#the r slur is so fucking hard to reclaim
cosmicheartz · 2 years
Really can’t have fucking shit huh
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ftmtftm · 5 months
something i wanted to ask, genuinely, is if you think the labels transmisogyny/misandry and the way theyre used can really be helpful
i personally think they can be but with how so many ppl try to frame it as "exclusive" forms of oppression just doesnt help at all. yes, transmisogyny does mainly happen to trans women/fems, but a lot of ppl refuse to believe it could also happen to trans men/mascs. and i believe it can go the same way with transmisandry as ive seen multiple ppl describe wut it is and see how it could be applied to trans women/fems. and that doesnt even acknowledge intersex ppl, whether theyre trans or not. i feel like labeling it in specific ways to say "this is an intersection of oppression" without going "this is an exclusive experience" is beneficial to all sides, but ppl try to gatekeep with labels like "tma" and "tme" and so on. its like saying a gay guy cant call themself a dyke bc "youre not a lesbian and therefore u cant reclaim that slur" even if theyve been called a dyke before. it really just feels like the labels of transmisogyny and transmisandry is used as a way to fuel the fires of oppression olympics by saying that "if ur a trans man u experience less oppression than a trans woman." and it seems to be mainly fueled by the idea of "woman (oppressed) + trans (oppressed) = really oppressed" whereas "man (not oppressed) + trans (oppressed) = not as oppressed" when its nothing like that.
its also incredibly hard to find Any information about transmisandry. i always see "trans men just have it/pass easier" and even other transphobic statements of how going on T makes trans men more aggressive and assertive. i feel like tumblr has been the only place ive seen any genuine discussion about transmisandry and even then its not great or very informative.
i believe that both transmisandry and transmisogyny should be acknowledged as real forms of oppression rather than being used as a way to oppress ppl further.
i dont wish to cause an argument as these r just my thoughts and i genuinely want to hear yours on it too
So the TL;DR my opinion sort of boils down to "Yes, I think they can be incredibly useful terms when used with intention and clarity of purpose" but there's a lot of nuance to that opinion. Basically though - I mostly agree with you on a conceptual level anon. I just wanted to write an essay.
(and also I don't fully address some things in this ask because frankly I'm burnt out and don't want to talk about them at the moment and I made this blog to talk about my special interests anyway. Sue me ‪¯\_(ツ)_/¯‬)
Something I've been noticing in my reading of Intersectional/trans-inclusive Feminist literature, combined with my engagement with trans activism, over the last few years is: We're all very, very afraid of talking about sexism right now and it absolutely makes sense why.
It makes sense because the conversation has been ground to dirt by TERFs constantly yelling about "sex-based oppression" as a means to be transmisogynist and degrade the womanhood of trans women. However the response to this has been deeply flawed in my opinion.
Instead of actually addressing sexism as it's own distinct form of oppression under an Intersectional lense, we've simply made a hard left into only discussing gender informed oppression and only legitimizing gender informed oppression in the form of misogyny. It's a very uninformed response in my opinion actually - but that also makes sense because it's currently very hard to be informed on general feminist theory and politics at the moment because Radical Feminism is a fucking plague.
In reality though, sexism and misogyny are two different forms of oppression that often overlap because gender and sex are different classes of identity that often overlap.
This degradation of language - both from TERFs conflating sex and gender and from Intersectionals/progressives separating the two so hard they don't even acknowledge sex - is what I think is part of the cause of this problem that is leaving trans men / trans mascs with a massive hole in our ability to discuss our experiences. And not just trans men either!!! It's also nonbinary and intersex people as well who are harmed by this void.
So that begs the question: How do we actually talk about sexism in an Intersectional Feminist, trans inclusive, capacity that combats Radical Feminist rhetoric on sexism?
And the answer? Is carefully, consciously, and in a manner that is aware of several different experiences within the nebulous concept of female identity.
I will actually be using the word "female" as a term a decent amount throughout this post. For the sake of this discussion I am defining "female" as anyone anyone who presently identifies as female due to their assigned sex as well as anyone who is socially treated/viewed as female due to their gender, legal, and/or medical statuses. In this post "female" is an umbrella term that includes cis women, trans men, trans women, nonbinary people, and intersex people who feel that definition applies to them in relation to their sex.
Because the fact of the matter is that Patriarchy and our society at large hate women and they hate people who are assigned female and they hate people who are female and those are distinct categories of people with a lot of overlap and a lot of differences.
Female identity is like venn diagram of sex informed experiences that cis women, trans women, trans men, nonbinary people, and intersex people all have a place in for various different reasons. It's a diverse category of experiences and this should be a touchstone for solidarity, not division in my opinion. The experiences and needs of one group don't inherently negate the experiences and needs of another similar group, even if they conflict, you know?
It's a concept I've actually adopted from disability activists, who often talk about the ways in which disability activism often has to address conflicting needs because sometimes some disabled people's needs are in direct conflict with each other!! Conflicting needs are not something unique to disability activism though.
Most groups and classes people have conflicting needs within themselves and I think there's a lot to be learned in gendered activism from disability activists in this regard. I think often in activist discussions a lot of people stop when situations stop impacting them directly instead of trying to find commonality and empathy with similar experiences. It's easy to have knee jerk reactions, it's harder to pause and contemplate.
So, let's actually contemplate transmisogyny and transandrophobia/transmisandry as terms for a moment.
Transmisogyny was coined as a term by Julia Serano in 2007 in her book The Whipping Girl and I do think it's incredibly useful for describing the ways in which transphobia (the broader oppression of trans individuals) intersects with misogyny (the broader oppression of women) in specific ways wrapped up into a specific term.
I've engaged in a lot of criticism of The Whipping Girl because, well, I think for just about every excellent idea Serano posits about the trans feminine experience she undercuts it with White Feminist rhetoric and simple "cis men and women are opposites therefore trans men and women are opposites" type rhetoric that harms her arguments more than helps them. HOWEVER! Serano herself even articulates that misogyny and transphobia may intersect in ways that impact nonbinary and trans masculine individuals differently from trans feminine individuals, and that additional language may be required to fill that gap in The Whipping Girl!!
So now there's a bit of a linguistically philosophical discussion to be had here on the function of language and what language we can actually use to fill the hole trans men experience with our language - which is also where we dive back into talking about concepts like conflicting needs and sexism.
When creating terminology (or jargon), one must take into account several things like clarity and context, which is why personally - I do not like the term "transmisandry" at all. I use it as a tag because I know some people prefer it as a term and I'd like my posts to reach that audience as well. Generally speaking though - I think any inclusion of "misandry" as a term will always be a nonstarter in most discussions on gender. It's much too loaded of a word because of it's association with the misogynistic actions of MRAs among several other semantic reasons.
An argument could, I think, be made for a term like "transsexism" which would describe the intersection of transphobia (the broader oppression of trans individuals) and sexism (the broader oppression of female individuals) but I think that is still too broad if we want to talk about trans masculine experiences specifically. (Though I do still think it may have contextual use as a term quite frankly - that's just beyond the scope of this post).
So? Then we come to transandrophobia and a conversation on misogynistic, sexist responses to masculinity in people society forcibly identified as "female women" under patriarchy.
I want to state that off the bat that I take a lot of issue with the way people dismiss trans men's experiences as just "general transphobia" or "default transphobia" because... Why are you automatically treating a man's experiences as the universal default? Especially when there are things based on the intersection of his manhood and marginalization that he experiences that women of the same marginalization don't?
I have this issue with most other conversations about the intersection of marginalized identity and manhood honestly. It actually really reeks of unconscious misogynist bias to me. But I digress, that's not the subject of this post.
I think a lot about Brandon Teena and the motivations for his murder. I think a lot about Lou Sullivan's diary entries about his loneliness and isolation with regard to being around trans women and lesbians - as well as his history fighting for his right to medical transition. I think about P. Carl's musings about the ways in which his entire community abandoned him once he came out as a trans man as opposed to a lesbian woman. I think about Irreversible Damage by Abigal Shrier and the way she manipulated - if I'm remembering correctly - YouTuber, Chase Ross into misleading interviews that skewed his words and stories to attempt to "prove" her points about how "our girls" are being manipulated into transgenderism via social contagion spread through platforms like YouTube.
I think about the ways in which trans mascs - particularly those on HRT - actively avoid medical care because of the deeply gendered nature of gynecological care and also because we are treated like medical freaks and abominations when we do try to seek that care. I think about the ways our bodies are inherently, deeply impacted by the overturning of Roe V. Wade and how our decisions to not carry children via abortion or hysterectomy - or our desire to carry children - are met with the phenomenon of medical misogyny like any other woman or female individual but in a way that also explicitly intersects with our transness.
I think about the ways in which Patriarchal society sees my "female" body in direct opposition to my identity as a "man" and how that is something that needs to be "corrected" back into "female womanhood" via rape and assault. I think about my own corrective assault a lot. I think about how the 2015 National Trans Survey actually found higher self reported instances with sexual assault in trans men than in trans women. I think about how I personally see that as a touchstone of solidarity with my lesbian siblings and especially with my other butch siblings who also have their expressions of masculinity treated as deviancy that deserves corrective action.
I apologize for diverting into less of an academic musing into prose and also for diverging from the subject of this ask directly into a much larger essay - but I am simply so tired of trying to say that I and other trans masculine people are people worthy of having our own language for our own experiences instead of just being dismissed as a privileged class - quite literally on the basis of our own oppression.
Especially when people use the words of someone like Julia Serano to say we don't deserve that language when she herself posited that maybe we should have it. Especially when Kimberlé Crenshaw - the woman who created the theory of Intersectionality that Serano is attempting to engage with in The Whipping Girl - has stated that one of the goals of Intersectionality is to create language for and give voice to marginalized identities that otherwise are not given language and voice.
So - What do you call it when trans masculine people are explicitly targeted on the basis of their trans masculinity? What do you call that intersection of sexism, misogyny, and transphobia that misgenders and attacks trans masculinity explicitly? Because that isn't "general transphobia" - that is transphobia motivated by a Patriarchal desire for control over the broader "female identity" that society is seeing as "too masculine".
It's trans-andro-phobia. Transphobia targeted at a particular group of trans individuals on the basis of their masculinity in a way that intersects with a sexist, misogynist, Patriarchal desire to control perceived/forced female identity and the subsequent interpersonal and social ramifications that come alongside that systemic abuse.
Focus, intention, and clarity of purpose.
I do want to add that there is absolutely something to be said about the fact that these conversations are all extremely White at the moment.
Radical Feminism is a deeply White (and White Supremacist) movement. Conversations on Trans Feminist theory in general are still deeply White as well. Julia Serano is very much a White Trans Feminist, and as such most responses to her work by other White trans people tend to be, well, very White.
I myself am even contributing to the prevalence of Whiteness in the conversation because even though I am Ashkenazi I am also still White. I might be informed by and am actively using concepts formed by Black Women and Ethnic Minority Women as the basis of my own theories, but that doesn't erase the context of my own race in this conversation either.
I really do not want that to be lost upon people, especially other White people. A racialized context matters in this conversation because Race and Gender really cannot be fully separated from each other in conversations about power and systemic oppression.
Bonus TL;DR - Read The Will to Change and Feminism is for Everybody by bell hooks. Read Audre Lorde. Read Kimberlé Crenshaw. Read Leslie Feinberg and Judith Butler. Read María Lugones. Learn the concepts they are presenting and then also learn how to apply those concepts in a consciousness and self aware manner.
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ablednt · 2 years
responding to the dream stuff you've mentioned cause im confused on some things
wheres like, proof of his jokes? cause i've heard that he's made racist jokes but not what the jokes are, when he said it, and why each joke would be bad (the last part really only important for learning about why something is racist)
on one hand, yeah those jokes are horrible, but they are normalized and not specifically a "dream bad" thing. i havent seen dream specifically make that kind of joke tho
i vaguely remember hearing of this but also like. didnt he stream at the end of the month ?? at the very end, but still
most confused about this one, when has he ever mentioned this? i've never really seen anyone advocate for doxing, let alone dream
I just reblogged a carrd with proof of literally all of this sans the last one also for someone who "doesn't know a lot about the dsmp" you certainly are acting like you do lmao?
The last one is on his twitter somewhere, might've gotten deleted idk and idfc the rest of this should be enough for you anyway
Whilst I'm on the carrd though, here:
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[ID A tweet from dream that shows a google screenshot, he is googling the word "slaves" on the toolbar the word shopping is circled in red. Underneath this screenshot there's a picture of the stonks meme but with a minecraft villager over it. End ID]
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[ID tweets from dream2, a locked side account of dreams, in order they read:
"Look at all the offended people in the comments of this video, oh wait, there's literaly none
Native americans don't "own" screaming while flicking your tongue around. Of course war is offensive, people die. Saying "vive la resistance" is I'm sure offensive to french people. Plus, I literally have native american in my blood.
If you're offended, fuck off, literally could [sic] care less. It's not offensive and don't be a baby. Get off my account if you want to critique people having fun in a block game.
End ID]
When he streamed during pride month it was literally on a side account with less followers and for less than 2 hours and in response to criticism instead of admitting he dropped the ball or doing queer charity streams outside of pride month to make up for it he had this "joke" to make lol
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[ID tweet from dream that says "I'm baiting the LGBTQ+ community into subscribing to me for gay content didn't you hear [there is an ear emoji here] open your ears weirdo. End ID]
In addition to all this on the carrd that I reblogged there's mention of him making pedophilic comments, using the r slur in a derogatory way (like idc if you're neurodivergent that's not how reclaimation works lmao), and the like. Moreover the rest of his smp members are all doing similar shit, making similar jokes, joking about rape and mocking George Floyd and a lot of other stuff.
So like lmao nice try pretending that some of the most hotly debated racists around right now are really hard to find any info/proof on. This is just embarrassing please do better.
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1990jeevas · 3 years
twitter my beloathed
#i wanna make a slur discourse post but...i wont#its about r slur discourse and people once again saying adhders 'arent effected enough' to reclaim it#as if literally every adhder ever hasnt been at the very least made fun of specifically for their nd traits and most of them have been#called the r slur as well#also as if adhd doesnt affect ur entire being at literally every second#my adhd isnt something that just goes away once i leave a classroom setting i have intense sensory issues my adhd has made me struggle with#basic communication making and mainting friendships and conversing with people my entire life#my adhd has given me a minor stutter and lisp i cant take medication unless i want my tics (which are likely ALSO from adhd) to be worse#my adhd has made it so ive had to be in sped classes my entire life because it has an affect both on my concentration but also my ability#to read write and retain information#ive been called a retard for talking passionately about my hyperfixations i have been called a retard for the stutter adhd gave me#everytime i read i have have been called a retard for my inability to concentrate on things i find uninteresting#i have been called a retard for not understanding instructions that didnt give me step by step details#i have been told im not trying hard enough my entire life for having a bad memory i have been belittled and ridiculed for this fucking#disorder and it doesnt help that half the time i cant even tell that people are making fun of me bc guess what people with#adhd also struggle to read tone and body language and it has fucked me over for ages#like. dont talk about the adhd expierence if you dont have it. and if you fucking do dont act like yours is universal.#bc guess what!! some people are gonna struggle with it more than you do and as someone who grew up being called a retard and still gets#gets called it regularly just for existing im gonna fuckn use it#reclaiming slurs has always been one of the few ways ive been able to eventually laugh off being called a slur by an actual bigot so??#yeah im gonna fucking use it#shit self#delete later#ableism#discourse#ask to tag
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sirvalrigard · 4 years
our undiagnosed unstable r*t*rd ass: *does stupid shit we knoW is risky and then fuck up inevitably*
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loving-olivia · 4 years
sorry 4 the drama im imparting lmao
#ok tw im going to talk abt self harm and use the r slur#im someone who can claim the r slur but i wouldnt exactly call my use reclaimation in the following words idk#im super fucking retarded basically like#uhg i dont even know where to begin#im afraid that someone lurking might see the fic and use it as an excuse to hurt themselves or something i know thats not very coherent but#theyve not always been the most logical person#they thing theyre being logical but theyre actually just beign rash and not approachng their feelings in a healthy manner#but the thing is if they come lurking on MY page...... thats not my fault#but also i care so much about them even if they dont give a fuck about me anymore#uhg im so angry#but ill feel so fucking guilt#guilty#i feel guilty even now#its making it so hard to like olivia#like the original spark is gone and im really upset about that but i insist i want olivia back in my life#shes fictional but i LIKE HER she gave me lots of seratonin and helped me realize im a lesbian#obvs she wasnt the only factor but she came int my life during a time of extreme transition and so ive really gotten attatched to her#anyway i feel guilty like im scared my ex will hurt herself bc im still self shipping with olivia#yeah...#EDIT: ok but if she reads this she'll be so mad#i havent lurked on her social media or anything at all#but she does ik she lurks i mean i dont know if she still does#i dont want to put ip trackrs on my blog bcause if i see that shes lurking ill feel compelled to text her#and im just so sick of compromising my self resect for people who have hurt me#she would probably think im selfish for even saying she hurt me#shes not in the right head space#shes going to go straight to hell without even dying#im so worried about her...#i know she pushed me away but i feel like ive failed her by not forcing myself in
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twinkuraba · 3 years
My mood when people think personally reclaiming a slur means they then get to use it to insult people they don't like: I respect none of you.
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simpsamaa · 3 years
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messy bitch
pairing : rintaro suna / reader
contains : MINORS DNI, impact play, messy kissing, spitting, choking, dirty talk, established relationship, fingering, pet names, rin has rings on, crying, aftercare
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Rintaro pulled your hair back, earning a pathetic whimper from your opened lips. hovering his lips over yours, he puckered them before letting a glob of spit slid down the length of your tongue, your shaky fingers moving to grip on his black shirt, crinkling the fabric as Rintaro slid his tongue into your mouth, pulling you into a messy kiss. 
One of his large hands moved to pinch one of your nipples from underneath the large shirt you were wearing, eliciting a loud moan for his name from you. Your hands moved to pressed up against his chest, trying to push yourself away from the dark haired male as your lungs were begging for oxygen. 
Pulling away for a second, you weren't able to reclaim your breath before Rintaro’s hand grabbed your face, the rings on his fingers pressing harshly into your cheek as his mouth reclaiming yours as he suckled on your tongue. 
"you're such a fucking slut" he cooed after he pulled away, his eyes trained on the sticky silver line of your spit connecting your lips. "your cunt's already drooling just from kissing," he bit the juncture between your neck and shoulder, two of his longs fingers rubbing along your cunt from your underwear, feeling your slick seep through the thin fabric. 
He reclaimed your mouth in a quick kiss before your broke away with a moan as he harshly pressed down against your clit. "my slutty girl huh?" he laughed before pushing you down on the couch, ripping the tee shirt you were wearing. His hungry eyes scanned your body, stopping at the wet spot on your panties.
A mean scowl on his pretty face as he ran his fingers over that spot once again, catching your clit with a hard press before pinching it between his fingers, the scowl turning into a cunning grin as he watched your eyes fill up with tears. 
His unoccupied hand moved back to your chest, running his blunt nail against your sensitive nipples before pinching, his green eyes watching your face contort in pain and pleasure. "dirty whore getting off of being hurt," he spat, leaning over to spit in your mouth, almost laughing at how responsive you were.
His skilled fingers pushed your underwear to the side before sticking his ring and middle finger into your clenching cunt, scoffing at how quick your body was to react, your back arching, pushing your chest into his as whines and moans fell form your lips.
You left out a loud cry of Rintaro’s name as you felt the coldness of his rings against your walls, thighs clamping around his arm as your hands came to grab his wrist. Rolling his eyes at your actions, he let go of your nipple before grabbing your neck, pushing you back into the cushion of the couch. 
"this shit again?" he scoffed at how your cunt clenched around his fingers as he squeezed your neck tighter. "think if i slapped your pretty face you'd cream all over my fingers hm?" his green eyes bore into yours, his tongue moving to kiss his teeth before he let go of your neck and resumed moving his fingers.
"p-please" he heard you whimper as his fingers curled into your g-spot, a smirk coming onto his face as he bent his hand so his thumb could rub against your ignored clit, making hips thrash against his hand as your head lolled back with your drool spilling from the corner of your lips.
His actions continued as he brought his hand up to smack your cheek, "messy bitch," he growled before undoing his pants, hissing as  his cock slapped against his stomach. Taking the hand that was in his cock, he jerked himself with your juices before rubbing his drooling tip up and down your slit, nudging your clit every time he moved up. 
"Maybe i should just fuck my hand huh? because you're just a dumb slut who lets anyone fuck 'er huh?" he watches your wail as tears fall down your face. "n-nono rin 'm only l-like this for y-you," he heard you cry, as crocodile tears fell from your eyes."
Crying because you want dick, isn't that embarrassing," he scoffed as he pushed into your clenching hole, hissing as he felt your tight walls grip against him. "Loosen up dumb bitch," He growled as he struck your other cheek, watching as you whimpered. "Only look pretty like this," he hissed as he bottomed out, his eyes moving to look at your lower stomach, watching as your belly bulged because of him.
"stupid girl crying over a cock that’s too big for her," he rolled his eyes before snapping his hips against your at a rough pace, the tip of his cock brushing your cervix as your nails scratched down his back. Wails and moans coming from your lips as he grabbed the back of your knees with his strong hands, folding you in half as he continued to rut against you. 
Rintaro threw his head back as his eyes rolled back at the feeling of your cunt tightly clenching around him. "this, this is all you're g-good for," his voice broke, "j-just my b-brain dead fuck toy," he hissed, hunching over your body as he strained to keep his eyes open to take a look at your face.
Tears were streaming down your red cheeks as the whites of your eyes were showing. All you were doing was babbling things along the lines of 'rin close!' and 'too big', slurring your words as you let out a loud cry.
 "c-cumming r-rin!"
Rintaro let out a string of curses as he felt your walls clamp down against him, his eyes rolling back at the feeling as his blunt finger nails were digging into his palms at the feeling.
his hips started moving again in an irregular pace as he hissed before letting out a low groan as he came, spilling his hot cum into your warm walls before he fell on top of you.
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"are you okay pretty girl?" Rintaro asked as he propped himself on his elbows, hovering over you as one of his large hands came to cup your cheek as he stared at you in awh. You nodded, letting out a sigh as you nuzzled into his touch before softly kissing his palm.
“words princess," he cooed, watching you as he felt his cheeks burn at how cute you looked. "'m okay rin, just tired," you said softly, opening your eyes to meet his green ones, giving him a tired smile before wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
"let's get you cleaned up first," he pressed a kiss to the crown of your head before lift your body up, making you straddle him as you nuzzled yourself into the crook of his neck, softly inhaling his sent as your eyes hazed with sleep.
Gently carrying you to your shared bathroom before placing you to sit on the counter. "i need to run the water," the dark haired male said as he pressed kisses on your shoulder, you let out a sound before unwrapping your arms around him so he could move.
You yawned as you watched your boyfriend run you a bath. A soft smile coming on your features before you rubbed your eyes. "tired huh?" you heard Rintaro's voice before nodding, "really tired rin," you responded before walked over to you and took you into his arms.
"do you want me to take a bath with you?" he softly asked in a small voice, pressing a kiss against your ear as he ran his hand through your locks. "yea," you whispered, as you wrapped your arms around his big shoulders again before he carried your and set you into the bath, following you after you got in.
You laid against his chest, his fingers softly washing your body as you sighed and pressed into his touch. Once the water turned lukewarm Rintaro got out first, letting you sit in the water as he dried himself and got into a pair a sweatpants before going back to where you were. Grabbing a fluffy towel, he picked you up before setting you on your feet so he could dry you off.
gently guiding you back to your bedroom, he placed you on the small couch in your shared bedroom before handing you one of his sweater. you slid into the sweatshirt before he picked you up, laying you on the bed as he pulled the covers over you."rin," you said softly in confusion as you watched the male move, "i'm gonna wipe the couch, and then i'll be in bed with you," he explained before giving you a quick peck on your forehead. You watched as your dark haired boyfriend left the room to grab a towel. Yawning you nuzzled yourself into the warm sheets, before closing your eyes.
By the time Rintaro got back to bed you were already fast asleep with a small smile on your face. Rintaro crawled into bed, pressing a kiss against your forehead before laying down next to you as you turned to cuddle into his chest. He stretched his long arm over to turn off the lamp light before pressing another kiss to your forehead. He whispered a small 'i love you,' before closing his eyes and resting with you.
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© all content belongs to simpsama 2021, do not repost or change
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wasabiholland · 3 years
if you dont mind me asking, and you really dont have to explain anything to me if u dont feel like it but i just dont see everything that goes on with the girls, but what were u referring to when you said recent stuff has left a bad taste in your mouth? i only saw criticism of jesy's fake tan which i totally get
no you’re all good! i’m on mobile rn so i don’t think i can do the read more break but I'll try (update now im on my laptop so I can do the read more break + add more than 10 photos)
the first thing is the fact that 3/4 of the girls went travelling during a worldwide pandemic which is just...................... stupidity, not just for the fact that they themselves could get sick but they could get others sick too and it’s likeeeeeee so irresponsible
perrie went to Ibiza with Alex, Friends, + their partners
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leigh-anne got paid to go to Greece with Andre by a magazine at the start of August
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then went to Ibiza for her friends hen do in the middle of August
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and then came back to england for work (eyes on the sunrise where she had to call in from home with perrie because they had been travelling) aaaaand then went back to greece for a trip with her sisters at the end of august
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& jade went to Venice with Jordan at the end of august
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like just because you CAN travel during a pandemic where there have been 1.23M deaths worldwide, doesn’t necessarily mean you should. it was just all really irresponsible & tonedeaf & stupid of them, you know?
2. Recently jade did an interview with Rupaul where she said that her boyfriend “loves being q**** and feminine” and.... its inappropriate of her to use that word because it is a slur that's being slowly reclaimed but its still used as such an insult against the LGBT+ community. when mixers who are actually members of the community called her out for it and asked for an apology or a sense of remorse & newfound knowledge... in true Little Mix fashion... she just deleted the comments. when mixers reached out to their ex head dance captain & really tight friend of the girls he basically “she knows what she said and she meant it” which... does not make it any better at all.. in fact that makes it worse 
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reminder that she said that about her cishet boyfriend because he was in drag for a movie role...... I don't think theres ever going to be an address for this one despite how many fans express their disappointment & hurt. 
3. i feel like just while we’re here we should talk about jesy’s tan.
it’s been an issue for a while and its been called out so many damn times yet nothing has changed over the years but when people would call it out the cupcakes would come in their forces and talk all that shit about how she can do what she wants with her body which is just.................. objectively no. heres the link to a really good twitter thread to read up on & it makes an excellent point that when Jesy was promoting her prestigious, professional documentary she wasn't nearly as dark as she usually is in public appearances
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compared to the extreme tan she's been called out for time & time again, even in Little Mix’s latest music video (debuting on 23rd Oct 2020) 
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and that's not even compared to leigh
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just look at these photos of jesy next to leigh in glam & not in glam
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when the lady who does her tan was messaged about it- this was her response
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reminder, Jesy is a WHITE woman and as of 6 Nov 2020 she still has her tags on instagram turned off so no one can tag her in anything (in the past she's just had her tags hidden so no one could see her recent tags but now they're turned off completely) 
and I don't think the below needs an explanation from me on why is unacceptable but here's an article on it written by a woman of colour
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there's just no.... words. 
theres also the video that jesy posted to her own instagram story of her friend singing the N word & on the same night singing R- Kelly. When called out repeatedly because of it all she did was ignore it & delete her instagram comments that mentioned it. (I can't find the video of it rn but I'll reblog with it when I find it)
I genuinely like... don't support her after all this shit and all people wanted was an apology and changed behaviour but time has shown that that is just too hard for jesy to do and no matter how many times she fucks up & get called out, she doesn't learn. which is sad because as talented as she is, I personally don't feel like I want to contribute to her having a platform if all she's gonna do is be ignorant, stupid and embarrassing. 
There are so many other think pieces/ threads on twitter of other problematic things they've done in their past.. ie having a whole tour aesthetic revolving around Native American culture, culture appropriation, etc. 
So yeah that's what I meant by ‘bad taste in my mouth’. maybe I just am bad at separating the art from the artist but their purposeful ignorance (and you know its on purpose that they're staying silent because they still actively delete comments and their associates speak on their behalf & make it worse) is embarrassing and just reflects badly on them & really makes me not want to support the music or them. 
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cat-sapphics · 2 years
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okay, so after being blocked and with tumblr’s ridiculous dumb feature that doesn’t allow you to reblog Your Own Post if the OP has you blocked, i’m gonna be rewriting a reply to @fakeboism regardless of whether or not they see it or care because i just like to debate and because this response is infuriatingly misinformed. [link to original referenced post in question]
firstly - what the fuck does “an alternative ADHD diagnosis has become and equivalent to the ‘r’ slur” even mean? you make it so painfully clear that you do not consider the ‘r’ slur to be that serious of a topic, which further proves my point that allistic ADHDers do not understand what they are talking about when they choose to not only participate in autistic discourse, but also speak over us.
secondly - you obviously did not read my post as you missed the entire point, alongside where i in fact agreed that ADHDers face hardships and ableism of their own without claiming that they had it easy. what i said was, allistic ADHDers are not treated as subhuman and cruelly tortured. it’s like claiming that white lgbts and lgbts of color have the exact same levels of difficulty when it comes to oppression because “we’re all lgbt” when that’s just not the case. oppression is unfortunately not distributed equally, which isn’t to say that those with more privilege do not struggle or have valid experiences, but rather that sometimes other subcategories within minority groups just have it harder. i don’t know why you can’t accept that unless you’re looking for oppression points and reasons to play the victim card just because you want to say a slur so bad.
my exact words were: “people who truly cannot understand how severe the ableism autistics face is beyond ‘ugh can you just sit still?!’ or ‘girls can’t have ADHD!’” and “ADHDers having a hard time with education and executive dysfunction face hardships, no denying of that, but they do not face anywhere near to the same degree of cruelty that autistic children do for the sake of being autistic.” i do truly apologize if the first quote was easily read as reducing ADHD to its stereotypes, but i was trying to make an example point. but said stereotypes leading to dismissal of resources & services are, although frustrating and downright ableist, livable. you are not *physically punished* for having ADHD on a larger scale by the general, widely-accepted neurotypical community that holds authority. you may be individually abused, but that is not a universal experience across the ADHD community on a large scale.
i want to reiterate that i am both autistic AND i have ADHD. however, something i did not mention in my post was that i was diagnosed with ADHD first, and only about a single year of my 16 years believing i was allistic was spent being diagnosed with ADHD only out of the two. in addition to that, i want to reiterate that that was the time period i spent arguing weightlessly that allistic ADHDers have a right to reclaim the ‘r’ slur. i understand that these experiences are my own, but i hope that they provide some sort of empathetic background as to me understanding what your argument is in the first place in addition to why it’s wrong.
i figure that you will not see this, or if you do, you will not care. but i made a response to state my frustration with your lack of understanding towards both what i said and what i truly meant by it in between the lines, especially with your claim that, if i am reading correctly, a diagnosis of ADHD is an “’r’ slur death sentence” when that makes no sense. when ADHDers are called mentally r*t*rded for executive dysfunction, rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD), and the like on a large universal scale, then it will become your slur to reclaim. a straight trans person being called a f*gg*t and a light-skinned hispanic person being called a [’n’ slur] doesn’t mean they get to reclaim mentioned slurs, even though they are somewhat related to the targets. same goes for us. you are our cousins, but i’m not gonna sit here and fucking lie to you about y’all suffering as much as autistics to validate your feelings.
i held my tongue for this last time, but i’m gonna say it now: this is what we mean when we say allistic ADHDers can be so incredibly ableist towards autistics, even if they don’t mean to. and it hurts because y’all should be able to understand us better than neurotypicals do.
you are twisting my words into something i did not say about y’all and you are turning it into something completely black-and-white when it’s not. calling you out on your offensive usage of “reclaiming” the ‘r’ slur when many autistic and physically disabled people want nobody to be saying it in the first place anyway, including ourselves (as the only “reclaiming” we see is it being a name to call others), is not ableism towards allistic ADHDers. please get over yourself.
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page-doctor-bekker · 3 years
I n f o
Previously: mydisabledworld, doctorrhodesmd
Hey! So, I don't really like listing a million things on a DNI, because 99% of the time the people who you list on your DNI won't listen... I'm not going to waste time listing people who I don't think will listen. So please keep in mind that if someone is not listed here, that doesn't mean I support them. It's also really hard for me to remember to list everyone.
Also, I write both mlm and wlw and I refuse to listen to accusations of me "fetishizing" either, especially when I don't even write nsfw for either.
Anti-BLM, Trump supporter, anti-vaxx, anti-mask
Use the r slur untagged (regardless of if you can reclaim it, PLEASE tag use of it), anti endogenic systems, anti educated self diagnosis
Transmedicalist, anti neopronouns, anti xenogenders, non-binary skeptic, TERF, SWERF
Over 25 or under 14 if I don't interact with you first
not rlly a dni but don't try to talk to me abt chicago pd/other cop shows i fucking hate cops and refuse to watch propaganda (if you like pd idc i just don't like it lmao. not my cup of tea. enjoy if you want!)
HEY BESTIES I USE THE T SLUR (tr*nny) AND THE F SLUR (f*ggot + variations) but i definitely tag them as #t slur tw and #f slur tw respectively :) if you have a problem w that dni.
and also i use the block button very liberally. if you're harassing me or my mutuals you will receive the block faster than you can say "executive producer dick wolf"
AUs, Masterlists, etc
transfemme!sarah au (reesker)
roommates with benefits au (rhodestead)
reesker on ice (reesker)
superstar!au (reesker)
mbsp!au (reesker, eventually)
Prompt lists I like
For prompt requests, you can request a three sentence fic, a specific pairing (rn i’ll only write rhodestead and reesker, sorry), a specific au (which i may deny if it doesn’t fit, but i’ll still write you a fic), etc. Please quote the prompt word for word, even if they’re numbered. Due to the nature of the link, I may not always know which list you’re referring to.
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gabesapwhoreta · 3 years
ok you’re definitely white. they said the n word hard r multiple times (and defended it) and have a song called “i want to be black” talking abt how it sucks being white and black people are privileged if that isn’t racist i don’t fucking know what is
okay i'm gonna go thru this piece by piece because there's a lot to unpack - i'm gonna focus mostly on jimmy, as well, as he's the primary songwriter.
1) i'm not white. not being black is not the same thing as being white. other poc exist. i am osage.
2) yeah, in 1997, as part of a skit where he also said every other slur he could think of. he ends it with "You almost punched me out didn't ya? Well, l was trying to make a point, and that it's the suppression of the word that gives it the power, the violence, the viciousness." Again - this was in 1997. Long before social media. I can promise you MSI were far from the only band on the NYC punk scene saying the same thing, and it was a sentiment shared by plenty of POC on the scene as well - including lots of young POC who were reclaiming their slurs and facing a lot of criticism from older POC for doing so.
3) they do have a song called i want to be black. it doesn't talk about how it sucks being white or how black people are privileged. these are some of the lyrics:
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it's satire written from the perspective of an over-the-top asshole, just like every single other MSI song. really obviously satire - "please let me in to your club"? come on, please use some critical thinking.
some other choice lyrics from this album, so you can get a feel for the general tone here:
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4) out of every single musician i blog about here, jimmy urine is by far the most politically outspoken. he's far-left. when the BLM riots were happening all over last year, racial injustice was practically the only thing he talked about. just look at his instagram for 30 seconds - he's definitely a lot more involved than any of the members of MCR ever have been.
should he have said the n-word so much in the late 90s/early 2000s? probably not. but, call me nuts, i don't think we should crucify someone so vehemently anti-racist for questionable decisions they made twenty years ago
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ixnova · 3 years
I don’t get discourse and politics over some slurs and words, for example I know a lot of Americans don’t like the r slur, and It’s understandable WHY because it was used to degrade mentally ill ppl/autistic people, but for example, In my culture and province the term is still very much common place and used as an “insult” but the kicker is no one dare uses it as an insult to mentally ill or autistic people. Here we use it freely when someone is being completely pyscho or doing something crazy or stupid, like you know KARENS? Yeah, we’d use the r slur for a Karen.  I don’t get why ppl get so offended at the usage of the world when it’s not even being used that way, and is instead directed at a different meaning/group entirely. Like cultural differences exist, just because I call Karens the R slur doesn’t mean I hate or am discriminating against autistic ppl. Actually ppl on the spectrum will use it themselves against ppl like Karens freaking out at them for being autistic.  I don’t understand the policing, and I have thoughts an opinions on the non-hard r n-word too but apparently because I’m white I should be hanged for having said opinions even though its like “hard R is a slur, do not use it, lets bring back proper respectable usage of the original word, which translates from their language to mean “my brother/friend”.” I think we need more open and honest conversations about things like this without people who are “opressed” screaming and getting angry and saying we can’t even hold the conversation in the first place becaues its “desrespectful” if you don’t talk about it ppl will forget the rules and start or keep using it as a slur like come the fuck on grow up a bit. And it also feels like every other day a new word is being called a slur now because of how Americans use it vs what it meant to mean back in the day. Don’t get me started on how Queer is a slur to some people and then “reclaimed” by others, IMO we should still be allowed to use it as a WORD like back in the old textbooks and such, “How Queer” was used to say “how strange/interesting/different!” I don’t see that as a bad thing, nor is it using a slur when you say “Wow, that new ice cream flavor is queer.” And apparently I’m ALLOWED to have this debate bc I’m bisexual now but back when I was “straight” people would shoot me on sight for even suggesting looking at things logically like that... I’m so done with people. It’s a good thing I’m not famous bc I’d be cancelled every week bc at this point its just like “I don’t care” which ppl will take as offensive and say I hate all minorities or something lol.
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tac-confessions · 3 years
K lemme clear some stuff up since some of you cant read, and yes im gunna be aggressive as hell in this because none of you listen
First few things, i am not suicidal, i did not say i was going to off myself, i do not know who that anon was but because of everyone saying that anon was me, that anon is not getting the help they deserve from you people so maybe instead of looking for another petty reason to justify your actions against me, think for a second how ignorant your actions are to someone who is legitimately struggling with life right now. How do you think that anon feels? To have posted that as an attempt to seek help or something or to vent, and then see everyone going “omg vlixxie did this to guilt trip deku!!1!” Yeah, please use your brains thank you
To clarify, what i said was that i have struggled with suicidal thoughts and tendancies in the past, im getting help and im getting better, but i still struggle with heavy depression, i did not intend for this to be a guit trip, i realized how aggressive i was towards deku and i attempted to explain why i got so angry at them, receiving vivid violence threats like that really can trigger memories of when i was struggling with life, it can trigger a lot of dissociation and anger and hard shit to deal with, please do not take my words out of context if your going to go off on me for that, no one likes a hypocrite
K second thing, can you FUCK OFF with the ableist autism comments what the actual fuck is wrong with you anons. Seriously? You think people are defending me because im uwu autistic cant do shit? Yeah i have autism, yeah its a disorder thats hard af to deal with, but you know what? I fucking deal with it because life doesnt go soft on you because yoy have more trouble navigating it. I know how to control myself, i know how to form words, i can function as a human being and implying that i cant and that thats the only reason people are defending me is sickening and dehumanizing. Stop minimalizing me and the autistic community as a fucking whole just because you want reasons for me to be at fault
Next point, the slurs, oh the slurs, deku used the R slur against me. Deku did not know i was autistic, i did not ever expect them to have known that as i didnt tell them so i’d appreciate it if you dropped that whole “how could deku know!!” Im not mad because deku used a specific slur against autistic people against me. Im mad because deku used a slur as an insult. As i have been informed, deku also has some kind of disorder, but thats none of my business so i wont ask. The point is, deku has a disorder so in technicality he is likely eligable to reclaim the R slur. The issue with how deku used the slur was they used it as an insult, thats not how reclaiming works, reclaiming a slur is a process used by the minority to slowly take the edge away, to take away its power, so it cant be used against them anymore. When you “reclaim” a slur by using it as an insult, your giving it more power, your using it to descriminate, your doing literally the oposite of reclaiming. So dont come at me with the “deku can use the slur” because while thats true, using a slur to belittle or insult someone takes away any rights you might have and makes you just as discriminatory as anyone else using a slur as an insult
My triggers, so as i gave mentioned in this and as i have mentioned in notes and past posts, violence indicators and threats in general are pretty triggering for me, i dont know why ya’ll started saying “how could deku know??” Because i never said i expected them to know, newsflash, i really dont. Im not open about most of my triggers because most are centered around trauma or are embarrassing to talk about, ya’ll think i wanna be out here talking about how i used to wanna off myself? Ya’ll think im enjoying that? Nah not one bit i’d rather shut my damn mouth on that but it’d just give you people yet another reason to come at me so here we are. Deku did not know those two things would especially set me off, but the fact of the matter is that deku used a slur against me, and deku threatened me. Wether those two things are triggers for me or not they’re disgusting behavior and sick. The reason i brought up the triggers was like i said earlier, to try and explain why i got so aggressive at deku in addition to the original nature of the threats and insults
I legitimately dont know what “evidence” ya’ll have against me but your claiming you got screenshots of me doing/saying something that apparently warrants you to attack me, before ya’ll start sending those screens out like u claim your gunna do, maybe you should dm me and ask for my side, instead of furthering the one sided nature of this shitshow. I do have beef with endo rn, i have had beef with endo for a while now, but i kept it all in private, i didnt say anyting, i vented to my friends a few times because it was stressful as fuck and it was eating me up inside, i gave them screenshots when they asked but i literally never took this public. So before you try to attack me for “publicly” shaming endo, maybe consider that you are literally the people who made this a public affair and literally publicly shamed *me* for nothing
You had no reason to make this public, you had no reason to attack me, you’re grasping at straws trying to find a way to justify your actions, your trying to use me as a scape goat to take the blame off you, but you know what? I own up to my actions, i apologize when necessary, i genuinely want to better myself when i fuck up. And i dont use my mental health or my disorders as a sheild, i explain them when it’s necessary to the situation so dont twist that against me because it’ll only make you more of an asshole
Finally, people arent defending me because i have autism, people arent defending me because im “helpless” people are not defending me because i cant control myself or for any reason your describing, people are defending me because someone blatantly publicly threatened me with no basis and continued to harrass me and bully me into submission. To keep saying people are defending me because i have autism is not only offensive to me as a person with autism, its offensive to the whole ass community, we can take care of ourselves, just because we’re different doesnt mean you can pick our strengths and weaknesses apart and force an identity upon us
So before you make another post trying to further pin everything on me and make more shitty comments against me to justify yourself, consider that maybe you actually fucked up
And for the record, you keep saying i fucked up and im deflecting and i got called out, no one has told me how i fucked up, no one has told me why i apparently deserve this, so how the fuck do you expect me to apologize for actions i did that you wont tell me about. I cant apologize for things i didnt know offended or hurt you, not unless you downright tell me that it hurt you, im not a mind reader, and publicly shaming me isnt going to change that
Thank you.
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hamptercatapult · 3 years
is it really so hard to understand that qu**r is a slur, is still used as a slur, and is triggering to lots of lgbt people, while still being a valid identity for others? is it really worth screaming at a person in dms for tagging "q slur" because thats the word you use to identify yourself? is it worth it to put up a bunch of wikipedia screenshots showing that the word has been reclaimed many times across lgbt history?
because thats not going to change the lived experiences of people who have been called qu**r by bigots and hate to see the word and they have a right to cultivate their online experience for themselves and for others to avoid being triggered. likewise, using it as a label is valid and you have a right to identify however you please. but seriously, it is not hard to understand that even with mainstream "adoption" of the term, people are still uncomfortable with it. it has nothing to do with your own sexuality or personality or gender. its not an expression of dislike towards you, personally, nor your identity. it is a word with multiple coexisting definitions.
so stop acting like tagging "q slur" is a fucking hatecrime
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hi! sorry, i hope this ask doesn't come off as rude or insensitive, but i was wondering why you can reclaim the r slur? the history of it was that it referred to people with an IQ below 70 (though over time it became synonymous with "stupid," which is why it's no longer a medical term and is now considered a slur) so the only people who can reclaim it would be someone with an IQ below 70. the r slur never referred to people with mental illness/disability.
iim...iim autii2tiic? iim very open about iit? iin my about iit 2ay2 "neurodiivergent" ii diidnt put that there for 2hiit2 and giiggle2. the word retard 2tiill apply2 two me and ha2 been u2ed agaiin2t me 2peciifiically. no matter how hard you try thii2 wa2 rude a2 all hell. kiindly FUCK OFF
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