#the only part that got me a little bit confused is steve and nancy but tbh I'm not against this couple at all
dramaism · 2 years
the 'running up that hill' scene might be the best scene in the all 4 seasons of stranger things
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artiststarme · 5 months
Part 1 of a new thing I’m working on. It only gets juicier from here! I hope you guys enjoy it and if you have any name ideas, please send them my way.
Steve was confused most of the time, everyone knew it. Especially since his run-ins with the Upside Down, he never had any idea what was happening. From not sensing the obvious when everyone else grabbed a flashlight to missing blatant social cues, it wasn’t unusual for something to go over his head. And yet, sitting on the little Byers’ floor of his bedroom while Will paced around in front of him, ranting to the air, was the most befuddled Steve had ever been.
Of all of the kids, Steve was never very close to Will. He was the shyest of all the kids and he didn’t seem to need an older role model like Dustin or Max did. He already had Jonathan and his mom, two people that would risk their lives to save him so he never really needed Steve. Don’t get him wrong, Steve loved the kid. He just didn’t have a bond with him the same way he did with the other kids. Nonetheless, when Will asked him for a quick word as Mrs. Byers spoke to El and Jonathan said his goodbyes to Nancy, Steve followed him to his bare room without complaint. He didn’t know what he expected, maybe some advice about girls or hobbies or maybe just Will asking him to look out for the other kids. Something expected, something mundane. But that’s not what Steve received.
Will stopped stalking back and forth, took a deep breath and said, “I’m gay.”
He cringed as he said the words, immediately losing his confidence and breaking eye contact with Steve. And Steve just blinked.
“Okay… Is that all?”
He didn’t really know how to answer that. It didn’t really matter to him if Will liked other dudes and it certainly didn’t change the way he saw the kid. It was still confusing that Will was choosing to tell HIM of all people, he had no idea what about him made everyone want to come out to him with Will being the second person to do so in as many days. But regardless, there was nothing that the kids could do that would make Steve turn on him.
It may not have been the most tactful way of voicing his acceptance but Will felt a weight lifted despite it. He knelt down to give a thankful hug to Steve who returned his hug awkwardly.
“Thanks Steve, I knew out of everyone that you would understand.” Steve was about to ask why he of all people would understand but Will continued, “No one else knows yet, not even Mike and uh… I really like him, Steve.”
All thoughts left Steve’s mind as he automatically started insulting Will’s taste. “Mike? Mike Wheeler? What the hell, dude. I have no problem with you liking guys but Mike? Jesus Christ, he’s like the worst person you could choose. His attitude sucks, he’s got beady little eyes full of anger, and he’s kind of a douche.”
Will looked stuck somewhere between amused and offended. “But… he’s my best friend? He’s always been there and I, I think I love him a little bit. What do I do?”
Steve sighed and put a heavy hand on his shoulder, his bruised face grimacing in sympathy. “You’re young so you have plenty of time to fall for other guys. Move on. Trust me, you do not want to date a Wheeler. Especially Mike. My god, kid, have a little taste. I can understand Nancy but Mike? No way.”
“But, but you’re sure you’re okay with me… being gay. I like boys, not girls,” Will prodded.
“I know what it means, Byers. It doesn’t change anything. Liking boys doesn’t make you any different and you’re still another one of the runts to me, alright?” He ducked his head to meet Will’s eyes and only when he nodded did he put space between him. “Good. You have nothing to worry about when it comes to me. I’ll always be here if you need me.”
“Can I call you? After we move to California?” Will asked with trepidation.
“Hell yeah, I’ll be around. You can call me, El can call me, hell even Jonathan can call me if he wants.”
That last part got him a weird look in response. “... you want Jonathan to call you?”
“I mean, sure, if he wants to. He probably won’t because I’m no Nancy and we’re not really friends but it would be nice to have people calling,” Steve shrugged and ignored Will’s look of appall.
“I thought you wouldn’t like Jonathan because he stole your girlfriend.”
He frowned, “nah, there were other things wrong between Nance and I long before your brother came around. He’s pretty cool and he’s got an awesome little brother too, what’s not to like?”
Will smiled and they sat in silence for a few moments before Steve cleared his throat, said his last goodbyes, and made his way home. He slunk back to bed to sleep off the oncoming migraine and pain in his beaten face. Steve didn’t think much more about Will’s admission or their emotional conversation. Instead, he focused on the warm feeling in his chest that came with two people trusting him enough to be honest to him, to be themselves without fear around him. Robin and Will were the first people who trusted him with something important beyond reputation or popularity. It made him feel like he was finally doing something right, like he had finally moved past all of the King Steve bullshit and he’d never felt better about it.
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
based on this
It was supposed to be a joke. A laugh. A funny story to tell later. But five questions in and things were different.
It was a normal barbecue. Everyone was there at Hopper’s cabin and generally having a great time. Good food and good company tended to guarantee that. But then someone had pulled out a home version of the Newly Wed Game. It was clearly well-used and probably missing some parts, but still playable. The most important parts were the questions anyway.
Mike, definitely not compensating for anything, adamantly exclaimed that he and El could win in a heartbeat. And because he couldn’t help his annoying little brother tendencies, challenged Nancy and Jonathan. And because Nancy couldn’t stomp down the big sister urge to put her brother in his place, she accepted. So they already had two couples but Mike got it in his head that they needed a third. He vetoed Hopper and Joyce, saying that they didn’t count as newly weds.
Lucas and Max were still figuring out what they wanted and hadn’t officially come back as a couple even though Max wasn’t actively avoiding him anymore. Dustin proclaimed he’d kick their asses if Suzie was there, but alas.
“We’ll be your thirds”, Eddie said, putting an arm around Steve’s shoulders.
“You?”, Mike’s face and voice was so incredulous and while Steve was confused as well, Mike’s offense offended him on principle.
“You’ve got two couples who are absolutely made for each other. You need an obvious dud couple”, Eddie reasoned, then winked at Steve and oh.
This was another one of those attempts at getting him back with Nancy. Because he and Eddie wouldn’t get any of the questions right, but he’d know things about Nancy and she’d know things about him. A sound plan.
If only Steve wanted Nancy back.
Steve meant to tell Eddie as such but it was hard to fight against that blind optimism. 
And so the three couples sat down, with Argyle being their show host and asking the questions. The first few were easy. Steve got asked “What’s their favorite type of music?” Eddie got asked “Favorite sport?” Steve got asked “Favorite kind of weather?” Eddie got asked “Do they prefer the beach or the pool?” Steve got asked “Night in or night out?”
All easy. He knew those almost immediately. And it seemed Eddie did too by the quick way he answered. But while they were 5 for 5, Nancy and Jonathan had only gotten three and Mike and El had only gotten two. And Steve had to admit, he was at a loss for some of the answers for Nancy.
“You guys are on a roll my dudes”, Argyle said. “Next one: Crust on or off the sandwich?”
“Crusts off”, Mike answered.
El showed her response and Mike was correct.
“Crusts on”, Nancy answered.
Jonathan bit his lip. “Actually, I prefer them off.”
“Heh, yeah he does”, Argyle said. “He said crusts were crusty and it was like, profound man. Eddie?”
“Trick question, he’ll eat anything I make for him. Wontcha, big boy?”
Steve grinned. “I never turn down free food. Even when it’s one of your Scooby Doo specials.”
“His what?”, Mike asked.
“Moving on”, Argyle continued. “Your spouse can take one thing on a deserted island. What is it?”
El guessed a book, which turned out to be wrong. Jonathan replied with a gun, which turned out to be wrong. Argyle’s eyes turned to the third couple.
Steve bit his lip before answering. “My first instinct was to say his guitar, but I gotta go with a copy of Lord of the Rings.”
Argyle looked to Eddie. “Is this correct?”
“This man knows me like the back of his hand”, Eddie said, clapping Steve’s back. At some point he had forgotten his own plan and was just having fun.
“Okay, this is bullshit”, Mike finally broke. “How are you guys getting all of these right.”
Steve didn’t have an answer. And neither did Eddie. They shared a look without words and once again they came up with the same answer but neither of them wanted to admit it.
“Just admit you lost, Mike”, Nancy said.
“You lost too.”
“Second’s better than third.”
“God you’re so-”
“Hey guys! There’s more hot dogs!”, Lucas called out.
The game ended there, the other two couples going about their business. Whereas Steve and Eddie were left with the question that already had an answer. How did they know all of those things about each other?
Part 2
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farfaras · 1 year
I think I got an ex but I forgot him
Part 1.
Part 2. (You’re here!)
Part 3.
They came up with ground rules, boundaries were important and whatnot. However, they didn’t plan on doing this for long, so they also had to come up with a believable storyline for the future course of the relationship.
This is what they have so far:
Only Dustin knew, it would stay that way. For now.
Hugs and holding hands was okay.
Pet names that were allowed included: babe, baby, honey… and that’s about it.
This will last only one or two months to really sell it.
No kisses required.
As for the storyline. That was a little bit harder to come up with. Obviously the timeline was a no brainer. They got together two weeks after Jonathan and Nancy broke up. Jonathan tried to protest. “That makes me look bad.” “Yeah well, you dating me overall makes you look bad.” “Makes you look weird, then.” “Whatever.” But they didn’t have too many options, it was that or the literal last week. And call them paranoid, but Steve thinks Dustin would see through that.
When that was out of the way, they planned the way their (fake) relationship would go wrong. “Maybe I realized I was a rebound.” “Do you want Dustin to hate me?”
At the end, what they agreed on wasn’t even that far off. They came up with phases they had to complete. Hopefully they would be able to showcase that Jonathan started dating Steve because he was supposedly just lonely and needed someone, he didn’t realize what he was doing and didn’t mean to hurt Steve. They would say they talked it out and decided to stay friends because that would be for the best. No hard feelings.
Phase one. Jonathan being an attentive and affectionate boyfriend. Steve gushing about it to Dustin.
Phase two. Jonathan spends less time with Steve. Steve starts saying he misses him now and again.
Phase three. Jonathan acts distant. Steve is freaking out.
Phase four and final. Jonathan realizes his mistake and ends things.
It was almost foolproof! And they only had to really fake in front of one person, so it shouldn’t be that hard. Steve didn’t want Jonathan to come out just because Steve needed a favor. This seemed like the best way to do it.
They were hanging out in Jonathan’s room, everything was set and all they needed to do now was act like a couple in front of Dustin and stand a little closer when they were in bigger groups if Dustin was there.
But for another day. All they wanted to do right now was just chill.
Steve heard someone knocking on the front door. It was incessant and loud. They wanted to have a chill night but whoever was there, was starting to get annoying.
“Aren’t you gonna…?” Steve pointed to the direction the sound was coming from. “Are you gonna get the door? Are you expecting someone?”
“Nah, ‘s probably a salesman or something. They’re annoying but they’ll be gone soon.” Jonathan muttered, and he really didn’t seem at all bothered by the persisting knocking.
They heard Will come out of his room. “Seriously!” Teenage irritation and disdain. Classic. Looks like he’s gonna get the door.
As soon as the door opened, they heard a familiar voice. What was Dustin doing here?! Was he here to ask Jonathan about Steve? If that’s the case thank god Steve got to Jonathan before Dustin. This kid is something else.
“Is Jonathan here?”
“Wha- he’s in his room. Why?”
“I need to talk to him for a bit. Alone.”
“Why would you want to do that?”
“Just- I’ll go to your room later.”
Oh Dustin really is here to talk to Jonathan.
Steve jumped in the bed and turned to Jonathan. “Quick. Cuddle me.”
Confusion was all over Jon’s face. “Huh?”
“Dustin is coming, just do it!” He whispered.
“Ugh. Harrington.” Complained Jon.
“That’s babe to you. And you said hugs were fine. Cuddles are just long hugs, come on.” Steve laid in the bed next to Jonathan.
Jonathan turned him so he could spoon him. Steve has never been the little spoon before, but it was kinda nice. They were settling when they heard a knock on the door. “Who is it?” Asked Jon.
“Dustin, can I come in?”
“Yeah, sure.”
When he opened the door his eyes looked like saucers. “Oh my god, it’s true.”
Steve just raised an eyebrow at his antics. He closed the door and sat down in the chair by the desk. “You guys are actually dating.” Dustin whispered-yelled.
“What? You didn’t believe me?”
“I’m a scientist! I need proof to believe stuff!”
Steve and Jonathan got up and sat down by the edge of the bed. They were pressed together, thighs and shoulders touching. Jonathan took his hand and laced their fingers together. “You don’t have a problem with it, do you?” Jonathan asked. He’s a better actor than he thought, he looks protective. Although this is another coming out for him, Steve thinks he’s handling it really well.
“No, no! I already told Steve I don’t care. I just kinda had to confirm it because… well I kinda want to talk about something.” Suddenly Dustin looked wary, hesitant to continue.
“Okay?” This was unexpected. Both Dustin being here and the imminent serious conversation he wanted to have based on his expression alone.
The teen took a deep breath. “First of all I wanted to ask you guys something.” He looked at them expectantly, as if asking for permission to continue. Which was so bizarre because this kid says everything and anything that goes through his mind. Steve nodded. “Are you planning on, you know, telling our friends? The party?” Why would he want to know that?
“Um.” Steve glanced at his fake boyfriend. “No, not really. At least not for a while” Jonathan just nodded at what he said.
“I think you should do it.”
“Huh?” Jonathan paled. Steve understood, that was a big thing. And sure Dustin didn’t seem to be taking it lightly but he still doesn’t understand what something like that can feel like.
“Dustin, I don’t think you get to have an opinion on that.” Steve tried to sound firm.
“No, I know just. I think it might be a good thing. Listen, maybe you’re aware of this or maybe you aren’t.” Dustin leaned in as if he was gonna share a secret. “Someone in our party is having a hard time with their… sexuality. At least I think so. I think seeing a happy gay couple could be good for them. To show that there’s hope or some shit.” He was almost eloquent, if it wasn’t for that slip at the end.
The supposed couple looked at each other, processing what the younger boy just said to them. Steve doesn’t know if Jonathan is out to Will, or vice versa. Steve is not dumb, he sees the way Will looks at Mike sometimes. It was the same way his brother looked at Nancy. It had to be hard, being so young and feeling so alone. Will had to be the person Dustin was talking about, right? The only other gay friend Steve knows they have is Robin, and Dustin has no idea she’s gay if we take into account that he wanted to set her up with Steve not long ago.
“We’ll think about it.” Steve heard Jon say. He was surprised, it looked like Jon was considering it.
“I can assure you our friends will be okay with it. And seeing that might encourage this person to come out! I really think they need the support and I wanna give it to them but I don’t know how.” Gosh. He looked so pained about not being able to comfort Will. Dustin is a really good friend.
“As Jon said, we’ll think about it.”
“O-okay. Thanks.” Dustin got up and exited the room, presumably to go to Will’s.
When they were sure he was in another room they separated and inhaled deeply.
“What do you think?” Steve asked.
“I hadn’t… thought about that.” His hands were in his lap and he looked at the door. “I’m gonna assume you know who he was talking about.”
“I’ve… had my suspicions.” Steve ventured. “Will has been looking sad lately.”
“Yeah. Maybe Dustin’s right. Could be a good thing.” He still looked a bit nervous about the whole idea.
“We don’t have to though.”
“I think we should.”
“Really?” Steve didn’t want to pressure Jon, but he also thought it would be good for Will. That kid needs support but he needs to feel comfortable enough to ask for it. No one knows how he would react if they just dumped on him the information that he’s not as subtle as he thinks.
“Yeah. How hard can it be? Same plan just, more people are gonna know.” Jon smiled. “And Will might feel better. I’d do anything for him.” Will was lucky to have such a caring brother.
Steve grinned mischievously. “We might have to revisit the kissing rule, though.”
Jonathan rolled his eyes and smacked him with his pillow.
This is a bit shorter than the last one, sorry about that.
I think I might post a chapter once a week.
Also, the tag list is getting really long! I don’t know if I’ll be adding more to the list.
Thanks for reading. Ps. Eddie might finally be in the next chapter. Watch out.
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ladykailitha · 7 months
Did I split it in two just to make that joke? Hell yeah I did. No regrets!
Um...a teeny-tiny bit of poly Nancy/Jonathan/Argyle if you squint, like really hard.
Part 1
Eddie and Steve pulled up to the Hawk to see that their friends were waiting for them...well all except Janice, but she was on her way.
“You ready for this?” Eddie asked.
Steve took a deep breath and then nodded. “Yeah, let’s do this.”
Eddie stepped out first.
“Where’s Steve?” Robin asked, running up to him.
Nancy, Argyle, and Jonathan were fast on her heels.
“Is he okay?” Jonathan asked as soon as he reached Eddie.
Eddie held up his hands. “I got it all figured out. I had a friend come in and give me a hand but Steve’s here and I can’t wait for you to see it.”
He cocked his head to the side and licked his upper lip. He cocked one eye brow and said, “I want to see you shiver with antic—ipation.”
Jonathan and Robin giggled, but Nancy and Argyle, who hadn’t seen it yet looked confused.
Eddie turned around but before he could open his mouth Janice came running up to them, high heels clanging hard on the pavement.
“Oh good!” she said, panting, clutching her knees as she tried to catch her breath. “I was hoping to get here before Eddie did the reveal.”
Everybody but Eddie turned and looked at her like she was crazy.
She popped up, waving her hand and grinned. “Hi-ee! I’m Janice, I’m Eddie’s friend and Stevie’s fairy godmother.”
Eddie grinned back. “Perfect timing, babe.” He kissed her cheek.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, sweetheart,” Eddie called over his shoulder. “Ready when you are, Rocky Horror!”
A beat. And then another.
Then Steve stepped out of the van and popped his hip. He smiled at them, hand on his hip.
They all cheered again.
Robin walked up to Steve and touched his sides. “You can’t even tell they were ever there.” She turned to Janice. “You did that?”
She nodded with a grin. “He’s a got a great figure for Rocky, all I did was help a little with his confidence.”
Steve blushed. “Thanks Janice.”
“My pleasure, babe,” she cooed. “Especially since I’m getting such a great stylist out of the deal.”
Eddie put his arms around Janice and Steve. “We’ve got a movie to see, I’ll introduce you all after.”
“Totally bodacious, brochacho,” Argyle said and held out his arm for Janice to take.
She took it with a grin and began talking his ear off about how their characters were related.
Robin took her place under Eddie’s arm and the three of them followed their friends into the theater.
After the movie everyone was introduced. They all loved the movie.
There was also a costume contest. There were prizes for best costume for each character, best group, best in show, and wildest interpretation of a character.
They won best group, which some of the other groups protested because they had seven in theirs, while most groups only had three or four. But the Party decided that they were just bitter because of how cool everyone looked.
Eddie won best Frank N Furter. His natural curls and commitment to the whole bit really helped sell the whole look and it was easy to see that he really deserved it.
Steve won best in show. There were other people dressed as Rocky of course, but he really had the whole look down. Especially when standing next to Eddie’s Dr Frank N. Furter.
They all went back to Steve’s for popcorn, drinks and homemade pizza.
While they were waiting for Steve to cut the pizza and bring it out, Robin said, “God Janice, I don’t think I’ve seen Steve smile so much since he got those scars. You really are a fairy godmother!”
Janice stood up and curtsied. “Thank you. I wouldn’t recommend he do it all the time, especially since it’ll be covered up by his shirt. But he’s more than welcome to call me anytime and I’ll happily do it again.”
“God, you’re so perfect I could kiss you,” Robin breathed.
Eddie whispered in her ear, “Well, considering she bi and single, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.”
Robin turned bright red as Janice waggled her eyebrows.
Steve came out with the pizzas, wearing a t-shirt over top of his costume.
“Aww...” Eddie pouted. “Why did you cover up?”
Steve laughed. “Getting hot tomato sauce on your chest is no laughing matter.”
Eddie cocked his head to the side. “Yeah, that’s fair.”
They dived into the pizza.
“I liked the movie,” Argyle said they had stuffed themselves. “It was very cool. Thanks for the invite, man.”
Nancy laughed. “Yeah, it was fun.”
Steve grinned. “I had a lot fun too, thanks to Janice.”
“I’m glad I was able to make the night fun for everyone,” she said. “I know I keep harping on this, but seriously I’m getting the best end of the deal with Steve starting on Monday to work for me.”
“It’s so cool, bro,” Argyle said. “The work you did with me and Eddie’s hair was so wicked. I’m glad you get to share your talents with others.”
Steve smiled. “Thanks, man. I’m super excited.”
“I’m also thinking of putting him through beauty school,” Janice said. “He deserves to be the best he can be.”
Steve blushed. “Thanks, Janice.”
“Foods over, pretty boy,” Robin huffed. “If I have to be centimeters away from flashing people my ass, you can go without a shirt.”
Steve laughed and took off the t-shirt. They continued to eat treats and drink soda while they talked and laughed.
It was moving from late at night to early morning and one by one they were dropping off.
Argyle, Nancy, and Jonathan were cuddled together on the sofa, while Janice and Robin snuggled up under a big, fluffy blanket on the loveseat.
It was just Eddie and Steve left. They were cleaning up in the kitchen, moving together as though they had done this for years.
Steve turned to face Eddie. “Thanks for tonight. You really came in clutch.”
Eddie grinned. “Glad to be of service. Plus any chance to see your chest again is always a plus in my book.”
Steve grinned. “Oh I don’t doubt it. I’ve noticed that you really, really like my tits.”
Eddie coughed, choking on his own saliva. “You can’t just say it like that, man.”
Steve stepped forward, closing the distance between them. “I’ve been noticing your attraction since Lover’s Lake.”
Eddie gulped. He had hoped in the aftermath that Steve would have forgotten his little cigarette moment. Apparently not.
“Which is why I was a little confused when you pushed me at Nancy.”
Eddie’s mouth went desert dry, his heart rate picked up, and his breathing became labored.
“But then Robin explained it to me,” Steve said as he got right into Eddie’s space, “you were trying sniff out if I liked her. Well, here’s the answer in black and white, Eds. I don’t like her. I like you.”
Eddie’s jaw dropped and it took a moment before his brain caught up. He grabbed Steve’s face and smashed their lips together. It was hungry and sexy and rough.
And oh god, did Steve love it. He got his hands into Eddie’s curls, wincing a little at the sticky mess that was all the hairspray and tangle of bobby pins. But he didn’t falter for a moment, kissing back as fiercely as Eddie had.
When they finally broke apart, they were both panting for breath.
Eddie huffed out a laugh and ran a finger over Steve’s lips, further smearing the lipstick Eddie had been wearing. “I think we’ve got to get you cleaned up, lover boy. My makeup is all over your face and you really don’t want to sleep with that makeup on your torso.”
Steve winced looking down at his chest. “Yeah, that would be pretty gross.”
“I’ve got you.”
Eddie led him upstairs to Steve’s bathroom and gently removed their makeup. He started with Steve taking the makeup remover he had bought for his own costume and a warm, wet wash cloth and touched it to his side.
Steve could have just taken a shower but let him carefully remove the layers of make up that had hidden his scars.
He then helped Eddie out of the corset and fishnet stockings. He removed the bobby pins and gently rinsed out the hairspray. Eddie’s curls fell in down his back once again.
Soon they were both wearing the same amount of clothes, Steve in his shorts and Eddie in black bottoms.
They laid down on the bed and curled around each other. The heat from earlier was gone, replaced by tender care.
“Can I ask–” Eddie started.
“Why I chose Rocky?” Steve murmured back.
“Yeah,” he said softly. “You didn’t have to go through all this. I mean I loved it and you got a fancy new job out of it, but it could have ended in disaster.”
“I hadn’t seen Rocky Horror before tonight,” Steve said. “But Robin had. When I asked who I should be she told me that of all the characters I fit Rocky the best. I didn’t know if she was insulting my intelligence or what until I saw the movie. Then I got it. Because despite everything, Rocky loved Frank.”
Eddie gulped. “And do you love me, Stevie?”
“Yeah, I really do.”
They kissed again. They drifted off to sleep in each others arms.
And if they came down the following morning to Argyle and Jonathan making breakfast, hand in hand no one said anything. Nancy just smiled at them from her perch on the counter where she was watching Argyle and Jonathan cook.
Or at least no more then Steve or Eddie said anything about Janice offering to drive Robin home.
All in all? It had been a great night.
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @yikes-a-bee @anne-bennett-cosplayer
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creelteeth · 2 years
plz ur perv steve is keeping me alive
him n fem reader being besties???
shes so... dumb. shes smart in school but when it comes to anything sexual, she doesnt know anything. doesnt know why her tummy gets all warm n her... down there gets all tingly when she calls steve at night or first thing ij the morning bc theyre best friends, and she just loves his voice.
him messing w her, playing with her hair and squeezing her sides, kissing all over her face n telling her how pretty she is. when she whines, he knows why, but asks anyway
"stevie.." shed pout, "feels funny.."
"where at princess?"
"d..down there..?" pointing shyly between her legs
"oh, those are you princess parts, honey. i can help make it feel better, want me to help?"
pleaseeee , innocent/inexperienced reader with perv!steve. i can’t do the term princess parts i’m sorry
you’d taken your rightful place in steve’s lap while he argued with eddie who was sat across the table. you and the rest of the gang agreed to meet at harrington’s to hang out and play some board games— that quickly turned into a mess of lighthearted arguments about eddie pocketing monopoly money when no one was looking.
“i saw you take a twenty from the bank!“ steve shouted, the leg you sat on bouncing rapidly.
“you must be seeing things, pretty boy.” eddie smiled coyly, shrugging off his accusations.
you could feel steve tensing up under you, he was never good at losing games. he’d gotten rather heated over this round and that showed through his incessant foot tapping.
you sat through it for a bit but at some point you started to feel.. odd.
the position you sat in was no longer comfortable, your thighs squeezed around his, hips shifting from side to side. steve felt you moving around, snaking an arm around your waist to try to settle you but it seemed to have the opposite effect. his fingers pressed into the soft part of your hips, something about that touch coupled with the vibration from his leg pulled the quietest whimper out of you.
luckily only steve was able to hear what came out of you. leaning forward to rest his chin on your shoulder, kissing your cheek.
“what’s the matter, pretty girl?” he whispered, feeling the heat grow between your legs.
“dunno.” you mumble, eyebrows knitting together trying to shift back to the position that granted you the most pressure against your sex but you couldn’t seem to find it.
“just feels funny.” you huff, growing frustrated by the lingering ache.
steve waited a moment, looking over at the three others in the room. they were lost in their own conversation, trying to figure out what game should be played next. he took the opportunity to slip his hand down, fingers ducking beneath the fabric of your skirt.
his index and middle finger found your cunt instantly, fingers pressing into the wet spot that had formed on the cotton.
“is this what feels funny?” he spoke into the skin of your neck, careful not to draw attention.
the contact caused you to inhale sharply. you were use to this feeling, it was something you got pretty often when you were around steve— though for some reason tonight it was starting to ache a little extra.
“feels..” you shift, scooting back from his touch a bit.
“feels tingly.. a-and warm.” you whisper back, genuine confusion in your tone.
steve couldn’t help but smile, fingers finding your cloth covered mound again. pressing a bit harder this time.
“aw, love. how about i help you?” he suggested, finger toying with the sensitive button.
you couldn’t muster out a response, only nodding weakly at his words. clit throbbing against the pad of his finger.
“hey, dickheads— “ steve wolfwhistled at the trio, all three of them cutting their eyes at him. “she’s not feeling too great, i’m gonna take her upstairs. start the next one without me i’ll be back down soon.”
neither nancy, robin, or eddie seemed to respond much. waving him off while they shuffled through stacks of cards.
steve had gotten you upstairs pretty quickly, sitting on the bed and pulling you into his lap. he had you sitting with your back to his front, looking at you through the mirror at the end of his bed.
he brought your legs up to spread them, both of his hands keeping your thighs apart.
“alright, now- i wanna help you get rid of the tingly feeling but if you decide you don’t like it just tell me okay? might feel.. strange at first..” steve looked at your reflection, eyes fixed on the wet spot in your underwear.
you had somewhat of an understanding of what was going on. usually when steve left you with these tingly wet feelings you would try to fix it with the stuffed bunny he gave you but it never seemed to work. your legs got tired , or you just couldn’t find the right place. it only left you frustrated.
feeling his hands smoothing over the inside of your thighs made your stomach flutter. “need your help, stevie. please. ” you whined, hips beginning to stir.
“such good manners.” he cooed, pushing your legs farther apart before letting both hands slide down your inner thighs. “gonna fix it for you, it’ll feel all better soon don’t you worry.”
you nodded sheepishly at his words, eyes fixed on the mirror. watching his hands ghost over your lower half.
after some time of touching you over your clothes he guided you to take them off. sliding the pristine white cotton off your legs, crumpling the pair up to stuff under his pillow for later.
“look at that.” he groaned, his fingers spreading you open to reveal your arousal covered cunt.
you had a hard time looking at yourself in such a lewd position, your body growing goosebumps from the image before you.
“steve..” you whined out, desperation growing.
“i’ve got you, princess. be patient.” steve instructed, fingers moving through your folds.
he spread the wetness around, index fingers sliding down and then back up. he was careful with your clit, pressing into it gently, making slow circles.
the new found sensation was much different than the vibration that came from his thigh, it pulled the most pitiful whines from you.
your hips bucked against his touch, eager for more.
“o-oh.. stevie. feels.” you stuttered a bit, head dropping back against his chest.
when he noticed you looked away the circling stopped, pressing his finger flat against the swollen peak. the harshness making you hiss.
“gotta keep your eyes open for me, princess. come on- “ he spoke calmly, free hand grabbing your chin to tilt it down so that you could see the mirror again. “there we go. look at this pretty pussy you have, all wet for me.”
you struggled to open them at first, almost embarrassed by the mess that was being made between your legs. that embarrassment quickly overcrowded by the haze that washed over you. the circling on clit becoming less gentle when he knew you could handle it.
he brought his legs up over yours, ankles pinning yours down so that you couldn’t close your legs. the sticky wet sounds echoed through his bedroom, coupling with the hushed pants that came from your open mouth.
“doing so good for me.” steve praised, kissing down the side of your neck, other hand coming up to squeeze at your chest.
moving his attention from your clit, he dragged his index finger down to your leaky opening. tracing the entrance with the tip of his finger before sliding inside.
the stretch wasn’t much but it caused you to mewl out, the sticky squelch only getting louder when he began to curl his finger. the feeling of him prodding against your spongey wet walls making your whole body tremble.
“ s’good stevie.” you hummed, hips rutting upward.
the heel of his palm pressed flat against your clit, providing a nice amount of pressure while his finger worked inside of you.
if you weren’t so wrapped up in your daze you would’ve felt the throbbing bulge pressed against your back. though steve didn’t seem to care about it either, far more focused on bringing you to your end.
soon that feeling started to become overwhelming. he tugged lightly on your nipple, pinching and rolling it between his fingers. your body writhed from the attention given to both areas.
you whined, trying to clamp your thighs around his wrist but his heavy legs had yours trapped.
“ s’too much.” you panted, the pit in your stomach growing hotter and hotter.
he didn’t slow down, trying his best to coax the orgasm out of you. you were only seconds away.
“come on, sweet girl. just let it happen, it’s okay.” he spoke against your skin, planting wet kisses across your jaw.
his voice brought you a bit of comfort, comfort enough to stop fighting off the orgasm begging to come through. within seconds of his permission you were trembling.
“oh! oh fuck— steve!” you squeaked, climax hitting you like a truck.
he removed his legs from yours, allowing you to finally squeeze your thighs shut around his wrist. your hips rutting upwards against his hand, trembling and whimpering your way through it.
he kept his hands on you until you settled, sliding the his finger out of you to then collect some of the arousal that dripped onto your thighs.
“here.” he spoke, slipping the slick covered finger into your mouth. “clean my fingers up for me.”
you did as you were told, sucking the wetness off, moaning at the taste. once clean, steve pulled his fingers away, grabbing at the back of your head to tilt it so that you could look up at him.
he leaned down, the tip of his nose brushing against your as he spoke. “you did so good for me, princess. are feeling better now?”
he waited for you to nod before attaching his lips to yours, tonguing the inside of your mouth to get a taste of the mess you’d made.
you laid limp against him, body exhausted from the event. he wanted to hold you but knew he had to get back downstairs.
“come on.” he sat up, guiding you off the bed with him. “let’s go back to our friends i’m sure they’re missing us.”
you stood, smoothing down your wrinkled skirt. you looked around the room for your underwear but they seemed to have gone missing.
“b-but my .. panties. i lost em.” you pouted, crossing your legs and wincing at the wet noises that came from your thighs squishing together.
“you don’t need em, baby. they’re not gonna know, we’ll put a blanket over you. “ steve smiled, taking your hand to begin guiding you back to the den.
you huffed, following behind him like you always did. nervous that they’d somehow be able to recognize what just happened to you.
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transvampireboyfriend · 6 months
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7 - part 8
Everyone's already in their rooms when they go in.
Robin and Steve are taking the main room and sharing the bed tonight, while the rest of them bunk in the other room.
The door to the main room is already closed, the other one is open. Jon and Argyle are talking inside, their voices drift out from one of the lower bunks, while Nancy reads in one of the top ones.
Steve and Eddie walk past both the doors on their way to the kitchen.
"Got our work cut out for us" Steve comments, eyeing the dishes from dinner still in the sink.
He places their cooler on the counter and starts emptying it.
"Oh. Nance and I are on breakfast duty tomorrow." Eddie says, entering the kitchen after him, "We'll take care of that, don't worry"
He places the popcorn bowls in the sink as well.
Steve finishes with the cooler and turns to him, a little uncertain.
"Um, are you... sure you don't want me to help you with it? Right now? I could help" he offers.
He softly bumps his fist on the sink's lip and then grips it, looking like he doesn't know where to put his hands.
Eddie tilts his head to the side, confused. He really wants to help ease Steve's uncertainty, whatever its cause.
"No, Stevie, it's okay." he tries again, "We've all had a long day, I'll take care of it tomorrow," he repeats.
Steve looks a little crestfallen, he lets go of the sink and just stands there for a second.
Eddie realizes way too late what Steve was trying to do, and his heart breaks a little.
When Steve goes to walk past him, Eddie grabs his arm to stop him.
"Uh- But! " Eddie tries, having to think fast,
"D'you maybe want some hot cocoa? Since you were cold?" he offers, even though it's toasty inside the cabin.
Smooth. He hopes his internal wince is not evident in his face.
Steve's expression brightens and he nods.
"Yeah! Um- yes. For the cold. Yeah. I could go for some cocoa," he says, blinking his beautiful eyes at Eddie.
Eddie realizes now, not only was Steve offering his help so they could hang out some more, but, that could be the only way he knows how to ask someone to stay, could be the only way he knows people will definitely let him stick around.
All of a sudden, Eddie doesn't care about being too forward anymore.
"Good." he says, "I like having you around."
Steve's breath seems to catch in his throat for a bit before he quitely says "I like being around you, Eddie."
Eddie feels a little drunk from having Steve so close, saying such wonderful things. He smiles brightly at him and squeezes his bicep before letting go.
"Sit," Eddie tells him, gesturing to the small  kitchen table.
Steve just nods and goes sit down while Eddie sorts their drinks.
Going through the motions of getting his ingredients is a little harder with Steve's eyes on him.
Eddie feels his heart skip a beat every now and again, but he eventually manages to complete his task, getting the milk going and leaning against the counter to face Steve again.
"You know, I was around eleven when I first tried hot cocoa" Steve comments.
Eddie's eyebrows shoot up, "No way, me too!"
Steve gives him an incredolous frown, seemingly unaware that he's smiling again,
"What?" he asks,
"It's true!" Eddie says, "Never had it until Wayne took me in, I was 10 or 11,"
Steve gasps a little, "Huh. It's always such a normal thing for everyone,"
Eddie smiles. The more he knows Steve, the more they seem to be connected in the oddest of ways.
"Who introduced you to it?" he asks, curious,
Steve's smile softens, "Miss Hannah," he says, eyes drifting away from Eddie as he remembers, "She was our neighbor back then. Called her Mrs. Hannah like my mother told me to, until the first time she had me over.
She saw me pacing at my front door and when I said I was waiting for a pizza delivery, she offered lunch. I'd met her before and my parents weren't around, shocker. So I went. She explained that day that she lived alone and would never marry, so she'd never be a Mrs.
I remember I asked her if she wasn't lonely and she said she had too many friends to be lonely.
She also said 'You're here. How could I be lonely?' " 
Steve's twists his mouth.
Eddie wants to reach out and touch him, hug him, hold him, something, but he refrains, gripping the counter edge as he leans against it.
"She sounds like a really nice lady," Eddie says, thinking of diner waitresses and social workers who made him feel not so lonely before Wayne.
Steve sniffs and looks back to him, "She was." he nods, "Still is, I hope. When I was around 14, she said she had to leave town. One day, another lady came to pick her up and I never saw her again." Steve says,
"I think maybe she was one of us," he adds, almost as an afterthought.
Eddie thinks of their friends, "There's so many of us when you know how to look" he muses. The thought is comforting, somehow.
Steve nods, a small knowing smile on his lips as he picks back his story,
"She gave me hot cocoa my first week of elementary school.
I stayed after classes to play basketball with my friends, and it rained on my way back. I was drenched and miserable, and she was happy.
She was proud of me for making friends so fast."
Eddie smiles, has to clear his throat against the knot that forms there.
The milk boils next to him and he turns his back on Steve for a bit to mix their drinks.
He adds some cinnamon to them before walking to Steve and handing him his mug.
"Always the charmer," Eddie teases him,
"Shut up," Steve chuckles, taking the mug and wrapping both hands around it.
Eddie keeps smiling at him, it's like Steve turns on a light inside of him and Eddie can't keep it in, he needs to let it out somehow, needs to share its glow.
"Thank you," Steve whispers, raising his mug.
Eddie looks down, and bumps his boot against one of Steve's sneakers in acknowledgment.
"You have a sunburn," Steve comments, bumping Eddie's boot back.
"I do?" Eddie asks, looking up at him again,
"Mmhm, your nose is all red" Steve tells him, pointing to his own.
Eddie scrunches up his nose like Steve's finger is brushing against it and Steve adorably mirrors his expression.
Eddie hides his smile and pouts instead, "The other reindeer will make fun of me" he says,
Steve softly laughs behind his mug but then, doesn't answer, just keeps looking at Eddie as he takes the first sip of his drink.
Eddie bites his lip against his own smile, and goes back to his place in the counter. To get his own drink.
And because if he sees Steve with a milk moustache from cocoa that Eddie made, he's going to lose it.
"This is good," Steve says,
Eddie grabs his drink and turns back to him, raising his glass in a "cheers" gesture.
He takes his first sip leaning back against the counter again.
"Do you remember the first time you tried it?" Steve prompts between sips,
"Oh yeah," Eddie smiles, his lips still brushing his mug. He takes another sip before putting it down,
"Boy, do I." Eddie says, remembering,
"I ran away. Not so long after Wayne took me in."
Steve raises his eyebrows but waits for Eddie to continue.
"It was maybe the middle of the school year, and Wayne was being called in almost every week for some thing or another: I wouldn't stay in my seat, I talked too much, I didn't finish my class work or I didn't bring my homework." Eddie lists it all off in his fingers,
"Man, it was- scary. Kept thinking Wayne was gonna give me back." Eddie trails off before continuing, remembering how sad he'd been that he couldn't seem to just be good. No matter how hard he tried.
"So. I left. I shoved a pair of underwear and a couple t-shirts into my little backpack and I ran like hell, into the woods.
I had a water bottle, a couple of hot pockets and some pop tarts. Don't ask me how I thought I'd heat that up because I didn't know the first thing about starting a fire back then"
Steve chuckles across from him and Eddie joins him for a bit. He watches Steve watching him for a second as they both sip their cocoa.
"I was just a kid." Eddie remembers, "Didn't even think about the bathroom situation.
Everything I had on me and in my backpack, hell, even the backpack, Wayne had gotten for me.
I remember I sat down to rest after maybe an hour? and I thought of that and I thought I was such an asshole, for not even leaving a thank you note behind."
Eddie realizes his eyes trailed away from Steve when he hears Steve's soft chuckle and sees the floor. He looks back up to him, before he continues,
"Thankfully it had rained the night before, and Wayne caught up with me before dark.
He hadn't even called anyone, just took right off, after me, soon as he realized."
"Was he mad?" Steve asked,
"I thought he would be, but he wasn't" Eddie says, "I was so scared. And he just- ruffled my hair.
He said 'You don't know the first thing about the outdoors yet, son, you could get hurt' " Eddie mimicks Wayne's gruff tone and Steve chuckles again.
"And then he said 'Come on.' and I just followed.
I knew he was right, and I was exhausted too, but I think, mostly I was scared. Scared he'd call the social workers or worse: the police and they would put me in jail,"
Steve laughs out loud at that, "Eddie!" he says,
Eddie laughs too, "I know! I really thought kids got put in jail for running away! I was just so- God, I just was, paranoid? I guess? From everything? Just the way life was for me back then,"
Steve hums in acknowledgment,
"But we went back home," Eddie goes on, "and I was covered in mud, and Wayne talked about the outdoors, all the way back to the trailer. Not really scolding me, just kinda telling me about it, about picking wood for a fire, about finding streams, using maps. And I didn't say a word.
I took a shower when we got home and when I came back out, Wayne told me to sit at the kitchen table.
I did, and I said I was sorry, because I thought I had to be. Wayne said there was nothing to be sorry about and gave me the first mug of hot cocoa I'd ever drank."
Steve smiles at that.
"In a werid-ass mug too," Eddie remembers, "I'd never seen a no-spill mug before, so I thought the shape was insane. And it had Garfield driving a red convertible on it, I hadn't known Wayne liked Garfield before."
"Is that why he got the one you use for your morning coffee?" Steve asked, referring to the big Garfield head mug that they saved from their old trailer.
"No, I got that one for him on his birthday, I think. I was sixteen. I just steal it from him sometimes" Eddie explains,
"You're sweet." Steve says,
Eddie rolls his eyes to try and slow his heartbeat, "He doesn't even like Garfield", Eddie huffs,
Steve tilts his head with a confused frown. He's so cute, it squeezes Eddie's heart almost painfully.
"He told me that day," Eddie explains, "when I got him that mug. My mom was the one who loved it. That's why he had the one he used to make the hot cocoa for me"
"Oh," Steve says,
"Yeah." Eddie agrees, "He still really appreciated the gift. Said it reminded him of her, and of me; said he loved it." Eddie blinks a couple of times then, takes a few more sips of his drink,
"But that's the story. I refused to drink from any other mug for like a year. And that's how Wayne started building his collection." Eddie explains,
"He was afraid the Garfield one would break, and it did, eventually, but by then, he already had the one I gave him, and so many more.
He taught me how to build a fire the week after I ran away, we started camping, he taught me how to fish. Said 'If you're gonna go, you gotta be safe'." Eddie imitates him again, making Steve grin.
"Eventually, I got that he didn't wanna give me back, no matter how much hell I gave him.
Eventually, I told him too, why I ran away. And he put it into words: That he wanted to be there for me, in whatever way he could. That he's my family." Eddie smiles,
"He's lucky to have you," Steve comments, surprising Eddie, he expected him to say Eddie's lucky to have Wayne, because he is, and he says so,
"I know," Steve says, smiling, "I'm glad you do,"
"One of my teachers told him he shouldn't be giving me cocoa, because I had so much energy already" Eddie remembers,
Steve snorts, "Did that stop him?" he asks knowingly,
"Not one bit." Eddie grins,
"I used to get so excited when I could have it at Hannah's," Steve recalls, "the kids teased me in the eight grade for still drinking it,"
Eddie cannot believe his ears, "Oh my god! They did the same to me!" he says,
Steve laughs, "Not that it stopped you," he teases,
"Drank it out of spite," Eddie confirms, laughing too.
"I can't believe you get this," Steve says after a bit, wonder evident in his voice, "I thought I was the only one,"
Eddie shrugs a little, sips on his drink, thinking they've been walking side by side for a long long time.
Steve's cheeks are flushed, probably from the hot drink, Eddie thinks he's beautiful,
"I like knowing more about you" he tells him, apropos of nothing,
"I like knowing more about you too, Eds." Steve answers, "Thanks for telling me."
Eddie huffs again, watches him yawn, "Can't wait to see what other fucked up thing we have in common" he says jokingly,
It startles a laugh out of Steve, interrupting his yawn and making him cough a bit.
"Sorry, sorry." Eddie laughs,
"No, you're right." Steve says, "I can't wait either," he yawns again.
"You should get some sleep," Eddie tells him, trying and failing to suppress his own yawn.
Steve tiredly rubs at his eyes and hums, "Hmm, you too," he says,
Eddie finishes his own drink and just nods, putting his mug down on the sink without moving from his place against the counter.
Steve gets up then, walks to him and puts his mug down next to Eddie's.
Eddie can't tear his eyes away from him as he stands there, looking down at their mugs.
His hair is pulled back by Eddie's bandana, his cheeks are flushed from the cocoa that Eddie made, he's wearing a scrunchie on his wrist because Eddie put it there.
Eddie feels dizzy seeing himself all over Steve, wishes he could make it so much more evident, wants to put his mouth to his skin, raise goosebumps, leave teeth marks.
Steve turns to look at him and Eddie holds his gaze.
He feels Steve's hand brushing his, feels him wrap his hand around Eddie's wrist, never looks away from Steve's drooping eyes.
"Thanks for this, Eds." Steve says.
"Yeah." Eddie whispers back, "Anytime," he says, breathless.
"Goodnight, Eddie" Steve says then, and leans in to press his lips against Eddie's cheek.
Eddie's breath catches in his throat and his heart tries to fly out through his mouth.
Steve softly lets go of his wrist and walks in front of him to go to his room. Eddie watches him go.
"Night, Stevie" he breathlessly tells Steve's back as he exits the kitchen.
the garfield mug
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matchingbatbites · 1 year
Love Grows - Part 5
This part is from Steve's POV, just a little treat for y'all. We'll be back to Eddie in the next part. Also, I've actually done a little planning and this fic looks like it's going to be 10 chapters, which means we're officially halfway through! I'm so excited to share the rest, and I'm glad you've all been enjoying it so far!
Ao3 | Part 1 | Part 4 | Part 6
July 4, '85
Over the last few years, Steve has learned that he’s good at protecting people. He can hold his own in a fight, for the most part, and he can take a hit better than anyone else in their group. When he and Robin get captured by the Russians, his only thought is to keep her safe, to keep their attention on himself so they don't even look twice at her.
He gains a few hits to the face - plus his third concussion in as many years - and loses a few fingernails, but it's worth it when Robin is able to walk away, fairly unsteady from the drugs running through their system, but otherwise untouched.
And Steve is- Steve misses Rosie. As he sits on the bathroom floor, waiting for his nausea to settle, his sweet baby girl is the only thing he can think about. It still amazes him just how quickly she became the light of his life, the absolute center of his world, and now he worries that he’ll never get to see her again. He worries that he won’t be able to apologize to Eddie for not coming back that night, that he never called. 
He hopes that Eddie won't think too badly of him for disappearing for a few days. It’s not Steve’s fault, and he knows it, but Eddie has no idea of what’s been going on in the background of Hawkins, he wouldn’t know why Steve has just vanished. That thought alone is almost enough to make him sick, and probably would if he hadn't just spent the last few minutes emptying his stomach into the nearby toilet.
He’s glad, though, he knows that he’s left Rosie in good hands just in case anything does happen. He knows that Eddie and Wayne will take care of her if he doesn’t make it out of this mess.
Robin starts talking, the room stops spinning, and they throw questions back and forth, trying to see if the drugs have left their system. When Robin asks him “Are you still in love with Nancy?” Steve finds himself answering with a genuine, honest “No.”
“Why not?” she presses, and brown doe eyes flash through Steve’s mind. His head drops back against the bathroom wall as he thinks about silver rings and a teasing smile. 
“I think because I found someone who's a little bit better for me.” 
Steve had always kind of noticed Eddie in school - hard not to notice him, honestly - but had never really interacted with him until Rosie. He had been the first person outside Steve’s little circle to show an interest in the baby, and he didn’t judge Steve for trying to raise her on his own, even offered to help even though he didn't have to, even though he didn't even know Steve. 
And at some point in the last few months, Steve has gone from never speaking to Eddie, to having a full-blown crush on the guy. 
It only gets worse every time he sees the metalhead - when he brings Rosie by the shop while Steve is working, or when they hang out after Steve’s shift, Rosie asleep nearby while something plays on the tv. Little moments that only add to the quickly growing affection he has for the older man.
“And it's crazy. Ever since Dustin got home, he's been saying, you know, ‘you gotta find your Suzie. You gotta find your Suzie-’”
Robin cuts in with a confused “Wait, who's Suzie?”
Steve sighs and pushes a hand through his hair. “Some girl from camp, I guess his girlfriend? To be honest with you, I'm not 100% sure she's even real. But that's not… That's not really the point. It doesn't matter. The point is this person, you know the one that I like, it's somebody that I didn't even talk to at school. And like, I know why, we didn’t run in the same circles or whatever.”
He rubs his forehead and winces at the throb of pain behind his eyes. “It's stupid, I mean, Dustin's right, it's all just a bunch of bullshit anyways. Because when I think about it, I wish I had known them sooner. First of all, they’re hilarious. Like, so funny. And they’re smart, but not like, book smart. They’re smart where it counts, and they’re one of the most creative people I’ve ever met, like super multi-talented. You know, they’re honestly unlike anyone I've ever met before.”
Steve waits for some kind of remark, but Robin is silent, to the point that he asks a soft “Robin? Robin, did you just OD in there?”
A soft sigh, followed by a “No. I am still alive.”
Without thinking twice, Steve scoots forward and slides under the wall to join her, ignoring how the motion aggravates his nausea as he sits upright again. Robin’s face scrunches in disgust as she says “The floor's disgusting,” and Steve huffs a laugh.
“Yeah well, I've already got a bunch of blood and puke on my shirt so… What do you think?”
“This person?”
“She sounds awesome.”
And Steve pauses, thinks maybe this once he could be honest, be open with someone about this. He loves Robin, she’s become his best friend so quickly, and if he can’t tell her about himself after the last few days, then…
He replies softly, “Yeah, he is awesome.”
Robin’s jaw drops at the admission and she sits up straighter. “He?” 
Steve nods and shrugs a shoulder. “I always kind of… noticed guys. Like, been attracted to them. But he’s the first guy I’ve ever wanted to actively be with, to date.” 
“Is it Eddie?” she asks, blunt as ever. “Because every time he comes into the shop you get this dopey look on your face, and I’m like 80-percent certain that you stare at his ass whenever he leaves.”
Steve slides down the wall a little and wonders if Robin can see him blushing under the blood smeared across his face. “I- Yes, Rob, it’s Eddie. Didn’t think I was that obvious about it.”
"Don't worry, you're not. Not to anyone who isn't gay, at least."
Steve pauses and blinks at her, asks a soft "You too?" and gets a nod in response.
Robin looks like a weight has been lifted from her, and when she tells him about Tammy Thompson, Steve just beams at her, ignores the ache in his face as he starts to rag on her because really? Tammy? Robin could do better, and he tells her as much, and they're both a giggling mess when Dustin and Erica find them.
July 9, ‘85
It’s a few days after Starcourt when Steve notices something interesting. 
He doesn’t have a job anymore, and though he has been looking for a new one, he’s been loving the extra time he’s had with Rosie, getting to actually spend full days with her without the worry of having to be somewhere, especially while he’s still healing up. It’s a good thing too, because the baby has been extra clingy since he returned from his unexpected kidnapping, with no sign of wanting to let her dad out of her sight any time soon.
Right now though, she’s crawling around the house, going from room to room, occasionally calling out a loud “Ma-ma?” as Steve slowly trails behind her, curious as to what she’s doing. She works her way through the most used rooms, and even smacks her hands on the glass patio door and peers into the backyard. Whatever she’s looking for must not be around, and she seems to realize it as well. 
Her face scrunches up and she sits on the floor, looking dejected, and when Steve goes over she looks up at him with wide eyes and reaches out with a watery “Dada…” The sight makes Steve’s heart ache and he picks her up with a soft “C’mere, nugget,” and carries her up to the bedroom. 
He nearly drops her when she yells “Mama!” and starts wriggling like a worm. Steve turns, sees her reaching desperately for the pictures taped to the nearby wall, and huh. He tugs a polaroid free from the collection and hands it to the baby, and he’s surprised when she settles down and starts babbling once it’s in her hands. Steve stares down at the photo, just a simple, silly one of Rosie and Eddie. And Steve suddenly has a theory.
That's how he finds himself at Eddie's place, Rosie propped on his hip as he unlocks the door with the spare key the Munsons gave him (and god, if that doesn’t make him feel things, that they trust him with a key to their home). He steps inside as Eddie looks up, and Steve sees that the older boy is sitting on the floor, surrounded by pages and pages of what appear to be D&D notes. Rosie lets out a “Mama!” and starts wiggling as soon as she sees Eddie, and Steve carries her over and hands her off to the surprised metalhead. 
“Please don’t tell me I was supposed to watch her and forgot,” Eddie says as he pulls the baby into his arms and hugs her. Steve smiles and shakes his head, sets the diaper bag on the couch before settling on the floor next to Eddie, being careful to not jostle any of the pages.
“Nah. She kept crawling around the house looking for ‘mama’. I figured she was talking about you, and I’m happy to see that I’m right.”
Eddie blinks in disbelief and pulls Rosie back a little so he can look at her. She babbles happily and pats her hands on his cheeks, then squeals in delight when Eddie blows a raspberry into one of her palms. Steve’s heart swells at the sight, as he watches how Eddie interacts with his daughter, sees so clearly just how much they adore each other.
“Mama, huh?” Eddie mutters and presses a kiss to her other tiny hand. “Never thought I’d be someone’s mama.”
Something in his voice makes Steve pause. He hadn’t even thought about what Eddie wanted Rosie to call him, he just thought her automatically associating Eddie as mama was… cute. "If it- if it makes you uncomfortable, I'm sure we can teach her to call you something else-" 
He's cut off when Eddie yelps out a sudden "No!" as he pulls Rosie close and squishes his cheek against hers, an affronted look on his face. “No way! I’m mommy now, fuck you!”
Steve isn’t expecting the bright spike of desire that shoots through him at Eddie’s declaration, and fuck that’s something he needs to think about later and not when he’s sitting right in front of the object of his crush and his infant daughter.
Eddie seems to realize what he’s said at the same moment Steve does, as his face flushes bright red and he immediately averts his eyes. Steve clears his throat, can feel just how warm his own cheeks are as he looks down at the papers around them, desperate for a distraction.
“So, uh, what’s all this for?”
“Uh, D&D stuff,” Eddie replies as he sets Rosie in his lap. She whines for a moment before realizing that he isn’t going anywhere, that he’s just setting her somewhere comfortable, and she settles into him as he distracts her with his ringed hand. “I’m working on the big campaign I plan to run during the school year. Lots of parts, lots of things to have in order.”
“Tell me about it?” Steve asks, genuinely curious, and when Eddie launches into the intricacies of the story, he listens, enraptured. He finds that he’s at his happiest during these moments, when it’s just the three of them, enjoying each other's company and simply existing together.
And like an inevitable fact of the universe, a puzzle piece slotting into place, Steve knows in this moment that he wants this for the rest of his life.
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@luciana-rowan @bidisastersworld @little-gae-shit @thehumblefigtree @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @estrellami-1 @shrimply-a-menace @anaibis @livelaughlexa @vampireinthesun @zerokrox-blog @mackdaddyofheimlichcountyy @idea-less-author @thegingerrapunzel @stevesbipanic @electrick-marionnett @tuesdaycats @seths-rogens @flustratedcas @qomrades @artiststarme @death-the-elf @itsanarrum @linkydinky06 @jaywhohasthegay @aboredowl @maya-custodios-dionach t @eerielake @smolbasilboy @freyaforestafay @gleek4twd @gayngerthings @newtstabber @lucasrightarm @huskysarelife @i-must-potato @thegingervulcan @novelnovella @ryebread375 @stardustonpages @trensu @otaku-bell-livemotto @thev01dd @demolvr @hellfireloserclub @beenovel @anzelsilver @f1ct1onwh0re @ravenphoenix94
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acowardinmordor · 1 year
Flip the Board - pt 3
Part One - Part Two
This is going to have to migrate to Ao3. I'm incapable of keeping things short. I'll try to catch everyone in tags when I post part four, which will flip this to posting by chapter, rather than by scene.
Eddie didn’t skip as he rushed out the side door of the school, headed for the parking lot, but it was close to it. Dustin was standing with his back to the school, next to the van, imitating Harrington’s frustrated mom pose, with a lunchbox hanging from his left hand, and his backpack over his shoulders. Max was leaning against the van, while Lucas argued, and Mike glowered. 
Good progress, but they needed to get moving and were two party members shy of a successful departure.
Eddie hurried over, clapping to bleed off the excess energy, then flung open the door. Ignoring the random stuttered confusion, he snagged his supply and shoved it under the driver’s seat, then reached for bags and whatever else they had on them. 
“What the hell?” Max asked as he yanked the skateboard out of her hands.
“Chill, Red, I’m not stealing your board, you’re coming too.”
“No, really, what the hell?” Lucas added. 
“Shh, Sinclair. Hold your questions til the end of class. Dustin, you’re three for five. Did they not want to skip out? I don’t care. They have to. Do I need to go back for them? Come on. Chop chop. Where’s Robin and Wheeler?”
“I’m right here?”
“Wheeler the Elder,” Eddie amended with a flap of his hand, “You, Sir Michaelmas, are already accounted for.”
“Okay, Dustin, what shit is this?!” Mike snapped. He turned to face off with Dustin, and Lucas turned with him. “You said this was Code Red.”
Dustin was his favorite. 
Kid didn’t blink, didn’t hesitate, didn’t even glance at Eddie for confirmation. Which was one hell of a thing since it was Dustin, who can, did, and would question everything he encountered -- all at the top of his lungs. It wasn’t like Eddie took the time to explain a damn thing after telling him to get the others. Yeah, Dustin tried to ask something after Eddie told him to get the others, but lunch was ending and step one had to start immediately, so Eddie sprinted out of the theater and trusted that Dustin would listen. 
“It IS a Code Red.”
“How the hell would he even know to say that? He probably just overheard you talking about something and thought it would be a good joke.”
“It isn’t a joke,” Dustin insisted. “This is real. He knows something, and it’s serious.”
“Nancy graduated last year, but we’re supposed to think this is real?” Lucas said.
Oh shit. 
“Just because he doesn’t know everything doesn’t mean it isn’t real. Steve gets things wrong all the time and we still listen to him!”
Maybe this meant that the vision thing wasn’t real. Eddie scrambled backwards in his head, trying to figure out if he knew that or not. He saw her around all the time. Around the school all the time. She was in Hawkins during spring break. 
Apocalypse canceled?
Oh wait. 
No. Dammit. 
He remembered this. He already knew this. Wheeler mentioned it after a couple campaign sessions. Damn. So much for hope. For a second he thought he hadn’t received some insane prophetic revelation.
“She’s working for the paper right?” Eddie interrupted before Mike could yell. “I knew that, sort of. A bit. I knew she was in Hawkins. That counts. It isn’t relevant to this. Got confused. Don’t complain, Wheeler junior, would you rather I know everything your sister does? I know you hate it when Steve talks to her, would you rather it was me?”
Mike’s eyeroll was the most ridiculous, but Lucas and Max joined in. 
Dustin was officially Eddie’s only child now; steadfast little shithead.
Eddie clapped again. 
“Right! Dustin! Where are the other two?”
“Okay. I told the others.” Dustin scowled a promise that all this good behavior was going to be repaid with the mother of all favors, but he answered, “Robin wasn’t sure when Steve finished his shift. She only knew it was before class ended today. She went to call him and see if Nancy was in the newspaper office. She’s either gonna show up with Nancy in a minute, or she’s going to be out here to let us know where Steve and Nancy are.
“And,” he continued, “The rest of Hellfire is pissed at you. Gareth said he was going to plan a coup for Hellfire and for Corroded Coffin. I am being very patient right now. It is taking everything I have to sound This Calm, but, Eddie, Dude, you need to start answering questions before I think you’re a Russian spy.”
Eddie blinked. 
“Uh.” Blinked again. “What do Russian spies have to do with demo-monsters and the Upside Down?” The kids all jumped when he said that name. He waved his hand, clearing it like a bad smell. “Dammit. Okay. Never mind, gotta learn about the communist infiltration later. Mayfield?”
“What now, Munson?”
“Don’t with that tone, Red. You have your walkman with you? Put it on. Kate Bush. Running Up that Hill. It’s your favorite song. Keep rewinding and listening until we can make you a loop tape.”
“What the hell?”
“Just put the headphones on.”
“Why should I listen to some dipshit who didn’t even know about the Russians?”
“Because you’re in trouble. The life-in-danger kind of trouble. Not the ‘you’re grounded’ kind.”
She snorted. For a second, Eddie saw how the others hadn’t noticed. She was good at fronting, if he hadn’t seen her before, he would believe it. 
“Have you been having headaches? Have you been having awful nightmares and thinking you’re hearing things and been thinking about how maybe it would be easier if--” He stopped before he outed any secrets. She heard what he didn’t say, and the suddenly serious look on her face was confirmation. “Just do it. It’ll keep you safe.”
Lucas had her walkman out already, skipping past the need to understand and lunging for her bag the second Eddie persuaded him. Good. That was good. Lucas would be good at this, and if he stuck with her, that was better odds on saving a second one. Their plan, using her, using a kid as bait for the interdimensional hell wizard was bullshit, and he wasn’t doing that again. No fucking way.
He knew the bats dropped, but he also knew the ground shook and there was a noise like the world tore apart right at the end. 
That was the last shot of the movie that arrived in his brain half an hour ago. A sound like the world screaming, louder than Dustin’s yelling, and then; a cafeteria. 
Maybe Max and the others pulled it off. Maybe they didn’t. He wasn’t gambling on this stuff.
“Are you going to explain stuff? Cause I’m trusting you right now, but even if I was okay not knowing what the hell, and I’m not, and you know that, even if I was going to be okay with it, no one else is going to be.”
“Yeah. You don’t know about this stuff,” Mike added. 
“I didn’t,” Eddie tossed back, stressing the past tense.
“And you learned about all of this while standing on a table in the middle of the cafeteria?”
For once, Nancy Wheeler’s ability to instantly override any conversation she entered was a blessing. Eddie didn’t know how to answer Mike’s question except with a plain ‘yes’ which would do exactly nothing to clarify any of this.
“Munson, if this is some kind of a joke, I will personally ensure that you do not graduate,” she announced as she joined them, deadly serious. “You have no idea how serious this is, and you can’t decide to use it as a prank the day before Spring Break because you think it’ll be funny.”
Eddie turned and smiled, “Ms Nancy Wheeler, you’re looking as delightfully felonious as ever.”
“Not a joke,” he cut her off. “Robin, where’s Steve right now?”
“Well he was at Family Video, but I called and told him Dustin called Code Red, and I think he tried to spontaneously teleport to the school to help before I finished the sentence. Luckily he smacked into the edge of the counter, so he stopped to listen for a sec, so I told him to go home and we’d meet him there. But that was a couple minutes ago, so he’s probably breaking driving laws and freaking out right now. By the time we get there, he’s going to be at least half as freaked out as I am right now.”
“What is going on?” Nancy hissed.
“Normal Hawkins shit, apparently,” Eddie said, “It’s the end of the world and I know what’s coming.”
“Bullshit. This isn’t a joke. I don’t know how you found out about any of this, but this isn’t one of your games!” 
The fizz of victorious energy he floated on tempered by a few points. Eddie heard the sharp edge of Nancy’s voice, and held it up against the fear as she described Vecna’s plan. There were similarities. She didn’t believe him yet, but she believed it was possible. 
The others continued bickering while he and Nancy squared off. 
“He isn’t joking,” Dustin repeated stubbornly.
“Oh, so our DM suddenly knows about the Upside Down and we’re just supposed to trust he isn’t making it a story?” Mike yelled.
“It’s Eddie! Of course we trust him!”
“Well,” Robin dragged out the word, “some proof would be nice.” 
“You want proof that I’m not joking, Nancy?” Eddie hummed a little, and kept his focus on her. Goddamn, at least this bullshit was giving him some top shelf opportunities for dramatics. He waited until the quiet got a tiny bit tense, then quietly, simply, said, “In 1983, your shoe boxes were full of shoes. Now they’re full of guns. Pick them up on the way to Harrington’s, would you? All of them.”
“What.” Her face froze, blank.
He had more things he could say, but if he could convince Nancy, he figured the kids would shut up until they got everyone in one place. She was scary enough to buy him a little more time.
“Am I wrong?”
“How do you know that?”
“Told you. End of the world and I know what’s coming.” 
She nodded once, cautious and serious.
Eddie clapped his hands loudly to break the mood, and turned back to the gremlins. “Max, Lucas, Robin, you’re with me. Dustin, Mike, go with Nancy. ”
“No, get back here, Munson, how do you know that? How do you know any of this?”
“Yeah, sorry, I would, but we’re on the clock. I’m not gonna waste time doing this song and dance twice aaaaaaaand, tragically, for me, but excellent news for Henderson; I need Harrington.”
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eskawrites · 5 months
What about 18 “You look like hell.” “I feel like it.” Would there be anyway to tie that into the Russian Robin spy bits you’ve been doing because I love them sm
how did you know this perfectly aligns with what i was thinking for the Russian Robin au?
russian robin drabble part one | part two
Nancy isn't surprised that Hopper is furious with her. She's not surprised when Murray goes on a two hour rant about how reckless she is, and how they're all certainly going to die now that she's let Robin run back to her handlers. She's not surprised by the sad, torn look Joyce gives her, or the way Steve shuts himself in his house and stops talking to all of them.
She is, however, completely taken aback when Dustin shows up at the Wheeler house in the middle of the night, banging on the door and demanding to talk to her and only her.
"What's going on? What's wrong?" she asks, trying to pull him inside so he doesn't wake the neighbors as well as everyone in her house. But Dustin tugs his arm from her grasp and stays stubbornly on the front step.
"You need to come with me. This is top secret--you're the only one we can trust."
"Just come on, Nancy!"
She barely has enough time to grab her backpack that's sitting by the front door before he's grabbing her and pulling her along. She's in pajama pants and a sweatshirt that once belonged to Robin, running barefoot against the pavement, and then the grass, and then through the woods.
Dustin leads her further and further away from the center of town, deeper into the trees. They're heading vaguely toward the Byers' old house, she realizes.
Mirkwood, she thinks, her heart sinking.
"Dustin," she says, "what's going on?"
He slows to a walk, but there's still something frantic to his movement as he pulls her along.
"Don't get mad, okay?" he says. "You're the one who helped her escape."
"What are you--"
"Finally!" says another voice from the trees--young, impatient, and unexpected enough to completely confuse Nancy. Erica steps into view with her arms crossed. "You've been gone for ages!"
"I went as fast as I could," Dustin protests. "Have you seen anything?"
"Nothing. You told me to stay put, remember?"
"Yeah, I'm surprised you listened for once."
"What's going on?" Nancy says again, cutting off Erica's protest. "What the hell are you two doing out here?"
Erica gives Dustin a look. "You didn't tell her?"
"I was working on it!" He turns toward Nancy. "We found her, okay? But we need your help."
Nancy stares. "You--what are you talking about?"
"What do you think I'm talking about? Robin!"
"She left a week ago, she can't be--"
"Look, I've been monitoring Cerebro listening for Russian transmissions, just in case I pick up something. I figure..." He shifts his weight. "If she went back to them, I thought we should know about it."
"Bullshit, Dustin," Erica says. He throws his hands up.
"Fine! I was worried about her. Just like you, Erica. And you, Nance, 'cause you're the one who let her go. So I wanted to keep an ear out just in case she needed us. And it's a good thing I did, because we overheard them talking about her earlier tonight."
Nancy closes her eyes. The world is spinning. She kind of thinks she might be sick. She shakes her head a little.
"Cut to the chase, Dustin," she says, eyes still closed. "What did you hear, and why do you need me?"
"They found her." His voice is tight. Nancy clenches her jaw. "But apparently they underestimated her, because they reported casualties and said she got away."
"And now?"
"As far as I can tell, they have no idea where she went. But based on where they saw her last--and, okay, this is fully just an educated guess, I admit, but--"
"She's close by," Erica says impatiently. "And we need to find her. We need to help her."
Nancy opens her eyes again, glancing around. "You know, the last time you picked up confidential Russian messages, it didn't end well for anyone."
"Robin is our friend," Dustin says, his voice surprisingly sharp. "She's a lot of other things, too, but that part hasn't changed. If she needs us, I'm going to be there for her. So are you going to help us or not?"
She bites back a sigh. "How long ago were they talking about Robin?"
"It's been a couple hours."
"She could be long gone by now."
"She could've been long gone days ago, but she wasn't," he argues. "So?"
"Fine." She slides her backpack off her shoulder and digs through it until she finds the revolver. She pulls it out, checks it over, and pulls the backpack back on. "But you both do as I say, when I say it. Got it?"
They both nod. Nancy moves in front of both of them and starts walking deeper into the forest.
For a long time, they don't see anything. Nancy bites her tongue to keep from pointing out that Robin is a trained soldier, and the odds of them finding her in the middle of the woods, in the dark, with no real trail to follow are low, even if she is injured. But she thinks about the fact that Robin is very likely injured--if not freezing or starving or any other manner of nearly dead--and she keeps her mouth shut and keeps walking.
She's just about to suggest Dustin and Erica head home--her nerves are getting the better of her in the dark, in the woods, with the thought of Russians and demogorgons and whatever else might be lurking in the shadows--when she sees a tree with a patch of bark scraped cleanly off.
"There," she says, nodding toward it. "She's close."
"Because of the tree?" Erica asks.
"Look at the marks. It's too clean to be an animal. She must have done it with a knife, to make kindling probably."
Robin had taught her how to make a fire last summer, pointing out which twigs and branches were dry and which were too green still, showing her how she could figure it out for herself. But if it's rained recently, Robin had said, you might need to dig a little to get dry wood. Shaving pieces from your firewood works, but you can scrape into a standing tree too if you need to.
Nancy had asked how Robin knew all this. I went camping a lot as a kid had been her answer.
She shakes her head. "She's close," she says again.
The click of a gun cocking sounds nearby. Really close, maybe. Still, Nancy raises the revolver and reaches back to push Erica and Dustin behind her. She looks through the trees, trying to spot any sign of Robin or whoever else might be out here.
She doesn't see her, but she does hear her--a faint, disbelieving voice calling out softly, "Nancy?"
"Robin!" Dustin cries, too loud. He runs ahead of Nancy before she can grab him.
"Dustin!" She follows, heart in her throat, but he doesn't go far. He skids to a halt about twenty feet ahead, staring at--
Robin, slumped against an old, rotten stump, arm wrapped tightly around her own waist, a weak, wry smile filling her face as she sees them.
She's covered in mud, clothes torn and filthy, hair messy around her face. The hand holding her gun drops suddenly, as if giving out. She winces a little as she tries to sit up.
"You're barefoot," she says, looking at Nancy.
Nancy stares back. She's sitting awkwardly against the stump, painfully. There are bloodstains on her shirt where she's holding herself. There's a split in her lip and a bruise blooming around her eye, too. She is, though, wearing shoes. Her tattered Converse she'd been wearing when Hopper came back into town with the news that she was a traitor.
"You look like hell."
Robin gives a dry laugh. "I feel like it."
Something breaks in Nancy, tension withering away in the air between them. She stumbles forward and falls to her knees beside Robin.
"I told you to stay safe," she says, reaching out carefully to peel Robin's arm away from her waist.
"If I remember right, you told me not to fail. And I didn't. Bastards'll be running home with their tails between their legs now."
Nancy manages to move her enough to get a clear look at the wound, but the only thing she can really tell is that it's bad. Robin's skin is freezing to the touch.
"What did you do, Robs?" she whispers.
"What I said I would." Robin tries to sit up again, voice and body straining. "I--I want to protect you, Nance. I need to protect you. All of you. I--"
Nancy reaches out and stills her. Robin is breathing hard, beads of sweat gathering at her hairline, but she relaxes slightly under Nancy's touch.
"We need to get her out of here," Dustin says. Robin's eyes flick toward him.
"You shouldn't be here. Either of you," she adds, looking at Erica, too.
Erica crosses her arms over her chest. "Try and stop us."
"Dustin's right," Nancy says before an argument can break out. "You need help, Robin."
"M'fine." Her arm falls against her waist again, trying and failing to cover the blood soaking her shirt.
Nancy leans closer and lowers her voice. "You're hurt. Badly. You didn't even try to bandage it?"
"I--" Robin stares at her, eyes wide and searching. "I don't have anything--"
"Then let us help you."
"No. There's nothing you can do, anyway."
"We can make sure you don't bleed to death," Erica snaps.
"By what? Taking the Russian spy to the hospital?" Robin laughs again, weak and hollow, and Nancy feels it scrape through her own chest. "Unless one of you is a field surgeon, there's nothing to be done. You should just go before someone finds you here."
"No way," says Dustin. Beside him, Erica crosses her arms over her chest and nods in agreement.
Robin scowls at them, then turns to Nancy, her gaze suddenly pleading.
Nancy sets her jaw. "You're coming with us, Robs."
"Nancy. Don't."
"Shut up. Dustin, come help me get her on her feet."
He does as he's told, and Robin can't do much but let them take her by the arms and help her up. Nancy lets Dustin support Robin's weight for a moment while she quickly sheds her sweatshirt and wads it up. Then she takes her place back under Robin's arm and presses the sweatshirt to her waist. Robin bites her lip, but she doesn't make a sound as Nancy applies pressure.
"Is there anyone around?" Nancy asks her quietly. Robin shakes her head.
"No one followed me. We should be fine."
"Good. Now come on. Erica keep an eye out."
"Got it."
"Nance," Robin breathes.
Nancy looks up at her and sees tears in her eyes. But whatever Robin was going to say doesn't make it out. She just shakes her head and closes her eyes, letting Dustin and Nancy help her back through the trees.
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apomaro-mellow · 8 months
Part 6
When Nancy and Robin returned to his house, he told them that Jonathan had found Eddie. The two of them, along with Argyle, spent the night in case the two returned.
Neither of them showed their face.
The next day, Steve was alone in his house, waiting for one of them to come by or to call and explain what happened with Eddie. When it got past noon, Steve called Eddie's home. No answer. He held it together long enough for an hour to pass before calling the Byers-Hopper place. Joyce answered but said she hadn't seen Jonathan at all today.
Honestly what was worse than the not knowing was being confused on who he was more worried about, Jonathan, who had just kissed him for the first time, or Eddie, who had seen them kiss.
Steve busied himself with cleaning and exercising mostly. He thought about talking to Robin, waaay too much to have not called her at this point. But he didn't know where to start.
The day after Jon and Eddie went MIA, Steve officially out of things to clean and he was contemplating getting some kind of gym membership when the doorbell rang.
He answered it and Jonathan was there, asked if he wanted to go on a drive and Steve accepted.
It was rare that he was a passenger. He got to watch the town go by. It was five minutes into the ride that he realized he didn't even ask where they were going.
"We're doing this whole thing, because you don't wanna date anyone, right?", Jonathan asked.
"It's not because of that. I just didn't want Dustin hounding me about not dating Robin. And then it was about getting him to stop setting me up with anyone."
"So why did you choose me? Was it just because I walked through the door? It could have been anyone, right?"
Steve thought of who else could have walked through the door that he would claim to date on the spot just to trick Dustin. The list was short. Not Robin or Nancy. None of the kids. Argyle he had just met.
......Maybe Eddie?
"Whoever you just thought of, you probably should have picked him", Jonathan said.
"I don't regret choosing you", Steve said. "Or kissing you", he added quickly.
Jonathan bit his lip. Eddie and driven them back to his place the other night and they had talked until dawn. It was just before the sun rose, when the sky was its darkest that Eddie confessed.
"I've got the hots for your boyfriend, man."
A guy in a normal situation might show offense, or possessiveness, or something. But Steve wasn't his boyfriend. He shouldn't feel that way. Like he actually wanted Steve. Because that would be crazy, wouldn't it?
"I think you and Eddie should talk."
"Did he tell you why he ran off?", Steve asked.
"Yeah. But that's not for me to say."
Steve slouched a little in his seat. "Where are you taking us anyway?"
"I have no idea. I just couldn't talk in your house, man."
Nancy knew something was up. But she was also quite sure it was none of her business. Her two ex-boyfriends coming out as gay and dating each other was a shock to her system. But only because it had appeared to her that Steve and Eddie were the ones getting closer.
It was none of her business though. But whatever was going on was making things tense. It had been a couple of weeks since Eddie ran off in the night and he was acting like he hadn't.
It was probably no harm, no foul. He was safe and this wasn't a symptom of the Upside Down. But Nancy was never one to let things go.
And the New Year's party she was throwing was the perfect opportunity. Nancy had the house to herself. Mike was at his friend's party, her parents had gone to an office party and Holly was at a sleepover. She bulked up the guest list with some of her old girl scout buddies and some of then teens from her church (that lot could drink you under the table).
She enlisted the help of Argyle and Robin. It wasn't a complicated plan at all. She just needed Robin in on it so that she didn't release Steve at the slightest protest.
"Are we ready for this?", Nancy asked at around 11:15.
"As I'll ever be, shit", Argyle sighed.
"Nancy, you're sure this is going to work? Because it sounds like torture instead", Robin said.
Nancy looked at their quarry. Eddie, practically guarding the punch bowl, then across the room to where Steve and Eddie were sitting a respectful distance on the couch.
"This right now is torture."
So in a process that was quite surgical and precise, the three of them managed to get Steve, Jonathan, and Eddie into a closet and kept them locked in. The sounds of the party in the living room were a distant muffle.
Hopefully they could all ring in the new year as a group of friends refreshed. Instead of the stagnant air that had been around them.
Part 8 FINAL
Tag Team
@freddykicksasses @itsfreakingbats @thatrandombatgurl @loguine-linguine @cecinestpasunblog @aliea82
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Selfish Jerk
Jim Hopper x Reader
Rating: Fluff, a little angst.
Summary: Hopper doesn't want you involved in the mess of the Upside-Down and when you demand an answer - it's something you didn't expect.
a/n: anon request! Taking place during season 2.
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The light was dull from Steve’s flashlight as you held up a hand against it, you scolded the young adult and told him to put it down. He rolled his eyes and explained that he just wanted to make sure you did not have a concussion.
“Hopper would kill me if he knew I let you tag along…”
“I’m an adult,” you reminded him, pushing away his hand. “Now get that light out of my eyes – I am fine.”
“Your forehead is bleeding, and you can barely move your arm,” Dustin pointed out, shoving Steve out of the way. His eyes squinted as if he was trying to asset your physical health – laughing, you gently pushed the kid away from the bleacher you were sitting on.
“Just get me something to clean up, okay?”
The pair shared a worried glance before leaving you sitting alone, Steve mentioning that there had to be a first aid kit somewhere. You watched as they shoved each other and argued about letting you come along – again you hear Hopper being brought up. Now that you could take a moment to gather your thoughts – you knew he was going to be upset that you now were involved in this whole Upside-Down debacle. You were just the new English teacher in town, even though it had been a few years now since you moved to Hawkins – you still felt out of place. A stranger in tight knit community where everyone knew everyone. While the adults had all been nice, Hopper had become a friend. It started with an act of vandalism on your car and a report to the station that introduced the two of you – he was a bit irate that morning, but you had quickly realized that was just Jim. Eventually, after a cup of coffee, he was a kinder version of himself, and you had appreciated his help. The two of you concluded that the act was revenge for a bad grade, and he offered to clean up paint off your car. This led to a thank you lunch and eventually the two of you found comfort and company in each other – of course, it was all so platonic, as much as that disappointed you.
There were whispers and information given to you about his ex-wife and late daughter, but that was none of your business, Hopper would tell you when and if he wanted to – and he did. After a few drinks at his place one night, he had cooked dinner, the two of you sat on his front porch. He told you everything and was gentle in his words, and you could feel the pain in his eyes – all you wanted to do was wrap him in your arms, but how could you? In such a vulnerable state, it would feel as if you were taking advantage of him – even though, in that moment, you had realized the feelings you had for the man.
That was a nearly a year ago and thing had changed.
She had come into his life and things started to happen in Hawkins, things everyone else chose to ignore or just didn’t see. It started with the Will Byers going missing – he was part of a group of boys that you had a soft spot for. Your classroom had become their sanctuary and often, you had enjoyed their company during lunch. You had noticed something about Hopper too – he was hiding something; you just knew it but knew he would tell you when he was ready.  
Then one night, he had no choice.
 You had driven to Joyce Byers house to drop off some drawings Will had done for a class assignment, along with some food you had cooked – anything to help ease the family, even if just meant a warm meal. What you were met with once you got there was three teenagers, armed and frightened. Everything happened so fast, you were handed a crowbar and suddenly you were fighting for your life – and as the only adult, the lives of the minors in the house.
In the end, Johnathan and Nancy explained everything to you and a very confused Steve Harrington. You wouldn’t have believed it if not for the fact you had seen this monster with your own eyes. Hopper had arrived at the house with Joyce and the others – and his face when he walked in and saw you was priceless. From there on out, he had kept you informed with everything that was going on but wanted you to have nothing to do with the situation.
You had respected his wishes for a while, and when he took in Eleven – you had been there for him, even coming around to give her lessons and just be there for the two of them. Now, you were too involved with everything and cared too much to stand by. So, when you saw Steve hauling ass in his car with Dustin in the passenger seat, you followed them in your car. Once they went into the woods, you chased after them – armed with an axe you kept in your car, after the experience at the Byers, keeping a weapon nearby was a must, even if you weren’t fighting Upside-Down creatures. Dustin was elated to have his teacher along for the ride, but Steve was mortified that he was now having to babysit Hawkins’ most appreciated English teacher.
“Don’t worry, I know how to use this,” you advised, holding up the axe. Steve sighed but confessed he was relieved.
“I need some backup,” he smiled, teasing that Dustin was more of a backseat driver.
Steve rolled his eyes and looked at you. “Nice to have an actual adult around – I think that’s the first time I’ve ever said that…”
You laughed and the three of you ventured on – and later that night, you were at Steve’s side, fighting Demogorgon demon dogs from hell while keeping the kids safe. The two of you won the fight, but you had gotten hurt. Steve and the kids were able to bring you back to the Byers residence, but no sign of Joyce or Hopper anywhere. You rested on the couch and listened to Steve shouting for someone to help find first aid supplies, while the others murmured amongst themselves – everyone was trying to stay calm. Closing your eyes for a moment, you thought of the promise you made Hopper.
He didn’t want you involve at all and now you were hurt, and you were sure he wasn’t going to be happy. A part of you wondered if it was because you were in love with him, that you felt the need to help or the fact that you had come to love Eleven as well. The two of them had filled a void in your life and the happiest moments in your life recently, had been with them. You wondered and worried Hopper didn’t want you involved because you would just be in the way of him saving and protecting the people he cared for.
Of course, you believed Hopper cared for you, but only as a friend. You even got it in your head that there was something going on between Joyce and him, even though she was seeing Bob. It was silly to think of romance potential when this crazy shit was happening, so you brushed away all thoughts and thanked Steve when he finally brought over some supplies.
“I’ll clean up in the bathroom,” you said, declining an offer from him when he asked if you needed help because of your arm. “It doesn’t hurt that much, thanks.”
Moving to the hallway, the murmurs and chaotic energy died down. When you closed the door to the bathroom, you let out a deep breath. Your body was exhausted and once you looked in the mirror, you were thankful the kids didn’t make a huge fuss about your appearance. Blood, your blood, was coated against your forehead, along with some sticky matter that did not belong to you or any human. Disgusted, you turned on the faucet but before you could even feel the cold water on your dehydrated face, a sharp knock abrupted from the door.
“Steve, I’m good!”
“It’s not Harrington.”
The deeply irate voice echoed in your ears and your eyes closed for a moment before opening the door – Hopper stood there in disbelief. His facial expression was anger at first, but as his eyes took in the damage on your face, his face relaxed.
“What the hell happened,” he asked cautiously, closing the door behind him. You held strong, shrugging lightly as he guided you against the sink counter. His hands came to your shoulders, and he took a deep breath. “What the hell were you thinking, you made a promise, didn’t you?”
“I’m not a child, I’m not Eleven,” you argued, turning around to face the faucet. This time Hopper didn’t interrupt as you washed up, only offering a dry towel. Taking it, you made a mental note to buy Joyce a new towel – your blood was all over it now. “I saw Steve and Dustin going into the woods – I knew something was up, what was I supposed to do?”
Hopper’s eyes narrowed. “Nothing. You do nothing – I – I don’t want you involved in all this!”
“Don’t yell at me,” you warned, grabbing the rubbing alcohol off the counter. He watched as you dampened a clean part of the towel with it and held it against your forehead. “I wasn’t going to let those kids go in all alone – Steve and I, we fought a bunch of those damn things! I don’t know if they all would have survived had I not been there. “
“Harrington would have handled it.”
“He’s a fucking kid, Hopper – they all are!”
“I don’t want you involved,” he grunted. You glared at him, and he sighed, as if he knew what you were thinking. “Eleven is different – she’s…”
“You care about her, you love her,” you whispered, removing the towel from your head. “I get it, she can’t help but be apart of this all. I know if it was up to you, she would never have to deal with this crap again. I love her too, Jim.”
“I know you do.”
“Then why the hell can’t I help protect her? Why can’t I put my life on the line for her, for all those kids out there! For this town!”
The yelling was sure to get the attention of everyone in the house, but you didn’t care – not when you just wanted a straight answer from Hopper. You just wanted to know why he wouldn’t even allow you to fight with him, especially for the people you had come to care about. You were angry and frustrated because he wasn’t going to push you to the sidelines. All this time, when it came to Hopper, you were nothing but patient. But now, you wanted answered.
“Tell me why you are choosing to keep me from helping El.”
You laughed dryly, again, turning from him to face the mirror. He watched as you dabbed at the slash on your forehead – the bleeding had stopped but it was staring to burn. Neither of you said a word as you worked on getting it cleaned up, but then your eyes caught his and you frowned.
“We’re not getting anywhere here,” you turned to him and shrugged. “This isn’t important right now, we need to find El. We need to figure out our next move.”
“There isn’t a next move for you,” Hopper insisted, but all you could do was let out a controlled breath and move to the door. Whatever reason he had to keep you from this, it didn’t matter when everyone’s life was still in danger. Turning the knob, you told him you’d be with the others when he grabbed you by the elbow – holding you back.
“I can’t let you do this,” he explained, voice pained and weak.
“Why not,” you whispered.
His hand fell from your elbow, and you turned to face him – Hopper’s eyes were somber, he looked conflicted as he stepped to you.
“Because I’m a selfish jerk,” he finally let out, reaching a hand your face. His palm felt warm against your cheek - not a word could be formed as he stared at you. “I’m afraid of losing El, but I know she can handle this – she’s different, but you? God damn it, sweetheart, I don’t think I can handle losing you.”
His name fell from your lips, and he smiled weakly, brushing matted hair from your face – his thumb moving to caress your chin. “God, I love you.”
Being aware of the danger that was looming in the air, the pain seeping through your forehead and arm, and the voices echoing from down the hall, only heightened the feeling gathering in the pit of your stomach. You couldn’t believe the words Jim had just spoke out into the world, to you – it had been something you weren’t sure was attainable. You would have been happy enough with the dinners and movie nights with him and El – even if that was all you would be given. It was okay, because it meant being in Hopper’s life – a man that was clearly broken, who had been eaten alive by the universe. Yet here he was.
“Are – are you going to say something,” he whispered, his eyes trying to analyze yours. You let out a low laugh and smiled up at the sheriff.
“I love you too…”
Hopper grinned and leaned in for a kiss, but you pulled away. His face went slack in confusion, and you touched his shoulder, giving it a squeeze.
“I love you, Hopper. I love El and I want us to be a family – I want us to live together and navigate raising a teenager together. But you need to know something.”
You grinned. “I’m very protective of my family and I’m not going to let anyone stop me from doing that – not even you.”
“Shit,” he laughed, pulling you closer. He held you tight for a moment before pressing his lips against yours. His mouth was eager and all you wanted to do was lock the two of you in the bathroom forever, but things needed to be done. El needed to be found. He kissed you once more before breaking apart from you. His face was sheepish, and he held back a grin. “Alright, we’re going to do this – but you stay by my side, okay? And when I saw run, you run – got it?”
Pulling from Hopper, you held onto his waist and smiled at him. “Okay.”
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Do You Know What Shovels Dig? Graves Part 4
Well, @forgottenkanji​ was the only one that suggested a name, but it was really cool, so I decided why not?   Do you know what shovels dig? Graves
Welp, this part has reached over 3k so it’s getting split up. And maybe even an epilogue with that anon’s idea. I know I keep saying we’ll see. But this story has taken life of its own at this point and I’m just putting it out there as it comes.
 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
And here we get to the party apologizing and Eddie bitching out his friends.
Eddie had band practice after dinner so he kissed Steve on the cheek a little bit before half-time and left. Steve furrowed his brow a bit when he saw Eddie leave but didn’t say anything.
Eddie arrived at Gareth’s house and hopped out of his van. He was pleased to see that all of the other members of Corroded Coffin were already there. He walked up to them grinning from ear to ear.
“Hey, Eddie!” Gareth greeted. “You ready to start, man?”
Eddie just stood there with his hands on his hips, rocking back on his heels.
Jeff looked around Eddie in confusion. “Hey, dude, where’s your guitar?”
“Oh I didn’t bring it,” Eddie replied cheerfully.
The other three shared glances and the muttering began.
“You see I just recently learned that my best friends gave my boyfriend the shovel talk,” Eddie said brightly. “Best friends who really should have known better considering they know my past and that Steve is a hopeless romantic who is a serial monogamist.”
The muttering stopped and silence fell.
“So I’m just stopping by to let you know that because you and several others made my boyfriend so upset he had a breakdown,” Eddie continued in the same cheerful tone, “that if I hear even one word against Steve...” his voice dropped to the dark and wicked tone he used for his villains, “I will gleefully murder your characters in increasingly violent ways and then burn the character sheets. Mm’kay?”
They all nodded vigorously.
“Great!” Eddie said. “See you on Saturday!” And then turned on his heel and hopped back into his van. He drove off with a cheery wave.
Once he was gone they all looked at each other in shock.
“Wait, did Eddie say several other shovel talks?” Jeff asked after minutes of stunned silence.
“Did he say breakdown?” Gareth asked.
Steve got into work the following morning only for Robin to throw her arms around his neck.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” she whispered. “You just always appear so confident and cool when you’re actually dating that I forgot I know you better than that.”
Steve let out a shuddering breath. “It hurt Robs,” he murmured. “I thought I was your best friend and you were telling me not break his heart. I just don’t understand why.”
Robin sighed and let go of him. She hopped up onto the counter and crossed her ankles. “Being gay isn’t the same as being bisexual. You have other options if it goes to shit.” Steve’s face soured and she started waving her hands. “Not that I think it will. Of course I don’t! It’s just hard. Not harder. Because believe me I have heard some pretty nasty things people have said about bisexuals from both sides of the aisle. And I just got so wrapped up in the gay aspect of it all that I forgot you have it just as hard.”
He just shrugged and half turned away.
“Shit!” Robin said. “I’m supposed to apologizing and I’m making it worse. I am sorry. So sorry. I shouldn’t have been dismissive when you asked about Eddie breaking your heart. Because of course you’re concerned about that. Especially after Nancy. I just didn’t think it was possible, because Eddie loves you so much.”
Steve nodded.
She jumped off the counter and threw her arms around him again. “You’re my Platonic soulmate and I love you so much. You deserve people looking out for you, too. And I promise that will be me from now on.”
“I love you, too.” He put one hand on her arm as she held him. They stayed like that until a customer came in.
When Steve got home from work Will was sitting on his front steps.
“Hey, Will, you been waiting long?” Steve asked as he unlocked the front door.
Will stood up and dusted off his pants. “Nope. I knew when you got off and before you ask, Eddie told me.”
Steve raised an eyebrow but didn’t question it. It wasn’t uncommon for kids to just drop by. His was one of the few houses among their friends with air conditioning and the only one with a pool.
“Dustin mentioned he’d be stopping by to apologize,” Will said as he wandered through to the kitchen, “and me and El decided that since you are too nice, one of us will be here to make sure the actually apologize and not hand wave what they did away.”
Steve laughed. “If you say so.”
Sure enough about ten minutes later there was a knock on the door. Steve when to go answer it and Dustin, Mike, and Nancy stood there looking sheepish. Will came out and shook his head.
“That just won’t do,” his said. “Two of you will wait in the front room while one apologizes to Steve. I won’t let you cheat with one person apologizing and thinking it counts for all three of you.”
Steve grinned. “Yeah, Will’s my favorite.”
Dustin looked devastated. “I’ll go first.”
Will nodded and followed Steve and Dustin to the kitchen and Mike and Nancy went to wait in the front room.
Dustin sat on the bar stool at the counter and Steve got him a soda. Will leaned up against the sink and watched.
Dustin wrapped his hands around it and sighed. “I didn’t know anyone had given you a shovel talk because when we talked about you and Eddie I thought it was just a joke. And I thought, ‘hey I should tell Steve to go easy on Eddie after the bats because he was still healing’ you know. I didn’t realize that you had taken to me that I didn’t trust you with Eddie, honest!”
Steve’s shoulders sagged. “All right so maybe yours wasn’t a shovel talk, but you can see why I might think it was, right?”
Dustin nodded. “You’re a good friend, Steve. And I know we don’t tell you enough, but we really do love you.”
Steve pulled him into a hug and kissed the top of his head.
“I’m sorry, Steve,” Dustin cried. “I wasn’t trying to hurt you.”
Steve looked over at Will who gave him the thumbs up. Dustin’s was a miscommunication on both their parts.
Dustin exited the kitchen and Nancy came in. She spotted Will standing at the sink and turned to Steve.
“I would rather he not be here for this,” she said, her tone clipped.
“And I would rather have not gotten several shovel talks that took an intervention from your boyfriend to get you people to realize you’d hurt me,” Steve replied. “But here we are.”
She pursed her lips and Will raised an eyebrow at her daring her to press the issue farther.
Nancy decided to take the high road and ignore Will instead. “It was wrong of me to threaten you with my gun collection. I realize that you and Eddie are adults that can make their own decisions.”
Steve and Will looked at each other in disbelief.
“What?” she asked.
“That wasn’t an apology,” Will said.
“I admitted to being wrong,” Nancy said with a frown. “That’s what I’m supposed to be doing, right?”
Steve sighed. And that right there was why they never would have worked. “You’re supposed to be sorry that you hurt my feelings, but I’m getting the impression that you aren’t.”
Nancy sighed. “Your feelings were only hurt because there were so many of them. If it was only me or me and a couple of others, you’d be fine.”
“What?!” Will squawked. “That’s not the point!”
“Nance,” Jonathan said from the doorway. They all turned and looked at him. He was leaning against the doorway, arms folded and legs crossed at the ankle. “This isn’t what we talked about and you know it.”
Nancy looked defeated. She turned back to Steve. “I’m sorry about how I treated you. For all of it. Not just the shovel talk thing. You’re a good person. You deserved better than me and when you got him, I was jealous. Of course I love Jonathan.” She turned to him. “I do!” She turned back to Steve. “But you and Eddie have something so special and...” she threw her arms in the air. “I don’t know.”
“So you gave me the shovel talk about not hurting Eddie,” Steve said, “because you were jealous that I was able to find someone better than you?”
“That makes me sound like a horrible person,” she whispered.
“It really does,” Will agreed.
Nancy crossed her arms and looked at the floor. “I just wanted you realize how special what you have with Eddie is. And instead of talking to you like an actual adult, I threatened you instead. That was wrong and I am sorry. You don’t deserve it.”
Steve pulled her in for a hug, too. “I think this is why we would have never worked out, Nance. I love you and I think I always will. But sometimes you get lost in your head and let it do all the talking. Which means the people around you get hurt.”
She nodded. “I just want people to hear me that I forget they have feelings, too.”
“Just remember that,” he murmured, “and we’re good, okay?”
“Okay...” she said softly.
Steve gave Nancy a squeeze and then let her go.
Jonathan turned to Will. “El’s here, too. Why don’t you go keep her from murdering Nancy and Dustin while I handle the next one?”
Will wavered and then nodded, following Nancy out to the front room.
Steve watched him go with a frown. “What was that about?”
And then Mike walked in and Steve’s eyes went wide and he mouthed, ‘Oh.’
Mike stood there between Jonathan and Steve looking at the ground and Steve was struck by how much alike the two Wheeler siblings were.
“This should be by far the most interesting of the apologies,” Steve said. “Whatcha got, Wheeler?”
Mike looked up at him a little stunned. “At the meeting...intervention? Fuck I don’t know what to call it. But Jonathan said something that stuck with me. That you haven’t been that stuck up prick in years.”
Steve raised an eyebrow at Jonathan who just shrugged.
“And it got me thinking,” Mike continued. “Why am I so hostile to you? Because you dated Nancy? But that doesn’t makes sense because I don’t treat Jonathan that way.”
“Did you find an answer?” Steve asked.
Mike shook his head. “And that’s when I realized that I was doing it out of habit.”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “Being a dick was a habit?”
“Being a dick to you was a habit,” Mike corrected. “And that’s not right. Holding a grudge for something you did so long ago and getting mad at you when you said it bothered you? That’s not fair.”
“Life rarely is,” Steve said softly.
Mike cocked his head. “True, but that doesn’t mean I have to actively make it worse.”
Steve nodded appreciatively. “Also true.”
Mike stood up straighter and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry I’ve been a dick to you. But I also was only joking about Eddie. For me it wasn’t serious, but hearing that everyone had given you the shovel talk? Holy shit, man, that wasn’t right. The reason I thought it was a joke was because anyone who’s spent more than five minutes with Eddie knows he doesn’t take shit from anyone. If anyone was going to bury you for being a dick to him, it would be Eddie himself.”
Jonathan and Steve glanced at each other and nodded.
“But after I heard that everyone else had done it and meant it?” Mike continued. “Yeah, that was bullshit. So I’m sorry it got out of hand. I’m sorry if my joke added to your suffering. Because I never meant it hurt. Honest.”
Steve sighed. “Yeah. I see where you’re coming from and I accept your apology.”
Mike stood there awkwardly tugging at his shirt hem. “Can I get a hug, too?”
Steve smiled and stepped up to wrap his arms around Mike’s shoulders. Mike sighed and leaned into the hug. He didn’t return the hug, but just stood there enjoying the warmth.
After a few moments, he took a step back and cleared his throat. “Thanks.” He sniffled and then turned to Jonathan. “You won’t tell Nancy about this, will you?”
Jonathan shook his head. “Not if you don’t want me to.”
Steve nodded. “I’m not going to tell anyone shit, man.”
Mike relaxed. “Right. Thanks.”
And he shuffled back to the front room, still sniffling.
“That was certainly something,” Jonathan said after a moment.
Steve chuckled shaking his head. “Those Wheeler kids, whew.”
Jonathan laughed. “Happy to have dodged that bullet?”
“You have no idea, man,” Steve said. “You have no idea.”
Part Five  Part Six
Tag List: @justforthedead89 @zerokrox-blog @ihavekidneys @didntwant2come @thelittleclare @liorereshkigal @estrellami-1 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @telidina @stevesbipanic @paintsplatteredandimperfect @a-little-unsteddie @jonesn4coffee @resident-gay-bitch @obliosworld @croatoan-like-its-hot @evix-syne666 @emly03
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4ng3l-0n-34rth · 2 years
Intimidated: Part 1// a Steve Harrington x Dustin's sibling! reader
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not my gif!! but i luv steve and his lil bat
a/n: hello! and hi again if you're here from the prologue! if you haven't read it yet i highly recommend that you do because this chapter picks up immediately after!! it'll be linked below! there's also a lot of music talk and pretty much just my hc's on what steve would listen too and Y/N is a metal head sry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
warnings: mild swearing
summary: this is a continuation of my last part so not much to be summarized, pretty much just banter between you and Steve, and a little commentary from the kids!
2,416 words
previous part / next part
"Hey do you wanna uh.. do you wanna tag along?"
The idea hadn't even crossed your mind since you knew the boys, Dustin especially, loved their 'Steve time' but once he actually asked you to come with, you couldn't help but to say, "Sure why not!" Cheerily you move your weight from leaning on the doorframe to your feet and make your way to his car, where the boys were still arguing over who gets in the front seat. "Hate to break it to ya kids, but Steve ever so kindly asked me to come with and I sure as hell am not squeezing in the back with one of you." you stifled a laugh as both of them frowned and climbed in the backseat, not wanting to protest since it was your money they were going to try and spend on just about anything other than what it was supposed to be for.
As you looked back to the house, Steve was still standing on the porch, surprised you'd even accept. He thought to asked just to be nice, but didn't really see you as the type to want to get out of the house more than you needed too. You let out a loud whistle to get his attention. "C'mon Harrington the car wont drive itself," instantly pulling him out of his thoughts he heads towards the car, opening the door and sitting down, initiating you to do the same.
Once he puts the keys in the ignition and starts to pull out of your driveway you decided to take a look around the car. The space is new to you so you decide to observe it, take everything in. " You got any cd's?" you ask. There's never a silent moment when you're driving, always having something playing when you make your way around town. "Oh yeah you can look through the glove box and pick one out," he stated, gesturing to its location with his hand, but keeping his eyes on the road.
As you shuffled through them, nothing really caught your eye, instead a laugh caught in your throat. "What?" he ask's a little confused at why you're holding back laughter while looking at the cd's. "Sorry, it's just pretty much all you have is the beach boys and wham!" He rolled his eyes and closed the glove box. "Well if you don't like my music you don't have to listen to it." He let out a bit of a nervous laugh. He knew the music you were into, and he could only assume just by your appearance that you didn't rock out to 'wake me up before you go-go.'
"Well don't get butt hurt, I'm just teasing," you reopen the glove box to look again, then pull a random one out, giggling before you could even make your point. "Just because I'd never own a.." you had to pause to let out a few laughs once reading the cover of what was in your hand. "a Nancy Sinatra cd, doesn't mean it's bad music." Steve jokingly pretended to be hurt and took the cd from your hand. "If I'm giving you a free ride, you aren't allowed to laugh at Nancy Sinatra!" You held your hands up in surrender as your laughing fit finally calmed down. "Fine fine you're right that was rude of me. Please allow me to play it." you gestured and took it from his hand, opening the case then placing the cd in the cars stereo and hit play, listening as 'These Boots Are Made For Walking' comes on.
Lucas and Dustin both just watched the two of you interact, dumbfounded by the fact you two were getting along? Of course they both knew you and Steve weren't complete strangers, i mean hell you fought off a giant flesh monster together with fireworks! But that was just about all the communication you've ever had other than crossing paths for the occasional pick up and drop offs of Dustin. Lucas slowly leaned toward Dustin to whisper in his ear. "Dude, your sister looks like she's kinda... enjoying herself?"
Steve wasn't wrong about the fact you don't get out much, other than driving kids around, school, and occasional errands you really didn't do much, or hang out with many people. I mean you were just the loner. The scarily intimidating loner. You didn't get invited to parties, or participate in sports. You just kept to yourself, and you didn't mind it all that much. That is until you did... Being the loner can get lonely right?
"There's no way... Surely they're just amusing him right? I mean I know Y/N doesn't really have friends, but they know how to start a conversation. Probably just bored or something." Dustin whispered back to Lucas, reassuring him that there's no way in hell you of all people are happy to make small talk with Steve. According to Dustin you and Steve live in completely different worlds, and watching those worlds mix when their lives weren't on the line was beyond strange.
Soon enough you arrived at the ice cream parlor, but of course the boys had ulterior motives, since the second Steve parked they both sprinted out of the car to the comic book store a few buildings down. "Jesus these kids are too much," you sigh and unbuckle your seat belt. "I guess this is the part where we chase after them?" Steve replied unbuckling his seatbelt as well. "Eh, might as well let them look around for a bit, but if they spend all the money i gave them you're paying for ice cream," you grinned. "Somehow i sensed I'd be paying anyways."
The both of you got out of the car and decided to just wait outside until the kids were done. "So Steve, you follow them around so you can fight off the monsters they snuff out, or do you actually like them?" you asked, and he looked down to you, deciding if he should answer honestly or joke about it. What would she want to hear? He thought. Going with the latter he responded, "I mean wouldn't you constantly tail them if it meant you got to be a badass monster slayer?" You raised a brow and retorted, "I wouldn't go that far, you 'slay monsters' like a little league player." He pretended to be hurt and held a hand to his chest with a gasping. "I'll let you know I was the best little league player in all of Hawkins back in the day." The both of you let out a few laughs and the banter carried on until you decided to check the time and realized it was about to get dark.
"Shit," you muttered, and glanced to Steve who seemed concerned. "My mom's gonna be home in 30, and she has no idea we're out. If she gets home and see's my car but an empty house she's gonna lose her shit!" You yelled, and headed straight inside to find the boys shuffling through racks of comic books. "What the fuck is taking you so long?" you ask, visibly irritated. "Calm down Y/N we're just looking around!" Dustin replied. "You were 'just looking around' for almost twenty minutes! If we aren't home before mom you can kiss your little game night goodbye." Dustin immediately looked out the door window and notice the sun beginning to go down, signaling to him it was at least 6:30, and messily put everything he was looking at back on the rack and ran out, Lucas following suit. "Sorry!" The boys shouted in unison to the man behind the counter before they were out the door. You just gave an apologetic smile and shrug before you were out of the building as well.
"Damn, you can get them moving quickly. It takes me at least five 'can we please go' 's before any of them listen to me." Steve stated, almost impressed at how easily they'll listen to you. "If you want them to listen you need to threaten to take away privileges or else the little shits think they can do whatever they want." You respond, walking toward the ice cream store instead of the car like everyone else, and they all looked to you confused.
"What? we came here for ice cream didn't we? It'll take 10 minutes to get home and we have about 25 until my ass is grass, so we may as well not go home empty handed." You state as you walk inside. The boys cheered and headed toward the door, Steve holding it open so they can run in, and then walked in behind them. "Ok, figure out what you want quick we don't have a lot of-" before you could finish your sentence, Steve was already telling the worker everyone's order, and surprisingly got everyone's correct.
"You never told me you were a mind reader Harrington." You laughed, then pulled out the money you had swiped back from the kids after leaving the comic store to pay for everyone. "Well first off, sadly I am no mind reader, but serving all of you at scoops three times a week makes it easy to remember what you always get, and don't worry I can pay," he pushes your hand aside and pulls out his wallet, as the server sets the group's order on the counter. "Oh please, there's no way you'd want to pay for Dustin's fifty thousand toppings, just let me do it." And before he could say anything you had already handed the cash to the server.
Steve didn't respond. In all honesty he was unsure how too. He works a stable job and is used to practically buying everything for the kids whenever he takes them out, but maybe he could get used to your company, and you insisting to pay. "Come get your shit kiddos!" you call to them and they happily came over to pick up whichever scoops of ice cream they could identify as their own. You grabbed your order afterward and Steve took his, then the four of you headed back out side.
"Oh, I didn't even think to ask if they're allowed to eat in your car." you stated, stopping in your tracks. "Well it wouldn't be the first time." is all Steve replied with before unlocking the car and getting in. As you were walking to sit in the front Dustin swiftly beat you to it, slamming the door shut and locking it from the inside, then he stuck his tongue out at you. "Dustin I already said that I'm not sitting in the back seat what the hell is your problem?" you asked, trying not to raise your voice so much since you're in public. "You snooze you lose!" He shouted so you could hear him through the shut door. Normally you would figure out how to get him out of there, but knowing you're on a time crunch you decided to let him have it just once and sit in the back with Lucas. "Fine, whatever..." you sigh and get in the car.
While on your way home, the cd you had put in earlier was still playing and all of you ate your ice cream. You decided to make some small talk with Lucas about what was new in the comic store, since Dustin was happily chatting with Steve in the front. It was sweet how much Dustin adored Steve. You never had anything against Steve, sure you could only assume at one point you would've been the butt of all of his jokes, but just as the populars liked to make fun of the losers, you from time to time would find yourself laughing at him.
Something had changed though, and you could tell. Slowly King Steve just faded into Steve and you were content with the fact he could be the providing Dustin with a role model. It was no secret the both of you had an absent father, but there was something about Steve that filled those shoes in Dustin's eyes, and for that you were forever grateful.
Whilst chatting with Lucas in the back seat, Lucas couldn't help but notice Steve's repetitive glances at you through the rearview mirror, and he was surely going to tell Dustin once they got home. That was until Dustin spoke, "Hello? Earth to Steve!" drawing out his words, bringing everyone's attention to the driver, as a faint redness rose to his cheeks. "Would you chill out Dustin? I'm trying to drive here." he responded almost coldly, upset that Dustin brought the fact he was completely zoned out to everyone's attention. "Well obviously you aren't trying hard enough, you just passed my street" Dustin retorted. "Shit." was all he could mutter in response, as he took a U-tun and pulled into your driveway.
Everyone thanked Steve and began to get out of the car except for Dustin, who grabbed Steve's arm to keep him from leaving just yet. "What the hell is your problem?" the boy asked, genuinely confused as to why Steve seemed so dazed. "What are you talking about?" Steve replied. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. Not only did you invite Y/N to come with us, but you were all over her the whole time!!" Steve sighed and shifted in his seat to face him. "Look, I'm sorry I thought it was a good idea to get to know my best friends sibling, I wont push further." Dustin was immediately content with the fact Steve referred to him as his best friend, and felt bad for nagging. "No you're right I'm sorry, I suppose I should get used to the both of you being friends, Y/N is actually your age after all.."
Sure just getting to know you because you were Dustin's older sibling wasn't the only motive he had, but he knew what to say to keep the kid from pushing. He had really enjoyed the short conversations you had with him, and it kept him longing for more, wishing and begging for more. Something inside you drove him crazy and he wouldn't rest until he could figure out what it was. Maybe there was just something going on with the Henderson's that made him feel like himself because lord knows he wouldn't be where he is today without Dustin, and maybe one day he could say the same about you...
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thefourchimes · 9 months
Talking more about The Four Chimes AU because yes
so there’s been an interesting surge of apocalypse four (though most people call them vecna four) content recently, which i am very much thrilled to see
in line with that, i’m gonna share a bit more on the au that has been built from the ground up ever since last year, having definite arcs and various aus and sub aus of it already
the four chimes au
this universe has been mine and @lumaxramblings 's blood, sweat, and tears for the past year, ever since July 14
i've made a few posts about it, and shared some snippets on it in some wip weds and weekends, but i never fully explained the universe beyond the little bubble of the discord thread in the discord server im in
so let me explain now. we know this already but the apocalypse four are vecna's four sacrifices to make the four gates, but in this au, they're not just the four sacrifices. they're the four chimes too.
you see, vecna had a vision. he had remembered the story of the four horsemen of the apocalypse from a time victor creel had brought him and alice to the Church to listen
the four horsemen of the apocalypse, he had mused...and inspiration struck him.
he had a vision, and he saw it through.
and he got them all. he won.
and now he has his four horsemen of the apocalypse, or in this universe rather...his four chimes of catastrophe.
you all know who they are, but the question is, who is who? well, as @lumaxramblings has said in that fateful ask that started this whole universe in the first place, it would be:
chrissy = famine
fred = death
patrick = war
max = pestilence
as for the reason, canon itself gives some details and evidence to point out who would be who. (tw ed mention on chrissy's part)
chrissy is famine because of her eating disorder and her "hunger" to be free in a sense. fred is death because of his survivor's guilt and all the constant grave and death visuals. patrick is war because of his home life and how he's always in constant conflict. and finally, max is pestilence because of her thought process on being something that plagues others...and vecna!lucas' "you are sick."
there's quite a few more points that can be brought up, along with how some of the canon scenes actually fuel this universe, but i'll talk about that another time
so now, vecna's sacrifices are no longer who they were before everything.
now, they are his soldiers, his little experiments, his four chimes of catastrophe.
and just as they had been broken, they will now be the ones to break the world.
(but then...you remember, the apocalypse 4 weren't the only ones who got caught in vecna's curse and vision.
you know who else did?
nancy wheeler.
and in the four horsemen of the apocalypse lore, wasn't there something going on with the white rider of the horsemen? the fact that...there's a bit of confusion on whether the white rider is pestilence...or conquest?
...in another universe, nancy is conquest, the fifth chime of catastrophe.
an incomplete chime.
...but maybe that's a story for another day...)
i actually had started the fic of this already, but it's been a few months since i've updated it, oof :")
anyway, that's a bit of an explanation on the four chimes au.
it kind of becomes a s5 alternate universe in a sense? finnthony and i already have an idea on what happens all throughout the main story, complete with arcs already lmao (and that's not even talking about the sub-aus, like the conquest au...)
its lots of angst though, lemme tell you
i dont want to reveal too much but there is a lot of platonic and romantic dynamics here
platonic being the party's friendship (heh), the teens' friendship, best friend soulmates stobin ofc, and all other platonic relationships that can be connected with each member of this ragtag, traumatized group
for romance, we got lumax (with future elumax), byler, duzie, ronance, stongyle (aka steve x jonathan x argyle), jopper, and...well. a few others too, but i'll be keeping those quiet for now.
i’ll likely post more stuff at some point, to get it out here lmao and because this au is just <3
tagging the people who’ve been here all through out:
@laurienotteddy @mitski-slope @itsanotheridiot @hellsfireclub @history-of-stories @she-wont-miss
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liaaacantwrite · 2 years
Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)
Chapter One: Edge of Seventeen
Billy Hargrove x Reader (Series)
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Summary: After the events of last year, all (Y/N) Hopper can do is hope for a bit of normal. But having an adopted sister with superpowers, a gaggle of 13 year olds to tend to, and a new boy in town, things are bound to get stranger.
part two! part three!
(A/N: reader is hopper’s daughter but as a mixed person, i’m just pretending that his ex wife was hispanic, and that sarah was just mixed, too. also, i tried to use y/n as little as possible, but i still used it a few times. sorry!)
“You better be in there, or you’re grounded.” Hopper stood on the other side of her bedroom door. He always decided to be particularly annoying at 6:30 in the morning, and he loved to bring up the fact that she had snuck out literally one time 2 years prior.
“Jesus, Dad, you’re so annoying!” She buried her face into her pillow and flipped him off through the door when she heard him let out a low chuckle, after which he approached Eleven’s door next.
“You up? It’s time for breakfast.” He sounded muffled, but (Y/N) could clearly hear the difference in tone.
It was strange, and she felt guilty to even suggest this, but ever since El had moved in, Hopper seemed to be finding more and more faults within his own daughter. Nothing too serious, but he teased more and acted like she wasn’t nearly 18, for god’s sake. Lately, he had become a helicopter parent, and it was especially embarrassing when he would insist on driving her places with his big police car.
“Are you coming to eat?” Eleven knocked softly, her words deliberate and well practiced during her time alone.
“Yeah, just let me piss first.” It was fun to teach El the things Hopper wouldn’t, like swear words and pop culture. She always giggled when learning about things she knew Hopper would disapprove of.
“Real good example for El, huh?” He stood against the wall as she opened the door.
She just rolled her eyes, stepping past him and to the bathroom.
Looking in the mirror for a moment, she noticed the bags under her eyes. After the events of last year, she had frequent nightmares. Men in suits coming to take Eleven away, demogorgons chasing her through the woods, Jonathan and Nancy taking Barb’s place. They came every night and terrorized what little sleep she got, dominating her subconscious with ferocity. It was getting harder now that it had been around a year, and it probably didn’t help that she spent most of her free time with the Byers, witnessing Will’s recovery first hand.
She pissed and washed her hands, opting to brush her teeth after she ate.
“I am confused. What is Halloween?” El turned to her sister of less than a year as soon as she walked into the main area of the cabin. The little superhero pointed at the television and an ad for a horror movie marathon on Halloween Night played softly.
“It’s a holiday! Kids dress up in costumes and get candy from neighbors, and teenagers usually just watch scary movies and go to parties.”
“No parties.” Hopper walked to the little dining table and placed 3 plates of eggs and bacon.
It was like he had a vendetta against the other kids her age in Hawkins. His deep disdain for the kids Steve used to hang around made sense, but he really only liked Jonathan and sometimes Nancy at this point. Maybe Steve, if he wasn’t being too annoying that day. It was pretty frustrating that the only person she could hang out with and get no complaints from her dad was constantly busy, either with some job he was doing or obsessing after Nancy. But, she couldn’t complain. She was pretty sure that whenever she started liking someone, she would be pretty annoying about it, too.
“I wasn’t born yesterday, Dad. Also, I was wondering if I could sleepover at Robin’s on Saturday?”
Robin was the best friend (Y/N) could ever ask for. After meeting at work, the animal shelter, they instantly hit it off. It didn’t matter that Robin was a year younger, or that she didn’t know about the Upside Down. She was a good friend, who actually cared about her, and genuinely wanted what was best for the both of them. Even Hopper had to admit that.
“Yeah, that’s fine. I can give you some money for pizza if you want.” He smiled gently, glancing over at his daughters.
He truly did love them. After Sarah, when his wife left, he completely expected (Y/N) to follow her mother. But she didn’t. She chose her dad, and he felt so lucky that she wanted to be with him. He’d watched her grow from just a little baby to the beautiful young woman she was becoming, and honestly, he couldn’t be more proud, even if he did want her to stay a child a little longer. And Eleven? God, did he feel bad for her. He had overheard some of the late night talks his daughters had in the small cabin, heard the horror stories of Hawkins Lab. How a 13 year old girl had still managed to come out of a childhood like that and still be so kind? It baffled him, but he was grateful anyway. Sure, he couldn’t take her to the movies like he wanted to, and sure, he couldn’t have a picture of her in his office. But he was just grateful to have saved her in the woods before something truly awful could happen to her. And most of all, he was grateful that they got along and actually cared about each other.
“Come eat your breakfast, we’re leaving in 20 minutes.”
As she walked the hallways of Hawkins High she fiddled with the pendant of her matching necklace that she had bought for herself and Eleven. It was a little blue flower pendant on a silver chain, and they both wore it every single day. Once, Eleven thought she had lost it during her shower, but since she never left the cabin, it was pretty easy to find.
“Hey, I was looking for you!” Robin bounced up and linked their arms together.
“My dad said Saturday’s cool. I just want to be back by noon on Sunday.” She couldn’t tell Robin, but she had been promising El that they would have a Star Wars marathon, as it was something Mike liked, and honestly, (Y/N) enjoyed them, too.
“That’s fine. My mom got some weird foot scrub thing that’s supposed to take all the dead skin off. Did you know the white flaky shit on your heels is dead skin?! I thought it was like, cellulite for your foot. Maybe I’m crazy, though. Also, she has a coupon for Family Video if you wanna rent a movie. A Nightmare On Elm Street just came out, and there’s Johnny Depp for you and Heather Langenkamp for me. Although, you probably like Heather, too. Oh, and—” Robin rambled, but it was totally endearing. Usually she just talked until she tired herself out or something interrupted her.
“Hey!” Steve saddled up beside (Y/N), paying Robin no mind. “Did you hear that there’s a new kid?”
Honestly, she hadn’t. She usually had her walkman playing as she walked around, but today she forgot it. Still, with Robin in her ear, she had missed the gossip.
“Yeah? Where are they from?”
“California, I think. Name’s Billy or something. He pulled up in this loud ass Camaro and scared the shit out of Eleanor Nichols.” Steve ran his hand through his hair and slung an arm around his friend.
They had become a bit close last year when all of the shit with the lab had calmed down. Steve was a really nice person to talk to since she didn’t want to bother Jonathan now that his brother was back. He was totally different than what she had expected, but she still felt a little guilty liking him so much when she knew he was with the girl Jonathan wanted.
“Wonder why he would come here of all places.” She mused to herself, waving at both Robin and Steve as she walked into her class. Steve and Robin didn’t even look at each other as they both walked in different directions.
Jonathan slid into the seat next to her at lunch, a routine they always followed. They handed each other half their sandwich, a PB&J for a turkey and cheese. It was something they had done since they were kids, and they didn’t plan on stopping anytime soon.
“My mom is wondering when you’re gonna come by again.”
“Oh, whenever! I’ve just been a little busy with El, she’s been really clingy. Not that I mind, obviously. I just always feel guilty leaving her alone so long that I really only do my own shit on the weekends when Hopper’s home.”
“No, that makes sense. I hate dropping Will off at school, I just wish I could go with him.” Jonathan ate his chips, passing the bag to her.
“You wanna be in middle school again?” She laughed and took a handful.
“Fuck, no. I’m done with swirlies.”
Unfortunately, both her and Jonathan dealt with a lot of bullying in middle school. Why did kids think it was funny that someone’s parents were divorced? And holy shit, when they found out her sister had died, she had a huge target on her back.
“Hear about the new kid?” Jonathan scribbled in his notebook, some english assignment he didn’t do last night.
“That’s all anyone’s talking about. I haven’t seen him, though.”
“The girl behind me in third period called him ‘pure sex’. What does that even mean?”
As if the universe was listening to him, Billy Hargrove pushed through the double doors separating the hall and the cafeteria, a black leather jacket and blue denim jeans adorning his body. With an AC/DC graphic t-shirt, one dangly silver earring, a cigarette, and pure confidence, he strolled past the staring masses and sat alone at a table. He winked at Holly Peterson, a preacher’s daughter, to which she gasped and turned back around.
“That’s what it means, Byers. That guy has totally had a threesome.”
“No, you physically can’t tell me he hasn’t.”
“My point, exactly.”
Robin was constantly late, and it was pretty much her only flaw. She mostly forgot about time, and only remembered when she was already late. Luckily, the animal shelter was about a 10 minute walk away from the high school, so they could run and just change into their uniforms at work.
It was actually a pretty decent job. Feeding the cats and dogs, taking the dogs on walks, petting the cats, changing the litter boxes, cleaning the kennels, petting the dogs, helping with adoptions, and manning the front desk. The best part, however, was seeing how happy the animals got when the girls walked into their section. Even the meanest, grumpiest animals just needed a little love and understanding. And, honestly, something awful probably had to have happened for them to turn out that way, so (Y/N) approached every situation with empathy and a limitless well of understanding.
The best dog in the entire kennel was named Yosemite, and he was a little rottweiler. He was found in an abandoned trailer, starving and cold, but he was taken to the shelter where (Y/N) had worked tirelessly to bring him back up to a healthy weight. Honestly, Yosemite was her passion project. She had been begging Hopper to let her adopt him, stating that a dog would be good protection for Eleven, and honestly, Hopper was coming around.
Honestly, Hopper was running late. Although he usually picked up his daughter after every shift, he was nowhere to be found at by 7:30, 45 minutes after her shift had ended.
Robin had offered to stay, but (Y/N) insisted her dad was on the way and would flip when he arrived and she wasn’t there. So Robin left, and she waited.
“Thanks, Dad. I’d totally love to walk home after sunset in October. Nah, I’m sure I’ll be fine. It’s not like I’m an attractive teenage girl alone at night with no way to defend myself.” She pulled herself together and began her walk home, about 10 miles. “I’ll get there in two motherfucking months!”
She didn’t even care about how hungry she was, how exhausted. Pure anger fueled her walk, annoyance at her dad. She really hoped he had a good excuse, like some police emergency. If she found out he was just at home sleeping she was going to go apeshit.
She had actually made it about 2 miles (45 minutes later) when a recognizable white ford pickup sped by, splashing her with a freezing roadside puddle.
“FUCK!” She screamed, completely drenched and furious. She knew that truck. It belonged to Jackson Mulroney, the baseball captain. He was a shitty guy who had been arrested once by Hopper for sexual assault, eventually getting the charges dropped by his daddy’s lawyer. He was gross, and he most likely did it on purpose.
She sat down on the muddy ground, not caring at this point. She cried, like truly ugly cried. She was freezing and hungry and still had around 3 more hours of walking to do, depending on how long she stayed there. Cars whizzed past, and she hoped they didn’t recognize her, but she just couldn’t bring herself to keep walking.
Some time later, a blue Camaro slowly stopped next to where she rested. The passenger side window rolled down.
“You alright?” A deep voice spoke, their face obstructed by the darkness of the evening.
“Need a ride?”
She stood, knowing far too much about serial killer tactics from Hopper to trust this stranger so easily.
“No, I don’t think so.” She turned and kept walking, adrenaline pushing her along.
“Well, how far have you got to go?” He drove alongside her.
“None of your business.”
A passing car’s headlights illuminated the person inside.
It was Billy Hargrove.
“Look, I can’t just let you walk god knows how far, soaking wet when it’s 45 degrees outside. Get in the car.”
“I’m muddy and going to get your seats wet.”
He rummaged around in the backseat, eventually finding a towel and laying it across the passenger seat.
“I really don’t know why you have a towel back there.” She opened the door and could practically hear Hopper screaming at her to not get in the car, but it was his fault she was out here anyway.
“Nah, you don’t.”
She slid into the seat, the heated air a welcome sensory change. “Oh, shit. It’s so warm in here.”
“Yeah. I hate the cold.” He shook his head and turned the volume of his radio down.
“You’re from California, right? Left up here, by the way.”
“So, you’ve heard of me?” He smiled as he turned left.
“Everyone has. I’m (Y/N) Hopper.”
He repeated her name as if he was committing it to memory.
“Can I ask why you’re soaking wet? It hasn’t rained since this morning.”
“Because my dad never picked me up from work and after I just decided to walk, Jackson fucking Mulroney drive by at 85 miles per hour through a puddle.”
“Damn. I know all about shitty dads.”
“He’s not shitty. But he’s the chief of police,” a good fact to mention just in case he was a serial killer after all, “so he’s just always really busy. Turn right here.” She was pissed at her dad, sure, but she was adamant that he was still a good father.
“Oh.” Billy wasn’t sure what to say.
“I’m just gonna rant to you for a minute. Is that okay?”
“Go right ahead, Princess.”
She felt heat rise to her cheeks ever so slightly and nodded.
“He’s usually there early, so there better be a good fucking excuse for this. I mean, I started walking at 7:30, and now it’s…” she checked Billy’s watch, her own needing a new battery after getting soaked, “8:37!”
“Maybe there was a problem at the station.” Seeing this girl he didn’t really know so frustrated was weird for Billy. He wasn’t used to people opening up so easily, being so transparent with their thoughts and feelings, let alone swearing about it. Billy was used to girls being coy, playing the long game. He really liked her frankness and honesty.
“I fucking hope so. Shit, I don’t mean I want there to be a problem.” She bit her lip as she briefly considered that there were more Upside Down related problems.
“He could have at least arranged for someone to pick you up, though.”
“I didn’t even consider that!”
Billy chucked at her outrage and kept driving. She really did have a long ass way to walk.
“You can let me out here. My house is like, actually in the woods, so I’m fine.” She started to unbuckle and Billy shook his head.
“How far into the woods?”
“Like a 4 minute drive, it’s fine.” She started to open the door, but he stretched across the center console and shut it for her.
“I’m not about to let you get eaten by a bear or some shit.” He pulled into a little side road and she led the way.
“Thank you, by the way.”
“Don’t mention it.”
She got the impression that Billy was someone who really cared about his reputation. His perfectly styled hair, the flashy car, the really good cologne. She would have felt embarrassed about being muddy in such an attractive boy’s car, but she was so tired at this point that she couldn’t bring herself to care. She could agonize over it later.
“I’ll make it up to you somehow. Need a lunch buddy?”
“A lunch buddy?” He laughed, like actually laughed. He hadn’t heard that term since second grade.
“Yeah, me and my friend Jonathan sit near the bathrooms. Sometimes we sit outside in the spring. You can join us if you want to.”
“You know, I might take you up on that. That annoying chick Carrie or something will not leave me alone.”
“Carol? Yeah, she sucks ass. She started a rumor in middle school that I was a cult leader. Can you imagine a 12 year old sacrificing virgins?”
They were approaching the cabin and Hopper’s van wasn’t outside. Eleven had been alone way longer than usual.
“This your castle, Princess?”
“The one and only. Thanks, Billy. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Table near the bathrooms. Got it.” He flashed a charming grin, very practiced and perfected. She tried not to swoon as she walked up to the steps.
She knocked in the specific pattern El knew as Billy peeled off. His engine was extremely loud.
“Late.” Eleven called from her bedroom.
“Yeah, Dad never picked me up. A friend had to drive me home.” Were they friends? Not really, but it just seemed like a lot to explain to the young teenager.
“Hopper is not home?” She stepped out of her room and into the main area.
“No. Did you eat yet?”
“Why are you so dirty?”
“I got splashed. Let me change and I’ll make some macaroni and cheese.” She walked past Eleven and into her bedroom.
Where the fuck was Hopper?
The next day, gossip around Hawkins High was that Billy Hargrove had beat up Jackson Mulroney. Jackson had gone home with two black eyes, a split lip, and a broken nose. When asked why, Billy just shrugged and said, “Fucker should drive carefully.” The irony wasn’t lost on him.
“I’m serious, I haven’t seen someone that injured since I fucked up Steve in the alleyway.” Jonathan laughed to himself in the cafeteria at the table near the bathrooms.
“Which you got arrested for, so don’t try to act all cool.”
“Still fucked him up.” It was a point of pride for Jonathan, something he knew he had over the boy Nancy seemed to like so much.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. She absolutely planned on asking Billy about it when he sat down. Was this over last night? Jackson obviously deserved it, but she couldn’t believe Billy would do something like that for a near stranger. She was almost certain something else must have happened between them.
“Shut up and eat your sandwich.”
Seemingly appearing out of nowhere, Billy sauntered over to the pair. He had been given detention, but didn’t mind much. It wasn’t like that was new for him.
“Hello, Princess. You’re Jonathan?” He sized up the boy sitting with his new friend.
“Hey, man. Yeah.” Jonathan nodded and stuck out his hand for Billy to shake. It was firm, not particularly aggressive or friendly.
“Sit! We were actually just talking about you.” Billy raised his eyebrows, again admiring her candor. “Heard about your little scuffle with Jackson.” She took a really big bite of the turkey and cheese.
“Did you? Well, I’m pretty sure you know why.”
Jonathan glanced between the two. She had mentioned that they would have a guest at lunch but she didn’t mention that it would be Billy. She had also mentioned that someone had driven her home after Hopper didn’t show, and Jonathan connected the dots.
“Jackson splashed you?” He was pretty mad.
“Yeah, it doesn’t matter. Clearly, Billy handled it for me.” She gave him a small smile and slid him her apple and chips. “Where’s your lunch?”
He didn’t have one. Neil and Susan didn’t grocery shop, they just brought home shitty fast food or let Max and Billy fend for themselves. He’d had too many cans of chili this week, usually just eating dinner anyway.
“Forgot it. Thanks.” He was secretly extremely grateful and couldn’t believe he’d found the one nice person in Hawkins, Indiana.
“We share food all the time. I have a banana if you want it.” Jonathan offered, holding it out for Billy.
“Sure. Thanks.” Two nice people.
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