#this has gotta be my favorite gag in the series it’s so funny
mylittleredgirl · 5 months
Hi! I'm so excited you're finally watching MASH! I hope you enjoy it and I selfishly hope you grow to like Margaret who starts off as not great and then becomes great and my fav.
i am having a great time!! i started at the beginning of season one and just finished season two. some of the discs in the complete series set i got as a gift last year don't play right or cut out mid-episode, which is driving me a little nuts, but i guess i'm having the classic syndicated tv experience of randomly missing stuff and always having some episode i've never seen floating out there forever.
my long form thoughts so far for those interested:
it's such a great collection of characters for comedy, because they are all pathetic and terrible in their own unique way, but are so charming and funny and easy to watch while they commit their little crimes against common sense.
i really like the mix of episodes -- the We're Having A Caper episodes and then the ones where it's like we're just kind of living here and things happen in some kind of order, but the things aren't necessarily related, which feels very appropriate for the setting.
i'm watching without the laugh track, which highlights one of my favorite things, which is that the main and background characters laugh out loud at what's happening. it gives the show such a lived-in and messy feeling. i just came off of watching the good place 5 times in a row, where the dialogue and plot are especially tightly packed, so this feels especially like it has a lot of just hanging out.
i keep thinking about how i'm watching this show fifty years later, not knowing what is the 70s lampooning itself, what is the 70s lampooning the 50s, and what is actually being played straight but i assume is a joke because of my perspective. some scenes are hard to watch on purpose and some are hard to watch by accident.
i wish i were watching it with my dad so he could keep pausing it to explain things to me, even if they don't need explaining, because i think that would add to the experience.
character feelings after two seasons:
hawkeye: alan alda being so charming and having such great timing really makes this an easy get. of course i'm going to love him equally in both success and failure (mostly failure).
trapper: my bestie!!! there's something about his face that makes me feel like i know him personally. i just love his physical acting choices. it's always funny. my fave i think.
margaret: i definitely enjoy her!!! how can you not?? they introduce her as being both highly capable and The Sexiest American Woman In Korea, who either can have or has had every high ranking officer in the army, and then she's soooo horny for the most pathetic man alive that she can't function.
frank: the narrative requires him to suck sooooo much every minute of every episode, because everyone else also sucks, so he really needs to put his back into it. he's gotta be there and he does it well, idk what more to say.
henry: he fascinated me in season one because i was like... clearly he's supposed to be A Caricature, but i couldn't figure out which one, and then he turned out to be A Character instead. i love his complexity and his serious moments, but i don't tend to find drunk acting that funny, so a lot of his shtick is lost on me. i wonder if he's the only character (and maybe klinger?) where the laugh track would actually serve him.
radar: as a former assistant yeah bro i get it, you keep on keeping on.
father mulcahey: the only one who is not terrible at all so far even once. Protect Him. i am so happy every time he comes on screen.
klinger: i'm still warming up to him as a character since he's mostly a sight gag still.
the parade of nurses: i have decided to take it at face value that 1) they are all here at war because they're super horny, 2) they are playing hard to get for fun, and 3) the pill was somehow invented before 1950, and under those conditions GET IT GIRLSSSSS.
my largest outstanding question: were they all actually functioning people before the war? i assume war did this to them but it's also possible they were like this before and their wives are all like THANK GOD they're overseas cheating on me because imagine how much worse it would be if they were like this but in my house.
on to season three!!!
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rynekins · 5 months
Welcome, friends, to the Sideshow Bob Awards! Recently I did a few polls about certain elements of Sideshow Bob episodes, and now I shall give some commentary over the results!
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Why did I do this? Eh, funsies, but I’ll always look for an excuse to ramble about Sideshow Bob.
First up is the Award for Humor. Which Sideshow Bob episode is the funniest? Black Widower makes Honorable Mention. While an important episode with a lot of notable moments, I might not personally rank it amongst the funniest. Though Bob’s dry wit (as always) wins me over, and Bart explaining Bob’s plan to Homer, worthy of a chuckle.
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This overall ranking, out of all of the polls, I agree with the most. Sideshow Bob’s Last Gleaming has some stellar Bob moments: Bob on helium, mimicking the Colonel, his pathetic attempt to kill Krusty, and who could possibly forget the Air Show Rant.
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“Air Show? Buzzzzzz-cut Alabamians spewing colored smoke from their whiz jets to the strains of Rock You Like a Hurricane? What kind of country-fried rube’s still impressed by that?!” As for the Air Show Rant, I am also giving it the Award for Best Quote. Unfortunately, this poll did not have much engagement. I expected people to be shy, and I suppose I should have made it a normal poll for people to vote on instead of asking for more direct input, but there are simply too many good Bob quotes to narrow it down! How could I possibly? I had not the strength. His exasperation with his peers, mocking elitist tone, the venom, the sass, the hip swaying and crossing of his feet, going wall eyed and throwing his arms out cuz he always gotta be extra, if there is a perfect Sideshow Bob quote that exemplifies his character it would be this one.
Aside from that, mocking the military and garbage television, this episode offers a ton of laughs, worthy of at least Third place.
Brother From Another Series takes Second, and has a different brand of humor, but the kind that always gets me. It’s supposedly written like an episode of Frasier, which means the script is chock full of one liners from two guys too smart for their own good, constantly trying to one-up eachother. You wonder how both Bob and Cecil could ever end up in Springfield, an environment of pure dumbassery, and it clearly has had an effect on them (they must have drunk the water). Personal favorite moments are the boys with the slack-jawed locals, “especially Lisa, but ESPECIALLY Bart”, and “utterly hopeless”.
To no one’s surprise Cape Feare takes the crown. It often makes top 10 lists for its humor alone, and with good reason. This episode is packed with jokes, funny drawings, and goofiness, with running gags so memorable and powerful that they would get callbacks even 30 years later. The idiocy is at an all time high, both with Homer and Bob, which frankly is necessary to balance out the more sinister and rather tense scenes. Homer scaring Bart, the rakes, the drive through the cactus patch, The Rakes, “Hello Mr Thompson”, THE RAKES. This episode is iconic, and I completely understand why.
Next up we have the Award for Animation. For our Honorable Mention, we have Bob’s official debut, Krusty Gets Busted. I’m glad to see some love for season 1, when everything was experimental especially with the animation. The linework, expressions, poses, models, colors, everything seems off by today’s standards, but you can see the effort and love put into it. There’s something beautiful about how rough it looks because you know what a struggle it was to make it work. And it does work. But I’m biased toward things that are hand drawn.
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In Third for this category, the award goes to Gone Boy, the complete opposite of Krusty Gets Busted. We have the modern era, the clean colors, the characters staying on model, a lot of the stiffness that a lot of people don’t care for. However, there are moments that feel like a return to form in this episode. My eyes lit up when I saw Bob’s face as he encountered Milhouse. Then the dance he does as he sings is song-o. The wintery environment, a few ambitious angles, some great character acting. It’s proof that newer episodes have their beauty too. I only wish that the hallucination sequences went harder. Imagine, if you will, they suddenly went Courage the Cowardly Dog mode on you and changed mediums, turned into something more experimental and maybe truly nightmarish. This episode was great, but it could have been legendary. I am grateful for the feast we got. In Second, Black Widower returns, which dare I say has been robbed. Yes, I think it should have been First. This episode is gorgeous, but as I have established, I liked the earlier, rougher animation.
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Every single frame of Bob’s rant on MacGyver is absolutely wild, as is the skipping through the flowers. The colors in the night scenes. The glow from the explosion. There’s so much character here, so many expressions and extra motions with hands in scenes, even when no one is talking. The weight in Bob’s hair when he throws back his head for a maniacal laugh. What this episode’s got is flair. Once again, Cape Feare takes First. I can see why, because it is a very good looking episode. One of the best. Oh, how I wish the show still looked like this (the latest Treehouse Ei8ht made me crave what we have lost). But I must wonder if it might be taking the number one spot because of how memorable it is with other factors. No doubt it’s funny, with a lot of well done and imaginative scenes. Bob’s lil dance during his work out comes out of nowhere and is hysterical. You think for a minute that the episode is going to cheat you when the elephants are trampling him off-screen then it pans down to show you the exact moment one steps on and off his skull. The increasingly elaborate set and costume designs for Bob’s theatrical performance. There is a lot of artistry to appreciate here. It’s cinematic even. Then again, a lot of the cinematic moments can be attributed to its source material: the 1991 movie Cape Fear, some moments directly inspired. Not to say that all of the work was done for them, certainly not. They put their own spin on things.
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Perhaps the placement is deserved. The shot that goes from Bart’s window, flying over all of Springfield, to Bob’s prison is particularly impressive. There’s a lot of juicy saturation and shifts in color reminiscent of shots from Krusty Gets Busted and Black Widower. It’s safe to assume that I’m drawn more towards character details, and little things like all the lower angles we get from Bob work well in conveying menace, as if we, the audience, are in danger
This concludes Part One of the Sideshow Bob Awards, In Part Two I will cover Best Song and Best Mystery. As for intermission, picture THE RAKES!!!
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 1 year
srry if this is a weird question but what batman stuff would you recommend to someone with no real prior knowledge of it? followed you bc of kirby knowing nothing about batman but it looks like a lot of fun and ive considered getting into it. im not sure where to start with it though. do you have any favorite stuff thats like. "oh if you're new to the franchise you GOTTA check x out first"?
The best thing about Batman is it has absolutely no consistency. Really the characters tend to change depending on the writers and artists. So go apeshit! I got into it by getting sick and binging every Scarecrow comic i could find online in my brief periods of consciousness LMAO
Also keep in mind I am still very much bullshitting my way through Batman and DC in general EFGUIEWWEF
But the ones I would recommend aka the ones i started with:
The Long Halloween
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13 Issues. One of the most iconic Batman stories, and one of my personal favorites. Specifically it centers around Harvey Dent, Carmine Falcone, and Batman all trying to identify stop a killer called "Holiday" from offing another member after member of Gotham's biggest crime family.
The art is absolutely gorgeous and captures tone perfectly. It also showcased a handle of the Batman rogues on the side and is REALLY fun trying to guess who the killer is alongside the characters. It also has a sequel: Dark Victory!
Here's the link to read it
Batman: The Audio Adventures
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This is my personal favorite Batman media. It's an official podcast focused on the 60s Batman! Which means its a lot goofier than a most of current Batman.
It's a dark comedy podcast, but don't let that fool you. It knows when to take itself seriously, and features a small handful of the Batman Rogues! Also my favorite detail is that it takes the guise of a radio show- complete with fake ads that hold foreshadowing and funny gags! It does a great job of capturing the chaos of Gotham with the constantly interchanging multiple storylines, but keeping it understandable.
Also this podcast is entirely free. You can find the entirety of it on Youtube, HBO Max, and Spotify.
Arkham Series
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If you prefer video games or playthroughs instead of comics, I highly recommend the Arkham games! There's Arkham Origins, Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, and Arkham Knight. They all have VERY interesting and well done versions of the characters and are a blast to play.
I recommend starting with Arkham Asylum, since its the first released of the games and is much easier to jump into than the others, imo. You basically play as Batman dropping off Joker to the asylum as usual, but everything goes wrong and ends with all the inmates taking control of the Asylum, leaving Batman to uncover Joker's newest plan and fighting through the Asylum hes been trapped in.
Arkham Asylum is normally $20 on Steam, but it has a free demo you can play. Also the games tend to go on sale pretty often and you can usually get the whole series for less than $10
Batman: The Animated Series
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I have to recommend this one. It is the most iconic Batman media and has done so much for the characters and series. It's a fun series with lovely animation and surprisingly heartfelt episodes.
It has some of my favorite interpretations of the villains and one of my personal favorites of Batman! It doesn't pretend Bruce Wayne is heartless and beats the shit out of criminals for the hell of it. It's a great watch!
You can watch it on HBOMax with a subscription, but since streaming services are a parasite, you can also find it on PrimeWire.
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aglitchysylveon · 8 months
Yay now I gotta explain the one and definitely only, Sarkar'thor. Or just Sark (or Sarkar) for short (not NM version).
He's your typical edgy evil EXE OC, whose main goal is to enslave all of humanity and turn them into his perfect playthings to pull into his realm/dimension and toy with them for all eternity, he's an Eldritch entity, maybe even a God, as he claims to be.
He created Sari as a potential partner in his tyranny to be on his side because apparently this loser wanted a girlfriend. Which he promptly made sure she'd only obey him and only him (this shit already sounds cringey, I hate him, but also love writing him, getting bullied/j) if she ever disobeyed him he'd just reset her mind and make her obey him by force, control her thoughts and actions. Besides... "She's his creation", he made her look exactly like him with some differences like her height and her quil shape. After a few years she started to form some type of identity struggle asking if she's even her own person or if she's just a puppet for this monsters desires. Eventually like in Sari's post she did rebel against him after several trials and errors, and gained her own control over her body, becoming one of the very few "good" EXEs. All because of this hedgehog.
Sarkar is highly egotistical and narcissistic, sadistic, he doesn't take many things seriously since he's got all the time in the world thinking humanity is already in his grasp he's just buying himself some time, he loves seeing others fall beneath him and squirm, he does it all because it's entertainment to him and gives him a sense of power, so yeah he's rather emotionally, mentally and physically abusive. (Hate him, now) He doesn't like it when people disobey him, or when things don't go his way or get out of hand. He'll get irritated and even enraged, almost childish-like tantrums. But will quickly regain himself once he got ahold of the situation or thought of some "Evil Plan" to counter it and regain control. Though he may be childish, he's quite the clever sly fox and can manipulate someone's trust and use them to his advantage to further aid his ego and his goal, especially if they're human.. If he gets a human to trust him enough to play the game, he'll pull them through the screen and into his game so he can torment them.
His game, like any EXE is like a virus, one of those pop-up fake sonic games you see on those like websites? It's like that, it also can still be by disc, you'll just randomly have that disc show up on your doorstep in a box or already inside your house, it all depends if the human bait takes it and plays the game. Which the game plays like a normal sonic game long enough to keep your attention so when you're to focused on finishing the level, he can drag you inside and toy with you, everything in the game is made by him so the characters are all his doing, they're just husks waiting for a soul to inhabit them.
The reason he even took the shape of a.. Blue anthropomorphic hedgehog that runs fast is because when he was created via the Void, with his brother he and him thought it would be so funny to take the forms of the same character and toy with humans as a cruel sick joke between themselves, thinking it wouldn't really go that well but was so surprised on how easily they were able to trick humans into their trap and get souls.
- He's a lot like Lord X, in fact (in my series) they're brothers. X is based off classic Sonic's shape and form, while Sarkar is based off of modern Sonic. It's just X is more cold and calculated, but still likes goofing off like him (and teasing him, in fact that's one of his favorite gags he likes pulling off). While Sarkar is more cruel and sadistic, but very.. Very childish. Like he gets angry fast, and X finds that easy to toy with him to get his reaction, just as much as Sarkar toys with his prey to get their reactions.
- Sarkar has such a fascination towards like.. Himself he likes staring at himself in the mirror, like his ego is more inflated than the world's largest blimp, like he seriously created his girlfriend to be exactly like him and look like him but female so he can basically say "Hey, I fucked myself" so Sari's existence is nonchalantly a joke to him. I mean her name is just ONE letter away from his? "Sar-i-" and "Sar-k-". I'm so glad she got away from this controlling abusive loser and began a better life she deserves better.
- Sarkar's canon height is 5'1ft, so yeah Sari honestly could like crush him 💀, he still doesn't know why she was born so huge but he liked it and kept it.
- He's oddly British, like his accent is British, one of those rough aggressive sounding ones, I don't know how to describe it. He just has that.
- The day I created this sick bastard was November 7th, 2022 so this guy is a Scorpio, fitting.
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Helluva Boss new episode rambling (spoilers!)
So.....I-I really hate to say this, but I gotta be honest here.....I-I think this episode wasn’t as good as the last one. I-I still enjoyed it, and it’s still a good episode! But it’s not at the same level as Exes and Ohs, for a few reasons.....
Well, more like....ONE of those reasons is just Moxxie bias, but there’s another one, and that’s.....while I appreciate how in this episode, they tried to focus on the humor more so the dramatic moments pop out more, but....I just didn’t find a lot of it particularly funny. The big example is Striker’s theme song- I was just groaning at the lyrics rather than laughing, and I wish they’d played a cooler song at that moment instead to add to the tension of Stolas being kidnapped. And that bit with Striker yelling at the band just....didn’t make me laugh? I think it just dragged too much for me (especially when the one guy holds the last note). But humor is subjective, so it’s just me ^^; Same with Blitzo taking Loona to the vet. I didn’t find those scenes funny, but again, it’s just me. I’m trypanophobic, so I’ve never laughed at “hahaha this character’s scared of a shot” humor in any show, not just this.
My least-favorite part of the episode was the conversation between Blitzo and the receptionist tho. I actually got a bit uncomfortable there, and I literally couldn’t tell you why without coming off as the Fun Police, so I’ll just move on.
And there’s also Striker himself, who seemed.....a BIT goofier than his last appearance, where he was 100% taken seriously to Knight Of Cerberus levels. I-I do only say a BIT cuz he’s definitely still threatening.....he does very nearly kill Stolas, and there was that particularly chilling moment where he was gonna gauge out his eyes-
But there were also a lot of parts where he was just....dunked on, mainly verbally by sassy-mode Stolas. And yes, I did actually like that part, but it didn’t really do wonders for Striker specifically, y’know? XD And also.....the statue of himself. Really? I can’t see the Striker from Harvest Moon Festival doing something that goofy. (.....He HAS always been the “constantly feeling himself” type of guy, but...it’s so on the nose-)
But.....yup, that’s all my issues. Still liked the episode.
There are STILL jokes I laughed at. Just not as much as I would’ve liked. My favorites were the “cut off theme song reprise” bit when Millie asked the band where Striker was (I cackled at that part XD) and literally anything that came outta sassy Stolas’ mouth. I get that he wasn’t taking Striker seriously, and the whole point of the episode was to show that he’s able to get seriously hurt despite how powerful he is....but god I still loved those scenes where he’s just- telling Sriker off- d-despite being in a dire situation- and Striker’s reactions when he’s all “Blitzy’s hurt me worse before in bed” is priceless! XD YES, this was a LOT like the interrogation scene in Truth Seekers, but that’s one of my favorite scenes in the series so I’m happy to revisit that kinda humor
There’s also this exchange: “What does he look like, your highness?” (Stolas looks over at Striker) “Um.....sexy?” “THAT’S STRIKER, SIR!”
Moxxie, as a fellow bi disaster, um.....that’s the guy that almost killed you and incapacitated your wife-
And in general, that mini running gag of Striker recoiling in shock when something kinky is said....Not a favorite, but pretty good. XD
M&M defeating Striker by themselves was AWESOME!! The fight scene was really cool, and the way they worked together was satisfying. In particular, I love how Moxxie got to do a bit more hands-on combat here (him beating up the dude in the gas station being another example).
And of course.....there’s the ending.....oh my GOD do I love when Helluva hits me in the heart. It’s happened many times, but....I THINK this is the first time it’s been in a single sentence. When Blitzo, who also wasn’t taking the hostage situation seriously, cuz why would this one be any different.....sees what happened when he wasn’t there, and....
“He can get hurt?”
If there wasn’t enough proof that Blitzo cares, THERE IT IS. That look on his face when he said that....
And the fact that he struggles so much with being genuine that he didn’t know what to say to Stolas- H-he couldn’t even bring himself to apologize- UGH- DX
I hope Via went to see her dad in the hospital....H-he needs someone....
(Also I get that Stolas and Blitzo both struggle with their feelings and there’s this mutual misunderstanding going on where they both think the other doesn’t truly love them but GOD I really hope they follow this up next episode rather than have another Seeing Stars u-turn PLEASE- *cough*)
So....yeah, there was a LOTTA stuff to like in this episode! I just personally liked the last one more. Last one just.....hit harder. But....looking at the episodes I’ve called my favorites, maybe I’m realizing that I like Helluva more when it’s being a dramedy than a straight-up comedy. And this one was trying just a BIT too hard to make me laugh in certain places
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
Space Ghost Week
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Space Ghost Coast to Coast #68: “Waiting for Edward” | December 25, 1998 | S05E11
Ending the season on an episode that’s just fine. Denis Leary joins the Ghost with his acerbic brand of being a jerk. Denis plays it roughly how you’d expect, by acting very CYNICAL. He’s a cool guy who speaks his mind, and you gotta respect that. 
I’m a little at odds with myself, because I’m pretty sure that the first time I saw this I literally thought Denis Leary was ACTUALLY VERY FUNNY AND COOL. I still appreciate him on some level; he does embody a very 90s ‘tude that is generally “my bag”. In fact I bet you a million space bucks that I at one time or another referred to this as one of my favorite episodes just because it has Denis Leary in it. I really was that much of a loser. But I’ve grown up.* I’ve changed.**  Nowadays I just wish he would stop smoking and ranting, I got school in the morning, sheesh! I
This one starts with a very long “Waiting.” title card intro. I’ve been told that this episode aired with different variations where the music that plays during it is changed out. I remember one time noticing that in the program schedule for this episode they actually added “(version B)” to the episode title. I think Kon, who knows and is actually very good friends with Space Ghost, told me that it meant there was different music, and that it was on purpose. I think. He’ll correct me.
 I have to tell you something: I recently downloaded the Superjail episode “Superbar” as-aired as part of it’s stealth premiere on April Fools Day 2008. It was a “fine cut” version that wasn’t final, and it had the “Waiting.” title card at the start of it. Was “Waiting.” some kind of genuine internal Cartoon Network thing that played before the episodes instead of a more traditional countdown lead-in or production slate or whatever? 
This one also ends with, instead of an episode number, a little bug in the corner that designates this episode as belonging to the “100 series”. To this day, I don’t know what that means. When I was just watching these on TV in random order I assumed they actually had reached 100 episodes and decided not to count them after that. I was wrong, and I’m still baffled by it. In my comic “Early Conan” (which I’m not linking to because the web hosting is about to expire and I’m gonna move it somewhere else eventually) I actually included a “100 series” reference when I hit strip 100.
Notable moment run-down: the very long “Waiting” intro being interrupted briefly with footage of Space Ghost with Zorak on his shoulders, doing something mysterious. Zorak telling Leary that he’s seen all of his movies and that he didn’t think any of them were very good.  Moltar trying to get Space Ghost to say “nice jacket, Fonzie” to Denis. Denis dismissively telling Space Ghost that he only agreed to be on the show because his kids like it, and Space Ghost singing the line back “so the feelings of your stupid kids are more important than mine”. Space Ghost’s spit-take gag turning everyone red. Appearances from Brak and Lokar, who hasn’t been seen in a while. 
There’s also an appearance from the Cartoon Gang, who did somewhat lengthy interstitials between shows on Cartoon Network. It was just a group of kids discussing cartoons. They weren’t too beloved, and they seemed like the product of a craven attempt to be more outwardly kid-friendly by putting real kids on camera. I didn’t really remember them at all, but for some reason I have strong memories of Evan Dorkin hilariously bad-mouthing them during a Space Ghost commentary track. In their thankfully brief segment, Space Ghost bores them to tears about “saving Christmas” and then yells at them for being layabouts. Christmas gets a special thanks in the credits. Hilarious. Hey, when did this air, anyway? I don’t feel like looking up.
That closes out another Space Ghost Week. We’ve only got one more Space Ghost Week for classic Ghost, then I’ll probably do another one covering the dreaded GameTap episodes. Until next time, uh… I can’t think of a Space Ghost reference to put here. Oh well.
*I have not grown up. **I have not changed.
Tonight we resume our Adult Swim programming. Yippee! Here are a bunch of SG Mail Bags:
it's a line from the smash hit mario movie. don't read the trades much, do ya?
I’m afraid I don’t believe you that Merrill Markoe’s dead dog Lewis is in the Mario Movie and that they say “Lewis Lectures here we come!”. I’m willing to be wrong about this, though.
its hard to explain how cool kevin smith was to people who were too old or too young to be there.
He’s simply too weird for words nowadays. But man, the run of Clerks, Mallrats, and Chasing Amy was gigantic if you were an easily-impressed teenager who liked indie movies in the 1990s. I sorta admire him for trying new-ish things after that though. I Stan Tusk.
(doing the three stooges “hello” thing) (Jason Mewes, revealed to be napping at Kevin Smith’s feet during his Space Ghost interview) “heh-leoh”
any tips for anyone looking into getting into space ghost?
I can see how it might be tough getting to Space Ghost; especially since younger people might not be able to latch onto it for various reasons. Saying to check out episodes based on the guests can backfire, and I’m sure some viewers consider all the guests to be impossibly ancient.
I got into Space Ghost by seeing whatever episodes were on randomly. References to other episodes would pique my interest and they’d pay off later when I finally got to them.
At some point I’ll probably produce a list of best episodes of Space Ghost, but I won’t right now. You could do worse just finding random “best episodes” lists or sorting one on IMDB.
If you’re the type of person who compulsively starts with a full chronological watch-through regardless of the advice you receive saying to do otherwise, I’d say do this: get whatever you can get your hands on (DVDs, torrent, streaming [it’s getting yanked from HBOMax soon]) and just go with that even if it’s missing stuff. Fill in the gaps later. Please know that the early episodes might not be the funniest things ever, but this is also one of the rare comedies that actually gets funnier as it goes along. There’s going to be references you don’t get, There’s still stuff about the show I don’t understand, either. 
This might be unorthodox but: Maybe watch the episodes or seasons in backwards order? That’s actually probably a very good idea. Okay, yeah, actually, just do that.
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DHMIS Review: TV Episode 2, Death
As I said in the review for “Jobs”, most of this review is going to be underneath a read more break, simply because of how much I’m going to have to say for this episode. The shorts reviews are already on the long side, and these TV episodes are even longer so the reviews will be even longer by default.
To begin the review proper, I love how the “couch gag” has the Duck actually acknowledge what I guess was a fairly common mistake in the fandom about what kind of bird he was? I say “I guess” because I actually joined the fandom a little later than I think a lot of other people did - I think I discovered the series very shortly after the sixth short aired, for reference - so by the time I was looking at fanworks, everyone was correctly calling him a duck. 
Pretty sure this is the fastest that any of the episodes, from the shorts or the TV show, actually gets to the main subject of what the Students are going to be learning about? I mean, it takes maybe 5 seconds after the end of the theme song for Duck to just super casually announce that he’s dead. I feel like the second fastest we get to the lesson is the very first short, and that still at least felt like it took much longer for the song, and by extension, the lesson to start. 
I’ve watched this episode at least like four times by now, and I literally only just noticed what the name of the newspaper is. “Opinoin”. Which feels like a joke with two punchlines, since there’s the obvious one of the word “Opinion” being spelled wrong. But also the more subtle joke about how a newspaper, something you’d expect to give you news in a way that’s at least mostly objective....is literally named after opinions, something that is subjective by default. 
Gotta love how lightly all three of the guys take the news that Duck has apparently died. They treat it less like him being dead, and more like he just found out he got some really cool present or something, with Red Guy being jealous of him and both Duck and Yellow teasing Red over his jealousy. I guess maybe the lack of understanding makes some sense, considering the whole point of the episode is supposed to be that they learn about death....Even though, if you ask me, they don’t really learn that much about the actual subject.
Anyone else wonder if at least part of why Duck is the one who “dies” in this episode is because he’s the one of the trio who died permanently in the shorts? Or, at least, the one who’s actual death seemed to be confirmed and wasn’t undone by the start of the next episode? I mean, they all went through a lot of horrible experiences, but the Duck is the only one who was ever actually killed during the events of the webseries.
Did anyone else notice that Red Guy actually quietly asks “Is that an egg?” when the heart rolls away to form the Coffin? Just the fact that he not only apparently doesn’t realize what a heart is, but actually wonders if the Yellow Guy (the one that’s usually seen as the “dumb” one) was the one who correctly identified it is kind of funny to me.
The whole scene with Red Guy actually having a conversation with his ID card to find out if he’s dead is honestly really fun. I love how the Card just assumes they’re going to have a little mini-lesson about identity, only for Red Guy to just cut them off and ask if he’s dead. Then you have the little bits of dialogue from the Card as Red Guy shuts them away again, which as of the end of the first season don’t seem to be foreshadowing, but if we get another season....Also, did they include a little puppet of the orange from the first short, with the face and everything? If so, that’s a cute little reference.
“We Gotta Get Things Ready” might be my favorite song, at least from the TV series. My favorite part is where Red and Yellow apparently just forget what their doing and turn it into a cooking show....which I know I’m not the only one who didn’t even question it until they actually acknowledged the mix up? However, at this point I think I’ve listened more to that parody that changes the last word of every verse to “margarine”. Because that is just art. 
I’d actually kind of love to see this whole thing explored more at some point, either officially in the show if we get more seasons, or just by the fandom? Because until this point, we never really got a sense of the dynamics between the three main characters besides them all living together and implicitly being friends. But throughout this episode, we explicitly get Duck thinking of Red Guy as his best friend (to the point where he actually gets annoyed at Yellow Guy for offering to speak at the funeral because he wants his “best friend” to do it), while Red is not only shocked that he’s Duck’s “best friend”, but at least at this point almost seems to be dismissive of him in a lot of ways. While Yellow Guy not only wants to speak about Duck during the funeral, but is the most openly upset about him being gone.
I love how between the painting in the first short and his trumpet playing here, it seems to be implied Yellow Guy is actually pretty skilled when it comes to creative things? Especially music, since, as Red Guy points out, his little solo, for as short as it was, was really nice.
I never really realized it until now, but with how the Duck’s bill is...could the Coffin even actually close? I guess it’s just one of those things where how big/deep the Coffin is depends on what needs to be happening at any moment. Not like the Teachers (or the show) have ever strictly followed any sort of real-life logic, after all. I mean, this episodes starts with someone not realizing they died until they read it in the newspaper.
Not sure which makes me more confused - the scene with the Mourners or the scene with Yellow Guy and the Lamp. Maybe the Lamp scene because of a combination of it just being so weird to hear the Lamp talk so...calmly. Plus it kind of just feels like a very short fever dream, with the random thing about the Lamp’s idea of what happens after death, and then him just peacing out and that whole thing never being mentioned again.
I almost forget that when Stain is first “made” he really does come across almost like a baby? Like, he can’t really talk all that well and I feel like the way he can’t really seem to control how his form looks for a bit makes him come across as really young? Of course, the fact that he’s so young and innocent makes what happens to him in the end even worse...
Also, apparently Yellow Guy is...racist? I don’t know how else to describe it, but he seems disgusted by Stain just because he’s claymation, even before learning Red Guy is going to make him Duck’s replacement. But, I do find it interesting that, between him admonishing Yellow Guy for hurting Stain’s feelings and him actually showing concern when Brendon hurts his hand in the last episode, Red Guy actually is showing a decent amount of compassion? Not a lot of emotion, but compassion. Or at least concern.
You gotta honestly feel bad for the Coffin. Guy is not only just trying to do his job (though he doesn’t do it all that well, considering I don’t think he ever actually teaches about death outside of vaguely showing what happens at a funeral), but he got stuck with probably the worst of the three main guys to have to spend what was supposed to be eternity with - the one who is kind of narcissistic, seems to need a lot of attention, and bites for what seems to be no reason.
I don’t know what’s better about the Grolton and Hovris part - the fact that Grolton is so excited about 40 pounds, the fact that the celebration involves boiling water, or the fact that the episode apparently just stopped right there.
....Really could have done without the pee. It’s almost made worse by the fact that it almost comes across like Duck is doing it on purpose, but I think I’d tolerate it more if it was just like...an audio bit and we didn’t see anything?
I find it interesting that Yellow Guy seems to attached to Duck when even in the song, all of his memories involve Duck kind of being a jerk to him? Yelling at him to get off his bed, laughing at him when he needed help with a medical issue, calling him weak...I will say, Yellow Guy has a very nice singing voice in the Memories song.
Kind of ironic that the Teacher who teaches about death is the first one to actually die by the end of their focus episode. 
I honestly feel kind of bad for Stain? Guy was basically just born and was so excited to just live and have adventures, and maybe eventually become a banker or something considering one of his core values was finances. But then the two people who he considered family honestly treated him kind of horribly? Yellow Guy resented him from the start because he was still upset about Duck being gone, and while Red Guy started being more welcoming, it didn’t take long before he just decided to make Stain into Duck, instead of just letting the poor guy be himself. And that went horribly right, since when the original Duck comes back, I can only assume that Stain adopted his mannerisms so much that he kills the original either to avoid having to “share” the attention of the others (or the audience), or simply out of a “you or me” mentality where he assumed Duck would have killed him if he didn’t do it first.
This episode gets a 3.5/5, though it honestly would be higher if they just didn’t do the pee joke. Really hated that bit. 
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duck-era-lexi · 2 years
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kaguya’s shtick extends to all the fujiwaras 😛
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solarsho · 3 years
➙ pairing:: todoroki x reader ( unrequited ) todoroki x yaoyorozu
➙ word count:: 0.8k
➙ author’s note:: hi omg this is my first fic?!!#$ it’s super short and rushed but i hope u enjoy <3 btw i kinda wanna do a series of fics related to the SOUR album by olivia rodrigo but like idk....
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It’s been weeks since you and Todoroki had been broken up. Actually you never even dated, you were best friends who occasionally flirted. But you were happy with what you had and couldn’t afford to ruin it. Oh no, you never had a chance with him. There his beautiful figure was, sitting in a cafe with Yaoyorozu, laughing together. They’re just laughing..but you can’t believe that you officially lost him. How was she able to do that so easily?  It took you so long to break his walls down, it took you years! He was your everything, you gave him everything you had to offer..and he just acts like nothing happened between you two? You were always a little bit uneasy of them being such close friends, she was too perfect and whenever you heard him talk about her, it just sounded like they mixed together so well like the perfect couple, the perfect pair.
And ain't it funny how you ran to her
The second that we called it quits?
And ain't it funny how you said you were friends?
Now it sure as hell don't look like it
 He held her hand in his and kissed her temple. He never liked showing public displays of affection, yet he would do these cute little things with her in public. It made you want to gag. But they were cute, like two peas in a pod. And she really was worthy of him, at least it was someone like her who had him. Still, you should have done something. You should have initiated something with him. And still, you deserve more.
“ Hey, um, can we watch a movie tonight?” 
“ Already made plans with Yaoyorozu. Sorry.”
“ Oh, ok.”
“ Hey! Wanna call and study together later?”
“ Sorry, Yaoyorozu and I are now ‘study buddies,’ well that’s what she calls it.”
 You put up with it because you were happy you got to see him making more friends. And you thought  ‘He’s also spending time with his other classmates, can’t be that big of a deal’ Oh boy, how incredibly wrong you were. You just can’t believe it. He’s changed so much. 
“ Your sweater is so cute!”
“ Take it.”
“ Oh no! Really?”
“Yeah. You look prettier in it anyway.”
“ Psshh liar”
“ It’s true. There’s nobody else deserving of my sweaters.” He chuckled.
 You betrayed me
And I know that you'll never feel sorry
For the way I hurt, yeah
You talked to her when we were together
 And there she was sitting next to him with his favorite sweater on, looking at him with her pretty little eyes. You hated this. Even though you were in different schools, he should have put more effort into the relationship you guys had. He didn’t even care much about you anymore. You were able to hear it whenever you called, he sounded so cold. You ignored it, of course, like all the other hints he dropped. 
You remembered that day when you were hanging out. God, you rarely did anymore. His phone chimed and he took it out of his pocket to see why it did. You were close enough to read what it had said
 ‘Hey, Todoroki-san! How are you? Do you want to visit the new museum that just opened up yesterday with me later?
 You saw his eyes sparkle and saw him reply back
“ Sure, at 3 pm?”
3 pm….it was only 2:15 on a Sunday. He has classes on Saturday and Monday and this was the only time you both got to hang out. The phone rang again.
 “ Alright! See you soon.”
He placed his phone away and looked back at you. 
“ Ah sorry, we’re gonna have to cut our hang out today short. Gotta meet with Yaoyorozu soon.” 
He said calmly. But you...you were furious.
 Loved you at your worst, but that didn't matter
It took you two weeks to go off and date her
 Maybe if you never fought this wouldn’t have happened. But you knew that was a lie, he could never be yours.
“ I’m just saying, you should prioritize someone who has been with you through it all rather than some random girl! ”
“ Some random girl? Who do you think you are?! Do you really think I’m incapable of making close relationships!?”
“ Ugghhh! I didn’t mean it like that. I just want your time!”
“ I don’t owe you my energy.”
“ Yes you do! I have been with you even before you got your quirk! And when you antagonized me for distracting you from your goals!”
“ I’m sorry that I want to spend time with the girl I love.”
 And as he left … your heart shattered. What he said had stung you. Did he not love you too? Not even as friends? Best friends? You reminisced all your favorite memories with him. The one memory you made together as kids hurt you.
“ Promise me, you'll never leave me?”
“ I promise.”
Guess you didn't cheat, but you're still a traitor
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ramblingguy54 · 2 years
Finally checked out The Cuphead Show on Netflix and I gotta say, I loved it!      As someone who has played the video game, this series portrayed Cuphead & Mugman’s personalities exactly what I had pictured them to be in my head. Cuphead is personified chaotic fun, while Mugman happens to be a calming agent to his zany antics. Their brotherly dynamic is funny, endearing, and heartwarming when the time calls for them to be remorseful toward whatever actions they pull getting them into each respective episode’s conflict.
     I didn’t expect The Devil to be so suave, yet obviously still entertainingly hammy, but got a real kick out of his characterization, nonetheless. Any episode involving him trying to steal Cuphead’s soul is guaranteed to get a laugh outta me. My favorite gag had to be when King Dice failed in the most bullshit fashion to trick Cuphead into stealing his soul, when his final mini game with those big dice shattered into pieces. It was exactly like a Looney Tunes Wile E. Coyote short, which is simply glorious to see this series capture that comedic quality.
     I’d easily recommend this series to anyone who loves those kind of timeless cartoons with their slapstick and boundless gags of breaking logical limitations.
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aimmyarrowshigh · 3 years
Dark Greetings this Spooky Season Ms. V. Can we get a list of your favorite Halloween movies and specials? I know you have seen *everything* and I am trying to go beyond my usual rewatches this holiday month.
Does the Halloween element combine convincingly with the usual universe of the show (ex: Lizzie McGuire 2x09 “Those Freaky McGuires” is not good as a Halloween episode because it changes the rules of the Lizzie McGuire universe, whereas Community 2x06 “Epidemiology” is a GREAT Halloween episode because it manages to logically introduce zombies to the regular Community universe)?
Does the Halloween element advance the plot of the episode/series (ex: the reason Boy Meets World 5x17 “And Then There Was Shawn” is literally the best Halloween episode ever made is that it uses the horror movie tropes it satirizes to provide a CRUCIAL turning-point to the plot of the show)?
Is the Halloween episode in the forefront enough that it’s clearly a holiday episode (ex: HAVING ONE JACK-O’LANTERN ON A DESK DOES NOT A HALLOWEEN SPECIAL MAKE, LAW & ORDER 16x03 “GHOSTS”! You gotta go ALL-IN, like Bob’s Burgers 3x02 “Full Bars”!)?
Does the Halloween theme balance well between spooky and warm-n-fuzzy (ex: Criminal Minds 11x21 “Mr. Scratch” is too fucking bleak, but Criminal Minds 12x06 “Elliott’s Pond” has a joyous/celebratory tone to the ending despite being a genuinely scary episode)?
Is it generally a well-written, acted, and designed episode of television (ex: Saved by the Bell! 3x26 “Mystery Weekend” is seriously, not exaggerating, the worst thing I’ve ever watched in my life; Psych 1x15 “Scary Sherry, Or Bianca’s Toast” is a triumph of the medium)?
THE BEST, bar none, Halloween special ever made is Boy Meets World 5x17, “And Then There Was Shawn.” Period. There can be no argument, except MAYBE Community 3x06, “Epidemiology,” but I like “And Then There Was Shawn” better because the parody and homage as less… biting? And because I think it continues and addresses the emotional core of the regular BMW season better than “Epidemiology” does for Community s3. “Epi” DOES plant the seed (…heh) for the Season 3B major plot arc of Shirley’s pregnancy and Chang Deciding To Murder, but it gets some major minus points for mocking Yvette Nicole Brown’s weight with other characters’ responses to her costume, tbh. And “And Then There Was Shawn” is just fucking iconic. It is THE Halloween episode manual, IMO, if there were to be a textbook on how to write a perfect Halloween episode for your sitcom.
HOWEVER, I also have to give major props to Bob’s Burgers and Psych, as complete series, for their CONSISTENTLY excellent Halloween episodes. A lot of series that have multiple Halloween eps really phone it in after one or two, because they don’t have any more ideas for how to incorporate Halloween pastiches while maintaining the overall feeling of the series (tbh B99, while the Halloween Heists are excellent in general, is/has been coming very close to this line, and I think that if they HADN’T had to switch out the Heist to Cinco de Mayo in s6, they would have jumped their Heist Shark [and I think they know it, too, because it was lampshaded in the episode itself]) or they just straight-up don’t have any more ideas for what or how to have the characters they’re bound to parody or pay homage to a Halloween thing after they’ve already done one or two. And let’s be real: those one or two have probably been either The Shining or Rear Window, because those are pretty much the two that every show starts with.
Bob’s manages to make every Halloween episode feel very fresh and organic to the series, which I think they do have some leeway to do because of the nature of cartoons keeping the Belchers living a kind of loop of never aging, yk, but amazingly they’ve only done the “Tina feels too old to trick or treat, maybe? Nope, she’s not 14 yet, so there’s still time!” thing in a way that felt tropey once (in 3x02 Full Bars). They’ve been able to address Tina being 13/in 8th grade, and worrying about it being almost too late for her to keep trick or treating, in ways that were in-character and added to the overall episode in 4x02 Fort Night, 5x02 Tina and the Real Ghost, and 9x04 Nightmare on Ocean Avenue Street, without me rolling my eyes at the screen and going “TINA, EVERY SINGLE SHOW WITH A TWEEN IN IT HAS ALREADY DECIDED THAT THE AGE AT WHICH YOU MUST STOP TRICK OR TREATING IS FRESHMAN YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL, COME ON NOW” which… at this point, is a Feat. Because like, I’ve POSTED over a thousand Halloween episodes, right? But I’ve watched and screencapped ::checks folder:: 3,905 Halloween episodes since 2014. Which is, um, a. lot. The ACTUAL BEST Bob’s Burgers Halloween episode is 6x03, “The Hauntening,” which is just… achingly perfect television. I know I’ve posted about it before (probably a couple times tbh) but the way that it aired originally back-to-back with The Simpsons 27x04, “Halloween of Horror,” so that the evening of Sunday cartoons juxtaposed eight-year-old Louise whose family worked so hard to scare her like she wanted with nine-year-old Lisa’s family working so hard to keep her from being too scared and make sure that she felt safe… reader, I FUCKIN CRIED. Little girls being deeply loved while also Spoopy Things!!!!!! IS WHAT HALLOWEEN SPECIALS ARE!!! FUCKIN!!!!!! ABOUT!!!!!!!
Psych, though, has the benefit of not really having any, like… central tone to the series? Beyond “friendship” and “having fun with joking,” tbh? So it’s able to do what a lot of series get docked “points” for in my Foolproof Halloween Special Ratings System That Is Completely Subjective To My Tastes And Mood, which is really just run full-tilt into parody and homage without really worrying about overall tonal connection to the rest of the season or series. 1x15, “Scary Sherry, or, Bianca’s Toast,” while it DOES fall victim to the way-too-common Halloween episode trap of making mental hospitals into a Scary Thing (they are a medical normality and a necessary thing for health for many people and should not be feared), is delightful Spooky Fun AND has the benefit of having Shannon Woodward in it.* We all know by now that if an episode of any show has Shannon Woodward as the guest star, it will by default end up being one of the best, if not THE best, episodes of that series. It’s just how having Shannon Woodward as your guest star rolls. I also really like, with Psych’s Halloween episodes, that quite a few of them understand the underlying thematic scope of Horror, which is “The Monstrous Feminine Is A Thing And All Horror Tropes Are Actually About Women’s Interior Lives Because Men Can’t Write Women And Fear Women Always,” yk, in a way that is neither TOO Actual Horror, which I am too afraid of to Do, or too trite and demeaning, which is the other basic trap that Halloween stuff falls into A Lot. Like, Scary Sherry is very much about women villainizing other women, avenging other women, and being in very specifically-female pain, even though Shawn & Gus are still the lens through which we solve the mystery, and so are 4x04 The Devil Is In The Details And The Upstairs Bedroom and 6x03 This Episode Sucks. But they give their Monstrous Females dignity and breadth, which is impressive, ESPECIALLY since they’re one-off guest characters. Also, 3x15 Tuesday the 17th is just plain funny and well-done, like, just give it props for the title alone.
*(Speaking of Shannon Woodward, another amazingly good Halloween episode is Raising Hope 4x07, “Murder, She Hoped,” which is among my very favorite Rear Window homage episodes and has probably the funniest gag in ANY Rear Window ep, in Martha Plimpton floating across the screen in the Grace Kelly silk nightgown and peignoir and announcing that it was on sale at Walmart, can you believe?! and honestly, yes. Perfection.)
Also excellent:
• The Addams Family (1991) + Addams Family Values (1993) • Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School (RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU WERE GAY FOR SIBELLA AS A CHILD!) • Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost (RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU'RE GAY BECAUSE THE HEX GIRLS!) • Halloweentown + Halloweentown II: Kalabar's Revenge • Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire! • Z•O•M•B•I•E•S (to a lesser extent, Z•O•M•B•I•E•S 2) • Clue (1985) • Coraline • Corpse Bride • 6teen 2x00 Dude of the Dead • Arthur 21x00 Arthur and the Haunted Treehouse • Lamb-Chop in the Haunted Studio • Arthur 8x04A Fern-kenstein's Monster • Arthur 10x02 The Squirrels • WandaVision 1x06 The All-New Halloween Spooktacular (I KNOW YOU, SPECIFICALLY, DEAR @plavoptice, HATE MCU!WANDA AND I DON'T BLAME YOU, YOUR REASONS ARE VERY VALID! But this is a good Halloween special so I'm putting it on my list In General.) • Boy Meets World 2x06 Who's Afraid of Cory Wolf? • Ghostbusters (2016) • Gravity Falls 1x12 Summerween • Leverage 4x02 Ten L'il Grifters Job • The Loud House 2x40 Tricked! • Mockingbird Lane 1x00 Unaired Pilot • It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! (Classic, etc.)
I'm SURE I'm forgetting some that I'll rewatch this year myself. I'm a big Halloween Baking Championship fan, tbh, which is on Discovery+ now so I recommend that if you like mostly-relaxing nice people baking cakes that look like bats and such.
I'm also IMMENSELY INTENSELY EXCITED for The Muppets' Haunted Mansion on Disney+ next week!!!
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atlafan · 4 years
My Everything - Part Twenty
A Take it Slow Sequel
What happens with Harry and Y/N after he proposes? How will the two navigate the engaged life while also continuing to juggle their jobs, friends, and families? Let’s find out.
Warnings: fluff, slight angst, and smut
Words: 11K
a/n: THE LAST PART OMFG CAN Y’ALL BELIEVE IT?! I’M SO EMOTIONAL!! Take it Slow/My Everything has been my baby for so long now, it’s wild that it’s over. An end of an era for sure. I just want to thank everyone that’s been along for this ride. Whether you’ve been with me since February when I started Take it Slow, or if you just binged read everything - THANK YOU!! This is my favorite Harry of all my Harry’s, this was the first multi-fic I had written in a long time, and it feels good to truly complete it. This fic series got me back into writing in general. I’m sure at some point I’ll go back and write some blurbs about my favorite family, but for now this is truly it. I hope I put in everything you all were hoping for! FEEDBACK WILL BE MUCH APPRECIATED! (not proofread I’m sorry!)
When you got home in the middle of January, you saw Dr. Johnson right away. Your mother agreed to babysit Jack and Jessica so you and Harry could go together. She confirmed that you were pregnant, and at this moment you were roughly seven weeks along. You were riddled with excitement as you got into the car with Harry, you couldn’t stop looking at the sonogram.
“I wonder if it’ll be a boy or girl. I don’t care either way, but it’s still fun to think about.” You say to him.
“I know, I can’t really decide either.”
“Maybe a boy would be better. I know what it’s like to have sisters, and that it just no fun when you’re going through puberty. Plus, with Jessica so close in age they would fight all the time about sharing.”
“Jack may feel outnumbered with another girl, too.” He side eyes you. “The kids are at your mum’s, right?”
“Yeah, she picked them up. She said she’d bring them home after dinner, she wanted to spend the whole day with them since we were gone for so long, why?”
“Nothing, just…so we have the house to ourselves?”
“Besides Buster, yeah.” You shrug.
“Excellent.” He grins.
“What do you have up your sleeve, Styles?”
“Oh, honey, I’m gonna take you home and fuck your shit up.”
“Jesus, Harry.” You say, flustered. “You can’t say stuff like that.”
“Why not? I’m just being honest. I’m gonna get my head between your legs and just go to town, you’ll be begging me stop.”
You pinch your legs together and shake your head at him. You look out the car window. Even after all this time he still knew exactly how to rile you up. You look at him again, almost in disbelief that he’s going to be thirty-four in just a few weeks.
“What do you say, does that sound good?” He raises an eyebrow at you.
“Yeah, that sounds good.” You smile and take his hand in yours.
No matter how many times it happened, having Harry’s head between your legs was still one of the most thrilling experiences you’ve ever had. He knew exactly what you liked, he knew how to make it last a really long time, and he knew how to make you come within seconds. You felt so lucky that you weren’t one of those married couples who didn’t have sex anymore, or that didn’t make time for these types of things. Plus, he just thoroughly enjoyed it himself. It gave him pleasure. Hearing him moan and groan against you as he lapped you up made you feel incredibly confident. After your third orgasm, you pull his head up. He catches his breath as he looks at you.
“Want me to fuck you, or are you tired?”
“I…I was actually hoping to suck you off…sort of have a craving for your stuff.”
“My stuff?” He laughs. “The kids aren’t around, honey, just call it what it is.” He lays back next to you and shimmies his boxers down his legs. “Are you sure you’re not too nauseous or anything?”
“No, I’m really craving salt…and…well…what’s saltier than jizz?” You say shyly as he you get between his legs.
“Well, in that case, by all means, get your fill.” He smirks.
You plant a hand on one of his thighs while the other hand grips him. You lick up and down his shaft, ghosting your lips over his tip, really teasing him.
“Y/N.” He grunts.
You smirk up at him before wrapping your lips around his tip. He sighs with relief when he feels your warm mouth and tongue. You pump what you can’t fit. You didn’t want to push your gag reflex because you easily could throw up from doing this. You tongue at his slit and just take in the taste of his precome.
“Feels so good.” He says, almost breathless.
You swallow around him and his head rolls back. He’s trying not to buck his hips up, but it’s very difficult. You pump on him faster and he starts panting. Your mouth stays around his tip as his come shoots into your mouth. Your eyes roll into the back of your head at the taste and you swallow all of it.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you enjoy that quite so much.” He chuckles and pulls you down to lay on his chest.
“It just really hit the spot for whatever reason.”
“What a nice craving to have, I hope it lasts.” He kisses your temple and you both just lay there, relaxing.
It didn’t last. This was the worst pregnancy out of the three. You were nauseous all the time, and when your spring semester started back up, it was even worse. You were running in and out of the classroom. Your students knew something was up, but you hadn’t formally announced anything because it was still early. Not to mention Jack would ask you a million questions on your drive home with him. Which normally you liked, but not when you didn’t feel well.
“Where’s new baby gonna sleep?”
“In Jessica’s room.”
“In same crib?”
“No, she’s gonna get a bigger crib, and the baby will use her old one. It’s in the basement, we used it with you.”
“Is it a boy or girl?”
“We don’t know yet.”
“Jack!” You take a deep breath. “Mumma needs you to play the quiet game, please.”
“Because I have a headache, please, baby.”
You hear him grumble something, but at least he listens. You get him and Jessica inside, and of course she crapped up her back because it was just one of those days. You sigh heavily, and have Jack come up with you to color on the bathroom floor while you give her a bath. It was a wonder you didn’t throw up from the shit that was all over her.
“How come she pooped like that?” Jack giggles.
“Must have ate something that her tummy didn’t like.” You can’t help but giggle too. It was sort of funny now that she was cleaned up. “All clean, little girl.” You wrap her up in a soft towel and cuddle her to your chest.
“Mumma, can we have pizza for dinner?”
“You read my mind, think that’ll be good tonight.”
You get Jessica dressed, and set up in her pack and play, while Jack gets his hour of TV time. You started doing this so you could get some grading done, and an hour wasn’t that bad. Harry would take over once he was home anyways.
“Babe?” You hear him say it jolts you awake, you hadn’t even realized you fell asleep. “Take a little nap?”
“I didn’t mean too.” You groan. “I have so much to do.”
“The semester just started…”
“I have quizzes and knowledge tests to look over. I told Jack we could have pizza tonight.”
“Alright, I’ll pull one out of the freezer. What do you want to give Jessica?”
“Um, she can have a bubby, and, like, some mashed squash. It’s in the jar in the fridge.”
“Okay.” He steps further into your office and gives you a kiss on the top of your head. “You look beat.”
“I just mean…why don’t you go lie down for a bit?”
You sigh, but agree with him, and go to lay on the couch while Harry brings the other two into the kitchen with him. You rub your lower stomach to soothe yourself, and you actually feel a bit relaxed until the smell of pizza hits you and you run to the bathroom.
“Mumma’s sick?” Jack asks.
“She’s a special kind of sick.” Harry says as he feeds Jessica. “The baby she’s growing makes her not feel good sometimes.”
“I don’t know exactly how it all works, Jack.”
“I…I need to go to bed.” You say. You looked paler than a ghost.
“Are you coming down with something?” Harry asks, concerned.
“Yeah, it’s called being pregnant with your kid.”
“Sorry.” You nearly burst into tears. “I just, I’m a little frustrated, and I’m tired, and-“
“Go upstairs, love, okay? I’ve got it from here.”
You give everyone a kiss goodnight, and get ready for bed. That was basically how your first trimester went. You and Harry barely spending any alone time together other than when you’re asleep. You parented in shifts, and that was just how it needed to be until you gained some strength back.
You were hoping to know the sex of the baby in time for Harry’s birthday, but you weren’t far enough along yet. Thirty-four. Your handsome, loving husband was thirty-four, you couldn’t believe it. You stroke his cheek as he starts to wake up and he smiles at you.
“Happy birthday, baby.” You coo and kiss his forehead. “I’d give you a little something something, but I feeler dryer than a desert still.”
“It’s okay.” He chuckles and sits up. “And thank you. Just going out tonight with friends will be good. Thanks for putting all of it together.”
“It’s the least I could do with how amazing you’ve been. I know I haven’t been super pleasant.”
“Comes with the territory.” He pats at your lower stomach. “Couple more weeks and we’ll know if it’s a Joshua or Jane.” He beams.
“I know, I’m really excited.”
“Kinda like that we have a J theme, it’s cute.”
“You’re cute.” You smile at him and pucker your lips. He leans in and kisses you, but not for too long.
“Daddy!” Jack bursts into the room. “Happy birthday!” He and Buster hop into the bed, and he nearly tackles Harry down.
“Thank you.” Harry laughs and hugs Jack right.
“Oh, let me go get Jessica, we can all stay in bed and snuggle together for a bit.”
“Gotta love Saturdays.”
You smile and nod before going to get Jessica. You change her quickly, and grab her a bottle, and then bring her into the bed with everyone.
“This is what we should do your next maternity shoot, just a group shot of all of us in bed.” Harry says.
“That would actually be kind of cute. We could all wear matching pj’s.”
“That’s brilliant.”
Mornings like these you were grateful for. Just being cozy with your favorite people.
“How old are you, Daddy?” Jack asks.
“Thirty-four, I’m really old.”
“No you’re not.” You scoff.
“I am! Got grey hair and everything.”
“You have one! One little silver hair. You’re not like me who has to have their entire head dyed, you know.”
“You could grow it out, I wouldn’t care.”
“Mm, but I would. I don’t wanna have long silver hair, but on you…” You run a hand through his hair. “It would look good.” You lean in to kiss him quickly.
You had a babysitter come watch Jack and Jessica, so you, Harry, Niall, Sarah, Seth, Isaac, Mariah, and Rachel could all go out for dinner. It was a lot of fun. You ended up at a karaoke bar, and Harry and Niall sang a duet together. You couldn’t remember the last time you had so much fun with everyone. Your friends asked you how your pregnancy was going, and told you how good you looked, which was very kind because you didn’t think you looked at that great.
Harry was having a good birthday, and that’s all you really cared about. He got his annual piece of cake shoved in his face, and many pictures were taken before you headed home. You were in the back of an uber, and he had his arm around you, and was kissing on your neck. Sarah and Niall were in the row of seats in front behind you.
“Some things never change.” Sarah laughs and shakes her head. Harry turns around and glares at her.
“It’s my birthday, so if I wanna love on my wife, I’m gonna.”
“Was just commenting on how sweet it is.” She says facetiously.
“Here, I’ll shied her eyes.” Niall says tugging her into his chest.
“We can wait until we get home, it’s fine.” You say and Harry raises an eyebrow at you.
He hadn’t really asked for sex recently because he just knew you weren’t in the mood, and even this morning you said it wasn’t going to happen, so he was a little surprised at your statement. When you get into the house, he pays the sitter, and then looks at you after she leaves.
“We don’t have to do anything if you don’t feel like it.”
“I feel like it.”
“You do?”
“But this morning…”
“That was this morning.” You wrap your arms around his neck. “The kids are fast asleep, let’s go bone on the couch in my office so we don’t wake them.”
“Are you serious?!”
“Yes.” You giggle. “Come on.”
You take his hand and lead him down the hall to your office. He watches as you take your clothes off, and he takes his own off. He cups your cheeks and kisses you. You could taste the vodka that was lingering on his tongue from earlier. One of his hands slides down your body, and between your legs, and you gasp.
“Sit down, baby.” He says and has you sit on the couch. He get son his knees in front of you and opens your legs.
“Not a very attractive angle.”
“Why, because of this?” He runs his fingers over your stomach. “Or because of these?” He kneads both of your breasts. “I quite like what I’m looking up at.”
You chuckle and let him do what he wants with you. You run your hands through his hair as he licks over your folds.
“I should be doing this for you, it’s your birthday.” You grunt as he sucks on your clit.
“Are you kidding? What’s a better gift for me than this? Don’t be silly, angel.”
You smile down at him as he continues to make you feel amazing. It doesn’t take long for you to come undone for him since it had been a while.
“Alright.” He breathes and sits down on the couch. He helps you move so you can straddle him. You weren’t that big yet, but this was still ultimately the most comfortable position. “Ready for me?” He asks as he lines himself up with you.
“Yeah.” You slowly sink down on him and groan into his shoulder.
“Doesn’t hurt, does it?”
“No, feels good.” You kiss on his neck as he grips your ass to help move you up and down. Your nails dig into his shoulders and he grunts into your ear. “I’m sorry, Harry.”
“For what?”
“For all the times I haven’t felt like doing this. It’s like I’m not in the mood, and then when we finally get like this I can’t imagine ever not wanting to be this close to you.” You nearly tear up.
“It’s your hormones, Y/N, it’s okay.” He keeps an arm wrapped around your lower half to keep moving you, and then keeps his other arm wrapped around your upper back to keep you close to him.
“But I love you so much, and I feel bad.”
“Don’t cry, sweetheart, it’s okay. We’re close now, isn’t this nice?”
“So nice.” You bite down on the crook of his neck and suck on his skin, causing a moan to come from him. “Missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
You move yourself on your knees to give him a break, and he uses the opportunity to snake a hand between the two of you to rub your clit. Your nails rake down his stomach and he moans again.
“I’m not gonna last, babe.” He was start to breathe heavier. It had been a while for him too, obviously, you couldn’t blame him.
“Let’s come together then.” You nearly whine.
He rubs you faster as you bounce up and down on him. You slot your mouth over his so you aren’t too loud when you both cry out. You feel your release just as his shoots up inside you. You rest your forehead against his as you both catch your breaths.
“So fucking good, I love you so much.” He says and looks at you.
“I love you too.” You peck his lips and then he helps you off him. You wrap your arms around your stomach to hide the small bump.
“Oh, don’t even start.” He chuckles as he gathers up all the clothes on the floor.
“I’m self-conscious, I can’t help it.”
“This is your third time, and you still don’t see how sexy you are. God, and you just get sexier as your tummy grows, Y/N.”
“Good thing I have you around to remind me, huh?” You smirk.
“Exactly.” He pinches your bottom before you both head upstairs to bed.
You poke your head into both of the kids’ rooms, just to make sure they’re sleeping soundly, and then you get cleaned up in the bathroom.
“So, it was a good birthday?” You ask as you get into bed with Harry.
“Let’s see, cuddles with the family this morning, you made butternut squash soup for lunch, and then a night out with friends. Yeah, I’d say it was really good, honey.” He kisses your forehead as he settles in with you.
“Good, I’m glad.” You smile and smooth some hair away from his forehead. Harry reaches over and rubs at your lower belly.
“I’m really happy you wanted to do this again, Y/N. I know I was hesitant at first, but I can’t wait to have another little baby around.”
“Me too, and I’ll be on maternity for the fall semester, which will lead into winter break so I’ll have an extra month off before I have to go back.”
“That’s great! I started talking to Mariah and Isaac, I was thinking I could take the first month off the baby’s born, and then maybe do half days? I could get up and bring Jack and Jessica to daycare still. I think that’ll make things easier, rather than have everyone home at the same time.”
“I would go bananas will all three of them, I think that’s a great idea. Besides, Jack’ll be in preschool, anyways.”
“Yeah, I was looking into it, and his preschool also has a daycare, so I think we should switch Jessica and have her go there. They don’t take infants, so the new baby could go to work with you once you’re back. I think that could make things easier.” He yawns.
“You’re brilliant, babe.” You yawn too.
Soon, you’re both fast asleep in each other’s arms, happy and peaceful.
At the end of February, you have the appointment with Dr. Johnson you and Harry were most excited for: finding out the sex of the baby.
“Y/N…you’ve lost weight.” She says to you as you step off the scale.
“I’ve literally been able to go three days without puking. This baby doesn’t like me very much.” You pout as you get up on the table.
“Are you taking all the vitamins I’ve given you?”
“Yes, every day.” Harry stands next to you and holds your hand as Dr. Johnson gets the ultrasound ready.
“Okay, well, hopefully it will subside for the rest. I’m sorry it’s been trickier for you this time around.”
“It’s okay.” You sigh.
She moves the ultrasound around and you both smile when you hear the heartbeat.
“Are curious about the sex?” She asks.
“Very.” Harry says.
“Okay…” She squints at the monitor, and then smiles. “Seems like you’re having another boy, congratulations.”
You both tear up and kiss and giggle.
“Do you have a name in mind already?” She asks as she cleans your belly up.
“Joshua.” You say. “Joshua Edward.”
“That’s beautiful, I love that he and Jack will have the same middle name.”
“We thought it would be cute.” You nod.
You and Harry were absolutely giddy when you got into the car, giggling a ton on the drive to the university to pick the kids up.
“Okay, so, he can share with Jessica for a bit, and then-“
“Let’s just turn the guest room into the nursery.” He cuts you off.
“Harry, what about when your family comes to visit?”
“That room is big enough to stick a pullout in, we can sleep on that and guests can have our room. When they get older they can share, but you know he’ll be on a different sleep schedule than Jessica, she wouldn’t get any sleep with a newborn.”
“That’s true, I didn’t really think of that. Where are we going to put the extra bed?”
“We could stick it in the basement…I was actually sort of thinking we could get the basement partially finished, we could turn that into another guest room, or game room, or something.”
“Okay, money bags.” You laugh.
“I’m serious! I could do a lot of the work myself, and your dad could help with the electrical part. It’s already got all the dry wall up, just need to plaster, paint, and then put some carpet down.”
“If you would like to take that project on, then be my guest. Just promise me you’ll leave my little gym area alone.”
“Can do.” He takes your hand and kisses it. “I bet Jack’s gonna be so excited that he’s gonna have a little brother.”
“It’ll probably be more fun once they’re older, he’s gonna have four years on him, don’t forget. Joshua will be closer with Jessica.”
“Are we always gonna be so formal? I might call him Josh or Joshy.”
“Aw, Joshy is so cute! No, we don’t have to be formal.” You shrug. “I just don’t want anyone calling Jessica Jessy, I’d prefer Jess if anything.”
You both go into the daycare to pick up Jack and Jessica. You couldn’t believe she’d be a year old soon, just a month or so away. And Jack was going to be four in just two months. Time was flying way too fast.
Florida in March was literally perfect, even while pregnant. You were over being nauseous now which was good. Nannie was so happy you and the family were coming for a visit. There was plenty there for Jack and Jessica to do. Harry took them both in the pool that her retirement community had. Of course, all of the old ladies in the pool flocked to him, and you had to go in and help a few times.
“I can’t believe she’s almost a year old, I can barely pick her up!” Nannie chuckles as she snuggles with Jessica one evening.
“I know! She’s even started saying a few words. She can sort of say Mumma, Jack says it all the time so I think she’s being picking it up from him.” You say.
“And she says ‘ack’ when she wants Jack, it’s really cute.” Harry says. Jack was in his lap trying to keep his eyes open. “I think it’s time you went to bed, buddy.”
“Her too.” You get up and take Jessica from Nannie. Once they’re both down and tucked in you join her in the living room.
“So, there’s something I’d like to talk with you both about. Last time we spoke on the phone, Y/N mentioned that you were looking into getting a larger car, and I’d like to pay for it.”
“No, no way, Nannie, that’s way too-“ You start, but she cuts you off.
“It’s something I can give you that I know will last. You already have cribs and baby clothes and all that. You’ll need a larger car, and I wanna pay for it, so you’ll let me write you a check, and that’ll be that.”
“You can’t seriously expect us to let you just buy us a new car…” Harry says.
“Oh, but I do. You could take whatever one you’re not using off the road and save it for when one of them gets older, or you could trade it in, or whatever you feel like doing with it.” She shrugs. “I have more money than I know what do with.”
“Just because you write us a check doesn’t mean we have to cash it. We’re perfectly capable of buying our own car, Nannie.” You say.
“You’ll take it, you’ll cash it, and you’ll get whatever car you want. Save that money and put it towards their college funds, or for their bar and bat mitzvahs, you know as well I do those are just as expensive as purchasing a car.”
“That’s true.” You nod.
“Wait, what?”
“The parties can really wrack up, Har, we’ll talk about it later.” You sigh. “You really wanna buy us a car?”
“I do.” She nods. “You need something with three rows of seats, or at least an SUV instead of that little thing you drive. You’ll have three cars seats to worry about before you know it.” She smiles. “So, just say thank you and deal with it.”
“Thank you.” You both say and get up to hug her.
“You’re more than welcome, kids, I’m happy to do it.”
To say you were emotional on Jessica’s first birthday was an understatement. Your hormones were causing you to cry every two seconds. You were hosting a small party at your house, and it was great to have family over, but you were a blubbering mess.
“Babe, it’s okay.” Harry chuckles.
“I know, I just can’t believe our little girl is a year old already. And Jack’s gonna be four before we know it and starting preschool. It’s all too much.”
“Try not to think too far ahead, yeah?” He puts an arm around your shoulders and kisses your cheek. He gives your lower belly a little rub. “Don’t wanna stress this one out.”
“We should do the maternity shoot next month. I’m still feeling good about how I look, it would be nice to feel good in pictures.”
“Whatever you wanna do, honey.”
It was time for cake, so you hold Jessica on your hip while Harry holds Jack up. The three of you blow out the candles while Jessica giggles and claps. She got cake all over her face, which was her right as a one-year-old. It was a bittersweet day to say the least.
On the day of your five year wedding anniversary, you woke up to feeling lots of kisses on your cheek. Your eyes flutter open, and a smile grows on your face.
“Good morning.” You say as you look at Harry, who was already climbing on top of you.
“Morning, love.”
“You wanna have sex now? Don’t wanna wait until later?”
“You’ll be too tired later.” He mumbles as he sucks on your neck. “I’ve got a lot planned today.”
“Oh, honey, I’m just happy to be spending the day with you, we don’t need to go crazy.”
“I don’t think getting pedicures together is going crazy, exactly.”
“God, I can’t wait. I’m so grateful Niall and Sarah said they could babysit.”
He hums his response as he kisses on your chest, lifting your shirt all the way off. His hand slips between your legs, and you let out a small gasp. You raise your hips to grind against his hand. This was the part of the pregnancy Harry loved the most. You had leveled out a bit, and now you wanted him every second you could have him.
Once you’re wet enough from him just rubbing around your folds, he slides two of his fingers inside you. Your head rolls back into the pillows and you groan. His thumb rubs your clit in pressured circles. Your nails dig into his shoulders as you cling to him. He sponges his mouth over your next and over your chest.
“Harry.” You moan.
“Feels good?”
“Yes.” You start panting his fingers rub against your g-spot. “Fuck, yes, Harry, don’t stop.” You bite your bottom lip as you squeeze around his fingers.
“You’re so wet, baby.” He groans. “Come for me, come on.”
“Shit!” You cry out and clap a hand over your mouth as you ride it out.
He sucks his fingers into his mouth once he takes them away from you. He moves to up against the headboard, and helps you get on top of him. You slowly sink down on his hard dick after giving it a few pumps. His hands grip your ass to help you move up and down. You press your face into his neck to stay quiet.
“You feel so fucking good.” He moans and holds you closer to him as he thrusts up inside you. “Y/N.” He moans again. God, he wasn’t making staying quiet easy. You loved hearing Harry moan, but you wanted to make sure he wasn’t going to wake your kids up.
“H-Harry.” You can barely speak at this point. Your clit was rubbing against him, so you weren’t going to last much longer. You grip his chin, and hook your fingers onto his bottom lip to get him to open up for you. “You’re being too loud.” You groan.
He sucks on your fingers to try to keep it down, but he was really struggling this morning, for whatever reason. He was always into it, but today he was especially lost in the euphoria of your sex. You use your other hand to tug at his hair, and you look up to see his eyes roll into the back of his head.
“Oh fuck!” You moan into his neck as you come undone. Watching him lose himself never failed to get you there.
He moans around your fingers as he releases up inside you. You retract your hand from his mouth so he can properly catch his breath. You look up at him and he slots his mouth over yours. He licks into you, which normally you didn’t love first thing in the morning, but you were so far gone you didn’t care right now.
“Fuck.” He breathes and presses his forehead to yours. “You’re so fucking sexy like this, Y/N.”
“Harry, please.” You giggle.
“I mean it.” He cups your jaw with one of his hands. “Not only is it our anniversary, but you’re carrying another one of my kids. It’s all I could want.”
“Me too, babe.” You peck his lips. “Could you, uh, help me off?”
“Oh! Yeah, sorry.”
He grips your hips to gently lift you off of him. He helps you into the bathroom, and you both take a nice shower together. You kiss and pet on each other, but it doesn’t go much farther than that since you need to get the day started for Jack and Jessica.
“I was thinking we could have dinner, like, in Boston tonight, what do you say?” Harry asks as he gets Jessica’s diaper bag packed.
“That sounds nice, babe.”
You drop the kids off at Niall and Sarah’s, who were more than happy to watch them for the day. It had been ages since you and Harry had a spa day together. You loved it when you could get away to have one since it always reminded you of the earlier days of your relationship.
You both enjoy how soothing the pedicure is, falling asleep leaning on each other. With your feet getting more swollen by the day, this was exactly what you needed. Once it’s all done, and you make your way further into the city, Harry keeps his hand in yours.
“Feel free to snooze, honey, we may hit traffic.”
“You know how bad I feel when I sleep when you’re driving…”
“It’s really okay, I’d rather you be fully awake during dinner.” He smiles. “Go on, I know you’re tired.”
“That pedicure was just so relaxing.”
“We really got the works done today.”
“Mm, I’m glad we did. I love getting to do that with you.”
“Me too, babe.”
You end up dozing off, and you’re startles awake from Harry’s hand nudging your shoulder. You blink a few times and squint to see where you are.
“Are we at Castle Island?” You ask him.
“What better place to celebrate our five year anniversary than the very place I asked you to marry me?”
“Oh, Harry…” Your bottom lip starts to quiver.
“Don’t cry.” He chuckles.
“I can’t help it, this is so sweet.”
“Well, nothing’s even happened yet, we sort of need to get out of the car.”
“Right.” You laugh and wipe under your eyes.
Harry jogs around the other side of the car to help you out, and you both walk down to the park. Your smile grows when you see your friends and your kids. Sully’s had catered, of course, and there were twinkling lights strung up around the playground.
“Mumma!” Jack exclaims and runs over to you.
“Hi, baby.”
“Are you surprised?”
“Very.” You giggle and hoist him up onto your hip. Harry goes over to Jessica, who was in a stroller, and picks her up.
“Alright, family photo time.” Niall says. “Go on, Buster.”
The dog barks and plops in front of you, and Niall takes a few pictures. You all sit down at the various picnic tables provided, and reminisce about the day Harry proposed, and your wedding.
“I can’t believe how fast five years can fly by, and that’s just our marriage, we’ve been together, what? Almost eight years?” You look at Harry.
“Yeah, this September will be eight years.” He smiles at you and kisses your temple.
“Daddy, how did you ask Mumma to marry you?” Jack asks.
“Well, I could tell you or I could show you.” Harry fishes his phone out of his pocket and pulls up the video to show Jack.
“Mumma, look at you!”
“I know! I was cute young thing, huh?”
“Still plenty young and plenty cute.” Harry side eyes you.
“Mhm, keep watching the video.” You nudge him. It does bring a few tears to your eyes. “That was one of the greatest days of my life.”
“Mine too.”
“Harry, show him some pictures from our wedding.”
“Alright.” He chuckles and pulls a few up.
“Pretty suit, Daddy.”
“Thank you.” Harry kisses the top of Jack’s head.
“Your Uncle Niall officiated the whole thing, it was incredible. When you’re a little older we’ll show you more.” You say.
It was the perfect evening with friends. Harry still found little ways to surprise you, and you loved it. He could be so sentimental and made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
It felt like you had a party every month, but that was how things went when Jessica’s birthday and your anniversary were in April, and when Jack’s birthday was in May. His party was a little less family oriented, although plenty of family still came. You and Harry thought it would be fun to rent out a gymnastics studio for an afternoon for Jack and all his friends from daycare.
The other parents were eternally grateful because they knew all of their kids would sleep well after running and jumping around. Jack was overjoyed. He liked being able to do tricks on the trampoline. You couldn’t believe your baby boy was four, but here you were. He’d be starting preschool in fall, another thing you just couldn’t believe.
You couldn’t help but laugh as Harry sat on the floor with Jessica and helped her do little flips and jumps. Her laugh was hysterical. You rub your lower stomach.
“You’re gonna have the best Daddy in the world, Joshua.” You say to your stomach quietly.
The other good thing about having the party somewhere other than your house was that you barely had to host. You got to sit back with the other parents and just hang out for a bit until it was time for cake and gifts.
Needless to say, Jack zonked right out when you put him to bed, as did Jessica. Not that they needed to have a party every year for every birthday, but you could definitely see yourself doing more parties at other places. It was such a breeze today.
“Baby, you don’t have to do that.” You giggle as Harry rubs your feet once you’re in bed.
“But you were on your feet all day, you must be so sore.”
“A little, but it’s not too bad.”
“It was a good day, huh?”
“Very good. I feel like he’ll really remember this one, you know?” Harry hums his response. “I’m really glad we’re having this baby, helps fill the void of the other two growing up.”
“I wish I had that on camera because I don’t think you’ll be saying that once Jessica’s going through her terrible two’s. You’ll have her in one arm and an infant in the other.” He smirks.
“Mm, pretty sure I have a husband to help me with all that.”
“I’m afraid I’ll be busy helping our son with school work.”
“He’ll be in kindergarten by the time Jess is two, what school work could he possibly need help with?” You laugh.
“The alphabet, counting to one-hundred, coloring inside the lines.”
“If anyone’s going to be the homework parent, it’s going to be me. I am a teacher after all.”  
“I dare you to sit down and do some basic math.”
“God, okay, you can be the homework parent.” You bite your bottom lip when his thumb digs into a certain spot in your foot. “Thank you for this by the way, I admit I need it.”
“Anytime, my love.”
Once Harry’s done with your feet, he helps rub some lotion on your swollen tummy. Then he rests his head on one of your thighs while he talks to the baby. He tells him all about Jack’s birthday party. You cards your fingers through his hair while he does so. These were the sweet and tender moments that you’d treasure forever.
Later that week you had your maternity shoot. This time around you did things in the backyard on an overcast day, so the lighting was perfect. You all had summery clothes on, and you did something similar with the hand prints on your stomach with the paint like you had done last time. Jack showed Jessica what to do, and they both had fun pressing their hands onto your stomach. They did the same to Harry’s, which made you laugh because it looked silly with his tattoos. The pictures were gorgeous.
“Now I can get all three sets framed together, it’ll look so nice in my office.” Harry tells you as you both clean up the paint.
“I want one for mine too.” You pout.
“Of course! And one for our room.” He looks you up and down. “Last time, right?”
“I promised only three, didn’t I?” You put your hands on your hips.
“Just making sure.” He replaces your hands with his own. “You look so fucking good, have I told you that enough?”
“Harry.” You chuckle and swat at his chest.
“They’re napping, maybe we should go have a little nap of our own.”
“Hmm…would you go down on me?”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“I don’t know.” You shrug. “It’s just something I’d like right now.”
He grins and yanks you towards the stairs to go up to your room. He yanks your shorts and underwear down your legs before sitting you on the bed. He kisses your lips for a bit, and then gets his head right between your legs. You both knew you needed to be quick, but that was no problem. Harry only needed a couple of minutes down there to get you moaning.
His warm tongue works wonders on your clit, and listening to him moan about how good you tasted was definitely helping you get to where you wanted to be.
“H-Harry.” You groan as your eyes roll into the back of your head. You feel him lap you up before he pops his head up. His lips were glistening.
“Do you think I could fuck you from behind?”
“Sure, I think that could work.”
He waits for you to carefully shift before grabbing your hips, and sliding in. He moans out as he thrusts in and out of you. You hook an arm around his head, and he wraps an arm around you to keep you flush with his chest. His other hand rubs your clit and your head rolls back. He licks into your mouth as you moan, and your tongue meets his.
“You’re so fucking sexy like this, Y/N, fuck.” Harry sponges kisses along your neck as you start panting.
“M’gonna come again.” You whine.
“Yeah? Thanks to who?” He says into your ear.
“You, Harry.” You look up at him and smirk. His eyes widen he starts to shake his head. “You, Daddy.”
“Christ!” He cries out as he comes inside you, you come to your release as well, but you can’t help but giggle. “That’s too powerful.”
“It’s why I only use it for special occasions.” You look back at him and he gives you bum a harsh smack. “Hey!”
“You wanted Daddy, right?” He smirks and gets off the bed to get a rag for you.
“Not that kind.” You rub the sore spot before laying on your back.
“I’ll try to remember that.” He says as he cleans you up, and kisses your forehead. “Sweet girl.” He coos.
It was late August, you were thirty-three, and ready to get his baby out of you. Everything made you uncomfortable, even putting clothes on. You mostly just wore an oversized tee shirt around the house. You were thankful to have the fall semester off for maternity. You couldn’t imagine teaching right now.
Harry had been working from home as much as he could. He still needed to go to the studio to take pictures, but he could edit from home. Jack hadn’t quite started preschool yet, so the kids were home with you for another couple of weeks.
As much as you liked the daycare at work, you were thankful you found a preschool that also had a daycare right next door so Jack and Jessica could still be dropped off to the same place. Harry made sure to ask you a minimal amount of questions every day, full well knowing anything could set you off in some capacity.
You were up walking around, pacing in the kitchen, trying to do anything you could to kick start things. Harry was in the living room with Jack and Jessica. It was too hot to be outside, even with the pool.
“Oh, fuck, Harry!” You call for him and he shoots over to you.
“What, what happened?!”
“My, my water just broke.” You point to the puddle on the floor. “I was just walking around and I felt this sharp pain and it fell out!”
“Okay, oh my god, okay, uh, the bags are in the car already, so we just need to get to the hospital, yeah?”
“Yeah! Oh my god!”
“Oh my god!”
“We’re having another baby!”
He kisses you and then goes to round up the kids before helping you into the car. You breathe as much as you can, hoping Joshua wasn’t going to just slide right out of you. Harry signs you in once you’re at the hospital, and you get wheeled into a room. Your mother shows up to take Jack and Jessica.
“Thank you so much.” You tell her.
“Of course, baby.” She strokes your cheek.
“Be good for Mimi.” Harry tells them. “You’ll have a new baby brother next time we see you.”
Jack beams at you and Harry, and gives you hugs before going off with your mother. Buster was off with Niall and Sarah. Everyone was being taken care of.
“How are you feeling?” Harry asks as he gives your hand a squeeze.
“Yeah, I want this one outta me, now.”
“Soon, baby.” He chuckles and kisses your forehead.
Joshua came much fast than Jessica did, thank god, and you were able to safely push him out instead of having to go under the knife. Harry sobbed, and so did you, with joy once you were able to hold little Joshua skin to skin.
“He’s so precious.” You whisper as Harry sits next to you with him. “We really are good at making cute babies, huh?”
“Mhm.” Harry says. “Three of a kind.”
Your mom comes in with Jack and Jessica, who were very excited, well, Jack was because he knew was going on.
“Come on in.” You say. “I missed you both. Come meet Joshua.”
Your mom sets them both on the bed so they can say hello. Harry reminds them to be gentle with the baby, well, more so to Jack as Jessica snuggled right up to you.
“Let me take a picture.” You mom says.
After a few photos, and a few snuggles with your mom and Joshua, she leaves you all be. As you look around the room at your now four favorite people, you couldn’t feel more blessed.
“I love you so much, thank you.”
“I love you too.” He pecks your lips. “Thank you.”
A few years later…
Jessica was just finishing up her last soccer tryout and technically her first practice. She was one of two freshmen to make the varsity team, and she was sort of nervous the older girls wouldn’t like her. She sees Jack’s car, previously her father’s, pulls up to the field to pick her up. He gets out and pops the trunk for her gym bag, and leans against the car.
“Holy shit…why is Jack fucking Styles here?” Andrea, a senior on the soccer team, says to a couple of the other senior girls.
“Um…he’s my older brother…did the last name not give it away before?” Jessica jokes.
“Guess I didn’t put two and two together…is he going to pick you up every day?”
“If he wants to keep driving my dad’s old car then yeah.” She shrugs and grabs her things. “See you all later.” Jessica waves goodbye and walks quickly over to Jack who helps her put her things into the trunk. “Thanks.”
“How was it? Which team did you make it on?” He asks as they both get into the car.
“Varsity…” She mumbles.
“Are you kidding?! That’s amazing, Jess!” He nudges her shoulder. “Guess soccer camp really did help.”
“And, you know, years of being drilled by Uncle Niall and Uncle Louis.” She chuckles.
“I’m really glad they gave up on me so they could focus on you.”
“You’re a good soccer player, Jack, you just don’t like it.”
“Did you finally find out what production the school’s doing?”
“Yeah, and I need a permission slip signed by Mum and Dad…I hate not being eighteen. Your practices will most likely finish before my rehearsals so you can either wait at the field or come to the auditorium.”
“Sounds good. Something tells me the girls will want me to wait at the field for you.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because the second Andrea McPhee saw you her jaw dropped to the ground. She’s probably still trying to reattach it.”
“Andrea, huh?” He mulls it over. “She is pretty cute, but I’m not really looking to start something up before I go to college.”
“I bet I’ll be first one the list for the past fest since they know we’re related. I’ll miss you when you go, but I can’t wait not to be known as Jack Styles’ little sister.” She rolls her eyes.
“What can I say? You got an absolute fucking stud for a brother, can only blame God and biology for that.”
“You’re annoying.” She nudges him.
He pulls the car into the driveway and they both head into the house. You were just getting dinner into the over. Joshua was playing around with his guitar up in his room.
“Hi, kids.” You smile at them. “Jessica, please make sure you throw all those sweaty clothes in the wash.”
“I will! Can you give me two seconds?”
“Oi, you just got home, chill out.” Harry says as he comes inside. He was just cleaning out the pool, which was Jack’s job. “By the way, no pool for three this weekend.”
“What?!” They both say.
“Jack didn’t clean out the filter, and I can’t have that.” He goes over to the sink to wash his hands. “So, Mum and I will be enjoying it, but you three won’t.”
“If it’s Jack’s job, then why are Josh and I being punished?”
“Wait, I’m being punished?” Josh comes down the stairs.
“Because you two should be learning how to do it too.”
“Harry…” You say and shake your head. “Why didn’t you clean out the filter like your father asked?” You ask Jack.
“I forgot…”
“Oh, well, how about I forget to give you the keys to the car this week?” Harry says, crossing his arms.
“Dad.” Jack sighs. “I’m sorry, okay? I’ll be better about it…”
“We’re gonna be closing it soon anyways.” Jessica rolls her eyes.
“Okay, changing the subject, did you find out what team you made?” You say to her.
“Yeah, I made varsity.”
“Varsity!” You squeal and go around the island to hug her, giving her a big squeeze. “That’s my girl!”
“Congratulations, honey, that’s amazing!” Harry says.
“Thanks.” She blushes. Jessica was very shy, other than when she was playing soccer.
“Jack, what did they say about the show you’re doing?” Harry asks, biting into an apple.
“Um…we’re doing Chicago, so I need you both to sign this.” He takes a piece of paper out of his pocket. “My director thinks I’d make a good Billy Flynn, so I’d really like to do it.”
“Oh! That’ll be fun. I’m okay with it.” You grab a pen and look at Harry.
“Yeah.” He shrugs. “It’ll be a high school version anyways.” You both sign it and hand the paper back to him.
“Thanks, I’ll need to practice my tap in the basement a bit, but none of the other boys ever took tap, so I think I’m still ahead of the game.”
“Just make sure it doesn’t interfere with my band practice.” Josh pipes up.
“It won’t.” Jack rolls his eyes. “Dad, are we still shooting that family’s thing this weekend?”
“A family reunion is not a thing…and yes, we are.”
“Cool, my lens just came in the mail and I’m dying to use it.”
“It did?! Let’s go look at it.”
They both go up to Jack’s room and you smile while Jessica and Josh sit down at the island.
“I’m really very proud of you, honey. Wait until we tell Uncle Niall.”
“Thanks, I’m really excited. There’s one other freshman, so I won’t be totally alone. The rest of the team are seniors and a few juniors. Everyone else is on the J.V. team.” She looks at Josh. “These girls are already swooning over Jack.”
“You’re kidding…” He says to her.
“Nope, and I was a little offended. This one girl was like, iS ThAT jAcK stYLes, and I was like…yeah that’s my brother.”
“Did they not realize you have the same last name? It’s not exactly common.”
“Maybe one too many concussions.”
They both giggle together. You were trying not to listen in too much as you were cleaning up the counter. It was no secret that Jack was popular at school. He was talented and handsome, not to mention he just had a swagger about him. There were people who thought it was girly for him to do theater, of course, but he just didn’t care, which made other people like him more. He had such a chill attitude, and he wasn’t full of himself, even if joked about it. Essentially, he was Harry’s clone. It worried you at times, though, because he often got asked to parties and hang outs. He didn’t date much, not that he filled you and Harry in on all that. You knew who his best friends were, and that was all the information you were privy to. He was close enough with Jessica, but she and Joshua were the really close ones. Guess that happens when you’re a year apart in age. It wasn’t always this way, but as they grew up a little, they got closer. Jack and Josh had their bonding moments too. They liked playing video games together, but with an almost five year age difference, Jack really didn’t have much in common with a kid going into eighth grade. You knew when they got older they’d have much more in common.
“I can’t believe the first day of school is just in a few days. You must be happy not taking the bus this year.” You say to Jessica.
“Yeah, I’m really glad you and Dad gave Jack the car. I’m gonna look so cool driving into the senior lot.”
“That’s if I don’t make you tuck and roll first.” Jack says, coming around to give her a half-Nelson.
“Let her go.” Harry says. “You’ll let us know when the open house is and all that?”
They both look at each other and grimace.
“Can’t Mum just come to that?” Jessica asks.
“I like to meet your teachers too.”
“Yeah, and they love to meet you.” Jack smirks. “It’s embarrassing.”
Harry had grown into quite the distinguished man. He had the perfect amount of grey in his hair, he had managed to stay pretty fit, that was mostly for you. Not that you really cared how he looked because you loved him, but he liked staying in shape to keep his stamina up. You had stayed in pretty good shape yourself, not to toot your own horn, but no matter what people flirted with Harry. It was the Brit in him.
“Dad and I will go together, then the teachers will know he’s very much not single.” You hook your arm around Harry’s waist and he kiss your cheek, getting a collective groan from your three kids. “You know, you three should be grateful you’re growing up in a happy, loving home.”
“Yeah, how many of your friends actually have parents that are still together?” Harry asks.
“I mean…it’s great, but…keep it to yourself.” Jessica says, sticking her tongue to pretend to gag. “I’m gonna go throw my laundry in.”
“Could wash my bandanas?” Jack asks.
“Yeah, go get them.” She shrugs.
“Wait I have some stuff too-“
“I’m not the laundry bitch, Jesus.”
“Jessica.” You sigh. “Help your brothers.”
“Just because I’m the girl doesn’t mean I have to do their laundry.”
“They’re just asking you to throw some things in with yours, can you just do it please? Or I could do all the laundry, would you three like that? For me to see all of your clothes?”
“No!” The three of them say and race upstairs.
“You’ve really learned how to clear the room, excellent.” Harry says, putting his hands on your hips and leaning in to kiss you.
“What can I say? I have a gift.” You giggle into the kiss.
The school year was going well. Jessica was a starting center-forward on the soccer team, and she played her heart out. Jack and his friends would often go to her games when they could, and the older girls on the team noticed. Jessica’s turn for a pasta fest was coming up soon, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about it, but it was happening nonetheless.
You and Harry worked to get all of the pasta and meatballs made. Seth had given you his recipe long ago, he knew how to make a really fucking good meatball. Jessica and Jack get home, and Jessica rushes around to get things tidy before all the girls come over.
“Please, I’m begging you all, don’t embarrass me in front of these girls.”
“Oh, so you don’t want me to mention the time you shit your pants in the pool when you were five?” Jack smirks.
“Jack, you’ve shit in that pool more times than anyone in this house, so unless you’d like me to bring that up, I suggest you play nice with your sister.” You grin at him.
“I was just teasing! Be cool, Mum.”
All of the girls come over, and luckily it was still nice out, so they’re all able to go outside. A few of them kick a soccer ball around. Jack and Josh were up in their rooms.
“This is such a nice house, Mrs. Styles.” Andrea says to you when she comes inside for more soda.”
“Oh, thank you.” You smile. Your last name still legally wasn’t Styles, but you got over correcting people a long time ago.
“Okay, garlic bread is officially done. We can feed ‘em now.” Harry says and Andrea’s eyes widen. “Hello.”
“Hi.” She squeaks and goes back outside. “Christ, Jess, your dad is a fucking DILF.” She laughs.
“Gee, thanks.”
You and Harry bring all of the food for the girls outside, and Jack and Josh come down to take some too. Things get quiet when Jack approaches.
“Hey, Jack.” Andrea says.
“Hey.” He smiles at her.
“I heard you got, like, the lead guy in the school play, congrats.”
“Thanks, I’m pretty excited.” He makes himself a heaping plate, and then goes inside to eat, as does Josh.
“You know…” You say to Jack as you and Harry sit with them inside. “I think that girl has a crush on you.”
“A lot of girls do.” Jack says nonchalantly, and Harry smacks his harm. “What?”
“You could be nicer about it.” Harry says.
“I was! I smiled at her, even had a little conversation. I was very polite. They all giggle every time I pick Jess up, it’s annoying.”
“They just think you’re cute, honey, there’s nothing wrong with that.” You say. “How are things with the girls in the show?”
“Oh, it’s good. Kat got Roxie, and Gina got Velma. We started blocking the court room scene where I get to use Kat as a puppet, it’s a lot of fun.”
“And she’s comfortable with sitting on you?” You ask, recalling how the stage production goes.
“Uh, yeah, she’s very comfortable.” Jack smirks. “Ben got Amos, and I’ve been helping him get off book. Like, all my friends got the best parts, which is great. We’re all gonna hang out Friday after school if that’s alright.”
“Does Jess need a ride home?” Harry asks.
“Nah, she has an away game. It’s home tomorrow, then she has practice, then away Friday. I’ve got the whole schedule memorized.”
“We’ll all be able to go to her game tomorrow, I’m excited.” Josh says.
“It’ll be a lot of fun, I think Niall and Sarah are gonna come too.” You say.
“Oh good, I’ll pack a cooler.” Harry winks at you and you shake your head.
“Jack, when’s Homecoming?” You ask. “I’d like to take you two shopping ahead of time.”
“Uhh, it’s in, like, three weeks I think? I should probably know since I’m nominated for Homecoming King.” He mutters.
“You are?!” You squeal.
“Mum, please, settle down. It’s not that big a deal.”
“Sure it is, do you know how thrilled I would have been to even be on Homecoming court when I was in high school? How did I raise the popular kid?” You look at Harry.
“Suppose I’ll have to take credit for that.” Harry says and you roll your eyes at him.
“Ha! That’s a quarter, Mum.” Josh says.
“You know, this was a stupid thing we started.” You huff and get up to put a quarter in the ‘eye-roll’ jar.
“You just say that because you’re the one that fills it the most.” Harry laughs.
“Maybe if you didn’t give me a reason to roll my eyes we wouldn’t need the jar. Ever think of that?”
Jessica’s game was very exciting. You set up chairs with Harry, Niall, and Sarah. Josh met up with his friends, and so did Jack, god forbid they sit with you. Sometimes you couldn’t believe how fast Jessica could run, she was like a bullet.
“She looks so cute in her uniform.” Sarah says to you.
“Doesn’t she?!” You giggle. “Cutest one out there if you ask me.”
“Let’s go, Jess!” Niall shouts. “She’s quite talented, my best work yet. I miss being her coach.”
“Cut the cord, mate.” Harry chuckles.
Jessica had some very fancy footwork, and she scored two goals that night. The team won, and it was very exciting. A ton of people ran onto the field, including Jack who scooped her, and got her on top of his shoulders so they could cheer. Harry was able to sneak a couple of pictures of the whole thing. It was really sweet to see.
“Okay! Put me down!” She laughs as Jack squats to get her down.
“That was a great game.” He says brightly. “I thought Uncle Niall was gonna pop a blood-vessel when I looked over at them.”
“Well, at least since we won he’ll be in a good mood, and that means we’re totally going out for dinner tonight.”
“Oh, fuck yeah.” They start walking off the field to find everyone.
“Jack?!” He turns around to see Andrea.
“Go find them, I’ll be there in a minute.” He says to Jessica and she nods. “Yeah?”
“Hi.” She tucks some hair behind her hair.
“Hi.” He smiles. “Great game, you’re an incredible goalie.”
“Oh, thanks.” She blushes. “Um, so…we both made it onto Homecoming court…”
“Yeah, we did.” He runs a hand through his hair.
“Are you going to the dance?”
“Mhm, I’m going with my friends…not really doing the date thing.”
“Oh.” She blushes harder. “Um, well…”
“But, I could sit with you at the Football game if you want since we all sort of need to sit near the field.”
“Um, yeah that would be great.” She smiles.
“Want me to just pick you up for it?”
“Cool.” He smiles. “I gotta going, but I’ll talk to you later.”
“Okay.” She smiles. “Bye.”
Yes, you were the obnoxious parents that went to the homecoming football game, but you had an excuse this year. Jack was on homecoming court, and tonight they were announcing who the king and queen would be. His competition were a few jocks and one other preppy kid. Josh chose to sit with you, Sarah, and Niall, while Jessica was off with her friends in the stands. They were all wearing their soccer jerseys in support of the football team.
Jack was sitting with Andrea, like he said he would. He even went to concessions and got them both a hot a chocolate. She was a lot cooler than he was expecting. They had started texting here and there, and he found out that Andrea actually really liked musicals, and was still playing soccer so she could hopefully get a scholarship from a good school.
You got especially excited once it was halftime. The dance team went out and did their thing, they were pretty good.
“You’re a better dancer.” Harry whispers in your ear.
“Shh.” You giggle as he kisses your cheek.
“Please, I’ll go sit somewhere else.” Josh groans.
“Sorry, we’ll behave.” Harry says to him with a smirk.
“Ladies and Gentlemen!” The announcer starts. “It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for, please welcome your homecoming court!”
Everyone cheers as all the kids on the court step onto the field. Jack looked cute as ever in his beanie that had just enough of his curls peeking out. The announcer says who the third runner ups are, the second runner ups, and then it comes down to two more pairs. When he says who the first runner ups are, you squeal because that left Jack and Andrea together.
“…which means, Andre Nelson and Jack Styles are this years homecoming queen and king!”
The crowd goes nuts as the crowns come out, and Harry was already videoing the whole thing before you had a chance to tell him to.
“He won! Oh my god!” You squeal again.
Some pictures are taken down on the field before they’re all told they can go sit back down. The dance team comes back out to do another dance before the second half starts back up.
“So, uh…congratulations.” Andrea says to Jack.
“You too. Listen, I was gonna go stag to the dance, but…I mean, if you don’t already have a date, would you wanna go together?”
“Really?” She smiles.
“Sure, can’t have my queen walking in unescorted.” He smirks.
“Jack, I’d love to go with you.”
“Cool.” He throws his arm around her shoulders as they sit there.
“Mum, please!” Jessica whines. “My date is gonna be here any second.” You were just finishing make her hair look wavy.
“And I’m sure he’ll love the way you look.”
“No, I’m worried about Dad grilling him.”
“Your father will not-“ You hear the door ring.
“Okay, okay, you’re all set.”
Jessica sprints down the stairs, but cools it when she sees it’s just Andrea.
“Hey, Jess.” She smiles.
“Hey! You look so pretty.”
“Thanks, so do you.”
“Very pretty.” Harry say to Jessica.
“Dad.” She says with red cheeks.
“Right, well, I think Jack’s upstairs, getting that hair under control is a two man job, so I think Josh is helping him.” Harry says to Andrea and she nods. “I’ll go get the camera.”
The doorbell rings again, and you go to answer it.
“Hi, you must be Eric.” You smile.
“Yeah, hi, Mrs. Styles.”
“Come on in.”
Eric was a sophomore who Jessica had gotten to know during one of her study periods. He was extremely polite, and he had started coming to her soccer games.
“Okay, let’s see, I-“ Harry fiddles with his camera and then looks up at Eric. “Hello.”
“Hi, Mr. Styles.” Eric shakes Harry’s hand. “Nice to meet you.”
“Same to you. My daughter needs to be home by eleven.”
“Dad…Jack’s driving us.”
“Great, then make sure he brings you back by eleven.”
Josh comes down the stairs to join in on the fun, and Jack makes his way down too.
“Hey.” He grins at Andrea. “You look great.”
“So do you.” She blushes.
Harry takes a ton of pictures, making sure to get plenty of family shots with your three kids. You tear up a bit as you watch the four of them leave, and Josh goes back upstairs.
“What is it?” Harry asks as he flips through this photos.
He sets the camera down and comes over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You wrap yours around his neck.
“Our…first date was around this time of year.”
“That it was. Been together a while now, huh?”
“Mhm, and sometimes when I see what we have…well, I still can’t believe it was all thanks to Niall.” You burst out laughing.
“Oi, I would like to remind you that I’m the one who pressed him for the date with you after he showed me your picture.”
“Okay, you can take some of the credit.”
“M’just grateful you agreed to the date in the first place.”
“I’m grateful you were patient enough to stick around.” You peck his lips and smile. “Was taking it slow all that time ago as worth it for you as it was for me?”
“More worth it than you’ll ever know, my love.” He squishes his nose to yours. “My everything.”
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monotonous-minutia · 3 years
Merlin mini-rant
I really like the show but one of the things that doesn’t sit quite as well with me is the handling of who started as possibly my second-favorite character, Morgana.
I like heroine Morgana. She’s sassy and spunky and sweet, has a little more humility (and possibly humanity, at least at first) than Arthur, so they balance each other out at the start. Despite the fact that (and I’m still not really sure why they do this, because it doesn’t last long) the narrative seems to ship them at first, they have a really sweet, genuine sibling relationship that helps build the foundation of their friend group/found family. Morgana is physically strong and agile without the narrative making her sacrifice her femininity to be so (as is too often seen). She’s also very smart and talented in ways that others aren’t; while several characters are off winning physical battles afar, she’s at home winning battles with words. There are many episodes in Season One where the story would not have ended as well as they did if she hadn’t said what she did, to whom she did. She knows the ins and outs of the palace, she knows who’s who, and she knows what everyone’s priorities are, so she can almost always find the right thing to say to make them see sense, and often come to realizations that help them grow as people. She has a deep, innate empathy to those around her regardless of rank, while still recognizing ranks enough to utilize her power appropriately (and sometimes just be a little priss--she’s young, y’know). She’s incredibly gay with Gwen and I love it.
I also like villain Morgana. Her journey from the above-described heroine to the ruthless villain we see by the end of the series is well-thought-out, and the slow deterioration of her morality based on the events she goes through is both heartbreaking and makes me want to bang my head into the wall. She continues to be incredibly powerful, still using her wit and words as weapons, as well as becoming an alarmingly great sorceress. Her degeneration from the stately figure we see early on to the deranged witch by the end of the action is meticulous. And the fact that she’s still very attached to Gwen even after all these developments, and even when Gwen makes the choice to stay in Camelot, is an interesting touch that adds a depth to her that isn’t always seen with villains.
But I gotta say I love heroine Morgana more, and not really just for emotional reasons.
I’m not mad that the main villain of the series ends up being a woman, because the idea that women can’t be villains is just ridiculous to me. And, as said before, her arc is very well-written imo, so it doesn’t seem like a cop-out, like “we just wanted a girl villain bc girls are bad.”
I am a little mad that when the main villain turns out to be a woman, it leaves only one woman in the principle cast of heroes. Not that Gwen can’t totally hold her own, but it would have been nice to have her dynamic feminine duo with Morgana (and their ridiculous gayness) for the rest of the series, rather than leaving the majority of the action up to the men. Plus, I think keeping Morgana around as a hero might have given Gwen more outlets to be involved in the main action as well, since these two are definitely a power couple.
Dramatically speaking I think it might have worked better, too. Again, I like the villain arc Morgana gets--it isn’t rushed and it’s well-thought-out. But I think it would have been even nicer to have them be two different characters. Maybe keep Nimueh around for a few extra seasons, and/or introduce someone else with the same powers Morgana ends up with. Or keep Morgause; she could even still be Morgana’s half-sister, but Morgana refuses to join her, adding another layer to the hero/villain dynamics. Her backstory could be similar, and we could see parts of it along the way as it intertwines with the rest of the plot.
But I would have loved to see Morgana stay in Camelot as one of the lead heroes. Early on she doesn’t seem to have any desire to gain the throne (and I always thought the whole “she’s-actually-Uther’s-biological-daughter” thing was a cop-out anyway), so I can totally see her finding herself in a supportive, advisor-type role to Arthur as he takes on more and more responsibility. Their sibling dynamic would provide a lot of genuine sweetness and sassy banter throughout. She could continue to provide valuable assistance during the adventures, using her words and knowledge and influence to help out, becoming wiser as the years go on and helping Arthur build a strong kingdom.
She could have continued her super-sweet relationship with Gwen, supporting her as she slowly becomes more important in the court, vouching for her despite her rank, and continuing to be incredibly gay.
I think it would have been really cool if she and Merlin connected early on about their magic and confided in each other. I would have loved to see the two of them struggling together as they harness their powers, and bonding over that; and Merlin for once being able to take on a mentor-type role where his contributions are actually acknowledged, as he helps Morgana through the early stages of her revelations. Plus, it would help both of them feel much less alone, which not only saves Morgana from the villain path, but also gives Merlin some of the attention and support that he needs and never effing gets.
I think it would be funny if Arthur’s impression that they’re flirting continued throughout the series as a running gag, especially as they’d be making excuses to spend more time together so they can help each other with their magic. They could even use it to their advantage at times to get him off their backs. (On that note, I can see Morgana concluding the series with no other love interest than Gwen, though it would also be funny if she continually received suitors that were more running gags or funny side-plots to other stories).
I can almost see it like this: instead of refusing to tell Morgana that he also has magic in 2x3 (“The Nightmare Begins”), Merlin actually does tell her, so instead of her going to the Druids and starting that path of conflict, she and Merlin become closer and her goals become more focused and she’s less scared, and that prevents her from going down the path of darkness.
As Morgana works to understand and control her powers, she could learn about its history and lore and the Old Religion and stuff and be able to help identify sorcery and mythical creatures when they come across them.
And her relationship with Mordred could add yet another layer to the hero/villain dynamic; she could take on a mentoring role for him when he joins the Knights, maybe even helping him out with his magic and trying to get him into her and Merlin’s little “magic circle.” Merlin’s suspicion of Mordred could cause some juicy personal conflict between him and Morgana, and Mordred’s inevitable betrayal would be devastating in a dramatically satisfying way, if that makes sense.
All in all, I do like villain Morgana and her whole villain arc; but I would have liked it even more if she’d stayed in Camelot as one of the heroes, keeping her place in the principle cast of characters and remaining an important part of their friend group/Disaster Bi Club.
anyway....those are my thoughts...idk if anyone on here even knows what I’m talking about lol but I wanted to get it out there; I usually do my TV show rants on Twitter but the character limit for posts prevents long stuff like this.
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enamourous · 3 years
YES YES yor is my fave oml shes so cool and when she was getting insecure abt being a good mother to anya i was like noOO T^T ur doing amazing sweetie !!!! the whole gag where each of the family has a hidden secret is so endearing to watch !! since they all almost spill the beans to each other so many timeS :D !! im glad its getting more popular lately and yes im so hyped for the possible anime too !!! ig i have a specific type of show that i rlly like considering how noragami has rlly nice found family moments too as well as comedy w/ action as well !! oh n i read the first few chapters of shadows house and its already p interesting so far !! im already invested hhh !!! as soon as someone says 'interesting chars' i get interested right away so !! and oh okay !! ill just list a few things ive been watching... recently it would be yuukoku no moriarty + bakuten and for cartoons it'd be the owl house and infinity train (specifically season 2 being my fave since its an anthology series, its really interesting as well and a quick watch since its only 10 eps and theyre short ones too !!) which i also rlly recommend if u havent watched them !! and also why would i laugh at viola??? thats so cool and its such a pretty instrument too !!!!!! ;v; i was always jealous when i did music in school bc the few students who did the viola just looked so elegant and professional ?? and i could tell they were hardworkers .. meanwhile i have a tendency to slouch over the piano which is not good :''D plus i bet viola is hard to learn right ?? (im glad u think im not rambling btw !! <3 i need to scream at someone abt how good spy x family is haha)
YESS OMG like!!! that one chapter where yor goes "I'M HER MOTHER!!!" after they think she's anya's maid,, your honor she is officially Mother now she said it and we heard it 😌 omfg the gag is like literally SO funny like did u see the latest chapter recently?? 😂 anya's like "omg dad will find out mom's an assassin AND that she hates frogs!!!!" she has her priorities straight. i love her to death 🥰 and can't get over loid's "omg... this child... she NEEDS love and support. i will now buy the entire store's clothes to make her happy" LIKE. as for the anime... i'm so excited for them to do the first few arcs, i hope they include the little side chapters too like where they go to the aquarium and stuff!! :D OHH so glad you like shadow house so far!!! and yes dflgjfh interesting characters is very much a checklist for this manga, esp with the whole concept of like having a shadow self and etc!! :D i dont know if you've met him yet, but my favorite character is john!! he'll come early on in the manga i think :) and lemme know how the rest of the series goes for you!! 💕 AAH i haven't heard of the animes you've recommended but now that means i've got a list to watch!! :D i'll definitely try to check them out when i get the chance ehehe! also i haven't heard of owl's house but i have heard that infinity train is like so good it's to die for fdk;hg 💕so maybe i've gotta give those a chance as well! kfgjhg i'm so happy with your kindness towards violas, we don't get enough of it aaaa!! :') we're like literally always the butt of the joke ldghkg; it's not too much harder to learn compared to violin or cello i'd imagine, but oh boy,, the heaviness of carrying a big viola on your shoulder all day :') i guess piano and viola are back pain solidarity! however, i still gotta say learning piano is just soo versatile, like i'm sure you can just p much transcribe most pieces into it!! for viola, it's really hard to find music from games / animes etc so i was just always a bit disappointed about it :'(
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celmation-gibson · 4 years
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The First Drawing to post for this New Decade, and it's the Best of the Movies that I've seen in the Cinemas, and one I've heard of for a while. So here are some Favorite Characters of mine that were fun to Draw, along with the Reviews for the Films.
Missing Link - My First movie to see in the Cinemas of this Year, and it's another Laika Classic, and despite being a Box Office flop, It did receive some very Good Reviews from Critics, and even my Foodtown Boss' Grandchildren saw the Film on a Thursday(?) and they Loved it, so I figured I give this film a watch, and I was amazed at the Final result, An Amazing sight to see that some Folks out there don't know what their Missing. It was directed by Chris Butler, who was co-Director of Laika's other projects 'ParaNorman', and it had an Amazing cast such as Mr. Zach Galifianakis (Felix of 'Bob's Burgers' & Lego Joker of 'the Lego Batman Movie'), Zoe Saldana(Avatar, Gaurdians of the Galaxy), & Hugh Jackman (Van Helsing & Wolverine of the live-Action 'X-Men' films). And once again, the Folks of Laika really did some good Work & Commitment in Making this Film, especially when I loved the Film's settings & Landscaping, and the Action Sequences are Phenomenal, especially in those Action sequences when the Ship rotates with the People in it when it was Struck with the Storm's Big Wave, and How Suspenseful it was when the Characters are dangled into Ice blocks or big icicles, and how shocking on how the Villains' defeat of Lord Piggot-Dunceby, his neurotic right-hand man Mr. Collick, and Bounty Hunter Willard Stenk were killed in Cold Blood, cuz I knew that that Ice Bridge in the Film was gonna Break in a Sequence. Plus there were some Cute Humor in the Film as well, especially after when Mr. Link/Susan Roared at a Dog during a Bar Fight, and after a Moment of Silence, the Dog just attacked on of his Men and the Bar Fight continues (that's when most kids in the Auditorium laughed at that part), and how Susan literally thrown some Objects over the Wall. And I'm always fascinated with Cryptozoology creatures such as Bigfoot, Abominable Snowmen, & the Loch Ness Monster, even when they make me think about that 1970's film entitled 'the Mysterious Monsters'. And even if the film was Distributed by United Artists (a Subsidiary of MGM I suppose), it's kinda Weird now now that it was released on DVD and Blu-Ray from 20th Century Fox, even after Disney's Conquest, but can we still call ML a Non-Disney film, even if some MGM films are being released by FOX under a Contract?
Godzilla: King of the Monsters - Well me and my dad certainly love Giant Monster movies when we were Young, and I certainly remember renting every Godzilla movie on VHS back when Blockbuster was still around, and we certainly enjoyed that one 2014 'Godzilla' movie, unlike the 1998 Matthew Broderick one, so we decided to give this new kaiju movie 'Godzilla: King of the Monsters' a viewing pleasure, not to be confused with the 1956 Americanized 'Gojira' movie starring Raymond Burr. And i gotta say that it was an Epic Thrill-ride of our Lives, even the monsters we were familiar with were Amazing, Godzilla being all greatly Huge and Buffed-up as always in the USA, Rodan looking a-little Sinister lookin', Mothra playing out like the original 'Mothra' movie, starting off as a larva hatching from her Egg, then Evolving into a beautiful Butterfly-like Moth, then King Ghidorah was so Menacing in this one, and being like Lizzie in 'Rampage', he was such a "Pain-in-the-Ass" character, even once being Nicknamed 'Monster Zero', either that Nickname was also used in Japan, or used for one of Ghidorah's old film appearances in the US, that was double-billed with 'War of the Gargantuas'. I even like how they referenced some stuff from Warner Bros. & Legendary Films' 'Kong: Skull Island', as that films along with the 2014 Godzilla, and this Film are all in the same Universe, Monsterverse that is. And how surprising that there are other Kaijus in this Movie that I'm not even certainly familiar about, like that one Arachnid-like featured titan, or the Giant Ape Body/Mammoth Trunk beast, or another Muto(?), and I am wondering if the Demolished Boston at the end of the movie is gonna be the new 'Monster Island'. The human characters were good, I mostly like every member on the character Dr. Mark Russell's team, they seem likable, and the Cast was great, even after looking at the film's Poster befor we went inside the theater, I saw the familiar name of Thomas Middleditch, the same man who did voices in 'Captain Underpants' & 'Bob's Burgers', doing a Live-action role, and while writing this review, I've discovered some other actress who starred in this film include Sally Hawkins, who starred in the previous 2014 Godzilla movie, and also in Guillermo del Toro's 'the Shape of Water, and the woman playing the daughter in this film, also played in 'Stranger Things' as Eleven. And also I love on how the film as a Newer Version of Godzilla's approach-like film that was used in the old films, and even the end Credits have Cover version of Blue Oyester Cult's classic hit 'Godzilla'. And one of the Film's story plot is Fascinating, like how this Earth was once ruled by Giant Titans, until us small Humans have taken over while most of those Titans went Extinct and hiding in the Earth's Spirit.
The Secret Life of Pets 2 - Well, Illumination has done it again, as it Amuses me once before with 'the Grinch', 'Despicable Me 2', 'the Secret Life of Pets', & 'Sing', they have released a Sequel to my Favorite Secret Life of Pets movie that I saw in theaters back in 2016, and now have it on DVD. And when I heard that the Original voice for Max got replaced with a Guy I know of who has a Great Career in Animation, I was like "Whuuut?", but even after reading what Happened to that one Guy, i figured I'd give this Movie a Watch, since I'll like Patton even more. And I gotta say, this Sequel does have some Cute and Lovable moments in the Film, and those Subplots in the Film are Wonderful, leading up to a Story on how to save a White Tiger cub from a Wicked Ringmaster (voiced by Funny voice man, Mr. Nick Kroll(Sausage Party, Sing, Captain Underpants). And Snowball is more luvable in this one as he is in the first Film (Kevin Hart is so Wonderful!), even teaming up with a Cute/Funny character such as Daisy, a Shih Tzu voiced by Tiffany Haddish (who just did a guest voice role in 'Bob's Burgers'). Also with a Cute story on how Max & Duke's owner fall in Love with a Fun Gentleman and have a Kid together, and I love how the Dogs raised the Boy up, by helping him to Crawl & walk, and have Good Animal Instincts, which makes me think that what if my Sister & her Husband had a Pet Puppy that could be a good a Good Companion to my Little Layla niece. And some of the Parts in the Film have Good humor in it, like did I just heard a Cow say "Rat Turd" in front of an auditorium full of Young children? Plus Mr. Harrison Ford(Han Solo in 'Star Wars' & Indiana Jones) was great as a character named Rooster, who tries to Man/Brave up Max and a few characters, after Max has devoted his Life to Little Liam, which led to the Funny Collar on his head. And I'd figured there was something Familiar about that Young Lamb Cotton's voice in the Movie, as he is voiced by Mr. Sean Giambrone, the voice of Jeff in 'Clarence' & Shermy in the 'Adventure Time' series Finale.
Abominable - Well, Dreamworks has done it again, a new film from a Creative Team was made and about to be released soon, and when I saw the Previews of it for the First time, I thought I wasn't too interested in it, especially with the humorous Blueberry gag parts. But after a while, and see that if it looked cuter as Dreamworks' previous film 'Home(2015)', I thought I give it a go, and hopefully it look way better than that one Weird-Looking film in 1995 called 'to catch a Yeti' starring Meatloaf. But for the 'Abominable' film, since the Movie was getting Good Feedback from Reviewers and Viewers, I was Lucky to watch the Film for myself. The Characters were Cute and Funny, almost like the ones from 'Home', especially with Ethnic Protagonists. And the settings and Designs of Asia in the Open Fields, Forests, and Cities are really nice, wishing I could visit and/or live there. And the Great story is like an E.T. Extra Terrestrial thing, expect that the Heroes goes with the Creatures on an Adventure of a lifetime to bring back the Creature to his Beloved Family that they Tried to protect from any threats what's-so-ever. And there are some Amazing plot Twist among the Villainous Characters, like just when you thought the villain was actually an elderly Man who has been hunting Mythical creatures for rewards, but it turns out that the True Villain was actually a Nerdy Woman who thought was a seemingly-gentle Scientist just doing what's right for the World, who almost Barely looks like a geeky version of Kari McKeen of Disney/Pixar's 'the Incredibles', and when she let down her Hair, she may look like a Devious version of Merida of Disney/Pixar's 'Brave'. The Effects in the Movie is Super Nice & Super Awesome, especially in the Yeti's Humming effects, some Action Sequences, and that one moment when the Heroine's Father's Violin broke, the Yeti fixes it by using his own Hair for the String replacements, and I know from that Moment, with Yi's Musical skills and the Yeti's Powers combined, and when the Hearts are Full, and the Heavens are listening, Magic is bound to happen. And for the one other part when the Heroes are Gazing into the Stars, they say that the Stars could be our Ancestors watching over us, and that if we don't see any Stars in the Sky, there will be always there for us, almost like even if for some Folks lost their Love ones, they will always be there, even if we can't see them. But I'm glad i enjoyed the Movie, and I know that some Tween kid group enjoyed it as well, laughing at some Funny Parts in which i enjoyed, sometimes with the Woofing Snakes, "WOOF, there it is, WOOF, there it is".
the Addams Family - Well, a another Fantastic new Animated feature has been made, and it's based off of what I remember from my Childhood, cuz I do remember watching the early 1990's Live-Action movies of the Creepy Family starrring Christopher Lloyd and Christina Ricci, before I knew who some of the Actors were, and I remember the Animated Hanna-Barbera Kooky series on Cartoon Network a while back, even making a Spooky Guest appearance in 'the New Scooby-Doo Movies', but I haven't watched much of their old Ookie Live-action series, and the Family I'm talking about is 'the Addams Family'. And I've read a while back that an Animated CGI feature is gonna be released soon, and I knew back there that that would be interesting for me to see, so I've waited several months for the to be released in Cinemas, and I finally got a chance to do so. It was a Fun and Entertaining movie, and surprising it was made Directed and made by the same team who did the 2016 R-rated Animated film 'Sausage Party' starring Seth Rogan & Kristen Wiig, and the Character designs for the Film were to be based off the old design from the Original Addams Family comics in the old days, and with modern help from Mr. Craig Kellman(Hotel Transylvania, Madagascar). And the voice cast is amazing, we got Mr. Nick Kroll(Captain Underpants) voicing Uncle Fester, Chloe Grace Moretz(Kick-Ass) as Wednesday Addams, Finn Wilfhard(IT, "Beep, Beep, Richie") as Pugsley Addams, Charlize Theron(Kubo and the Two Strings) as Morticia Addams, Bette Midler(Hocus Pocus) as Grandmama, Snoop Dogg as Cousin Itt, Elsie Fisher(Despicable Me) as Parker Needler, even the film's co-director Mr. Conrad Vernon as Lurch ("YYYOOOOOOUUUUUUU RRRAAAAANNNGGGG?!", LOL!!!), a priest that presides over Gomez and Mortica's wedding, the spirit that haunted the abandoned asylum that Gomez and Morticia move into (who often threatened them to get out, much to the family's delight, which i find those Parts to be entirely Hilarious, even in the Theater's Booming Stereo), and Dr. Flambe, a Devil-like relative of the Addams family with fire-like abilities. And the Film's Story is very cute, even with the Film's Opening Scenes on the Origin story of the Addams Family and their "Creative Differences" with other Societies, and it gives me some Good comparisons with Sony's 'Hotel Transylvania' as Creepy Creatures who have lived through the Centuries and Years soon get into Modern times and how other people dealt with Beings like the Monsters of HT and the Addams Family and their Clan. And it would be nice if my Parents were watching the Film with me in the Theaters, cuz during the Film's Ending, me and the people in the Auditorium got a chance to sing-along with the Film's Theme Song, and everyone was Snapping their Fingers to the tune. So If you wanna celebrate Halloween in a Great and Wonderful way, I think that this film is for you, and for all you Goth, Emo, and Young-at-Heart Artists out their who would love a Creepy Treat, and just can't wait to get it on DVD. Klaus - To come clear, I've heard about this movie, and I've even seen some Pencil Tests of it way back then, but I've actually never seen the whole thing, or catch it in a Selected Theater, but I really did see the Film's Trailer. And I would say for a 2D, Hand-Drawn, Frame-by-Frame, Animated feature, these people tried to Improve something for the Classic Animation with their Coloring and Shading type Technique, and even though It's a wonderful Improvement, I wouldn't expect some folks to use this kind of thing more often for Future Celmated Features. As for the Voice cast, I already know who Mr. J.K. Simmons is, but I was surprised to read that the voice man for Mr. Jesper Johansson, is also the guy who played the Villianous Gideon Graves of 'Scott Pilgrim vs. the World' movie.
And sorry if I didn't catch 'IT: Chapter 2' like I did with the first one, But I'm hoping o see some more clips of it online. And I Never had interest in seeing the 2019 'Child's Play', though I still like Ms. Aubrey Plaza & Mr. Mark Hamill. And I had no interest in seeing 'the Angry Birds Movie 2' since I'm never a Big Fan of Thurop Van Orman's creativity. And lastly, I didn't felt like seeing the 'Spies in Disguise' movie ever since Disney's Horrible Conquest of the whole 20th Century Fox media.
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
Top 20 BEST Animated Series of 2010s-18th Place
From here, we jump from one unstoppable franchise that defined my childhood to another!
#18- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012-2017)
The Plot: Fifteen years after their mutation, four turtles trained in ninjutsu finally get a chance to leave their home in the sewers and catch a glimpse of the surface world. However, they soon learn that the city of New York is surprisingly full of crime. The type of crime run by dangerous mutants, aliens from another dimension, and even a legion of ninjas run by a dangerously pointy samurai named The Shredder. With the training from their rat sensei, these unlikely heroes will save their city, foil the villains' plans and still have time for pizza!
Now I know that you might be thinking about how this is the dumbest plot for a T.V. show. To that, I say...yeah, pretty much. HOWEVER, the show is called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. There is no way you didn't know it was going to be a dumb show going in, right? TMNT is a franchise born from stupidity but not hindered by it. The many reboots rarely, if ever, take themselves too seriously. And the main reason this franchise lasts so long is that the writers know to embrace the weirdness rather than make fun of it. Something similar can be said about this particular reboot.
Sure, there are episodes with more serious stakes than others, but those episodes still know when to keep things light-hearted and fun by placing a well-timed joke between the more dramatic beats. Or at least, they try to do that, but I’ll get to that later. For the most part, TMNT (2012) has a great sense of humor that will make kids laugh and give the adult fans an occasional chuckle. Even when the show does take itself seriously, it handles it well. And do you want to know why the jokes and drama work in this series? It’s all because of the characters.
Here’s a tip for people who want to write a comedy series: Comedy doesn’t come from the joke, but the character who makes the joke. A common complaint you’ll hear about Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is that it has the mistake of everyone having too similar of a personality. The jokes are still funny (sometimes), but it comes at the expense of making the characters stale. That isn't the case for this version. Each turtle has a unique trait that helps explore a joke (Leonardo being the straight man and Donetello's over the top freakouts, for example). Even Master Splinter gives an occasional laugh with his dry sense of humor. However, not every joke in TMNT (2012) works, and that’s either because some gags are out of character or are just not funny. For instance, Michelangelo is the team’s moron, so his humor comes from doing something stupid or random. Sometimes it earns a laugh, but for the most part, it comes across as annoying.
The writers also do a somewhat good job at handling drama with its characters. By making the audience like these characters because of their sense of humor, we immediately root for them when they’re being thrown into a more dire situation. The best example of this is every time the turtles and their allies face off against the Shredder, which is always an intense scene to witness. That’s because we care about the characters and will feel panicked when they are in a fight they might not walk away from unscathed. However, not every instance of drama works well. There are times when the show takes itself a little too seriously. While the adult fans will most certainly enjoy those episodes, the same can’t be said for kids. Most kids' cartoons during the 2010s manage to handle drama well in a way where both children and adults can be invested. They usually do this by remembering to keep a stable mix of light-hearted humor with serious storytelling, and sadly this series sometimes fails in finding that perfect mix.
In the first season (and half of season 2), TMNT (2012) did have that balance of comedy and drama. However, halfway through season 2, the humor and drama begin to contradict each other. It starts off with the more comedic episodes coming across as sillier than the dramatic ones that come across as too dark. For example, a story where the turtles nearly die from getting eaten by mutated pizza comes right before one where they almost die from fighting a trained assassin who's a mutated tiger. Things get even worse where even the tones don’t match up for an episode. A majority of the dramatic episodes in later seasons will have a dumb joke that ruins the moment's intensity. And every time, that joke is always made by Michelangelo, who we already established as being not that funny. Because of the contradicting tones, both new and old fans of the series can lose their enjoyment.
However, there’s one thing all fans enjoy that this series excels in, and that is having great action. While the current reboot definitely has the best action animation-wise, it’s mostly styled with no substance. That’s not the case with the 2012 reboot, as it does a decent job at mixing cool action into a story. It’s easy to make a fight between four mutated turtles fighting an evil mutant look cool, but it’s a whole other thing to actually have that fight make sense in a story. Because this reboot works in a half-hour format, the fight scenes between the turtles and the new villain of the week feel more natural and nicely paced with everything else going on within the episode. Plus, while not as epic as Rise of the TMNT, the fights are still pretty cool. They can be fast-paced, have phenomenal camera work, and can be pretty brutal at times when they want to be. And it’s somewhat because this series trades the traditional 2D designs for a 3D makeover.
It’s funny. When I found out that this version of TMNT was planned to be animated using 3D models, I was ready to hate it due to how unnatural it looks. The thing is that the 3D designs are what makes this show stand out from the rest. The level of detail each character has is impressive and would have taken much longer to animate if the show would have stuck with 2D. Although there are a few small complaints, I have character designs. These problems don’t really bug me that much, but they are still worth mentioning. One problem is that not every redesign for the characters work, especially with how they made Casey Jones (do a google image search if you don’t believe me). But I can learn to live with it because every reboot has that ONE design that not everyone will agree with. Another issue I have is that it is apparent when the animators took shortcuts. Such as making an army where the characters look identical to each other or having the transformation from human to mutant look a little lazy. Now I can accept that for two reasons: One. It would take a long time to make a new unique model for a character who would appear for just 10 seconds. And two. Animation (Especially 3D animation) is crazy expensive, and you gotta make cuts where you can. However, for things like the city of New York, one of the most populated/crowded states in the country, being practically devoid of all life can be pretty distracting.
But while the designs for the characters are great, the characters themselves are also...fine. Okay, truth be told, there isn’t much I can say about the characters. Most of them range from passably generic to forgettably bland. However, there are characters in this reboot that I feel are worth mentioning. For instance, this show has the BEST version of Master Splinter. His backstory of the life he had as Hamato Yoshi is legitimately heartbreaking, and the way he interacts with the turtles can be both heartwarming and hilarious. Then there’s the character who I’m iffy about, and that’s April O'Neil. And it’s NOT because she’s a teenage girl in this version (Although I can see why people can have a problem with that), but instead because she doesn’t seem like April O’Neil. Without giving too much away, TMNT (2012) does something that I’m okay with, and that's trying to make April less of a damsel in distress and more of a character who can actually take care of herself. However, the way the writers do that is by making her less like April O’Neil and more like...well, without spoiling anything, she’s more like another famous red-headed comic book character who deals with dangerous mutants. Finally, there’s the character I’m frustrated with: Michelangelo. When I was a kid, Mikey was always my favorite turtle from the bunch, and that was because he was the funniest turtle. This version, on the other hand, comes across as more annoying than funny. In fact, not only is Donatello the most hilarious turtle in this series, but even Leonardo has moments when he’s funnier than Michelangelo. And those are both characters who have had the reputation of the most boring in the franchise!
So, does this reboot of TMNT have its faults? Yes. Yes, it does. But do you want to know what else this reboot has? It has both style and substance. It has both drama and humor. It has fantastic designs and great characters to go along with them. In the end, if you’re a new or old fan of the franchise, odds are you're gonna have one shell of a time with this series.
(Also, while I pointed out it’s faults, I do enjoy Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...for the most part. I’ll explain why, some day.)
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