#there’s some parts im kinda meh about unfortunately
blobdeco · 3 months
well goodness fucking gracious
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ganondoodle · 9 months
just to note this, as much as i love botw, i am not uncritical of it, like while i personally like the weapon breaking and rain mechanics everyone else seemed to hate i do agree that the bosses and dungeons were kinda repetetive and there could have been more bigger sidequests, some more diverse epic music tracks also wouldnt have hurt tho i fully disagree with anyone trying to claim it didnt HAVE music, im convinced those people played it with sound off bc wth (edit. plus the unfortunately still orientalist design of the gerudo plus that belly dancer outfit for link ... that thankfully got removed in totk as far as i know but the rest still stands)
personal criticism id have that i would have prefered zelda never gaining her sacred powers but instead finding a different way to fight back, bc her gaining them like that kinda made rhoams abuse .. right, like turns out to activate her powers you need to literall kill everyone she cares about (at least thats why i feel a bit meh about that), her maybe not being as sidelined like that (tho youd have to change alot for that .. which totk had the perfect chance to and then kinda did it again but worse lol) and the yiga clan being less of one little side mission
(also way too many people kept hating on botw for the same few reasons, often without giving it a chance, i think we all heard all the endless complaints about usually little things so i dont need to retread all of that)
alot of those little criticism things got adressed in totk, which i LIKED, but overall its so much less in harmony, this should have been a game about rebuilding and recovering about working together and then zelda gets immediately booted off and we get introduced to characters we never learn enough of to really care and yet they still take away the mystery botw had left us for the world to feel more alive, they ripped out parts that were so internally organically connected to the world and pretended they never mattered nor existed, characters act off and i cant help but feel like the main 'plot' is, as much as i hate to use that comparison, a badly written fanfiction ... it builds on nothing and just leaves you .. or me at least feeling empty, like i am playing through a mockery of the game i loved ... like all the fun i had thinking about the things in botw, the theories you could come up with was all wasted time
i honestly cant describe it better than totk, despite the little QoL changes, and the changes i DID like, it just feels ... empty? not in a literal way but more ... mentally? it feels so shallow? like at multiple points i felt like the game was actively mocking me, when i reached the shrine of life and was faced with barren walls and a puddle of water i felt betrayed for caring so much about what botw had done .. i felt like i could hear the game laughing while i stood there not knowing what to think of it, and while this was the time when i felt the most actually physically compeltely betrayed, that feeling of being mocked kept happening, i kept feeling like i was treated like a dumb player character that just eats up anything they say without thinking or remembering the title this was supposedly a sequel of, like i should play with the little toys of glueing things together and forget the world around me like a 5 year old
that may sound harsh but that is how i, personally, feel about it
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pwnyta · 3 months
From someone who knows basically nothing about Baldurs Gate......
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Karlach is the most consistent with her style. She looks great in everything. Shes also the hottest overall (no pun intended). Her personality is one of the cutest and the fact she doesnt seem to get that good of an ending is UH... CRIMINAL.
Best ship- ...//covers face and mumbles... I really like her relationship with the player... this is so unfortunate... but its so cute. I love her. (I know theres a couple endings where you can kill her. Those dont exist or Im calling the cops.)
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Base model MEH, Camp model VERY cute, Panties.... ITS A CHOICE BUT ONE I BUY THAT HE'D MAKE FROM WHAT I KNOW ABOUT HIM. Also I dont believe for a MINUTE this man got a six pack why are you lying directly to my face... He reminds me of Dr Frank, I love his voice, I would never be able to deny him anything because hes really funny and I just wanna see him go crazy.
Best ship- Astarion/Wyll... I just saw a video of Star being SO into Wyll it was hilarious. 'Honestly that MAN~' Someone get him a Thirst-aid kit.
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The sheer driplessness of this man needs to be studied by SCIENTISTS. But his panties are pretty cute. I do like his face/hair... but the man cant dress himself. ...Look on paper Gale is everything. His sweetness and earnestness is very charming but GOD... hes so cringe sometimes. GOOFY FUCK.
Best ship- ... Probably Wyll? I mean you can just slot Wyll in anywhere cuz hes so charming and he and Gale are such cornballs itd be insufferable.
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Laezel takes second place right behind my bbg Karlach. Her base model is a little weird looking the metal looks weird but it still looks pretty cool. Her camp model is super hot, I never would have expected those panties TBH... why dont the men get fun panties. This is a crime. Anyways 9/10 Zel! Congrats. IDK if I like her or the memes with her. her VA did that ducks in a row video and its so funny and I cant ever be mad at her no matter what she wanted to do.
Best ship- .....I mean aesthetically Karlach? For shallow reasons... idk what their relationship is like.
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...Look I know shes super popular but.... Look her camp model is pretty great but Her hair is hideous. I can get over Gales absolute driplessness cus hes still handsome... what is this hair... GIRL. The panties are a choice too... but after Karlach and Zel she really had little chance. Least theyre better than the guys.
Best ship- //shrugs I have no attachment to this woman LMAO
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Base model? Kinda boring but not terrible. Camp model? One of the best... the cute little peekaboo belly. I hope someone bites him. BUT THE PANTIES??? Girl. Youre lucky youre so handsome. The horns and crazy eyes elevate him... just putting that out there. Like Gale... on paper Wyll is so perfect but HES SO EMBARRASSINGLY EARNEST. The problem is probably just the style of the game... if it was less uncanny realism and more stylized maybe I wouldnt be as cringed out LMAO. Youre so damn cute Wyll... Im sorry.
Best ship- Astarion is funny but hes such a menace... I think Wyll deserves better. HALSIN/Wyll.
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Halsin somehow does the earnest lover thing way better than Gale or Wyll... but hes almost as bad as Gale when it comes to dressing himself. Who let this man dress himself? Hes hot though. It makes up for it. I cant believe BG3 let this beefy elf exist... Im so used to young looking scrawny pasty elves (eyes emoji).
Best ship- Like Wyll you can just put him anywhere.... but WYLL. Theyd just be so cute. Halsin could definitely dull the sheer earnestness to tolerable levels probably.
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This lady I know almost nothing about except shes kinda rancid.... but at least shes kinda hot and also can dress decently.
Best ship- ...//shrugs
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The fact shes not romanceable makes BG unplayable. Her face and hair is gorgeous, her clothes get a MEH from me... maybe if the colors were more muted?
Best ship- ...//shrugs
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Hes fine.
Best ship- ...//shrugs
I know the Emperor has some part in this too... and hes hot. So...
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The difference between S tier and A tier.. isnt that different. I really like those 3 freaks.
At first Wyll & Halsin were these too but... they grew on me & I cant blame them for their faults. Its not Halsins fault you can traumatize a squirrel... its not Wylls fault the realistic style combined with his cheesy romantic bullshit embarrasses me...
I couldnt even get through Dream Daddys.... and I love that game.
I can forgive Wyll.
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ebonysplendor · 3 months
I'm a Copycat Review 👯‍♀️
TL;DR: Declan is fucking nuts, and if you thinks that's fucking nuts, wait until you figure out the MC's back story because it's also, you guessed it, fucking nuts ... fuck.
Game Link: https://drcllemlon.itch.io/im-a-copycat
Notable Features: Side-image sprites, named MC, she/her MC, Yandere LI Spiciness: 1/5 -- Pretty wholesome, for the most part. A sex scene was implied and there's a suggestive-ish cg, but...meh, super tame LI Red Flags: 3.5/5 -- Gaslighter, animal abuse, stuck in the past, physically abusive
Want to know more? Well, let's get into it!
Yeah, I don't know why I dropped the "f" bomb so many times...? Well, anyways...
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Okay, so, excitingly enough, this was actually a requested game! Not only was it requested, but it was requested by the dev themselves. Allow me to flex for a singular second or two.
No, like, deadass, can everyone just forget about the game for two seconds and focus on me? Like, I'm actually hype about this! I didn't have to go game hunting! The game hunted for me. THE DEV hunted for ME. I'm just mad excited about that. That being said, if you didn't know you could send me requests, now you know lol.
Anywho, so, the game!
Admittedly, this game was a lot better than initially expected? If you've read my reviews before, you know I'm conceited and want to be absolutely immersed and live out my sick, twisted fantasy by self-inserting. Unfortunately, this game isn't a self-insert, and the start was a lil' slow, not gonna lie, but like once shit started rolling? I no longer cared about the lack of self-insert because lmaooooo it got kinda wild.
There really is something so lit about a game that you're like "...Yeah, I don't think I'm feeling this" or "I don't think I'm going to vibe with this" but then you're suddenly super invested, and you're just sitting there like "What the hell is going on?!". I can honestly say that that was exactly what happened, and gods damn it, am I glad that I stuck around for the madness.
That all being said, I think the intro is long enough. Let's get into the game, because lowkey excited to tell you guys about it. As always, I will give you as much information as possible without actually spoiling it because you just may have to gotta, really, totally play this for yourself
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So, boom.
We do the generic wake up in the morning feelin' like PDiddy thing and welcome the day with positivity. After admiring the sky for a little, we notice that there is that good breakfast smell in the air and rush into the kitchen, but not before putting on the glasses that our loving boyfriend always reminds us to wear -- don't wanna trip over any steps or anything like that haha ha... ANYWAYS!
Before we see the breakfast, though, we see the absolute snack that's in front of us. The snack is bae, and the bae's name is Declan. Look at this little cinnamon roll.
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To go off topic for a bit, I've seen cuter/more hot LI's but this one got the "adorkably cute" aesthetic pretty good, because he is lol. He's a dorky cute, and frankly, it's fitting.
Anywho, so we exchange our good mornings, eat our breakfast, and help Declan clean, even though he's adamant that we don't have to. I mean, sure, we could've not helped, but what kind of partner doesn't help with household chores?! Nah, we're gonna help the bae! So, we do, and...we get hurt in the process. It hurts, and Declan's freaking out a bit, but we get patched up -- even though we're not bleeding or anything -- and life is all good again.
We get dressed, making sure to wear our super cozy jacket to make sure we don't get cold -- even though, we're never cold but Declan always insists that we are -- and get our day with Declan officially started, but not before this weird little quip happens.
See, Declan gets a call from work, right, and he's trying to explain to them that we still aren't well after our car accident. Apparently, it was pretty bad, and we got some kind of amnesia from it, so Declan took some time off work to get us reacclimated to...well, life, but corporate ain't trying to hear that and told him to bring his ass back into work, like, yesterday. So, Declan somewhat finesses it and is able to get an extra day, but he's super sad that he has to leave us, and the feeling is definitely mutual. No worries though! Why? Because we've still got two days, so why not just make the most of it while he's here with us! Until...he falls ill, that is.
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So, us being the amazing girlfriend that we is, we take care of Declan like he's been taking care of us. After a little while, Declan just opts for sleep, and we let him do so. Sleep does help a lot when you're sick, after all!
Tending to ourselves, we try to make ourselves a fat bowl of totally not Lucky Charms, but Luck Jewels -- totally different, and not at all the same, so don't argue with or "@" me. Whether we're eating knock off Lucky Charms or a totally different cereal doesn't matter though because there's not really any of it left except the dust, not to mention we totally wrecked the shelf while trying to find something else to eat.
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This is a bit of a problem because we don't have a screwdriver to fix the shelf, and we're still damned hungry! We don't really have any choice but to go to the store, but for some reason, Declan's really weird about us leaving the house since we're still struggling with amnesia and remembering how certain things work, let alone how to actually do it properly or so he tells us. So, we put on a brave face, get dressed, take some money from his wallet, and head on out!
While scoping out the supermarket, we make note of these really bomb cupcakes in the window of a bakery and make a note to visit another day, but right now, we're on a mission, and we must stay focused, my bois! As planned, we get in there, get our cereal and a screwdriver. Okay! So far so good! Well, our plan kind've diverged when we run into this girl, and...huh...
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She damn sure looks...
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...a lot like us. More than a lot, actually. She's pretty much an exact copy. Well, that's...slightly uncomfortable and extremely confusing.
Clearly, she's thinking the same thing about us because she kind've rushes out before we can think any more about it or even say anything to her about it. We decide to follow suit and rush home ourselves to fix the shelf and finally eat something! We messed up a little though because we had gotten hurt -- again -- and Declan isn't exactly wearing glasses for no reason; he immediately noticed. We handle it pretty well though through some innocence and tears, and Declan drops the topic as soon as it comes up. Everything is gucci, again, and we're able to move on with our day and go to bed like normal.
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The next day rolls around, Declan goes to work, and we officially have the house to ourself and our trusted stuffed companion, Bruce. After some debate, we decide that today is the day we could go to that Bakery that we saw and get some of those cupcakes that we saw in the window. When we get there, something really odd happens.
The guy who works in the bakery is talking to us like he knows us, even going as far as to mention our dad. He starts trying to follow up with us and mentioned stuff about a break up, and this evil man, and someone named Mittens and...what the hell is this guy talking about?
So, of course, we're just standing there, because we came in for cupcakes, and this man just comes out of the woodwork with all this...information, and we don't know how to respond to any of it, but here's the even wilder part. Remember that doppelgänger we had saw yesterday? She's ends up coming into the bakery during all of this, and immediately, the man takes note of his mistake and allows us to go on our way. Like...what the hell was that?
Whatever though, we eat some of our cupcakes, hide the rest when Declan comes home, skip dinner (for obvious reasons), and get to bed. Fast forwarding a bit, we end up leaving out again, and we're feeling a bit adventurous and decide to buy some hair dye to color our hair like the girl that we saw because...well, we thought it was super pretty, and we wanted to be pretty, too, so it felt like the right thing to do lol. It...didn't come out well.
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Like, at all. Aside from the absolute disaster that our hair came out to be, we have an even bigger worry: How is Declan going to react when he sees us?
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Yeah, that's...what I thought.
Well, now...this is damned embarrassing, but still, Declan is our sweet and loving boyfriend! He loves us! Surely he wouldn't think it silly of us to want to dye our hair. Surely he wouldn't make fun of us for failing so miserably. Surely he wouldn't get angry that we snuck out to buy the hair dye. Surely he wouldn't get angry when he figures out that this wasn't our first time sneaking out. Surely he wouldn't lash out and turn into someone he isn't...
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Surely not.
And that's all I'm going to tell you! Aht, aht! Don't make that face! You know that I (usually) never tell you about how a visual novel ends! You gots to play it for yourself if you want to know how it ends, and trust me, you're going to want to know. Just a tip, this isn't even the "true" ending, and believe me when I say...
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It gets pretty wild.
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Okay, so this game is actually pretty good!
Y'all know I wouldn't lie to you, even if a dev specifically asks me to review their game, and let me tell you, I was not feeling it at first. I honestly truly wasn't. The start was kinda slow, there was a side-sprite of the MC, and there wasn't an option to put your own name in. I was pretty bummed because one of the main things for me is the option to self-insert, so for me, the game was kinda doomed from the start, and I probably wouldn't have downloaded it if I was just scrolling along and saw this game on my own, but listeeeeeen.
The plot itself, while it's nothing super innovative or anything, it was pretty damn solid. I really want to tell you the specifics but it would literally ruin the game as a whole. Honestly, from the title and just what I told you, you can probably gather what's going on, but how everything goes down and the information that we find out and ultimately how it all ends is a bit wild.
It's not a super choice heavy game, but the choices that are available -- and pay attention because this is about to be a "pro not really pro but something I think would be helpful to point out" tip! -- are essentially options that dictate how the second half of the story goes and what points you to the "bad" ending, the "good" ending, and the "true" ending, so keep that in mind.
The only gripe I have about the game is that the title is kind've a dead giveaway as to what's going on, especially when you play through like the first couple "scenes" or so of the game. Other than that, it's a pretty good read! It definitely kept me interested despite it being more "novely" (if you read my other review, that's a word I use to describe visual novels that have a more linear story line). Not to mention, the art style was pretty damn adorbs, and I liked that there was a lot of different CGs. I haven't run across a visual novel yet that's had as many CGs as this one has, so that was definitely a welcomed change because...well, I like art/drawings lol. Like, look at some of these images!
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Ugh, the amount of CGs just scratched my brain so correctly. I am a visual novel CG slut, I tell ya. Anytime there's a CG in a visual novel? I'm all over that shit. I love CGs. CGs for life. CGs forever.
Okay, that's enough gushing about the CGs...
ANYWAYS! That is my review of the game! Again, I thought it was a pretty solid read, and I recommend! It's free, so, what have you got to waste other than time? As per usual, I provide a link at the top, bottom, and within the review, and it is right here. Don't be shy! Go ahead click it, download it, play it, and share your thoughts on the dev's game page! Send them those lovely words of reassurance to let them know "Hey you! I liked your game, and I think you should make more!". As always, donations are super helpful as well, and if you want to be extra fancy, here is a link to the dev's tumblr page!
All righty! That's all from me this time around! Drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
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I'm a Copycat
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hiii nisiii c:
19. kissing their injuries + kakaobiyama
this reminded me of kissing top surgery scars. and well.. transkashi and transmato could use some kisses from their bito, right
hanna im sorry you had to wait so long for this as I was suprisingly busy this weekend?? and now its also kinda MEH! im sorry! I think when its tree people my brain just cant work that well, too many people to coordinate or idk what it is, I hope you find a little joy in this anyway. again sorry for the delay.
Kakashi dipped his finger in the ointment and carefully applied it to Obito’s face, making sure to rub it into the scars as carefully as possible. Obito watched his face while Kakashi was working, all concentrated on his work. He wanted to say something snarky, but all he could think of was: “Couldn’t Tenzo do that tonight? He is much faster.” 
The opposite man didn’t even move a muscle: “It was my turn.” Then he winked: “Also he might be faster, but I am more thorough.”
Obito bit his lower lip. That they were doing this ritual every evening might have meant that he would eventually get used to it, but the reality of the situation was that it made him uncomfortable each time, no matter how often he had done it.
Sometimes Obito’s scars would hurt. It was a rather odd phantom pain that brought him back to when he was trapped under the pile of rocks for hours, before the Uchiha ghost found him and patched him up. The doctor called it part of his PTSD, but also admitted that scars as deep as his, even after years, could still start hurting. He prescribed Obito a soothing salve that he could apply to his face in such situations.
And while he had obviously tried to figure this out on his own, deal with it without involving his partners, eventually both Kakashi and Tenzo had found out about it . Tenzo had been the one to suggest that he could apply the ointment for Obito, to make sure that all the scars were covered well. Obito had declined back then, but had been ushered to a chair anyway, held down by Kakashi’s arms while Tenzo touched his face. 
Maybe he would have gotten used to it quicker, if not for their ritual following right after the application of the treatment. Both men usually gave it a few minutes to set in, then they would leave light, fluttered kisses on the scars, forehead to shoulder in an effort to relax him, but the intimate gesture just made his nerves fly even more.
That was, he thought sometimes, also why they did it. Because it would fluster Obito and then the both of them liked teasing him, Kakashi more so than Tenzo, which is why Obito preferred the evenings where Tenzo was on scar-treatment-duty. Unfortunately there was no such luck today.
Kakashi set the little case with the salve down and leaned back to look over Obito’s face again. “I think I got it all,” he said with glee in his voice. “Now we just have to wait a little for it to set.” He preemptively put his hands on Obito’s knees so he couldn’t just get up and leave.
Obito was rumbling on the inside, growing tired of Kakashi’s grin of superiority as he just sat there waiting. Sure, Obito liked the kisses too, he just didn’t particularly enjoy not having the upper hand in any situation. And when Tenzo and Kakashi flustered him like that, they always had the upper hand instead.
Tired of looking at Kakashi’s smirk, he instead went on the offence. Kakashi didn’t see it coming at all so Obito could overwhelm him easily with a push of his arms against the other man's shoulders. “Today will be the other way around,” Obito said. “You get to be embarrassed for once.”
Kakashi fell with his back against the chair he had been sitting on, his arms pinned down so that he couldn’t move. He watched with wide open eyes as Obito leaned forward to kiss his eye scar, first above the eye and then below.
“That was sweet, thank you,” Kakashi sneered. “I don’t think it was much of the punishment that you think it was.”
“Just wait.”
Obito pushed Kakashi’s shirt up with one hand while holding him down with the other. Realising what Obito was about to do, Kakashi finally squirmed a little. Of course Obito knew that those were much more sensitive scars to him. He dove down and trailed both lines under Kakashi’s chest with his nose first, before then going back the entire round by kissing each little centimetre of it. Kakashi eventually stilled and Obito could stop holding him down as he made his way back to the other side of Kakashi’s body.
“Well, I guess that did it,” Tenzo said from the other side of the room where he had been reading. “Senpai is very red in his face now.”
Now with a grin of his own, Obito straightened himself back up, his eyes dangerously flickering towards Tenzo. “You are next,” Obito said with a joking growl.
Tenzo almost dropped his book so he could get up quicker, but Obito had already crossed the room to catch him by the wrist. “In the end you can make fun of me all you want,” Obito said, “But you are not different from me, we are all very flustered by intimacy.”
“Right, you made your point, it’s alright,” Tenzo waved with his hand. “We won’t joke about you anymore, so p-”
Suddenly Kakashi was there behind Tenzo, holding him by the shoulders just like he had Obito that first time they had helped him with the ointment treatment. “No way, you can't get out of this.”
And so, despite Tenzo’s assurances that he had learned his lesson, Obito fluttered kisses from his neck to his collarbones and then trailed the scars under his chest, chest just like he had done with Kakashi previously, savouring every little reaction that Tenzo would allow himself to be heard.
“This would probably be easier in the bedroom,” Kakashi said at some point and neither Obito or Tenzo disagreed.
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luminisvii · 2 years
Are you planning on doing a ranking for the main gundam pilots? 👀
well, since now there is a demand, i will! let's do a little ranking of some main characters, as best we can!
unfortunately limiting this to shows i have watched bc its kinda hard to form an opinion on these characters based on appearance unlike the char clones. so many good boys so little time </3
we always stand up for the classic. personally, i fucking love the guy. he's one of those characters who may seem really boring at first but i ended up being thoroughly charmed. i especially love him in zeta. and he's quite relatable! i too want to take a nap for 50 years and hope none of this shit is a problem when i wake up. my boy is pretty moody and depressed and i stan a king. i could go off really hard but im stopping here for time so 15/10 for milf lover amuro
im a huge fan of the feral teenager energy here. kamille will kick anyone's ass, including his own. of course i think he has every right to kick jerid's ass, that bitch was standing next to a guy named kacrikon mccooler or whatever and had the balls to be like "oh Kamille is a weird name" shut the fuck up. kamille is the personification of the creature within me that wants to bite people and the general rage that comes with being a teenager. can't get better than that! 10/10 bc i loved the multiple times he punches char
my foray into ZZ is rather short at the moment. consider me charmed, though! judau seems like a funney guy who would be cool to chill with and also probably the most emotionally well adjusted main pilot of the entire lot. i've actually seen him more in SRW and he's basically a little therapy dog. i rank 10/10 for being just a good boy
i feel like i would dislike him more if he were a consistent character or something. can't say i like kou, but can't say i dislike him either. i lack the energy to muster up any real hatred for him. nina is way out of his league, too. 4/10 perfectly meh
I CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF THIS GUY!!!! domon had my spot as #1 protag for a very long time (we'll get to who dethroned him later) bc this dude is an absolute fucking madlad. you knew that though this is G we're talking about!!! i'm a filthy G stan and a domon simp!!! dude punches all of his problems and it WORKS! every time! 20/10 GO OFF KING I LOVE U SO MUCH NEVER STOP
this kid is hilarious. in the melodrama that is WING, heero is gunning for that #1 spot of "dramatic bitch" and that's a spot with competition. i think it's great that he didn't know how to talk to a girl so he tried to blow himself up. 8/10 being a terrible friend to duo deducts points like why would u do that to my boy duo
i have no respect for this guy. my hatred of him is largely theatrical, but i simply cannot give that much credit to a guy who betrayed his ideals almost instantly over the hint of pussy. okay, aina is pretty good and i like her, but come ON, shiro! get it together! im aware that hes supposed to be a genius and a good pilot or whatever but honestly all i remember his him being all like ohh zeons are people too after meeting a hot one. 3/10 get outta here!!!
LOVE HE!!! 100% GOOD DUDE!!! i haven't gotten far into turn A but i love this poor little accident prone boy. loran is the kind of person who struggles with basic tasks but so do i so i forgive him. we love a GNC king! 10/10 gives him kiss on forehead and some of keith's bread
i watched three eps of SEED i apparently already ranked this guy in a mecha power point im never gonna finish
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if i'm gonna be real here, i think setsuna was really let down like most characters were in 00. however, i also think he's funny and has cat vibes, at least that's how i cope with it in my own head! he's clearly supposed to be a heero archetype except he just. lacks the pure insanity that heero had. 6/10 i wish they did better for u bby
also gonna be real, i hated unicorn, and in no small part because of banagher! i feel like he's what a lot of weird people think amuro is when they complain about amuro being a whiny baby. the entire plot revolved around telling me that banagher was the most special boy but like. was he? wishy washy bitch. i would knock him for betraying his ideals for pussy if he had any ideals to betray. basically the best scene with banagher was the one where he was all "oh i cant kill the zeon mass murderer to stop her from murdering more bc she has feelings too :(" and riddhe was like "well i can!" and does it. that's the most worth i got out of banagher as a character! 1/10 come on stop making shiro look better
LETS GIVE IT UP FOR MY SWEET LITTLE GUN DEMON!!!!! i love this kid bc he gives zero shits its so funny. most of these other pilots have a little thing called "strategy" when they attack and mika basically goes UNGA BUNGA like a caveman and smashes enemies with his giant stick. everyone else thinks they're traumatized and messed up and mika is like well i don't know what a 'trauma' is but hold my juice box. i struggle to be coherent about mikazuki bc hes just, so much, in a tiny little package. 21/10 BABY BOY YOU CAN HAVE ALL THE WEIRD SPACE PRUNES YOU WANT
Honorable Mentions Time!
Bernie (BEST BOY)
he doesn't really qualify as a main pilot but i love him dearly. my man bernie will rise to the occasion and 0080 is maybe my favorite UC entry in gundam? all around good. 12/10 burger joke here
Sei & Reiji
i have a lot of love for build fighters and these two are so good. it's hard to rank them separately bc they're a package deal. since pilot is kind of a different thing in BF, i decided to put them here, and it's to say i love them so much they're an excellent team 10/10
she's the closest thing we get to "female character" and "main pilot" when it comes to gundam so she goes here (G WITCH PLEASE BE GOOD) and she was a severely underutilized character. for being the real out of the box thinker of the try team, it's absolutely wild that yuuma and sekai get all the credit of being like. good builder and weird tactician when fumina is RIGHT HERE!!!! the show is obsessed with humiliating her. 8/10 bby girl you deserved more
i mean i guess he's basically a regular main pilot, but idk. vibes are different and this is a very vibe-y based ranking. hes a little bit bland as main characters go but there are worse crimes for him to commit. like being a fuckign terrorist. i do like the part where he doesn't seem to think things through much. 7/10 here's hoping the other movies come out sometime this century!
and that is all for now, all in all, they need therapy
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k-drama-trash · 2 years
what i'm currently watching~~~~
can you believe it!!! i'm back to watching kdramas after some time! 1. Business Proposal I LOVE this one to bits...... it is extremely rare that i like the 2nd leads in any drama at all but this one... i ship both the main and second couple. love this drama and all the cute and heartwarming bits so much. lighthearted and warm; easy to watch. feels like it's so nice to be in love. l find myself getting envious watching this drama. Also AHN HYO SEOP.
2.Crazy Love Started on this one because I love the 2 leads. The starting part was incredibly tough to sit through because i think it's so damn lame and exaggerating.. a little too unrealistic and over the top lol. After the first 4 epis I was a hair's breadth to giving up but somehow i decided to continue ep5 maybe because i was too bored & because i really like the 2 leads so much and i can somehow start to see where the story is going again and I like it! the story line is starting to warm up and love is starting to bloom lol excited for what's about to come and see our cold and prickly ceo fall in love. Also a pretty light and funny drama.
3.Forecasting Love and Weather oooo this drama.. started this because of song kang and a little bit of park min young. the leads play a huge part in why i choose to start on any drama. started off pretty steamy but i'm a little disappointed the steam kind of died down in the later episodes lol feels like climax and kinda meh.. but the story line is pretty steady i would say.. i like that there is always something you can "takeaway" from each episode, almost like a lesson to learn. a drama that makes you reflect in one way or another, makes you think about things. there is always some kind of change every episode, just like how unpredictable the weather is lol also im not extremely into the weather which is kind of a little meh for me but this is a show about the weather, right?
4. Soundtrack #1 decided to start on this purely because i was bored.. not a huge fan of both leads but decided to start on it because i wanted to see how hyungsik was doing and i don't mind the female lead.. i like it because it has A LOT of tension lol unrequited love between 2 bestfriends oooooooooooof unfortunately it is only a short drama with 4 episodes.. also the vibe is pretty soft and mellow which is comfortable.. excited for how their love story is going to play out!!!
1.余生,请多指教 The Oath of Love the drama i watch every single night right before i close my eyes and go to bed. sweet, cute and lighthearted. makes your heart feel full warm and fluffy. a 2019 film but still relevant i guess lol i like that the male lead is just a stuffy wooden block but is warmed by the female lead's warmth just like a ray of light lmao a drama that makes me happy. extremely sweet also with some tension also a little funny.
2. 与君初相识 The Blue Whisper a strong female lead drama which i live for!! sometimes i fear watching this drama because of the heart wrenching storyline. but i still love it because of how pure it is. love both the leads esp reba. i like ren jia lun's acting also ever since i watched 周深如故 and 一生一世.. love those 2 shows to BITS. funny enough this is also a 2 part drama.. as i type part 1 is about to end which makes me so sad and part 2 starts airing on 6 april i believe. love this storyline though, because both leads have nothing but unchanging love for each other and will rather be hated by each other than bear the cruel truth to the other. excited for part 2 also where they will reunite after the female lead dies and is reborn. love this drama!!!!!!!!!! also the ost is everything
3.大约是爱2 About is Love 2 loved the first season so i'm on this... nothing much to say about this drama though, just watching it because i loved the first season.. pretty mediocre storyline but i like it. i just dislike that there is more of the 2nd and 3rd couple in the 2nd installment of this drama. MAIN LEADS ONLY!!!! lol
thai drama
1. F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers ooo damn i LOVE this entire franchise.. i think my #1 so far is still the japanese version.. the visuals of f4 in this drama though.. i would say probably my fav in all the renditions of this franchise. i ship the main leads also.. just for the record i have never shipped the rei and makino in any of the versions; not this one too. I have never thought rei was cute in any of the versions too but THIS THAI VERSION REN IS SO QT!!!!! I think he is even cuter than the main lead. dew y u so qt lol. this version is pretty soft as compared to the others somehow.. i hope they keep riding on this franchise though; whichever country. i hope this drama gets endless remakes lol
2. You are My Heartbeat have not started on this but just keeping this here because I am intending to start on this.. no idea what the story is about but i saw the main poster(?) and I like the male lead so im intending to start on it! phew.. that's quite a bit.. been some time since i've updated so i thought i would.. i'm not ded, just not gif-ing.. i love business proposal and intend on gif-ing it but then again maybe not.. idk.. don't feel like it is a must gif yet lol. i also feel like gif-ing blue whisper omg but then maybe not again lol let's see which drama makes me gif it first... or ultimately none at ha. also i'll probably get bz gif-ing soon because big bang is coming back!!!! so i'll probably not gif any dramas in the end lol what are you watching? let me know if i'm missing a good drama that you think i shouldn't be! also, hope all of you are well, and as always, thank you for being here x
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tsuzuruchipalace · 3 years
rating mankai company based on character design
Note: I will take into account hair, color scheme, sprite poses, mostly outfits that are not from plays or scouts, and memorability. This is half an objective view and half my personal opinion.
Disclaimer: I curse a lot for comedic effort. I am mean because I am funny. No, you cannot disagree.
Spring 🌸
sakuya: you get what you see. a literal spring babey. his hair and color scheme’s a little generic, but he’s mankai’s poster boy, so that’s understandable. speaking of generic, his main pose is just this emoji 🧍‍♂️ his outfits tend to be kinda basic, but any outfit with a mostly pink top gets him bonus points. 6/10
masumi: okay his hair is elite. probably one of the most memorable character design aspects among the cast. his mole and eyes also make him very pretty. love my boy’s dark color scheme. unfortunately, points must be docked for baiting us with the emo fit, then as the story progresses, he starts dressing like the trust fund kid he is smh. 9/10
tsuzuru: i love you tsuzu but. my mans is so basic. if he didn’t have such a great personality, he’d be as bland as untoasted white bread. the saya of a3. his best design aspect is the fact that he doesn’t dye his roots. his outfits look comfy, but not necessarily eye-catching. 4/10
itaru: everyone who starts a3! with no knowledge of these characters has one (1) thought about itaru. sec sea man. so obviously there’s something appealing/good about his character design. i think part of the appeal is his fuck-all demeanor. obviously, his eyes and hairstyle are attractive, but the way the artists draw him gives him an air of not caring, which is also attractive in a way. his dyed tips are also nice. he looks kinda lame when he dresses professionally, but his casual outfits hit. especially the ones with light pink. 8/10
citron: although i’m not a big fan of the “character is foreign and therefore must talk and dress different and be funny” trope in these types of media, his fashion does make him stand out from the other characters who tend to have more basic clothes. citron’s summer, travel, and autumn outfits SLAP and anyone who says otherwise has bad taste. his hair and eyes are interesting, but his overall color scheme can be a bit repetitive. 7/10
chikage: i hate this guy’s fucking bowlcut. fucking salad bowl lookin ass. every outfit is the same turtleneck and sneakers in two alternate colors. his outfits are so plain. only thing i like is his casual outfit glasses. HOWEVER. that’s the point. he’s supposed to look boring and blend in because he’s a spy. it’s a smart design, i just don’t like it so im docking points. stay mad about it. 5/10
Summer ☀️
tenma: im yawning. you think tsuzu was boring? this guy has orange hair and i still find his design boring. that’s how you know he’s basic. he’s got generic messy shounen protag hair. he could be from any property. if i drew fanart of him, people would ask where he’s from. he either dresses like your slightly homophobic frat boy classmate or a grandfather who gets his shit stolen by the asshole kids next door. 2/10
yuki: he has the r a n g e. all of yuki’s casual outfits hit. they’re all different, but cute in their own way. to no one’s surprise, one of the best styled characters. though i like his general color scheme, i’m personally not the biggest fan of his hairstyle. it’s okay, but a little plain at times. but i think it suits him well. 7/10
muku: i love him. muku’s design is what i love about this game. you see him, and you immediately know what his character archtype is supposed to be. he’s the soft, cute boy. and if this was a mediocre series, that’d be all muku is. but since this is a3, he’s so much more than that. he’s smart, passionate, sensitive to others’ feelings, and protective. a3 does a great job designing characters that look exactly like their archtype, but having a much more developed personality than that. getting back to the actual subject at hand, i love his hairstyle and color, as well as his outfits. you can never go wrong with light pink hair. i may be biased but fuck you. 10/10
misumi: another great memorable design. his eye shape and hair style are really unique. his outfits also elevate his design. street fashion is always a plus for me. though sumi’s design is special in the world of a3! where most of the characters are just. guys. regular lookin dudes. i think that outside of the game, his design would not be as unique. 8/10
kazunari: personally, im a fan. maybe it’s cause i have an affinity for blonde anime boys. but his hairstyle is pretty unique and his trendy looks set him apart from most characters, even outside this game. and he has a pretty lovable expression in his sprites. his fatal flaw is that his fits are either a hit or miss. they’re either really cute or wtf. at least he’s memorable. 8/10
kumon: i love that he reminds me of an owl. his hair and eyes are very cute and his color scheme is great. and i think they did a great job making him look related to juza, but still very much his own character. but he dresses like your classmate from middle school that looks like a nike-sponsored highlighter. yeah, he’s the sporty one, and i like the windbreakers but... i cannot excuse his summer fit. also, i find his design a little tame compared to some of the other characters in the game. 6/10
Autumn 🍂
banri: i hate his hair. i hate it so much. i know in canon it’s nice and he takes good care of it, but it looks so fucking greasy. the style makes him look so greasy and it makes me mad. he looks like an asshole. i mean, he is, so it fits. if this dumb bitch changed his hair more often, i’d like his design so much more. you saw this coming; his love for cheetah print is fucking repulsive. BUT, maybe unpopular opinion, minus the animal print, his sense of fashion is not bad. why do yall clown on it. if the fit is fresh, the fit is fresh. anyway, he looks like an ass, but objectively his design is kinda eh. 5/10
juza: im sorry im DEADLY fucking biased when it comes to juza, but he’s so handsome. his hair is a such a rich, pretty shade of purple and his eyes are so mesmerizing. his hairstyle is so attractive. his face is so pretty. yeah his design isn’t crazy unique, but the simplicity just works. im so sorry im this man’s whore i didn’t choose this life... but i can stop being a simp for one second to say that he has a boring fashion sense. i mean it’s kinda hot how simple his outfits are but his travel fit is good-- wait a minute i just remembered the fucking sandals. docking one point. 9/10
taichi: okay shut the fuck up i LOVE taichi’s design. so eye-catching and fun. as i’ve said i love street fashion, and taichi’s lil e-boy fits are right up my alley. that shade of bright red goes so well with his fashion sense, making a really cohesive design. with his main outfit, you can tell he purposely dresses like that to be trendy and it’s so smart. 10/10
omi: im sorry omi stans but his design is kinda,, boring. i legit had such a hard time identifying him when i first got into this game. the scar saves it a bit. but... only a bit. he’s just got. hair. and a dad outfit. i mean his tits are huge, but i don’t think i can call that a character design aspect. kinda forgettable design. i don’t dislike it though, so he ranks higher than tenma did. 3/10
sakyo: im not sure why but i really like sakyo’s design?? the contrast of his light hair and his dark clothes is nice. also, megane rights. even when i thought he was an npc during my first playthrough, i really dug his design and thought he was memorable. i actually cannot pinpoint a reason why. i wish i had more constructive things to say... but upon thinking about it, he has a karen haircut, which kinda dampers my thoughts on his design. i like his moles, but i honestly did not notice them until the game pointed them out. 7/10
azami: azami has a damn good design. i don’t think anyone can deny that. the long hair, the contrast of black hair and bright blue eyes, his eye shape. all very eye-catching design aspects. and the street fashion style strikes again. the color scheme matches well with everything. this review is lame, but there’s really only good things i can say about his design so. 10/10
Winter ❄️
tsumugi: it’s so late and im so tired of looking at these sprites. anyway, tsumugi’s design is okay. i think his color scheme’s a bit limited and his outfits are a bit meh. he has a more respectable bowlcut than chikage, but it’s still a bowlcut and it’s still boring. i think the best part of his design is his eyes, they’re very soft and kind. but other than that, tsumugi looks pretty basic. 5/10
tasuku: tbh, i didn’t even realize that the godza member tasuku was the same character as the winter troupe guy in the game’s opening until the middle of episode 3... yeah. im slow. ooooooor... tasuku has the worst fucking design in the game. yeah i said it. come at me, but tasuku’s design fucking sucks. i literally thought he was a minor character until they forced me to realize he wasn’t. his fashion sense is... questionable at best. i look at that man’s hair and think he doesn’t shampoo. he looks so bland i could dry up from looking at him. im sorry but his tits do not make up for the sheer fucking snorefest of his character design. he’s so boring i won’t elaborate anymore. 1/10
hisoka: ya get what ya see part 2. i like that i can tell he’s the sleepy and mysterious character just by his design, but honestly, that’s a character trope im generally not a big fan of. so i wasn’t thrilled by hisoka’s design at first. but it’s effective. i like the hairstyle with the white hair, but i’m not too fond of his color scheme. his outfits look comfy and soft though. it makes sense, but it’s nothing too memorable if you compare him to characters outside the game. 5/10.
homare: ah, now this is a memorable character design. his hairstyle annoyed me in the beginning, but now i love it. it’s so unique and fun. and i like the purple. i also like his outfits. very classy. but honestly, most of his charisma lies in his face. i think that the pure eccentricity of the hairstyle is enough to put him in the top tier without considering any other element. you really could not find this design in any other media. fuck it. i don’t need to consider anything else. 9/10
azuma: i’ll be honest. im not a fan of long-haired anime men. especially the pretty, flirty types. i don’t know, i just don’t vibe with them. originally, i didn’t like azuma’s design, but now i do. i don’t know how, but i think it’s because azuma is just that powerful. his ponytail makes it more bearable for me and i like the way his bangs frame his face. he just has pretty eyes and face. unfortunately his color scheme is a little too repetitive for me and his casual outfits are a little boring. 6/10
guy: maybe it’s because he looks dead inside, but i love him. i don’t even know this character that well yet, but i think his deadass expression is great. the darker under-eyeline sets him apart from the other characters and i love how he dresses. i think his hair is kinda eh. i personally like it, but objectively, it’s meh. it’s a solid design, but ngl it’s nothing special when i really think about it. 6/10
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miekasa · 3 years
Different anon but I don’t like historia either tbh, I never liked her to begin with tbh whether she was krista or historia. I always thought her act was kinda too good to b true and it turned out I was right also I remember when I used to read the manga, I would skip over some parts because they were boring to me and her chaps were ones I completely dismissed. I also didn’t like mikasa from the get go because she seemed like a bland character and to some degree she remains that same bland character but I have grown to appreciate her “ereh” moments lol but mostly her interactions with Sasha made me like her... Sasha seems to bring out the best in the main cast. I even disliked Eren and armin lol... I DISLIKED THE TRIO until their late development or just key interactions. I think liking characters is sometimes an instantaneous thing because I’ve liked characters for the same reason I’ve disliked others at times, it’s kind of weird but like true. Just vibes bro I guess 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
anonymous said: Holy shit to think about it I disliked almost all characters... I still don’t like reiner that much or Annie or bert but not for killing people but because they are meh to me. New cast is whatever to me tbh. I disliked zeke severely... like legit raw hatred for that guy because of certain events (erwin.) Now I am a zeke simp... Erwin im so sorry. I don’t like grisha, not even Ymir (both of them LMAO.) I loved Erwin, Levi, Jean, Petra, Hitch, Connie, and Sasha. Oooo I also had a soft spot for Isabelle even tho she barely was in the anime. New cast member that I like is pieck and that’s bcz someone told me I should cosplay her so 🏃‍♀️😩
LMAOOOO that’s so funny, but totally relatable; not for me with aot specifically, but I’ve watched shows not liking or hating at least half the cast for a significant amount of time 😭😭 I’ve always loved Mikasa, personally--I see why people might not, because unfortunately depsite her strength she’s never allowed to show it without regards to Eren (but imo that’s not her fault and probably due to the fact that the author is male lmaooo) 
I am biased because I went into the show for Levi, so at first I didn’t really care for anyone else. The only people I hated from start and currently were H*storia and Gr*sha and Z*ke. I used to dislike Erwin, but I’m cool off him now. I didn’t even notice Armin until I looked back but you know what they say hindsight is 20/20 LMAOOOO. I wasn’t even paying attention to Eren I just wanted to see Levi 😭😭
The characters I’ve loved consistently since first sight were Levi (obviously), but also Hange and Isabelle!! I fucking LOVE Isabelle!! And the fucking SECOND I saw Hange I knew I was gonna love them!! And I did!!
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First Date HCs With David Webster
warnings: meh some cursing but nothing major, it’s also very long I’m sorry- but the rest is just fluff, so eeee I hope you all like them! <333
words: 1.6k (ajsajhk i got carried away on these headcanons, i couldn’t help myself)
Taglist: @deldontplay, @thatsonefishyboi,@noneofurbusinez, @meteora-fc, @gutsandgloryhere​, @hihosilvers, @rayleighshughes, @floydtab, @wexhappyxfew, @sherlollydramoine, @meganthesunflower, @3milesup​, @jamie506101​, @sunflowerchuck​, @softlieb​, @k-websters​, @punkgeekchic​, @speirs-crazy-ass​, @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant​, @stressedinadress​
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First Date Headcanons with David Webster
So you see, of course our favorite Harvard boy will take you to the fucking aquarium (Cliche and obvious? Yes. But like where else, I mean seriously??)
When you first got together the first thing he promised you was an aquarium date, and well looky here, he fulfilled that promise.
Ok, so y’all pull up to the building and you can see waves of literal euphoria coming out of him. He’s just so adorable and he has a little bit of pep in his step when walking towards the entrance. 
And then every time he walks, his poofy brown hair bounces up and down and the way the suns hits it is *chefs kiss*-
Even before you get to the entrance, your boyfriend is gushing about marine animals. They were short descriptions of a multitude of animals but they were so detailed and captivating, you couldn’t help but listen.
However, his voice was a bit distracting at times and you could find yourself zoning out while he talked. 
A look of awe is plastered on your hand and your hold on his hand tightens ever so slightly.
It’s safe to say that you learned more about ocean animals in those brief moments than you ever could from your years in school.
Y’all bust in the aquarium like the iconic couple you two are (I’m so proud of you) and boy oh boy is David cute as hell.
Here he is-- a grown ass man who went to Harvard and literally served in WW2-- looking like a child discovering a shiny rock. You love it-
David is indecisive as hell and he had no idea where to go. He turns over to look at you with those beautiful eyes of his and you can’t help but smile.
You two pull up those maps of the building and you two plan out the rest of your date. Your fingers trail over the paper, trying to figure out where to go first.
You two make up this intricate schedule and you knowingly look at each other when your eyes find where the shark exhibit was.
But at the beginning of your date Web held your hand as you two viewed various wildlife vibin in the water behind the glass.
You were in heaven when you saw how the water played so beautifully on the your boyfriend’s face. 
David was oblivious to how you stared at him in awe and you were oblivious to whenever he did the same to you.
You named a crab after Johnny and a particularly cute clownfish was named after Babe. You two had a heated discussion on who Winters was. 
(Y’all never settled on anything. Web thought he’d be a red snapper. You personally think he’d either be a blue marlin or a swordfish.)
He called you his angelfish and you hit him on the arm for being so cheesy. After that he said that you were a flame angelfish instead and you could only playfully roll your eyes at him.
Get prepared for literally a shit ton of fish trivia this boy will never shut up and he just wants to gush about it to you, it’s very wholesome and sweet actually.
He knows a lot because he either has a whole 100000 page book about the sea printed on his brain or something or because he has the literal ocean in his eyes.
Look I can’t tell at this point-
The two of you were going to every single exhibit this aquarium had to offer and there was no stopping you.
Sadly that intricate schedule is unceremoniously yeeted out the window because when you head over to the next place you're stopping at you two see something else you like and head there instead.
“(Y/N)! I thought we were seeing the penguins next-”
“But Web, the seals! Look at the seal exhibit!”
You’re gripping his arm and looking at him with your stunning face, how could he say no to you? 
So he lets an exaggerated sigh and nods his head as he tries to contain his grin.
You two went over to the seal exhibit instead kasjhd- Y’all still got to see the penguins, it’s all ight.
While gawking at the beautiful fish species you saw, Web seemed to know a heaping mount about a lotta of em. The facts he didn’t tell you earlier he says now and you’re just like “look at my smart Harvard boy go-”
The amount of times you wanted to just make a scrapbook that is dedicated to this day alone is nearly impossible to keep track of. The both of you wanted to cherish this aquarium date for all eternity.
Cause literally there’s this one moment where you’re looking over at tropical fish and Web was reading the description. Oh what would happen next-
As you’re admiring the way the small fishes swam gracefully Web legit goes on a rant on how they got some information on the Tiger Barb wrong.
This adorable idiot I- I can’t even at this point.
But Web holds you in his arms as he buries his face in your hair while looking at fish send tweet. 
He also wraps his arms around your waist and he rests his head on top of yours. He makes comments about some of the fish and you just sink into his embrace.
Also one thing you did keep from your schedule after not following it was visiting the petting pool after you two ate lunch.
When I say that you two nyoomed over to the petting pool area I mean y’all nyoomed-- Like full Speirs mode on-- because Jesus Christ this is an aquarium and David will obviously take you to the petting pool.
You two arrived there and my Lord you swore that David was holding back a squeal. The two of you immediately rolled up your sleeves and went over to dip your hands to touch the animals in the pool.
The look you gave Web when you touched a cownose ray-- it was precious. 
You also couldn’t hold your excitement as a few more smaller rays glided under the pads of your fingertips.
Then there were the horseshoe crabs and yknow those tiny fish that like swarm your hand and tickle you, yeah those too.
Y’all also chill it out and get to wash the jellyfish. The way the room was dark gave it a whole nother vibe, my loves. 
Like in  that jellyfish room, you two will most definitely just hold each other while gazing at the glass.
Bro, in the dim room, he’ll just pull you close and place a chaste kiss on your forehead and lips.
The bioluminescence of the jellyfish illuminates Webster’s face, making his features appear more sharp. Simping time commence, you two are a fine af couple.
Now time for the real kicker- It’s shark time
After dragging your ass to almost all of the other exhibits in the aquarium, Webster saved the shark exhibits near the end of the date.
Ohoho, was this boy eUPHORIC-
David is gripping your hand tightly and he’s constantly sending you smiles as you two walk closer to the entrance of the shark exhibit.
This is where Webster ascends out of his body, this is the second time he has (first time was when he met you and started dating). 
You share his happiness and the utter vibes comin off from your boyfriend makes you so soft and full of glee.
Yknow his constant face when his eyes are focused on something and his mouth is just slightly parted? Well that is his face most of the time during your time there.
M o r e   f a c t s.
Webster did write a wholeass book about them, what did you expect?
The utter passion and fascination in his voice really stands out whenever he talks about these beautiful babies- 
Like sure, David sounds happy when he talks about other sea animals, but with sharks? Whole nother level. 
It’s one of his biggest quirks and my goodness do you just stand there taking in all his facts as he goes on a tangent about different types of shark species.
The light in his eyes as they trail over as they trail over a sand shark swimming by. He’ll also just stare at a leopard shark while smiling because he loves them.
After leaving the shark exhibit after spending 1 hour in there with your boyfriend, you two decide to go home- But first, y’all buying some things from the giftshop. 
Webster will spoil you and will buy you anything you want in the aquarium gift shop.
Wallets beware, you’d also do the same for him.
There was this jellyfish theme hat you saw and you made David try it on- He looked so fucking stupid but like a cute kinda stupid.
You regret not buying it when you had the chance-
However- You two got shark plushies together. You got a tiger shark plushy and he gots a hammerhead. 
You two absolutely love them and you could’ve sworn you could’ve just burst from happiness when he showed you the tiger shark plush he got for you.
You two also bought those chonky seal plushies because I mean... I mEAN- Just look at em, they’re stunning of course you and Web had to get em.
With a day well spent with your boyfriend you just wanted nothing more but to lay with David on your bed as you run your fingers through your hair.
So you two leave the aquarium building smiling and laughing. Webster leans in a gives you another soft kiss on your lips and you let out a giggle. 
The two of you are noticeably happier, and you two head back to the car. The date ends with your hand in his and your four new plushies in tow.
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a/n: it’s been so long since I posted a fic or writing of any kind. unfortunately, i’ll have to put a hold on my pt 2 for the roe fic i made and im procrastinating by writing hcs kasjadjk. i decided to make these for some of the lovely people in my discord server. i hope y’all enjoyed these hcs with web!
i love you all very much, stay safe and i send yall another round of my good vibes 😩💕💕
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vylad243 · 3 years
My Ninjago 2020 Secret Santa gift for @keplered, Secret Santa being hosted by @coco-jaguar!
"I can't believe Skylor agreed to come with us!" Pixal's voice broke through the quiet air. It was a beautiful day out, December eighteenth to be exact, it was chilly, frost shimmering outside and Zane could tell it was going to snow today, which made him even more excited. He loved to use his powers in the snow, something about it always felt different to him, though it probably had to do with ice and snow and all that. It wasn't rocket science.
"Me neither." Zane hummed in agreement. "It really has been awhile since we've last seen her, it'll be great to spend some time with her." He gazed over the edge of The Bounty, he and Pixal stood side-by-side watching the frost below them. The Bounty wasn't high up in the air at all since Zane and Pixal were about to depart and meet up with Skylor.
Pixal had suggested a girls day out with Nya and Skylor, but unfortunately Nya had to back out, while Skylor didn't know if she could make it, so Zane and Pixal decided to go out for some hot chocolate and just spend some time together as good friends would.
It took them by surprised when Skylor called and said she could make it, they were shocked, but they were excited nonetheless.
When The Bounty landed Pixal and Zane waved to Cole, who waved back, and leaped off of it, the ship taking off again shortly after.
"I wonder how Chen's Noodle House is fairing." Zane mused. "I'm sure under Skylor's management it's doing even better than it did before."
Pixal smiled softly and said to Zane with a slightly eye roll. "So long as they aren't doing anymore underground battles, I think it's doing fine."
"No more battles." A familiar voice spoke up, it was soft with a teasing edge to it. "Just noodles."
Zane and Pixal sounds around to see Skylor standing behind them, her arms behind her back and she was teetering back and forth with a huge smile on her features. "I could of sworn I told Kai the same thing." She added in her teasing voice.
Pixal and Zane's smiles widened at the sight of their friends and all three of them ran into each other to give huge hugs. It's just been too long.
"Oh, Pixal! Zane!" Skylor laughed aloud. "I've missed you guys so much! It's good to see you all again! We have a lot to catch up on." She added as their grips on one another loosened.
"I'd like that very much!" Pixal agreed quickly. "I'm just so pleased you could make it. I do wish Nya could of made it, but there isn't much we can do about it." She added, tilting her head slightly.
Skylor smiled softly as she listened to Pixal talk, her gaze held a fondness that Zane knew he held for his brothers. A sibling love.
"Come on, ladies!" Zane spoke up. "Let's not stand outside waiting forever! Let's go to a café and get some drinks."
"Sounds good to me!" Skylor agreed easily.
"It's really weird." Skylor admitted, shifting her cup around in her hands. "It doesn't feel the same without my Dad, but I know it was for the better. Even though he used me... and all my friends... and was just awful to everyone..." She explained to them. "It still feels like he should be by my side."
"You and Lloyd should have a chat one day." Zane suggested. "I'm sure he knows how you feel."
"Meh." Skylor shrugged. "It's all good. Just being with you guys helps me out a lot with that. I think apart of it is just I'm used to someone there for me, and now no one's there to fill that void I'm messing." She took a sip from her hot chocolate, licking her lips. "It kinda sucks." She laughed.
Zane and Pixal exchanged a glance before Pixal slowly offered her hand to Skylor with a shy smile. "We'll always be here to help guide you through this moment." She reassured her. "It's not easy but I can tell you're working hard and that you'll beat whatever comes you way."
Skylor put her cup down and slowly slid her hand into Pixal's and Zane rested his hand on top of her's and they all looked at each other before Skylor laughed, a little bit of a sad tone to it. "Thank you, I really appreciate this." She told them tilting her head slightly. "Maybe I will talk to Lloyd. We'll see. I find it comforting just to know someone's been through the same thing as me. I've always been on my own anyway. My Father never really cared about me, and I see that now. He just cared about the powers I inherited from my mother." Her gaze narrowed and she tightened her grip on her cup. "I think the hardest part of this is knowing he never cared." She grumbled, her hand was turning white from the pressure, but soon she relaxed again and sighed lowly. "I wish the world wasn't cruel like this, but sadly it doesn't work that way."
Pixal and Zane listened quietly and after a moment Zane spoke up. "Would you possibly like to accompany us to go sledding? Lloyd said that we were gonna go as soon as possible, maybe you'd like to come with us? I mean. You are apart of our family."
"You're sure he won't mind?" Skylor asked, a little taken aback by the sudden invitation.
"Yup." He smiled. "If anything im sure he'll be overjoyed." He added with a snap of his fingers.
Pixal laughed and turned to look at Skylor. "Plus think of Kai! He'll be so excited to see you again!"
"That is true!" Skylor laughed, thinking of Kai's stupid smile and how much Nya would tease him over her. "I would love to come with with you guys!"
Pixal smiled warmly and tilted her head slightly, closing her eyes. "That's great! We'll let Lloyd know when we go back to the Bounty."
The conversation feel silent after that, but it wasn't an awkward silence. They were all comfortable in each other's presence and that was all the mostly mattered.
"Actually." Skylor spoke up, biting back her pride. "Can I ask something?"
"Of course you may." Zane responded with a small laugh. "You may ask anything you wish to."
"Could I come to the Bounty with you guys? It gets a bit lonely and I really miss you all." Skylor spoke a bit fast, some nerves eating away at her.
"Of course!" Pixal answered before Zane. "We would love to have you, and I'm sure everyone else will be ecstatic to see you! Maybe you could even stay for the holidays!"
Skylor's eyes widened a little before she grinned and said a little too loudly. "Yes! I would love to spend the holidays with my real family!"
It wasn't as lengthy as I hopes, but I'm sorry, I had a lot of mini-emergencies come up so I hope this is all I got you, I hope you like it regardless! 🧡
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cozymochi · 3 years
🌻 Go for it.
I’m actually like... really interested in political science and politics. Mainly in just open discussion about it. Not debate per se, people are super annoying about that, just talking about stuff as it is and kinda just... y’know. Acknowledging how it works, how people react, and breaking it down then just going “oof” or “yikes” about whatever the topic is.
Unfortunately, It’s not something I can really talk about around my immediate peers. Like, I get it, uncomfortable stuff can be hard to listen to but I dunno. I find that sort of thing interesting. It’s one of the very very few things I found I have some tact in outside of maybe art. I find it easier to bounce back and forth IRL. I think it’s better to be more informed about stuff? Idk. A part of me kind of hates feeling like I need to spare people’s comfort, but meh... Another part of me gets it. Then again, I’ve sat through worse from anybody else, so AAAAAAA
SO INSTEAD I JUST SAVE MY GARBAGE FOR WHEN A SERIOUS CORRECTION NEEDS TO BE MADE. Nothing really will get me riled up until I see something very very ... ignorant be said. (Not in an insulting way, I mean ignorant mainly in an uninformed way) But I mostly end up keeping my thoughts to myself. I’m not dragging anything here. This is a pure stupid blog, and social media is NOT the place for anything like that— not that it’s anyone’s business 😭
Instead I just read articles, conduct research, and keep up with current events on my own time. I’ve sat through entire dang congress trials for no fucking reason outside of “this keeps my attention i guess.” Which is weird because it’s mostly boring, drawn out, and/or frustrating af because I already know the end result. But you bet I’m gonna sit there stupidly and take names. There’s some mfers i’m real damn sick of in there jghfgdjfj but I digress
I’ve considered looking deeper into pursuing it because it seems more lucrative, but another part of me is just like “eghhhhh yknow what im going back to art now”— my non-fanart stuff tends to speak for itself anyhow
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zalieza · 4 years
So my flight change cooldown is coming up, and I’ve been playing FR for a few months now. Ideally I want a flight that does frequent to semi-frequent dom, cool eyes, nice aesthetic, and cool lore. Unfortunately none of the flights have all that to my tastes.  If anyone has some suggestions, I’m open to them. But I’m putting my reasons for all of them below.
Im kinda ambivalent about community size? On one hand a small community tends not to be very active. On the other a large community can have a lot of young kids who are in their “LOL SO RANDOM” phase. Can’t win there really
Ice Flight (am here now)
Awesome aesthetic, very scenic
Ok lore. Its cool (geddit?) but its not entirely to my taste. Eldritch horrors arent really my style
Does not dom frequently
Holy shit I hate the eyes so much. At first I kinda liked them? Its mostly inoffensive white or very pale blue. But my god... they can look super creepy on certain dragons. Do not want. Plus theyre boring. The primal is cool but thats about it
Small community
Water Flight (started here)
Ok aesthetic. Im really into beaches and ocean and such, but I feel like the banner for water is extremely outdated and boring looking. Its not the worst but it could really use an upgrade I think
Meh lore. An oracle is cool. An entire society of oracles is less so. I can kinda dig pirate lore but its just... not really evident. Idunno. The whole missing dad deal is interesting but not that interesting.
Also doesnt dom frequently but since theyre small community they tend to win if they bother
Eyes are cool. Bit dark for me but the primal is awesome and they dont tend to bother me. Its overall just there.
Another small community. Very inactive on site
Earth Flight
Boring aesthetic. Im sorry Earth peeps, but its just not that appealing to look at
Cool lore. Honestly some of the most varied lore on the site. You can take it in pretty much any direction you want and theyre all valid as hell.
The dom flight. Cant get any dom-ier
Eyes are ok. Some of them are awesome, the common is kinda blegh. Primal is kinda lackluster but the other eye varieties make up for it.
Small but older community. Seems chill
Fire Flight
Unappealing aesthetic. Volcanoes have a ton of variety but Fire’s stuff is all similar and dark looking.
Boring lore. They’re smiths. And theres a slight rebellion. Uh... thats all folks?
Doesnt dom frequently. Like Water I bet they could be great at it if they wanted to.
Awesome eyes. Like some of the coolest in the game. Don’t really match with much but still cool
Another tiny community
Wind Flight
Very nice aesthetic. A smidge plain going off just the header but its bright and airy (puns).
Lore is fun. Not terribly exciting but not boring either. I imagine most of Wind to be very peaceful
Doesnt dom frequently, in fact basically negative dom
Another group of awesome eyes. Theyre a bit same-y but thats ok. The color is pleasant. The primal is meh
Large community, feels like most everyone is in Wind
Shadow Flight
Another very nice aesthetic. Honestly seems cool and beautiful.
Lore at first glance seems boring. However upon rethinking, its basically completely open ended. That leaves a lot of room for interpretation and that could be fun.
Another flight that doesnt dom frequently
Eyes are ok. Not a huge fan of the common purple but the rest are amazing. Except the primal which freaks me out
LARGE community. But also seems like the youngest community?
Lightning Flight
Ok aesthetic. Its really dark but not in a great way? Like who doesn’t like thunderstorms in a messa but its not the most appealing look that Lightning has going on
Lore at first glance seems awesome. But its really backed into a corner in some ways. Not my favorite at all
Man lots of flights not into dom what is this
The best eyes in the game. Theyre all fantastic
Medium community?
Light Flight
Nice aesthetic. Bright, sunny, greek/roman inspired architecture mixed with a mysterious dark blemish? Sign me up
Lore is kinda boring. Like you can take it in lots of directions and it holds potential for some edgy shit. But its nothing fantastic
Dom regularly. Nothing on Earth but the next best for dom\
Eyes are ok. I range between love and hate for most of them. Primal is meh
Large community
Nature Flight
Great aesthetic. Probably my favorite in the game
Tied for some of the best lore in the game. Honestly fantastic. Looks really cute and innocent at first glance but then you read into it and youre like “Wow this is honestly terrifying”
Eyes are great. Im a sucker for them honestly
Dom whats that?
Medium/large community?
Plague Flight
Ok so the aesthetic is uh... gross. Its consistent but its really unappealing to me. Thats not to say its bad. Just gross, and thats the point
Tied with Nature for best lore in the game and for the exact opposite reasons. Looks really gross and necromancy-ish. Instead its about the fight for survival and honestly, I dig it.
Eyes are honestly pretty cool imo. Except the primal which is body horror lol
I hear they were a powerhouse in dom, and now are not quite so into it but still more than most flights
Large community? But again seems like a young community
Arcane Flight
Aesthetic ranges from beautiful to meh. I hate the header. So so much. But the rest is pretty cool
Lore is ok. Im down with the magic and radioactivity. Dont care much for the scholar part but thats ok
I know the eyes are love them or hate them. I love them. Fight me
I have a feeling they want to give a crap about dom but suck at it
Large community, but honestly most obnoxious annoying players seem to come from Arcane. Forum clickbate seems to be their MO
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chiaki-c · 5 years
Watched endgame lmao. warnings: salty
Generally speaking it felt much inferior to infinity war. I hadn't spoiled myself but like the time travel was p much what i was expecting i just didnt think it would be so drawn out?? Like it felt like those shenaningans basically took up the whole movie when i assumed it would be more of a means to an end thing? Idek.
I was hoping we'd get some loki by the end of it but :( it took me and my sister a while to realize oh wait he wasnt included in the people resurrected with the gauntlet right b u t he did escape in that other timeline so i guess pretty fucked up way to sorta concede that he is maybe probably alive but also kinda you know?? erase all of his character development post the first fucking avenger lmao this feels like doctor who bullshit all over again. I hate time travel.
I want to know why the russos hate thor so much. Like in infinity war they didnt retain any of his progress in ragnarok but at least it was pretty standard thor shenaningans but why was he selected to be comic relief this round. Like i thought bruce had gotten it bad in infinity war but god. The need to have him not only be pathetic for laughs but also heavily underline that it was his mental health declining making him act like that aND OPENLY MAKING FUN OF IT AND OF ITS MANIFESTATION. WOW?? I honestly can't begin to see how they could be so blatantly insensitive about it in such a big movie. And valkirye being like "and he drinks now :///" like HELLO?????? HELLLLLOOOOOO LMAO
More thor ranting. It was nice to see frigga but, again, her talk with thor really enforced the feel that ragnarok development never existed and also like. It was nice but. You know who else didn't get a single chance to say goodbye to frigga and never actually make peace with the passing of the only person who wholly accepted him?
He also didnt get an abundance of meaningful scenes really. So you know. Missed chance, maybe.
It was so dirty of them to kill nat. They didnt treat her right once, not a single time (winter soldier notwithstanding) so of course they had to end her arc the only possible way. by doing her dirty.
Like in a way?? I'm extremely emotional about clint and nat reunion + her literally giving her life in order for him to spend the rest of it with his family but i just phisically can't bring myself to ignore that they still preferred to kill a woman who, despite all the different flavours of questionable writing was at her core always!! a character whose heart was genuinely in a good place and who didn't get a single reward for her continuous efforts to make up for her past choices. nah she got to die so that Bad Man With Family could be happy. Like im not That mad but also like i can't not be yknow!! And still im so!! About the hand holding and forehead touching bc yes I AM GOING TO DIE MAD ABOUT THESE TWO AND WHAT IT COULD HAVE BEEN!!!!!!!!!!
Also Nebula. I was so excited the first half abt her bc it felt like she was getting to be part of the team but then THE MOVIE NEEDED HER TO BE FORGETTABLE ENOUGH TO THEM THAT THEY WOULD NOT NOTICE WEIRD BEHAVIOR + HER STAYING OUTSIDE?? WHILE THEY WERE USING THE GAUNTLET LIKE LMAO WHAT. And then bc they needed to wrap up no one got to say bye to gamora even tho she wasn't their version of her but still yknow with those people apparently being unable to be brought back you'd think it would warrant a lil emotional moment? Idek. The amount of this movie that was lost to silly gimmicks is more irritating the more i think abt it.
Lmao @ carol and okoye being in the promos for the woke points and then amounting to jack shit in the actual movie
They really did say fuck stevebucky rights uh. Idk what even to say about this just. Bucky never gets anything. Im wondering why only steve gets to have a chance at a normal life in his rightful time. Could it be bc maybe bucky didn't have anyone besides steve to go back to? /thinking emoji Too bad he wasn't as up high in steve's list of stuff then. I'm saltier abt this one than i originally realized :/
Ppl who are more eloquent than me can surely talk better about the time travel inconsistencies but yeah. A lot of it was glaringly wonky and up to wide range of interpretation which i guess is very convenient for them but to me ends up being kinda unsatisfying especially for like. The big final chapter.
and i gotta say i got really emotional when tony said i am iron man aaand through the whole death scene. I'm gonna blame my period for the tears but honestly?!?!?! I feel like the part of me who basically grew up with this franchise and put a lot of emotional investment in it just really went all out at seeing that. Like i was such a big iron man stan and even when that toned down a lot i always liked him till the end so!!! :'( but compared to natasha his death was a lot more fanservicy id say and like. Of course he'll get all the honors and stuff and it wasn't like totally unexpected or anything. I'm mad at myself for being emo about it but yeah couldnt help it anyway :(
but yeah im mostly meh about it unfortunately
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tinkdw · 6 years
hi tink ^_^ was wondering if you think both endgame human!cas and endgame angel!cas are both valid interpretations? im genuinely interested as I can't see the whole human!cas being a thing, and I'm open to learn more if you think that's what is actually going to happen. idk his experience as a human was miserable, i feel like maybe im missing something?? :0 u dont have to answer this if u dont want, as it may cause wank. ty
Here’s my “overall” Cas meta from a while ago, nothing’s changed and a few other meta writers added to it so it’s a good view I think as to the whole concept:
It’s a really crappy topic for divisiveness, in my experience the people who have, relatively, as much as possible, objectively analysed the author intent in the show have come to a pretty solid conclusion within the meta community that Human!Cas appears to be endgame based not on his experience as a human but the outcome, his overall arc since season 4 and the Chekhovs gun style flamingly blatant reminders throughout the show such as the repeated asking him if he wouldn’t rather be human, his choosing to be an Angel to go into battle powerful enough to save the people he loves and putting what he wants to one side and his clearly not wanting to be a soldier anymore.
It’s kind of like saying endgame Dean is for him to be emancipated and being able to openly watch Oprah and Disney etc even though on the surface he says he doesn’t like that stuff. Because the pretty obvious sublimation is there.
With Cas the sublimation isn’t quite as clear but it’s really all there. Yes he suffered as a human but he literally came out of it and said he missed it, while previous to being human he was curious and wanted to try human things (eg kissing meg) and afterwards we’ve seen him actively choosing to act more human, smiting less and fist fighting instead, acting more human, I mean the big one for me was when Dean asked him “and you’re okay with that?!” When he told him he got grace back to be able to fight and he just totally brushed it off saying he needed it to fight:
He later takes more grace which he had been previously rejecting but only to save Dean and then took his own grace back when again it’s needed for a fight whilst telling us the quote that the craziest thing a man can do is die.
He’s literally saying he’s killing himself / his wants for the greater good.
He needs grace for the fight and to be a good useful soldier and to save his family but does he want it?
Want v Need.
One of the biggest themes of the show.
Cas needs his grace to be useful when times are hard but is that what he wants?
In my opinion the show has repeatedly emphasised that it isn’t. I also think it’s clear he doesn’t want to be a soldier anymore and these things go hand in hand.
Others may use canon to say they think it is. Both interpretations are totally valid as long as they are based on canon and actually analysing the canon in a consistent manner.
The issue I have is certain people cherry picking and projecting their stories into it and claiming it’s an overall Cas’ arc since inception meta. That’s just not how meta writing works.
You can absolutely write that stuff but you can’t claim it’s objective and fully inclusive of canon and logical when it is just picking parts that fit your own desire for the character. Like, I didn’t want Lucifer to be centre stage in s13 but I didn’t just ignore it when it was.
Cherry picking things ie the one time Cas said “I just wanna be an Angel” when he was depressed, distraught at Dean’s death and wanted to stop feeling things as proof it’s what he really wants isn’t what I’d call meta writing of the whole story. That’s like saying Sam really wants to be a hunter and tag along beside his brother in the impala on the road for the rest of his life because he was a depressed, vengeful mess after Jess’ death and said ok let’s go. Is it really what Sam wants for himself and the rest of his life though? No way! That’s been clear too.
Even worse when some people claim to be bullied or triggered by other view points. Someone even screenshotted a few sentences I wrote that if you took away the top and bottom sentence looked like I was making no sense and anti Cas (me anti Cas. Lmao) but in the context obviously made sense and decided to create a wank storm about it because they didn’t like human cas meta and wanted to make me look bad. People need to grow up. This isn’t a meta discussion about interpretation it’s being a dick and being unable to contemplate another interpretation.
It makes a discussion totally impossible which moots the entire point of blogging on tumblr in the first place.
Absolutely all interpretations are valid, it’s just a case of how you pitch your interpretation. If you want to state your interpretation of a character absolutely go for it! I used to be all up for Angel!Cas meta until a few utter assholes decided to be personal and ridiculous about it. Now I don’t touch it with a barge pole. Same as M*gstiel.
But that doesn’t invalidate anyone’s good, thought out, canon analysing endgame Angel!Cas meta.
For example my own interpretation of the siren episode is different to many other meta writers, we can discuss it and have polite and great conversations without getting triggered / defensive because we aim to discuss author intent, our own interpretations and do so in a civil manner. There’s one meta writer in particular I’ve had altercations with in the past over some differences of opinion on speculative things and ways of writing meta but who I get on well with, admire and like talking to because we are adults and literally get over it.
There’s also a few people who unfortunately though I agree meta wise about things on the show have been so nasty irl to myself and others that I’ve cut them off completely.
Interpretations are interpretations until they are canon, I’m lucky that most of mine have become so or are clearly on their way but I can also be wrong ie I thought Asmodeus would be more important to character exposition than he was, life moves on. I also didn’t realise quite what it would mean that he would be a Bucklemming own concept and not really used by anyone else, I thought perhaps he’d be used by others by the wasn’t, now I have that knowledge in my pocket meta on anything that sets up for Bucklemming use is kinda meh don’t bother analysing it much it’s probably not hugely important to the overall story being told by the showrunner, ie Nick.
All interpretations are valid is very true. Eg. I can interpret Cas’ story as a metaphor for a queer kid (and in particular trans) coming from a conservative family and emancipating themselves and someone else can interpret it as an immigrants story.
If the show starts changing this then I will change my meta, because my meta is an analysis of what the show is doing, not what I want. For example I never wanted Dean to be queer representation, I was totally heteronormative and would have been totally cool with him ending up alone or with a woman, it’s the show that made me want something different for him through consistent and repeated canon blatant hints at something else. Same as Cas, I was totally ready in season 4 to just like him as a cool character and for him to bog off back to Heaven after being useful but he was captivating as an ally and it grew from there. For ages I would totally have put to one side the hints at a romantic part of his story and loved for him to become the third brother, it’s the show that made me see more between him and Dean, I never would have imagined that myself, I was a boring heterormative adult more interested in the individual characters’ stories than shipping, I thought shipping was just maritime transferral of goods before I was like wtf and googled Destiel after 10x05 cos I’d finally found a name for what I’d been seeing evolve for 6 years.
Sam goes for Cas’ own individual arc and what he wants. I never had a clue what I wanted from him until the show told me what I should want by repeating something clearly over 10 years. If they suddenly change any part of the story then they change it (and I’ll be annoyed they changed something so entrenched but I’m not going to bitch @ tptb for it or whatever, it’s their choice, they’re the creator and once it’s changed I’ll meta that) but so far it’s been the same, clear story to me for 10 years.
An interpretation is an interpretation but it’s when you start, as I do and some others do, saying you believe this one is the authors intention that you have to be more careful about backing it up with canon and logic and not getting #triggered when someone disagrees.
If you’re going to pitch it as what you believe the author intent is then you have to leave your personal projections at the door and work solely based on the canon, the production, what the author may have said outside of canon etc. It has nothing to do with your own wants for the character or show.
It also means when someone has valid canon supported arguments to the contrary you can have a really interesting discussion and I love that.
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gorogues · 6 years
Spoilers for this week’s issue of Suicide Squad here!
apprenticenanoswarm replied to your photo post: ???????? so.....was digger a member of the rogues....before len.....joined.... the rogues....?
apprenticenanoswarm replied to your photo post: i am so very confused
I think it's just a mistake on Rob Williams' part and we should pretend the bit about them not knowing each other didn't happen.  Not the first time this situation has happened in comics, unfortunately.  It's one of the perils of a shared universe and multiple writers.
apprenticenanoswarm replied to your photo post: also! wait, if owen's almost 20, then digger must be like 38-39?
Must be, although it's possible Digger's closer to 35 or so.  He does look very young, and I wonder if this is one of the first instances of characters overtly aging up after they were mostly de-aged for the New 52.  So it's an interesting development.
shadow-wolfhawk replied to your photo post: ... Not happy with this... When I said I wanted Owen to come back, this is not what I meant... kinda wish they had left the whole "Digger was a secret agent" as a thing he made up, like Waller had said. 'Cause now not only does Digger's background not make any sense, they've ruined Owen..
I definitely see your point about the secret agent thing, and to some extent I agree.  On the other hand, I do find it stupidly funny (and 'stupidly funny' is one of my favourite things), so I'm torn there.  It is definitely weird, and as noted in the review, makes his continuity a huge confusing headache.  I suppose we're not meant to think too hard about it, which is awkward for those of us who do in fact like to think hard about these things.
Certainly not going to defend what they've done with Owen though, as I'm rather appalled too :\
ashlethenggm replied to your photo post: This issue made me numb. DC flushed Owen away and brought in some random ginger to fill his shoes. I'm numb
I'm so sorry :(  I hope things improve...I've seen some pretty big character clusterducks redeemed before, so it can happen.  We just need a writer who cares.
truxi-twice replied to your text post: oh. i didn't know owen was back-but-not. that...that really hurts. i loved owen so much.
I know, and I'm really sorry...I didn't tag you because I wasn't sure you'd want to see it :(  Hopefully another writer will pick him up and shape him back to something we can recognize, but until then, it's tough.
sharpandtothepoint replied to your photo post: Meh im happy I got Owen back in continuity plue hes a genius in this version so yeah not what i was expecting but im okay with this. I hope he'll show up more in the future.
I'm glad you're happy, and I really mean that...it's a good thing when people are enjoying their hobby :)  Hopefully you continue to enjoy what they do with him!
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