#they’ll come out if the woodwork for this one
acti-veg · 2 years
Is it just me or are there a lot of vegan terfs ? As a trans vegan person I'm so tired of seeing them in the notes of the decent vegan blogs. And it's not just on tumblr, I've seen it on other social media platforms and IRL. Why. (side note: I've seen it in France too, not just the English-speaking world)
No there definitely are a lot of them. I am really not sure why this is, I have a theory but I’ve really nothing to base it on other than my own observations over the years. I think the mere fact that someone has gone vegan means they are open to ‘alternative narratives’, and those narratives can either be very positive ones or very negative. I’d be willing to bet we also see higher rates of anti-vaxxers than the general population as well, for the same reason.
Veganism obviously has absolutely nothing to do with either of these movements, but it may be that they both appeal to the same sort of appearance of questioning of an established narrative. The issue with terfs specifically is that they only appear to be rejecting an established narrative because they frequent spaces like this one that tend to be generally trans inclusive. Here, they feel like outsiders fighting for a niche cause, but outside of places like tumblr trans exclusion is still very much the norm and terfism is socially conservative in every way.
Most terfs have more in common with flag waving right wingers and fundamentalists than they do your average leftist. This is why it feels so completely bizarre to see terfs who are socially regressive in predominantly progressive spaces like vegan communities, it’s so much more noticeable because it is so far from what we generally hold to be true and important.
I think the terf movement represents a real corruption of the very valuable drive to question established narratives, in the same way that conspiracy theorist and anti-vax groups do. It takes that valuable natural scepticism and just turns it against people who are already excluded from established moral frameworks and legal protections. Trans people are precisely the kind of people who really should be benefiting from scepticism of dominant narratives, because the dominant narrative very much already excludes them.
As a community all we can really do is exclude these people from engagement with our cause as much as possible. Don’t argue with them, don’t give their harmful views the time of day and don’t give them a platform to air them, even if it’s to challenge or debunk them. If we want to be inclusive of our trans friends we cannot do the same for the people trying to exclude them. Block these accounts whenever you see them and move on.
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audreyscribes · 4 months
⚡ ZEUS: God of the Sky, Thunder & Lightning, Kingship, Honor, and Justice ⚡
author's note: I had a sudden idea about writing some headcanons Camp Halfblood demigods being claimed and what it's like for each respective god and cabin, followed by a small blurb afterwards. Thank you for reading and please like and reblog! The order is not in order of the cabin numbers. [PJO DEMIGOD HEADCANONS MASTERLIST]
Before you even get claimed, it’s been a wild and long event before you get to camp. Your life has already been filled with trials and misfortune, and just when you think life can’t be any harder, the curtain has been ripped from you and the monsters and terrors are jumping out at you. 
So when you arrive, people already have an idea who your godly parent is or how powerful you are. The rumour mill spreads fast. 
But as soon as you arrive, you are immediately claimed and your parentage is revealed. Thunder rumbles through the sky and everyone starts immediately backing away from you and looking nervously at the sky. Then they see the claim mark above you, and everyone is immediately gaping and there’s a ruckus. 
Then you hear more than one person go “Of course it’s Zeus” in the most tired voice and there was a cacophony of groans. 
You are swiftly brought to the Big House with the core cabin leaders, Mr. D, and Chiron who all look uncomfortable. They all make occasional glances up towards the roof, gesturing to the sky with every rumble as everyone takes turn to explain the Big Three, their pact, then the overturned pact, and the crux of the matter that this is not the first time and doubt be the last child of Zeus they’ll be seeing coming out of the woodwork; but considering the time frame of your age and when the pact was overturned…well something exactly doesn’t line up. Then you also remember or informed about Hera, the Goddess of Marriage and Zeus’ wife, and her track record reacting towards children of Zeus…mostly being a sign of infidelity. Annabeth tells you this is because Hera, being the goddess of marriage, and Zeus’ blatantly, repeated infidelity goes against her entire being, but since Zeus is a god and is above her, and won’t ever divorce him either, she usually directs her ire towards the mortal parent and the demigod in retribution. 
There’s a big boom of thunder and you see Mr. D, who you later find out who he is, makes a sour face before his face goes completely red, chugs his diet coke and slams it into a puck on the table, before standing up to yell outside the window. You all watch him yell at the sky to “quiet down and not to smite them all down because of their arguing” and Mr. D grumbling about fathers and how their children get all the backlash-
Chiron and a few other campers quickly and smoothly guide you away during the commotion and you’re then led to the orientation of everything else. All the pieces come together very quickly as thunder rolls and crackles above the Big House.
You start to get trapped in your own head about being the child of Zeus, and you try not to think about the implications, and then one night when you’re lying in bed, you jump out of your bed when your door is slammed open with thunder rumbling outside. 
You stare at who the person is, grabbing your temporary weapon just in case, and lo and behold, you see Thalia Grace at the doorway. She stares at you with disbelief before a grin appears, before she introduces herself boldly to you as your new sister. 
As soon you were claimed, all hell broke loose; which you would think be more fitting for a child of Hades. People were running around like they were headless chickens, some had their heads in their hands, and some were staring at you like they didn’t believe you existed or were looking right up the sky with anticipation. 
You had heard more than once, from more than one person, and quite frequently, the words: “Of course it’s Zeus” in various tones; mostly exasperation. You had a faint idea of why based on your knowledge of Greek mythology, and a small heavy dread began to form. Then you were brought to the Big House, given the biggest lore dump and then you were taken to one place and another. 
You lay in your bunk bed, trying to wrap your brain around what just happened and tried to process it. Basically, it hadn’t been that long since the overturned Big Three pact had made, and here you were. They could only imagine how many children of Zeus were just out there and would be appearing in Camp Half Blood in utter mass, and they feared what that meant (and Hera’s wrath). 
There was a crack of lighting, making you jump before you remembered you were a child of Zeus, as much how that insinuated, it brought you some comfort you were not going to die from being smite by lightning. As you closed your eyes, the door to your cabin was slammed open, shaking your utter camp and making you fly off your bed, and onto your floor. 
There was a figure at the open door and you saw the silver tiara on her head, and the electric blue eyes. The moment both of your eyes made contact, there was electricity in the air and you just knew, and she knew. 
“Wow, it is true” said the figure before stepping in, “Dad did really have another child-”
“Yeah….which I’m guessing I’m not going to be the last one” you said from the floor. 
There was a snort, “Oh yeah, knowing our shared father? Zeus definitely didn’t leave just you. Which is why I got called back here” she said. “Do you know who I am?”
“Yeah, Thalia Grace. The others, sort of, told me about you” you explained. 
“Yup that’s me. The name is Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus, as well as Lieutenant to Lady Artemis…and also your sister” she introduced while holding out her hand to you. 
You introduced yourself while you looked at her hand before clasping it. A jolt of electricity spread between you and her, causing you to look wide eyed before you two shared a grin.
“Come on,” said Thalia she hauled you up, “first thing first, you and I have a lot to talk about before inevitably, the rest of our half-siblings start appearing on our front door.”
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frostluvrs · 10 months
sofia wylie is an incredibly talented actress and performer that has been giving amazing monologues and acting performances like she gave in gina’s goodbye speech in 4x08 since forever and instead of appreciating her for that and also appreciating how far her singing has improved since s1 (when she’s never been a singer) half this fandom consistently tries to dim her light and overshadow her because they cannot let go of a Certain actress and a Certain real life relationship they still obsess over to this day. any time without fail she gets shine whether it be a performance of hers or a scene with ricky as character they come out of the woodworks talking about they miss olivia and it could have been her. every time she has a big scene and/or duet as gina with ricky they constantly bring up a duet or scene between rini and talk about how nothing can compare when we All know they’re talking about that certain real life relationship and not the actual characters; especially because the only scene they ever talk about is ricky’s confession and that’s because they’re obsessed with the fact it was improvised bc of that certain real life relationship.
and then they’ll pretend they like sofia and their comments aren’t in bad faith when it happens constantly in so many ways and has been since s1 (trying to convince people that joshua didn’t like her and sending her hate for liking rina being examples). they’ll get mad at you when you tell them to stop spamming every video of hers that has to do with hsmtmts that she “looks like olivia rodrigo” by saying it’s not that deep and it’s a compliment. would you want your comment section obnoxiously filled with how you look like someone else and that be the only thing they focus on? and we all know whenever they try to weirdly say it about gina they really just are trying to think of her as nini because they can’t let go of That relationship.
i love hsmtmts but one of the reasons i’m glad it’s ended is so sofia can eventually move on to a show or movie that doesn’t have a fandom (and unprofessional journalists and news outlets like entertainment weekly who literally is cutting her out of videos and the daily beast with their terrible s4 reviews) that is constantly trying to dim her light.
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george-weasleys-girl · 9 months
Could you write something where the Weasleys are heading to spend Christmas at the order after Mr Weasleys attack (so could be a bit angsty to start), and on their arrival they find Y/N there with Sirus, her Dad and her Uncle Moony, telling her and the trio how they set up the old order back in the day and reader talks about setting up a new one, but the twins (Fred is her bf) didn't know who her family was as she kept it secret, all these years, even more so as Lupin teaches them all Defence Against The Dark Arts. Maybe a bit of akwardness at first when she explains why she couldn't tell them (rumours going around the magic world etc), but cute fluff after when they continue discussing the order, open presents etc. I need cute fluff 🥰
❄️Yuletide Celebration❄️
Fancy Meeting You Here
I goofed and posted this early.🤦‍♀️My only other option was to delete it. So, here it is. Merry Really, Early Christmas! 🎁
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Fred Weasley x Fem!reader
"It seems there was some rather unusual kind of poison in that snake’s fangs that keep wounds open," Arthur had explained. "They’re sure they’ll find an antidote. Though, they say they’ve had much worse cases than mine, and in the meantime, I just have to keep taking a Blood-Replenishing Potion every hour."
It was touch and go for a while, but you'd never know it talking to the Weasley patriarch. Despite excruciating pain and losing half his body weight in blood every day, Arthur had remained in high spirits throughout the whole ordeal.
Fred wished he could say the same for himself. Oh sure, he played it off well enough, making jokes and being silly, but truthfully, it had scared him. The knowledge that his dad could've died had shaken him to his very core, and he had no idea how to handle that.
He was certain things would've been better if his girlfriend was by his side. But, sadly, her parents had insisted she come home for the holidays, leaving him to muddle through on his own.
"Y/N!" Fred ran toward, picking her up in his arms and twirling her around. "I can't believe you're here!" He exclaimed before a confused look settled on his face. "Wait... why are you here?"
His girlfriend gave him a sheepish grin. "There's something I need to tell you."
Fred sat back, stunned. "Sirius is your dad?"
"Sirius Black?" George echoed.
"Yes, Sirius Black is my father." Y/N confirmed.
"But, how?" Fred blistered.
"Well, you see, when a man and a woman - " George began.
"Shut up, George," Fred cut his eyes over at his twin. "I know how," he looked back at Y/N. "But, you know... how?"
Y/N had to stifle a grin. "It's a long story, but suffice it to say, my mum isn't in the picture. My Uncle Mooney took care of me while dad was in Azkaban."
"Wow... " George marveled.
"Why did you tell me?" Fred asked.
"I had to keep it secret. Dad's on the run. Death Eaters are everywhere, and we're starting the Order back up."
"The order?" Her boyfriend looked excited at the prospect. "The Order of the Phoenix?"
"Yep," she confirmed. "With Death Eaters crawling out of the woodwork again, not to mention the possibility that Voldy could come back if he hasn't already, they thought it be a good idea to revive it. And Grimmauld Place will be the headquarters this time around."
"Wicked," Fred replied. "So, my girlfriend is in league with infamous Order of the Phoenix."
Y/N laughed. "I don't know if I'd go so far as to say that. But, yeah, kinda."
"Well," George clapped his hands on his lap and stood. "That's all I need to know right now to know this is going to be an awesome Christmas." He looked at Y/N. "Just a suggestion. You might wanna wait until Harry gets here to get into the fine details. That way, you don't have to tell it twice."
Y/N nodded. "Yeah, good idea."
George grinned. "Well, I'm gonna go find something to eat and let you two catch up."
Once George was gone, Y/N scooted closer to Fred. "I'm glad we get to spend Christmas together after all."
"Me too," he smiled. "It's been a rough couple of weeks."
"I'm really glad to see you're dad's doing better. I was really worried about him."
"So, was I," Fred admitted, his cheeks growing hot. "I - I really missed you being there with me."
Y/N smiled, pretending she didn't notice the lovely blush rise up across his cheeks and pulled him closer. "Well, I'm here with you now."
"I'm glad," Fred gave a small grin and looked down, trying to hide the stubborn crimson that'd taken up residence on his face.
"But, you know," Y/N continued. "You're failing in your duties as a good boyfriend."
"What?" Fred looked up, eyes wide.
"You've been here for a whole half hour, and you haven't kissed me once."
"Oh dear, you're right," he sat up straight, and his usual, confident cockiness came roaring back. "I must do something about that immediately."
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @fredweasleyyyyy @hufflepuffie @alexistonks @anvaaryn @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh @sierraluvz @wolfkill16 @smallsweetvanillabean @costheticbabe @thatonepersonwhocantwrite @charmedfandomgal @loveosewood @hanne-montana @rhunew @greenapplegrass @lizzytrees @spididerman
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shitouttabuck · 5 months
ok stay with me here but: (loose) anastasia (1997) au
evan buckley: the missing, presumed dead, youngest child of the beloved/beloathed buckley family, all of whom were murdered when he was a kid—all except his older sister. except he’s alive, with the unfortunate downside of total amnesia, and nothing to tie him to anyone except a broken something that just reads: buck. so buck grows up alone, and it sucks, especially because it’s not all he’s ever known. he might not have his memories but he knows he's known what love is. home, love, family. there was once a time i must’ve had them too. home, love, family. i will never be complete until i find you.
maddie buckley: only daughter of the buckley family, fell in love with a bad man who tried to kill her whole family to get to her. got away and got safe. doesn’t know if doug’s alive. her brother’s probably dead. surviving’s not the same as living, and she’s been doing it for so long. but… have you heard… there’s a rumour in los angeles. she’s got the best and the brightest protecting her, and all that buckley family money. spreading them both thin could mean doug worming his way out of the woodwork but if there’s even a chance evan’s really out there? she’s already decided.
eddie diaz: conman, but more importantly, dad. there was a war, and then another one, and his wife left, and somewhere in there his parents took his kid from him. he does not have the money to fight them with lawyers, but he’s stubborn and not particularly respectful of the law and he’s heard that maddie buckley’s protective service team has means and money that allow for a) duking it out in court with his parents or b) getting his kid back in ways that are more uh legally grey. and it just so happens the rumours are that maddie buckley will do just about anything and pay just about any sum to find her long-lost brother. blond-haired, blue-eyed, missing at age 10—nearly two decades ago. he could look like anyone, now. sure, there’s the distinctive red birthmark over his eyebrow, but makeup and tattooing go a long way these days. oh, and conveniently, his partner in literal crime, however mild, has an old inside link with someone on maddie buckley’s bodyguard team. chim never shuts up about henrietta wilson—hen, he calls her—particularly when eddie’s fumbling a job and having to improvise and he feels the need to point out just how competent his previous partner steadfastly was.
if eddie and chim are holding illicit auditions for evan buckley lookalikes, and this massive beautiful man stumbles in apparently already having gone to the trouble of dressing for the part? who is eddie to look that gift horse in the mouth? the quicker they see this con through, the quicker he’s together with chris again.
except buck thinks eddie really believes he’s maddie buckley’s missing brother, and buck is warm and ridiculous and so genuinely curious about eddie’s own family, on this journey to find his own, and eddie can’t help but share christopher, and buck listens with bright eyes and holds the photographs so carefully in his big hands.
cons are never victimless, and eddie knows getting chris back takes priority over any moral quandary of identity theft here.
but buck asks about chris’s favourite things and stays up late on their crosscountry train to come up with plans for an accessible skateboard for a kid he’s never met. buck tells eddie he wonders if maddie’ll recognise him, and he hopes she does, because he’s never had anyone see him and know him before. buck asks eddie if he thinks they’ll stay friends, once they’re both reunited with their families. it’ll be nice not to have to miss anyone again, he tells eddie one night, quiet. missing who you don’t remember is one thing. missing who you know?
he trails off and falls asleep not long after, but eddie lies awake in the bunk below him for hours. his moral compass has always swung with whatever cognitive dissonance necessary to justify his actions because the final truth is: heart over mind. and chris has always been his whole heart. so falling in love with your mark has got to be the stupidest, most dangerous thing you can do.
even this is okay; he can handle breaking part of his own heart. but he didn’t realise he was holding so much of buck’s too, and now? he doesn’t know that he can survive breaking any of that.
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rudimentary-rutabaga · 3 months
I got what I asked for, so here are my Deltarune Yellow Ideas! Feel free to comment or send me askes on these guys/the storyline. I have way more ideas I didn’t list here.
This is… very long, so be warned. Designs coming soon.
-Nothing changes too much, still socially awkward
-Friends with the Ketsukanes, but nowhere near Starlo’s level.
-The snowdin attack never happened. He was actually friends with the Integrity human, and they would help him look after baby Kanako if Starlo was away.
-That is, until they disappeared out of the blue. Now he has anxiety over that instead.
-Writes books for a living. He also babysat Kanako and Clover when they were younger.
-Used to help out on Starlo’s farm.
-One of Kanako’s friends.
-Design is mostly the same.
-No royal guard to join, so she went to college instead. Now that she’s graduated, she’s currently unemployed and living with her mom.
-Still helps Chujin out with building/carpentry, but doesn’t feel good enough to start a business.
-One of Clover’s friends, like a sister to them.
-Met Asriel at college. They didn’t get along.
-A farmer. Takes more pride in farming than his UTY counterpart.
-Still loves cowboys/western media, but he’ll only dress up as them in the safety of his own backyard.
-Still has a crush on Ceroba but knows he’ll most likely never be with her, so he just tries to be the best for Kanako he can be.
-Has his own house now! His ‘posse’ are just his high school friends. They’ll talk about western stuff a lot with him but won’t go much farther than that.
-One of Clover’s friends. Pretty much their dad, but hasn’t been able to officially adopt them.
-Still dresses up the same as in UTY
-Her and Chujin are practically the founders of the town (This is not hometown, by the way.)
-The whole family would be considered intimidating if everyone didn’t know them already.
-Clover lives with her + her family , but they don’t think they consider them family.
-Shows a bit of favoritism towards Kanako, but she’s working on it.
-Stay at home mom.
-Still an engineer, but when not at work he uses most of his skills for carpentry and woodworking.
-No Snowdin attack, so he isn’t as distrustful of humans. He's just glad Kanako seems happy to have Clover.
-Programmed a video game for Kanako called ‘Belowstory’
-Doesn’t like to dress how she does in UTY. She dressed like that when she was younger, but now prefers to look more like her peers.
-Loved western stuff when she was younger, but sometime after Clover arrived she decided cowboys were lame and she liked superheroes (another predominantly human thing) more.
-Recently decided cowboys actually are better.
-Amazing at art and piano, gets good grades and everybody loves her! Nevermind the fact that she feels stressed and pressured.
-Minor envy issues with Clover. Feels like they don’t have to be impressive to be liked.
-Considers Clover a sibling.
-Considers Kanako a cousin.
-Major jealousy issues with Kanako. Feels like they’ll never be as good and loved as her. They aren’t good with sharing.
-‘Works’ at Starlo’s farm (they volunteer on afternoons and he pays them allowance)
-Shares a room with Kanako.
-The orphanage they escaped from didn’t bother to educate the kids there, so Ceroba homeschools them until they can catch up with others their age.
-Got made co-deputy with Kanako. Felt like their western thing was the only thing separating them from being nothing but ‘Kanako’s friend.’
-Yes, he exists.
-Instead of being a royal guard robot, he was made to be Kanako’s companion before Clover came along.
-Currently confined to the basement because of his limited power source.
-Knew Integrity before their sudden disappearance.
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limerental · 4 months
I am coming out of the woodwork to beg on my hands and knees for long slow gross iorveth/roche
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you may be pleased to know that i've been quite normal today and it already has some gross bodily fluids AND a lot of suffering AND pestering AND mortifying ordeal of weakness being perceived
anyway here is an excerpt
He would prefer that they both equally ignore one another for as long as this unfortunate situation lasts. Bearing witness to their foe’s suffering will only grow more unpleasant as time wears on. Eventually, they’ll both have calls of nature to answer. Without proper food, they’ll grow weak and dizzy. Forced to walk their bare feet raw, one of them may stumble, collapse, be dragged up by the guards and beaten. In time, they may beg for death, weeping and gaunt. Roche has seen how Nilfgaard treats its slaves, shrinking to emaciated waifs that cling to the bars of their prison carts. Toothless and riddled in bedsores pestered by flies. Walking dead, drained slowly of their last scraps of usefulness, soon to be replaced by a never depleted supply of captives. If he is to suffer that fate, he would prefer to do so without the indignity of his worst enemy as witness.  Roche can suffer through untold horrors and survive, but a wound like that to his pride? Vulnerable and defeated at Iorveth’s feet, yet not even by his hand?  He’d rather die. 
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levmada · 1 year
adding to the levi/food thing
(tw// ed)
physiologically, children who aren’t fed well at a very young age (a couple of months and older) develop the need to feed themselves, even if that means stealing food. it’s sort of rooted in their brain that this is what they need to do to survive. that they’ll always have to fend for themselves if that means eating. given levi had to do that for most of his life, going above ground where there’s food just wouldn’t feel right. it’s likely he stole food even when he knew they’d be getting fed regularly. because his mind and body is set on survival, because he subconsciously thinks he won’t be fed. even if HE himself knows there will be food tomorrow. that’s something someone cannot grow out of because it’s planted in their heads at a young age. it takes incredible therapy and work to get that mindset out of your head, and given therapy is something levi definitely did not get, he probably had that habit for a long time :(
making myself sad with the thought of erwin catching him stealing food in the middle of the night and asking if he was hungry/didn’t eat enough and levi’s just like “i don’t know.. i just feel like i’d need this.”
goddd thank u for sharing!!! this is so interesting. rly makes me believe in my hc even more fifjfkakfksk AND that scenario at the end is so :’)) erwin catching levi stealing food at night sksksks i had to expand on it. (mostly unedited)
//disordered eating
“I don’t understand… Was there not enough to eat? That can easily be settled, Levi. All you’d need to do is inform me, and extra rations would be made available to you.”
“Are you serious…”
“Yes,” he answers confidently. “You’re my most important soldier. As well as… important.”
Erwin looks at him meaningfully, silently pleading for an answer. But that’s not it. That’s not it at all. He made himself sick and heavy from how much he ate tonight.
Erwin, by looking at him, can tell that Levi is gathering words to say, and doesn’t interrupt.
“No, it’s fine. Don’t know why I did it.”
“Does this happen often?”
Levi averts his eyes, his silence as confirmation.
Erwin steps forward then, and touches Levi’s shoulder, all despite what he did. No matter what, Erwin doesn’t touch him like he’s handling a loaded gun. He completely trusts him, which both scares and comforts Levi to a startling degree.
“Come to mine. We can discuss this in private.”
Not his office. If Erwin said his office, they’d be going there. This is something just between them.
Levi follows.
Attached to Erwin’s office, ironically, is the rest of his quarters. Erwin goes straight to the bedroom, which is as private as it gets. Besides the bathroom of course, the bedroom is a contained room with a door Levi can close, which he does with a whispered click, and then sits at the small round table near the bed itself.
Erwin sits there, on the side, and unsurprisingly speaks first. “I want you to feel comfortable expressing any concerns you might have.”
That’s it?
Levi narrows his eyes. “Do you not remember when I complained about our pants? Our white uniform pants?” Then he grumbles, “You can’t get grass stains out of ‘em. Let alone blood.”
“Hm,” Erwin chuckles. “I meant personal concerns.”
This stumps him. “…I haven’t found a solution. There’s no point asking for help. There’s nothin’ you can do, so why would I?”
“There’s no ‘solution’ to grief, either, is there, Levi… Or to nightmares? And yet…”
And yet they confide in each other about shit like that. Levi himself is shitty at giving comfort, let alone seeking it, but he admits being held after one of them—just burying himself in Erwin’s arms—is a kind of way to solve it. He thinks he does a pretty good job at doing the same for him.
But how, with this? Is Erwin supposed to spoon-feed him or something? Starving seems so normal to him, it’s hard to think of it as suffering, as from death or a nightmare. Erwin didn’t understand, once, how Levi could see prostitution as just another job, like woodworking.
“You can talk to me,” Erwin says. “At times, that in of itself can be a solution.”
“Hm.” He stares at nothing in particular as he thinks. “…It just don’t feel right. It doesn’t feel right,” he corrects himself. “I know there’s plenty of food, Blondie. I know we’re not gonna run out.
“But you don’t… You don’t get it. I still see it as a luxury. Tch, I see enough food in a day now that I’d probably get in about a week, back down there. That’s how it always was—it didn’t matter how much power I had over everyone else… Food just wasn’t there.
“You know that now that I’ve said it, but you don’t get it.” Levi glares, unsure of what or who he’s angry at. “You’ll never get it.”
Erwin listened quietly, intently as Levi explained. Admittedly, it’s rare that he shares about his past, even in vague terms like this. It’s difficult to put those feelings into words, no matter how much he trusts Erwin with that information. It drudges up a bunch of shit Levi wants to leave down there, in the darkness. It’s difficult.
“I see.”
Surprising him, Erwin scoots backwards, and lays down, seemingly pondering something at the ceiling.
Not liking the sudden space between them, Levi realizes Erwin’s trying to make him come closer, which he does begrudgingly. He sits himself on the edge of the bed, where Erwin just was.
Levi shrugs. “So… I just don’t think I can… quit it.”
“I have an idea.”
Erwin and his ideas. There’s a charming glint in his blue eyes.
Levi crawls onto the bed, closing the space between them more, and sits cross-legged beside him. “Hm.”
“It’s simply a matter of numbers, which I’m entrusted with. The Survey Corps is fed improperly in comparison to the others,” Erwin explains. “It’ll no longer be considered a loss if less food subsidies are reported. In fact, we’d benefit from being more low-cost.”
Levi, tight-lipped, stares at him. It’s to keep from smiling. He likes when Erwin talks like this, excited-like. “So fraud. Like the tea.”
Erwin is smirking. “In blatant terms.”
Erwin falsifies black tea shipments in a similar way, and again, for Levi, since it’s a luxury item.
Even so, it can’t be the only time Erwin had done shit like that. That’s how he took down Lovof all that time ago, and screwed with Levi’s job. Erwin knows how not to get caught.
With Erwin’s sanctity preserved, Levi allows himself to relax, and consider the offer. Even though he just can’t seem to stop, he doesn’t waste any morsel, ever, and this way, the Survey Corps won’t suffer either. Like Erwin said, it would benefit.
He feels a strange sickness in his heart that moves him. Erwin would do that for him. Erwin knows how.
“Okay,” he mumbles simply. “That’d be fine, then. Good idea.”
Erwin smiles then, one of his soft, genuine smiles only Levi sees. He uncrosses his ankles and opens his arms, and wordlessly Levi fills that empty space, closing it completely, and sealing it with a soft kiss.
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flickerfankids · 1 month
The kids! Here’s a list of them and their parents by row
Maria Ribeiro - Dashawn and Thiago
Shea Cruz - Alab and Jamila
Irene Vasiliev - Rosalie and Nikolai
Melati Tujang - Indah and Alicia
October Zhao - Liling and Quinn
Wren Briggs - Marley and Eduardo
Owen Liam - Fayola and Adanna
Jamie Soto - Seungho and Mateo
Sylvie Garcia - John and Bailey
Halley Raymond - Albert and Ally
Castor Raymond - Albert and Ally
Naomi Cecil - Ezra and William
Ethan Hayashi - Kiryomi and Melodie
Anika Sharma - Amethyst and Prasiddhi 
Ana Calimeris - Elizabeth and Veronica  
Leo Rahimi - Miguel and Reza
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below is a brief description of each character: (to be added)
Maria (She/Her) is a very ambitious and passionate artist. Her chosen media is painting, whether in liquid or spray form. She aspires to paint murals all over her city someday. Maria also has a pet praying mantis she named Rocket. She’s also bisexual.
Shea (He/Him) is more quiet. He’s very by the rules at some points and tries to be polite. He enjoyed doing Scouts and often tries to apply those skills to conversation. Shea also loves to help his mom bake. He has a rat named Strudel (which his parents adopted.) He is asexual but heteroromantic
Irene (She/They) is a very loud and brass person at times. She and Maria’s personalities just amplify each other. The two had been best friends since elementary. They are the kind of person who’d immediately yell at and fight anyone that you say was mean, even with not knowing them. She enjoys dancing. Irene is a demisexual demigirl.
Melati (she/her) is a kind girl with strange interests. She adores the dark and mysterious and writes stories about it. Once you ask her about it, she’ll never stop. Melati hopes to write popular best sellers of her ideas someday. She always is practicing her knowing smile to prepare for that photo. Melati is a lesbian.
October (he/him) is very introverted. He doesn’t really talk to a lot of people but he’s respectful. A lot of people are put off by his very distant attitude but if you warm up to him, you find he’s really caring. He is generally aroace. October enjoys walking around more by hiking and going trapshooting with the school’s team.
Wren (They/Them) is a wildcard. Generally impulsively doing things that are either a threat to themself or to others (like trying to pet a raccoon.) hence the various bandages. They love to do track and took up a hobby of woodworking. They have a cat named Misa and love her so much. Wren is nonbinary and pansexual.
Owen (He/Him) is the calmest out of his friend group between him, Wren, Sylvia, and Jamie, which is sort of like being the tallest dwarf. Usually being the empathetic one to listen and to tell everyone to shut up so Sylvia can speak. Owen enjoys 2000s movies and drafting up designs of all sorts. He’s also a connoisseur of gum. Owen is gay.
Sylvia (She/Her) is very.. non-talkative. She really can. Everyone’s heard her a few times. It’s just that she has moments of not wanting to talk. Her parents had issues growing up and didn’t want her to feel like her wants didn’t matter, so they told her she didn’t ever have to talk if she didn’t want to. Sylvia took this to heart. She spends more time writing poetry and ice skating than talking. Her parents are also friends with Maria and Irene’s parents so sometimes they’ll have her come with. She is bi-curious. (Fun fact: Owen designed her hat)
Jamie (He/Him) is the last member of the friend group. He is fired up most of the time. Jamie has an affinity about baseball. When he’s not playing ball, he’s usually hanging out with the three of them, probably at a restaurant. Probably staring across the table for too long and- Anyway. Jamie is a raging bisexual but has a fem pref.
Halley (She/Her) is sarcastic. Always having to have the last word, she often finds herself fighting with Irene, though they just play it up for entertainment but nobody knows. She and her twin brother are actually new to town so they are trying to settle in. Halley loves astrology partially because it bothers her dad to no end, but she also actually loves learning about astronomy and physics. Halley has a ferret named Dynamite. Halley is unlabeled as of now, so she just tells people she’s straight when they ask.
Castor (He/They) is very much opposite to his sister’s flaming personality. When she’s riling up a crowd, they often just standing by to walk her away and back to class before a teacher gets involved. He loves inventing and experimenting, having a bunch of machinery in his room from his mom’s job. Castor often finds themself a nervous wreck, even more so after realizing he has a crush on their neighbor in the apartment complex he lives in. Castor is bisexual with a masc pref.
Naomi (She/Her) is an upbeat and optimistic ray of sunshine. She enjoys playing her drums and decorating her prosthetic leg with stickers. With one of her parents’ streaming careers helping fund pay for it, she was ecstatic about it. Naomi is part of a band with two other people, Ana and Leo. They’re called Absent July Delta. Naomi is pansexual.
Ethan (He/Him) focuses more about the other people around him than himself. He is often afraid to share his interests, but he’s a huge fan of filmmaking and programming. Ethan is working on a series that he, Melati, and Shea are all in. He’d love to invite Wren to work on it too, he just can’t muster up to ask though. Ethan is demisexual.
Anika (She/He) is a gentle and listening person. She tries his best to help everyone and be there for people. After all, he’s trying to be a therapist in the future. Psychology is one of her biggest interests, alongside dying his hair different colors) Often, he will be sitting in a chair listening to people’s problems while finishing up crocheting. She finds it’s easier to listen while her hands are busy. He is aroace and transfem.
Ana (She/Her) is a “go with the flow” type person. She really finds that anything was meant to happen for a reason. She is the one usually bringing snacks for Leo and Naomi. She’s a guitarist fanatic. Always. Naomi’s family friend even offered to give her lessons. Ana has posters all over her room and was the first one to suggest starting a band. Ana is also Castor and Halley’s cousin, has a border collie named Ruthie, and wears bright green contacts for fun. She is asexual.
Leo (He/Him) finds it interesting to debate people. Doing good is something he’s always an advocate for. Leo cares about the environment and often signs up for roadside cleaning. He also does a lot of performing activities, like singing in the band, which Ana caught him doing once and dragged him into the idea, and doing competitive speech. After a lot of this, he often just curls up on his bed and takes a nap. He is straight as far as he knows.
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carnivorousyandeere · 3 months
fresh cut tree- bruce
ink and slightly like cigarettes- erik
citrus specifically oranges- marcus
thrift store/ antique shop-byte
cranberries- quinn
warmth(hope this makes sense 😭)-cam
gentle smell of perfume (sorta old lady perfume)- nyssa
dandelions- june
Brucie: true, both from working outside with wood and the soap he uses (Irish spring, which has a woody base, and clean citrus top notes). He doesn’t go out of his way to buy and use extra colognes though, so the scents aren’t super powerful. He likes Irish spring because of its fresh and clean scent, as he actually has a rather sensitive nose and spicier scents can make him sneeze. He has his own natural musk, one that often mixes with the scents of his own sweat, woodworking, and occasionally blood from hunting.
Erik: I can definitely see him smelling like ink on the reg, and they do like tobacco notes in his cologne! If he ever starts to smell strongly of cigarettes though, that means he’s really stressed out for one reason or another. Smoky, tobacco, liquor, leather, and spices all feature in Erik’s preferred cold-weather colognes. He actually does tend more towards ‘clean’ or ‘cool’ scents in the warmer parts of the year. The scents usually still utilize the same base notes of tonka or woody base notes he prefers in general, but with less heavy and cloying overtones for something a little minty and soapy.
Marcus: also correct! Marcus tends towards colognes with a clean finish of citrus and woodsy base notes, making for very fresh scents that are still grounded by the wood base. Orange, bitter orange, bergamot, almond, and cedar feature in his favored scents. He wears cologne daily, and likes the thought of you being wearing his clothes and still being able to smell the cologne on them~! His taste is most certainly expensive, and he loves a very mature and refined look as far as packaging goes. He’ll only have one or two colognes at a time, and likes to use them before buying more.
Byte: the only off prediction, I’m afraid to report that Byte likes tooth-rottingly sweet gourmand scents and takes care not to let themself become dusty, and they also don’t utilize heavy woody notes that might also be evocative of antiques. They adore pastry and dessert scents, and anything with blueberries is sure to pique their interest. They’ll buy anything that fits that profile, regardless of if it’s expensive or cheap, though they do have a huge fondness for cutesy packaging! Their collection of scents is large. Other than that, they only have a slight “artificial” scent from their metal components and synthetic flesh, something almost a little bit coppery.
Quinn: I can really see her with warm scents, even as far as becoming spicy and smoky in the realm of warmth. Coffee, whiskey, amber, vanilla, caramel, sour almond, burnt wood, tonka bean, light musks. But yes, also red berries like cranberries and raspberries! The added “juiciness” appeals to her greatly. On the other hand, with the work that she does, she does end a lot of days smelling like sweat, mud, horses, hay and grass, etc. Whenever Quinn finds a scent she likes, she’ll buy it in whatever forms it’s available so the whole house might smell like her too if there’s also candles or wax warmers in the scent.
Cam: tends to gravitate towards fresh and clean types of scents— citrus, tea, mint, eucalyptus; they also like soft jasmine notes, which are generally considered cool rather than warm scents. But, from their work and interests, they often end the day smelling of various essential oils and incense anyway. So there will be a warmth in their smell, none of which is from the soap they use in the morning, some of which comes from their natural body chemistry, but most of which the lingering spicy, smoky scent of their preferred incense.
Jordi: also correct— they’ve definitely got a thing for sugary sweet top notes in their perfumes (my first thought was those candy legos 💀), like a cherry candy or pie type of scent! Candied cherry, cherry maraschino, sometimes regular cherry. Lavender, cocoa notes, pastry/sweet/cream notes as well with just a little bit of musk to round out the scent and keep it from being too “light” and “ungrounded.” Also, from spending most of his money on you, and a lack of genuine interest in scents, he usually just opts for whatever option at the grocery store smells best to xem at the time (old spice, axe, secret), mixing and matching men’s and women’s scents until xe finds a combo he likes.
Nyssa: ABSOLUTELY CORRECT LMAO 💀. They definitely wear those really powdery smelling florals. Their taste in perfumes often includes heliotrope, rose, lilac, gardenia, vanilla, tonka bean, sandalwood, and patchouli. All of the base notes are rather dialed back in the compositions they prefer. These notes can come across as old-lady-ish or as quite girly and innocent, but either way they have a feminine quality that Nyssa likes. As a vampire, and a rather sloppy one, they also have a consistent tang of blood about them that you may or may not find enjoyable to smell.
June: The dandelion is a fantastic idea for June! It goes perfectly with her preferences. I can see June going for very light scents, that’ll go easy on the base notes of tonka bean, or maybe mosses. She gravitates towards juicy, fresh fruit scents, and whimsical flower scents. Some of her favorite notes include peach, daisy, plum, strawberry, nectarine and nectarine blossoms, orange and orange blossoms, magnolia, freesia, and sometimes tea as well. She loves anything that reminds her of a warm spring or summer day! She could also go for a sweet gourmand scent as well, something cake- or boba tea-like. She really likes going shopping for new scents with her Darling and making haul videos about what all they found :]
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ofmermaidstories · 1 year
merms, what are bakugou and weeds up to this christmas? :)
their second christmas together is spoilers for the deku fic, so let’s have a look at what they did for their first one together, after their christmas eve dinner with deku:
Katsuki wakes up before his alarm, before the sun rises—the city spread out beyond his bedroom windows like a carpet of stars. Weeds is curled next to him, deeply asleep. Despite spending the night together he’ll still be hesitant about touching her, the sureness he has in the heat of the moment turning into something like shyness now, with her soft face so vulnerable, asleep like this. He settles for arranging his doona around her better, frowning to himself as his hand smooths over a now padded shoulder, the length of her back.
(He turns off his alarm and lies there, trying to sleep-in—but he’s still wired. it’s be the beginning of something new, now, and he wants to do what he’s always done: blaze into it with a trail of light)
When Weeds wakes up she’s curled into the warmth of Katsuki, his skin. He smells of his soap; sweet and low and spicy, almost medicinal—like cloves, or charred wood in a temple. Being this close to him is the permission Weeds has wanted for a while, now: lightly, as though touching a stray cat that’s tentatively beginning to trust her, she strokes her fingers across his shoulders, his scars. Katsuki breathes in deeply at the motion, and the kiss he gives Weeds in return presses her back into bedlinen that smells like him.
Later, he’ll make them both a impromptu Christmas Day lunch, frying chicken and julienning radish for a side, making fries and gravy. Weeds will set out plates for the two of them, setting out places on the counter, the sunset-orange roses Deku gave her last night the centrepiece for their meal. They’ll talk about stupid things; everything. The romantic snowy Christmas vacations Katsuki’s parents take themselves on, now, at the other end of the country. The holiday parties he and the rest of the Golden Generation would have at school. Over a simple dessert of tangerines Weeds will tell him about her own Christmases with her Grandfather, the cousins and the aunts and the uncles that came out of the woodworks for them occasionally. They’ll do the dishes together, and even though Katsuki tells her (gruffly, squinting at something to the side of her) that she can stay the night again, if she wants to, she hesitates—still in her clothes from the night before.
“Get some shit together,” he says. “‘n I’ll come and get you, tomorrow. Or whatever. If you wanna.”
(Weeds will be unable to help it; she’ll grin at him. “I’d love that,” she’ll say, and he’ll tip his head like it’s no big deal, though his face looks warmer than it did moments before)
Katsuki will escort Weeds to the station she needs to get her back home—and even though it’s cold outside, it’s a bright clear day. They walk together closely; occasionally another passerby will nod to them, to Ground Zero, wishing them both a Merry Christmas or a hello. At one point a drunken group of university-aged boys will stagger past, all in Santa hats, cheering when they see Katsuki. It’s the only time on the entire walk that they’re separated—the boys and their merriment like a tide that pushes the pair of you apart, leaving Weeds standing there in the winter sunshine, watching with big eyes as Katsuki scowls, caught in the middle.
He shakes them off, eventually; his smooth face grumpy as he rejoins Weeds, who smiles automatically as she takes the arm he offers, silent.
At the station he walks with her to her platform, a faithful guard. When the train comes their goodbye is quick—she looks at him, suddenly unsure, and he steps into her space, easily, as he kisses her, a whistle sounding.
(Weeds will dart onto the train quickly, still standing as the doors close and the train pulls away—Katsuki standing there as he grins at her, sudden and brilliant, the sun peeking out from gold-rimmed cloud).
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gwilin-stay-winnin · 4 months
ok u mentioned this in a tag game from a bit ago that u could see gwilin with almost anybody in the game, but im wondering if theres a perfect npc for him in ur eyes!! or u could tell me about him/ur oc lol. im curious what like personality traits u think would complement his
Oh you bet your bottom dollar there is. Or, I guess, 'are'? I preface my response here stating that this is all specifically regarding Farmboy Gwilin (of the FGCU).
Aicantar – He is well-read in history and archeology, like his uncle, which Gwilin loves, since his reading tastes are similarly inclined. Aicantar scratches a scholarly itch for Gwilin–he never the had the opportunity to participate in an academic setting himself, and isn’t even sure the experience would’ve been all that gratifying for him, but you just know he’d relish the chance to be able to live out that unrealized dream vicariously through Aicantar. Plus, think of all the steamy nights spent in that museum in Markarth, where you’re not sure which you like best: the heat coming off of your lover’s skin, or the heat being released from the steam of the Dwarven machinery turning all around you.
Urzoga gra-Shugurz – God I love her so much. And Gwilin would, too! He’d get into a tumultuous relationship with her after they bump into each other on the road while she’s transporting prisoners. “Outta my way, beanpole,” she’d say, and it would be love at first sight for him. Gwilin would learn that Urzoga isn’t as scathing as she seems, once you get to know her (she has a soft spot for theatre, and, like Gwilin, is a skilled woodworker). She’d propose after like three months of them seeing each other. Gwilin would say yes, but later realize they rushed into things, and they’d part ways. Later on, they’d bump into each other on the road again, and start in on that familiar, ill-advised script: “Why did we ever split up?” “How come it didn’t work out between us?” etc etc.
Lurbuk – They’d meet while Gwilin was staying at Moorside. Lurbuk would confess to him, after a few drinks, the deep insecurities he feels regarding his abilities as a bard, and Gwilin would assure him he’s heard worse, which would disarm him immediately. They’d totally hit it off because, despite having little musical talent, he’d discover Lurbuk is incredibly well-versed in musical theory, and really does possess the heart and soul of a poet. A few kisses later, and Gwilin and him would find themselves in a long-distance relationship carried out by courier. Lurbuk is a pillow princess and Gwilin is a sub vers, so the sex they’d have whenever they’d get to see each other isn’t explosive or whatever, but neither of them consider sex to be a focal point of their relationship and there’s a lot of love and trust, so it’s always fun for them, regardless.
More generally, Gwilin would have a FIELD DAY with the ladies in Riften. I’ve mentioned this before, but he often travels there with Temba to make deliveries and chummies up to the barkeeps of all the places he visits so they give him pointers for good spots to go to draw or people they think would be willing to act as models for him. I could totally see him chatting with Keerava at The Bee and Barb one night, and when he asks her who might be willing to be his muse, she's like “Well, it's just for art's sake, right? You ever draw an Argonian?"
Gwilin would go into it very professionally, but Keerava would come on to him halfway through the sitting and he'd fold like a lawn chair. He’d have similar trysts with Constance Michel, Marise Aravel, and Nivenor (who he’d later feel very gross for having slept with, because she’s an asshole). This happens for two main reasons: 1.) Gwilin’s got paramour energy out the wazoo and 2.) Riften is a city of corruption, greed, and paranoia where most folks spend their days either fretting over who might plunge a dagger into their back, or plotting who they’ll be plunging that very dagger into next. Gwilin is a sensitive artist who cares little for money or status and trusts easily. You can put two and two together here.
The two people from Riften he’d have more of an intimate relationship with are Threki and Valindor. He’d throw himself into Threki’s arms completely, falling head over heels for her and her commitment to speaking out against Ulfric even from within prison. He’d plan her escape with the help of Valindor, and end up falling in love with him as well, in the process–for many reasons, not the least of which is Valindor got to grow up in Valenwood, as Gwilin never did, and so being with him helps him feel connected to his culture. They would make a lovely throuple <3
Now in regards to Temba, Gwilin has a HUGE crush on her, which he would never ever try to materialize because he’s afraid of what would happen if they got together and then broke up. He doesn’t think Temba would be the kind to want to stay friends, so he’d probably lose his job and have to leave Ivarstead. He’d hate for that to happen. After all, Wilhelm and Lynly are his very best friends on Nirn :D
Final point insofar as NPCs: the College of Winterhold has an intricate polycule Gwilin has been trying to integrate himself into for years, but he never makes it past the initial screening process. Too intense for him. Doesn’t mean he’ll stop trying, though. hehe
In short, the personality traits which most meld with Gwilin are those that are reflections of, but at the same time extensions of himself. Humor is central to any relationship he maintains, romantic or otherwise, and he infuses it into the loudest, most exciting moments as easily as he does into the quietest, most intimate ones. He loathes affluence. He fits in best with people of an equally strong or stronger personality than his own. Any benign impulse he has, he absolutely must follow through on, though it's easy to talk him out of something that could get him hurt if you know him well enough. Finally, sexually speaking, he loves having his efforts to take the lead be frustrated (he enjoys being indulged in this regard).
Below you'll find some graphics I made to illustrate some of the personality traits/interests involved in the first three relationships I described, just to give an idea of how they'd bounce off of/complement each other.
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can you tell i'm autistic
A heem heem anywayyyyyyy. This post is already kilometric so I won’t even get into my OCs. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK, THOUGH!! It pushed me to organize all this info I had floating around :D
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rooseresin · 2 years
You ever write 6k words and then you read it back and it’s all trash? Just asking for a friend 🤦🏻‍♀️
Anyway, I had this idea for an AU where Hangman and Rooster are reincarnated marrieds, only Rooster doesn’t remember. Hangman is pissed because not only did this fucker forget, Rooster decides to be a fighter pilot AGAIN, as if the first time wasn’t traumatic enough (they flew in WWII and they did not come out of it). Hangman, of course, has no choice but to sign up to be a fighter pilot with Rooster, because he has to stick by him, watch his six, make sure he doesn't get blown out of the sky again - you know, the usual soulmate stuff.
And included in this headcanon:
IceMav are also reincarnated marrieds, and in every timeline where both couples exist, Maverick and Rooster are somehow related. Ice and Hangman get along and commiserate over putting up with their soulmate’s familial drama.
Some of Hangman and Rooster’s skills bleed over into the present. Rooster is a little startled (and turned on) that Hangman is so proficient with a bow and arrow and other things like painting, woodworking, bread making etc. (He might have a little bit of a competence kink. Or he might just like watching Hangman do stuff).
Hangman sometimes switches to another language without realizing it. He usually does this especially when he’s muttering sweet nothings into Rooster’s ear.
IceMav are the couple that write letters or notes for each other. They have boxes and boxes of love letters in the attic. Sometimes they’ll go up there and read through them together.
Rooster regains the memories after Maverick pushes him into the ground. Maverick is a little annoyed because he promised Hangman and Ice (and also Goose and Carol) that he’d keep Rooster safe, and now here he is fucking it up. Rooster realizes what that means and yikes he’ll have to come up with a good apology for when he reunites Hangman - Jake - his husband. He tells Mav he needs to get back to Jake, to which Mav says “yeah, no shit”.
Bradley pulls Jake in for a kiss and a hug instead of the handshake. “I’m sorry I forgot,” he says, “I was just a little slow to remember.” Jake laughs, “Typical!” They kiss again in true Hollywood fashion.
They take a vacation to Italy because Bradley remembers he once proposed to Jake on an Italian hillside at sunset. He thinks he wants to recreate that memory, or better yet just make a new one.
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pumpumdemsugah · 1 year
The jonathan majors news is wild. The other stories coming out the woodworks too like I can’t believe they let that sociopath run around for this long. I really hope the victim is okay because strangulation? Nah that’s a murderous man like we need to bring back stoning. And now all the black men who were bitter af BW were thirsting over him are suddenly his number one fans. Sickos. Scariest part is seeing black women still going up for him after all this because ?? he’s bulky? pander to the people and mention soft black boy joy a couple of times and straight BW will be locked in for life it really is so easy. I once tweeted he wasn’t all that in the face and his acting was mid and within minutes had rabid fans and one journalist (!) in my mentions telling me i was a white mans whore who would die in 7 days lmao. Mind you im a black lesbian 😭 and all men are mid but I was just shocked when I finally saw who all the fuss was about is all. The bitch could be my great uncle Cleotis. I really don’t get how the commitment to hetero patriarchy is so strong like the takes I’m seeing rn are blowing me. It’s like they think if they let these men step on them they’ll see them as equals yet time and time again that hypothesis is proven wrong. These negros don’t give a fuck!!
Hollywood and society don't care when men are violent and so many Black women cannot separate themselves from Black men. There's a reason a Black woman academic came up with the word male identified and Black women casually came up with the word pick me because that describes the mentality of many Black women. Many Black women are so deep in the trenches of patriarchal thinking.
Lmao white man's whore that will die in 7 days is so specific and funny. It sounds like you were being cursed 🧿🧿
Over and over again I feel like for Black women in particular it's so important to have a woman and Feminist first framework because alot of us will put the most violent of Black men before ourselves. No me! My brothers know I'll call the police on them if they shout. We don't have guns here and I'm not fighting any many. I'm 5'5
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“Tie me to a chicken and call me a nugget. She feels like she signed an NDA? For what reason? The Tarot cards?”
The whole “I got one type of message in a reading but we decided it was better to just tell you want you wanted to hear and say they aren’t together” really rubbed me the wrong way. It’s so manipulative and wrong. Because they’re claiming they’re concerned for how fans would react they decided it was better to gaslight them and make them feel stupid and bad for thinking Evan was in those pictures with Natalie? Wtf? I think this whole thing is such a power trip for them. They enjoy controlling narratives and claiming to “know” exclusive info but “just can’t share.”
THANK YOU. that post was pure emotional manipulation - from the admission that they were giving false information even by their own standards, all to appease their followers.. to the teasing of secret information they claim to know from their readings, but can’t share.
they are blatantly ill-intentioned. it’s not rocket science that the odds of any relationship lasting longterm are up in the air. evan and natalie are no different.. no one knows who evan’s “soulmate” is or if they’ll be together a month from now. quite literally anything could happen, and i promise you if they break up tomorrow, these people will come out the woodworks to act like they knew all along and natalie was a snake in the grass.. instead of just being normal and admitting you know jackshit about these people and should stop trying to incite weirdos in the fandom. @shamrock313 was already hoping they were just lovers for the night and they were wrong. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Shyan Shipping Society - Big Bang 2022
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hello everyone!
this summer we hosted our first ever big bang! it was such an amazing event with great fics and beautiful art and incredible betas and we’re so excited to bring you all of it, right here! here we go!
check out the challenge collection here!
The Grand Adventures of Suburbia Shane by idkspookystuff | E, 11K, complete
Not quite remembering where or when he fell asleep is not an irregular occurrence in the life of Ryan Bergara; an expert insomniac, who often lulls himself to sleep by worrying about various projects.
What is an irregularity is opening his eyes only to see an unfamiliar ceiling; feeling an unfairly soft mattress under his back, and, after stretching out, thunking Shane on the arm.
ryan wakes up in the body of a woman named ryanne: a high school principal, mother of 2, and the wife of one mr. shane madej.
Art by noviosfantasmas | Beta’d by artemis
Ghost inside your head by wednesday_ukiru | T, 13K, complete
The first time Shane saw the house was on a foggy morning. It was a dream come true - a perfect little space of his own.
He'd soon change his mind about that - and not only that. Trying to navigate the dark hallways of both his new house and his feelings isn't easy, especially when whatever is lurking inside his home knows all about what he fears and who he loves.
Art by send-god | Beta’d by roseszain
Redemption for Sins I Can't Mention by Impala_Chick | M, 9K, complete
At the Farnsworth House Inn, Shane lets something out. That something kidnaps Ryan and takes him to Hell.
Shane's going to get Ryan back if it's the last thing he does.
Art by boobgara | Beta’d by El
The Shape of Him Stamped Everywhere by MiraclesofPaul | E, 42K, complete
Prince Ryan of Nueva California grew up lonely. As the first publicly out royal in the American Union, he signs up for an arranged marriage and gets matched with Shane Madej. It seems impossible that they’ll even manage to be friends at first, but with time and effort (and the Shyan Love Campaign by PR genius Steven Lim), they find themselves growing closer every day.
Art by shanbergej | Beta’d by Zhalia
As Though There Were No Tomorrow by PlatinumPussycat208 | M, 14K, complete
During a routine Ghost Files shoot, Ryan and Shane bear witness to the literal end of the world. When Ryan wakes up cold, alone, and lost in a new world, he must use anything at his disposal to find Shane.
This is a Fallout 4 AU written for the SSS Big Bang 2022
Art by ouijaboy | Beta’d by artemis
Fate Bit by ouijaboy | M, 30K, complete
When Shane Madej goes on a spooky historical tour in an old mining town, he has no idea his worldview is about to be turned upside down. A vicious triple murder from 150 years ago hangs like a shadow over the area - and after a supernatural encounter, Shane takes it upon himself to find out exactly what happened, and crack the case.
Especially when ghosts are coming out of the woodwork to play. For better, or for worse.
Art by idkspookystuff 
Do You Believe (in Miracles) by Purrgara | E, 13K, in progress
Outside the hospital window the bright sunlight felt like ice on his skin. Funny, he thought when tragedy struck it was supposed to rain.
When omega widower Ryan Bergara, dealing with the death of his beloved alpha, the loss of his job and the bank threatening to foreclose on his house, finds out he’s pregnant he finally accepts he needs help. After joining a support group he meets the stoic, and private alpha Tinsley. Though he helps everyone else, the alpha gives very little about his own life. As the two get closer Ryan realizes there’s more to his quiet nature than what he originally thought.
Art by noviosfantasmas
thank you so much to everyone who participated! follow us if you wanna be the first to know when our next event is taking place, and consider joining us on discord!
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