#the manager was in the office doing smth but she went in anyway
seveneyesoup · 1 year
shoutout to the 48 year old greek lady who works with me sings badly to pop music is into astrology and has no patience for the annoying guy we both work with
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fuck-customers · 10 months
Idk if I ever told the story here but given as I’m thankfully not working rn to focus on school, I remembered an incident that happened at my old job (it’s not sad or enraging don’t worry all y’all)
I used to work at Moss Lress For Dess and my coworkers and managers were all cool there and the customers were mildly infuriating at most (for me who was a stockroom/fitting room attendant so I didn’t deal with register Karens)
One time we had a lot of stock come in so we were all rushing and one of our shortest and sternest managers (love her to death honestly she’s like the mom you don’t wanna disappoint) jumped in to help load the tall carts yknow, those metal shelved 4 shelf thing on wheels? Yeah, our policy safety thing with those is don’t stack anything on the top of it that could fall and hurt your head, like pillows and blankets and towels are fine cause they’re soft and stuff but sometimes we get so swamped with product we’d break the rule and put whatever on top but usually tried to make sure it was smth that wouldn’t fall easy or get pushed by the stockroom door off the top.
Well I was running carts with some others and the manager that hopped in to help was doing the fast stocking of some of the carts in our little conveyer belt type system we got back there, and she threw a stack of like 3 medium sized whiteboards on the top of the cart and I grabbed that one, called out I was running that section cart, then hurried out the double doors like everyone else, except this time the doors pushed the whiteboards off the top and they came crashing down on the top right above my forehead and one slid down on the way to the floor and cut/scraped the bridge of my nose a little and those were kinda heavy and I just braced myself cause it happened so suddenly
And this was obviously an accident cause everyone saw me cause it was right at the entrance of the stockroom so someone pushed my cart aside as my manager stopped what she was doing to help me to the bathroom to assess the damage and I was like ow haha wow my nose is scraped, and then we went to the office and she immediately started on an incident report and stuff she pulled the footage showing the accident and did all that for me as I sat there waiting and I told the people on the phone what happened and I ended up leaving early and had to call my brother to pick me up cause I didn’t know if I got a concussion so I didn’t wanna drive myself, I got a bit of a headache and was a little dizzy but to be fair I have a coconut head so it wasn’t that bad (I grew up basically being a basketball to the head magnet no matter where I was)
Anyways I could have gotten a big payout or smth cause it was clearly my managers fault for stacking the shelf like that on the cart but also we all loved her and we were all stacking them not correct because our smaller store gets too much product and told to rush it out every time by people above the managers so we kinda stick together like that??? I didn’t need medical attention luckily but I thought it was a funny story and tbh I’ve been hit worse in the head in the past as a kid so 🤷‍♂️
Anyways yeah that was prob like 2 years ago now??? That manager was a real one tho she was strict but understanding about stuff
Posted by admin Rodney.
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sad--tree · 3 years
ziggy has an ultrasound tmrw 2 maybe help figure out why her one liver enzyme is. very very high. so uhhh let's hope it's 1) not smth horribly life threatening + has an easy-ish fix and 2) smth that isn't gonna cost another ridiculous chunk of change pls sweet fucking jesus we've already spent so much on vet bills holy shittttttt
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lihikainanea · 3 years
Lei, what if tiger's having a bad day and theb when shes going back home shes robbed and they take all her belongings and whe walks back home and when she gets there, she just breaks down in bills arms? Maybe the purse they took was smth bill presented her with
Ohhhhh the poor wee bubs :-( This is so scary. I really, really hope that none of you have ever gotten jumped or robbed or anything horrible like that. It’s happened to me twice and I’m glad it happened to me instead of another girl who maybe wasn’t quite as comfortable with the notion of fighting. Or you know, maiming someone. It actually turned into a pretty big ordeal for me, both times it happened it was late at night, I was alone and walking to my car in the subway parking lot. I’m...I’m kind of an easy target, at least visually. I’m small. I walk with my head down and my shoulders hunched. I’m usually not paying attention, or I usually have my headphones in (don’t do this, kids). I tend to always look confused. I never remember where I park, so I was probably looking around and generally looking lost. The first time it happened I was...oof, I think a yellow belt? that’s the fourth belt for us--and I was already competing so I was more than comfortable with fighting. I got that guy on the ground and thankfully a taxi driver at the stand nearby saw the whole thing, and the police were on their way.
The second time it was a similar scenario, except this time I was a brown belt and was competing internationally. So when he grabbed my ponytail in one hand and my shoulder in the other--the only thought I remember going through my mind is YOU WANNA PLAY, MOTHERFUCKER? I didn’t even hear the sirens of the cop cars, when they pulled up. It took two officers to pull me off the guy, and even then I got maced because I went after the officers. Hours later when they asked me what happened, I wasn’t even able to tell them. My mind just went blank in the moment.
Long story short it really did turn into a whole big thing, and the dude actually tried to press charges against me for excessive use of force. Imagine that? He tries to rob me but he picked the wrong bitch, and I hurt him so bad that he tried to press charges against ME. I had to give a deposition, or whatever they call it. My Shihan had to give a deposition about how we are trained--to neutralize first, and ask questions later (he also let the officers know for the future, that until they realize who they are dealing with, to never approach someone from behind and grab them in an attempted hold to calm them down. We will perceive it as another attack, and we’ll react accordingly). There was a psychologist with an expertise in highly competitive, combat sports athletes and the way we are programmed, our reaction times.
Anyway, nothing ended up going through. But ain’t that some shit?
In any case, poor tiger. Maybe it’s one of those spring evenings where the weather is FINALLY getting nice out, and after a girl’s night at a nearby restaurant, tiger decides to walk home instead of texting Bill or taking a cab. And maybe she’s just a tad tipsy, just a wee bit buzzed, so she’s not quite as alert as she normally is. She sees the three dudes on the sidewalk a few blocks away. They’re laughing loudly and joking and she thinks maybe they’re a little harmless. She steps aside a little as they near her, and then as they intersect one of them bumps into her shoulder roughly. It spins her around to face another one, and now two of them are behind her and one of them is blocking her way forward and suddenly nothing about this seems harmless.
“Give me your phone,” the menacing voice barks, “And your purse.”
Tiger is stunned, her adrenaline going high, but she’s also still tiger.
“Fuck off,” she yells. And then she tries to side step him to run but the guy is too quick. She’s shoved back, and then a flurry of hands are tearing at her jacket and pulling at her hair and just as fast as it started, it’s done--the guys bolt at lightning speed down the street, with her phone and her purse and everything inside of it.
Tiger’s heavy breathing quickly turns panicked when the full adrenaline hits her, she starts to wheeze and starts to sob and her legs turn to jelly. By some miracle, the survival part of her brain finally activates and she takes off--just runs at full speed, right to Bill’s. She realizes when she gets tot he front door that she doesn’t even have keys anymore because those were in her purse, so she just rings frantically. When it takes too long, she starts banging on the door. She’s full on wheezing now, barely getting any air in, she’s shaking and crying and she feels like she’s about to pass out.
Bill finally flings open the door, his eyes wide and alarmed already, but then he takes in the sight in front of him--tiger sobbing, her jacket torn, her hair disheveled, and his blood runs cold.
“Tiger,” he mumbles and he pulls her in, “Tiger, what happened?”
She buries her face in his chest, clutches onto him.
“I...they...” she hiccups.
“Easy kid, try and breathe,” he rubs her back soothingly as he hugs her tighter, “Tiger, did you get mugged?”
More wracking sobs.
“Yes,” she finally wails, and she all but tries to crawl into him.
“Oh god kid,” he says softly, “Are you hurt?”
She can’t answer, and when he tries to put her at arms distance so he can better a look at her, she just cries out and dives for him again.
“Okay easy,” he soothes, “Tiger, I need to know if you're hurt.”
“They took everything,” she mumbles pitifully, “My whole wallet, my phone--”
“All of those things can be replaced,” he interrupts, “You can’t be. Are you hurt?”
“No,” she finally says, “Just scared.”
And the poor bub. She’s just a panicked mess. I’ll bet she spends the whole night crying, and Bill is torn between wanting to comfort her and just feeling this overwhelming emotion of fucking RAGE because he wants to find these fuckers who dared put their hands on her.
Tiger doesn’t sleep that night, and Bill has to gently suggest that maybe she should take something to help her calm down, something that will help her just get some rest. She’s always reluctant with those sorts of things, but after he talks to her and tells her she needs to rest, that she’s safe and he’ll watch over her, she finally agrees. Maybe even the next morning she’s barely awake before she’s already shaking again. He just has to hold her real tight, never let her get very far away from his arms, but there’s also the logistical issue they have to deal with--of whether or not she wants to file a police report. Maybe she doesn’t initially, but he manages to convince her that it’s probably a good idea, if nothing other than to maybe help protect somebody in the future. Tiger is a mess when she’s giving her statement, and it takes every ounce of control Bill has to not go full fucking alpha male when she describes how they jostled her around.
Poor bean :-(
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nineteenninety-six · 4 years
Cheater Cheater - Part 2
Here’s part two! I’m not sure I like but eh. I made Tommy into a massive asshole in this but truly speaking, he’s always an asshole so lol
I also watched Knives Out last night and omg!! What a great fucking movie, like holy shit. Fun fact, I’m a film student but I’m not a big fan of watching films lol
TAG LIST: @shadow-of-wonder @stassiebabyy @dayna041101 @kingarthurscat @soleil-dor @gothicwidowsworld @captivatedbycillianmurphy @porcelainjokersmadness @futuristicslimemongerbanana 
(I can’t tag some of the people who asked so I’ll see if I can tag you in the notes or smth)
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(Y/N) strolled into the distillery, Alfie’s men greeting her as she passed by. It was nearly one pm and (Y/N) decided to bring her husband lunch, knowing that if she didn’t, he wouldn’t eat until dinner, where she would force him to eat with her.
Alfie’s tendency to spend all day working and less time eating and sleeping reminded her of a certain someone from her past, one that she had tried so hard to forget about over the past three years but it didn’t help that Alfie was very similar to him.
(Y/N) had met Alfie just a few days after she had arrived in London. She had gotten a room at a boarding house with the bit of money she had left with and was prowling the streets of London looking for a job when she had stumbled into a bakery in Camden after a long day of walking around looking for jobs and getting rejected. She had only initially gone in there to buy herself a snack but in a moment of desperation, she had asked if there were any jobs going and just after the man said there wasn’t, the hulking form of a man who had walked into the shop through the back had interrupted the man and told her there was a job vacancy. The man had introduced himself as Alfie Solomons and he was the owner of the bakery and after a brief meeting, he gave her a job of the bookkeeper for the bakery.
As time went on, (Y/N) found herself getting closer and closer to Alfie and after a few months of not so subtle flirting, Alfie had asked her out to dinner as a date and the rest was history. (Y/N) fell for Alfie hard and fast, she had doubts about being in a relationship after what had happened with Tommy and feared that she would never love someone like how she loved Tommy but Alfie quickly erased those fears and doubts and he quickly became the love of her life. (Y/N) had thought that Tommy was the one for her but after a lot of thinking, she realised that her relationship with Tommy was one-sided, she gave him all the love and affection she could whilst he could barely be bothered to reciprocate. To Tommy, she was a someone who loved him unconditionally and would do pretty much anything for him and of course, he didn’t want to throw that away, his affair with Grace wasn’t probably the only time he had cheated on her and as she spent more time with Alfie, (Y/N) realised that she hadn’t truly loved him, not like how she loved Alfie.
Alfie had treated her like a princess, always taking her out and buying her things and if she hadn’t told him that she didn’t care about those materialistic things and all she wanted was him and his love, he would still be spoiling her to this day, though he still has those moments where he gifts her extravagant and expensive things.
After a year of dating, Alfie had proposed and they married only a few months after his proposal. Their wedding was small, only a few of Alfie’s friends in attendance but (Y/N) had no-one. Despite how much she missed Ada and Polly and how much she wanted them there at her wedding, she thought it was best to cut off everyone from or connected to the Shelby family, it was only way she was going to live a safe and peaceful life, though her opinion on living a peaceful and safe life quickly changed after she was followed by a small group of men shortly after the wedding. Luckily for her, some of Alfie’s men had seen what was happening and dealt with them before anything could happen to her but it meant that night Alfie was quietly explaining about what he actually did for a living and how the bakery was just a front to his distillery business before begging and pleading for her not to leave him. (Y/N) had spent a couple of days locked up in one of the guest bedrooms, thinking about her future with Alfie and whether or not being married to a gangster is what she really wants and after those few days of thinking, she left the guest bedroom and tripped over Alfie who had been sitting outside of her door and she was pretty sure she saw tears in his eyes when she told him that she would stay with him and that she had no plan on leaving, not that he would admit he was tearing up anyway.
(Y/N) was happy and content with Alfie and he never got her involved with his illegal business, allowing her to manage to the bakery instead. Her almost three years with Alfie were pretty much perfect.
“Is in Ollie?” (Y/N) asked Alfie’s assistant, Ollie.
“Yes, Mrs Solomons but he has a meeting in a bit” Ollie gave her a smile.
“Ah okay, I won’t be long then.” With one last wave, (Y/N) left Ollie’s desk and made her way over to Alfie’s office.
(Y/N) knocked on the door before she stepped in, a wide smile coming over her face as she locked eyes with her husband.
“Mrs Solomons, how wonderful it is to see ya” Alfie smiled as he leant back on his chair.
“You’re in a good mood, Alf.” (Y/N) made her way over to him, placing the bag with Alfie’s lunch on it on his desk.
“My lovely wife has decided to come visit me, why wouldn’ ah be?” Alfie pushed himself out of his chair and walked around his desk so he could stand in front of (Y/N).
“Uh-hmm” (Y/N) hummed before she pushed herself up on her tippy-toes so that she kiss Alfie.
“Not that I don’t like to see ya luv but what’s the special occasion?” Alfie slowly walked back towards his chair, dragging (Y/N) along with him.
“I brought you some lunch, I know what you’re like.” (Y/N) allowed herself to be pulled by Alfie.
“Ahh!” (Y/N) let out a small shriek as she was suddenly pulled down as Alfie slumped down into his seat.
“Sorry darlin’” Alfie smiled at her, his large hand running up and down her thigh.
“No, you’re not, you horrible person.” (Y/N) muttered.
Alfie simply grinned at her before pulling her into a kiss.
A knock on the door along with Ollie announcing that the person Alfie was supposed to meet had arrived, had the couple pulling away from the kiss. (Y/N) hopped off of Alfie’s lap whilst the man glared at Ollie- or rather the door to his office that separated them for interrupting.
“Stop pouting Alf.” (Y/N) smiled at her husband.
Alfie good-naturedly rolled his eyes before shouting to Ollie to let the man in.
(Y/N) was too busy saying goodbye to Alfie and making sure that he remembered to eat the lunch she bought him to pay attention to who walked it but when Ollie announced who the person was, she left like a bucket of ice-cold water was thrown over her and when she looked at the man with wide eyes, she found her ex-boyfriend looking back at her with surprise written on his face.
“T-tommy?” “How do you know my wife, Shelby?” Alfie had stood up, his large form standing behind her and a strong, comforting hand resting on the small of her back.
Tommy said nothing, still staring in shock at (Y/N) so Alfie asked (Y/N) instead.
“This is Tommy, I-uh, my ex from when I was in Birmingham.” (Y/N) said, reaching behind her searching for Alfie’s hand, gripping it tightly when she found it.
“The one who had cheated on you?” Alfie tensed up and growled.
“Yeah…” (Y/N) whispered.
Ollie had smartly escaped and (Y/N) was wishing that she too could escape.
“So you left me for another gangster eh?” Tommy scoffed, disbelief on his face.
“No” (Y/N) retorted, feeling insulted by Tommy’s insinuation, “I left you because you cheated on me and treated me like rubbish Thomas.”
“You blew it out of proportion. You know that if a man cheats on you, it’s because you’re lacking and he has to seek elsewhere.”
Alfie growled, ready to shout at Tommy but (Y/N) spoke up before he did,
“So you sought your way into the Irish whore’s bed who also ended up being a spy that got your brother-in-law thrown into jail and in turn severed your relationship with your only sister? Or how about when she nearly got you killed and the business ruined? I wasn’t the fucking problem Tommy, you were. You and your massive ego.”
(Y/N) didn’t know where all that came from but she was glad she spoke up and finally spoke her mind.
Tommy grit his teeth, “That’s been resolved, everything ended up fine.”
“Oh so I guess you’re still with Grace if everything ended up being fine”
Tommy’s jaw ticked as he hesitated to answer and (Y/N) instantly knew what had happened. She guessed that she was able to read him after all those years together.
“She’s left?” (Y/N) couldn’t help but laugh, “So she spied on you, betrayed you and left you.”
Tommy just glared at her.
“Good, you deserve it.” (Y/N) shook her head, a small smile on her face.
Tommy was visibly angry and opened his mouth, most likely to yell abuse at (Y/N) but Alfie cut in,
“While it was great to see ya mate,” Alfie says, sarcasm dripping from his voice before he switched to a serious and intimidating growl, “I never wanna see you again, now piss off.”
Tommy opened his mouth to argue but Alfie interrupted yet again, “Any business we might have had is finished and if I see you or anyone from your fuckin’ gang around (Y/N) or in Camden, I will kill you.”
Tommy glared one more time at them before storming out of Alfie’s office, the door slamming loudly behind him.
When (Y/N) was sure Tommy was gone, she turned around and cried into Alfie’s chest. Alfie simply wrapped his arms around and slowly rocked them from side to side, whispering comforting words to her along with pressing soft kisses on her head.
When (Y/N) had stopped crying, she slightly pulled away from Alfie and looked up at him, “I’m sorry Alf.”
“You’ve got nothing to apologise for luv. Don’t worry about him or anyone else eh, you and me are the only one who matter.” Alfie soothed her
(Y/N) wrapped her arms around Alfie and hugged him tightly, grateful for him and his love and support for her. She was glad she had found someone who loved and appreciated her for who she was.
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mattyfm · 4 years
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new york’s very own matthew oliver was spotted on broadway street in converse . your resemblance to luke hemmings is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty-fourth birthday bash . while living in nyc ,  you’ve been labeled as being temperamental , but also benevolent . i guess being a gemini explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be bubbly laughter, the smell of fresh coffee, & long drives to watch the sunset  .  ( cis male & he/him  )  +  ( monique , 20 , she/her , pst . )
my name is monique i’m both the baddest and saddest bitch you’ll ever meet and i have NEVER written a concise intro in my life, so be prepared for a lot of jumping around, incomplete thoughts, and information you didn’t ask for. without further ado let me introduce you to my angel boy matthew oliver.
full name. samuel matthew oliver.
nicknames. sam, sammy, matt, & matty (preferred name and most commonly refereed to as).
age. twenty-four.
date of birth. june 17th.
occupation. actor. (i might give him another job eventually but don’t hold me to that)
sexual / romantic orientation. bisexual & biromantic.
birthplace. asbury park, new jersey.
zodiac. gemini.
spoken languages. english.
samuel mattew oliver was born to two extremely loving parents jeremy and elizabeth marie oliver, arguably one of the most influential celebrity couples known to man, at least that’s what it felt like growing up in the household, everyone was talking about the oliver’s and when they weren’t...well that never happened
as a middle child, preceded by his older brother mason, and succeeded by his younger sister cassandra, naturally he was born with a crave for validation, anything that separated him for his siblings
but naturally in his need to be different he found his closest allies, more so mason than cassie, but eventually she grew on him, and was most certainly not forced upon the dynamic duo of brother by their parents, but believe me he grew to adore her!
childhood was seemingly normal minus the bombarding questions from nosy students who wanted to know what it was like to have celebrity parents or be rich or live in a house with more bedrooms than necessary 
unlike his siblings however matty reveled in the attention way more than he let on, it was nice to be noticed for something, even if it wasn’t quite what he’d been hoping to be noticed for
but by no means was he stupid! he wouldn’t allow anyone to take advantage of him and had an unusual talent for knowing when people only wanted to use his friendship as some sort of gain for himself, and extended this talent to his sister cass, because boy oh boy did she need it
their dad who i forgot to mention was a professor at juiliard, his alma matter, caused a constant bouncing back and forth between their coastal home in new jersey and their urban townhouse in new york
both places felt like home to the trio! they made so many good memories, however matty was extremely preferential to the coast, and to this day maintains a beach boy vibe, swears everything is just better by the beach
going back to his upbringing for a minute high school rolled around for him and mason and he just became even more extremely protective of cassie, he went through things extremely unknown to his family
on the outside he was the model person and student, honor roll, a long glowing list of extracurriculars including sports, even holding down a normal job like everyone else at his high school, and not a single blemish in his criminal record, the squeaky clean olivers remained squeaky cleans
HOWEVER there was some shady stuff going on behind the scenes my guy, nothing too terrible, just the usual teenager with loving parents who raise a troubled teen, not because of any past trauma but a need to feel seen
DRUGS & ALCOHOL TW got into a lot of fight but always told them they had to fight after school, he got into drugs, nothing too hardcore, just weed (is that a weed i’m calling the police vibes).....at first.....but that’s a different story so moving on! he of course drank with his buddies at high school parties, honestly just vibing my guys, just straight vibes always
CAR ACCIDENT TW & ALCOHOL TW & DEATH TW one day he’s vibing, it’s the summer they’re celebrating another school year complete, and by the end of the night nearly black out drunk at this point, he knows he can’t go home so he decides to get a ride home with a buddy he worked with, tell his parents that said buddy took him home after work, they worked on homework and fell asleep. and honestly had he had a little less to drink, he would’ve realized that his friend was just as drunk as he was, but they drove anyways. this lead to a drunken car accident, that ended in the death of a pedestrian. thankfully his friend’s dad was a lawyer, and they covered that shit up immediately.
after this whole ordeal choose an accelerated course of study to pursue his acting career, finally something people would talk about that would be solely his, like not really, but let him have his moment alright, he was desperate 
lowkey feels guilty about being a hypocrite towards cassie because he’s telling her not to do any of the thing 
ADDICTION TW he almost kicked his habit but getting back into acting and the guilt of having blood on his hands, was too much for matty, and he developed a drug / alcohol dependency, which he recognized was extremely harmful! he went to rehab! and has been very vocal about his struggle with addiction ever since
had an on set romance with a costar that crashed and burned, quite publicly, and was just not good for his mental health one bit! def didn’t help with his constantly teetering sobriety but he managed to get through it with the help of his family and his friends
acting wise he’s starred in a bunch of movies but his baby is the netflix show that he’s been working on, i would like to think it’s kind of a sitcom esque show mixed with the same comedic timing of the office, parks n rec, those kinda self-aware humor vibes
ADDICTION TW he plays one of the main character, and his dipped his toes into directing and writing a couple of episodes, the show truly gives me one day at a time vibes, just brings light to mental health, addiction, important issues you don’t normally see portrayed on tv, and he def plays schneider, the bumbling rich boy who does and says what he’s told, struggles with addiction, has a super childish nature, and just a hint of self-awareness but just a hint as a little treat
this is so ooc but i’m realizing he’s quite literally schneider from one day at a time
MENTAL HEALTH TW & ANXIETY TW has receded from that cool kid persona he once held back in what i refer to as his ‘glory days’ and is now extremely vulnerable to everything and everyone, will literally cry if you even look at him the wrong way. struggles with really bad anxiety, among other mental health issues (which is why his netflix show and he advocate so heavily for mental health!) but is quite literally one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet, softness runs in the oliver family ig.
IS LITERALLY SO CHILDISH....where was once extremely mature for his age....he now copes with his trauma by just acting like a toddler, literally mixes chocolate milk IN HIS MOUTH like a heathen, but that still doesn’t stop him from being fiercely protective of cassie, and will fight anyone for her
currently vibing! filming, being his best(?) self, and making trips to the nj coast
positive traits. accommodating, adaptable, affable, affectionate, agreeable, altruistic, amiable, attentive, caring, cheerful, communicative, compassionate, considerate, courteous, creative, dependable, easy-going, empathetic, exuberant, friendly, fun-loving, generous, gentle, genuine, gregarious, helpful, honest, humane, humble, joyful, kind, lively, loyal, loving, optimistic, outgoing, passionate, playful, reliable, resilient, romantic, sincere, sociable, tender, trustworthy, thoughtful, understanding, and warm-hearted.
negative traits. anxious, amenable, avoidant, awkward, critical, defensive, disorganized, dogmatic, (over)emotional, evasive, foolish, forgetful, forgiving, gullible, headstrong, hopeless, idealistic, impatient, impulsive, irrational, messy, moody, oblivious, (over)protective, sensitive, shy, thoughtless, and weak-willed.
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here’s some basic plot ideas but we can always brainstorm smth! friends, frenemies, enemies, friends to lovers, childhood friends, ex best friend, costars, unrequited crush, bad influence, exes, one night stand, roommates! i have
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shijiujun · 5 years
history3 ep10 summary - POOR SHAO FEI AND TANG YI BB, this is what heartbreak looks like
I JUST ABOUT DIED. I DID. THE LAST PART WAS MAD - just this 30 seconds alone carried the entire fucking episode
We are at the halfway mark - Part of me doesn’t want it to end at all but I need to see the birthday cake and domestic scenes ASAP!! Currently I’m just enjoying the ride and so glad we get to see Chris and Jake and Andy and Kenny and everyone of those other hot and excellent actors in this show. I’ve never done a GIF or subtitled in all my years on tumblr before History3 - life changing this is what this show is and I’m so happy we’re all doing this together! Let’s make it through the halfway mark together omgosh excited guys!!!!!
Shopping scene with Shao Fei + Hong Ye: Hong Ye is telling SF to walk faster they go into a department store and she keeps changing clothes OMG LOL THEY ARE SO CUTE TGT!!! She wears smth with ruffles and then asks SF how it looks and then he’s like ‘why do u look like a seaweed’ and she’s like ‘who’s a seaweed you’re a seaweed’ and then she dances LOL and then LOL HE FELL ASLEEP WHILE SHOPPING WITH HER AND LOST HER omg Shao Fei seriously
They’re playing a game on the escalator this is the funniest shit and OF COURSE she brings him to a lingerie shop and omg Shao Fei so poor thing just sits there and OMG YAS HONG YE SISTER-BROTHER RIVALRY and she buys him UNDERWEAR and she’s like “hang on a second, this is too big for you, you need a smaller one” LOL BURN
Carpark/shooting scene: They’re almost like friends or something, although later after we see the hong ye and bodyguard ah de scene you’ll realise why she was speaking to shao fei like that (because she knew smth was going to happen and she thought everything was going to go to plan but who knew they were coming with guns) and anw, then the bullets start going off and shao fei protects her with all of his body like OH MY GOD - And wow the angle of the shot and how it struck SF is totally wrong and omggg this scene was faster than I thought JESUS CHRIST - is it just me or did Shao Fei get hit on the wrong side? Either they missed a scene or the bullet came from elsewhere
and then we get the scene of tang yi storming into the hospital and he goes straight for hong ye first, hugs her as she cries etc. and then hot doctor is there and when hot doctor is NOT SMILING  YOU KNOW SHIT IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN - anyway, the nurse tells hot doctor that the surgery has been prepped, and then hot doctor nods and says ‘let’s go’ - and that’s when tang yi REMEMBERS AND LOOKS UP - “is that for meng shao fei?” And his look of absolute regret is ridiculous
and hot doctor just somberly nods 
Police chief STILL DOESNT KNOW THAT SHAO FEI HAS BEEN SHOT omg he’s going around doing his usual shit and everyone is clearing shit with him and fuck he misses shao fei so much I like that they finally show that shao fei is useful in the office and everyone is dependent on him and then suddenly Yu Qi turns up because she somehow got the call that shao fei is in the hospital
Oh goddddd Tang Yi’s face as he sits there AND LOL Dao yi (glasses guy) knows police chief quite well he called him Brother Bao, and tells him to calm down and they will take care of everything but POLICE CHIEF AINT HAVING NONE OF THAT BULLSHIT he pushes dao yi aside and this is one of the only times he can legit grab a mob boss by the neck and not get shot at after - police chief loves Shao Fei so much you can tell he totally lost it and Hong Ye genuinely feels bad and she’s saying sorry over and over to him as tang yi sits there catatonic - tang yi is totally quiet
also not sure if you guys caught it but the older guy in the investigative team, the one who always kind of says smth subtly bad about shao fei, he shot a look to bodyguard ah de when police chief was confronting tang yi in the hospital - they are totally up to something, corrupt police!!!!
The rest of the investigative team - LOL Zhao zi: “wow I’ve never seen police boss chief grab someone so much larger than him by the neck” - Yu Qi really likes Shao Fei, she’s crying by herself at the stairs and police chief is the one who’s standing by Shao fei’s door the moment he’s out of surgery and he scoffs “what ‘they’ll take care of everything’? the moment they heard shao fei was going to pull through they all left’- he tells zhao zi that they’ll start investigating who the fuck was behind the shooting and reminds them all to be careful
Captain Shi: “those who dare to touch any one from the investigative team, I’ll bring them all back to the police station!!!!”
OMG WE GET THE SCENE WHERE TANG YI IS HOTLY WALKING AND RIPPING OFF HIS JACKET AND OH JESUS CHRIST BRASS KNUCKLES?!!! Anw here’s the gem oh my god: Tang yi comes in where the culprit is already seated and he tells everyone to get the fuck out (OMG YOU KNOW HE MEANS BUSINESS) 
Ah De is like ‘boss, this is a small thing, let me do it’ - and he’s so damn insistent on interrogating the culprit himself even though tang yi is literally ready to set fire on the bitch you know and i’m like AH DE THAT IS SO NOT SMART YOU WANNA DIE?!
and well, we all called it - tang yi hears that and he’s like wtf and he gets mad, hauls bodyguard ah de off his feet and slams him against the wall and yells: “SMALL THING?! HE TOUCHED MY PEOPLE, AND YOU CALL IT A SMALL THING?!”
and bodyguard is like fuckkkk: “yes i’m sorry boss, i said the wrong thing, i’ll leave now”
and then he goes out and hovers by the door while tang yi puts on his brass knuckles and starts punching the dude who is yelling a bit like... not realistically HAHAHAHA - and omg Jack hit it right on the nail, he asked Brother De why he looks so worried and ‘jokingly’ asks, “why, do u know the person inside?” And Brother De is so angry and defensive - jack totally knows what is up
Brother de and Hong Ye meet up and here we find out that they ordered the hit on shao fei in a sense to get rid of him - they wanted to show tang yi that shao fei can’t protect anyone and then chase him away, but they were supposed to come teach shao fei a lesson with like wooden sticks and not guns - hong ye was a bit stunned by that as well and she asked ah de like wtf did you really want to kill me?! and ah de is like confused also, he doesn’t really know how the plan went wrong?! and hong ye is like, whatever, i will cooperate with you only up to here, if tang yi manages to get any answers, it’s all on you (like not cool hong ye, tang yi would totes forgive you if you just admitted it i think)
anyway, switch to the balcony scene with tang yi and jack, where jack asks who it was that ordered the hit, and tang yi says: “chen wen hao”
okay so my theory is that maybe chen wen hao really has smth to do with this - he kind of derailed the plan and changed it to legitly wanting to kil hong ye and shao fei (more hong ye than shao fei more likely) - but right now they dont know it they just think that they’re safe and their story checks out
Okay so Hong Ye and Dao Yi - Gosh she’s kind of a brat but I get where she’s coming from. anyway she leaves brother de and then dao yi is waiting for her in the carpark - the man knows he way better than she knows herself, and i think he knows that she had something to do with the shooting, but he didn’t say anything except to hint that she better leave shao fei up to tang yi and stop trying to interfere. hong ye is adamant that shao fei is a different kind of person from them, and dao yi is like: “that’s for the boss to decide. the way he treats him... shao fei is different to him”
and anw, hong ye manages to make this entire thing about her and how dao yi doesn’t love her - sister, i really get you and dao yi really needs to get his shit together, but srsly, a man just got shot for you because you were unhappy with his presence - and gosh unrequited (actually requited) love, but i get her in this part
but seriously, i get that she want shao fei out of the way but they way she did it was totally wrong, does she not know that tang yi is soft for him and cares for him like he has no one else before? she was willing to hurt him to make a point, and then ah de is - gosh dude get a grip
AND OMGGGGGG TANG YI’S FACE AS HE IS BY SHAO FEI’S BEDSIDE - this is what heartbreak looks like guys, he looks like he’s saying goodbye and his fucking expression - wow Chris did a fucking good job he totally looks heartbroken and as if shao fei died or smth, he’s holding his hand and air-tracing his nose and he looks like he’s going to cry - HE REALLY LOVES HIM GUYS - the emotion was really right on point
(and lol the chinese audience - they were scolding tang yi during the first part of the ep because he didn’t seem to have much of a reaction to shao fei’s injury and then when the last part came everyone went BATSHIT CRAZY)
what the fuck is going to happen next episode? i ask, but i know already - tang yi is getting ready to say goodbye to shao fei and push him away because he realised how dangerous it is for shao fei to be around him BUT OUR FAVE CHARACTERS WILL FIND SOME WAY TO BE TOGETHER AGAIN NO WORRIES I DOUBT THEIR BREAKUP WILL LAST MORE THAN AN EP
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jzixuans · 5 years
For the fic title: ‘Light of my Life’?
right but this title is rlly cute 
inspired by the line, “Ma vie est monotone… Mais, si tu m’apprivoises, ma vie sera comme ensoleilée.” from the little prince. (the english translation doesn’t fit as well:  “my life is monotonous… but if you tame me, my life will be bathed in sunlight” or smth)
under the cut bc it got long
   Logan’s life is plain. He’s grown numb to the ever-stagnant routine. Wake up at six am, brush teeth, make coffee, go to work, come home at four, read a new chapter of his book, make dinner, wash dishes, perhaps another chapter if he’s up to it, and get ready for bed at nine forty-five.
   Time moves differently when nothing changes. Faster, slower, not at all. He stops keeping track after the fourth year of monotony. There’s not much worth paying attention to, anyway. 
   The change is almost unnoticeable when it happens. He’s coming out of his usual coffee shop when he nearly trips over a man handing a ten dollar bill to the homeless woman huddled under the window. 
   “Thank you, young man,” she croaks, voice ragged and hoarse from begging unwilling passerby. 
   “It’s the least I can do, ma’am,” the man replies. His light-hearted tone is nothing out of the ordinary, but there’s a gentleness to it that has Logan stopping and reaching for his wallet. By the time he fishes out a crumpled five and drops it in the woman’s cup, the man is already lost in the swarm of people going about their lives. 
   He doesn’t see the man until a week later when he’s taking a short cut through the park on his way home from work. 
   “Aw, who’s a good boy? You are! Are you lost, cutie?” 
   Logan wouldn’t have paid him much mind if he hadn’t heard him speak. Just a few feet ahead of him, crouched in the snow, was the man, bundled up in a thick scarf and hat, ruffling the fur of a soaking wet German shepherd. 
   He inches closer and the dog’s golden collar glints in the sunlight. On the other side of the park, Logan can see a man in a bright red jacket with his hands cupped around his mouth. He taps the man on the shoulder. 
   “Excuse me, I believe Prince belongs to the man in red over there. He’s known for getting off his leash.” Logan says. The man turns his head to beam at him. 
   “Oh, thanks for telling me! I better go return him then!” The man gives the dog one last muddy hug before taking off, Prince bounding happily after him. 
   Logan finds himself lingering a little longer than usual, watching Roman get tackled by Prince, landing on the ice in a giggling mess. There’s a spring in his step as he walks all the rest of the way home. 
   He’s at the library the next time he sees the man, long after the snow has melted. The man is sat in the middle of a ring of children as he reads from Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar, not more than a few desks down from where Logan is typing away at his computer. The children gasp and giggle in delight and Logan can’t help but smile into his coffee. Kids don’t normally interest him, so perhaps it’s just the man’s sunlit presence. 
   The man looks up and locks eyes with Logan and the two share a fleeting smile. Logan knows it’s impossible for his heart to skip a beat, but it feels like it does anyway. 
   The man’s at the coffee shop again, at the park, the library, the book store, even just walking around the same block where Logan lives. They don’t talk, other than a brief, “Hi, how are you?”, but they soon fall into a routine and Logan comes to look forward to their little run-ins. 
   And then the man disappears for a couple months, and Logan can’t quite put his finger on why it feels like there’s a gaping hole in his chest.
   He drops a couple ones in the old woman’s cup outside of the coffee shop for the man, gently ushers Prince back to his owner after a slobbery kiss on the cheek, watches from afar as a group of children pester the poor librarian at the desk, demanding to know where their favourite community reader went. 
   The days drag on and Logan finds himself wondering how he ever managed to deal with his boring, unchanging life. It shouldn’t bother him as much as it does, in all honesty, but that thought doesn’t stop him from missing a stranger that he’s never even held a proper conversation with. 
   It’s spring again when he walks into the coffee shop for what has to be the twenty millionth time. Everything is in full bloom, the sun is shining, and the heavy clouds plaguing the city have finally dispersed. 
   “The usual?” The barista, Virgil, as he’s come to know, asks. 
   “Yes please,” Logan says, reaching for his wallet. 
   “No, please, let me get that,” someone behind him says, placing a gentle hand on his arm. “A medium peppermint tea, please and thank you.”
   Logan spins around to protest and comes face to face with the man he’s spent so long missing. Same warm brown eyes and fluffy brown hair, round glasses and splash of freckles. Same light-hearted voice and playful smile. 
   “No, no, it’s quite alright, you don’t have to―”
   “Too late!” The man grins, slapping a ten on the counter. Logan sends Virgil a pleading look, and the barista just shrugs. 
   “Sorry, dude. I think you lost this one.” He says. There’s a long line growing behind them, so Logan can’t do anything other than shuffle over to the side while he waits for his drink. The man bounces on the balls of his feet and glances around the shop. 
   “Long time no see,” he says, almost sheepishly. 
   “Indeed,” Logan replies, like he hasn’t been looking around the corner everytime he leaves his building, searching for a man in blue who might never return. 
   “Yeah, I had to go back home for a family emergency.” The man explains. 
   “I’m sorry to hear that. I hope everything is okay,” Logan says, and he winces at how incredibly insensitive he feels. 
   Virgil places their drinks on the counter and the two thank him, then make their way out the door. 
   “Could be better, but it could be worse, too.” Silence falls over them just as they reach the crosswalk. 
   “The children at the library missed you,” Logan says, in a weak attempt to ease the tension. The man laughs. 
   “Oh yeah? I’ll have to pay them a visit sometime this week.”
   They’re almost at Logan’s office building when the man smacks his forehead. 
   “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry!” He exclaims. Logan doesn’t have any time to ask him what for when he turns to him, holding his hand out to shake. “I’ve never introduced myself! I’m Patton.”
   Patton. Patton, Patton, Patton. Logan’s never going to let himself forget it. 
   “Logan. Nice to meet you, Patton.” He says, shaking his hand. They come to a stop outside of Logan’s building. 
   “Likewise! I’ll see you around, Logan!” Patton waves. 
   Logan can’t help the small smile tugging at his lips as he watches Patton skip away, apologizing to several people as he bumps into them by accident.
   Patton. Patton, Patton, Patton. The man that brought a little bit more colour into his black and white life. 
this is incredibly unedited aklsjdhskjf 
send me made-up fic titles and i’ll write something for it! (requests close on sunday (feb 3rd))
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harley-sunday · 6 years
Truth - part 2
Request by ‘Detective Pirate’: Hey! Can you write Jay x reader? The reader is checking smth out with Hank and has a panic attack for the 1st time. Hank calls an ambulance and they take her to Med. Jay finds out and goes to the ER and has a long conversation with the reader. She tells him she talked to Dr. Charles about it and tells Jay her diagnosis. Can it be really angsty and really fluffy? And can Hank be seriously concerned? Thank you so much!💕 Detective Pirate, xx
Pairing: Jay Halstead x reader
Warnings: language
AN: After writing Truth and then remembering I had this prompt waiting for me, I realized that it would be the perfect companion piece to it. Thankfully Detective Pirate gave me the go ahead to do so, so here it is :) Enjoy! Part 1
“(Y/L/N), you’re with me today,” Voight says as he passes you on his way to his office, “We’re leaving in five.”
You close your eyes for a second, shaking your head ever so slightly. You know he’s only doing this so he can keep an eye on you after what happened two days ago, but the last thing you need is a babysitter. You look at Jay for support, but he just shrugs, probably agreeing with Voight. You had an argument about it this morning, when Jay said he didn’t think you should go back to work just yet. You argued you were fine, that you didn’t need to be looked after, getting mad when he threw last night’s nightmares in your face, and you haven’t really talked to him since, still upset that he thinks you can’t handle this.
You turn your attention back to the report you were reading, but you can’t really focus and so by the time Voight comes out of his office you have your jacket on and are ready to go. You follow him downstairs, where Trudy throws you a curious look, but you just shrug, not really wanting to explain what’s going on. Voight’s walking fast and you have to speed up to keep up, reaching the car just a couple of seconds after he does. You round the car to the passenger’s side and get in, knowing he prefers to drive anyway. You wait until he’s seated before you turn to him, “Hank, I-”
But then he starts the car and doesn’t really look at you when he says, “There’s a new lead on that triple murder case from last week,”
You just nod and turn away, staring out of the window as he pulls onto the road. After four years on his unit you know when to shut up. 
Watching the city pass by you can feel his eyes on you every couple of minutes and you’re about to tell him to keep his eyes on the road when he clears his throat.
“You alright, kid?”
The ‘kid’ tells you it’s not just your general well-being he’s interested in. You haven’t really talked to him about what happened earlier this week, just relayed the facts to him so he could finish writing his report, but you know he’s worried about you. You let out a sigh, not wanting to tell him about the nightmares and sleepless nights, but not wanting to brush it off either. You settle on a neutral, “I’ll get there,”
You see him nod out of the corner of your eye, because after fours years he knows better than to push you and that you’ll talk when you’re ready.
The drive is long, taking you to the other side of the city, not far from the abandoned warehouse where everything went so horribly wrong just two days ago. You can feel your palms getting sweaty and you try to rub them dry on your jeans, hoping Voight won’t notice.
But he doesn’t and when he parks the car he gets out without so much as looking at you. You follow him inside the club, hand on your gun just as a precaution. Just last week three young gangbangers were brutally murdered in the alley behind this building, no witnesses. The investigation’s slow going and you know Voight wants this case solved sooner rather than later, but there isn’t really anything to go on.
He leads you to an office in the back, opening the door without knocking, making the guy sitting behind a big mahogany desk jump up ever so slightly. He tries to cover it up by faking a cough, but you just shake your head, letting him know you’re not buying his act. You stay close to the door, one eye on the hallway you came from, the other on Voight and whoever the guy is.
“Franzen,” Voight says, shaking the man’s hand.
The man smiles, revealing four gold teeth, “Voight,”
“What do you have for us?” Voight asks, sitting down on the corner of the desk.
Franzen gets up and rounds the desk, grabbing a set of keys out of his pocket. He walks up right up to you, a fake smile plastered on his face as he gestures for you to move, “You’re blocking my safe here, sweetheart.”
An involuntary shiver runs down your spine when he calls you sweetheart, but then his warm breath hits your face and all of a sudden you find yourself gasping for air, a tight feeling in your chest. The room starts spinning and you feel nauseous, like you’re about to throw up. You’re vaguely aware that the man’s still staring at you and you think you hear Voight call your name, but it’s like he’s a million miles away and you just shake your head. You take a step back and try to remember which way you came from, desperate to get outside and get some fresh air.
Hugging the wall for support you make your way to the door, but it takes you at least four tries before you can get it to open. Once outside you try to take in a big gulp of air but it feels like something is weighing down on your chest and you only manage to take short breaths, which in turn make you feel light-headed. You find yourself leaning against the car when all of a sudden Voight’s standing next to you, his hand on your arm.
“(Y/L/N), look at me,”
You try, but you can’t seem to focus and you close your eyes, trying to concentrate on your breathing instead. You hear him curse quietly but at least he’s not talking to you anymore, because you hear him request an ambulance instead, adding a 10-33 to let them know it’s an emergency and hearing that sends you over the edge.
You’re not sure what happened but all of a sudden you find yourself in a hospital bed, a worried looking Voight sitting on a chair next to you. The crazy sensation in your chest is gone and then you realize that your breathing is back to normal as well, an immense feeling of relief washing over you.
“You alright, kid?” he asks, repeating his earlier question.
You know there’s no way you can bullshit your way out of this, so you shake your head, an apologetic smile on your lips, “I guess I’m not.”
“Yeah,” he nods, his expression solemn, “Do you remember talking to Doctor Charles when we got here?”
You shake your head, because honestly the last thing you remember is a 10-33 being called in.
“He’s coming back in a couple of minutes, will probably explain it a lot better than I can,” he clears his throat, “but he thinks you had a panic attack.”
Voight gets up then and hesitates for a second before he pats your arm, “I have to get back to the station, but you take your time, ok? And I don’t mean just today, alright?”
You nod and watch him grab his jacket before he walks towards the door. You bite your lip but decide that he might as well know, “Hank?”
He turns around then, knowing it’s serious when you call him by his first name.
“Could you call Jay for me? Tell him what happened?” You look down at your hands in your lap, “Please?”
He nods, “Sure,”
“I’m probably going to stay at his place for a while. Just,” you clear your throat, “Just so you know, you know, if you need me.” You watch him process this new information, his eyes on you as he does.
“So it’s like that, huh?”
“Yeah,” you nod, “It is.”
He opens his mouth, but then closes it again and turns around, walking out of the room with so much as a goodbye.
Leaning against your pillow, you go over everything Doctor Charles has told you, still trying to make sense of the panic attack diagnosis he gave you. It’s then the door to your room swings open and Jay storms in, a worried look on his face. Before you have a chance to say something he’s sitting down on the bed with you, cups your cheeks and presses a kiss to your forehead, before he mutters a quiet, “Jesus,”
You try to smile at him when he pulls back but find yourself crying at the way he looks at you and it makes him look even more worried. You hide your face in your hands, and feel his arms wrap around you as he pulls you close, his chin resting on your head as he comforts you. You don’t know how long you sit like that, but you do know it feels good to let it out and so you cry and cry, big hot tears rolling down your cheeks as he holds you.
It’s you who pulls away first, using your hands to dry your eyes, before you look at him, smiling apologetically, “I’m sorry I-”
He shakes his head, “Don’t be,”
“No, I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you this morning, Jay,” you explain, “you were right.”
He takes a deep breath then, hands cupping your face, his eyes locking on yours, “I really hoped I wasn’t.”
“I know,” you whisper, “me too.”
His hands drop to your lap then, taking your hands in his, his thumbs rubbing circles on the inside of your wrists, “So, what happens next?”
“Doctor Charles wants me to start therapy as soon as possible,” you relay, “if that doesn’t help then he going to start me on medication.”
“He also gave me some breathing exercises,” you bite your lip, trying to fight a fresh set of tears, before you scoff, “All of that for just one panic attack, huh? Seems a bit much.”
“Hey,” Jay warns, his eyes darkening, “this is serious, ok? If you don’t do something about this now it’s just going to get worse and before you know it everything is a trigger and-”
“Hey, hey,” you says, surprised at his sudden outburst, “I didn’t mean it like that, ok? I just,” you let out a sigh, “I’d rather do this by myself.”
“I know,” he agrees and his expression softens, “but you can’t. I know it’s not what you want to hear right now, but you’re going to need help, believe me.”
You understand then he’s talking from experience and you mentally kick yourself for not realizing this any sooner. You let go of his hands so you can dry your eyes because you’re crying again, but this time for him and everything he’s been through during and after the war. You let him hold you again, your head resting against his chest as he kisses your temple.
He takes you home not long after that and you can’t help but smile when he suggests making some soup for you. You find yourself on his couch, watching him as he busies himself in the kitchen, his back to you, softly singing along to a Bruce Springsteen song that’s playing on the radio.
It’s then you realize something, “Hey Jay?”
He turns around and leans against the counter, drying his hands on a kitchen towel, “Yeah?”
“Don’t you have to get back to work?”
He shakes his head, “Voight gave me the rest of the day off,”
Your eyes widen in shock at his answer and you mutter a quiet, “Oh shit,” before you get up and walk towards him as you explain, “I told Voight about us,”
He looks confused for just a second, but then links the pieces together, “So he must be ok with it then.” 
You look up to Jay, now standing in front of him, and smile, “Yeah,” you agree, “he must be.”
Jay leans down and kisses you then, his hands resting on your hips as he pulls you closer, so you’re stood in between his legs. Your hands find their way into his hair and you deepen the kiss. 
His hands cups your ass then and he lifts you up, hands sliding down your legs, wrapping them around his waist. He turns around and gently sets you down on the counter, his hands roaming your body, making you moan into the kiss.
You pull back just a little, your lips still on his, panting every so slightly, “God, I love you.”
“Truth?” he asks, smiling into the kiss.
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feckyeswriting · 6 years
Simplify - an Eris Fic
For @nimadge
Thank you for being amazing and even more so thanks for giving me a bright spot during all the hectic busy-ness of moving <3
I loved getting to cover this prompt. I hope you enjoy how it all came together. I know you just had all your exams, so I wanted to make sure it wasn’t just 100% studying anxiety all over again ^^  
How about Eric and Tris, relationship OR good working relationship with the possibility of more at least; she sees HIM studying something for once (for qualification exam or smth) and can help?  How would that go?
Made me think abt how Eric would take help/how harsh he is on himself, that sort of thing.  We never see him learning anything, after all
“Do you need anything?”
Such a simple question. I looked up from my piles of notes and the guide book I was currently attempting to force into perfect recall. Seeing Tris there, a small smile tucked behind her lips, tempered the irritation that had been building all afternoon. There was a lot there bubbling under the surface.
“I know you work best alone, but if you need anything - a drink, something from the caf - just let me know,” she said.
I did my best to wrangle my expression into a smile. Her offer made it easy. It was well past the end of her shift. Tris didn’t need to be hanging around Leadership on her off hours. It meant all the more to me that she had.
“Thanks,” I replied simply.
Tris kissed her fingertips, pressing the two of them to my nameplate on the door. “I’m down the hall with Kyle,” she said before departing.
I felt my face fall as she turned and walked away. There was nothing I’d like more than to have gotten up and followed her. Instead, I sighed and flipped to the next blank page to take more notes. Committing to memory the new SOPs for calls had been easier than this drivel.
Qualifications - or quals - were the bane of my existence. And as Leader I was expected to stay ahead of as many of them as I could. At least we got to spread them out between Leaders. Between us, we had to understand what the Faction was capable of.
Sharp shooting and marksmanship quals were a favorite of mine and many of my fellows. They were straightforward; a combination of muscle memory and specific math formulas let you pass with flying colors usually. I’d been happy with the other quals I’d passed over the past two years.
Then the dust-up in Leadership had changed things. Not to speak ill of the very necessary changes that took place, it was a total pain in the ass to have to cover for the things that Max and the others had learned over the years. I’d fought tooth and nail to remain in place, accepting as earnestly as possible my culpability for letting… everything happen without question. That meant not complaining about covering two quals at once.
So, here I was in my office trying to convince my tired brain that learning every in and out of neurochemistry was a reasonable use of my time and efforts. I’d avoided the quals for fear testing initially because dammit I’d left Erudite to get away from reading academic texts.
Fate has a funny way of ignoring what we want in life.
I ran my hands through my hair and flipped to the next chapter. There were still a few more hours until I had time to sleep.
Every time that I blinked now I could swear I saw the diagrams from my notes on the insides of my eyelids. Fuck, that would have made things a lot easier if they were there. Instead I stared at the practice test question in front of me and fumed.
Describe the basic concepts behind the signals used to target the amygdala.
My pen tapped a staccato rhythm on my knee. I wanted to snap it in half. This was the first long form answer I was expected to answer. I had known it was going to come up.
The amygdala was only part of the brain triggered by the fear serum. There was also the thalamus and… and… Well, there were more. More that didn’t matter for this question. But all I could think about now was the damn sensory thalamus. Emotional stimulus - that was the first part of the series of triggers in the process - leading to further systemic triggers.
“That’s what it’s fucking asking, you idiot,” I growled to myself. “What are those triggers in the fuckin’ amygdala.” Still, no matter how long I stared at my measly four word reply, the less I could recall about the process. It didn’t matter how the synaptic sequence depended on a particular balance of ion channels, either, but that was what my mind decided to offer up next.
The process begins with
The process begins with
The process begins with- with what?
I flipped back to the earlier questions. I had more ‘return to answer’ arrows on each page than I’d remembered making. On the question asking to order the sequence of signals used by the serum I’d only marked off the first and last steps. Blank spaces stared at me unhelpfully, offering no insight into whether or not it was a neurotransmitter dump or an artificial channel blocker that could have been used in the amygdala.
My pen went across the room. This was absolutely ridiculous.
Next to me, Tris finally stirred. She screwed up her eyes against the light from my side lamp, but she sat up. “You’re still taking that thing?” she murmured. “What time is it?”
“Late,” I said. I ignored her first question; I’d blown way past my initial expectation of how long this stupid practice test was going to take.
She rubbed at her eyes and leaned heavily on the headboard. “You need to take a break,” Tris said simply.
I looked down at all the little black arrows on the pages and those stupid, stupid four words with nothing after them. “I can’t. I’m not done yet,” I replied.
“It’s- that can’t be right. It’s four am?” she said. She’d caught a glimpse of the alarm clock down by the foot of the bed. It was there so we couldn’t just slam the snooze button without moving. I’d been selectively ignoring it all evening. Well, morning now.
I sighed. Tris shifted again next to me, returning to rest her head on the pillow. She still faced me now. One hand emerged from the blanket again so she could run the side of her finger down my arm. She could only reach so far before starting back down again.
“You’re going to be exhausted,” Tris murmured. “Can you ask Lauren for her answers from this one? To study from?”
“Mm. Maybe.” Lauren had passed this qual the winter after her Initiation. She’d only had a few weeks to study for it. Had only needed a few weeks to. I’d been working on this every god damn night and weekend for the past three months.
And I still couldn’t answer a fucking obvious, critical question.
“Hey, hey,” Tris said. I looked down at my hands. I’d crumpled the pages in front of me between white knuckled fists. Tris’ hand wrapped around my wrist. It was the best she could manage from her angle. “It’s going to be alright,” she insisted.
“It will be when this is over,” I hissed. “If I pass.” Good fucking god, there were only three days left. Two nights of studying, really. I’d only have a few hours on the morning of to try and force any more info into recall.
I laughed bitterly. “I might not pass,” I repeated. “Wouldn’t that be rich? Paid so much attention to the fear sims, and I can’t explain them worth a damn for these stupid quals. Fear is what gets you kicked out of Dauntless. Never thought that’d be me, but here we are.”
Tris threw the blanket off. It took most of my papers with it, crumpled pages spilling everywhere at the foot of the bed. She sat up fully. Forced me to look at her instead.
“Eric,” she said, “what would you tell me if I was doing this?”
It wouldn’t work. I crossed my arms over my chest and scoffed. “Usually your problem is that you’re overreacting. And I’m not,” I insisted.
“Bullshit,” Tris retorted. I scoffed again. She wasn’t the one unable to answer a goddamn multiple choice question on what should have been a mid-level biology question.
She mirrored my crossed arms. “Bull. Shit. You’re overreacting and stressing about not knowing shit. So you’re just getting more and more stressed as you get more and more stuff not quite right,” she said.
“Not quite right is wrong. And wrong means failing quals,” I spat.
I don’t know if she heard the nerves in my voice then or if she just had to think another minute for a new plan of attack, but after a moment she said, “You have two more full days.”
Two days. My stomach flipped and I snapped my eyes shut. “Don’t remind me.”
She didn’t quit. “You have two more full days,” Tris insisted. “That’s plenty of time. You’ve got the core information down; you have to by now after all this cramming and all these weekends buried in that book. It’s just perfecting recall.”
I made a noise. I felt her prodding at my knees until I relented and stretched my legs back out on the mattress. Tris dropped onto my lap with all the grace of a newborn foal - all legs and flailing hooves, sorry, palms. I opened one eye as she wrapped her arms loosely around my neck.
“I’m not moving these,” I muttered, wiggling one arm.
“Sure you’re not,” she replied. Resting her forehead on mine, she forced me to look at her.
Her voice got soft. “I know you’re stressed. And you’ve every right to be worried about the test. They’re fucking hard,” she said. I almost laughed. Almost.
Tris continued on. One of her thumbs stroked along the skin of my neck. “But I’m here to tell you: you’re going to be okay. It’s all going to be fine. Two days is plenty of time. I know it will be,” she said quietly.
I closed my eyes again. Nodding my head, I hummed in acknowledgement. “Mkay,” I said. I pressed a kiss to her lips. Saying thank you seemed like not enough. I did it anyways.
“You don’t need to thank me. Like I said, if you need anything you just have to ask me,” she murmured. We shifted together and she moved to lay on top of me. I had to kick to get the blanket back up to us. That sleepy smile returned to her face when I pulled it over her shoulders again.
I looked one last time at the pages still down by my feet. Tris poked my side, reading my mind. “Turn off the light,” she grunted. “Sleep now. Study later.”
Kissing the top of her head, I clicked the lamp off. She snuggled tighter to my chest.
It’s the simple things.
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coulscns · 6 years
— ✧ KELSEY CHOW ?? no, that’s just EUDORA MAY COULSON !! she’s the TWENTY year old adoptive daughter of PHIL COULSON & MELINDA MAY ( DAISY JOHNSON & LINCOLN CAMPBELL ), and an UNDERGRAD at paragon. i hear she’s PASSIONATE & ADAPTIVE, but tends to be DECEITFUL & SHORT-TEMPERED. her file says that her power is ELECTROMAGNETISM MANIPULATION.
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   tell me who’s going to save me from myself                when this LIFE is all i’ve known.
SECTION ONE OF THREE: BULLET POINT HISTORY trigger warnings for death, arson, injury, murder ( ? )
what would prove to be the most defining moment of dora’s life would actually happen BEFORE she was born. before her mother, daisy johnson, even knew that she was pregnant with his child, her father, lincoln campbell, sacrificed himself to save the world - and he did do just that, but he never knew what it cost him
and, what it cost daisy
had he lived, then there was no question ; he and daisy would have raised their baby, together, creating for themselves the families neither had ever had. they wouldn’t have been ready, not even a little bit, but it would’ve been ok so long as they were in it, together. but he didn’t live, and when daisy found out how her life was going to change in such a huge way a few weeks later.. she panicked
she wasn’t ready. the people that say that all a kid needs is love are only right some of the time - she could love her unborn child with everything in her, but that didn’t mean she’d feel any more confident about what was to come. it didn’t stop the voice at the back of her head, telling her how all of her family, all the people she cared for, ended up hurt or worse because of her. it didn’t stop her from realizing that she couldn’t do it - so she decided that she wouldn’t. but she had been in and out of foster homes for her entire life. she knew how hard and unforgiving the system was, and she couldn’t do that to her kid - 
enter phil coulson and melinda may, daisy’s pseudo parents, everything she had ever dreamed that she would have in a family. how it came about involved far too many late night and emotional discussions - all that matters is that on february 21st, a baby girl was born, and on her birth cert she was named eudora may coulson
daisy remained in her daughter’s life, but never as a mother. if anything, she was a hip older sister figure, able to watch her child grow up happy and loved while said child knew nothing of the truth. they bonded over computer programming and video games playing, but dora was never any the wiser. it was just easier, that way. daisy knew that if she ever changed her mind, phil and melinda would allow the truth to be revealed - but even if she’d started to second guess herself as dora grew older, she couldn’t have ever ruined the family unit that they created for her
everyone else in phil and melinda’s shield family were her family too, of course, just as they would’ve been if she’d been raised by her mother. i imagine all the oldest people knew - but it wasn’t the kind of secret that everyone wanted to be the first to tell. it was one that was RESPECTED, if anything, and it wasn’t as if who raised her changed much. eudora was surrounded by an overwhelming amount of love and loyalty, and was a happy child, surrounded by strong people who she was able to look up to and learn from. the only complaint that people had with her was that she was obsessed  with shield
it was understandable, of course. her parents being so involved, all of the people she knew being the same, eudora grew up thinking that working with the organization was as normal as working for the post office. she loved the idea of joining up and becoming a hero - so much so that around the time she turned thirteen, she REALLY started to pressure phil and melinda
she wanted to know when she could join, and get her security clearance, and go on top secret missions with them. they’d taught her some self defense, enough to make sure she could take care of herself if needed, but she wanted MORE, now - she wanted to be an agent, and do whatever it took. and of course, they tried to keep her away from that life, for as long as they could. they tried to keep her SAFE
and they kind of became stifling, over protective parents, in the process
and everyone knows what happens, when a young teen feels stifled by their parents. they rebel - and for dora, that took the form of many after school detentions and low tier vandalism and delinquency, until finally, not long after her fifteenth birthday, they got the call that she hadn’t turned up to school that day. they naturally thought she was skipping a couple classes, and would turn up again eventually -
except, she didn’t
when they actually searched her room, they realized that she had took all of her money and things
her dream ? become a vigilante hero. yes, she was one of THOSE teens, who couldn’t just choose one. she thought if she proved herself as capable, she’d somehow prove herself as more than capable to be an agent - and at the time, hitting the streets seemed like the best of ideas. when she was six states away, however, lacking money and a roof over her head, she realized she’d kinda hecked up
but she was stubborn as all hell. she was gonna MAKE IT - or at least, she was gonna do her best to make a name for herself, before they tracked her down. she was good at covering her tracks, but dora knew that eventually, she’d get found. it was a question of when, but for the time being, she tried to do as many heroic things as she could
as in. she walked a lot of old ladies across the road and saved some cats ( and one parrot! ) from some trees. as it turned out, there wasn’t a lot of hero deeds out there for a homeless kid to do
a few more heroics, and a lot of near misses from her shield fam in tracking her down ( listen - they’re the best at their jobs, but the unexpected side effect of dora trailing them for YEARS was that she’d picked up on all the best ways to go on the run ), and we’re gonna fast forward to the second of dora’s defining moments
terrigenesis. i bet y’all thought i was gonna ignore this lil home slice being an inhuman. guess AGAIN !
it had taken an age, but dora had reached san diego - and at the diner she worked at ( shoutout to the people who had no issues in hiring an underage girl w no papers ), she overheard something that led her to what she thought would put her name into the young heroes hall of fame for life. it seemed like an arms deal. that was what it SOUNDED like, anyway. lots of “we meet at midnight”’s and “make sure to bring the gear”’s and blah blah blah, she kinda tuned out for the most part, but her sweet lil innocent mind had gone straight to GUNS instead of drugs, which probably woulda made more sense
she tailed the guy when he left the diner, managed to sneak her way into the warehouse after him, and watched as he met with just two other guys- two? two! that made THREE altogether, and any vigilante hero can handle three assailants 
they didn’t have any guns with them, though. or bags of drugs. just a small wooden box, which they were, she assumed, trading for the briefcase full of cold hard cash. she wasn’t about to tell the guy she’d tailed he wasn’t getting his moneys worth, though. she didn’t question it - as they held out the little wooden box she had appeared, taking out the guy she’d followed with a sweeping move, and then- yikes
one of the others had reached for his gun. he was raising it towards her, when they all realized at the exact same time that the little wooden box had toppled from the third guys hands in the commotion. it was sailing towards the floor, they looked like if they weren’t already destined to being too slow they’d have shouted, or tried save it, but they were all stuck and she was wondering if it was a bomb and then-
the wood splintered. the crystal inside shattered. the explosion of what seemed like dust enveloped all four of them, and the last thing that eudora thought was - dying thanks to asbestos fucking SUCKED
she doesn’t recall what happened next. she was too young, to go thru terrigenesis - and it’s been long since proven that anyone unprepared, or too young, or BOTH, will suffer consequences. for eudora, it was coming to exactly three days later getting wheeled out of a back alley on a gurney, the noise of the ambulance going right through her skull, the flashing lights killing her eyes. some lady had seen the passed out teen and panicked thinking that she was dead, and honestly, eudora wasn’t ruling it out as an option
she couldn’t remember anything that happened, after she had gotten to the warehouse. zilch. nada. nothing. which was kinda good, i suppose, considering the last thing she’d seen before terrigenesis took her was the petty criminals before her crumbling to dust. and also kind of bad, because when an EMT tried to lean over and check her eyes with another annoying torch, she, uh... 
electrocuted him
it was p bad
the other EMT’s screamed smth about her being a freak or whatever, and she was DEFINITELY freaking out, and it was a good job they hadn’t thought she’d be much of a threat and hadn’t strapped her to that gurney because she was fucking outta there like a flash, even though when they came to their senses, they tried to stop her
things were uh . how you say... not good ! 
she was alone, she was scared, she was going through changes that she didn’t understand - now would be such a good time to ruin her some more, but finally, something went right. a bystander from the whole ‘maybe killing an EMT and injuring three others’ thing followed her ( it’s not as creepy as it sounds ), and just.. well. happened to be a member of a very special group i can’t wait to namedrop
enter: a teeny tiny san diego based branch of the brotherhood of mutants, left mostly to their own devices. their scout brought in what she thought was another newly displaying mutant - and in her humble defense, after a display of their powers, eudora didn’t have any real. reason. to DOUBT she was a mutant 
it wasn’t like she knew she was an inhuman. because.. she didn’t. and she couldn’t remember what she’d gone through to get her powers, because, plot convenience. and really. it was a case of mistaken identity on like. both their sides
things looked up, immediately. the mutants she ran with for the next while were more than helpful at showing her how to use her powers, and under their leaders wing, eudora learned more about mutants and their struggles and .. more about herself, or at least, that’s what she thought. she was a mutant ( haha ). she was a part of the unfairly treated minority, now, and eudora had always been a passionate, strong willed, and STUBBORN girl. she fell RIGHT into their ideals, accepting them wholeheartedly, and 
remember when i said things would go right
i meant they’d go right for like a few months, tops, and then i’d ruin it again 
she was pretty powerful. especially in the tiny group that she ran with. and once they realized that, and realized that she was on board with them - hook, line, sinker - it got easier and easier to wind her up and watch her go. she started carrying out jobs for them. sometimes it was getting money, when it was low and they needed the cash to get by. sometimes it was help in burning down a warehouse containing weapons that they’d been tipped would be used at the next pro-mutant rally. sometimes, it was hurting people. twice, it was a lot more serious than that.
but eudora was among who she thought were her friends and allies - and in a way, she was, but that didn’t negate the fact that she was young and impressionable and wholly in over her head, and they took advantage of that fact
she was starting to do more and more questionable things, and it was bad
REALLY bad, in fact
there was an anti-mutant rally planned to happen the summer after she had turned eighteen, and eudora was their main event. from the sidelines of the huge stage those against her kind spoke from, she focused all of her power on the electricity lines. the microphone, the speakers, the lights - everything exploded. the wires went up in flames. the wood of the stage caught, the people on top were heading towards fiery deaths if they hadn’t dove in time -
thankfully, shield turned up.
a camera had caught eudora and some of her friends scouting the area in the early hours of the morning. facial recognition tipped off the team, and they had rushed to get there as soon as they could. if it hadn’t been for their presence, everyone on the stand that day would have died - thanks to eudora. not that they realized that, at first
her friends scattered and she was too stunned at the sight of her mom and dad striding towards her to do the same. the family was reunited in the chaos, but she had always been told that honesty was the best policy - and she told them then and there her involvement in what had happened that day. they didn’t take her back on the bus as their kid.
well. they did.
but she was also under arrest
in a story full of yikes’ i really hate to end, but here is where i must. it goes without saying that they were able to have her freed and her record wiped, after a few call ins of favors. and with her back, they got some time together before they decided that maybe sending her to the academy would benefit her - she’d picked up a lot of extreme ideas while she had been away, it seemed, and they wanted their daughter back
but much as they wanted her back, she couldn’t just reappear from nowhere. and eudora HAD changed. she was different. she was a mutant - and yes, they foolishly allowed her to keep on believing that because she had already been through so much, adding in that her almost sister slash aunt was actually her mother would have been too much, full stop. and she knew what it was like, for mutants
she still wanted to help the brotherhood 
so once at the academy and away from her prying parents eyes, she reached back out to her friends-
and that’s where we’re at w eudora coulson! she’s an inside man that aint nobody suspecting! 
her quick stats page, which includes personality tidbits, can be found HERE
eudora isn’t bad. i feel like after all my talk of her brotherhood dealings, i needa clarify that. she ISN’T bad. or evil. or whatever else you’d apply to a typical ‘villain’. she’s misguided - especially given that she thinks of herself as one of their own. her first experience with mutant kind after her change was a very extreme mutant kind, and she’s adopted their ideals as her own, and wants to work with them, to help them. but that’s because she thinks she’s doing the right thing. all she’s ever wanted to be is a hero. she still thinks that in a way, she’s being one
she has a single, self done tattoo, on the inside of her left wrist ; roman numerals that she typically covers up with a very large bracelet, which make absolutely NO sense to anyone who doesn’t know what they’re looking for. they’re coded coordinates for the exact whereabouts of the san diego branches safe house - and an identification mark, for if she runs into anyone affiliated with them.
she used a codename while running with the brotherhood group that she ran with, which was HYADES - not just a cluster of stars, but also the name of the sisterhood daughters of atlas in greek mythology, of which one is named eudora. when she was little, she used to have a mythology obsession that everyone actively encouraged, because knowledge is power and all that jazz - it was the very first name to come to mind, and she ran with it for as long as she ran with them
she wasn’t always rly short tempered. that is .. tragically .. another terrigenesis side effect, on top of the whole ‘losing all the time immediately during and after the change’ thing. there’s just.. so much going on in her head, now. a lot of extra power flowing in her veins, etc, etc - all her emotions are heightened but its mostly when she gets mad that people realize, because eudora goes straight to RAGE.
one connection i REALLY want, and will probably put a wanted ad in for, is one that’s ,, a bit much to explain, but makes sense in my head. i want eudora, a self called HERO, to have her own ARCH-NEMESIS - and everyone knows that the best of those are the ones that the hero created, themselves. i’d love if one of the people doing the terrigenesis trade had ALSO been a dormant inhuman, and i’d love if they had gone through the change with her. i imagine that they’ve been out there not too far from her all this time, and are p angry about the whole ‘she kinda had a part in their friends deaths’ thing - n also maybe the whole ‘definitely having a part in them gaining powers that they mightn’t have wanted’ thing. i’d LOVE that kind of hero/villain dynamic, so if ur interested. pls. hmu
FRIENDS ! literally any and all kind. she dropped off the face of the earth for about 3 years, but before that she probably had plenty of all types of friends, and since then, she’s probably made more. i just want her to hav some connections, ya know?
looks to the shooting stars n wishes for a daisy johnson
 i dont kno ive been typing for two hours im so tired
ill come up w more
i swear
for now
pls lov
n plot w me
thank u for coming to my ted talk
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theday · 7 years
anyways, ill say bye now... i hope ure well rested and have a good day!! (wait, i remember what i wanted to ask!! at least i think this is what i wanted to ask? anywys, do u know what u want to do now that ure finished w school? if u dont mind me asking, of course, i understand if u think its a bit personal!) ok, now im done, have a good day!! take care and stay hydrated!! (and now i really did send u a bunch of asks..)
omg i hope u dont mind but ill be answering the stuff from ur last ask here (the one where i… deleted everything) under cut bc itll be 2x longer now
so first !!!!! how i got into kpop!!! it was thanks to my good pal (@.briwoon) boxy! i follow her on twitter and despite her being a day6 stan twt i had her unmuted anyway bc.. after years of being an anime blog on tumblr and seeing all my anime mutuals slowly converting into kpop blogs one by one i was able to filter the kpop out of my brain?? smth like that since back then i wasnt into kpop and i didnt want to unfollow since im mutuals with most of them :-0 
another backstory - i was one of those people who never saw themselves getting into kpop? and i think the main reason was bc i thought liking kpop would make u seem lame?? due to the influence from people around me?? but as years went by and as my mutuals changed interests it stopped bothering me and that mindset kind of just? faded away bc who am i to call other people’s happiness bad?? but despite being okay with it i never really made the move to get into any groups lmao that was until i got tired of my interest at that time (seiyuu, japanese voice actors) and my interests would always. not last?? idk so maybe thats why i didnt want to get invested but it happened regardless 
anyway usually i wouldnt take notice of her rts but this . this beautiful man with orange hair and minion glasses caught my eye when i was scrolling through my timeline and i was like o worm? oh mu god? hes beautiful? so i slid into her dms and asked her whomst the beautiful man was and she sent me all their mvs after that from congratulations to i smile (the most recent mv at that time, late june) for me to watch :-D now at that time, from what little knowledge i had of kpop.. i understood that groups would be singing and dancing so i was prepared to see some sick moves or smth?? but then. i clicked on miss i smile and my wig flew off? bc… wtf.? they were playing instruments???? and they sounded good ??? so i was like oh my god? a band??????
before day6 i also had (have) a preference for bands and the way their music sounds so i was like?? ready to just. get on board yknow?? i watched how can i say and i saw the lanky noodle wearing glasses and i was like o fuck mu life? i caved and asked boxy for their names and other information and best decision of my life bc.. they really make me happy!!! after that like the day after ? myabe they did a vlive and i was like o shit? what do i do… so i downloaded the vapp and wowie i love it? its my second home…… i watched every vlive they had at that time and i thought that was a lot… (it isnt, compared to mx) and i was just rly content??
(ok i know u asked for kpop and not … day6 or other groups bc im gonna talk abt how i got into mx and astro too bc…… how can i Not.. u can skip this part tho i just wanna ramble abt my loves? ill tell u when u can continue)
that was peak happiness for me at that time.. until… boxy started talking about monsta x in our groupchat (with @.tokayhk) and she would just ramble abt this kihyun fella (who i vaguely knew bc my real life friend likes him and mx and i bought her his pc before along with the guilty clan part 2) so i was like hmm interesting… and honestly? i wasnt going to get into monsta x i really wasnt planning on asking her abt them (since i was scared id lose interest in day6 right after) but then.. she started linking videos and i .. my resolve crumbled down as i heard monsta x yelling and … this beautiful cover (which boxy sent to show us how powerful kihyuns vocals are but i was 2 focused on mister aka minhyukku) and she told us how funny these monsta men are and i was like o h no…………….. eventually one day in late august i asked her to tell me more about these monstas…… aftert that i watched every mxray episode (starting from season 2 bc i dont know 1 comes before 2) and even though i didnt know anyone who was on screen except jooheon i found it really funny and?? it made me laugh so much i love mx?? ya… boxys kind of like my guardian angel?? shes really the reason im living tbh… introducing me to all these lovely people?? thank u miss boxy i love u
now. for the astrosus….. they were a bit different.. because i didnt have boxys help and they were the first group i took interest in solely bymyself so i knew i was in for a wild ride (at first, i couldnt even differentiate brian from sungjin in day6 lmao) after stanning monsta x and day6 i became more?? open to kpop and i started watching unhelpful guides on youtube bc . they were funnie and idk its nice??/ and i stumbled upon the astro one (which wasnt that funny but more helpful than anythng) and i was like. oh worm? the cicada group… bc i watched a short clip of them catching that stupid cicada in their office as it appeared on my tl one day so i clicked on the video ..and after watching that it led me to another video of astro being extra for 6 minutes and those six minutes/????? best six minutes of my life because theyre so fnny and they made me laugh a lot? (combined with the editing from op) so bc they were funnie i decided to look them up and read their profiles/??? i watched their nimdle video and only knew mj bc his tag was the two letters m and j lol but it really made me bust both of my lungs i just?? laughed A Lot 
im not sure how i managed to put name to face so quickly but it mightve been bc after the nimdle videos i watched every ddoca and astro play as well as their vlives available bc..  i just inhale the content at godspeed?? 
for mx and astro i was drawn in by their personalities before their music because they were on more variety shows and had more chances to show dorky they all are which made it way quicker for me to fall for the two groups??? for day6 its a bit sad but the weekly scheduled vlives arent enough for me to tell what kind of people they are (although those r still hilarious) i just wish they would go on more variety shows?? its understandable if they themselves dont want to be on any shows though!!! i love all 3 groups with all my heart :-D 
ok if u skipped u can start from here ill be answering the questions now lmao
FIRSTof all,,,,, youre learning how to drive?? thats so cool >:-0 we’re not allowed to learn until we’re like...?? 18?? or 21 idk but not so Soon :-( and its cute u think abt me (or of what to say) but pleaseth stay safe... i hope ur driving lessons go smoothly until u end theM!!! hopefully youll be able to get ur licence :-D 
aNDD!!! the thought of drinking warm tea when its cold outside.. is so ?? nice to think about hecc u better drink that tEA and enjoy it !!!! stay warm and comfy miss RM ..... and it even snows there????? thats so cool tbh ?? (i love snow but maybe thats bc it doesnt snow here so i dont know the tru evil of snow but like.... its so.... white and fluffy??) i would ask u 2 take pics and show me but alas...... the time is not right :-( do u know when we’re allowed to expose ourselves?? i forgot rip... but its sometime next month right im excited???? since its near my birthday !!!!! 
ok now to answer this ask no i actually have no clue what i want to be after i finish school?? yikEs but last year i (jokingly) said i wanted to be a farmer??? idk if i might actually do that probably not i guess im just freestyling (going with the flow) for now we’ll see where life takes me 
and like i said u can ask me anything !!! im fine with it :-) alsooooo please dont ever feel bad about sending too many asks bc its a lovely thing to wake up to and i just?? get rly happy when i see all the asks in my activity :-D!!  
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My Ulta Beauty Interview experience
I applied for a Beauty Adviser position in May of ‘16 and never got a call back, applied again early January of ‘17 for a seasonal Beauty Adviser position and got a call back in early February.
I originally missed the call back since I don’t normally pick up strange numbers, but called the woman back and made an interview for two days later (was offered the next day but had a shift at my other job).
I ended up wearing black jeans with black mid tall boots, with a tan/creme button up with black polka dots all over it... and one of those (trendy LOL) olive green anorak style jackets. As far as makeup... I will admit I went all out and did a full FULL face complete with bronzer, highlight, and a shit ton of concealer. In my opinion my interviewer (overall store manager) didn’t even glace at my outfit OR makeup, tbh she didn’t really look at me all that much.
When I got there I asked for my interviewer at the register and waited maybe 30-45 seconds before she showed up and lead me (p wordlessly) into the back to her office. She left the door open the entire, but I’m pretty sure no one was around in the back.
Now before my interview I browsed youtube for a bit for some advice on their interviews but I found mine to be completely different (then again I live in a p small place so even most high end places (not that ulta is high end retail LOL) don’t really care TOO much because they know the clientele of the area). I was prepared to answer beauty related questions, maybe what my favorite something was... but the questions she ended up asking me were very specific TO ME. I was asked why Ulta in general, why ulta/retail when on my resume it says I have a 4-yr degree in smth COMPLETELY different, and what I do at my currently other retail job/what I think working at Ulta will entail. That’s pretty much it! She confirmed my availability, told me she’d call me EITHER WAY, shook my hand and sent me on my way.
Working in beauty has always been one of my little-girl dream jobs, so mix that in with my diagnosed anxiety, and I was honestly a shaking mess at my interview. My hands were visibly shaking that at one point when she turned around I put them under my thighs because it was that bad. I had rehearsed for hours different answers to different questions (though I’m really not that bad of an interviewee anyway, I swear) but when I got there, again, my anxiety kicked in and my answers were good but NOT articulated well AT ALL. I know I impressed her with my retail experience, my college degree, and semi-bonded with her after finding out she had worked at a place I had volunteered at previously, and my make up was on point. I was iffy because I was inarticulate as hell and probably said ‘yeah’ and ‘uhh’ and ‘umm’ like 15 times in the entire 15 minute interview. 
On the day I was suppose to hear back I ended up going to my closing shift of my other retail job and when I went on break saw I had missed FOUR calls from Ulta, and had a voicemail offering me the job! I literally RAN to the register where my friend was working, did that annoying girl-squeal/exciting jumping thing with her until a customer came, ran back to the break room and called back ulta and accepted. Looking back the only bad thing about the job offer was that I had blindly accepted without knowing the pay but that doesn’t really matter to me since I knew the ballpark of what the initial offer was going to be.
And that’s it! If you have any questions feel free to ask me!
click here for my Ulta Beauty Orientation experience (edit: link works now)
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cifro · 4 years
Ohh, did they change/edit smth in the final volumes of eldlive? I'd really like to hear about the loose ends they managed to end well.
There were a couple iirc, though it’s mostly just expo dumb in the first chapter(?) of the 10th/11th volume
I’m basically writing this from the top of my head, so take it with a grain of salt dear anon haha
So obligatory “spoilers-ish down below” warning 8D
Btw this is in no particular order and mostly random imo haha
Mimi finally got married w/ the Yukimine-guy from vol 7-8-ish (the one where she held a card before Chuta and co got training from Madigan)
Matsutaro and Michiyo actually being part of the “fate-weavers” of Mothers and the reason why they (aside for Gucci ‘cuz he’s more of a collateral damage) had the mountain incident
King’s dead bro (the reason why Heaven Sider (aka King and Alba) started the whole “DESTROY ēlCIVILIZATION” shenanigans) was also part of the “fate-weavers” and the reason why he did that was to see which Monitalien (Drew (aka Chuta) or Migrane (aka King (yeah, that’s what he named it, ‘cuz it gives him headaches lol)) who’ll evolve(?) and be the one who’ll be the seed(?) to help Mothers’ Mother flourish
Chuta was able to “connect” w/ Drew again, ‘cuz Misuzu put some of Drew’s cells(?) in her discarded hair pin (the crescent moon shaped one and was held and buried on Earth by Chuta) and both Chuta and Drew still remember ‘cuz of their previous symbiosis(?)
Also the hair pin can disguise SPH, but we already knew that since she was able to use it to not think Chuta’s SPH as stinky
Also, also, Scarlet actually have one in her arm too
Lane Brick (still a funny name ngl) journey from being a pirate to an big bro officer guy so to help Misuzu avoid her fate as Mothers’ Mother and was the one who demanded her to be an officer like him in exchange the Mothers having his future-seeing right eye
Also they can’t kill him, ‘cuz the eye’ll get bad too (basically working under supervision)
Dr. Love and co surviving a crash via a life-boat and Matsutaro’s SPH (it was defense-related I think) and landed on one his fellow science-friends’ labs
The ēlDLIVE SSD (solar-system district) managed to be revived by Dr. Love ‘cuz Riggs drank an illegal and discontinued(?) motion-sickness medicine that had “pathogen antibody(?)” reactions before the impending “dusting” (aka that time they had a birthday party before the biggest party duster happened) and since the station was air-tight, it wasn’t contaminated w/ anything else (to quote Dr. Love “it’s been a series of lucky events” indeed lol)
Gucci having a deux ex machina (time-space null-thing) to help Chuta fight Heaven Sider, but eventually used it for the final fight w/ Mothers (he got the message from him only near the end lol)
Also, that oop mechs was Scarlet’s research when Dr. Love went awol then gave it to him when they meet again later lol
Lane getting his eye back via Misuzu (as Mothers’ Mother) and told him to apprehend Keishi 4 years later (after time skip)
Kieshi (the blue guy, w/ long hair and beads crossing his face) being the semi-big-bad (along w/ Mothers I think and fate too, prolly)
Mothers wanting to killing 1/3, enslaving 1/3, and surviving the strongest 1/3 of ēlCivilization (also why “fate weaving” happened) ‘cuz there’s gonna be a “universe reset” in a couple of centuries and everyone in ēlCivilization’re gonna be wiped out, so they want to raise their survival-rate and made the “seed” (monitalien) to do that lol
Kieshi’s being the one who allowed the SSD died (’cuz “Mothers fate-weavers”) and also killed Scarlet (the old woman professor that Dr. Love met) to emulate the feeling of suffering like Chuta so he’ll “sympathize” w/ his “Drew” like him, ‘cuz of his love for her (he helped her escape from “her fate” before)
Also, he’s apparently the one why the “patogen antibody(?)” motion sickness medicine got banned and discontinued, ‘cuz he knows it could resist(?) the pathogen
Also, also apparently at one time Scarlet-Dr.Love is like Misuzu-Chuta (aka Mother-candidate-monitalien candidate) and the latter is basically the back up ‘cuz of the former(?)
An ēlDLIVE station who’s sent to the “fight destination” at first attacked the SSD, got into video-contact, suddenly signal got cut of video-contact after shouting “TRAITOR”, then when meeting up face-to-face they let them pass ‘cuz “in all the years of being an inspector, I dunno anymore which one to believe” (aka heel-turn moral compas moment, but okay)
Mothers and Kieshi trying to mass-produce “Drew-seed” and select the “surviors” to artificially implant them
Kieshi trying to defeat Chuta-Drew by becoming bigger, but failed ‘cuz the Kieshi-fake Drew duo doesn’t have the same bond/sympathy as Chuta-Drew (it’s an anti-climatic fight, from an action perspective imo)
Misuzu being kinda tsun-tsun abt her wishes and wants
Chuta being the bigger guy to let her go, but everyone in ēlCivilization told them just take her (the time-space-null-thing got cracked and now everyone can see what Misuzu-Chuta-Drew are thinking/projecting), we’ll find another way to survive the Big Wipeout w/ technology and stuff!
Misuzu finally accepting she wants to be w/ Chuta, Mothers basically got dissolved (since she resigned from it lol), and everyone has a happy ending :D
That’s pretty much things I can write atm (it’s arnd 1-2 a.m when I wrote this lmao), sorry if it got derailed a bit anon haha
Anyway even though I write it like that and thought the last two-ish volumes were a bit speedy info-dump-ish, I still enjoy reading them nonetheless -- I still recomend buying the volumes just for the sake of getting more context of my poorly-worded-words haha :”DDD
If you still have questions or smth, just let me know and I’ll try my best to be more eloquent and cohesive next time (and also w/ picture next time) haha (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
Also in a not-so-related note: writing this has made me think ēlDLIVE has a womb metaphor and I dunno what to take of this thing...
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