will try to get it finished by then"
"Good, thil next time" Catherine stood up And walked out the room
Brian did as well and held out his hand to y/n "Thank you so mutch for your time miss y/n, please you must excuse my fiance for being so rude"
"Its alright mr may no problem at al, tell me is your relationship a aranged one?"
"Unfortanetly yes, within a year we are to get Married unless i find somone i love"
"I hope you find the right person mr may"
"I hope so to, again thank you very mutch" he grabed y/n her hand and kissed it
"My plesure mr may, i hope you have a wonderfull afternoon"
"May we meet again" he smiled and
walked out the room
*little time skip*
Y/n was looking For the fabrics she Would need " Um Alice do you have any idea where the black embroyderd silk is?"
"Yes its on the top shelf next to the purple silks "
"Thanks, oh could you grab te maroon/red coton and a flounced underskirt/petticoat as wel"
"Yeah sure who is this oder for?"
"For miss Catherine Green"
"Oh i reconise her she has come in a few times to comission dresses her sizes are noted in our book, she's truly terrible she had 3 husbands already and now she's going to get Married to that poor sir may"
"Yeah i don't think they are a good couple eiter, both are from high socity what is sir may his feeld?"
"Hes an astrophysicist of the royal court of queen victoria"
"Oh wow so hes one of the highest in that feeld how extraordinary"
"Hes smart and not looking bad eiter"
"Yeah , i really feel sorry for him.... we need to get started the dress needs to be done in 3 months"
"Are you going to the ball to y/n?"
"I don't know i mean"
"You are also of high status because you make dresses for her royal highness, you deserve to go"
"You think so?"
"I know so, but first lets get started with making misses Green her dress first"
*time skip to 3 months later because im lazy*
The day for the fitting came y/n and Alice hoped everything went as planned.
"Good morning sir may and miss Green"
"Good morning miss y/l/n" he took her hand and kissed it
Miss green sighed "Is my dress ready?"
"Yes its ready please do follow me to the fitting room"
"I know where it is"
"Alright miss, i'll be there in a minute"
Mr may stood next to y/n "Im so sorry about the way she acts i talked with her about it but she won't lissen"
"Its fine mr may"
"Please call me Brian its my name after all"
"Alright wel then you can call me y/n.... tell me do you love her?"
"Who? Catherine? If i could be honest with you y/n then no absolutly not"
"Are you considering breaking off the arrangement?"
"If i find the right person then yes of course"
"I really hope you do you deserve better brian"
"Thanks you y/n"
"Y/n?" Came the voice of Alice
"Yes comming!, follow me brian" both of them walked in to the fitting room "miss Green how does it fit?"
"I want the corset to be tighter"
Y/n walked behind the curtains"Are you sure miss it already looks tight enough"
"No i want it tighter"
"As you wish miss" y/n undid the lace of the corset and tugged as hard as she could "i hope this is better"
"Perfect now is Brian here?"
"Good, oh Brian dear what do you think" Catherine stept from behind the curtain snowing her ball gown
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"what do you think?"
"I think it fits you perfectly dear"
"I take it" she went back behind the curtain to get changed again
"How mutch does it cost?"
"About a 150 pounds"
Brian grabed his wallet and drew the right amount "here you go"
"Thank you" y/n stuffed the money in her apron.
"Will you also go to the ball?"
"I would love to but unfortanetly i have work there are many dresses that have to be made"
"I can take over for you with Mary, y/n" said Alice as she was sewing some beads on to a evening coat
"Alright i will try and see, when is it?"
"About 2 weeks from now"
"I will try to make it" she smiled softly
Brian grabed her hand softly and kissed it "thill then my lady"
"Thill then"
*skip to the day of the ball*
"Have you decided what to wear?"
"No, i simply din't have the time to make anything" she sat down and sadly siged
"Oh cheer up, wait i remember something, we have some dresses that wern't colected mabey there is something in there for you"
"oh yeah thats true lets look" she stood up And walked in to the far back where a closet stood with the said dresses, she opend it up And looked at them , "i don't remember making these"
"I think your parents had been working on these last year they are pretty mutch still up to date"
"For who were these?"
"If i remember corectly these were ment for a baroness, but she and her
husband got killed before they could collect them"
"These are absolutly wonderfull "
"It should be about your size lets fit them"
So y/n did that and grabed al the dresses and tried them on, everything was exactly her size
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She decided to go with dress number (insert number here) "i see that some things got lose we still have time"
Yes we do now come on we need to prepare"
About a few hours later the dress has been looked at, Alice had put y/n her hair up in a fancy evening style and added some hair accessoires.
"so how do i look?"
"Like a real princes oh before you forget these come with the dress" she held out a box y/n opend it inside were a pair of earings a necklace and tiara and a fancy hand fan
"Oh these are wonderfull" she put the necklace around her neck and put the earings in
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"These were also met for the baroness" Alice placed the tiara on her head "you have to leave now a carriage is waiting"
"Alright, are you sure you can manage?"
"Don't worry to mutch it be alright me and Mary can manage just fine
"Alright" y/n put her evening coat on and picked up the train of her dress "its going to be late"
"I know dear now go and have a lovely evening"
"I will thank you for the help"y/n walked out of the back door trought the garden out of the gate, she climed in the cariage and sat down. The cariage went on its way to the palace. About 30 minuts later she arived and stept out die left her coat in the carriage. Y/n walked inside the palace up to the grand staircase to the ball room.
Music could already be heared when she walked up the staircase and once she arived the music was mutch louder.
Once y/n stept in to the ballroom a lot of people looked at her wondering who this beautyfull woman was dressed in fine fabrics and jewels.
"Miss y/l/n is that you oh how wonderfull to see you here you look extraordinary"
Y/n turned around at the mention of her name "sir Mercury its so great to see you, wearing my wonderfull suit i see" she smiled
"Oh yes its absolutly wonderfull my dear " he kissed her on the cheek "tell me why are you here?"
"Wel sir may had invited me to come along"
"Ah i see, if i remember corectly he was talking with sir taylor near the table overthere"
"Thank you"
"I have to go now my dear sir deacon needs my assistance"
Y/n smiled at him and walked to the table where sir may was indeed talking to sir taylor. Next to sir may stood miss Green, the was clinging to his arm. He looked a bit anoyed. "Sir may"
brian turned around "ah miss y/l/n so great to see you" he shook off Catherine and walked to her and softly grabed her hand "sir taylor this is y/n y/l/n the seamstress, she makes fabouls dresses, coats, shoes and suits"
"Nice to meet you miss" he said in a flirting tone, sir taylor grabed her gloved hand and put a kiss on it
"Like wise sir taylor" she smiled softly and put her hand to the side. Y/n could feel somone glaring at her when she turned around and came face to face with Catherine. " Is everything alright miss Green? "
"Yes everything is perfectly fine miss y/l/n" she said with an snarky tone.
Y/n looked down at the ground, sir taylor ofered her his hand "would you like to dance miss"
She looked up "Of course" she grabed his hand and they both walked on to the ball room floor
"You know i don't like her either"
"Miss green, sir may deserves better" said Roger while they both danced across the floor.
"Yes he does, they arnt the perfect fit for echoter Brian deserves somone who's kind"
"Someone like you"
"Why me?"
"The way you carry yourself very eligant yet kind and soft spoken, he really deserves you miss y/l/n". As the dance ended they both bowed to echoter and walked to the side where Brian stood alone drinking his wine
"Brian, you should dance with miss y/l/n I bet she will Enjoy your company while i go looking For my fiance"
"Alright Roger thank you," Brian held his arm out "care to dance?"
"Yes of course" she smiled and they both walked on to the ball room floor again. When they were done with the dance they walked to the doors "brian can we please go outside for a bit i need to talk to you"
"Yes of course" they walked in to the garden and dat down on a bench
"Look its probably not my place but you really should break of the arrangement Brian"
"She really doesn't deserve you brian she doesn't love you she will make you feel misereble"
"You are right but i can't break it off unles i found somone ells"
"Wel i know somone who would love you for ever and always"
"Who would that be?" He looked at her with a questionble look on his face
"What about me? Do you think we would be a good fit?"
"Perhaps if its really what you want"
"Im asking you brian, its important that you find somone who will help with continuing the family line"
"Yeah you are right" he sighed and put his face in his hands, his shoulders started to shake as he softly cried while you sat beside him
"Brian i really want to help you trough this"
"Y/n Im torn between an arrangement and real love" he looked up at her while the tears runed down his cheeks.
She softly whiped the tears away with her gloved hand and then placed it on his cheek "you have two choices Brian follow your heart"
"I choose real love" he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips "i love you y/n y/l/n"
"BRIAN WHAT IS THIS!!??" They both turned around to an angry Catherine running at them, they both stood up And Brian stood in between y/n and Catherine.
"Im breaking off the arrangement"
"You can't do that you have no right"
"I do because i am the hire of the family titel and you are not this is oficialy over"
She looked from Brian to y/n " You did this you took him from me!"
"No she din't i simply took love instead of money thats all"
"You know what i never ever wanted to be yours Anyway you are not good enough for me i don't know what my father saw in you" she walked away with a big huff
"Im so sorry about that"
"Its alright im not blaming you"
"I ment what i said, i really love you" he huged her close and gave her a kiss on the forehead
"I love you to"
They both went back inside to tell sir Mercury, taylor and deacon the good news about their arangement
Brian and y/n found love in eatch other and lived a long and happy life together
The end
I hope you guys enjoyed reading please let me know what you think 😊 I put a lot of time and efort in to this plus a lot of late nights so please concider rebloging if you like the story
Have a Nice day everyone♥️
Greatings from Anne
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missroserose · 2 years
🗑+🤔 for the fanfic questions<3
🗑 What is one fic idea that you loved at first but then scrapped?
Oh man. There've been so many...I know at one point I'd written several thousand words of a Stranger Things post-S3 fic where El guides Steve through the woods in the middle of the night, then Steve descends into a dreamworld of sorts where he has to find Billy, except he's actually helping Billy escape from the Russian base where he's been trapped...it sounds completely pretentious when I write it out like this, which may be why I never finished it. But a number of the better ideas ended up recycled into Act II of When the Waters Start to Cross, so clearly the effort wasn't lost.
🤔 What’s one genre you’ve never written that you’d like to try?
That's an excellent question, actually...I don't tend to think of genre when I'm writing, it's more of a realization along the way, like "oh this is a horror story", or "I totally just wrote a coming-of-age tale", or what have you. (Waters was supposed to be a romance/monster of the week style fic, but it ended up becoming almost Lynchian surrealist horror...) So I guess the answer is, any, so long as the right idea came along!
Happy International Fanworks Day! Send me a fanfic ask.
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fenristheorem · 3 years
Hi! can i ask you lance with a very motherly s/o? thank you
 You're my first ask! Thank you so much @marytheredqueen!
I was originally planning on posting headcanons in a few days regarding Lance and how growing up as an orphan effected him and his relationships in the long-term, so I'll add in headcanons about how growing up without his mother specifically effected him as well 😊
~Headcanons under the cut because these are long as always~
Growing up without a mother:
Oh boy
This is major ouch factor
Almost too much to explain
I said ‘almost’, not ‘it is’
And bear with me, really, because this is SO LONG
Lance and Valkyon were born in a volcano; hatched from dragon eggs and then lived in a nearby village until the time they decided to leave (based on what Lance said in Origins episode 26). There’s very little detail about the specific events, but it’s known that Lance was able to charm a lot of people at a very young age with his strength and self-confidence. It’s also known that he learned about and practiced his dragon powers beginning at a very young age while Valk never participated. It’s unknown if they told the villagers where they were from, how they were found and if they could even talk when they were taken in, but it seems that the villagers never knew about their heritage
Lance was raised by this village, everyone took part in teaching and caring for him and his brother. They knew everyone, played with all the kids, learned lessons from everyone. It was well known that they were orphans, but nobody thought ‘well, they’re not my kids so I won’t worry about them’. Lance and Valk literally had a village to raise them. They learned a lot of general things because of this, from people working all different types of jobs, so therefore Lance is well-versed (roughly because it’s a distant memory, but it’s still there) in a lot of general aspects of life. He’s pretty self-sufficient.
However, he had a village to raise him, and while everyone took care of him, nobody was his mother figure.
At first Lance wasn’t entirely sure why other kids had a mother and why he didn’t. Were him and his brother abandoned? He found it very endearing, but overall strange, that one specific male and female took care of certain kids when the whole village could raise them all together, like with him and his brother. Over time, he learned social constructs better and began to understand more that his case was a special one.
Lance realized then that he and his brother could have had the same things the other kids had. He could have had an actual home instead of floating between houses, he could have had an actual adult to cook meals for him each night, who would learn his specific tastes over time and treat him as a major priority. He began to learn that he could have had a mature figure to rely on when he felt sad, scared, overwhelmed or lost. Everything that he was providing for Valk, he could have had as well, with someone who had more knowledge about life and their heritage. In a way, Lance felt a bit lost. He had to think of everything when he was growing up, because while he did have the villagers to teach him lots of basics, he never had one specific adult that he could really connect to and ask all his really important questions to.
Lance began to realize what he’d been missing. He watched the interactions between child and mother more, and saw how safe and happy the kids looked, and then realized that he would never feel the safe, warm embrace of a mother who would love him unconditionally and without question.
And then he realized that his relationship with the villagers, while nice, could never truly fulfill his biological need to have a mother
Suddenly he had a painful hole in his chest every day
But he kept moving on, because he had been fine so far without
He was sad and disappointed by the fact that he would never experience having a mother, but he realized that he at least had the villagers to give him the basic skills in life. It wasn’t the same, but it could have been worse.
So he grew more, watched out for Valk and worked hard for every scrap of reward he gained in life. He came from humble beginnings.
But one day he felt a bit different, and by the end of the week he realized he had specific abilities that none of the other villagers seemed to have.
He decided to practice with these abilities, learn how they work, as he must have gained them from his heritage and, therefore, they’re the only part of his parents that he’ll possibly ever know. He kept it a secret, realizing that his powers could be used in many ways, hoping to someday surprise the villagers and defend them in their darkest hours; to show them that something good became of him because they helped him.
And then he learned about what his heritage is
Talking to a village elder, he realized that his powers aligned perfectly with the legendary dragons, so he inquired about what happened to them. Realizing their noble downfall, he learned the first thing about his mother and his people that would stay with him forever. He now aspired to make them proud, even if they weren’t with him.
Lance took to harsh training after that. Staying up late into the night, practicing all that he’s learned about basic life skills, but also alchemy, spells, rituals, and his abilities. He never told anyone his heritage, and he urged Valk to keep it a secret, too; you never know what dangers could lurk around two young, inexperienced dragons if the world knew about their heritage. However, Lance still practiced heavily, and the first time he managed a successful transformation into his dragon form, while messy and very tiring, he felt as thought some part of him was right. He finally felt closer to his family. But the effects of not having a mother would always stick with him
Time passed. Lance and Valkyon found the Guard of El, and Lance found a very comfortable position as Chief of the Obsidian Guard. He was one of the leader’s right-hand-men, nearly indestructible, the greatest warrior in the guard and the protector of the good and innocent. He was proud of himself, Valk was proud for him, he had everything, could have any woman, everyone loved him. It was the village but better, because he could uphold and defend what his family, his people, his mother had sacrificed themselves for.
And then reality hit him hard
He discovered a horrible truth; him and his brother weren’t the last surviving dragons, and the guard was hunting them down
Now beemoov never specifies anything of how Lance found out, why there were surviving dragons when allegedly all of them sacrificed to create Eldarya, etc. but I have a headcanon of my own on how he found out (and frankly his whole past in general). It deviates a bit from canon but at least it’s a nearly full backstory (I’ll write about it if anyone requests it)
So when Lance found out this truth he never felt more grateful that he decided to keep his heritage a secret. And he pressed Valk to keep it a secret even more, in fear that his brother may not take him seriously.
This discovery turned Lance around. Suddenly he was feeling sick to his stomach. He felt blind. Were his people angry at him for defending the people who live within the realm they created? Possibly. After all, they all fought each other. He felt lonely again; and he didn’t have his mother to guide or hold him in this time of fear.
Lance began to realize that he was looking through rose colored glasses. He began to realize that few people acknowledged the dragons’ sacrifice anymore, and instead the point of the guard was to shove their nose in others’ problems, problems that hurt each other after the dragons sacrificed to keep them safe, and the guard seemed to use violence at times as a solution to these already-violent issues.
Ok, I’ve been deviating from the original idea of growing up without a mother, but I promise this is important.
Lance felt disrespected at this realization; for his people, for his parents. How dare they destroy each other when the dragons sacrificed themselves to avoid that?
How dare he help them in that by acting for the guard?
Suddenly his mother’s sacrifice seemed worthless
Suddenly he grew up without a mother for nothing
Suddenly he was no longer noble, like his people, because he was helping to hurt the people the dragons died for
His whole life - screwed up from the beginning and left lonely and scared with so much responsibility - was for absolutely nothing.
He couldn’t stay there anymore, and he couldn’t look at himself anymore
He faked his death, and decided that the crystal had to be dealt with, and so the long, lonely road driven by hurt, loneliness and a desire for revenge began, because certainly the fairies of Eldarya no longer deserved the precious gift of life from the dragons. They did nothing but hurt each other, so why did they deserve it now?
And he wasn’t afraid to die in this quest if it guaranteed his success, because after helping the fairies in their destruction, he didn’t deserve the gift of life from the dragons, his people, his mother, either.
And then it got worse
Instead of succeeding, he took away the last of his family that he had
Suddenly he realized how much the gift of life is worth
Suddenly the hole in his heart, opened first long ago when he realized he would never have a mother, re-opened from the ice that froze it over for his sake
He realizes now, that just because he felt he had a valid point, he ended up worse than the fairies of Eldarya. None of them killed their own family in their own ambitions, none of them sought to destroy Eldarya. They fought to protect their families and people, like him, but they didn’t kill their own family
He resigns, numb from shock that he could ever do such a thing on impulse, and allows himself to be taken prisoner
He asks only one thing - he wants to help bury his brother. Maybe it will provide closure and begin the path to some sort of change from what just happened
No? Well... it’s not like he deserves that honor anyways
The take-away from this whole spiel is that Lance grew up with a tragic past and it all snowballed into a lashing out of anger and disappointment upon realizing one fact, and this could have been very different if he had a mother. He would have had a closer relationship with others, he would have known how to nurture others better, how to possibly work through his emotions better rather than jumping into different situations immediately because he feels a certain way. He missed out on many vital life lessons that he should have learned, but didn’t. And while a village to take care of a child is nearly always beneficial, the child still needs it’s parents. A village is not a substitute for parents, it’s an extra teacher.
Due to this, Lance will always be different from others. He had to be self-sufficient, he had to take care of his brother, he had to be the rock, he had to be curious. It was the only way he could truly assure his and his brother’s survival, because they needed to be prepared in case the villagers decided to make them leave. Why? Who knows, but they didn’t have their parents, so clearly they could always lose everything they have, even when what they have is so little
Overall, I believe Lance is very smart, professional and strives to be better everyday, especially in A New Era, but he’ll never truly grasp the understanding of having close personal relationships. He can hang out with others, have a bit of a laugh, but he’ll never really rely on anyone, he’ll always have a back-up plan, a second way out. In a way, he’s always planning for the possibility that everything could fall apart and be taken from him, even things that he never knew he had or should have, so he’ll always be distanced from everyone. He can play the part of ‘perfect Chief of Obsidian and greatest warrior’, but he will always have a hard time understanding how to maintain a close relationship, because the only person he was ever actually close with was Valkyon, and he’s gone now
Perhaps if he had his mother as a guide, a teacher, a brick house in the storm of life, he would have perceived things differently and things never would have ended up like this
Lance with a very motherly partner:
Firstly I want to give a quick overview of what I perceive to be a ‘very motherly’ S/O - Being motherly suggests that someone acts upon maternal instincts, and maternal instincts differ from person to person. However, seeing as this ask requests a very motherly S/O, I’m taking a lot of the major aspects about maternal instincts, and what is typically seen in a mother and a motherly S/O, and writing them all within one person. So while there are many motherly partners and people, many of them are motherly in specific ways and are a bit less so in other ways, but again; very motherly S/O = putting as many major points as possible into one person. I originally wanted to write specific traits under their own bullets, but they just merge so much with each other to the point that it’s easier to just describe the general relationship. Hopefully readers who love Lance find a bit of themselves within some of the traits that I provide 😊
Lance didn’t originally intend to get this attached. He enjoyed her company, found it endearing that she worried about him despite his past actions, and found it even more endearing and amusing that she worried about him getting hurt on missions (you know, he’s known as the best warrior in the guard for a reason). However, something about how she treated him struck a chord in him. The villagers he grew up with were never this worried about him... they always just let him do his thing without much bothering. But her... she brought back to surface a deep chasm of mixed emotions that he thought he had forgotten. He realized in time that, while he likes when others depend on him and look up to him, it’s also quite nice for him to have a bit of a break. He begins to notice that he spends so much time trying to provide for others that he forgets to take care of himself sometimes. Suddenly it felt nice to have someone look out for him. He spent so long alone, without his brother and with no one to watch his back, that he realized having a close companion is something that he craves.
And this scares him
He’ll withdraw a bit, try to press the fact that she doesn’t need to worry about him. He’ll be fine, he’ll survive, he’s been through worse, but she won’t have any of it. He’s so used to allowing himself to live only the basics in life that when she begins to tug him into trying to enjoy and appreciate his life a bit more, it startles him a bit. How does he do that? Does he deserve it? He doesn’t really think he does, or can. So he gets a bit irritated every now and again, his personality bristles a bit as he tries to stress that she shouldn’t worry about him. He doesn’t mean to be prickly towards her, but it’s just so hard for him to accept that she wants to offer something the he lived just fine without.
He softens in time, begins to wonder why she wants to offer care to him. He comes to her one night and questions her; her motives, her thoughts, her feelings
She explains that it’s just who she is - she worries - about everyone. She’s a caretaker, she wants to help provide, to help heal, and he doesn’t do a very good job at hiding the fact that he’s in pain...
He softens upon realizing that she’s like this with everyone - it makes sense now - and is then disappointed at the fact that she treats him the same as she treats everyone
Just like the villagers...
It strikes a painful chord in him again, but he’s more comfortable at least understanding her reasoning now... but he notices subtle differences in time...
She seems to check in on him more-often than she does with the others. She tells him to be careful on missions and stresses that she doesn’t want him to get hurt. She worries about every little thing to the point where he needn't bother worrying because she has it covered. When he does get a small wound, or in the rare case he falls ill - but it’s not enough to send him to the Infirmary - she’ll move herself into his room to take care of him. She’ll try to be more included in his life and offer new subjects that she knows more on because she loves to teach him about things and she knows he’s genuinely interested in learning new things
Lance realizes that he truly enjoys all of this - yes even her endless worrying and rants about how she told him to be careful
And when she tries to scold him in a fit of anger because she doesn’t approve of something?
Fucking adorable
He begins to realize that she seems to spend more time with him than with others, seems to worry about him more than she does the others, cares about him more than she does the others
So he asks her another night why she’s so adamant on this - why she feels the need to press all of this onto him instead of giving it to someone who will - almost for sure - be more responsive to this. After all, Lance doesn’t know how to react to this; why does she insist on doing all of this for him when he’ll be fine anyways?
She admits that she enjoys his company, that providing moments of happiness during the day makes her happy as well, and that she admired his sturdiness in the whirlwind of life, but knows it can be tiring, and she enjoys being his safe place when he needs a break
“Well what if I don’t want to be fixed or protected or supported?”
“Then why do you keep letting me care for you like this?”
That stops him
And then he realized; he can find it irritating, annoying, and even overbearing at times, but he really enjoys having someone to care for him in a way that he should have had but never had
“I know you grew up without parents, and without someone to really take care of you, so I understand if my actions seem very strange to you, but this is what it’s like to have someone watch out for you. I worry because I care for you...”
But the look in her eyes, the way she speaks in a soft - affectionate - tone, and how she leans slightly towards him, almost looking ready to take a step towards him but hesitating, all tells him that while she may be a very motherly person, her feelings for him run deeper than just friendship.
‘I worry because I care for you...’ and the more she cares the more she worries
The instant this all dawns on him, he finds one of his hands tangled in her hair, the other wrapped tightly around her small waist to leave as little distance between them as possible, and his lips on hers in a harsh, desperate kiss that reflects all the things he wished he had but never could
Nobody ever offered to care for him like this, nobody ever opened their arms and gave him the opportunity to collapse into them in fatigue, so why should he push this away?
It’s then he realizes that he told himself to control his impulses better. Who’s to say she was alright with moving this quickly?
But she doesn’t push him away - she pulls him closer and lets him take her down onto the bed, and although she allows him to take the lead, they both know that he’s the one basking in her presence
He begins to soften more in time. He begins to realize that instead of being irritated, it’s better to listen to, accept, and diffuse her worries and concerns for him by reminding her that he’s incredibly capable of taking care of himself because he has the knowledge and experience to do so - he’ll do his best to come home safe. And when he’s hurt or ill, he lets her help ease his suffering. She’s forgiving with him, but still needs to scold him and rant every now and again because she needs him to know that she really cares for him. He lets her into his life more, finds places to take her that will spark new conversations and listens intently
And over time, he notices he begins to pick up a few things from her. He tells her to be careful, expresses his worries to her, panics a bit upon finding out she’s in the Infirmary and then steels himself to prepare for the worst as he heads there to do what he can for her (although, unlike her, he doesn’t come bolting through the Infirmary door like a wild Black Dog before asking so many questions that one would wonder if he’s interrogating her). And it comes to the point where one of the two doesn’t need to move into the other’s room for a few nights to care for them; they live together now.
He does this all because he knows better now that that’s what you do when you care for someone
However, as much as he’s gotten used to the fact that his S/O can act very motherly about him - and has come to appreciate that he has someone who cares for him that much - he still hurts occasionally at the fact that he never had a mother. He never had the first caretaker that he should have had
His partner recognizes this once in a while, when it seems like it’s really bothering him again
“Are you ok?” - silence - “You can talk to me, I’ll always be here to listen...” - silence - “You don’t need to talk to me now if you don’t want, I understand, just know that I’ll listen if you need to talk it out.”
His piercing blue gaze meets her kind eyes, a soft glint of a mournful smile on her face. She knows he has moments like these; where he thinks about everything he lost and everything he never had and needs to take a while to mourn it all again. But instead of looking away again, as he used to do...
“I wish I knew her... She seemed so taken by her emotions at times, like me, but somehow she still managed to make the right decisions through it all... I just wish I knew her, had her as a mother...”
“I know no one could ever take her place, or teach you the full extent of what she could have taught you, but she’s still your mother. She’ll love you no matter what, she’ll encourage you no matter what. She may not be able to tell you, you may not have been raised by your mother, but you’ll always be her son and she will always be your mother.”
She hugs him, offers to make him a cup of hot tea and cuddle on their shared bed, and he doesn’t resist. He misses his mother, wishes he could know what she could have taught him, but as he settles on the bed and watches as his partner shuffles around, he realizes that his S/O is right. He has a mother, who does care for him, who does forgive him (hopefully, he can’t be sure), he just can’t see or talk with her
His S/O returns to his side, hands him the cup and lays against him, her shoulder resting on the headboard behind him as she wraps her arms around him and settles her head at his shoulder. He relaxes against her as she strokes his back, and it occurs to him that while he didn’t know his mother, she must have acted similar to this - caring for him and loving him unconditionally
It occurs to him that his motherly S/O could ease the pain and grief that he carried with him from the beginning, and it’s her natural personality that does so
I don’t think that second headcanon was much shorter than the first one, but hey, this was written with Lance in mind and there’s not really a quick and easy way to explain Lance and his emotions lol.
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itsonlystrange · 4 years
First off, I am not sending hate to any Mileven shipper. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I will only be providing actual facts and evidence, and hopefully will be staying relatively unbiased. As always, this is a PRO-BYLER account. If you do not ship Byler you do not have to read all the way through :).
This will be a 2 part series. The first part will address MILEVEN and how they will not be endgame. The second part will address the likely hood of BYLER being endgame.
So, I’ve been sucked into the Mileven side of Instagram after liking ONE Mileven edit, which is besides the point. Recently I’ve noticed a lot of people say that “They were love at first sight!” Or that “Why would they break up now if they’ve had 3 seasons of development?!” So I’m going to go ahead and supply you all with:
To start off with the first statement, “They were love at first sight!”
May I remind you how utterly mortified Mike was when he found Eleven. As any 12 year old boy would be. He did not give her any form of “heart eyes”. He looked genuinely scared. He took her home as a courtesy, not because he was “madly in love with her!”. Obviously not everyone would take home a random 12 year old bald girl, but El being taken to the Wheelers was not meant to be seen as a romantic gesture, it was literally just a plot device for the Kids to figure out she had powers.
May I also remind you that Mike wanted to get rid of her. He stated multiple times that she was just a weapon, and a device to find Will. He only let her stay BECAUSE she knew who Will was. He was fully ready to let her go, and send her back to wherever she came from. In the end of it all, he only cared about Will and finding Will. El was simply used as a device to find him. Obviously, now, I do think Mike cares about El. But not in a romantic way, more so a “cute puppy way”. I think he loves her, but that he’s not IN LOVE with her, romantically.
The show has shown constantly how horribly they work together. El’s most confident and prideful moments were when she was AWAY from Mike. Mike’s most loyal and selfless moments was when he was AWAY from El. They do not compliment eachother like that.
Second of all, they have nothing in common. In season one when Mike was explaining his figurines to El, she looked genuinely disinterested. Now some may say that this could be because she didn’t quite understand what she liked back then, which just further proves that she shouldn’t be in a relationship! If she can’t decide if she likes a dinosaur toy or not, how is she supposed to decide if she likes Mike! And we also know that she did have the ability to differentiate between things she liked as she seemed genuinely interested in Nancy’s clothes and photos. The only thing they have in common is shared trauma! Notice how all the other couples share something:
JANCY: love for writing and adventuring
LUMAX: both are comical and enjoy the cinema and the outdoors
DUZIE: science
Along with most of the other couples. But what does Mileven have In common? Can anyone please name ONE good memory between the two when they weren’t in danger. All the “good memories” they have are from when the world was ending.
If you said “Oh, but they make out a lot!” That’s not a ‘good memory’, hell, that’s hardly memorable at at all. Hoppper, Will, and Lucas even admit that for those 6 months in between season 2 and season 3, all they did was make out. That is not love, that is infatuation. Infatuation is a strong desire for someone, mainly romantic, that focuses on the physical aspects of their relationship rather than the emotional. Love is a deep rooted feeling. You do not need to make out all the time to be in love. Love is emotional, of course it can be physical, but you need that strong feeling before any physical aspect of love can be genuine.
Mileven have nothing in common. It’s very clear that Mike is still into D&D and is a nerd. Especially as he might be in the Hellfire Club next season (a D&D club) and also because we’ve seen that D&D is going to be a big aspect of season 4, meaning he’ll most likely be infatuated with it again. It’s obvious that El needs to figure herself out first. She needs to develop into her own human being. She’s still learning. She’s into poppy colors and magazines and makeup (which is great!), but even on a more basic level, they still share nothing in common. Mike is a nerd, we have established that. And notice how in s3 (when he was with El) he felt the least like himself. He acted so out of character. He didn’t use weird Star Wars analogies or gush about the new movie coming out like previous seasons. Now of course one could say that he’s growing up, but we see that he is genuinely still a nerd as when he’s in time of crisis he goes back to those analogies. He goes back to gushing about the new toys he’s getting at Christmas, he goes back to being a nerd. It’s almost as if he’s wearing this mask, and at the end of s3 he forgets to put it on. And then El kisses him, and he realizes that he didn’t enjoy that. So we know for a fact that he is very much still into D&D and those other shenanigans atleast to an extent, considering how happy he was to hear that Will wasnt giving up the party or D&D. Shouldn’t Mike be with someone who is atleast a little similar to him? Regardless of his sexuality, shouldn’t he be with someone that allows him to be his true self? He was incredibly Cocky and arrogant in season 3, almost like he had to be a “man” for El, and in his mind, being a ‘man’ was giving up all of the things he loved, and only kissing El, almost as if she was an object he had to obtain more than an actual human. Which Max agrees with! He treats her more so of a mask he has to wear to cover his true self. Shouldn’t el be with someone who likes the same thing she does? But then again, what does el like?! Exactly! She needs to figure out who she is before she dates anyone. She didn’t even know what shirt she would like to wear!
Now I just find this silly. Development? Really? Okay let me show you their “development”
SEASON ONE: El could only speak 4 or 5 words. They had essentially zero romantic interactions besides the kiss at the end. If El and Mike never kissed (excluding the time they almost kissed in the bathroom), people would most likely only see them as a friendship. Let’s flip the tables a bit. If El was a boy and Mike and El never kissed, this would further prove that they don’t have any romantic tension. Lucas says it the best: “You only like her because she’s the only girl who isn’t grossed out by you!” Which I agree with completely. It’s more of an infatuation. Mike is infatuated with the idea of finally having a girlfriend. Because he knows something is wrong inside him and wants to ‘fix it’ by dating a girl, as if suddenly his sexuality identity issues would disappear. El doesn’t know anything about Mike, and to El, Mike is a hero. To El, Mike is fearless warrior. And Mike knows that isn’t true. But with el, it gave him the chance to start fresh. It gave him the chance to start and become a different person. He puts on his persona of being “strong” and being able to stand up for himself, yet in the end, it’s El who does the saving. The reason he ‘likes’ El so much is because she isn’t disgusted by him. But mike is afraid that if he shows his true self, El wouldn’t like him anymore, and he’d lose that mask. And without a girl to cling to, he’d finally have to confront his sexuality. Which is why we never see Mike being his true self around El. In every single season, he is this false person. He’s wearing a facade, to keep up with these lies. Because he fears that If El knew how nerdy he really was, she’d be uninterested, and he ‘can’t lose her’ because he knows that El is most likely the only girl who will never be grossed out by him. Because all the other girls in this town know who he is. That nerdy guy from the AV club. And he needs a girlfriend. He feels safe that way. Because if he doesn’t have a distraction from his sexuality then he might take an extra step on accident and accidently act on those feelings
Ep 1: making out
Ep2: breaking up
Ep 3-6: fighting
Ep 7: neutral
Ep 8 ½ : neutral
Very end of ep 8: together?
How is that romantic? So from what we know, Mileven got a kiss in season 1, a kiss in season 2, 2 make out sessions, and then they fought. HOW IS THAT A GOOD RELATIONSHIP?
90% of their relationship throughout all 3 seasons has been kissing and fighting. That’s literally it. Not once have we seen them just hanging out and talking. Not once have we seen them go on dates. And as Hopper, Lucas, and Will put: that’s all they do! The Duffer’s purposefully put that line in to show that, it’s really all they did for those 6 months. There was no emotion to that. Just kissing. That’s it. Kissing and fighting is all Mileven has been. And honestly they would have been pretty cute in season 3 if the Duffer’s hadn’t messed it up. But the duffers aren’t stupid! They did this on purpose! Because they wanted us to disagree with Mileven. They wanted us to find it obnoxious. Because they know that they don’t have chemistry! Finn and Millie are brilliant actors and could have definitely pulled that off, meaning the Duffers had to have specifically said to “not act in love”. Mileven is a summer fling, Finn said so himself. They are their true selves when they are apart, and when they are together romantically, they stunt each other’s growth. They’re way better as bestfriends. El needs to figure herself out before she can date anyone.
Thank you for reading part one! Part two will be up soon, and will follow why I believe Byler will be end game!
Heavy inspiration from @kaypeace21 & @hawkinsschoolcounselor
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inksmellsnice · 3 years
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Title: The Tour Guide Rating: General Audiences Words: 1577 Pairings: Bumblebee/Blades Summary: With Earth and Cybertron finally safe, Bumblebee officially joins the Rescue Bots Academy as a full-time mentor. Naturally, Blades overthinks everything except how much he may mean to his old friend.  External Reading: FFN , AO3  Author’s Notes: @secretsolenoid​ for @toraokami303​ !! So sorry it’s late. ;u; The prompt was Blades helping Bee unwind by taking him somewhere scenic on Griffin Rock. In the end, it ended up being more about how they got to going somewhere scenic than the actual scenic location, but I hope you enjoy it all the same! I also included a reference to one of the other prompts of Optimus relaxing, because I almost did that one instead. Yes, absolutely, Optimus needs a vacation. Let this mech rest.
“…And that’s the plan to get Bumblebee to stay at the Academy full-time when he comes to visit tomorrow!” Blades said with a flourish, gesturing once again to a map of Griffin Rock, pinned haphazardly to the wall of his quarters and absolutely slathered in sticky notes, looking to Cody for a reaction.
Blade’s map included the site of every daring adventure Rescue Team Sigma-17 had gone on (that Bumblebee hadn’t accompanied them for).  A variety of other dangerous locations were also noted, and Blades seemed a little too hopeful something bad would happen at one of them during the tour… not that there was any way said tour could really be completed in a day; it had taken the copter-bot all afternoon just to explain it. Cody smiled, concerned but amused. “I thought Bumblebee already agreed to teach full time?”
Blades straightened up and stammered. “W-Well, I mean, technically yes, but I need to show him just how exciting Griffin Rock is so he doesn’t even think of changing his mind!” 
Cody leaned forward in his seat on Blades’ berth. “But what happened to all of the things you said you wanted to do with him when you had time? You never got to sing karaoke together, or play video games, or just… take a walk and catch up without some disaster cutting you o-“
“Booooring.” Blades waved his hand dramatically. “I told you I wanted to do those things years ago¸ Cody! You were like… half your height!” He crossed his arms and took a dignified stance. “I’ll have you know you’re not the only one who has matured since then.”
“Uh huh.”
It only took Cody staring his old friend down for a moment for Blades to sink on his pedes. “…And, well… Bumblebee is a war hero now. I mean, he already was, and of course even before that he was my hero, but now he’s saved Earth and Cybertron twice! Which means his tour has to be twice as impressive! I still can’t believe he’s going to be coming here to teach with us when he could be signing autographs or going on late-night talk shows, or… or…”
Blades’ started pacing. Once again, Cody knew, Blades was overthinking things, but saying that would just make him overthink more. He frowned and tried to choose his words carefully. “It just doesn’t seem like you included much time to be yourself and spend time with your friend.” 
(And obvious crush, Cody thought, but he wasn’t going to open that can of worms when Blades already looked like a single additional atom of anxiety could make him shatter like glass. Now was not the time to meddle.)
“Whaaaaat, of course I did! I’ll be giving him the tour and being my whole, extremely cool and heroic self the entire time!” Blades looked at the map again, perplexed. “Was something in my pitch not clear? Do I need to go over it again?”
“N-No!” Cody shot up from his seat with placating hands. “No, I got it the first time, buddy, and I just remembered I have… a thing. In a place. Somewhere el-”
Cody was saved from thinking up an elaborate excuse by a knock at the door.
“Blades? You in there?”   
It was Bumblebee. 
Blades squeaked and looked at the wall clock. 6:30! Bumblebee arrived half an hour ago and he wasn’t there to welcome him! The medic scrambled to the door of his room, Cody all but forgotten, smashing the button to slide open the door. “B-Bumblebee! You’re here!”
“Is everything okay? Figured you’d be outside when I-”
“When you got here! Right! I meant to be and then I just…” Blades put his hands on his helm in a panic. “I am so sorry, I-!”
Bumblebee stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Blades, cutting his flailing friend off and chuckling. “Easy, pal. I was just worried is all.” 
“…Oh,” Blades responded meekly.  Bumblebee pat him on the back and Blades sunk into the reunion hug, returning the embrace with a tight, long squeeze before backing away. “Yeah, I was…uh…” He rubbed the back of his helm sheepishly. 
Cody smirked. “Blades was just telling me about the elaborate tour he was going to take you on, all over Griffin Rock, just the two of you.” 
(Okay, maybe now was the time to meddle just a little bit.) 
Blades’ fans clicked on and he glanced at Cody with equal parts betrayal and flusterment before turning his attention to the map that had looked brilliant up until the moment Bumblebee entered the room and now looked like the rambling mess of a crazed fanbot. But Bumblebee had seen it, no turning back now. “Right! Exactly!” Blades scrambled over to the map and gestured to it. “There’s so many places I wanted to show you and so many stories I haven’t told you yet! I figured tonight you’d get settled in, and then tomorrow we could start at Old Canyon Road. One time, Jerry was transporting a truck full of chattering teeth and uranium, and…”
Bumblebee stared at the map with a flat expression and drooped optics. 
“…You don’t look excited.” Blades frowned.
“Oh, uh, it looks awesome Blades,” he said with a forced smile, “and we should totally go check all of these things out, but…” Bumblebee chose his words carefully – Blades had clearly put a lot of effort into this, no matter how casual he tried to act about it now. As it was, he felt bad for not putting on a face for his friends’ sake sooner. “Was the plan to do all of this in one day?” 
“…Too much?”
Bumblebee smiled, amused, much like Cody had before. “Maybe a little.” The helicopter sighed and his shoulders slumped. “Hey,” Bumblebee put a hand on Blades’ shoulder. “I’m not shooting it down or anything, but what’s the rush? I’m here full time now, remember?”
“I know, but…” Blades looked away from Bumblebee, to Cody, who coaxed him to keep going. “Bumblebee, you’ve gone on so many amazing adventures and saves worlds and I’ve just… I can fit nearly everything I’ve done on this map. I just thought if I didn’t show you how exciting life with us can be right away, you might change your mind and go find something cooler to do.”
Bumblebee stared at Blades for a moment. He always knew Blades looked up to him, but how long had he been feeling this down on himself? “Blades,” Bumblebee closed the distance between them, smiling softly. “I didn’t agree to teach at the Academy because I thought every day would be some big adventure. Heck, if I’m honest, I’m kind of glad that I can finally relax a little, you know? Even Optimus has been taking it a little easier.”
Blades blinked at the idea of Optimus relaxing, momentarily distracted by the strange mental image of the idolized titan chilling out with a data pad in an oil bath with a cup of high-grade. In a less serious discussion, he wouldn’t have been able to keep a straight face, but they could talk about that later.
“None of us wanted to be fighting a war forever,” Bumblebee continued. “Besides, Griffin Rock is a nice place and all, but I didn’t come here for the island…”
Bumblebee took Blades’ hand in his with a gentle squeeze, and Blades’ optics instantly locked onto his incredibly soft ones.
“…I came here to spend more time with the people I care about.” 
Blades almost fainted right then and there, because when did the bot he admired more than anybody else come to care so strongly about him in return? “O-Oh… In that case… maybe tomorrow we could take a walk and catch up…?” Blades stared at their hands for a moment, and found himself emboldened to interlace their fingers, but once he had he didn’t have the nerve to look up at Bumblebee’s reaction.
(Cody smiled and quietly made his exit while the two bots were focused on each other. Now was definitely the time to meddle.)
But, after a moment that felt like an eternity, Bumblebee bent down into Blades’ field of vision, smiling.
“Why not now? You can’t tell me you don’t know a great place to watch the sunset around here. Then after, maybe we could finally get around to that karaoke session you always talk about?”
And with the way Bumblebee looked at him, the way he said that – his hushed voice and piercing optics - it almost sounded they were discussing a date. 
Or maybe Blades’ imagination was getting away from him. Either way, he knew his answer.
“That sounds perfect.”
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mor-goo · 3 years
Coco Fic Day - Recommending My Work and Others’
“Like One of Her Crime Novels” - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24353140
Oh boy, here I go self-promoting.
I arrived at the Coco fandom fairly recently last year, long after the film came out. I was hooked, more with the world and the characters than the film itself. But I was somewhat disappointed to find a lack of fan-works surrounding (in my opinion) one of the least explored characters in the Rivera family, Victoria.
Naturally, the most logical conclusion was to write my own work, but the issue was what about.
Plenty of people had done stories about Héctor and the Riveras, be it pre-death, post-film or in AUs where he lives. And more power to them. Never have I read two that felt the same and they’re always a joy.
Some are completely different. Here’s a few works I adore in particular:
·        “Somos Familia” by whattimeisitintokyo: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14180298 - an AU where Héctor lives. Also, there’s an elephant alebrije. What else do you want?
·        “Reanimated (No Zombies!) return AU” by emletish: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16864066 - one I definitely didn’t expect to make me laugh as hard as it did.
·        “Crisis in the Rivera Family” by GreatMarta: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15960923 - a fic that focuses on the adults in the living family, a type I rarely see. I think this may have been discontinued, but what chapters there are really explore the dynamic of Luisa living in a family that dislikes music.
·        “Flores” by GaylartMess: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19342207 - focuses on Oscar, Felipe, and their respective OC relationships. I think this also may have been discontinued, but goddamn does it make me live in the hope of seeing more.
·        “Doll’s Tears” by sweetiepie08: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15595830 - a bit of supernatural haunting for Ernesto post-murder
·        “Down to Dust” by PengyChan: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13333533 - Ernesto-centric fic post-movie, with plenty of twists. Definitely interesting, given the inclusion of the emotions and unresolved conflict between him and Héctor as well as everything else that’s going on at the same time
·        “Dealing with Shadows: Princess and the Frog x Coco” by im_fairly_witty:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/14053143 - title says it all. A crossover made in heaven
·        “El Camino a Casa” by Bookwormgal: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14670495 - a sadder read, giving the poisoning of Héctor a much more drawn-out arc. But Ernesto gets what coming to him and Imelda finds out he hasn’t abandoned the family, so that’s always a bittersweet upside
·        “Neither Can You” by BabyCharmander: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13456638 - very intense. Plus we get a few chapters from Victoria’s perspective. Victoria’s perspective!
For my own writing, I wanted to focus on Victoria exclusively, with the other family members as side characters, even Héctor and Miguel. She always intrigued me as a character, as we never got much from the film other than the fact that she’s got a sharp tongue and doesn’t seem to suffer fools gladly. There were a whole host of ideas I had about her, which could be explored best as an AU or by changing the events of the film around a bit. Hell, why not do both?
And so, my story, Like One of her Crime Novels was born.
The plot begins with Victoria (in the Land of the Dead, before the events of the film) meeting my original character, Anton Doucet, at the shoe shop one seemingly normal afternoon. Without giving too much away, she soon joins him in his “investigation” – using the term loosely, as Anton is anything but a conventional detective – which ends up tying in with the events of the film by the end. There’s bantering, fighting, drama, crime, tension, breaking and entering, more bantering…
What do I call that? An AU? A simple manipulation of canon? Who knows.
Thus comes the nub of the matter: why should you bother reading it?
When I started writing, I wanted to portray Victoria as closed off and private in every sense of the word. She feels uncomfortable around new people and prefers familiarity, especially in her books. Her home life, her hobbies, her romantic tendencies – she never gives out this type of information to anyone unless they’ve gained a monumental amount of trust. After a certain revelation, however (not getting too specific, spoilers, etc.) she feels she cannot fully trust her family anymore and desperately needs someone else that’s just as calm, stoic, understanding and supportive.
Anton is none of these things.
Anton is scatter-brained, impulsive, rude, and seems to enjoy irritating people just for fun. And to top it all off, his semi-permanent smiling and lack of eyeballs (yes, you read that correctly) creeps everyone out. However, in many ways, this is just a mask, in the same way Victoria’s stoic coldness is too. He shows small acts of kindness throughout and in return, she cracks a smile once or twice at his remarks. She occasionally finds him genuinely amusing and slowly warms to his company. Over time, this develops into a full friendship, despite (again, spoilers) the growing stakes around them. The only question is why he hides himself behind a cheap grin and bright red suit.
This fic is a lot more action / adventure-focused than other works out there, I believe. The Mexican death gods are also thrown in at one point. Call it a fantasy addition, call it lazy writing, you’ll probably decide pretty quick when you see it. We haven’t actually reached the events of the film yet, but hopefully this post will motivate me to put another chapter out there.
If you do choose to read, please leave comments! Kudos are fantastic, but comments really make my day. Even if they’re not 100% positive and add constructive criticism, it still provides me with the knowledge that my work is being received and read.
Here’s a second link to it so you don’t have to scroll all the way back to the top:
Thanks for reading my longest Tumblr post yet and I hope to see you all on AO3!
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rudemaidenswrite · 4 years
Can I Join You?
Part 2
BY: @pusantheamazonian
Fandom: Stranger Things          Jim Hopper X Reader
Part 1
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It's been a few days since the carnival ended and your brother has left for the next town. And you have not seen nor heard from Jim either. You knew it was just a fling that would never get off the ground. He has a teenager at home. That alone will cause more chaos than trying to get back into the dating scene. So in a weird angry habit, you decided to bake cookies when you got off work.
El’s curiosity is still high about Y/N. With a plan she hides in the bathroom after school with Max guarding the door. Sitting on the floor, the radius tuned to static, faucets running and a handkerchief over her eyes. Taking deep slow breaths she's able to focus and locate Y/N. 
In the black nothingness Y/N appears, standing alone in a kitchen. Walking closer El is able to tell you're making cookies and singing along to the radio.
"Y/N?" El whispers but your sudden turn towards her threw off the connection. "Damnit!"
"You okay?" Max poke her head in.
"I'm fine." Grumbling El pulls the handkerchief down. 
"Did you find her?" Max asks sitting next to El.
"Yes, she even looked at me like she heard me."
"Weird. So what now?"
"Time to see her."
Opening the door you're surprised to see Jane for several reasons. 
1. It's a school night. 
2. You didn't tell Jim where you live. 
3. This was not how you expected to officially meet her.
"Jane what are you doing here?" Confused you are staring at a determined thirteen year old.
"Visiting. May come in?"
"Okay… does your father know you're here?" Absently you move to the side and let her in.
"Do you have any cookies?"
 "Yeah, why don't you sit at the table. I'll get you some. Do you want some milk?" Pointing off to the side at the table.  You instantly know that this child is smarter than she leads people to believe. 
"Yes please." 
You watch her sit at the table and wait for you. Jane stares at everything. Placing the milk and cookies in front of her you should probably know the real reason she's here.
"El." She quickly interrupts while picking up a cookie.
"I go by El."
"Ok El.” Sitting across from her you pick up your own cookie. “Do you want to tell me the real reason you hitchhiked 18 miles after school to my place?"
You watch her nervously curl inwards before responding.
"Dad and history class." 
"Why don't we start with history class." You quickly pick option two.
El nods and pulls out her book and folder. 
"There's a test next week and I don't understand anything." Handing you an outline. "Dad sucks at helping me with homework."
"Growth and Expansion is basically about the major changes in the U.S. during the 1800’s. So the Industrial Revolution, the changing role of government, and development of foreign policy." Moving to a chair closer you keep the outline handy.
As you go over the information with her you lose all complete track of time. You just happen to look at the clock to see the time.
"What?" Frightened El looks for the danger.
"It's almost seven. We gotta get you home." You are up and out the chair. You need a plan.
"Why? El it's a school night and I bet you didn't tell your dad you were going to be home late." You're trying to process the carelessness of this child. Jim is in over his head. 
"I did not."
"Well do you want me to call him so he can come get you or you want me to take you home?" 
"Can you take me?" El pleads with her best frowny face.
"Yes but you'll have to give me directions."
"Okay." El packs her stuff up while you make her a snack baggie for tomorrow. That's filled with cookies and a separate bag for Jim. 
In the car El stares out the window bobbing along to the music. 
"So what is going on with your dad that you had to see me?" Reaching you turn the music down. Time to bite the bullet. 
"He likes you but thinks that I don't understand the complications of dating a single parent. He is being chicken. Mike explained it to me."
"You've definitely thought about this." Well if that’s not a child being a wingman you don't know what is. She definitely cares about his happiness. 
"It would be nice to see someone regularly at home. He works late and forgets the time."
"Well you'll just have to light a fire under his ass. In my experience single parents are the slowest moving people ever. Stubborn and grumpy." Chuckles you spare a glance.
"Your experience?"
"I was raised by a single dad too. Growing up it was just dad, my two older brothers and me." Reaching into your purse and pulling out your wallet. You open it to the pictures and hand it over.
"Mom?" El slowly flips through them.
"Don't know. She left one day, decided that she didn't want a family anymore." Shrugging it’s an odd thing that has always bugged you. 
"Don't be dad eventually remarried and I got an awesome new mom and a little brother." You motion for her to keep flipping.
"New mom?"
"Mama… is not well. Dad let's me visit every couple of weeks. She lives with Aunt Becky."  Frowning, she puts your wallet back in your purse.
"It's nice that you visit her. I bet it makes her happy even if she can't show it."
"I hope so." She gives you a small hopeful smile.
El has you driving to the outskirts of Hawkins. Alongside a gravel road, turning onto a hidden dirt driveway. Pulling up you see the cabin setting on the hill.  You also see Jim walking frustratedly to his truck.
"He beat you home."
"Shit." She whispers seeing him too.
Honking your horn, he turns around making eye contact. As you nod to the passenger seat. There's a wave of relief for a split second before he walks closer.
"Next time you need help with homework. Just tell me, it's dangerous to be walking alone." You make sure to say loudly once you both are out of the car. Hoping to dampen the punishment.
"Jane." Jim grumbles, angrily throwing his cigarette. 
"See stubborn and grumpy. Just like I said." Nodding at him you give her a wink.
El laughs. "I like her." Jim sends El a furious look, which causes her to head directly inside. "Bye Y/N."
"Bye." Waving you watch her head up the hill before walking to Jim who has started pacing. "She's a firecracker but a good one." 
"Thanks for bringing her home. Where did you find her?" Huffing he runs a hand through his hair, still trying to calm down. 
"I opened my door and there she was. Don't know how she figured out where I lived."
"God… thanks again."
"No problem and here." Diverting his attention you hand him the bag.
"Yeah I was making some before El showed up. It's like the smell drew her in."
"I'm surprised."
"About what?" Confused, why would he be surprised? You're a decent person of course you brought her home. 
"Jane's very standoffish, won't interact unless she likes you and knows you're a good person."
"Oh! Well that's a good thing, not wanting to be involved with bad people." Nodding that's understandable. 
"She likes you, be prepared to see her randomly." Shaking his head in disbelief. 
"That's okay we can talk about our feelings again."
"You talked about feelings?" 
You watch him visibly pause. Apparently it never occurred to him that El would want to talk about feeling to someone else.
"Yeah like how she wants you to be happy because you want her to be happy. Also about how single dads are stubborn and grumpy all the time."
"That's what that comment was about? I'm not grumpy and stubborn all the time."  Scoffing he straightens up.
"I doubt it, I know the grumpy and stubborn attitude pretty well." Teasing you mender back to your car. Leaving him to his own devices.
"Like minds think alike. I was raised by a single father." Winking you climb into the driver’s seat.
In your comfiest pajamas and ready for bed, you're finishing up with brushing your teeth when there's a banging on the front door. It's almost 10pm, you didn't plan on anyone coming out. Looking out the peephole, you're surprised to see who it is. 
"Jim? What are-" Opening the door you don't know what to say.
Cutoff, Jim's mouth is on yours. Hands hold you close as he backs into the nearest wall. Your hands find their way into his hair. Pressed closely, you can taste the lingering cigarette. 
"You came all this way for a smooch?" Pulling away you can't help but to smile. 
"Uh huh. You know I'm not buying that, right?" It's obvious to you that he had no set plan. 
"I figured you would." Shrugging he keeps a flirty smile. "What would you say if I said that I had to see you tonight."
"I would say that you're probably crazy because I look like a goblin." Saying that you realize you should probably let go of him. 
"No you don't. I'm the mess. I have no idea how to raise a teenage girl and I've been a grumpy father for years."
"If you say so.” Chuckling it's becoming clear how much El acts like him. “You know the police showing up late at night to my place is going to start gossip."
"Why don't we give them something to actually talk about?" In boldness he steals another kiss. 
"Well I'm no expert on firearms but I do know that's not a gun in your pocket."
"And the cheesy wisecracks." With a defeated sigh he head falls into the crook of your neck.
"Don't expect anything less. I have my own repriatore of dad jokes." Pulling on his collar to redirect his attention. "If you're looking for a hint my bedroom is the door on the left." Nodding down the short hall.
Next thing you know, you're looking at the floor and his ass. It's a short trip, inside he shuts the bedroom door with his foot as he dumps you on the bed. Scooting upwards you pull him with you. There’s no way in hell you're letting him escape without something happen.
"Fuck. Do you have any idea how crazy you make me?" Mumbling he kisses his way down your throat. Stifling a whine, you're beginning to lose all coherent thought processes. Just his presence makes you feel all tingly. 
"Do you know how hard it was not to kiss you outside the restaurant?" Delighted in this turn of events. You make your own little confession. Now is not the time for soft, slow romance. This is needy, rough lovin that you both so clearly need. 
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sophiexteresa · 4 years
Thomas Sanders Instagram Q&A Transcript
From @thatsthat24’s Instagram story, 25/8/2020. Questions in bold. Text added to the story in (parenthesis/brackets), and descriptive info in *italics*. I tried uploading the video(s) too, but Tumblr is having issues, so here’s the transcript only! 
Thomas: I had some time this evening so I figured, hey, why not? Another lil’ Q an’ A, so if you want to ask a question *posh French voice* be my guest!
When approximately will the next sanders sides be out? Very good question! Uh, we are aiming this for a late September release, that’s what we’re all working towards.
Favourite musical you have been in or just favourite musical in general? This is really tough, I can’t decide. I’m between Rent where I was in the ensemble, Peter Pan where I played Slightly Soiled, which was just one of the lost boyos — boyos? Boys — and, uh, Into The Woods where I played Cinderella’s prince and that’s where Roman’s first costume came from.
Are you ever gonna due your hair purple again? I loved it! Yes! I miss the purple hair too.
Do you love me? *laughing* Yes of course! I do love me.
What would each of the sides’ reaction be to seeing the Grand Canyon? *speaking very quickly* Roman would be revelling that we made the journey, Patton would be marvelling at the memories being made, Logan would be telling you to look at these fascinating signs for important information, Virgil would be telling you to ‘get back from those cliffs!’, Janus would be telling you to take pictures to make it look like you’re next to the cliff, ‘for clout’, and Remus would be like *Remus voice* ‘you could push somebody and get away with it’.
Also when will we get more Picani, I miss him? You and me both, Bri, and honestly with the amount of amazing cartoons that have come out recently *sighs while smiling* yeah, I am a-hankering (?) to get back to Emile!
How have you been doing, like really? Mental health is important as you teach us: I feel like everybody’s kinda struggling with mental health right now, especially people in the USA with COVID. Uhm *clears throat* for me I continuously struggle with the balance between work and leisure time, um, social media makes that difficult, blurs the lines, and I’m working on it.
Do you have any tattoos? Umm, I don’t, uh, I struggle with the permanence of tattoos. And like do I, can I, make a decision that I like? But! There are tattoos that I might like. Where I’d put them, I have no idea, umm, but I think like, maybe like, little stars!
What rank of “Gay” are you? Big gay? What rank? *speechless pause* uh... General. You know? I wanna do my duty. Come back a hero. An all-American Queero *gets an idea* *roughly quoting Hamilton* Queer comes the General!
Can you please make Logan day something Patton would say? *Logan’s voice* Something Patton would say? Umm... please, I request more baked goods from the kitchen so that I can fill Thomas’s body with more trans-fats at 3 am. I don’t know, I don’t like this game.
Have you ever dated a girl? *awkward silence* I have. It was pretty uneventful.
Do you miss your friends? *laughs* Oh... *face crumples as if he’s about to cry*
What are you voice acting in or are you now allowed to say? Not until tomorrow.
When did you know you were gay? I think I answered this one on the last Q&A, but it was early. I was like, 9 or 10 at least.
When will we see Gavin? Gavin has started school! He’s back in his hometown, so I don’t know when I’m gonna see him. He’s still getting taller — I can actually include a picture of him that his mom sent me after he got a new little hairdo *insert photo of an awesome Gavin here*
Do you miss vine? For like, sentimental reasons, yes. Uh, I mean, technically it had its issues and I don’t miss being restricted to 6 seconds anymore *laughs*
What has been your favourite part of the day? My favourite part of today was actually... I came up with this last minute short video, and I got it done and I sent it to some friends and they really liked it. I have to save it until Thursday thought, but it’s just nice to come up with stuff that makes your friends laugh.
Janus acting like Remus? *Remus’ voice* Remus here! Looks like the Dukey just dropped in! *Remus’ laugh* *Takes a breath and snaps into Janus’ character* I spend a lot of time with him so I’ve had a lot of practise.
Why do I feel like we’re gonna have another angsty Virgil moment? When is Virgil not being angsty...?
Please can you say trans rights? Uh, heck yah trans rights! I, uh, this one was very simple but I wanted to say it!
Do you think Virgil would be into anime? Actually, if you remember from, uh, Accepting Anxiety, uh, part 2, there’s actually a Death Note poster in his room, so he definitely likes some anime.
Hi! Can you say hola to the Hispanic fanders in el vecindario fander? Please? We love you! Oh my gosh, *a very naturally american pronunciation* hola! that’s very kind of you guys. I appreciate all of the support you guys give, and I love all of you guys. 
STORYTIME! I love you: *upbeat voice* Storytime! I love you back.
How gay are you? Like, 15 gay! I rank General! 
How did you end up meeting and babysitting Gavin? Gavin is actually Leo’s nephew, so he would come up here, uh, during the holidays or during the summer, and alternate being baby-sat between me and Leo’s mom - his grandma.
What was the inspo for Janus’ outfit? Ooh, that’s a really good question, uh... Joan had a vision in their mind for almost kind of like this early 20th century or late 19th century kinda Jack the Ripper vibe.
Any advice for gaybies to fit in with society? Don’t apologise for being yourself. If people have an issue, that’s their issue that they have to work through. Do not apologise for being yourself. 
What type of gay are you? (Math gay, plant gay, caffine gay, etc): Wait, there’s such thing as a math gay? I am absolutely that, and I feel like I’m just gonna be naming traits about myself but I’m a trivia gay, a driving gay, apparently a math gay, a Disney gay *laughs* and a theatre gay.
Not a question but I’m glad to be alive at the same time as someone as great as you: Dude, this stuff is really sweet. *laughs* That’s really sweet, umm, trust me, I feel the same way about all of you. Honestly.
Why don’t you own a doggo yet? I... went to Petsmart today - I didn’t get an animal, but like... I’m thinking about it and this question is like... hmmm...
I’ve run out of cartoons to watch, any recommendations? Owl house! Owl house, owl house. I just tried it, and I immediately got hooked. Infinity train’s also a really good one, duck tales is amazing, and I’m getting ready to start Tangled: the animated series, so *shrugs*.
What is Patton’s opinion on rats? *adorable Patton voice, slowly zooming in on his face* They are tiny little squishy precious babies!!!
How do I ask people for their pronouns? I don’t know, I mean, I don’t think it’s like a big deal? I hope we could get to the point where we could just be like ‘what are your pronouns?’ and then they would tell you, and then you’d just, you know, carry on the rest of your conversation. 
A circle has no bounds and it’s the same with your beauty: This is really precious, and it of course came from Nash (?) who is a poet, he published a lot of wonderful, wonderful poems on twitter, they are are amazing, and you are once again far too sweet, Nash. 
Dream role? This is a pretty broad question, so maybe dream theatrical role would be Sweeny Todd, dream movie role would be anything in the marvel universe, uh, really just give me anything in any voice acting role, *smiling mischievously* egg rolls are also really good.
Can Remus please say ‘I am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand’? *Remus voice* I am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand! (love that vine)
Are there still plans for the Roman series? *nods* Oh, yeah, yeah, it was definitely hindered by COVID, uh, as was this Sanders Asides episode that’s coming up, which is why it’s taking longer in the editing stage, it is our, uh... strategy, for circumventing the obstacle, and we hope you like it.
Are we still getting an August playlist? Uh, heck yah you are! But honestly, actually, if you guys have any suggestions I should include in the playlist, lemme know! I’d be happy to get some suggestions - but yes. You will be definitely getting one.
May I please see your feet? *confused, slightly disgusted expression* *begins to move the camera away from his face* *holds up a tape measure, extended to 1 foot long* *grins*
Any shows on Netflix to recommend? Umbrella Academy is really good, Dragon Prince, uh, She-Ra, of course, umm The Hollow (?) is really cool, there’s a documentary about video games called High Score, that was really fun.
Roman, who would you say the gayest side is? *Roman’s voice* Oh, we’re all equally gay, okay? *chuckles* it’s a sexuality, not a personality trait. *takes a breath and speaks quickly* I’m just kidding it’s *sings* meeeeee!
If you were not a YouTuber, what would you see yourself doing and why? Uh, maybe putting my chemical engineering degree to some use. *laughs awkwardly* Uh, I went to school for 5 years for that one.
Like you literally make me so flipping happy: I’m glad! I don’t know what I’m doing to do that, but the feeling is absolutely mutual. 
Can we have Virgil saying “Falsehood”? *hair already over one eye, in Virgil’s voice* Uh, c’mon, okay, sure. *very quietly and unenthusiastically* falsehood. Is that good? Is that? I don’t know, I don’t wanna steal his bit.
Which Sanders Side do you feel you embody most? Ah, I would probably say it’s either Patton or Roman because Patton can be definitely me, all the time, just really enthusiastic about things and finding things cute, but Roman... Roman’s sensitivity, oh. That’s me. 
What was the first job you had? I actually worked as a page in a library! A- pages basically just kinda like, shelve books, check books out; it’s one of the chillest jobs I’ve ever had, one of my favourites, and my dad always had a lovely dad joke for it: ‘you’re working as a page, when do you get promoted to a book?’
How tall are you? I usually say 5ft 10, but I think I’m trying to be a little more realistic with myself. And I’m probably 5ft 9 and a half. *zooms in on his face, staring into the camera* I’m holding onto that half a foot for all dear life. 
DROP THE SKIN ROUTINE PLEASE! This is very sweet, uh, I, *laughs nervously*, uh, I use Curology? They’re very nice. Umm, just... different kinds of lotion, I guess. (I suppose I should write down what I do lol)
Can we get a FALSEHOOD? *is standing* *clears throat* *points upwards from his eyeline* FALSEHOOD! 
Do you have a boyfriend if not are you planning on dating soon? I do not, uh, dating is kinda difficult right now midst COVID, you know, kinda tough... love... in the time of Corona... umm, but, you know, option’s open.
When was your first kiss? I’m sure I’ve answered this somewhere, it was in high school, I might have been 15 or 16. It was with a girl. *Shakes head* And all I can remember is hitting teeth. A lot.
Can we get a super super vague hint about the new Asides episode?  Alright, I’m getting ready to end the Q&A, so this, you know, if you’ve made it so far you deserve this super vague answer, umm... it includes a side that was not in the last episode. (This isn’t much, I apologise lol)
Thomas: And that is it for this evening! Thank you so much, you guys, for watching. I know some of you are still over in Europe watching and it’s like 4 in the morning, and I need to go to bed so thank you all so much for your questions - I gotta do this more often ‘cause I really enjoy it. Love you guys, gals, and non-binary pals. Peace out!
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tiesandtea · 3 years
Suede @ the El Rey Theater, Los Angeles, USA, May 21-22, 1997
A brilliant fan review by Terry Jordan (x)
They say crime doesn't pay, and we all assume it to be true. But tell that to the 800 or so fans who caught Suede the evenings of May 21 and 22 in Los Angeles for two terrific, sold-out performances that, oddly enough, owe a certain debt to a crime.
A few nights before, the group's equipment was stolen between shows in Boston. This resulted in Suede quickly putting together an acoustic set for the second night there - which, from various accounts, went over great. Arriving in Los Angeles with the acoustic set fresh on their minds, they also had a pretty good idea that most of us in L.A. would be attending both shows. "We've always liked L.A., and we wanted to give you all a treat," drummer Simon Gilbert said as he signed autographs in the back of the hall May 22. The result: a "regular" electric set the first night and an incredible acoustic set the second night. How fortunate we all were!
Those of us Suede fans who follow the trade papers and the Web sites were probably not surprised by much that happened the first night. After all, by the time the tour arrived in L.A., the boys had been on the road - playing generally the same set - for more than six months. We figured they would open with "She" (which they did), close with "Beautiful Ones" (ditto), and inbetween perform most of "Coming Up" and a few songs from each of the first two albums (yes again). Still, to those of us seeing the band live for the first time, there were two particularly striking features:
*The contrast between the exuberance of Brett and Richard on the right side of the stage and the posed, icy demeanor of Neil on the left side is amazing - something you can't take your eyes off all night. Brett looks remarkably like a young Bryan Ferry, and his stage movements on this tour (twirling the mike cord, jumping up and down), recall Mick Jagger in the mid-1960s. Richard is similarly enthusiastic on stage, reminding us of Bernard on the 1993 tour. What, then, are we to make of Neil, who spends most of his time looking bored, impassive, or even angry? On songs that he didn't play on originally (i.e., "The Wild Ones"), he folds his arms and stares out into space, looking annoyed that the band is performing them, or he smokes a cigarette. On "New Generation," he turned around on his organ bench and, with his back to the audience, rested his elbows on his knees and stared at the floor. It's obvious that he knows he's being watched, and he poses for us. Is he really upset that the band is performing pre-"Coming Up" material, or is this just an act? Who knows? Regardless, it's intriguing to watch.
*Also providing an alluring contrast is the set list. A wild "Animal Nitrate" is followed by a soft "By the Sea." A gentle "Saturday Night" precedes a powerful "New Generation." An achingly beautiful "Picnic by the Motorway" is followed by a buoyant "Beautiful Ones." Suede brings you up, then lets you down gently. Then brings you up again. For me, one of the real highlights of this night was hearing live renditions of songs that didn't move me the first time around, but these bolder versions make you look at things in a different light. "Picnic by the Motorway" is a good example. It's easy to listen to "Coming Up" and be bowled over by "Trash," "Lazy" and "Beautiful Ones," while overlooking "Picnic." But in L.A., Neil's keyboard was wandering all over the place and Richard was working magic on his guitar. The result was mesmerizing. I thought, "Gee, that's 'Picnic'? Wow!"
The only down side to the concert concerned some technical problems that bothered Brett and ultimately proved distracting to the audience. Time after time, Brett yanked out his in-ear monitor and thew it to the ground, only to pick it up again on the next song for another try -- which inevitably failed as well. A couple of times he stalked off stage. It was annoying to see him so annoyed. After awhile, you just wanted him to leave it alone and sing. Did Elvis need an earpiece in 1956? Did Jagger wear one in 1969? How about Bowie on his "Heroes" tour? So why does Brett need one now? Ah, modern technology . . .
Fortunately, modern technology took a back seat to pure, raw talent the next night. The boys came out for the May 22 show carrying stools and acoustic guitars (well, Richard and Neil did - Mat was still electric). They strummed into "Europe Is Our Playground" - yes, without keyboards; yes, with Neil on guitar. Such a different version, but such a nice one. "Trash" was like a sing-along around a campfire, and so was "Lazy." Gee, can you really play these songs this way and make them sound good? Suede did.
The real key this night was the song selection. It was almost like a fan club gig, featuring several B-sides. Brett received huge ovations when he announced "My Dark Star" and "Sound of the Streets" (hey, these are real fans here!) and the ringing guitars and haunting vocals took your breath away. Other songs that most fans along the "Coming Up" tour didn't hear, but that we fortunate ones were privvy to: "My Insatiable One," "Another No-One," "This Time" and "The Power." Neil took to the electric piano (not the synthesizer, mind you) for "By the Sea" and "Picnic by the Motorway," turning gentle songs even gentler.
But oh, dad, this band really drove us mad on the encore. Brett came back out and asked for requests, and as a result they played (get this) "Metal Mickey." Unplugged! Neil turned sideways on his stool - he didn't play on this one - and buried his face in his hands, laughing. The rest of us marveled. We knew the band was really letting down their guard to play THIS song in THIS manner, and I, for one, felt flattered that they would unmask themselves in this way. None of us wanted this intimate night to end. But we knew it had to.
So here I am, in my 40s, an old drummer from garage bands in the 1960s, flying from St. Louis to Los Angeles to see these guys, hanging out with fans young enough to be my children. Was it worth it? Before I left the Midwest, I thought, 'Well, if the concerts are duds I still have the palm trees to admire and the ocean to walk along." But I needn't have worried. Even if Suede had come out that second night and played their first night's set again, note for note, it would have been worth it. As it was, I and 800 others were treated to two tremendous concerts, as different as night and day, that we won't forget for a long time.
Suede. The best band in the world? I dare you to name a better one.
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