#there was no one else in the kitchen in the 30 seconds it took for the brownie to go missing
Recently, through Twitter, I have become aware of the fact that modern American parents have been very ignorant of their parental duties when it comes to their children. Parents are banding together to complain about the schools their children attend because their kids are getting bad grades in class, or they're getting detentions for doing bad consistently, or they're being held back because they're just not at the same level as their peers.
There was an entire thread of some woman whining about how the school was failing her kid, because his English class grade was so bad. There were thousands of comments agreeing and various reposts with anecdotes from other parents with similar experiences.
"My 26 y/o son can't even write a check for God's sake!"
And one single person finally replied with, "Do you guys not teach your kids anything at home before they start going to school?" Which then spawned people with actual common sense questioning the level of involvement these people had in the lives of their kids.
This is what led to a large surge of people complaining about how it's the school's job to teach them everything and they did their job just keeping them alive.
Now, I don't want to be mean, but it's gonna come across that way.
Parents are lazy these days.
When I was a child, my Nana and mom had me learning with Hooked on Phonics before I entered pre-K. I was 3 years old and already sounding out words that rhymed. I was practicing how quickly I could say them in under 30 seconds so I could progress to the next lesson.
mat hat sat that cat vat pat bat fat lat rat brat
When I was in pre-K(4 years old), they had a single, really old computer that had a bunch of Winnie the Pooh CD-ROM games. Because I always got my work done faster than everybody else, they let me use the computer because I could actually read and follow Pooh's instructions, and it kept me busy.
And when I entered kindergarten for the first time, I was really surprised to see that Hooked on Phonics was actually part of my curriculum and I was already very well ahead of everyone else. My mom and Nana took traching me very seriously. They not only read to me, but they would also get me Madeline books and cassette tapes from the children's library downtown. And then I would listen to the cassettes telling the story while reading the book at the same time to get used to the words.
At three years old, I was helping out in the kitchen, learning all of the different kitchen utensils and types of measurement. My mom often went between English, French and American Sign Language at random times so I picked up a lot of stuff that way. We never had a computer in the house for the first 12 years of my life, but I did have an old keyboard to learn how to type. Nana gave me basic piano lessons for a couple years. Mom taught me how to hem my clothes because she would buy me bigger clothes, hem them to size, and then let them out as I grew. Hell, Sperm Donor taught me how to write a check when I was 8. He was also a Financial Adviser, so I got a lot of lessons on money management, investments, and 401Ks and shit.
All these incredibly simple things ended up benefiting me later on, because I was so far ahead of all of the other students that it consistently put me at odds with them. I was better at reading, cooking, sewing, music, languages, etc... I was allowed time to do whatever I wanted while the rest of them had to catch up.
There is a lot more to being a parent than just making sure your kid eats three meals a day and doesn't die in a stupid way. And it seems like a lot of parents these days have completely forgotten that they have a duty to their kids beyond the feeding and clothing thing.
Certain things SHOULD be taught in schools, like how to balance a checkbook. But if it's clear that the school won't cover it, why aren't YOU doing something about that? And why do so many parents have no clue what the hell their kids are even getting up to in school? Why don't y'all get involved in your kid's lives?
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lamarie-artsy · 11 months
I'm starting to empathise with Alpheus trying to murder a twelve year old
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deantfwinchester · 4 months
Late Nights
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Pairing: No-Outbreak!AU, back on my Joel x Teacher!Reader shit (though her work hardly plays a role in this), established relationship
Summary: Getting home late is an unfortunately common occurrence in Joel’s line of work. When you both have busy days, it can be hard to find time to share, but you make do.
Warnings: extreme fluff, just utterly fucking saccharine at this point, is fluff without plot a tag?
It’s Wednesday night. Joel’s night to cook dinner.
You get home earlier every day, no question. But since you like to take most every night during the summer months, he insisted on a 60/40 split during the school year. Sundays, Mondays and Wednesdays are his. You had Tuesdays and Thursdays. Friday & Saturday are mainly for pizza, take out, or date-nights.
When he’d grill on Sunday afternoons, you liked to try and help him with prep, but he’d just pour you a glass of wine or mix you a drink and try to usher you out of the kitchen. You’d always sit and talk with him while he worked anyway. Sarah too, when she wasn’t working on homework or out with friends. It’s one of his favorite parts of the week.
On the nights he’d come home late, though, he always worried about leaving you to it. He was meant to be home cooking for the three of you while you relaxed, tried to let the stress of the school day roll off your back. He loved giving you that time.
This particular night, when six o’clock rolled around and he realized he still had a good hour or more on the site, he knew he needed to let you know he wouldn’t be timely with his return. Didn’t want you to worry.
You’re on the couch, grading. By this time of night, Joel’s normally taken the work from your hands and pulled your attention toward anything else. Noticing the room darkening, you wonder where he is, just as your phone dings:
Wednesday, October 7, 6:03 PM:
Sorry baby, gonna be later than I hoped tonight. Y’all don’t wait on me, okay?
Supposed to be my night too, dammit. I apologize, sweetheart.
You’d told him till you were blue in the face he didn’t need to apologize to you when he was the one having to work until long after dark. It never took.
You responded quickly, knowing his phone would be back in his pocket and forgotten again soon when his attention turned again to the work and his team.
Wednesday, October 7, 6:04 PM: (Outgoing)
Dont worry about it, sweetie. i promise i can handle dinner, just don’t work too hard and get home when you can ❤️
And take a break and drink some water, will ya? if that bottle ain’t empty yet, you haven’t had enough! see you soon, love.
He’d be dead on his feet when he walked through the door, that much you knew. And he’d have no business rifling around in the kitchen for something random he’d throw together, not substantial enough by far for a day of working like he’d been. You hopped up and started to the kitchen, determined to make a hearty meal for you and Sarah to share now, and to ensure Joel had a real meal when he finally made it home for the night.
A couple of hours had passed by the time Joel finally walked through the door. You’re back on the couch, this time reading a book while the lights from the tv danced softly in the dimly lit room, with a bare haze of sound playing at low volume.
It was nearly 8:30 when you heard the key turning in the door. Sarah had retired to her room for the night after dinner. She’d tried to help you clean the dishes, but you’d ushered her off to relax after spending most of the afternoon doing homework.
Joel trudges wearily through the door, shoulders slouched and eyes heavy-lidded when he thinks you can’t see him. The second he lays eyes on you, though, his posture straightens and his expression brightens, eyes opening a bit more as he lifts into a smile. Your expression mirrors his, and you sit up, closing your book and rising to meet him halfway. You practically speak over each other in greeting:
“Hi darlin’, how was your day?” he says.
“Hey honey, how’d it go today?” you ask.
You laugh a bit when you realize you’re asking the same question on top of each other, and he pulls you close, arms resting heavily around your waist. You drape yours around his neck as he leans down to kiss you. When you pull away to look at his face, you see past the tired smile he wears to the exhaustion etched in his face, settled in his drooping eyes.
You move one hand up, fiddling gently with the strands of hair at the back of his head. You smile and put light pressure on the base of his neck with your other hand, moving his head down to rest on your shoulder. He catches on instantly, and settles comfortably where you direct him. He nuzzles into the nape of your neck and you feel his eyes close against your collarbone, his warm fatigued breaths rhythmically grazing your chest.
You continue playing with his hair with one hand, while the other remains resting on the back of his neck. You turn your head to place a soft kiss to his temple and, after a moment of restful silence, quietly speak:
“You’re tired, huh? I missed you today.”
“Missed you too, baby,” he murmurs against your neck, tightening his grip around your waist, and snuggling closer.
“You gotta be hungry. Got a plate waitin’ for ya in the fridge. Want me to warm it up?” you ask him, moving your hand down his neck to rub gently against his back. He breathes deeply in contentment at your comforting touch.
“No, I’m never leaving this spot. I live here now,” he says, and you feel the rumble of his voice against your chest. You chuckle lightly and speed up your ministrations, applying a bit more pressure as you discover the tightness of the muscles in his back.
“Mhm. And when was the last time you ate? Or drank anything for that matter?” you ask knowingly.
“Uhhhh, i guess it was, arou-“ he cuts himself off with a yawn, “around lunch time? Maybe one? Did finish that bottle like you asked, though,” and he smacks his lips lazily, somehow nuzzling further into your shoulder.
“Good, thank you. But lunch was seven hours ago now, so you need to eat something. Wanna start there? Or shower first?” you ask, chuckling a bit.
He raises his head a bit and squints at you, frowning playfully. “You sayin’ I smell, darlin’?” he mumbles, laughing into your shoulder.
You giggle in response before elaborating: “I’m saying you’re sweaty and would feel better if you rinsed the day off before crawling into bed.”
He sighs and rasps into your neck, “you changed the sheets didn’t you?” you feel a smile form against your chest.
“Sure did. So it’s food, shower, and bedtime. You can pick the order. Which first? Want me to grab your dinner?” you ask.
He sighs deeper this time, “What’s that thing about objects in motion and objects at rest or somethin’? Gonna keep doing whatever they already got goin’ on?”
You rumble a little laugh in return before responding. “I see. C’mon Newton, let’s keep ya moving. Go hop in the shower while I get your dinner ready.” You say, patting his cheek as he raises his head with a little groan.
You catch his eyes with your own and let your hand rest on his cheek. You move a thumb beneath his chin and pull him to you, giving him one last peck before ushering him down the hall. You pull his plate from the fridge and get to work on reheating his meal.
He emerges less than ten minutes later smelling fresh and dressed in a clean t-shirt and a pair of plaid pajama pants, padding into the kitchen just as you’re filling a glass of water to place next to his warmed plate. He rubs a fist into one eye, yawning again, and plops into a chair at the kitchen table.
You approach behind him, placing the glass on the table with one hand and rubbing his shoulder with the other. He lifts a hand to grab yours and squeeze as he takes a sip. His eyes reach up to meet your own.
“Thank you. You didn’t have to do this, sweetheart. It was my night anyway, and now you’ve cooked and even put the damn plate in front of me,” he huffs.
“You don’t need to thank me, love” you respond, leaning down to kiss him again before taking the seat next to him with the glass of wine you’d poured to sip while you sat with him. You reach for his left hand where it rests on the table, and gently squeeze. He wraps his fingers around yours before you can retreat. Your fingers remain intertwined for the duration of the meal.
The two of you discussed the highlights of your respective days - roses and thorns, both too sleepy to bother with buds. When Joel finishes, you grab his plate to wash, but he takes it from you.
“No way are you washing my dishes too, honey. You’ve done enough already tonight,” he tries to insist. You’re not having it.
“Will you just let me take care of you, dummy? You’re bone tired, I can see it in those beautiful brown eyes. Here. How about this?” you rinse the plate and utensils, shove them quickly in the dishwasher, close it emphatically, and raise your empty hands.
He rolls his eyes, but relents with an exasperated sigh. “Whatever you say, darlin’,” he responds smiling, a bit bashful from the care and compliment.
“Good. Now c’mon, bedtime.” you say, taking his hand in yours once again and leading him to the bedroom.
“Whatever you want, baby” he grins, raising his eyebrows suggestively. You can’t help bellow a hearty laugh at that one.
“Jesus, like you could keep your eyes open, Miller,” you respond, as you pull the covers back and lead him onto the bed next to you. You settle back against the headboard and open your arms up, beckoning him into your lap. He shuffles closer and leans into your embrace.
“It was-“ he pauses, only to finish through a yawn “- worth a shot.” You chuckle quietly as he rests his head in your lap, eyes instantly slipping closed.
You turn on the tv, keeping the volume low. It’s only a little after 9, so still early for you to fall asleep. You would read, but you’d rather turn off the light, hoping the dimness in the room helps him get some good rest.
You lay one hand on his back and the other in his hair, both softly rubbing in comforting circles, and you feel him melt further into you. A familiar warmth fills your chest at the sight of him there, resting peacefully in your lap. You lean down and press one last kiss to his head before whispering to him.
“Good night, sweetheart.”
“G’night, darlin’” he rumbles, muffled into your lap. You smile, one hand still on his back as the other reaches up, flicking off the lamp, before returning it to his hair. Your fingers gently massage his scalp, and within minutes, you hear his soft snores.
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lovingmattysposts · 4 months
You don't know me 30
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pairing: y/n and chris sturniolo
summary: you and chris came from two different sides of the spectrum when it came to the social scale. You had the perfect life, the perfect boyfriend, the perfect parents, but when you start to peal back that layers things got messy. Your life was set and stone, your future was set and stone. That was until he comes and changes everything.
warnings: family drama, sad
This was awkward.
No this wasn't awkward. This was painful.
I chewed the food slowly in my mouth as I kept glancing from my plate to my mother.
"Thank you, you can go" My father said to Moria, our kitchen staff, as she set down the rest of the brie. She looked up at him before nodding and walking out of the dining room. I just watched her as she left.
Silence again.
There wasn't even awkward small talk between my parents. Just silence. I smacked my lips.
"Another family dinner.” I hummed looking at my plate. The second one of…my entire life? “If you're not careful I'll be expecting family vacations soon" I chuckled and looked up at Scott. He didn't laugh, nor smile.
I bit my tonuge, the effort to lighten the mood did not work. I looked up at my mother who picked up her wine glass and brought it up to her lips. I looked back down at my plate.
"You've been at the house quite a lot these past few days" Scott stated. I looked up at him. I opened my mouth and looked back down. "Yeah" I agreed with a small nod.
He looked down at his food, scrapping his fork against the plate.
"You're not seeing that Sturniolo boy anymore?" He asked. I glanced up at him. We held eye contact.
I didn't know if I should question the fact on why he knows about Chris and I, or if I should just answer the question.
"Um" I looked down, his gaze being too much. "I am, he's just in Boston right now visiting family" I mumbled. Scott hummed. Why was I nervous? I knew he wasn't curious on the status of Chris and I. There had to be something else, another motive in him asking.
"Are you still seeing Max then?" He asked dropping his fork all together. My fork stilled against my plate. I looked up at my mother to see if she had any indication on what he was on about. Her face didn't wavor and she looked to the side.
Her face screaming: I'm not interfering, I want to stay out of this.
"Uh, No. We broke up remember?" I glanced up at him. He nodded and looked to the side. "Yes, I remember. Just because you two broke up, doesn't mean that you stopped seeing him. I was just clarifying" He stated. I furrowed my eyebrows and leaned back in my chair.
"No, I think that's exactly what breaking up means. You stop seeing each other" I looked at Scott. He looked at me before nodding.
"Yes, usually that's what that means, but as I know now, you didn't take being together as what that means. You saw other people. I wasn't sure if you planned on following what 'breaking up' means" He said coldly. I looked up at my mother. She just looked at me.
"You spoke to Max" I breathed looking back down. There would be no other indication on how he knew that I had cheated on Max. My mother wouldn’t have told him, she knew I would spill her secrets too if she did.
"I saw him, yes" Scott replied. I clenched my jaw. "There's two side to every story, father" I snapped looking up at him. He licked his lips as he looked at me. "So i've heard" He nodded. I tore my gaze away from him.
I'm not about to be guilt tripped into feeling bad about what happened. I went through my stage of guilt. I was past it. I moved on. I wasn't going to sit here and relive it so Scott can throw daggers at me to try and make me feel bad.
I was done feeling bad for what I wanted. What I deserved.
I shoved my fork in my mouth to stop non-dinner-appropriate words from falling out.
"You mentioned that boy was in Boston" He spoke again. I took in a breath. Here we go again. I placed my fork down and leaned back, staring at him straight in the face. He now has my full attention, because whatever stunt he was pulling? I wanted to get it over with.
I wasn't scared of him anymore.
Now, I dared him to try me.
"Am I correct?" He raised his eyebrows from my shift. "You're correct. Chris--" He has a name. "--Is in Boston" I finished. He hummed looking down at his plate.
I've lived with this man for 18 years, he doesn't just make conversation. He has a purpose for bringing this up, because I knew he didn't give a fuck about Chris visitng his family in Boston.
"You know, I went to Boston once" He glanced up at me. I just looked at him. Where are you going with this Scott? He looked up, fake confusion crossing his brain. I just watched him as he put on his show.
"Wait, no. It wasn't Boston" He shook his head. Fake clarity washed over him as he lifted his finger. "It was New York" He nodded looking at me, before he snapped his head over to my mother with a smile.
"Do you remember when I visited New York, Clara?" He asked softly, but there were venom behind his words. Her whole body stiffened as she paused the sip she was going to take from her wine.
Her eyes shifted slowly over to Scott, she lowered her glass and cleared her throat.
"Yes" She stated calmly. I looked between them. I felt like I was looking through someone's underwear drawer right now. Whatever was going down, I wasn't suppose to be watching.
What the fuck was going on?
Scott tore his eyes from my mother and picked up his fork and stabbed a piece of chicken. My mother and I were no longer eating, our eyes were trained on him.
"New York was so lovely at the time." He smiled as he chewed. I felt like if I moved even half and inch, I was going to be in danger. I swallowed. He was smiling, but nothing behind the smile seemed joyful.
"I was young, about to graduate college a year early. I made connections to people in New York that I still have today, those people brought me to where I am today. The empire I've build today" His smile continued to fall as he spoke as he spoke sharply. I glanced at my mom, but she looked just as frozen as me.
One hand on the spine of her glass, the other frozen against her fork.
"I would say that I've taken care of this family pretty well. Haven't I Clara?" He asked looking up at her. You could see the panic on her face. She didn't respond for a second before she finally blinked.
"Y-Yes honey, of course you have. You've done tremendous things for this family. Don't you think so Y/n?" My mother looked at me. I opened my mouth to speak but my father cut me off.
"Do you remember the time frame of when I was in New York?" He asked, his gaze still stuck on my mother. I closed my mouth from when I was going to answer my mother's question. My mother's eyes slowly shifted back over to him and away from me.
She blinked and looked down at her plate. "No. I don't remember the exact days you were there. It was like 20 years ago" She shook her head as she scrapped her fork agaisnt the plate.
"18 years ago" He snapped. My face dropped as I looked at Scott. My mother took in a breath and swallowed.
"You may not remember the exact days I was in New York, but do you remember what you were doing?" He tilted his head. My mother opened her mouth before she shook it softy. Scott hummed and looked down, nodding.
I felt my blood run cold and my heart start to beat out of my chest.
"You know, the biggest moment of my entire life happened a few months after that New York trip.." His fork hitting the plate rang throughout the room as he dropped it against his plate. My mother's eyes were trained on the table as she just listened to him speak.
"It's when we found out we we're having you" He turned his head and his eyes connected with mine. My eyes went wide as I looked at him. I shook off my fear, even though I knew it was radiating off my face. I smiled and nodded.
Once I smiled back, he looked down at his plate, picking his fork back up. The only sound in the room was his fork moving. Not mine or my mother's just his as he slowly ate his food. I almost thought whatever game he was playing was over, until he spoke again.
"But then"
I took in a breath. "You know--" Scott chuckled, but I'm sure he wasn't finding humor out of anything he was saying. "I started doing some math" He sat back in his chair. My mother's eyes clicked up to his.
"You know math was one of my strongest suits, I got an A in Advanced Calculous my senior year of college" He placed his hand across the table. My mother didn't look at his hands, but kept eye contact with his face.
"And I was like--" He shook his head. "The last time would have been able to conceive would have been a month before that, because I was cramming for exams and you had started your period" He pointed to my mother. I watched as the color drained in my mother's face.
"After all, you were only 12 weeks when we figured out" He nodded. My mother cleared her throat. "You know the science, not all of that is completely exact on timing and everything" My mother spoke for the first time in a few minutes.
"It wouldn't have been a month unexact" He snapped quickly, which shut my mother up. She looked down. I glanced between them as he stared at her and her eyes glued to her lap.
"I'm gonna--" I started to stand
"You'll stay right there in your seat, young lady" His eyes snapped to mine and I froze. I looked at my plate as I took in a breath. I felt like I was running, sprinting. I couldn't breathe. If anything, I was scared. Not for myself but for my mother.
"I let it go, you know" His voice softened. He shook his head and chuckled. "I thought, I must have been crazy. I was shocked by the news and I was just overthinking. I did a study, it said every young parent goes through questioning and denial. So I wrote it off as that." He breathed shaking his head.
My mother swallowed.
"Then we had the baby" He breathed. I felt my heart clench when he didn't saw my name. He refered to me as 'the baby'.
"It who else did it look exact like other than...the boy you told me 'was just your study partner'" He said. I took in a breath and my mother turned her head, but I saw tears starting to form.
"The boy who 'just walked you to class' or just 'needed to borrow your notes'" He went on and my mother's face shook.
"I thought I was delusional, that I was forcing myself to see something that wasn't there. That I was just in shock that I was barley 21 years old and was taking on a new born" He shook his head.
"By the time she turned one, I'd completely forgotten about the name James Doe" He hit his fork against the plate.
My mother closed her eyes at the mention of his name. I just watched frantically not knowing how this was going to play out.
"But then she had his hair color, by the time when she was three. She had his love for the stars, by the time she turned 10." My mother winced with every word.
"--And who do I see sitting with our daughter yesterday inside of the resturant on 18th street?" He asked softly looking at her. My mother winced.
My face fell. He'd finally reached his breaking point, the finalized decison, because of me? I felt the color leave my face. My mother looked up at me in confusion.
"I-" I shook my head getting ready to explain myself, to defend myself, to even say that I was on date with my brother and just meeting his father--just to save my mother for whatever was about that happen.
My father raised his hand to face. I shut my mouth and bit my tonuge. His gaze remained on my mother.
"I'm gonna give you a choice, Clara." He folded his napkin in his lap. I swallowed as I looked between them and fear crossed my mother’s face.
"--but first, I want to hear you say it" He stated blankly staring at her with his jaw clenched. Her eyes widened.
"Wh-What--" She said softly.
"Look me in the eyes and tell me who her father is" He pointed at me. I looked between them. My mother looked from him to me. I looked down at my plate, her gaze being too much.
"Tell me how you let a low-life fuck you and get you pregnant" He snapped. My eyes widened from the curse leaving Scott's mouth. I'd never heard him speak in such a way.
Also the term he used 'low-life' rang in my head like dynamite. The same terminology Max used.
I clenched my fists. That's my father he was speaking about.
"He's not a low-life" I stated.
You could hear a pin drop the way the room went silent. Slowly, Scott's head turned and he looked at me. His jaw was clenched and his eyes bore into mine.
Not the fucking time Y/n, can you read social cues?
"He's kind and....."
Shut the fuck up.
"James is her father" My mother spoke. Scott's gaze looked towards her. She let out a breath and tears welded at her eyes. "I-I wanted it to be yours Scott. You have to believe me, I really did and I'm so so--"
He held up his hand, she stopped speaking but I could still hear her breathing sporadically. She swallowed as Scott closed his eyes.
"I'm gonna give you two choice's Clara" He breathed. My heart was pounding against her chest.
"One, you can pack your shit and get out of my house" He spoke softly as if he was just having a normal conversation. My mother's eyes widened as she began to shake her head.
"Because after all, I make the income. You just sit there and look pretty" He snapped, but he wasn't complementing her. He was degrading her worth.
"So your absence wouldn't hurt me at all finnacally speaking. If anything I'd save money--and lose a tainted wife" He snapped. My mother's lip quievered.
"I won't make a big deal. I'll divorce you, it'll be quiet. No gossip would spread around town about it. I know how to make things seal tight, unlike you." He glared at her.
"Surely, you'll have to go back to your family--I'm sure your father would love that wouldn't he? You'll have no income, no house, nothing. Not even your dignity" He tilted her head at her. She closed her eyes as tears fell down her cheeks.
"What's the second option?" Her voice broke. His shifted over to me. I couldn't feel my legs at this point and I felt my eyes start to water.
"She's a Doe. She's should live like a Doe" He stated looking at my mother. I sat up as her eyes opened.
"What--?" I said quickly. "You're kicking me out?" I snapped looking between them. My father picked up his fork. "I'm not kicking you out" He shook his head. He lifted his fork and pointing at my mother.
"It's Clara's choice" He stated. "You can love a Labraut" He pointed to himself. "Or you can love a Doe" He pointed his fork towards me. My mother's lip quivered. My mouth fell open.
"Because I refuse to have one piece of anything connected to that man living in my house." He snapped making my mother flinch.
"What? Mom---" Tears fell out of my eyes as I looked at my mom pleadingly. She wasn't looking at me, she stared at Scott. She took in a breath.
"Mom, please. Where am I suppose to go---I don't have anywhere to--" I choked on my words as I begged my mother to look at me.
"Mom" I cried. She closed her eyes and took in a breath. Scott chewed his food as if he wasn't putting an ultimatum up that could change my entire life.
The only sounds in the room were my father eating and me trying to hold back the tears.
She glanced up at me. I shook my head mouthing “Please” as the panic started to rise in me. She swallowed and looked down at her lap.
"Thomas" My mother's voice yelled. My eyes snapped towards the door as I heard Thomas, one of my father's assistants enter the room. I looked back at my mom. She reached up and wiped a stray tear from her face as she cleared her throat.
"Have Y/n things packed within the hour please" She said looking at him.
I stared at my mother. My mouth falling open as I watched everything that was once my life crumble into pieces at the dinner table.
3 minutes and one decision. One conversation. And my entire life was going to be different. Tears ran down my face. This isn’t happening.
Thomas glanced to me as I shook my head. He looked back towards my mother.
"You're dismissed" She breathed looking back down at her plate. She picked up her fork. I looked between Scott and my mother as they picked at their food.
"Mom?" I cried, it was barley audioble. She swallowed as her chin quivered, but she didn't respond. She didn’t even look up at me.
I took in a breath as I looked over at Scott.
"You can't do this. This--This is child abandonment" I shook my head looking at him. His fork hit the plate.
"You're 18, it's not child abandonment, and you're also not my child" He spat looking at me. Silence again. I shook my head as my mother refused to look at me.
“But—“ Tears ran down my face. They didn’t say anything as I sat there in tears, they just continued to eat. “I’m your child” I whispered. Nothing. Just the clenched jaw of my mother chewing her food.
I picked up my napkin before roughly scooting my chair out and slamming the napkin down on the table. They didn't look up at me.
"You're insecure" I snapped at Scott. He glanced up at me with my eyebrows raised. "You-You're insecure because you know that James is a better man than you'll ever---"
"Finish that sentence and I'll pull Dan's file by tomorrow morning" He spoke calmly. I looked down at my feet before taking in a breath that came in more like a sob. I looked at my mother, she stopped eating but her eyes were still strained on the table.
"You're a coward" I cried before pushing off my feet and out of the dining room. I brought my hand up to my face as I muffled a sob and walked up the stairs to my room.
I walked in before seeing Thomas packing my things into various suitcases. He looked up at me, with a look of pity all over his face. He stood up straight.
"Is-Is there anything specific you would like me to pack for you Ms. Labraut?" He asked calmly. I wiped my nose before walking in and grabbing a sweatshirt.
"Just the stars off the ceiling, and if it's a designer brand, leave it here" I mumbled before pushing off my feet and making my way back towards the door. He went back to packing and I paused looking back at him.
"And it’s Ms. Doe" I spoke, he just blinked at me before I pushed out of my room
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daysofyellowroses · 4 months
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carmen berzatto x reader | 3.8k | tw: pregnancy, implied smut, general nonsense
“I need a favor.”
“A favor?”
“Yes. A favor.”
You were already beginning to regret asking, watching Carmy swivel in his chair and ponder the request. Or he was staring into space, it wasn't clear.
“Alright,” He nodded after a moment. “What is it?”
You took a deep breath, bracing yourself. It would have been easier to ask him to murder someone than what you were about to.
“It turns out that I am responsible for making 30 cupcakes for this Saturday and I could use some guidance.”
“I see,” Carmy nodded, pointing the spoon in his hand at you. “and what else? Sandwiches, burgers, hot dogs, stop me when I get the right one.”
You let out a sigh.
“And..three trays of sandwiches. And mini quiches, egg rolls, a crudités platter and a cake.”
“Okay,” Carmy sat up a little, lightly tapping the spoon against his cheek. “Just..a couple of questions.”
You walked closer to the desk, leaning against it and giving Carmy a nod. “Fire away.”
“First, why are you responsible for all of that?”
“Because apparently I promised my best friend if she ever got pregnant I would plan the entire baby shower.”
“Uh-huh. Why?”
“Because I was very, very intoxicated at her bachelorette party.”
He smirked a little, and you rolled your eyes with a small smile.
“Noted. Second question,”
“Third,” You interjected, holding up three fingers. “Technically.”
“Third question, is there a theme to this party?”
“No, of course not,” You frowned, folding your arms. “Themes are for kid's birthday parties and epic novels.”
“Hm, I thought so.”
“What's that supposed to mean?”
“It just doesn't seem very..you know,” Carmy set the spoon down in his lap before interlocking his hands. “cohesive, I guess.”
You rested your hand on the desk, lightly tapping your nails on the surface.
“I'm willing to ignore that remark if you help me.”
“Alright, fourth question..why do I have to help you?”
You thought about it for a moment, working out your best angle to get him on board.
“Well..because I love my best friend and I want to give her an amazing experience, it's basically free publicity for the new restaurant, and we're..you know,” You gestured between yourself and Carmy with a grin. “We're friends. We're close. We kissed that time.”
“Yeah, yeah we did,” Carmy nodded, looking down for a moment before looking up with a smile. “When we were like..six? I don't see what that has to do with me adding to my already hectic schedule.”
“I would just really appreciate your help, even just a little guidance,” You smiled, holding your hands up. “What is the point of having a world-class chef as a friend if he doesn't help you out occasionally..”
“I promise to think about it,” Carmy nodded, picking his spoon back up and pointing at you. “Can you cook anything more advanced than french toast?”
“Depends on your definition of advanced,” You shrugged, pushing off the desk. “I look forward to your decision, I know you'll make the right one.”
“Get out of here,” Carmy rolled his eyes with a small smile. “I'll text you.”
You were heading to the front door when you bumped into Richie, who was carrying a box he promptly dropped on the nearest plastic-covered surface when he saw you, wiping his hands.
“Hey. What brings you here?”
“Me?” You gestured to yourself as you walked closer to Richie. “I just..I thought it was time. To declare my undying love for you.”
“Hm,” Richie nodded, rubbing his jaw before stepping closer to you and touching your shoulder. “I gotta be honest, I thought you'd never do it. Vegas wedding?”
“Vegas wedding,” You nodded with a grin. “Bye fuck-face.”
“See you later darling.”
It was the following afternoon when you got a very simple text from Carmy, relief flooding you as you read it.
‘Fine. Address?’
Opening your front door and seeing Carmen Berzatto standing on the other side was something you hadn't experienced for a long time, but it was a welcome return.
“Come on in, everything is set up in the kitchen,” You smiled, holding the door open and frowning slightly as you saw a worn grocery store bag in Carmy's hand. “Did you bring stuff when I told you that you didn't need to?”
“Sure did,” Carmy nodded, gesturing to his shoes. “Off? On?”
“Whatever you're comfortable with,” You waved your hand, gesturing to the bag. “I got everything, you really didn't need to waste your money on..liquid potassium or whatever, the food is not going to be anything too complicated.”
Carmy raised a brow as he slipped off his shoes. “You do know I'm a chef, not a mad scientist, right?”
“Oh shut up,” You sighed as he laughed, leading him into the kitchen.
“The fuck is liquid potassium anyway?”
“Here we are,” You spun around to face Carmy, gesturing to your humble kitchen, the dining table covered in various ingredients, in no particular order. “I really appreciate your help, I know you're busy.”
“It's fine,” Carm nodded, walking over to the table and setting the bag on the floor before picking up things on the table and inspecting them. “I'm not uh..I'm not needed, today.”
“Well I need you,” You grinned, walking over to the table. “The plan is I prepare everything today, then tomorrow I just have to heat up, and serve.”
“Organized, I like it,” Carmy nodded, looking over to you. “Where exactly do I fit in all this?”
“You..are my assistant for the day. Executive assistant, really.”
You gestured to the bag on the floor. “Show me what you got.”
An hour later, your kitchen was a whole lot messier, but progress was going well. Carmy had the patience of a saint, calmly explaining how everything was done. You were surprised how quickly you were picking up what he taught you, usually you got halfway through a YouTube cooking tutorial and gave up, ordering takeout instead.
“Okay, what's next on the list?” You asked, sprinkling herbs onto the egg roll pastry before wiping your hands. “I still can't believe you made me write a fucking list.”
“You needed the list,” Carmy grinned, reaching for the slip of paper. “Trust me. Okay, once you've finished those we can..almost cross off all the savory, just crudités but that's pretty simple. I can show you how to make dips, if you want.”
“Thought you'd never ask,” You grinned, flicking a loose crumb of pastry at him. “the vegetables are in the..”
You looked up for a minute, trying to think.
“Bottom of the fridge,” Carmy supplied, gently touching your back as he passed you to get to the fridge. “got them.”
You rolled up the pastry under your hands, setting it aside with the other egg rolls that had been prepared.
“So how has it been, being back?” You asked, going to rinse your hands. “I feel like I never asked you properly.”
“It's..fine, yeah,” Carmy replied, his head in the fridge when you glanced over to him. “Hasn't changed, much, well..you know. Never thought I'd end up back here.”
“At least you got out,” You shrugged, drying your hands before moving back to the counter. “How was New York? Incredible?”
“Incredible,” Carmy repeated, coming back to join you and reaching for a bowl. “Hand me that cucumber, please?”
“I need to visit one day,” You sighed, reaching for the cucumber and handing it over. “It's like..it's just there, I can go anytime, but I don't..I will, though.”
“Mm,” Carmy nodded. “You can pour greek yogurt into a bowl if you want.”
“On it,” You smiled, going to get a bowl. “I feel like such a domestic goddess right now, I gotta say. I never really cook. Not like this.”
“Are you enjoying it?” Carmy asked, not looking up from cutting up the cucumber. “I know cutting up vegetables isn't exactly an adrenaline rush.”
“I am enjoying it,” You got a bowl and went to set it on the counter, standing by Carmy. “It's relaxing. I'm not thinking about anything except the next step. I don't have to worry about anything except what I add next.”
“Lemon,” Carmy gestured to the yellow fruit over on the table. “Worry over.”
You smiled as you spooned the yogurt into the bowl, glancing over to Carmy. “You wanna know a secret?”
“Is it..that you're actually a serial killer who kills your victims by liquid potassium poisoning?”
“Oh shut the fuck up,” You groaned, going to grab the lemons as Carmy laughed and shook his head.
“Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. What's this other secret?”
“No, I'm not telling you now,” You sighed, taking the lemons back to the counter. “If you're just gonna be an ass.”
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry,” Carm murmured softly, gently nudging you. “Please tell me.”
“It's a world exclusive secret,” You grinned, walking over to the table and picking up your bag from one of the chairs. “Only three people will now know..”
You reached into your bag, pulling out a clean white envelope.
“Time to see if we need to use the pink or blue food dye.”
“What do you mean?” Carmy looked over to you. “Like a..gender reveal? That's still a thing?”
“I know it's a little cheesy,” You shrugged, looking down at the envelope. “But my best friend is just really excited to have this baby, she wants to know everything she can. So she gave me this,” You held up the envelope. “And I get to whip up some frosting.”
“So, what's it gonna be?” Carmy asked as you walked back over.
“Let's see,” You opened the envelope slowly, feeling Carmy's eyes on you. “Ah..not what I expected.”
You handed the paper over to Carmy as you picked up a lemon. “There's gonna be a little kid running around that looks like her..crazy.”
“Nice, though,” Carmy shrugged, setting the paper aside. “You know, if you..if you're someone that wants that.”
“Mm,” You nodded, taking a knife to cut the lemon. “She has, for a long time. I was so excited for her when she told me. Then I went and agreed to do all this, because..”
“You were drunk?” Carmy supplied.
“Yes, that,” You laughed, shaking your head. “It's not going that bad though, right? Everything is under control.”
“True, but uh..” You looked up as you felt Carmy's hand on your arm, looking down and finding yourself staring at his tattoos.
“You might want to cut the lemons, not your fingers.”
“What? Shit,” You frowned as you looked back to your hands, a trickle of blood appearing. “Spoke too soon.”
“It's okay,” Carmy led you to the sink. “just wash it off, have you got band-aids?”
“Uh..yeah, I think so,” You nodded, running the water. “in the bathroom cabinet.”
“Okay, wait here.”
A few minutes later you were leaning against the counter watching Carmy apply a band-aid to your finger with the precision of a surgeon.
“I can't remember the last time someone put a band-aid on me,” You murmured softly. “Thanks.”
“Don't mention it,” Carm looked up, his hand still holding yours. “I'm an expert at it.”
“So I see,” You smiled, inspecting your finger. “Excellent work. I'll be sure and recommend you.”
“I might need the extra work,” He sighed. “We're getting close to the deadline and it just feels like we're not progressing.”
“Hey,” You gently squeezed his hand. “Stressing out won't change anything except to make everything harder. Just keep going, do what you need to do, and then on the tiny, tiny, chance it doesn't work out you have a career lined up as a professional band-aider. You can patch up my victims.”
Carmy was quiet for a moment before he laughed, really laughed, and you felt a weight slip off your shoulders.
After a moment a comfortable silence fell over the two of you, your eyes held on each other.
“I should actually be going,” Carmy spoke before you could finish. “I just remembered I need to call this guy about the..”
“Okay,” You nodded, clearing your throat. “I can..I can handle the rest. Don't let me keep you if you're in a rush.”
You could see the guilt in Carm’s eyes, choosing to look away.
“I'm sorry to leave you in the middle of all this.”
“Don't be sorry,” You shrugged, looking down to your bandaged finger. “It's my responsibility, I got it. Thank you for your help.”
Carmen gave you a nod and you mustered up a smile in return, watching him leave.
A couple of hours later, the sun had set and your kitchen lights were bright as you flicked some cupcake batter off your fingers. When you heard a knock at the door you looked up, pausing for a minute before grabbing a cloth to wipe your hands.
“Coming, hang on.” You called, setting the cloth aside and heading to the door.
It wasn't a total surprise to see Carmen on the other side.
“Hey,” He said after a moment. “Can I come in?”
“Of course,” You stood aside, holding the door open. “Come on in.”
You watched him as he took a deep breath, hand clutching the zip of his jacket.
“So, about earlier, I-”
“I know,” You smiled, holding up your hand. “It was a lot. It was fun, and..domestic, and kind of intense, and that's a lot. I get it.”
“Yeah,” Carmy breathed, nodding sofly. “But..I'd still like to help you out, if you'll let me.”
“Then get your shoes off and get in the kitchen,” You smiled. “I'm just starting the cupcakes. Assistance is definitely needed.”
Half an hour and a lot of batter later, the cupcakes were in the oven, and the daunting prospect of the cake stood in front of you.
“Do I really need to make a cake and cupcake?” You mused, looking at the messy counter. “It feels excessive.”
“You're making the cake,” Carm nudged you gently. “Show me what you've learned.”
“Prepare to be amazed,” You grinned. “For better or worse.”
You cleared some space on the counter and glanced over to Carmy for a moment with a raised brow. “Hold still, you got batter in your hair.”
You gently moved your hand to carefully remove the fleck of batter.
“Would I be out of line to suggest you might be overdue for a haircut?”
Carmy laughed softly and shook his head, ruffling his messy curls.
“It's on a list, somewhere. I'll get round to it eventually.”
“I could do it,” You suggested, looking back to the counter and taking a clean bowl. “I know my way around a pair of scissors.”
“Really really,” You nodded, reaching for the flour. “you help me with this cake, I'll make you look like a new man.”
Once the cupcakes were out of the oven and the cake was in, you sent Carmy off to wash his hair in your shower, leaning against the counter when he was gone and taking a deep breath. You reached for the note that your best friend had given you, smiling as you read over it.
When Carm came back into the kitchen, you felt your heart race a little. He was dressed the same of course but his damp hair was slicked back, and he had a warm, clean scent that still had a musk to it that was really doing it for you.
“The cake will be a while, I checked,” You smiled. “Skewered it like a pro. Take a seat, let's get you fixed up.”
“Are you going to skewer me?” Carmy asked, raising a brow as he sat on the chair you'd moved up by the counter. “I'm a little intrigued.”
“You'll see,” You grinned, picking up the blue towel you'd grabbed when Carmy was in the shower. “Be on your best behavior just in case.”
“Yes ma'am.”
“Alright,” You draped the towel around Carmy's shoulders, adjusting it a little before picking up the scissors and a comb. “Let's see what we can do. Head down, please.”
“About earlier,” Carmy began, and you felt a knot twist in your stomach. “I..I just want to apologize, I shouldn't have just left like that.”
“It's okay,” You murmured softly, gently combing his hair and holding the ends between your fingers. “Like I said, I get it.”
“No, it's..it's complicated,” Carmy sighed. “Because..I don't want you to think that I didn't enjoy being domestic and having fun with you, because I did, and I think you're great, I really..I really like you and it just freaked me the fuck out a little.”
“Like when we were six,” You smiled softly, gently snipping his hair. “And I kissed you. You freaked out and left me alone in that treehouse. I was devastated.”
“Hey I didn't expect it,” Carm shrugged. “You didn't give me a heads up.”
“I'm giving you one now,” You grinned, lightly tapping his head with the comb. “Head up, please.”
“Why did you do it?” Carm asked, soft curiosity in his voice.”I mean, why did you..why me?”
“You weren't like the other boys in our class,” You shrugged, gently sweeping the comb through Carmy's hair. “And you weren't like Richie or your brother. You were just..Carmy. I always thought about you. I liked that you were doing your own thing. Tilt your head sideways, please..thanks.”
He stayed quiet while you cut his hair so you kept talking.
“I don't think I really had a crush on you or anything back then, I just liked you. Then as we got older I started seeing you differently but I never acted on it because I didn't think you were interested. We never really hung out much, for all I knew you were a major dick. Then,you were gone and I tried to forget you..head down, please.”
“What do you think now?”
You thought about it for a moment, holding the comb in Carmy's hair.
“I think..you've actually got really great hair.”
“That so?”
“Oh yeah,” You nodded. “I mean usually it looks like a bird should be nesting in it so anything is an improvement.”
He laughed slightly and you felt your shoulders drop a little.
“I also think,” You murmured softly, slowly closing the scissors on the ends of his hair. “Those tattoos on your hands are really doing it for me.”
“Big time.”
A silence hung over you as you continued the haircut, trying to keep your hands steady.
“Just because I freaked out doesn't mean that I don't..that I haven't been thinking about you.”
“Yeah?” You mused, lightly brushing some hair off the towel.
“Big time. But..” Carmy let out a sigh, clearing his throat. “I'm really not..an expert at the whole relationship thing. I'm not even a novice, I'm like..a nightmare. I can't do the flowers and dates and meeting the parents and all that like..I know I should want all that and maybe I do but..something just stops me and I can't..I can't do it.”
You slowly walked around to stand in front of Carmy, meeting his eyes as you glanced down.
“Head up, please.”
You focused your attention on his hair, feeling the nervous energy radiating from him.
“First of all, you know my parents. So that's not relevant. Second of all..I'm not saying that I want a relationship because I don't even know if I do. But..I wouldn't mind having someone I hang out with, watching movies and talking shit and eating takeout and figuring out if we want to be more but it's okay because we're still good how we are. And I could see you being that person.”
You took a step back, tilting your head slightly.
“All done.”
“Good,” Carmy nodded, standing up and stepping closer to you, his hands reaching out to touch your face and leaning in close til you felt like you couldn't breathe. “You can check the cake.”
You let out a frustrated sigh before laughing and moving your hands to grip the towel around Carmy's shoulders.
“You're definitely a major dick.”
You pulled him in for a kiss, feeling a rush shoot through you. When you pulled back you thought your heart was on fire.
“Wow, you've really improved,” You grinned. “I'm impressed.”
“You don't know the half of it.” Carmy grinned, pulling you back in for another kiss.
He wasn't lying, as you discovered when he put you up on the counter and feasted on you til you cried.
You had wasted no time, pulling him right down onto the kitchen floor to show what you'd learned too.
The next day, when you watched your best friend cut into the cake and scream with joy as layers of pink and blue sponge were revealed, you made a silent vow to volunteer your services more often.
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vemuabhi · 7 months
What Sanji is like when Falling in Love
- Ft. Chubby Reader
Hey People! After a long time, I'm here with a Sanji Fic. Please show me your love and support by reblogs.
The part-2 is here people. Please check it out!
What Sanji is like when falling in love
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Pairing : Sanji X Fem! Chubby! Reader
Prompts taken from : Bas-writes (4 ; 6 ; 21 ; 30)
Warnings : A bit suggestive but non really. Mostly Fluffy ; Thick Thighs Save lives ; Stretch marks ; Making food for Reader ; Loving Touches
Word count : 1.7K
copyright © vemuabhi
Though Likes are cute and all, Please Reblog me if you like my writings.
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Lazy afternoons
The travelling on the sea has been fun because of the crew and their liveliness but there are some days when everything is very quiet like, sometimes Luffy and co. are so serious and trying to fish, sometimes they are all playing some random game which is just not at all understandable. Only Luffy, Ussop and Chopper could understand and play it. No one else can even understand it. Except for Robin who denies she understood to avoid playing. Nami doesn’t care and doesn’t wish to know what they are doing. Now today, the trio fell asleep post lunch leaving the crew to calm down and rest for the time.
Leaving you and Sanji near the Tangerine trees on the back of sunny. Both of you were tired after cleaning up the plates and kitchen. The empty glasses of orange juice were on the table. It was too hot and luckily Sanji got you the juice to cool you down. You both sat on the bench which had the umbrella to protect you from the sun. Sanji had dark circles under his eyes and his eyes kept drooping.
“Do you wanna sleep”, your question made him to turn towards you and smile. He glanced towards his shoes and nodded.
“Yesterday’s night watch is making me like this Y/N”, he said as his tired blue orbs met yours.
“You are tired. Lay down. Ill make sure no one disturbs you for a while”, you said as you took the book which was on your lap and placed it beside you. Sanji’s cheeks reddened as he noticed your action.
“Am I… Supposed to-”
“Yeah, you can. I mean no force ofco-”
“I’ll. I’ll take up the offer”, he said while you took your kerchief and wiped the blood from his nose making the latter gulp.
Sanji slowly placed his legs on the bench and leaned down on your lap. The moment he felt your soft thighs on his cheek, he almost got a nosebleed again but he tried his best to not die. Noticing his nervousness, you ran your fingers in his hair making him flinch at the touch but he soon accepted your touch. Your soothing touch and the soft thighs made him to calm down. The sound of the waves relaxed him to the core. A yawn escaped his mouth. He closed his eyes and within seconds he fell asleep. His soft snores indicated how tired he was after making so much food for the rowdy crew.
After sleeping peacefully for a while, he woke up to the sky turning orange and the soft cushion wasn’t a cushion. Upon careful inspection he noticed that it was your thighs and his eyes widened at how long he had slept on your divine lap till now. He got up and apologised at his behaviour which you chuckled.
“Don’t have to be sorry Sanji. I’m happy that you to sleep till now”, you smiled at him making his heart skip a beat. As he was about to say something, the captain yelled for Sanji asking for food as he noticed the blond was awake now. That made you to giggle.
“They cant live without you”, you said suggesting him to go to feed them which he obliged. Sanji’s new fetish unlocked. Your thighs. Your soft plump thighs.
Needless to say, after that day you found Sanji come to you whenever he was tired and sleepy. He wanted to feel your touch in his golden locks. He wanted his cheeks to be met with the best pillow in the world, your thighs. Of course, he wasn’t vocal about all that but anyone could understand his actions at that point. You certainly allowed the cook to rest on your lap whenever he approached you. Sanji, was not the guy who would show his vulnerable side to women. But he started to slowly show that to you.
Sometimes he would just lay down on your lap and face you while you both talked about nothings. He would talk about the general topics which ranged from the news he had read that day to talking about the songs which he heard recently. Sometimes he made jokes which weren’t that funny but that’s what made them funny. You never not laughed at his jokes. Never knew Sanji was so talkative, usually he would always listen but when someone is listening to him, he opened up more and more. The heart eyes of Sanji never appeared during these times and he stayed calm. His eyes showed… adoration.
Little treats for the little deeds
After you had let him sleep on your lap, he never once missed to give you a special dessert or a special dish in gratitude. His way of showing you thankyou was it. While you guys were at the dinner table, he always… always made sure to slip a little treat near your plate making you smile at him while you nibbled on it.
“Ah! Not fair! Even I want that whatever Y/N is having”, Luffy cooed being yelled by the cook to shut up and eat his share of meat. His blue eyes looked into your direction while you still continued to smile at him. He had to avert his gaze from yours to stop his spreading blush more obvious to the rest of the members.
Sanji, being so precise while he selected ingredients for cooking, he made sure to especially be careful while he worked on yours. Some times when he would just be engrossed in his cooking book to a point where he wouldn’t even notice you coming into the kitchen. You would just sit across from him and continued to read your book. The silence with Sanji was also what you fancied soon enough. His presence was just… that calming.
When he finally had noticed you, he would gasp making your gaze turn towards him. His porcelain skin turned red as he smiled and walked towards you. He sat on the table and talk about the recipe that he was going to prepare.
“Everyone would be so amazed by this, I’m telling you”, he said as he gently took your hand in his and rubbed his thumb gently. “So, I feel like, I’ll be needing… somebodies help to make it”, he then looked at you with a slight pout.
“Haha, so tell me mister cook, what should be done?”, his smile grew, he pulled your hand and lead you to the counter to prepare the food. Sanji could easily make it on his own. He didn’t require anyone’s help. He could just have you sitting there being pretty while he cooked, but he didn’t want you to leave. And what way to keep you around than to ask your “help” because he “can’t” do it on his own.
Lets just say that cooking never felt this fun before. It felt refreshing to be cooking along side Sanji. He just knew… just knew how to make it right. The little intimacy moments you had shared were what made it so important to you both.
Tender Touches
Sanji had never been in a relationship. Not once his fate aligned with his pursue of love. Now that the stars had listened, he had a chance with you. But he didn’t want to get too cocky.
Then you could expect how thrilled he was when you asked him if he wanted to help you apply sunscreen. He almost crashed while approaching you. You laid down on the lawn chair with your back facing the sun. Sanji almost had a nosebleed when he touched your back. Just as he thought, you were so soft. He thought of your thighs as a reference when he imagined how soft you would be over all.
He applied the sunscreen on your back, while he lingered a bit too long holding the softness of your love handles. He gulped after the task was completed. You held his tie and pulled him closer to you and placed a kiss on his cheek making him to fall to his knees while he still gazed at you. That resulted you to again wipe the blood from his nose.
“You’ll have to get used to that, Sanji kun”, you ruffled his silky hair while he just chuckled. He blinked slowly as his gaze fixed on you. The crew could literally feel butterflies in their stomach when they watched you two. Like how Sanji’s wishes came true. That made him to lean into you to place a kiss on your soft plump cheek. His sudden action made you to chuckle, while he raised on eyebrow, “You sure you can handle it Y/N”. Maybe he could get cocky after all.
Silver marks
Night watch was especially given to one member and Luffy, chopper were exception from it. Sometimes when he was on night watch, there were you, leaning your back on the ship rail while his arms were on wither sides of you. He smelled really good. As if he took a shower just then. There were little to no space between you two. He used to get flustered and shy in the beginning but, as time went on, he was getting more and more confident on initiating kisses.
Tilting your head to right by placing his fingers under your chin, and closing the gap between you two. Your arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him even closer while deepening the kiss. Your fingers gently laced in his golden locks. His hands travelled to your thighs and pulled them up, aligning them on his waist while his slender, but damn strong arms carried you to place you on the bench.
Sanji pulled away from the kiss to look at your body beneath him. His gaze shifted towards your top, which was ridden almost past your stomach. Now for the first time, he almost had a full view of your torso. His fingertips traced along the silver lines on your body. You could see the love and lust glimmer in his blue eyes because of the moon. His white cheeks were turning pink, and his breathing was getting heavy because of the stretch marks on you. New kink unlocked. Stretch marks. Your Silver marks.
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copyright © vemuabhi
Reblogs and Comments are always appreciated!!
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I’m so lucky
Summary: The reader comes back to the compound to find an angry Klaus waiting for her.
(The reader is 18+ and uses she/her pronouns. The ethnicity/race is preferably black.)
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Bloody 2 in the morning, Klaus mentally grumbled, as he continued to read from his book on the couch. Or at least, he tried to read from his book. His mind was racing with different thoughts of what you could be doing, and none of them were comforting in the slightest. "Who does she think she is," he muttered to himself, turning a page.
"Well, I think she's a woman, not a child." 
He didn't have to look up from his book to know that the statement came from Elijah and that his brother more than likely had an amused grin upon his face as he entered the room. "Has she not returned yet?" He asked, sitting down on the couch across from Klaus, amused at his brother's annoyance.
"No, she hasn't. Not one call or text." He tried to keep his annoyance out of his voice as he turned a page, not registering any of the words on it.
"She has to put up with this family and you, Niklaus. She deserves a night out."
"A night out ends when night ends," Klaus responded, giving up on reading his book and slamming it shut. "It is past midnight and now morning. She should be home."
Grinning, Elijah tried to not chuckle at his brother's frustration, but couldn't help letting a bit of it slip out which quickly caught the angry hybrid's attention.
"You find the worry for my love funny, Elijah," His voice began to rise as he watched the grin on Elijah's face grow.
"What I find funny, brother, is you forget that (Y/N) is a woman, not a child, who doesn't need your permission or approval on how late she returns. She can take care of herself."
"Always the feminist, Elijah," Klaus remarked, rolling his eyes. He took out his phone for the ninth time that night and checked the time again. Only 2:20. I'll leave and find her when its 2:30.
Even though Elijah was annoying him with his amusement, he knew that his older brother was right. At the beginning of your relationship, you made him agree that he wouldn't try to control you or become overprotective of you and let you have your freedom and at the time, he completely agreed, but he didn't think that that freedom involved you hanging out with your friends all night, leaving him worried. Each second that passed, he began to get more and more paranoid that something bad had happened to you.
"Let her enjoy a night out away from your scheming. She deserves it."
Yes, she does, Klaus mentally agreed, sighing.
"Yes. I admit she-"
The sound of a distant giggle stopped him and he quickly stood up from the couch and left the room to see you entering the compound, drunk and barefoot, holding the heels you were wearing earlier in your hand.
You were tiptoeing, letting out little giggles as you tried to be quiet. Your appearance was not that different from when you left, but Klaus could still spot a light sheen of sweat on your skin from all the dancing you did. Even though Klaus was ecstatic to see you again and to see you completely fine, he couldn't help but let his anger get the best of him as he made his way to you.
"Do you know what time it is," Klaus asked, his footsteps hurrying over to you with an angry frown upon his face.
Anyone else, when seeing that look on him, would have instantly become scared and begun cowering and apologizing, but not you. Even in your drunken state, you knew that Klaus would never hurt you and because of the alcohol still in your system, the only response you gave to his angry question was another giggle.
"You had me worried me sick," he continued, taking your heels out of your hand and placing his hand in yours. "Let's go to bed." He began pulling you in the direction of the stairs, but you quickly pulled your hand from his and hurried off to the kitchen.
"(Y/N)," he groaned, speeding after you and stopping in front of you before you could fully enter the kitchen.
"I'm hungry," you whined drunkenly. "I want a sandwich."
"You'll get your sandwich when you go to bed," he told you, ignoring the pout that grew onto your face at his words. He turned you around and gently nudged you to leave. "Go on."
Groaning, you took slow, sad steps towards the stairs, looking over your shoulder still pouting, giving him the best puppy dog eyes that you could make in your state.
"Love, go on," Klaus urged, trying to not to smile and give in to your pouting.
"I'm going," You said angrily, quickening your steps.
You didn't know it, but the look in Klaus' eyes as he watched you drunkenly walked barefoot to the room screamed nothing but love.
"I take it she had fun," the voice of his brother made him turn his eyes away from you (something he absolutely hated) and turned them on Elijah who looked at him, still amused.
"Yes, she did," Klaus sighed before turning around and entering the kitchen, placing your heels on the edge of the counter.
"What're you doing," Elijah asked, following him and taking a seat at the counter.
"Making the silly, drunk girl a sandwich."
His answer made Elijah smile even wider as he watched Klaus begin to pull out slices of bread and bologna and other things. Finally Niklaus has found his true love.
“Oh,” you groaned, opening your eyes and lifting your head. It was pounding terribly and you felt that your eyes were sore and heavy, even after waking up from sleep. Sitting up, you pushed the cover off your body, about to stand up, when you had to stop yourself, feeling an unpleasant rumbling in your stomach. 
Shit, you thought, placing a hand on your stomach. Another rumble made you get up from the bed, and run to the bathroom, quickly lifting the lid, and emptying your stomach of all contents from last night. 
You were too busy vomiting that you didn’t hear Klaus enter the bathroom. The sudden feeling of fingers in your hair and lifting it from your face made you look up to see your hybrid lover looking down at you with concern.
“You alright, love,” he asked. 
Seeing you nod, he grabbed some toilet tissue and wiped your face clean of any left over vomit, then flushed it. Gently holding your arm, he lifted you from the floor and walked you back to the bed, where he placed you on the bed. Before you could do it, he pulled the covers up and around you and you found that your sore eyes were beginning to feel heavy.
“Take this love,” he told you and you opened your eyes to see him holding a pill in one hand and a glass of water in another. 
“What is it?”
“For your head.”
You picked it up and placed it in your mouth and drank the water, swallowing it with a wince as your throat now felt sore. 
“If you’re hungry, your sandwich is right there,” he told you pointing to beside you, and you looked over and saw sitting on the bedside table was the sandwich your drunkenly requested last night. 
I must’ve fell asleep, ‘fore I could eat it. Klaus lightly placed his hand onto your forehead, getting your attention and making you turn back to him.
“If you need me, I’ll be painting in the other room. Just say my name and I’ll come.”
With a kiss on your forehead and another look of love at you, he left your side and exited the room, leaving the door open to hear you.
Feeling your eyes get heavier and heavier, you began to slowly drift into sleep and as you did, you couldn’t control the smile that spread across your face as you thought of your boyfriend. Fuck, I’m so lucky.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
look, I know polls are silly and fun and so I want you to understand writing this rant is silly and fun for me but EMON? Emon is the Critical Role Entry for Most Place of All Time? I must call bullshit. And so:
Friends, fellow critters, and people who have me blocked but hate read my blog each morning over breakfast: Emon is not even the Most Place on the Material Plane. It is not even the Most Place in Tal'Dorei. Hell, it's not even the Most Place on the fucking Bladeshimmer Shoreline, which includes a destroyed city now overtaken by bandits, and a cave system that hosts both a rift to the Far Realm and a different rock than residuum that can make a different magical drug than suude. Emon is if you took the aggressively mid vibes of Washington, DC and transplanted them to the inconvenient location and city of refuge for flaky people who avoid gluten for non-medical reasons of Los Angeles. The second Percival Frederickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III invents the motorcar that sumbitch is going to have traffic bad enough to summon Tharizdun. Also there's a literal pit of fire that's been burning for 30 years that both hasn't been adequately addressed but also doesn't really seem that interesting. Like oh a bunch of dragons destroyed your city? Big deal. Draconia got so fucked up it doesn't exist anymore, and at least Westruun has some fucking charm. At least Pike and Grog actually lived there, whereas Vox Machina got a house in Emon and proceeded to spend their time literally anywhere else.
Here is a brief list of places on the planet of Exandria in the Material Plane - not even across Critical Role's main campaigns/EXU, which includes such non-Exandrian places as "living city of people who mind-melded and escaped to the Astral Sea during a century-plus-long war of the gods"; "Ligament Manor"; "Ryn's groovy pied-a-feu, man I wonder what made the scorch marks on that furniture, anyway", and "THE MOON THAT IS ACTUALLY AN PRISON FOR A THING THAT EATS GODS AND IS POSSIBLY HATCHING" - that are more of a place than Emon:
Jrusar: 5 spires no waiting, sweet cable car system, city almost entirely destabilized by goo creatures as part of an overly complicated plot to blow up the aforementioned moon
Bassuras: (literally "garbagetown") Run by Mad Max gangs and everyone is cool with it; regular sandstorms; one of those gangs apparently sits atop a hive mind and NO ONE has examined this (except for them)?)
Whitestone: has a tree planted by one god over a buried temple to another god that was corrupted in the name of a third, shittier god; overrun by zombies but it's fine now; streetlights and two bears that are allowed to do whatever the fuck they want.
Yios: The canal system of Venice meets the colleges per capita of Boston meets the orcs from your fantasies, also there's some kind of kitchen-based organized crime ring so intricate it could be its own campaign (so, also like Boston).
Vasselheim: literally no one understands what the fuck its government system is. Old as balls. Temples everywhere! Temples full of trees. Temples full of blood! Temples full of an old guy who will kick your ass. A sphinx that regulates the monster hunter mini-game. Presumably the giant titan full of the ancient cannibal dwarf city is like, still there, as a new fixture, since I don't see how they're moving that.
The arctic: where teleportation doesn't work, there's a river of lava in the middle of the snow, ancient ruins full of snow globes full of actual people, and the Chaos Bisexual Emerald - and that's just a smattering of what Eiselcross has to offer.
Since this is about space and not time we can toss Aeor and Avalir too, since they once were places, and while we're at it whatever the fuck is going on with the Shattered Teeth and its permanent fog cloud and fish dream cult and capitalist shipwrecked merchants.
And, of course, any arbitrary square millimeter of Wildemount, frankly, has more Mostness than the entirety of Emon could muster under absolutely ideal conditions. But for the sake of one place per region, let's hand it to Rosohna (city of eternal night for practical purposes, built over the Evil God Headquarters); Uthodurn (underground! Giant goats! Elves and dwarves, living together, mass hysteria!); Hupperdook (steampunk gnome party city); Nicodranas (Fjord, Jester, Veth, Marion, and Yussa literally all live there at once; plumbing used to be courtesy of an imprisoned marid...but watch out); and Blightshore (Blightshore).
In conclusion: Emon is boring, nominating it was a mistake, there are literally sealed gods in other parts of the world and also way better taverns, good night, and what the fuck.
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discount-shades · 1 year
Contract Spouse Chapter 2
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Chapter 2: The Letter
A/N: Not so much this chapter but this fic is going to get dark at times, it's not going to be as fluffy like Sleepy Baby.
Pairing: Jake Seresin/Reader (nicknamed Pip)
Warning:  Angst,  
Length: 2000ish
Summary: Jake tells the Dagger Squad about Pip.
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You roll your shoulders and send off the final few texts and emails of the day, checking the time you sign off at 5:00PM. Being a virtual assistant had its perks. You got to wear yoga pants all day and there was no commute, but the biggest perk was the fact you were able to work two jobs. 
One was a fairly involved executive assistant position at a growing company that took up most of your time. The other was as a glorified Google Calendar, keeping your extremely ADHD boss from missing deadlines, meetings, and anything else important. 
The downside was a large L-shaped desk with three monitors set up in your bedroom. You had a business degree but when the opportunity evolved out of your part time administrative assistant job, you had taken it. When you had found yourself with a couple hours of down time during your work day you had subtly asked around and had gotten a second job managing your other bosses emails and calendar.
You walked into the kitchen you would be sharing with Sami until the end of the month. After over five years of it being the two of you she had finally decided to move in with her boyfriend of two years. You were happy for her but unsure of your own future. Should you renew your lease? Find a smaller, cheaper, single bedroom place? Get a roommate? You didn’t know what you wanted to do and time was running out.
That was a lie, you know what you wanted to do but it was impossible. You wanted to move in with your husband, drop everything and move across the country to be with him. But it’s not that kind of marriage, you tell yourself for what feels like the millionth time. It has never been.
Jake had been your teenage crush. Your best friend's handsome big brother, nothing would ever come of it. But when you needed him, he had married you, he had even called you almost daily to keep up the pretense that your marriage was real. 
With every phone call you had fallen further and further in love with your husband. He was sweet, funny, caring, and supportive. You’ve never told anyone of your feelings but sometimes you think Sami suspects it. 
You knew Jake went on dates and hooked up with women. You have tried going on dates, and one night stands, but could never get over the guilt. The feeling that you were cheating on Jake. 
You again consider divorcing him. It would be easier. You could date and start a real relationship. You knew how this train of thought would end. You would have yourself convinced you were going to call it quits and then Jake would call and say ‘hello’ in a tone of voice that told you he was smiling and you would be sucked right back in.
He would sign the divorce papers the minute you asked but you kept torturing your heart. You knew you couldn’t keep waiting forever, knew that eventually you would have to move on but you couldn’t. Not yet, anyway.
– – –
You hear keys in the lock and the door open and glance at the time, it’s 12:30 AM, “You're past curfew.” You can hear Sami chuckle as she walks in and drops two envelopes on your head. 
“I get your mail for you and all I get is sass.” She flops down on the couch beside you. “Are you watching Downton Abbey again?” she groans as you just shrug. 
“I want your final month here to be exactly the same as the past five years of us living together.” You grin at her rolling eyes. “You going out and having fun, and me staying in, watching a period drama.” 
“Goodnight, Dork.” You can hear the fondness in her voice as she gets up and heads to bed. You look at the envelopes, one is a reminder to renew your car insurance, the other has the NCIS emblem. Frowning you open it and your jaw drops as you read the letter inside. It has come to our attention… marriage under contract… opening an investigation…. 
You scramble and grab your phone, quickly calling Jake, when he doesn't answer you try him again. You are taken aback by a woman's voice answering and feel a twinge of jealousy and guilt. You had always told yourself that you would never negatively impact Jake's life while married to him and you hope you didn’t ruin something by calling him like this.
After rambling at the woman on the phone you hang up and stare at your reflection on the black screen. You are so lost in thought that you jump when Jake's face pops up with an incoming call.
“Pip? What's wrong? Are you hurt?” His sounds worried and, despite this, you immediately relax at the sound of his voice. 
“I’m ok, I’m sorry!” You are talking in a rush. “I didn't mean to ruin your date.” 
“I’m not on a date.” You sag in relief at his response. Happy you didn’t ruin his date or happy he is not on a date, you’re not sure.
“I got a letter,” You stare at the paper in your hand. “Jake, someone reported our marriage.”
“That's what I said.” You reread bits of the letter to him, giving Jake a moment to process. “It says they are going to be interviewing people who know us,” you pause, ”Jake, I haven't told anyone about us.” Running your hand through your hair, you bite your lip in nerves. “I don’t have a lot of friends or share personal details.”
“I’ll tell the squad.” You can hear it in his voice when he shifts into protector mode. “Rooster owes me his life so he’ll lie for us.” His voice is tense when he says that, bitter in the way he always gets when he talks about the things he never speaks of. “And don't forget the fake marriage plans. No one can say we don’t have a relationship.”
“Yeah,” you agree. “I’ll scan the letter and email it to you.” 
“Thanks, I’m going to head home. I’ll call you when I get there.” You agree and go to hang up but Jake stops you. “It’s going to be alright, you planned for this.” You agree softly. “I love you, Pip. We got this.”
“I love you too,” your reply is quiet and automatic as you hang up the phone, rising to go scan the letter. Jake always said he loved you. It had started as a cover when the two of you were together at a military event, that as his wife, you couldn’t avoid. He had urged you to do the same jokingly.
“I love you, Pip.” His cheeky grin melted and hardened your heart.  “Now tell me you love me too, and make sure I believe it.” 
 After years of saying it you were sure he meant it, in his own way, Just not in the same way you meant it every time the words crossed your lips.
– – – 
Jake rubs his head as he stares at his teammates, he had been up late last night talking to Pip. He had asked them to meet him in the parking lot after training where they could not be overheard. “I need to tell you guys something that if anyone asks you’ve always known.”  
The faces around him show a variety of emotions. Coyote is resigned, but then again, he already knows. Rooster and Fanboy look giddy with excitement, like little kids about to be told a secret. Phoenix’s eyes are narrowed in suspicion. Only Payback and Bob have mastered a look of polite interest. 
“Pip, the woman on the phone, she’s my wife.” 
Jake registers the feeling of his head jerking to the side a millisecond before the pain of the slap hits him and causes his left cheek to bloom red. “Jesus Christ Phoenix!” Jake raises his hand to his cheek, shock on his face. “What the fuck was that?”
Phoenix is subtly flexing her hand to shake out the pain from the slap. “You go home with a different woman every night you can!” Rage is clouding her eyes. “You’re telling me you have been cheating on some poor woman all this time?” Rooster moves forward and places himself between Jake and Phoenix.
“Ow! No!” Jake’s cheek feels hot. “It’s a fucking marriage of convenience!” He runs his tongue on the inside of his cheek, searching for the telltale metallic taste of blood, but it's not there. “She was sick and needed health care so I married her when I was still in flight school.”
“Is she better?” Trust Bob to do the decent thing and be concerned with the health of a stranger.
“You know, Phoenix, you should listen to your Wizzo more.” Jake says, gingerly feeling the warmth of his cheek. “Ask questions first, instead of slapping.”
“You’ve had it coming on some level,” Phoenix says without remorse before repeating Bob's question. “Is she better Hangman?”
“She's fine, it's been over five years.” 
“Why’d you stay married?” Payback asks. He’s the only other married member of the squad.
Jake shrugs, “the money, and the spousal benefits helped her.” He knows that's not the truth. At least not the whole truth but he doesn’t want to get into the hollow little feeling in his chest every time he thinks about ending the charade. 
“How’d you meet?” Roster asks. 
“She’s my baby sister's best friend.” Jake waits for Rooster to do the math. Rooster and Sami had crossed paths before and Jake had warned Rooster to stay away from his younger sister.
“Jesus, Hangman, was she a child bride?” 
“No!” Jake rubs his face in defeat. “She was eighteen, and it's not that type of marriage, it's just a piece of paper.”
“So why are you telling us this now?” Phoenix crosses her arms and looks at Jake expectantly. 
“Pip got a letter.” Jake sighs. “Someone reported our marriage as fake and now we are being investigated.”
“Shit,” Fanboy muses, “do they have a case?” Jake looks at him in exasperation. Fanboy was brilliant at his job, but some days Jake suspected all other available mental real estate was taken up with nerd trivia leaving no space for common sense.
“Yes Fanboy, they do have a case.” Jake rolls his eyes before continuing. “We talk on the phone and have a joint bank account but we’ve never lived together, most of it can be explained away through health, deployments, and her university.”
“So what do you need us to do?” Payback asks.
“Just pretend you have always known I was married.” Jake looks around at everyone nodding. “Pip hasn’t told anyone so you will have to prove that it wasn’t a secret. Coyote was a witness so he has legal proof of knowing.”
“Don’t worry man.” Rooster claps him on the shoulder. “We've got your back.”
“Thank you.” Jake says sincerely. “I’m diving to Austin at the end of the month. Pip’s lease with my sister is up and she’s going to move in with me to make it look real.”
Coyote nods. “That makes sense, this is the first long term posting you’ve had since she finished University.”
“Sooo, yeah,” Jake spreads his arms out helplessly. “In conclusion, I’ve been married to Pip for six years and you have always known. Any questions?”
“Why do you call her Pip?” Fanboy asks, “What's her real name?”
Jake tells them your name. “She always looked so short next to my sister so I called her Pipsqueak. Pip for short.”
After a few more questions everyone walks to their cars and leaves. Phoenix hangs back until it is just her and Jake. “You did the right thing marrying her.” She motions to the red that has not faded from his cheek. “I feel a little bad that I hit you so hard.”
���You could have not hit me at all.”
“Don’t push your luck Hangman.” She walks to her car before turning around. “Rooster’s right though, we’ve got your back.”
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lau219 · 2 months
Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
Part 4
Previous part here
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Emmett stared down at his phone for a good 30 seconds after Y/N had hung up. He was completely caught off guard by not only her call, but by how she’d spoken to him. Despite the fact that he’d been less than friendly to her the last time they’d interacted, she’d been gentle and sweet on the phone as she’d explained the situation with the boys. It was almost like she’d forgotten all about their previous confrontation.
Finally setting his phone down, he was still processing the entire scenario as he began to close up the shop for the day. ​He was taken aback by how easily she’d explained the situation to him – as if the boys being at her place was the most natural thing. She hadn’t sounded annoyed or put out at all, but instead, there was obvious affection and concern in her voice, especially when she’d offered to cook for them and told him that Henry felt bad about forgetting his key.
​As he got in his car and headed home, Emmett began to wonder what would happen when he picked up the boys. He had no idea what to even say to Y/N, and he felt himself getting uncharacteristically nervous as he turned down their street and then pulled into the driveway.
​“Hey guys, it looks like your dad’s home,” Y/N said over her shoulder, looking out the kitchen window as she saw Emmett’s car pull into the driveway next door. She then walked to the living room where the boys were still camped out, and she watched them gather their things.
​“Are you sure you have everything?” she said teasingly to Henry, a smile spreading across her face as he gave her one of his own.
​“Thanks again, Y/N,” he said as they walked to the kitchen, Max trailing behind them.
​“Any time,” she said as she patted his shoulder.
​She then stepped down the short flight of stairs at the back of the kitchen and opened the side door for them, holding it as the boys walked through and out onto the driveway.
​Emmett had just gotten out of his car and turned toward Y/N’s house as he heard her side door open. Looking up, he saw Henry turn and wave to her before heading over towards him, and Max paused with Y/N in the doorway, looking up at her and talking animatedly to her about something. She looked down and gave him a sweet smile, and when Max said something else, she laughed and gently ruffled his hair before sending him on his way.
​Y/N looked up as Max bounded across the driveway, and when her eyes met Emmett’s, they looked at each other for just a brief moment before she raised her hand and gave him a single wave in what was obviously both a greeting and a sendoff. She then turned around and headed back inside, the door closing behind her.
​That was it? Emmett thought. She wasn’t going to say anything? Wasn’t waiting for him to say something? As he watched her through the window moving around in her kitchen without a care, he was now even more thrown off. It was clear that she wasn’t expecting any sort of thank you or further acknowledgement, and it took him a second to process that fact. He was still watching her when Henry spoke up as he passed him on his way to the house.
​“I’m really sorry, Dad, I didn’t mean to leave the stuff behind again.”
​“Yeah, but you diiiid,” Max taunted him as he caught up with Henry.
​“Shut up,” Henry said annoyedly as he tried but missed to swat Max as he ran ahead of them.
​“It’s alright,” Emmett said, finally turning from Y/N’s house as he walked with the boys towards the back door to let them in. “But let’s figure something out so that you don’t keep forgetting.”
“Yeah, sorry,” he said again.
“You should have just called instead of asking Y/N for anything,” Emmett said then.
​“I didn’t ask; she offered,” Henry replied. “I was just seeing if you gave her a key to the house, but she said we could come in and watch TV.” Henry then paused for a moment before continuing. “She was really nice about it. She always is.”
​“Always? What do you mean?” Emmett asked. “You’ve been in her house before?”
​Yeah!” Max cut in, swinging his backpack around in the air distractedly. “Sometimes, she gives us something to drink when we’re playing outside. Another time, she gave me a Band-Aid when I fell off the skateboard. She said that if we ever need anything and you’re not home, we can ask her.”
​This was all news to Emmett, and he felt completely out of the loop as Max shared this information. He knew the boys liked Y/N, but he’d had no idea their interactions with her were this frequent or to this extent when he was at work. Now, the way she’d been with them at Henry’s game the other day made a bit more sense. Apparently, they had a bond with her that he knew nothing about. It was a definite surprise, and he felt like an idiot for being so unaware.
​Emmett hadn’t followed the boys into the house, as he’d planned on going back over and thanking Y/N, but now with this new information, he felt at a loss for what to say.
​Just then, he saw her front door open, and she stepped out onto the porch with a watering can in her hand. He watched as she waved to another neighbor across the street who was getting their mail from the mailbox, before she swept her hair over her shoulder and bent down to water the pots on her front steps. Emmett didn’t even realize he was still watching her until the slam of her screen door closing as she re-entered the house shook him out of it. Before he even knew what he was doing, he found himself walking back across the driveway and knocking shortly on her side door. After a moment, she came trotting down the steps from her kitchen, and she looked surprised as she opened the door for him.
​“Oh, hi,” she said as she looked up at him. “Everything ok with the boys?”
​“Yeah, everything’s fine,” he replied. “I just wanted to apologize if they put you out at all.”
​Y/N immediately made a face and shook her head.
​“Don’t be silly; not at all. They were on their best behavior.”
​“I don’t think I know what that looks like,” Emmett said with a half-smile.
​Y/N laughed, but before Emmett could say anything further, the sound of her phone dinging in her pocket interrupted them, and she pulled it out to read the text message she’d received, her face immediately changing to a frown.
​“Crap...” she muttered.
​“What’s wrong?” Emmett asked.
​“The service guy who was coming to fix my air conditioning just said he can’t come now for another week.” She let out a sigh as she slipped her phone back in her pocket. “I don’t know whether to scream or cry.”
​“You want me to fix it for you?” Emmett offered.
​Y/N immediately looked up, her eyes wide.
​“You know how to do that?” she asked.
​“Yeah,” he answered.
​“Oh my God, if you can fix it for me, I will never complain about you mowing the lawn ever again! I haven’t been able to sleep in days!”
​He smiled again as she lifted her hand to her neck and began fanning herself.
​“Let me get some stuff and I’ll be right back,” he said. She nodded eagerly as she went back in the house.
​“Just come in this way when you’re ready,” she told him.
​A half hour later, Emmett returned from her basement, having successfully gotten the A/C back up and running. As he reached the top of the stairs, he found her standing in the kitchen with a desperately hopeful look in her eyes that almost made him laugh.
​“Did you fix it?” she asked.
​“Yeah. You know you need to change the filter in your furnace once in a while, right?”
​“I thought the furnace was only for the heat,” she replied.
​He smiled.
​“Not exactly. And even if that was the case, with how far gone that filter was, your heat wasn’t gonna be working come this winter, either. It was so clogged up that the sensor on it did a forced shut down.”
​She made a sheepish face.
​He laughed.
​“Well, now that it’s fixed, I better not get anymore bottles to the back of the head when I’m out in the yard.”
​She smiled.
​“I only said I wouldn’t complain about the lawn mowing. I never agreed to stop throwing things at you.”
​Now it was his turn to smile.
​“Don’t worry, princess. I’m sure you’ll find something else to complain about,” he said. “So uptight.”
​He’d meant it affectionately, but as soon as he’d said it, he realized she hadn’t taken it that way.
​“I am not uptight!” she said with a resentful frown. “Why do you always make me sound so awful?!”
​“I didn’t mean it like that,” he responded. “Geez, you’re always so defensive.”
​“And you’re always tormenting me! And here, just when I was starting to think you weren’t a complete pain in the ass!”
​Emmett looked at her and shook his head.
​“This pain in the ass just got your air working again.”
​She walked over to him and picked up the toolbox he’d brought with him, shoving it in his hands and gesturing towards the door.
​“Thanks,” she said, almost sarcastically. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to start collecting bottles for the next time you’re out in the yard. Only this time, they’ll be glass.”
​As Emmett reached her door, he turned back around.
​“Something tells me I’ll need to start mowing at 6:00 a.m. now.”
​She glared at him, then closed the door and went back inside without another word.
Part 5
@nyxxie-pooh @febris-amatoria @natalie--rushman @xsweetcatastrophe @alltoowellbeneaththemangotree @hannibellector @devotedlyshadowytheorist @aphroditeslover11 @garrison-girl-08 @fuseburner @neonpurplestars89-blog @beastofburdenxo @lonewolfwrites
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marcspectorstannie · 11 months
☆All Nighter☆(Marc Spector x reader)
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Summary- late night/early morning talk with Marc when he comes home to find you still up
Warnings- none I don't think? Just one curse but mainly fluff
A/n- when I started this it was 4:03, it's now 4:51 so that's my inspo ALSO GIF IS MINE!
A/n p2- dropping this bc now I'm obsessed w/ spiderman
'4:30 AM'
You were still up past your normally bed time.Bored out of your mind, hungry as hell, tired but can't seem to go to sleep, the list could go on. Your eyes stuck together as you blinked slowly, scrolling on your phone to tire yourself out. You weren't sure why you couldn't sleep but either way it felt like sleep was far away from where you were now. The hungry grew in your stomach as it cried out for some sort of food. Crawling out of your bed you slugged your way to the kitchen and made a bowl of cereal. 'No need for effort, this will just keep me up'
As you stood in the kitchen eating your cereal depressingly,you didn't the front door creek open and close. "Babe? What are you doing still up?" You jumped at the sudden voice near you, nearly choking on your food. It was your boyfriend Marc,wearing some torn clothes and a baseball cap. He looked extremely exhausted. "Jesus Christ Marc, you scared me." He removed his cap and hung it near the door. He watched you continue eating after the quick scare and leaned on the table in front of you. "Why are you up at almost 5AM? You're usually sleep by now." Usually you're greeting to him at this time was your sleeping face pressed into the pillow with and arm being moved from the sheets to his waist in bed. "I don't even know, couldn't seem to fall asleep even though I feel like I can pass out at any second." Marc sighed and stood next to you, taking the spoon out of your hand and stealing a bite from you. You were too tired to even care. You just wanted to finally get that feeling of sleep taking over your body.
"You're lucky you don't have work tomorrow or else you'd be fucked"
"I do have work"
Marc's eyes widen as he rushed over to take the cereal from you. "Why in the world are you up at this hour when you have work tomorrow.Are you ok? Something wrong?" You could tell he was a little pissed but concerned. "I'm fine I swear, I said I just can't seem to fall asleep. No big deal." It was a big deal. You could feel yourself go insane with nothing to do when you can't do the main thing you want to do. Sleep. You knew you had to work tomorrow early and continued shoveling the cereal in your mouth. Marc took the bowl from your hands and set it on the table. Placing his hands on your arms, he looked at you with a concerned face, almost like a dad about to discipline his kid. "Here's what we're gonna do, ok? We're gonna get you some water, and we're gonna lay right in that bed, no matter how long it takes you to go to sleep." You rolled your eyes at his demands but you knew that's what you really wanted. Still holding onto you, he walked you over to the side of the bed and sat you down, then rushed to get you some water.
You tried to glare at him through your heavy eyelids but they fell back shut. Slowly drinking your water, Marc went to dispose of the cereal and cut off the lights. He slid into the bed with you and snaked his arms around you. "Time for bed sleepyhead." You tried to laugh at his nickname but all you could muster was a small smile. Laying down once again, you turned to face Marc and watched him admire your tired face. "Here, cmon" he pulled you closer and placed you on his chest "Tomorrow morning, you're gonna call your job and say you can't make it. You're gonna say something came up and you'll be back the next day." Too tired to object, you simply nodded and nuzzled your face into his chest. Marc smiled slightly a kissed the top of your head as you both drifted off to sleep at last. Maybe all you needed was some cuddles and cereal.
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☾𖤓 ~ Summary: fluff basically
Pairing: Lottie Matthews x fem!reader
Warnings: ...
Original request
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Soccer was a big deal for your friends. You were meant to join, back when everyone else did, but you opted for cheerleading instead - dancing in front of the bleachers with bright pom poms. Today, the Yellowjackets soccer team were playing against state rivals, and your team was there, as per usual. Everyone was there, the players warming up in the changing rooms. You watched the coach set up the field from afar in your awfully tight cheerleading uniform, waiting for the the game to start.
"She cheers for you louder than she ever did for her boyfriend." Van laughed deeply, stretching her legs and waiting for Lottie to laugh with her. "Yeah, well, the boys team kinda sucks." Tai intervened, Van just let out a weak 'yeah'. "Ex, boyfriend." Lottie insinuated, giving Van a pouty look.
As the Yellowjackets ran out, your eyes landed on Lottie, your best friend of 5 years now turned into some secret relationship. She gave you a grin plastered in excitement, and you returned with a warm smile. Next, the opposing team ran out, but the cheer was louder for the Yellowjackets, as per usual.
This morning you spontaneously showed up to Lottie's house, at about 6:30. Of course, she was still asleep, and you weren't surprised to see a bed-haired, droopy eyed Lottie answer the door. "What the hell, y/n." Her voice was raspy, her shirt inside out. "I'm helping you get ready for your game!" You lit up, ignoring her obviously altered state of consciousness. She had to agree, letting you in as you took it upon yourself to make coffee whilst she got dressed. She came back and fell onto the kitchen island chair, still partially unconscious. "Excited?" You smiled, handing her a mug, "I shouldn't be awake right now, you know." Lottie sighed.
You spun around to face her back, in awe of the sheer size of her house, how lonely Lottie seemed in it, and the absence of her parents. The kitchen was open, it connected to the first floor area, where the staircase was built directly parallel to the kitchen. Everything was awfully plain. A single chair rested beneath the staircase, against the left wall - behind which was a hall leading to one of few bathrooms, and the dining room. No decor, not even a picture frame; one plant near the front entrance to make it seem somewhat homely. Lottie's room was on the second floor, you always admired the artsy look it had in contrast to the rest of the rooms, and you could tell she mostly adhered to her parents expectations - keeping it to a minimum, but you recognised her efforts.
"Want me to do your hair again?" You focused your attention back onto Lottie. She hummed and nodded. The couple of hair bands that were on your wrist - now held with your teeth. You parted her hair into two sections after brushing it out. A flush of pink reached Lottie's ear as she stayed quiet.
Maybe you being there got rid of the isolation, because each time you'd come over her eyes softened, her touch was gentle, and her smile was genuine. But this time, and it happened often, she was still on edge. It could've been because of the game today, but she was usually confident about those kind of things, so you assumed it was the usual. "What classes do you have today?" She asked plainly. "Chem, math, and;" you paused, "I don't know." You gave up, finishing on one braid. "Practice, you've got practice." She said and laughed. You had completely lost track of what you were meant to be doing today, too focused on Lottie's schedule rather than yours. "I forgot." You whispered with fabricated shock, Lottie giggled in a hum, as you loosened the finished braid and moved onto the other one. She always let you do her hair - whenever you'd ask. Sometimes she would be the one to ask, but only ever to 'fix it up' or 'check if it looks alright', otherwise she just enjoyed when you would take it upon yourself.
And you; you loved everything about doing her hair. The slight curl it had against your palms, how she softened against you, and the same dark, woody tones in your field of view.
After a few times of dropping the bands held by your teeth, scolding Lottie for moving too much and laughing carelessly, causing you to let go of a carefully untied braid, you had finally finished. "Done." You wrapped your arms around her neck from behind her, giving a small kiss to the top of her head. She thanked you, and the two of you left.
"...get it right, girls." Your team captain finished, right before the victory cheer. The Yellowjackets won, of course. You chanted, this time louder than the one before the game, jumping up and down as your revised choreography went. You noticed that most of the girls doing cheerleading were extremely serious about it, but you weren't there for the all star cheer, it was just a pastime, an extracurricular. Liking dance was enough for them to offer you a place, and besides, it would look good on your résumé.
A slight shame trailed the rival team, and you felt slightly bad, but for the most part you were happy for your girlfriend, and you knew how much going to nationals meant to her.
Lottie scored the most goals, her face ridden i pride as they went back to the changing rooms, each one of them leaping around the place manically.
You stood behind the locker room door, and instantly pushed yourself off of the wall as you saw Lottie walk out, a grin still plastered onto her face; she turned to you in surprise. "Hey!" She beamed, almost jumping up, "you were so good out there, Lot." Your eyebrows curved up, "couldn't have done it without you." A chuckle echoed across the hallway, it felt odd somehow to be in school at this hour - and in all honesty, you were exhausted, and so was Lottie. "Sleepover at mine?" She perked up as the two of you began to walk back, you had already changed out of your cheer uniform, carrying a duffel bag that held it, wanting to just get rid of that extra weight. "Obviously."
She didn't live that far away, about a 15 minute drive in her sedan, and playing music from her expensive car speakers was something you'd always looked forward to.
Once you got there you dropped your bag at the door step unknowingly, wanting to just fall onto the couch. And as much as Lottie's house felt like home to you, you decided to stay around just for a while more. "You want anything? Tea? Hot chocolate?" You began making your way to the kitchen, "you're the guest here, let me take over." Lottie insisted, staring right into your tired eyes. "You won a big game tonight, c'mon, just let me make you something." You pleaded, half sarcastically, already cautiously taking a cup from the cabinets whilst giving your best puppy eyes.
She gave in and agreed, and suddenly you were making her a drink - just like this morning. Lottie ran upstairs to get dressed, and you carried two cups after her, settling them on the coffee table in the upstairs living room. The TV was off, and in all honesty you preferred it that way, no noise apart from the subtle music Lottie had turned on in her bedroom, just down the hall from the living room. She came in wearing a loose t-shirt and pyjama pants, you; still in your after school clothes. She fell onto the couch, her eyes almost fully shut. A single warm light illuminated the room, and it was small compared, but it remained the only half-nice light in the whole house. The rest were just too fluorescent.
"Come here." You whispered, looking her up and down as she shuffled and lazily laid her head on your chest. You could tell she was tired, really tired, so asking if she was felt like too stupid of a question. Instead, you tangled your fingers in between her hair, playing with the front pieces before taking the bands out. A smile curved against your chest, making you grin back.
Today was one of the first days where you and Lottie went to bed early, usually worrying if you'd manage to make it to first period, but she was too exhausted today and you were going along with whatever she did. And as much as you wanted to change out of your clothes to finally get some sleep, getting up felt like an even worse idea than sleeping in them.
You continued unbraiding her hair, gently undoing the curls with a faint expression. "Promise I'll be more fun tomorrow." She whispered against you, eyes closed. You let out a slight chuckle in response, setting the bands onto the coffee table and falling asleep on the couch.
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neewtmas · 6 months
hihihi im here with the request hehe thank you so so so so much again you’re so amazing i can’t believe it
lockwood x she/her reader with the prompts
"Prove it."
"How much of that did you hear?"
“It's a long story." "I got time, try me."
but if they don’t make sense just go with the flow you’re already so so so so so wonderful for doing all of this i’m not gonna be picky lol 🫂🫂🩷🩷
hellooooo!!! thank you so much for these great prompts and for your patience!
I have to admit I did struggle with an idea at first but I think I turned it around and now I'm actually really proud of this, so I hope you like it too :)))
Enjoy 1.5k of Lockwood goodness just for you <333
When you woke up, the room was filled with the pale glow of the full moon shining outside the attic window. Usually, Lucy pulled the curtains close when she went to bed, so there shouldn’t have been a way for the moonlight to disturb your peaceful slumber. Your eyes were heavy as you felt around the other side of the mattress. It was cold, Lucy’s blanket still folded up from the morning before. You slowly sat up, looking over at the little digital alarm clock on Lucy’s bedside table.
Due to a headache, you had gone to bed earlier tonight, leaving your three colleagues behind in the living room. The pounding in your head had subsided considerably after a few hours of sleep, but your throat felt dry like sandpaper. You reached over to the cup on your bedside table, only to find it equally dry. Oh well. With your house slippers on, cup in hand, you made your way down the stairs. You made an effort to be quiet, just in case anyone else was sleeping already.
The kitchen was dark, and you didn’t bother switching on the bright light which would have probably only hurt your eyes anyway. The faucet was right by the window, where the moon shone bright enough for you to see what you were doing. After two cups of water, you were ready to make your way back to your bed. As you carefully pulled the kitchen door closed behind you, your eyes fell on the thin strip of light that poured out of the living room onto the floorboards of the hallway.
On second thought, maybe the bed could wait and you could join Lucy for some late-night talks in the living room. You stepped closer to the door, subconsciously trying to move as quietly as possible. As you approached the door, you could hear Lockwood’s voice as well as Lucy’s. So they were both still awake. The door was slightly ajar, allowing you to peer into the room before opening it fully.
Lockwood and Lucy sat on the couch, Lucy with her back to you. George was nowhere to be seen, probably in bed already. Something about the way Lockwood and Lucy were turned towards each other made you stop in your tracks. The hand that had been ready to push open the door slowly fell to your side, as you watched with wide eyes as Lockwood took both of Lucy’s hands, smiling at her tenderly.
“Look, I’ve been trying to get this off my chest for such a long time. Ever since you started working here, really. You are so important to me.”
It felt like someone had placed a noose around your neck and pulled it tight. Were you about to watch Lockwood confess his love to Lucy?
Lockwood hesitated now. You watched Lucy squeeze his hands. “Go on”, she said encouragingly.
“More important than I could ever put into words. Everything about you is perfect to me.”
Suddenly you felt like throwing up. Your head was spinning as you stumbled backwards and blindly felt for the wall to steady you. The thought of them being able to hear you didn’t even cross your mind as you practically raced up the stairs.
⫘⫘A few minutes prior, in the living room⫘⫘
“No, stop! Try again.”
George was slouched in one of the chairs, biscuit in hand. “That was horrible, Lockwood. Where are the feelings? Where is the love? I’m not feeling the love!”
Lucy had to bite back a laugh as Lockwood grimaced. “It’s Lucy! You try confessing your undying love to Lucy, and we can talk again.”
She kicked his shin. “Hey! Don’t forget I’m trying to help you out here. Just imagine it’s Y/N. Shouldn’t be that hard, we know she’s all you think about.”
The tips of Lockwood’s ears went pink. “Alright, alright. Let’s try again. Lucy, don’t look at me like that or I’ll laugh.”
Lucy made an effort to keep a neutral expression. Lockwood went to grab both her hands and took a deep breath.
“Look, I’ve been trying to get this off my chest for such a long time. Ever since you started working here, really. You are so important to me.” A short pause. George nodded encouragingly and showed a thumbs up. Lucy squeezed Lockwood’s hands.
“Go on.”
“More important than I could ever put into words. Everything about you is perfect to me.”
Lockwood was about to continue when the sound of footsteps on the stairs sounded through the room. He immediately dropped Lucy’s hands. “Did you hear that?”
George got up, turning to the door. “Yes”, he said slowly. “Sounded like someone running up the stairs.” He and Lucy exchanged a worried look as Lockwood rushed to the door. “Shit! Do you think she heard?”
“That was not the plan!” But Lockwood didn’t stay to explain what exactly the plan was, instead, he ran out into the hallway and up the stairs, taking three steps at once.
Lucy looked over to George. He just shrugged. “Maybe that was the kick in the ass he needed.”
Lockwood was sure that he had never run up a set of stairs that fast in his life. He was out of breath as he came to a halt in front of the door to the attic. His hands were sweaty as he knocked a few times, praying that you would open the door.
At the knock you sat up on the bed, frantically wiping away the tears from your cheeks. Who could that be? George? Maybe your running had woken him up and he was here to tell you off. You buried your head in your pillow. You didn’t want to talk to him. You wanted to wallow in self-pity and cry about the fact that the boy you liked, liked your best friend instead. But the knocks continued.
You wiped your cheeks again, just for good measure and hoped that the tears weren’t so obvious. You pulled open the door, ready to tell George that you were sorry but not in the mood for a scene, but the words died in your throat as you came face to face with Lockwood. You gasped, trying to close the door again. He moved so quickly that you barely registered it and held it open.
“Are you crying?”, he asked, and while you shook your head, the tears came back with a vengeance at the concern and tenderness in his voice. “No”, you sniffled, taking a few steps back. “Leave me alone, please.”
He ignored you. “What’s wrong? Were you downstairs?” You didn’t say anything, just wiped another stray tear. Lockwood sighed deeply. “How much of that did you hear?"
It felt like your stomach had tied itself into a thousand knots. “Listen, Lockwood, I’m happy for you and Lucy, but please, I need some time to myself right now.”
“Y/N –“ Lockwood ran his hand through his hair. “Listen to me. It’s not what you think.”
Suddenly, you could feel anger rising within you. What was he trying to do? Flirting with you for months, keeping your hopes up, only to then choose Lucy and tell you ‘it’s not what it looks like’.
“It’s not? It seemed awfully clear to me, Lockwood.”
You could tell he was hurt by your sharp tone.
“I swear it’s not. Please, Y/N, you have to believe me. It's a long story."
You crossed your arms over your chest. "I got time, try me."
Lockwood buried his face in his hand. It was hard for you to see him like this. He seemed to be in great distress.
He stepped closer to you, and you allowed him to take your hands, even though you immediately had the picture of him doing the same to Lucy in your mind.
“This is going to sound so dumb, but I promise you it’s the truth. I’ve been thinking so long about how I could possibly tell you how I feel about you. And George had this idea – this stupid idea where I would confess to Lucy, but pretend it’s you. Like a practice run. That’s what you heard.”
You stared at him. “How could I possibly believe that?”, you finally asked, and his shoulders slumped down. “You always know exactly what to say, in every situation. How am I supposed to believe that you need to practice –“
“Because you make me so unbelievably nervous, Y/N. You should have heard the five attempts before that final one. It was pathetic. George could have come up with something better.”
You smiled weakly. “I’m not sure about this.”
Lockwood looked at you, desperation written all over his face. “I know a way of proving it to you if you let me”, he said, his right hand slipping up your arm to cup your cheek. “Please?”
Your head was spinning from his sudden closeness and the warmth of his hand. You closed your eyes. “Prove it”, you whispered and your heart skipped a beat as you felt the soft touch of his lips on yours.
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madi-writes-things · 1 month
Nobody Pt. 4
(C.Sturniolo X Reader)
Chris and Y/N never seemed to get along, but sometimes help comes from the most unexpected places
Word Count: 1,332
TW: Cursing, SH (not in detail, but it is talked about), fluff, PDA, fake dating chaos, mention of cramps and throwing up because of the pain, bad sex joke, use of emojis (I have no clue how else to explain the exact reactions other than the emojis), drinking/being drunk (I’ve never been drunk, so forgive me if my portrayal is off), Not Edited
A/N: I’m so sorry this took so long, I’ve literally been locked in my room for two weeks with no motivation. I really hope that y’all like this chapter. I’m also hoping to work on some other stuff coming up soon. 😁
-Madi <3
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Nick and Matt stood at the island as me and Chris walked into the kitchen. I caught Nick’s eye as I set down enough food to feed a small militia. He just stares.
Matt hits him in the shoulder, prompting him to give him a dirty look before speaking. “I’m sorry…” He looked like he wasn’t sure what all he needed to apologize for. “I’m sorry that I punched you” he nodded toward Chris. “I’m sorry that I made you cry, I feel really bad about that.” He averts his eyes, and I think I see a small glint of shame.
I physically can’t stay mad at him, and I make it very obvious when I envelop him into a rib crushing hug. He whispers a small thank you in my ear before I walk back to the other side of the island to unpack the food. As I start unpacking breakfast I feel arms wrap around my waist, and a chin resting on my shoulder.
I freeze up, and Chris mumbles a quick “is this okay?” Into my hair. I look around realizing that Matt and Nick don’t even notice, much too invested in their food to care. I nod my head, trying to will the rosy shade to leave my face.
I’m failing miserably.
after breakfast me and Chris went upstairs to watch a movie in his room. Matt was quick to respond in the worst way possible.
“Sock that wang before you bang… and please be quiet, I don’t want to hear my brother doin it”
Y/N: 😨
Chris: 😮
Nick: 😟
Matt: 😁
needless to say, me and Chris practically teleported upstairs and away from that mortifying experience. We enter his room in a fit of laughter, practically collapsing onto the bed.
After a second I noticed that Chris had stopped laughing… his laughter is addictive, and I already missed it. I turned to see him staring at me with a look in his blue eyes that I couldn’t quite grasp. He looked happy and sad and something else all at once.
“What?” I giggled as I said it, still thinking about what Matt said only a few minutes earlier.
“are you doing okay?” This question again… I never know what to say when people ask me that. Right now I’m doing great… but in 30 minutes, or a week, or even a month I might break down again.
that’s never the answer that people want. They want something simple, yes or no. He stares at me patiently waiting for my response, it makes me feel bad for not having one.
“I’m okay right now…” he gives me a quick nod before speaking again.
“Okay, will you tell me when you aren’t doing good?” Why is he offering this, he doesn’t want to deal with me. “You need a safe space, and you clearly aren’t going to tell Nick. Let me be your safe space.”
With that we got comfy on his bed and found a movie.
things carried on like this for months.
doing good.
going down.
running to Chris.
he was always so sweet and caring. He would hold me while I cried Myself to sleep, he would walk me home early from an event if I wanted to leave, he would hold my hair back and get me a heating pad when my cramps got bad… no matter what, he was there. He had also started being more touchy in public, leaning into the fake relationship for those around us. It made me feel things that I tried to avoid for years.
I think I hate him… how DARE he make me fall in love with him, knowing that none of this is real. How dare he kiss me at parties, and hold me during movie nights, and make me feel safe when none of it is real for him.
“you okay baby?” He snaps me out of my thoughts with the use of his new favorite nickname for me. I melt when he calls me his baby, unfortunately a small part of me also dies inside every time I hear it.
“yeah, just a little tired.” We’ve been at this party for like three hours, and I haven’t even touched my drink. When Chris is tipsy he get more brave with his PDA, I don’t want to risk forgetting a single moment where he is touching me.
“do you want to walk home?” He doesn’t want to leave, he shouldn’t have to leave because I’m sad that he doesn’t love me.
“no. we should stay, you’re having fun. I’m actually going to go get a drink, maybe it will make me feel better.” He looks at me for a second before letting go of my hip, allowing me to grab a drink.
How did I get here?
It’s like one second I was listening to Chris tell a story, and now I’m dancing to some annoying pop song. I need to find Chris, I definitely had a few too many drinks.
I stumbled around for a minute, everything is spinning and making me want to throw up. I don’t know if I can walk all the way home, but I don’t want to make all of them leave early. I grab my phone in an attempt to call Chris, but by the time he picks up I’ve forgotten what I was doing.
Chris’s POV
I look down at my phone to see that Y/N is calling me, and it makes me a little worried. I pick the phone up to my ear, trying to head over the sounds of music and talking. I don’t hear her, only making me more worried.
She almost never drinks, because she has a very low tolerance. Last time I saw her, she was already three drinks in and proclaiming her love for the song that was on.
That was an hour ago.
I quickly scour the crowd in an attempt to find her face. And when I do my heart drops.
There she is in her skin tight jeans and corset top, looking lost with tears in her eyes. I rush to her side, immediately pulling the drink from her hand. She looks like she’s about to start crying.
“hey baby, can you look at me please?” When I say that she starts crying and she doesn’t seem like she’s stopping any time soon. “Hey, it’s okay. Do you want to find somewhere quiet so that you can sit down for a minute?” She nods her head aggressively before stumbling towards the bedroom of whoever is hosting.
The Golden Trio
From: Chris
can y’all meet me in the master bedroom, Y/N is really drunk and needs to go home.
From: Nicky Bo Bicky
for sure, I’ll bring some water for her.
I turned to Y/N, she looked out of it. Then all of a sudden life came back to her eyes in the worst way possible. She almost fell down in her attempt to get to the bathroom.
“it’s okay baby” I whispered sweet nothings to her as I held her hair and rubbed her back. Nick and Matt showed up shortly after she finished dry heaving, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her drink anything as fast as she drank that water.
If I thought it was a hassle trying to get her in the car, I had no clue how hard it would be to get her up a flight of stairs. She giggled as I picked her up bridal style… it made me so happy to hear her laughing.
once she got into more comfortable clothes, she fell asleep in no time.
as she held onto me and nuzzled into my side, my heart shattered. All I want is for her to be happy, but I know that I can’t fix everything. I kiss her on the forehead before rolling over and going to sleep.
@unbruisable @bernardsbendystraws @sturniolo-fann
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ramp-it-up · 1 year
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Reader
Word Count:  1.5 K
Warnings: 18+ As always, MINORS DNI, Not Beta’d. All mistakes my own. Valentine shoes and surprises, lovers quarrel, angst, longing, begging, kitchen sex, pleasurable pain, nipple play (f receiving) fingering, raw sex, p in v, oral sex (f receiving) Daddy kink.
A/N: Based on this ask. Based on my Candy Hearts Valentine Prompt List found Here. Hope you like it @flordeamatista​ 💕
I no longer operate a taglist. Follow @rampitupandread to be notified when I post.        
I Do NOT consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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You’d insisted on making dinner yourself, telling Andy that you would wear the heels that he couldn’t resist presenting you this morning after you gave him his holiday deep throat special.
But by the time he’d left, both of you were tense again after your request and his refusal. A small squabble that ruined the holiday mood. He was adamant and you were out of the practice of hearing him say no.
By the end of the day, however, you were in a different mood.
You answered the door in your pink ruffled apron, the red heels, your red heart necklace…and nothing else.
Andy stepped inside and you took his briefcase and handed him a drink.
His eyes swept over you, from your nipples through the sheer material, down your torso to the patch of hair above your pubis.
Andy squinted to see that the normal triangle was shaved into a heart shape.
He was rock hard, and all in the span of 30 seconds. He took a drink.
“Hello, Princess.”
Since you’d taken him back, you’d gone from Muffin to Princess. Andy treated you like royalty now.
Except for this morning.
“Hello Drew.”
You moved close and kissed him on the cheek. The sight of you and now your scent was heady stuff, and Andy closed his eyes as he inhaled when you came near. He wasn’t ready to lose control yet.
“How was your day?”
You murmured up at him and your gloss bombed lips mesmerized him. He thought back to the morning and he pulsed in his pants.
Only you.
Andy sighed.
“Doesn’t matter now. All that matters is you, in that outfit. Happy Valentine’s Day, gorgeous.”
You stepped back and turned around slowly, the back was even better than the front, the heels made your calves pop and that ass was moisturized and ready for his lips. The ties to the apron hung between your cheeks and Andy took a shaky breath. His eyes traced up your spine to your shoulder blades and neck, to your profile as you stood demurely with your eyes cast down, your chin parallel to your shoulder.
For a second, Andy thought he was going to faint. Damn, you were fine. And Andy was a full on simp for you.
Andy waited a beat so that the vision of him grabbing the back of your neck and bending you over the couch would subside. He reached for your hand and brought it to his mouth, tenderly kissing it.
He saw the little shiver that created and he smiled, his lips lingering on your skin.
Yes. This was better than just fucking you right now. He wanted to savor this as long as he could. Which wouldn’t be long.
“H-happy Valentines Day Drew. Dinner is ready. Take off your coat.”
Andy thrilled at your reaction, worrying all day that you would change your mind about coming back to him.
He was quietly giddy.
You turned around and reached up, but Andy’s hands on your waist prevented you from taking his jacket off. You craved this man in shirtsleeves and his shoulders made you want to lay down on the floor and hold your legs behind your head, but you just swallowed and looked up into his cerulean blues. You felt his eyes on your breasts and saw his tongue peek out onto his lips.
Damn. You needed him, but you weren’t going to be the one to break first.
You stared each other down until he let you go and took his jacket off. You took it from him and Andy watched as you walked over to the hall closet to hang it up.
He also watched as the hanger dropped to the floor and you bent over, legs straight, ass presented as you retrieved it.
You heard his stifled moan and turned around just in time to see him trying to smooth down the impressive bugle in his pants. You wanted the feel of the smooth skin of his cock on your lips, but you said nothing.
You walked to the kitchen, telling him what was for dinner over your shoulder.
Andy downed the rest of his drink, took off his tie and rolled up his sleeves.
You were at the sink, washing the spinach for a salad when you saw his bare forearms. You stared and dropped the knife as he approached you.
You looked up to the pure lust on his face as he got nearer. Everything on your body was anticipating this moment, your nipples rock hard and aching, your stomach flipping, your pussy weeping rivulets down your thighs.
Andy stood still as he waited for you to say the word.
Any word would do.
“Drew, I…”
Andy was on you like a flash, lifting you up after swiping the other salad ingredients into the sink.
His fingers dug into your sides as he slotted his slim hips between your legs.
“You don’t understand what you do to me…”
Andy gritted it out between kisses and nips on your neck and cleavage as he hurriedly untied the apron and tore it from between you. He grabbed both nipples and pinched them until you keened into his mouth which was now on yours.
“D’you feel it? That beautiful pain? S’how I feel whenever I see you. Need to be inside you…”
You nodded, head thrown back now as two of Andy’s fingers and his thumb were fucking you open as his other hand undid his pants and stroked his cock.
“Please please please please…”
You held onto his shoulders and begged him until he lined up and pushed inside you. It hurt so good.
“Ow… Andrew…. Fuck that feels so good.”
You whispered and throbbed with him as his cock immediately started pumping on its own as he felt the warm tight inside of you.
Andy had to move, to chase this high, and to make you cum soon because he was more than halfway gone.
“Princess, Fuck. I love you. I’m sorry about earlier. I love you, I love you… holy shit.”
“I’m sorry too, Drew. I was a brat.”
“You’re my fucking brat…”
Andy pulled your ass off the counter and into his hands as he laid you down on the cold white marble. He watched your glazed eyes as he pounded you and had to open his mouth to breathe as you grabbed your bouncing breasts. You looked like heaven served up to him.
“Yessss. Circle your clit, Princess. Need you to cum so bad. You’re squeezing me so tight.”
You did as you were told and as he watched your pink tipped fingernails, and he saw the cream around his cock, his balls released all the stored up energy from the day.
“Hold on, Fuckkkkkkk.”
Andy started pounding you and the wet slapping sound reverberated off the walls.
You relished his cum face all screwed up and concentrating on giving you all that good good.
“Yes, Drew, give me all your cum, Daddy.”
Andy groaned as he spurted his spend into you. Then, he pulled out and deposited some onto the fur heart between your legs. Before you got a chance to breathe, he got down on his knees and ate it off until you came again, screaming and grabbing his hair in your chef’s kitchen.
You were dizzy as you stood up, still in the heels, and starting to look at the mess you’d made in the kitchen.
“No. Don’t worry about it,” Drew was behind you and kissing your neck. “Go get in the shower, I will clean up down here.”
You smiled at his deep voice in your ear.
“Yes, Daddy.”
Andy smiled at your hoarse voice and watched you as you climbed the stairs. He winked as you looked back at him and sprang into action.
30 minutes later, you came back down in your pink velour pjs and saw that Drew was dressed in a t-shirt and grey sweats, the kitchen was clean, and the salad was made. He’d also pulled the roast out of the oven.
He pulled out a chair for you.
You smiled as his eyes twinkled at you.
You sat down to a lovely dinner and wine with laughter and good conversation. Afterwards, you sat down on the couch to watch your favorite romcom as Andy cleaned up. Then he walked toward the garage door.
“Have to let you know about the other woman, Princess.”
You were confused until you heard the whine and sat straight up to see an adorable puppy licking your man.
That bitch.
“Oh! She’s so cuteeee!”
You ran over to Andy and took her from him, and she started kissing you too. You were thrilled that Andy relented from his stance that morning.
“I promise that I will get up and walk her every morning, Drew.”
Andy shook his head, not believing you, but not caring anymore because seeing you happy was worth early mornings in the Boston cold.
“Sure, Princess. Let’s get her gear, her crate and her care things are in the garage. She has an appointment to get spayed next week.”
“Oh I love you Drew!”
“Love you too, Princess. Happy Valentine’s Day.”
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milfjuulpod · 10 months
Gifts Aplenty
req: yes
please write something about melissa going to a farmer’s market every weekend and buys things she doesn’t need because she is infatuated with reader, who has a table. just something fluffy and cute!!
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A/N: thank you so much for sending this in! apologies for taking so long with it, i’ve been feeling a little meh about my writing lately, so i hope this turned out alright for ya 🖤
The sound of your doorbell was heard from your kitchen, and immediately nerves and excitement surged through you. Today Melissa was coming over for the first time. After mentioning a crafting project you were taking on, Melissa offered to help get you started. The two of you became close relatively quickly, a bit of a surprise to you (and everyone else). The second grade teacher was known for having a tough exterior and a bit of an edge, but that’s what you liked about her, and she liked something about you too. 
    You opened the door, and there she was. Melissa looked at you like she was surprised you were there, hands full of bags to help with the day. “Hi! Welcome to my humble abode,” you said, opening the door fully and taking a step back to let her in. Melissa walked to your living room and took her time taking everything in. “Humble indeed, where’s all your decorations, kid? Your desk at work is covered in little toys, I’m surprised the coffee table isn’t the same,” she said, sitting herself down on your couch. You crossed the room and sat down next to her, trying to ignore how happy it made you that she noticed your work desk and its many inhabitants. “Yeah, well, I haven’t had much time to get stuff for my house. Plus what do you put on a coffee table? I know nothing about interior design,” You replied, earning a chuckle from the redhead next to you. “We’ll work on it. But first, the actual work I came to do.”
       The rest of the day was spent close to Melissa, working mostly in silence as the two of you attempted to figure out how to build a bookshelf. “Why didn’t you just buy one from Ikea? They come with instructions y’know,” Melissa teased. “I like things to be homemade, have a personality. I don’t know, personal preference I guess,” You found yourself being more honest and open with Melissa the longer she spent time in your home. Unbeknownst to you, what you just said would stick in her mind for weeks to come. 
       The following Monday was like any other, a quick drive to work, pick up coffee, meet everyone in the break room. Your coworkers were filing in one by one, surrounding the tv in the back to catch up on the news. Melissa was one of the last to come in, but when she did, you noticed the extra bags she was carrying. She smiled a hello to you and motioned for you to come closer to her. “Good morning, what’s all this?” You asked. “I went to the farmer’s market yesterday morning, figured I’d bring in some extra breakfast. You hungry?” Melissa answered your question with a question. Nodding, you took one of the pastries she brought in. There was another bag in the redhead’s hand, small, with what looked like a homemade logo on it. She was hiding it behind her leg, like a child giving someone a present. 
        “Hey, uh, come by my room during lunch, kid.” Melissa told you, and before you could question why, she was walking out the door to her own room. Shaking it off, you tried to tune in to the tv. Emphasis on try—the only thing going on inside your head was the older woman you just spoke to. Melissa often was on your mind as of lately, the way she talked to you, so soft like she was nervous. The way she jumped to take care of you, how beautiful she managed to be every single day, even at 7:30 in the morning. So naturally, you spent the next three periods a bit scatterbrained, only thinking of the woman you wanted to spend all day with. 
       When the lunch bell rang, you practically jumped from your chair and nearly ran your students to the cafeteria. Anxiously, you made your way to Melissa’s classroom. You knocked three times and heard a loud ‘come in!’ Melissa sat at her desk, glasses holding up her hair as she looked over papers from the morning. “Hi honey, come sit. I got you something,” She said. Honey, you thought. That was new, you’ve heard kid, and more recently hon, but honey was new, and it made your cheeks red and warm. From under her desk, she pulled out the bag from this morning, with the tiny logo on the front. She walked to the table you sat yourself at and placed the gift in front of you. As if she was trying to get a reaction from you, she sat herself down in the chair right next to you, knees brushing against each other. 
       Out of the bag, you pulled a candle holder, decorated like it was a small tree, covered in roots and leaves. It was the prettiest one you’ve ever seen. “You…This is for me? It’s so pretty Melissa, thank you…” You said, unable to pull your eyes away from your present from the redhead you were slowly falling in love with. “Yeah, I remember you said you didn’t have anything to decorate with, so I figured this would be a step in the right direction. Is it okay? Do you like it?” She asked, nerves evident in the way her voice shook. “Of course I do, it’s gorgeous. Thank you,” you turned to finally look at her, both of you sitting just inches apart, cheeks pink and palms sweaty. “Eh, it’s nothing,” Melissa replied. 
       The following Monday was the same. Arrive at work, get breakfast from Melissa, and go to her room at lunch for another present. And the Monday after that, and the Monday that followed.  By the end of the month, your coffee table was full of trinkets from Melissa. You loved coming home and seeing the gifts she got for you, each one reminded you of the woman in a different way, and how special you were to her. You were aware of the feelings you had for the redhead, and with the past month of being showered in her affection, it grew each and every day. 
      So, you asked Melissa to come over for a movie and dinner Friday after work, to which, of course, she said yes. Looking at your phone, it said 6:28, right around the time you told her to stop by. As if you summoned her with your thoughts, you heard a knock at the door. Opening it, you were greeted with Melissa wearing a low cut top and leggings, so casual yet somehow it made your mouth water and your eyes go wide. “Are you gonna let me in?” She teased, and pushed her way beside you to come inside. “You put up the trinkets? All of them?” She asked, unable to pull her eyes from everything she bought you spread out with such care on your table. You closed the front door and followed Melissa to the living room, sitting down on the couch and motioning for her to do the same. 
      “Of course I did, Mel. They’re special to me,” You told her honestly. The redhead beside you opened her mouth to say something, but quickly decided against it and averted her gaze. “Why did you buy all of these for me?” You asked. Melissa looked shocked that you would ask such a thing, as if the answer was obvious. “I…I don’t know. You said you didn’t have much to decorate with so I just started picking stuff up that reminded me of you. Just like they’re special to you…” She trailed off. You gave her a look to continue and thankfully, she did. “You’re special to me. I don’t know what this feeling is, I just…” She stopped again. With a deep breath, you finished her thought. “You just…want to be with me all the time? And get me things? Cook for me? Help me inside and outside of work?” 
        She chuckled, cheeks turning pink out of embarrassment. You held her hand gently, hoping she would get the message. Just in case she didn’t, you continued. “You like me, don’t you?” Melissa finally brought her green eyes to meet yours again, and nodded slowly. “Good. Because I like you too, I don’t invite just anybody over multiple times and spend all my hours with them. Just you, Melissa.” You watched her eyes wander from your own to your lips, and back up again, asking a silent question. You smiled at the action, whether she meant to do it or not. The older woman took that as a yes, and cupped your cheek. You leaned into her touch, and leaned even farther into her, finally pressing your lips together after all this time. The two of you ran out of breath rather quickly, nerves high as ever. “I’m glad you came over tonight,” You told her, foreheads against each other. Melissa smiled and the pink came back to her cheeks again. “Yeah, me too hon.”
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