#the odysey
favourite slides from my odyssey powerpoint:
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honourable mentions:
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huntseric · 9 months
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Working on this Ody drawing! Sea related of course
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aaronofithaca05 · 2 months
If you have seen my take of @dootznbootz idea for Odysseus, I have a huge, huuuge question...
I'm trying to came up with my own character design for Odysseus and I'm wondering what would be better.
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possessable · 2 months
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i made this stupid Poseidon speech bubble png for a one-off joke but i'm getting a lot of use out of it because i almost exclusively speak about Polyphemus as does a doting parent speak about their son
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daffodil-duchess · 3 days
As a total greek mythology buff + someone who actually studies Greek philology and hence knows a bit more about the Odysei, I absolutely love seeing all of you sad little souls not expecting to see Odysseus's mother in the underworld saga
I'd be a cackling demon rn if the lines didn't just hit so hard
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gotstabbedbyapen · 3 months
hi. really random but. Poseidon and Odysseus is a pairing that I would pay to see
I want to say I don't want that ship to be a thing but... uh...
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thegreatpikminzx789 · 4 months
Been recording some Etrian Odyssey 2 HD so I can have the files ready to edit them in the future, and I stopped at the second stratum so I can money grind on Chimaera and get two bows for two of my party members to save up on having to buy them anything weapon wise.
As well as grinding for materials, cause doing so at the end game isn't going to be well worth it doing so all at once. Gotta pace these out at an even pace.
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collourcrow99 · 8 months
Hi sow im stil scared to start coding
Does anyone got tips for starter coders
Also does anyone know how to make a RPG......
The online lessens are expensife...........
Realy expensife
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wolfythewitch · 10 months
How can I find a odysey version that isn’t a poem
I use Poetry in Translation, they have it in prose
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-Little monsters
-Con air
-Failure to launch
-The Neverending story
-50 First Dates
-Good luck chuck
-My best friend's girl
-Weekend at bernie's
-Indiana jones
-Tomb raider
-2001: a space odysey
-Planet of the apes
-Wizard of Oz
-Butterfly effect
-Back to the future
-The breakfast club
-Ghostbusters 2
-Mac and me
-Ghost dad
-Deep impact
-A time to kill
-Iron Man
-Short Circuit
-Donnie Darko
-The matrix
-They live
-Journey to the center of the Earth
-City of angels
-The weatherman
-Bangkok dangerous
-Tough guys don't dance (not found)
-Four weddings and a funeral
-The fifth element
-The incredible hulk
-Ghost Rider
-Weekend at Bernie's 2
-Alice in wonderland
-The pink panther
-Starky and Hutch
-The princess bride
-Lord of the Rings trilogy
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unknownfaceless-ds9 · 4 months
I'm finally getting around watching season 2 of Strange New Worlds (yes, I know, I'm late) and I just wanna say how much I love the little hint in the title of episode 4 (Among the Lotus Eaters).
I'm a huge fan of greek mythology and even though my knowledge of the Odysey is not that fresh, I know of the Lotus Eaters (or lotophages) that offered Odysseus' people lotus, who then forgot why they were there, where they were from etc.
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i. i hate to say this but now my prose is beginning to sound like the odyssey because i am so FUCKING tired this is unbelievable wtf
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the-nebula-sys · 3 months
Hello! List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last ten people that reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers :D
Sadly, I shall not spread this. But the list shall be made
Cosmos: A Personal Journey/A Spacetime Odysey (or however it's spelled)/Possible Worlds
The soundtrack for The Outer Wilds
The c418 era of the Minecraft OST
The Frostpunk OST
Being with my friends
And 6.
Being with my friends
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persephoneola · 1 year
Co jest grane
Nie wiadomo, czy to kogos w ogole obchodzi, ale po tylu latach tym, ktorych to jednak nieco interesuje, nalezy sie maly update. Choc oczywiscie, z wieloma osobami mam nadal wiekszy lub mniejszy kontakt lub widujemy sie w social mediach, wiec mozna w miare na biezaco miec obraz sytuacji.
Z rzeczy, ktore pamietamy z bloga o Austrii:
nadal mieszkam w Austrii, od 2009, wiec jest juz to 14 lat. Plus jeden rok wczesniej, na Erasmusie 2006/2007.
tak jak frustrowal mnie brak pracy z powodow emigracyjnych, tak teraz juz od ladnych paru lat mam 49h w tygodniu. Nie dlatego, ze sytuacja w Austrii bardzo sie zmienila, raczej wynika to ze zbierania przez lata etatow. Ale niespecjalnie daje juz rade. Dodatkowa prace trzymam w sumie dlatego, bo nie obciaza mnie zbytnio, jesli chodzi o wkladany wysilek. Obciaza za to, jesli chodzi o brak wolnych wieczorow. Pn do 19, wt i sr do 19:30. Czwartek i piatek to jedyne dni, kiedy koncze prace jak normalny czlowiek. A o pracy glownej az mi sie nie chce gadac. Ale mysle, ze bede.
nadal mieszkam w Wiedniu (po odysei i podwojnej przeprowadzce w Grazu i potrojnej w Wiedniu). Smiem przypuszczac, ze to nie jest koniec. Nie jest to pewnie koniec, bo...
zaden z dwoch poprzednich partnerow nie jest moim obecnym. Z obecnym jestem juz jednak 5,5 lat. Jak do tego doszlo-nie wiem.
Nadal na swoj sposob jestem fanem Austrii.
Nadal jestem bezdzietna panna vel lambadziara. Ale jestem troche macocha. Troche, bo jednak z ojcem dzieci nie mam slubu i mimo stazu nadal razem nie mieszkamy.
Z rzeczy, ktore niektorzy pamietaja z takethiswaltz:
zwiazkowo jest jak jest
eks eks (czyli moj facet z glownych czasow bloga, M.) ma sie dobrze, ale moja nastepczyni, ktora szybko wyczarowal po rozstaniu, sie z nim rozstala. On z litosci zostawil jej kupione mieszkanie, bo swoja pasierbice traktowal jak wlasne dziecko i nie chcial wyrywac jej z domu. Teraz sam wynajmuje mieszkanie. Wspolnych dzieci nie mieli. Po rozstaniu na koniec 2012 nie mielismy kontaktu do chyba 2021?, spotkalismy sie raz i mimo mojego wyobrazenia, ze jak sie kiedys spotkamy, to bedzie big love nie bylo nic. Nadal obserwuje mnie na Insta i sledzi moje statusy na WhatsAppie.
eks, czyli A. lub O. nadal ma mysle problemy ze stanami depresyjnymi. Jestesmy w kontakcie, niestety nie mieszka juz w poblizu. Nasza znajomosc mozna nazwac obupolna pomoca w sytuacjach kryzysowych. A poza tym raz do roku spotykamy sie zawodowo.
o F. na takethiswaltz nie bylo nic, bo Pinger skonczyl sie wczesniej. Po O. byl czas intensywnego randkowania i mozna by na ten temat napisac ksiazke. To bylo jak szukanie w stercie g....a okruchu zlota, ksiazke mozna by napisac. Dwie ekspingerki mialy przez ponad rok niezla telenowele. Czy F. jest zlotem czy tombakiem-na ten temat zdania sa podzielone. Prawda jest jednak, ze awansowal na moj najdluzszy zwiazek i mimo rzucanej rekawicy, tzw. rozstan i ogolnego chaosu, nadal jakos razem trwamy. Troche razem, troche osobno. On chcialby, zebym wreszcie sie do niego przeniosla, niedaleko granicy z Wegrami. Ja nadal trwam w Wiedniu, choc malo w nim bywam, bo home office'y spedzam raczej tam. On chcialby sie chajtac, ja raczej nie. On ma dzieci, ja nie mam. Ja chce dziecko, on nie moze, ale i nie chce.
To tak w skrocie.
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possessable · 1 month
sorry to people who followed me for the odyssey and then got blasted with my ocs it will happen again
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alternatefandom · 2 years
The Kaedehara Clan and the Kamisato Clan: Prestige, Family, and Duty
Is anyone else Thinking Thoughts about the narrative foil between Ayato, who took charge of the clan's burdens to save his family, as opposed to Kazuha, who left said burdens because what does the prestige of a clan mean against the happiness of those who live in said clan?
(Continued under the cut - spoilers for Summertime Odysey, Act II (As the Courtyard in Spring Once Appeared)
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Then there's Kaedehara Kageharu. Faced with the impending destruction of his family legacy and all he had ever worked for, he told his son, "Family ties are important, but you ought not let it hold you back." The late Lord Kamisato, on the other hand, told his son that "No matter what happens to the Kamisato Clan in the future... ...you are a successor the Kamisato Clan is proud to have."
They both saw the writings on the wall. They didn't want their children to blame themselves for failing to make up for their predecessor's failures. And yet Kaedehara Kageharu wished to free his dutiful son from the burden of his clan, while the late Lord Kamisato, for whatever reason, did not.
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Resulting in two different mindsets for these two Inazuman young lords.
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In the end, though, both of their motivations stem from the same value: family. To the Kaedeharas, the duty and prestige of the clan comes second to the joy in their family's hearts. To the Kamisatos, the duty and prestige of the clan is a necessary component to ensure the safety of their family. It was never about duty or prestige; it's about the people they love the most... which is a theme that I had played with "Illusionary Palinopsia"; I just didn't expect Hoyoverse to race me to it lol. If I had known, I would've hurried to finish the story earlier.
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"What is the Kamisato Clan without my brother or Thoma?" Nothing, is Ayaka's answer, and so her conclusion is, "If the Kamisato Clan falls, then it falls." This train of thought might explain why Ayato had chosen to stay whereas Kazuha had not: the Kamisato Clan is family to Ayato, whereas everyone Kazuha would call family in the Kaedehara Clan is dead and gone.
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And thus, Kazuha saw no reason to fight for his clan or revive it. Despite his regret at not being able to protect his family legacy, in the end, legacy is just that: a legacy. It comes second than those who bore the burden with their own feelings and beating hearts. Now, he wanders the world with a clear and enlightened heart, just like what his ancestors wanted for him.
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