#this has been sitting in my drafts for 6 months
half-oz-eddie · 26 days
Abuse, violence tw
Steve was in his living room enjoying a quiet, uneventful night.
Yes, uneventful. His favorite sort of night, these days. Exactly 3 months ago, the nightmare which was the Mind Flayer had plagued the city, taking dozens of people's lives along with it.
Steve still had a terrible ringing in his ears, neglecting the probably needed medical attention as usual.
As he enjoyed some nightly news and KFC, he heard a thump coming from upstairs.
He was home alone, as he was most nights.
Steve turned down the TV, startled when he'd heard the thumping again.
He didn't know what to expect. In a town like Hawkins, a town with monsters and alternate dimensions, that sound could be anything.
Steve grabbed one of his dad's golf clubs and slowly ascended the steps. He heard the sound of his window slowly sliding shut as he reached the top of the steps.
He crept to his room and swung the door open, gasping at the sight, nearly swinging his golf club.
"Wait wait wait!" A familiar voice exclaimed in the darkness.
Steve slowly lowered the club. "...Hargrove?" He shook his head. "No way, we watched you die."
"I didn't die. I woke up in the morgue and some...guys and a lady in suits came right away and—and they sedated me and brought me to some lab to...study me. They kept running all these tests on me and shocking me until I would flatline."
"So...what you can't die?"
"I dunno, maybe I can. But I don't wanna die."
"I just..." Steve shook his head in disbelief. "I don't get it. I-I watched you...take a tentacle through the chest. How are you alive?"
"Because whatever that...dark shadow thing did to me...it changed my body. My...organs can like...regenerate."
"That's...uh...that's...pretty cool."
"I dunno, whatever, I guess. Look, I'm sorry about before. About everything. The fight, being an asshole, trying to kill everyone—"
"The last part wasn't your fault, but I'll forgive you for everything else." Steve finally disarmed himself and set the golf club on his bed.
"So, uh..."
There was a loud urgent banging on the door. They looked at one another with wide eyes.
"Do they have a tracker on you?"
"I ditched it before I came here."
"Why exactly did you come here?"
"Because no one would expect me to come here."
The banging could be heard once more.
"Please, Harrington. Please don't tell anyone I'm here. I'm begging you."
Steve left his room without another word, descending the steps.
"Alright, alright, I'm comin'!" He shouted before swinging the door open. "Can I help you?"
"Hello again, Mr. Harrington. Do you remember me?"
"Yeah, sure. How can I help you, agents?"
"A...subject escaped from our lab. He may or may not have disguised himself as Billy Hargrove, the young man who was under the influe—"
"I know who he is. So there's some...thing shapeshifting as Billy?"
"That's correct. If you have any information about the subject's whereabouts, we need you to tell us."
"Did you check Max's house?"
"Of course."
If there was anything Steve learned from all this, it was not to trust the government, especially after how they tried to cover up Will's disappearance.
"Well, you're at the wrong place. Billy and I hated each other. There's no way he, or something disguised as him would think I'd even let him in the door."
The agent nodded. "Understandable. But if you do encounter the subject, do not engage." He held out a card. "Call us immediately."
"Yeah, sure thing. G'night." He waited until the agents piled into their cars and drove away before making his way to the steps, stopping mid-step.
What if what they said was true?
He shook the thought away. As if he'd trust those agents.
But, that didn't stop him from wondering about it. What if this shapeshifter knew Billy hated Steve and saw him as an easy mark to kill?
Maybe he was overthinking it.
He returned upstairs, finding Billy cowering beneath his desk.
"You can come out now."
Billy slowly crawled out. "Are they gone?"
"Yep. I told them they came to the wrong place because you'd never come here."
"That's exactly why I'm here. I'm so glad I was able to trust you."
"But can I trust you?"
"Whaddya mean?"
"If you're the real Billy, do you remember what you said to me in the shower at school that one time?"
"When I told you there're plenty of bitches in the sea and I'd be—"
"Sure to leave me some, yeah." Steve chuckled. "You really got under my skin."
"That was kinda the point."
"So uh...what are you gonna do now?"
"Can I stay here?'
Steve's eyes widened. "Here?!"
"Just for tonight. I swear I'll be gone before sunrise."
Steve reached over and flipped his light switch.
"Jesus..." He whispered to himself in disbelief.
In the bedroom lighting, he was able to see the marks that covered Billy's shirtless body, and the oversized collar around his neck. He couldn't understand how he was able to make it to his house in the cold in only a pair of shorts, with that big contraption around his neck.
"What...is that thing?" Steve asked, slowly approaching.
"It's a shock collar. Like they put on fucking animals. I guess they saw me as an animal too."
"Can you take it off?"
"No, it's...screwed on."
"I—stay here. I'll take it off you."
Steve raced to his garage and grabbed the tool kit. He approached Billy with a screwdriver in hand, pitying him as he backed further into the corner.
"It's alright, man. I'm not gonna hurt you. I just wanna get that contraption off of you."
Billy stepped out of the corner, allowing Steve to slowly unscrew the collar, revealing a neck covered in nicks and burns.
"You...want a shower? Maybe some food?"
"Please. I haven't eaten in months."
"I've just been sustained with a fucking IV." He showed Steve the bruising from the ripped out IV.
"Go. Use the shower. I'll bring something upstairs for you."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, go ahead. It's down the hall to the left."
Steve watched as Billy disappeared down the hall and into the bathroom, the door clicking shut behind him.
He went back downstairs, grabbed the rest of his food and split it into 2 plates, before deciding maybe Billy should have it all and he can have a bowl of cereal if he got hungry again.
Steve brought the plate upstairs and grabbed some clothes from his dresser, then knocked on the bathroom door.
"It's just me." He called out. "Got some clothes here for you."
Billy turned the shower off and opened the door, gently grasping the clothes.
"Food's in my room when you're ready."
Billy nodded, gently closing the door.
Steve sat at his desk, sighing to himself. He loudly groaned when he heard his phone ringing downstairs.
"How many times am I gonna have to walk up and down these goddamn stairs?" He mumbled to himself.
"Steve? Dude, did you hear?!" Dustin exclaimed.
"Yeah, I heard."
"Is it really a shapeshifter? Or is it actually Billy?"
"I dunno, Dustin, but I don't think we should talk about this over the phone. Maybe we can meet up tomorrow after school."
"Yeah—okay, yeah! Can you pick me up from school?"
Steve sighed. "Sure thing, buddy."
"Cool, later Steve!"
Steve hung up the phone, sighing to himself before returning upstairs to find Billy wolfing down the food, spilling crumbs all over his bed.
"Oh, sorry...did you want some?"
"No, I uh...I already ate."
Billy proceeded to wolf down his food, and Steve just sat there, with so many questions in his mind.
"That was good. Thanks, pretty boy. Want me to wash my dish—"
"No. It-it's fine. You should probably stay up here. I'll go sleep on the couch—"
"No! I-I mean...I don't wanna put you out. I should—I should sleep on the floor."
"In your condition? I can't let you do that." Steve shook his head in contest.
"I just..." Billy sighed. "I don't want to be alone."
Steve looked into Billy's frightened eyes. "They really hurt you in that lab, huh?"
Billy nodded.
This wasn't the Billy steve once knew, but he wasn't a shapeshifter, or a clone, or whatever bullshit the government agents tried to feed him. This was the real Billy. A scared young guy who had been abused relentlessly.
"I'll stay with you tonight. We can listen to the radio until we fall asleep, yeah?"
"You don't think they'll come back, do you?"
"Those agents? No..." Steve paused. "Probably not."
Billy disappointedly sighed.
"I could...stay awake. If it'll help you sleep easier." Steve suggsted.
"I don't want you to do that either. Let's just...sleep. However much we can."
Billy huddled close to the wall while Steve turned on the radio on low volume then crawled into the bed. He placed a pillow between himself and Billy.
This is so weird. Steve thought as he stared at Billy. He watched the pitiful mess sleep peacefully on the left side of his bed.
When Billy rolled over and draped his arm over Steve's shoulder, he initially thought to move it, but, he chose not to. Instead, he reached over and caressed his cheek, a tender moment shared between Billy and the only person who knew he was still alive.
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eurazba · 9 months
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*airhorn sfx* *airhorn sfx* *airhorn sfx* *airhorn sfx*
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krussyarts · 3 months
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I'm gonna throw up my brain is so full of these two
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asiandra-dash · 9 months
Since Childe doesn't know how to use chopsticks, Ayato decides to try and teach him. At first, Childe declines, saying that it's fine and he doesn't have to do that, but eventually, he lets him.
The Fatui know he can't properly use chopsticks, so when they see him actually using chopsticks the way they're supposed to, they question him because didn't he use to use those for anything other than their intended use?
Obviously, he can't say the Yashiro Commissioner helped him, even though the Fatui know he has some kind of business with Ayato, so Childe lies, saying Zhongli taught him how to use them during his previous trip to Liyue.
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clauderains · 6 months
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Pepe was not having a good day
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greetings-inferiors · 7 months
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venomroses · 25 days
And when you share the great power you have taken for yourself and your family with your brother he is ungrateful. You share with him the thrill that is complete and total power and the authority that is knowledge of all there is to know and he begs you to make it stop. Somewhere in the back of your mind, he's still the scared boy he was before he'd disappeared. He had not begged then- he knew you could do nothing. Somewhere in the back of your mind, he is afraid of what he does not know. But now he is not a boy and he knows you can and he is afraid of knowing too much. He cries- sweet and sensitive as he ever had been- when he ends up seeing the deaths of poor fools he's never met and never will meet through the eyes of their loved ones, and you watch him fight with his so-called family when he cannot help but see them truly, all the things they do and have done while is back is turned. And worst of all he tries to push you away. This is all you've ever wanted since you met the one who tormented you from the moment you set foot in the desert. The power to protect the only person you ever truly loved and here he is pushing you away for finally getting what you always wanted. You should feel angry, but the bones twist under your skin again and then you can feel nothing but pain.
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timetravellingkitty · 2 months
Shehla Rashid turning pro-Modi...it's so over
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sweetdonutsart · 5 months
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ok so in June earlier this year i made a cute lil mini project to get back into story writing! it’s a fairy tale storybook called The Prince & The Doll, and it’s a short story i made kinda about my OCs but written in a fairy tale way with sketchy illustrations (a few are below)! it’s a wlw story about a doll that’s beloved by her maker, but after he dies and she is tossed aside, she’s picked up by a lonely apprentice who takes care of her.
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the story is pretty short but i’m so proud of how it turned out! it’s very inspired by barbie princess aesthetics and fairy tale style ballets 😊 you can check it out here:
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benswoleeo · 5 months
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a minty not-so-berry build that was lost in my drafts for a while! -=+=- "minty starter home" on the gallery -=+=- ᵍᵃˡˡᵉʳʸ ⁱᵈ ⁻ ᵇᵉⁿˢʷᵒˡᵉᵉᵒ
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rosydolly · 11 months
Ik I'm weird but him implying Gumby gave me a fetish was a bit much
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saphiecelladon · 2 years
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I was watching a documentary about Design and designers and I didn't expect to see Medama-Oyaji from GeGeGe no Kitaro just sitting on a paris based british designers desk.
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cursedtrekedits · 8 months
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this has been sitting in my drafts for like 6 months bc i can’t think of a good joke to go with it. someone else pick one
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miniwheat77 · 10 months
Seductive. (Captain Price x Reader.)
!CW! NSFW, smut, p in v sex, rough sex, age gap, (let me know if I missed any)
(Summary): Reader takes some advice from a friend on base and seduces her Captain.
(This has been in my drafts for forever, I hope you like it.)
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Your eyes narrow as you look upon her, very clear fake laugh leaving her lips as she places her hand on his shoulder. He doesn't notice, but you do. You can see the look in his eyes as she does, what she's doing. It's working. She walks away from him and makes her way over to you. You're sitting at a table in the mess hall, sandwich in hand.
“What are you doing?” You ask your only friend on the base you worked on. Her name was Katy, the only tolerable female on base. She might've been a little bit of a barracks bunny but you usually ignored that. She was nice and funny and you got along with her quite well.
“What?” She says. “You’re totally trying to seduce him.” You laugh. After witnessing her chatting up your commander. “Yeah? So?” Your eyes widen. “What the hell. You whore.” She shoves you. “Oh come on, don’t be such a prude.” She rolls her eyes. “Katy. You know you can’t have relations on base.” You chuckle. “What they don’t know won’t hurt em.” She smirks. “You’re not interested in anyone at all?” She asks. “No.” You say, confused. “Lame. I was going to tell you how to get what you want.” She smirks. You roll your eyes. “I’ll let you know if I ever need your expertise, but you know I’m leaving soon.” She scoffs. “I know. It’s bullshit, you’re supposed to stay here with me.” She pouts. “It’s only for 6 months and I’ll be back.” You chuckle.
You’d been recruited for task force 141, and you were leaving in a couple of weeks. She was very upset that you were leaving but you were excited for something new. After finishing up lunch, the both of you returned to your posts. You weren't sure how you got recommended to be in task force 141, you hadn't even met anyone apart of it besides the few time's you talked to Laswell, but it wasn't her task force. It was different and you weren't sure if you were ready for it.
The two weeks leading up to the day you were leaving, were crazy. Almost every single day Katy convinced you to go out, you spent almost 2 full weeks hungover at work. It was awful, but it was some of the most fun you’d ever had. The time seemed to drag on, you were nervous and excited at the same time for something different. You were waiting on a bench patiently for your helicopter to arrive, the one that'd be taking you away. Katy was sitting next to you. Talking to you before you'd inevitably leave. She was worried but she'd never show it. She was good at hiding her emotions. She had been through a lot before she entered the military, so she was good at concealment. When the helicopter arrived, she gave you a hug and you finished your goodbye's to the other few acquaintances you had on base. They were sad to see you go, and they were worried as well. 141 went on some crazy missions and they were worried about you. "Don't get dead." Katy smiles, you could see the hurt in her eyes.
She was upset when you left but she’d be okay. She had guys on base to keep her company while you were gone anyways.
The ride to the base task force 141 was on took quite a few hours. They were off in the middle of nowhere in Iran. Working toward eliminating Hassan Zyani. The Iranian terrorist.
When you arrived on base, it was pretty early in the morning. "Hi." A man smiles. He's attractive, very attractive. You smile and take his outstretched hand. Shaking it. "I'm Captain John Price. It's nice to finally meet you." He smiles. His accent takes you a little off guard, forgetting that this base is going to have Military from all over. "Lieutenant Y/N Y/L/N." You smile. He nods his head. "I've heard a lot about you. A lot about how sharp you are for your age." He smiles. "Really? I didn't know that people talked about me." You chuckle. "Oh they do. It's nice having you here Y/N, I'll show you around.” He spins around on his heels and you know you'll fit in just fine here.
Your first few weeks with 141 were busy. Nonstop missions, always up to something. If you weren’t out on a mission, you were inside of an office helping people out with research and all kinds of paperwork. You spent a lot of time with your Captain and Laswell. They enjoyed your company and your expertise with technology. Your relationship with each of the members of 141, and those in alliance with 141 were close knit. You got along so well with everyone right away and they took you in as one of their own. Joking and playing with Soap, but knowing he’d ring someone’s neck for you. Slight gestures that always made Ghost smile under his mask. Sharing sweets with him, laughing when he didn’t like it and would spit it out. Catching him smoking with his mask slightly lifted. Him threatening to kill you if you tell anyone. His eyes would darken and he’d glare if someone said something slightly aggressive to you. Playing small pranks on everyone with Gaz, he was like your evil twin. But the couple times Price got stern with you he was always there to help the situation. Usually a “take it easy cap, she���s new.”
But you didn’t really mind when he got stern with you. If you needed correction, you’d take the advice.
The only thing that really started to bother you, was the growing feelings you felt for your Captain. You didn’t figure he’d go after you, significant age gap, the job you both worked in. It just seemed impossible. You wondered if he was married but ended up asking if he had any kids and he said no, he’d never even been married. Your heart jumped. Literally wanted to beat out of your chest in excitement. He was single. Your only concern now was the significant age gap. If he didn’t mind, you definitely didn’t mind.
You spent many nights up late, daydreaming. You thought about the way he smelled, the way he has to taste on your tongue. The way his facial hair would scratch at the skin between your legs. You were groggy most days but managed to hide it. Your Captain always kept everything professional with you. He never gave you a reason to have such a growing crush on him despite his protectiveness. He was a little rough around the edges, raised his voice sometimes, very stern. You day dreamt about that too, how rough he could be. His calloused hands moving with the curves of your body. Sometimes you had to excuse yourself to the bathroom to splash cold water on your face, get him out of your head. But not even an ice bath would take away the growing heat you felt between your legs when you thought about him. You suffered like this for longer than you liked to admit. Longing stares at him during meetings. Constant concern about him on missions. It was getting a little dangerous how you felt about him.
You sat on the edge of your bed. It was pretty late at night. You were running out of options. You had one left, and you were growing desperate. With a sigh, you pull your phone out. Quickly dialing her number.
“Hey Katy.” You smile as she answered. “Y/N! Hi! How is everything?” She asks. “Everything is great, but I need advice.” You laugh. “Oh? With what?”
You take a deep breath, standing up and stepping further into your room to ensure nobody would hear you. “Do you remember when you said to ask you, ‘when I wanted to get what I want’ you remember that?” You say. She squeals through the phone. “You like somebody? You’re going to try to seduce them? You whore.” She laughs. “Yeah, if I told you who it was you’d probably freak.” She looks confused but you can’t see it. “What?”
“It’s my Captain.” She gasps. “Y/N! You little minx!” She laughs. “Just.. tell me how to do it.” You breathe. “Okay okay.” She laughs.
“First, start being friendly. When he makes a joke, put your hand on his shoulder, on his knee if you’re sitting next to him. You can fake a laugh, but don’t be obvious.” She says. “I’m listening.” You smile. “Your base isn’t that strict right?” She asks. “No?” She smiles on the other end of the line. “In the morning, before you put your uniform on, go out to get coffee. I’ve done it before in just a tank top and shorts. But you have to track his pattern so you know where he’ll be. Make sure he’s in the room, you don’t wanna seduce the wrong one yknow?” She laughs. “When you’re training, just wear a sports bra and shorts. Tight shorts. Ask him to help you train, and don’t be afraid to make some suspicious noises when you’re working out.” She smirks. “When you’re stretching, whimper. They like that.” You’re laughing. “You seem to know a lot about this.” You laugh. “Of course I do.” She rolls her eyes. You take a deep breath. “Start with those, and I’ll think of some more.” She giggles. “Okay. You’re a life saver.” After some more sly words from her, you talk a little more about everything going on. Once you’re done, you say your goodbyes and hang up.
The nervousness you felt in the morning after the conversation with her was almost too much to bare. You made your way into the mess hall, shorts and a tight tank top just like she said. You knew your Captain didn’t sleep all that well so he was always the first awake. You make your way into the kitchen, your eyes burned from being tired but you needed this. Needed him to pay attention to you. When you step into the kitchen, rubbing your eyes tiredly, his eyes nearly bulge out of his head. He has to stop himself from choking on his coffee. He had never seen you dressed like this before. He has to kick himself for acting like a horny teenage boy, it was pathetic. You don't notice anything different about him as you finish getting your coffee, mumbling a small 'good morning' to him.
Over the next couple of weeks, you do as she says. When he'd make you laugh in any way, you'd put a light hand on his shoulder or thigh if you were sitting next to him. You'd come out nearly every morning in something revealing. He didn't seem to show any interest in you which sucked. You started to think maybe he just wasn't interested in you, but after more conversations with Katy, she said to keep up and not let up quite yet. To keep doing it for a while. So you did. It didn't take much to do it anyways.
“Morning Captain.” You say tiredly. “Good morning.” He smiles. He breathes out. He didn’t expect this, the way you looked under your gear. “Why are you awake so early Ah?” He asks. “Didn’t sleep good. Was thinking about working out but Soap is usually my spotter and I know he’s not awake yet.” You sigh. You laugh, sitting across from him at the table. You needed to try something else, so why not this? John perks up. “I could spot you if you need help.” He breathes. He’s trying not to sound too eager. “Oh I’d hate to ask you to do that..” you say innocently. “Oh, it’s no problem. I don’t mind.” He smiles. “Okay. I’ll go get changed and I’ll meet you in the gym?” He nods his head. “Sounds good sweetheart.”
You walk quickly to your room, changing into an even more revealing outfit. You wait around in the gym, doing your usual workout routine. When your Captain comes in, he freezes when he sees you. Sports bra, even tighter shorts. He breathes out, trying to collect his thoughts. Was he really this deprived? Thinking this way about you?
He sets all of his belongings down and makes his way over to you. “Ready?” He asks. Standing over the bench press. You nod your head. "You've stretched already right?" He asks. You nod your head with a smile. You lay down and get adjusted onto it. You grasp the bar, lifting it off of the rack and beginning to lift it up. “Let me know when it gets to be too much.” He says. You nod your head trying to breath through it. Katy’s words echo in your ear.
You start small, small breaths of air leaving your lips, and you get a tiny bit louder, very small moans escape your lips and you don't notice anything at first but as your whimpers got louder, breaths of air leaving your lips with each raise you do, you finally catch it. John stepping back. Having to adjust his hardening cock. The tightening he felt was uncomfortable and he couldn’t take it. You notice this action, having to stop yourself from smiling. It was fucking working.
Katy you devil.
You hang up the bar, struggling a little as you did so. “Did good Y/N.” He smiles. “Thank you, I’m trying.” You laugh. Your body had a slight sheen of sweat. He could see the way your cleavage looked. Beads of sweat. You probably tasted so sweet, he wanted to run his tongue along your skin. He has to shake the thoughts away. So dirty. It was fucking working. You were so surprised. John works out alongside you for only a few minutes longer before excusing himself to go do 'work' which you knew wasn't true. He was rock hard and needed relief, or at least to get away from you. The moment he leaves the Gym, you're picking up your phone to give Katy a call.
When she picks up, the first words out of your mouth are "It fucking worked!" to which she laughs. She asks if you hooked up but of course you say "Not yet." following this up by telling her what had happened with the Gym.
"Maybe you should surprise him in his office if that's where he went. Might walk in on a little something." She laughs. You laugh, shrugging it off. After a little more conversation, you make your way to his office. Maybe she was right. Maybe you might. As you approach you don't hear anything. But you think, he might hear your footsteps and it would be awkward for you to walk away, it'd seem suspicious. So without thinking you come up with some kind of lie and walk right into his office. Your breath leaves your body, a gasp leaving your lips. He gasps out, eyes going wide as he rushes to cover himself up. "Fuck, I'm so sorry." You gasp, rushing to cover your eyes. "I'll.. I'll come back later." You mumble. You step out and he groans in frustration, he needed to catch you before you got away.
He scrambles up to follow after you. Opening up his office door. “Wait- Y/N!” He calls after you. You stop immediately, turning around. “Come here.” He breathes. You nod your head immediately, following him back into his office. “I.. what did you need darling?” He asks. His face is blushing red, and he slicks his hair back, he hadn’t even put his hat on. “I.. I was…” you pause for a second. He’s standing right in front of you, hard. Little beads of sweat on his forehead. You glance down, backing up into his office door and closing it behind you. “I was going to ask if you needed any help. But I guess you answered my question.” You smile. His eyes widen at how forward you’re being, but he’s not going to deny this. He’s breathing hard, he seems nervous.
He takes a step forward and smashes his lips against yours, pushing you back into the wall behind you. He’s got a tight grip on you as he kisses you, teeth knocking against yours with the force of his lips moving with yours. He reaches for the shorts you still have on, pushing them down your legs. Once you’re bare, he lifts you up by your thighs, walking you over to his desk and sliding some of his paperwork off to set you down onto it. “Such a fucking temptress.” He breathes. He leans into you and you hold onto him by his neck, kissing him again. He’s got his hand wrapped around your lower back, hips rubbing into yours. The seam of his pants is stimulating you, making you moan out. He unbuttons them, unzipping them and pushing them low enough to expose his cock. Your eyes widen slightly at him. He spits in his hand, lowering his hand to slide it over your hole, earning a gasp from you. He slides his cock right into you, filling you completely full in one thrust. He clamps a hand over your mouth as a cry is about to leave your lips. “Stay quiet for me darling.” He chuckles. He holds it there as he begins fucking you, your body lurching with every hard thrust he takes. He raises your thighs higher up on his hips, pushing you further back into the desk, until the cold wood is pressed right up against your back. You clutch the edge of it, trying your hardest to stay quiet as he hammers his hips into yours.
“Been such a fucking tease-“ he grits his teeth. Holding onto your thighs. “Walking out there in basically nothing in the morning.. wearing those tight clothes- fuck.” He tilts his head back. Groaning out. “I didn’t think it’d work.” You look up at him, lazy smile on your lips. “You seduced me?” He smirks. You bite your lip, staying quiet. He snorts. “Bad girl hm?” He rubs at your clit with his thumb, and you tilt your head back once again. “Bad, bad girl.” He growls. Your knuckles are turning white with how hard you’re holding onto the desk, a death grip as he pounds you. He pushes a hand down around your throat, pushing down on you lightly. “You didn’t have to work too hard at it baby, just didn’t think you’d go for an old man like me.” He chuckles. “Oh… you have no idea.” You smile. You bite your lip lightly, gripping his wrist. He grits his teeth, he’s getting close. He draws his hand back, squeezing your breast, earning a whine from you. “Rub your clit.” He breathes. You look up at him, raising your hand. “Gonna show you how good I can make you feel.” He breathes. He pulls you closer to him, holding your thighs at a good angle. Instead of full thrusts, he starts grinding his cock into you perfectly. He rubs right up against the spongy spot inside of you and a cry leaves your lips.
He wants to tell you to quiet down, but he doesn’t care who hears anymore. You’re his, all his. “Oh my god-“ you cry out, letting your head rest back on his desk. “So tight on me sweetheart.” He grits his teeth. He keeps the steady pace, and your legs shake slightly as he pushes you closer to your high. “I- I’m gonna cum Captain.” You breathe. He smiles, “cum for me baby, that’s a good girl.” He growls. “Keep rubbing your clit.” He breathes. He’s right there too, praying you’ll cum before him. You tilt your head back, body lurching forward as you reach your high, and once he knows he’s ridden it out for you, he starts thrusting again. It only takes a couple until he’s spilling into you with a groan. You’re breathing hard as he helps you up, standing between your legs still.
“You’re a bad girl you know that?” He laughs. You smile. “Just for you though, Captain.”
“Good. Because I’m going to keep you to myself.” He laughs.
This was just the start of something scandalous.
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holllandtrash · 8 months
the man | lando norris (6 to 1) smau
part of the lover x 6 to 1 series | lando norris x leclerc! reader
and I'm so sick of them coming at me again 'cause if I was a man then I'd be the man
takes place a year after the original story of 6 to 1 i know this one wasn't voted for but it's been sitting in my drafts and i haven't posted in over a month so enjoy
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liked by landonorris, lissiemackintosh and 28,922 others
ynleclerc happy monday drink your greens
view all 813 comments
landonorris no thank u
ynleclerc hmm i seem to recall you asking me for the recipe ten minutes ago
yellowmclarens love her but why does she feel the need to post body shots like this
yvonneatthetrack full length shirts exist babe xx
lovely_sainz this is quite literally just an excuse to post pics of herself in a crop top lol
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liked by scuderiaferrari, joris__trouche and 1,083,223 others
charles_leclerc gym day
view all 2,6022 comments
danielricciardo taking lessons from george?
f1emily yeeeeesh thirst trap coming in hottt
sundayscariess its illegal for a man to look this good
ferrari.florals ok 🥵🥵 more of this pls
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ynleclerc added to their story
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liked by paddockclubs, norrisupdates and 16,302 others
wag.spotting collection of pics of y/n posted by her friends these last few days
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whatisferrari looking a little too close for comfort with that guy in the first pic
ricciardobaby i KNOW thats not lando laying on her legs in that second pic
golden_norris it's not carlos either...why does she hang out with so many guys lol 81piastries come get your girl landonorris
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liked by landonorris, mlnmarta and 43,881 others
tagged: ysl
ynleclerc devils in the details ♡ thank you ysl
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landonorris paris or london
ynleclerc montreal, im hanging out with lance - he's moved back up my ranking lancestroll oui landonorris 🤔🤔🤔
happyhamilton sorry am i reading the comments right...shes with lance?
karlaformulauno yeah...what...
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liked by wag.updates, landolovers and 8,400 others
tagged: ynleclerc, landonorris
paddock.updates Y/N Leclerc and Lando Norris are no more after Y/N Leclerc has confirmed to be in Montreal with fellow F1 Driver, Lance Stroll
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papayaclub LOL bro not her jumping from lando to carlos to LANCE
wag.updates did not have this on our f1 bingo card
sunshinemick silly szn i guess but i can't say im surprised..
ynleclerc damn news travels fast 💀💀💀
landonorris ohh thats why you're not answering my calls yellowmercedes i can't tell if shes joking but honestly lando deserves better sundayscaries shes got the worst sense of humour if this really is fake, for landos sake i hope they actually are over
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 61,029 others
ynleclerc weekly recap
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landonorris did you crop out my face in all of these on purpose
ynleclerc its called a soft launch landonorris you can't soft launch after hard launching FOR A YEAR ynleclerc watch me
leclercsrearwing bestie even i know that lando hates fish and im not his girlfriend
ynleclerc i didn't force the sushi down his throat 🫶🏻 liked by landonorris
landonorris added to their story
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liked by ynleclerc, mclaren and 487,220 others
tagged: tumitravel
landonorris Rollin’ with tumitravel paid parternship
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ynleclerc im gonna borrow that suitcase
landonorris get your own
boxbox if driving doesn't work out he could be an influencer
albonoscats would do anything to see more of lando in his influencer era
haasbeen whatever he's selling i'll buy it
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 76,205 others
tagged: carlossainz55, landonorris, arthur_leclerc, charles_leclerc
ynleclerc emptying the camera roll 📸 not ready for summer to end
view all 823 comments
charles_leclerc Pourquoi publier cela? why did you post that?
ynleclerc désolée 🤭🤭 sorry
jemmaf1 is that CARLOS in that first pic having dinner with her and her friends
ynleclerc carlos hosted the dinner montrealking18 WHY DO YOU KEEP HANGING OUT WITH CARLOS gokartboys asking the important questions ^^
fmkf1grid yes we get it you're close with all the drivers thank you for the reminder
pastriesoscar this photo dump is so pretentious lmao its just look all the drivers in my life and also look how pretty i am
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liked by carlossainz55, ynleclerc and 410,495 others
tagged: carlossainz55, ynleclerc and danielricciardo
landonorris also emptying the camera roll, good idea ynleclerc
view all 2,106 comments
ynleclerc love you
danielricciardo who are those beauties in the last picture
liked by landonorris
givemef1 not lando posting the same pics as y/n 💀
schummyys he really said 'i was at carlos' dinner party too don't worrry'
hornersux wait but that pic of y/n in the window is actually so pretty
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liked by carlossainz55, mclaren and 580,239 others
tagged: ynleclerc
landonorris to the love of my life, you never cease to amaze me. from the way you switch languages mid conversation with me to the way you are always curled up on the couch waiting for me to walk in the door. you are my biggest supporter, my strongest motivator and the reason my days seem brighter. i don't know how i lucked out with you little leclerc, but i promise to love you for the rest of our days
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danielricciardo are you proposing to y/n over instagram?
pierregasly seems like it landonorris just keep scrolling
ynleclerc currently crying on the couch as i wait for you to come home liked by landonorris
summeriturnedf1 he calls her LITTLE LECLERC
happymclarens okay he LOVES her loves her
allgasnobrakes wonder how charles is doing reading this and knowing that lando is planning on marrying his sister
formulaferraris forget charles...lando is the biggest simp in the world for y/n, lets talk about that
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a happy ending was deserved
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