#the other ear is fine thoughh
themmatennant · 7 months
swimmers ear
turns out my ear is actually super infected because of a shit ton of earwax. the nurses had to flush my ears out with warm water like eleven times until the wax was gone enough to even see my eardrum
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
🍂 with anyone you'd like!
Its finally Fall!
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By sudden surprise as Pluck was just about to wake up in the Polisionalle dormitory and exited the elevator of his dorm, Peko stood excited before it.
“Plucky!!! The first leaves have fallen! You have to see this.”
Without even waiting for him to agree she held his hand and dragged him out. To him a wonderfull thing given he could hold her hand for a long time...
Excited she jumped up and down as she saw the piles of leaves and even jumped into one of them and kicked some of them towards Plucky way.
“Want to help me find Chestnuts, I want to build some figures like I did with mom and dad?” She offered him her hand and he took it. “Anything for you Peko sama?”
After a while of looking through the leaves through chestnuts and Pluck protecting Peko from bugs suddenly some chestnuts landed on his head and knocked him out... as he awoke he was in the infirmary and Peko placed a chestnut cat in his hand.
“Here to cheer you up.” Her bright smile nearly cured any pain he had on his head... but it was even worse as she gave him a kiss on the cheek as thank you cause.... it was like he acended heaven and got unconcious again. Peko sighing and hoping this didn’t fully know him out.
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“Miss Mel... i-its cold.”
Given Fabio grew up in his Village where basically only Summer and Spring existed his choice of clothing wasn’t the greatest to experience Autumn with her. Especially cause he was lightly sensitive to the cold... seeing his ears twitch and him squeezing together to keep warm was kinda cute to look at... so she sat down with him on a bench and loosened her scarf, offering it to him.
“H-Here, maybe this will help a little.”
“But then you will freeze, wait I know.”
Fabio took the scarf around the both of them and bound it so both would share it. In all given she sat on his lap he pulled her into a hug to keep her and himself warm... which worked cause both got pretty red and emberassed about it.
“S-sorry maybe it was too weird-”
“N-No its fine... thank you Fabio.”
She hugged him a bit closer and stayed like this for a while, embrace by her big bunny boyfriend who had his ears twitching now out of happiness.
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“Its the best season of the Year.”
Gregory invited Forte and Alto to the harvest Festival in HSA but it was already settled that Greg must be held back at all cost from all the food that they make for the festival... however he was in anticipation about it. Forte tried to get him distracted.
“Hey Greg... would you mind showing me around the attractions? I mean there must be something else than just the food, right?”
“What... ya keep me starving... fine... but only because I love ya babe...”
They both walked arm and arm around the small things the dorms build up, mainly Forte getting interested in some Relinookton outfits while Gregory tried to hold back for her not to sneak off... at least they found a small outside food stand that satisfied him... so the buffet wasn’t that bad in shape when he got there to eat... in the end he could eat the rest other students didn’t manage to eat.
“You really are hard to satisfy in hunger right.”
“Itsh shooo goood thoughh...” He talked with a full mouth but at least he seemed happy.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Soulbonds and Fairy Dust (rewrite)
TITLE: Soulbonds and Fairy Dust (rewrite) CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: 5/?
AUTHOR: nekoamamori ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine one of the fae has been helping the Avengers, jumping in to help them on missions and vanishing before Shield can bring her in.  Loki joins the team and convinces her to come talk to the team and consider joining before Shield takes more drastic measures. RATING: M NOTES/WARNINGS:  This is a rewrite of the original work of the same name.  Also on AO3 here
Loki’s scarlet eyes widened in shock and horror as he tried and failed to bring his Asgardian form back.  He hated seeing the sapphire skin and the markings on his body.  He hated the suddenly colder room.  He hated that he was a monster. 
He couldn’t don his illusions again, no matter how hard he tried, not while she held him in her control.  She was only exerting a tiny piece of her abilities, just a small piece of her control.  It was only a hint of what she could do with his truename.
   She saw his eyes widen when he realized how much control she had, and how much more control she could have if she so chose.  His expression still turned hard when he realized that he couldn’t bring his illusion back, his eyes panicked for a moment before they turned harsh and angry. “Sigyn, enough!” He snapped at her, snarling in rage at what she’d done.  He hated the proof that he was a monster and her cruelty in using it as her example.
Sig snapped her mouth shut and looked down, cringing from his anger.  She’d been expecting it, but still couldn’t help be frightened by the angry powerful male.  She’d had true horrors in her past and had a hard time getting past those.  “I’m sorry,” she said softly, talking to her lap, refusing to look up at him.  “I release you,” she added, just to be safe after she’d released him from her power.  “Your illusion will be back in a minute…” she added softly and hated that she could hear the fear in her own voice. That meant he could hear it too. 
He turned away from her, turning his back to try to hide his true form until the illusion reappeared.  It was no use.  Though Sigyn hated that he seemed so ashamed of his beautiful sapphire skin and the raised runic markings, of his beautiful scarlet eyes.  
This was Loki just as much as his Asgardian illusion was.
“There’s no need to hide,” Sigyn told him just as softly, her voice gentle and loving.  She dared to look up at him while he focused on getting his illusion back. 
It took effort, but he finally managed to summon the illusion back, finally managed to look how he wanted to again.  He turned back to her as soon as he was looking Asgardian again.  He was still glaring and she shrank back from him. “There is a reason I hide behind illusions, Lady,” he told her firmly, anger in his voice and tone, snarling her title.  The way he said it, she knew that was all he was going to say on the matter.
She nodded and looked back down at her lap.  “Sorry,” she said again. She really hadn’t meant to upset him. “You needed to understand the power of names and this was the easiest way to show you…” her voice was soft and afraid.  And she hated how fearful her words were. She hadn’t meant to hurt him.  
He sighed and properly looked at her, past the haze of his anger.  He finally realized he didn’t want to lose his best friend again, especially when he’d just gotten her back again. He took a deep breath, another, before he spoke again. “It’s alright.  I was just surprised.  I did not expect anyone to be able to break my illusion…” he gave her an expectant look to explain herself.
Sig nodded and relaxed slightly, looking up at him again. “It’s part of the power of true-naming.  If a fae with sufficient power knows a being’s true name they can control at least aspects of that being, or completely control them.  Names are dangerous.  True-naming is a rare skill among the fae, so you don’t have to worry, I’m one of the very few who can do it, and none can do it like I can. But that is only a touch of what a fae can do with a being’s real name, ergo why real names aren’t used,” she explained, thoughh she wasn’t sure her explanation was clear.  She were still speaking softly, cautiously, bordering on afraid.  She may have known this man when they were both children, but that was centuries ago and she only barely remembered pieces of it. She really needed to take the time to undo the blocks on her memories. She just needed time to do so. 
Loki nodded along in understanding, figuring out what she meant from her explanation.  “Then I can live with a nickname. I actually like Lokes,” he gave her a reassuring smile. He may not have liked her method, but it had been effective in explaining what she’d meant quickly. 
“I can pick a different one if you’d like,” she offered immediately.  “I just needed one quickly for the outing. I know how it feels to be stuck with a term of address she don’t care for…”
Loki gave her a real smile and shook his head.  “Lokes is fine.  Like I said, I actually like it, especially coming from my old friend.  I’m just not used to having a…kind… nickname.  Thor’s moronic friends weren’t kind with their nicknames and Stark is… well Stark.”  Sig nodded her understanding. She’d gotten the impression already that Loki and Stark hated each other.  And that was enough to make her wary of Stark. “Is there anything else you wish to share?” Loki asked her gently, wanting more information, but not wanting to pressure her. 
 She hesitated, unsure what else he would want or need to know.  “Sorry, I’m not used to anyone taking an interest. Anything else you wanted to know in particular?” she asked in reply.  Fae secrets were secret for a reason, but she would be honest with Loki.
“How long have you been fae?” He asked and she saw the curiosity in his eyes.  He was always desperate to be able to find out answers to any mystery that he came across.  
Some things never changed.
Sigyn had to think that over.  “Well, I’m not entirely fae, but I’ve been like this,” she indicated her pointed ears, tri-colored eyes, and sidhe red hair “Since shortly after they took me.  500 or so years ago?  You seem to remember when that was better than I do at the moment…” When she’d been taken all those years ago, she’d still been a child. Maybe 6 or 7 by Midgardian reckoning of years.   And Loki was older than her by fifty years, she remembered.  She didn’t know how or why she remembered that random fact, but she knew it was true.   Aging among the Asgardians happened in spikes of aging followed by long plateaus. She’d been around 500 when she had been taken.
Loki nodded, thinking over her words.  “The whole kingdom was in an uproar when you vanished. Mother and the Allfather sent out the palace guards to search for you. They would have done it anyway, but it was even more urgent since you were so close to the princes, to me and Thor.  They searched for at least a decade with no leads. I’m so sorry, Sigyn…” he said softly, his eyes and and tone full of centuries of old sorrow.  Tears welled in his eyes, though he refused to let them fall.  
“They wanted you,” she told him softly, her eyes haunted with old memories “or Hammer-brain, but you were more fae like,”
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. That didn’t make any sense.  Though he was royalty, but that didn’t seem like enough of a reason to single him out. “Why me? What could I have possibly offered them?” He asked her, hoping she’d have more insight.  “I was only a child too…Yes, I was a prince, but that couldn’t have been enough of a reason…”
“An alliance between the fae and Asgard?” she suggested with a shrug.  “They didn’t tell me much of their dastardly plans. They were so angry when they realized I wasn’t a princess…” she told him, remembering their anger, their hate.  Those memories she hadn’t been able to block out.  She’d saved her family, but hadn’t been able to save herself her own pain. 
“You were basically royalty, just not officially. I doubt that Mother or the Allfather would have given into the fae even if they had taken me. Especially the Allfather,” she noted that he didn’t call Odin ‘father’ anymore and she wondered what happened to cause the rift. She’d missed a lot while she was gone. 
 “They didn’t think Hammer-brain would take to the magic or transition.  You and I, on the other hand, already had magic, since your mother was teaching us. Like I said, they didn’t exactly share their plans with me;  I’ve only put together a few bits and pieces over the years…” she explained as best she could.
He nodded, accepting her story.  It made sense that they wanted mages, which would make Thor useless for their plans. “I’ll have to let mother know. It could be important. Do you know why the fae wish for an alliance with Asgard?”
 “The Asgardians are one of the long-lived races.  And the seidr is compatible with fae magic.  The fae aren’t… dying out necessarily, but they aren’t having nearly enough children and the children they are having are with the Midgardians, since the Allfather won’t let them into his realm and it’s hard for them to get into the realms with the other long-lived races as well. The children with the Midgardians aren’t immortal and their magic is weak at best. They think the chances will be better to strengthen both the fae and the Asgardians with an alliance,” she spoke quickly, trying to get all the ideas she’d been able to gather out of her mouth in a coherent thought.  She wasn’t entirely convinced she was being coherent.
Somehow, Loki kept up, nodding along in understanding.  “I’m so sorry about what happened to you. It should not have.  I wish…I wish we had done a better job protecting you.  You were ours to defend, and we failed you,”
“Lokes, we were children!  It wasn’t you fault. We were just kids. And I’ve made it out of Underhill now…” she tried to reassure him.  All she wanted to do was cross the distance between them and pull him into a hug, but she knew instinctively that he wouldn’t appreciate it. 
“I know. I just wish I could have done more to help you. Or at least let them take me over you!  They should have taken me!” He sounded so frustrated and helpless and she knew he’d been chewing himself out over it for centuries.  He was a prince and a warrior.  It was his job to defend those in his care.
“No, Loki,” she had a slight hesitation over using his name, but customs were different here and she’d seen how he didn’t care for nicknames.  This conversation needed his real name.  “You would have fared worse there than I did, and I would not have wished that on anyone,”
“What exactly happened to you in Underhill?” His voice was full of heartbreak at her tone, her words, the past he was gleaning that she’d had.
“A lot of awful things. The fae are not kind to those who aren’t fae.  It’s only possible to gain power there by having powerful friends or being strong enough or beautiful enough to gain power other ways.  So even though I was part of the seelie court, it wasn’t safe. I told you that no one goes by their real names, everyone has monickers.  Mine was ‘mongrel’.  So believe me when I say that you would have fared worse, Prince,” she told him.  His title also counted as a nickname in her book and wouldn’t offend him.  She wasn’t saying it out of cruelty, but to emphasize the seriousness of the conversation.
His expression still looked haunted, but he nodded, forced to accept her words. “My brother and I, along with this team, will do all we can to keep you safe. You have my word, Sigyn,” he told her firmly. He sounded determined to keep her safe this time.  He wouldn’t lose his best friend again. 
Sigyn gave him a small, warm smile.  “I’m not exactly helpless,” she reminded him as her smile turned to a smirk that so very mirrored his usual one.
He grinned back at her, feeling like old times and familiar footing.  “I’m aware. You were trained by my mother. It would be an insult to her if I said she did not have the power to defend herself, or train others to do so,”
Sigyn giggled.  It was a sound she hadn’t heard herself make in centuries and was wonderful and melodic. Loki relaxed at the sight and sound of a happy Sigyn.  “And no one would dare insult Mama Frigga,” she agreed, her old form of address for the Queen of Asgard falling off her tongue automatically and it sounded perfect and like it was still correct.
His smile widened to a true smile, a smile she remembered on a much younger Loki.  “Very true,” he agreed warmly and she recognized the expression he wore when he thought of his beloved Mama.  “Very true indeed,”
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headoverjojo · 5 years
if you haven't written that yet, could i get a scenario or headcanons (whatever you like!!) of bruno's s/o taking a nearly fatal hit for him?? i mean, if you feel extra angsty it can be fatal haha, but bittersweet is always the best--! take your time thoughh!!
Hello theeeere, honey!! Ok, I tried to do sum angst with a real bitter end, but then my last braincell bitchslapped me, declared a loud “NO” and I’m so happy it did it! So here we go with the bittersweet version~
Bruno Bucciarati’s s/o taking a nearly fatal hit for him
(Under the cut for lenght and mention of blood and wounds!)
You immediately came to Bruno’s office, when he called you. You knew that he wouldn’t ever called you, during work, just to see you, even if you were lovers since so much time. No, he called you just when he had a mission to give.
So, you entered and, as you expected, Bruno was focused on a folder. His eyes darted on you, warming up a little, and he passed you another folder. You browsed it, frowning while you read the names of the targets. A rival gang… it seemed hard.
“I’ll take you with me. Your stand could be really useful.” he said, getting up and laying the folder on his desk. You finished to study your copy, before placing it near his one, nodding. You haven’t go on mission with him since he became Caporegime, so it was a nice news. You knew really well the other’s fighting style, so you two usually formed a kick-ass duo that always managed to accomplish every single mission. This time wouldn’t be different.
“Are you nervous?” he asked, while you were in the car. You shook your head, relaxing on the seat, almost lulled by his smooth driving. You had to relax, before a mission, always, or you couldn’t be at your best. You had to be relaxed and focused.
“Not really. We’re together, so I’ve got you to cover my back. It’s… nice to be out with you again.” you said, with a small smile, lightly squeezing his hand on the gear shift. He smiled at you too, gently squeezing your hand back, before focusing again on the street.
“According to our informers, our targets usually meet in this abandoned warehouse, to sort out drugs. Three of them are stand users, the fourth is standless, so it should be easier to kill him. We’re going to attack as always, first me with Sticky Fingers, then you with your stand, ok?” he summed up, while you nodded. You knew too well this little habit of his: repeating the plan was something that calmed him down, that gave him security. He always did it, even if, sometimes, it could be a bit annoying.
“It will all go well, Bruno.” you softly said, patting his hand. He smiled at you, a bit tense, before stopping the car and turning the engine off. His hand grasped yours and he gently pulled you in a good luck kiss, caressing your cheek with his free fingers.
“I know.” he murmured, before getting out of the car, closely followed by you. You moved silent as shadows, crawling inside the signaled warehouse. You heard voices that confirmed that your informer was right: the rival gang really sorted up the drug here.
You peaked from your hiding spot, locating the enemies. One near the packages of drug, two near a pillar, the last one was smoking at safe distance from the drug. It wouldn’t have been difficult to deal with them.
You exchanged a meaningful look and a nod with Bruno, before he crawled near the man who was smoking. Suddenly, fast a light, Bruno jumped out, calling Sticky Fingers out and charging the man who even hadn’t the time to react and call his stand before Sticky Fingers punched him with a fast series of punches, screaming his iconic “Ariariariariari!” and, finally, opening so many zippers on him to literally reduce the man in pieces.
It all lasted not even a minute.
When the other two charged for Bruno, you jumped out as well, assaulting the one nearer to you. The surprise effect worked again: you ended the man in a matter of minutes.
When you lifted your gaze, Bruno was already fighting with the third enemy, dodging his hits and charging with powerful and precise punches, cornering him more and more. The other could do little to nothing against the Caporegime’s experience and ability, slowly succumbing to him.
But Bruno had just two eyes: he didn’t see the only one left crawling behind him, calling out a stand that he shouldn’t have had, cowardly charging him from behind…
You threw yourself even before you fully registered what was happening. The enemy stand hit you hard, piercing your torso, digging a deep, deep cut that slashed it diagonally from your hip to your shoulder, immediately matched on your stand. You, however, resisted, you refused to faint on spot, to die: you had to protect Bruno’s back, as he did before for you so many times, you were his partner, it was your duty…
In a daze, you saw Sticky Fingers near your own stand, finishing the man with a unusual and feral brutality. His battle cry was even sharper and angrier than usual, or, at least, it seemed so to you, but your ears were full of a low buzz, it was so annoying…
Your knees gave up and you fell, or, better, Bruno catched you in time. You felt his warm arms embracing you tight, his hands desperately trying to stop the blood that was staining your clothes and was dripping on the floor in a red pool under you. You tried to keep your eyes open, but you were so tired…
“Ehi, Y/N, ehi!! Don’t close your eyes, ok? Keep them open, like that, good… you’re strong, ok? You’ll make it, you’ll live. I know you will. Hold on, ok? Hold on, please, hold on!!” Bruno’s voice wasn’t the usual calm velvet that you liked so much, but it was broken, high pitched, desperate. You just wanted to hold him and tell him it was all ok, that you were ok, but your arms were so heavy and your head was spinning so fast…
“I’m ok, Bruno, it’s ok…” you managed to murmur, feeling dizzy and light. You didn’t even feel pain anymore…
He pressed his forehead on yours, still trying to keep you awake. Even if he had zipped your wound, you had already lost too much blood. You were so pale and weak, your breath so thin and labored, you were like a candle about to burn out…
“Please stay with me. Please, don’t leave me, hold on, you’ll be fine, Giorno will heal you…” he said, brokenly, keeping you tight on his chest. You felt some droplets fall on your cheeks and, with a big effort, you unclosed a bit your eyes, seeing, even if blurringly, his oh so blue eyes full of tears that were falling on your face.
You’ve never seen him cry, never, in many years.
“You’ll be fine, Y/N, just hold on a little more…” you felt yourself fall behind, in the dark recesses of your mind. You wanted to tell him you were sorry, that you really wanted to hold on, really, but you were so tired, you wanted to nap a little, could he wake you up, if needed? Oh, and you wanted to tell him you loved him, you loved him so much, even if you never managed to tell him those exact words, always thinking that you had all the time of the world, but time seemed to have come to an end…
Your eyes closed, as your breath slowed down, thinner and thinner. Your limbs even didn’t feel heavy anymore, you just felt so light, carried away by waves of placid darkness…
“I think I’ll sleep.” you managed to murmur, while your head plopped onto his chest. Bruno shook your limp form, his panic more and more evident and overwhelming.
“Y/N? Y/N?! Don’t close your eyes, Y/N, please, PLEASE!” you heard him scream, before darkness finally enveloped you, tearing you away from the useless pain of earthly world.
A faint, annoying bip disturbed you, making you frown lightly. What the hell was it…?
You groggily opened your eyes, feeling tired to the bones. Was your body always so heavy? You felt like you were knocked down by at least a hundred of cars, it was terrible…
“Y/N?” an incredulous whisper introduced itself between your bones’ pops and the annoying bips. You searched for the whisper’s source, faintly smiling when you finally met Bruno’s form, slumped on a chair near your bed. His eyes were dry, but still red and a bit puffy; dark circles marked his eyes and, in general, he seemed almost as tired as you. He seemed not to have slept for days.
“Bruno…” you murmured, your voice weak and broken. He immediately rushed at your side, squeezing your hand and frantically kissing your forehead and your cheeks, relieved beyond imagination.
“You’re finally awake, oh god, you’re awake…” he murmured, like a mantra, keeping you as close as all the flebo tubes in your arm allowed him to do so. You relied in his familiar warmth, laying your head on his shoulder, feeling at ease, at home. Even your body hurt less, now.
“I’m sorry I took so much time.” you replied, your voice muffled by the fabric of his jacket. He shook his head, keeping you safe and warm in his arms, like he didn’t want to leave you anymore.
“Don’t worry, you… you now have just to think about getting better, ok? It’ll go all well, you’ll be out of this place in days…” he said, bringing your hand to his face and kissing it, reverently, pressing his forehead on your palm. You softly passed your finger in his dark locks, massaging his scalp, with a little smile.
“I love you, Bruno, Thank you for staying here with me.” you whispered, while he watched you with amazement. It was the first time you said him that you loved him…
He gave you a watery smile, getting up to gently kiss you, caressing your cheek.
“I love you too, Y/N, even if you were so reckless. I can’t bear the thought of losing you.” he murmured, with a quiet yet vibrant voice. Those must have been terrible days, you realized, for him, sitting at your side, not knowing if you ever would wake up…
“Now rest, tesoro mio. I’ll be here.” he invited you, gently, sitting at your side and gently squeezing your hand, interweaving his fingers with yours. You smiled again, closing your eyes, with a tired sigh, slowly drifting away. This time, however, you were sure you were not going anywhere: Bruno’s warm hand was your light to always come back home.
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btsreactionz-blog · 7 years
Reaction #10: His reaction to his s/o being overweight/chubby
SeokJin (Genie):
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Jin wouldn’t focus on your weight because all he sees is the love he has for you. Since Jin likes to cook a lot, if you were ever insecure about your weight and skipped meals because of it, he would be so hurt. All he wants you to know is that you don’t need to be skinny to be beautiful and that starving yourself regardless isn’t healthy.
“You’re beautiful princess and I adore you regardless of your weight.”
Yoongi (Yeon Ki Min):
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Yoongi never really even focused on the appearance of his S/O and all he cares about is how he vibes with his S/O and whether they share interests or not. If you are insecure about your weight, he would mention how your weight was never even a bother to him and to not focus on it because you’re gorgeous the way you are. Also if you’re ever getting hate about your weight, Yoongi of course will easily come to your defense and show them who’s boss. “Hey, why don’t we show these brainless morons how gorgeous my girlfriend/boyfriend is.” as he takes many pictures with you just to show off how beautiful you are.
Hoseok (J-Dope):
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This boy wouldn’t even focus on your weight at all and would love every part of you. All he ever wants is for his s/o to be happy and not feel insecure about him/herself. He is such a positive person so seeing you like that breaks his heart. If you were ever insecure, he would immediately try to cheer you up. He would compliment you on everything he loved about you, including your size and how beautiful you are to him. He would also let you try and get over these negative thoughts and feelings for a little while before he immediately tries to take your mind off of it with whether it be him doing a silly dance, him forcing you to do a silly dance with him or him just acting like his sunshine self which always cheers you up. 
“Ah, my heart can’t take it because you’re so beautiful.” as he starts to put his hand over his heart and act dramatic which makes you laugh.
Namjoon (Monie):
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Namjoon would LOVE his s/o’s curves and would not mind AT ALL. This just gave him a reason to hold onto you more and he enjoyed every minute of snuggling against you or any other form of skinship. He would always throw compliments out on you like “You look gorgeous today babe.” or “That dress/outfit fits you so well.”, etc. If you were insecure he would make sure you are informed of how beautiful you are and wants you to love yourself.
*Takes your hand and puts you in front of a mirror* “You know who I see standing there? A beautiful girl/boy.”
Jimin (Christian Chim Chim):
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Jimin would find his S/O adorable and gorgeous regardless of his/her weight. If you ever felt insecure, he would feel down. In fact, if you ever felt down he would try to lift your spirits by complimenting you more and he would feel bad because feels like he wasn’t complimenting you enough, but that isn’t the case. The last thing he wants is for someone to feel insecure, especially the person he loves. Since he dealt with the same thing himself he knows the hardships of dealing with being insecure (poor little Jiminie :( he’s so handsome thoughh). He would tell you how beautiful and adorable he found you. He would also tell you how much he appreciates you and that your size doesn’t affect your beauty. He would then hold onto you and nuzzle his face into your neck and then whisper sweet nothings in your ear
“Please don’t be sad babe, you will forever be beautiful to me, I love you.”
Taehyung (Jack): 
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Taehyung would LOVE every part of you and would continuously tell you that. He wouldn’t even focus on your weight and just loves and appreciates you so much. He would always call you cute, beautiful, any pet name in the book and he loves it. If you felt insecure about yourself, poor Taetae would feel so heartbroken and immediately comes to comfort you by hugging you so close and not letting you go. Once again, he would reassure you that you’re stunning just the way you are. He would attack you with kisses and skinship to cheer you up.
“This just means that there is more of you to love, and i’m perfectly fine with that!”
Jungkook (Justin Seagull):
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When it comes to Kookie, when he’s in love with someone, every thought about weight and appearance leave his mind. So as for focusing on their weight, he wouldn’t care about it because he knows now that beauty has different shapes, sizes and colors, and he adores the mere thought of that. If you felt insecure, he would try to reassure you how lovely you are. If his s/o was focusing on his crush on IU and would compare themselves to her, he would reassure you that once you came into his life, the only person he fell for and continues to fall for is you.
“Please y/n I want you to know how lovely you look, especially to me.”
A/N: Aww I adored this request and making it for you beautiful people! Furthermore, I do not own this gif and credit to those who do!
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