#their literally D1 athletes
onlinecasualty · 1 month
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do they? not have? water bottles? no this is important. how do these kids consume water on the daily? they are d1 athletes i refuse to think they all just patiently wait in line to use a fountain during practices and games. and i dont even want to think about how little water neil consumes on the run if he doesnt have a water bottle
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rotisseries · 3 months
100% convinced one of my friends will end up famous and then one day y'all will see me on the tv at an event I should NOT be important enough for just because I get bestie privileges
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bsaka7 · 2 years
can't wait for my TWO PERSON TURKEY TROT (me vs my coworker through 8+ inches of snow) seb vettel I'll think of YOU
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zenyye · 2 years
he made me pinky promise and then flipped me off while still holding my pinky so I did it back. I’m taking damage
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neptunianmuse · 8 months
Spouse in D1 Chart✨
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Look at your d1 Vedic chart. Check where your 7th house ruler is. Here is a list of the signs and their rulers if you’re not sure !! Aries/Scorpio: Mars Taurus/Libra: Venus Gemini/Virgo: Mercury Cancer: Moon Leo: Sun Sagittarius/Pisces: Jupiter Capricorn/Aquarius: Saturn  I'm gonna try to describe each placement to the best of my ability. This is just from what I've learned over time and some placements I just pieced together to figure out its meaning.
In The Houses
Seventh House ruler in the First House: Your spouse may be very attractive and confident, with prominent facial features, like a defined jawline or nose. They have a very assertive and demanding vibe. Athletic. You might meet them at a fashion show, the gym, or on a walk. They might be popular among their group.
Seventh House ruler in the Second House: Your spouse might have a very classic style, wear earthy tones, or have expensive taste. They can also be financially stable. Realistic. Committed. You might meet them at work if you work in a business-related field, at family gatherings like your cousin or family member might pyo with them (this is an observation I'm not 100% sure), or a bank.
Seventh House ruler in the Third House: Your spouse might have a youthful appearance/ look younger than their age. Or they can be actually younger than you or they act immature. Jovial. Smart. Communicative. You might meet them at school, on a road trip, or when you go on a short trip somewhere (not overseas), online. The third house rules over siblings so you might get to know them through siblings or they can be your sibling's friend.
Seventh House ruler Fourth House: Your spouse will have a very nurturing and comforting appearance. Your spouse will be a softy and approachable. They could be the person people go to for everything. They have a very warm personality. You could meet them anywhere home-related, Or a place you go to that brings you comfort. It can be an arranged marriage if that's something popular in your culture.
Seventh House ruler in the Fifth House: Your spouse could be very fashionable or enjoy fashion/art-related stuff. Very creative. Very playful vibe about them. Might enjoy same hobbies. Attractive. They could be egotistical too but not always. You could meet them at a concert, theatre, art exhibit, party, at a club. It could also be Clubs you join, literally anywhere where you pursue your hobbies.
Seventh House ruler in the Sixth House: Your spouse can be somewhere who cares about their health and physique a lot. Very organized person. Someone who has an established daily routine. Very Good hygiene. You might meet them where you work, at fitness centers, or anywhere health-related. Like a hospital perhaps. Could meet them while you're doing your daily routine, like if you go to the store every day you might meet them there.
Seventh House ruler in the Seventh House: Your spouse can have a proportionate body or a symmetrical face. Attractive spouse. Hates unfairness. Well dressed. Sophisticated vibe. Graceful. Timeless Style. Very charming. Nice Smile. Straight teeth. You can meet them in a place that's aesthetically pleasing. Weddings. Social gatherings. Elegant place. Art Gallery. Through a mutual friend.
Seventh House ruler in the Eighth House: Your spouse will have a very Intense and magnetic appearance. They might attract obsessed people, but they also might be obsessive themselves. Alluring. Captivating eyes. Mysterious. They can be attracted to the occult. You can meet them in places related to money or investments. Anywhere spiritual related. A funeral maybe? that's like the worst place to meet someone. Or at a cemetery.
Seventh House ruler in the Ninth House: Your spouse will be very philosophical. They can have big facial features, like a big nose or forehead. They might have more than one cultural background. Also can mean they're foreign. Adventurous. Can speak more than one language. You might meet them at college/university or while traveling. They are open-minded and love to learn about other cultures. They can have the same spiritual/religious beliefs as you.
Seventh House ruler in the Tenth House: Your spouse will be very career-oriented. They look very professional. Very Ambitious. Responsible. You might meet them at career-related things, maybe like a career fair, In public, or networking events. They can work as a manager or in a leadership position. They care about their public image. Could be Famous.
Seventh House ruler in the Eleventh House: Your spouse can be a very friendly person. They might have a lot of friends. A social butterfly. They are approachable people. Always smiling, they also have a warm smile. You can meet them at places where you're doing group activities, online, or community service, you can also meet them through friends. They might also be part of your friend group. Friends to lovers trope.
Seventh House ruler in the Twelfth House: Your spouse will look very dreamy. Their eyes might look like a Disney character. Very ethereal appearance. They can be spiritual or interested in spirituality. They can look like sirens/have siren qualities, they're very alluring and attract people because of it. You can meet them near bodies of water. You can also meet them when you're doing meditation/yoga. While you're going through your spiritual awakening. They can be foreign and/or different religion than you.
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jungkookschin · 1 year
not so bossy
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summary: An irksome feeling infests Jungkook's system when his girlfriend lets him know that she can't meet up after not seeing him for three weeks. pairing: d1 soccer player!jungkook x reader
genre: angst, fluff
author's note: idk anything about football/soccer and yes im american so i used the term soccer 🙄lolz, also i got some inspo hearing about these famous athletes and their gfs so i pulled this out of my ass. pls enjoy (or not)! ALSO IF U HAVE ANYTHING U WANT TO TELL ME AB ANY OF MY PICS PLS PUT IT IN THE ASKS (not replies) BC THIS IS A SECONDARY BLOG
“Just because I’m not some big shot D-1 athlete doesn’t mean that my life doesn’t matter,” you grimly convey, eyebrows furrowed in pure vexation whilst your pretty lips curl down in a frown.
Jungkook exhales slightly, his pointer finger and thumb coming up to massage his temples. “Y/N, that’s not what I meant and you know it-“
“Then what the fuck did you mean?” The rapidity by which you cut him off pierces his heart like an arrow, because he’s never witnessed you being so abrasive. It hurts him to know that he’s upset you- that his inconsideration induced such a crestfallen expression from his one and only girl.
“I just didn’t want you to meet up with that guy,” Jungkook quietly explicates, unable to adeptly convey what his true intentions were: that he just missed you and didn’t want you to hang out with some other guy, even if it was just to study.
A scoff escapes your mouth, your obsidian orbs glaring bullets into him. “Jungkook, we were studying. It was for school. You of all people should understand that,” you sneer, your harsh words making his heart drop, the unpleasant feeling of guilt infesting his system, because he knows you’re right. Knows he’s been a shitty fucking boyfriend. Knows that you’ve been nothing but understanding, that you've been his personal angel ushering heaven to him, a task you accomplished everyday of every second.
Jungkook’s reticent silence tells you everything you need to know. “Don’t talk to me for the rest of the day,” you murmur quietly, though loud enough to make the words thunder in his heart. You turn your heel to walk away from him, your arms securely hugging your textbook to your chest, as if you were subconsciously shielding yourself from him. He hates that so much.
Jungkook stands frozen, unable to chase after you like he wants to. His heart is screaming at his brain make his motor system send his body after you..Instead, your figure disappears into the crowd of students flooding the hallways and he’s left there with regret plaguing his system.
How did this even happen?
Jungkook vividly remembers that dreadful text message you sent whilst he was on the bus, heading back from fall training camp.
y/n ♡: hi baby, im so so sorry. i dont think i can make it to our date tonight. this senior in my class asked me if i wanted to join a study group with him and i want to go so i do good on my final :( sorry baby.
Jungkook's lips immediately curl down at the message. Despite quite literally sharing an apartment together, he hadn't physically seen you or touched you in three weeks. With travelling out of town for a tournament for a week, and his two week long training camp immediately proceeding the tourney, he hadn't gotten the chance to come home and see you. Your absence had a deep and profound effect- he had to drown himself with intense physical training to distract himself from the fact that you weren't around.
Jungkook is a D-1 soccer player- one of the best in the nation- predicted to be one of the top picks in the first round of the Major League Soccer super draft. He takes his craft very seriously, centers most of his attention on his body and mind to refine his physical ability and ultimately become one of the best soccer players in the world. Since high school he often opted for a nasty gym session over a party, admiring Messi and Ronaldo over pretty girls, and even went to his club soccer tournaments over attending prom.
That was- until he met you.
The university you and Jungkook attended was widely renown for its impeccable soccer program- and computer science program. By God's grace was he assigned to you for a group assignment freshman year. Your face was slightly flushed when you kindly uttered "Hey, I know you're a huge athlete or something, so I don't mind carrying the project if you have to focus on sports." In reality, your intentions were selfish, solely concerned about your own grades and how this group project may cause them to fall, but Jungkook still thought it was the cutest thing ever.
He appreciated the consideration, but gently let you know that he was certainly able bodied and willing to complete the assignment. Had you not been so pretty, if the way you pushed your glasses up your face not been so adorable, he would have gladly taken the offer, not being quite privvy to anything academic related.
But you were arguably the cutest girl he's ever seen, so he was willing and eager to put in the effort.
Feelings blossomed, cavernous eyes gazed into each other and Jungkok kissed you for the first time. Seeing that you enthusiastically reciprocrating his energy, Jungkook took it as a sign that he scored the girl of his dreams. Group projects lead to late night calls and incredibly vulnerable talks in his car, then arcade dates to salacious movie nights. He officially asked you to be his girlfriend with a bouquet of the most delicately beautiful roses you've ever seen.
Jungkook thanked God everyday for your naturally compassionate nature, and for when you assuaged all his dreadful anxieties about not be an adequate and involved boyfriend. You understood that the nature of your relationship with him would not always be the most attentive- that he had no choice but to sort of neglect you when he had to travel over state and country borders for the sake of his athletic career.
You understood it and you whole heartedly offered your bona fide support.
You appeared at his games with cute red bows binding the curls in your hair, his oversized red jersey thrown perfectly over your precious abdomen. His perfect cheerleader, his number one motivator- and his teammates certainly appreciated you because he performed better when you were in the stands oggling at him with your starry eyes. He had to play better when his girl was in the crowd.
When you weren't able to be physically present at his games, you sent him the most adorable selfies of you streaming the game on your TV, laptop, or phone, going the extra mile to snag a selfie whilst Jungkook was in the frame of your device.
It really is common knowledge that Jungkook adores his girlfriend. In fact, anybody can tell by looking at the measly three photos on his verified Instagram account (courtesy of the NCAA). There was one photo of Jungkook and his teammates from a few years ago, all men have their hands on their cut and bruise heavy knees. They've got gold medals around their necks, ginger smiles on their faces after winning some summer league tournament.
The second photo was from last year when the men's soccer team at your university won the NCAA Division 1 Men's Soccer tournament, and rather than a photo with his teammates, there is one of him and you. Jungkook who was drenched in sweat from an intense yet rewarding game has his hands wrapped around your waist in the photo, leaning down and pressing a kiss on your cheek whilst you smile gleefully. His gold medal is adorned around your neck, resting on your chest rather than his. The caption reads "scored the winning goal for my number one girl", and the comments are permeated with "awwws" and "how cute!" Of course, you are slightly suspicious of the genuiniety of those comments since most of them are from girls who have a crush on him. How do you know that? You just do, consider it girlfriend intuition.
The most recent photo is simply a gorgeous photo of you at dinner. It was from his point of view- his prettiest view when you were sitting across from him enjoying your steak in a strapless black mini dress. In the photo your french manicured fingers are gripping your wine glass, the stain of your lipstick visible at the edge of the cup. The expanse of your neck is visible, making your aura all the more alluring. Your hair is in a sleek bun with the exception of the face framing pieces that dangle on the sides of your face.
You remember that day, Jungkook looked so dashing in his black button up and slacks, and when he presented you with another bouquet of red roses you melted since they were the same flowers he asked you to be his girlfriend with.
The caption is simply a black heart.
Jungkook shuts his phone off and throws it on his bed, hands rubbing his face as he groans into his palms. After you told him not to speak to you for the rest of the day, he meandered back to your shared apartment, earnestly anticipating your return home. The intoxicating scent of your vanilla body spray fills the room, making him all the more miserable.
He knows that he wasn't giving you the attention necessary in maintaining a healthy relationship, that he wasn't amply putting his share into it, but his mind was so trained on soccer that it hadn't occurred to him to check on up on you. He winces at a certain memory where he was so entranced in practicing penalty kicks that he completely forgot about your date at the pumpkin patch. He went home wondering where you were, and his heart dropped when you marched into the home, slamming the door and refusing to speak to him. After profusely apologizing and making it up to you, you later forgave him and everything returned to its usual nature.
But this time was different, because it is 2AM, and you're still not home, causing Jungkook to fall deeper into his despondency.
He spammed you with so many pleading text messages, his eyes scanning over each and everyone as his thumb scrolls further and further to the history of your shared messages.
[2:52 AM] jungkook: y/n baby im so anxious right now. please let me know where you are. i wont go to bed unless i know that you're safe. you don't need to come home or talk to me, just send me your location so that i know you're okay. im so sorry and i love you so much.
As his thumb scrolls up, his texts from earlier in the night appear.
[11:38 PM] jungkook: baby where are you? im starting to get worried about you. please come home.
[9:12 PM] jungkook: my love, the food is getting cold. if you come home we can still enjoy a meal together.
[8:24 PM] jungkook: baby, i know you're upset at me. please let me make it up to you. i cooked your favorite meal, and we can eat together once you get home. i'm here waiting for you.
A soft exhale leaves his lips, his thumb scrolling all the way back to the same stupid argument that triggered all of this.
y/n ♡: hi baby, im so so sorry. i dont think i can make it to our date tonight. this senior in my class asked me if i wanted to join a study group with him and i want to go so i do good on my final :( sorry baby.
When Jungkook first received the first message, it inevitably upset him. A grimace on his face and the furrow on his eyebrows indicated as much. He missed you so much and was looking forward to seeing you so fucking badly. He longed to feel your body against his, the thought of you keeping him up all of last night. He missed your pretty face, the vanilla scent of your soft hair, and the way you made him feel so complete. So, of course he's upset. The first thing that caught him off guard was that you were cancelling on him after three weeks apart. The second thing that caused a deeper furrow in his brows was irksome personal pronoun: him.
Were you really going to ditch him to hang out with some guy? He was trying to be understanding considering the rigor of the university's computer science program- and wanted you to do everything you could to maintain your perfect grade point average. Nonetheless, he was already pouting at the announcement of your absence.
jungkook: him?? who's this senior?? and are u sure u guys cant reschedule?? miss my girl too much
y/n♡: i miss u too, im so sorry,, it's just that this code is really fucking hard and jaebum offered to help so obvi i accepted lol
Jungkook's concern morphs into unamusement, because he is very familiar with this motherfucker. He sighs deeply, reminiscing when his teammate Hoseok approached him and informed him about a certain Jaebum making inappropriate comments about his girlfriend. Not inappropriate as in sexual, grotesque, or expletive. Had that been the case Jungkook would have beaten the shit out of the guy and risked playing the next season. The type of inappropriate Hoseok intended to express was that Jaebum was going around calling you cute- you, a girl who clearly was not single. Jungkook never explicitly told you about this, not really concerned that it would have a significant impact on your very healthy relationship, but it still displeased him.
He wasn't able to constrain his words, mentioning something when he witnessed Jaebum clearly flirting with you when he picked you up from class.
"Jungkook don't worry," you giggled. "He's just a senior in my class- he's really smart so he was giving me some homework advice."
Jungkook tensed at that. "Alright babe, just be careful."
After that, Jaebum really wasn't ever mentioned or considered. He fully trusted you so Jungkook wasn't worried, until at that very moment.
jungkook: babe
jungkook: i thought we already talked about this
jungkook: that guy literally likes you
y/n♡: ewwww lol dont put that idea in my head😭 gross
jungkook: y/n, im serious
jungkook: he really does, i can tell when someone wants u its my boyfriend intuition
y/n♡: okay baby, and if he does??? u dont trust me??
jungkook: ofc i do, but it makes me uncomfortable to know that he invited you to a “study group” , who knows what he’s planning???
jungkook: who else is gonna be there??
y/n♡: it’s just gonna be us, but i promise u u dont have anything to worry about. uk how this class has been kicking my ass.. and jaebum is the only one with an a
Jungkook uses his pointer finger and thumb to massage his temples. The thought of you and this guy studying together enkindles something vile in his system, but nonetheless he chooses to trust you since he knows how important school is to you. However this irksome feeling bubbles in his chest, and he feels like has just has to do something about it.
The next message he sends is his last attempt to assuage the undeniable burning in his chest.
jungkook: i know, can i at least come with? to make sure he doesnt do anything weird?
y/n♡: i don't think it's a good idea. i dont want things to be uncomfortable
Jungkook scowls at that. Weird? Why would him tagging along be anything of the sort? More importantly, why were you choosing to protect Jaebum’s feelings over his?
jungkook: lmao uncomfortable? are u two planning to fuck on the table or something , why would my presence make things “uncomfortable”?
Jungkook winces when his eyes train on that very ill intended text message. He knows damn well he crossed the line with that one, but your response didn’t indicate that you were upset, probably dismissing it as one of his stupid jokes.
y/n♡: jeon jungkook🙄🙄
y/n♡: i’ll see u tonight at home baby💗💗
Jungkook knows he should have left it at that, but three weeks without having you with him were so excruciating, and he longed for you so so much. He loves being an athlete; he loves playing soccer, but the intense drills and back to back games have been agonizingly tough on his body that all he wanted was to cuddle up against you in your cozy and comfy bed. Maybe have a little movie night and give you a little massage though it was his muscles that were sore and tense. But no, you had to study with some slimy guy. Consider him salty.
When the bus dropped the men’s soccer team off on campus, he bid his farewells to his teammates, and for some strange reason his legs just start walking to the library. Huh, how strange. What an anomaly it was for his feet to randomly move by themselves!
He acts very nonchalant, hands shoved into his sweats whilst he wanders between the dozens of book shelves arrayed in the campus library. Nonetheless, his eyes are rapidly shifting toward every corner in the library, in hopes that he “accidentally” runs into you.
You and Jaebum are sitting adjacent to each other at an occupied table, both of your eyes trained on your Macbook screen. Jungkook puts a hand on his chin, acutely scrutinizing the situation at hand. The distance of your chairs is quite satisfactory to Jungkook- not too close, but he would appreciate it if you were further away. Jaebum is very clearly giving you a lovestruck gaze, and when he scoots his chair closer to yours Jungkook narrows his eyes.
Jaebum is such a fucking weirdo, his hand creepily advancing towards yours that is resting by the keyboard, and you are so exceedingly focused on your screen that you fail to notice. You randomly remove your hand away from where it rests on the table, and scratch your head with it. Once you turn towards him, his close proximity startles you, and you jerk your chair back in the opposite reaction, the most mortified look on your face.
Jungkook isn’t the best at reading lips, but Jaebum is currently expressing something to you, the most awestruck look on his face and Jungkook scoffs at that, clearly understanding the situation. Without thinking he advances towards you, pulling your chair back with a tight grip whilst he looks daggers into the man. “Can you please stop hitting on my girlfriend?”
Your head whips around at the voice of your boyfriend, but it goes unnoticed by Jungkook whose attention is soley on the man.
Jaebum scoots his chair back a little bit, scratching his head. “Sorry man, I didn’t know she was your girlfriend-“
And before Jungkook can interject you speak up. “I’ve told you many times that I have a boyfriend- and quite frankly I’m appalled that you’re trying to make a pass toward me when we agreed that we would be studying,” you say firmly which induces a goofily proud smile to appear on Jungkook’s face.
“I’m sorry Y/N, I-I just really like you and didn’t know how else to talk to you," Jaebum elaborates in attempts to elicit some sort of sympathy from you. His attempt is entirely futile, and you ask him to leave, already vexxed by his inappropriate shot at making a pass at you.
You begrudgingly saunter behind Jungkook, the two of you leaving the library. Jungkook, who is acting under the assumption that you are annoyed by Jaebum, reaches out for your hand, falling into confusion when you rip your hand away from his.
"Babe?-" his eyes round, uneasy at your dissonance.
You exhale deeply, eyes apprehensively glancing around at anybody who may be eavesdropping. "Why the fuck did you follow me?" you whisper shout at him, hands thrown down petulantly.
"I was worried about you," he clarifies, not even bothering to claim that it was a mere coincidence. "And I missed you so much," his tone glosses over softly. He steps forward to embrace you, and the air shifts once you put your hands on his chest and push him away from you.
"Jeon Jungkook, I clearly told you that I would see you at home," you stonely enunciate.
Irritability spreading throughout his system, he scowls. "It was killing me to think about you being alone with this guy when I was missing you so much, and I told you that he liked you but you didn't listen-"
"I admit I was wrong about that, but I am also perfectly capable of handling myself." You hesitate momentarily, gathering the words before spitting them out hastily. "I think you've made it pretty clear that you don't trust me- which is seriously fucked up."
"What's fucked up is that you were hanging out alone with a guy who clearly likes you! You haven't seen your boyfriend in three weeks and chose to spend your time with some guy rather than with me!" Jungkook fires back, attracting some concerned glances from bystanders.
His postulation enrages you. "Need I remind you why I haven't seen you in three weeks?" you sarcastically inquire, eyebrows creasing in awe at the audacity of this man.
"Babe, I have to leave for soccer, you know that, so don't weaponize it against me," he coldly says, and really, all his words do is spread the indignation through your veins like a wildfire.
"I have never weaponized soccer against you, so don't you dare put fucking words in my mouth," you hiss, giving him the dirtiest look he's ever seen from you.
"I have been nothing but supportive of you. Never said shit when you're out there with a bunch of cheerleaders who like you, and with your teammates that fucking cheat on their girlfriends with those cheerleaders! Yet the moment that I prioritize my academic career over you, you pull some weird shit as if you can't trust me!" you finish, your ice colds words leaving Jungkook frozen as a sculpture, as if nitrogen replaced his blood because he realizes you're right. If he ever spend a moment in your shoes, he would lose his goddamn fucking mind because of his naturally possessive and overprotective nature.
"I'm sorry, that's not what I was trying to say," Jungkook clumsily tries to salvage himself. "I appreciate you so much for always being there for me and when I go pro I'll make it up to you. You'll be my soccer wife, and we'll have a mansion with our kids- I'll buy you whatever you want," he conveys, his feeble attempt of sewing together the cuts of the situation.
Instead of a commiserating look, you give him a look that tells him you're even more irritated.
"That's not the point! You don't get that I don't want my identity to be just Jeon Jungkook's soccer wife. I want to be my own person, have my own successful career," you frustratedly communicate. "Why do you think I'm trying so hard in this stupid fucking coding class? Because I didn't want to see you? I always want to see you, but I have to make sacrifices too. The class average is 56 and Jaebum is the only one with an A, but my life isn't as important as yours so you don't want to be sympathetic of my feelings." You finish, cooling off once you've exploded at him.
Jungkook rips away eye contact with you, looking towards another direction, feeling slightly chagrined at your legitimate display of vexation. "I guess your studying didn't seem as important to me at the time," he abashedly murmurs.
“Just because I’m not some big shot D-1 athlete doesn’t mean that my life doesn’t matter," is how you retort, leaving the situation full circle.
Now, it's 3 AM, and you're still not home. Jungkook feels himself falling into a pit of dilapidation and guilt, feeling so remorseful of how shitty he's been. You truly are his super woman, because he's positively sure that he wouldn't be able to handle it if you did what he had to do on a regular basis. He couldn't even handle it when you were studying with another man, let alone travelling and leaving him at home by himself.
The apartment simply feels so empty, and it makes him feel all the more lonely. When he walks into your shared bathroom, his eyes glossing over your cosmetics and skin care products, he becomes absolutely miserable. Debilitatingly picking up your moisturerizer, he squeezes the bottle, product falling falling into his hand. He looks into the mirror and rubs the ointment into his skin, sighing exasperatingly because he wishes you were standing by his side.
The sound of the door suddenly creaks open, and Jungkook rushes into the living room thinking that you may have returned home. His face immediately falls when Jimin marches into his apartment.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Jungkook deadpans.
Removing his shoes at the front of the house, Jimin scoffs. "Why'd you leave your door unlocked at 3 AM?"
Jimin plops down at the dining table, picking at the food Jungkook meticulously prepared for you. "This shit is cold as hell," he mumbles before grabbing the plate and shoving it into the microwave. Jungkook doesn't say anything, just grinds his teeth whilst he lays down on the couch.
"Y/N's not home?" Jimin questions with a mouth full of steak.
"No," Jungkook quietly mumbles, dejected and losing hope that you would return home that night.
"I ran into her a few hours ago," Jimin states casually, causing Jungkook to robotically spring up like a zombie and join Jimin at the dining table. "Where?" Jungkook asks like a crazy man, eyes wide, his veins protruding through the whites in his eyes. Jimin gives his friend a distasteful look before protectively covering the food Jungkook made. Jimin analyzes the situation carefully before it dawns on him that you aren't around.
"She's still not home yet?" Jimin asks, concern spreading throughout his face.
"No," Jungkook squeaks out, discouraged by everything before he bangs his head on the dining room table.
"I ran into her at the mall," Jimin says, attempting to provide some comfort to his younger friend. "We looked around a little bit, but I had to go pick my brother up and then I dropped her off at the gym."
Jungkook pauses, owlishly blanking into space whilst he takes a few moments to fully comprehend what just zoomed past his ears. The sleep deprivation and exhaustion is seriously hindering his cognitive function, but he just can't sleep until he knows that you're safe. "Huh?"
Jimin sighs, rolling his eyes before repeating what he just said. He raises his palm to smack the back of Jungkook's neck, which elicits a gruesome glare from the younger one.
"I ran into your girlfriend at the mall. We looked at the dinosaur exhibit. I dropped her off at the gym," Jimin firmly enunciates.
Apparently this computes more briskly than the first time. "The gym?" Jungkook asks, an amusing look of confusion hazed on his face.
"Yes," Jimin replies, frowning at Jungkook's sluggish responses.
"She went by herself?"
"I don't know," Jimin responds, a hinge of more empathy in his voice. "She said something about a personal trainer but I have no clue what she was doing."
An exasperating sigh leaves Jungkook's lips, too much information for his fatigued brain to compute. He didn't even know you had damn personal trainer- you don't even need a fucking personal trainer when your boyfriend is one of quite literally a D-1 athlete. It's not something he wants to even think about, the prospect of him being a shitty boyfriend plaguing his mind even more.
Jimin's eyebrows furrow in concern for his younger friend, and his hand gingerly pats his friend's rock hard back. "Do you want me to stay the night? Or stay at least until she gets back?" he suggests whilst the younger one buries his handsome face into his large palms.
"Please," Jungkook mutters.
Your unexpected entrance proves that Jimin's request was unecessary, because you casually waltz back into the apartment, making Jungkook practically whip his head towards the sound of the opening door.
"Jimin?" you jabber, a little startled at his unanticipated presence.
"Oh hey Y/N!" Jimin greets you more awkwardly than he ever has before, as if he interrupted something though he was there first. "How was the gym?" he releases a sheepish chuckle, and you internally cringe at his overt display of politeness.
"Oh, um. It was good. Are you planning on spending the night?" you ask, slipping your shoes off as you join the two at the dining table.
"Pshhh, no. Absolutely not! I gotta head home.." his eyes erroneously shift all over the room, poorly concealing how clearly he wants to leave. "Right about.." his head whips down at the non existent watch on his wrist. "Now!" He scoots the chair out and -for some reason- he tiptoes out of the house, bidding you and your boyfriend a farewell as he gently closes the comically creaking door.
You look towards your beloved, Jungkook looking dejectedly at his twiddling hands, avoiding eye contact with you. A soft exhale leaves your lips and you plant your palms on the table, getting up before you approach him. Even when he's sitting down at your wooden dining room chairs, he's only a little bit smaller than you- training and the gym have done him well. This profound emotion of tenderness rushes into your heart, and you bend down, placing a tentative and delicate kiss on his fragile cheeks.
"Wanna come with me to the bedroom?" you ask, gentleness lacing your voice at to hopefully assuage the vulnerability of the situation. It is undeniably true that you were upset- even livid at him, but after mulling it over you realized that he is your one and only. If anybody was deserving of your empathy, it was him.
You stride to the bedroom, settling down on the side of your bed with your big hunk of a boyfriend mimicing your actions like a little puppy.
"I made us bracelets," you blurt out hands digging into your pockets, before you pull out two identical bracelets dangling from your fingertips. The bracelets were childlike at best; you used black plastic beads and yarn, the same type of shit toddlers use in pre school when they learn how to do basic things like cut in zig zag lines. The bracelets are mostly made up of black beads, with a pink heart bead in the center of them.
Your fingers wrap around your boyfriend's larger hands, and you gingerly slide his bracelet on his dainty wrists. You suppose you overestimated the circumference of his wrist, because it hangs off his wrist like a necklace.
Jungkook still hasn't said anything, but finally looks up, and your eyes meet his glossy ones.
When you realize that he's crying, you hand cups his cheek, and you use your thumb to wipe the tears that cascade down his handsome face. "No no no," You're panicked at his sullen state. "Don't cry," you express desperately. "Please don't cry, I'm sorry."
Jungkook gazes at you so intimately and intensely, and he feels as if all his resolve breaks now that you are finally in front of him.
"I-I just didn't want to lose you," Anguish laces his voice, and he sounds so desperate that it makes it feel like your heart is being ripped into pieces. "Thought I was gonna lose you," he whispers, and you're compelled to just hug him- so you turn to him and wrap your arms around his neck, and his automatically snake around your waist, so naturally- like this action was done so out of muscle memory.
He holds you tightly, like he never wants to let go of you, of this. He holds you like he's found his sweet solace in your embrace. His neck finds comfort in the crook of your neck whilst he pours his emotions out into your honeydew skin.
"I can't believe you still love me."
"I can't believe you made me a fucking bracelet even after everything. You're so sweet, so perfect."
"I don't deserve you- you mean everything to me. I swear I'll make everything up to you, just give me one more chance."
You pull back at his words, a concerned haze painted on your face. You settle on your knees to meet him at equal eye contact. "Did you think I was gonna dump you?"
Jungkook tears away his eyes from yours. "I don't know. I thought you were getting sick of me- I guess," and the
You sigh, shifting your weight backwards so that your ass rests on your heels. You gnaw on your bottom lip, finding the right words to say. "Jungkook," you begin, conjuring the courage to verbalize everything you've been itching to say. "I... I have never loved anybody as much as I love you." You inhale, nostrils flaring slightly before you continue your somewhat clumsy attempt to bandage everything.
You speak very steadily so that he can fully digest what you are about to say. "And I don't love you because you're a soccer player, or because you're verified on Instagram, or because you're ESPN thinks you're going to be super successful. I love you because you're you."
Jungkook's undeniable heartbeat is pounding, so loud that he can hear it in his ears. Love. Your love is interpermeating his being, seizing control of him completely and fully. There are no words that can properly encapsulate how he feels. Just Love. Love times a million. "Y/N-"
"Just shut up and let me talk," you cut him off, preparing once again to regurgitate your feelings.
"I just love you so much, and because I love you, I would never do anything to jeopardize our relationship. You just have to trust me, even if it makes you uncomfortable. I'm an adult- I know what I'm doing."
Jungkook purses his lips perceptively, nodding ever so carefully at your simple yet overflowing explanation.
"It just hurts me that you felt like you couldn't trust me enough to be alone with him. I know I was wrong for not trusting you when you said he liked me, but even if he were to make a move on me, I would never reciprocate or encourage that behavior. I put so much trust in you, and I really want you to work towards putting that same trust in me. And.. I'm sorry for throwing a temper tantrum, I was just embarrassed I guess. "
Jungkook grabs your hand as if the moment is fleeting, his already soft expression softening impossibly more at the sincerity of your words. He holds your hand to his chest, and you can hear the rapid beating of his heart.
"I understand," he automatically expresses, which concerns you because his answer was almost too immediate. You're not sure if he's properly digesting what you are trying to communicate.
"I was just super frustrated- I missed you so much and thinking of you and that guy was killing me. I trust you, but what if he did something to you?" The disclosure of his authentic feelings relieves any doubts you had about the immediacy of his answer.
"Babe, I'm not an idiot," you reply. "I have a taser and it's not like we were in the woods in the middle of the night," you point out which elicits a soft chuckle from Jungkook.
"You're right baby, my girl's a genius," he leans in and presses a familiar and delicate kiss to your bottom lip, causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach. When he pulls away you're left with a lingering feeling of longing, and he beams at you.
"You just gotta be patient with me, but I swear I'll try to be less," Jungkook takes a moment to find the right word. "Overbearing."
You give Jungkook a pursed smile and nod your head. Before you can respond he presses another delicate kiss to your lips. Though the kiss is fleeting, it's as if your lips mold together perfectly because he knows you and your lips the best. "Thank you for being you," he presses his forehead against your, mumbling against your lips, the utmost sincerity in his voice. "I love you, so so much," he says, hot breath palpable against your lips. "Thank you so much for everything you do. Thank you for understanding, for loving me. You're just- just perfect, perfect for me. Made for me, and I love you so much." His emotions overwhelm him, and his eyes become glossy. "My love for you scares me. The thought of you leaving terrifies me so much, and if you did, I don’t think I would ever recover,” his words are delicate, fragile like he’s a butterfly that could fly away at any moment. It was up to you to keel him grounded.
You close your eyes, savoring the moment of him being so close. " 'm not going anywhere," you hum into his lips, and he sighs blissfully, snuggling more into your protective embrace.
That night, you fall asleep on his chest, his arms instinctively wrapped around you for the entirety of the night.
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billypoindexter · 1 day
“Frog Study Time” rarely included any actual studying. Chowder would suggest that the three of them get together to work on homework, and it wouldn’t take long for the books and computers to be abandoned in favor of the stupidest conversation topics known to man (their conversation about Barbie movie lore had gotten so out of hand that they were unofficially banned from all going to the library together). But even though they all realized that these study sessions were literally a waste of time at this poitn, Nursey and Dex never turned down Chowder’s offer.
This particular Wednesday night Dex was doing his best to fight the urge to yap, as he needed to make headway on his comp sci midterm before their roadie this weekend. Nursey hadn’t even grabbed any of his books before pulling Chowder onto Dex’s (“the top bunk won’t hold us both!”), and Dex was doing his best to tune them out while he coded. But even with good intentions, Dex knew there was no way he wouldn’t inevitably be drawn into the chitchat.
“Nineteen is not old, Nursey!”
“Dude, you’re literally a D1 athlete, you can’t tell me that no one was interested before Caitlin.”
“Just because girls were interested doesn’t mean I had to oblige. I wanted to wait for someone I actually liked.”
Dex must have been focusing in way more than he thought, because he had no idea how Chowder and Nursey started talking about their first hookups. It wasn’t unusual for the team as a whole to discuss their sex lives, but with the frogs they usually geared their conversations towards more sophisticated subjects, such as Barbie movies
Nursey turned toward Dex at his desk, and Dex could hear the annoying grin on his face as he said, “Bet you waited for someone special, Pointdexter. You seem the sentimental type.”
Dex just continued to type and squint at his computer screen. “Actually, I’ve never had sex.”
Chowder slammed closed his psych textbook—there’s a chance he had opened it at that moment just so he could slam it closed for dramatic effect—and shouted, “HOW DID WE NOT KNOW THAT????” He let out a moan of despair. “We’re supposed to tell each other everything!”
“Yeah, what happened to the sacred frog bond?” Nursey added.
Dex shrugged, doing his best to not get drawn in. Realistically, he knew that he wasn’t going to get anymore work done, but he continued to stare at his computer in the hopes that he could refocus.
“Dude, we can totally find a chick to hook you up with. Unless I was right about you being a romantic,” ribbed Nursey. “Also, we can see you’re not working on your midterm anymore, so you can give up the act.”
Huffing, Dex swiveled around in his desk chair and crossed his arms. Chowder was leaning forward, elbows on his knees and chin in his hands as he stared at Dex. Nursey, ever chill, was leaning on his side, messing up Dex’s pillows as he propped his head on the back of his hand.
“I never said anything because it never came up,” said Dex flatly. “And I’m not a romantic, I’m just not interested.”
“C’mon,” whined Chowder, “give us the chance to find you someone!”
Dex shook his head as he clarified, “No, I mean I’m not interested in sex.”
A pause. Two blank faces looking at him. As much as Dex wanted to play it cool, he could feel his heart beating a bit faster and a blush creep up his neck; he’d never admit that to anyone before, even though he’d known it himself for a while.
Nursey was the first to break the silence: “Huh.” (This guy really knows how to make use of all those English classes.)
“Wow, really?” asked Chowder, clearly curious, sitting up straighter. “You’ve never seen a girl and wanted to…ya know…” He made some weird hand gestures that Dex very much did not know, but he got the idea.
“Nope.” He took a breath and added more quietly, “It’s not really girls that I look at, anyway.”
Again a pause. Again two blank faces. Again a quickening heartbeat and a spreading blush, as Dex voiced another thought that wasn’t new to him. But this time Chowder was the one who reacted first.
“Oh! Oh, ok!” He clapped his hands together. “We’re learning so much tonight! This has got to be one of our more productive study sessions.”
He grinned brightly at Dex. He gave him a smile back, not as big but just as genuine. He then flicked his eyes to Nursey, who also had a small smile as he slowly nodded his head. “Right on, Pointdexter.”
Nursey and Dex held each other’s gazes for a moment longer, then Dex cleared his throat and announced that that was enough emotion for one night and turned back to his computer. He worked a bit longer, letting Nursey and Chowder get back to their conversation (“You were seventeen and you’re giving me grief for being nineteen? Oh fuck off!”).
Chowder gave Dex a hug before heading back to his room for the night, which wasn’t unusual, even if this one was tighter and longer lasting than most. Nursey let Dex use the bathroom first while he worked on extricating himself from the bottom bunk and smoothing out the bedding. After brushing his teeth, Dex headed back to the room and passed Nursey, who grabbed his arm and stopped him.
“Hey,” he said softly, seriously. Once Dex turned his head to him, he continued. “Do you want to talk more about it?”
Nursey had come out as pan to the team last year. Dex knew him and Bitty had talked about being queer and playing collegiate hockey, and the difficulties that could sometimes came with that. He tensed up for a second, thinking that Nursey was upset that he hadn’t said anything about his sexuality before, but there was nothing but concern in his face.
Dex shook off Nursey’s hand. “No, I’m alright,” he said, making his way to his bunk.
Later, as they both were laying in their beds, Dex spoke again. “Thank you, though. For, um…for offering. I appreciate it.”
“See, I knew that you’re secretly a softy.”
Dex rolled his eyes at that and reached with the palm of his hand out to punch the bedframe above him. Then he turned and nestled into his pillows, breathing deeply of the scent the lingered there and trying not to think about why he liked it so much.
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humanbug · 1 year
hiiii! sorry first time submitting an ask cause i’m shy lol but i have a suggestion for abby!
abby being an athlete like a basketball or hockey player for your college while reader is a book smart and more introverted person.
her saving you a special seat to watch all her practices and games and being her biggest cheerleader <3
and don’t even get me started on the sex after she wins a big game 🤭
Omgshjgshf this is so good (/ω\) this literally had me giggling and kicking my feet. This is my first time writing headcanons so I hope they don't suck hehe
✧.*Abby being a hockey player at a D1 college, she’s studying to be a sports physical therapist. She plays center and is very popular in her team and in the school. You’re a biomedical engineering major and are not not popular but are significantly more introverted than your ‘star of the hockey team’ girlfriend. You had accidentally become popular when you started dating Abby, people quickly took a liking to your personality and your humor.
“Are you sure they want to meet me Abs? What– what if they think I’m annoying or not good enough for you–”, you ramble on but are cut off by a hand under your chin. “Would you take a deep breath? They’re gonna adore you. I promise. You’re getting nervous for no reason.”
✧.*You of course wore her jersey to every game and on big games would even paint something cute on your face in her team colors, maybe hearts or stars! You’d make sure to cheer as loud as you could and could hardly be contained to your seat the entire game. On more than one occasion Abby had been caught in a confrontation on the ice, she would rarely start one herself but would always defend herself or her teammates. After her games, you make sure to wait by the ice-rink door for her and she would always look for you first and scoop you into her arms.
✧.*During parties after games she would essentially be your shadow the entire night, always making sure her hands were on you, or her arms wrapped around you, or you would be on her lap. Her sport was extremely important to her so during the season she wouldn’t smoke, she’d occasionally drink but rarely got drunk. If you decided to smoke or drink she would take care of you the entire night. Always checking in and making sure you felt safe. 
✧.*After games and parties you would always make sure Abby knew how proud you were of her and how good of a job she always does. Your absolute favorite way to show her was to spend as long as you could in between her strong thighs while she sat on the edge of the couch in your apartment. Abby would adore the way your eyes looked up at her from your position. Another way you two loved celebrating was showering together after games, which almost always led to more. 
✧.*This one is so self-indulgent but I think Abby absolutely drives a Dodge Charger and reader drives a VW Beetle because I think it would drive Abby absolutely crazy how small your car is. 
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chiarrara · 3 months
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(part two of this ask from @distorzija-misli6 <3)
Basketball AU: I don't know as much about Basketball as I do about Baseball, so this is a good chance for me to think through positions & what each character's role on the court would be! (and decide if I want to make them taller than their canon heights)
Nobara: I talked about how Nobara likes to drive to the basket and draw (or make) fouls a lot. She's also got a good midrange shot and can make three pointers. She can play anywhere on the court, she's a really versatile player, and she always goes hard. She's also a huge shit talker. She has a reputation for elbowing, pushing, and doing anything to get the ball. Basically, the way she sees it, everyone on the other team is an enemy and she doesn't care what happens to them as long as she gets the basket & her team gets the win. She's not super sappy and motivational with her teammates, she's more into tough love. But she's also super loyal and trusts her teammates fully. I maintain she'd be a sixth man off the bench who can easily sub in for a shooting guard or a forward. (also I might bump her up to be at least 5'5" or 5'7" girly is so short)
Maki: She's a team leader. Cool headed, very skilled, hard worker--she practices more than anyone. She's great at taking charge on the court & directing plays. She's an amazing ball handler, she can dribble the ball up the court, make tough passes, get out of traps, and throw the ball in, all without making a turnover (losing the ball and giving it up to the other team). She has a natural commanding presence and her teammates look up to her and follow her lead. She is absolutely a tough love girly, though. She will tell you exactly what you suck at and need to improve, and you're not gonna get a lot of praise from her. But that just means it means even more when you do get it. Ya girl is a point guard with a good shooting arm and amazing court sense and game knowledge. (I might bump her up to 5'9" or 5'11" just to keep her height on Nobara)
Megumi: Since Megumi is also really strategic I think he started out as a point guard on the men's team, but when the teams merge, he and Maki have to compete for the spot. He kind of wants to just give it to her, but she absolutely won't let him so they play for it. Unfortunately, when it comes down to it, he just isn't as driven, is too unselfish with the ball, doesn't go all out and loses (queue Gojo-Megumi heart to heart). After that, I think he transitions to more of a shooting guard/small forward position. He's a defensive focused player, he gets near the basket to get rebounds, he creates opportunities on offense by running plays that confuse the defense, he blocks players on the other team to create scoring opportunities for his shooters. He can score from anywhere on the court, but he often passes the ball when he should be taking a wide open shot. Room for improvement. (we'll make him 6'1"-6'2"?)
Yuuji: He's a tough player, strong and athletic, but he's not fouling on purpose like Nobara does. He plays under the basket a lot, he's a strong shooter. He's got all kinds of layups, jump shots, and the occasional three. Any opportunity to dunk he's taking it. Any opportunity to block the other teams shot, he's taking it. He's extremely coachable, if you tell him to jump, he literally asks how high. Great free throw shooter because he can just turn off crowd noise & distraction and focus in. He's the notorious D1 athlete in a post game interview. His answer to everything is "we left it all on the court" or "we gave it 110%". One time he broke his nose colliding with a guy and had to wear one of those bizzare looking face guards for like a month after. (6'0" he's gotta be shorter than Megumi, sorry)
Yuuta & Toge: They're both shooting guards, knocking down three pointers. Yuuta tends to defend more under the basket because of his height where Toge is out on the perimeter. Toge's a great ball handler and can make quick passes and weave around the defense. Yuuta's great at getting in position, side-stepping, shot faking, at shooting from mid-court. They're both supportive teammates and are great cheerleaders from the bench. (Yuuta is 6'4" and Toge is only 5'10" on a good day)
Panda: He's the tallest, the biggest, and the strongest. He's posted up under the basket making layups, blocking shots, getting rebounds, and boxing dudes out so they have to take bad shots. He can go absolute beast mode on a counter attack and jump over a dude to get a slam dunk. He's the biggest morale-booster & the heart of the team. (he's still 6'7")
Shoko: She was the head coach of the women's team and when they merged, she got the position to coach the coed team. She's decisive, outwardly unemotional, and extremely effective. She doesn't pump the team up with big speeches, she's much more subtle, but she develops the relationships in practice and throughout the season so when it comes to a make or break moment, her team believes her when she says, "Well, I know you can win, so are you going to?
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futuredadbod · 1 year
if you wanted to get fat for so long what made you keep going to the gym? wouldn’t an easy transition be to let your body go and then ease into gaining? :)
Hey anon, thank you for asking this question. I was a very serious athlete growing up and was D1 varsity in college (just saying that to show the seriousness, not bragging in any way). I couldn’t gain during that time at all because of my sport, but always fantasized about it. After I finished my athletic career, I coached while in grad school. This kept me involved in the sport I did and I was not confident enough to start gaining then because I was still around my fit/athletic friends and didn’t want to face any scrutiny/jokes for gaining weight. Looking back, I should’ve started then. I have good friends who wouldn’t have said anything, but your mind can be your own biggest enemy (I literally bought two packs of cookies to start eating before bed the week after I ended my athletic career and got scared and threw them away). When I graduated and moved home, I realized no one really cared about how I looked, and that I could actually get fat and enjoy it. I think my transition has been relatively easy-going so far, since I’ve gained ~35-40lbs in a year and a half. I wish I could gain faster to make up for lost time, but I’ve got plenty of time ahead of me. I’m much more confident now and I’m really excited to see what the future has in store. Hopefully it’s a much fatter and happy version of me!
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bright-and-burning · 4 months
get to know you better game! answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to get to know better
thank u @freeuselandonorris <3
last song i listened to:
TEXAS HOLD ‘EM by beyonce (literally dancing around my apartment to it akdjskjd)
currently watching:
right this moment a [redacted university] d3 indoor track meet stream… men’s mile let’s go
in general… not really anything lol. i need something good to get into honestly, thinking abt the bear or new girl except i don’t have the necessary accounts for either and im too lazy and tired immediately after work to figure out 🏴‍☠️ing
currently obsessed with:
mclaren takes up like 70% of my brain matter . if you can’t tell . the prepackaged grocery store asian sesame salad i was going on about earlier!!! track and field but like a weird spread of d3, d1, and pro athletes lol. i’m in a weird place rn where i haven’t like figured my life out enough to do anything more than operate on autopilot just trying to survive so that’s kind of it but hopefully the long weekend lets me sort the rest of my todo list so i can get into/back into like. swing dancing and books and art and jazz clubs etc etc. trying to convince my friends to go out to bars this weekend bc i badly need socialization but it’s sooo cold i think im not succeeding :(
friends i have no idea who has been tagged . not even in the slightest. so idk if im gonna hit nine people but go for broke besties
@ocontraire @landoisokay @albonoooo @albontology @crozierahegao @crimsonicarus @otterpiastri @argentinagp @chilegp
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~Fluff time~ (slight hurt/comfort, fluffiness, and this is based off of my headcanon about New York loving coloring books)
Also: Connie is Connecticut’s nickname
The meeting had been rather stressful for New York today. There was a lot of yelling and fighting and cussing and other various loud sounds that were overstimulating him and he felt like just curling up in ball and crying where he sat and covering his ears to block out everything. But then he would have had to deal with the others asking what was wrong with him and he did NOT need their pity.
Once the meeting was over, he left the meeting room as fast as he could without literally sprinting like a D1 track athlete and went to his room. Once he got there, he grabbed one of his many adult coloring books, his 96 pack of crayons (bet it has a sharpener too- those are literally the best-), his phone, and his Bluetooth headphones. York set the stuff on his bed and walked over to his closet and grabbed his cropped AC/DC hoodie the may or may not be a little big on him and literally eliminated his arms/hands. He put on the hoodie and headphones, turned on his music, grabbed his stuff, and started his way to the living room. On his way out of his room, he saw one of his fidget cubes and grabbed it with little to no hesitation before going to the living room.
He walked down the hall and looked around the lounge area of the NE floor to see how many people were there. Pennsylvania and Mass were talking in the kitchen, Jersey and Rhode Island were sitting at the kitchen island exchanging memes, and Maine was sitting on couch paying attention to the TV. Aight, he’ll be alright. York snuck past everybody and went into the corner of the living room where he usually hid when he wanted to. There, he set down his stuff, grabbed a pillow, found a good picture, and got to work.
There was something about coloring that brought some weird form of peace to his soul. He just liked the mindlessness of it and the fact that it gave him two positive things to focus on instead of many negative things, and that was: staying in the lines and listening to the music.
A few hours later, at around 10pm:
Connecticut was getting ready for bed when he decided to go get a cup of water before sleeping. As he walked to the kitchen, he noticed something laying in the corner of the living room. He walked over and his heart nearly melted at the sight that lay before him.
York was curled up in a ball near fully asleep next to his coloring book on the floor. He had one arm, which was covered completely by his hoodie sleeve, wrapped around his torso and his legs pulled up to torso. His other arm/hand that wasn’t wrapped around himself had a crayon in it, and York’s phone was next to him still playing his music and his hood was covering his head as well as half his face. It was overall an adorable sight, but Connie wasn’t about to let York just sleep on the floor like that. He was also questioning how the he// York was able to sleep in that position and be comfy.
He walked over to his youngest brother and knelt down next to him. He gently shook York’s shoulder and whispered, "York..?" A few times. Slowly but surely Connie heard a slight groan, indicating that York was slightly awake now. He gently took the hood off of the younger’s head and ruffled his hair slightly, chuckling when he leaned into the touch. "C’mon ya little dork. Time for bed. You need it."
"Mm not tired…." York mumbled as though he wasn’t practically asleep right now.
"Mhm yea okay." Connie said sarcastically as he ran his hand York’s hair and gently scratched his scalp, putting the younger in pure bliss. "Yer literally falling asleep right now."
"Mm not…." protested the Empire State. "F(speaks New York) off…."
"Yes you are, don’t bother tryin’ to get out of this." Said the Constitution State. He gently poked York his exposed side, making him flinch and curl up completely. This gave Connie the opportunity to pick up the taller in his arms, carry him to the couch, and lay down with York (who was practically asleep) curled up next to him. He grabbed a comforter that was on the back of the couch and gently draped it over the two of them.
York had now buried his face in his brother’s chest and was sound asleep.
Connie tilted his head slightly and planted a gentle brotherly kiss to the top of his head. "Night Yorkie…."
And he could’ve sworn he heard a near dead silent, "Welterusten (Dutch for: Good Night)." in response to his words.
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sassenach082 · 1 year
im pretty sure that early on in ill ride you mentioned ice played water polo in high school and if i have like made that up feel free to ignore this but
another sport i could see him playing is rugby- league specifically but i think thats just cause i play league and dont understand union. It's got that physical element of water polo and theres like four different positions whose main job is controlling what goes on i can see him playing it
he did play polo yeah just because it's really popular in southern california... my school was D1 and their budget for the polo teams was literally *insane* and athletes like went on to be in the Olympics and shit. it was huge in the southern california region in the 70s-80s too most high schools had teams starting around the mid 1970s from what I could find
tbh I could definitely see him doing something like rugby too; I honestly feel like most sports would bore Tom because they're too slow / don't have enough action. water polo and rugby are basically nonstop contact lol. also his body shape just kind of screamed "swimmer" to me as well since he's more lithe compared to slider's bulky
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madefate · 1 year
i am. exhausted
things start coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming - on the heels of the massive, unexpected layoffs communicated via email the morning of two weeks ago, that wiped out most of our student-facing offices and over HALF of our carefully picked, fully functioning and deeply wonderful advising team, the college announced today, midday, that they're cutting the athletics program.
the entire thing. WE ARE A D1 SCHOOL that serves athletes who are LARGELY first gen and don't have the privileges or opportunities to go to the big d1 schools but still benefit from the scholarships and opportunities - we have TWENTY ONE NCAA D1 SPORTS and we have been INTEGRAL to our conference. national papers are picking this up, and students are freaking out.
we had an academic affairs wide zoom meeting today and just. the level of bullshit they shoved down our throats is intolerable at this point. people were bringing up that students were crying and consoling each other in the hallways and despite the higher ups constantly telling us "put on a brave face for the students, it's about the students" they had NO PLAN IN PLACE to communicate ANYTHING to the students outside of telling the athletes that their programs are gone! they had NO INTENTION of telling the students -- they literally told us to just tell them face to face. WHEN WE LOST OVER 50% OF OUR STUDENT FACING STAFF including, apparently, our instructional designer.
i'm so tired of being condescended to and being told that we don't matter, the students do. they're our priority. I WORK IN EDUCATION MAKING WAY LESS THAN I'M WORTH, OF COURSE I LOVE WORKING WITH STUDENTS. what about us??? what about our mental health??? they cut the fucking HEALTH AND WELLNESS and COUNSELING OFFICE but they're saying that that's integral to the plan to help the athletes.
i'm sorry for the venting i'm just. exhausted and i need a place to let it out!!! this is fucking ridiculous!!!
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bqstqnbruin · 5 months
I swear men only ever have the audacity
This dude is saying he can obliterate Caitlin Clark in a 1v1 basketball game and he was like “AND I’m 5’6” like sir respectfully what
Literally the same energy as that one guy who thought he could beat a D1 track athlete in a race just because he was a man and she was a woman (spoiler alert! She won!)
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Olympique Lyonnais Le Progrès Article (January 8, 2023)
I got boosted (#GetVaxxed!!!) and the flu shot yesterday and literally feel as though I was hit by a truck. "Why did you get both shots at once?" Well CVS never said I couldn't! Which leads us to now, me hurting so much that I am not even interested in walking to my local coffee shop to get some tea.
Blah blah standards disclaimers apply. OL Comms Dept should really be giving me emotional compensation for this.
OL Feminin: "we're in an upward momentum, we want to keep it going"
Back to training after a 10-day break over Christmas, the Lyon players returned to competition at Rodez in the Coupe de France (8-0 victory). And follow it up this Monday with a five day camp in Vendée. Théo Rivrin, second associate to Sonia Bompastor, looks back at the return.
What state were the players in before Christmas break?
We released them immediately after the game against Juventus (0-0 on December 21). They were happy to go on vacation after a packed first half of the season and having qualified for the quarterfinals of the Champions League.
Were you able to do a quick recap at the halfway point in the season?
We didn't do an overview with the players, only the staff members. In terms of results, what was important was to qualify for the quarterfinals of the Champions League, that was done. In D1 [Arkema, French league]. after the loss against PSG (0-1 on December 11), we will be in a position of having to chase [PSG] for the rest of the season in the league, but everything is left to play for: Paris isn't far ahead, we have to play them again, and a lot of the elite teams are working hard so each team can drop points left and right.
Physically and mentally, did the players return in form?
They were really recharged after having vacationed in the sun for a majority of them (laughter). It did them a lot of good, they were able to have a proper ten day break, apart from three workouts they had to do, mainly running and fitness [training]. It was a really light workload. We just wanted them to stay fit so we could get to work as soon as they returned, not have to start again from scratch. And then we are getting more and more players back in training: the sessions are going up in terms of quality, there's a lot of enthusiasm. The injured players back after a long absence (Majri, Dabritz, Carpenter just to list the latter) bring a real freshness to the group.
How are the training sessions structured since the return?
They're increasing [in intensity] but it's not like preseason, here we can get straight to work. We returned Tuesday afternoon, with a lot of work on the ball and technical work, so they could get their bearings back. Wednesday, it was focused more on the athletic dimension with the "Vameval test" (the test involves running around a track, increasing the pace every minute to reach the maximum speed of each athlete) and playing in each position, always with the goal to get your bearings back. We then multiplied the game situations, added tactics and did some 11 v 11 opposition before working on the vivacity and finishing the eve of the Coupe de France game against Rodez.
At the same period last season, there were quite a few injured players. Here, the situation is reversed, with the return of several core players within the group?
Yeah, it's a good thing. We finished the year before the Christmas break with an upward moment. We want to keep that going with the return. The fact that we got players back is going to make things more competitive for the second half of the season: each player is going to have to push themselves, in terms of the group, we're going to get better and better.
This Monday, you're off to camp in the Sables d'Orlonne for five days. What made you choose that and what is on the schedule?
We want to find somewhere close to Charente-Maritime to get ready for the game against Soyaux on January 14. This gave us a change of scenery, allowed to be close to the ocean and benefit from a mild climate, its idea. The number one objective of the camp, it's to work on the athletic aspect, in terms of technique and tactics. After, it's everyone, staff and players, live together and share moments together, in terms of reintegrating the players who were injured. We will most certainly organize two to three sessions linked to group cohesion with help from Manon Eluère. There is no opposition games scheduled against local teams. At the end of the camp, the players selected for the Soyaux game will take the bus to Charente-Maritime, the others will head back to Lyon.
What are you going to focus on for the upcoming weeks?
We will benefit from two months where we aren't going to be playing every three days. We will have time to work on our style of play, that's a positive. The offensive efficiency remains one of the main things to work on. It's not just that, but be able to punish the opposition, score when we create situations ... That's important at the top level. It's what made us so successful last season, we were very efficient especially in the final of the Champions League. We saw the reverse again the home game against Arsenal, the English [team] didn't create that many chances but managed to score each time. You have to bridge the gap between chances created and goals. As of March, the calendar is going to become more packed, and we hope it will stay that way, that would mean we are still in the running for the trophies.
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