#the voiceless
swamp-milkweed · 4 months
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leslie sainz, from "sunday, wounded: para las damas de blanco," in have you been long enough at table
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unetealombre · 2 years
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missriyochuchi · 10 days
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SENATOR RIYO CHUCHI The Clone Wars 1.15 Trespass The Bad Batch 2.7 The Clone Conspiracy
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paradife-loft · 9 months
"Parking is access. But it is access of the most superficial sort, one that often papers over deeper inequities we're unwilling to address. Ample parking at the ball fields feels like a requirement because the roads are too dangerous for parents to let kids ride their bikes. Free parking near campus looks good for students who can't imagine living close enough to walk. Easy parking in wealthy neighborhoods is a life-line for workers who will never be allowed to live nearby. And acres of parking downtown feels like a right to commuters and shoppers when the bus comes only once an hour. In each case, parking stands for a primitive kind of access that both overshadows and impedes a more profound and widely held right to the city."
Henry Grabar, Paved Paradise: How Parking Explains the World
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generic-sonic-fan · 1 year
Metal Sonic being voiceless and that being played for the horror, but less in the way of "he doesn't physically have a voice box" and more in the sense that he's voiceless metaphorically.
Not only does he not possess the voice box, but he doesn't have any tools to communicate. He's never offered pen and paper. Never given the opportunity to write digital reports except with only the briefest of words. Never taught even a scrap of sign language, as crude as such a communication would be due to his lack of facial features.
If you handed him a speech generating device, would he even know what to do with it?
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watcher0033 · 1 month
Almost 1AM and this exchange brought me to tears.
Hear here, we’ll never stop till the world listens. It’s not forever. It’s now.
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fyeahygocardart · 27 days
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Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 6 months
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idk how many of you have taken a linguistics class but this is literally what it is. teacher goes “make this sound” and for the next hour it’s just a bunch of people having existential crises about their own mouth sounds.
simply put, linguistics 101 is making the most unattractive noises humanly possible for extended period of times and then being amazed and surprised by it.
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ask-the-archs · 1 month
*T was oddly formal today, wearing the suit and latex gloves he only wore during the wedding, complete with an ice blue tie. he needed to make a good first impression. cherubs gave him a strange look as he passed, but kept their mouths shut as he approached the man who had caused gabriel to be unable to speak*
"Mr. Metatron? I've come with an offer, if you would hear me out."
*Metatron stared at T, a mix of confused and annoyed at the interruption*
_What would an offer be that is worth my time to listen to the likes of you?_
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Need buck to come out to the team and Ravi to be very confused and say something like I thought you were already out and then imply that he thought Buck and Eddie were married
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wonpiris · 2 months
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voiceless aesthetics ✨🧜🏻
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supertaliart · 14 days
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A tryst between a lady and her faceless guard.
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casualavocados · 8 days
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"All the atoms that were them, they've gone into the air and the wind and the trees and the earth and all the living things. They'll never vanish. They're just part of everything."
HIS DARK MATERIALS • The Amber Spyglass — 3.05 / Chapter 23: No Way Out — 3.06 / Chapter 26: The Abyss
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spocks-kaathyra · 6 months
Cardassian conlang (part 1?)
Finally started making my Cardassian conlang and I'm having so much fun already. Get this:
There's a distinction between alienable and inalienable possession, something that occurs in many natural languages. An example is, like, "my nose" vs "my hat". My nose is inalienable because it will always be mine, while my hat is alienable because it can stop being mine. So in languages with this distinction, you'd use different words for "my" in those two situations.
In my Cardassian language, possession is indicated with suffixes attached to nouns and people's names. People are "possessed" in the sense that, y'know, they're your mom or your friend or your orthodontist or whatever. Generally, you'd use the alienable form for people. Your orthodontist might not always be your orthodontist, your friend might not always be your friend. The exception is that you always use the inalienable form(s) for family. Your mom will always be your mom.
So, to use the inalienable possessive for a friend would be to say that they are as close to you as family, that you trust that they will always be your friend. This is often, like, a milestone in dating. To start saying "my girlfriend (inalienable)" marks that your relationship is serious. (Traditionalists will say that you shouldn't use the inalienable form until you're properly betrothed, but kids these days have their own ideas.) In this way, it becomes a pretty straightforward term of endearment (or, rather, grammatical particle of endearment).
Since there's no equivalent in Federation Standard, the translator often renders it as "my dear."
Here's a table of the 10 different words for "my"
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So, presuming that the speaker is a man, and the person they're referring to is also a man who they don't have to use the honorific form with...
/alʊk/ - "friend"
/alʊkɬei/ - "my friend"
/alʊkxa/ - "my dear friend"
/ilɨm̥xa/ - "my dear Elim"
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masimar00 · 2 months
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i think clown said there will be new neighbors (i don't know im depending on the internet right now) thats whats been giving me rabies
i didn't see anything of the sort w/ my own eyes, so!
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