#they aren’t fans bc they like the groups per say
bandzboy · 26 days
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from my twitter since i also wanted to post this here
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yutaholic · 2 years
Jungwoo/Mark’s tweet earlier got me sooo mad I was heated again like so quick after the nj concert the very next day you’re like “back to koreaaaaa💚” like I’m upset bc i am into 2 other groups, all of which I’ve supported since their respective debuts (except for the fact that I’d been around and waited for neos since 2014 smrookies…since their fucking name sounded like a citation in a legal contract, SR14B! That’s right, all the way from Florida, I’ve been down for them since before THEY WERE EVEN “THEM”, THEIR DAMN SELVES!! I remember when Haechan spelled his birth name without a ‘c’ in it, you little muskrats, i— anyway ) but 80% of my attention time and money for the last few years has been to nct, including superm. First it was it was like 50-55%, then it progressed a couple years ago to 65-75, now here we are. To the point that I still care about my favs but all I talk about & most of I listen to & only I voted for, has been nct. On top of that, I’m Black. And was most active on Twitter. Do y’all know how hard it is to be a black ifan to these mfs for over half a decade, sometimes I wonder if im in my right mind cus part of me lookin in the mirror like “bitch u sure u good over there?🤨” 😭
The confidence…the gall, the audacity, the mf TEMERITY of these people to either not gaf enough about the majority of their fans that they’ll pussyfoot around and kiss the feet of Korean nctzens so much that they are actively disrespecting us. A few of them lurk, I know they do, esp Ty. ik cus he’s my bias & what he texts in bubble proves he knows things he wouldn’t be aware of without looking at our tweets. I am so upset with him & I have never been mad enough about anything he’s done as I am rn. If you’ve seen anything Tyongf have said, you know we are a little shocked and a lot disappointed. I’d planned to say sumn but that video showing he was insecure in his position came out so I used my allotted texts on that but the minute he sends smth (3 replies allowed per message of the artist) it’s ON, on.
I remember superhuman era quite well but what strikes me is how large the treatment gap has widened since then. There came to a time where we were lowered another peg (cus we knew we weren’t equal) to please and appease kfans. Then it’s gotten worse and worse when their fandom size jump quite a bit with Kick It but EXPONENTIALLY abroad with Sticker & favorite last year. But the acknowledgement has been less! How long does sm think we will sit & take this from them before we find another group that doesn’t mistreat their fans abroad lmao. One of those I’m into is BTS. Do you think I would’ve been calling radio stations regularly to get & then keep their songs on there, buying the albums in store to help with physicals and doing all the other projects if they treated intl army like NCT treats nctzens outside of Korea🧐?!?? Does NCT and sm think GRAMMY NOMINATIONS came to BTS twice by intl armys getting treated like second class citizens?! LMAOOO chile they have bumped their damn heads.
Atp I want Chris Lee and some other people’s heads on pikes!! Whoever make them type of decisions to shun us!! They really bending over backwards for people who tanked their entire era in anger bc American fans got fan service like taking pics with them on the street & shit?? That just shows how shallow they can be! Clown asses! Usually I’m like “Bubu don’t go on Twitter there aren’t good things there” but rn I’m sooo close to going off that it got me boutta text him to go on Twitter & exactly what to search if he wanna see whats really good in the fandom rn. I’m tired of being understanding & acting like I’m fine and is being the bigger person. I want to evoke emotions, I want them feel upset and worry and FEAR👹 It sounds unhinged and petty but I want them for even just a MINUTE, to have a bodily experience of fright and sadness and the realization that we very can leave in droves! But not boycotting an era and cursing them out, oh no, by legitimately just dropping them. That we CAN leave their asses silently and put another group on the map. We can drop not just the unit but the whole brand, ending that nct Hollywood bullshit RIGHT NOW if they don’t appreciate us being around. We don’t expect to be superior just at least toe the mf line??
It’s funny, they call us grass sometimes bc of our light sticks. I’m all about not feeling insecure or conflicted in the past but…These days? I’d thoroughly enjoy them having an “oh shit…” feeling of despair, and epiphany that if they don’t water ALL the “grass” in their yard, there WILL be noticeably large patches of nothing but dirt and dead plants.
I need you to know that I thoroughly enjoyed reading this ask. You have a way with words. I could feel the rage through my screen. I also felt like I was being scolded even though I did nothing wrong. You know how like when you're in the room and your friend is getting chewed tf out by their mom? That's how I felt for a hot minute lol
I said in an earlier ask that all this ncity discourse has me feeling like I'm on the couch with a bag of popcorn watching my bestie fight with her boyfriend. You are now that bestie and I will cheer you on while you read our men to filth. 👏 also hell yes kill nct hollywood early so we never gotta deal with that shit! hahahaha
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a-wildemusing · 2 years
~how the Seijoh four met Y/n~ (Oikawa’s part)(*^U^)人(≧V≦*)/
warning: mistakes bby. I just wrote, didn’t proofread or anything lol 
a/n: This Y/n goes with my series I’m doing called As Per Usual. It’s basically a slice of life kind of series where you are besties with Oikawa, Hanamaki, Iwaizumi, and Matsukawa. Here is the ✨masterlist ✨for the series to get more context. Hope you enjoy~
-he is actually the last person to meet you from the whole group. Lol
-And honestly the first meeting between you and Oikawa…Well it wasn’t like the others… 
-He thought you were another one of his fans. BUT HE WAS SO WRONG. 
- see, you were really trying to be nice to him but he made that v difficult. lmao
-you didn’t know anything about him, but you remembered that he was one of Hanamaki’s friends and you wanted to finally introduce yourself and you thought this was the perfect opportunity bc he was standing right there~
-So this is where it all begins! you were at a bakery trying to pick up some snacks for you and your seatmate that sits in front of you. and you happened to notice Oikawa was there browsing as well.
-At first you didn’t know if that was really him and you kept trying to sneakily get closer to see if it really was Oikawa and not some random dude that looks like him. Basically, you went into spy mode~
- And when you were thinking that you weren’t being noticeable. you were wrong bestie 
-Meanwhile, Oikawa noticed a long time ago. Probably the first time you did a double take, he noticed you.  Lol he honestly thought it was kind of cute. 
-So, he did you a favor (well he thought he was) and walked up to you. 
-On your mind, you thought,. “Is he walking up to me?” “Why is he smiling at me? “Oh, god he really is walking up to me...” 
-In the inside you were freaking out, you weren’t completely ready. You weren’t even sure if it really was him at first. But then soon you realized that you were worried for no reason. 
- “Hi, Oikawa-senpai. I’m-
- “A fan. I know.”
-You deadpanned but Oikawa didn’t seem to notice. Does he think I’m a fan…. What kind of guy is this? you thought.
-Before you can say anything else, “I have noticed that you were looking and don’t worry. You could always come up to me.” 
- “Uhh,” (°ロ°)☝ (°-°)☝
-”Speechless? I know. So-
-You just walked away and Oikawa was slightly offended.
- “Wait, wait. Why are you walking away?” 
- “They were right…” You said to yourself and slumped but continued putting random bread and pastries onto your tray. 
- “Wait. So you’re not a fan?” 
“Why would I be?” Oikawa was clearly offended, but also felt refreshed weirdly enough. But it got worse for Oikawa,  you continued, “I don’t know you. Why would I be a fan? You’re not famous or anything.”
-“But you know my name and you were staring and giving me heart eyes.” 
- “I–Really? Well, there wasn’t really much to look at.” 
- “Rude!”
-The next thing you knew you were bickering with Oikawa. This was the first time meeting this guy and you were now bickering with him. Talk about first impressions. ᇂ_ᇂ
- “Wait, I think I know who you are?” 
- “Who do you think I am then? Huh?” You said mockingly.  
- “You’re that first year, aren’t you? The one that got in trouble the first week of the term. Shouldn’t you be respecting your senpai’s after all that?”
- You rolled your eyes at the thought of all that. (to get more context you should read this!)
“Sure I am. But what kind of senpai picks a fight with a kohai.” You did get him there. 
Oikawa knowing you’re right...(  ゚,_ゝ゚)
- After the bickering continued, you both were unfortunately kicked out of the bakery for being too loud. 
-And so now you and Oikawa were both breadless and annoyed. You both went your separate ways after that. 
-Oikawa can’t believe the audacity you had, and to think he thought you were a fan…
-You were going to give this guy the benefit of the doubt, but you should have listened to Hanamaki and the others…
-So Monday came along and you were minding your business, you were actually pretty happy bc the seatmate that you were going to give snacks to,  had extra snacks and shared them with you. bless their heart (●´ω`●)
-So you told them that you were going to the vending machines and get drinks and that’s when you saw Hanamaki! 
-You started walking over to him with a smile on your face. But that smile left when Hanamaki moved to the side and he was talking to Oikawa. 
-It was too late for you to turn around. Your face was like this (⊙︿⊙✿) until Hanamaki spotted you and called you over and your face went to this (✿◠‿◠)
- SO you walked over and Oikawa noticed that it was you and huffed in response. 
- Hanamaki just looked at the two of you. 
- “I was going to introduce the two of you, but I sense you both know each other already...” 
-  “That’s the brat that I was talking about!” 
- “Brat? At least I’m not so narcissistic to think that anyone that gives them eye contact is a fan.” 
- Hanamaki just stood there by the sideline, mumbling to himself. “Y/n, this Oikawa. Oikawa, this is Y/n my Kohai I mention to you.” 
-Hanamaki was too tired to even stop all of  this so he just walked away. 
-and the both of you didn’t realize that he was gone.
-Legend says that the two of you are still there by the vending machines bickering… LMAO 
end notes~ 
- Oikawa and Y/n are actually pretty close even though they bicker and fight each other a lot. The change of leaf all started with a rainy day and a bowl of ramen but that is a story for another day~
-People wouldn’t even think that the both of them get into each other’s nerves, by how close the two of you are. There was even a moment where Hanamaki was a little jealous by how close you two got. 
-Oikawa thinks of Y/n as refreshing and kinda scary once they got to know each other and got more comfortable with each other. But a good kind of scary, not the toxic kind of scary. Like wow I feel safe, but also v intimidated, but yas they are my ride or die. lmao. 
-Oikawa doesn’t realize this until after he graduates and has moved to Argentina--but he has feeling for you but doesn’t do anything about it. (I KNOW I SAID THIS SERIES IS MOSTLY PLATONIC BUT SOMETIMES FRIENDS HAVE FEELINGS FOR THEIR FRIENDS LMAO but also this is really angst if I got more into detail about this moment.) 
tip jar?
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peekbackstage · 3 years
hi, i was the anon who asked about bjyx being allowed to continue on for economic reasons bc the bjyx fandom is such a large part of the fandom. part of me thinks this isnt it because surely there are enough fans, especially for xiao zhan, that they wouldnt need to rely on cpn fans, but i wanted to ask what you thought. sorry that so many of your asks disappears, that must be so frustrating
Disclaimer: The following speculation is informed by my experience working in the music industry. 
In general, I usually try to avoid answering BJYX questions on this blog when it comes to any speculation about a relationship, but when it comes to questions about the actual fan community, I think it’s okay for me to respond. 
All the following is speculation.
The idea of a CP community being allowed to continue on for purely economic reasons isn’t unreasonable if that community were the primary target audience for the two individuals who are being shipped in the CP.
However, in the case of BJYX in particular, we can see that the market size is roughly 3 million. If we combine all of the followers across all platforms who are GGDD’s fans, we get a rough market size of around 60 million, give or take. 
3 million is only 5% of 60 million. This means that BJYX actually comprise a very small percentage of fans. The majority (95%) of fans either do not identify as BJYX or are not publicly supporters of BJYX. 
Let’s run a hypothetical exercise. Let’s say that each artist generates around $100M RMB a year. This will give us a combined total revenue of $200M RMB. Of that amount, 5% can be attributed to BJYX, or $10M RMB -- roughly $5M RMB per artist. In contrast, $95M per artist, is brought in by solo fans, or fans who aren’t open about supporting the CP. 
Would destroying the CP potentially lead to a $5M RMB loss per artist? Possibly, especially if 100% of the fans involved only support the artists because of the CP. (To those of you who are more familiar with USD: $5M RMB = $773K USD.) 
So, it could be potentially argued by some people that yes, BJYX is allowed  to continue thriving due to economics, if both artists’ companies are determined to hold onto every single penny they could possibly squeeze out.
The question remains if $773K USD is really worth the headache of having to deal with the constant in-fighting between each group of solo fans and the CP fans, as well as fielding rumors and other potentially image-damaging speculation that could hurt an artist’s marketability, and therefore their brandability. (In GG’s case this is absolutely a big concern, especially after everything that happened last year.)
As @potteresque-ire​ mentions in this post, generally after the promotional period ends for a project, a CP is forcibly broken.  
There’s a term related to the breaking of CPs: 提純 (“increasing the purity”). It describes the ultimate goal of breaking CPs: increasing the proportion of solo (”pure”) fans by breaking up the CP and having the solo fandoms of each lead absorb the CP fans. Because solo fans are *perceived* to be more loyal (won’t jump ship the next romantic drama comes along), less likely to draw criticisms (especially if the CP is M/M and/or affect the RL lives of their stars), and have more purchasing power (as CP fans have to divide their resources between the two leads and equally).
Technically, BJYX could have been shut down at any point. Of course, there would be some level of attrition and a slight economic hit - but either side would be able to absorb at least some of the fans. Even if they lost 50% of fans for breaking up the CP officially, that still leaves $2.5M RMB per artist on the table. 
Increasing the purity of the fandom seems to suggest more economic stability for both artists in question, especially as it means increasing purchasing power for one artist or the other. It would also reduce in-fighting within the actual fan bases themselves, as there would no longer be any CP fans, only each respective artist’s fans. 
Most importantly, it would get rid of any speculation of the artists’ sexualities, which may have actually prevented some more conservative brands from wanting to collaborate due to certain image standards that they have for their brand. (Which means, even more money could be potentially earned.)
However, it doesn’t look like either YH or XZS have any interest in actually breaking up the CP officially. (By shutting down the supertopic once and for all.) If anything, BJYX is still allowed to happily flourish without any interference whatsoever, even though their continued existence might actually limit certain brand collaborations and causes ongoing and very toxic internal strife within each artist’s fan base. 
As for why BJYX is allowed to continue - I’ll let you be the judge of that.
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nako-doodles · 3 years
Can I just rant real quick for a second? I really really disagree with the way western media portrays their whole ‘ARMYs are mad that BTS didn’t win a Grammy’ narrative. Like, I don’t think anyone is mad that the boys didn’t win per se.
ARMYs are some of the most empathetic people out there, and we understand that the other nominated artists worked just as hard to their best ability. We don’t want to bash anyone, nor do we believe that BTS is entitled to a win just because they’re nominated. Yes of course, we as fans think that our artists deserve it the most, but so do Lady Gaga’s fans, Justin Bieber’s fans, Taylor Swift’s fans... you get the idea.
Instead of the fact THAT, what we have a problem with is HOW BTS did not win.
Just take for example the whole performance line up: BTS was the last act to perform, right before the biggest award of the night was announced. Now, we know this from the MAMAs, MMAs, basically all the Asian award shows as well, BTS always gets the last slate. Which, yes you can argue that is is also for clout because they know that BTS attract the biggest audience. And that’s true, but it also makes sense: you want to honor the biggest act, the highlight of the evening by giving them the biggest slot. So naturally, it would go to BTS who just won one award after another during the entire show. In other words, it’s the performance slot for the best of the best.
Now, the Grammys aren’t dumb, they also know that having BTS perform will attract huge attention from ARMYs worldwide. And up to this point that’s also completely fine, have them perform during the show, like so many other artists. But setting them up to perform right at the end for the sole reason that they want the keep ARMYs glued to their TV screens, because they know we will turn it off afterwards!? And it HAS to be the sole reason, since it’s obviously not because they recognize BTS as the greatest act of the night, otherwise they would have gotten that award.
That is what’s so shady about the whole thing. And that is why we’re mad. And it’s not like we’re making this up, either, just because we’re sore losers: how many big celebrities have already come forward with these exact allegations? I remember Eminem in an interview from a couple years ago accusing the recording academy of that exact thing: using artists for clout, inviting them, even hinting on the invitation that they will win the award when in reality all they want is to put that famous name on their content in order to generate views.
Also, just on a side not: Trevor Noah’s comment after the performance? How incredible it is that BTS re-built the whole Grammy set in South Korea and there should be an award for that? ... say, for example, I don’t know, maybe an award for a great performance? Like, maybe even the BEST POP DUO/ GROUP PERFORMANCE - I mean I’m sure, he wasn’t mocking the boys or anything and he was genuinely enjoying their performance, but c’mon dude, read the room.
Anyway, sorry for the literal essay, I’m just so sick and tired of being portrayed as an entitled boy group stan who’s salty that their celebrity crush lost an award. Because that is not how it is, and it’s so frustrating to explain that.
tldr; yoongi hun i love you but cant you wish for something different? pandering to a bunch of wonder bread crumbles gathering dust on the floor is below you, legend.
honestly everything about the Grammys is shady as fuck. they really wrung every last drop of BTS’ influence in the run up to the show, nominated them for an award that makes a mockery of BTS’ musicality and stage performance, placed them at the end bc they KNOW viewership is gonna nosedive after their performance, cut their song short, cut their video short, make them stay up at witching hour for half a second of tv appearance, and then what? not give them the award? for no understandable reason? bts outsold outperformed out influenced all the other songs on the list? what even is the criteria? how much fucking mashed potato bleached white flour is running in your veins? how much you wanna dance to cotton eye joe??? and even shadier this isnt even the first time they've done it to BTS. this is the THIRD FUCKING TIME. and they've shaded a TON of incredible POC artists over the years INCLUDING THIS YEAR like scammys.....you gotta try harder than putting a 3 sec disclaimer of ‘we arent racist xoxo enjoy the show.’ you KNOW youre fucking doing it wrong when youre losing a morality and transparency issue to a weekly music broadcasting show.
and you know what the kicker is? joon literally said ‘i told you’ almost as soon as the results came in. AND THEN bts literally proceeded to act on a level of professionalism and grace that really the so called most prestigious music award show organizers and the rest of western music industry should take notes on. mad props to bts for not losing their shit. i literally have so much fucking respect for them holy shit. 
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monkberries · 3 years
They dealt with all of the above. Ringo was treated as a joke for pretty much everything, especially since this was the era of prog rock. His personal life was also tabloid fodder. George was derided as being a dour spiritual nut who was out of touch. He along w/ Ringo didn't get the respect he deserved as a guitarist bc his style wasn't in at the time & people knew little about his role in The Beatles. All credit went to Lennon/McCartney. 1/2
John had the benefit of having the rebel genius image, but even he became a source of ridicule with all the stunts he pulled with Yoko and the way his career declined after Imagine. He wasn't deified to the degree he was in the 80s. I'm not trying to say Paul never had a hard time, but the way this fandom talks as if he is the only one who faced extreme criticism or disrespect just tells me they haven't looked much into the other Beatles' lives. The man is more admired than most musicians. 2/2
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(IDK if this screenshotted anons were from the same person or not, but I’ll just answer them in this one since it’s all the same subject.)
Here’s what I think is valid, as I see it: Paul fans are upset by the way his music was treated by the music press, especially in the first few years of the 70s, while the music of the other three were generally given at least the benefit of the doubt. They’re not upset about the tabloid gossip, the purely personal stuff – they are upset, specifically and with good reason, at the way Paul’s music was treated and the way the music world’s personal dislike of him seeped into their music reviews. I’m gonna focus in on 1970 through the end of 1974, since this is where a lot of the complaints spawn from, and things start to shift in a big way in 74. You didn’t ask but contemporary writings about their early solo music is something I’m fascinated by anyway and you turned the wind-up toy key in my back, so. Off I go. This is gonna be so, so long.
At different points in the decade, all of them were subject to a sullying of their personal reputations. That is where I do agree with you: all of them were subjected to that by the press, to varying degrees, at varying times, and for various reasons for each of them. That is just what happens to public figures the longer they are public figures. Tabloids mess with everyone no matter how beloved they are. 
However, that’s not what I generally see Paul fans getting upset about. What I see is that they’re upset at the way the much more legitimate and widely respected music press approached Paul’s music and talent in general. It is widely received knowledge now that the critics treated Paul’s music differently than they did John’s and George’s and even Ringo’s; the trashing was not “equal.” They came at John and George with the assumption that their talent was real and ongoing outside of the Beatles, their genius unquestionable, their motives pure and well-intentioned and honest. Paul was not afforded these assumptions. Some examples to show what I mean, most of them found through wikipedia, rocksbackpages, or rollingstone.com.
Plastic Ono Band was Robert Christgau’s number one album of 1970 in The Village Voice. from Creem’s review: “John's record, of course, has been righteously raved over ever since its release, justifiably. It's interesting and even enlightening to see a man working out his trauma on black plastic but more than that, it's totally enthralling to see that Lennon has once again unified, to some degree, his life and his music into a truly whole statement.” From High Fidelity’s review: "a tremendously exciting listening experience, perhaps the best any Beatle has ever offered." In their Imagine review, Rolling Stone called POB “perfect.” A couple reviews in the mainstream were more mixed, put off a little by the rawness of it, but overall the rock world quickly grew to see this album as a work of genius.
Imagine was even more widely well-reviewed, despite a mixed review from Rolling Stone (John fell out with Jann Wenner around this time, curiously). Here’s a passage from rateyourmusic.com: “Imagine was actually one of the most critically acclaimed albums of the year, aside from this tepid review in Rolling Stone. Indeed, much of the rock press seemed palpably relieved that the former Beatle hadn't gone completely off the deep end. ‘It's the best album of the year, and for me it's the best album he's done, with anything, or with anyone, at any time,’ Roy Hollingworth wrote in the 10/9/71 issue of Melody Maker. ‘The album is superb,’ Alan Smith agreed in the 9/11/71 issue of NME. ‘Beautiful. One step away from the chill of his recent total self-revelation, and yet a giant leap towards commerciality without compromise...I have no criticism at all.’”
Some Time in New York City was admittedly John’s nadir, and the press was vicious about it, both personally and musically, deeming the album egotistical, lacking in energy, and devoid of sincerity. However, many maintained a reverence for the genius that came before it and hopeful encouragement for the future. Rolling Stone said that “The Lennons should be commended for their daring;” Creem said it wasn’t half bad; and even though NME’s article was scathing, it ended with a plea for John to return to form, saying, “Don't rely on cant and rigidity. Don't alienate. Stimulate. You know, like you used to.”
Mind Games, though reviews were mixed, fared far better in comparison. Again, there is a hopeful tone to the reviews, a sureness that John can do better. From Rolling Stone talks about the music being a return to POB form, but the writing is his worst yet; however, Landau qualifies this by saying the lyrics aren’t “offensive, per se, just misguided... [John Lennon’s admirers] might even be able to withstand something more challenging” and then praises John’s voice, his production, and a few individual songs. In Melody Maker, Ray Coleman says, “if you warm to the rasping voice of Lennon and, like me, regard him as the true fulcrum of much of what came from his old group, then like any new Lennon album, it will be enjoyable and even important.” Christgau is more middling but also says, “Still, the single works, and let's hope he keeps right on stepping.”
Walls and Bridges seems confusing to reviewers in retrospect. They couldn’t seem to come to a consensus on it. The musicianship was widely praised, for the most part, though Rolling Stone criticized the first side on this front; reviewers alternately said it was “the latest chapter in John Lennon’s Identity Crisis” (Creem) and “truly a superb album by any standards” (Melody Maker). Throughout the Rolling Stone review, the author is able to thoroughly critique the songs, for better or worse, with a neutral affect and without resorting to insulting John personally. He ends the review on a positive note: “When one accepts one’s childhood, one’s parenthood and the impermanence which lies between, one can begin to slog along. When John slogs, he makes progress.” Again, even though the reviews aren’t all positive, we can see, especially and most importantly in the most influential rock magazine of the time, the acknowledgment of his talent, a sense of excitement for what John will do next, and a belief that his work is authentic and honest.
All Things Must Pass, I mean. Apart from a couple of outliers like Christgau in The Village Voice (he called it “overblown fatuity”), it was incredibly, almost universally beloved by the music press when it came out. There was quite a bit of surprise that such a talent had been under everyone’s noses all this time, but I don’t think anon is quite correct that all the credit for the Beatles went to Lennon/McCartney. For example, Ben Gerson in Rolling Stone recognized George’s talent within the Beatles like this: “Up until now, George has been perhaps the premier studio musician among rock band guitarists. From the electronic whine which began “I Feel Fine” to the break in “Hard Day’s Night” to the crazed, sitar-influenced burst on “Taxman,” George exhibited an avant-garde imagination and a technical flawlessness, as well as the ability to stay within the bounds of a song, which has remained unparalleled.” In Melody Maker, the feeling of journalists was summed up thusly: hearing the album was “the rock equivalent of the shock felt by pre-war moviegoers when Garbo first opened her mouth in a talkie: Garbo talks! – Harrison is free!" The personal nature and honesty of the lyrics were praised as well; Time described it as an “expressive, classically executed personal statement.” Ben Gerson did call his proselytizing offensive, but in the next sentence says that George redeems himself from that with the personal plea in Hear Me Lord.
Concert for Bangla Desh - again, some cynicism from Christgau in The Village Voice (must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed that day) and of course tax issues dogged it later, but overall, for the rock press at the time, this was a crowning achievement that George pulled off. He was praised all over the press, countercultural and mainstream, for his live musical talent, the group of musicians that joined him, the lack of political motivation, the sincerity and goodwill, and George’s ability to bring back  "a brief incandescent revival of all that was best about the Sixties" (Rolling Stone). To this day he is credited with creating the model for future charity concerts. 
Living in the Material World - Nothing could have topped the one-two punch of ATMP and the Concert for Bangla Desh, but honestly, LITMW came pretty close for some journalists. Rolling Stone again praised George’s honesty and authenticity: “ Despite the occasional use of “psychedelic puns,” Harrison’s lyrics are so guileless they convey an extraordinary sincerity that transcends questions of craftsmanship. Similarly, the devotions we are called upon to share with Harrison, though they communicate no specific, private torment, do have the authenticity of overheard prayers and are therefore sacred.” Melody Maker said, "Harrison has always struck me before as simply a writer of very classy pop songs; now he stands as something more than an entertainer. Now he's being honest." The pushback against his pious attitude and lyrics picked up some steam with this album, particularly with Christgau (again) and Tony Tyler of NME, who called it “so damn holy I could scream.” However, it was far from the consensus opinion at the time, and with the biggest rock magazine in the world at your back, you can withstand quite a bit.
Dark Horse, oof. That poor man. It did get some positivity in Billboard and Melody Maker, but my god, the reviews for this album and its subsequent tour were so cruel. I suspect when these anon(s) talk about the others being treated terribly by the press as well, this, along with John’s STINYC, is one of the examples they would give, and they’re not wrong about that. This was the point where George’s piety and what they perceived as a sanctimonious attitude finally started really getting to everyone, and the album plus the tour was the perfect opportunity to dogpile on him. I guess it was to be expected; no one can ride that high forever, and the press loves to knock people over and kick them while they’re down. Rolling Stone called it “disastrous,” “shoddy,” and called his guitar work “rudimentary,” eventually declaring that George had “never been a great artist.” This from the same magazine that was practically worshipping at his feet the year before. Yowch.
Sentimental Journey - The less that’s said about this album, the better.
Beaucoups of Blues was actually quite well-received. No one called him a genius for it, and it wasn’t a serious personal record and therefore wasn’t treated that way, but journalists seemed uniquely able to let themselves enjoy this record despite the serious/political/personal tone of most musicians at the time. Melody Maker believed Ringo had  "conviction and charm" and that because of that, the album stripped away the serious “hip posturing” and let you just enjoy the music on its own terms. The Village Voice said that Ringo was “good at making himself felt.” Although Rolling Stone’s tone was a bit more cruel than other magazines (there was a crack somewhere in there that Ringo wasn’t as smart as John), it also called him lovable and the record “a real winner” where the songs “sound terrific.”
Ringo was a total smash and I think people forget this. It’s remembered only because it’s an album that was worked on by all four Beatles, but actually, the critics fuckin loved it. Ringo was praised in Rolling Stone for his unpretentiousness, sensibility, and essentially collaborative nature: “Ringo was always the figure of conciliation within the Beatles, undoubtedly the most genial, conceivably the most sensible, and the one with the smallest musical axe to grind. His very lapses bespoke the esteem in which the others held him; had they not liked him so much, those perfectionists would never have allowed him to sing. Perhaps because as the drummer he stood outside the process of creation, he had the best perspective from which to see the Beatles as a unity. Ringo has never had any pretense of self-sufficiency. Once he had gotten his special projects out of the way (projects for which John, Paul and George's talents would have been unsuited anyway) Ringo was ready to call upon the three most obvious people to assist him with writing, singing and playing. As Starr's first "pop album," Ringo signifies a homecoming, not just of family, but in musical style as well.”
Goodnight Vienna was kind of a minor album for Ringo, but still, reviews were pretty good. Rolling Stone praised his “unalloyed sincerity which is his trademark and trump card.” Yet again, we see the theme of authenticity popping up in these reviews - if you are perceived as authentic, honest, and sincere, that takes you a long way with music reviewers in this time period, and Ringo was nothing if not wholly, completely himself.
McCartney - One of the main complaints of Paul fans is that Jann Wenner forced Langdon Winner, the author of the review for this album in Rolling Stone, to rewrite his article and put a more negative spin on it. The result is that Winner praised most of the music but totally undermined his own praise by questioning the authenticity of the tone and deriding the press release that came with the album as much as he praised the music. He ends the article like this: “I like McCartney very much. But I remember that the people of Troy also liked that wooden horse they wheeled through their gates until they discovered that it was hollow inside and full of hostile warriors.” This was a huge blow at a time when personal authenticity and substance were considered paramount. Melody Maker also questioned the legitimacy of his genius, saying “With this record, [McCartney's] debt to George Martin becomes increasingly clear.” Most other reviews weren’t any better.
Ram, I mean, Jesus Christ the reviews for this. It’s a widely respected album now, even made the RS top 500 albums of all time list last year, but at the time people were still so angry with Paul for supposedly breaking up the Beatles that they were still taking it out on his music a year later (imo). Landau in Rolling Stone called it “emotionally vacuous” and said it lacked conviction, saying also that it was “so incredibly inconsequential and so monumentally irrelevant you can’t even [hate it]; it is difficult to concentrate on, let alone dislike or even hate.” NME called it “the worst thing Paul McCartney has ever done.” Threaded through these reviews is a belief that the songs are devoid of meaning and that Paul’s happy domestic front is just a frustrating lie; Christgau in The Village Voice said he was “infuriated by the McCartneys' modern young-marrieds image” - infuriated because he clearly doesn’t believe it, rendering Paul dishonest and his music inauthentic. Once again journalists are unable to review Paul’s music without sniping about him as a person.
Wild Life - Though the situation remains largely the same - reviewers refuse to take him seriously, believe anything he says, or treat his musical talent as anything but vacuous fluff - the reviews aren’t quite as bad as they were for Ram and a bit of positivity begins to stir. It’s evident especially in the Rolling Stone review, where Mendelsohn wonders if Paul is making crappy fluff on purpose to piss John off because it will sell just as well anyway. It’s not much, and on top of the fairly strong criticism there is almost no hope for future Paul releases: “My own conviction is that we'd be foolish to expect anything much more earth-shaking than Wild Life out of McCartney for a good long while... In the meantime the reader is advised to either develop a fondness for vacuous but unpretentious pop music or look elsewhere for musical pleasure.” But it’s something.
Red Rose Speedway Paul continues to be lambasted by a lot of the press on this album for being lightweight and having no meaning behind his songs (at this point it’s just repetitive to quote the articles, just trust me that they say basically the same thing they were saying for the past three albums too), BUT I think a nuance that gets forgotten in all of this is that Rolling Stone gave it kind of a decent review. It seems like they finally quit gatekeeping and realized that songs don’t need to have some deep personal meaning to be good. Kaye is still not very nice about Paul’s lyrics but he recognizes that he doesn’t have to take Paul’s music on the same terms as he takes John and George. Paul’s music is less personal, but that doesn’t make it unworthy. He calls it “pleasant, accessible without concentration” and praises Paul’s voice and arranging skills. It feels like for this album, Rolling Stone took the stick out of its own ass when it came to Paul and finally relaxed enough to receive Paul’s music on his terms rather than theirs. Which, imo, primed the rock world for...
Band on the Run, Paul’s comeback. Even though Christgau in The Village Voice remained unconvinced (he called it “a pleasant piece of hackwork”), almost everyone else adored it. It seems weird to us now, but the general sentiment seemed to be that people were surprised by how good this album was. NME said, “The ex-Beatle least likely to re-establish his credibility and lead the field has pulled it off with a positive master-stroke”; and although Landau’s review in Rolling Stone overflowed with praise, he also said, “I'm surprised I like Band on the Run so much more than McCartney's other solo albums because, superficially, it doesn't seem so different from them.” 
I hope I’ve been able to demonstrate a general trajectory with the musical reputation of each Beatle here. John starts off on two incredible high points, crashes and burns, and then works his way back up. He DEFINITELY missed with STINYC, but even when he followed it up with Mind Games, there was still a hopeful tone to the reviews, sort of like, “Ah, well, the last two weren’t great but we’re still looking forward to what John will give us next.” Until the Dark Horse tour/album, which did sour the press on poor George, the music press adored him. It was hit after hit with him. He could not miss. Three high points, one after the other, then a monumental crash. Ringo seems to stay fairly high, even if the records aren’t serious records. All three of them start out incredibly well, and the music press was able and willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.
Paul was given none of that. Perhaps because he was out of step with the attitudes about music at the time, perhaps because journalists hated him for breaking up the Beatles, perhaps because they believed John when he painted Paul as “establishment,” perhaps a combination - whatever their issue was, Paul was given no benefit of the doubt to start with, no faith in his genius, and no belief in his authenticity. He was just a hack to the music press for the first few years of the 70s; he started at the bottom and was forced to work his way up, unlike the other three. It started, imo, when Wenner forced the journalist who wrote the McCartney review in RS to rewrite the article, and it spiraled from there. He was seen as hollow and uncool, as one of the anons said, “straight” in the parlance of the time - straight meaning “establishment.” This is kind of where I do start to roll my eyes a little bit at stans, when they get upset at people calling him “establishment” and trying to prove that actually he was so anti-establishment that people couldn’t handle it or whatever, without trying to understand what the word “anti-establishment” meant at the time. But there are also really substantive arguments you can make that say Paul’s music was not taken seriously because of a personal grudge against him.
I’m not saying that all of them didn’t have run-ins with the music press. I’m saying there is nuance here that I don’t think these anons are allowing for in the first few years of that decade. They came at George and John and Ringo with a positive, or at least neutral, slant most of the time. They came at Paul with a negative one. Case in point are the reviews of Band on the Run that were surprised at how good it was. That stuff gets people’s hackles up. The others didn’t have positive reviews rewritten to be more negative. The others didn’t have albums savaged that are now on the Rolling Stone top 500 albums of all time list. I do agree that John, at least, and George post Dark Horse, had a harder time with the music press than people generally remember or care to think about – deification is retroactive, I guess, and as Paul fans we should definitely recognize that Paul wasn’t the only one who went through a rough time with the press. But I do think Paul’s situation was made uniquely and unjustifiably difficult for those first few years.
I mean, at the same time, I cannot stress enough how much this did not affect his bottom line. Despite the horrible reviews, Ram still made a ton of money, McCartney made a ton of money, Band on the Run and Wild Life and Red Rose Speedway all made a ton of money. He had a fanbase, a huge one, that followed him loyally and faithfully through the early 70s as he was getting savaged by the press, and through the middle and late 70s when he was touring. At some point, you have to step back and go, wait. Why does any of this matter? This was 50 years ago. He was a multi-millionaire then and is a billionaire now. And you are right; whenever people over-generalize and try to make the case that Paul was always badly reviewed and the others were press darlings, I tend to get annoyed because they’re totally missing the actually interesting nuances of the situation (that can be easily found online! I found most of the music reviews through snippets on Wikipedia!) In conclusion, I guess my point is that both “Paul was vilified while everyone else wasn’t” and “everyone was equally vilified” paint the events of the early 70s with brushes that are too broad and miss the nuance that was evident in the way the press interacted with their music.
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twisted-broth · 5 years
Can you write something with reader making scarves and hats for the Sides and/or the Egos? -&
Thank you so much for the request! Sorry it took so long but I hope you like it
Warnings: small mention of choking, Remus
Anti can’t have a scarf cuse the fuzz would irritate his next wound
So he gets a cute black hat
Will only wear it when he has no other choice
Complains that it’s itchy and doesn’t go with his look but he actually really appreciates it
Schneeps scarf would be the same blue as his mask
Sad that he can’t wear it while working but will definitely wear it all other times
Fiddling with the tassels at the end helps him calm down after a stressful day
Robbies hat is purple with white polka dots
Oh my god you could not have made him happier he loves it so much
Will wear it all the time no matter the weather
He’s always a little chilly so it works out
Chase would get a grey and blue striped scarf with the bro average logo on the ends
Loves showing it off in videos but would refuse to sell copies as merch it’s just for him
Holds it close when he’s sad because it reminds him that someone loves him
Jackie’s scarf would be the same red as his uniform so that he could wear them together
It motivates him when he’s fighting crime because he remembers the people that he needs to protect
JJ’s scarf would be sepia and it has little reel things at the ends like the ones at the sides of old film you know what I mean
He wears it with a knot in the front so he can tuck it into his vest it looks very dapper
Honestly like exactly what his outfit was missing it’s perfect
Marvin’s scarf would be white with the card suits repeated along it
Doesn’t like to wear it when he’s working because he’s afraid of it getting ruined
Honestly like his most prized possession tho
It also goes great with his hair
Sanders Sides:
For the original four sides, you would make them scarves that match their Christmas sweaters
Logan’s would be white with those color squares on it
He would really appreciate how it’s not too outrageous and thinks it looks very smart
Likes to wear it when he reads if he’s not in his unicorn onesie
Virgil’s is purple with grey patches and streaks of gold to represent the storm cloud
Becomes a huge comfort item for him. Whenever he’s cuddled up in his jacket he tucks his face in it and is just surrounded by warmth and happy
He tends to poke through the crochet holes with his fingers. It’s a nervous habit but it calms him down
Romans scarf would be white with diagonal red stripes like his sash that are lined with gold and it has gold tassels 
He is so proud of it like if anyone so much as looks at it he’s on a spiel about his wonderful (friend or s/o), Y/n and how they made it specifically for him and wow aren’t they so talented
He used to dislike winter but now looks forward to it so he can whip out the scarf
A little jealous that you made one for everyone tbh
Patton’s would be that light blue and would have a line of little cats and dogs
It’s super soft he probably sleeps with it sometimes
He literally adores it
A scarf for Deceit would look like a yellow snake, scales and all
It even has a little tongue poking out it’s sooo cute
Gets really upset that he can’t tell you how much he likes it but you get the idea 
Really makes him feel like part of the group
A scarf for Remus would be a green ombré with the same gold trim as Roman
A little glittery to match his sash 
He’s super dramatic with it
Flicks it over his shoulder like a diva with a boa
Basically they all love it and would die for you
NateWantsToBattle Egos
I only know a few so apologies
You would make Natemare a metallic purple beanie that matches his eye makeup
Goes really well with his hair
Likes wearing it in the videos of some of his calmer songs
Perfect for the fall cuse the purple contrasts all the orange leaves which makes for the cutest wallpaper if you manage to snap a picture
It’s just super cute okay
For Phantom you would make a red scarf that matches his shirt
It has some silver detailing at the ends that’s reminiscent of claws and it looks really cool when it moves
Doesn’t like to wear it when he’s out because he’s gotta keep up the intimidating vibe but he loves wearing it at home
Purposefully keeps the house a little colder than necessary just so he can feel comfortable with it on
If you complain about it being too cold he’ll wrap both of you up in the scarf so now you can’t escape
I meant that in like a cute way but it came out very threatening 
You would make Natpai a beanie to go with his uniform
It’s black with a white lining and smaller gold trim
He def wears it to school when it starts getting colder 
Knows better than to say you made it for him cuse you would be hunted 
It looks really good all together tho
Iplier Egos
For my own sanity I’m only gonna do a couple but you’re free to request for any other egos. These are my defaults so specify if you want others
A scarf for Dark would be like the same grey as his skin, but it would have a bit of blue on one end and a bit of red on the other
Not really a huge fan of it but he knows you put a lot of work into it so he wears it anyway
If any other ego tries to make fun of it anti he will make them regret it
It starts to grow on him after a while
Wilford would, of course, get a classic bubble gum pink scarf that matches his mustache
You may have slipped a bit of bubble gum extract on to it so it smells like bubble gum
His face lights up when he gets it and he will hug you so tightly you might lose a rib
Wears it all the time except when he has an interview because he still wants to show off his bowtie
He won’t be as subtle as Dark if someone insults it. He will just shoot them.
You get a scarf for each Google with their corresponding color and maybe a few black lines to make it resemble a circuit board
Points out that he’s a robot and doesn’t need to stay warm
You just roll your eyes and wrap it around his neck
He looks confused, but he doesn’t take it off and eventually grows used to it
Will probably forget it’s there at some point and if someone points it out he’ll look down and smile and realize he needs it for other reasons
You make the Host a black scarf with quotes from his favorite book written in white
It’s really a lot of effort to put in for someone who can’t see
He still really appreciates it and almost never takes it off
Deathly afraid that some of the blood from his eyes will drip onto it so you help reassure him and change his bandages more often
You would make Bing a scarf that matches his shirt which is black with the yellow Bing symbol
Calls it “super rad bruh” which is probably a good thing
At one point he’s wearing it while skateboarding and it somehow gets stuck in the wheels which leads to Bing falling down some stairs and almost choking to death but it’s still pretty funny
You have since banned wearing a scarf while skateboarding
He spends a really long time trying to fix the damage that was done to it so you won’t be upset
It doesn’t turn out good, per se, but it’s nice that he tried
Bim Trimmer’s scarf would be pretty simple, black with crisscrossing grey lines
Doesn’t wear it on screen bc he’s clearly a professional but will wear it when he goes out of the house
Okay but if you guys were on a coffee date or something and he’s wearing the scarf it would be super cute
He’s a little easier to talk to when he’s wearing it. It humbles him
You make a light blue scarf for reporter Jim and a red one for cameraman Jim
It’s honestly so you can tell them apart easier
When you give it to them, reporter Jim goes on a very long-winded observation on the color and craftsmanship
“Look at this expert handiwork, Jim! And what’s that? Why it’s a knot, carefully concealed by the rest of the material. This is a rare sighting.”
Once the cameras aren’t rolling, they individually come up to you and give you a hug and tell you how much they appreciate it
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transrightsjimin · 4 years
tw eating disorders , diet culture , misogyny //
every time i read / hear one more detail on LABOUM’s situation i get so fucking desperate... i knew they’ve been put through terrible diets but recently i read Solbin say (it was during a past promotion) that they were put on a “diet“ of 200 grams per day and that she lost 12kg in a MONTH, while she already is so skinny?!! D:
i know Solbin has said before in an interview that she felt LABOUM still hasn’t made it and that she considered taking a side job bc they didn’t earn enough with the group. but now i also read all the members live with their family and aren’t in dorms anymore?? and that there is so much radio silence on updates that even k-lattes don’t have any clues on what’s going on with the group??
a comeback is announced for this October, but we have 0 details?? and normally the group got some extra funds for comebacks through Makestar fundraisers, or Solbin’s modelling or the members’ acting roles, but the company didn’t start a Makestar and Solbin’s CFs contracts are over too. there is talks of disbandment by fans but i truly dont know whats going on?? and i know NH Media / Global H is on the verge of bankruptcy for years now, which i recently learned is ACTUALLY the reason laboum debuted in 2014!! they were supposed to debut in 2016, but the company was fucked over by bigger companies that kept draining money from it by filing lawsuits for drama over e.g. U-Kiss members dating someone and other drama that didnt even happen, so they pushed Laboum’s comeback two years back to hopefully get more money from their promotions. THAT ASIDE, NH media having few money is not an excuse for how poorly it promotes the group or the individual member activities (which is to say, it doesn’t).
like i dont get how the company thinks having pulled shit like overly controlling their phone use in the past, making them "diet" so extreme that they lost a dangerous amount of weight and had very few energy, not updating on information, not letting the girls make extra content besides selfies or personal vlogs that the company doesnt even promote, etc etc, how thatt could possibly be good media tactics??? im an army and if there's anything that couldve been learned from bts, who also came from a smaller company with few money, is that a lot of updates / extra videos and giving them more autonomy is really appreciated. but laboums management seems so misogynistic and controlling (which really shows in how low their self image is imo), tht they prefer that over actually helping the girls grow.
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litt1edeath · 4 years
Surprises At DisneyLand
Y’all in for a treat with this one was requested by @havenoffandoms and i was so excited to do this one aaaaa seriously tho someone let me know if i’m doing this headcanons thing right?? 😅 also sorry for it being so long for me to update i went on a bit of a hiatus 💀⚰️ i’m back now... hopefully
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henry had been the one to ask you out of course, you were friends for a couple months
naturally you’d remained far too shy and intimidated by his presence. even though all the skinship and open desire to be around each other was a tale tell sign to everyone around you.
yet you still made no move to further your relationship. so he did.
he was overwhelming in the best ways possible. the kind that makes your throat dry, and butterflies in the pits of your stomach.
now flash forward to present day- you’ve been together for a total of 6 years.
seen the good, bad, ugly and very beautiful parts of each other. worked through every possible struggle hand in hand.
went to every baby shower, baby reveals, weddings, anniversary parties, birthday’s, holiday gatherings, anything your friends or family threw.
as well as your own extra curricular activities and events that you both enjoyed yourself.
being the poster couple, it was inevitable that when you reached the three year mark everyone began to ask when will you tie the knot?
being how it was rare henry had lasted in a relationship so long, they all believed you to be the one. he never smiled more brighter.
however it was all avoidance, at least you assumed that. maybe henry was getting nervous or shy now. which wasn’t like him at all. was he unsure of himself? of this relationship?
now your anniversary was today, celebrating 7 yrs of your happy relationship. the surprise was henry had was the place you would be going to.
everything was nerve wrecking, picking the perfect outfit. he adored how nerdy you were about these things.
putting on a ‘he’s my mickey’ top with jeans that were high waisted and hugged all the right places. finished with high top converses and one of henry’s hoodies.
the drive there you had to be blind folded, butterflies stronger than ever as you grow nervous and excited in one.
of course being the excellent boyfriend as well as lover, henry was. he holds one of your hands. fingers intertwined as he rubs across your knuckles in time with the song on the radio.
you bob your head with the melody, turning to give him a knowing smile though you can’t see his reaction. you hear him, that deep, sweet, darling chuckle he does when he’s amused.
and in a way it makes you more excited- or nervous you can’t tell them apart anymore.
when the blind fold comes off you need a moment to adjust to the sunlight.
as the sign in front of your car comes to view, your mouth drops open like the pikachu meme.
only to be replaced with an ear shrieking squeal.
henry full on laughs at you bouncing in your seat, more so when you take your seat belt off to lung into his arms unannounced.
one hand sinks into your locks to cup the back of your hair and the other around your waist keeping your against him but never to dig into the gear shift uncomfortable.
he really was too observant. careful with you. it made loving him all the sweeter.
“i didn’t even know this is where we were going! my top i chose to wear is coincidental!”
“well we’re matching.” was his comforting words back to yours.
the car is parked, you both show the tickets and are given a wristband that you’ll have photos of to remember the day.
as soon as you step through the turn stiles, you draw attention. not you per say but Henry given a few of them do a double take.
one of the workers asks to take your photo, being pulled closer to Henry at the waist your smile facing forward.
next photo is of you two kissing of course, though you rarely take pics like that. so it has sentimental value.
with a bonus of said boyfriend pressing his forehead to yours, his eyes closed and your hands tightly held in his. you however are looking up at him in the snap shot.
the day is spent riding plenty of rides, buying the pictures at the end you like most. especially splash mountain, you’re both soaked and laughing helplessly at one another’s dismay. even more so at your faces in the pic.
all the little goofing around is settled down when his hands cup both your cheeks, moves the little whisks of hair away that curl from being wet. your hands cover his as he kisses you with all the passion in the world.
when you reach the star wars area he chuckles at your nerdy (this is more my preference bc i’m a dork- if you aren’t a sw’s fan ignore this one hehe)
kylo ren’s costume actors in the park goes to kneel before you, and you gasps everyone looking over with awe. only for henry to appear circling his hands around your waist.
“sorry this ones taken.” he cool replies and so kylo nods standing up. his hand tilting your chin but you play tough unfazed as he walks away.
the rest of the day is you running around like a child too excited to hide it anymore. henry following with happiness, he posts a few videos and pics of your day to instagram. that everyone goes nuts for.
there in the square is where your heart stops. you think you’ve lost henry, anxiety pumping being in a crowded amusement park.
just as the tears build up in your eyes, you see a group of your closest friends appear with Henners at the front of them.
your favourite song you play for him called “Yellow Hearts” by Ant Saunders is on the speakers as your friends run by throwing flowers all around you two.
you cover your mouth, a new form of tears well up as he’s before you. doing the most surprising thing ever your breath hitches.
he goddamn kneeled before you.
cameras are snapping shots or recording.
henry pulls a royal blue small box from his coat pocket. the inside part- something you should’ve felt when your hands were tucked into his pockets. you had a habit of hugging him from behind even if he’s larger than you- yet didn’t feel the box. not once.
he flips it open and inside is a beautiful silver band a sunflower on it with a jewel in the middle shimmering under the setting sun.
“will you y/n. do me the absolute honors of spending the rest of our lives together. and being my wife? because i love you- don’t think i’ve ever loved someone as much as i do you.” theres a chorus of awe’s.
swiping the back of your hand over your face, you sniffle. inhaling a deep breath to steady your emotions so you could talk. you kneel down, being shorter than him once again.
there you search those beautiful eyes, cupping his cheek you scratch at the light stubble. going up onto your knees to kiss him. there you give your confirmation upon his lips, “Yes- a thousand yes’s!”
henry swoops you up into his arms twirling you around as he hugs you close. you knew he wasn’t a public man so doing this was a big deal. for both of you.
once you’re set down he slides the ring onto your ring finger. it feels snuggly, you’re enthralled with it. how it feels, to actually be in this position you never dreamed would ever happen.
just before the parks closing you go to see the fireworks- he records your excitement, when he taps your shoulder from behind the camera.
you whirl around a bright smile at him, when he knelts again tapping his shoulders you mouth a no at him.
giving up at his reassurance he could hold you up easily. and he does, you’re careful to not bounce so much while cheering and singing along to the music that plays for the show.
he turns the camera to face himself and you hunch down to kiss his cheek, lifting his head so you could kiss him properly in the video.
it’s then when you both look up that two fireworks shoot out “congratulations henry and y/n!” followed by “happy anniversary!”
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zanesgirlfriend · 5 years
Weird Biceps | Jeff Wittek
Description: A plus sized reader finally opens up to Jeff.
Requested?: not at first but @dobrikandchill and i think alike sooo
Warnings: mild language, body issues, mentions of calories and stuff
A/N: normally I would make the reader more confident in her body bc everyone is beautiful but i wanted the story to be more dramatic so i made her a lil self conscious, anyway enjoy!
He always understood why people thought he was sketchy. It was his accent, and the fact that he'd been arrested seven times. Maybe it was also the fact that he looked emotionless, and was quiet around new people.
She was just some funny overweight girl that was lucky enough to be in the Vlog Squad. She and Carly met at some YouTuber's party, passing a blunt back and forth while they got to know eachother. She's been in the Vlog Squad ever since.
It was weird how quickly the group accepted him. She was nice to him, of course, but something about him was off. He was good looking. Too good looking. She had to give him the benefit of the doubt though, because she felt the same way about Todd when she first met him.
It was a Friday night, and everyone was at a party per David's request. He needed footage, so he tended to focus on the intoxicated people. Jeff had decided not to drink that night, keeping his eye on her. She never drank, fearful of the amount of unnecessary calories alcohol had. They seemed to be the only sober people at this party, well, besides David.
"Hey." Jeff stood next to her, a little closer than she would've liked.
"Hey." She smiled, trying to be nice.
"Do I seem scary to you?" He asked her, getting right to the point and trying to make her look into his eyes.
"What?" It worked, and she studied his perfect face as she thought about what he had said.
"Like, am I intimidating?" He wanted her to have a real conversation with him for once. Usually she just brushed him off, attempting to protect herself.
"No?" She was still trying anything to be nice. He saw right through it.
"Why'd you say it like a question?" He chuckled, trying to soften his words with a laugh. He didn't want to sound intimidating while asking if he was intimidating.
"Okay, honestly? Yeah, I think you're intimidating as fuck and I don't know if I should trust you." She let out a deep breath she didn't know she was holding.
"Well I'm sorry. I don't mean to be intimidating. Let's start over." Jeff stuck his hand out, making her smile. "Hey, I'm Jeff."
"Hi, I'm y/n." She giggled as she shook his hand.
Conversation picked up from there and the two of them spent the night learning about eachother and exchanging stories of their friends. The more they talked, the more she felt the familiar tingles in her chest. She knew he was too hot for her, though, so she didn't do anything to show her feelings. They hung out outside of the club, leaning against the wall in the quiet and cool L.A. air.
"You're really pretty, you know that?" Jeff looked her up and down, making her self conscious. She adjusted her shirt, a little thing she did when she was nervous that someone was noticing her body.
"I'm really not, but thank you." It was hard for her to accept a compliment, especially from a guy that looked like that. Her heart stung as she got the feeling that he was messing with her. Like the guys in high school that used to ask her out as a joke.
"Okay, you're not pretty." Jeff said, almost bringing tears to her eyes. "You're beautiful, and I don't understand why you can't see that." His hand ran down her arm as she tried to understand what Jeff had just said.
"You don't have to be nice to me just because we're in the same friend group." She was subconsciously preparing every defense mechanism so she wouldn't get hurt.
"I'm not. I'm being nice to you because I've known you for two months, and I see you every day. Oh, and because every day I tell myself how beautiful you are. I've tried to talk to you, but you never wanna listen to me. Why is that?" He was being very stern and genuine, and she felt a new sensation as she realized it. Nobody had ever talked to her like this before, and she almost wanted to cry.
"I've ignored you because you're too hot for me. I won't allow myself to have feelings for you because I've been through this so many times and I don't wanna get hurt again." Her voice started to break. Jeff's hand grabbed hers, assuring her that he wasn't going anywhere.
"I'm not too hot for you, if anything you're too hot for me, baby." The little baby at the end of his sentence made her heart stop for a second. She was feeling so many new emotions in such a small time span.
"Look at you. You're a God and I'm . . ." She struggled for a second, not wanting to admit it out loud. ". . . fat!" She let go of Jeff's hand, trying to put up defenses once again.
"You are not fat." Jeff laughed, confusing the shit out of her. Why is he laughing? She thought to herself. "You have fat, but that doesn't make you fat. You also have toenails, but you aren't a walkin' toenail." He told her his stupid analogy. Her face softened as she realized what he meant.
"I have fat, I'm not fat." She repeated to herself, carving it into her memory.
"And who cares if you have fat?" He grabbed her hand again. "I don't care. I think you're thick and perfect and mmm." He hummed as he looked over her body once again. She smiled this time, really trusting that he liked the way she looked.
"And even though the fans make fun of them, I like the weird shape of your biceps." Her giggle was music to Jeff's ears. His dimples deepened as she touched his weird biceps for the first time.
"Can I kiss you?" Jeff asked politely. She looked deep into his eyes as his eyes flicked to her lips.
"Sure." She smiled and leaned in to kiss Jeff for the first time of many.
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goldstarnation · 5 years
Members may earn 3 points each (up to 6 points) for writing, by the end of November 7 KST:
A solo para of 400+ words based on their monthly schedule (does not count toward your monthly total).
A thread of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) based on their monthly schedule.
Threads do not have to take place directly during an important date listed on the schedule, but must be related to what the muse is mentioned to be doing in the paragraph explaining their schedule/the company’s schedule for the month and/or their thoughts on the mentioned activities or lack thereof.
These schedules may be updated throughout the month if new information needs to be added.
Reminder: September schedule posts are due by the end of October 7 KST.
Overall Company
Such quick growth in such a short time period appears to be catching up to Gold Star now. There’s been avoidable problems with management recently, most noticeable in their handling of Origin’s and Fuse’s next comebacks, and even the constant delay of a comeback for Gold Star Soloist 1. Gold Star may have an attractive reputation of caring more for their artists than Dimensions or BC, but their behind the scenes employees are clearly being overworked due to executives’ reluctance to expand teams as needed and incur costs that could lower their lead in industry profits. Messy management decisions haven’t affected everyone yet, but word is starting to get around within the company to watch out for delayed comebacks and poorly-handled scheduling.
Important dates:
Gold Star Soloist 1
Meetings with management, marketing, and A&R continue to be her primary schedule, but she’ll be called into one in particular early in the month after returning with representatives from all three departments to discuss her career direction and where she sees herself going musically as she enters her twelfth year. As such a big face of their company it’s important to them that she feel heard so that her eventual contract renewal is guaranteed. This month also marks the beginning of preparations for the fan meeting she’ll be holding in December to bring a close to the year.
Important dates:
October 18: Fan meeting stage outfit fittings.
Gold Star Soloist 2
Now that recording for her album is done, October brings a focus on preparing all of the remaining details for her comeback, including learning the choreography, shooting comeback teasers, and filming the music video. Later in the month, she holds a solo concert in Taiwan and performs at a festival in Busan. She won’t be performing any of her new music, but she’s allowed to hype fans up about it.
Important dates:
October 2: Comeback stage outfit fittings.
October 5: Performance at Sharing Festival at Olympic Park in Seoul, South Korea (also performing: Knight).
October 12: Performance at SBS Radio K-Pop Concert in Jeongeup, South Korea.
October 14: Comeback teaser photo shoot.
October 15: Behind the scenes choreography video filming.
October 17: Room Shaker MV filming day one.
October 18: Room Shaker MV filming day two.
October 20: Hello Taipei 2019 concert at Taipei International Convention Center in Taipei, Taiwan.
October 25: Performance at Busan One Asia Festival Family Park Concert at Hwamyung Park in Busan, South Korea (also performing: Aria).
Gold Star Soloist 3
The beginning of the month brings more European tour dates before he returns to Seoul. He’ll finish off his European tour dates next month, but, in the mean time, it’s fall festival season, and Gold Star has booked him for two different events, one that is likely to be a more idol fan-based audience, and the later of the two, which will draw in an audience more attuned to indie music, to capitalize on his cross-demographic appeal.
Important dates:
October 1 : Self-titled tour concert at Lido in Berlin, Germany.
October 3: Self-titled tour concert at Kantine in Cologne, Germany.
October 4: Self-titled tour concert at La Madeleine in Brussels, Belgium.
October 6: Self-titled tour concert at Trabendo in Paris, France.
October 12: Asia Song Festival 2019 at Ulsan Complex Stadium in Ulsan, South Korea (also performing: Dimensions Soloist 1, Dimensions Soloist 2, and Lucid). 
October 20: Performance at Grand Mint Festival at Olympic Park in Seoul, South Korea.
Leading up to their comeback at the end of the month, the members are going through the usual preparations of fittings, photo shoots, MV filming, and practice. The increase of expectations on this comeback grows increasingly more noticeable throughout the month and the decreasing success of their latest comebacks is no longer going ignored out of respect for their seniority in the company. Rumor is that if this comeback doesn’t do well, Gold Star may be making changes as they approach their ten year debut anniversary. What those changes might be is still entirely unclear. Before they come back in the final days of the month, the members are also saddled with another Mizuno fan sign and a filming for a Weekly Idol episode for their comeback.
Important dates:
October 4: Stage and MV outfit fittings.
October 10: Teaser photo and album jacket shoot.
October 13: “ME&YOU” MV filming.
October 27: Mizuno fan sign in Seoul.
October 29: Weekly Idol filming (to air November 6).
October 30: Release of “ME&YOU” & WE mini-album showcase, promotions continue until November 30. 
They hold their Seoul concerts the second weekend of the month (please see September’s schedule for solo/duo special stages) and have a few performances in the later half of the month. Amid concert rehearsals for their Seoul concerts and continued rehearsals for concerts in Japan month, the members will be in the studio to record their December comeback mini-album. It’s a return to original form after “I’m So Sick” earlier in the year, but they’ve been assured future comebacks with a different sound aren’t off the table once marketablity advantages between concepts and sounds have been adequately compared. The members will begin learning the title track choreography in addition to choreography for b-sides “Like U” and “Rewind” after their Seoul concerts are out of the way.
Important dates:
October 11: Pink Space concerts at SK Olympic Handball Gymnasium in Seoul, South Korea.
October 12: Pink Space concerts at SK Olympic Handball Gymnasium in Seoul, South Korea.
October 20: Performance at Follow Gyeonggi K-Culture Festa in Jakarta, Indonesia.
October 25: Performance at Busan One Asia Festival Family Park Concert (also performing: Gold Star Soloist 2).
Their comeback is still indefinitely delayed, meaning more unclear studio time, though Gold Star seems to want an early 2020 date and are certainly willing to move around their plans for other groups to accommodate the company’s money makers. Current priority has shifted to the release of Origin World next month, which Gold Star seems to be putting a lot of stock in bringing in enough money to make up for only one 2019 comeback. The members have group promotional photo shoots for that this month and will film “behind the scenes” interview videos, answering questions like which member’s route they would want to play in the game, why they’re excited for the release, and why fans should play the game. A MediHeal CF for a new brand deal and another concert stop on their tour round out the month.
Important dates:
October 5: Origin World promotional photo shoot.
October 8: Origin World behind the scenes filming (examples 1 & 2).
October 19: Mediheal CF (videos 1-7 in playlist) filming.
October 25: Speak Yourself Stadium Tour concert at King Fahd International Stadium in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
The month begins by flying out to the States for their US tour. The day before their first stop and the day of, they’ll appear on the Today Show and Good Day New York, two American morning shows, respectively, to give interviews and perform the English version of their latest title track. Members who can speak English will of course take the lead during interviews, but management has told them that all members are expected to get in something to say, even if it’s something they must rehearse and set up beforehand. Similarly, they’ll be filming a lot of online promo while in America, including a friendship test, trying nine things they’ve never done before, a boy band lyric challenge, song association, and a "most likely to”. After returning to Seoul mid-month the members will begin learning the choreography for their Japanese comeback and will also film the music video.
Important dates:
October 2: Appearance on the Today Show in New York, NY, USA.
October 3: Appearance on Good Day New York in New York, NY, USA.
October 3: Keep Spinning 2019 World Tour concert at Prudential Center in Newark, NJ, USA.
October 6: Keep Spinning 2019 World Tour concert at Scotiabank Arena in Toronto, Canada.
October 9: Keep Spinning 2019 World Tour concert at American Airlines Center in Dallas, TX, USA. 
October 12: Keep Spinning 2019 World Tour concert at The Forum in Inglewood, CA, USA.
October 16: Keep Spinning 2019 World Tour concert at Oracle Arena in Oakland, CA, USA.
October 26: “Love Loop“ MV filming.
By mid-month, the members are completely done recording for their new mini-album and have moved on to learning the “Umpah Umpah” choreography in order to be ready for their comeback next month. The concept of their comeback still seems questionable for late fall and the first fittings of the intended outfits for promotions present a mix of summery dresses and crop top styling for the music video as well as a selection of intended stage outfits that don’t seem to know whether they’re going for the summery feel of the music video outfits or something more appropriate for the fall season they’ll be promoting in. Overall, management feels messy this comeback, but that hasn’t stopped the company from letting the members know in their own way that now that they’ll no longer be competing with Origin during promotions as initially anticipated and Femme Fatale’s smash summer comeback has vacated the very top spots of the charts, they’re expected to make this comeback a hit for its more public friendly sound. Regardless of how messy management seems to be for them this time around, Gold Star has chosen to accept an offer for Fuse to serve as tourism ambassadors between Switzerland and South Korea. Their duties haven’t begun in earnest yet, but they will attend a formal ceremony to be appointed to the position, an event that’s more for mediaplay than out of true necessity.
Important dates:
October 5: Performance at Gwangyang K-Pop Super Concert at Gwangyang Public Stadium in Gwangyang, South Korea.
October 11: Performance at Changwon K-Pop World Festival in Changwon, South Korea (also performing: Alien).
October 24: Switzerland Tourism Ambassador Appointment Ceremony at Bukchon Hanok Village in Seoul, South Korea.
October 29: Comeback outfit fittings.
No word on a comeback for Element yet, confirming they’ll only have one digital single to show for the year musically after “Bomb Bomb” failed to become their breakout hit. There’s no word on Gold Star contacting composers for new songs for them either, but when even management for Origin and Fuse has been messy lately, it’s only to be expected Element will suffer too. They’re scheduled to continue touring overseas in November and December, but this month, they don’t even have that to look forward to. Instead, their personal team is still brainstorming ways to expand their fandom and have decided to give them a test run of their own YouTube series on the company channel to “show their hidden charm points”. Before bringing managerial structure into it, they’ve tasked all of the members to shoot their own vlog in a category of their choice (e.g. mukbang, gaming, Q&A, challenge, daily vlog). They should film one by themselves and one with at least one other member. Ultimately, only the vlogs deemed interesting enough will be posted to test the waters of fan interest in more Youtube content in the form of a series. Outside of their own content creation, they’ve been booked on RUN.wav, where they’ll give a performance of “Bomb Bomb” and showcase covers of “24K Magic” and “Side to Side” they’ve previously performed on tour. During the interview portion, they’ll talk about how their predebut project prepared them for debut, the challenges of being a co-ed group personally and musically, and their touring experience.
Important dates:
October 11: Filming of RUN.wav (to be aired October 19).
Femme Fatale
Femme Fatale’s Japanese tour continues throughout the month with dates in Fukuoka and Chiba (please see August’s schedule for their assigned solo stages), leaving them only their first ever dome concert in December to finish their Japanese tour. While in Japan, they are scheduled to shoot a magazine photo shoot and film a CF, both aimed at the Japanese market. They have their first ever concerts in Seoul next month to begin their In Your Area World Tour, which will introduce some changes to members solo stages from what they’ve performed so far. Some stay the same or retain certain aspects while others change entirely. Again, the members are allowed input, but the stages are ultimately management’s decision. For the beginning of their world tour, the members also have fittings for new stage outfits.
Main rapper/lead vocal - Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You - (pt. 2) [No change from Japanese arena tour]
Main vocal/lead dancer - Let It Be / You & I / Only Look At Me [Completely changed from Japanese arena tour]
Maknae/main dancer/lead rapper - I Like It / Faded / Attention [Some changes from Japanese arena tour]
*special note*: She will also begin to practice Take Me / Swalla stage which will be her solo stage beginning at their Bangkok concerts onward in 2020.
Lead vocal - Clarity [Completely changed from Japanese arena tour]
Important dates:
October 9: Photo shoot for JJ Magazine Japan  November issue.
October 10: Femme Fatale Arena Tour at Kokusai Center in Fukuoka, Japan.
October 11: Femme Fatale Arena Tour at Kokusai Center in Fukuoka, Japan.
October 12: ABCMart CF filming.
October 15: World tour stage outfit fittings.
October 18: Femme Fatale Arena Tour at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan.
October 19: Femme Fatale Arena Tour at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan. 
October 20: Femme Fatale Arena Tour at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan.
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janiedean · 6 years
Fandom and politics, that's the topic of this message and a request for your opinion on fandom and politics. In recent days in polish fantasy fandom one of the prominent figures, a writer, asked why can't we all just talk and be fandom and leave politics behind, like in "good old days". And explained how he and the wolę fandom just doesn't like ideology pushed at him in media. (1/2)
(2/2) The problem is, what he calls ideology, is often media not being as racist, sexist or homophobic as usually (i.e. the feminist head of the team of writers of The Witcher netflix show, black Heimdall in "Thor" etc.)Or women in fandom demanding to do sth with t-shirts that was sold at one convention, with a print that goes sth along the lines of "I love burning villages and raping virgins". Because those are the prominent scandals of polish fandom.
hmmm the thing is, I think that fandom shouldn’t meddle with politics when it comes to fans period and when it comes to authors, it should but to a certain point. what I mean is:
when I say fandom shouldn’t be meddling with politics when it comes to fans I mean that whole part where you’re judged as SOMETHING just out of your fandom preferences. I mean, people saying you’re homophobic because you don’t ship the slash ship, people assuming you’re racist because you ship two white guys or the likes, people thinking you’re pro-pedophilia because you ship underaged characters and so on. that imo is a thing that regardless of the media in question should die in a fire because you cannot judge people on their fictional preferences. no one should assume I’m okay with incest in general if I ship thor and loki, no one should assume I’m racist because I like stevebucky better than stevesam and no one should assume I’m homophobic if I ship a m/f ship and so on. especially when it comes to people who ship/like problematic stuff for whichever damned reason and they get told they’re monsters when they just wanna do their thing. like that imo is a thing that has to die in a fire right now especially when it becomes a fandom-wide thing and you get people basically going like ‘if you’re white you can’t engage with a fandom with black/poc characters because you’re gonna be racist anyway’ and then complain when they get zero content. or worse, the star wars lists of problematic people that you need to avoid because they ship rey/lo and are therefore *insert problematic word here* and such things. fandom should be a place where fans are free to do whatever they like and explore whatever subjects they like without being judged for it. obviously if someone fucks up MAJORLY (see: the infamous j2 haiti fic of doom) calling them out should happen, also because it means that if they’re ignorant they’ll learn, and using fandom as a platform to learn stuff about people different from your social/ethnical background is always great, but people shouldn’t be shamed for what they do in fandom as a general rule. that is my general opinion when it comes to fans. you can’t go on and judge someone on whether they like noncon in fiction or not. like. no.
what you’re talking about instead is the media itself being more progressive, and in that case I don’t agree with the *good old days* thing because more diversity is good and honestly if someone’s problem is that heimdall is black in a marvel movie that isn’t even accurate per se because in theory thor and loki aren’t even odin’s sons then like, you need to get over yourself.
and like, one thing is having reservation over a shirt such as what you said and another is telling other women they can’t like kink or m/m porn, so like that is a kind of politics that needs to be discussed and absolutely should, but that’s not what I mean when I say I’d really like politics out of fandom space. one thing is fandom space, one thing is the original content. I’m entirely down for diverse original content of whichever kind, what I don’t think should be done is fans engaging with it just looking at the politics and judging it based on the politics only and not on the plot, and mostly judging it on whether it’s progressive enough or not and judging other people for liking it if they don’t think it’s progressive enough, not fans asking for more diverse stuff in general and/or wanting to feel included in fandom spaces, and I think creators should acknowledge that.
like, the polish fantasy writer obviously doesn’t care for diversity - but no one forces him to. but saying that FANTASY IN THE GOOD OLD DAYS WAS JUST WHITE PEOPLE is also ridiculous bc diverse fantasy has been around for ages like ffs.
what I mean is that we absolutely should have politics - if by that you mean more diversity - in the original media we consume, though I don’t think authors should be forced to do that because you get better things when the author actually wants to write them, and fandom should engage with more diverse media absolutely, but fandom can’t also judge what people in it do all the time based on how *they* engage with the content in case, because everyone will like different things and you can’t force people to engage with that specific thing just because you think it’s woke. and you also can’t trash the author for things you might perceive as problematic but actually aren’t.
examples of what I mean: I, author, write a fantasy story.
not so ideal case of politics in media: I, a white cishet female author, decided to write a fantasy story. I don’t know much stuff outside standard fantasy and I don’t feel like writing people who aren’t what I am. I write your usual standard lotr-ripoff, everyone is white, cis and hetero, there’s one romance, a couple bromances, no social or political hidden commentary. it has a good story. it’s an okay book. the fandom most likely will ship the guys in the bromances. no one feels challenged. tumblr declares me problematic for not writing diverse stuff and then ignores me.
ideal case of politics in media: I, a white cishet female author, decided to write a fantasy story. I don’t want to do the same usual lotr rehash and I know that diversity is important and I want to make a good job. I make my character list. I decide who’s white and who’s not, giving a decent balance. I make some of them non-straight. I don’t see many trans characters in fantasy, so I decide one of them is. I spend months talking to anyone belonging to the aforementioned categories asking them what they think of my approach - ie I find a number of trans people to discuss what I want with the trans character, I talk to a number of black people if I want the character to be black possibly not all from the US and I pick people from all over the place. I write my book. I make sure every character has a meaningful relationship with the others so that all their interactions are interesting. I try as much as possible to not have stereotypes. I get a bunch of betas and I change anything they find improvable. my book gets published. everyone loves it.
now, ideal fallout of the above which is what I mean with healthy fandom consumption: I get a fandom made up by diverse people because I have a diverse book. people enjoy that I gave everyone some space. they might interact with me on twitter and asking me ships headcanons. I tell them that they can ship whatever they like write whatever fic off it they want. every character gets some fic or moodboard and everyone enjoys whatever they like in whichever dynamic. not-trans people who had never run into a trans character in fantasy might go like ‘wow I hadn’t realized that’s how it felt’ and might get informed. if I based it on some specific historical period people might get informed on that. people belonging to the minority categories educate the others in fandom about what they might not know, nicely. everyone writes all the porn in the world. everything is great. if someone asks me why I have black/lgbt+/etc people in my book I reply them that minorities exist so why shouldn’t they be in my book and that’s the most twitter hate I get. life is great. my publisher wants more. that book becomes a series. rinse and repeat.
not so ideal fallout, ie what I mean with fandom shouldn’t be about politics: somehow, there’s a fanon ship that gets most fans for a reason. it happens to be idk, bisexual white guy + gay white guy who are not together in the book. they get more fic than dunno, hetero black woman with hetero asian guy. people start calling the first group problematic because they don’t ship the poc couple and THEY’RE RACIST. the trans character isn’t a stereotype/isn’t *good enough* for fandom standards so they decided that idk, feminine straight guy I put in because feminine straight guys exist is actually the only trans one because HEADCANONS and suddenly all fics with a trans character for that book are about the headcanoned character that’s actually a stereotype if you go for that, not the one I actually spent six months researching, and if you don’t agree you’re suddenly a transphobe. someone sends me a twitter message asking me what I think of HEADCANONS and I answer that I’m okay with HCs but I put canon characters that aren’t white, straight and cis for a reason and suddenly I’m THE MOST PROBLEMATIC AUTHOR EVER and people decide that my efforts aren’t good enough and that as a cis woman writing gay men is problematic and everyone in fandom who writes m/m and is a woman is shit. then people decide that shipping the black cis bisexual guy with anyone white is racist and writing porn where he’s on top is racist but then another side says that if he bottoms it’s racist (guys LOOK AT SW FANDOM I DIDN’T MAKE THIS UP), so no one ends up touching the black character out of fear of being dissed. six months after the book is out, the only thing there’s a fandom following for is a problematic as hell crackship in between two cishet white guys that hate each other and barely interacted because it’s the only fandom space where people don’t get shamed for what they like.
I, the author, look at all the hate messages I get on twitter and think fuck it, next time I’m just doing high fidelity 2.0 just with cishet white female protagonists so no one can tell me I did it wrong since I’m white, cishet, female and I hang out in record stores all the damned time or at least I used to when I was younger and they existed. I never write a diverse cast again. I never write a trans character again because that wasn’t what I wanted to do, I just wanted people to have fun and enjoy a more diverse cast of characters without fans murdering each other over it.
like, that’s what I mean with politics shouldn’t be in fandom that much, not that politics shouldn’t be in fandom spaces/in the media we consume period XD ;)
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BC announces Taeyong will minimize participation in final day of BC City concert
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BC Entertainment has announced that Knight’s Taeyong will be minimizing his participation in the final day of the BC City concerts. The Knight member has performed solo stages and stages with his group for the first two days of the concert, but the company has announced that during the third day of concerts, he will cut his solo stages out entirely and will sing seated during group performances due to a minor injury that happened during last night’s concert.
BC Entertainment stated: “The injury is minor, but to avoid worsening the injury per doctor’s orders, Taeyong will not participate in any dancing during the final day of the concert. He will also be absent from Knight’s scheduled performance in Japan on August 26th. He sincerely apologizes for not being able to give his all for fans and is planned to continue schedules as usual after these two activities.”
[+1,548, -22] please rest well and take care of yourself, taeyong-ah!
[+1, 231, -23] i hope it’s nothing serious...
[+1,095, -14] if you watch the fancams from last night, you can tell he when he was hurt. he looked like he was in a lot of pain, i hope he’s okay.
[+714, -49] knight is always doing performances and having comebacks every few months. i’m surprised they aren’t all injured every week with how much bc overworks them
[+505, -19] they didn’t even say what kind of injury it was. bc needs to learn to communicate with fans better.
[+327, -30] that’s all we’re getting? no details on what the injury is or a post from taeyong explaining it on the fancafe?
[+100, -72] so will his fans get a refund?
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Episode 13- “lines aren't drawn yet and this game isn't over”-Lily
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I VOTED THE RIGHT WAY!! FOR ONCE.  IN.  MY.  LIFE!! And it really feels so great!  I feel really bad, Landen is a GREAT player and if he was in final three no matter who he was sitting next to I am pretty sure I would have voted for him.  The fan in me is so mad at myself right now and if this series has an All Stars season I will start a petition for Landen to be cast! Right now I am hoping that I can salvage my relationship with Lily but it feels great to have numbers on my side for once!  I was never super close to ANY of these people except for maybe Kevin but I think that we all work good together and that vote was easy peasy with zero drama! 
6 minutes later
ALSO, my favorite quote of the day today was from Chips, I am still cackling- Me: Telling Chips that I'm scared I'm going to vote wrong and that I haven't made my rounds bc I'm watching real Survivor, bla bla bla.... and I congratulate him again for winning immunity. Chips: I hope I vote right this round. Chips: Glad you can't vote me again HAHAHA I love how honest and to the point he is and how he isn't afraid to call me out, I am so dead, LOL.
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BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOF. Just a big ole oof. wowza. Am I the biggest fool that there ever was??? YOU BETCHA. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LANDENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN WHY!? What a crazy game this is and as per usual blessed to still be playing but I'm in my lazy boy crying about Landen getting the boot. Played with that kid since day 1! Ultimate duo. Love you but why you gotta leave me hanging on a single autumn vote?????? The only good thing to come of this is now I'm a free agent. At least I made F7 my favorite number at least now I can go out with some dignity. I shot my shot and I got my best bud out of the game. Oop. So screw what I said at tribal council, lines aren't drawn yet and this game isn't over. 
2 hours later
Am I going to go absolutely nuts today? Yeah, probably. Ruthie is the only one online right now and I’m trying to make something happen. If I think about the dynamics going on right now it’s clear to me that autumn and chips are on the outs with Joanna, juls, Kevin, and Ruthie working together on the last vote. I can also tell that Kevin and Ruthie don’t want to vote for me so that at least gives me decent odds of making it through this vote. However they will most likely go for autumn as Ruthie has already suggested. This will most likely lead into me getting voted out around 5th if Kevin continues to win immunity challenges. I’m wondering if I can work with Kevin and Ruthie on this vote to get out Joanna I might be in a better position in the next coming cotes. That leaves a lot of big threats still in the game including the ruthie/Kevin duo. I know I can’t be too pushy with this group but I gotta try to make something happen otherwise what’s the point.
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As far as tonight goes I am covering ALL my bases and both groups of Kevin, Juls and Joanna as well as Autumn, Lily and Chips think I am voting with them... LOL. This is honestly going to come back to bite me in the ass, I feel it coming!   It is nearing end game and I just NEED to vote smartly.  I feel like if I can gain Lily's trust and vote with them this round maybe I can get her to turn on Autumn and we can vote Autumn out next round.  I don't know who would be good to sit next to at the end right now, but with the position I'm in now I feel like Kevin will eventually try to get rid of me so that he could sit next to Juls and Joanna at the end and possibly win? UGH, I still don't know what I'm doing this round but I think that I am going to vote with Lily, Autumn and Chips as long as I keep a good read on them.  My only other concern is if I need to tell Kevin I'm doing this before the vote or not.  I'm just going to keep an open mind and figure it out when it gets to that.   I feel like such a villain and I don't know how I feel about that!! 
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I almost won one :(
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hello hello its me, so i won immunity this round in a TIEBREAKER !! thank god i took my time to think about that one, funnily enough my original guess was gonna be 39 just with the math i did in my head (the actual answer was 38) but i figured i wasn't giving people enough credit so i bumped it up to 41, i was even considering 43, but im glad i didn't whew. anyways enough about the challenge but i won a memory comp so i wanted to touch on that because thats exciting. Alrighty well today has been pretty tame as far as the vote goes, it's almost 30 minutes before tribal and the chat with myself joanna juls and ruthie all agreed chips was a good vote out, i spoke to lily who said she heard autumn's name but i didn't hear that but i do think voting autumn would be smart. My only concern is i think autumn is a good person for me to use as someone i can get votes on next round if i lose immunity, she has been involved in a LOT of stuff in this game she was involved in the owen flip, the ruthie flip even though she was idoled and then even the jules flip, like she's been in everyones ear but people dont really see it, but i think lily does. And so if i can keep autumn as someone to campaign against if i lose immunity i feel like i have a shot at staying next round without immunity. HOWEVER, BREAKING NEWS, juls just told me that chips told her that he thinks it might be her going home, saying that the people who think she is close to me are saying that. Which could be true, but it could also be a tactic to try and get juls to flip or maybe misplay an idol, theres so many things that are going on. In a perfect world chips goes home, then autumn and then idk what at 5. If juls DOES go i think potentially bounce back, i think i could work with ruthie and lily as og hufflepuffs and i dont think joanna would necessarily outright target me over ruthie or lily. But it's dangerous because right now joanna is in the middle and as she proved last round she is willing to do whatever she has to and i think she lied to landen REALLY well so im nervous. I'm considering getting lily and juls and just voting autumn and if they try anything it could go 3-3-1 or potentially if we are not being lied to it goes 3-2-2 which gets out my target for next round, and breaks my trust even more with joanna, who vocalized how upset she was that i have lied to her/not voted with her. I think my best bet is to stick to the chips vote and give off the energy like im riding this group til the wheels fall off. If juls does go home, then i have to step my game up but honestly i have been in the drivers seat long enough in this game, if people want to make moves and take the heat off of me and just keep giving me blows to the perception that im potentially controlling things or at the center of the things? idek if thats the perception people have or maybe im just delusion and overhyping myself. I think i can sell my position in the owen/dan/landen votes as being less impactful than i think it really was. But autumn is smart, as is lily, they could see through me, but i think the calmness of landen not being here is helping me kinda sell the whole "see all that stuff was cause of landen!! not little ol me!!!" and if i continue to vote with the people i voted with last round i could make f5 in this game in a neat spot. But that's if people continue to trust me, which they would have reason not to but i hope that they do. This is such a calm round yet things are still so so so complex and layered. this game is genuinely something unlike anything I have played. Wish me luck im gonna need it.
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Alright. So last round was a mess with Landen leaving and Lily trying to blindside Autumn. Not really conducive to an alliance sticking together when one votes out another and the other makes the attempt. To try to pull stuff back together Autumn and I pulled in Lily since she was just swindled into voting incorrectly... and picked up Ruthie since she would be in the bottom of what could be viewed as a trio going into six. Kevin can easily take Juls and Joanna to the end and win if she does not flip. And he will. So this round is either a confirmation of Kevin's win or it's an unlikely group of four voting for one of the people who would be taken to the end as a no-vote getter. I say unlikely group because Ruthie has voted me twice, I have voted her once, I have forced rocks against Lily, and Lily has voted Autumn. Yay team!
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yall better not try it this round or there will be blood at Final 6. Here's to hoping everybody does what they're supposed to but if they don't, you can't save em all https://drive.google.com/file/d/1arE1qIyJHouJHyXGrNtW_bS8oYZEpUWb/view?usp=sharing
0 notes
seokjins · 7 years
could you maybe talk a bit about the dna choreo? if you want to? i love it when you talk about the choreos. my favourite posts on this tumblr honestly
fuck yes i’m so ready for it. and thank U for saying that u love my dance stuff :*(((
overall, i was highly impressed by mr. son’s choreography. this is the definition of “smart movement” (i’ll discuss more in depth later) and bts stepped up their game when it came to dancing.
most improvement: SEOKJIN, yoongimost underwhelming: TAEHYUNG, namjoon (nj needs diff corrections)honorable mention to jung hoseok for having the best “floor slide” & keeping stable ankles while getting up. he was also the only one to straighten his knees for the kick at the end (3:31)
the best part of this piece are easily the transitions. the movement between complicated group positions aren’t just “walking to the next spot”, but steps w intention. good choreo makes it seem like the corps shifts so naturally that the next thing the audience registers is a new formationwhile i wasn’t a big fan of the “solo” sections bc i had to skip thru them endlessly lol, i thought the way that mr. son dealt w members popping in and out of the wings/stage was A+the BIG, noticeable transitions stood out positively. they were unexpected but???? also really Smart at the same time. members change into center position with no hassle + the steps were clean. seamless transitions were invented bc of this piece tbh1:05 - the wedge formation backing up easily into the open “V” 1:19 - notice how jungkook’s “solo” moment is incorporated into the corps (group) part & doesn’t draw attention to it2:05 - this is called moving w/o moving2:16 - THIS IS THE BEST PART OF THE ENTIRE PIECE THE CIRCULAR ROTATION W NOBODY OUT OF PLACE THAT SETTLES RIGHT INTO THEIR NEXT POSITION BY TRAVELING DURING THE JUMP WHAT THE FUCK VISUALLY IT LOOKS SO APPEALING AND CHOREOGRAPHICALLY IT’S EVEN MORE APPEALING THIS JUST IN MR. SON IS A FUCKING GENIUS bye2:33 - hoseok from center to jk in center and then straight into the DNA part
getting to the actual steps of the dance, DNA has tons of quick footwork, especially during the chorus. what i love about mr. son is that he’s an incredibly musical choreographer, and i’m always able to pick out his piece from BTS’ repertoire. he has a style that i have a predilection for lolhe likes to “catch the beat”, per se, especially with the lower body. he initiates movement according to musical cues, and this makes it easy to point out to non-dancers. when there’s a prominent Noise in the song, mr. son is likely to have a movement that physically represents it. it’s like being able to see the music thru the choreo & it’s so Wow every time (MIC DROP esp)0:56 - catch the tail end of taekook’s duet0:58 - the whole chorus in general 1:12 - no beats R missed w the fast ass choreo lmao mr. son really out there repping 4 us dancers huh
G R O U P W O R K AND SEPARATIONK SO U KNOW HOW I SAID LIKE ONE PARAGRAPH AGO HOW IM ABLE TO TELL MR. SON’S PIECES APART FROM OTHER’S??? THIS IS ANOTHER REASON WHYHE BREAKS APART GROUP FORMATIONS SO PRECISELY … SO SATISFYINGLY… THE WAY THAT THERE’S VARIATION IN LEVELS/MOVEMENT/STEPS THAT DRAW THE CORPS 2GETHER AS A WHOLE AND ADDS A WHOLE DIFFERENT DIMENSION THAN SIMPLE N UGLY “SYNCHRONIZED CHOREOGRAPHY”. IT DRAWS ATTENTION AND IS FUCKING FLAWLESS IM ZOOMING. I NUT IN 3 LANGUAGES WHENEVER I C THAT SHIT IN KPOP AND U KNOW !!! IT !!!!1:07 - notice how ONLY jimin does the three “punches” in the air. the rest of the V passes it on in canon/alternation . it adds versatility w/o drawing attention away from the soloist + is way more interesting than everyone doing the same move1:48 - kkkkkk it’s so cute that namseok pop out of the line idk why. it’s so satisfying to watch2:10 - a burst outward w energy, but all members are doing smth different which gives it a factor of interest2:14 - THE BEST PART OFTHIS WHOLE PIECE YAAAAAAAAAA THIS IS EXACTLY LIKE BST THEY’RE PUTTING LEVELS INTO THE FORMATION AND ALL THIS CRAZY SHIT WHILE CHANGING POSITIONS ON THE BEAT IDK IT’S SO MUCH™ IM DEAD ON THE FLOOR THANSK MR. SON FOR MY LIFE THO
to recap:
while there were sections i wasn’t a fan of, mr. son ONCE AGAIN delivered another banger bob popper and dropper w DNA. he incorporated seamless transitions, clean steps, fast footwork, musical choreography, and smart movement!!!!! no steps were minced or useless (on the most part), and the high-energy matched the mood of the song. i one day hope that bts will be able to perform it w/o being fucking exhausted so they’re able to smile they’re way thru it & actually enjoy the dance
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franeridart · 7 years
I'm so glad Kirishima is getting so much spotlight, he really deserves it!!!! And it looks like hes gonna get more, since hes in the main group along with Deku, Uraraka and Tsuyu. I;m so hyped!!!
Honestly!!!!!!!!!!! That’s one interesting group tbh, Kirishima and Tsuyu’s interactions are always incredibly adorable to watch and seeing Kirishima interact for so long with pure and good people is gonna be hard on my heart (I mean, you know I’m 100% a bakusquad fan but they’re all at least in part assholes and Kiri fits with them just right, he can be just like Sero and Kaminari and I love it, but then his interactions with Amajiki have been so pure can you imagine an arc filled with that I’m already crying)
I just hope my other faves won’t completely disappear through this arc haha sigh
Anon said: So which Kacchan quote do you like best "Die your bacteria fucks, dieee!" or "BRING YOUR DAMN TRASH TO ME"?
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Anon said:there's a terushima week. thought i might tell you bc i miss you drawing him ;3; might wanna join? :3
Anon said:Terushima week is this next week! (@terushimaweek) Might we maaaybe see some cute lil bokuroterus sometime soon? ;)
As I’ve already said, sadly I’ve found out about this too late to be part of it - I’m not completely ruling out the possibility of doodling something one of the days, but I didn’t have the time to plan anything and I’m still in the middle of working things through with the bakushima week and bakugou’s birthday so I don’t know - they 19th is Teru’s birthday so maybe I’ll draw something for it, but it’s also a super busy day for me so it really depends on how soon I’ll be able to finish everything else I’m working on orz I’m sorry guys I seriously had no clue about this till, like, five days ago o
Anon said: What are your thoughts on KiriDeku b/c I'm not even that into it but as soon as I saw art I was like "OMFG I DIDN'T KNOW ANYTHING SO PURE CHOULD EVER EXIST!!!" My following thought was that'd you may have something interesting to say (as you always do, I luv it), so here I am 😁 Also, I love the blog, your amazing art, and you!! I truly appreciate all you do ❤️❤️
Awwww thank you!!! And I dunno, as things are now my opinion on a possible ship might change soon enough because it looks like their interactions amount is about to skyrocket, so anything I say right now is just a temporary answer? But generally I find their friendship incredibly adorable, though as of now I don’t think I can see anything romantic between the two... mostly because even though I’ve seen them being friendly and supportive of each other I don’t think I’ve ever seen them actually connect over anything that wasn’t Bakugou?? Being friendly and supportive is just how they both are with everyone, before I can say I ship them I’m gonna need something more singular to their relationship
I might be totally biased here considering where my main shipping lies, though haha
Anon said:HOSHIHINA!!!! YESSSSS!!!! PLEASE!!!!!! I think this is like.... my new OTP or well... a new OTP that I will gratefully put on the shelf next to all my other children in love!! oh yeah and THANK YOU for introducing me to both BNHA and d grey man! I'M IN LOVE!!! oH and YOUR ART IS AMAZING!!! KEEP IT UP!! I WILL GRATEFULLY SWALLOW UP ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING YOU POST IT'S AMAZING!!! YOUR OC'S TOO!!! Have a nice day!!
So much!!! HYPE in this ask!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for EVERYTHING anon I hope you’ll have the best day!!!!!! *O* And I’m SUPER GLAD you gave dgm and bnha a try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Aww the kiss. I know you posted it the other day, but it wouldn't load on my tablet. They're so cute, those two. 💜✌
*lays down forever* they are aren’t they those pure idiots !!!!
Anon said:I'm laughing so hard. Literally everyone that read the new chapter was like expectation vs reality. I love my idiots. Also yas to HoshiHina
HoshiHina is an A+ ship with A+ potential and I think I’m being slowly but surely swallowed by it - then again, what Hinata ship don’t I ship even ??? the mysteries
Anon said:To answer you question on what cheese sticks are, they're this disgusting processed cheese stick, also known as string cheese, and it's p much what it is, cheese in the form of a small stick that you can pull apart into strings and eat like that! (as you may have noticed, I'm not a fan hah) ((I don't know if you know the artist mookie, but she made a comic about bokuto eating a cheesestick whole before)
Anon said: cheese sticks = string cheese? D: they are delicious i promise
I’m seeing conflicting reports here (lol) but yes this might be a problem for me only because as I said I’m Italian but what I’m failing to see here is what kind of cheese are these things supposed to be ???
Anon said:Are you into Kuroken?
Only as very good friends, I don’t ship it romantically at all
Anon said:I love your bakushimas, SO SO SO MUCH. God, and with the latest chapter, I just can't wait for more interactions with them. God, seeing as I think Kirishima was filmed by the people that were there, I want to see Bakugou's reaction to his new move.
This took me long enough to answer that we now know Baku’s reaction was total and utter envy at how popular Kiri is LMAO - but yeah I still think Baku already knew about Kiri’s new move! After all he most probably came up with it as they trained for the license exam and I can’t believe he wouldn’t test it against Bakugou to make sure he actually turns unbreakable? Also proud-of-himself Kiri yelling at the squad to check out his new move is too much of a good image I can’t let that one go hahaha
Anon said:I started following you for Haikyuu but started boku no hero academia in order to understand what your other drawings were so I thank you (and blame you) for getting me hooked on another anime and manga :)
I’m!!!!!! HAPPY you ended up liking it???!!!! *O*
Anon said:I just wanted to tell you that you're my most fave artist here in tumblr istg i go to your page everyday just to go back at the fanart you drew if you didn't have any new, but when u have, my heart just swells and i fuss over it. God bless you because you opened my eyes for bakushimanari when i was just kiribaku back then.. God i love denki sfm right now bc of you, im sad bkk week is over though ahh and laven. Jfc i love your laven pls draw them more if u can 😘 i hope you'll have a great day!!
Don’t!!!! worry anon Laven has been my #1 otp since I was sixteen at this point it’s just not gonna leave me ever, I’ll definitely draw more of it in the future! And thank you??? so much?????? Oh man!!!!!
Anon said:Everyone in class 1-A: *trains as if they're gonna be in a battle royal and need to (literally) slaughter the competition* Competition: OBSTACLE RACE YAY
Well, the anime did change the training scenes a lot lol but LMAO anon they’re highschoolers what were you expecting hahahahaha it’s already savage enough as it is, I assure you lol
Anon said:Hi hello yes are you up for some angsty stuff because my brain turns even the sweetest moment to that, like what if kaminari saw bakushima's first kiss and he becomes so sad b/c he crushes on them both but he pretends not to and starts teasing 'em like a true bro while hiding his feelings and idk it's only if you want but yeah, how's your day been?
..........I would lie if I said I didn’t think about this while drawing that kiss R I P my multishipper heart is gonna kill me BUT IT’S OKAY I’m not one for unhappy endings so consider this - Denki sees them kiss, since he’s best bro and both Kirishima and Bakugou tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves he already knew this was gonna happen so he’s like, sad but resigned it hurts and he wishes he didn’t have to see it but he loves them both so much that he can’t help but being happy for how happy they are at the same time too (sure, being part of that happiness would be a dream coming true, but he’s used to never coming first he can deal with this hahahahaha r i p)
Meanwhile a bit after the kiss once Kiri is a hundred per cent sure Bakugou isn’t going to explode his head off if he mentions his very huge crush on Kaminari he does and Bakugou’s like, shit, it’s not like he’d mind it because Kaminari is, well, he’s Kaminari and Bakugou isn’t sure why but he’s comfortable to be around and easy to talk to and he’s stupidly pretty and like, yeah, okay, he might be into him too, maybe, he isn’t admitting anything here (not like he needs to, as stated already he’s pretty easy to read), but Kaminari’s also the no homo type of het so it’s not like they can do much about this threeway crush or whatever, and Kirishima’s like sure, I know, I just wanted to be open about this to avoid trouble, which is very sensible and will cut us on a lot of miscommunication angst this is getting out of hand let’s skip ahead I always forget how much fun I have writing this kind of bullshit
For however much Kaminari swore he could deal with it and how much he’s actually managing to deal with it he’s also the same brand of open book Baku and Kiri are and while it was easy to act like friends with no romantic feelings when everyone was doing the same, trying to hide from Bakugou and Kirishima while they’re openly in a relationship turns out to be more or less impossible, mostly because he can’t seem to avoid the longing stares and sad smiles and the I have to go I just remembered I have a thing to do bye’s when it becomes too much, and Kirishima might not be the brightest but he’s perfectly in tune with everyone’s feelings and Bakugou might stomp on people’s feelings more often than not but he is the brightest which means they notice and they’re like god fucking damn it - Bakugou in nature isn’t one to talk about problems until they burst out in fits of anger, but thank god he’s got Kirishima right there and they might not be 100% sure they got the reason for Kaminari’s weirdness right but they’re exasperated and they at least want their friend to stop being weird and avoiding them, they miss him (and Kaminari seriously misses them too he feels so stupid for how big of a deal he’s turning this into) SO they corner him and talk it out cause I’m a slut for open and honest communication and Kaminari straight out starts crying from happiness and relief before they’re even done talking and Kirishima starts crying right after him because sympathetic crier supreme and Bakugou’s like you know what I changed my mind fuck both of you emotional disasters I’m out
(spoiler he isn’t really)
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