#the second picture is because i just realized today that the art of him with a flashlight is just shaded
queensunshinee · 3 days
Time Of Our Lives || Part 3
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Part 3:
Liana hadn't seen Art for three days. Ever since they started studying at Stanford, not a day had gone by without his presence being felt. Even if just for five minutes, he would pop up suddenly and disappear just as quickly. Liana wouldn’t say it out loud, but his presence had started to grow on her. She was never the most popular kid or the most popular teen. She always had two or three friends. And Art, it's not very clear who he is in her life, but he's a figure that's there. Present. Breathing the air she breathes. Knowing the people she knows. Laughing at her words, annoying her with his. She hadn't seen him for three days and it's bothering her. So today, she decided to go to the open practice for the first time, and Art wasn't there either.
"Are you looking for Art?" a female voice sounded behind her, and she turned around. Facing her was Tashi. Liana searched for the words, something that was always complicated for her; finding words in front of people she didn’t know or felt threatened by. Right now, she needed to answer 'yes' or 'no', and all she could do was stare. "You're Liana, right? Patrick showed me a picture of you with the boys, and I’ve seen you a few times with Art. Are you looking for him?" she explained and asked again. "Oh, yeah..." Liana managed to find her voice, feeling the blood rushing to her cheeks. Unwanted color flooding in. "Did you see him?" she squeaked, trying to steady herself in front of the girl before her. "He just texted that he wasn't coming to practice today. Nice to finally meet you. Maybe we can have lunch sometime." She smiled briefly and moved towards the court, leaving Liana in the stands. A bit more worried than she had been before.
She knocked on his door three times. Then another three. And then six more. After the fifth round, he opened it for her. It was the first time she had been in his room, and he couldn't hide his surprise. "Li?" Art's voice sounded weaker than usual. "You didn't come to the open practice," she said coolly, looking at him and furrowing her brows. He didn't look good. In fact, he looked like shit. His hair looked greasy, his cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were sunken with dark circles around them. Art Donaldson looked awful. "What happened to you?" She gave his arm a light push, which made him lose his balance and almost fall, but he understood her intention and moved aside. He ran a hand through his hair, a tic she knew he had; when Art was nervous, frustrated, or confused, his hand automatically went to the back of his neck, a few seconds of that until he gets a grip and acts as if nothing had thrown him off balance. "You were at the open practice?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Stuck on that piece of information. Almost wanting to request that the sentence be engraved on his tombstone when the time came. 'Here lies Art Donaldson, whose open practice Liana Levi attended.' His parents would surely be thrilled. "For four and a half minutes, then I realized you weren't there." She said as she walked to the window and opened it. "Your room stinks," she stated, turning her gaze back to him. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" she added. Sure, they weren't best friends, but they were supposed to be each other's emergency contact. They were supposedly here together. He made sure to remind her of that once a day. And now, in a real emergency, he wasn't talking to her. "Because it doesn't matter, I already feel better," he tried to speak in a more upbeat tone, one he thought characterized him but failed miserably at it. Her hand was on his forehead, causing him to immediately lean into it and close his eyes. "You're burning up, damn it, Art." She moved her hand from his forehead to his cheek, realizing that the situation might be worse than she thought and beginning to think of a plan. "Okay, I need you to get in the shower, alright?" she spoke softly. He looked at her, his mouth half-open. "Where's your spare key?" she asked, without looking at him too much, opening the closet intending to find clean sheets there. Art watched her bustle around his room, and despite feeling awful, worse than he had felt probably in the last two years, he found himself smiling. Liana was worried about him. She would make sure he was okay. "Art, do you hear me? I need you to get in the shower, I'm going to get a few things. Can you do that for me? I'll be back in half an hour." she said assertively, and he handed her the key as she requested. "Please be done with your shower when I get back." She ran her hand over his forehead once more, almost causing him to surrender to her touch and close his eyes again, but just as she had entered like a storm, she left like one.
Liana went down to the cafeteria after making a phone order. She returned to her room with the soup and grabbed the bag she had prepared for Art. When she entered his room, the shower water was still running, so she decided to use the time to change his sheets and put the lemon, ginger, and honey in his fridge. He came out in a towel and looked at her, leaning against the doorframe. He felt blessed. His head hurt, he had sneezed forty times that day, and all his muscles ached, yet he felt blessed. "You didn't have to, Li..." he mumbled, and she turned to him. "Good, you're out. Get dressed and eat the soup. If it's cold, let me know and I'll go heat it up." There was a microwave on each floor, so that was an option. Art went back to the bathroom and put on long pants, unable to bring himself to wear a shirt. "I also brought you some pills I had. If you need anything else, I can go get it, this is just what I had in my room," Liana babbled, realizing she was behaving in an uncharacteristic way. It dawned on her too late that Art probably thought she was crazy. More than that, that he didn't want her presence in his room right now. She had invaded his personal space and decided on her own that she was there to stay, when he hadn't really invited her. He had done everything to avoid seeing her in the past few days. He sat down to eat the soup at his desk, unable to take his eyes off her for fear she would disappear and he would be alone again, wallowing in his own misery. "Is it hot?" she asked, not knowing what else to say. "It's great. Thanks, Li," he smiled sincerely, and she reached her hand towards his forehead again. "Can I?" she made sure to ask this time, hesitating and seeing him nod. Her hand moved from his forehead to his cheek automatically, and he sighed for a second. "You're still warm." Her brow furrowed again. "When you finish, take this pill, okay? It's supposed to help with the fever..." she added, starting to gather her things. "Are you leaving?" he asked. Art's voice sounded more desperate than he intended. He wanted to sound indifferent, as if he didn't mind being alone. As if the last three days hadn't been an isolated nightmare filled with self-pity. "You can stay a bit longer. If you want," he added quickly, saying the sentence fast as if it would make it vanish from the air. "Okay," Liana said and nodded. "We can watch an episode of 'Gilmore Girls'," she smiled. Every summer, she forced Art and Patrick to watch a few episodes of 'Gilmore Girls'. If she had to be stuck with them, at least some of the time they would do what she loved. She was sure they liked the show because sometimes they would make comments about it. Art shrugged while finishing the soup, acting as if he didn't care if she stayed or not. In reality, he wanted to smile victoriously because he had won today. No one could argue that Art was the winner of this day. "You can take a shirt from my closet if you want," he told her, and she nodded. If they were going to watch an episode of the show, they would watch it on his laptop, in his bed. She couldn't stay dressed in jeans, and besides, they had seen each other in much less clothing over the years. So Liana put on one of his oversized boxers and a Stanford shirt that was at least two sizes too big for both of them. Art looked at her and nodded for a moment, lying down in bed and waiting for the moment she would say it was too much for her. That despite all her good intentions, she and Art weren't going to share a bed just so he could feel better. They hadn't done that since they were six, probably because she wouldn't even sit next to him on the same couch. "We're in Logan's season, are you excited?" she asked with exaggerated enthusiasm and sat down next to him. He automatically pulled her closer. "Aren't you afraid of getting sick?" he felt like the biggest jerk in the world for asking only after he had pulled her that close. "My immune system has never let me down, Donaldson, and it’s not going to let me down today." She started the episode while getting comfortable next to him.
As the episode progressed, her hand found its way to his hair, playing with one of his blonde curls that, just like Art Donaldson himself, had grown on her. "That feels nice…" his voice was barely audible as he was close to falling asleep, his head half on the pillow and half on her shoulder while his arm was wrapped around her. Just before Art fell asleep, focused on Liana's breathing and her fingers in his hair, instead of the show, he realized he didn't need much to feel good.
heyyy there. How are we feeling about this chapter? I hope the slow burn isn't too slow for you...any thoughts? I know that Patrick wasn't here at all, but he'll have his comeback, don't worry. Also, should I do a tag list? It feels a little too much since I really don't know if there are readers who want to come back. I really want to hear from you so feel free to talk to me (PLEASE). By the way- I still feel like my English is ruining the story, but again, I'm trying. Thanks for reading. It means a lot ❤️
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hacked-by-jake · 2 days
Alright I have way too many thoughts and emotions so there ain't no way I'm gonna be able to organize everything into a nice sentence but I still gotta get it out 🤣🤣
First off, my notes app with some of my thoughts I wrote down while playing (in chronological order):
Where's Jake?
No premium?
Why and where is nymos
Why are we playing candy crush instead of hacking
Again: Where's Jake, he prob sees our chats and knows whats happening (hopefully)
The characters seem like an almost identical reflection to duskwood
What happened to Richy, please don't die on me 😩
Where's the others
We're now paying to see the secret chats
Why's this game taking so much of my money
Ash really be making me cry about Jake again 🥴
Eric be throwing himself at us when I still want to stay loyal to my hacker boy 💀
Rant 1:
The money milking makes me sick and don't even get me started on the ai 🫡 I spent 17 bucks today, halfway through the first episode and already out of all the materials I bought. It's disgusting how Everbyte has completely flipped and is practically scamming their players. Based on the prices, it's almost 3 dollars to view one picture 🙄 I would be more than happy to buy a premium package like duskwood for $20 or even 30 but $17 for not even half an episode is a crime 😭😭
Rant 2:
It's crazy how long this game took and yet it's way worse than duskwood. I was expecting a few additions, not subtractions.
Rant 3:
There is no way to see previous media and calls like in duskwood and no chat history like they promised. I never would've thought it was possible, but these mini games are way worse than duskwoods. And I realized how childish it all looks, I hate how we get no explanation for anything we're doing in the game.
I'm pissed but seeing the anonymous mask gave me life. I need to go replay duskwood to cleanse myself of moonvale 😮‍💨
Pahahaha you're really killing me with your thoughts, I love your humor so much. 😭
I really should also start to write down my first thoughts while playing but I fear I will write down something to every little sentence I read. xD
But it's so true, where's Nymos? Give us Nymos back! My emotional bond with this unreal little dude is huge so I seriously need him. It's literally a program but it's a he you can't change my mind because I imagine Nymos as Jake best friend who's exactly like Jarvis from Marvel. (Sorry if you don't know it but then I really recommend you to watch the Iron Man movies. (Actually all marvel movies but we're talking about Jarvis here so you best see or more like hear him in Iron Man)
Btw my headcanon is that Nymos is not just any program but also an AI. So and now I will expand the headcanon and say Nymos is an AI that is against AI art and nobody can stop me, hehe.
The Candy Crush comparison makes me laugh every time and it hurts me because it’s true. xD
The thing with the characters being identical with the Duskwood characters... It's a hard topic in my eyes.
Some people say it way too early to judge this. And it's true. We didn't saw much now. But I do think we can already judge them a bit by what we saw. And when we compare it with how the Duskwood characters were in the first episode, I do think you can see that there's not much yet, sadly.
Like, we had Thomas, the idiot in love with problems to take criticism. We had Jessy the hanger-on that were clinging to Dan but then decided to change sides. We had the funny sunny boy Richy. The pretty cold acting Cleo. We had bitchy Lilly and of course we had the grumpy and unfriendly Dan. They all acted pretty strong from second one, in my eyes.
But I somehow absolutely don't think the Moonvale characters are like the Duskwood characters. Because well, I really think they need stronger personalities.
We have Eric who's a pretty normal guy and even though he tripped twice in one episode he's not at all like Thomas.
We have Ash who's like a very, veeery light version of Jessy and Lilly, in my eyes. Somehow kind but somehow absolutely not trustworthy.
We have Violet who's just.. there sometimes. Even the drunken police chief is more expressive.
Well and Charlie is.. Somehow like Richy and in my eyes has the strongest personality so far.
Oh and not to forget Brian who wasn't even there. Lol.
So yeah, I understand both points but I might see it a bit differently.
"Why's this game taking so much of my money" had me on my knees, laughing and crying at the same time because it's almost funny what Everbyte did and it's just as sad.
During my first playthrough I was also like: Someone give me a crucifix I need to get rid of Eric as soon as possible.
But while replaying I just had to see what happens if you decide to get closer with Eric and I swear it didn't disappoint me. It was hilarious and truly, I want this with Jake. I need such a chat with Jake! Everbyte, please!
I mean, I'm not flirting with Eric because I think he's hot or anything. Sadly, his character isn't interesting to me in this sense. (I need the mysterious guys xD) But I just had to try it and I mean, who knows if it will be important later. It's manipulative, I know, but don't judge me. And also, there's still this little hope for a jealous Jake. *ahem* Sorry, I promise I still feel bad for flirting with someone else. 😩
But gosh, the side story end. It was worth all the wait, really. I said before, I don’t forget about the negative things because of it but I'm just a silly, lonely, disappointed girl in love with a fictional hacker, let me have this adrenaline boost!
And yes, I was so happy when I saw Alan's body cam. I immediately knew what that means but at first I was just so happy to "see" Alan as well. I really like this guy, I can't stop myself.
About rant 1: I love the comparison with "So expensive is a picture" it is just as true and actually shows again how incredible it all is. I’ve said my opinion many times now, and I still want to protect Everbyte and give them a little empathy. But it's sadly just true.
I had a thought about that (what you said in rant 2) before and wanted to make a post about it later. So I hope it's okay if I get to it later.
Rant 3: This is actually one of the things that botherse the most. We can't rewatch calls, videos and pictures. The chats are disappearing and are gone forever. And they told us it will be different and that's so annoying. Not being able to see it in the app is just bothering for me. And yeah, that they broke the "promise" is as well. We all were so happy about the chat thing and now...
I actually like the look of Moonvale even if I would prefer something much darker. Especially with the mini games. The background is AI, of course, so. It would look much better with a real background.
And the damn mini games... I loved the ones in Duskwood so much. I really did. It was so much fun and I was one of the people who found them very easy.
But now the Moonvale mini games. By lord. Even though they're much easier for me in my replay, the first time I was actually this close to throwing my phone against the wall. I mean, I even went to sleep at some point and finished the game the next day! Everyone who follows me since duskwood knows I would rather shave my head than that. But they're just pain. And I seriously hope Everbyte will make them a bit easier or give us moves! Because this was often the biggest issue for me. Not enough moves. But they want you to buy gems so... 😒
Your conclusion sound good. I'm definitely planning to replay Duskwood as well. If I want or not. I have to. I need the comforting atmosphere and my emotional support hacker.
So I would say, see you in Duskwood, my detective friend. 🫡
No, jokes aside. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me and us. As I said, I love your humor and the way to describe the things. And I really enjoyed answering it. 💚
I hope you could calm down a bit as well. I definitely needed some days before I could see it more clearly.
And as always a huge pleasure to see you here again. 💚😌
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3-inch-doodles · 10 months
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(match🔥stick) whuh. woah. look at this Guy
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parrythisucasual · 7 months
Could you do a jax x fem cathumanoid that loves all types of arts singing,acting,drawing and more. Where jax where jax falls in love with her singing and just here in general?
Jax x Fem! Cathumanoid! Artsy! Reader
Jax watched from around a corner as the girls (and Zooble), especially you, chatted together. His arms crossed, he watched as you laughed, something Ragatha had said must’ve been funny. He couldn’t understand what it was about you that made him want to be around you. He was fine with Zooble or Gangle, but he couldn’t possibly be more jealous of Pomni and Ragatha.
Why did they get to talk to you so easily? Why were they the ones you’d choose to hang around all day? Hell, you’d even draw pictures for them. You were best friends. The jealousy was eating away at him and he couldn’t comprehend, for the life of him, why.
To him, you were perfect. From the way you smile to the way you walk, act, anything. Jax had never felt anything quite like it. It was both amazingly exhilarating and entirely frustrating at the same time.
He perked up when you motioned to Ragatha that you had to go. You turned away after the two nodded, heading for the second floor, most likely your bedroom. Jax watched your tail flick around the corner. He paused a moment longer, at war with himself. Should he follow? Would that be weird? You haven’t talked to him at all today, shouldn’t he say hi? But would you want him to say hi?
Before consciously making the choice, he was already off, following you. By the time he rounded the corner, however, you were already up the stairs. He picked up speed, hoping to reach you before you got into your bedroom, but no luck. The moment he stepped foot into the living quarters hall, your door clicked shut, a sense of finality about it.
Feeling rather stupid, Jax remained standing in the hall. Turning around now would mean admitting defeat. Besides, if he reappeared near the others, they'd think something was weird, and he really didn’t feel like being stared at. They’d know why he came back. Resigning to go to his room, he froze. A soft melody, rather pretty, caught his attention.
It was faint, very faint, but he knew immediately you were singing. He was too far to make out the words, so he quietly crept up the hall. The closer he got, the more beautiful the melody became. He quickly realized that it was, in fact, a love song you were singing.
He stopped outside the door. He recognized the song, he wasn’t sure how. But it was a duet. His cheeks flushed a bit as you sang, and before he knew it it was the man’s part of the song. He didn’t hesitate, knowing full well he would probably regret it, and sang along.
The silence on the other side of the door was resounding, for a moment, but your voice responded. Softer, more hesitant, but just as beautiful. With each line he sang he felt his embarrassment grow, but he refused to stop because with each line you sang he could hear your confidence grow.
All too soon, however, the song was over, and the two of you were bathed in a heavy, meaningful silence. The doorknob clicked and he took a quick step back. The door creaked open and there you stood, eyes wide and curious as you looked up at him. Your pointed ears perked forward, as if expecting something.
“Sorry-” Jax couldn’t do it, he turned away in his attempt to flee the embarrassment, but you caught him by the crook of his elbow. He glanced at you, face blooming bright pink. You frowned, “Where are you going? You can’t seriously think I’m just gonna let that go.”
“I was sort of-” “Hoping I would?” you interrupt him with a grin, “no way, Bunny.” You twist his arm at the right angle to force him to face you once again, “You can’t just sing that with me and walk off, scot-free.” He grinned nervously, “You mad about it, or something?” he chuckled, trying and failing to display his usual annoying demeanor. 
You raise a brow, “Tell me, Bun,” you ignore his question, “why’d you join? You like me or something?” The look on his face was answer enough, but you sat and waited. He had to get off his high horse and confess eventually, right?
“I came by to say hi, y’know,” he started, trying to sound confident but coming off mostly as awkward, “and, uh, that song’s a duet. Singing it all alone would make you sound stupid or whatever.” You snort, throwing Jax off once again. You were radiating confidence, only making him more flustered.
“Sure, bug guy. Hey, what would you say to grabbing some lunch and heading down to the digital lake?” Jax nodded eagerly at the offer, “Sure why not? Don’t got anything better to do.” “Then you can get the food ready. I have to get ready, after all.” You let him go, slipping back into your room.
“It's a date.”
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bloodka · 2 years
You go to get a tattoo and things escalate with Wakasa. 
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wakasa x fem!reader
warning: smut. 
a/n: hope y'all enjoy
spoiler lowkey! : they don't fuck at the tattoo studio, i will do a continuation to this in which they do :D
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“Your body is a temple. A pristine temple you must maintain clean”
You were now an adult. Your last year of college and about to graduate. You could almost even feel the thick paper in which your degree would be printed for you to put in your wall. But even though you were an adult, your mother’s rules would still remain floating around in your head. No eating in the bedrooms and all of that ridiculous stuff was still imprinted in your brain. 
You'd always liked tattoos, as in your perception, the body was nothing more than an empty canvas waiting for it to be decorated with art, but it was not until those last months that you actually started thinking about getting one. At first your idea was a small thing in a hidden place, something not easily visible so you could be able to hide it at the spot, but as u thought more of it, you actually got mad at yourself for being scared of a big tattoo. It was your body after all. When you finally decided that this tattoo, your first one ever, would be consuming a good area off your body, you realized that you did not have a clear picture of what you wanted engraved in your skin.
“Good morning, I’m here for my appointment” You said at the counter. 
“Of course” A girl with white hair and blue eyes received you in the reception “What is your name?”
“Y/N” You said clearly, with a smile.
“Amazing, you're in time” The girl said still looking in her computer. She instructed you to wash your hands and sign the consent forms “Uhh, Waka said to cancel all of his appointments today, damn how did I manage to forget that?”
“Is there a problem?” Concerned you ask, as you had been waiting for that day a long time.
“Is just... my fault. Don't worry I'll be responsible for it” She said sighing as she picked her phone and called a number “Hey Waka”
“What?” Immediately the other person answered with fury “What you want Senju?”
“Uhm so... I forgot to cancel your 6 pm appointment and the client is here” The girl said nervously “Please just take it... I’ll make it up to you, I swear”
“You gotta be fucking kidding me!” Almost yelling he said “No”
“Waka it’s a client, you can’t just say you don't want to work because you mad” Standing up for herself the girl said “You better get your ass up that chair and come yourself to tell her that, you lose the client, bitch”
Even though the conversation was funny, you contained your laugh, as you effectively had been waiting to get your tattoo done for a good time. You waited impatiently to see the face of the ridiculous man that decided to decline a client because he was angry. Not a complete minute went by when you both heard a door being opened violently. 
“I said I don't want to fucking work right now” He stated clearly. He looked at Senju furious but then realized you were there as well. He looked at you discretely, batting his eyelashes as he blinked slowly, analyzing your appearance with softness “What is it that you want?”
“This” Unlocking your phone and opening your photos app you approached him. Instantly your nose picked his fragrance that emanated an intriguing and dominating aura. He took your phone and looked at the picture for a second. 
“It’s fucking beautiful” He said thinking for a second “How big you want it?”
“Upper right 1/4 of my back” With hope in your eyer you told him. 
“Hmm, that'd take about 2 or 2 and a half hours. Ideally I’d like to do it in one sitting because the details are complex and small and. You good with that?” 
“Yeah, I expected it to be longer actually so that's good” Already excited you expressed.
“Wakasa Imaushi, at your service” His hand extended to your direction and gave you a firm handshake “Follow me please, miss”
“Ain't no way, Wakasa a fucking simp” You heard the girl at the counter laugh with another of the tattoo artists that came out of nowhere to see the show.
“I don't like anyone bothering me while I work so I have my own fucking office here. Isn't it impressive?” Wakasa said charmingly.
“You must be really good at what you do for them to put up with you, pretty boy” Joking with a light mood you said and he immediately looked at you with a fatal expression.
“I’m the best of the best, ever” He made sure he was spitting the words for you to mark his words. 
He opened the door and let you in. You sat in the small sofa the room had and he moved his chair close to you and sat down.
“Before we start, I need you to remove your shirt and bra. Is that good?” He said sliding across the room and searching for something “You can cover with this if you want. And if you really don't feel comfortable with it I can call Senju and she will do it” 
“I have no problem with it, thanks though” You said receiving the small blanket “Why would you think I’d chicken out?”
“This your first tattoo, princess” He said. 
“And how do you know that?” You replied back intrigued at his playful vibrato.
“Your body is pristine clean” He said and you stayed silent “And of course, before accepting or denying a work I read the information we ask for so I can know what I’m working with”
“Makes sense” You said. 
“Get yourself comfortable in the chair, I’m going to prepare the stencil” He said moving across the room with experience. His confidence at what he was doing made him hot, hot as hell. “You can see how it would look. If you would like to try another placement you tell me, ok?”
Facing the opposite way of Wakasa, you sat down in the leather chair and took your shirt off. You doubted for a second before taking your bra off but finally did it after some thinking. The blanket you were holding immediately covered your chest and you laid down on your chest. 
Wakasa did not wait for coming and placing the stencil on your back, on the area you had told him before. With extreme precision he removed the white paper, leaving the blue ink in your skin. 
“Take this” He handed you a small hand mirror “There is a mirror on the ceiling, you can check it out” 
As he said that the first thing that came to your mind was a dirty thought, but you brushed it off pretty quickly, attending his instructions and looking at the stencil with the technique he had show you.
“Is it good? If you need time to think about it or you want to stand up and look in the mirror you can go ahead” He said. The way his careful words escaped his lips, being so precise with his work, made him so attractive to your eyes. 
“It is good yes” You reassured him and he left a soft gutural affirmation. 
“I’m going to start then” He sat down in the chair and got all his tools. “You are free to listen to music, watch a video or whatever. If you want to rest, stretch, go to the bathroom, whatever, you tell me. And please, stay still. Did I make myself clear?”
“Yes Wakasa” You said unconsciously with your mind wandering around situations that would never come up.
As soon as you felt the needle pierce through your skin you couldn't help yourself and you let a soft groan of pain that mixed immediately with your adrenaline for finally getting the tattoo you wanted so bad. “It’s ok” You heard Wakasa saying. As time went by, the pain decreased and you actually relaxed in the chair. By the time the first hour passed, you started feeling sleepy and took a nap from which you woke up 30 minutes later. 
“Mind if I take a break?” Wakasa asked sighing and stretching his arms slightly. You took some time to answer him but said yes without a doubt. He then stood up his chair and walked around a little, checked his phone and sat back down in the chair still with his phone in his hands.
<I’m just so fucking stressed rn, u don't understand> 
You were able to discretely see his phone from the position you were in. 
<I was about to murder Senju, if the client wasn't a literary fucking angel I would've snapped bro>
His contact saved as ‘Shinichiro’ replied to him with a skull emoji.
<I really need to get railed Shin, I’m about to have a heart attack man, this stress is consuming the fuck outta me>
The other person texted him something you weren’t able to see but Wakasa replied instantly without a fail.
<I have this chick totally topless in the chair you fucking bastard, how u think she finna react if I go up to her and flirt with her, stupid mf, I ain't trying to be a creep here Shin>
You had to contain a giggle growing in you at his comment. He has really respectful and professional after all.
<Out of the case bitch, yea she might be hot as fuck and I might want to fuck her but no, bro we gotta respect clients, I don't wanna end up like u, u desperate mf>
Wakasa left his phone in the table and took back the tattoo machine. 
“Are we ready to start again?” He asked and you nodded immediately “Good. You are doing very good for your first time... I mean... for your first tattoo”
Hearing him stumble his words caused you to shiver slightly. Wakasa started back again, and now that you and your hormones were fully awake you couldn't help but observe with detail his expression as he drew permanently on your skin, the furred eyebrows and concentrated sight on you, his firm hands tracing over your skin and the seriousness he held while tattooing your back was impressive, and arousing. 
“Ok, we are done here” As he put the machine down and stretched, you couldn't help but also move. He immediately stoped you with a firm but soft touch to stop you from moving “Give me a second to put the wrap around though” 
As he came back with the thin layer of transparent paper and petroleum jelly, you stayed still. He applied the vaseline in your skin and placed the bandage in your back.
“We are all set” He finished taking his black latex gloves off “Take the wrapping of in 24 hours and wash the skin with antimicrobial soap and cold water. Wash the area twice a day and dry it gently before applying vaseline again” He continued giving you instructions for the aftercare, when he finished, he gave you your clothes “Only put on the shirt, the bra is going to be annoying” 
You followed his suggestion and when you finished you sat in the chair facing him.
“Wakasa” You called.
 “Yes?” He answered immediately as he washed his hands. 
“Thanks for doing it” You said standing up and walking to him. He simply looked at you without saying anything and nodded, knowing that you were taking about him accepting doing it even though he told Senju to cancel his appointments. “Pretty privilege, I would say” He joked slightly. 
The slight nervousness growing inside of you consumed you slowly. You were sure he wanted you and you wanted him as well, but you didn't know exactly how to approach the situation. “Maybe I can help you relieve some stress” You said and went for a kiss without thinking it twice. Wakasa did not expect that at all but after assimilating what was happening he reciprocated the kiss and pulled you close to him by placing his cold hands in your waist. Your hands went to his neck instantly and held onto the stray strands of his hair that was perfectly tied in a ponytail. His lips tasted yours with delicacy as he squeezed your waist under his hands. It was a slow and passionate kiss in which you both caught each other’s lips between yours and licked softly each other. When Wakasa bit your lip you unconsciously opened your mouth and he didn't wait to stick his tongue inside and lick your tongue with lust, tilting his head the opposite way of yours and pulling you as close as he could, making the kiss deeper and deeper with each sinful lick he gave to your tongue.
“Mhm–” Wakasa mumbled in your lips before pulling away his head so he could breathe. He did not want to talk very much, you could not decipher if he was just quite or really desperate to fuck you, but either way he went back to your lips eagerly and started kissing you with a fast pace and uncontrollable desire that exhaled from his minty breath as he slowly travelled his hands from your waist to your ribs and later to your tits, which he squeezed delicately as if he had the experience to know the exact amount of pressure to apply. 
Wakasa moved you both walking slowly without leaving your tasty lips and got you sitting again in the chair. The smell of his cologne invaded your nose suddenly as he knelt partially on the chair (placing his knee in between your legs) and placed his neck in your face.
“I’d like you to give me a hickey, y/n” He stated clearly, with his seductive voice claiming for you, so following his instructions, you placed your hands at his velvety neck and got closer to his skin, licking it and then sucking on a small area that was close to his collarbone “I don't know if you understood what I asked you for, so Imma be more specific princess, I want you to mark my neck as yours”.
“You sure?” Doubtful you asked back and he nodded. 
“I’m yours tonight” Without any jittery Wakasa said and you went straight for his neck, losing control over yourself and biting and sucking on him as if the world would end. “Wanna go to my place?” He asked calmly “It’s good if not”
“Let’s go”
Leaving the studio while Wakasa held your hand left some of the people in there watching you both closely, they probably watched as well because he was unapologetically hard and had the entire left side of his neck covered in marks from your mouth. He did not bother to say goodbye or anything, walking with you up to the parking space besides the studio. 
His motorcycle roared as he started the engine, having you sitting behind him, holding his waist as he accelerated through the night streets. You both arrived at the destination after a ride of 10 minutes or so. Wakasa parked his bike and you entered the building. 
The elevator was empty and Wakasa did not let the opportunity of making out with you again, cornering you in the metallic walls and kissing you vividly while holding your ass to press your body towards his, making you feel his cock in your stomach as he devoured your lips. 
When the elevator announced it was the correct floor, Wakasa took your hand and hurried across the hallway to get to his door, which he opened for you both. Once inside, he did not wait to get you to his room, he pushed you softly to the closed door and kissed you again, now taking your shirt off and leaving you half naked. 
Between kisses, you ended up sitting in his lap as he sat in the couch. “Please me princess, please” He begged holding your hips as he moved them back and forth on top of his cock “I need you so bad right now” As he continued to control the movement of your hips over him, you took his turtleneck off, for your eyes to meet his tattoos all over his body, starting from his pecs down to his arms. “You like them?” He asked panting. 
“Yes” Instantly you replied “I really like ‘em, looks divine on you” You muttered and he nodded. His hair fell of his ponytail into his shoulders suddenly as the hair tie had gone loose and you couldn't help but feeling your pussy pulsing from the sole pleasure admiring such a beautiful man gave you. 
As he started kissing you again, his hands went to yours and he released his cock from his pants in order to stroke it a few times. “Don't make me wait more princess, let me be inside you” He begged and with your body being a hot mess you took the rest of your clothes off and sat back down. He instantly felt your fluids running down your tight and could not wait to place two of his fingers inside you “So wet, did I cause that?” Shamelessly he asked as he fingered you exactly in the spot that caused you the most pleasure. After a minute or so, he took his fingers off you and put them in his mouth, tasting the flavor of your insides. 
“How good are you are riding?” He asked after another short session of kissing in which his hands wandered all around your body. 
“Just normal I would say” You answered thinking, he nodded.
“Tell me when you get tired, I want to get everything from you so I ain't stopping” He warned you “Fuck, ‘m so hard it hurts. Should we start?” Agreeing while feeling his hand squeeze one of your boobs as he licked the other one, you lifted your body from his lap and aligned his cock with your cunt and slowly sat back down feeling his length widen your soft and warm walls. “Ahhh— Y/n” He moaned closing his eyes as he felt his blood rush to his face, drowning in the feeling of your tight body wrapping around his aching cock, letting his stress abandon his body as his dick came in contact with you. You continued your way down back to his lap, feeling the tip of his dick kissing your insides. Every time you went up you felt every inch of him rub against the depths of your pussy, and every time you went down again you could feel your body pulsing around his width that burned sweetly. 
Eventually Wakasa held your waist and thrusted into you as you were going down, deepening the contact of your bodies. His eyes were glued to yours as he moaned and called for your name. As the grip on your skin tightened, Wakasa unconsciously increased the rhythm of your hips jumping on his dick, and when he realized you couldn't go faster he stood up, holding you entirely and walked to a table in his living room, where he sat you down, still holding your ass.
 “Listen to me, y/n” He said running his hand through his hair “I want you to hold on to me, I want to feel your arms around me as I fuck you. Did I make myself clear?” 
“Yes Wakasa” You whimpered squeezing his cock unconsciously from how hot his voice sounded. His expression trembled and he placed his hands on you, his left on your hips and his right rubbing your clit as he started slowly thrusting his cock inside you again. His touch on your clit was precise, his thumb moving gently but fastly formed a line of moans in your throat that you let out as he increased the pace on both his hips and his thumb on you.
"Like it?" He asked kissing you.
"Yes Wakasa" You muttered holding tight on him, following his instructions.
"You're so good baby" He moaned. "I love how your pretty pussy squeezes me, I fucking love how you call my name, how obedient you are, how beautiful, how warm–"
He continued rubbing your clit as he increased the speed and strength of his lustful thrusts into you, creating a dirty sound in the room of your bodies clapping with each other every time he fucked you.
"Yes Wakasa" You moaned in his neck, feeling your own breath go back to you, feeling every inch of his cock moving inside of you without a fail to hit every spot in your body that made it quiver "There... right there"
His heavy breathing was replaced quickly with his moans and the room was then filled with your voices calling for the other one.
"Wait" Wakasa said sighing from pleasure, a single drop of sweat ran down his face. "Would the princess allow me to fuck the shit out of her?"
"Of course" You laughed at his tone and he immediately lifted your body off the table, holding you mid air and starting thrusting into you as deep as he could. His agressive movements got you both screaming with lust, which each thrust he was hitting your cervix and pushing the mix of your fluids and his precum inside of you. "Gonna cum, close as fuck, I'm close as fuck"
Wakasa was fucking you dumb and his cock hitting every nerve inside of you made you lose the ability to speak, so you could only moan and whimper for him.
"Waka, ah, ah, yeah" You barely said, feeling your vision blurry and your mind foggy, he did not answer and only continued to thrust into you, feeling your walls tighten around his cock.
Feeling your orgasm grow in your lower stomach you could only warn him by looking in his eyes with desperation, and then you finally came. Your body creamed around Wakasa, who did not stop even with you screaming and moaning his name, only for him to finish as well when he felt your walls twitching around him.
He couldn't hold you in the air so he sat down at risk of falling in the way from the overwhelming feeling. You both stood for a moment catching your respirations while a small giggle let Wakasa’s lips.
“Would the princess like to spend the night?” He asked condescendingly while fixing his hair.
“I’d like that very much” You agreed immediately. He then picked you up like a princess and walked to his room, where he left you in his bed.
“I’ll be back with after sex dessert” Wakasa said smiling walking to the kitchen. 
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raayllum · 8 months
from a fic standpoint i know myself and many others have most often incorporated callum's memory being very good (especially with visual surroundings) but not perfect when it comes to word/conversations, in spite of post-s1 tweets that he has a photogenic memory, simply because we 1) see him forget things he tells other people ("who told you that?" "you did"), 2) forget things other people tell him (4x01 with the guard and council meeting"), and 3) look up spells he presumably read and wrote by hand in his spellbook (s4, s5) but i realized today his memory can't be perfect because of two emphasized examples in S5
1) Callum remembers he saw something about a spell that can restore bodies to lost spirits in the Great Bookery, but doesn't remember precisely what it is (hence why he has to take more time and subsequently risk their lives) and why even once finding it, Amaya has to drag him away from the page (which is mostly a picture and barely has any writing on it, anyway)
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2) And if he had a literally perfect memory, he wouldn't have to try and peek at the Aaravos poem going, because just a second would've been enough. But it isn't, even if he's definitely smarter (and a little bit craftier) than Viren in trying to steal a peek to see if he can outsmart the magic rather than just giving up
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And look at how cute he is!!
So yeah, canonically, Callum's memory is very good and definitely better at most people's (especially when it comes to turning visual things into art) but is not perfect
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swtstrwbrris · 2 years
Espresso Love
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request: i was wondering if i could request a miyamura x reader where miyamura works at a coffee shop and one day reader walks in with their friend hori because the place is well known for making good latte art and when it’s time to make the reader’s order miyamura notices the reader staring at him which makes him super nervous because he thinks the reader is cute and he struggles with the latte art because he wants to make sure it’s extra perfect for the reader </3
summary: If there's one thing that Miyamura is confident in, it'll be his barista skills and latte art. Having to work part time at a famous cafe, his technique becomes almost second nature. What happens if you appear in front of him one day to order a drink, causing the skillful barista to become a flustered mess?
pairing: izumi miyamura x f! reader
genre: barista!au, fluff
warnings: none!
a/n: it's sad to see the lack of horimya content there is on tumblr so hopefully this will be an addition to the collection! cheers to my first scenario on this blog 🥂
main masterlist
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"Hey hey! Do you have plans afterschool today?" Your brown haired best friend pops up from the side beside your desk, eyes peering over what you were doing. "You're still at it?" She sighs at the sight of your abstract art book. "Mmm..." You hummed, focused on finishing your final stroke. Hori kneels down by your desk, quietly waiting for you to finish. "I have plans on going home." You lifted your pencil with a satisfied grin. "What do you think is the meaning behind this piece?" You lifted your book, showing her your finished product. Hori was always amazed by how beautiful your art looks, knowing that it's your way of expressing your feelings. Regardless of not knowing anything about art, she tries her best to understand it through your perspective.
"Hmm," she stares at your drawing briefly. "I'm getting the vibes of love." she glances up to see your redden cheeks, letting out a laugh as you covered your face behind the book. "What? It's just what I think." She points out the small heart like shapes in your work for her reasoning. "You're not wrong." You nodded, agreeing with her analysis. "Did you not realize what you were drawing?" "I'm not sure. I just drew whatever I was feeling." You started packing your things away. "Then maybe what you're feeling is love!" She nudges you as you tried to hide your bloomed cheeks, keeping your head down as you wore your backpack and headed out. "So Y/N, is there someone you're interested in?" "No." "No as in you're not willing to tell me or no as in you're too scared to admit it?" "No as in I don't like anyone." She lets out a sigh from your boring replies. "How is that love when I've clearly never been in love before?" "Maybe just not yet." You shook your head at her nonsense, walking past the gate. "Wait!" She takes a hold on your arm before you walked off on the opposite direction. "You're not busy right? Let's go visit my friend at work!" She pulls you to her direction, hugging your arm as the two of you headed off. "Who are we visiting?" "Miyamura." Your eyes widen from the familiar name. "Miyamura... Izumi?" You recalled the quiet boy who sat a few desks behind yours. "Yup! He works at a cafe known for amazing latte art! He always sends me pictures of the latte art he makes but I don't believe that he actually did it himself so we're going to surprise him today to see if he's really that skilled as he boasts. But then again, I wouldn't say he boasts because he's rather more humble and all..." Hori rambles off as you quietly followed. You didn't except such a reserved person to be working in a popular cafe.
You walked up to a cafe at the corner of the street. Despite walking past the plaza multiple times, you never noticed that there was a cafe here. Hori peeks through the window before dragging you in. Ding. The chimes by the entrance rings as the doors opened. The atmosphere of the cafe at first glance was very homey and calm, not filled with too much people. You glanced around for an empty table. Putting your bags by the corner near the window, you joined Hori, who was at the front, chatting with Miyamura.
"Why didn't you tell me you were going to visit?" You were surprised to hear him speak in a tone that's wasn't flat. "Because I need to see for myself just how good you are with latte art!" He lets out a chuckle as you felt an unfamiliar feeling in your chest. Your heart started racing and you couldn't figure out why. "Well then, what would you like to order?" Hori taps her chin as she observes the menu. "Matcha bear latte!" He nods, punching in your order on the machine. "Oh! I almost forgot, this is Y/N. My best friend that I always mention." She stepped to the side as you faced Miyamura. His eyes widen from your appearance as you followed his expression. Was he always this attractive up close? The weird sensation on your chest returns as find yourself unconsciously staring into his eyes. His cheeks slowly redden as the two of you stared into each others orbits. Hori, who was standing by the side, observes the scene and smirks to herself. "Ahem." She lets out a cough, snapping the both of you back to reality.
"S-Sorry." You apologized, feeling your cheeks heat up as you stared at the ground. "N-No worries." He stutters. "U-Um, I'm Hori's friend, Izumi Miyamura." Your eyes travel to see his charming smile. "I'm Y/N L/N." You could hear your heart pounding through your ears. "What can I get for you today?" He slightly tilts his head. With panick, you looked through the menu, mentally scolding yourself for not taking a look earlier when Hori was ordering. "U-Uh... Um..." You mumbled, trying to make a choice between all the cute looking latte art. "How about you surprise her, Miyamura?" Hori stepped in and suggested. You looked over at her with a surprised expression. "That'll be awesome! Would that be alright with you, Y/N?" Your stomach fluttered from him calling your name. "Yes!" You replied, rather quickly. "Well, you guys can just take a seat and I'll bring it over to when it's ready." He smiled before the two of your returned to your seats. Once he saw you leave, he turned around and squatted down, hands in his face. "You good there?" His coworker questioned. "She's so cute." He mumbled. "Who? Hori?" "Y/N. She's so cute. I can't believe I lost my cool in front of her. She must think that I'm some weirdo staring at her." He groaned a complain. "No. I still have a chance to redeem myself. I must make the best latte art I've ever made for her!" He shot up, feeling determined.
"Um, what was that back there?" Hori smirked as you took a seat. "What do you mean?" "The two of you were practically drowning in each other's eyes." The scene replayed in your mind as you hide your face behind your hands. "Did you fall for Miyamura?" "What?! No! Of course not!" You denied, shaking your hands. "Your bright red face says so otherwise." She pointed out, making your face turn into a darker shade of rouge. "I'm sure Miyamura feels the same. The two of you were practically a blushing mess." You felt too embarrassed to face your friend. "I...I just didn't expected him to be that handsome." You confessed, turning to face the window. You heard Hori let out a chuckle. "I never thought I'd see Y/N fall head over heels over a boy that fast. Must be true love if you ask me." She teased before you glared at her, making her laugh at your still red face. "Alright alright, let's do some work while we wait for the drinks."
"Gosh! Why won't this turn out nicely?!" The black haired boy groaned at the latte art. This was his fifth cup on trying the get the wave heart latte art to look perfect. His coworker walked passed, to see a line of cups. "What's wrong with these? They look just fine." "They can't look just fine, they have to look perfect!" He grumbled before attempting yet another cup. "Maybe if your hands would stop shaking from nervousness, that'll help." Miyamura looks down at his shaking hands before clasping them together, trying to calm down his nerves. This has to be perfect not matter what. If it's not perfect, it can't be for Y/N.
You were peacefully doodling while Hori studied. You found yourself liking the cafe more than expected. Aside from the fact that your first love works here, you enjoyed the ambiance and mood that was given off. "Hmm... It's been a while since we ordered, hasn't it? I wondered what's taking so long." Hori glanced at the time on her phone before standing up. "I'm going to check on our drinks." You nodded as she walked over, peering to see Miyamura's back as he carefully and delicately pour what seemed to be your drink. Her eyes landed on the row of drinks that he attempted to make. Sneaking to take a quick picture, she managed to snap a picture to show his dedication to perfect your drink. "Miyamura~" The boy finches at his name suddenly being called. Turning around, Hori notices Miyamura's stressed expression. "You messed up my drink!" He whined, placing another cup with his just fine section. "I was wondering what was taking so long." He quickly apologizes. "But now I understand why." She winked. "Do you like Y/N?" "I..." He trailed off, looking at his unsatisfied attempts. "I want to make her drink as perfect as possible." He confessed. The brown haired cupid nodded, before returning back to her seat.
"Is everything alright?" "Yeah, there was some problems with the machine, so they had to fix it." She lied, knowing that only she knew the truth of her two friends. "Say, remembered how you mentioned that everyone has their own ways of expressing their feelings?" "Yeah, what about it?" "Just wondering... I just had a thought on if it's possible for someone to express their feelings in the same way, yet differently at the same time." She thought out loud, as curiosity grew within you. "Wait, what do you-" "I am so sorry about the wait!" Miyamura appears before the two of you, holding a tray with your drinks. "Here is the matcha bear latte." He placed down Hori's drink as the two of you verbalized your amazement. "And here is yours." You saw his hands nervously shake as he struggled to set down the drink. It was a latte with a wave heart design. "It's a mocha latte." He introduced. "...With a wave heart design." His cheeks flushed red. "Wow... This is beautiful, thank you!" You smiled brightly as you admired his beautiful work. The more you looked at the design, the more similar it looked. You looked over at your art from earlier and noticed that it was a similar design. "That's a beautiful drawing you have there." He pointed out your art as your cheeks tinted pink. As much as you didn't want to ruin his hard work, you took a sip of the drink.
"This is delicious!" He couldn't help but to chuckle at your adorable reaction. "But I feel bad for ruining your effort on this." "Don't you worry, he's got a couple more back there if that makes you feel any better." His coworker, who was wiping down a nearby table invited himself into the conversation. Miyamura glared at this coworker, who clearly doesn't take a hint. "You should've see how many times he tried to perfect his drink." The flustered male tried to defend himself. "I even took a picture! Look at all the cups!" Hori slides her phone across the table as you took a look. Your eyes expanded as you saw the multiple cups beside him. Your eyes landed at him before the tips of his ears turned red, hiding himself behind the tray. "Did you do this all for me?" He slowly lowered the tray, revealing his adorable baffled face. "Yeah..." He admitted with embarrassment. "I wanted to make sure I made the perfect one for you." "Thank you, that’s really kind of you. Well, I don't mind drinking them all. I know for a fact they're all perfect to me." With your blushed cheeks, your lips curved up as Miyamura beamed.
Now it all made sense to you. With your way of expressing your feelings through art, Miyamura was expressing his feelings to you through his dedication of latte art. And for that, you would've help but to fall deeper for the flustered boy.
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February Hazbin/Helluva Prompts!
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Hey everyone!
I really like creating events, and for some reason February is my “prompt list” month. My writer friends submitted prompts to me to make a generic February/Valentine’s prompt list (the second one). But since Hazbin Hotel just came out I decided I wanted to create a list specific to it as well! After all these years season one has finally come out! What better time to celebrate and share our love?! I also decided to include the Helluva Boss characters because why not?
Rules and Guidelines
Please tag your nsfw content!
Feel free to make anything! Fanart, fanfics, comics, etc!
Participate as much or as little as you want. You can make something for every day, pick and choose a couple, or only make something for one prompt, it’s all good!
You can post late! Whether you post it on the day, or a week later, or even in March, it’s all good with me.
You can include multiple characters, just make sure the prompt character is prominent
You can combine the lists, just use one, or hop between them! For example, you could write a fic about Niffty’s unrequited love for a certain bad boy. Or maybe you want to write an shippy fic about a totally different couple, go ahead! Or maybe you just want to draw Niffty, that’s great too! You also don’t have to limit yourself to only using one list—you could draw Niffty today, write about “Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder” unrelated to Charlie tomorrow, whatever you want!
I would really appreciate if you tagged me in your creations! Both as credit for where the prompts came from, and because I want to see the creations they inspire! It also would be nice of you to post the link to this post, or a picture of the prompts, so others can find the prompts if they didn’t see this post.
Fizz was actually on here too, but I realized too late in my editing and moving names around he got lost. My sincerest apologies! Feel free to use him as your free day!
Sorry if anyone really wanted the heavenly characters on here. I kept thinking “Do I want to see cool art of Adam, or of this other character?” And the other characters won every time XD Feel free to use any of them as your free day though!
I hope you guys have fun!
(Got the hotel background here: https://www.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/s/KNGZ1743Ln)
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pey-hey555 · 1 year
All i wanted.
Part Two.
Once again, there are no warnings.
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Oh how you wished things would’ve ended differently. You never even knew things would end with Leon, The man you spent have of your life with. You’ve always envied Ada because…What did she have that you didn’t? Why did Leon always choose HER over YOU? And why couldn’t she just stay the fuck away. Then again, You couldn’t hate her, you just couldn’t. You never understood the hunger Leon had for Ada, You can give all the love to Leon but he’d still think about the woman in red.
It’s been a few weeks since the disaster between you and Leon. And of course he already moved on with Ada, She lived in the same house you lived in with Leon. She slept in the same bed with Leon, Watched movies on the same couch you sat in and ate at the kitchen table you once occupied. You on the other hand was all alone, Paying bills for an apartment you recently rented after staying with your parents for a while. It was bittersweet living by yourself because you loved it but then again, you absolutely hated being alone. Currently, you were sitting on a couch in front of a TV in your small living room holding a box. The last time you seen Leon was a week ago when you went back to collect all of your stuff you had there, He didn’t even bother to look or talk to you which made you upset. But this particular box was special to you, to special. It was a medium sized box with all of the trinkets and letters you kept from Leon when the two of you first ‘fell in love’. You fucking hated but loved Leon and you hated yourself for that because you knew you could do better, but it would be hard to get over this heartbreak.
You carefully took the lid of the box off, setting it to the side as you saw a bunch of old letters, notes, trinkets and polaroid pictures. You sighed heavily while staring at everything that laid in the box while you gently dug through the box, getting a certain note at the very bottom. The note was still in the envelope that was now a bit crunched up and old looking as you took the note out, placing the envelope back inside the box, then unfolding the note.
“To:The most beautiful girl in the world/ From: Leon.
You are my heart, my soul, my forever, my treasure, my today, my tomorrow and my future. I love every bit of you and i love you for being able to put up with me, without you i’d be lost. From the day i laid my eyes on you, I knew that you were incredibly unique. I did not realize it then, but i recognize now that you are gods extraordinary gift of love to me. Thank you for being such a blessing to me when i was lost in the dark, i thank you for everything. You are truly a masterpiece, It’s like your an art piece strung up on a wall, an art piece i can stare at all day long. You are now a part of me so i figured i’d write this to show you how much i truly love and adore you Y/N.”
A few tear drops fell onto the paper, making it a bit damp as you folded it back up and put it back into the envelope. You put the note back into the box as you grabbed a few old polaroid photos, wiping the tears on your face as you giggled looking at one of the first photos. The first picture you seen was an oldie but it was still a goodie. You were on the bed, laying on your stomach while Leon was laying on top of your back, biting your shoulder with a goofy face while you were laughing. The second picture was when you got a perfect shot of Leon slipping in the kitchen since you poured oil on the ground as a prank to get back at him for scaring the hell out of you. You laughed looking at the photos as you then looked at the third one, Instantly smiling as tears still rolled down your face. You were hugging Leon from behind while he had a full face of makeup since he let you do it for fun, He was smiling as you were as well.
You then looked up to the ceiling, Feeling more hot tears stream down your face while you felt your throat closing up, feeling as if you just threw up your whole heart. If only you knew sooner, you wouldn’t have fallen for such a wicked, cruel, sick game. Damn you Leon, Damn you.
Not every story has a happy ending.
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ruckis--rookie · 1 month
there is a specific art piece of your’s that seems to have vanished off the internets: “Dark Lord Gerakobitz - Bad End AU”. and I know it disappeared recently because I have a cross-post from your DeviantArt from November 2023
https://www. tumblr.com/loveandmad/ 733130379991629824/dark-lord-gerakobitz-bad-end-au- by-ruckis-rookie (remove the spaces) that now goes to a 404 page
Yeahhh about that. A lot of old art of mine of Fawful and the other M&L lineup has up and vanished. Twould be on purpose.
Y'see, after some very personal events I tried distancing myself from the M&L fandom. The game series remains very sentimental to me, but paired with the personal reasons and the poor treatment Nintendo was giving their fans, I took a long (possibly few) year hiatus. One of several reasons for my hiatus was guilt that I had strayed so far from the source material that the cast of characters didn't seem like the og cast of characters, rather OCs made to fit the mold of them. So by the time I came back I had revamped all the designs I had for the M&L lineup were revamped to be featured as an antagonistic group for my nonfandom oc story called "Order of the Stars" that I'm working on.
The one inspired by my old Fawful design, now named "Geragera", is VERY special to me. He was the one I projected onto the most in the past and he was the one I worked the hardest to distance from the source material without changing him so much that what I had built was no longer there. He's basically a second Fursona to me now. Words can't describe what he means to me.
But despite the many reminders that I gave to old fans that I would be moving on and if I were to ever return to M&L I'd be referencing the source material closer, people still kept missing the memo. Even years later some get confused and it really made me realize how much of an influence I had on shaping the fanon Fawful that's remembered today. It was... incredibly disheartening and upsetting given how hard I worked to make Gera his own character. And furthermore it didn't make sense to me HOW comparisons were still being drawn. I had disappeared for a while to let the fire and the hype die down, in what world to people think THIS
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Looks like THIS
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If anything at this point Gera takes more inspiration from Yoshi in appearance, I'm shocked more comparisons haven't been drawn to the dinosaur because then I might actually be flattered
But given the circumstances I'd been silently deleting a lot of my old works and archiving them on a personal thumbdrive. It initially started with things I'd see pop up in my notifications that people liked. If I deemed a picture too close to my old fanon Fawful I'd save and delete it. But eventually it got so upsetting to me that in an anger fueled moment I went on an art purge to try and erase the impact I left, or at least scrub what I could to let Gera have a proper limelight instead of being stuck in the shadow of the thing that inspired him. People were also confusing Order of the Stars for an AU, which it's very much not.
While normally I wouldn't have minded the exposure, in fact I would have been flattered had it been years prior (even though the same pic was very much up on Tumblr at some point), that picture was a sore reminder of the past I was so desperate to distance myself. One of many, and reminded me I had to scrub more than just Tumblr... and might have possibly been the catalyst to the purge? I dunno, I slept since then.
The closest you'll get to it now is a horror themed bad end AU that I made that follows a very similar concept
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And this is very generous considering the hell I've gone through. It got so bad that I haven't felt very compelled to draw Fawful anymore for fear of further confusion, heck, more recently I decided that I was just going to exclusively post any future M&L art I make over here because I got tired of people finding reasons to draw comparisons on other sites too. I even thought about dropping ANY M&L drawings related to Beanish just to get away from it, but decided against it. I've even started putting more emphasis on Gera's snout just to make him seem less Beanish, which sucks because I've had to stray away from what makes my style mine to begin with. I could easily change his colors, but I can't bring myself to. He's been like this for years now and it's a characteristic that I can't easily let go of, nor do I want to. I've very begrudgingly changed my Beanish HC so that they don't have blue tongues and blood anymore (which was initially nspired by a beta Cackletta sprite having a blue tongue). It feels like I'm having to strip any and all hc personality I gave to certain fandom characters just to create more distance, which sucks.
It gets hurtful after a while, especially considering Geragera has more than just one inspiration... but yeah, a lot of my old stuff got purged and personally archived for my own growth. Truly sorry about that, and for the being a lengthy explanation. Truth be told I also needed a reason to get this off of my chest but I was never prompted until now. For future reference though (and this goes for just about anyone) I would greatly appreciate if you asked permission before making a crosspost sharing my work. There's a good chance I probably would have said no on that one. Anything that remains on this site is either too sentimental to get rid of or still close enough to the source material to stick around.
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naferty · 1 year
Steve/Tony like you said but it’s AvAc Stony and it’s Tony’s (maybe) prosthetic hand he leaves with Steve
Omg, omg yeessss.
Based on this video.
Steve manages to pull Tony away from his lab long enough to go for a quick walk through the campus park together after class. There's a nip in the air so there are not a lot of people out and about. It's perfect for some privacy as they walk side by side. They enjoy every second of it.
They're not talking. There's no need to. Not when just spending time together and gazing at the falling leaves is enough.
Steve holds Tony's right hand. The prosthetic one. The cold of the metal loses the fight as the heat of Steve's hand pushes against it. Tony can't feel it, because of course he can't, but he knows how hot Steve runs and he knows by his gauntlet's readings the degrees between his equipment and the day's temperature is vastly different.
If Tony tries hard enough he swears he could almost feel the warmth of it. As if his very hand is feeling it. Impossible as it may be.
A ghost of a feeling.
Steve always manages to make him feel it without fail. The soldier never shies away from his lack of a flesh hand and always makes an effort to prove it. Today is no different.
Steve holds his metal hand tightly and continues to walk, enjoying the sun on his face. Tony is lagging behind him by a step. The perfect spot to avoid Steve's gaze as the soldier watches the large shining star in the sky decent between two branches posed perfectly in line to create sun rays. They reflect on the falling trees. A perfect picture for an artist.
A lovely image no doubt, and if Tony paid attention he'll appreciate it, too, but his attention's elsewhere. Specifically, his attention is on Steve's hand that still held Tony's prosthetic, and in that particular moment, he felt mischievous.
Oh so slowly, he put his index finger and his thumb against two small release buttons on the edges of his gauntlet. Where metal met the base of his still fleshy arm. Skillfully, he wiggles his arm in a way that's unnoticed by Steve and out his gauntlet is pulled. Steve is oblivious as he continues walking, not realizing the gauntlet still in his hand is no longer connected to its owner.
Tony stops walking then and watches blankly as Steve continues forward, none the wiser. The soldier gets a good distance away and Tony has to hand it to him. The guy really takes his art appreciation seriously. So much so, he never realizes the lack of weight on the gauntlet.
Eventually, Steve moves his hand in a way that lifts the gauntlet and, finally, the soldier notices his missing boyfriend. He turns, easily spotting Tony in the distance, and without missing a beat starts running back to him.
Tony can't help but laugh as he watches the supersoldier run like a man on a mission. He laughs even harder when Steve lifts him up in retaliation before dropping him down for a quick kiss.
"Hold my hand and never let it go, huh?" Tony cheekily says.
Steve's boyish smile shines bright. "You know me. I don't half-ass things."
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kassiekole22 · 1 year
Daddy's Girl
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Picture lightly edited by me.
Description: Hannah and her father spend some quality time by doing their usual morning routine... Warnings: Fluff, Angst, More Fluff, More Angst. Word Count: 1k A/N: So, I'm back. Well — kind of. I've been spending a lot of time trying to keep myself busy — mainly with writing — and I have been getting better with the whole grieving process. However, I'm not completely out of the woods yet. It's going to take me awhile to get back into a normal routine on here and it will also take me awhile to get back to any messages, comments and tags on art or fics. But just know that I will get back to every one of you eventually. Anyway — since I've been writing so much lately — there are going to be a lot more fics coming soon. And that includes the Ghostface!Josh X Fem!Reader fic that I mentioned earlier on. But I wanted to get this one out today since it's father's day and I thought it would be perfect to post it today. I hope you guys enjoy it. 🖤 Until Dawn MasterList: 🖤 Main MasterList: 🖤 Kassie's Angels: @lorebite, @mornandil, @house-of-kolchek, @kawaiiwitch224, @koexchange, @yesitsloulou, @mistmoose, @jasonexo, @fortune-fool02, @raven-the-cryptid, @chaosandbubbles and @obsessedwithtoomanythings. (If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know in the comments! 🖤)
Hannah sat patiently between her father's legs, humming her new favorite song as he did her hair. This was a daily routine for the two; every morning, her father would wake her up, make her breakfast and then do her hair before taking her to school. Her father always did the best job for his little princess and it made the other girls in the school envious. But Hannah didn't care — she was just happy to spend time with her dad, no matter what they were doing.
"All done!" His deep voice sang as he placed the brush and comb down on the vanity table he had built for her.
Hannah jumped off the chair and looked in her mirror. She admired the perfectly done pigtails and the few shorter strands of hair framing her face; it looked like it had been done by a professional — a professional with years of training. The corners of her lips curved up to form a big smile of appreciation and happiness.
"Thank you, daddy!" She squeaked out excitedly. "It's perfect!"
Her father just smiled warmly at her before gathering the brush and comb and placing it back in its drawer. But when he turned back around, Hannah was staring up at him with a puzzled expression upon her face.
"What's the matter, dear?" He asked as he kneeled before his daughter, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder as he did so.
"Daddy, why are you so good at doing hair?"
His question seemed to bring some sense of sadness to his eyes, which only puzzled Hannah more. He thought for a moment, mulling over a million words he could say to explain this to his little girl, before letting out a seemingly stressed sigh.
"W–Why do you ask?" He resorted to avoiding the question, figuring he didn't have the strength to tell her why.
"Because Jimmy said that his father said that it's not normal for men to do hair so well."
He furrowed his brows at his daughter's explanation and for a split second, Hannah thought that he was mad at her. But then his features softened due to the worried look in her eyes.
"Well — Jimmy's dad is a prick."
He realized what he had said as soon as he heard his little girl gasp, and his eyes widened with fear. It had been a struggle, trying not to swear in front of his little princess and corrupt her little mind — and he had been doing well. Luckily — the other times he hadn't been speaking directly to her, and she missed it completely. But this time, she had caught it right away, which instantly made the father of eight years cringe at his stupidity and lack of a filter.
"Oh, no! D–D–Don't repeat that, please!" He stammered frantically, worrying that his little angel wouldn't understand and parrot his words the first chance she got.
He became quickly panicked by his mistake but instantly relaxed when Hannah responded with a cute chuckle and a sweet reassurance, "Don't worry, daddy — I won't."
"Ok, good." He let out a sigh of relief. "Now, I suppose I should tell you why I'm so good at this… But it's going to be hard for me..."
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to gain all the physical, mental and emotional strength he could muster; but then he felt a little, gentle hand land carefully on his big one.
"It's ok, daddy. I'm here for you."
His little girl's words brought tears to his eyes, though he fought them back before opening them again. He heaved a deep sigh and looked his daughter right in her eyes.
"Back when I was a kid and even all growing up, I used to do your aunts' hair all the time." He admitted as a somber tone filled his voice.
"You mean the one I was named after?" Hannah asked and he nodded as the corners of his lips turned up into a sad smile.
"And her sister, Beth." He sighed again as he hung his head, closing his eyes again to fight back the tears — to push away the pain of a wound that had never fully healed. "I wish you could have met them."
"Me too." Hannah whispered before wrapping her small arms around her father's neck, squeezing him as tightly as she could.
Josh returned the embrace and held his daughter tightly. It was then that he promised — like he had many times before — that he would do anything and everything to keep her safe, no matter what cost. He stayed locked in the sweet moment, holding her for a few more minutes until he glanced down at his watch and noticed the time.
"Oh! It's almost time to go to school!" He announced excitedly, pulling away from his daughter and wiping his tears away as he turned around to grab her backpack. He knew that his daughter was well aware of his sorrows, but he wanted to stay strong for her — he needed to.
He knew that his daughter also hurt from the fact that she could never meet her aunts, and that hurt his heart greatly. So he made sure that he always shared his memories of them with her, so she could feel as if she knew them as much as he did. He had always pictured Hannah and Beth being there when he had his first born, and being there as she grew into a woman — but fate had other plans, as sad as it may be. And though they were not there physically, Josh knew that his sisters were there in spirit, acting as guardian angels and looking out for him and his little girl — after all, that's what siblings are for; to protect each other.
"Why don't you go show mommy your hair?" He suggested, turning back around with a kind smile on his face as he began helping little Hannah put on her backpack.
Hannah's eyes lit up with excitement and her smile grew wide. He watched as she ran down the stairs, eager to show off her new look. And in that moment, he didn't just feel love for his little girl — he felt pride.
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bobbybutterfly · 10 months
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Yesterday I was gushing about Elliott to my friend and realized I don't have much art of him. So today I sat down my ass and got to drawing.
I used the basic round brush. I used it for a couple hand studies before. I don't really like it. But maybe if I get more of a practise I will find a way to make it look good?
This is a lazy picture by the way. I know I should put more effort into my art if I want to get more likes. Just sometimes you want to chuck out an idea quickly. He still looks cute. This is the first time I used a blured out photo for the background. As I said this was just a quick thing. And I think it looks pretty good with Elliott being in cool tones and the background being warm.
As I already talked about on this blog, my version of Elliott is inspired by the old sprite art.
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I also made him Gotorian which I imagine to be Stardew Valley's equivilent to Japan considering some evidence in Stardew Valley Expanded.
I actually remembered why I decided to change his race from presumably Caucasian. I was listening to YELLOW MAGIC ORCHESTRA (they write their name in all caps), a japanese band from the 80's, and I was like my version of Elliott would definetly listen to this.
Also the idea of having him be a second generation Gotorian immigrant has some great story potential. In my fic (shameless plug) it's explained that he's not from a great family.
I imagine this would lead to him not learning the language. Or if he did, because in Zuzu City there's a big Gotoro comunity of immigrants, he isn't very good.
He probably gets mistaken for white a lot of the time because of his red hair, blue eyes and the first name Elliott. Though I did give him the sir name Mizuki.
Except the only character the base Stardew Valley game that's cannonically from the Gotoro Empire is the cart lady and her hair is green. It could just be dyed, but having Caroline who too has green hair compain about her daughter dying her hair purple if she her self dyes it... girl. Fuck off.
So anime logic? Natural pink hair and purple eyes? I'm overthinking this too much. About time I hit post.
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starsfic · 2 years
So, i Love the idea of demon courting rituals including kidnapping at a certain point (I say at a certain point because I like to imagine INTRICATE RITUALS as to not to actually kidnap someone who doesn't want to be napped) so I love the idea of Red just showing up at MKs place and misunderstandings happening, but we sleep on the idea of MK reading up on what the hell Red Son is doing, realizing he's been trying to court him and that he has blown him off in the worst way... And deciding that demon courting him right back is the only way to show that he gets it now and that he very much likes the idea of going on a date with him.
Please picture it, MK awkwardly stumbling trough Red Sons window, who wakes up in confusion "Noodleboy. There better be a good explanation as to why you are in my roo- " "RED SON! I HAVE COME TO VOICE MY INTENT OF STEALING YOU AWAY IN THREE NIGHTS! DO NOT ATTEMPT RESITANCE AS IT WILL BE FERTI- wait no that can't be right, damn writing got smudge-CRAP MY NOTES!" "Waitwaitwait, are you... Attempting COURTSHIP?" "Uh..." "WHY DIDN'T YOU LET ME TAKE YOU AWAY THEN?" "Listen! There are some cultural differences here that may have gotten lost in translation and I thought you might have been threatening me." "...ah...." "Sssoooo... I'm just gonna say it, if you're still up for it I am gonna come back in three days and tie you up or get a bag and then we can go back to my place or watch a movie or." "Do it now." "Uh, but there's a whole thing where we have to fight tomorrow and the day after I have to give you a gift and you have to take it and-" "Consider it done. Do it now." Cut to MK carrying Red Son bridal style, with the flimsiest rope they could find in such a short notice binding his wrists together poorly, both of them absolutely giddy that this worked out after all.
Today had been the worst day in Red Son’s life, second only to his father being sealed away.
The Noodle Boy had rejected his courtship.
Red had done everything right! They had fought and Red had demonstrated how strong of a partner he would be. He had gotten him gifts, like that fancy art set he knew Xiaotian had been eyeing for months! He had researched and studied and had gotten to know Xiaotian for the best courtship and now that had gone all out the window.
He groaned into his pillow, which he had spent most of the day crying in. Everything was awful. Nothing was worth it. His mother was probably planning some kind of over-the-top vengeance for him. It didn’t matter.
Even when a window squeaked open and there was a yelp as whoever it was fell in.
Red glanced back and groaned. "Noodle Boy. There better be a good explanation as to why you are in my roo- " 
Qi Xiaotian held up a hand and fished out a stack of index cards. Red sat up, staring at him as he scanned over whatever was on it before clearing his throat. "RED SON! I HAVE COME TO VOICE MY INTENT OF STEALING YOU AWAY IN THREE NIGHTS! DO NOT ATTEMPT RESITANCE AS IT WILL BE FERTI-” He paused. “Wait, no, that can't be right, damn writing got smudge- The-” He dropped the stack and shrieked. “CRAP, MY NOTES!" 
His heart racing, Red pulled the covers off himself. "Wait wait wait, are you... Attempting COURTSHIP?" 
Xiaotian looked up from where he was trying to pick up the cards. "Uh...Yes?" 
"WHY DIDN'T YOU LET ME TAKE YOU AWAY THEN?" Red had been fully prepared and everything! All his preparations had gone to waste this afternoon! And now Xiaotian was here?!
Said Noodle Boy scrambled up, hands raised in a gesture of peace. "Listen! There are some cultural differences here that may have gotten lost in translation and I thought you might have been threatening me." 
"...ah...." Now that he thought about it, straight up saying he was kidnapping him to who knows where might’ve not been the smoothest opening.
"Sssoooo... I'm just gonna say it, if you're still up for it, I am gonna come back in three days and tie you up or get a bag and then we can go back to my place or watch a movie or-" 
"Do it now." Red scrambled out of bed and looked around. Ugh, he had gotten rid of the red silk he was going to use on Xiaotian!
Xiaotian blinked as Red passed him and threw open his closet, beginning to shuffle through it. "Uh, but there's a whole thing where we have to fight tomorrow and the day after I have to give you a gift and you have to take it and-" 
There! Red yanked out a thin sash he wore on one of his nicer suits. He threw it at Xiaotian, who fumbled and dropped his cards again but caught the sash. Red held up his wrists. "Consider it done. Do it now."
Soon enough, Xiaotian was dropping out the window to the tuk-tuk, Red secure in his arms. The fire demon’s wrists were poorly tied but it didn’t matter. 
Not when he was grinning like an idiot at his Noodle Boy’s own stupid grin.
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fullmetalgirl98 · 3 months
30 days Hypnosis Mic challenge
DAY 10: a thing that's not canon but you think it is
🎤 Doppo smokes.
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For the avoidance of any misunderstanding. The image above is not an original idea of mine but is a repurposing of a wonderful fanart I found on pinterest and whose artist I unfortunately could not identify with certainty. After a quick research, I may have been able to figure out that the artist is this person (twitter) but since the profile is protected, I could not get confirmation and consequently ask permission to use the art. For that reason, being me myself deeply opposed to reposting and editing other people's art, I entirely redrew it by my own hand and colored my own lineart. So please don't alert the state police, don't alarm the original artist (in case you know them...in fact, please do tell me who they actually are, if you know and have figured out which art I'm referring to), don't scream plagiarism, and do not repost (mainly because this art should not exist at all). Thanks for your cooperation.
I've been thinking a lot about what to talk about today, because I was planning to talk about what I believe (and I think we all believe) to be the trauma suffered by Hifumi thanks to Honobono…but I would have risked this post being blacked out on tumblr and I would also have to be particularly careful about how to talk about such sensitive topics without hurting anyone's sensibilities, so I preferred to avoid...but I won't detach myself that much, because of course all the knots then come to a head anyway.
C'mon. You can't tell me that you don't also think that Doppo is the type to have a cigarette once in a while. I can see him smoking so well! It's something that fits him perfectly! Also, let's be honest guys. Doppo is cool in his own right (even if he doesn't realize it), but with a cigarette in his hand??? the level of sexyness increases tenfold. Let's talk about it seriously for a second. Doppo, in fact, has never been shown smoking a cigarette, but I firmly believe that he feels the need to do so from time to time. And by that I absolutely don't mean that he does it in a Samatoki-mode way (who feels the need to smoke even when in fact he doesn't feel the need at all (???) just because his body is completely ADDICTED) or in the way that a nervous person smokes a tactical cigarette during a break from work because it has a calming effect on the nerves. No, not in that sense.
Doppo is not a smoker who walks around with a pack of cigarettes in his pants pocket. Let's say that he doesn't have the habit, that's it. But I truly believe that there's a pack in the desk's drawer of his office and one in the drawer of his bedroom. A pack that sits there almost completely intact, because a cigarette is pulled out just once in a while, a pack that will probably last a couple of years lol. That's a pack of cigarettes which however can provide some relief in some particularly stressful moments. And I don't mean the usual moments when Doppo freaks out, no. I'm talking about the serious moments, the emotionally important ones. The ones in which Doppo deeply reflects on his life and wonders how to behave to make Hifumi feel safe, what to do to actually make him feel protected.
Doppo is a lone smoker. I've always pictured him that way. He doesn't smoke in company, because, as I said, he doesn't have a smoking habit. But he smokes when the sun sets or at night, when the moonlight enters between the curtains of the window, when he can't sleep because his head is full of thoughts that torment him (am I covertly-not-covertly promoting again the hifudo fic that @justanotherniky is writing? Nooooo, absolutely not).
And then yes, why not…. who said he can't have a cigarette every now and then during a moment of stress caused by work? Lol But only when he works from home. Because being seen like this by Hifumi is fine.
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densi-mber · 1 year
Meant to Be
A/N: I’m taking advantage of this prompt to continue yesterday’s story. Once again, suggested by @mashmaiden.
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“What’s next on the agenda?” Kensi asked, peeling down the paper wrapping on her burrito. She sat beside Deeks, Rosa on his other side as they peered at the very thorough plan he’d arranged for today’s college visit.
They’d set up a little picnic outside the same fountain she’d stopped by during her own visit so many years ago. A lot had changed since then, but the park and fountain remained the same.
“After we finish eating, I want to show Rosa the pre-law department and introduce her to a few faculty,” Deeks replied. He was practically radiating excitement, which seemed to be transferring to Rosa. Over the course of the morning, she’d become more enthusiastic, and even opened up more about her career preferences.
“Not the one who called you a worthless hippy, right?” Rosa checked, a little apprehensively.
“Definitively not. He retired years ago, thank god.”
“Oh good.” Rosa sighed in relief. “That sounds fine. Then maybe we can visit the art department.”
“We can definitely do that. Ooh, and we have to stop off for ice cream before we leave,” Deeks said. “So what do you think, you want to come here, right?”
“Babe, don’t pressure her,” Kensi protested, lightly smacking his shoulder with the back of her hand.
“It’s ok,” Rosa assured her with a smile. “I’m making a list of pros and cons for every college we visit. I promise I won’t make any hasty decisions.”
“Well in that case, my alma mater is pretty good too. I bet I could get you a private interview with the president.” Kensi gave Rosa a pointed look.
“True, but I’d argue the law program isn’t quite as good,” he argued.
“You know, I actually thought about coming here,” Kensi shared. “I got as far as writing my acceptance letter.”
“What made you change your mind?” Rosa asked curiously.
“I received a full-ride scholarship to Cornell.” She shrugged. “I couldn’t really afford to turn it down.”
“Miss Fancy Pants,” Deeks teased with a fond wink. “I only got tuition covered. Which I’m of course very grateful for.” He shot Kensi a warning look, probably just in case she felt compelled to mention how he closed the financial gap.
They were quiet for a few minutes while they dug into their food, and Kensi continued to look around the campus. It felt strange to think that she had ever been as young as Rosa, or the students scurrying around, making decisions that would impact the rest of her life.
“The day I came here, I got really lost,” she reminisced.
“Kensi Marie Blye admitting a weakness? Shocking.”
“Shut up. I was 17 and the map they gave me was awful.” Turning to face Deeks, she continued. “I bet you got lost your first day too.”
“Maybe,” Deeks allowed. “But by my second semester, I was a tour guide and I learned all the secrets. I was like a muggle Fred and George Weasley.”
“It’s funny you should mention that, because a tour guide helped me out.”
Deeks frowned, a look of dawning realization crossing his face. “Wait, what did this guy look like?”
Kensi had to force her mind back twenty or so years. “Uh, tall with long blonde hair, blue…no.” Kensi dropped to a shocked whisper, staring at Deeks in disbelief. “You were the guy.”
“And you were the girl who almost hit me,” Deeks finished.
“Why did you try to hit him?” Rosa cut in, sounding intrigued.
“I did not almost hit him, and if I did, it was because he surprised me.”
“You also flirted with me.”
“That was just me being friendly,” Kensi insisted.
“You know what, I think we should talk about that hair.” She turned to Rosa. “It was shoulder length.”
“Ok, that’s a bit of an exaggeration and long hair was in style.”
“Do you have any pictures?” Rosa asked eagerly.
“No, not from around then,” Kensi said with a hint of regret. “But I’m sure Roberta does.”
“That is absolutely not necessary,” Deeks said, taking a long drink from his cup. He shook his head. “I can’t believe I forgot I met you before.”
“Well, it was only for a few minutes, and we never exchanged names.” She leaned over and smoothed a tiny speck of hot sauce off his cheek, kissing the corner of his mouth. “The fact that you took the time to help out a lost teenager just further proves what a good guy you’ve always been.”
“It’s almost like it was meant to be,” Rosa mused with a dreamy smile. “Fate.”
“I can work with that,” Deeks said, tipping Kensi’s chin to kiss her in earnest.
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