#the way back amsterdam -> dc we may have been on one of those but idk bc my dad used his united miles to get us business class
frecht · 2 months
changed my flight home so that instead of going straight home im stopping in maine to visit my best friend for a week :) but the dublin to boston flight is very scary because it's going to be one of the giant planes with like 3-4-3 seats...im an aisle but it's an aisle in the middle block . augh.
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LEGACY: A Tony Stark Daughter Story
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Word Count: 2,250ish
Summary: The Team learns about the Accords.
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 “Five years ago, I had a heart attack. I dropped right in the middle of my backswing. Turned out it was the best round of my life, because after 13 hours of surgery and a triple bypass… I found something 40 years in the Army had never taught me: Perspective. The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt. You have fought for us, protected us, risked your lives… but while a great many people see you as heroes, there are some… who would prefer the word ‘vigilantes’.” Secretary Ross stated.
“And what word would you use, Mr. Secretary?” Natasha cut in, snarkily.
“How about ‘dangerous'? What would you call a group of US-based, enhanced individuals who routinely ignore sovereign borders and inflict their will wherever they choose and who, frankly, seem unconcerned about what they leave behind?” Secretary Ross said, activating the screen behind him. It started playing news reels from past Avengers and SHIELD matters. “New York.”  The Chitauri invasion. “Washington DC.” When SHIELD fell. 
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“Sokovia.” Ultron, I shuddered. “Lagos.” Their most recent mission. I could tell Wanda wasn’t taking all this well.
“Okay,” Steve said, obviously noticing Wanda reaction as well. “That’s enough.” Ross turned off the screen. 
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“For the past four years, you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision. That's an arrangement the governments of the world can no longer tolerate. But I think we have a solution.” Ross said and he threw a thick book on the table. “The Sokovia Accords. Approved by 117 countries… it states that the Avengers shall no longer be a private organization. Instead, they'll operate under the supervision of a United Nations panel, only when and if that panel deems it necessary. The Accords will also require anyone who is enhanced to be put on a registry.” Ross stated.
“Like me?” Wanda wondered, “Like Bailey?” She glanced at Tony, who refused to look at her. “We’d be put on a list so that you can watch our every move? Maybe even experiment on us?”
“No it’s not like that. It’s—“ Ross paused. “Wait a minute. Who the hell is Bailey?” Ross quickly glared at Tony. “Are you hiding enhanced people here?” Tony sat there, staring at the ground, not saying a word. I waited for him to defend me or something. But nothing happened. So Steve quickly chimed in. 
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“No. Bailey is someone we were thinking about recruiting. She’s not unofficial member of the team and she’s not enhanced.” Phew, at least Steve has my back. I felt bad that he had to lie though, and I immediately felt that Ross hadn’t fully believed him. He changed the subject quickly. “The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place. I feel we’ve done that.”
“Tell me, Captain, do you know where Thor and Banner are right now?” Steve merely looked at Ross, unable to answer the question. Thor was probably on Asgard and no one had seen or heard from Bruce since Sokovia, a year ago. “If I misplaced a couple of 30 megaton nukes, you can bet there’d be consequences. Compromise. Reassurance. That’s how the world works. Believe me, this is the middle ground.”
“So, there are contingencies,” Rhodey spoke up. 
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“Three days from now, the UN meets in Vienna to ratify the Accords.” I noticed Steve and Tony briefly make eye contact and Tony quickly look back down. That floor must be really interesting, interesting enough for a man who never shuts up to stop talking. 
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 “Talk it over,” Ross continued.
“And if we come to a decision you don’t like?” Nat asked.
“Then you retire.” Ross answered. Everyone kinda glanced at each other. “Let me know what you guys decide.” And with that, Ross left. 
I sat in the security room watching, waiting for Tony to speak up. But nothing. He just got up and walked out. I switched the cameras so that I could see where he was going. He went to the main gathering area, took off his jacket and tie and then laid down on the couch. Everyone else slowly followed. Sam and Rhodey were bickering back and forth about the Accords while Steve had grabbed the Accords themselves and was looking through them. They listened to Sam and Rhodey go at it for a while until Vision spoke up.
“I have an equation,” Vision stated.
“Oh, this will clear it up.” Sam grumbled sarcastically. 
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“In the six years since Mr. Stark announced himself as Iron Man,” Vision started, “the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially. And during the same period, the number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurate rate.”
“Are you saying it’s our fault?” Steve questioned, as he looked up from the Accords.
“I’m saying there may be a causality,” Vision answered. “Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict… breeds catastrophe. Oversight… Oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand.”
“Boom,” Rhodey said.
“Tony…” Nat said. “You’re uncharacteristically non-hyperverbal.” Tony moved his hand off from over his face and looked at Nat. She was right. He’s always very open about his opinion. Something was definitely off if he was keeping his mouth shut.
“It’s because he’s already made up his mind.” Steve stated.
“Boy, you know me so well,” Tony said sarcastically. Tony stood up and walked into the kitchen, he rubbed the back of his head as he went. “Actually, I’m nursing an electromagnetic headache.” He opened a cabinet and grabbed a mug. “That’s what’s going on, Cap. It’s just pain. It’s discomfort.” Tony looked into the sink. “Who’s putting coffee grounds in the disposal? Am I running a bed-and-breakfast for a biker gang?” 
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Oops, that was me. I quickly mad a mental note that I needed to stop doing that. He tried to causally pull up a holographic image on his phone. 
“Oh, that’s Charles Spencer by the way,” Tony continued. “He’s a great kid. Computer engineering degree. 3.6 GPA. Had a floor-level gig at Intel planned for the fall. But first, he wanted to put a few miles on his soul, before he parked it behind a desk. See the world, maybe be of service. Charlie didn’t want to go to Vegas or Fort Lauderdale, which is what I would do. He didn’t go to Paris or Amsterdam, which sounds fun. He decided to spend his summer, building sustainable housing for the poor. Guess where, Sokovia.” I could feel the emotional shift in the room from where I was. “He wanted to make a difference, I suppose. I mean, we won’t know because we dropped a building on him while we were kicking ass.” Tony threw some pills in his mouth and took a drink before continuing. “There’s no decision-making process here. We need to be put in check! Whatever form that takes, I’m game. If we can’t accept limitations, we’re boundary less, we’re no better than the bad guys.” 
“Tony, someone dies on your watch, you don’t give up,” Steve stated.
“Who said we’re giving up?” Tony questioned. 
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“We are, if we’re not taking responsibility for our actions. This document just shifts the blame.”
“Sorry,” Rhodey interrupted, “Steve, that, that is dangerously arrogant. This is the United Nations we’re talking about. It’s not the World Security Council, it’s not SHIELD, it’s not HYDRA.” 
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“No, but it’s run by people with agendas and agents change,” Steve stated.
“That’s good. That’s why I’m here. When I realized what my weapons were capable of in the wrong hands, I shut it down and stopped manufacturing them,” Tony said back. 
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“Tony. You chose to do that. If we sign these, we surrender our right to choose. What if this panel sends us somewhere we don’t think we should go? What if there’s somewhere we need to go, and they don’t let us? We may not be perfect, but the safest hands are still our own.” 
“If we don’t do this now, it’s gonna be done to us later. That’s a fact. That won’t be pretty.”
“You’re saying they’ll come for me… for Bailey.” Wanda whispered.
“We’ll protect you,” Vision promised, looking at Wanda. I sensed him caring, but in a different way than I had ever felt from the android. A way that shouldn’t have been possible. It was almost… human. “Both of you."
“Do want them to be taken away, Tony?” Steve stood up to face Tony. “Do you want Bailey to be taken away?” I could feel Steve’s emotions acutely as he asked those questions. He was terrified that the government really would take me away and worried that Tony was willing to take that chance. 
“Don’t bring her into this!” Tony slapped the counter top. “She’s different, she’s not a part of this. She’s not an official member of the team and they don’t even know about her.”
“She is apart of this, Tony! She’s trained, gone on missions. She’s enhanced! Do you want them to know what powers she has? If they find out that she has healing abilities, they would run tests on her to create some sort of super drug! And then there’s her super strength and what about her—”
“You don’t think I know that?! I have thought about every possibility! I have…” Tony looked up at Steve, the glimmer of tears in his eyes was obvious. “She is all I think about. She is the reason I am doing this. Bailey is the reason I do anything. She is my kid! And no one here has a say about what happens to her except me!”
I burst into tears as I sat there listening to everything that was being said. I shook my head and ran out of the security room, down the stairs, and out the back doors. I went straight to the facility fence line, collapsing against it as I continued to cry. When Tony first found me, I was being tested on. When my parents and others found out about my abilities, I was sought out for. My parents were paid a lot of money to sell me to, what we now know was, HYDRA. I was 4 years old when I was sold, just 4 years old. Kept in a cage, poked and cut open, blood drawn. Then I was kidnapped. Now, the government could put me on a list and could possibly do the same things that HYDRA had done to me. I agree that the Avengers need to be put in check, but not at the risk of those who are enhanced. 
While I was crying across the compound grounds, things were still heated inside.
“I signed the Accords to protect her,” Tony continued. “To protect all of us.”
“Steve, maybe Tony’s right,” Nat suggested. “If we have one hand on the wheel we can still steer.”
“Aren’t you the same woman who told the government to kiss her ass a few years ago?” Sam asked. 
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“I’m just raiding the terrain,” Natasha answered. “We’ve made some very public mistakes, we need to win their trust back.”
“I’m sorry,” Tony interrupted, the hint of surprise in his voice, “Did I just miss hear you or did you just say that you agree with me?” 
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“Oh, I want to take it back—“ Nat quickly shook her head. 
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“No no no,” Tony said, as he shook his finger. “You can’t retracted it.” 
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Natasha looked at everyone around the room. They were all tense. She knew that continuing this conversation would get them no where. Especially with Tony and Steve going at each other about me. It frustrated her that Tony didn’t know what was going on between Steve and I. But she understood that it needed to be kept a secret from Tony for now.
“I think we need to take a break and rethink things. We can talk about this once we all have cool heads,” Nat suggested.
Tony marched out, immediately in search of me since he hadn’t seen me in weeks. Steve sat down and put his face in his hands. Nat went over and put her hand on his back. She glanced at everyone else in the room. They all got the hint and then left. 
“You can’t be serious about this Nat,” Steve said, once everyone else was gone. 
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 “They’re going to put them on a list. They’re going to put her on a list. I can’t—“ He took in a harsh breath. “I can’t let that happen. She’s already been through so much, too much. I have to do what I can to prevent more from happening to her.”
“I know you love her Steve, but you have no say in the matter. Tony’s her father and you’re her secret boyfriend. Until it’s out in the open, you’re just going to have to deal with having no say.”
“I know,” he sighed.
“He’s just trying his best.”
“I know.”
“We need to ride this out, see what happens. But you should go talk to her. We both know she heard the whole thing.”
“I can’t be the one to talk to her first. Tony needs to… I’ll just have to pick up the pieces of that conversation.”
next >
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tripsonflatground · 4 years
Is it just me, or is it kinda capitalist that in order to get new superheroes, people kill off or age up the old ones and then put the new heroes in the same role/identity? Like, they killed Peter Parker to have Miles Morales. Bucky Barnes and Falcon/Sam Wilson both became Captain America after the death or age & retirement of Steve Rogers, depending on whether you’re looking at the comics or the MCU. Batman goes through Robins and Batgirls like it’s going out of style (and seriously, why does Dick Grayson let other people be Robin? That was a personal nickname from his birth family, right? Why would he give something so intimate away?). Replacing someone else and living up to their legacy rather than making your own path was a whole plot point/theme in Spider-man: Far From Home!
There are exceptions to this, like X-23 and Wolverine, who have managed to have some form of a father-daughter relationship in the comics (although, if memory serves, I believe he’s been killed in recent comics and she replaced him as Wolverine - though I haven’t read anything recent, so I might be wrong, and in the film Logan they killed him off). And things like Conner/Superboy from Young Justice being created with the idea to replace Superman doesn’t count in the same way because it was a villainous plot and Con didn’t end up following through. And there’s a new Ms. Marvel now that Carol Danvers is Captain Marvel, which is a much better alternative considering that Carol wasn’t using that identity anymore.
The idea I’m trying to get at, if it isn’t clear, is that the costume identity, AKA Spider-man, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, etc. seems to me the thing that’s given value while the person behind the mask is more recently being treated as expendable/dispensable. Which doesn’t make a ton of sense to me, because the person created the mask, and so much of themselves and who they are and what their goals are drove the reasons behind the creation of the identity and the way they behave in that identity. It’s like being a kid and trying on your parents’ clothes or getting hand-me-downs, even if it fits, you didn’t exactly choose it, and you look different wearing it. And I’m calling this capitalist because it feels like capitalism. If we equate being a superhero to a job, which in many ways it really is, especially if you are employed by an organization to do it like SHIELD, then the value is being placed on the role/job, and not with the labor. Capitalism doesn’t give a shit who’s doing the job and how they’re being treated as long as it’s getting done. Employees in the service/retail industry get treated like shit and don’t get paid enough but that will never change unless people have other options and aren’t desperate enough to accept those conditions and get something better. Recently, with the deaths and/or replacements of superheroes in order to have someone else fill the identity in comics and films, the individuals behind the mask, who are the real source of emotional connection and relatability, not the mask, seem to have become dispensable in the eyes of the creators.
And I do get that it’s a shortcut and an attempt to bring in new audiences by putting more modern characters into recognizable roles. But why does the original character have to *die*?
Yeah, superhero-ism is a dangerous occupation, sure, but doesn’t death seem like the most extreme option? It’s not as if there aren’t other possibilities:
1.Having characters be located somewhere else other than New York City or its fictional equivalent (Metropolis, Gotham, etc). There are other major cities in the US where crime happens, let alone other cities in the world. Los Angeles, Chicago, Minneapolis, Dallas, Detroit, Atlanta, Seattle, Philadelphia. Who doesn’t want to imagine a Spider-man or a Batman with a Boston accent? Wouldn’t it be a cool storyline if other Kryptonians not related to Superman escaped Krypton and eventually made it to Earth and moved to different cities and took up mantles and eventually the Kryptonian race could start rebuilding on Earth? Talk about a really interesting and positive way to show a diasporic community. And also, it doesn’t make any sense statistically that the majority of the world’s superheroes are in the US. Put some in Toronto, Paris, London, Cairo, Sydney, Tokyo, Beijing, Moscow, Rome, Athens, Rio, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Seoul, Istanbul, etc. If the Olympics happen there, then there’s probably a lot of people that need saving and crime happening. It’s especially dumb with the alien invasion stories where they show the audience aliens popping up in places other than NYC and suddenly the heroes have to get other there, like unless you got super-speed or teleportation, it’s going to take a while, and how are you even going to communicate with the civilians if there’s a language barrier?
2.Having characters be from other dimensions. Marvel and DC have a history of playing with alternate timelines and multi-verse theory. Into The Spiderverse was a super-popular movie that inspired tons of people to make their own Spidersonas, and the lesson that can be taken from it is that you can take a character and make it still feel unique or individualistic even if you’re using similar themes. Maybe instead of the dimensions having evil versions they have to fight or being fucked up in some other way, make the new version of Wonder Woman or Iron Man or whatever be from an alternate dimension and end up in the main because of science/magic, or a dimension-hopping villain they’re fighting, or an accident, or to get help from other versions of themselves, or even escaping from an apocalypse/doomsday from their own universe. It’s so easy to either send them back to their own universe when you decide you’re done playing with them or keep them around if you want them permanently. Wouldn’t it be fascinating if the Captain America we’re familiar with met a Captain America from an alternate universe where he fought in the American Revolution or for the Union in the Civil War or even in WW1 or Vietnam?
3.Having female characters take on feminine versions of the identity, or vice versa, or non-binary characters find a way to have a gender-neutral version. This has been done with Hulk and She-Hulk, Superman and Supergirl, Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel back when Captain Marvel was a dude, Spider-man’s daughter May was Spider-girl at one point, Batman’s cousin or something is Batwoman. There’s also been some adjacents, such as AntMan and Wasp or Wolverine and X-23. There are definitely ways that you can use a familiar identity to put more female and non-binary superheroes out there. I mean, military titles (the Captains) or even names like Black Panther, Green Lantern, and Flash aren’t even gendered. You can feminize names if you want to, but I’m pretty sure the female Hawkeye is just straight-up Hawkeye. People like Thor I feel differently about because Thor’s an actual mythological character, not something Marvel came up with, but you could just use a different Norse god/goddess? And yeah, Dr. Strange is the man’s actual name so that’s also a little different, but if he had a daughter or a non-binary child who also got their doctorate, they are in fact entitled to call themselves Dr. Strange rather than something lesser. Not to mention, that whole alternate universe versions point I just made? Yeah, these can be characters from gender-bent alternate universes or a universe where humans are androgynous or something.
4.Have multiple characters use the same secret identity. This would be the perfect concept for twins or friends with the same build. The bank’s been robbed but A is on a date? B can totally show up at the scene! B got really hurt in their last fight? A’s got them covered. There’s a bit of risk to it, like if people recognize they have different voices or someone notices them at two different crises happening at the same time, but that’s just what makes the challenge of pretending to be the same person interesting. And it could get even more complex if you had triplets doing it, or four college roommates, or whatever. It’s also a great excuse to be able to write deep interpersonal relationships and identity struggles. Hell, can you imagine how much scarier multiple Batmans would be? They could play even more on the “you never know where he’s going to be next or what shadow he could be hiding in” thing, like, just when the crook thinks he’s lost Batman, another comes out out of nowhere.
And if superhero writers don’t want to do any of this, there’s also the C-List and D-List heroes that maybe got introduced in like the 70′s or 80′s or whatever but didn’t take or ended up being a blip in another character’s backstory. If you want more modern superheros connected to the major ones so you can use them in the same stories, it is totally valid IMO to try revitalizing these obscure concepts. I have a vested interest in seeing if Monica Rambeau shows up as her hero identity Photon in the Captain Marvel sequel. This idea is still using what you have, but it doesn’t capitalize the lives of the characters you have or make them expendable in any way. In fact, it’s also kind of like recycling, or the opposite of capitalism, because you’re trying to use alternative resources or all of your resources instead of very specific ones to the point of over-saturation.
Look, I’m just very tired of superheroes getting killed off to be replaced by someone else using the same identity or because it’s edgy or dark or whatever. Even a debilitating injury that leaves them in a wheelchair or blind or deaf is a hell of a lot more interesting. Once a character’s dead, they’re dead, there’s nowhere else you can take them unless you bring them back to life  (which admittedly happens a lot in superhero universe) or have them hang around as a ghost or something. It’s boring, it doesn’t give the audience any closure and just messes with their emotions for shock value, and it promotes toxic capitalism.
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davewakeman · 4 years
Talking Tickets: 24 January 2020--Back From INTIX
Well, I’m sorry for the delay in today’s newsletter! I didn’t get back from INTIX until late and I couldn’t get everything pulled together as quickly as normal.
To the standing room only crowd to see our panel on Tuesday and to the hearty souls that stuck around all day yesterday, from me, Simon, Gabe, Frederic, Guislaine, Angela, and Martin…thank you!
Next week, I’m home in Washington, DC. I’m planning a few new things around the 100th episode of “The Business of Fun” podcast which should be out next week!
To the tickets!
1. Pearl Jam’s fan club on-sale and Verified Fan on-sale hit some rough spots:
Lots of folks have been asking me about this situation knowing that I’m a Pearl Jam fan and I worked on this campaign involving Ed, which you can still donate to.
A couple of things about this situation:
1. The secondary market has been going after this Pearl Jam tour and I have to say I think it is the wrong hill to die on.
I’m a known advocate of the secondary market, but I think picking the battle about transparency, transfer, and other issues against an artist that has cultivated a fan club and fan base that almost guarantees sell-outs on every tour is a tough sell.
2. I’ve talked to some folks in box office operations and management and while they tell me that using Verified Fan does help manage the on-sale process, the process still seems to be filled with hiccups and challenges that are ripe for highlighting, add to the perception of deception, and frustrate consumers.
3. I still need a pair for MSG!
2. StubHub is in the news:
There were a few stories involving StubHub this week and I can’t say that the timing for these things is really that good.
In fact, heading into finalizing their merger with Viagogo, these stories likely can’t be good for that!
First, you can now finance your ticket purchases on StubHub after the company partners with Affirm.
To me, this feels like one of those situations where just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.
Interest rates between 10-30% are given, but I have a suspicion that in most cases that a lot of those folks using the service are going to find their interest more towards the 30% interest rate.
My man, Corey Leff, also shared some information in his Early Entrantsnewsletter about layoffs at StubHub of up to 100 folks with an analysis that Viagogo may have overpaid and that the deal may not go through as quickly as thought.
(I’m not sure where you would have heard that before, but if you go to your Talking Tickets archives or your DaveWakeman.com blog posts…I bet you you can find some stuff!)
To me, this is the law of unintended consequences in action and we are likely to see higher fees on StubHub and other actions taken to balance their books.
These things combined may make customers view the platform differently and supplier as well. So it will be worth paying attention to consumer behavior and the way that the platform interacts with suppliers, professionals and amateurs.
3. Treating the root cause of tickets and attendance: 
I linked to a Medium post from Matt at True Tickets because I am a big fan of talking about the root causes of issues that we are dealing with.
In my panel at INTIX, I came to the conclusion that in many cases strategy isn’t discussed enough in the ticket industry or strategy doesn’t trickle down to folks nearly often enough.
What this means is that in many cases, the solutions that are implemented ease the short-term pain of a problem.
In Matt’s piece, he offers up the call-to-action to question our assumptions and try to solve the root cause of many of these issues.
And, I second that call-to-action and I think you’ll have noticed that theme come up quite regularly over the last few weeks and months on the podcast, in the newsletter, and on the blog.
My question to you is what assumptions are you making about your business? Or, what are some of the big issues that you are working to resolve? Let me know!
4. INTIX was big this year: 
Maureen Andersen tells me that this is the biggest crowd at INTIX in many years and I don’t know the exact numbers, but somewhere around 1,400 or 1,500 was the number that I heard at certain points.
Like I said in the intro, thank you to the hundreds of folks that came to my sessions, said hello, visited me at the Booking Protect stand, and made my trip to NYC a success. (Spoiler: if anyone wants me to come to NYC for anything, I’m there!)
I’ll have a recap up this afternoon on my site and with Ticket News. But Eric Fuller recaps the conference from his point of view and I’d offer this newsletter up as a way for you to share with me the things you felt were important about INTIX this year.
5. Supporting the arts is good for business:
My friend, Christina, is the director of partnerships at the NY Philharmonic. Which is a phenomenal institution!
We were talking about the challenge of funding the arts and ensuring that people are exposed to the arts.
I like this piece because it highlights some of the benefits that businesses accrue when funding the arts.
As I discussed with Christina, I think the big challenge is that folks are giving more money to fewer organizations or the same money but spreading it less widely.
But understanding that those organizations can benefit and that you have unique value provides an opportunity to do really cool things.
I guess the reason I dropped this into my newsletter this week is that being in NYC this week reminded me of a few things:
* How great NYC is! * How powerful the experiences and human connections we can create in the arts and entertainment are. * How much larger our impact can be if we spend time to focus on the people we are trying to serve.
I’ll close with this…I was chatting to Michael L from the New Amsterdam box office yesterday. Michael was one of the guys that showed me how a Broadway box office works and he said, “we are old-school guys and we want to create magic for folks.”
It is true and it is powerful and I was reminded of that this week and I guess I just wanted to share that with you!
See you next week! —————————————————————————————————————- What I’m Up To: 
I’ll have some new podcast episodes up over the next day or two. Then episode 100 is coming out and I’m going to have some special things in there and talk about my experience doing the podcast and use it to push forward in some new directions!
If you like this newsletter and read it regularly…please share it with your colleagues. I’ve grown it organically using only your support and your willingness to share it with others.
Keep an eye on my website and blog!
BTW, for those of you following along…I did pay my bet to Corey Gibbs on the National Championship Game. We had two beautiful bottles of wine at Bar Boulud and Marea. No pictures were taken, but that’s because we had two bottles of wine! 
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Talking Tickets: 24 January 2020–Back From INTIX was originally published on Wakeman Consulting Group
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missmaclay · 7 years
I could make this post about my entire 1,5 week trip through the UK, but I’m sure y’all only want to hear about the last day in Liverpool ;).
Quick recap of where I’ve been and what I’ve seen though; Telford (met Jeremy Jordan, David Harewood, Brit Morgan, Rahul Kohli and more), London (met Mehcad Brooks, Stephen Amell and much more), went to the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, Ripley’s, Wembley, Bath, Stonehenge, Windsor castle, Big Ben, Leicester square, Piccadilly and spend a lot of time in the Underground. Also saw the new Alien film AND Beauty and the Beast.
Anyway, that’s not what y’all wanna hear. Here’s my recap of May 29th;
I woke up in London after 2 days of HVFF. Went downstairs for my lovely UK brekkie (HASH BROWNS!) and then jumped in the shower and off I went. To Euston station to catch a train to Liverpool. Apparently, it was the first train to go straight to Liverpool from London that day, earlier ones were cancelled. Thank God I’d splurged on a first class ticket. I heard people had been standing the entire trip (2 hours!). Anyway, the train ride is beautiful. Would have been better if it hadn’t been raining, lol. 
Got to Liverpool a bit delayed due to a signal failure (uh-huh..) and the taxi stand at Liverpool Lime Street is insane. So many folks needed one. BUT I got to my hotel for around 4, thankfully. Since I was around the corner from the venue, I saw the Cavern already when the taxi dropped me off. Queue the nerves. The hotel was beautiful too. Beatles song playing as you walked in, lol. 
I hadn’t eaten since 9 am that morning so I Googled mapped the area and saw that there was a Gregg’s nearby. Perfect, sausage roll it is. I was there half an hour before closing time, but apparently they don’t care in Liverpool, because the door was locked. Oh well, a bag of crisps and an apple it is. Met up with @amyroot near the venue and we walked around a bit, the area is pretty cool!
Anyway we waited outside like we thought we had to when we were informed that the line had already started inside. We rushed downstairs and joined the queue. This was at 6pmish. 
The earlier concert started at 4pm and our gig was supposed to start at 8pm, but they were still doing M&Gs so everything ran a little late. No problem, everyone should get to do their M&G but my damn legs were killing me, lol. 
Pleasantly surprised there was some seating in the venue when we finally got in. Not near the front, but it’s OK, we could sit. I’ll upload some actual videos from the concert so I won’t talk about that, but them singing “Imagine” and then bringing Anni on stage were awesome.
Before the M&Gs started, they had an auction for St. Vincent’s school, all DC stuff. I have to admit that the two guys doing the auction were hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. They auctioned some stuff in the venue and said the rest would go online (haven’t seen it yet anywhere?)
Onto our M&Gs. I have no idea how many people were there but it seemed like a never ending line, lol. I think they started around 10/11ishpm with the first people. I think they first said you would get a photo, 1 minute to talk and 2 things to sign, but of course all of that went out the window pretty soon. They managed to have a pretty good system. First person you saw was Nathan (who gives amazing hugs), Gemma or Angelo would take your photo with Nathan, then when the person in front of you had finished talking with Chyler, you’d move onto her and get hugs, photos and autographs, etc. Pretty good system.
Nathan ended up walking/running around the hall and thanking people in line for their patience as it was taking soooo long. Folks who had to catch a bus/train/whatever were pushed to the front, that was a good idea. 
I was eating tic tacs by that time (it was nearing 1am and we were still in line) because I hadn’t had dinner, but they hadn’t either. Nathan was having a discussion with someone in line, leaning over the barrier when Chyler tried to get his attention for something. He was too focused on whoever he was talking to though, so he didn’t hear Chyler calling for him. Her calls for “babe. love. honey. love of my life.” were completely ignored until the guy (Neil?) from the Canvern lovingly shouted “Nathan darling!” very loudly, lol. THAT’s when he turned around. 
Around 2am we were finally at the front of the line. The security who ticked your name off of the VIP list was hilarious, too. All the staff were. Pronouncing my name for him the way it’s supposed to be didn’t help the poor guy. To be fair, I couldn’t understand him either. Damn accent, lol. 
Aaaaanyway, it was finally our turn and Nathan straight off the bat asked about my necklace and we proceeded to geek out for several minutes over PS4 games. We apparently took so long I looked passed him to see Chyler on her own, the person in front of me already left. Oops. I hugged Nathan (and in my haste forgot to take a photo with him) and rushed over to Chyler. Now. As I’m sure you can imagine, I cannot explain or descibe how that was. To see Chyler up close, giving her a hug, talking to her. No words. She asked what I was talking to Nathan about as we both looked so passionate about the subject, lol. She’s absolutely amazing. Gave her a massive bag of gummi bears and she loved it, lol. I printed off a photo from the I love you scene which she signed with “I <3 you” which... asdfghjkl. We chatted for a bit (fun fact; the dibs gun is NOT the gun her son drew, which she talked about at SDCC I think?) and I thanked her for coming over and doing these things, and she thanked ME for coming over. Can you believe that? Like, duh. Nathan was off to bathroom at that point so I moved to the side to give Amy some time with Chyler while I waited to Nathan to come back to get a double photo (him and Chyler) which we then did in turns. It was great.
We walked off to the side to collect everything and put photos etc. away when I realised I hadn’t had my photo with Nathan. I didn’t want to interrupt their whole thing they had going so we waiting until the very last person had gone (4 am people!) for us to go back and get the last photos. Nathan was very happy to oblige and we even snagged another one with Chyler as the lighting was pretty awful where we first were. I had to pull poor Chyler away from her McNuggets, that was probably the first food she’d seen since 3pm, lol. 
Managed to actually say what I wanted to say to Chyler at that time (I was so nervous before) and thanked her for everything she’s doing for us as a community and even though we have Twitter it’s impossible for her to see every reaction so I wanted to personally say we all appreciate how she fights for us. 
We got caught talking a bit to the people from Charity Pulse and St. Vincent’s too, lovely people. Ended up nearly cleaning out the venue as we were the last people there (those big boxes aren’t even that heavy). Nathan AGAIN thanked us for coming said we were ‘amazing’ and then we finally walked out of there.
It was 5am when I finally calmed down enough to goto sleep and I looked out my window and it was daylight already. 
When I woke up, everything hurt from so little sleep, of course. Went downstairs for my last day of UK brekkie (HASH BROWNS!). I walked over to the corner of the room as I didn’t want to take up a 4 person table by myself but I was shoo’d away to another side of the room as they’d already made up these tables for lunch. Well, okay, whatever. I plopped down at a 4 person table and as I look up I see Nathan and their 3 kids also enjoying a UK brekkie, they were staying at the same hotel as me, lol. 
As they left he recognized me and said hi and we wished eachother a good day and that was that. Spent some time shopping and then went to the airport (The driver was an Everton supporter, which isn’t good for me as a Liverpool supporter) and went home.
I’m a little flu-y now but I’m enjoying going through the videos and photos. It was an amazing day and they were very positive about doing a gig in Amsterdam so I hope to see them again very soon.
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newsfundastuff · 4 years
Updated May 15 with “Good Girls” renewed for Season 4 at NBC.Amid production shutdowns due to the coronavirus pandemic, broadcast networks are faced with some very unprecedented problems while making their annual decisions about which TV series will return next season, which will come to an end and which new ones they’ll be ordering for inclusion on their Fall 2020 slates.Below is every scripted show that ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox and The CW have renewed or canceled so far, along with those still awaiting their fates. We’ve also included the new comedies and dramas that have been picked up, along with their descriptions.You can read our pilot guide to see what projects may soon be ordered to series here.Check back throughout the coming weeks for updates.Also Read: Here's the Fall 2020 TV Schedule for Broadcast Networks - So FarNBC Renewed Series: “The Blacklist,” “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” “Chicago Fire,” “Chicago Med,” “Chicago P.D.” (entire “Chicago” franchise renewed for three more seasons each), “Good Girls,” “Law & Order: SVU” (renewed through Season 24), “New Amsterdam” (renewed for Seasons 3, 4 and 5), “Superstore,” “This Is Us” (renewed for Seasons 5 and 6)Canceled/Ending Series: “Blindspot,”  “The Good Place,” “The InBetween,” “Sunnyside” (effectively canceled and moved to digital platforms for the remainder of its first season), “Will & Grace”Series Awaiting Decisions:  “Bluff City Law” (ended after initial 10-episode run), “Council of Dads,” “Indebted,” “Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt for the Bone Collector,” “Manifest,” “Perfect Harmony,” “Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist”Newly Ordered Series: “The Kenan Show,” “Young Rock,” Untitled Tina Fey/Robert Carlock ComedyNEW COMEDIES:THE KENAN SHOW Writer(s): Jackie Clarke Producer(s): Lorne Michaels, Andrew Singer Director: Chris Rock Studio: Universal Television, Broadway Video Logline: Kenan Thompson strives to be a super dad to his two adorable girls while simultaneously balancing his job and a father-in-law who “helps” in the most inappropriate ways. (Single camera) Cast: Kenan Thompson, Punam Patel, Dani Lockett, Dannah Lockett, Andy GarciaAlso Read: Fox Fall Schedule: '9-1-1' Moves to Midseason, 'L.A.'s Finest' Season 1 Comes Over From SpectrumYOUNG ROCK Writer(s): Nahnatchka Khan, Jeff Chiang Producer(s): Dwayne Johnson, Dany Garcia, Hiram Garcia, Brian Gewirtz, Jennifer Carreras Studio: Universal Television, Seven Bucks Productions, Fierce Baby Productions Logline: Inspired by the formative years of Dwayne Johnson. (Single camera) Cast: Dwayne JohnsonUNTITLED TINA FEY/ROBERT CARLOCK COMEDY Writer(s): Tina Fey, Robert Carlock Producer(s): Jeff Richmond, David Miner, Eric Gurian Studio: Universal Television, 3 Arts Entertainment, Little Stranger Logline: A wealthy businessman runs for mayor of Los Angeles for all the wrong reasons. Once he wins he has to figure out what he stands for, gain the respect of his staff and connect with his teenage daughter, all while humanely controlling the coyote population. (Single camera) Cast: Ted Danson, Holly Hunter, Bobby MoynihanAlso Read: 'The Good Doctor' Renewed For Season 4 at ABCABC Renewed Series: “The Good Doctor,” “Grey’s Anatomy,” “Station 19”Canceled/Ending Series: “Fresh Off the Boat,” “How to Get Away With Murder,” “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” “Modern Family,” “Reef Break”Series Awaiting Decisions: “American Housewife,” “A Million Little Things,” “The Baker & The Beauty,” “black-ish,” “Bless This Mess,” “The Conners,” “Emergence,” “For Life,” “The Goldbergs,” “mixed-ish,” “The Rookie,” “Schooled,” “Single Parents,” “Stumptown”Series That Haven’t Premiered Yet:  “United We Fall”Newly Ordered Series: “The Big Sky”NEW DRAMAS:THE BIG SKY Writer(s): David E. Kelley Producer(s): Ross Fineman, C.J. Box Studio: A+E Studios, 20th Century Fox Television Logline: In this procedural thriller, private detective Cassie Dewell partners with ex-cop Jenny Hoyt on a search for two sisters who have been kidnapped by a truck driver on a remote highway in Montana. But when they discover that these are not the only girls who have disappeared in the area, they must race against the clock to stop the killer before another woman is taken. Cast: Katheryn Winnick, Kylie Bunbury, Ryan Phillippe, John Carroll Lynch, Dedee PfeifferFoxFox Renewed Series: “9-1-1,” “9-1-1: Lone Star,” “Bless the Harts,” “Bob’s Burgers,” “Duncanville,” “Family Guy,” “The Simpsons”Canceled/Ending Series: “Almost Family,” “BH90210,” “Deputy,” “Empire”Series Awaiting Decisions: “Last Man Standing,” “Outmatched,” “Prodigal Son,” “The Resident”Series That Haven’t Premiered Yet: “Filthy Rich,” “Great North,” “neXt”Newly Ordered Series: “Call Me Kat,” “Housebroken”NEW COMEDIES:CALL ME KAT Writer(s): Darlene Hunt Producer(s): Mayim Bialik, Jim Parsons, Todd Spiewak, Angie Stephenson, Miranda Hart, Eric Norsoph, Mackenzie Gabriel-Vaught Studio: Warner Bros. Television, Fox Entertainment, That’s Wonderful Productions, Sad Clown Productions and BBC Studios Logline: Kat (Mayim Bialik) is a 39-year-old woman who struggles every day against society and her mother to prove that you can NOT have everything you want — and still be happy. Which is why she spent her life savings to open a Cat Café in Louisville, Kentucky. (Multi camera) Cast: Mayim Bialik, Swoosie Kurtz, Kyla Pratt, Cheyenne Jackson, Leslie JordanHOUSEBROKEN Writer(s): Clea DuVall, Jennifer Crittenden, Gabrielle Allan Producer(s): Sharon Horgan, Clelia Mountford, Aaron Kaplan, Dana Honor Studio: Fox Entertainment, Kapital Entertainment, Bento Box Logline: Explores human dysfunction and neurosis through a group of neighborhood animals who live in the suburbs. (Animated) Cast: Lisa Kudrow, Clea DuVall, Sharon Horgan, Nat Faxon, Will Forte, Tony Hale, Jason Mantzoukas, Sam Richardson, Bresha Webb, Greta LeeCBS Renewed Series: “All Rise,” “Blood & Treasure,” “Blue Bloods,” “Bob Hearts Abishola,” “Bull,”  “Evil,” “FBI,” “FBI: Most Wanted,” “MacGyver,” “Magnum P.I.,” “Mom,” “NCIS,” “NCIS: Los Angeles,” “NCIS: New Orleans,” “The Neighborhood,” “SEAL Team,” “S.W.A.T.,” “Young Sheldon,” “The Unicorn”Canceled/Ending Series: “Broke,” “Carol’s Second Act,” “Criminal Minds,” “God Friended Me,” “Hawaii Five-0,” “Madam Secretary,” “Man With a Plan,” “Tommy”Series Awaiting Decisions: N/ANewly Ordered Series: “B Positive,” “Clarice,” “The Equalizer”NEW COMEDIES:B POSITIVE Writer(s): Marco Pennette Producer(s): Chuck Lorre Director(s): James Burrows Studio: Warner Bros. Television, Chuck Lorre Productions, Inc. Logline: The comedy is about a therapist and newly divorced dad who is faced with finding a kidney donor when he runs into a rough-around-the-edges woman from his past who volunteers her own. Together they form an unlikely bond and begin a journey that will change both of their lives. (Multi-camera) Cast: Thomas Middleditch, Annaleigh Ashford, Kether Donohue, Sara Rue, Kamryn KunodyNEW DRAMAS:CLARICE Writer(s): Alex Kurtzman, Jenny Lumet Producer(s): Heather Kadin, Aaron Baiers Studio: MGM Television, CBS Television Studios, Secret Hideout Logline: “Clarice” is a deep dive into the untold personal story of brilliant and vulnerable FBI Agent Clarice Starling as she returns to the field in 1993, six months after the events of “The Silence of the Lambs.” Cast: Rebecca Breeds, Kal Penn, Nick Sandow, Michael Cudlitz, Lucca De Oliveira, Devyn A. TylerTHE EQUALIZER Writer(s): Andrew Marlowe, Terri Miller Producer(s): Dana Owens (Queen Latifah), John Davis, John Fox , Debra Martin Chase, Richard Lindheim, Shakim Compere Director(s): Liz Friedlander Studio: Universal Television Studios, CBS Television Studios, Davis Entertainment, Martin Chase Productions, Flavor Unit Logline: A reimagining of the classic series starring Queen Latifah (“Chicago,” “Bessie”) as an enigmatic woman with a mysterious background who uses her extensive skills to help those with nowhere else to turn. Cast: Queen Latifah, Chris Noth, Lorraine Toussaint, Tory Kittles, Liza Lapira, Laya DeLeon HayesThe CW Renewed Series: “All American,” “Batwoman,” “Black Lightning,” “Burden of Truth,” “Charmed,” “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow,” “Dynasty,” “The Flash,” “In the Dark” (Season 2 has yet to premiere, renewed through Season 3), “Legacies,” “Nancy Drew,” “The Outpost,” “Pandora,” “Riverdale,” “Roswell, New Mexico” (Season 2 has yet to premiere, renewed through Season 3), “Supergirl”Canceled/Ending Series: “The 100,” “Arrow,” “Supernatural”Series Awaiting Decisions: “Katy Keene”Newly Ordered Series: “Kung Fu,” “Republic of Sarah,” “Superman & Lois,” “Walker”NEW DRAMAS:KUNG FU Writer(s): Christina M. Kim Producer(s): Martin Gero, Greg Berlanti, Sarah Schechter Director: Hanelle Culpepper Studio: Quinn’s House and Berlanti Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television Logline: A quarter-life crisis causes a young Chinese-American woman to drop out of college and go on a life-changing journey to an isolated monastery in China. But when she returns to find her hometown overrun with crime and corruption, she uses her martial arts skills and Shaolin values to protect her community and bring criminals to justice…all while searching for the assassin who killed her Shaolin mentor and is now targeting her. Cast: Olivia Liang, Kheng Hua Tan, Shannon Dang, Jon Prasida, Eddie Liu, Gavin Stenhouse, Gwendoline Yeo, Tzi MaREPUBLIC OF SARAH Writer(s): Jeffrey Paul King Producer(s): Marc Webb, Mark Martin, Jeff Grosvenor, Leo Pearlman Director: Kat Candler Studio: CBS Television Studios Logline: Faced with the destruction of her town at the hands of a greedy mining company, rebellious high school teacher Sarah Cooper utilizes an obscure cartographical loophole to declare independence. Now Sarah must lead a young group of misfits as they attempt to start their own country from scratch. Cast: Stella Baker, Nia Holloway, Luke Mitchell, Izabella Alvarez, Hope Lauren, Ian Duff, Forrest Goodluck, Landry Bender, Megan FollowsSUPERMAN & LOIS Writer(s): Todd Helbing Producer(s): Greg Berlanti, Sarah Schechter, Geoff Johns Studio: Berlanti Productions, Warner Bros. Television Logline: Follows the world’s most famous Super Hero and comic books’ most famous journalist as they deal with all the stress, pressures and complexities that come with being working parents in today’s society. Based on the characters from DC created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. Cast: Tyler Hoechlin, Elizabeth Tulloch, Jordan Elsass, Alexander Garfin, Dylan Walsh, Emmanuelle ChriquiWALKER Writer(s): Anna Fricke Producer(s): Dan Lin, Lindsay Liberatore, Jared Padalecki Studio: CBS Television Studios, Rideback. Logline: A reimagining of the long-running series “Walker, Texas Ranger.” Centers on Cordell Walker, a widower and father of two with his own moral code, who returns home to Austin after being undercover for two years, only to discover there’s harder work to be done at home. He’ll attempt to reconnect with his children, navigate clashes with his family, and find unexpected common ground with his new partner (one of the first women in Texas Rangers’ history), while growing increasingly suspicious about the circumstances surrounding his wife’s death. Cast: Jared Padalecki, Lindsey Morgan, Keegan Allen, Mitch Pileggi, Molly Hagan, Jeff PierreRead original story Fall TV 2020: Every Broadcast Show Canceled, Renewed and Ordered – So Far (Updating) At TheWrap
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tamboradventure · 4 years
How to (Virtually) Travel the World
Posted: 5/11/20 | May 11th, 2020
With the world on hold for the foreseeable, it’s going to be a long time before we get back on the road. Even as we begin to look to the summer, it’s likely that many destinations will keep their doors shut to international travelers until the fall.
But that doesn’t mean we have to put our wanderlust on hold.
With the world at our virtual fingertips, there are plenty of ways to feed your inner traveler from the comfort of your bed.
Many destinations and museums now let you “visit them” virtually. And there are also plenty of amazing books you can read, interesting films and TV shows you can watch, and fun meetups and classes to join.
In short, you can still see the world from home. Here’s a list of ways you can travel virtually and keep your wanderlust spirit alive:  
Reading is one of the best and most budget-friendly ways to “travel” when you’re stuck indoors. You can transport yourself to far-flung destinations and get inspired by the power of words — all from the comfort (and safety) of home.
Some great recent reads: The Yellow Envelope, Wanderlust, Ghengis Khan and the Making of the Modern World, and An Irreverent Curiosity.
Here are a plethora of articles with more books:
12 Books to Take You Around the World
13 Books That Will Give You Serious Wanderlust
13 Non-Travel Books That Changed My Life
Additionally, if you want some monthly suggestions, check out our monthly book club. Each month you’ll get 3-5 books sent right to your inbox!  
There are many amazing films to choose online right now. I mean between Hulu, HBO, Netflix, Amazon, and Disney+, you can get anything you want. (Netflix has been especially on fire this month.) Some of my favorites:
Wild – Based on the novel of the same name, this movie follows Cheryl Strayed as she hikes the Pacific Crest Trail as a way to restart her life, end her drug addiction, and cope with her mother’s death.
Midnight in Paris – I pretty much love every movie about Paris, but this is one of my all-time favorites. The movie follows Gil, a writer on vacation with his fiancée and her family. At night, he wanders the streets of Paris before stumbling into a time warp that sends him back to the 1920s.
The Beach – Staring a young Leonardo DiCaprio, this movie is about young backpackers who set out to find paradise while in Thailand.
Lost in Translation – This film takes you into the heart of chaotic Tokyo. Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson play two characters adrift in the the city together.
Into the Wild – Based on a true story, this movie follows Christopher McCandless as he sheds his material life in search of something more.
A Map for Saturday – This documentary is the best film about long-term travel.
For more suggestions, here is the complete list of my favorite travel movies and another post on LGBT Travel Movies and one on Africa-related films.
  TV Shows
Looking for some binge-worthy TV? Here are a few suggestions to keep your wanderlust satiated from the comfort of your own couch:
An Idiot Abroad – Comedian Ricky Gervais sends his clueless, culturally insensitive friend on hilarious (and often insightful) misadventures.
Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown – In one of the best travel shows ever made, the late Anthony Bourdain sheds light on new places and cultures as he eats his way around the world.
Long Way Round – Actor Ewan McGregor and his best friend travel across the entire world on motorcycles in this epic miniseries (and in Long Way Down they travel from Scotland to South Africa — again, on motorcycles).
Departures – Award-winning series chronicling two friends traveling the world together.
Dark Tourist – Journalist David Farrier visits some of the world’s weirdest, scariest, and most tragic places.
The Amazing Race – A reality TV show in which contestants race around the world for cash prizes (there are over 30 seasons, so it’s great for bingeing!).
Big City, Little Budget – My friend Oneika Raymond hosts this show, in which she shares budget tips and hidden gems so you can experience the best of big cities without breaking the bank.
Somebody Feed Phil – Phil Rosenthal, the creator of Everybody Loves Raymond, travels the world on a comedic culinary journey.
  Virtual Meetups
Since we can’t meet in person right now, we’ve been hosting our own through The Nomadic Network. Every week, we have meetups where we share stories, host guest speakers, and play games. We do about 2-3 a week.
Here are this week’s events:
Launching a Career in Travel: A Roadmap with Kelly Lewis from Damesly
“Ten Years A Nomad” Book Talk and Q&A with Me
Meet Heather: Year-Long RTW Trip Winner from Nomadic Matt Giveaway
For future events, click to see what’s coming!  
Virtual Tours (Museums, Galleries, Historical Sites, etc)
It seems every destination or museum is now offering some virtual tour. I’m all for it. While it’s not the same as being there in person, it’s still an enjoyable way to pass the time, get inspired, and learn about the world. Here are some of my favorites:
Anne Frank Museum (Amsterdam)
Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam)
Van Gogh Museum (Amsterdam)
Picasso Museum (Barcelona)
Guggenheim (Bilbao)
Faroe Islands Virtual Tour (Denmark)
Salvatore Dali Museum (Figueres)
Uffizi Gallery (Florence)
The Giants Causeway (Ireland)
British Museum (London)
Buckingham Palace (London)
National Gallery (London)
Natural History Museum (London)
Tate Britain (London)
Metropolitan Museum (New York)
Coliseum (Rome)
Catacombs (Paris)
Louvre (Paris)
Musée d’Orsay (Paris)
Machu Picchu (Peru)
Ruins of Pompeii (Pompeii)
Hermitage Museum (St. Petersburg)
Sweden Virtual Tour (Sweden)
National Gallery of Art (Washington, DC)
US Holocaust Memorial Museum (Washington, DC)
Free Tours by Foot is also offer a handful of tours from around the globe. They have walking tours, historical videos, and much more. Check out their YouTube page for a comprehensive list!  
Online Classes
With so many people home, online courses are seeing a huge surge in activity. In fact, I myself have finally been able to get around to taking some of the courses I’ve bought ages ago. If you’re looking to jump into a new online course, here are a few worth checking out:
MasterClass – This program is one of my favorites. I watch a ton of masterclasses. They are mini-courses with some of the most famous and successful people in the world, such as Margaret Atwood, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Martin Scorsese, Gordon Ramsay, Malcolm Gladwell, Alice Waters, Serena Williams, and many others.
Superstar Blogging – If you’re looking to start a blog or break into the freelance writing industry, we offer two courses that can help. You’ll get free tech support, weekly calls, and feedback and copyedits on your writing.
Udemy – Udemy is an online marketplace with over 100,000 online video courses. You can find courses on pretty much anything here!
Skillshare – A project-based marketplace for online courses. Like Udemy, there is lots of variety here.
Massimo Bottura’s Kitchen Quarantine – World-class Italian chef Massimo Bottura cooks up a storm in his home kitchen.
Pasta-Making Class (with Italian Chefs) from Take Walks – My favorite tour company, Take Walks, shows you how to make delicious pasta at home.
Seamus Mullen’s Quarantine Kitchen – Check out Seamus’s daily show for tips on clean and healthy eating.
José Andrés’ #RecipesforthePeople – Chef José Andrés is helping the world relearn simple, delicious recipes on his Twitter feed.
Learn something new. Or meet some new friends in a virtual meetup. Or just chill out and eat snacks and watch some movies.
We’ll be back on the road again.
But, until we can, at least we can travel the world through our computer.
P.S. – We’ve launched a new Patreon where you can get untold stories, photos, weekly Q&As, and free books. It’s our new member platform. So, if you want more of the content we have here, click here to check it out and get access. Your support helps keep this website going while giving you perks and content exclusive to Patrons!
Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines, because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com, as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it, as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those 70 and over)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all those I use — and they���ll save you time and money too.
The post How to (Virtually) Travel the World appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
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tauers-go-dutch · 6 years
Africa Part III: Safari, So Good
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Following an incredible week in Cape Town (it’s rare we ever stay in one place for a full week when traveling, but Cape Town definitely kept us busy) we hopped on a late-night plane back to Jo-berg, slept another night in that airport hotel, then headed off on safari!
A van picked us up from our airport before the sun came up and we rode for what may have been forever to Kruger National Park, which is in the northeastern part of South Africa, stretching into Mozambique as well. The park spans 7,500 square miles, but we stayed in a very small portion for the following three days. We stayed in a little camp in a small town called Hazyview, and we were fortunate enough to have heat and running water, unlike some of the other safari-goers we’d come across.
Our guide, Robbie, greeted us at the park entrance, where he promptly took us to our hotel and told us to take a nap. Thank goodness! He was going to pick us up in a few hours along with another couple and we’d go for our first afternoon/sunset safari.
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The rooms are a bit bigger here than in Europe...
The other two on safari with us happened to be a couple about our age from Amsterdam! Well, the guy was an expat from Turkey but the woman was 100% Dutch. They were both really great people, and we enjoyed spending our first half of the safari with them. We stayed in the park until sunset, then returned to the cottage for dinner. Now apparently it is usually just a standard restaurant on the grounds where you just order a meal for dinner, but we happened to be there at the same time as a massive church choir from… Pennsylvania? Somewhere out east. I’m pretty sure it was PA. So instead there was a huge banquet-style all-you-can-eat spread that would feed us plus all the animals in the park. We ate, shared a bottle of wine with Robbie and our new friends from Amsterdam while the church choir sang for their supper, and hit the hay with an alarm set for 3:45 am.
Here are photos from our first trip into the park, with the leopard being the obvious highlight!
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The first of any different types of antelope
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Not sure how anyone could ‘spot’ that from the road
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A better view. We stared each other down for about five minutes before other groups started to pull up and she took off. 
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Save the rhinos
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Unfortunately this is the best photo we could get of the hyenas we saw
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We were up bright and early the next day so we could be in the park before sunrise. Early on we saw several giraffes, a few rhinos, and of course all different types of antelope. There was also an elephant parade in front of our Jeep complete with an adorable baby. At this point, Robbie received word that a momma lion and her cubs were peeking out of a big rock formation, so we headed that way. While we only go to see their noggins, the lions were what we needed to round out the Big Five. We had already seen the leopard, rhino, elephant and water buffalo!
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Just twinning with the zebras
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The start of an elephant parade...
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...and the rear!
Our Dutch friends left us after our morning safari, so after a quick afternoon nap we were out for one more round, this time just Robbie and the two of us. In a way it was just more of the same, but honestly it never got old seeing what I’ve always considered to be exotic animals just roaming freely in their natural habitat. That night was much like the first as well, way too much food and way too many teenagers!
Fortunately our wake-up call was a bit later the following morning, because instead of going out on safari, we were heading up into the mountains. By this time a real treat in the form of an only-slightly racist but all-around obnoxious mother-daughter duo from DC had joined us. No bother, we mostly tuned them out.
Our first stop was the Graskop Gorge in Mpumalanga, where we took a lift down into an indigenous forest. There were gorgeous waterfalls as well as a variety of birds and bugs. I’m not sure if we were there at the right time, because not a lot seemed to be flowering. The rest of the day just consisted of driving to different amazing views, including the aptly-named God’s Window. While the safaris were incredible, this day allowed us to really get to know our guide, Robbie, and learn more about what he does on the daily. I don’t think you could meet a nicer, more genuine person. He had the most incredibly infectious squeal of a laugh, and he was not afraid to let it out. He also asked us a lot of questions, and loved being able to piece together what life is like in other countries from the countless people he’s taken on safari over the years. He had even met some people from Colorado a few months prior, and he will go (come?) visit them this winter and go skiing for the first time ever!
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Going down...
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Into the forest I go to feed my mind and find my soul
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Standing at God’s Window
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The Three Huts!
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Lisbon Falls
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Robbie told us he is a full-time safari guide about ten months out of the year. The other two months he splits between holiday and volunteering for the army. When I asked him what he did for the army, jokingly guessing, ‘hunting poachers?’ his response was: ‘Yep. We shoot to kill.’ Holy crap man, I was joking! He was not. He also shared some anecdotes, including the time he and a buddy got drunk and dipped their toes in a pond, until a croc came and dragged his pal’s dog under. I know, I wanted to cry too. He also watched his buddy lose both of his legs (in two separate chomps) to a great white while surfing as a teenager. We received both of these stories because Ryan dared to ask him what he was most afraid of in the wild. Anyways...
After lunch in a small mountain village (still mostly tourists) we made our way down the mountain where Robbie took us to a reserve with a swamp full of hippos. In Kruger it was nearly impossible to get near the hippos, so it was really cool to sit as close as we did this time around. There were also some incredible birds. We had another crack at the buffet and went back to our rooms, because the next day was our final safari outing, and we had that early wake up call again.
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Little bird
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Big bird
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Little bird and big bird
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On our final morning we came across a hyena, which we were able to follow as it trotted down the middle of the road for probably close to a mile. Lion King be damned, those animals are absolutely gorgeous. Another elephant crossed our path as well, and as he was about to step in front of us, he grabbed a rather large branch with his trunk. I wondered if perhaps it was a weapon or defense mechanism, and Robbie confirmed, saying he picked it up to ‘show us who’s boss’. When he made it safely to the other side he thrust it back behind him, though fortunately not actually very close to us. The final morning went by too fast, and before we knew it we were being dropped off at the front gate of the park, where we waited for our shuttle to take us back to Jo-burg. Our flight to Amsterdam was that evening, where we only had one more day before our big move back home.
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Big elephant, big stick!
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Found Zazu! 
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A pretty solid ending to an incredible two-year adventure. <3
Tot ziens, for now!
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phooll123 · 6 years
Coming soon to the Uber app: 
bikes, rental cars, and public transportation
Remember back in the day when you’d open the Uber app and just see cars? Well, that’s all about to change. Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi is in Washington, DC today to make a wide-ranging announcement on Uber’s plans to integrate a variety of new transportation options to its app, including bikes, car-sharing vehicles, and public transportation like buses and trains. Uber will also share more of its data on traffic patterns and curbside usage with cities in an effort to become “true partners to cities for the long term,” Khosrowshahi said.
It’s a bold expansion into new modes of transportation for a company that is still trying to shake its reputation for rule-breaking and only a few weeks ago suffered one of its worst setbacks to date after an Uber self-driving car killed a pedestrian in Arizona.
 But since taking the helm last year, Khosrowshahi has been rushing to remake the company in his own image. Acquiring dockless bike-share company Jump earlier this weekwas his first major deal. And today’s announcement is the next step in his plan to transform Uber from a mere ride-sharing company into a global marketplace for transportation.
“As we think about where we want our cities to be in the future, we know we can do more,” Khosrowshahi writes in a blog post, “and we will.”
Coming fast on the heels of the Jump acquisition, Uber announced today that Washington residents could now reserve and pay for Jump bikes using Uber’s app. The electric, dockless bike-share startup has been operating in DC since September 2017, and now those bikes will be available to rent on Uber’s app.
Uber is also dipping its toes in the world of car-sharing. Later this month, Uber will launch a new product in San Francisco called “Uber Rent,” in which users can rent cars on Uber’s app through a partnership with Getaround. Uber and Getaround, a peer-to-peer car-sharing startup, have been working together in San Francisco for nearly a year to provide daily car rentals to people who want to drive for Uber but don’t own their own vehicle. Now, that service will be available to anyone who needs a car for a few hours or maybe a whole day — also through Uber’s app.
Using Uber to reserve someone else’s car to run errands or take a day trip to Lake Tahoe may seem like cannibalizing Uber’s core ride-hailing business, but the company insists it serves the broader mission of reducing personal car ownership. “Not all trips are well-serviced by Uber,” said Jahan Khanna, head of product for Uber’s mobility division. “Without this offering, our platform really can’t compete holistically with the value proposition of owning your own car. And we’re chipping away at that piece by piece, and this is an important aspect of that.”
Uber Rent will only be available in San Francisco to start out, but if all goes well, it could eventually find its way into other cities served by Getaround such as Boston, New Jersey, Portland, and Washington, DC, said Sam Zaid, the company’s CEO. That said, Zaid doesn’t see this collaboration with Uber as an audition for an eventual acquisition, à la Jump. “I can’t rule out what the outcomes could be,” he said. “Getaround has been around much longer than Jump. We’re a much more mature company.”
Zaid said he is fully on board with Uber’s mission of reducing personal car ownership. “What we heard loud and clear from our users when they start to use Getaround actively and they move away from car ownership, they still have to use things like public transit, biking, walking, as well as ride-sharing to get the complete experience,” he said. “I think that’s true on the Uber side as well... how do you give people a full suite of mobility solutions, recognizing that any one particular mode is insufficient to replace owning a car?”
Another piece of the puzzle is public transportation. Recent studies show that ride-hailing services like Uber and Lyft tend to poach riders away from public services like buses and subways. But Uber says it’s committed to providing further links to public transit. 
The company just inked a deal with London-based mobile ticketing company Masabi to allow Uber users to buy and use transit tickets on the app. The two companies are still working out in which markets and for what transit systems Masabi’s integration into Uber will work.
It will likely work much like Masabi’s partnership with Transit, a popular public transportation app in the US, in which users are able to browse fare types, make payments, and receive mobile tickets — all within the same app they use to hail Uber cars. 
Masabi’s mobile ticketing technology is currently being used by more than 30 transport authorities and operators worldwide, including New York’s MTA, Boston’s MBTA, the UK’s National Express Bus, Las Vegas’ RTC, Los Angeles’ Metrolink, and The Hague.
The partnership with Masabi would appear to be in line with Khosrowshahi’s ambitions to expand more aggressively into public transportation. 
Earlier this year, Khosrowshahi said that Uber could eventually become a marketplace for other transportation providers, just like Amazon is a marketplace for third-party merchants today, and highlighted the variety of Uber’s existing businesses, which range from food delivery to trucking.
“I want to run the bus systems for a city,” Khosrowshahi said at an event sponsored by Goldman Sachs. “I want you to be able to take an Uber and get into the subway... get out and have an Uber waiting for you.”
On the data-sharing side of the equation, today, Uber announced its plans to expand its Movement project to over a dozen new cities. First launched by Uber last year, Movement is an online tool expressly for cities for mapping travel times, powered by the company’s vast store of ride data. The site allows users to measure travel times between various parts of a city, tracking how those trips get faster or slower over time.
 Cities that will now have access to Uber’s Movement tool include Amsterdam, Bangalore, Brisbane, Cairo, Hyderabad, Melbourne, Mumbai, Nairobi, New Delhi, Perth, Pittsburgh, and Toronto.
More locally, Uber is teaming up with the city of Washington, DC and SharedStreets, a nonprofit collaboration between the National Association of City Transportation Officials and the Open Transport Partnership, to compile and analyze data on curb usage in Washington, DC. Uber will share its data on popular curbs for ride-hailing pickups and drop-offs in the city in the hopes of convincing officials to designate more space for ride-hailing services like Uber.
“Better understanding curb utilization can help cities around the world prepare for a future where more and more of us are accessing transportation through a combination of shared modes, rather than relying on our own vehicles,” Khosrowshahi said in a blog post.
On the surface, Uber’s Washington announcement may seem like only a handful of pilots and some one-off experiments. But Andrew Sulzberg, Uber’s head of transportation policy and research, said the aims are much more ambitious.
“As I think about the core challenge in urban transportation, not just in the US but in cities around the world, a lot of it is how to manage cars,” Sulzberg said. “There’s a huge emphasis on the city side of how to do get people into other modes of transportation that is not driving their own car.”
But Uber isn’t a nonprofit, and its motivations shouldn’t be seen as entirely altruistic.
 Clearly, the company sees the profit to be made in bike-sharing, car-sharing, and transit ticketing. And for a company that has never been profitable — Uber ended 2017 $3.2 billion in the hole — finding new revenue streams outside of its core business of ride-hailing is growing increasingly urgent.
“We’re still really small as a share of overall travel in this country and around the world,” Sulzberg said. “Single-digit percentage, 1 percent, give or take. So there’s a lot of space to grow by adding more options into the app. It’s not a new strategy for us, in terms of lower price points and new options.”
via Blogger https://ift.tt/2Jzzutc
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It is my Dad’s birthday. He won’t answer the phone. He texted me back a few minutes ago saying “I’ve been sleeping all day.”
He hasn’t spoken to my Mom either.
I think that he’s depressed. It’s his birthday and he hasn’t reached out to anyone in the family. It makes me a little sad to think of him sleeping the day away or doing whatever he’s doing. Sally is with my grandmother after her surgery, so it makes sense why she isn’t there. In some ways, I think she was happy to avoid him on his birthday because holidays and other big events make her a little sad. I think they reveal the cracks in their marriage, the glue is dry. The air seeps in during moments of supposed togetherness. I did try calling three times, so I did what I could.
I’ve been listening to this Elizabeth Gilbert podcast-- she’s on Oprah’s podcast I should say. It’s pretty awesome, I love her so fucking much. It’s become almost a cliche at this point, but “Eat Pray Love” is really one of my favorite books. I read it the summer we went to Turks and Caicos as a family and then I met Hayley in Amsterdam and then Stephen in Croatia. What a time that was. I don’t think I took any of it for granted. I’m so grateful to have had those three weeks. That book helped to inform my time with those people, people who I hold the nearest and the dearest.
Liz Gilbert (we’re on Liz not Elizabeth terms) had so many pearls of wisdom. She spoke about the quest, the question we ask ourselves. How we wait for the call, the question comes at night and asks “Is this how I want to live my life?” It’s an excellent question. When I ask myself that now, the answer is yes. 100 percent yes. But I have to keep my ears and eyes open because that answer is subject to change. Nothing stays, and that’s important to remember. It’s not a sad thought- it simply makes the present all the more sweet.
She spoke about giving herself the gift of beauty every single day. Whatever that may mean. Something small, something precious, something just for her. I think that I want to try to remember that. I think that I already do that, but it never hurts to be reminded. As I sit here buried in schoolwork, I’m finding JOY. Absolute joy in doing it because I am alive and intelligent and I’m learning. I’m always trying to be the student in any situation. Even if it doesn’t seem that way.
I’m so proud of Stephen. He got this new job and he’s so happy with himself. Honestly, I think he deserves this and so much more. I just see him and I know he’s my happiness and my love. I know that I can be fine without him, but I want to be with him all the time. LIving together is great but it isn’t enough. I don’t feel sick of him, I want more, I want to drink the very essence of him. We talk about everything and he whispers “I love you” in his sleep and he takes my hand in the morning and kisses me as I make us eggs and coffee. It’s been a little over 2 years and I feel like it’s just the beginning. I don’t want to fear my happiness or my luck, I want to embrace everything and learn from it. I emailed Kevin today, I don’t know what compelled me. It was short, distanced and prior to this email, I don’t think that I understood the phrase “I wanna drop a line.” Ha not that I used that.
But he wrote back and told me a little bit about Munich. He asked to see a copy of Aletheia. He said that he was embarrassed to ask for it but that he had been thinking about it recently. Who knows if that’s true?
I dug through my email and I found it. I cringed. Not at the emotions but the writing was just plain horrible. It was hard to read but it did remind me of how I complicated a situation that was so simple. I sought the tough situations when I should have focused on the easy situation in front of me. I feel like being with Stephen is easy but I don’t feel bored because I’m endlessly fascinated with his point of view, his thoughts, his opinions, what he finds amusing, what he thinks is worth saying or not saying. He and I are different in some ways, but more alike than anything. Reading back through Aletheia reminded me how hard I tried to make something work that wasn’t worth it at all. Stephen is worth it.
He asked me yesterday if I wanted to take his last name. I said that I’d have to think about it. But, like I told him, I like my name. I fucking love my name, actually. So I do think I’m going to keep it. Stephen can take my last name if he wants. I really cannot wait to be his wife! I feel like such a “girl” saying that, but I’ve never actually felt that way about anyone. Joe, sure, I mean, maybe? But I don’t actually remember having conversations or even thinking it to myself. This is a whole new kind of love, it’s deeper and I’m grateful and even though Stephen has to work a lot right now, I’m happy to be supportive of him and focus on my own schoolwork and myself. I won’t always have that time.
I remember Facetiming Hayley in my first apartment in DC, that studio. She came down to make music with me and hang out after Dylan broke my heart. Dramatic?. No, that’s just the fucking TRUTH. BUT, we used to facetime like every day for HOURS and I loved it so much. Honestly wish we could still do that now. BUt I remember telling her “I love that we can do this. But I know one day, we won’t be able to. We’ll have boyfriend we live with or kids or real person jobs. We won’t have 3 hours to Facetime.” I hate that I was right. And I know the same is true for right now, with all of this time to myself. It isn’t going to last forever, so I will do my best to enjoy it and be grateful. Soon enough the semester will be over and I’ll have work fulltime and all of the rest of the bullshit that sucks up the days. More on that as it comes.
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josidel · 7 years
Smart Cars, getting phase out.
Much of the time in America, when you see a Smart Fortwo zipping around your city, it’s in the blue-and-white livery of Car2Go. The Daimler-owned car-sharing service has been around in this country since 2010, and it’s long relied solely on the tiny Smart and their ease of parking as a selling point for city drivers who maybe don’t want to own a car. Perhaps somewhat sadly, the days of the blue-and-white Smarts are coming to an eventual end.
While an all-new Smart Fortwolaunched in 2015 and quickly made its way into Car2Go fleets as well as private owners, months ago Mercedes-Benz announced that the Fortwo would be going fully electric only in America. All new Smart Fortwos in the U.S. will soon do away with the rear-mounted gas engine in favor of batteries with a 60 mile range.
It does not mean Car2Go is transitioning to become an electric fleet to keep up. Rather, the company says it’s beginning the process of moving off Smarts altogether, shifting instead to Mercedes CLA sedans and GLA small crossovers.
Other words, Car2Go’s about to get bigger and its cars more normal. While the new Smarts are sticking around for a while, and replacing the older “451” Smarts of years past, the future of the ride-sharing service is Mercedes-Benz vehicles. The company has been announcing this to customers over the past few months.
“We’d love to continue to offer a smart or similar size vehicle again if and when that becomes an option once more,” a Car2Go spokesman told Jalopnik.”And again, we’ve got a lot of new-gen Fortwos in NYC, DC, Montreal, Toronto, Columbus and Vancouver that will be in service for quite a while. While no other car is as nimble at fitting into tiny city street parking spaces as the Smart, both the CLA and GLA are compact cars. GLA is about a foot shorter than a CLA.”
It’s also kind of a shame because it reflects the lack how the U.S. lags behind other countries in charging infrastructure.
“Car2Go does operate three successful EV fleets in Europe (Amsterdam, Madrid, and Stuttgart) but they’re successful because those cities have infrastructure necessary to operate EV carshare at scale,” the official said. “We believe that electric is the future, and when conditions evolve in North American cities we’d be glad to revisit EV carshare in the U.S. and Canada.
Like I said, it’s a bit sad to see to see the famous blue-and-white Smarts start to fade from our streets. But the charging network isn’t there, and it’s kind of easy to see the GLA and CLA having much wider appeal to car-sharing customers. I’ve often heard prospective customers say they were put off by the Smart’s tiny size, and let’s face it, the previous generation was pretty abysmal to drive. In addition, the Benzes are both relatively small and come with backup cameras, so they can do city car duty more or less fine.
In addition, one of the Smart Fortwo’s main selling points in some European countries was perpendicular parking—it could be backed up so it’s facing the street, not parallel to the curb. That seldom seemed to ever fly in the U.S., so the car was just never quite as practical here as it was in its home market.
So farewell, little blue and white Smarts. May you all end up in a budget spec racing series someday.
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2ifrbXI
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
The Best Places To Eat & Drink In The Hudson Valley added to Google Docs
The Best Places To Eat & Drink In The Hudson Valley
The Hudson Valley is always a good option when you’re looking to get out of the city for a little while. It’s easy to get to by car or train, there’s a whole lot of nature, and “artisanal” applies to more than just $15 cocktails. And right now, a weekend or week-long getaway probably sounds particularly appealing. But before you start researching hiking trails and Airbnbs, let’s address the most important thing first: where you should eat. Here’s a guide to our favorite spots in most of the major towns in the upper part of the region, from Cold Spring to Hudson.
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The Rivertown Lodge is basically the real-life amalgamation of every well-styled photo of upstate New York on the internet. There’s blonde wood everywhere, mid-century furniture and walls covered in books, and they use and sell the kind of ceramic mugs you decide you want to buy for your apartment, until you realize they’re $45 each. As for the food - dishes like grilled pork ribs with preserved mustard greens or roast chicken with salsa verde - it’s very good, and a lot less than $45. Whether or not you’re staying at the hotel, make this place a priority for dinner, which is offered Friday to Monday from 4-9pm, or Sunday brunch from 10am-2pm.
Fuego 69 $$$$ 731 Hudson Street
Also at Riverton Lodge, you’ll find Fuego 69, a pop-up from the people behind the temporarily closed Lil’ Deb’s Oasis. From 3-5pm, you can hang out in the hotel’s backyard and order drinks, or stop by for dinner between 5-9pm, when they’re serving dishes like buckwheat flatbread topped with buckwheat honey and fried buckwheat groats. 69 cents from every dish is donated to local and national racial justice causes.
 Jose Silva Hudson Food Studio $$$$ 610 Warren St.
If you’re looking for a great dinner in Hudson, but don’t necessarily feel like shelling out more than the cost of a night at your Airbnb, consider Hudson Food Studio - a casual spot serving a variety of very good Southeast Asian food. Order some adobo chicken bao and spicy crab cakes with sambal tartar at a table on their outdoor patio between 5-9pm Thursday through Monday.
Backbar $$$$ 347 Warren St
Located in the back of one of the 3,000 antiques stores on the main street in Hudson is Backbar, a cocktail bar that also serves Malaysian small plates. It’s a funky, cool spot with a giant string-light-covered backyard, which is where you currently enter the space. After ordering at the counter, find a table in the tented garden, and order some romanesco laab, shrimp dumplings, and natural wine. The first come, first served seating is available from 4-9pm on Wednesday and Thursday, and you should also keep it in mind for late-night drinks and snacks on weekends when they stay open until midnight.
 Annie Schlechter Talbott & Arding $$$$ 323 Warren St.
We highly recommend using Talbott & Arding as a pit stop before heading out into nature for the day. This fancy market in the middle of town has everything you need (and definitely don’t need) for a picnic. Take a look at the long list of cheeses, cured meats, breads, and spreads on their website, and place an order for curbside pick-up by calling 518-828-3558.
 Jose Silva Wm. Farmer & Sons $$$$ 20 S Front St
Wm. Farmer & Sons is connected to a hotel, and feels like a much-nicer-than-average hotel restaurant. The space is attractive, the service is great, and the food all looks familiar, but includes tweaks like serving a blue crab omelette with mentaiko hollandaise, or topping a fantastic burger with butter-braised onions and tomato relish. The coffee shop and rum room are currently closed, but the restaurant and bar room are open for dinner Thursday through Sunday. Reservations are encouraged, and available through their website.
Grazin' Diner $$$$ 717 Warren St
Grazin’ is a good, casual option for lunch or weekend brunch in Hudson. They’re known for their super local, non-GMO, all-those-good-things burgers and American food, which is available daily inside the diner’s old-school space. If you’d rather take your order to go, you could head across the street to 7th Street Park.
Swoon Kitchenbar $$$$ 340 Warren St
Swoon has been around a lot longer than most of the Hudson restaurants people tend to talk about, but it’s still a very good spot for wine, cheese, and oysters. Their sidewalk seating is available Thursday through Sunday, and if you want something more substantial than snacks, they serve entrees like soft shell crab sandwiches and pappardelle bolognese.
cold spring  Hudson Hil's Market & Cafe $$$$ 129-131 Main St
Hudson Hil’s is the restaurant that will convince you to buy property in Cold Spring. This is a daytime cafe that serves super fresh, locally-sourced food and employs some of the nicest people we’ve met in restaurants. An example of a phrase that was said to us while eating here: “I’m going to warm up your pie for you - is that OK?” It is always OK. And we will always come back to Hudson Hil’s. Everything we’ve tried here for both breakfast and lunch is outstanding, but the biscuits and country sausage gravy should not be missed.
Moo Moo's Creamery $$$$ 32 West St
There’s one main street in Cold Spring - filled with charming cafes, antique shops, and design stores that look like they belong in a much bigger city - and after you walk the entirety of it, you’re going to want some ice cream. Get it at Moo Moo’s, then walk across the street to the park on the river for an extremely scenic ice cream experience. Moo Moo’s is open Thursday through Sunday from 12-9pm, and if you’re the planning type, then you can check out today’s flavors on their Instagram.
Riverview Restaurant $$$$ 45 Fair St
The indoor tables at Riverview are all separated from each other with glass dividers, but whether or not that makes you feel comfortable, you should still try to get an outdoor table here. The second-floor wraparound porch overlooks the Hudson River, and it’s an ideal spot to eat pizza with gravlax or maple-brined pork chops at lunch or dinner. Call 845-265-4778 to make a reservation.
Cold Spring Depot $$$$ 1 Depot Sq
Want to feel like you’re living in a different century? Eat lunch at Cold Spring Depot, a restaurant directly next to some very old train tracks. The American food is enjoyable and the beer list is great, but mostly, there’s something thrilling about eating a burger while a train goes by right in front of you. And if you’ve just come up to Cold Spring for the day (and you should, it’s only an hour and a half train ride from NYC), this is an especially convenient option as it’s just a few steps from the station. The outdoor garden is currently open until 8pm every day except Sunday.
Le Bouchon $$$$ 76 Main St
For some semblance of a romantic night out, Brasserie Le Bouchon is your best option in Cold Spring. It sort of feels like the love child of a Little Italy spot and a French bistro, and it’s very nice outdoor patio has a large covered portion in case rain threatens to derail date night.
rhinebeck  Liz Clayman The Amsterdam $$$$ 6380 Mill St
With a giant still life painting hanging in the dining room, staff in suspenders, and a space inside a brownstone, The Amsterdam feels like a rich Dutch person’s library. But you can avoid that initial stuffiness in two ways: hang out at the bar, or head to the giant backyard filled with Adirondack chairs and firepits. Both are great places to have a quality cocktail and some very good, seasonal American (non-Dutch) food. Reservations are available through their website.
 Grand Cru Beer & Cheese Market $$$$ 6384 Mill St.
Not only does Grand Cru have a good draft beer list that you can check out on their website, but they also have a big outdoor beer garden with live music and rotating food vendors. Check out their Instagram to see when and who will be there to play music and serve food.
 Jennifer May Terrapin Restaurant, Bistro & Bar $$$$ 6426 Montgomery St
Terrapin has a lot going for it. It’s a restaurant inside a giant old church, the menu ranges from tapas to quesadillas to pastas, and along with attractive bar and dining rooms, they’ve recently expanded their patio seating. You can make a reservation for indoor or outdoor seating any day until 9pm through their website.
 Market St. $$$$ 19 W Market St
Market Street is a modern Italian spot with sidewalk seating that serves some of the best pizza in the Hudson Valley. The pastas here are also great, and if they’re offering a risotto special, that needs to be part of your order.
Rhinebeck Bagels & Cafe $$$$ 31 W Market Street
Whether you want a bagel with cream cheese or a sub with roast pork, pepperoncini, and au jus dip, this is where you should go when your stomach tells you it’s jealous of all the attention you gave your liver last night. Place a takeout order through their website for pickup any day between 8am-2pm.
woodstock  Francesco Tonelli Cucina $$$$ 109 Mill Hill Rd
If the idea of the L’Artusi of upstate New York is exciting to you, then you should make it a priority to go to Cucina. If it’s not exciting to you, then we’re curious and a little nervous to hear what is exciting to you. From the seasonal Italian food to the upscale but comfortable space inside a converted farmhouse, to the wraparound porch, this place is easily one of the best dinners you can have in the Hudson Valley.
Tinker Taco Lab $$$$ 54 Tinker Street
There’s no bad place to drink a good margarita. And at Tinker Taco Lab, you can have one next to a stream while you eat barbacoa tacos on homemade tortillas. This counter-service Mexican spot has nice outdoor seating, which is available Friday through Sunday.
 Jose Silva Oriole 9 $$$$ 17 Tinker St
Oriole 9 has an artsy feel, inspirational quotes written on chalkboards, and plenty of vegan options. In other words, it’s not the spot to bring someone who you’re trying to convince that Woodstock isn’t all tie-dye and Birkenstocks. But it is the pace to bring someone who wants a great burger, bucket of fried chicken, or huevos rancheros. They’ve set up a bunch of tables in the alleyway next to the restaurant, which you can make use of Friday-Monday from 5-8pm.
Bread Alone $$$$ 22 Mill Hill Rd
You might buy this brand of bread at the Union Square Farmer’s Market, but it’s possible you don’t know they have brick and mortar cafes sprinkled around upstate. The location in Woodstock is small, but a good stop for coffee and a pastry, especially when you can sit at a table on the patio, which is open every day from 7am-5pm.
The Mud Club $$$$ 43 Mill Hill Road
On weekends from 9am-3pm, stop by the takeaway window at The Mud Club for coffee, pastries, and bagels. It’s basically in a gorgeous Hudson Valley backyard, with a bunch of benches and giant rocks where you can spend a couple hours planning an afternoon hike or a move to Woodstock.
phoenicia  Jose Silva Peekamoose Restaurant $$$$ 8373 State Route 28
Peekamoose is an even better restaurant than it is a word, and that’s saying a lot. We’d put it alongside Cucina as a must-visit for dinner if you’re spending the weekend around Woodstock or Phoenicia. The space feels like a giant ski lodge, with two options for seating: the dining room’s more formal, with reservations available by calling 845-254-6500, and a nice deck with plenty of first come, first served outdoor seating. As for the food: the menu seems to have been created to make you want to order everything - think short ribs, rigatoni and meatballs, and wood-grilled octopus.
 Jose Silva Phoenicia Diner $$$$ 5681 Route 28
As much as you’ll feel like you’re walking into Portlandia Goes To Woodstock, it’s pretty much impossible not to love this place. The menu is full of stuff you want to eat, including breakfast all day with pancakes that need to be part of any order here. Their expanded outdoor seating is available from 8am-6pm (8pm on weekends) every day except Wednesday.
Woodstock Brewing $$$$ 5581 NY-28
Despite the name, Woodstock Brewing is technically located in Phoenicia. The indoor space has huge windows and a tap list that includes tasting notes and varieties of hops, while outside, there are tons of tables and a full food menu, including a phenomenal burger. They’re currently open Thursday-Sunday from 12-9pm (10pm on weekends).
hunter  Jose Silva The Prospect Restaurant $$$$ 13 Scribner Hollow Rd.
The people behind the hotel Scribner’s Lodge used a formula discovered by many Williamsburg expats before them: buy an old, run-down Hudson Valley building, make it look like Brooklyn, and the people will come. Scribner’s is a beautiful space, with impressive views of Hunter Mountain on display from the floor-to-ceiling windows in the hotel’s restaurant, Prospect. The housemade pastas, cheeseburger topped black truffle aioli, and cocktails are all delicious, as are all of the desserts. They’re not accepting reservations, but you can call 518-628-5150 to check their availability.
saugerties  Katherine Lewin Miss Lucy's Kitchen $$$$ 90 Partition St
If we lived in Saugerties, the people working at Miss Lucy’s would probably know our first names, our dogs’ middle names, and the fact that we’re not at all ashamed by the fact that we like dipping our fries in mayo. You can’t go wrong with anything on the comfort food-leaning American menu, but you should give a little extra consideration to the turkey confit, andouille, and shrimp jambalaya with cornbread. They’re currently open Wednesday-Saturday from 12-8pm and Sunday from 12-7pm, and whenever you come, try their bloody mary.
 Olsen & Company $$$$ 81 Partition Street
This studio-sized fancy market looks like it was picked up and moved from East Williamsburg. They stock local, artisanal grocery items, and serve coffee, sandwiches, salads, and sides. It’s an ideal place to pick up something for the road when passing through Saugerties, or to get supplies for a picnic, but the indoor and outdoor seating also make it a good option if you’d rather eat off something other than your lap.
Slices of Saugerties $$$$ 71 Partition St
This is where you should stop if you’re looking to grab a slice on your way through Saugerties. You can place your order ahead of time through their website, and it should include multiple grandma slices and an order of garlic knots.
kingston  Brunette Brunette $$$$ 33 Broadway
If, when you imagine a wine bar, you think of a place that looks like a living room from the 1990s, know that this particular one could not be more different. Brunette is a ridiculously charming spot - there’s floral wallpaper, a white marble bar, vintage stemware likely sourced from Kingston’s many antique shops, and a restroom that we plan to steal interior design ideas from. For an up close look at all of that, you can sit at one of the tables available for limited indoor dining. Otherwise, opt for a table out on the side. Either way, make use of the highly curated by-the-glass wine list, and snacks like shrimp rolls, hot dogs, and trout roe nachos.
Duo Bistro $$$$ 50 John St
Duo Bistro is a light and bright space that we like best for daytime eating (though they serve dinner in addition to lunch and brunch, and accept reservations by phone at 845-383-1198. The menu is full of American classics, but with twists to keep them interesting, like a burger topped with kimchi and pork pate. Whether it’s your first or last meal of the trip, you’re probably already going to be convinced by this point that you need to stock your kitchen and home with better, more local, more artisanal products - and Duo Bistro anticipates your needs with their attached market.
Stockade $$$$ 313 Fair St
The best place for cocktails in Kingston. Stockade Tavern has an old-timey feel to it, with a fireplace, tin ceilings, and plenty of candles. Until you can experience those aspects of it again, though, make use of their outdoor seating, which is available Wednesday through Saturday from 4-9pm.
 Outdated $$$$ 314 Wall St
Half antiques shop, half all-vegetarian cafe, full-on upstate New York. While Outdated is typically packed with people who live around here - studying, getting coffee, playing cards, and eating all organic, all locally sourced foods - it’s currently a place to pick up those things to go (at least the coffee and local food) Wednesday to Sunday from 10am-2pm. Call 845-331-0030 to place your order ahead of time.
STONE RIDGE & ACCORD  Cherries Ice Cream Bar & Grill $$$$ 4166 US Highway 209
Cherries is nothing more than a tiny deli by the side of the road, but don’t let its size fool you. This is maybe the best “deli” in all of upstate New York. The counter-service space with an attached covered patio has a full menu of things that are exactly what you want to eat in the middle of your road trip (fantastic sandwiches, chicken tenders, and curly fries to name a few). But you’re here for one thing above all else: their soft serve. Get it until 8pm any day except Monday.
Butterfield $$$$ 3805 US-29
Hasbrouck House is an old inn that was taken over and renovated, and it has a nice restaurant called Butterfield. The walls are stone, there’s a fireplace, and the whole place generally makes you feel like you’re in the upstate New York version of a castle. A low-key castle, but still. The restaurant is serving brunch and dinner Friday-Sunday both indoors and outdoors, with high-end American dishes like garden squash gazpacho with squash blossoms or dry-aged steak with shallot agrodolce.
 Westwind Orchard $$$$ 215 Lower Whitfield Rd.
This is one of our favorite places in all of upstate New York. Westwind Orchard is a fully-organic farm and pick-your-own-produce destination - a thing that, as it turns out, is actually pretty rare. Once you finish picking your raspberries, pumpkins, or apples, it’s time to eat, and that’s when you’ll head back to the yard that’s covered with picnic tables and a wood-burning pizza oven. Their margherita pizza is on par with what you’ll find at the best spots in NYC, and they also do creative things with their own produce - like the raspberry and sausage covered pie. If it wasn’t clear from everything we’ve already said, Westwind Orchard is perfect for kids, but it’s also perfect for pretty much anyone else. It’s absolutely worth going out of your way for this place.
montgomery City Winery $$$$ 23 Factory St
City Winery, which has locations in NYC and around the country, opened a massive multi-use project on a 22-acre plot centered around a converted mill. Along with making their own wine from grapes grown on the property, they have a tasting room and restaurant with outdoor seating overlooking a river and waterfall. You can make a reservation for a table Thursday through Sunday through their website, where you’ll also find details on their on-site concert series.
beacon Ella's Bellas $$$$ 418 Main St
Ella’s Bella’s is entirely gluten-free. Whether or not you care about that, you should still drop in whenever you’re in or around Beacon. Their fantastic breads, pastries, and cakes, which you can order up to a week in advance, are available until 4pm every day except Tuesday.
Homespun Foods $$$$ 232 Main St
Homespun Foods serves the kind of food that won’t derail your hiking plans before you’ve decided on a trail. Thursday through Sunday, order a gouda pecan salad and turkey avocado sandwich at a table in the backyard or the tented front patio, both of which are open for lunch and dinner.
 The Roundhouse The Roundhouse $$$$ 2 E Main St
The Roundhouse is the most upscale dinner option in town, and the picturesque space is enough of a reason to stop by on its own. The big, string-light-covered outdoor patio looks out over a waterfall, and is a great place to eat some duck confit steam buns and housemade pasta on a nice evening. The restaurant is open every day, and on weekends, they also have a BBQ pop-up where you can order 12-hour smoked brisket and barrel-aged negronis all day long.
Bank Square Coffeehouse $$$$ 129 Main St
This is Beacon’s go-to independent coffee shop. As you might expect of a coffee shop around here, it’s an exceedingly pleasant place with a nice outdoor patio where you should have a latte (or a beer) while you plot your next move around town.
Dogwood $$$$ 47 E Main St
Dogwood is a solid pub with very good cocktails and hand-crafted sodas. They’re offering an abbreviated food menu focused on different types of open-faced sandwiches topped with things like roast beef and horseradish mayo or chipotle pulled chicken and cheddar cheese. The indoor space is currently open from 5pm-12am Wednesday through Sunday.
via The Infatuation Feed https://www.theinfatuation.com/new-york/guides/hudson-valley-restaurants Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://trello.com/userhuongsen
Created July 25, 2020 at 04:42AM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
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zillowcondo · 7 years
The Overhead Compartment With Jemele Hill
Shining a spotlight on celebrities and athletes who love to travel. Created and developed by Stacy Steponate Greenberg.
Today, we welcome ESPN’s Jemele Hill.
(This ThrowbackThursday Post was originally published on October 14, 2014)
Outspoken, tellIng-it-like-it-is, with an amazing t-shirt collection, Jemele Hill has risen fast to become one of ESPN’s top personalities. From her days as a newspaper reporter through today, as one half of ESPN2’s Numbers Never Lie, with co-host Michael Smith and their podcast His & Hers with Michael Smith and Jemele Hill, Hill has traveled all over and we can’t wait to hear her story!
THE OVERHEAD COMPARTMENT…..with Jemele Hill begins now:
OC: As a frequent traveler for both work with ESPN and leisure, how often do you find yourself traveling during the year?
JH: I travel less now for ESPN because I’m in studio 5 days a week. But before this relatively recent role change, I traveled frequently in my career as a general assignment reporter, college and football beat writer, columnist and as a college football sideline reporter in 2012. But aside from that, I’ve always loved traveling and I’m grateful to have a professional career that has furthered that interest. So even though I’m not traveling for work as much as I used to, I’m still infected with the travel bug.
OC: What is your favorite city to visit for work?
JH: My favorite “work trip” of all time was the 2010 World Cup, in South Africa. The great part about covering the World Cup is that you travel across the entire country since the various matches are in different cities. Our base was in Johannesburg, but I was able to go to the Cape, Sun City, and a number of other places. It’s one of the best events in all of sports, but the trip left such a deep impression on me because South Africa is such a special country. I’d never been there before and for me and a huge portion of the world, our impressions of this country was formed through the ugly lens of apartheid. But it’s a beautiful country with beautiful people. It was Nelson Mandela’s dream to see the World Cup in South Africa. He was a huge believer in sports being a tool to unite people. And I’m humbled by the fact that I was able to see Mandela make one of his last, public appearances, before his death.
OC: What do you do if you have down time in that city?
JH: I’m curious by nature, so I like to do as much exploring as possible. If possible, I try to explore with someone who is actually from that city. If that isn’t possible, I try to get as much intel from the locals as possible. In general, like most people, I want to avoid the tourist places and go to those areas that explain the fabric of a city.
OC: Favorite place for leisure travel?
JH: I don’t have children, but I imagine this is the equivalent of picking your favorite child! In the states, my favorite places to visit (in no particular order) are New Orleans, San Diego, Las Vegas, St. Augustine (FL), Puerto Rico, and Hawaii. Outside of the U.S. — Athens/Greek Isles, Cabo, Amsterdam, and South Africa (the cape and countryside are AMAZING)
OC: What do you like to do in your down time for leisure?
JH: Travel. Specifically, I love sitting on beaches and doing absolutely nothing.
OC: What’s the strangest thing that ever happened to you on an airplane?
JH: I saw actress Amy Adams give up her first-class seat up to an American soldier. I tweeted what she did from the sky and by the time I landed, it had become a huge story. TMZ and Inside Edition were actually waiting for me when I got off the flight. To date, that was my most Retweeted tweet of all time. I tweeted it because I thought she deserved an acknowledgement, but I never expected it to become such a huge story.
OC: In an airport?
JH: I will never not be amused by drunk passengers who try to talk themselves onto the plane. It’s phenomenal entertainment.
OC: In a hotel?
JH: I once accidentally locked myself out of hotel room naked. Let’s just say that was an awkward call to the front desk. I also chipped my two front teeth after slipping on a bathroom floor. And no, alcohol was not involved in either instance. I’m just that ridiculous.
OC: What was your last trip?
JH: I went to Martha’s Vineyard for a weekend. It was pretty fascinating, in a weird, provincial way. Very lovely people. It’s just strange because it’s such a different way of life there.
OC: First thing you do when arriving at a hotel in your room?
JH: Open the curtains to see what the view is like.
OC: Biggest pet peeve about hotels?
JH: They’re getting a little skimpy on the shower gel.
OC: Complete the following sentence: I never leave home without,___________________________
JH: My headphones and iPad. I need something to read, and I need something to listen to.
OC: Go to snack when on the road?
JH: Depends on the part of the country I’m in. For example, if I’m in the Baltimore-DC area, I must get Utz’s Chesapeake Bay Crab Chips. In general. I’m a potato chips addict.
OC: Worst travel experience?
JH: Coming back from Greece after the Olympics. It taught me to never to leave the day after the final day of competition. Took nearly two days to get home, and included a bus trip.
OC: Best travel experience?
JH: I’ll break them into categories. The best work trip I ever took was to South Africa for the World Cup. Every Memorial Day weekend, me and my girlfriends take a trip and we’ve been to Vegas, Miami and Puerto Rico. And this past summer, I took a trip by myself to Cabo, which was spectacular. I’ll also fondly remember my first international trip, which was to Dusseldorf, Germany, to visit a friend and her husband. I actually went to a World League football game, and drank more beer that entire week than I have any year in my life.
OC: Check or carry on?
JH: There’s only one right answer — carry on.
OC: Best part of flying
JH: TSA pre-check.
OC: Worst part of flying
JH: Flying with people who don’t normally travel. I have everything down to a science, so they just disrupt my routine.
OC: Please put in order, favorite way to travel….Car, Plane or Boat?
JH: Plane, Boat, and any form of transportation other than the car, I hate car trips. I’m too impatient.
OC: Top three favorite restaurants any where in the world
JH: Anywhere in New Orleans, Graycliff restaurant in Nassau, Bahamas, and Blessed Cafe in Puerto Rico. I’ll have a different answer next week.
OC: Travel secret/habit about you that no one knew until now,______________________
JH: This might make me sound like a snob, but I can’t fly in coach. Have traveled too much and can’t do it.
Jemele Hill, please use care upon departure as items may have shifted in The Overhead Compartment during our journey. Thanks for choosing us for your travel tips! Have a wonderful day!
Photos courtesy ESPN.
The post The Overhead Compartment With Jemele Hill appeared first on Pursuitist.
The Overhead Compartment With Jemele Hill published first on http://ift.tt/2pewpEF
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rfschatten · 7 years
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Hear Them Roar!...Women’s March trumps Inauguration
"Women, if the Soul of the Nation is to be saved, 'you' must become its Soul" ~~~ Coretta Scott King
Ever since God created Woman, Man has had the notion that the Male of the species…because of their natural physical strength…is a far superior being than the Female. Ever since the days of the Caveman with his handy club…Man, in all of his Machismo…has tried to maintain dominance over women. Throughout the ages, Male Chauvinism has ruled every aspect of Society in this World.
But as we continuously evolve as a Society, while some Men still have their heads stuck up those "Caves", or more likely in the Gutter…it's been the Woman in the forefront of Progress the last 218 years or so. Women, who have championed the righteous fights for Civil Liberties, Social Change, and Social Justice.
The Women's March on Versailles…October 5th, 1789…was the defining moment of the French Revolution, when 7,000+ "Angry Women" packed with Pitchforks and Muskets, marched to the Palace of Versailles and said to Louis & Marie; Guess who's going to eat Cake, now?...Monsieur Guillotine will even "Slice" it for ya!
In 1903, Mary Harris (Mother) Jones made America aware of the plight of Children, working under Draconian conditions…by taking kids out from their factories and having them parade in mass demonstrations. The Demonstrations eventually lead to America's Child Labor Laws!
The late 19th and early 20th Century saw political actions by the Suffragist Movement. Frustrated with the Abolitionists, they began mass demonstrations in 1911, demanding Women's Right to Vote. In 1916 and 1917, Suffragists picketed the White House and 218 women were arrested and brutally beaten by Jailhouse Guards. Results of those actions after the public outrage? The 19th Amendment was created…guaranteeing Women, the Right to Vote!  
In 1914 and 1915, Lucy Parsons led mass Demonstrations in San Francisco and Chicago over the concerns of the Unemployed and the Homeless. In 1917, 15,000 marched in New York City. The issue of the Protests? Racial Discrimination and Lynching.
And in the 1960s, the "Independence" of the American Woman roared into the public's eye. Thanks to women activists like Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem. And ladies in Washington who made their voices heard, like Bella Abzug, Margaret Chase Smith, and Shirley Chisholm…whether they're  liked or not…these women were largely responsible for the changes in the general perception and attitude about the "Weaker Sex"!
The American Woman is not June Cleaver, anymore! She's now bright, intelligent, and well versed in the use of Education and Communication. A person who is totally qualified in every way, shape, and form possible to run a Corporation. Many are there, now! but the Male Chauvinist Status Quo will continue…like always…to impede the progress women make!!  
Now, we have another Historic March…probably, the most Dramatically Historic March in American History…if not, the most historic in World History!
It was a show to end all shows…even Donald Trump's attempt to upstage the March failed miserably with his "Breaking News" appearance in Langley, Virginia. After his schpiel at the CIA…he was cut off, right back to the broadcast of the March.
His 1st 2 Days as President hasn't gone too well. 2 straight days of mediocre ratings…but, worst of all?…being upstaged by Women!!
Women!...lots and lots of angry "Nasty" women, protesting their Equal Rights, their Human Rights, Reproductive Rights, their Rights to proper Health Care, and their Rights to protection from Pu**y Grabbing Misogynist Bullies, Sexual Predators, and Rapists.
But the day wasn't just about women issues; Immigration Reform, Racial Discrimination, Voter Rights, Civil Rights, Obamacare, Education, the Environment, whatever else…
No one has ever said Women cannot inspire!…the respect for their causes has brought out the Men, the Gay community, Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, the Young, and the Elderly…and because of their continuously determined fight for Social Justice?…they were joined by the Rest of the World!
Almost 500,000 in Washington DC…determined by Crowd Scientists, Marcel Altenburg and Keith Still…as 3x the size of the Inauguration. Of course, with the Word "Science" attached…Trump and Republican Circles will dismiss it as Lies and Fake News…like the proof of the pudding Photographs of the Crowds with Obama and with Trump, side by side, and the Film showing the empty stands during the parade…with more cops lined up on one side of the barriers, than people sitting in the stands. Next horseshit Tale?? They were Photoshopped!…just tell them the "Alternative Truth"!…their minions will believe that, too!
There was at least one March in every of the 50 States. Cities and Towns throughout the Country, of every size…from 30, 50, 100 people to thousands… 400,000+ in New York City, 750,000 in Los Angeles, 250,000 in San Francisco, 100,000 next door in Oakland, and 20,000 in Sacramento,  and 50,000 in San Diego.
In the Heart of Dixie, Birmingham Alabama 10,000! Then you got 250,000 in Chicago, 100,000 in Portland, and so forth…an entire Country voicing their displeasure for a man, who most consider an illegitimate President.  
The Facts: Let's just say that over 2 Million people Marched throughout the United States…while the Trump Inauguration couldn't even give away tickets…for free!! and couldn't even fill an NFL standardized size Stadium.  
Millions!! Amazingly the March continued throughout the World…whether from concerns about a Trump Administration, concerned about the issues, or in support of their sisters and brothers in America…their voices also roared! 100,000 in London, with Marches in Paris, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Athens, Tokyo…and in countries as far as Australia and New Zealand, Thailand, Japan, India, South Korea, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland, and much more!
It must be hard for someone to know, millions and millions of people throughout the world and millions in his own country believe he's a totally unqualified piece of excrement who only cares about #1  Anyone else, would be embarrassed and ashamed of himself for all his actions…President Trumpster, being the indecent human being that he is…could care less what anyone's causes or problems are.
For the next 4 years, the problems within America and our problems outside our shores will be under the guidance of this Country's "Second Banana". While Trump tries to act important…the real importance in his life is to rip off this country for as much as he can get. A man who believes…yes! Believes!…that "To the Victors, goes the Spoils". Donald Trump essentially said; he finds no problem with "Stealing" another Country's Oil! That's an International War Crime! But, for a man with no Morals and even lesser Values? It's all about $$$$ and how much he can make around the world before he gets booted out or ends up in Jail!!
What the general consensus rapidly considers as the Largest & Greatest Protest March in History, it shows what the Power of Women can achieve…combined with Activists with the same Ideals, and people in general who truly and passionately cares. Trump may not care about those women, or their cause…but to mainstream Republicans? It's destroying their ulcers!
Women, Men, Children, the Old, the Young, the Blacks, and the Whites…a truly united Global Gathering…because, our problems are their problems, their plight for Social Justice is our plight for Social Justice! It was a total Global effort beyond any description, whatsoever.
When you have Millions of Women, joined by millions more who supports them and want to vent 'their' own anger! When you see the masses of People…millions in the United States, and millions more throughout the entire World…even in Antarctica!!
When you see a World Protest of this magnitude aimed at Donald Trump, his personal Character flaws, his lack of political understanding, his Policies, and the GOP?
When you see all of that…you'll understand the seriousness of the issue at hand, the political dangers of the situation, and the dire consequences.
A problem that will need immediate attention. But in the world of "Alternative Facts"? Does the Trumpster understand?...or even care?
The Success of the 2017 Women's March on Washington, showed something that President P**sy Grabber will never ever understand!…but, it sure frightens the living hell out of Republicans!
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
Where To Pick Up A Frozen Cocktail And Ponder The Concept Of Summer added to Google Docs
Where To Pick Up A Frozen Cocktail And Ponder The Concept Of Summer
Why do drinks taste better after they’re blended with ice? Is it because they’re showy with lots of flair, like the David Bowie of alcoholic beverages? What exactly happens to your body during a brain freeze? Does summer miss us too? Hello. We’re the Infatuation NYC, and today we’ll be answering exactly none of those questions. Instead, we’re here to help you find a strawberry daquiri, so you can live some semblance of a socially-distanced summer life. There has never been a better time to enjoy what’s essentially a child’s drink for people over the age of 21. Go get ’em.
   Featured In The Ultimate NYC Delivery & Takeout Guide See all our guides THE SPOTS Donna $ $ $ $ Bar Food  in  Williamsburg $$$$ 27 Broadway Not
Like Captain Jack Sparrow’s bloodstream, Donna is highly committed to rum. If you’re near Williamsburg and want to drink a frozen Brancolada, you can order pick-up or delivery through their website here. Also - Donna has 25 cent bags of tortilla chips available, and we can’t think of one good reason not to order a few.
 Noah Devereaux Empellón Al Pastor $ $ $ $ Tacos ,  Mexican  in  East Village $$$$ 132 St. Marks Place 8.0 /10
We’re going to go out on a limb and say that you’ve probably spent at least one merry night drinking margaritas and eating tacos at Empellon Al Pastor in the East Village. We can’t bring you back to that night (we’d really love to, we promise), but we can suggest you go pick up a frozen mezcal piña colada from their spot on St. Marks. If you just want to order some tacos, you can go online for delivery - but they’re only serving frozen cocktails for pick-up right now.
El Jeffe - Modern Mexican Grill $$$$ 1483 Fulton St
Even if you take pride in making cocktails at home (by the way, we can teach you how), you’re probably not whipping up Hennessy slushies with any sort of frequency. Treat yourself by going to pick one up from El Jeffe’s Bed-Stuy and PLG locations. Both spots are open every day, and both spots have that Hennessy slushie available for takeout only. You can keep track of their updates on their Instagram page here.
Yatenga $ $ $ $ French  in  Harlem $$$$ 2269 Adam Clayton Powell Jr Blvd Not
If you’re in Harlem without a blender, take comfort in knowing this French and American all-day spot near 135th Street has frozen piña coladas and margaritas available for takeout and delivery. You can call 212-690-0699 or order online between 12:30pm and 9:30pm every day. Also worth noting, Yatenga designed their own downloadable coloring book page, so you’ll have a built-in activity while you drink on your fire escape.
Broken Land $ $ $ $ Greenpoint $$$$ 105 Franklin St Not
Three pieces of good news: Broken Land in Greenpoint has a to-go window set up, they’re selling frozen aperol spritzes and frozen piña coladas every day until 8pm, and there’s a framed photograph of Dr. Anthony Fauci sitting next to the window. You can find out more about pre-ordering or schedule one for a friend who lives in Greenpoint on their website here.
 Noah Devereaux Connolly's $ $ $ $ Bar Food  in  Rockaway Beach $$$$ 155 Beach 95th St
Getting a brain freeze at Connolly’s in Rockaway Beach is one of the great New York pleasures. And, if you’re socially distancing in the area, you can still enjoy that feeling. Connolly’s now has a takeout window with frozen piña coladas and beer. They’re open from noon to sunset, starting Friday May 22nd. Check their Facebook page here for more details and updates.
Black Emperor $ $ $ $ Bar  in  East Village $$$$ 197 2nd Ave Not
Ruffian and Black Emperor recently opened a joint takeout and delivery operation in the East Village with things like smash burgers, tots, and frozen Deer Hunter cocktails. You can check out their menu on their website here. Just know that they’re currently only open on weekends until 7pm, and you can find updates on their Instagram page here.
 Noah Devereaux The Commodore $ $ $ $ Bar Food ,  Southern  in  Brooklyn ,  Williamsburg $$$$ 366 Metropolitian Ave. 7.9 /10
We typically associate The Commodore in Williamsburg with late-night fried chicken and meeting strangers we eventually forget existed to begin with. But now you can order a frozen cocktail and a fried chicken sandwich right to your apartment from noon to 11pm every day. The Commodore also has a take-out window set up for you to check out while you’re walking your dog. Once you get a little tipsy and pretend your sofa cushion is a relatively square-shaped stranger, it’ll essentially be the same experience as the bar (perhaps even better). Check out their Instagram page here for more details.
Skinny's Cantina $$$$ 4705 Center Blvd
This LIC Mexican spot is located right next to the water, so when you come to collect your takeout frozen margaritas, make sure to close your eyes, listen to the lapping East River, and think about all the oblivious bluefish living their best lives. Is this your version of vacation now? Perhaps. In case you want to avoid the bluefish, you can always call 718-729-8300 to order delivery as well.
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Much like the Old Navy tank tops you used to wear to day camp, all of the bottled frozen drinks at Blend in Astoria come in sizes small, medium, or large. So you can take distinct pleasure in saying, “I’ll have a large strawberry daiquiri,” or mix and match a few smaller ones to create your very own daiquiri flight. Why not? You have nothing else to do today. To order, call 718-606-6383 or head to their website here.
Playa Betty's $ $ $ $ Mexican  in  Upper West Side $$$$ 320 Amsterdam Ave 7.0 /10
We’d like to remind everyone that this is the first time in all of human history that you can conjure a pitcher of frozen palomas to your doorstep with just a few quick taps. Back in the day, that would have sounded like witchcraft and might have caused a burning-at-the-stake situation. So order some frozen drinks from Playa Betty’s on the UWS and call yourself Sabrina the +21 witch.
Bronx Drafthouse $ $ $ $ Bar Food  in  Bronx $$$$ 884 Gerard Ave Not
Maybe you’re not typically a frozen cocktail drinker. And maybe you feel better knowing that the Bronx Drafthouse isn’t typically a frozen cocktail spot. The lesson here is that we all have our wild sides. You can call 929-265-9759 or go online to place your takeout order for frozen passion fruit margaritas.
 Noah Devereaux Diamond Reef $ $ $ $ Bedford-Stuyvesant ,  Brooklyn $$$$ 1057 Atlantic Ave Not
Diamond Reef in Bed-Stuy has large format frozen cocktails like the “Penichillin” and “Spicy Canary” for delivery and takeout service on Wednesday through Sunday. They’re prepared to bring you a massive frozen cocktail anywhere in Brooklyn, lower Manhattan, and western Queens - just be aware that they’re only offering delivery for orders over $75. You can schedule your order and check out all of their Quarantine Canteen options here.
Queens Bully $ $ $ $ BBQ  in  Forest Hills $$$$ 113-30 Queens Blvd Not
Your friend’s summer picnic birthday party may have gotten cancelled, but you can still simulate a summer picnic in the Forest Hills area by ordering barbecue and a frozen painkiller from Queens Bully. They’re offering takeout and delivery every day from 1pm to 9pm through a few different online platforms or over the phone at 718-520-8600.
Güeros $$$$ 605 Prospect Pl
It’s possible you’re unable to separate your urgent desire for a frozen margarita and your urgent desire for nachos. If you’re in the Crown Heights or Park Slope area, then ordering takeout or delivery from either Gueros location will satisfy both needs. You can look at their menu and place your order online.
Zombie Hut $ $ $ $ Cobble Hill $$$$ 273 Smith St
Zombie Hut in Carroll Gardens recently started offering frozen zombie cocktails for pick up every weekday between 2pm and 8pm, and 1pm and 8pm on weekends. They’re only available for takeout, so maybe plan on getting two. One for the walk back to your apartment, and one for the stoop.
 Noah Devereaux Sally Roots $ $ $ $ Caribbean  in  Brooklyn ,  Bushwick $$$$ 195 Wyckoff Ave 7.7 /10
Your tropical vacation was canceled, and the closest thing you have to a beach is the pile of dirty construction sand that’s been sitting on your street for three months. If you’re in Bushwick, stop by Sally Roots to pick up a to-go cocktail from their frozen drink machines. They also have specials and updates on their Instagram here, so make sure to check it out beforehand.
Tacuba Mexican Cantina $$$$ 35-01 36th St
Tacuba in Astoria is serving 16oz frozen margaritas for $10 and 32oz ones for $20. These come in lime, mango, strawberry, and tamarind - and we absolutely will not tell anyone that you’re going to order them all and line them up in your freezer in rainbow order. You can check out Tacuba’s menu and place your order directly through their website here. Head’s up: Tacuba’s Hell’s Kitchen isn’t serving frozen cocktails at this time (but you can still order Mexican food for takeout and delivery through their website).
La Palapa $$$$ 77 Saint Marks Pl
When you order a 16oz frozen lime margarita from La Palapa in the East Village, you’re required to also order some food. Among other reasons, this is partly because La Palapa is looking out for your stomach, just as a friend would. Good thing they have a bunch of good-looking taco platters for takeout and delivery as well. You can check out their menu and place your order online.
via The Infatuation Feed https://www.theinfatuation.com/new-york/guides/frozen-cocktail-takeout-delivery-nyc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://trello.com/userhuongsen
Created May 23, 2020 at 02:42AM /huong sen View Google Doc Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xa6sRugRZk4MDSyctcqusGYBv1lXYkrF
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